The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 11, 1876, Image 3

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    u. -i.. RATIMUX,
Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
i Attorncy-nt-haw
' Ridgway, Eu Co., To,. Offioe in
Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for
oolleclion promptly attended to.
. 3nlly.
Attorneys- at-Law.
.' Offic9 in Now Brick Building, Mnin SI
Rideway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf.
J, 0. IP. BAIL EY,
! . ' '
vlnzayT. Ridgway, Elk Counly, Ta.
. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi
dent Insurance Co., of Hertford, Conn.
8urgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgwi'y sur
founding country. All work, warranted.
Office in Service & Whceler'j Bidding, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-ih!-ly
Druggist and Piu '"aceutisi, N. V7. cornn
of Main mid Mi'! si iccip. ridgway, 1'a.
full assortment of cnnjt'.iUy solvied For
eign ami Domestic Drugs. Proscriptions
carefully dispensed t All hours, day or
night. vln3y
M O..
I'll vsiciiin una Sin-
a o t it)
1 Oftieo in Diutr More, corner I'rond end
Main hip. liosi deuce corner limad St.
Opposite the Culli-fn. (lilies ho".v.i Hum
B to 10 A. M. mi I H o"! " to ' I'. M.
Vln-J i.
J. o. LOR t WELL, -V. D.,
Eclectic Vhysiciiei t4 S'.-vjeon, ha3 remov
ed his oBiec frcm Centre street, to Mail. f t.
Ridgway, I'u,, in the second story of t lie
neir brick building of John G. Hull, oppo
site Hyde's Btore,
Oflieo hours:- l to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M
Ridowat, Ei.i: Co., Pa
i , W. II. SCIIHAM, Proprietor.
. thankful for the patronise hcrctofurt
go liberally bestow.1'1, upon him, the nev
proprietor, hopes, by paying etrict in
tention to the comfort and convenience o:
guests, to merit a continuance oi tin
Oct SO lStiil.
Ce-mukyilli;, E'.k Co., Pa.
John OoMiiNs, I'ro'
. Thankful for the pi'.tvcnujje heretoiori
bo liber illy bestowed upon him, the new
pro r victor, hopes, by pay'"? "riit ilt
tcntiou to the. ponton acd couvoiiionc?
?f guests, t merit a coi'lirim'ice of iln
I'. Ir . HAYS,
75 ry Goods, Notions, GrccorLes
and Gensrcil Variety,
Watchmaker, Ergravcr and .levreler
lr.n street, P.idgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sowing Machine, nnd Morton Gold
Pen. Picpoiring Watches, etc, donowith
he tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis
factian guaranteed, vlnly
Eidgway Cemetery.
i-Lots are now oliercd for rale by the
kRidgway Cetnctary Aseociation in tho new
'emetery , The present low price for lots
inay Boon be advanced.
Apply at the office cf
IV. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary
Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-?9
00 TO
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Previsions.
Constantly on hand, and Bold 83 che;.p
as tho CHEAPEST.
, Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
fod.s at l.fc'K'. Tlie cheapest nnd
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division
ON and after MONDAY, MAY 2-1, 1375,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as followB :
KANE ACCOM leaves. Heuovo
" ' ' Driftwood..
' " " Enporium
" " " St Marys...
' " " Ridgway..,
5 55 p m
0 65 p m
7 55 p m
8 23pm
' ' " Wilcor 9 05 p m
arr at Kane., it 80 p m
ERIE MAIL lcaycs Philadelphia 11 55 p m
" " " Rcnovo 1 1 05 a m
" " " Emporium 1 l'J p in
' St. Mary's 2 00 v m
' Ridgway
. - I ) p rn
. H 58 p m
7 60 p m
11 Wilcox....
" arrive at Erie ,
RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane
" ' Wilcox
. 8 CO a tn
. 8 311 a m
. it 25 a m
.10 01am
.11 05 a m
12 15 pm
" " Ridgway...
" " Si Marys...
11 " Emporium.
" Driftwood..
" . " Renovo
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie...
. 1 1U U III
11.20 a m
' " Kane 3 45 p m
!' " " W ilcox 4 08 p m
" " " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" " " St. Mary's 6.10 pm
" " " Emporium...... 0.03 p tn
" " ; " Renovo B.V.o p m
" " arr. at Philadephia... 0.60 am
Reno70 Accom oud Kano Accom connect
east and west nt East with Low Grade Di
vision and R N Y & P R R.
Geu'l e-jp't.
form tho Cittzcns of Ridgway, and the
public gCLcrally, that he hag started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Duties, to let upon tho most re;i3ona
ble lerus
Eigj..Ile will also do job lean ing.
Stable on Drond street, above Main
All orders left at the Pest Offic? will meet
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. tf.
Private Tuition.
Pupil wanting to receive insttuction in
Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for
College can have opportunity of d?i bo
by app ying to the Rector of Grace Church,
lie having made the necessary arrange
ments will be glad to reneivo a limited
number of young ladies nnd gentlemen for
instruction.. For intori.-nl ion as to terms
Sc apply to
Ridgway. Pa.
