O. A. RATH&UN, AUqrney-at-latr, Ridgway, Ti. 2 2 If. RUFtS LUCORti, t ( Atlorn'ey-at-La Ttidgwiy, Elk. fco., Pa. . Office In Willi's new Crick, Duilding. . Claims for collection promptly attended to. Y3nl1y. JIALL & M'CAULEV, Attorneys-ftt-Liw. Oflice in New Brijit Building, Mnin SI Ridiwny, Elk Co., Pa. 3n2lf. j, 0. IP, BAILEY, AtTORNEY-AT-LAW. Vlnioyi.. .Ridgwiiy, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi deni Insurance Co., of Hartford, Colin. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon DentiBt, . Having pertnnnently lo cated in Rigway, offers liu rrof;3sionnl Her vices to the citizens of, Ri,Jgwr.y r.nri mir lounding country. Alt work, warranted. Office in Service & Wlisctpr's Bnildinjt, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly CHARLES HOLES. , Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main stree Ridgwny, Ta. Agent lor the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold l'en. Rcpoi,r.ng Watches, eta, dorcwith lie same accuracy as heretofore. Satis fuctioa guaranteed. vluly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and rarrnacsutist, N. V?. corn"! of Main and Mifl ctrjeby KiJ-say, Pa. full assortment of carefully tis'.etited for eign and Domestic Druju. , Prcscvijitions carefully. dispensed at iill hours, day or :iight. vluiiy T. S. HARTLEY. M. O., riiysicion ana Surgeon. i Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts, ltcsidence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours lrom fc lo 10 A. M. a'ud from 7 to 3 P. M. vlu2yl. .. X. Ji OR DWELL, M. I)., F.clectio Physician nn.d Surgeoa, ha4 remov ed his office lrom Centre siioet, to Mail si. ltidgwny, Vn,, iu the second story of the lie brick building of John (i. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, , 7.t jc luurj: 1 to 2 P M" 7 lo 9 P M HYDE HOUSE, RibowAY, Klk Co., Pa W. II., S'CriltAJT, rrc'prietor. Thankful for th'fl ptroTiai9 hcretofort so liberally bestowed upon linn, the new proprietor, hopes, cy piiyiug s.vict ai lention to the comtort niij couvenience o guests, to merit' a comiuuince oi ilr sauio. Oct 80 leti'J. KERSEY HOUSE, CtNTBavu.LK, Elk Co., Pa. John Co'LriiNs", Proprietor. 4. Thankful for the patioiittge herstoiorj 80 liberilly bestowed upon hiui, the new proprietor, hopes, by pr.yiitg strict at fcation to tlie corni'ort and couvenience of gu.-sts. t merit a coiiiiiiiiuiice of the same. l; HAYS, dea;,'b.. in Ery Goods, Notions, Grccerles and General Variety,1 FOX, ELK CO:, PA. ilarley P. O. vln47lf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA 15AIL KOAD Philadelphia' & Erio P.'. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MNDA?, MA. 2i 875, the trains on the Philadelphia li i.i ia Railroad will rin os follows : WESTWARD. KANE ACCOM leaves ft'novc'.... " ' Driftwood., " ', Knifori'.i:n " '. St Marys... ' " Kidgway... ' " WUcoj:....'., Err at Kane.. 4 3 5 p rn 5' 6 5 p rn t 55 p iu 7 55 p m 8 25 p m U 05 p ni j an p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ni rtenovo n Ui a m ' " " Eniporium.,...', 1 10 p ui " St. Mary's 2 00 pdn Kidgway 2 25 p m ' Wilcox , 2 5r3 p ra ' arrive at Erie 7 50 p m , EASTWAllU. SENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a a " ". Wilcox- 8 33 a m " Kidgway 9 25 a m " " Bt Marys. .......10 01 a m " " Emporium 1105 am Driftwood 12 15 pm 1 " Benovo ......... 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Eris. ........... a m " " Kane 45pm . Wileox 4 08 n m " ' kidgway 4.45 pm " " " 6t. Mary's 6.10 p m " " " Emporium 6.05 p m " Kenovo..,. 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadephia.., 6.50 a m Uenovo Accom and Kane Accom connect ejist and west at East with' Low Grade Di vision and B N Y & P K H WM. A. BALTiTlflN. Gen'l Bup'tl Fresh family Groceries, and Canoed tjoods at P&KV Tb'e' cheapest and GrEOiWOODS&CO.'S sis Mfeiiiyii i jj" ? &$&ftfi& - as Jkw lem-rltablj itru.ne-ts p i.s c;i itili jot musical cffccM and exprfwioo never before sttiitaoj. AiUftrd (or Amc!;ir .-rnd rrofptkiotiij, and n ornrnent i:i ny patlor. V Beautiful New Style!, now reidy. G20.