The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 08, 1876, Image 2
61k Jywra'fe 5340 6343 6479 5025 6478 601 1 6477 64S1 Henry A. Fnrsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 8 Til, 1S70. 54S2 A CARD To nil who are Midi-ring from tlio errors nnd Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, los s of manhood, ttc., 1 willscnda recipe that will cure you, FREfi OF CHARGE. This great remedy wns discovered by a mis 4100 4103 4 io; 4115 sionary in South America. Bend a self 4107 4115 addressed envelope to the Rev. Joski-h T. Ismax, Station D. Bible llouxr Xew York City. 48h:i 482 4859 4IHK) Notice of Co partnership. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have this day associated themselves in the butchering business under the firm name of Mercer Bros. W. F. MEllCKR. 1. I'. MKLICER 405S 4058 4001 4001 4103 4104 All persons in indebted to W. F. Mcr- 4100 cernre requested to come iiiini, once and settle up. W. F. MERCER. Ridgway, Pa. May 1st 187G-n lit 8 410(1 4107 4108 4115 4102 4110 4404 Cant ion. All itersons are hereby warned not 4403 to purchase or meddle with one Mosler 4410 4411 Ualiman lire prooi saie purcnaseu uy tln lmdoi'siQiiod at Sheriffs Sale, and left in the case of A. J. Avery of Wced ville, until convenient to remove the same, as the said A. J. Avery has no 407G interest in said safe. E F. AVEHY. Weedville, April 1st , 1S7G nHtf. Tool 2357 Caution. 4878 4S70 41144 4045 4SS0 2374 Weedville, April 4th, 1870. All per sons are hereby warned not tomirehase unv of the following named articles now in the nossessionof Mr A J Avery of HVedville, Elk county, l'a , as said articles were purchased by the under- 4075 4005 4877 4800 4101 4407 4407 (igueil nt shentt h sale, ami nre oiuy left in possession ot the said Avery until convenient for me to 'remove them: One sorrel mare, one black and white row. three yearling steers, one two year old bull, one two year old heifu'r. one white hoc. one buggy, one lumber wairon. one pair log sleds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, one pair piattorni scales, one iieuiiug ei"-- " pi tie, one heating stove, one lot of po tatoes, one lot of corn nnd straw foil ilor.' 0. L. AVEHY. nStf. 4891 K. K. GKESK, Dealer in all kind- of cabinet ware woodaud cane seat chairs, kitchen am extent ion tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, what nots, look m 2 glasses, wood am marble top chamber suits, mattresses spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs Lafcrtv's metal lined wood pumps Ac.. Ac. Cane scats replaced with perforated wood seats, Weed sewing machine reduced from S05 to $45, the best machine in the market, and pic- tun- frames made to order. Also large assorted stock of ready made eollins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware 1 looms in masonic building, Hidgway, Pa. v5nl0tpdapr27'77. TKEASUltER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. "VTOTICE is liereby given that, J.1 agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed the 13th day of March, A. I). 1.815, entitled "An act to amend an act directing the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes and for other purposes," and the several supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Elk county, Pcinia. will be exposed to sale by pub lic vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Hidgway, in said county, on the second Monday of June next, being the 12T1I DAY OF JUNE. A. D. 1S76, for the arrearages at taxes for the years 1871-75, unless said taxes are paid prior to said date: DEN EZETTE TO WNSH I P. War Acres Wnr'ts or Owners. Taxes 5332 !'2S James Stokes f 114 22 5333 Mi 7 James Stokes 100 20 5335 1007 James Stokes 190 20 5338 1007 James Stokes 20134 5341 1007 James Stokes 201 34 5315KI07 James Stokes 89153 534(1 1007 James Stokes 39153 5347 10(i7 James Stokes 39153 53 IS 10(17 James Stoke 30153 5370 450 James Stokes 225 00 5380 1 loo James Stokes 537 80 53S3 ll'io James Stokes 470 70 5384 loot) J titties Stokes 471 00 5387 1100 James Stokes 470 70 5319 100S James Stokes 800 02 4115 4107 4958 4105 4100 4105 4100 4103 4110 4104 5312 1100 James Stokes 470 70 5008 990 James Stokes 182 1 5353 143 Myron Merrill 53 83 5331 1100 Myron Merrill 209 40 5887 1101) Mvron Merrill. 