INSTATE of Thos. Campbell, lato of
Jllig!ila::d township. Elk counly de
ceased. All persons indebted to Laid es
tate are requested .to mnha immediate pay
men!, and IIiopc Im ving legal clnim.-siijrainst
he r. nii'.e will present them without delay
in proner ordi-r, lor se'tlfment. t)
P.OR7'. I. CAM CI 1 ELL,
. j Adminiijtrator.
.'id vvny, Pn., M.-nch 15; 1870 nt Ot
I'STATI: OF Hffill Mt'CKEApY Dkc'D.
Al'ove cstut'? liii,-(.' boon grunt'-d to tho
uinlor.s'iK'il, all ii'.ts.mis .iml;;ljtoil to
said efitoto art' requested to piako pay
ment, mid tlioiie lia itiK olainin to life
rent the Kime v.'ithdut deluv, tn
1I.KX11Y McClt.liADV Administrator,
Kersey, Elk, Couvty, Pa. or to liis At
torneys Ham, aM'Cavlly, IUdo.i.y,
l'a- n'J-bt
All ;e)vor.s nre herehy warned not
to purehutje or meddle with one Mosler
A- Rahman lire proof Kile purchased by
llie vtniW'sigtU'd at S!eriil"s Stile, and
left in the e'ise of A. J. . Avery of Weed
ville, until convenient to remove the
same, as thq said A. J. Avery has no
interest in taid f-afe.
Wecdville, April Ibt , 1S70 nBtf.
Itejjislcr's oti.,f.
Kotice in hereby given that the fol
lowinj? aecouiits have been tiled in
my oltice,and will be presented on the
first day of the next term of the Or
jihan'sV'ourt . for confirmation, being
the 4th Monday in May, 1.870. , .
Final account of lion'ce Little and
Hiram Fgleston, Administrators of tho
estate ofCiAKit Eoi.rsxox, dcceai-.ed.
Final account ff Walbtirga Tresel)
Adniiiustratrix of the estate of M.4.
T1ITAS Thkscii, deceased. ;
Supplemental . account of Jerome
Powell Administrator of tho estate of
J. C.CirAPIN, deceased.-.
WofHlville, April 4th, 1876 All per
sons are hereby warned not to purchase
any of the following named articles
now in the possession of Mr A J Avery,
of ITeedville, Klk county, Pa-, as said
articles were purchased by the under
signed at (sheriff's Bale, and are only
left in possession of the said Avery
until convenient for me to remove
them: , One sorrel mare, one black and
white cow, three yearling steers, , one
two year old bull, one two year old
heiff'er, one white hog, one buggy, one
lumber wagon, one pair log sleds, one
pair fancy sleds, ono oil safe, one- pair
platform scales, one heating stove and
pipe, one beating stove, one lot of po
tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod
der. 0. L. AVEIIY.
A complete stock of ladies misses and
cbildretis shces, light, nisdium sad
heavy at P, & K'b. Now is the time to
W- , .,
Alpacis cheaper than ever befo
known at ?. & K's.
TOBTlTORK--"We are no FrePar(l
-v,W '-t0 doa11 kinJsof JOB WORK,
EuvelepefctTags. Bill-heads, Letter heads
neatly,i UeapJy exeputed, ... OtBee in
thjiyif Jti&ifgffy' buiMing," Ma;
The following is the report of tho
Mercantile Appraiser of Elk county
for 1870. - -
Venders of Mcielmndise.
rt. mahy'b nonoTTou.
Clans. Name. Solr:. Tax.
2 Wois 10,(00 12 50
11 Gitlbrd Hall f; Co. 15,000 15 00
14 Mrs. M. M'JEnnlly 4,000 7 00
12 Whitman f: "Veldnn- '
n.000 10 00
4,000 7 00
10,000 12 60
20,000 20 00
4,000 7 00
4.000 7 00
4,000 7 00
4,000 7 00
11,000 10 00
4,000 7 00
10 000 12 50
4,000 7 00
4.000 7 00
15,0( 0 15 00
4,000 7 00
25,000 20 Oil
4.000 7 00
8,000 10 00
14 James Blakely
12 Chas. Ijiihr
10 Coryell d- Ruse
14 George H- 'turner
H Charles M'Venn
14 Charles Holes
H F. L, Kneerlnge.r'
13 John Wc'donbo. rntV
14 Ed. M'lirido
12 YV. C. EpallbrdcfcCo
14 Charles Miller
14 Ailam Fochtmnn
11 AValker & Hon .
14 Joseph YVilhelm
14 L. C. Baeyer
12 Soselilielmcr & Tyler
14 P. W. Hays 4, Kr 7 00
14 M Mohan 4,000 7 00
12 Koch A 8on 12,0i)0 12 60
M J. J. Taylor 0,000 10 00
14 Koch t-Hon 4.000
14 John M'Muhou 4,000
14 II. Sf'essly 4,000
41 C R JOarley 4,000
14 J. Si Hyde 4,000
14 J. Cun'eo , 4,000
14 J V.Wilcox Admin Is'trx 4,000
7 00
14 E K. Gresh
10 J S cfc W. II. Ilvde
12 Hyde t- Curtiss
11 T. S. Hartley
14 James Woodward
14 Charles Holes
11 Powell d Eime
14 a O. Messenger
14 A Ruhlnmn
14 j antes Ilagertv . : -.