-VVCCDSCO pamlidgeriort, .Mass. WARtmrOSt l.ffWVartca Efjton: 170. Slat fij.. Chleagoi 8 Laayale Hill, tontloa. f'TJp ViiA tT T t'I A 7.7 & " '"g imicn1 Joiirml of iclc.ted niune and valuable reeding I Vtt XA U lT Li matter. Vv mail f-ir ii tjer venr. or ten nfta miftibf-r Karh timhr v:ii,-ins frcm $a tu worth of fi,.r., , ir.;i,;.i mu..ir. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCKliiNER WISHES TO IN y i i form the Cittzcns of Ridgwaj, and the public gcterally, that he has started1 a Wv cry Slable and will keep GOOD STO'ck.G'bjf) CAIUliACfES Busies, to let upon the most rcusona ble lerus .1.. .. , rjQUHe will also do jVo tiaiin. " Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at ths Post Offic rill rr;el prompt attention Aug 20 lh:t). tf. JP YO'fJ WANT TO BUT GOODS CHEAP GO To' James h- iLiiwrt Main Street, F.idgway, Pa, dry goods, notions, boots : suO'es iiats and caps, glass and quekns w ark, woo!) and WlLLOU'-WAfiK, TOBACCO AND (JlaARSl. A targe Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Ccudtantly orj' hand', and' told as chrap as the Ui'JEApES'f. JAMES tt. HAGERTY. Eidgway Cemetery. J.ots are nuwtflered for rale hy the Kidgv?iy Ccui-tiiry Acociation in the' new Cemetery The prescut low price' for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the ofics of W. Si II AMBLE N,' Secret ary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1873. n-20 Frivate Tuition. Pupils wantisg to receive iasttuction in Greek cr L!i1in, or tfesii-iuf to prepare for College can have opportunity of doing so by app.ying to'the Hector of Grace Church. He having made the neec'ssary arrange menls v?i II be glad to receive, a limited number of young ladies and re-itlemen for iostructiou. For information as to terms no apply to KEV Wr. 3 AS. iIILLF.3, A. ?t , fiidsjway', Pa! THE jPHILADF.LPHIA TI.HES. "THE TIMH8" lS.A,F.lKSr-CLASS INDEPENDENT MOllXINa NKWSPAPElt, And has closed its first verir wiih nn es- tahlialied boa fibe circulation lui ger thuii that of. any other, daily in Pennsylvania, with a sin ex option. Ii has now ..the most perfect machinery and appliances fur criutiug iis large itpn, halving Iwci, new lioe Peifecting Pressa.i. eaoh cppahle -of priu tiD 8,0,000 complete copes of The Times in an hour, so that it can give, the very lr.ictt news and muke the eaileBt de livery to its readers.' It contains ALL THE LATEST NEWS including the Associated Press Telegrams, A'pccial Telegrams and Correspondence from all points of interest, Full and Ac curate Local Reports, and Fearless Edi torial Discussion on all Current Topics, making it the most complete and cheapest newspaper in, Pennsylvania. "The Tlufes" Is Tlior'oiighly Independent in everything and' will, )n all politcal straggles, he faithful to truth and its . own convictions. It makes no, hollow, pretence of neutrality on the leading questions of the dty, or in political, contests a, they pass, but will ever discard the blind par tisan, thaj (.would subordin ite the right to party success, no matter for what organi. lation, or in hoee interest such claim is made, and will fearlessly criticise political errors and (h? want, of publio .integrity wherever founds It. (Jem'ands economy and fidelity in every department of authority, City, Stte.and National, an,u boldly ar raigns, tjiose ofevery party who abuse pub lic trust., Jt discusses public issues, pub lio events and, DubUo men, with that meas ure of freedom, that is dictated by truth,' but with that dignity and courtesy' which should ever characterise the press pt the most enlightened' nation of tho world. J.'rice two oents per oopyj mai) subscriber!-, pos tage pre-paid, six dollars a year,' or fifty cen'nts a month. ., , Add rets - "15 (Tislniit! too GKO, WOODS i CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Mats. FIXA XCA L A CCO I 'NT OF MIL L STOSll TOWNSHIP jiwd Jmd for the jcar endinxj Aphll 3d, 1875. : . 