-3 K v.- 'a. a. n Am n v. i Attorney-at-law, ttidgvtty, Pa. RUFUS LUC ORE, ( Aitorncy-fi.t-I.mf .'fcidgwr.y, Elk Co., Fa. Ofloo in t Hall's new Brick Building. Cluims for 'collection promptly attended to. T3nlly. 11 ALL cf- M' CAE LEY, Attorncyeat-Liw. Office in New Brick Building, Mriln St 'Ridnwuy, Elk Co., I'a. v3n2lf. J, 0. II. BAILEY, ATTOUNEY-ATLAW. MDioyl. IUJgway, Elk County, I'a. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon Dentist, liaving perninncntTy lo cated in Itigway, oilers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Kidgway ana sur lounding country. All work warranted, ortice iu Service & Wheeler's Euildiiiir, up stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-o21y VII MILES HOLES, Watclim.iucr, Entrraver nr.l Jeweler Main street, Kidgwny, l'u. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, und Morton Gold Ven. llepniriT's Watches, tic, ilorewitli ho same ucuunicy ii: hei tto'Tcre. .r.lis ficlioa gum united. vluly a. a. messes a eh, llruggist and Vm iiiaccuti"'.. N. W. ooruni of M.aiu and Mill streets, Uulwny, I'a. full Absoriiucui of t-aveJully select e-1 For- uign and Uotr.eiitio Imigs. Vrcscriptions carefully dispeused at ail hours, day ot liMit. vlL'J T. S. HARTLEY. M. P., I'hyticiiin nna ureoii. Ofiico in Lrug Store, coruer liroud and Main Sis, J'esidtiicc corner l'.imi.l tt. opposite the College. Uilice liunri lroiu 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 lo I'. M. vluiyl. J. S. 1JORL-WELI-., M. 1)., Eclectic l'iiysicinn and Surfeoii, bfisicimiv td liis otlice iioin Count slioel, to Mail hi. ilidgway, l'a in iliu tttond nory of ilie lit brick building of John C-. Hall, oppo kill Hyde's store, O.fijo U)Ui j: 1 to 'i V M 7 to U V M HYDE JIOLSE, Umti'ctAV, Ei.i; Co., I'a W. 13. SC1IUAM, l-p-piictur Thankful for t!ia patroflaao he'.etoiore hit liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying s'.iici a. tentiou to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to lact-ii a cobiu.uauce o ih namo. Oct 80 1SGI). KERSEY HOUSE, Ct.M'iitviLLi:, E':.k Co., I'a. John Colmns, l'topnclur. Thankful lor the patronage heretoiou no liber illy bestowed upon hiui, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ut tuutiou to the toiiitor; rlU convenience j;' giusts. I'niern a continuance of the tu-uio. i: . HAYS, DLALIi. IN Dry Goods, Rations, C-rccsriec and General Variety, POX, ELK CO., PA. EarCcy I". O- vlu47tf. HAIL110AD3. I'OXSYLVANIA HAIL HO AD 1'hiladclphia i; Erie 11. H. liivitiou WINTER TIME TABLE. OS andufterMOXUAY.MA, 114, 1875, the trains cu the Philadelphia & Erie Utiilroud will run as follows: WKSTWAf.U. KANE ACCOM leaves Kanovo 4 p ni ' ' Diiftft'ood.. 5 oo p m " " Euaporiuai 0 6-j p in ' " " tt Marys... 7 u-3 p ui " llidgwuy... 8 2r p m " AVilci'i It 0j p iu arr at Kar.e.. '.) ij'O p m R1E M AIL leaves Philadelphia 11 " p m ' Kenovu 11170 a in ' " " Emporium 1 10 p ui " St. Mary's - 00 p m ltidgway - -o p ui Wilcox 2 oti p ni " arrive at E;ie 7 50 p m EASTWARD. lU'NOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m ' " Wilcox B B;l a m 11 Ilidgway. It 1! j a in " " Bl Marys 10 01am " " Etcpoiium 11 05 am " Drill wood 12 15 pm " " Bcnovo 1 JD p m KlUE MAILlcavt-s Erio 11.0 a m ' " " Kane ii 45 p m ! ' Wilcox J 08 p in " " Hidgwuy 4.45 p rn ' ' " 8t. Mury'g 5.10 p m " " " Emporium 0.05 p m " " llenovo 8.25 p m orr. at l'hiladephia... 0.50 a m llenovo Acconi and Kuno Accom connect east and west ut East with Low Grade En vision und to N Y & 1' 11 11 WM. A. BALDWIN. Ueu'l Bup't. Fresh family Groceries, und Canned t;oodi at l'&K's. The cheapest and SfSt. Gm Woods & Cck?s PARLOR OltGkAilSTS !AiiftYaWS.Ua.' tr t -" v H.3 .f-f. iWisad&SHf I Hi These remarkable in-truments t-tmw capacities fr mtisic- effect, andexpression ' below attuned. Adapted for Air.ate-jr uiv-i i'ri".lc.ioiijl, an J an orn-mcni ar.y parlor. Beautiful fifw a .y!, sow ready. GEO. VOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. VAK.!:r.(Ki.kJSi t'H'8 W :'.tnrtoii St., Unntoii! 