5340 6343 6479 5025 6478 6011 5477 5481 6482 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE I ST. 1878. A CARD To all who are suffering from the errors niid indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FRKiS OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis 4108 4103 4108 4115 sionary in 8outh America. Send ft self 4107 4115 addressed envelope to the Ret. Joseph T. Inmax, Station D. Bible Ifonnc Xcw York City. 4883 4882 4859 4900 Notica of Co partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the tm Hi'rslirned have this dny associated 49-58 49.58 4901 themselves in the butchering business under the Arm name of .Mercer isros. W. F. MEKCEK. B. P. MKUCJill. All persons In indebted to W. F. Mer cer are requested to eomo forward at once and settle up. W. F. MERCER. Ridgway, Pa. May 1st 1870-n lit 3 Caution. tfil 4103 4104 4105 4100 4107 4108 4 U5 4102 4110 4404 4403 All persons arc hereby warned not to purchase or meddle with one Mosler A liahman fire proof safe purchased by 4410 4411 the unucrsisrned at snenn soaie, ami left in the case of A. J. Avery of Weed villo. until convenient to remove the 4976 same, as the said A. J. Avery has no interest in saiu sate. E. F. AVERY. Wecdville, April 1st , 1878 n8tf. 41 2:157 4878 4879 4944 4945 4880 21174 Caution. Wecdville, April 4th, 1870. All per sons are hereby warned not to purchase any of the following named articles now in the ixwession of Mr A J Avery of ireedville, Elk county, l'a., as said 4975 4905 4877 articles were purchased by the under signed at sheriff's Sale, and arc only left in possession or ine sum a very until convenient for me to remove 4S09 4101 4407 4407 them: One son-el mare, one black and white cow. three yearling steers, one two vear old bull, one two year old heiffer, one white hog, one buggy, one lumber wasron.one pair log sleds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, one pair platform scales, one iteming siove aim pipe, one neating stove, one ioi oi po tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. . I AVERY. n8tf. 4881 E. K. GBESH, Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen and extention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus what nots, looking glasses, wood and marble top c-Hamuer suits, mattresses purine bed bottoms. bd steads, cribs Iiftfertv's metal lined wood pumps, Ac, Ac. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats, eed sewing machine reduced from 50.J to &4o, tlie best machine in the market, and pic lure frames made to order. Also i large assorted stock of ready made coJTlns constant lv oivhand and trim mod a? shot-test not jesr. All the above goods are sold at panic prices.- Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway l'a. von4ytpdapr::j'i i. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. "VTOTICTI is hereby given that 1N agreeably to an Act of Assembly 4115 passed the Ulth day ot Marcii, A- U 1S1), eiHltled "An act to amend an jiut directing the mode of selling tin 4107 4908 seated lands lor taxes and for other purposes," and the several supple monts thereto, the following tracts o unseated hinds, siuutc in Elk- count v. lH-nnu. will be ewswl w snw s put 4105' 4106 lie vendue i outcry, at the Court House, Ira Ridgway, in said county, on .410 the second jRoiiuoy orjtme uext belli the 12TH DAY OF JUNE. A,I. 136, 4100 1103 4103 4110 4104 4104 4888 for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1874-7-5, unless said taxes are paid prior to said date: BENEZETTE TOWNSHIP-. War Acres War'ts or Owners. Taxes 533:4 923 5333 10(!7 5335 1007 533S 1007 5344 1007 5345 1067 5310 1007 5347 1007 5348 1007 5379 459 5380 1100 5383 1100 5384 1080 53S7 1100 5349 1008 5342 1100 6008 990 .5353 143 5334 1100 6337. 