1 , !).. ,,. To unsented tajc retyrreil to Co.Cqniip'rp fofthefear 1S74 $ 600 27 To unseated tax returned to Co , t'omm'rs for the year 1875 060 27 To unhealed tax returned to eo coniniissioneffli, bheciul cush levy for the Vear ,1875 600 27 To Heated ffupliea.t,o .for 187.5 , 195 7(5 special cash '75 195 5 To crt-or in statement for 1874 in favor of townribif) To cash frorri.C.H Hoffhian former treasurer 195 95 6 91 f 2388 43 By exonerations 3 25 19U 51 I5y seated duplicatewoiketlout Hy A. Zimniermah's time as : supervisor , , , nl By Elias, Ishman's time as su pervisor By povder,fuse,p'lank and tools By 2 per cent, for dlsbursi'iip; 97 00 C7 68 34 01 10 58 To balance in faorof townsb'ip 1983 40 . . . $2388 43 RESOURCES OF OA D i'VVTH. Unseated fax returned to eo. ,emmisHioners,for 1874 '75 1980 81 Seafed tax returned to county .commissioners for 1875 28 70 Seated tax returned to county commmissioners on the Grant .Mill lot for the year 1874 1 1 17 Seated luplicate, cash levy, for ..the J:ar 1875 . 19.3 95 Balance due township by AVm. Ciydehite township trcas. ,. 1191 Liantitticsiii excess of resources 468 88 , -.-. . .. $L'G98 37 i.lATUJ.nrE OF KOAD FU.VDS, fiiitHtnndingorders . 298 37 Unseated orders of 1871 liv C U llofl'man former wp treas. 400 00 Unseated ordwi-sdf JS75 by Vm Clyde late twp. treas. ' 5-J5 00 Judgment of Uarriisou Cats 1475 00 -. . $2098 37 RF.sorncKs of poor funds. Seated duplicate of 1875 . , 58 fi4 " adiIitionillS75 134 7'J Unseated tax returnl to eo commiswionem for. l"7 1 108 08 Unseated ttix returnd to co. commissioners for T875 CCC 41 Cafdi fromt! 11 llolfmni former lreainvr , 21 57 Balance due tovnshii) from Wm Clyde late twp. trens. 80 64 1 , . . , $U'J0 43 , T.TABtftTIKS OF i'OOH Fl'XDS. O'itstuitdin orders 321 05 - per cent. fordisbursih)j:i?Vl5 87 2 82 Judgment of .Margaret 'i'iiuteher ti otj liesources iu excess of liabilities 880 40 , 11G0 48 We, the undersigned, auditor of Millstone to.wnshin. havimr cxiiminnil the above statement do certify. thut it is.eorrect to the best of our knowledge and belief, April 3d, 1876. J,. J. MOOllE, V 0,0. T. HOKF, Auditors. UODFKEY PAKROTT J Attksv: G. C. T.'Hoff, Twp. Clerk. , AD IXISTR4T0R'8 NOTICE. ESTATE of'Thos. CaVnpbell, gr,; late ot Highland township, Hk., county de ceased. All persons indebted, to. said es tate are requested to niako immediate pay. meut, and those having Jcg'al claims against the same will.pre3eut them, without delay in proper order, fy settlement, ta KOBT. I. CAMPBELL, Administrtito , kidgway, Ta., Maich 15, 1870 nt Ot , . , Register's Xotice. Notice is hereby given that the fo) lowing accounts have been filed in my othce.and will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Or phan's Court ;for confirmation, being the 4th Monday in May, 187.it. Final account of Horace Little and Hiram Egleston, Administrators of t he entateof CjrARK EaiKTOX. deceased. Final Account .of Walburga Tresch Administratrix, of. t,he estate of Ma thias Tresch, deceased. Supplemental account of .JeVome Powell Administrator, of the estate of J. CCVapix, deceased. 1 FKEU. SCHtENINa, Register. Caiitlon. Wcedville, April 4th,' 187C All per sons are hereby warned not.topurchase any of the following, named articles now in the possession of Mr A J Avery, of rl'eedville, Klkc county, Pa., as said articles were purchased hy the under signed, at Sheriff's Sale, and are only left in possession,' of the said Avery until convenient for rue to remove them: One sorrel mare, one black and white cow, three yearling steere, one two year old bull, one two year old heifl'er, oiie white hog, one buggy, one lumber wagon, one pair log sleds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil Bafe, one pair platform scales, one heating stove and pipe, one heating stove, one lot of po tatoes, oue lot of com and straw fod der. C. L. AVEl.Y. llStf.' A'cocpTete stocYof ladies misses and cbildrens shces, light, medium and h'eavyat P,'& K's. Now is the time to buy- Alpacas cheaper thaa ever tefor know o' at P. & K's" Ttid " -1 - - , , ELK COUNTY DyQg Oflc3 ia Thaler & ilagarfv's Block, RlDGWAl1, rX. RIBE, 1 ; . , SUBSCRIBE. TEKtftf TWO DOLLARS A YEAlv. GIVE OS A' CALL FOP. JOB WORK ! i CARDS,' TAGS,' .