G. A. JiATHBUA, Attorn ey-at-law, Ridgway , P. 2 2 tf. tiWuS tUCORE, . Attorney-at-La TUdgw'ay, Eft Co., Pa. , Ofljce in .Hall's new Brcjc, Building. , Clairris for collection promptly attended to. -Snily. HALL & M'cAULEY, Attorneys-'at-Lw. ( t Om'csjn New Brlc,k Building, .Main St Ridway, felfc Co., Fa. v8n2tf. j, 6. t?. i?.A2,r, ATTORNEY-AT-fcAw. i ' vlniyl. ( Ridgway, Elk County, ra. A gent, for the Trateler's Life and Aooi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES b FULZERi'OA', , Surgeon Dentist having permanently lo cated in Rigwny, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Hidgwiiy ana sur rounding country. AH Jfork. warranted. .Office in Service Whbctqr'E Building, up. stairs, first door to the left", 73-n-8U-y G. G. t'ks'SEAGElt, , Uruggist an,d Parrhacouti:itf li. J. cornet of Main and, Mil! Htreotf, Kidg'vny, l'a. ,fiill assortment ,gf cwcf-.tlly selected For eign and bbmestie pn'i. prescript ions carefully dispensed rU all hoars! day or bight. vln3y T. S- 11 A XT LEY. M. U., Physician nriu .S.f.rgfun. i Office in lrpg .8? nre, corner lire)-! and fliin St?. Hasideuce ct.rnr.r Jirnul St. opposite the College. CtRiio Injure licin 8 10 10 A. M. atid from t to 1 1. -In2yl. J. S. h$ItttrET.L. M. L., Eclectic Irhyuicinn nn,d Surgtjon, hasrenoY-i-d his office froni Centre. street,, to Mm ,st. Ridgway. Pa,, in, the secobd s'.cry of the pei brick buijdhig cf John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's Btcrei i Offieo hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 0 P M hi de no use, i!!0VAV, Ei.K C'i., Pa W. II. SbHltAli!, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore tjo liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by roying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience ol .guests, to merit a continuance oi tut same. Oct 30 180' K EES El' HO USE, 6EMTRiTUl.it, ek Co., Pa. .. joiis (Ioluns,, Proprietor,,. Thankful for (lie patronage heietotori bo liberilly bestowed upon hiin, tho nc proprietor, hopes, by paj'"i ..Uriel .' tention to ifcepq'rufori and convenience yf guosts. t 'merit A continuance of tlit l II. HAYS, tltALK. IH bvj Goods, Motions, Grrceries and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. Kdrth) 1. CHARLES HOLES, , . 'ii, Watchmaker, Engraver nad Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, P. Agent tor the Howe Sewing Iachta;, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing . Watches, etc, docewith he tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly Ridgway Cemetery: Lots are now offiered for rale by the Ridgway Cetnetary Association in the r.ew Cemetery The present low price' for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the o3ce of Vf.B. IfAMELENV Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 JF Y00 WANT TO BUY GOOD'S titikAv GO TO JAMES li'- IIAGERT $ Main StrseJiTvidgwaj', Pa'. iry GObEs", Motions liooTO SlJOES, ik'ATS AND CAVS, GLAS'S . AND QUEENS WARE; WOOD AND WlfcLCHV-WARE. TOBAC06 AND" CIGARS. . -r 'i Iji... A Large Stock cf Groceries and Provisions," Tte lEST4 BttANDS of FLdR Constantly on band, and Bold as" cheap as the CHEAPEST. jam lis" a: IIAGERTY. Fresh family Groceries, and Canned poods at P & K's. The cheapest and (est. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA, RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division BUMMER TIME TABLE. ON.andafter STJNDAY.APttIL 10, 1876 the trains on, the Philadelphia A trie Railroad will run as follows! WK8TWAln. NIAGARA EX leaves, RenoTo... 4 20 p m " " ' Driftwood.. 6 14pm " Erappriym 6 00 p m " '.' St Marys.'.'. 1 05 p m ' " " ., Ridgway.,. i 85 p m . arr at Kane.. 8 45 p m ERIE M AIL leaves Philadelphia 11 Co p m 11 ' Renovo.... 11 06 am " ; Emporium 105 pm B. Mary' 1 65 p m " Ridgway .., 2 22 p m ' " Kane .....3.40 p m " arrive at Erie 7 60 pm ER1B EX leaves Renovo 12.00mid't ' Driftwood .1.18 in . ' Emporium 2 20 am " St. Mary a.21 a m " " ? Jiidgway 3.61 a m '.' ( ", Kane .........5.80 a m " art. at Er,ie... ..'