1100 6360 110 5351 ldOO 5852 300 5390 1100 5330 1100 5287 275 5288 27-5 5289 223 5339 1100 4994- 34-5 4995 458 James Stokes 114 22 Jmes Stokes 190 28 James Stokes 196 26 James Stwkes 201 34 James Stokes- 201 34 Jumes Stokes 30 1 53 James Stokes 3U1 53 James Stokes 391- 5 James Stokes 391 53 James Stokes 225 -00 James Stokes 537 80 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 471 00 James Stokes 470 James Stoke9 im 02 James Stokes- 470 James-Stokes 18 2 1 Myron Merrills 53 33 Myron Merrill' 209 40 Myron Merrill 101 65 Myron Merrill 389 0: Myron Merrill 4T0 70 Myron-Merrill- 129 10 Jones. Hummotulifo Co. 336 50 Amos B: Merrill- 202 30 Amos B. Merrill- 34 05 Amos B. Merrill' 43 70 Amos B. Merrill 35 16 Jonathan Brown 136 20 Nathan W. Ellis 85 18 Addison, Swartwood &.C. 140 67 5341 900 ; Cornelius Wainwrlght 83 35 5012 090 Miles Dent 484 12 5479 500 Miles Dent- 02-50 5479 100 Miles Dcr.t- 1&30 4990 495 John Brooks- 1198 5481 4-50 John Brooks 83 35 6000 990 John Brooks 182 17 4997 481 A. C. Spaulding- 118 36 5981 550 A. C. Spaulding. 101 65 6479 200 Robert Ewing. 87 60 fi02.t 288 John Johnson' 88 84 538S 1100 Htztklah Mix. 463 60 6023 50 Andrew- Deut 101 5479 285 Hamilton Dawn' 53 18 4994 150 William-Shannon- 28 45 6280 200 George O Bristow 37 00 6022 110 David 8. Johnsair- 21 18 5340 650 Henry Blush. 0810 5001 090 Finney & Bamrwts- 11217 4998 195 Finney & Barrows- 668 5002 990 Reading,Fisher&Co'52$73 6013 990 Keading.FisherA Co 242 56 5014 800 Iidinir, Fisher A Co 218 1 5000 090 Jlteiding, Fisher & Co 428 73 6010 090 TrulligeTCroftA Co 302 05 5024 134 John & D. Johnson 25 51 6025 802 John &D S.Johnson 111.64 5022 110 E. Johnson, ana A.. Apker 27T84 61S1 275 Martin Enz 34 65 6024 28 Martin Euz 7 84 6003 090 Shaelter & Johnson 244 54 642 505 Julius Jones 1212: i- Julius Jones 7 64 650 Smith. M'Cormic & 4098 4091 4087 4087 4087 40781 4077 f Mann 202 80 403 60 7 10 112 35 78 40 01 64 101 65 110 80 65 04 1100 Cook A Pardee 60 James Itellley (K1 Ualph Johnson 1100 frit, John A Kothrock e0 t. Jolm A Rothroek llOO Bt. John A Rot hroek KO0 II. Merrininn 344 1 larblwm A Reed 4374 4170 4178 'AW Finley,YounR A t 208 R. Winslow Kstate KENZINOER TOWSIHT 25 John Ovrroll 49 80 46 14 4184 4008 w a 73 17 22 07 11 17 24 54 20 61 88 07 147 112 236 89 285 64 8 30 !3 92 04 03 B0 05 144 as 28 79 2-58 8-5 25 I'eter iimrUx H5 Oeorgw Ww fi 1 factor Jnckot 405 70 147 ltd 75 611 8-23 999 290 80 220 801) 500 90 900 8-57 John Milne Nelson J - Wlnimcr Nelson J Vlmmer t'ear A Jtickot La-wrcnec A Cnsset 4808 4184 4247 4378 4247 4246 4247 Lament Gas Coal Co Ridgway Coal Co. Farm & 108 05 11251 219 20 2S2 78 270 42 191 59 191 24 146 70 101 23 201 65 1598 1442 898 996 703 098 10491-10 546 980 110 10 281 77 208 83 190 78 15 33 1073 1025" 4184 4082 407? 60 200 200 m 5830 68 30 12 46 6 73 28 05 k 1284 64 284 64 20 100 F. L. LeWton 990 West Creek Man. Mln. Co. 090 1483 990 990 1488 952 378 23 384 64 284 64 378 32 182 93 Charles Heebner George Dickinson 600 990 Bona Cartuy vais M'Kean A Elk Land 144 25 A Imp't Co i. ! William C. Black 284 64 284 64 999 142 18 107 29 125 50 .25 600 25 41 65 6 15 81 56 8 45 34 94 20 10 8 17 141 25 817 2026 1465 1464 Wilcox Tanning Co Ruper Wacker W. A. Mitchell Sidonia Von Eresel 3752 James Cox " lot No 65 on Cross st. 60 John Krichner Lot N03. Bidgway Street, 91 Rev. Jernnah O'Hara 127 15 33 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 92 70 88 89 90 68 69 85 86 102 17 18 B6 88 39 Rev Jeremiah O'Hara Jimfs Doyle William Kennedy William Kennedy Williatn Kennedy Thomas M'CoTtfjick John O'Connor ,1 it David Spfilane Ta'bot Street Thomas Collins tt it William Shine Thomas Collins 1 19 Ealiro&l Street. 57 Sarah Haley 1 19 61 John O'Connor 19 62 " " t 19 63 " rr 1 19 James Coyre 10 lots bet. Kersey A Talbot sts 2 81 Acres 340 Rev Louis Cartuvval 139 10 (Roseluy, Thresia A John sts 50 Edward Delehunt 15 23 (Vine street, Nos. 11 A 12) Vine street. 25 "WHIism- Shwrmhsn 25 Shamuhfi' Kut- Oeorgft Wcis 80 E. G. Williams 60 Beuzinger A Co.- 8 77 817 20 65 23 92 t7 45 200 PalMi(r A Co 6 30 - 5 2 5- William Corkey 2S PkWitek Dwvcr rt) William J. RowaiV S. Wm. J. Flint 62 James Hal 72 John FfttfS-887- Benzingei1 & E'sch 3 17 817 W46 9 60 19 50 22 05 2fe8 40 287 60 bach1 4887 I'OCO' 50 15 33 8 17 25 25 James Donnelly 4115 4110 4105 4977 4093 4993 4992' 4980 4404 4404 4400 4406 4407 4408 Dan'l Eraser, No Cherry road Dan'l Fraser, "3 Maple road David C. Geizer John Kleixner Thomas Tozier Johnson A Shaffer 6 02 60 50 15 495 990 990 900' 9 03 9 03 6 30 142 82 284 64 284 04 N. A C. K-roncnwet- ter 284 64 22 275 110 Phila.