-JVELOIES LETTER HEADS, NOTI5 HfiAS," HILL IIKAbEV; viAm-AW oV JitU.TwJ WJiNfilLY SI AliSMENTS, PROGltAMjiE's,' POSTERS, &C. ORliEiis liY MAIL piR6.Sir3TLYi aVtende'd to' Ada rcss Tfl'ri ADVOCATE, ' Kiigway, lk Co., LIFE, Growth, BEAUT X". LONDON HAIR COLCTl RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER 1 , Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and 1 .1.1, . . ..t 1, Bnky!-,canC8,ll0BcnlP from til Impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin.. Can be applied ,by the hand as it does not stain the skin. orjsoil the finest linen. As , Hair Dressing it is the most nerfcot the worm nas ever prouueca. . Tne na r Is re novated and. .strengthened, and natural co'or restored without the application of mtneraj suostances. . 1 . . Sinoe the introduction of this trulv valu- ae preparation into ttiis country,, it has been ,the wonder and admiration of all elas ses, as it has proved to be the only article mat win anoiutciy witliotit deception, re store gray hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, end produce hair on bald heads of its original frowth and color. Thisbeaullful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompanyment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hore Is the Proof of Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. fend this Feme Cortiticate. testified to by Edward, BGarrigues fine of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. . I am happy to.add my testimony, to tho great value of the L?ndon Knir Color Ro- storer which restored my hair to its origi. 11 iu toior, anu me nue appears to De per manent. I am satisfieii that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. 1 purchased the first bottle from IvJward B. Gurrieuea. druggist, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced its use. MKj. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phiia. Dr. 8wavne Son, Kespected friends: I have the plenSure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Uolor Restorer. Her hnir was fast falling and quite gray. The Color has been ' restored, tho falling off entirely stopped, ana a new growth, ot nair is the result. , E. li. UAKKl'iUliS, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, I81I. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter ifhile in Trenton,. N. J.. I pro cured s.x bottles London ,. Hair Color Re ! stoier, which I like very niich, in fact bet ter than any tuing I have used in the last nine years. 11 you please, .send me one dozen botlles.C O D core W S Fogler & Son DruBci!s, No; ITS ..Tremont street. Iloston. . Kerpoctfully yours, ADA BAKER 1S0 uv Kutlana square. London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing lias coiiipteteiy restoreu my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and c iu-ed a rapid aud luxuriant growth. ! M Ko. Aiilli MUliHIi, No 010 North ; Seventh Street, Philadfllpliia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color liestDrer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. - -. - i 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE'. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE t SON 330 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SOIL U'1LZ. li Mi tlG G ISTS T II H L UN G S CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint and Us premonitory symptoms, neglected cot.gh, night sweats, hoarseness, wnstirj rlesti lever permanently cured by D3ST0H S WAYNE'S COMPOTE STttTTP CiV I7TT.- ; CEEtiiv'i'. liKONCHITIS A premonitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized bv oi.tarrh, or inflamation of the mitcuin mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest. For ull bronchial affec tions, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, S WAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A BOVtUElC-N HEMKDY Iloniorihags, or Spittinc of lihod. mav proceed trom t lie larynx, tracliin, bmnchia or iungs anil arises lrom various causes, as unuue physical eertioD, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraia ng of the voico, suppresseil evacii iiioii, ob struction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swayuc's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of distjss by rinrifvine the blood, restoring the, liver and kidneys 10 iieauiijf a'niuu, luvigoraimg the nervous system. .... 