.1 G. A. RATHBUA, , Allorney-at-law, Ridgway, V. ii If. RVFUS LUCORE, t. . 1 Attorncy-at-Law ilidgwiiy, BU Co.,..r. . Offioe in .Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL fc M'UAukEi; Attorney s-fct-Lvt i Office in New Brick Building, , Main St fcidgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3u2tf. J, O. IF, BAIL EY, ATTORNEY-At-LAW. vliuiil. ., Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. , Agent for the. Traveler's Life and Acol dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, . Burgeon Dentist,' having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers hiaprofessional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana. sur rounding country. . AH work, warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-3iMy G. G. MESSEN GER. . , Druggist nr.-d Vn mnceutift, fl. Vf. cornn of Main and. Mill street,. Kidgwny,. T.'fi.: full assortment of c:uct:'.lly !-;hciti 1. .For eign an 1 Dpmcstic Dri:. l'.rasrtUoii carefully dispensed at all liouro, di'.y or night. vln3y T. ,S. II Mi V LEY .',., Plieiniin ! 8!:Vf.ea. Officii in lr.ug ii'.qre, coiner l.ruiid. r.ud fanin lloit'.vu-jo c.irn.cr Um.ul tit. opposite the ColliM'". . !lS?e ho';r- 1'uiu 8 to 10 A. M. ami fruei 7 l i' P. vilify 1. J. S. JWIiifM'E.KK, A D.t clcctio Thysiciun nnJ Surgeon, hnsrjmov ed his office from Centre street, tp Mail st. Jlidgway, l'a,, in.the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's stcre. , tKlico hours:-! to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M II IDE 110 USE, KinoWAV, Elk Co., Pa. AV. II. SCIiftAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon ui"i, the new proprietor, hopes, by pfjing .strict, at lention to.the qomlort and cc-uveuiciice oi guests, to merit a continuance ci tin same. KERS E Y II 0 L'S E, CCSI'MR'ILLR, El.K Co., Pa. John Ci.'LU.vs, rroprtetor ... Thnukl'ul for the patronage hereto!or no liber illy bestowed upon, him, the new pro p-ielor, hopes, by paying slrist pt tentiou to the coinl'ori e.i.d convenience of guests, t1 merit a coutinnanse of the Bame. K. JAY.S, I'KALE. IS !Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PAS. r.arltii P. vln47if. CHARLES . HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street,, Ridgway, Pa. Agent 'or,the ijowe Sewing Machine, and Morton. Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, dosewith he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly Ridgway Cemetery; Lots are now offiercd for rale ly the Ridgway Cemetary Association ia the new Cemetery The present low price for lots goon be advanced. Appiy at me omce oi W. S. HAMBLEN, 'Secretary Jlidgway, Sept. 7 1875. u-29 P YOU WANT TO 15 U GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMESIll IIAGKlVnf Main Street, Ridgway', Pa. jJltY GOODS, KOtlONst vtiOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND'. QUEENS. WARE, WOOD AND WI LLO W-WA It E, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. i A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. ' The BEST BRANDS of FLOUll CcDStantly on hand, and sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. JAME'3 lif: ffAOERlr. . Fresh family Groceries, aod Canned eoods at'P&KV Tha' clitsrt-ft c i' 9 X RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA itAlfc ROAD Philadelphia Erie R. R. Division WINTER, TIME TABLE. ON an'Aafter. MONDAY, MAY , 24. 1875, the trains on the Philadelphia k Erie Railroad will run as follows l . , . .1 , WISTWAItD. i M , KANE ACCOM leaves Rnovd, 4 86 p ta " ' Drift od- 6 65 p m ' " Empqrium 6 65 p m " " StHarya... 7 65pm " " Ridgway... 8 25 pm ' Wiloofc, 9 06 p m arr at Kane.. 9 80 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m ' H f Renbvo ,,..11 05 am " ", Emporium 1.10 pm " St. Mary's 2 00pm Ridgway 2 25 p m .Wiloox. 2 53 p m " arrive at,Erie..,.v... t CO p m . , .. , EASTWAKll. , . ... RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m Wilcox-..,.,.... 8 83 a m ' " .Ridgway....... 9 25 a m " 8. Marys. ...... 10 01 a m 11 " Emporium......! 1 05 a m Driftwood 12 15 p m Renovoi, ......... 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie. .20 a m Kane...,.MU.,. 8. 45 p m ! 1' Wilcox 4 08 p m " m -.Ridgway 4.45 p m ' ! Ef.. Marj's...,., 6.10 p m w ' EmpQri.vim.,., 6.05 pm " , t' Renovo- 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadcpbla... 