- A Erie R R Co 7 30 Augustus Woll 39 79 John 6k)et Creorsre Weifr 82 52 7 79 522 Sheldon, Btfetiiga Bates 149 9T 522' "' 522 " 622 " 420 " 600 ti ti- 1-49 98 149 98 149 98 121' 03 17-2- 90 4078 1023 4105 60 4105 25 294 07 14 68 Mury fifredMl' Mary M'Gahan 7-79 fox township:- 4091 4092 4093 4095' 4244 4245 4007 2785 J. S. Hydtf 1-0G7-00 207 C. W. EarteV, TdW'rf send Fall lot 27-94 225 Enoch Clapp 708 90 M. Sheean 18 65 32 John Albert.north h'ftlf 7 25 4176 4178 4098 4901 4077- 40781 4U81 4088 4097 4098 4374 4087 495 296 J. G. Kidder 65 84 Ridgway Farm Coal Co. 69 05 246- 49 12 12 70 12 05 60' 67- 768- 439 200 144 161 80 8:06 41T30 2905 107 05 19 86 816 IS. B. EnglaTid 4902 105- if 4177 000 IlanfiAlr Barnard 4190 600 Richard Gardner 4900 29S Richard Gardnr 4279 990 WJHiaiWTWms 4278 989 William Tains 4274 750 H.A.Stephens 4274 200 George C. Whltr 4274 40 Robert J. Ruhl 4176 225 Thomas Martln.S. B comer 4178" 60 William Wensell 4079 25 MaJachia OBotride 4186 980 J-. O. Chapin 'Estate- 4081- 46 G R.-Early- 4097 22' Franklin Kuhn' 4097 241 Franklin-Kuhn 4097 27 KHz M'LoughlJn 176 60 60 00 77 86 475 40 98 60 27-00 8 05 '44 87 10 80 8 77 194 '06 10 65 8 42 8 77 8 H 1 02 6 07 8 77 6 01 6 66 12 60 13 72 71 20 27 00 63 32 7 61 14 00 20 60 18 67 10 77 6005 4194 640 England A Brown 100 T. . WagstafT (from J. Powell) 820 T. H. WagstafT (from W. Parker) 61 Henry C. Witt (Cale donia road) 60 Pat M'Cready (from swtcd list) IW Wtlltam Apple 6 ArnVel Turley 60 Jos. Wllhelm (from Mat Ilsys) 13 Joseih W'lhelm Joseph Willielm Noblo CoRl A Oil Co. 27 49 40 00 24 42 000 72 240 81 02 183 00 163 00 600 12 Rose Kelly 64 James Wrinkle 261 John K. Jones t Thomas Collins 50 Felix Oftmghulsh 60 Juirtcs Wort on 5 George Wftmsley 4M97 42451 r).rt 4244 "J 4087 25 14 4X92 489M 501 7 50H0 4893 Richard Edwards Richard Edwards from A. Green 8 00 fio T J. Keller, from M Kline 7 60 160 Owner Unknown, Ji Barth lot 12 10 60 Jacob Hartmah. from Fabcrl v 8 25 171 J. D. Wetman. M Ouonelot 84 33 f W.Rlsrb.V. 2 lbts fr. M, J. Ealle.V 8 60 W. A M. Cloak 2 lots ftMii M J. Earley 3 60 H. lianrav. 1 lot from M. J. Earley 2 30 100 Geonre Weis 20 50 888 Sheldon. Meblhli & Bates-frdm E Hiiffcr 71 70 760 Sheldon. Stebteh & Bates--froirt Bt Huft'er 200 89 IttGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3060 271 A. M. Wetdler 25 54 8781 1000 Thomas Struthefs 137 00 Thomas Struthers 137 00 Thomas Struthers 150 45 8753 1000 2020 1099 8C6' 831 C. B. Wright 4 Duhr- ing 07 38 07 38 97 38 82 25 138 15 36C4 831 3083 83 1 2019 890 Walte Bryant Walter Bryant A Wolf 1778 1031 2025 108 16 84 2029 100 3, & M. Mack, N. E. corner 14 60 330 670 603 600 Freman Ellis Foi A Roberts 45 83 61 71 82 0! John N. Lane 124 14 3788 1000 John N. Lane and, 69 69 1831 1005- Allegheny Dank Pitts. bursh 92 12 2032 1052 William Robinson 191 1863 96H John F. James 88 27 3761 1095 Martin Hart 149 94 1783 902 Abnef Cassell, from C Ctfrbetti 88 23 1858 as8 John P. Brown 121 3768 1000 J. C. Chapin Ex(a(e 1)1 2463 315 J. C. Chapin Estate 2430 29 J- C. Chapin EsMc 30.54 1020 Wray A Gruham 43 f 40 f 140 ft 3857 1000 Owner Unknown 13 00 2034 54 Owner Unknown. sub. div. 9. S 90 3773 006 S. Jones & Co. 83 13 3771 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 72 Oi 1799 800 Chas. B. Gillis Sub div. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10 109 80 1776 500 Chas. R. Gillis Sub div. 13. 14. 15. 10, 17, 60 00 1776 100 Jonathan Jofies, sftb div. 13 . 14 40 2034 118 itfhn Jltunkle, sub Hv.- 3- 16 83 2034 m K. E-. Kennedy sub df. 6. 0 04 3776 100 S. P. Johnson, N. E. comer 10 10 3776 160 S P. Johnson, S S W corner 18" 03 3780 216 S. P. Johnson N. AN W. corner 25 4S 3780 162 S. P. Johisbh, N. E. corner 20 14 3858 800 Bank of Pittsburgh 82 50' 3778 1000 Jfnrv ."it. De6kert 91 70 3655 1019 Alfred A-fefy 137 57 2033 1043 Jonah Bryan and Others 1-13 82 3660 496 L. Wilmarth Est. mid dle part 48 43 mon'ros TOWNSHIP 437 53 Joseph S. Hyde H 08 4280 1057 J. S Hyde, Vineyard ftun lot 267 05 4255) 4396 1002 J. 1,-. EHik 190 3; 4279 932 J. L. Ellis 177 12 Hyde, Bradley A Co 270 20 wrn'gartnr & Rubcl, 4283 4370 W77 50 BUb div. 1-0 8 50 43y SO C art M.-Albert, sub dh. 20 . 8 50 4371 4371 4370 52 Jacob Didlotsub d;V 23 850 T. Echmiin. sub div KJO 50 50 28 10 00 J-dsph' Hertzel. sub div 8 10 45 Mathias Kline, sub div. 10 10 45 52- Muthias Kline, sub 43?!' 4309 div.-2? 10 81 573 Perina.