The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 27, 1876, Image 3

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    '- 'HIM
Ridgwey, Tiv. 2 2 tf.
RiJgway, TA'i Co., Pa. . Office in
Mall's new Brick Building. Claims for
oollection promptly attended to. 1 y.
Cffico in New Brick Euildirg, Main Si
Ride-.vay, tilt Co., fa. v3ti2tf.
J. 0. V. BAILEY,
Tlni.i1. IVi.lp-.vny, IT County, Pa.
Ag?nt for t!iC Traveler's Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Ilnrti'oril. Conn. (
Forccr.n Dentist, hnvi-ifj permnnc-ntly In-rati-il
in Rigwny. ollrs Ins provisional ser
vices to Iliu tili 'cv.r, of Ridjcwny una bit.
jour-ding country. All work warranted.
Olliea in 8nrvioc & Wheeler's Building, up
Hairs, fcrst door to the It'll. 73-n-32 ly
y ' ' I.,: . I ,.f
'''-V Vt!
lS S'.V Vj
VTaMt'.iisikrr, 2r.RVver and Jeweler
n-. rl pii-iTt, !',id;:iv.y, l'p. Aout i'..,r the
li.j-'o !-'ev. i: r l".ei;ius. !.:nl Morton Gold
"Pea. Ret ':.?: V. f.t.:lifs, etc, none with
he. fftpjo stciiv.vv u a ItLiei'jfi.rc. f-'uiis-l'acliou
t i..i;:itie'. !. vlnly
Dnui-ji'-t (in 'I Vai n tcciitii t. V.". cornel
of Maiii r.ti-1 Mill sn-rot?. l'.id-j-.viy, Pa.
lull j.-rf.'-!ii'ei:t (.! neU'l'y t-.'bji-tc-l For
eign r-ii 1 l.'o ;:i ' '. ? I'ni'A V.-es-ipti'ms
e-rt Jily .!: .i'-;it i d lit rfU hour;:, d:iv oi
ni-riit. '1,!"v
J S UARTUCr. m. -'.,
'i!'iy.-'i,d.pii i.D't iirrT'-nij.
( 1 Hi in i"t f.:r .-till v. oon:er I'ro.-nl ond
Muin t'- i d.-'ive rimor Un'ii'l til.
i.pi o.-iii- tin- ft.:1 n::ie lr-ir-" irci.i
S lo l'.i A. .M. iv.:'j In w 7 !-' S 1'. M.
Tlti-j 1.
J. o. L(Jl'h'J:i.L, J'- L;
r.ifte'.U ri!yt:ci:- ntril t- :' v-r"'. lias r-jmoT-i-d
ni-: t.tiii.'i' Hunt t. iii'te Ml :.!, toA.i!.i. rl.
l.iilpw.'iv, in., in ilio -.'!. 'I i.tiiy of ll"
ii.'bi-lok 1 ti i t j 1 1 jjr f JeUi Hall. WI'O
cit ii 'Mo'd i.': orv,
0)i Iitii-j: 1 l-i-i T.M 7.10 8 I'M
:.!';; HOUSE,
l!ll(i-..A V. L'.,K 'lo., Y
Y. V.. n':tJU:M, I'r-jietor,
Tii. iu'.l fir t !! von if! fciitiolVn
to iit.:r:i:iy l.a-tj,.--.l uf't'ii ',
.tti't-ii'tor, lititv. ly J-:ii:g nlricl a.
"o!itou to tlw cuiiilort mil coiiveuitnoc ot
gaoat-i, to iiiirit r. eutitiaaavs ci Hi.
Uct SO ISO;'.
Oc:.-Ti;tviB, Ki.k Co., I'a.
John Cmij i::h, P-o;-ioti.r
Tliaii if tl for tlie pairtiujso Iicrctolou
fu liber li'.y hestor. i'd t ptiu I'"", ll'e "c
pro ruetor, l ot t.H, ly paying strict at
leution to Hie C"iui': aLd couveiiienof
ii' " n jot d. t netii. a cuniiniiuii'je of llu
j: II'. J! AYS,
iii.Ai.i: i:;
Xt? Gccds, Metiers, Prcc.ries.
and Ccncral Variety,
X t Si.
PhilaJelpliia ; lVe U. U. Division
WISTKH 'f i.'.'i: TAUI.K.
OSanduficp M0N:'AV. M.ll l"t. KCo,
the trams t M 1 1. a i inliidipluu A
i.ria Kitilroitd will vuu ai t'otioivs :
" i.- ri. :t i.