6. GO m Renovo Accom and Kane Accom connect east and wst at East with Low Grade Di vision and B N V & P R R WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW LilVERY STABLE DAN SCRlB.NtER WISHES TO 1 'ortu the' CittzcDs of Ridgway, and the public gccerally, that be has started a Liv- ' ! cr ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Duties, to let upon the most reason ble tcrus K5a,He will also do job teanirg. Stable on Bread street, above Main All orders lift altht Poet Office will ceel prompt attention Ai-'g io hit. it. Frivate Tuition. - Pupils wantisg to receive insttuction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare or College can have opportunity ofd:inr;io by applying to the Rector of Grace Church. He having made the neeessary arrange ments , will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms &c apply to , ; , KEY' WM. JA3. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Thos. Campbell,, (3r.; late of Highland 4 township, Elk.i county de ceased. All .persons ode.btedi to said es tate are requested .Lo raak immediate,pay ment, na ,fhcse having legal alalia aijainst the sar.'.e Will present them., without delay in proper order, fur settlement, to ROBT. I. CAMP15ELL, Administrator. Ridgway, Pa., March 15, 187b' nt tit ADMIXISTRAJTOR'S '0TICE Estate op Hugh McCready. Dec'd. Letters testamentary upon the Above estate have been grunt $( to the undersigned,, all jj,ersonSrjiJ?Jb't:ed to wiid estote are reouetpd to, rrmke pny ment. and those having claims to pre sent the Bame without delay, to H E N H Y M cCRlCADY, A dmin ist rator, Kersey, Elk,.Contfty, Pa. or to hi-Attorneys Hail a SI'CAuley, Ridgwy, Pa. n J-tt. , Caution. All. persons are hereby warned not to purchase or meddle with xme Mosler A Rahman fire proof safe. purchased by the undersigned at SherilTs Sale, and left in the ease of A. J. Avery of Weed ville, until convenient to remove ihe came, as the said A. J. Avery has' no interest in said safe. ' i ' . E F. AVERY Weedville, April 1st, 1870 ntf. Register's Notice, Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts have been filed in my oflicc.and will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Or phan's Court for confirmation, being the 4th Monday in May, lfe76. Final account of Horace .Little, and Hiram Egk-ston;, Administrators.Qf the estate of Clark Eg lestox. .deceased. Final accouut of ."Walhurgai Tresch Administratrix, of the . estate of Ma thias 'J'REScirdecetwed'., . Supplemental', account of Jtr'ome Po'veil Adniijiisj'rator of the estate of J. C.ChApin, deceased. FRED. tSCIiCEKINO, Register. Cauiiorf.' Weedville, April 4th," 1876. All per sons are hereby warned not topurchase any of the following named articles now in the possession of Mr A J Avery, of li'eedville, Elk county, Pa , as. aid articles were purchased by the under signed, at Sheriff's Sale, and are only left in , possession of the fad 4yy until .convenient, for me to, remove them: One sprrel mare, one black and white cow, three yearling, ateerjj, , one two yeatiold bttU.ne. two yar old heiffer,;one whitehog, onebuggV, one lumber wagon, one pair log sltxkt, one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, pne.pair platfonn scales, one heating.stove and pipe, one heating f)toy,e,.qrie lot of po tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. C. Li. AVERY. uPtf.' A complete stock of .ladies .wiests nd cbiidrens shces, Jigtti,. t medmm and heavy at P, A K's Not ia the time to buJ . . Alpacij eheapsr tbai ever befo known it P. & K's. 1- ' i ! 5t - - TOBXTTORK-We are now prepared fj.rt "bYY ?to.,doaU kind of JOB. .WORK, Eve'piiTags. Bill-heads, i Letteishaadi neatly',!: A ehftaply execute!, ,LOffieeiin ANNUAL SETTLEMENT OFJA Y Towmhip for the year ending April 10, 1876. i . i Assessed valuation. i 1212,727 50 Am't ofeated road tax 700 89 " ofuhseatclr'd tax 40 93 ' it , i -. " of orders received from commissioners Am't supervisors checks on township treM. this year Am't stipervlsor's checks can celled at auditors' settle ment i,: y. i J.,.,11 ,t Am't this, year's issue out standing,, , . I ! Am't due sup'rs at settlement L. F . Leggett 1H4 20 A- Evans - 93 77 ,i ' ' '!'tf ' Am't bf outstanding liabili ties pf this year ,,. Am.t of funds remain- m Irig in,treasury i 42 88 Am't ..uncollected on i . special tax 416 62 1,701 82 tlooo C'38 55 1554 81 83 74 277 97 601 71 1 158 50 Am't, unprovided for this -i yeari.d. . , ... t i' Am.'t indebtedness Of former years ,.. i, i Am't old orders' outstanding Am't haj4 on old accounts thlsyeftr-rt ., i ... . Jj.Turley judgment Chas Webb ivdgtnent Orders held by J. Wilhelm 403 21 85 00 00 00 -60 00 -' iViYJVT . 19500 VM. B. IJEAVITT, ) J. M. HROOKENS, Auditors. Oi Lu THURSTON, j Attest-A. W. Ohay, Clerk n9t3 ' JONES TO UrXSHIP IN A CCO UNT with funds of eaid Township. To amount in hands of treas urer first of year i. 144 56 To amount 'seated tax levied 1 131 61 To orders from county com missioners , 1,260 00 To cash from Collector Attle barger - -4 46 . .. ,. , I . $2,640 62 By amoii'i;,t,of standing out of- i dcrs redeemed 154 41 By paid treasurerlacommlsslpjj 60 52 By Ahvouiitpaid Supervisor Mil- .. ler for services ., , 220 00 By amount paid laborers under Miller,.. . ; 1 1- ' . )' ' r932 91 By amoorht paidupcrvisor Peter MaJ:cU,for.servioeri- )tl ( 258 80 By amount paid laborers under March u. .. . . 