- Canriel Coal Cos 181 8' 4344 4453 4342 952 ti- it ir it 300 88 900 677 L'84 60 Shawmul'Ca'rinei'Coal Co. 182 61 10 'Si 4343 4450 509 900 284 00 4281 1060 4282 1071 John G. Hall and J. S Hydo 269 03 27tf!89 11 33 John u. Hall and J. S. Hyde Noble Coa Oil Co 14 14 Joseph Wilhelm, of No. 15: Short AWiicdx 4248 4349 4370 41 60 25 10 12 5 00 4340 200 4241 633 20 20 68 10 Hyde $ Brdckway 213!S nil y 50 (R. Giles lot) fi 8T' 76 2.50 " (M'Cull'ghlot) 12 34 8 89 4400 4242 4278 4273- 4343 : 4242 4200 4182 : 4200 4183 4188 4181 4188 41SjS 4271 4370 4400 4370 437t 4370' 4870 107' " (Falrmarf'ldt) 14 48 166 " ' 2714 83 . " 2190 375 Short.- wileox A M Clellan 8 69 24 James WHsdn 5 58 347 m aso 140 250' 245 200 850' 610 25 200 60' 50 N-.lv Laneand Others44 7J Henry Lorain Carlisle 42 58 63 37 James M'Clellan;-W 1. 42 54 part 18 04 N. E. " 32 4ii West "IB 4.1 4i ' Nathan Bailed, B half 2620 John Hulme, middlrf 34 07 John C.French W part'30 33 J 0 Law. of No 19 5 72 William Mack 38 80 George Weis.sub div, No 17 10 40 George Wels.sub div No 16 10 45 25 qeorge Wels, sub div. NW-ll. 5 72 60 Qedrfte' Weis. sub div. No. '23' 10 45 JAY TOWNSHIP.' 5283 1100 Amos B. Merrill 182 50 6288 825 Ames B. Merrill 26890 6287 326 Amos B Merrill ' 22376 62b9 646 Amos B. Merrill- 177 00 620O- 612 112-160 Amos B. Merrill 1S5 13 4194' 400 William Parker' 5180 4195 578 James Lynde ft'4 17 4198 889 D. K. Jones 161 21 4196 2"6 James Stokes 34 86 4197 220 James Btokes 30 74 161 38 34 51 40 68 8 20 0 10 9 10 900 James Stokes 207 Sebastian Hels 4197 245 Hebastian Wels 4197 100 Ell Kennedy 4197 50 Mrs. Mary M'Carmoy 4197 60 Charles B. Miller 4198 850 James Donnehauer 02 70 2775 4134 4895 134 Reading, Fisher it Co 87 18 4890 838 " " 74 03 4HH7 fO , 910 113 00 113 06 113 63 03 47 113 86 113 86 33 40 27 82 868 30 49 60 22 00 5018 990 Philip M. Prlto 4129 2518 5019 000 rhiiip M. Prlcb 5000 900 Philip M. Price 4SM L'12 E B England 2524 500T 090 E. B. England 5004 v.H) E H England 4Hi)2 ?00 Dubois and Lowti 5700 2518 41K5 0!'0 John G-. Reuding 4195 990 Richard Gardner 4185 800 liezeklith ilorton 4H48 100 Ht-ithtah Horfon 4801 4(10 B. Ai IVrtil Estate 100 30 4894 251 Reading .nnd liartlM From RObt. RWtHrbck 08 73 Reading timl Bartls 91 47 4803 419 4284 1100 Reading and BnrtlCS 212 90 David Tyler 6 40 Finley. Young A Cb; 1180 029 60 320 900 1)90 01 94 I). W. Moore Henry Loraine Henry Ijoraine 52 84 428 00 428 60 (). R. Price Tyler A Finney, N E 18 21 corner 10 21 4805 98 " " 4hm m " " 4893 217 WoodAvard A Finney f2 Horace Little 16 80 16 86 36 11 12 05 5032 ?3 llarhhibnd, Jones A Co, 17 20 4890 29,1 II. Henry & Co. 4 29 .030 120T A. K. Otliffr; A Pearsall 4240 4900 100 A.E. Uurrfrom Lewis PlMtfllt 19 81 4900 100 W. Hi llumblt'n N. W, etmit-r 1'. Hlt'ight Ibt 1 7 20 5018 990 FlrtlfV, Young A Co, P. & W. lot 116 83 4180 090 Perks & Bowlnaii 101 38 5032 100 J. R. Mbrey, from J; H. Fisher 14 05 6032 180 George O. BrnstoW 80 09 5280 651 George O. Brastoiv 14177 4845 100 David Carskaddon 22 00 202 Joseph Wilhelm Va ennt land from T Tor,ier 57 50 6028 090 Spring Run COal Co., trom seated 268 30 5031 4194 4844 4892 727 197 27 100 195 490 John F Combs .toKonh Wilhelm 17 20 10 27 J. E. Putman & Co., from J; It. Cox 4899 350 " CBroVh 107 84 77 03 JONES tOWNSHIP 2331 825 Bob'tRalscy. frOhi i i. II. Conrad 125 25 2504 2731 2673 2073 2073 2592 aoas 2-505 2610 4846 3443 2316 193 OHO 393 486 200 950 900 990 50 200 :oi KCf 090 i ,i 21 29 19306 Charles Heebner 68 1 John 8cott( George Dickinson Owner Unknown, 95 08 40 70 middle part 06 80 Wm. Wern was Estate 141 58 " " 141 68 H; W. Brbttn 8 10 Owner Unknown 50 20 " " 47 81 M'K'ii & Elk Lafid A Im't ( 6. 193 2319 2323 2320 2329 2332 2333 2361 236"? 990 193 66 090 990 990 990 990 990 997 990 990 990 990 802- 690 710 757 990 990 990 990 990 9901 990 IW 990 990 9W 990 826 990 990 990 990 990 818 G9tV 49y 990 990 990' 990 495' 990 495' 990 9!i0 990 1C'3 73 990 990 23 232 r " 193 06 ." " 193 or ". " 193 06 " 193 C6 " '' 193 00 " l'3 0j " " 10,3 06 ' " 193 06 " " 193 06 :377 2425 187 ' 193 06 " " 19i?06 2489 2527 2551 2-554 ' " 156 21 r ' 103 1'6 " 144 56 146 50 2504 2-587 2:501 2f93' 2698 2-51J9 2604 2W8 2611 2612 2614 2600 20S0 2701 Hl0 2315 3217 3218 3220 3226 8228 3229 8230 3231 3282 3233 3237 824-S 324' 3251 3252 3253 8290 3295 4903 4904 2564 2504 2527 2553 2554 2504 2010 103 08 193 00 193 06 193 08 1)3 06 Ik fi (I It I'C 193 00 J 9 !00 08 1. 