'flio only standard remedy for houior- rhane, broiichiul .jind all pulmonary cum- i.',,u,9. u;uilj.u, ur tiiuat, preuis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. lis marvelous power, not only oyer con- cumpt-on, but over every chronic dbcise where a gradual altcraLve action is needed Under its use the. couah is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides. Lihe pulse returns. to its natural standard the stomach 13 improved in its power to di gest and assimilate the ,fooJ and cvorv 1 . . . organ has a purer. and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new re creative aud plaotio material is made. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 889 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. SOLO BY ALL l EOMl.Nt.NT DuUUGlSTS. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosmvELT cubed by the use of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. Iwassorcly aCicted with cne of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as ltohing Piles. Tbeitchinp; ut times was almost in tolerable, increase;! bv scratching, and not unfrequently. become quite sore. bought a bor ot,S pay'ne's Ointment; its .use gvc quick rc.liqf, and in a short time made a pcrfecture. l.can.now sleep undisturbed. find I would adviss all who are sutlering with this distressing complaint to procure twayne's Ointment at ouce. I . had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding and permanent relief. JOSETii W. CHRIST, , (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Bool and Ehoa House 341 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. ., SKItf DISEASES.' Swaynels .All-healing Ointment is also a speciho, 1 Tetter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Seal I. .Head, .Erysipelas, Barber's . Itch Blotches, all Scaly, ej-usty, cutaneous Er- ruptious. Perfectly, sale . and harmless eveu on the wast leader infuiU. .Price 50 ceuts. Sent, by mail to any address on re ceipt of price. . SWAYBE'S' PAnACEA: Celebrated all over itie world tor Hs rema ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercuraland Syphil itic oomplainta. Describe symptoms in all communicatious, Iddres letters to Dtl S'AlNt: aud SON, Philadelphia. n7yl THUllSDAY, AritIL 20TII, 1S70. Send liiottr suhscripiioiiM. Oivb us water works. fitttca Easter eggs are plenty. . Tin mud in the streets is drying up. Kvekyhodv Is going lo tho Ci'ti tcninl. Don't forget Coiniwny ll's dunce on the 2Uh inst. TiiK work 011 Jerome Powtll'd farm houe Is jirogressing rapidly. Tncni! are several liouses iii town for rent nt . present. . . Hans'- pill No. 53 rtlalirg to the re moval of county sents htn heen indefi nitely postponed, which Rtnotmts to the defeat of 1 lib hill. Last week Eik Creek nnd the Clarion river wore at a very high stfifc, overflowing tho road; and, ns usual, filling cellars at the h-er oir' of toH ti. No particular damaree was done by the flood so far as we can learn. Nearly all the lumber snrled was sufc'y got out. We will furnih 1"00 first -das white envelopes with your business card printed on tin; corner tor si fit), or we will furnish you with n good colored envelope at :! 7". We will fit nil: h Cen- tetiial note paper hettper than thi cheapest. Give us a cull. AH work done neatly and proi.