70" 00 By antounteated taxes in col teeter's liands, subject to com- , mission nd. exoneratioca 160 90 By amount paid towmshijp of ficers 60 00 $2,640 62 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF JONES TOWNSHIP, Amount due from Collector Miller. 1872 . . .. . 92 93 Amount due from Collector Wilier, 1873 ... 68 01 Amount due from Collector Theo. Cook, 1874 . ... 177 00 Amount due from Collector Theo. Cook, 1875 ( . . 166 90 Amount due from Collector Attlebarger, '70 and. 71 . 116 27 Amount due from coifnty treas- if urer, old fund 237 22 Amount due from taxes, '74 and m '7A subject, to commissions " and expenses 600 00 . $1.323 89 ROAD LIABILITIES. Amount of outstanding road order . , , 898 19 Excess of assets over liabilities 425 14 $1,323 13 POOR ASSETS Amount due from Collector Miller. '73 . ...... 82.96 Excess of liabilities over assets - 623 41 .,... Ij M !VJ-,t806 87 . , PpOR LIABILIIIE8. -., Amount, orders outstanding 74 66 Due tlk County , ?y 50 Due County treasurer 219 81 ,. , ...:', f06 87 VALUATIO.I Or TATA D LB SOPIftTT IK JOH TOWNSHIP. II , Seated 113,161 00 Unseated . . .. i. 151,125 00 No. of mills levied for roads . . .... 10 By order of Board of Auditors. n9-3t jAi. N. Willi, Town Clerk. LIST OF LICENSES. THE following .licenae, petitioni -have been filed In my offlcjand will be presented to. the court of Quarter bessions of . Elk County on Wednesday, May 24th, at two o'clock p. m, TAVERX. . . 1. Joseph Koch, Fox Township. 2. Armel Tnrley, Jay Township., .. 3. irank Pollman, Kidgway Township. 4. Jared Mecum, St. Mary'a Borough. 6. John Vaughn, St. Mary's Borou gh. ,' JJATINO HOUSE. 1. Andrew Uau, Fox Jownship. 2. AngolsKlausman, gt. Mary's Bor'o. 8. George Schaut, St, Mary's Borough- i'RED. BCHtENINQ, Clerk. Ridgway, Pa., April 25, -'76nll. ( LIST OF CAUSES. ' SET down .foe. trial at the May Term of the Court ofjComman Please ot lk County commencing Monday, May 25th, 187C: 1. L. S. Dodd vs. John Munn, No. 44, November term, '75. . . 2. William H. Kvani vs. A. J. Avery, No. 19, April term, '74. . . 1.8, 1. B. Whitman vs. John M'Qaffie, no. 33, August term., ;74- , . i . 4. L&iarua. Moyer vs. Fatrick Lamb, No. 84, August term, '74'.. -i. 6. R. W. Morehed et ol., administrators of N, W. M'Cluie, deoeased, vs. .Hiram Caruian, No. 23, September term, '74. . 6. John Andrews vs. (i. T. , Wheeler & Co., No. 63, fieptember term, '74 7. R. C. M'OiUva. The Penna. Railroad Co., No. 9, January term, '75. 8. Frank X. Sorg .vs. 1). C. Oyster, No. 5, January term, '73. , . ...... 9. Miles Xeut vs.. M. C. Wyekoff and William WyekofT, Ko..6. Muy term, 75. 10. Sarah 8. Wilcox, widow, Sio vs Jesse and John Piatt, No. 21, May term, '75. . . 11. Vim. R. Young et el. vs. The Alle gheny Valley Bailioad Co., No. 28, May termL '7,5.1 . i. ,,, . . 12..LorD E. Lueore vs Hiram Wood ward, No. US', May. term, '75. 13. J. S.Bates vs. Martin ni, No. 174, May term, '75. , , , 14. John J, Kidgway, ve. Issao Stephen son et at., No. 176, May Urin, '76. 15. John J, RidgWay vs. Sarah 8. Burns et al, May term, .'75. 16,. J. KL P. Jlall.v. D. Kunes and Mary Kune.8, No. 193, May,termt '75. - . j . 17. James Iilaok vs. Orrin S.Sanders, No. 19, September term, '75. ,. t 18. A, Wolf A eon vs. Martin Knt, No. 28, September term, '75. , j-. 13. Jv W, Brown vs. P. B. Pol en; No. 61, September term, 75.i ,, . r 20. II. C. Moore etalrt vs. The Township of Millstone, No. 79, September term, '76, ' 21. Ueo. Wtis, survivor, &., v. The bt. Mary's Coal Company, No. 160, Soptomber term, '75. :'. 'i. i , 22. D. C. Oyster, laU. sheriff, for use, vs. Mavtin Sorg, et al., No. 167, September town, '75. . t i 23. A; C: Alloa s. H. W. May, No. 193, September term, '76 v ' i , i!4; Geo. Brwa vs. William K. Winslow, No 231, Septeinber term".75. , .. ., , t. Ji'ItED. SCIICEN INd.1 Glera. Ridgway, Pa., April 26, '76 nil. SHERIFF'S SALES! (( BY virtue of sundry writs of Bert focias. alias fieri fraoli, alias levari faoias, and testatum fieri faoias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me direotei, Daniel tioull, Itigh Sheriff of said oounty, do heresy -fits .notiee that I will expose to public salo.or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, at One o'clock p. M f on f .' , j. ; ? -i Momiay, May iU, lsU! all of defendant's Interest, claim and de mand of, in.and the followins; real estate, situate in the township of Spring Creek, Elk County Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as follow, 10'Witi, Commonoing at a hemlpck oa. the bank. of th.Qlarion