193 06 193 06 193 06 193 00 11 ii 5-4 j. ,v " 1-53 00 "' 193 06 " 193 06 ''' 193 00 ' '' 193 06 " ' 159 82 ' 193 00 ' " yg-ue ' ''- 193 07 ' '' 193 Oti ' " 103 06 " '' 193 06 "' '' 1-68 81 ' ' 11)3 06 rt 1-68 81 "' " PJ3 06 "' ' 19300 '' " 1-93 00 ' '-' 20 40 14 58 ' '' )',)3 00 ... rt 103 06 Gen Thomas L Kane 5 65 Gen. Thomas L Kane 40 (X) 1013 ( Jen. Thomas L Kne 32 21 859 Gem Thomas L Kane 167- 84 M7 Gen-.Tliomas iv K'-ine io 85 490 Gea Thomas L Kami 96 06 181 Gen. ThdmaO L-Kane 36 10 897 Gen. Thomas L Kane Ttf 11 797 Gen. Thomas L- Kane" 155 08 704-7-10 Gen. Thos. L Kane 105 23 ,2791 3214 8221 322 1053 Gen. Thomas ft Kane 204 70 8224' 4fi3 Gen. Thomas L Kane 88 30 3290 8294 3293 3295 6H4' Geni-Thomas L Kane 104 68 208' Geh'. Thomas L Kaii 42 89 13 Gcil'. Thomas L Kaiie 36 61 29 Gvir. Thbmas ft Kan 67 64 8296 32901 129 Gen. Thomas L Kane 20 22 2610 ! 200 CterU ThdmhS L Kane 25K8 ' 3293 3296 901 rteii.-Thdihas li Kari-J 39 80 lfc 43 19 43 18 94 178 07 5241 184 71 12147 59 79 2588 2010 2588 2610 8291 8293 8296 8296 8143 95 Geil; Thomas Ii Kane 93 Gen: Thomas Ii Kane 837 Ucri Tiiomas E Kane 206 Gen: 1'hdniasL Kane1 947 Gen. Thdmas Ii Kane 621 Gen. Thomas Ii'Kane 303 Gen Thomas Ij Kand 88 497' 490 445J iW 855 119 289 2ijO Gen Thomus L Kane 179 )! Gen. Thomas L Kanfl 36 20 1852 4t 65 71 57 82 88 59 30 64 30 64 19 13136 121 08 13 89 42 01 33 60 128 60 158 53 128 43 Gen. Thomas lrKune Wilctox Tanning Cd. 8224 3227 2223 3229 3237 3242 3U44 31H 3140 ,3143- 3214 3223- ,1 3255 110H 3250 996 32.57 811 3258 483 3254 1222 .1 108 14" 8V57 174 62 4846 141 .21-01- MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP 254S 900 Durrah A Moore 221 50 2648 900 . " 221 60 2542 900 11125 2590 ' 676 Wihlarni Dilwortb 100 80 oi8 850- Rumbach 35 80 zois B75- William Armstrong Estate 8776 8o4S 900 Jainea A'Hara 181 90 Z648 WO Jarne A'Hora 181 90 2617 900 James A'Kara 181 90 523 900 James A'Hafa S1 W 2790 900 JamesA'Hara 18190 2007 675 Owner Unknown 164 85 585 900 Owner Unknown 181 o 789 693 Spring. CWek & Clar ion River Oil Co.. for tax of 1875 87 24 603 Owner Unknown 141 10 Owner Unknown 135 CO 050 POO 900 900 192 60 900 100 25 100 :oo 60 Owner Unknown 151 75 Owner Unknown 151 76 Owner Unknown 151 75 Henry Rautrht Estate 20 71 185 . u. , t iif ...... d Geo. & Jessie Mays 0D4 J F. Wyhkoop&Co 181 91 21 10 6 01 14 40 Owner Unknown I j. (;. Wynkoop William Crispin 11 11 Daniel II. Tabor, S W corner towhship C B. Wright A Duhr ing ii 11 518 14 40 7 70 181 90 181 90 2532' 900 2302 900 9')0 250 630 2089 ll 11 a 181 90 2792 2581 51 25 131 66 RIDGWa V TOWNSHIP 4303 171 Constant Van Hershofl' J. fi- Schultz J. S; Schultz J. Schultz J. 8. Schultz J. 8. Still ult J. 8; Schujtz J. S. St-huHz J. 8. Schultz .t: 8. PHllllt.- 63 03 3660 1112 820 1 1142 3284 664 406 29 417 24 241 78 Fl'Hhl 160 29 J J 17119 Riilg- 278 73 way 321 37 8288 437 467 i'(2 879 735 4840 4850 4858 4854 268 91 232 CO 15 58 81 81 854 03 854 75 871 10 181 70 611 30 652 71 657 10 647 75 . 800 From A I. Wilcox & others 3283 40 J. S. S.nllulJ? FromC. V; Gillis J. S Cchultz From Osterhout J. 8. 8chultz J. 8. Schultz J.S. Schultz J. S. Bchultz Hyde, Bradley A Co. do Ho do do do db do . db Ridgway Farm Coal Co. , do tlb dd do dH do rlrl do 3259 222 8204 1010 82(15 1018 8278 1063 3283 520 4266 700 4267 894 4268 900 4269 900 1284 1081 657 70 4375 973 4376 1020 4381 G75 & 352 41 872 70 245 83 4877 4390 1020 372 79 43 65 13 15 til0 49 611 00 007 60 t28 36 3321 65 149 18 230 28 365 50 65 03 7317 J 1 1 33 1-2 Melvirl Gardner 916 Bryant & Euwcr 4869 4870 616 dd dH do db dd do do , do Edward nhiTbr A. Ilexlltiustr II. M. Rbire H. M. RMfis 11 r ltMfo 4278 1000 :S5 948 528 4393 4395 406 629 1000 150 198 843 4392 George son For tax '7.4 East Wilmarth 54 94 5866 120 D. U. Tucker 30 08 100 Andrew M'Kibbon 37 45 4806 45 AsaCummings 17 16 49 W. C. Henly, from C. Dill Estate ,. 14 00 4575 75 Jas. Riley, fr W T Hobdcll... 20 04 29 James Rilfev fr. Jacob Witters tax for 1875 4 51 4288 81 Dr. J. 8. Scott 30 54 60 T. B. Cobb, Sam. Lewis . lot 100 J. Powell lot 116 C. Mead lot 61 Ely lot 128 Thaverlot 40 Di'iS'scm' let 26 Dickltsfm lot 5 G T Milter, from1 M'NultV. . 19 23 37 45 43 26 23 23 47 66 15 P8 16 70 40 50 4S481 400 Wik-oT T?