10105 5350 1108 Mvron Merrill 309 02 5351 1100 Mvron Merrill 470 70 5352 300 Mvron Merrill 129 10 5890 1100 Jones. Hammond A Co. 380 50 53S0 1100 Amos B. Merrill 2i2 30 527 275 Amos B. Merrill 3405 5288 275 Amos B. Merrill 43 70 52S!) 223 Amos 1$. Merrill 35 10 5330 1100 Jonathan Brown 130 20 4991 345 Nathan W. Ellis 85 18 4995 458 Addisoa, Swartwood A Co. 140 07 5341 5012 900 090 Cornelius Wuinwright 83 85 Miles Dent 484 12 02 50 19 30 151 98 5470 500 5179 100 4900 495 54,81 450 5000 090 4997 481 59,81 550 Miles Dent Miles Dent John Brooks John Brooks John Brooks 83 85 182 17 118 30 101 05 A. C. Spaulding A. C. Spaulding 5479 200 Robert Ewing 37 00 88 84 403 GO 10 15 53 10 28 45 37 00 2418 5023 288 5388 1100 5023 50 5179 2M 4991 150 5280 200 5022 110 5340 550 5001 990 4900 195 5002 990 5013 090: 5011 90 5009 000 6010 990 6024 134 6025 302 5022 110 6481 275 5024 24 6003 9.90 5iS2 605 23 Hezekiah Mix Andrew Dent Hamilton Dawn William Shannon George O. Bristow David S. Johnson Henry Blush Finney A Barrows Fin ne V A Barrows 68 10 18217 30 68 Heading, Fisher A Co 523 73 Jteadiug.Fisher A Co 242 56 Readtng.Fishcr A Co 218 16 Rcading.Fiiiher ii Co 423 73 Trullinger.CroftA Co 302 05 John & D. H. Johnson 25 61 John & D S.Johnson 111 54 v.. Johnson and A- Apker 27 64 Martin Enz 34 55 Martin Enz 7 84 Shaefl'er A Johnson 24 1 54 Julius Jones 124 22 Julius Jones 7 84 4098 Mnnn 202 HO 409S 4087 1100 Cook A Pardeo 408 00 60 James Itcillcy 7 10 ltalnh Johnson 112 85 Kt. John A Hot hrock 76 40 650 Smith. M'Cormic A ' 4087 4087 40781 4077 f cm ll(K) f)!K) 1100 300 Ht. John A Hot hrock 0164 8t. John A Hothrock Ml 05 II. Merrimnn 110 80 4874 4170 4178 4184 4098 344 Harbison A Heed 65 04 1200 Finlev, Young A Co 40 80 200 It. AVnslov Estate 40 14 15ENZINGEU TOWSHIP. 25 John Carroll 0 73 25 l'eter (larity 7.1 25 Ucorire Weis 8 17 75 1 lector Jnckot 22 07 11 17 4087 John Milne Nelson J - Wlninu-r Nelson J. "Whinner Cezar A. Jnckot Lawrence A Cnsset 147 140 75 611 823 AIM) 200 80 220 300 500 00 0(H) 857 24 64 20 01 400(1 22 07 4184 4247 4373 4247 147 12 230 80 285 64 28 30 424(1 4247 23 02 114 03 80 05 144 25 20 70 Lamont Gas Coal Co 4087 258 85 Hidgway Coal Co. Farm A 108 05 1125 219 20 2H2 78 lu!l8 1442 270 42 101 59 101 21 146 70 191 23 201 65 808 000 703 ooo 1040 1-10 540 '.ISO J 10 10 281 77 20ti 88 1073 1025 100 78 50 20,1 200 iJO 20 Kli) 15 83 68 30 58 SO 12 4(1 0 73 28 05 F. L. Lewton "West Creek Man. Mill. Co. 000 fc 284 64 ilOO 1483 000 000 1488 052 284 64 378 23 284 04 284 64 Charles Heebner (ieorge Dickinson 378 32 182 03 500 W0 Jtonn Cartuyvals M'Kean A Elk Land 144 & Imp't Co William C. Black 284 64 284 G4 909 142 18 107 29 125 50 25 500 25 41 65 0 15 81 60 8 45 34 04 2O20 1405 1461 Wilcox Tanning Co Huper Wacker W. A. Mitchell Sidonia Von Eresel 3752 20 10 8 17 141 25 817 James Cox " lot No 55 on Cross st. 50 John Krichncr Lot I'os. Kidffwiy Street 1 2i 15 33 91 Hev. Jermiah O Hara Rev Jeremiah O'Hara James Doyle William Kennedy William Kennedy William Kennedy Thomas M'Cormiek 1 19 1 19 92 79 88 89 90 58 59 85 80 102 17 18 30 38 39 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 John O'Connor it ii David Spillane Talbot Street Thomas Collins ii ii William Shine Thomas Collins 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 Eailrsai Street. 67 Sarah Halev 1 19 61 John O'Connor 1 19 G2 " 14 1 19 63 " " 1 19 James Coyle 10 lots bet. Kersey A Talbot ts 2 81 Acres R4o Rev Louis Cartuyval 139 10 (Roselay, Thresia A John sts 50 Edward Delehunt 16 23 (Vino street, Nos. 11 A 12) Vine street. 25 William Shanahan 25 M. Shanahan loo (ieorge Weis 80 E. G. Williams 60 Beiizinger A Co. 8 8i; 2 J 65 23 92 17 45 200 Palmer A Co 68 30 25 William Corkey 25 Patrick Dwver 40 William J. Rowan 31 Win, J. Flint 021 James Hall 8 17 817 12 46 9 60 1105 19 60 22 05 4104 4888 48S7 72 John Ford 887 Benzinger A bach Esch- 268 40 1000 50 25 25 60 60 15 495 990 990 090 287 60 15 33 8 17 7 6 02 b 9 03 9 03 James Donnelly Dan'l Eraser, No Cherry road Dan'l Eraser, "3 Ma pi e road David C. John Kleixner Thomas Tozier Johnson A Shaffer 4115 4110 4195 4977 6 30 142 8: 4093 4993 4992 4900 4404 4404 4400 4400 4407 4408 284 64 284 64 N. A C. Kronenwct- ter 284 64 Phila. A Erie R R Co 7 30 Augustus Wollc 89 79 110 John Goetz 32 5: 25 George Weis 522 Sheldon, Stebtgb Bates 522 " " 522 " " 622 " " 420 " " 000 " " 7 79 149 98 149 98 149 98 149 98 121 03 172 90 4070 1023 4105 50 4105 25 294 07 Mary Heenan Mary M'Gahan 14 58 7 79 FOX TOWNSHIP. 