13 M'Gloin ..V- M'Geehii't
14 L A Hrendel
9 W li Osterhout
14 Robert Campbell
12 () R Grant
14 Little
14 H M Holt" W.'imarth
4.000 7 00
2."i,00i) SO 00
10,000 12 Oil
4,001' 7 00
4.000 7 00
4,000 7 00
75,000 15 00
4,000 7 00
4,000 7 (M
4.000 7 00
0,000 10 00
4,000 7 00
35,000 25 00
4,000 7 00
12,000 12 60
4 000
11 J li Earlcy, Whistietown 4,000
14 J.
. MaUme
4 000
A T Aldrich 10 00
Tniming A- LuniborCo. 05,000 60 oo
14 V,' E Johnston 4.000 7 oo
14 Miles Dent 4,000 7 00
14 L J,. Winslow J,..H) 7 00
14 E. H. Dixon 4,000
Joseph P. Windfelder
Q W Rhiues 8 tubles
G W Kliines, bowling alley
James M'Uinnis, 3 tables
7 00
10 00
CO 00
ill) I'O
50 00
40 00
A C Allen, 2 tables
9 Joseph Windfelder
10 Lorenz Vogel
9' YViJiii-iji (jit-s
t fiorg . Wesnitzf r ..
10 Andrew IIti.ll
2.000 C 00
An appeal will bo held at the court
house, Itidgway, osi taturduy. May 20,
lf7ft, where you feeling aggrieved by
said appiaiseiuent, can have such re
dress the law provides.
L. li. GARNEll,
nil t't Mercantile Appraiser.
SET down for trial at the May Term of
the Court of Common Please ol Elk County
commencing Monday, May 25th, 1S70:
I. L. S. Dodd vs. John Muun, No. 41,
November term, '75.
2 William 11. Evans vs. A. J. Avery,
No. l'.l, April term, '74.
3. J. li. Whitman vu. John M'Gafiic, no.
33, August term, '"4"
4. Lazarus Moyer V3. Patrick Lamb, No.
84, August term, '74.
5. R. W. Morehead et al., administrators
of N. W. M'Cluie, deceased, vs. Hiram
Cannon, No. 28, September term, '74.
0 John Andrews vs. r. T. Wheeler &
Co., No. 63, September term, '74.
7. R, C. M'Gillvs. The Penna. Eailroad
Co.. No. 9, January term, '75-
8. Frauli X. Soi g.vs. D. 0. Oyster, No.
5, January term, '75
9. Miles Dent vs. M. C. Wyckofi and
William Wyclioff, No. -6, fay term, '75.
10. arali 13. Wilcox, vrhiow &c, vs Jesso
and John Pla t, Xo. 21, May term, '75.
II. Wni, R. Young ct el. vs. The Alle
gheny Valley Railroad Co., No. 28, May
term, '75.
12. Lorana E. Luoore vs. Hiraui Wood
ward, No. 11H, May term, '"5.
13. J. S. Rates vs. Martin Euz, No. 174,
May term, '75.
14. John J. P.idgway, vs. -Issao Stephen
son et at., No. 175, May twn, '75.
15. John J. RidgU'ay vs. isarab. fcj. Burns
ot al., No. 17tf, May term, '75.
16. J. K. P. Hall vs. 1. Kunes and Mary
Eunes, No. 19;, May tert-;, '75.
17. James plack vs. Orriu S. Sanders,
No. 19, September term, '75; .
18. A. Wolf & fc'on vs. Martin Enz, No.
23, September term, '75.
19. J. W. Brown vs. 1. B. Poleu, No. 51,
September term, '75.
20. H. C. Moore etal., vs. The Township
of Millstone, No. 79, September term, '75,
21. Geo. Weis, survivor. fcc, vr. The tit.
Mury's Coal Company, No. 100, September
term, '75.
22. I). C. Oyster, lato sheriff, for use,
vs. Martin Sorg, et al., No. 107, September
term, '75
"3. A. C. Allen vs. H. W. May, No. 193,
September term, '75
24. Geo. Brown vs. William K. Wiuslaw,
No 231, September terra' '75.
Ridgway, Pu., April 25, '70 nil.
KoHco of Co-par!aorhip.
Notice is hereby given that th 3 un
dersigned have this day associated
themselves in the butchering business
under tno firm name of Mercer Bros.
W. b MEKUElt.
15. I'. 21 K UO Ell.
All persons in indebted to V. V, Mer
cer are requested to tome forward at
once and settle up.
Ridgway, Pa. May 1st lS76-n lit 3
A Startling Cause of Itebility and Sick
ness fully explained in a large octavo Trea
tise by Br. O. PHELP5S BKOWN, 21
Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. EVERY
MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any
way should send and get a copy at once, as
it is sent free, prepaid by mull. Address
'the author as above. vtinl210t
BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri faoias.
alias fieri fracis, alias levari facias, and
testatum fieri faoias, issued out of tho Court
of Common Pleas of Elk Counly, and to
me directed, 1, Daniel Scull, High Sheriff
of said counly, do hereby give notice that
I will expose to publjo sale or outcry, at tho
Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock
V. M., on
BTontlny, May 22(1, 1870.
all of defendant's interest, claim and de
mand of, in and Ihe following real estate,
situate in tho township of Spring Creek,
Elk Counly Pennsylvania, fcouuded nnd des
cribed as follows, tO'witi Commencing at a
hemlock on the bank of tho Clarion river,
earner of land formerly belonging to A. H.