(tning Co 3283 f From .1 Powell for tax 75 72 40 4848 I 200 Wilcox Tffrtn'inir Co 3283 From T Jacks6n-l'or tax '75' 38 70 4390 40 Ccorge Wnlmslev 1-5 58 1 Charler.M,'Xit!ty 4809 83 O. W. J?hin6-3", from J C Chatfri , 06 Georg W Rhinos' From 11 Warner tax '74 49 B A Dili-, from C Dill Estate 13 15 42 76 13 10 18 II 400 B F Ely, from Souther A Wiilis 1 176 B F Ely. from J V 34 20 IL.i.lr nfl AO fiO J A Mnv. V. Butter- . worth lot ?3 50 Geo. Stephenson, from I Slepi.icnsoii 19 23 4843 C3 C V Gillis, from J. V. . Ho'A 20 7,5 71 Casper Brcgger From , Grant & ilorton 10 59 4-8521 1055 B F Ely, from J. J. 4863 f Ridgway 352 36 4868' 80 1!. F El v. from J J Ridgway 27 56 4537 653 66-160 GOn' Seth- Glover 240 26 120 Decker and Sharp From W H Osterhout 44 74 2 J V Houk From Dickinson east of Ridgway 8 09 4840 613 oner CnknMn 219 90 4389 4:190 163 Sheldon', Strebigh BatesSl 67 601 do do 182 61 4394 43941 4302 4391' 400 426 620 966 20 dd 146 80 156 07 226 99 852 00 do' di' d-V do' do do O. T. iV Heeler fiHrnO. W. Bhinds" 6 95 SPRING CREEIC TOWNSHIP. 5705', 1147 Hyde, Bradley ami Co 299 68 5802- 6873- d6 do 133 28 5798 100 5799 99 5794 1073 1-2 5800 537 dV do' do' d do do do do 27 00 42 39 560 (JO 280 24 224 16 5801- 433 1-fr do do 5797 543!- Neil RogeW add IJlakel 70 63 I06O 504 f 5798 532J 5796' 103,5 5799 35J do do 452 14 do do do do do do V'e'st part drtst )art li 111 76 323 92 99 59 120 23 4044 344 255 602 619 6)9 601 501 600 619 619 600 600 600 COO 600 501- do 54 04 1.557 1558 1559 1563 1564 1667' 3570 1669 157-2- 1573 1571 1574 1575- 1565 Wm Uii'ignani Estate 157 63 Wm Binghttni' Estate 162 92 Wm Uinirhuin Kstate 162 92 5Vm Riugham Kstuto 167 81 Wm lJinghnni Estate 1671 Wm Bingh-tm Estate 157 00 Wm Bingham Estate 162-9-2 Wm Bingham Estate 162 92 Wm Bingham Kstate 15T00 Wm Binghmi Estate 157 00 Wm Bingham Estate 167 00 Wm Binghan Estate 157 00 5Vm Bingham Estute 157 00 Wm Bingham Estate 166 28 Bryant and Euwer 405 69 do do 174 68 Henry R Mo'dre 110 21 Henry Raugllt 122 30 Merchants;' Manufac 24H 1368 1562 60V 2718 634 350 900 turers Bank df Pittsburg 469 00 900 Merchant!' Manufac 2980 turers' Bank of Pittsburgh 46 900 2915 900 I) Carrier and Others 662 60 2948 900 G Blake and Others From J 8 Hyde" 937 00 2775- 113J O Blake and Others 30 64 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh' 220 44 4558 182- George U Messenger 82-20 4652- 300 Samuel CraSvford 2180 4569 150 Dehaven Procius 32 20 '2T75 329 J L F Powers From J 8. Hyde 85 24 232 200 uB'Wright ' Duhr- ing . 42 00 1561 485 Richard Btrurer A Jnd G Mall 8420 . ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lot Nos. . ill Geo. F. Schaefer. Amandas' street 1 28 43 44 45 68 62 Ridgway Farm Coal Co CmiU-r t,rek'l 8 68 9 81 82 83 84 35 80 87 38 39 40 41 and 1-2 of 80 Ridgway Farm A coai 1.0 , Maurice street ?r 31 83 85 87 39 41 44 45 47 48 49 57 63 54 and 66, Ridgway Farm A coal . Co John street, 13 39 80 64 65 64 67 Ridgway Farm A Coal Co Michael street 6 60 1-3 acre Ridgway Farm A Coal Co Mill street rear bf Geo. Ed. Weis ,. 2 81 65 Owner Unknown, Rupert St. 1 28 44, 88 and 8 Owner Unknown Ru pert street 1 83 9 James Boyle, Patrick street 1 28 102 and 103 3ohn Sheridan Pat rick street. . . 1 65 82, 83, 84 91 92 05 iOO and 101 Owner Unknown Patrick St. 3 20 89. 00 A. M. Demtnitt . Patrick street 68 Pat Flaherty Walbitrger St. 69 Owner Unknown do 5 Ohas. Overholtzer , , do 00 John Corneskv Jbhri street 1 30 1 28 127 1 28 1 28 6961 02 63 64 65 and 60 Owner Un known John streets 2 03 58 John Mallon. tax of 1875 Jno St 1 15 0 and 10 Mary Wrinkle, Louis St. 1 30 1 2 3 11 15 and 17 Owner Unknown Louis street 2 05 35 f.6 and 41 James Boyle Erin St. 1 82 50 Owners Unknown Erin street 1 27 20 Owner Unknown Shamrock St 1 24 and 26 Owner Unknown Sham-' r'oclt st . . 1 55 104 Gcoi Ed Weis, St Patrick st. 1 28 41 Pal Lawlfcr Mlulmel st. tax of '7 4100 120 acres Ed; M'HUirh & Co from , .. C LuHr .... 45 00 1 2 3 4 6 0 9 and 11 George Weis Mfiurtce street 8 48 70 Hrid 71 Gebree Wcis Walburgbr strpt't 1 55 3 George Wcl-i, Erin street . , . 1 28 16 and 17 George Wels Louis street 1 69 60 75 77 78 52 53 84 olid 66 George Wels Rub'bft street, 8 20 109 110 Geo. "H'els Amurida street 1 65 9 14 18 20 19 21 and 25 Georee Hi-is BendlcUtreet 2 92 20 23 28 42 and 45 Georerb Hi-is Shamrock strebt . 