river, oerner of land-formerly belonging to A. S. Rhines; thence north seventy. nine degrees east one hundred and nineteen perches to a post; thence north thirty-nine degrees east eighty-bine perchi-to a post; thence north seven degrees east sixty perches to a post; thepoo north four degrees west thirty. eight perches to a post;. tlieaoe north twenty-six degrees eatt eighteen perches to a post; fienoe north fifty degrees east thirty. two perches tti a post; thence north sixty degrees east eighteen perches to a post; thence south three hundred and twenty two perches lo a beech (o. c); thence west along land formerly of A. S. Kbines two hundred and two perches to a hemlock theace north fifteen degrees west, along lands formerly of Ai 8. linines, nipety perches to place of beginning, .containing two hundred and twelve acres more or. less, ; Sieied and .taken in execution as the property of 8, J Armagust, at the suit of Hall k M'Cauley and others. , r ALSO. All that . certain piece or parcel of land situate in, tho borough of St. Marys Elk county, i Pcnesylvania,' bounded and desoribed as follove: Beginning at a post said post being the southern corner of dU Marys street and a road running to the lauds of 0, Schoeningt th'enos south along St. Marys streat three hundred fcetlto-a post; thenco east three hundred nnd five tenths fsetf o a post at the line of O Schcen Ing's lnnd;ithence nqrth forty degrees east three hundred and ten feet along (i. ftehcen iig'slaud to a post on road leading to said Schcening's land; thence north sixty-eight and one fourth degrrees west to a post along eaid.rOftd one hundred and sixty eight r.nd elx-tents feel: thence west along said road three . hundred and. forty-three feet to the place of beginning, containing two acres, three roods and .five and eight tenths perches, being part of a conveyance from Appnlonia Haaselberget's. eiecutors to Charles Luhr, and the same land conveyed by Charles Luhr and .wife to Noah J. Brad ford, by deed dated October 22d, A.DM868 and recorded in Elk county in Deed Book ".M." page 653, &c. Said lot is . under board fence, and has a irama barn erected thereon, 12x20 feet. i . i- Seixed and taken, in execution as the property .of Noah J, Bradford, At suit of ALSO. iAU that cer'ain piece of land situate in Fox township, tlk cvunty, Penn sylvania, bounded an? described as lollows, to-wit;. Beginning at a pst on thoicorth line of division fourth of. warrrant No, 4093; thence east one hundred, nod jfift rods, more or less, lo a post and etopye b the road; thence by the road in a nirlhyerl direction one h'nndred rods, mere or less, lo a beech; thence west by land conveyed to Joseph 8. Hydeone hundred and seventy nine rods, morq or less, to a post; thence south ninety-six rods, more or less, to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less, being part of division firt of warrant No. 40'J3, and part of .the land conveyed-to Daniel P. Kingsbury by Uavid K. Griggs nrid others, trustees of the United States Land Company by deed-uatea rsovemoei z;u, A. D- iscf, recorded in the .reeorder'j office of Elk o-vunty in il)eed Book ,,''C." .page 217, &o. Also, a frame dwelling house oc said real estate,. . o ! Ized and taken in execution as -'the prop-rtjl of John M'Cusker, at suit of John Koch & Son. . . ALSO. All that , certain lot or piece of ground situate in Ridgway township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des, cnibeds follows: Beginning at the south east corner of the one and one-balf acre lot reserved by Issao Horton, Jr., in his deed to Gilman T. Wheeler, .dated the 7th, day of February, a, D. 1872, and recorded io Elk oouuty, in Deed Book, "O," page 591, &e.; thence southerly along Uie line of the Philadelphia A Erie railroad tea rods to a pest; thence westerly by a line at right angles -with Ihe railroad line sixteen. rodslo a post; thence northerly by a line followed by the railroad ten'rpds to the south line of said Horton lot; theace. easterly along said Hortoa's sopth line sisteen rods to, the place of beginning, containing, one acre more or less. Also, a two-story house, 16x22 feet, on said real estate. t ....-.. , Seised and taken in execution as the property of Eli FAter, ntsuit-of Martin Sorg ALSO.All"that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the village of Ridgway, Elk couaty, Pennsylvania lying on the oor'th aide of Main streetyiand bounded and 'desoribed as follows: Boginning at a beech corner on Main: street one hundred and fifty fest,i core or less below the brick southwest corner of Jacob V, Houk's store lot; thenoe north twenty-three degroes and twenty-five minutes one bundled and ninety two feet; thence in asoutherly directioa'to the northeast corner of lota of J. F. Dill; thence Q&uth tWeoiy- three degrees and twenty-five minutes one hundred and thirty-five feet along said lobs o J, F. Dill to Main Sreet; thence nartb Bjxty six de. grees and thirty-five minutes east sixty feet lo the place of beginning, being lot No. 82 on the map of plan of Ridgway. Also a two story frame lipase. 