lihincs; thence north eevenly-nine degrees
cast ono hundred and nineteen perches to a
pout; thence noith thirty-nine degrees east
ciglity-nino perches to a post; theueo north
sevsn degrees east sixty perches to a post;
Ihenco north four decrees west thirty-eight
porches to a post; thence .north twenty-six
degrees cast eigbtoou perches to a post;
thence north fifty degrees east thirty two
perclicito a post; thenco north sixty degrees
east eighteen perches to a post; thence
south three hundred and twenty two perches
to a beech (0. c,-); thence wost along land
formerly of A. S. Rhines two hundred and
two porches to a hemlock- thouce north
fifteen decrees west, along lands formerly
of A. S. Raines, ninety perches to place of
beginning, containing two hundred and
twelve acres more or less.
Siczed nnd taken in execution as tho
property of S. J. Arrnap;ust, at the suit of
Hall & M'Cuuley and others.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of land siluate in the borough of SI, Marys
Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded uud
described as rollo'Vs: Jeginniuf; at a post
said post being tho southern corner of , St.
Marvs street nnd a rond- runnirg to the
lnudsof G, Schooning; thence south along
St. Marys street three hundred feet to a
post; thenco cast three hundred and five
tenths feet to apont at the line of G Schonn
ing's land; thenca north forty degrees east
three h'.'tidred and ten feet along G. Sehoon
iug'aland to a post on road leading to said
Schooling's land; thenco north sUty-eight
and ono fourth degrrces west to a post
along said road one hundred and eixty
eigln and six ten's feel: thence wost along
said road three hundred and forty-thrco
feet to ibc place of b ijjinning, containing
1 wo acres, three roods and live and cir.b.t
tcnths perches, being part of a conveyance
from Appolonia liasselbergcr'a ecocutors
to Charles Luhr, and the same land conveyed
by Charles .Luhr mid wife to Nuah J. i':a 1
ford, by died dated October 221, a.Jj. 10
and recorded in Elk county in Deed Book
.M,'' p.igo C."3, iS-c Said lot ia uudcr
board fence, and has 11 iramo barn erected
thereon, 12x20 feet- ( .
Hei.rcd and taken !r. execution B3 the
property of Noah J. Bradford, at suit of
ALSO, All that certain piece of laud
situate in Fox township, Elk county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described &s follows, Beginning at J pjst on tho north
line of division fourth of wam-ani No.
4093; thence oast one hundred oud yfiit
rods, iroro or less?, to a poot and stonye b
the road; thenco by the road in a nurthyerl
direction one hundred rods, moro cr les.-, to
a beech; thence west by land coi.veyed to
Joseph S, Hyde one hundred nnd seventy
nine rods, more or Ihfs, to a post; thence
south uircty-sir. rods, more or less, to the
place of beginning, containing ore hundred
acres, be thn saino more or leas, being part
of division first of warrant No. -Ij'j.'i, and
part of the laud conveyed to bunicl P.
Kingsbury by Oaviil It. Griggs cud others,
trustees of the Unit ed States Laid Company
by doed dated November 2JM, A. U. I5ij,
recorded in the recorder's oilioe of Eik
cuinty in Deed I'-ook ''0." pago 217, .Sic.
Also, a frame dwelling house 01 said real
Seized and tr.ko.ri in creciUoij as (lie
prjpeity of John M'Ci'.sker, at suit of John
Koch ii, Son.
ALi), All t 'i nt certain lot or piece r.f
ground situate in Ifidgwny lorm-hip, Eik
county, Pennsylvania, hounded and des,
cr.bedus follows' Beginning at the
coiner of the oil's uad one-hslf aero lot
roservvd by Issa Tforlon, Jr., in his deed
tu GiliDiin T. Wheeler, dated the "th, day
of February, A. 1. V'rt'i, end recorded in
Elk county, in Deed Book, "(),'' page 501.
d'C,- llionce southerly along the line of the
Philadelphia & lCrie railroad ten rods to a
pes'; ihcuce westerly by a line at right
angle'i with the railroad line sixteen rods to
a post; thence northerly by a line followed
by the railroad ten rods to the south line of
said llorlon lot; thenco easterly along said
llnrtou's touih lint sixteen rods to the place
of beginning, containing one acr? more or
less. Also, 11 two-story house, 10x22 feot,
on said real estate.
Seized a'ld 't'.kcr. in iecution as 1 lie
pionerty cf Eli litter, at suit of Martin Sorg
ALSO. All that certain lot or piece of
ground situate in the villago of Ridgway,
Elk county, Pennsylvania, lying on the
north side of Main street, and bounded an 1
described as follows: Pogmnine; rt a leech
corner on street one hundred and
fifty feet, more or Ios below tho brick
southwest coriior of J.-.cob V. Honk's store
lot; thence nor'.li twenty-three degrees and
twenty-five minutes one bundled and ninety
two feel; tlien ie in a southerly direction to
the northeast corner of lets of J. F. Dill;
thence south twenty-three degrees aud
twenty-five -minutes one hundred an 1
thirty-five feet along said lots of J, F. Bill
to Main Sreet; thence north sixty six de
grees and thirty-five minutes east sixty feet
to the place cf beginning, being lot No. 32
on the map of plan of Ridgway. Also a two
story frame house 20x30 feet.