4091 4092 4093 4095 4244 4245 2735 J.S.Hyde 1,067 00 4097 4170 4178 4098 4901 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 4098 4374 4087 207 C. R. Earley, Town- send Full lot 27 9 225 Enoch Clapp 72 08 90 M. Sheean 18 65 John Albei t.north half 7 25 495 290 J. G. Kidder 05 34 Ridgway Farm Cool Co. 69 05 49 12 240 00 57 708 439 200 144 12 70 12 o; 161 80 o:oo 41 30 29 05 107 05 19 80 178 50 60 00 77 35 49 75 40 74 816 E. B. Engrnil ii it Hannah Barnard Richard Gardner Richard Gardner William Tarns William Tunis H. A. Stephens George V. White Robert J. Ruhl Thomas Martin,S. E. coiner William WMieell Malaehia O'Roukr J. C. Chapin Estate C. R. Early 4902 105 4177 4190 4900 4270 4273 4274 4274 4274 4170 4178 4079 4186 4081 4097 4097 4067 1'00 600 29S 990 989 750 200 40 225 SO 25 080 45 22 98 60 27 00 3 95 44 87 10 80 8 77 194 05 10 65 842 8 77 8 64 Franklin Kuhn 241 Franklln'Kuhn 37 Eliza M'LougaUn 12J Rose Kelly 64 James Wrinkle 26 John K. Jones 2G Thomas Collin 60 Felix Oamghuish CO James Worton 5 Oeorge Wamsley 640 England A Brown 100 T. II. Wngstuir (from J. Powell) 320 T. H. Wagst aft" (from W. Parker) 61 Henry C. Witt (Cale 1 02 6 07 8 77 0 01 4107 6005 4104 4107 0 65 4197 4197 4197 4198 4805 12 CO 13 72 71 20 27 00 CI 32 4809 4807 501(1 6019 5000 donia road) 50 Pat M'Crcndy seated list) 100 William Apple C5 Arniel Turlcy i0 Jos. Wllhelm Mat Hays) 01 4800 (from 5007 14 00 20 50 5001 4.802 4185 13 07 10 77 (from 4105 4185 4848 4801 130 Joseph Wllhelm 27 40 600 Joseph Wllhelm Noble Coal A Oil Co, 40 00 24 42 81 02 4894 249 6fi0 183 00 g8o 183 00 6 87 25 Uichard Edwards 1 4 Itiehard Edwards from A. Green 3 09 30 T. J. Keller, from M, Kline 7 50 150 Owner Unknown. J. Barth lot 12 10 60 Jacob Hnrtman. from Faberly 8 171 J. 1). Wetninn. M'- O none lot 34 33 C. W. Kiirfiv. 2 lots fr, M. J. Earlcv 3 00 W. A M. Cloak 21ots from M J. Earley 3 00 II. Lnnrav. 1 lot from M. J. Earley 2 30 4184 100 Ueorire Weis 20 60 4082 803 Sheldon. A'tcblgh & Bates from E Hurler il 0 4077 7G0 Kheldon. Htebiirh & Bates from E. lluller 200 89 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3GG0 271 A. M. Weldler 25 54 3781 1000 Thomas St ruthers 3753 1000 Thomas Struthers 2020 1099 Thomas Struthers 806 ! 881 C. 11. Wright t Duhr 137 00 137 00 150 45 5028 5081 inir 97 38 07 88 07 38 82 25 3004 831 " 3G63 831 2019 896 Walter Bryant Walter Bryant A. Wolf 1778 1031 138 15 2025 106 10 84 2025 100 J. & M. Mack. N. E. corner 330 Freman Ellis 670 Fox & Roberts 14 00 45 88 61 71 603 600 82 02 124 14 John N. Lane John N. Lane and, i 3788 1000 09 09 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. - bumh 92 12 2032 1052 William Robinson 191 73 1803 002 John F. James 88 2 3701 1095 Martin Hart 149 94 1783 t'G2 Abner Cnssell, from C Corbet t, 88 23 I8fs 888 joiin r. urown Ji ( 3700 1000 J. C. Chapin Estate 01 70 2403 315 J. C. Chapin Estate 43 84 2450 289 3054 1029 3057 KX10 J-C. Chapin Estate 40 30 Wray A Graham 140 03 Owner Unknown 13700 2034 54 Owner ETnknown. sub. div. 0. 5 00 3773 900 8. Jones & Co. 83 13 3771 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 72 05 1799 800 Chas. B. Oillis Sub div. 2. 3, 4. 5, 7, 8, 0, 10 109 80 1776 500 Chas. B. Gillis Sub div. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 09 00 1770 100 Jonathan Jones, sub div. 12 14 40 !034 118 John Heunkle, sub div. 3 10 83 2031 1)01 E. 11. Kcmmlt ub div. (I. 0 04 3776 100 s. I'. Johnson. N. E. corner 10 10 3770 100 S P. Johnson, S S W corner 18 OS 3780 210 H. P. Johnson N. &N W. comer 'Si 48 3780 162 S. P. Johnson. N. E corner 20 14 30.50 900 Bank of Pittsburgh 32 50 3778 1000 Henry M. Deckert 01 70 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 137 57 2038 1043 Jonah Bryan nnd Others 142 82 3000 496 L. Wilmarth Est. mid die part OS 43 HORTON TOWNSHIP 4371 53 Joseph S. Hyde 11 OS 4280 1057 J. S Hyde, Vineyard nun loi mi oo 4390 1002 J' J" Em8 190 37 4279 932 J. L. Ellis 177 12 4283 1077 Hyde, Bradley & Co 270 20 4370 60 Wingartncr & Rubel, Mib div. 10 8 50 4370 50 C, and M. Albert, sub div. 