20x30 Jeet. Seized and taken in execution as the pro. perty of George 1). Messenger, at suit of The First Natioinrl Bank of Warrto. ALSO.t-AII of defendant's interest in the following descr. bed real estate, being in Elk. county Pennsylvania, bounded and, described as follows: Beginning at tine line 1 of Elk and Clearfield counties three hundred and sinety-seven rods easterly from west line of warrant No. 4271; thence nortbone hundred and seventeen and four-'eoths rods to a post; thence east nliuety-nine and two-tenths rods to a post; uence soutnont Lundred and .twenty-five roll to oounty line nontb' eighty .ive and one-half degrees west ninety-Line and five-tenths rods to the place pf beginning, containing seventy-five acres, being nerUi part of warrant No. 4271. There is a two-story frame dwelling house and log barn on said property, i , Seised and taken in exeuticnee thee prop erty of Alexander, Burkey, at suit of Fred. Schneuing and others, : ALSO. all that certain pieoe or parcel of land situate and; being in Jay township, Elk coantys Pennsylvania, known aad de soribed as follows, to wit: Commenoing at the southeast corner of Mesibah . Luoai' farm where the new groad starts and runs through tbeorohard en the did farm former, ly owned by Benjamin Leggett, now de, oeased, and being a part of warrant No 4844 thence along the south line of said old farm or warrant No. 4844 east eiity-two rod to a stake; thence noith te the north line of aid '-old farm, henoewest along.jiaid north line about tfty cods to tte northeast coruor of Rebecca C, Morey's farm (whiok is a part pf said old farm); tbenee south along the east line of R. C. Morey'4 form toe nt ike on the road: thenoe along the road through the orchard to the place of begining, con taining fifty-one and One-fourth acres, more or less, . .t i ALSO. OneotRer tract tifland situated in town county and stole aforesaid, and tve ing part of said warrant No. 4814 bounded and described as follers -to wit: commenc ing at the' northwest -corner of Ueorge A. Iluller's farm al a stake in the road: thenoe easterly along the road bstweon B. E. Leg get's and G. A. Iluller's; thence easterly a long said Ilullar's line to the east line' of said old farm- '(about forty-eight rods more or less); thence north along said east, line to the norteast cornor of said old farm thence west along tho north line of said, old farm to the northeast of above 51 acres of land; thence south along tho east line of said fifty one acres of land to the place of beginning oontnining thirty six acres more or less, together with the appurtenances thereto be longing. i ..... Seized and in execution as the property of E. F. Moery, at suit of Com ell & Bues. ( ALSO. All the Interest of the defend-1 ant$of, in and to all that-town lot or fileceof ground situate, lying and being n the .village' of Wilcox, Jones town, ship. Elkcountyi known ane designat ed as town lot -nuirfcber one hundred and ninety-three, situated on the west side of Marvin Street,' in said village' bounded on the north by lot 'number one hundred and ninety-two; on the east by Marvin Street; on the south ,by loti number one hundred and ninety-four;' and on the weast by lands of the Wilcox Land and Min ing oompany,1 bo!ng siirty feet in front on Marvin street by one hundred and twenty five feet deep, upon which is erected a two atory frame, house, eighteen feet by twenty-six feet, with leanto, sixteen by eighteen feet, in the rear, and a baker s oven attached. Also, asmallstable about fourteen by sixteen feet, and other out buildings. . Seized and taken in execution ns the property of Joseph White and Charles Bekert, at the suit of the Wilcox Lum ber Company. ALSO all those certain two town lots situate on the east side of Walnut street, St. Mary's borough, Elk county Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit. Beginning at a post at the south east corner of Walnut and Mill streets; thence along said Walnut street south one hundred and sixty feet to a post tnenc east one hundred and li fty-live feet to a post; thence north one hun dred and sixty feet to a poston the south side of Mill street; thence along said Millstreet in a westerly dereetion one hundred and fifty-five feet to the place of. beginning The said, lots contain twelve thousand square feet each, they being'lots' number four and six on Wal nut street,' each lot being eighty feet front by one hundred and fifty-five feet deep, being the same lots which Chas. Luhr and wifecouveved to John Both, by deed dated March 2Gfh. 1876, and by said John 'Both And wife to Andrew Kauland wife, thepresent grantors, by deed bearing dated (September 20th, 1874, and- together and singular the buiWings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Mary Black, at the suit of Geo. II Everett. . . ALSO. nil of the-Defendants right, title and interest in that certain mes suage, tract, piece, or parsel of land sit uate, lying and being in the township of Jay. .county of tlk and state of Penn sylvania. 