.'..'.lO.Oo a m 1? Inmiil 4 ill. DAY jX. leaves Kane G.00 a to " Ridgway 0.6(1 a m " " 8t Marys 7 05 a m ' " Emporium 8 10 a ni " Driftwood 8 68 p ra " . " Renovo 10 10 pm ERIE MAIL leaves iii-ie;.. 11.20 a m " I'd no 4 0") p ni " " .Ridgway 5.10 pm " ," kt. Mary's...... 6.48 p in " " " Eaipcriiira .iii. 6.65 pm ; , " Renovo 8.55 pm ' nrr. at Philadephia... C.50 a ni PHI LAD' A EX leaves lirio ....7.00 pm it " " Kan5.....l2.00nid't " " RiJg-vay..,1.07 a m . '.' ! ,SlMarys... 1.34 am " i:mporium..2.30 a m ' " ' Driftwood..3.2!) a m " , '' l'rC,i!ovoi.,..5.15 am Renovo. Accom and Ktvne Accom connect east aiid west at, East with Low Grade Di vision and 0 N Y & P R H . wm; a. dXldwIn,,, Gcn'l Sap't. NEW UtVEttY STABLE D AX SCIU1JNER WISrfES TO IN (orm the Cittzens of itidgway, aod the public gcLerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stablo and willke?p good sTbcK.Gobl) cIrIiIages Bu,;i ?s, to let upon the most reasona ble terms i 'i! i i : !! BMe will also do job Uun ii'. Stable on 1'road street, ubo?o Main All ordsrs left at the Tost of s? will meet i . i ... prompt attentioa Aug 20 1870. tf. A complete stocfe.of Indies misse and cliildrcua. scen, liiiht, tiiodium and heavy at I',' & K'a Now h the time to buy. Alpacas cheaper than ever Info known at P. & K's. WORK TOS THE UNEMPLOYED. Tito Thistle StTit'ion is the only foil 3 Illustrated Edition of fir Walte Scott's WAtERLET HOVELS of Aiiierirnn mnko, tint! J's t't'lie best edition of the lie.t English noveli.-it.'' Tl)elit)oks( jtre .standard, and will sell for all time. Th" nicclinnical execution is of the host. v'ho jirieo is of the low est. Atjr.ts wanted oveywhere, to whom liljernl terms und exclusive ter ritory are ollered.. Fovtj--;.'ij?ht yoiiV'ut;,' vi.rfiiln'g 400 pages ftvii,...n?J.'. eontMiiiwsf .n.eaj'ly 2, two , i'll'istritfions AVill co'iiplcte. tlie ferica. ,. SiOjs'jribcrs supplied with two volumes (a complete work) monthly, Elkvkn jIonths' Dkmvkkif.s (21 vol umes) are liuw .rendjv, Pviee-in cloth gilt extra! per volume $1.50; Ifalf Tur key gi't top $2.25. For terms etc. ad dress E.,J . 1I.4LE' , t; l'liblishers 17 Murray Street t ew York. A GOffD WORK." A Startliug TUuse of Debility and Sick nss fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. 6., PHELPS- DROWN, 21 Grand Street, Jersey C'i,ly,"KJV J EVERY MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any way should send and gcti a eppy at once, as it is scot free,' prepaid by mail. Address the author as Above. v0nl210t 11 n 1 Few Time fable.' v Eastward, ittV Ekpiiteg'. $e a. m. ERIE MAiC.v , :16.P. M. PHIOIDELPHTA Hi'. ......T:07f. M.' Westward.' NIAGARA EXPRESS 7:33 P. M. ERIE MAIL 2:22 P. M. ERIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. M. The Niagara' Express rnakes tlie fastest time of any tran on the .road. Leaving ICarie at' 6 A. M., it arrives in Philacrelrmht at 9 P. M'.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A, M.j and arrives at Kane at 8:45 P. M. ELK COUNTY HOHMAL SC'HO'OrL. Wilcox, Elk (idntrty, Pcnhai" Itr.' M'PHEREAN, Principal. 't . 1.1 ; .(. , "Tr u . 11 Term comnien.ee? June 13th, and continues eight week S- Tuition for the ejhtjre.tc'rni'..., $6 00 For less thart the term per week... 1 to The prineipul is a graduate. ,of, and has been an instructor in,, one of the United;( States, with nine years ex perience ra xeacning. Prof. G. li. Dixon will conduct the examination at the end of the term and gran licenses to teach. Number of pupils limited, therefore apply' early. Board Reasonable Team Wagon now in the possession of JOHN D. MARSHALL, are the property of the Wilcox. Lumber Company, ,t Wilcox, Elk Co.. Pa. AH persona are forbidden purchasing or intermeddling with the same. A. B. PBESTON, agent. -VOTlfcE'is.h'ereby. given tjiat one JLi yPan Pf Rlack , Horses, and Double Harness wid one Utiuamake TH4 ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE onLy iiiH'biJfclcA pAi-Eit i: fclk cbuNTt: OE00 la Ttiijer & Htgerlj's IllocS, suiiiii'ilK, iOjisciiit'iS, siscS'iiE. Gl'h, ti A CALL IttfvL JOB WORM ! tag's; EEiOPEg lIiETTElt A'eaMs,' NOTE llti'AZ, BILL li'ltAS, t'llobii'AVi'ilES, rosTiih'd. OiMtlV AVTNiiiiii'T'a Address, ; ; , . . THE ADVOCATE, Hi-)gwa, lk" Co., fa' ONOON HAIR ftOkOR RESTORER LONDON HilA COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silky; oleanees the scalp from all imparities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen I ''I " off or become thin. . , Can be applied, by the hand as it, iocs not stain the akin or;soil the finest 1 linen. 1A1 a Hair Dressing it, is the most, perfeot the world has ever produced, . the hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural oo'or restored without the application of mineral substances. ,, , , i. Since the introduction .of tliis truly valu able preparation into .this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all olas set, as it has proved to be. the only article that will absolutely without, deception, re store gray hair original oolr, health softness, lustre n,nd,. .beauty, and proditoe hair on bald-heads of its original growth and color. , , .1 ... . This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed artielo is complete rrllhin is,etf, no washing or preparation beforq or afLcr ita use, or accompany ment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hr la th Proof of Ita SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. lleai this Home Certificate, testified to by Kdward B.,Gurrigucs one of .the most sompetcnt Driiggj.sts and CliemiBta of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. , 1 , . , I am happy tq add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Be storer which restored, my hair to;, its origi. nal Color, and the hue appears ,to be per manent. 1 am sutibfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the ee cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. . I purchased the first bottlo from EJwaul.B. Garriguos, druggist, Tenth and Coateq street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray tvhea I commenced its use. MBS. M1LLEK, No. 730 North Ninth streetj Thila. Dr. Swuyne & Sou, Ucspected friouds: I have the pleasure to .inform you that a lady of my aceiiiaintHij-je, Mrs. Miner, is delighted wih .tUa.suceds pf yodr London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair wos fast falling and ijuite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new Growth 9 f, hair is the result. t E. p. GAKKIGUES, t , . , Drujist, cor Tenth and Conies Phila. ROSwi TESflWtSNY. July 22d, ,1!S71. Dr. Swayno c Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color. Re stoier, which I like very, much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in thi last nine years. If you please, send me. one dozen bottles, C O D, pare W.S Fogler & Son Druegiata, No ,, Trempnt street, fSoston. llespsctfully yours, ADA BAKER No 69 llutlanu Square. . ( London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing Has completely restored my hair to its original colqr, anjl, youthful beautj and caused a rapia ana luxuriant prowtu. MllS. AN1E MOHK1S,. No 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. , . Dr. Diilton ,of Philadelphia, payi of it. The London Hair Color Kestorcr is used very extensively among my. patients and friends, as well as.ty.mysell. 1 thtrefore speak from experience., .. . 