20 8 50 4371 52 Jacob Didlot.suh div 23 8 50 4371 100 T. Echnian, sub div 28 10 00 4370 50 Joseph Hertzel, sub div 8 10 45 50 Mathias Kline, sub div. 10 10 45 4371 52 Mathias Kline, sub div. 27 10 81 4309 573 Penna. Cannel Coal Co, 052 181 04 300 88 4344 4453 4342 ooo 84 00 577 Shawnnit Carmel Coal Co. 182 01 180 23 4343 4450 509 900 1000 284 00 4281 John G. Hall and J. H Hyde 209 03 270 89 4282 1071 John O. Hall and J. S. Hyde 4248 4249 4370 41 00 of; Noble Coal & Oil Co 11 33 10 12 5 90 20 20 Joseph Wilhelm. of No. 15. Short 4 Wilcox 4340 4241 200 533 " OS 19 Hyde J Brockway 213 02 (R. Giles lot) 8 87 " (M'Cull'ghlot) 12 34 4342 v" 50 75 250 107 100 83 4400 4242 4278 8 89 14 48 27 14 " (Fairman lot) 21 90 4272 875 Short, Wilcox & M' Clellan 83 G9 21 Jumew Wilson 5 r,H 4343 4242 4200 4182 4200 347 6(H) 990 850 140 250 245 200 850 610 25 200 60 N.B- Luneund Olhers44 71 Henry Lorain Carlisle 42 58 03 37 J aines M 'Clellan, W 42 54 4188 4188 4181 4188 4188 4271 4370 4400 nart 18 04 " N. E. " 32 40 n t Ki 43 Nathan Bailey, E half 20 20 John Hulnie, middle 34 07 John v.b rench W part 39 33 J V Law. of No 19 5 7: nullum Mack 88 80 4370 George Weis.sub dir. 1040 4370 4370 4370 50 Georife Weis.sub div No lo 25 George Weis, sub div. No. 19. 50 George Weis. Bub div. 10 45 No. 23 JAY TOWNSHIP. 10 45 6288 1100 Amos B. Merrill 6288 825 Amos B. Merrill 182 50 208 30 223 76 6287 825 Amos B Merrill 546 Amos B. Merrill 5289 629 4194 4195 4196 4193 177 90 612 112-100 Amos B. Merrill 135 13 400 William Parker 61 80 676 James Lynde 94 17 wew V. ii.. Jonea 101 21 206 Jam.M Stoke 34 35 2617 2523 2790 2007 2505 2789 000 James Htokes 101 38 207 Rebnstlan M'cls 84 51 215 Sebastian Weis 40 08 100 Kli Kennedy 8 20 50 Mrs. Mary M'Cnrmey 9 10 50 Charles B. Miller 9 10 8-50 Jnnies Doniu-hauer 02 70 134 Heading, Fisher & Co 87 18 2775 338 " " 74 03 220 James Stokes 30 74 4134 4135 4129 2518 2524 5700 2518 2518 50 " " 910 000 rhillp M. Price 113 00 000 Philip M. Price 000 Philip M, Price 11300 1 13 00 03 47 113 80 113 80 33 40 27 82 208 30 40 00 22 00 212 E B England 000 E. B. England 000 10 11 England 2(H) Dubois and Lowe 000 John G. Heading 000 Hichnrd Gardner IliKl Iler.cklnh llorton 100 llewklah llorton 400 B. A. Weed Estate 2532 2302 2039 2792 2581 100 30 251 Heading and liartles From Hobt. Hothrock 08 73 4803 419 Heading and Baltics 0147 4284 Hon Heading and Bal tics 212 00 4807 25 David Tyler 0 40 5029 60 Finicy, Young Co. 1180 4802 320 1). W. Moore 4808 000 Henry IoruIno 5017 (mo Henry Lorainc 52 84 4393 3000 3201 3281 3285 4810 4850 4853 4854 428 00 428 (10 50.10 04 (). H. Price 10 21 Ki 21 10 80 111 80 30 11 12 05 4803 04 Tvlcr & Finney, N E corner 4805 08 " " 4805 08 4893 217 41941 Woodward & Finney Horace Little 4195 f 5032 75 Hamniond, Jones & Co. 17 20 4S00 203 II. Ileiirv A Co. til 20 5030 207 A. E. (inl'fr. A Pcarsall 42 40 4000 100 A. E. Gollfrom Iiewis Kleluht 19 81 4000 100 W. S. llanibletl N. W. corner P. Sleight lot 17 20 5018 000 Flnlcy, Young & Co, S. & W. lot 110 83 4180 090 Perks & Bowman 101 88 14 05 80 90 141 77 22 00 5032 100 J. H. Morey, from J S. Fisher 5032 1801 George O. Brnstow 280 ( ieorge O. Brastow 4845. 100 David Carskaddon 202 Joseph Wilhelm Va cant land from T Tozier 57 50 990 Spring Hun Coal Co., from seated 208 30 727 lot) 195 490 ii I, John F Combs Joscnh Wilhelm 197 27 17 20 111 T 4194 4844 4802 J. E. Futmaii & Co.. from .1, R. Cox In" '84 4899 350 " C.Brown 7; 03 JONES TOWNSHIP 2331 82-5 Uob'tKalscy, from H. Conrad 12-5 25 21 29 193(10 C8 13 05 08 40 70 2504 103 090 393 480 200 350 990 090 50 200 :oi K0 990 ii 2731 Charles Heebner 2073 2073 John Scott, (ieorge Dickinson 2073 Owner Unknown, middle, part 00 80 Win. Wernwag Estate 141 58 141 58 2592 2025 2505 2010 4840 R. W. Brown Owner Unknown 8 10 50 20 47 81 3443 9 20 !310 M'K'n & Elk Land Im't Co. 193 00 2319 990 " " 193 00 2323 990 " 193 00 2320 990 '.' " 193 00 2329 990 " " 193 00 2332 990 " " 193 10 2333 990 " " 193 00 2301 990 " " 193 00 2303 WW " 193 00 2377 990 ' " 193 00 2425 990 " " 193 00 2487 990 ' ' 193 00 2480 990 " " 193 00 2527 802 " " 150 21 OTnl 0!HI " " HH (U 2554 740 " 144 50 2-504 757J " " 140 50 2587 990 " " 193 00 2591 990 " " 193 00 2593 990 " " 193 00 2598 990 " " 193 00 2599 1190 " " 193 00 2004- 990 " " 