170 S((c St.. t'blcagol i8 LudBUlt 111, lm). rrTSV1 TriV tJ ITV-f A XT A A l Miwic.l Jonrnal of Mlrcted bmiiIc sa-aluUNMllfi; r. I'.y mail t-.t u:u.: . NEW TIVKRY STABLE VA BiDGWAY. I) AX SC111BN15R WISHES TO 1 fortu the Cittfcns of K'ulgway, and the public gcLerally, that he has stnrtcd a tiV cry f table and will keep GOOD STOCK, 3UOP CAK1UAGKS llajjies, to let 'ipoa Ue aiosv rtksoua b'.e terms C.Ue will also do job teaaing. Stable on l'.rond street, above Main All orders left at the Tost Office will ireet prompt attention Aug '10 1870. If. I F YOU WANT TO liUY GOODS CHEAP .iO TO JAMKS II- llAGiSliTV Main Street, I'.idgwny, l''a. DUV GOODS, NOTIONS, 3500TS irMOKS, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QU.KL'NS WAHK, WOOD AND V.lLLOW.WAKi:. TOBACCO AND CIGAKS. A Large Slock of C-rcceries :.nd Provisions. The BEST BUANDS til 1-LOUil C'ciiStantly on lianu, uui tuld as chcup as the CIJKAl'EST. JA.MES II. IIAGHHTY. Eidgway Cemetery. Eot3 arc now uflicred for rale by the Kidgway Ceiuelary Association in the new Cemetery The present low price for lots may soon be advanoed. Apply at tlitS office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Kidgway, Sept. 7 1873. n-1'9 Private Tuition. Pupils wantisg to icceivo instruction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can have opportunity of doing so by appying to t lie Hector of Grace Church. He having male the ueeessary arrange ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms &c apply to EEV WM. JA3. MILLER, A. M. Kidgway, Pa. ESYTD J- EVANS & CO. NUKSEHYMEXAXDSKED.SMEN YOKK, l'FS.N'A. SEEDS. iurili.n and Flower Smia, linwx St't'ds, St't'tl C'm'li, St-t-tl Potatoes; Sei'd Wht'itt, Tree unci i.Ietljft- Sct-tls, &i: .lii'Mis, of nil Uinils, for Sjiring nii.l Full planting. BULBS. TREES. .Stuiulurtl untl Dwurf Fruit Tret'.-?, Orni)i uinl Siiinll Fruits. Evfi'sret'tis, OrnaniPiititl Tres niwl iSlirulis, ltotit-s, Ileilfrel'liiJits, S:c; Eti-i-lo.se Mtunip lor pi'iee list, 'c for Full Descriptive Cu(ulogm Kxecutrlx's Notice. Nut U-e U hereby given that let tern testamentary on' the estate of J. V. llouk late of ltitlgway township, tleeeaseil, have been grantctl U the tnulerKigtieil. All viefhonw knowing-themselvei indebted to Mild estate are requested to make ininiediate pay ment, and all ! persons having claims? will present them properly authenti cated for settlement. JEANNETTE CAltOElNE HOUK, nol-ut Executrix. Executors' Notice; Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegclcr, latb of iSt. Mary's borough, deceased, have been grunted to the un dersigned. AH persons knowing themselves Indebted to t-uid tstute uro requested to make immediate jmvment and till persons havingeluinis will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. ADOLPH FOCHTMAN -p.,Prt n61-Gt C'HAS LUHIl rs T0BTT70UK We are now prepared VY to doall kinds of JOB WOBK, Euveicpes. Tags. Bill-heads, Letterheads neatiy titia jtheaply executed. Office in Thayef . S. Ilageriy's new tuildinj, Mai street BMgtay; T- , - " --mm ili.wi if. a B M "It - E . M V in fnr i rr vear, or ten cents a ttmM r. Eacb number CEO. WOODS i CO., Publ!ihers,Car brldgeport, Mw AimiMSTRATOll'S iXOTICE. INSTATE of Thos. Catnprxjll, iglilnnd township. Elk 6r.; late of county de ceased. All persons inilebt d to said es tate are requested to nnk in mediate pay ment, and those having kal -claims ngaiDst the some will present I liein -without delay in proper ordpr, ft.r se'tlenicnt, to HOIST. 1. CAM! HELL, A dministrator. y-.'idgway. Pa., Maiclt lo. 1376 nt Ot NOTIC?. U. S. 1XTERXAC R5TE5UE SPECIAL 'TAXES, May 1, 1870, to Ajkl -30, 1877. rryiE kevlsed statutes of the J t'niled State, Sections S2V2, 3237, 8238 mid G3V, reuire every pvso n engaged in any business, avocation, er employment, which tenders him liable- to a. SPECIAL TAX, TO PROC'JUE AND PLAGE CON SPICL'OLSLV IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT Oil PLACE OK BUSINESS A STAMP de noting the payment of said SV ECl XL TAX, for the Special Tax Year begirnjng May 1, 1870, before commencing ov continuing titsiness after April 30, 8"C. The Taxes ciiilu-aced wi.hiu the provis ions, of the law above quoted .ro the fol lowing, viz: llcclihers ; $2(V1 00 Dealers, retail liquor -5 00 Coalers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale... 50 IK) Dealers iu malt liquors, retail 'JO 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco...... 25 00 lietail dealers in leaf tobacco 500 00 And on sales of over Jl OtlC', fifty ctnts for every dollar in excess of f 1,000 Dealers iu manufactured loba jco 6 03 f.iauuincturers of stills ...60 00 And for each still nianurctii 'ed...20 00 And for e u-h worm matiiifiicl tired...20 00 