73 cms pla bottle; Address orders to Dr. SWAVNE SON 330 North, 8ixi,h Btrcct, Philadelphia, Pa., sold MtriLiL itiiiiUJiSTS T ,11 E, L II N 6 S This distressing and dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptom, neglected cough, night sweats, hoarseness, vesting flesh lever permanently cured by DOlTOE SWATHE'S MMPOIWl- S?RVP..0f VlhU CHESRY, .. UKONCH1TIS A premonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, cr.jnfUmatjor. of the diicjiB mem brane of ,he air pasares, with cough and expectoration, ,siort. breatn, lioarseness, pains in the chest, tor all bronchial anec lions. Bote tlfroat, loss of voice, ocughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry 18 A SOVERKION REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Bhod. may proceed from the larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs apd crises Irpm variou.9 causes, &1 uudue puysjcal exertion, plethora, or full ness of the reBsels, weak lttugs, overstrain, tig ofthevoico, suppressed evacuation, oh. siruciionof the spleen or liver, &o. Dr. S a) lie's Cpii'i)onnd Syrup of Wild Cherry. .. ,1 striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating tlie nervous Ksy mem. ..-.. ... .1 ,,, ibe only standard remedy fsrbemor riiaue, bronchial .und all pulmonary .com plaints. Consumctives ,pr, tuos;e pteil.s posed to weiili lungs should not fail to use tuts great vegetab.e.rc,mQdy. ., Iib n-.arvelnus power, not quly orer con cumpt-on, but over every., chronio disoiip where a gradual alterative action is. needed Uuder its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulso returns, to its, natural standard, tliestomacu is ipiprared in us power, to di zest and assimilate, the food, and every organ has a purer,, an; b-;Her quality of Diood supp!ie4 to jt, vt cr wuicu new re creative and plastic material U Dade. Prepared only by dr:'swayn & SON, 839 North' ztli'troct, Philadelphia Sold by all 1'rominxk? Dkuoqists. . Itchirig Piles ! FILES, lLESt ITCII'INP.ILES, POMifi vbi.v niTRcn hv the Hi ft nf SWAGES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted wjJb ecfe of the most distressing qf all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known-as Itching Plies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increase! bv scratching, and not infrequently beoome quite sole. I bought a box ot Swuy lip's Uinimeut: its. use,.gnve quick relief, and in a short time made perfectcurje.. lann now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing poinp'laint to. procure Bwayne'i Ointment a once. ,1 hud tried prescriptions, almost innumerable, without finding and permanent reliaf. ,4 -. t . JOSEPH CKRIST . (Firm of R.oedel & Christ,) Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKI' IT DISEASES: Swayne's All-healini Ointment is also a speoifio for Tetter. Itch, Halt Rheum Soald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's . Itch Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneons Er ruptions. Perfectly safe . a ad harmless even on the most tender .infant. Price 60 cents. Sent by mail to any address on re' ceipt of price. : r? 'A, SWAYNFS' PANACEA: ueienrawu all over iue worm lor ua reusa ble cures ot Sorofula, Mercural and Syphil itio complaints. Describe symptoms in all oommicanutio address , ns'.etteit to itt BWArNIJ aod BON. Philadelphia. nT1 d. fi A.. .... k . I mil MuWmm .TJEiuiisDAY', 'ijJE 1 8T, 1871?."." - - ; ' Teas are ,up. , , Hot weRther, isn't it? (oob time for .ice cream., , , ybraTo bngs are on the.Tfrlng. Itjbscbibk for the Al?VrCATI. tax trees onCentreStreejt look finely CAttkt tlia Advocate office for cheap ob work', , , . ,.''pH Pin UP "cur hudtle," is the very latest. n u. , . , - WbebeI oh! where is the hand organ man ?, , . , STBAWiiERRiES b'avo appeared in this tr-arkft. . . , .,. , , ,r t ' -- .1 j. ' 1 Button up your mouth is the latest slang phrase. ,1 Arb we to have ft celebration here on the 4th of July., JoH.Q. .JIalIj is having a large barn built on h'a farm. . , I . k . . . VtetTlJTO .cards neatly, prlhted at this omce. Give us a call. It is expected that poirj-any H. will go to the'entennlal on August 10th. Nearly nil the cases set down for trial at the late term of court were con tinued. Work has been commenced on the priests' house near the Catholic Church, , The surgical, faeration performed on Capt. Schoening's dog Pete, was successful. ,, . .. . The Republican National Conven tion will be held at