-.pl ly. T"": RErUBL'.c I.'agni'iue foi April nnin. tains its previous b ath reputation. Thor oughly Uepubliciin in lone, Tub Repcii- lio deals plainly v.i:h the political issues of the day and the pretenniou of the T'enic- cratic patty. During the Presidential canvass no Republican should be without this valuable monthly. It. is a co'np'cte text-book, aud affords the material needed by every speaker and writer in the land. ouusoripiiuu price oniy send mnnc; ,to RcpuUlic Publishing Company, Wash ington, D. C. A Now Project. A pronouncing bee will be held at the school liou.se in Kidgway on Sat urday evening of this week, 7-30 sharp. One hundred words have been selected by Geo. 11. Dixon for the occasion. Kaeh proiiouncer will be supplied at the proper time withlhewordspri.dcd upon slips. The words chosen are those in common use and those gener ally, mispronounced. Admission free Let there be a full attendance. Animal Township statoaieuts. . We publish this week the annual state ments of Jay nnd Jones township?. Last week we published tho stntemeut of Mill stone township. There are several more townships to hear fvom, aud as the act of April 12, 1875, requires the Auditors of e tch township to publish in April of each year, in at least two newspapers in the couuly, some if the township auditors will lay them selves liable to the peualty,of tho act, which is a fine of one thousanddo.lnrs ($1030), tin loss they act in this matter at once. Si'pliing1 15ee. Th 9. tpulling bee on last Friday evcuin; wr.s not very well attended, the twenty tpcllisis who were to represent the iown failed to put in an appearance, and nl tiie sngprrsfion of Prof. Ci.;o. It, Dixon, Alton R. Chapin and Miss Ida Luther rere elected to choose sides'; Mis? Luther's fide being vicarious, to. S. Klino and Miss Taylor then choose sides wh'ch resulted in Mr. Kline's cU-fnat. prof. J. B. Johnson said that, he had heard some objections made to tha teuclters spr:ling in the con test on the Friday evening previous, nnd that now he would pclect six young Ir.dies from the high school depavtmeut to con 'est ng?inst the mime number of young gen. llemen in town; the words to be written. Tho objection was raised that a snflioicnt number of genlletiien could not be procured wbo would consent to engage in such a contest. Prof. Dixon suggested li..if a pronouncing Lee be lmi at eouio future time, which was agreed to. Ia nno'lier column wi'l be found tiie announcement of the same. New Time Tallc. On Monday ntoriil .'g' last, April 17th. 1870, a new timetable v ent into eflect on. the P. fe 15. R. K. The new ar rangement restores the morning ex press, giving three trains a day each way. Following is the time: Eastward. DAY EXPRESS :B6 A. M. ERIE KAiL E:f6 P. RS. PHiLAQELPHIA EX 1:07A.M. 'Westward. NIAGARA EXPRESS 7:35 P. M ERIE (KAIL ?:a? p. M. ERIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. M. The Niagara Express mikes the fastest time of any train on the road leaving Kuneut 0 A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at 9 1 M.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A. M.: and arrives at Kane at 8:45 P. M. C'ontpaiiy IPs Danee. A dance will be given at the ci'isory of Company H. on the evening of Friday, April 118th, 1870, tickets $1,00. Good mu sic will, ba lerniihed. The proceeds of the dance will go into the treasury of the Company. , According to the new regula tions the hoy's must have about $13 50 worth npicco of new trappings, as follows: New high caps, epaulets and cartiidgo boxes wiih the letters K. O. P. painted on the latter, also a new white, belt with a brass buckle having the number of the rejdinmt (17) stamped thereon, and new white cross belts with the letter II stamped on a neat brass plate. . With these equipment Com, paay H. will be iu trim, as required by regulation, and can go to the Ceu'.euri ul, without these "fixings" the Company will have to stay at home. Company H, now has the required nuuir-T of men (40) and withpioper drill will make a creditable dis play at the Centennial Exhibition. Go to the dance and give the "boys" a lift. lontli of Mrs! Vm LAHTMondny, April I7ib .1.8IC, . Min. Miller, vile of Wm. Jas. Milhjr, died, after nn ill' jess of but a few wcel' s, at the Kplseojial parsonage, this place. The funeral took plnooon Tuesday af ternoon at the Episcopal Church, which was largely attended, the servi ces Vicing conducted by Rev. H. S. Gctz. Aft;r the services the remnlns were conveyed to the depot to be taken to Eric, the former home of the deceased, for interment. Put ten months ago Mrs. Miller