Seized and tukeu in execution as the pro.
pcrty of George I). Messenger, at suit of
The 1' irst NXioual Br.ns ct i r.rren.
ALSO.-AH of -defendant's iutst in
the following described real estate, being in
Elk county Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows! Beginningat the line
of Elk and Clearfield counties three huudrcd
and ninety-seven rc-ls easterly from west
hue of warrant No. 4'i71; theuco north one
hundred and seventeen and four-tenths
rods to a post; thence east ninety-nine and
two-tenths rods to a post; thencs south out
hundred and twenty-five rods to county
line north eighty-five and one -half degrees
west uinety-nino and five-tenths rods to the
place of beginning, coutuiuing seventy-five
acres, being north part of warrant No. 4271.
There is a two-story frarre dwelling house
and log barn on said properly .
Seized and taken in execution as tho prop
erty of Alexander Burkey, at suit of Fred.
Scbmuing an! others,
ALSO. all that certain piece or parcel
of land situate and being in Jay township,
Elk county, Pennsylvania, known and de
scribed as tullows, to wit: Commencing at
the southeast corner of Mesibah R. l.ucai'
farm where the new road stirts and runs
through the orchard on tho old farm former
ly owued by Benjamin Leggctt, now de
ceased, and being a part of warrant No 4844
thence along the south line of said old farm
or warrant No. 4844 cast sixty. two rods to
a stake; thence qoitk to the north line of
mid old farm, thence west along said north
line about fifty rods to the northeast oomor
of Rebecca C Moray's farm (which is a
part cf said old farm)'; thence south along
the east line of R. C. Morey's farm toa stake
on the road: thence along the road through
the orchard to the place of begining, com
tainiug fifty-one and one-fourth acres, more
or less,
ALSO. One other tract ;ofland situated
in town county and state aforesaid, and Do
ing part of said warrant No. 4844 bounded
and described as follows to wit: commenc
ing at the northwest corner of George A.
iluller's farm at a stake in the read: thence
easterly along the road between B. E. Leg
gel's sud 0, A. Iluller's; thence easterly a-
long said Hollar's lino to the cast lino of snid
old arm (about forty-eight rods moro or
loss); thenco north along said east line to
the norteast corn or of said old farm thence
west along (he narlh line of said old farm'
to the northeast of above 51 acres of bind;
thenoe south along tho cast lino of said fifty
ono acres of bind to the place of beginning
oontainiuR thirty-six acres moro or less,
together with the appurtenances thereto bo
longing. .
Soi.ed and in cxcoulicn r.s ibo properly of
E. F, Moery, at suit, of Coryell & Runs.
ALS( ). All I lie int Hi-out oft lie dnfrnd
antaof, in nnd to all tluit town lot or
niece ofjrroti n dn'ttiate, lying and being
in the village of Wilcox, J'-nes town.
Khiji, Klk county, known ni'e designat
ed ua (own lot'nuniber one hundred
and ninety-throe, nil ua'cd on the west
side of Marvin Street, in paid vilku-'e'
hounded on tho north by Jr, number
ono hundred and ninety-two; 0:1 Ihe east by
Marvin Street; on Ihe south by lot number
one hundred mil niuety-four, and on tho
iveast by lands of the Wiicox Land and Min
ing company, being s'uty feet in front on
Marvin street by 0110 hundred and twoniy
ftve foot deep, upon which is erected a two
story fro mo boose, eighteen feet by
twenty-six feet, with lean to, sixteen by
eighteen feet, in tho rear, and a baker's
oven attached, Also, a Nmallfitable about
fourteen by sixteen feet, and other out
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Joseph Whitn nnd Charles
lickcrt, at the suit of the Wilcox Lum
ber Company.
ALSO all these cerlnin tv 0 t-vn
lotssituateon Ihe cast Hide of Walnut
street, St. Mary's borough, Elk county
Pennsylvania, described as follows, to
v it. Bejrluiiinjr at a post at tho south
cast comer of Walnut and Mill st reels;
thonce flong said Walnut street south
one hundred and sixty feet to 1.1 post
tnenc cant ono hundred and lifty-ilvo
feet to a post; thence north one hun
dred and sixty feet to a post on the south
side of Mill street; thence iilon;; said
Millstreet in a westerly derection one
hundred and fifty-tb'e feet to tho iilueo
of beginning The said lots, contain
twelve thousand square feet each, they
being lots number fourandsixon Wal
nut street, each lot being eighty feet
front by ore hundred and lifly-l'ivefect
deep, being the same lots which Chas.