Cinclnnattl on June 14th. Dr. ttALti feats that irregular meals surprise f a( man's stomach and get it out qf order. , , . , KNapp Cpmmandry lo. 40 J nights Templar went to Philadelphia on Wednesday. Last Tu?sda$r Was Decoration Day, and a legal holiday although only ob served by the banks lri this place. ,- - j .. .V. ! . Jcdoe Li. I). Vetmore and asso ciate, judges tjap- Luhr,, and J. K. Whitmore Y"?re 9n 'he bencn at the late term Cf court. Star spangled stocking are now all the rage for ladies. The small boy must not sing "say can you see" or make anv remarks abo'it "shdotiner on the spot" if they are hauled down. WE give tne oiriciai report. 01 me military parade qt Corr y on the 24th. The parade was held about two milca from Coriy. Field and staff officers present 7. Total number of officers present 29; total number of,. men 482. Including the rriusicians . there were over SjW men itfie field,, Tfte day was pleasant find the parade a decided success.'. 'The .troops were . reviewed by Gov. Hnrt.ranft end stafT.and in spected by Adjutaiit Gen. Lattn. Official JRepovt of Kf5ie innd Inspection at Corrj j May 2i, 1878. Headquarters 1"tii Eeq't 11 Erx'T ) jaro - l'A. V 1 7th Ijiv.National uua ppija, May .27 The, corqpapies, of J.h!s,, regiment ansem bled at Ccrry in obeiieuce to orders on Wednesday, May 24tb. The Titusville Citizens Corps joined in the ceremonies by invitation from the Division Commander. This corps and the Oil City Greys (Co. D) were the first to arrive, and to .them were nesigucd the honor of escorting the Gov eruor apd st al nnc the Division Comman der and staf totijeir qunrtars. Itm was donin a very excellent manner, judging froaj my experience at the review of the loth regiment at Greenville the previous day. I ordered the various companies as they arrived to march to their quarters and repcrt at. 1 q'clock 1. M. , for duty. At that hour line was forjneJ,.. considerablp delay occurring rcm, the companies nit understanding their proper position in line, which wis changed from the former posi tions held by. them, owing to, the promotion of the second senior Captaja to the, position of Major. I was ordered to march directly to the, parade ground and ba prepared, for Ibe parade, at once, .jl-'n. was. formed on the parado ground, but owing to Uio inipen feet di -3ss of some of tho oompauics I or- tiered tne '-guitcB on tne tine, . .r..na estan- liehsd a more perfect line, prqsjnted the command to the Comniander-13-Cmef and was ordered to "pass, in review.'.' wheeled intpj t;oJ'Jipn of pmpanies and ordered the eomrqand to 'forward guido right march,," Several compa.nie(j ha,d passed thu former right.the line when, I discovered tba t,h.e music, had not,, advarcpd at once, ordered theregjmentjaack a the original line, and once more, ctarted with (lie music in ad- vanoe,' ewinj to sompof the cpmpaniea not taking the ' right gude propprly, the pas sage was only fair,, wheeled again into line and presenting the.corauiand, the review was ended. The inspection, being., nest, in order, wheeled into column of companies and aft-r some delay in, . t'bving b j ."left .guiuo cover, opened ranus ana .iu- seeded bv the officials present. After the spefltion by request of the Governor, 1 new line ,was established for dress parade Some of the, companies were very slow coming out to the line and iu throwing out the guides;' teveral,,, lieutenants fajled to come to the front.at h? proper time, la several companies tjip men .were very un iteady at (he "paraderest.J' y.request of the Governor tu.bBfpd. qf the Titiuville Citjiens Corp officiated r4 the dr.ess pa rade ana wiin very great caiistsoiion tp an. The, .fommand was then march,$d, back to tp,the eitv,Uhe right of th line basing given to ear guests, tne musvuie itixens corps. The trains beng in wafting' uo parade in the.oity was made. ., A large majority cf the ofhoers failed to .observe the "manual of the sword" properly. ,,.,. ,, , Company