KAXE ACCOM It-uvca iU'uov: 4 SC p m
iii ;i t .veutt.. 6 t'l 'i in
' " iwnporiuji H C'j p in
" " " M.ittujs... "i iVj p ni
" " " llt.igwny... 8 p lu
' " V, lieu 'J O.j p in
tt;r ui huta'.. '.I ;!) p in
ERIE MAIL leavss I'liiiadi-lplna 11 i'r p ui
" itenuvo 1 1 do n in
i " " lOuipoi ium 1 10 p in
St. rilury'ti. '2 l0 p m
" liidwuy - Vj p in
' Wiloux - Oa p in
" arrive ut Ki ie 7 Ou u m
RENOVO ACcO tl leaves 8 CC a :n
" Vi ilcux b :m a in
", " IlitiglVU) II "i" ' 111
' S; iiarys 10 01 a in
" L:. put mm 1 1 Ho n in
" Dnltwoud 12 10 p m
. . lU'iiovo 1 -10 p in
ERIE MAIL leaves i:riu 1 l.UU u in
, " " Kaiio 3 -Jo jj ui
" Vi ilcox 4 uri p ui
l'.nlyw.iy d.d-jpm
ft. Aim y 8 o. 1 1 p ni
" ' Emporium 0.05 p in
' " llenuvo H.-'j p in
" urr. at Piiilutlepliia... (i.oO a in
, llenovo Accoui iu:d liano Acvoni connecl
east and west ut Eut-t wiili Low uiudo tii
fieion uiid 11 ii Y & 1' K 11
Geii'l Sup't
Fresh fauiily'CA'rs, aud Canned
Roods ' at Ortli-rteST'tid
6 -mmmmmmmmMmm
Thri rcntirkau'2 instri:n.e:::rt p.n&vs runiciri-s for nmsi :il rC-cts anrt eyprtusion never before attmined.
A.Upted fr r An.tei:r vr. 1 IWwi-n :!, art! "r in ry rbr. fSlT Beautiful Now StylS( now redy.
Qt.Q. SyOOD:i .:i CO., Ojrvibridgeport, Mass.
frirXBsIfiy.; iv C '..'. f..i svif,o 170 State St.. rklemRo; 28 LndrtU Hill, Loiidoa.
rrt JTl rrpV' 1 ft?. ,'t ?.jf A );,::;:; ':jirl Joarnal ot vli-rted music nd valuable rearfin?
Sld'i V vi. .1 c v 1: .r. ' r. ! r. fw :1: f-r vrnr, tr len cents a number. Each number
.u?:- f..m 1.- v: v... ..f tn- a. 1 -t.l mi,;;-. CEO. WuOOS fcCO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Man.
'i ) 111 the OitlzciiH of Iliiljjway, and tlie
puulio gor.crnlly, thnl lie hug stalled a Liv
ery nod viJl ke"p
!! ji of , to let 'jpun lh most reioua
id.3 1 erns
CtHs v. iil n i do .job tsen ing.
Stable on Brout! utreot. r.'oove M.iin
All ti deiB left atllie I'ont Ofifce will trest
prompt ottotition
Aug 1!0 1870. tf.
00 TO
Main Stret, l'.hlgway, P?,.
LJi'.Y GOODS, KtTio:;d, ho'ots
f' I. 'O.l'iS, IIAT.S AND CAl'c:,
A t;..rr,o ttO'.'k cf
Gio'ccrics aad Provisii&i;
The 15KST llitANDS r.f FLO UK
v'rr.Hiunt ly iiti L.trnl, auii huld as clx ap
as tit- CUEAl'EbT.; n. iiagi:htv.
Eidgvay Cernstsry.
Lois aio iit.-v? tigered for fh'.c 'jv the
Uidgwny l.tmrtary Af-ociation iu ll.e neu
Cemetery Tlie present low price for lots
may booii l;e advnneed,
App!y ui I he (j.v;c-r ct
. S. HAMliLEX, Secretary
Hidgway, f.:tpt. 7 187o. n-i'J
Private Tuition.
TupiN waniis lo reosive 'instiuolinn in
G.cek or Ltitin, or de-iirinr; to prepice for
t-olit ii". e"ii Pave opportunity of (loirg eo
liy u;jp yinjj toilitj l!ect;r cf G"aca Clii'rch.
ilu haitiji; mad. f J e uoi'Sifsotry nrrangu
iiient.i witl be -rind lo reeeivo a limiied
nniji'uer of yow.g indies and gentlemen for I'ur inlormaiioa as to terms
iio app'v lo
LJ-.Y .M. J AS. .MIL I. ".'.it, A. jfil.
llidgvray. Pa.
Till riilLAIiFLriilA Tlill'S.
'TIJL' l'l'.'iC.S" IS A litri-CLASS
An I ha. 4 closed its f r;:t ye ir v. itli nn cs
taljii.sitetl li.i.v'A Finn cit nelatieli larger tli-tli
tiiai uf i.iiy ot.ier daily iu l'cmnt '.vaaia,
Willi ii tii gl.t ii. n. It has uM I tie
n;u-t perfect niaehi'itiy tn.l appliances for
l.UM nig r i-irgo edii ion, having two new
line 1 eiteeiinii I're.-fes. cacb capalilo of
puitii.t; Hti,(iUtl con.jiletc oojues of Tun
Ti.-iKs in nn li-iir, so that it ouu give the
very If.lest news mid make the earleat de
livtrv to its I cadet ?. Iirnntnii.s
jft!1 LATEST Kt3S,
inelndii g ilns Associa'et! l'rcss Telegram,
.Special Telvgruum and Curretpoiidence
from V' pointK of interest, Full and Ac
cural,; Local lleperts, ay I Fear.e."8 Ldi
lorinl L'isctisnion on nil Current Topics,
n.ukiii ii die most complete aud cheapest
newspaper in i'eiinsy Ivunia.