Manufaclu'.ers of tobacco 10 CO MaDiit'acluteis of cigars 10 00 Peddlers if tobacco, first clasa( more than two liom-s or other an mals...50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, sec'iui1 class (two horses or other animals 25 00 Peddlers of lobbaeco, thiricIvsB (one l.orse or other animal) 15 CO Peddler? of tobacco, fourth cl.ts (on fool or public conveyance).1 10 00 Brewers of less than 500 biuV'ils 50 00 Hiewtwers of fOJ barrels r jn.ore...lOO 00 ,iivV person so liable, v ho sliall tail to comply wiih tho foregoing l cqiureuieuts will be subject lo severe ptr.3 it,ies. Persons or tiruis liable lo Jay any of tho Special Taxes named above apply to E. COWAN, Deputy Collector of liiu-rnal Uev. enuo at WAKKEN, PA., and pay for aud procure the Special Tax Stai ip or Stamps they need prior to May 1, 1S70, aud WlihuLT FUKTilEll NOTICE. D. D. i.tATT, Commie'sioner of Informal Vt'evenue. OrriCC OF 1TKBNAI. El VKXl t, . WAfftiKuTox, D. C, Feb. 1, 1876 -nt EXEtXTOK'S NO! ICE. Estate of Patrick Xiuiiti, dee'd. LETTERS TESTA M EXT A It Y upon the above estate Jiave been grunted to the undersigned, nil per sons indebted to saitl cstaieare reques ted to make payment, nnl those hav ing claims to present the Bamo with out delav, to LAWltEXCK MOHAN, Sit. Exr. or to his Attorneys HALL & M'Caulev, H2-0t KitlgAray Pa. A couipleto stock of ladies misses and childrcns shoes, light, medium aud heiivy at 1. & K's Now is the time to buy. Alpacis eheaper tlian ever lefor knowu at P. & K's Iu the Court of Common Pleas of Klk Coutity. No 153 May Term 1875 tay ! It. 1. lu-blDSOU & Co, vs. Tenner & Co. DO.M KS5TI0 ATI ACI1MKNT. Notice is hereby given that the Trus. tees nppoiuted iu tho above entitled cause have tiled their report iu my cilice, and utiless exceptions are hereto bled, the said Keport will be conbi uied at the next term ot this Court. FKKD SCllOKNIXa, VO-t4 Prothouotary. ELK COUNiy SS: The Commonwealth of PvnnnyJvanlu to the Sheriff of mi id County t.i retting: We command yoit that you uttach John A. Andirjon lato 6f your County by all singular the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said John A Anderson in whose hands or noaeossion soever the same inny be found, so Uul they be and appear betore our Courts (if pummon Pleas to t e holdtu at Kidgway -in aud for ea d County on the fourth Monday of May next, there to answer Jackson b; cx-hulu, Maurice M Schulix, Judson jSchulu, John Eruhout find J, L. Brown us Tunning und Lumber Compauy. Aud Alao. That you summon (he person or persons iu whose hands or possession the same may be found, so that they be and appear before our said Court on the fourth Monday of May next, to answer what shall bo objected against them aud abide the judgement ot toe Court therein. And have you then and there this writ Witness the Honorable L. D. Wet more, President Judge of our said Court at Kid way, this 27th day of Jacuary A. D.lfcTb. r UED. cCllOt.N 1 Nu, Prothouotary. Per W. 8. HOKTOjN, Depty. SheriS's Otlice, Bidgway Ta. Febry. 18 1876. DANIEJi SCULL, Sheriff. TIIiJ ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE bXLY HEI'UBlAcAN FAFlia IX ULK COUNTY. Office iM Thnyer & Hagcrfy's Block, HIDGWAa', rA. SUBSCIIIBK; SUBSC1UBE, subschibk, SUBSC111BE. Tr'ilMs TWO b6l.LAHS A YEAK give US A UaLL for JOM WORK ! CARDS,' TAGS ENVELOPES; LETTER ilEADS, NOTE IIEAST, BILL IIEAD3,' MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C OUDEKS LY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address',1 THIS ADVOCATE,- . LIFE, Growth, (BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLO RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a I'yc; makes hnreh hair soft and silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing tho hair lo grow where it lias fallen ofT or become thin. Can be applied by the hand as it docs not stain the skin orioil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most, perfect the world has ever produced. The hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural co'or restored willionl the application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all clas ses, as it has proved to bo tho only article that will absolutely without, deception, re store gray hair toils original oolur, health soilness, lustre and beauty, . and produce hair on bald heads of iis original growth and color. ,. . ... .,. , . ,. This beautiful and fragrantly J-crfnrncd article is complete wilhiti itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompanym'ent of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Here is the (Proof f Its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. 