193 00 2008 990 " " 3 93 00 2011 990 " " 198 00 2012 990 " " 103 00 2014 990 " " 193 00 2000 990 " " 193 (10 2080 990 ' " 193 00 2791 820 " " 04 20 3180 990 " " 193 00 2315 990 " ' 193 00 3217 990 ' " 193 00 3218 990 ' " 193 00 3220 090 " 193 00 3220 818 ' '' 159 HI 3228 990 " 193 00 3229 490 90 00 10 990 ' 193 07 3231 990 " 193 00 S232 990 ' " 193 00 3233 990 " 193 00 3237 495 " ' 108 81 824.1 990 193 00 3242 495 ' " l8 8l 3251 990 " " 193 00 3252 990 " " 193 00 3253 990 ' 193 (Ki 3290 1C0 ' " 20 40 3295 70 '" 14 58 4903 990 " 193 00 4904 990 " " 19:100 2504 231 ( ien Thomas L Kanu 5 55 2504 232 (Jen. Thomas L Kane 40 (to 527 1013 (ien. Thomas L Kane 32 21 !553 859J (Jen. Thomas L Kane 107 81 2554 627 Gen, Thomas L Kane 102 85 2501 490 Gen Thomas L Kuno 90 00 2010 181 Gen. ThomaO L Kane 30 10 2791 3971 Gen. Tliomus L Kiiiik 78 11 3214 797 (ien. Thomas li Kane l-o i8 3221 794-7-10 Gen. Thus. Ii Kane 155 23 1053 Gen. Thomas L Kane 204 70 453 Gen. Thomas L Kane 88 30 534 Gen. Thomas L Kane 104 58 20il (ien. Thomas L Kane 42 89 183 Gen. Thomas L Kane 30 61 292 (ien. Thomas L Kane 67 04 129J Gen. Thomas L Kane 20 22 3224 3290 8294 8293 3295 3290 8290 2010 2588 3293 200 Gen. Thomas L Kane 39 80 329(i 2588 2010 2588 2010 U291 8293 3290 329(1 3143 3224 3227 2223 3229 3237 3242 3044 3111 3140 3143 3214 3225 32-55 82.50 8257 3258 8254 4840 90 Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 43 95 (ien. Thomas L Kane 19 43 93 Gen. Thomas L Kaue 18 94 837 (ien Thomas L Kane 173 07 205 (ien. Thomas li Kuno 5241 947 (ien. Thomas L Kane 184 71 021 Gen. Thonm I. Kano 121 47 303 (ien. Thomas Ii Kane 59 79 88 Gen. Thomas L Kane 179 01 121 (ien. Thomas L Kants 30 20 80 (ien. Thomas L Kami 10 52 323 W ilcox Tanning Co. 45 05 497 ' ' 71 57 027 " " 82 88 450 " ' 59 30 450 ' 04 30 445 " 04 19 918 " 13180 80-5 " " 121 08 118 13 89 289 " ' 42 01 230 33 00 WM) ' 128 60 1108 " 158 53 990 " . " 128 43 fell " 108 14 483 ' 09 57 1222 " " 174 62 141 " " 21 01 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2543 2548 2542 2590 2518 2518 2545 2646 900 000 900 675 850- Darrah & Moore 22160 221 50 111 25 William Dilworth 100 30 Rumbaeh 35 0 William Armstrong 875 Estate 87 75 000 James A'Hara 1S1 90 000 James A'Hara 181 90 James A'Hara James A'Hnra James A'Hara Owner Unknown Owner Unknown 181 90 181 90 181 00 104 85 181 90 Knrlni?. Creek & Clar ion Hiver Oil Co.. for tax of 1875 8 7 24 093 Owner Unknown 141 10 O'iO ooo 000 900 192 00 900 100 25 100 :oo 50 Owner Unknown io w Owner Unknown 151 75 Owner Unknown 151 76 Owner Unknown 151 75 Henry Haugbt Estate 20 71 Geo. A Jessie Mays 9 04 J. F. Wvnkoon & Co 181 91 Owner Unknown L. C. Wynkoop William Crispin 21 10 0 01 14 40 14 40 Daniel II. Tabor, B W corner township 7 70 000 C. D.Wright 4 Duhr- ig b 181 90 900 " " 181 90 1100 ' " 181 90 26( ' " 51 25 U50 " " 131 05 HIDGWAY TOWNSHIP 171 Constant Van HerslKuT .1. S- Schultz 1 Dilate 52 03 1112 1142 004 437 407 702 879 735 800 10(1 29 417 24 241 78 From 100 29 .1. J. J. .!. S. Schultz ,V. Schultz 8. fchultz S. Schultz J J 17119 J. H, Schultz 3. Afcbultz Ridg- 278 73 J. way 321 3 .1, 8. Hchults 208 01 J. S. PchllltZ From A.I. Wilcox & others 292 00 15 58 81 89 854 03 C54 75 871 10 181 70 61 1 30 002 71 1157 10 647 75 657 70 852 41 872 70 245 83 872 79 43 (15 13 15 010 40 (ill 00 007 00 3283 40 J. S. Sehult. From C, V. Oillls 3259 222 J. 8 S.'chultz From Osterhout 3204 3205 3278 3283 4200 1010 J. 8. Schultz 1018 J. S. Schultz 1005 520 700 894 900 9(10 KlSl 973 1020 075 1020 117 83 1 910 910 J. S, Schult J. S. Behultz Jivde, Bradley & Co. 4207 4208 4209 1281 do do do do do do do do Hidgway Farm Coal Co. do do do do do do do do -2 Melvin Gardner ilryaiit & Euwer do do do do do do do do Edward Hufi'er A. llexhauser H. M. Rolfe If. M. Rolfe II. M. r.olfe 43,: T 4370 4380 4377 1390 48C,9 4870 4270 KlOO 4'J8o 918 528 028 30 852 0 4395 4395 40(1 029 1000 150 198 149 18 230 28 (;.-, 50 55 08 73 17 4392 848 George Dickinson- For tax '74 East Wilmarth 54 94 5800 120 1). IT. Tucker 0 oh 100 Andrew M'Kibbon 37 45 48CO 45 ApuCuniniinim 17 1' 49 W. C. llealv." from C. Dill Estate 14 00 4575 75 .'as. Riley, fr W T llobdell 20 04 291 James Riley fr. Jacob "Waters tax for 1875 4 51 4280 81 Dr. J. 8. Scott 30 51 50 T.B. Cobb. Sum. Lewis lot 23 100 J. Powell lot 37 45 110 ('.Mead lot 43 20 01 Ely lot 23 23 128 Thayer lot 47 00 40 Dickinson lot 15 58 2'S Dickinson lot 10 70 5 0 T Miller, from C M'Nulty, 40 50 48481 40(1 Wilcox Tunning Co 3283 From J Powell for tax '75 72 40 1848 200 Wilcox Tannins Co 32S3 Frniii T Jnel.