"Tlie 'i inn's"' is Thoroughly Iuilpiieudeiit
in everything, nnd will, in all poliicil
nr;'.f jlvs, le laitlilul to ii iuii and its own
convictions. It makes no hollow pretence
of netitru'ity on the leading questions of
llio duy, or m political contests as they
pas. Inn wil! ever discard iho Hind par-li-au
ihat -.voul J suhorditi ite the right to
party suejtss, no matter fur Vflnt otgaui.
Ziilion, or in whose interest ntcll claim is
made, and will fearlessly criticise political
errors aud the want ot public integrity
wherever louiid. Ii demands ec otioiny and
fidelity in every department of authority.
City, State and Mutional, oiu'. boldly ur
ruigus liiose of every party who ubt'se pub
lic trust. It discusses pu'elic issues, pub
lic events and public men, with that incus- .
ure of tree loin taut is dictated by truth,
but with Unit digir ly and cuuilesy which
should ever characterize the press of the
nt0;t enlightened natiou of the world, t'rice
two cents per copy; mail subscribers, pos
tuge pre-paid, six dollars a yeur, or tfty
cenutd a month. ,
713 C'lieetuutStraet, Philadelphia.
STOSK TO WSHttlP Road Fund
Jor the year endinrj April 3d, 187o.
To unsi-ntcil tnx returned to
t'o.t'oiinii'rs fort lie year 1871 S GCO -7
To iin.sctitctl tax returned to Co
Comiu'rsi for 'ho yeur 1875 COO 27
To unsenlul tux .roturned to eo
(omiui.vHioliei'.i fjieeinl eash .
levy for t tie y:n lu,7o P'10 27
To f"'ite.l (Iuii'lieaie for 1S7,) l'J5 70
six-eiai ciihIi '75 l'J,j
To error iti s-tatcii'eut for 187-1
in favor of towiishin 9 00
To eash from C;I1 Hoffmen
former tieasturer C 01
. CK.
I'y exonerations 3 V
TJy scatetl tlujilieafe worked out 19 61
iy A. Ziiniiiern'an's time us
hupervi-or 67 00
By Klia.s Ishman's time ts su
pervisor 07 OS
By owtier,fufte. plank nnd tool 34 01
Ny jicr cent, for disburninir
i?52U21 10 58
To ba'.anee in favor of township 1983 40
$23S8 43
Unseated tax returned to eo.
conimi.-sionerri for 1871 '7 19S0 81
Eenled tax returned to comity
eommissioners for 187o L'8 70
Seated tax returned to county
co)iiiuiniv,ioner.s on tlie Giant
.Mill Pit for the year 1874 11 17
Seated dupdieate'ea-.-li levy, for
tiie year I.S70 " 195 95
Balnnee due t'nvpKililp by Win.
C yde late lownshij) I reus. 1101
Liatjili!ie.-,in os(.cs3oi" rea'mrced 408 8:j
; ?liij:i.8 37
I.l lIUMTU t Of i;0D J-'UXJJS
Oulstaiid:!i iini';ia C7
L'lisented order.-' jf 1874 by O II
Hoffman i'onn-.f twp . trens. 400 00
Unseatt'd ortlers of 1.87,'i by V,'m
Clvde Lite (w p.. trea-t. i"J5 00
Jutiji'iUfiit vt t'a'i'is!i Cats j-Ii-joo
5 JiiOS 37
it;:sot Rt k.s or pooh i-rxi;s.
Settti'il tluplicate of 1k75 oS 04
r.tltTilioiio! 1S73 134 79
Un.-'euted tax returned to eo.
etilitiiii: sieiiers i-.r ls74 108 OS
I'n.-itite.l tax n turned to co.
t t ii:iiiis.sioner.- for 1870 600 41
(a.-ii from i ; 11 Hoffman former
treasurer 21 87
15n'i;nef due to"i).ship from
Wm Ciyde lufi t'Vp. treas. 80 04
$ill'i0 4:l
Ouli.taii.lin ordei'd o'21 0'
2 per ceiu. lordi-slmrsiinirirno 87 2 32
Judgment of Majyiret Thtttc lur 6 00
Kesoureeii iu esc'- of liabilities 830 40
If 1100 43
V."e, the itiid 'rsijned. r.uditors of
Millstone town.-bip. liavinp; f xtiniined
the iiboe statement do certify that it
is correct to the best of our knowledge
and belief, .pril Kd, 1870.
J. K. niOOUK, -)
G. C T. IIOP'l'', l Auditors.
Atti-.'sv: G. V. V. JIoi-F, Twp. C'erk.
INSTATE of 'i hov. Campbell, fir.; late of
llighli.ud low.-.ohin, I'.lk couuly de
ceased. All pcrs.j-is iiidelled Iu 'aid es
tate are requested :o m;:ka iinmcdiiils pay
ment, nnd those davit g leg al c'aiuis ugaiiist
the f-nn.e will present llinn without delay
in proper eider, lor Ee'.ilcnipiit, to
KuliT. 1. CAM ir ULLL,
Ad mini at rat or.
A'ic'gwny, Ta., Maic'l: 15, 1870 ut Ot
Rfglsei-s Notice
Notice is hereby given that the fo)
lowinir aecoiuitu have been tiled in
my oiilee.and will lie prc-ented .n the
lirt tttty of the 'ext term of the Or
phan's, Court for confirmation, being
the 41 h .Monday in May. 1870.