J A,(i Vincajit , Guard, jCorry,, daptain J .,3. Brown,, tbirty-five.rank and file; discipline, ,conditinn, instruction, nil iary appearapoe, arms, accoutrements and uniform superior. Itanke shoul haveoon taiqed more men-, . Company P, Trie Ou ird, Erie, Captaiu Adam Surtis, fifty .three rank and file (in. eluding band). Discipline, .military ,ap pearance, arms, accoutrements and uni form sperlqr..,,h 1. . . , t p (,, Co. C. McLins Light.Guard, Erie, Capt. J. 6. Riddle, forty-one rank and . file in- oludinp.drum corps.). Discipline,, condi tion, instruction, . military., appearance, arms, accoutrements und usifoi;m superior. . Ce. D, Oil City 9rey, Qil City,, Capt. J. A. Wiley, thirty-oix rank and file. Disci pline, condition, military,.., appearance, arms, accoutrements and uniform superior. Should bave.jiad moe men in the ranks' Co. Cocperatown Guard, Cooperstown Capt. J, 8,... Gateau forty -eight rank and file. "Old reliable," only one man absent. Discipline, condition, military appearanoe, arms, accoutrements and uniform tt.pe,rior, Co. F, Perry Infantry, West Freedom, Capt, J. 8 Jloney; thirty rank and file' discipline, fair; condition, poor; Instruction poor; military appearance, poor; arms, fair; accoutrements pooh uniform passa. ble; too many absentees,., , Co. G Sherdan Giai'd, Erie, Capt. John Craine fifty, two, rank and file (including band) discipline, condition, instruction, military nppcr.rance. arms, accoutrements, and uuiform, superior; some men unsteady at dress parade. v Co. II, Ilidgway Fusihers, Rii'gway, Copt. Fred, bchoening, forty-two rank and file. Discipline, condition, inspection, good. Arms, accoutrements, and uniform fair. Men very unsteady. Co. I, North Eflt Guard, pforth East, Capt. Uronson Orton, sixty rank and iilo (including band.) Discipline,, condition, instruction, military rtppearaqce. arms, no coutromcnts and uniform, superior. The largest company on the ground- - Co. K, Union City Gurd, Union City, Lieut. It. II. Wilkin, thirty-nine r.rnk and file. Discipline,, couditiod, instruction, military appearance, arms, accoutrements and uniform, superior. C. W. IjYTLE, J. w. Leach, Col. Comd'g. Adjutant mr I 1. Ccr-terinlal Letter. ; ' . n , 1 1 Splendid, weather and srle?tdid SIGHTS pTHE ATTENDANCE ISCBEAS-INO-OBE ABOUT VNCtE SAM'S GEN KBAL, DIHPIjAY PCISTA,!. FACILITIES ON THE GBOUNli.Sp-SpME INTEREST ING SUBJECTS FOR FUTUBEVTTEBS A FEW OTHER THINGS BBIEFLY MENTIONED. From our Regular Correspondent. Philadelphia, May 31st, .1876. The attendance at the ...Exposition increases spme.whait a'ld has been gen erally bet,t?r,;han last week. For some ciays nasi me weamer nas Deen most delightful, and aide from the slight drawback ofa few unfinished buildings etc., this is really the pleasantest time to visit the Exhibition. The. trees. flowers, grounds and all surroundings look as fresh and beautiful ,as a May Queen, and Fairmount, 1'ark, is just now the most .attractive place to be found apywlere.,. There, Jjj , $p , .dust and opprpsslveh,eat tp be encountered and travel both on the road ,a,nd about the city in not accompanied with many discomforts which will be nepa.rabl-, from it.io ruidsum.nier. .Y.et njost like ly the great rush of,. visitors will come then,kfor, Americans as a rule, select the season of the year for pleasure trips, when travel is a burden rather than a pleasure when it is too h.ot to stay at home. There are still people who do not realize the discomforts of two in a bed, in a p-ert by nine room, in the .middle, of July, and that is why the Crowd is .expected to-be the largest about and after the glorious Fourth. J.ast week I gave a pretty full out line of the government, agricultural display, but only !'fooled .round the edges'' of the United States building proper, which I hjnk wjl.l, atcrall, attract as much notice from the fiver age visitor as any part of the exhibi tion. Uncle Sam's "Centennial Drunch Post Office," which occupies,, a 