-rn-for tax 30 70 4390 40 Geor-ie Walmsley 1 Charles M'Nulty 4u9 83 O. W. Rhines, from J C Chnpiu 00 George W Rhines From 11 Warner tax '74 49 B A Dill, from C Dill Estate ' 15 58 13 15 42 70 13 10 18 II 400 B F Ely, from Souther k Willis 131 20 170 B F Ely, from J V Ilouk 50 J A May, F. Butter worth lot 59 St' 19 3 50 Geo. Stephenson, from I Sten.ienson 19 23 4848 03 C V Gillis, from J. V. Ilouk 71 Casper Bregger From 20 " Grant llorton 1055 B F Ely. from J. J 10 59 48021 4803 ( 4808 4537 l1.1... 9i- f!, 0 80 15. F Ely, from J J Ridgway 27 50 053 (iti-loo Gen Seth Glover 240 20 120 Decker and Sharp From W II Osterhout 44 2 J V Ilouk From ickinson east of Riduwav 3 09 900 000 000 075 900 093 4840 013 Owner Unknown 21990 4389 103 Mieldou, StrebighBates51 57 4390 501 do do 182 01 4391 4(H) do do 140 80 4394 42(1 do do 150 07 4302 020 do do 220 99 4391 900 do do 352 00 20 0. T. iVlieelcr frotnG. "W. 1! bines 0 95 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 5795 1147 Hyde, Bradley and Co 299 68 5802 5793 0373 do do do 133 28 100 do do do do 27 00 42 39 500 00 5799 199 5794 1073 1-2 do do do 5800 537 280 24 5801 433 1- do dt 224 10 6797 643 Xeil Uogers anil Blakel 70 03 1500 504 do do 452 1 98 5321 do do do do do do west part east part 111 7( 323 9: 5790 1035 5799 310 99 59 4044 344 255 502 519 519 601 501 500 519 519 5(H) 500 5(H) 500 50(1 501 1358 501 554 850 9110 120 do do 54 04 1557 1558 1559 1503 1504 1507 1570 Wm I'-ingham Estate 157 OS Win Riuglitini l-xtate 102 92 Wm Riugliuui Ktitatis 102 92 Vi'm Bingham Estate 157 81 Wm Ringhani Estate 157 81 Wm Ringhani Estate 157 00 Win Ringham Estate 102 92 Wm Ringham Estate 102 92 Win Ringham Estate 157 00 Wm liingham Estate 157 00 Wm Ringham Estate 157 00 Wm Ringhan Estate 157 00 Win Ringham Estate 157 00 Win Ringham Estate 160 28 Bryant und Euwer 465 09 do do 174 08 Henry R Moore 110 21 Henry Raught 122 30 Merchants' Manufac 15(19 1572 1573 1571 1574 1575 1505 2430 1502 2748 2942 2971 turers' Bank of Pittsburg 4G9 00 DUO Merchants' Manufac 2980 turers' Bank of Pittsburgh 40 900 2915 900 D Carrier and Others 602 00 2948 &00 G Rlake and Others From J S Hyde 037 00 2775 113. G Blake and Others 80 64 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittt-burgh 220 44 4556 182 George 1) Messenger 82 20 4552 K00 Samuel Crawfcid 4509 150 Dehaven & Procius 2775 829J I, F Powers From J S, Hyde 2702 200 0 B Wright & Duhr ing 1501 485 Riehurd Baurer fc Jno 21 80 82 20 85 24 42 CO 8420 0 Hall ST, MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Nos. Ill Geo. F. Sthaefer, Amaudas street 43 44 45 68 02 Ridgway Farm A Co Center street 1 28 Coal 6 68 9 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 3S 39 40 41 and 1-2 of 80 Hidgway Farm & coai w., Mnnrlpo fltrcpt, 111 31 83 85 37 39 41 44 45 47 48 49 67 63 64 nnd 65, Hidgway Farm A Loai Co John street J3 39 30 64 05 04 07 Hidgway Farm Loal to Michael street " 1-3 acre Hidgway Farm COhl Co Mill street rear of Ueo. M. Weis ' 2 31 o Owner unknown, Hupert St. i 41, 88 and 8 Owner Unknown Ru pert street 1 83 9 James Bnyloi Patrick street 1 28 102 and loi John Sheridan Pat rick street 1 65 82, 83, 84 01 02 95 100 and 101 Owner Unknown Patrick St. 3 20 89, 00 A. M. Demmitt Patrick street 1 30 08 Pat Flaherty Walburger St. 1 28 00 Owner Unknown do 127 5 Chas. Overholtzer do 1 28 00 John Corneskv John street 1 28 69 01 02 03 04 05 and 60 Owner Un known John streets 2 OR 58 John Mallon, tax of 1875 Jno St 1 15 9 nnd 10 Mary Wrinkle, Louis St. 1 80 12 3 11 15 anil 17 Owner Unknown Louis street 2 05 35 30 and 44 James Boyle Erin Ht. 1 82 50 Owners Unknown Erin street 1 20 Owner Unknown Shamrock St 1 23 24 and 20 Owner Unknown Sham rock st l 104 (ieo. Ed Weis, St Tat rick st. 1 28 41 Pat Lnwler M ichnel st. tax of '7 4 1 50 120 neres Ed. M'Hiuth & Co lrom ( Luhr uu 1 2 3 4 6 0 9 and 11 Geortro eis Maurice street 3 48 70 nnd 71 (icorsre Weis Walburger street 1 65 3 rSeorire Wei. Krin street 1 28 10 nnd 17 (ieorge weis iiouis