Final account .of Horace L ittle anil
Hiram Kglci-toir, Administrator's of the
estate of J.AliK KoiKSToX. deceased-
Final account of Wulburga Tresch
Administratrix of tlie estate of Ma
THIAS Ti'.t.scil, deceased.
tupp'emontnl , Hceount of Jerome
Powe 1 Administrator of the estate of
J. C.Ciia fix, deceased
Ftt i:D. KCHCENINO, Register.
Weetlville, April 4th, 1370. All por
tions are hereby warned not to purchase
any of tlie following named prlicieu
now in the possession of lira J Avery,
of Metdvide. Fl!', county, Pit , nx mi id
articles were purchased by the under
signed at ."-herilf's Sale, and lire oniy
leil in possession of the said Avery
until convenient for me to remove
them: One sorrel mure, one black and
white cow, three yearling steers, one
two year o il bt'.lt. one two year old
heiffer, one white liog, one buggy, one
lumber wagon, one pair log sleds, one
pair fancy sucds, one oil sale, one pair
p'utfona scales, one heating stove und
pipe, one heating stove, one lot of po
tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod
der. O. L. A VERY.
. A complete block of ladies misses aad
cliildreas blices, Jight, medium aud
heavy at V, Si K's. Now is the time to
buy- . .
Alpacas cheapof tha-i tver btfor
Ldowd at P. & K's.
LIFE,. Growth,. BEAUTY.
Not a pjycj makes harsh hair soft and
Bilkyj cleanses the on1p from all impurities,
causing the hair to grow where It lias fallon
off or become thin.
Can be applied by'the hiind as if docs not
slain tlio ft kin orisoil the finest linen. As
a 11 ni r Dressing it is the most perfeot (be
world has ever produced. The hair is re
novated, and strcngihcned,' and natural
co'ou, rsstored witlioitt the application of
mineral siiltftanoes. ,.
Since the Introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into this country, .it has
been the wonder and aduiirallou if all clas
ses, an it has proved to bo the ouly article
Ihiit'.vill absolutely without deception re
store gray hair toils original ooltir, hnalth
softness, lustre and beauty,, and produce
hair on bald heads of Its original growth
and color.
This beautiful nnd fragrantly perfumed
nrticle is coitiplote within iiself, no washing
or preparation before or after its use, or
accoinpanymcnt of ntty kind being required
lo oboii'1 those desirable rcsittts.
Herft'Csthe Prcof ol its SUPCREOn
jfend this Home Corl.iflor.te,. testified (o
by Ldvrard It. Gnrrigues ontl of the most
competent Druggists and Ctictnists of Phila
delphia, a man whoso veracity none cau
doob't. ii
1 urn linppy lo ad J my testimony to the
great value of the London Hair Color. Re
storer which restored my hn.r to its origi.
mil Color, and the hue appears fo bo per
manent. 1 um satisfied thai ibis prepara
tion iut a dyu but operates upon the ne
cre.'iona. Ii in also a beautiful linir dress
ing and promot vj the growih. I pi'iclinsed
the fust bottle from E Iward 15. Giirrijjues,
druggisl, Teu'h pud (Joules ttlreet, who can
also testify my hair wits quite gray when 1
coinii'enc.ed its use.. Mll.8,. MlLLt-'U, No.
7JO North Niatli btreet, Phihi.
Dr. s-waynt A' aou, ltcspectcd friends:
I have the pleasure to infurm you that a
iady of nty ncrjtuiiutiiiicc, Mrs. Miller is
delighted with the success of your Loudon
I bur Color Ks:nrcr." Her hair was fast
falling and ij.uu triay. The oulor has been
restore,'!, the falling oft' entirely stopped,
and a uvr growth of hair is the, result.
E. 11. GAllKlGUlf,
Dmrgist. cor Tenth and Coates, Phila.
July 22d, !871 -Dr. Swayne & Son:
Last winter while iu Trenton, N. J., I pro
cured s.x bottles London Hair Color lte
moter, which 1 iiUe very much, in fact bet
ter tlian r.ny thing L have used in the last
nine years.. If Vo'i plcaie, ccud mo one
dozen bottles COD care W 8 Fogler Jt
8on Druggists, No 723 Trctnont street,
lloslon. Ke.?pccl fully yours, AilA BAKEit
No 09 l!r:tlaiid Square.
London Hair Color Itestorer m.d Dressing
lias completely restored my hair to its
original color and , youthful bc.itty, and
can-zed a rapid and luxuriant growth.
.Seventh Street, Plitlad-'lphi.
Dr. Daltcn of Philadelphia, sys cf it.
The London Ilu ir Color beaUrer is used
very extensively anioug my patients and
friends, as well as by myself. 1 therefore
speak from experience.
Address orders to Dr. SWAYNU SON
330 North bixlh Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,
sole Proprietors.