Luhi-and wife con veved to John Rolli,
by deed dated March '20th. 1870, and by
paid John Roth and wife to Andrew
Kan la I'd vii'e, thepresent grantors, by
deed bearing tinted September 2!th,
1S74, and together and singular the
i-cized and taken in o::ccution as the
property of Mary Pluck, at the suit of
Geo. If.' Everett-'
ALS'J.uU of the Defendants right,
titlo ai'd irl' iv. t in that co-lain mes
suage, tiv.ct, j.'iece, or :u-sel of hmd-sit-uate,
lyinjrand bebig in the tow.iship
of -lay, count ' of Elk ami ; 'ate of Penn
sylvania, beginning at a pos.- on the
west lino of land of Edward Pinion,
t hence wo.-: 4o perches to a JHrvh t rce.
thence soi'tii forty i-erciies to a po.-!,
thenco east forty per,b"s to a po- t on
line of lut'd "f :-:.!d, E. Vinton, themv
norll) along said l'l'e fori v rc-' hes U
the place of beginning, ciituii' ii'tr ten
acre's moro or l-.vs being a portion of
warr."tit ". I'Tlo, on which is creeled
a tvo etory frame dwelling lioupo.
Seized and t:iKou in exeeiiiion as the
l)roierty of .Morris Plunders, at t he suit
of J. 11 Kline, fm- i'f
XKI'JiS oi-' r-A l.T't
The following must be sirecUy com
plied v illi when the property is struck
1. All bids irrsi be paid, in full, r- ;
cepl where the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
bo pa'd, as well usitll liens prior to that
ofthe purchaser, and a ilu.'y certified
list of liens shad be furnished, includ
ing inortgagOi searches on (he proper
ty sold, together Willi such lieu cred
i tor's roceips for 1 he !'nouut of the sale,
orsueh porlioo thereof u;i he 1 hail ap
pear to be emit h it to,
2. All s-ilo'j not sealed immediately
will be continued nmil six o'clock P
M. at which time all propel y not si l tel
cd for will again he ptif up' ami sold at
the expi-nce and risk of the po'rson to
whom it wa- )ir:,t struck oil' end who
in case of delii-ieney at. sm h re-sale;
shall makegood 1 hs-t-i-iijeand ii. no in
stance v ill the d.eed be present oil in
court for eolith mat ion unless the hid is
ut-tuuHv S'-'t' h-l (or with the Sheriff as
l Nf l'.l, !SCl"L!.,- Shonir.
Sberifi ':i Olllec KidgwavPa. .pril 25
. 'See I'urd'Mi's r?g:stfeh edition; page
ldtl; Smith's forms png-i Hs4:
THE following license petiiions have
been tiled In my ofnojnnd will be tresc-uicd
to tho court of Quarter tressious of Iv.k
County on Wcdueadsy, May J! 1th, al iwo
o'cloCt v. M.
1. Joseph T'.ocli, p'ox Township.
2. Armel 'J'urley, Jay Township.
3. l-ranl; Polluiau, liidgway Township.
4. Jared Mecum, St. Mary's Borough.
5. John Vaughn, St. Mary's Boron gii,
K.ATINC4 Ioi;.Si:.
1. Andrew llau, Po:c Tt
2. Angola .iaussn, .'it- Mary's Eor'o.
ii. Geo! go fccliii'U, St.. Mary's if 01 oiih-
PKLO. cCii-KNiK''!. Clerk.
Ridgway, Pa., April i'-i,- 70 nil.
5ew Tiiao TitMe.
PnLR5Ii,P!i ZA
T, outward.
It' f-?&aA EKSCSS
Tho Niagara Kxpress
fastest time of anv train
. S:1!o P.
. Si CT A.
...7:5 P.
,. KtS-i P. ffl.
.. 3:&1 A. til.
makes., tho
in the r
Leaving Kane at 0 A. M., it arrives in
Philadelphia at 9 P.M.; r turning it
leaves rhiladelphia at 7:-'- A. M.; utul
arrives at Xane at 8:45 P. M. '
; a ami)
To tdl -,vlio ta'c i-v li'e'ri !.' from tho
error.-i and idiscret'onsi of youth,
nervous ivt ak a ess, early decay, lo.-:s of
manhood, itc, I willsenda recipe tbat
will cure you, FREE OFCHAROl-h Tlila
great remedy was discovered by a mis
fcdomiry in fSouth America. Send it nelf
addressed envelope to the Rev. Josiipji
T. Inman', Station U, Jlilile New
York VHtj.
Tiik Fi'.t'c. Times ;,aj s: A new
method of incx'etiHiiitf the issue of silver
coin baa been adopted by tho Treasury
Department. It is to bo paid out in
the ordinary disbursements cf the gov
ernment to an amount equal to the
eilvc-r coin on hand prior to the passage
of the (specie resumption uct. This
will promptly put into circulation a
large amount and must help to relieve
the scarcity of change.
LCKaora kisb color rcstoper
Not a Dye; makes liarsk hair soft nnd
nilky; oleanscs the scalp from all impurities,
causing the hair to grow whero it has fulleu
off or become thin.
Can bo applied by the hand as it docs not
Plain the skin orisoil tho finest linen. As
a H.iir Dressing it is the most perfect the
world has ever produced. Tho hair is re
novated nnd strengthened, and natural
co'nr restored withgul tho application of
miner ".1 substance.'.
Sinco the introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into tnin country, it has
been tho wonder nnd admiration of all clas
ses, as it has proved to bo tho only article
that will absolutely without deception, re
store gray hn.ii- lo its original oolor, health
softness, lustre nnd beauly, nnd produce
hair on bitld heads cf its original growth
and color.
This beautiful and frag, -an'.'y perfumed
article is complete within itself, do washing
or preparation before or arier its uso, or
ncconipanyiiicut. of any kind being required
lo ol.'t iiii these dejirable results.