'Beginning at a post on the. west line of land of .Edward Finton, thence west 40 perches to a JVirch tree, thenco south forty perches to a, post, thence east forty perches to a post on line of land of said, E. Finton, thence north along said lino forty perches to the plnce of beginning,-containing ten acres moro-or less being a portion of warrant No. 4895, on which is erected a two story frame dwelling house. Seized and fatten in execution as the property of Morris Flanders, at the suit of J. H Kline.orww. TKRMS OK SALE: . The following must bestrectly com plied with when the property is struck off: i ' : t i. ' 1. Ali Lids must be paid in full, ex cept, where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the (purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well asall liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly certified list of liens shall be furnished, includ ing mortguges searches on the proper ty sold, together with such lieu cred' iter's receips for the amount of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall ap pear to.be entitled to. 2. All sales not settled Immediately will be -continued until six o'clock P. M. at which time all propefy potscttcl ed.for wiljt atrsTn. be put up and sold at the-.expence ij.nd risk of the person to whom it was-first struck off and who in case of deficiency- at such re-sale; shall make good the some and in no in stance will the deed be presented in court for confirmation unless the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as ., . DANIEL SCULL; Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Ridgway Pa. April 2.ri, 1876. , ,-.. 4 . ,! See Pnrdon's DigeslOth edition; page 448; Smith's forms page 384: FTATT7S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR . RENEWER. Every year increases tho popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation;; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its High standard; and it ia the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Qs.lt ob Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and eiiken. ice scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff and, by its jtonio properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old acre. . It is the most economical IIaib JDkkssinq ever used,' as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D, State Assayer pf Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent, quality ; and I consider it the Best Pbepasatiox for its intended purposes." Bold by ail DruggUU, and I) talari n iltdicinu. Frio Oa Dollar. Buclnngliam's Dye YOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray car faded-Whickers, we have prepared this dye, in on preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish' this result It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash ofit Bold by all Druggists. Pnce Fifty Cent,;ir . . - Manufaotursd by R. P. HALL' & CO VASXTJA, VM. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTT. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh bnlr soft and silky; oleanses the soalp from all Impurities, causing the bair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Can be nf plied .by the hand as it dees not stain the skin or;soil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect the world has ever produced. The hair is' re novated and strengthened,- and nnUirnl co'or restored without tho application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it- has been the wonder end admiration of all dai ses, as it. has proved .to be the only article that. will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original color, he.iltb softness, lustre and beauty, and produce bair on bald beads of its original growth and color. i . This beautiful and fragrantly ferfumed article is; complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany meat of any kind being required j to obtain these dcsirabUi results. Here is the Proof if Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. yjcad this Home Certificate, testif:?d to by Edward B. Oarrigucs on of the most competent Druggists nnd Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whoso