T his distressing and dangerous oomplaint
and its j remouitory symptoms, neglected
conga, night swcats, hoarseness, . casting
flesh lever ;eriTXtv?utly r-'ve.l
' P'J-TOft
DUUNCHITIS A prenionitor or Pul
monary Consumption, is characterized by
catarrh, or in Datum ion cf the tnucitm uiein
bruue of l.he air passages, with cough and
expeelorr.tion, thori breath, hoarseness,
pains iu the chest. For all biouchial atfec
tuns, sore ihroat, loss of voico, coughs,
Conpuncl Syrup cf Wild' Cherry
Hcinorrhago, or Spilling of Bpjod. may
iroceed I rout the larynx, iraciiiu, bronchiu
or lungs aud arises Irom various causes, as
untitle physical ecortiou, plethora, or f ull
ness of lite vessels, weak lungs, overs! raiti
ug of the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struct iou of tho spleen or 11-rcr, i;'c.
Dr.'Swoynes Ceiiijioiiud Syrup of Wild
strike-i r:t tho root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring I lie liver ant kidney.)
lo healthy action, luvigoratijjj; the nervous
system. ,. i
The only Btancbi-i'.. remedy for hemor
rliane, broiiehtal and all pulmonary coin
pln.uls. Consumptivis or those predis
.osetl to wenU liius should notr fail to use
this great vrgetoli.e remedy.
lis niarve'itms power, not only over con
cuuijit on, but over every chrouio .disease
where n gradual alterative aclica is needed
Ctidcr its use the cotiglt is loosened, ihe
night sweats diuiiiiished. the pain subsides,
ihe pulse returns to its natural standard
ihe slum icU is unproved in ilu pever lo di
gest arid assimilate the !',, Jl aud eTery
organ has a purt r nnd boiirr 'iiniliiy uf
bit od supplied to it, cut of ivhiek new re
creative aud phistio material is Dade.
Prepared only by
889 North Sixth Stre, Philadelphia.
Itching Piles !
rosrnvtLt cuato by the uue of
I was sorely afflicted with one of the most
distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or more commonly known ns Itching
Vllee. . The itching ut times was almost in
toU'rr.Mc, increase i bv scratching, aud not
uufie'iuetttly become quite snie. 1 bought
a box ol S;jyue's Ointment; its use g-ve
quick relief, und in a shori time made a
perfect cure, lean now sleep undisturbed,
and I would advise nil who nve .suffering
with this distressing Complaint to procure
Swayne's Uiutment at once. I had tried
piesuriplious almost innumerable, without
tiudiug and pernio ueal relief. , .
. . (I'ivm of Koedei & thriet,)
Boot and Shoe House 344 North Second
street, Philadelphia.
Swayue's All-healing Ointnteul is also
a spccitio for Tetter. l!:h, bait Uheuiu,
S:ald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, ert.str, cutaneous Er.
ruptiotis. Perfectly safa and harmless
even on ihe most tender infant. Price 50
ceuts. Sent by mail to any address on re
leipt of price.
Celebiuteu u oyer the wuiu tui- its i tilla
ble cures ot Scrofula, Me.'cural and 8y phil
ilio complaints. Describe syinploms in all
communications, address letters ,to DH
SWAYNE and SON, PhiUdolphia.-nTyl
Heported for the ADVot'Aft. , , v
The Elk Couniy Sunday School CotiTeif
. i
IIaydK in his dictionary cf dates enys
that "the first Sunday School was founded
by Lntlwig Hacker between Ilia years 1710
and 1747' ot Eplixala, Lancaster Co. Ta
am cng the Ooiman seventh-day lSnp'.isis
there. If Diydn's statement be true then
let the fact be entered tip to the memory of
Luclwig Ilnckor aud to tlio cretl'.t of Lan
caster Co. Pa. Whether Iho first coun'y
Sunday school convention was hold Ju P i.
Haydn dees not record, neither does ho
s.iy whether, when'or where one was ever
held in Elk County, but in tome future
edition of his invaluable dictionary it may
bo slated that the first Elk Co. Purnluy
school convention was held at Kldgway,
on luesdny and Wednesday April ISlh,
ond I9ib, 1870, and closjly associated with
it among other names will be that of Rev.
R. Crittenden, Bollcfjid, pa. The Rev.
gcu'leman just, is a missionary of
iho Aniciicun Sunday School Union and
has been laboring zealously among the
people of t'lis county ami was instrumen
tal iu calling tlio convention. As per
call and annoueeiuent in the cortnty papers
the convention met at. the M. F- Church
nidgwny at ! l- in. on Tu:stlay April 18th.
The time appoitited was unloriuiiate y not
a suitable one to secure a larg attend
ance of Sunday school workers. l!ev. Win.
Hoffman, Wilcox Rev. R. White ft.
Mary's, and Kev. I. Brenncman Ridgwny,
I am told were away from the county
aUendiug their reppeetive Byntids, while
Rev. Clnlcoal, Cenncsstte, Rev. Wm. Jas.
Miller, Ridgway, and several others were
kept away onaccmnt of sickness and
death. From the abovo statement it may
be readily observed ihat tha -forking force
ai ihe convention was not large. I have
not been furnished with the names of ihe
delegates which 1 hoped to receive from
tho committee on delegates, hence they
do not appear here.
on Tuesday P. M., was cjtete largely at
tended, and representations from all the
sabbath schools in the village were
present and took active, parts in the
exercises. The programme which I give
from memory I think was substantially
as follows:
lt. Singing by tho children' ! love
to tell the story."