2 43 a nci-pH. Geortre Grecorv. from Rev Louis Cai'tuyvals 6 13 8 Nicholas Henlliuff. IFalburgbr st2 10 i lbt: Geoi trc Krelliier Centre st 6 50 ' "-J SEATED LANDJSi rVtiirhedbv collectors unon which silP ilcicnt personal property could not bb found to pay the several taxes ussessbd thereon: , BENZINCeR TO irNSHIP; HTir Acres Owners; Year Tax 26 Mathias Kbch 1865-6 4 40 25 Michael Ft-ldhiim 186-5-6 4 11 118 1KT1 T.'rittinhfic 1 18.59 1 91 4958 600 Martin Kenimerer 1869 5 1 . 0 Martin Nathan 1859 1 11 28 Charles Hunt 1865 3 00 300 Kemmerer & Kriurf 1805 19 75 60 Sebastian Eisehhauer,182 637 PO MlbHabl H.bnliM-y 1872 6 18 25 Theresia Rbthfcuholer 1872 6 18 FOX TOWNSHIP. 100 Christ Bennlnger 64 A. S, BHss" 3 Jbrorne Fararlo 50 ratr'ck M'Cready 50 Henry Reedy 66 J. F. Robertson 60 William Sheiwin 1864 5 04 1864 2 04 1SG4 1 91 1864 3 27 1804 2 63 1864 1 93 Jr. 1804 2 30 25 iniliamSherwln, Sr. 1864 X 05 C. A. Wilcox 1564 1 65 12 80 1-2 J116. Arner, ff.E IIays'72 1 ., 1-2 do . nun. 1 - 1 171 Jame D. Wetham 1872 3 6 3 60 JohnFnbcrly 1873 2 50 JllGnLANl) TOWNSHIP. 150 Samuel Ellithorpc 1860 2 28 78C 103 1-2 John F. jN'icholsori T872-3 65 0 776 100 Beckwith ' Ba'rinfster do 3 60 IIORTON T05VSSIIIP. 61 Patrick W alch 1873-4-5 12 57 .88 i25 125 C. R. Earley 1873-4 10 20 Isaac Horton do 23 62 JAY TOWNSHIP. foO John Fisher TSCfS'CO COO I Earley & St. John 727 J !H(iO-702eO 3 hamuel Bell Estate 1875 1 24 JONES TO.VNSHIF. 94 Mary E. Burlingame 1 U-l -s u J 130 loo 07 94 37 60 John IWsoif l'tV:.' 2 59 1862-3 3 62 1863 2 25 1873 3 00 do 1 92 Henry Luce Anthony Stud-ir W. M. liandalett John Bet-chOr John SpihiL'stead do 8 32 80 Kcefor lot. 1 Gen. T L Kane I Uen. 31 Stol.e lot, J '71.-5 3 50 40 Kcefor lot do 1875 2 44 Lot No.' 189, Wileor,- Wm. Col-' lhVs '73-5' 1' 66' do 197 do Hall Lowe 1874 1 16 do-20 do Mrs. Finney do 1 32 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2- P. GriMn 1S71 I 03 25T8 TOO William Crispin' V872 4 00 4042 0:6 Staib&Cd: 1874 11 17 584 milium J. DilWorth 75 61 89 20 G'eonre Craft 1875 6 45 RIDG- IV'AY TOWNSHIP. 400 C V. (Mont. farm( 1874 45 80 5 3-4 Albert Willis Estttte 1874 1 80 SPUING' CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 8723 15 BlaktA Others 1802-5 28 10 49 00 CrowWensel 1805 220 2902 1000 i'owman Bros 1873-4-5 IOOOO 40 Thomas Blyhdtt l74-5 2" 44 ST. MAKYd LOAOUGir Lot No 74 St Marys st 1800 1' 32 20 uc's, Ben.inger fc tschbach, Millst 165 2 d-J do do 7 40 176 1-2 of lot No 20 J do Centre st do 1 40 1-2 df lot I Nd 20 & lots Nos. -ii' Cross st dd 11 43 47 I artd 49. Lot NO. 40Cnsper Belkrt, Center st. Lot No. 49, Casper Belka Centre 1 64 1 40 street ipoo 1 40 lf j fin Mi,.liii,.l cf Allnvu nii'.if'-" gen 1865' 193 lot NO 68 dd A nton Jesberger do 1 40 dd35 dd K X Miller do 6 10 do 41' St. Marys st. PMThilor : ney do 1 60 2 lots on Theresia st. W Garbauer 1859 V 14 2-lots on Centre st., JohnHe'inini "1 11 Lot No 33 John Kathman do 1 09 2 lots Michael Lawler do 1 22 i.ots Nos 19 20 24 "I 25 and 20, -Cross stj Anton Maierdd 155 1-2 of lot Nd 12Centrest M Tresh do 1 38 1 lot on Johnst Aiic-hucl Zimmett do 1 04 Lots Nos 12 14 V N J Bradford t 16 St Aiurys st J 1873-4 4 30 tots No 25 Maurice "I and. 83 & 40 Sham- Joseph Clieatle ro.;k street J 1873-4 8 01 Lots 3 and 4 John Giitner 1873 1 60 Lot No 6 Walburirer st. C Over- hollzor 1873110 21ots do do J Herhotzer '74 2 25 Lots Nos 13 & 15 Cvu-1 tre street and 12& 14 tMHenite's- Maurice street- I sey 1873 8 60 Hot Francis Kroneuwetter 187 3 2 95 1-2 lot and house ! Kroneler & Iclo Centre stroor J' 1873 2 52 lot No 4 Walburger st S. EiSeli hauer , 1874160 Andrew ltocan 1 lot'froifi Jim' theu, 187417 25 Jolin M'Gill lot on Mill st fr O . Luhr 1874 4 75 JACOB M'CAULEY, Trt-Usurer. Treasurer's otnee 1 Ridgway, l'a., March : 14 '76 The following belong with the Treasurer'! Sa!e of unseated lands. HORTON 437ft fe84 Wm. Mack 71 72 4371 224 do 22 60 4434 876 do 85 09 4469 867 do 84 22 4451 1030 do 99 88 4452 769 db 74 83 4242 23 do 3 69 FOX 4373 iiO Whi. Mack 16 42 BENZINGER 60 Jacob Deleker 8 82 SKATED, Unlm lliivpr Hot and house uearltuiiioadSt. '74 3 4l tl0 XHK ClTlliNS 01? PENNSYL X VAN I A. Ifeiur attention is speoiolly invited to the fnct that the JNational Dank are now prepared to receive aubsoriptionii 10 the Capital Stot:? ot tbe t;entennta Loartl ot