Herts is tlw Proof oJ 183 SUPESHiQR
E K t-LJ- ii i .
y.'ead this Home Certificate, testified lo
by Edward li. Unrrlgucs one of tho most
competent ltruggisls and f iiemisls of Phila
delphia, a lunu whoso veracity none can
1 nil' hapy to add my testimony ' to Ihe
great valuo of the London Hair Cu or lie-stoi't-r
which restored my hair to its origi.
mil Color, and tho hue appears to bo per
manent. 1 1111 sutislied tint! this prepara
tion not a dye hut operates epm the C
crDtinns. It is ulsn a bountiful hair dress
ing and promotes the growth. ' I purchased
the first botile from Edward II. O.irrigues,
drujgist, Tenth and O'oalcs street, who can
also testify my hair was quiie gray when 1 MUM, MILLER, No.
7oU North Ninth street, Phila.
Dr. rwnyne S!ou, Respected friends:
I have tho pleasure to inform you that a
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is
delighted with the success of your London
Hair Color Restorer." Her leiir was fast
falling and finite pray. The color has been
restored, (he i'.-tllaig ofT entirely stopped,
and a new tow'.u of hair is the result,
"E. 1!. CiAltlllGUES,
L rugafist, cor Tenth aud Coatcs, Phila.
July 1!:U, 1S71.-- Dr. Swayne & Son:
La-t wuner w 11 1 1 a m J rcnton, N. J., I pro
cured s.x bottles London Hair Color Re
sloier, which I like very much, in fact bet
ter ihan uny thing i have used in the last
nine yours. If yen please, sond me one
dozen bottles C () I) care IV 8 I'oclcr i:
lrcont Kireet,
lii-ston. lli-speotfully your?,
Mo iji Rutland Sijuavis
London lii-.H- Celoi- Restorer and Dressing
lias coiiip'eicly restored my hair to its
original color and youthful beauty, and
cau.-'ed a ratdd and luxiu-'iint n;rov:th.
MR.S. AN M li MORRIS, No ti.'tj. North
Seventh trcot, Philadelpliia.
Dr. 1'e.U cu of I'iiiliuielph ia, says of it.
The London Hair Color Restorer is used
very c-xteiiMvely nineng my patients and
friends, as well as by myself. 1 therefore
rpeak from ' r. erieuce.
Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE A SOS
Si'.U Nt.nlt fci.-ah Uneet, Philadelphia, Pa.,
sole Proprietors.
s a x, ti 12 1 . -s l s Et w ua a is ts
This distressing and dangerous complaint
and its priinonitcry symptoms, neglected
uotigh, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting
flesh lever pe-iiianci:lv cured by DOCTOjJ
i ,
Nt'lIITIS A rremonitor or Pul
monary C'.-r.'t'iiipiion, is uhanieterized by
catarrh, or int'siiiiali ;;: of :lie iniicum ineui
brano of llie air passages, with cough and
expectoi'i'.tum, short breath, hoiunencss,
pains in the chest, for nil biouchial atl'ot-U-'iu,
tore throat, loss of voice, coughs,
Costpoual Eyr;.p of Wild Cherry
lloniorrlinw", or ifpilting of P-lood. may
proceed lroui the larynx, irachin, bronchia
or lungs mid arises trom various causes, a:
undue physical eortioii, plethora, or full-110..-3
of tho vessels, weak lungs, ovcrstruiu
ug ofthe voice, suppitssed evacuation, ob
structionof the spleen or liver, &e.
Dr. Sw!yiK-3 Coinjsouiid Syruj) of V?h
striken ct the root of disease by purifying
tlieblool, restoring tho aud kidneys
to lier.ltliy action, invigorating the ncrvoiu
'PL 3 only standard remedy for hcnior
rliane, bronchial and all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or those predis
posed to weak lungs should not fail to use
thi;S great vegetab-o remedy.
Its marvelous power, not only over con
cumpi-ou, out over every c-nronio uisease
wliero a gradual alterative action is needed
I'uder its uso tho cciif h i:s loosened, tho
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
tno pulse returns to r.s natural standard
the stomach ia improved in its power to di
gest ana nssimiiito tlie looil, and every
organ has a purer and belter quality of
ijifcou si'ppii'ju to it, out ot which new re
creative and plalia material is made.
Prepared only by
ca. SyfAYPJE & sow,
839 North fiixth SP.-cet, Fiiilatlelpliia.
't U B ft ("
roscrivriA- c.'KKD by the ur,e of
I was sorely afi'icted with cue of the most
diutrccsius oi all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or moro commonly knowu as Itching
Plies. Tho itching at times was almost in
tolerable, increase! bv scratching, nnd not
uufreqiicntly become quite solo. I bought
a bos ot Mirny ue's Ointment; its uso gave
i: .c- 1 , . . . .
ipucK iciai, linn in a tnoit, umo raauo tt
perfect euro, lean now sleep undisturbed,
and I would advice all who are suffering
wiui mis uiMioMiug eempiaiut to procure
Swayno's Ointment at ouae. I had tried
picscripiions alnicst inuumerablo, without
finding aud permanent relief.
(Firm of Roedel & thriet
Root and Sl.oo House Sil North Second
btreel, Philadelphia.