2nd. Bible reacTii'g by Rev. Crittenden
and the scboo's.
3td. Prayer by Rev. Crittenden.
4th. Sinking "Hold the fort."
6th. Recitation by scholars.
Cth. Addre-s by Rev. Wm.,
LUtie Toby.
7ih. Grinding mill exercise Rev
After which adjournment was in order.
Tuesday evening the convention was
called to order by Rev. Crittenden and
after stating some preliminaries he an
nounced the devotional exercises which
took place as follows:
1st. tinging "I need Thee every
2nd. Prayer by A. It. Trtston, Wilcox-
3rd. Singing 'Jesus paid it all."
4ih. Bible Rending.
Following tho dcofioual exercises
came the torniation of a tempoiary or
ganizf.tioa of which A. B. Piestonwas
ntade president and Geo. R. Dixon r'cc'y.
Mr. Preston on taking the chair made
a brief but pointed address at the close
of which he announcid the following
subject for discussion.
'Viz: The objects we seek to accom
plith" Rev. R. Ciittenden spoke first
and thought tho fol owing were among
the objects.
1st. So to occupy the young as to ena
ble them io Keep the sabbath tlay holy.
2nd. To pather in adults for Bible
3rd. To make pood ci'izcns.
4th. To ju dify the young to Bing in
the house oi 'lie Lord.
5th. To give religious irstruction.
0th. So io teach that a'l arc taught to
be christians-
Rev. Win. Martin fol'owcd in the dis
cussion and named two objects.
1st. 'To loakeg iod men and women."
''2nd. To study the wcrd of God."
few Mr Yingling concluded the de
bate on this question by considering
that '"one great object was the salvation
of the soul.'' The chairman then I r elly
reviewed the points presented aud an
nounced the 2ud. question for discussion
viz: 'Duties of tlie Sunday tchool
tsupt " .....
'1 he ser'y rras called upon by the chair
to open the debate which ho did und
tried in the course of his remarks t givu
some of the dut es us fo'lows:
1st. Punctuality. .
2nd. Should study to possess executive
3rd. Introduce a variety of exercises
to conform with tho nature of the chil
dren. 4th. Keep all busy ftrd rrot try to do
everything himself.
5th. Be decisive and firm.
J. O. W. Railey was next called upon
who strengthened tlie points already
given and added one more that tlie supt.
ought to conduct frequent Reviews. Rev
Martin followed and said the first great
duty of a supt, w as 7o tire ia heart to
God," and closed his speech by taking
decided exceptions to tho 4l.h poini
made by the sec'y. viz: "It was ihe
duty of a mpt. to keep all busy and not
do everything hMnself." And also oh
jected to the 3rd; point viz "variety of
exercises." Rev. Martia thought a
Suuday school like an army of soldiers
&o. Rev. Yingling followed and differed
from Martin on the points., mentioned
The chairman then reviewed .the points
and added two others. 1st. Study ,to
know your pupils and teucheis.. 2nd.
Keep up witb the times. After which
the convention adjourned' to meet on
Wednesday morning, at 9 a m.
After tho devotional exercise which
aste.l hiilf.r.i hour a subject for dis
cussion was Riven, "'Sabbath : 8"!ioel
teachers work" opened by Mr. Holiday
nsfollows; U- Punctuality. 2nd. Adapt
ation. 3rd. Th?roiigh knowledge of the
lesson 4th. Conversion of the children.
Ctti, Not to discuss cof tro'cte I points
of scripture. Tho sec'y- thought me
part of the teachers work v. as to be quick
enough lo move In nil things just a Utile
ahead of the - pupil i, but keep in idght
of them and be mire they are following
wi'h a deep lntei est. End. To reach by
all means the objective poirts of the
lesson. 3rd. Not "o teach In thr tbti'tet
but tn the concrete 4ih. Refuse ti be
interfered .with by librarians and
money collectors while in the the midst
of the hour devoted to lesson. After
wliluJi RcV. Martin, said 1st Exclude
the controverted ji ints.
2nd. Preset ve harmony Kev. Ying'i;g
thought the great point was - to study
the scholars." .
Mr. ..Chairman summed lip the
thoughts: and after singing announced
essciuiu's to success" as tlie 2nd ques
tion for the day. Hew Ci-ittentlciMip-ncl
tlie debate and '.bought the following
were essct. tin's.
1st. rer.-onal effort.
2nd. Get others to come.
3rd. Regu'ar study of the word of God.
4th. special prayer.
Oft. CanstriiH dependence upon (lie
holy spirit, Rev. Martin put great sties,
upon a ''cln istain il'e,"
."ni. tjuo-tion and !nst, s'aai.l wehavi
an Flk County sal, ba'h aEscciatiou?
This question v. -is only briefl y di'i-ctt-sed
v hen a vole w i- taken v hieli
resulted in an uu'iuiirou!! utrrmaiivo
A committee for the purpose of making
fin t her arrangements for the forming
of snitl r.s' o'. t i'i iu was appointed by ti e
cha'.r. The names arc withheld for the
pre-cut. 'Ilio convention ut li m. ad
journed nine dir. A.Ik I'inst'OX, 1 res
Gi;o. R. Dixor;, Sec'y.