street, i o; no 75 77 78 r,2 53 At nnd 50 George WnU Piiiiert ctreet 3 20 109 110 Geo. Il'eis Amanda street 1 0 14 18 20 19 24 nnd 25 George litis "i!.,ii.f dri,i,( 2 02 20 2:i 28 42 nnd 45 Georgfe 11'eis Shamrock street 2 43 .1 fir-rosi. (ieorire Oreirorv. from ReV Iiouls Cartuvvals 5 13 8 Xiehnln Henfiintr. Hnlburgcr st2 10 1 Int. (leori'i! Krellner Centre st 0 50 4 -'--, --o- SEATED LANDS. returned by collectors upon which suf ficient personal property couiii noi oe found to pay the several taxes assessed thereon: BENZINC1EU TO irNSHIP. liar Acres Owners. Year Tax 20 Mathias Kech 1805-0 4 40 25 Michael Feldlmm 1PU5-0 411 110 IlrD Luckenbach 159 1 91 600 Martin Kemmerer 1869 5 12 0 Martin Nathan 1559 1 11 4958 28 Charles Hunt 1805 8 00 300 Kemmerer Knurr 1805 19 75 50 Sebastian Eisenhauer 1872 037 50 Michael Hennery 1872 0 18 25 Thcresia Rothenhofer 1872 0 18 FOX TO UNSHIP. 100 Christ Uenninger 04 A. S. Bliss 32 Jerome Farario 50 Patrick M'Crcndy 50 Henry Reedy 00 J. F. Robertson 1804 5 01 1801 2 04 1H4 1 91 1804 8 27 104 2 03 1804 1 93 50 William Slierwin, Jr. 1801 130 25 milium Shenvin, Sr. 1804 1 5 12 1-2 C.A.Wilcox 1804 105 30 Jno. Arncr, fr. E Hays'72 1 1-2 do s. mill. '72 i " 171 Jame D. Wetham 172-3 0 37 50 John Faberly 1873 2 50 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 150 Samuel Ellithorpc 1800 2 28 780 102 1-2 John F. Nicholson 1872-3 05 G 770 100 Beekwith & Hanuister do 3 00 HORTON TOWNSHIP. 64 Patrick Wnlch 1873-4-5 12 57 88 1 125 125 C. R. Earley 1873-4 10 20 Isaac llorton do 23 52 JAY TOWNSHIP. John Fisher 18G4 3 00 100 900 iioo "I Earley & St. John 727 J '180(1-792 80 3 Samuel Tell Estate 1S75 1 24 JONES TO VNS111 P. 94 Marv E- Burliimam" 1809 4 09 10O 100 07 94 37 50 John Dawson 1802 2 59 II en rv Luce 1802-3 3 02 Anthbnv Studer 1803 2 25 W. M. Randal'.-tt 1873 3 no John Bcecher do 1 92 John Siiringstead do 3 32 80 Keefer lot, I Gen. X L Kane 01 Stolze lot, J '74.5 3 50 40 Keefer lot do 1875 2 44 Lot No, 189, W ilcox, Wm. Col lins '73-5 1 5(3 do 197 do Hall Lowe 1874 1 10 do 204 do Mrs. Finney do 1 32 MILLSTONK TOWNSllITi 2 P. Crifiin 171 105 2518 loo William Crispin 1872 4 00 4042 0M0 Staib&Co. 1874 11 17 684 milium J. Dilworth'75 01 89 20 George Craft 1875 5 45 RIDG H AY TOWNSHIP. 400 C V. (Mont. farm( 1874 45 80 5 8-4 Albert Willis Estate 1874 1 80 SPKING CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 15 1 49 j G UhikcA Others 1SG2-5 28 10 00 CrowWeiisel 105 220 2902 1000 1'owinan Bros 1873-4-5 10000 40 Thomas Slj lioif 18746 2 44 ST. MAKVa tOA'OUGH Lot No 71 -St Marys Ht 1809 1 32 20 iic'h. lJcnzinirer A tKchbaeb, MillHt 105 7 40 170 1 40 410 do do do Centre st do 1-2 of lot No 20 I 1-2 of lot I No 20 & I lots Nos. do Cross st do 1 04 11 43 47 I and 40, Lot No. 40 Casner Eelka, Center st. Lot No. 49, Casner Belka Centre 1 40 1 40 bireet 1000 2 lots on Michael st., Alloys Bleof- gen lfii 1 93 Lot No 00 do A nton Jesberger do 1 40 do35 do FX Miller do 0 10 tlo 41 St. Marys st. PM'Philoi-,; 11 ey do 1 00 2 lots 011 Thercsia st. W Garbaner 1859 1 14 2 lots on Centre st, JohnHeilling "1 11 Lot No 33 John Kathmuu tto 1 09 2 lots Michael Lawler tlo I 22 Lots Nos 19 20 24 1 25 ami 20, Cross st J Anton Maierdo 1 55 1-2 of lot No 12Ceutrest M Tresh do 188 1 lot on Johnst Michael Zimmett do 1 04 Lots Nos 12 14 1 N J Bradford & 10 St Marys st J 1873-4 4 30 Lots No 25 Maurice 1 and 33 & 40 Bhum- Joseph Cheatle rock street 1 1873-4 3 01 Lots 8 and 4 John Geitner 1873 1 00 Lot No 6 Walburger st. C Over holtsser 1873 1 10 21ots do tlo J Uerhotzer '74 2 5 Lots Nos 13 a 15 Cen-1 tre street and 12 & 14 f M Hennes- Maurice street J sey 1873 8 60 Hot Francis Kronen wetter 1873 295 1-2 lot and house l Kroneler 4 Igle Centre streer I 1873 2 52 lot No 4 Wulburgcr st S. Eisen hauer jl874 1 60 Andrew Roirau 1 lot from im Shea 187417 25 John M'Gill lot 011 Mill st fr C- Luhr 1874 4 75 JACOB 31'CAULEY, Treasurer, Treasurer's Office I Ridgway, Pa , March 14 '7 The following belong with the Treasurer' Sale of unsealed lands. HORTON 4372 884 Wm. Mnck 71 7'J 4371 224 do 22 00 4434 870 do 85 09 4409 807 do 84 22 4451 1030 do 08 88 4452 709 do 74 83 4242 28 do 3G9 fox: 4.173 139 Win. Mack ' 1843 BENZINGER 60 Jncoh Dek-ker 8 83 Joint Boyer Hot ait d house near Railroad SI; '74 3 41 