tinnnco. The funds realizea irom this sotli-oe are to to employed in the erec tion of the buildings foi- the Internationa Jxliibuion, p.u-j the expenses connected with the samij. It is couBdently believed that the Kcystoha State will be represented tiy the name ot every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-'liiy of the nr.tion. The shares o slock are offered for $10 each, and sub scrib'jrs will receive a handsome engraved Ceriiticf.te of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rule of six per cent, per annum will be paid oti all payments of Cen tennial Stock trom data of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Rationa Bank can remit a check or post ottioe order to the undeiai gned, FHUD'K k HALEY, Treasurer, 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia TAT AS YOU GO. If you pay fur goods wbeo you buy lied, you will never be troubled with tha nigt-roure of debt, your sleep will bo sweet your drcahis pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a sniile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kim'c'a modal store with yoar cab, get more thaa if 3 value and go homo' sati-fied. They f:'avo adopted tbe cash eysteiiij and say it 13 forking charm- Al'I'LETONS AjtlilllCAN CtCLOI-EDIa! that the revised, liud elegootly illus tratcd edition of tliid ork," how being pablisbed. a volume of 00 pages oboe in tiro UiootliS, is tie best Cyclopedia iu Afiieriia, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It ouly coets" ?3 a tuouth to' get it i ti leather b'indiii'g. The best aud cheapest librar iii tbe world. Address,' C. K. Ju'dsob, Frjdonia, N. Y. Hats nnd Caps a complete a&sortmoni at P. & K's. Iluuting Ku'jbers! witli a'nd without heels,. a largo lot at P. A K's. Al otber kinds of rvfbber boots aud shoes. Coodfish bcueless inJ skinless. Also' some 0! the old. lasmunea 111 lull aress, at J'. & K'n'. . Oiii Coafs? from in to $25 a large' and flpleuuid stock. Step in aod get enn at P. & K's. Hosted coffee u gonuino article, at I' & K's. Summer Clothing, for tboso Hoys and ciiil Jrea, Muii), Alapaca aod sum mer Caslmicr at V Si K's A full slbilt cf fresh Family groceries," such as Toe's, OofTecs, Sugars, Kice,' Syrups, Spices, 11. B- fowder, leaking, aud $w'cet (JhocoHe, and every thing' ip tliat li'ue, u( P; & H's. Siies of Advertising. One calu-ijn, one year ...$76 00 ... 40 00' ... 25 00, ... 15 00 i " " " i " ..V..... 4 . " . " . " . Trr.nsiect advert iscmsnls per square of lilies, oue insertion 51u't7ro nans, f I.dU, three insertions, il. BuBinets cards, tea lines or less, per yenr o. Advertisements payable quarterly. A geuera! stock ot' winter clothing, at very low prices at P. &" K's. If you want any bl'ched or brown' musl'ms, from to 10-4' wide any quality, go to head-quarters, Powell &' Kime's and select t your taste. Youdj uiau if you want to add' greatly to Vou'r appearance go at once to POWELL & KfME'S urand Cen-' tral Store, and get ydtiself a new white linen bosom shirt. Voii can get a good' fitting- white c'leao' shirt for $1.25 and from that up. Give the Adt'ocatb ofEbe a' call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,' aud if you are going' to ge't Slurried leave us aii order for'you'r cards' TKbse Lfamilt'on Cor'sets at P & K's are tbe dost durable, arid' tbe cheapest in market. Nevf goods, every' day in ths yea except' Suhdays" aall legal' holidays at the great diammoth Grand Central4 Store of P. &' K's. No' bragging1 . around. Call for wbatyou want. QUOTATIONS Wiiitev Pdwell & Co BANKERS AND BROKERd, No. 42 South T'bird Street Philadelphia,'- April lksh, 1876 , . , BID. ASKID ; U. 1881. 0'.-..., 122S 1221' uo o zo, e 00, m ana rt ... Called do do 05 uo do do '65' do 7 .122 1141 ,114f 119J .118 121' d6 di '65' J anil J do Up '07', dp .. uu uu uo uo 10-40, do coupon 2l Vii . 1 fHt.l do Piicifio oy Int. off NeVo's Keg. 1881....... .118 127 .127 1174 ' " U. 1861. Gold; .1171 117 j Silver..'.'.'.'.. Pennsylvania Meaning..........: , Philadelphia &" Eria' Lehigh Navigation,." . ;.;..H2j b'Z; 44 17 ri'j Vulley 45 United R II or N J ........'. ex.' d'iv 67 Oil Creek 184 Northern Central ...ex. div 9 Central Traasportatiou 47 Nesauehouiug, 62 Qk A Mortgage 6' '83 .'...100 117 lliifr 62 44 18 45 136 101 84 47J1 68 84 1 104 1