The 71. Y. k P. Railway.
fiRowiso piio-jt'iUvn v its si;m
From the Ih'jYah' Courier
The Buffalo, New York & Fhl'iidel-
phia Railway is a Hufl'alo road, ami as
such we are always glad to make note
of its prosperity. Jts
lir.SINKS..-? THIS
so far shows a very hr.ndsome increase
over that of the same mouths of last
year. Tlie earnings for tlie nijntli of
Fcb'ry. showed an increa se of fifty per
cent, over those of the same mouth in
1875, and tlie business of March and
April so far is largely in advance of that
of tlie previous year, ami promises to
keep up, especially in the transporta
tion of coal, lumber and bar'.;.
are being made in every department of
tiie road. The track is being rapidly re
laid with steel mils from the wor-s of
ug CumiiPit ix-m. ooiixpunythe rail be
ing the standard Pennsylvania pattern:
and two gravel trains ar- now kept in
active motion.-ill passenger equip
ments are being thoroughly overhaul
ed; repainted and upho stei'ed, and al
though are not very old, they
will be made to look as good as new.
Several fine new passenger coa'-'-.e-t are
being built for the ror.d at t hecar works
of Sharp i Co., of 'V'i'.tnington Delaware;
mid these will be soon ready fur lielivety.
There arc also a hu. died coal cars being
but'tat the RuffiJo Car Company's wciks
which will s-'ou Ve put upon the road. A
large and haudsome locomotive, from the
Brooks' Locomotive Works at Dunkirk,
was adtied to the robing stock of the
road yesterday, and another engine is
rapid'y approaching completion. In
many oilier ways loo numerous to spec
ify, the road i- being pui, in. ll" best
trim for passenger freight tiailie, and
will be fully worthy of all the succe-:s il
is so sure to win.
goes into effect the 17tb, and il l the
clianges liiatieiu it wilt be found for the
better, For travel over the immet'.; tie
line of the road, without reference to
the eoiinectii iis, which i.i'C wed pio-
ided fur.the.scheilu'e wilt be found sat
isfactory. During the summer
will run as follows: The ByftVo Mai!
will leave Bulliiio at 7 2-5 A. M arriving
at Emnoriumat Vi 15 I M. This Mb
returning, will leave Philadelphia at
11.55 P. M., New York at -5 P. M..
JCmporhim at 1,45 P. M, and arrive in
Btjffa'oat. 7.10 P. M.
The Philadelphia .Special Express, or
"Limited Mail will leave Bulla o tit 2.0u
P. M., ari-iving in l'libailelphia at 7.0u
A.M., Baltimore 7.35 A. M., Washing
ton at 9.02 A. M. nnd Kew York at 10
10 A M Returning, the Limbed Mail
will leave Philadelphia at 7,2') A. M
Washington, 0.07 A. M., Bu'timoro lit
7.30 A. M.j Fmporiitv, 0 P. -L; arriv
ing in Buffalo at 10 30 P. M. This wi 1
be the CentenniaUrain mid will be run
iu brilliant style; although the return
train first mentioned, iu view of tho late
ness of too hour at which ii leaves Phila
delphia, basils advantages.
The Port Alleghany Accommodation
will leave Buffalo at 5.30 P. M.j instead
of 4.00 P. M.: us heretofore, arriving at
Port Alleghany at 9.40 P. M.; Returning
it wi'd leave Port Alleghany at 4 30 A. M.
arriving in Ruffaloat 9. A. M.
By the new time table tho local pat
rons of the ro-id are liberally accommo
dated,, und. the time of the morning
into Emporium allows live hours at
point named and return the same day.
Business men who wish to place them
selves in personal communication with
the trade along the road will find this
a great convenience. People who are
preparing to "do" the Centennial Ex
position shou'd remember the ii. N. Y.
& P, Railway.
W still print nice visitinj cards.
Give us a rail.
Tub Report of tin i'h-uX .iii-.l
Pchotls ta crowded out ibii ve"k. II
will npi.--ar.Jn our next. . , ..
Don't foigt t the d -nice cf CompMiy
II. to. morrow (Friday) evening.
The weather is pleasant ; r
The court odvcitisemcnts will appear
next week.
After this week ve h pe io be able
to give more reading matter.
If you wal yoif.1 j bouigraph taken go
to Ba'dwbis' at once, for after tills week
tho ga iety wl'l only be open the first
null in each lU'tith. During the re
n.aiiMcr of thf time he v.-ilJ bo absent
from t'ne p'nee i'mi.T si t!: e tscop'c views
Sew Thiio Tabic.
EP.JE WEL B:13 P, M.
PtiSi-ftSELrHSA L'i 1:07 A, M.
M3AGARA tltPnCC 7:03 P. M.'
Cftte KSfiiVL 2:22 P. M.
Tiie Niagara Exprt-sj .niakcd the
fiisicsl finie ofi'.ny train on the road
Leaving K:iv'? V 0 A. M., it arrives in
I'liilatlt ipl-.ia lit 9 P.M.; returning it
leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A. JL; and
arrives at at t:45 P. M.