T 0 1II15 CITIZENS OF l'ENNSVL VANIA. Your attention is specially Invited to tlio fact that the Rational Bfihk aro now prcparjd to refceive subscriptions to the Cnpitul Stock ot the Centennial Uoard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to bo employed in tho erec tion of tho buildings for the Internationa bxniDiuon, nnd tho expenses connected with the some. It is ceufidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the numo of every citiien alive to pntri; olio commemoration of the ono hundredth bh'th-dny of the nation. The shares d stock are olfcrcd for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rale of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1870, Subsgribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a oheck or post oilice order to the umler8i gned, FKKD'K HIALEY, TfMsarcri 904 Walnut St., rhiludolphis PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy hciu, you will Devcr be troubled with the nigt-maro of debt, your sleep will bd sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children trill greet you with a smile iu the nioritiug. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with yotrr C8h get more than its value and go homo" satislicd. They ItaTG adopted the cash system, nod Eay it 19 working charm-' 'Pg- Arri.ETONS American Cyclopedia that the revised, und elegantly illus ttatsd edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages oncd iu two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs 3 a month to" get it iu leather biudiug. The best and cheapest library ia the world. Addrcs?, 0. K. Jiulsou, rrodonia, N. i. Hats und Caps a ooinpicfS assortment at P. & Ks. Hunting Rubbers! with ucd without heels,-a ltujje lot nt P. & K's. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless nnd bkinlcss. Alad some cf tho old fashioned iu full dress, at P. & K'fl. Over Coats? from 60 lo 125 a largo" and splendid fltock. Step in and get enn at P. & K's. Rosted cofl'ee a genuine article, at P, & K'b. Summer Clothing, for thoso Boy and children, Linen, Alapuca and sum mer Cashiucr at P & K's A full stock of fresh Jaitiilj gfoc'erieSy such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Kicc, Syrups, Ppiecs, 11. 1$' Powder, Raking, and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing in that line, at P, & K's. EaUs ef Advertising. Ono column, one year.,,,, $75 00 4 40 00 " ' 25 00 I " " .., 15 00 Transient advertisements per square ef eight lines, ono insertion $1, two inser tions, 1.50, t)ire insertions, f 2. Uusiness cards, ten lints or less, per" Advertisements payable (jnnrterly. A general stosk of winter clothing) at very low prices at P. & K's. - It you want any bl'ched or brown muslins, from J to 19-1 tvido' any quality, go to. bead q Varters, Powell & Kime's and select td your taste. Young mau if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at onco to PO 'A' ELL & KIME'S Uraud Cen tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom shirt. You can get a good fitting white clean shirt for $1,25 and lruiu that up. (iive the AutoCatb office 0 Cull for bill hcails, letter-heads, cards, shipping tag?, and if you are going to gt married leave) us an order for your cards Thoso Hamilton Corsets at P & K'9 are the most durable, and the cheapest in uiarket. Netv goods, every day ia the yea except Sundays and legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central Store of P. & K's. JTo bragging around. Call for wbatvou want. QUOTATIONS Of White, Powell L Co. BANKERS AND BROKE Kd, No. 42 South Third Street I'liiladolpbia, April ISsli, 1870 U. S. 1881. e ,,122 1221 do 5 20, 0 '65. M and N ......... (Jailed do do '05 do ........ f do do '05 do ,..,,..122 2 1141 4 HO H 121I do do 'OoJandJ.. .,..114 do do '07 do 118 do do '08 do 121 123 10-40, do coupon .....1224 118 do Fncitio 6's cy Int. off 118 J 127 New 5'b Keg. 1881..... .127 117 U. 1BB1 U7 n im i ii2i aouu......... 117 8ilver. ,.,....... Pennsylvania. .,...., 112 Reading .., 521 rnuaueipuin a, trie a Lehigh Navigation. ..,..,,..., 17 do Valley , 45 United It R of N J. ........ ex. dir- 67 Oil Creek 134 Northern Central ex. div it Central Transportation 47 Nesquehoning M 52' C & A Mortgage ti''li...,...,..U3i 521 441 18 l 185 10 84 6 Si 84 104