6pace forty by sixty feet In the south-west wing , of the building, is as complete and well-ordered as any city in the country possesses. It is inclosed by a walnut partition with glvss front; and has five hunclred convenient lock boxes. There are ten carriers employed and AO bpxes.fur disposing mail station ed at various points on the, grounds. The clerks speak all languages and the deposit boxes pre fettered in Eng lish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. Hourly trips are made to the main; city post office by the, Cen tennial mail wagon's, which are hand some.yehjcles, with drivers in uniform One of thj carriers is a. John Chinaman whose q'uque hangs, down his back as natural as the curl of a pig's tail. The space occupied by the PpstOfflce Department, proper, is ,40 x, 40 feet, and displays many, ipterestj.pg exhib. Its. Tbelittle Envelope Machine and nickje, plated, Baxter, Engine, men tioned before, which is now turning out 2,000 envelopes per day, with the new, Centennial btanip, attracts a con stant crpwd. around the, bronze railing by which.it, is inclosed. ..A model mail catcher upon a car Inside the building,. buil,t 00. on acaha of one inc.fi to the footj.andar. the euyelcipe. machine, eajisjorth Jhe admiration of the younger, .visitors, : ;miu ear r uns on a track twen.ty feet in length, and, catch es a mi nature mail-bag a,s it possesses alogj.fit.lull iped,; i)lu,strating the pracjtice of fast niail trains. ,Tnere are cases eoijtatnng specimens of all mail bags,, pouches,, etc used, by, the de: part;nen, Bpecimetis of all -the locks and scales U3?d, and samples 9f making and canceling .stamps, ,tog,ether with six. .highly,, qrnamentnl frames con tjujng specimens' Qf ajl stamped en- Lvetopes, ornciai envelopes,, postai,-c,aras m ' " 1 ( . . , JPPwge staiypR.evjir, useu m .iijis country. , These ara furnished by the Columbia.. Bftnk. Note Company, fhe present contractors, aiid are a valuable di rectory.to. ne st,anip gatnerers The Interior Department makes a good display. , The Patent Office shows 5000 models arranged in classes, 60,000 patents bound iu series; a central office of administration in whiah-th? iworkjrtgsof America's favorite bureau b illustrated. Etrangely enough, one) finda the Paten .Office section of the Jnterlor Department in the possessic h Of, the original Declaration of Inde pendence,, and the Commission of General Washington from true conti nental Congress; also, sthfl. relics of Waabineton. hiB. clothes,.-. tamp equi page,, 1. punch-bowl and furniture. Th National Museum once sought a fire- prqof, place Qf, deposit in .Washington, and, -so did branche?.jof,thp Govern ment. , The Patent Officer-rabout one- sixthiof the present building was se lected as a safe place. This was-, about 1840r and now the Bureau arid Depart ment ave rewarded by the proud op portunity to display what they have so long and sp carefully kept and so jealously guardedn- -r , ; Next comes th Treasury. JJepart-r ment .with a profuse display. Jf money, not gold and . silver altogether, but printed money. . Tho array of specif mens of. Treasury motes ,of every de. scription and. denomination ever is' sued, is. ft ptudy for the admirer of bcauty.p.nd fine art. In no land under the etm is so much siull shown in the manufacture of ppcif. iinoncy, , ?he paper for the continental, money was made only a few miles hence, at tne 'Ivy Mills," and the mill is running yet arid In the hands of a descendent of its. old., proprietor, Lut when the writer visited it seme tmp Ago, it was making a nasty kind cf thictt wrap ping paper of straw and old ropes. Franklin used to get his paper there. Even if the, old mill has 'been burned down once or, tviqe, 'it -is njore . ccr tainly than the boy's old jack-knife which had had five new blades and four new handles the same mill, and it ought to drop the straw and junk and iuelie some .more hand-made, water-mark,, , iben-stdck paper