came to this place a joyous bride, during which, time the had made a host of friends. Tiilibill which has been passetl by the Leg-Mature authorizing the erec tion of watering troughs at (suitable pluces on-the public highways, does not apply to counties having less than 15.000 inhabitants.. ATllitM Jo'jh Waiters, a resident ofCalicoon N. Y., was killed, two miles south of Wilcox' last Saturday morning He was logging, when a tree fell upon him biMiking the spinnl column, frac turing the 'eft limb in-two places below (he kii"c, ami severely Injuring him Internally, llo lived only about tro hours. The deceased was highly es teemed by all who lnew leaves a wife. Iii 111. AMUXI.'TR.Ut.K'S N1 H I E.STATK OK IlfCJI McCni-:AIY. D."C'l). hKTI'DUS TK.vr.:.!KXTAKY UpOil tllP A bow eslite have been granted to the uudersi.iUC'.l. nil jiersons indebted to ,;aid eslote are lvtjuof red to make pay men 1 atttl those having claims to pre sent ti e .same will. out dehiy, to HKNJIY McClti:.DV Administrator, Kerrey, 10'k, Couiify, Pa. or to nis At torneys Hall a-M'Oai i.ky, Hidirwoy, Pa " n't-tit. Caution. All persons arc hureby warned not to purchase or meddle with oneMoler bahman lire jiroof mi IV; purchased by the undersigned tit Sherlll"' Sale, ami le ft in the ease of A. J. Avery of Weed vine, until convenient to remove the same, its the sanl a. J. Avery lias no interest in wild safe. . E. F. AVE R Y. Wcedville, April 1st , 1870 n8tf. ANNUAL XETTLE.UKS T Ot'JA Y ToiriiKiij for the ycrtr vndhig April 1). lbTii. Assessed valuation $212,727 50 An.'t ol'seiicd road tax 7fif KH of unseated r'tl tax Hit) '' 1,701 82 710 00 ' of orders received from commissioners Ain't supervisors cheeks on township treas. tins year im't supervisor's checks can celled at auditors' settle ment Co I 81 2?3 71 Ain't this year's issue oht- tindini Ain't duesup'rs nt settl' ivent L :. J.eguelt 1M i'U A- Evans t);J 77 Am't of out standing linb.'l'- trji cf 'his year Ain't of funds remain otl: 71 ing in treasury 42 8s Am't uncollected on special tux 1K 02 loS 50 Am't unprovided for this year Ain't indebtedness of former years 403 21 Am't old order. outstanding Vm't paid on old accounts tills , 1 a r J. Tnc'ey judg i ci t (.'has YVch'i iudj,-mcnt flnltrs heid by J. Wilhelm s". 00 00 Ot) M 00 105 00 M :.f. Ti.TIEWl'l'i,) J. M. JiliOOKKNS, Auditors. U. L. TlilJlJiSTON, J Attest -A. W. (ir.AY, Clerk. n0(3 JONES TO WNSUrP TN A WO i'NT with j uitils af Kii d Tifnsiij. To amount in hands of treas urer lirst of ye ir 1 !4 55 To amount wit led tax levied 1 131 01 To orders from couuly com- ' missionors 1.2-0 00 To casli from Collector Atlle- bavger 4 10 f 2,640 02 ly amour.tof ijlandingout or tkrs lvtieemed 154 43 Iy pahl treasurer's commission 50 52 "y umount paid Supervisor Mil-'-r for services 220 00 1 iimoiiiit panl lal orejs under Miller. 032 01 F.y amount paid supervisor Peter Matt ",i ft.i services 258 80 liy amount paid laborers under 1 March 707 00 Cy amount seated taxes in col lector's hands, subject tocom-mU.-ion and exonerations 1C0 00 By amount paid towitiship of ficers 50 0O . $2,540 02 ASSETS AN'') LIABILITIES OF JOXE3 TOWNSHIP. Amount due from Collector Miller. 172 Amount duo Miller, 1S73 Amount due 02 03 C3 01 177 00 l.JG 10 110 27 90-' 22 000 00 from Collector Collector Collector from The ). Cook. 1874 Amount due from liieo. Cook, lb75 Amount . 1.1 from Collector Attlebrnwi'. '70 and '71 Amount ilue from county treas urer, old fund Amount due from taxes, '74and '75, subject to commissions and expenses $1,3S 33 KOAD LIABILITIES. Amount of outstanding road orders 808 10 Excess of assets over liabilities 425 14 1 1,323 83 POOIt ASSETS.' Amount duo from Collector Miller, '73. 82 00 Excess of liabilities over assets 523 41 . $000 87 , .. POOR LIABILITIES. Amnmt orders outstanding 74 50 Due Jilk. County . 812 50 Due County treasurer 219 31 . . $600 37 VALUATION 0? TAXABLE PBOPEHTV IN JONKj TOWNSHIP. Seated 113,161 00 Unseated . . . l51125 00 . AO. of nulls levied for roads 10 By order of Board of A uditors. nO-nt jAf. X. Wki.lp, Town Clerk!