Sway no's All-healing Ointment is also
a spcoiho lor letter. Itch, halt Rhcuin
S311IJ Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Plotches, all Scaly, crusty, cutaneous lir
ruptiotis. Perfectly eafo aud harmless
evou on the most teuder iafaul. Price fit)
cents. Sent by mail to any address ou re
ceipt of prico. . m
uoieuraieu an over iao worm lor ns rema-
ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercuraland Pyphil
ilio eoinplaiuts. Describe symptoms in all
ormmicauutio address nsletters to DR
U'A'AYNE and SON, Philado.lphia. u7yl
Plant trees
Ficn j) us local items
'Par, roads are muddy.
Tins leaves hnve started. ; '
CoritT v cek on May 21th.
Rain Morm here yesterday.
HkAvv frost here Uit niglit.
Yi:sTi:nnAY was a cool day.'tnE for t he Advocate.
Tub base ball Reason is opened
Makixo gardoii i;-i next in order
Su,vi:it change is now in circulation.
Don't move your stoves out doorsyet
Tjiij Lcgislid ore has adj.mrrcd h'iw
Call and see our ntylo of visiting
enrds. .
Tin: 10th of May is now a legal
Uvf'i k Sa m Is near'y one hundred
years old
J.Nu. 0. IIai 1 walks to his firm every
morning Powkli, is having his farm
lifiooKVJLt.K bad a$-!o,POOfire week
before last.
N'i;v jiolido.'fl hnv-o appeared in
Tiik A.b ocate office turns out first
class job work.
CriiT 15AUHET has come back to
town to stay.
Wr, t'cticeoiir old friend D. B.Day
on the street.
Ws hope to give a better variety of
reading matter soon
EADiK.-siu need of venting cards wii
do well to give us a call.
The new trappings for Company II.
will Le here in a few days.
Tue fare to Philade'phhi and re
turn from Ridgway is $13,20
The bridge cr depot street is being
repaired by Supervisor Riley.
The public debt was reduced $2,700,-
000 durirg the month of April.
Tin: opening of the Centennial Ex
hibition yesterday was brilliant.
The llidgway test oil well is now a
ho:-it; only this and nothing moro.
The mcrcautilo appraisement list
ippea'-.s rn the Al) ot ate this ween.
Hexkv Makvjn still continues to set
out shad-j trees. May his shadow never
row less.
The Commissioners have decided to
prohibit boys from playing ball in the
Court Yard.
new si lo w ilk will be put down
on the west side of Mill Street from
Main to Centre.
Won't somebody please get o'.arried
and Kivo us the ioh ol printing their
wedding cards.
Tin: Centennial Exhibition at Phila
delphia was formally opened to tho
public yesterday.
The Riley House is the place to get if
lirst-t lass meal, a-we have occasion to
know from experience.
I). Eahekv is having a new
"once built on the Earrett lot corner of
Broad and Centre streets
A i.ahiie number of fruit tress have
icen planted in town this spring. Ye
editor set out sevenb-on.
At the Advocate ofliceyou can find
envelopes by the pack or box, witn
request prinled or without.
Pnr-snv 'e;iia:t services in the Luth
eran church on Sunday morning and
evening ncrt, nt the usual hours
Thomas; Ckaven", John J4 Itidgway 's
gent, died 'ii Philadelphia Pa-, May
'2d, 1 87(5, in the seventy-sixth year of
his age.
Pi.Afis were displayed in several
places about town yesterday in honor
of the opening of the Centennial Ex
The Commissioners are having the
court yard leuce repaired; and a new
walk laid down the Main street gate to
tho Court House.
Veietai;i.i:s as tomatoes, onions,
radish -s e'V, are received daily in this
market, but the prices aro rather
strong on money.
Ectti.s are worth - twenty cents a
dozen. Hatter li vorih thirty li'ti
cents a pound; pork thirteen cents;
Potatoes nje worth fifty cents a bushel.
Gko. R. Djxox, haii niuved into tho
Soul her house on South Street. Tho
editor of the Advocats now lives in
the house formerly occupied by A. F.
Eiiy, corner Mill and Centre streets.
The Black Hills gold lields are now
set down as a great fraud. We give
some of tlie prices paid for necessities
of life. Sugar is 40 cents per pound;
bacon oO it-; corn. 50 cts; Hour $22 00
per sac'-i .... , ,,
Tho constitutionality of the boohi
bill is to be argued before Governor
Hart ran ft aud Attorney (Jeneral Lear.
No time has yet been fixed for the ar.
gumcnt, though it will probably bo
heard within the next ten days.
NOTE Visitors' Guide to the Cen
tennial Exhibition and Philadelphia,,
authorized by the Board cf Finance and
the only one to be snld on the ground
for sale at the NEW YORK STORE
for L'-j cents. It contains a man of
Fhiladclphi '. and . the Ceiitcnnial
(rounds and Many statistics etc. of
jrcat interest
The patrons of the Advocate will
now lind us located over tho store ot '
Powell A Kime, where wo will le
plcused to'Kee any of our friends. u
will say in this connection that having
received several new faces of job typo
we aro prepared to do all kinds of job
work in first class stylo.- If you want '
letter-heads, bill-heads, cards, 'envel
opes, or circulars, give us a call.