with some of old'Benjavniri's shrewd advice printed on .it irt-tjiid-fashioned. (type. Arid here is the Navy Department which shines as it has a right to do in bu,ntii)g...,,b.ne reads the history of the American: flag;sus.pbhdcd from the columns in the various forms of tho colonial and conventional periods; the pine tree, the English '-Union," with a red and white "fly," a white anchor on a blue field, and eventually the flag of tQ-dayj.sbbwhig largest -.of: ftU,. as if it had grown in size as well as developed in design. The navy shows a variety of guns for special services, such as boat howitzers and gunwale guns; it also has piles 9f naval stores, wjth smelling, ropes, ;and things to cat and tp wear; the provisions .to,. go to the great co,qli's,j gall ?ys and, the fur. nishi,hg of ;ths raen' Jklts;s tjf.e. instru ments of theTransitof Venus expedi tion, as the. Var Department has those of the. Signal Service, This Depart ment has tylsb .some boats of the Polaris expedition, one scow made in an emer gency., from, an abandoned vessel. Around lie many piles o,f sjiotvaiid shell ;and,oi material suggestive of 1 long strvicb, when "they that go down to the sea in ships," have to depend upon the forethought of the providers, who must be ready to supply every thing from a niaiuyard to a sewing needle at a momenta notice. AVe pass ; with. gnat interest the snore -.scientific portion of iho cttlleetion, . the . corn parses, barometers, sounding instru ments, ship's logs, and velocimeters. One begins with the arts of peace, and wanders through the building to tlie south-eastern, end. , He steps out at the door with the big guns on each side,, which are pointed in mimic hos tility at the other building, and stands upon tlie terrace to listen to the music of the band which plays in the pavil ion nenr by, .. .., ; .. : ,. ., One. letter covers so onfall ,4 .portion. of tlie whole exhibition, that I am. obliged to stop after having j ust begun. Probably. Machinery , Hull . and the State buildings will b'J the next most, interesting .feature to your , readers, and following these we will journey through the main building. This.last is the place to study human nature I cannot think of any placo- where 6ne would f- id such a variety of rpecimens of ,the genus homq, in, as tho natural ists, say ''all btnges of preservation." Coming down from the government building yesterday,. I passed through, tho carriage manufacturers' structure, ond have never so fully . rolMJzed tho force .of that familiar, smile "pretty as a red wagon," J do aftf.-r a glance at the, fine display pf vehicles. It was stated lant weok ,fhat, shovers . of "tho queer ,:ere w.orWngof counter;fi.'it fifty cent, pieces through ttie outside specu-, latbfs ;in , cliarge,, bjit I cannot learn; that, much, was done at it,, and of coutsp it has been; .Wholly stopped now Jt hi about settled that there will be no further reductiou-in railway fares, and so th.ecpmmittee appointed by the Centennial Commission to confer witty.the railway authorities hate, re ported. , The Pennsylvania. 1 Central people assert that they woxdd do pas senger business at an actual loss if they acceded to this, demand, as the extra Centennial travel. ,fat .tlio. low i.rates w,o,uld not equal the falling off of reg ular business. . . - ..,.;). ' !T-n r- . By the death of ,Lev( Stine, one of the jurors in the Yost murder trial at Pottsvllle, tU?cae cannot be. resumed- till July,, and ,-the additional, cost to the , county : will amount , to many thsands of dollars. Kerrigan. the man pn trial, is accused of the murder .of pQltceniau Yont at.Taraaqua. under immim-imusirow tne Iplly Maguiro organization, and some., startling reve lations were expepieclduring the judi cial iPYestlgaioo. , Xh death of the juror, gives the prisoner a longer lease of life. AsteAdt increase of paying visit, tors to the Centennial exhibition is claimed. Cash admissions on Satur day labt, 18,182.