veracity none can u.iubt. I am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. nal Color, and the hac appears to be per manent; 1 tin satisfied that this prcpani' tion not a dye but operates upon the se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchuued Ihe first bottlo from liilward JJ. Oarrigues, druggisl, Tenth and Coalos street, who can also testify my bair wns quite gray when I commenced its use. MILS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Thila. Dr. Pwayno & Son, llcspectcd friends- I have the pleasure to- inform yoit that n lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted wit It the succesn o? your Loudon Hair Color Hestorcr." Her hair nnf fast falling and quite gray. . The color has been restored-; -the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth oi hair is the result. K. 1$. OA URIGUKS, Druggist, cor Tenth and Contes, 1'hila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 23d, 1871. --Dr. Swayno & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., 1 pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Ke stoier, whioh I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I huve used in the last nine years.--If you please. Bend me one dozen bottles CUD care V S Fogler & Son Druggists, No 723 Trcmont street, Huston, llcspcctfully yours, ADA BAKE it No 59 llu'.lund Square. London Hnir Color Restorer ni.d Dressing Has compleicly restored my hair to its originnl color nnd youthful beauty, and caused a ra-pid and luxuriant growth. A1KS. ANNIE MOKKIS, No GIG North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of l'hilndclphia, says of it. The London .Hair C'clor Lcstoror is used very extensively iiinong my patients uud friends, aa Well ns by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CSilTS PES BOTTLE'. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE a SON 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. , s SO Lif lit' f It ST UG Ci MS TS T II E h II N G 8 CO HSU MPT 10 IT! This distressing and dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, negleOted coiign, night sreats, Hoarseness, wasting flesh (ever pei-inancnily cured -bv DOCTCIt S WAYNE'S COMPQUtfi; S7RUP OF fflLy CHERRY. DUONCHITIS A rremonilor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or inllamation of the cmcum mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest, l'or all bioucliial alluc tious, sore throat, loss of.vo.ico, coughs, DR. SSfAYffE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry . IS A SOVKIltlCN REMEDY H'imorrhnga, or Spitting of Dlood. may proceed from the larynx, truchia, bronchia or lungs nnd arises troui various causes, as undue physical ereiUon, plethora,' or full ness oi tho vessels, weak lungs, o,-erstrui:i-ng of the voice, suppressed cvacu.ition, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Sivayue's Compound Syrup of WiJd Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring tho liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous eystem. I ho only 8tnnilard rcmeay for- hemor- rhane, bronchial and nit pulmonary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lunj-s should cot fail to use this gieat vegetable remedy. Its marvebuis power, uot ouly over con- cuinpt-on, but over every cbronio disease where a gruuual alterative action is needed Under Hs use the cough is loosened, the night swar-.U diminished, tho pain subsides, the prdse rtrMrns to i!s natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new re creative uuu plastto material is made. , Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, . . 380 Xorth Sixth Street, .Philadelphia. Solo by ali. Prominent Dbuooists. Itching Piles ! FILES, PILES, ITCHING TILES, positively cubed by the use .of S WAYNES OINTMENT . HOME TESTIMONY. . I was sorely afflicted wi'h one of the most distressing of all dUeascs pruritus or Pru rigo, or more oommouly known as Itching Piles. ' Tbeiiching at limes was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and nut unfrequeutly become quite snte. - I bought a box ot Svayue's Oiuiiaeni; its usa gave quick relief; und in a bhorl time niado u perfect euro- lean now sleep undisturbtd, and I would advise all who aro euli'ering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at once. I had tried pieseriptions almost innumerable, without finding and permsueat relief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST. ' (Firm of Roedel & thrist.) Boot and Shoe House 341 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. a SKIH DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also a specific for Tttter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Soald Head, -Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotsbea, lill Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er. ruptioDi. ' Perfectly safe and harmless even on ibe most tender infant,' Pi ioe 00 eeats. Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of prioe. SWATHES'- panacea; Celebrated all over the world tor its reusa ble oures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil itic complaints. Describe symptoms iu all pommieunutiQ address - nsieiteis to ' DK SAi'NE and FON, I'hiUda.lphia. n7yl. THURSDAY, MAY 4TII, 1870. I-oslye Meeting's. EIk Lodge, Nj 373, A Y. M., meets the second an 1 fourth Tuead iys of e.ich ininih in the Masonic Hall. iowusliip Oflicers. Judge of Election H. 8. Thayer. Inspectors A C'tmmiiigs, P A Mead. Justices of the Teace Charles Mead, J D. Ftillcrton. School Directors Jeromo Pwell,' O B Grant, O T Wheeler, W II Oiterhout, 7 8 Service, Eug J Miller Supervisors W 11 Osterhout, O B Fitch Treasurer W II Hyde Auditors C V Gillis, J K Whit mors C'lci k W D Dickinson. C'Mtable J W Morgcslcr County Offieers. President Judge Hon I. D Wetinore Associate Judges Hon J V llouk, Chas Luhr Sheriff D-mii'l Scu',1 -Treasurer - Jacob M'fHnlfly District Attcrney J K P Hall County Superintendent George R Dixon Proibonolary, & Fred Schreoing Deputy Proilionolavy W ,V Horton ( um-nissioncis M chaol YYeidert, W H Osterliout Gvorgn ltensulicr Auditors W II I lyric, It I 6'pangler, George .'othrooli. Commissioners' lerk W 6 llor'on 'ew Time Table. . Eftslpr.nl. AY EXPRESS 6:56 A. M. ERIE MAiL - 5:16 P. M. PHILADELPHIA EX 1:07 A. M. Vu'stward. NIAGARA EXPP.ESS 7:35 P. PS. ERSE S.1AIL 2:22 P. ES. ERIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. M. 'Tlia Xiajrara Express niakos the fastest tinio of any trttiii on the road Leaving Kane at 0 A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at P. M.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at :20 A, M.; and arrives at Kano at if-.-iu P. M. Notice ci Co-partnership. Notice i.-i IvMvby given tliat the un dersigned bave thi-f day iij-oeiiited tliem.-elves in the bntel:i ing business under tne lirni luime of Mereer Bros. V. F. ?lKli(Ji:it. , i). i'. .?.n-;ncKn. All persons in indebted to W. I. Mcr ecr tiro vetat 's'.ed to eonie l'onvard at once aiul settle, un. W. F. MKRCER. Ridgway. Pa. -May l.st 1870-n II t a CltOQ VET. Tin-key Jioxwood sag Dcm'rn mallets, 8 17, Oil Jinr-k-mnpli'. nets, DcntfH mallets 8,00; Jn!':sfi'u ii lilr. set's, I! abler Tipped Mdlet S"),00; Vrrillo $7,00. A'-to finest quality of Bei'n Vails, Jl,;j endi. For sale at fie NEW YOItK STOIIIT llemovoi. Wk have removed our olhce to tho room, over Powell it L'ime's store, on Vain Street. l.'il;pvny Public (Scliools. Principal's Kcpoit April 18:h, 187U: for month ciiJins ls-5 ?r TV ACIIEB3 2 ti re S.I 1 - -J Miss B E Wil. cox Mis a A P Tay lor IM oi 12; 40 55 i 61! li bli 2r Mr and Mrs Ji B Johnson uininiry I'-iii; I 1 '''i THOSE NEITHEn LATH K OH ABSENT DUU INO ME MOSTH. . Ili'jh School Bi 'fl. Ira C. Sherman. lITeu-n M. Littio. Daniel Irwin. Charles Johnson. Ilattie lilutls. ' Iiilcnntdudo Dep't. Maggio Flynu. Alice Xoill . Lizzio Shack. Xellio Jackson. Gnssio AYoodwavd. Kddio Horton. Ada Malono. John Whilmoro. Flora Irwin. THOSE WHO PASSED THE BEST EXAMINA TION. Uloh School Dep't. A Gmdi. Charles Ohnstead. jMay M. Little. Carrie Luther. B Crudii. Uclcn Little. - Jas. Cunningham. G Grade. Ilattio E. Iliads. Charles Mecnan. Orin Head. Ida M. Olmstcad. Thos. W. Jacksoi.. Oscar Gardner, Fydora Irwin. B Grade. :Willio T. Keiil. Patrick Holland. Charles Johnson. Daniel lrwin. John Phack. i Intermediate Dep't. E Grade. Maggie Flynn. jliolland Cook. Lz?o Kliack. r rank Parley. F Grade. Willio Schram. Lizzie O'Brien. Amanda Lindgrome. Annio Kline, liertio Lindgromo, Martha Walker. O Orcdi. ... Gussie Woodward. Eddi3 Horton. Chauuecy Wilcox. Ida Malono. Josio Messenger. Katie Meenan. John Wlntmoro, I flora lrwin. , Eddio Horton passed a perfect examir.. ation iu all his studies. Primary Dep't.: Teacher of this department reports the progress of her pupiis as very satisfactory. The following did net miss any questions at the examination in the branchs named: James Cunningham, Wm. Messenger, Dauiel Irwin, John A'hack, Chas. Johnson. ia written arithmetic; Thos. W. Jaokson, Dora Irwin, Ilattie E. Hinds, Ada B., Stevens, Bennie Dill, Jaa, Cunningham, Daniel lrwin, Chas, Johnson, iu grainmer; Jnhn Shack, Chas, Johnson, Oscar Gard ner, Chas. Meenan. Hiltie E. Hinds, iu menial arithetic; Daniel Irwin, willie T. Neill, Chas. Johason, Dora Irwin, ia geography Oscar Gardner in spelling; C A. Olmstead in geometry: Msy M. Little in pbilosphy. -. . . I VhdtuM: W. D. Baldwin, Mhi E-nma , Bewau. 'Mr. Georga M'Uibney, and Miss Mary C. Horning. , , , 1. B. JO!!S?0, I. iucip.it.