ADTIlS'l'sTUA'l -:Ht.4 S0TICE.
lrA'lr:F Hi t: II ?"!' i:Arv Dix'd.
ji.rt c i-.ri ti'Saamfxtarv upon tho --Uu'- biive bieii griilifetl to tho
und r-'giivd. "Ii iier-ons indebted to
".iiti -. 1 - le are reone-tcd to iiitikc pay-m.'t-f
. und ilio.'e i.uvhig ci.-tioi.s to ite
seiil tii' s-ii-H" v i;!i-iiil tie av, to
PJ-'NUY M'-CRiiADY Adihinistrator,
Kcr-ey, I'll., t'ouii'y. Pa. or to his At
t'lruevs ilALii r; M'Cal'ley, KitH-way,
Pa ' n'j-6t.
All -,er.m:i3 iiiv; horehy wi.rned not
to purchase or medii'c vith one Mo-lev
,t Dahmaii lire .roof .-' pureliused by
tin" uitder.-igit'i! at fhi-riifii f'-uie. and
eft in t it'- i-ast- of A. .1. .very of Wccd
viiie. t"i;il ctmveiiie:;; t" iunovc. the
-.tlllO, its the :..d A. J. Av-(-y bus IK)
interest in s-iM sai'e.
r. f. AvrrtY.
Weetlvilie. April l.a , l.s7 n8tf.
Toirmft'n lor (lie ijenr ct-'fhty April
M, IsTts. .
As.-e.-i-ed valuation S2I2.7J7 00
Am't of seat i d fond tax 700 so
" ( 'f uusv-titetl r'd tax 91) '. 3
1.701 P2
710 00
038 55
" of ortlers n eeived fro'n
Am't sur)-.-rvio'rs checks on
tii n. -liip ttei.s. litis ytar
A ni'; 'i"i'vi-tv's'-liii-is,',ii-i-
celtetl at auditors' setile-
Am't this year's ii-suo ov.t-
Am't d tie so ' i' tv at set t limine i . t
L. F. Leiigett 3-1 :9
A- Livaus 03 77
Col 61.
283 74
Am't of nutstspdiug jitb'!;
ti'.'s of this var
Am't of funds remain
ing in treasury 42 88
Am t unco'ikeied on
special tax 115 02
31 71
158 50
Am't unprovided for this"
Am't indebtedness of former
A art old orders outstanding
Am't paid ! old accounts
J. Ti'.r'i-y jutigint i:i
Cb-is Wei-It iutfmvr.t
Ortiei-.- beitl f'y J.
103 21
85 00
00 00
l!t5 00
AVAL P.. II K' ITl, )
J. M. RltOOKPiNS Luditors.
Attest A. V tJz'AY, 'k-!-.';. nf'13
u 'ttli Jimila (J .--.aid 'J m-iiK,'iij.
To amount jn hands of t:vs-
urer first of year 1-1155
To amount ser.tcd lc h-d 1 l'U 01
To ort lers frtiiti couniy ttm-
niissioiici-.-; 1.2oo 00
To cash C-iL!ec!or Atl I-.-
barger i 4,;
i-',5-iu 02
By amount of sending out or-
d'-r-i red "-me. I J " J 4?
liy paid !. -t.--utvr"s commi-tsion GO 6.!
iJy anion 11 1 paid tupi. r i -Air.Mi'-.
let.' for sei-vices 22.) 00
Pv niiiount )i;:iil laborers ' 1 1 ! ! i r
M'ler. . t-G2tl
i'y ainounf paiil n pcrvisor Pet"v
AUtrcli fur b;-i vices 258 S j
Ly amount paid laborers t'nilcr
Aiarcli 707 00
.By amount seated tan--, in col
Jector' t .1 nils, subj - .1 to 1 (1.11-
iniss.!t-ii aii-l exoiieralitiiis lfi.'lfO
By amount paid lovin.-h.p i.f-
ib-'ei s CO 00
52,0111 U
JOXKS TO'vVNi-llIi'.
Amount tlue from Collector
-Mi l r. 1-S7i . ,j
Amount tine from Collector
Miller. 1-S73 c-j oj
Amount due from Collector
Tlieo Cook, s74 177 CO
Aniounr due from Collector
'J lieo. Cook, ls"5 j.; 15 t o
'iliuum' duo froin Collector
Attl hovger '.i)uiid'7I ll'i 27
Amount bie from county treas
urer old fund 2J7 22
Amount due ironi taxes, '7-laiitl
'75, subject to 1.0m mi?. ions
and expenses r,oo co
51 323 L3
Amount of outstanding road
orders fjfg 19
Exec-jo of assets over liabilitits 425 14
lrl,323 83
., . POOR A8SF.78.
Ani:ur.t due from Collector
' -Miller, '73 fio cjg
Excess of liabilities over n?sct3 C23 41
5600 37
Amount ortlers outstanding 71 ,'(
Due Elk County 0 Bi &
Due County treasurer 2VJ 31
4-ajO 37
' TOWXhU!l.
,s,llUd 11? 101 00
Unseated . . .- . 151 ..50,,
No. 01 mills levied for roads ' " 10
0q?y0rJlUr,iTiMln,OfAudWo", '
n9-3t Jas. N. Wk..i.,, Town ( -jf-rk