7,'ead this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Oarrigues one of the niost competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt. , 1 am happy to add my testimony to t lie great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. nal Color, and the hue appears to be per manent. 1 am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the ce crctions. it is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward B. Garrigucs, druggisl, Tenth aud Coales street', who can also testify ny hair was (Juite gray when 1 commenced its Use. MliS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, PhilA. Dr. Swayne & Son, Kespccted friends: I have the plcastire to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color lies! or er." Her hair was fast fulling aud quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is the result. E. B. OARRIGUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coales, Tliila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 2l!d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Sons Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., 1 pro cured six bottles Loudon Hair Color lle stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles COD care IV S Foglcr & Sou Druggists, No 72.'1 Tremcnt street, Boston. P.espectfully yours, A OA BAKER No 59 lluthihu Square. London Hair Color Stostcrcr r.i.d Dressing Has compleiely re!ored iny hair to iis original color arid yeothful beauty, and caused a rapid and iitxuriuut growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No Gib' North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. !?ultoh,of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color liesOrer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. 1 therefore speak from experience. . 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE 4 SON 3:10 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. sain nviLL. ithkrish is'ts T 11 E L II X G S CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, niglit sweats, hoarseness, wasting flesh W-er beriuanently cured by SWAYKE'S CCMPCUlTo fiYRUr OF 77ILD CHEfUlY. BRONCHITIS A premonilor or Pul mouary Consumption, is characterized by ci.tarrh, or intlaination of the niucum mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short, breath, hoarseness, pains iu the chest, l-'or all bronchial affec tions, sore throat, lossfof voice, coughs, DR. SW-4YWES Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOYJCKEK'N HEMKDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Mood, may proceed from the larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs and arises lroiu various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraiu ug ofthevoico, suppressed eCaci'atidii, ob struction of the spleen or Ever, &c. Dr. Swnyue's Compuiiud Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys lu healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. The only ctauuaru reme "y lor hemor- rhane, bronchial uli-l all pUlmbnary com- plants. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak luugs should hot fail to use this great vegelt'b.o remedy. lis marvelous power, not only over con- cumpt-un, but over every chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Luder its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its 'idtural staudiifd, the stomach is improved iu its power to di gest and assimilftte the food, and every organ has a purer aud better quality of blood supplied to it, cut of which new re creative und plaslid material is made. Prepared only by DR. SYTAITNE & SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold ur all Prominent Ducugists. Itching Piles ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, I'Ositivklv ccbki) by the oso of S WAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more couimouly known us Itching Plies. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increase! bv scratching, and not uufrequently become quite soie. I bought a box ol Swayue's Ointment; its use gave quick relief, and iu a short lime made a perfect cure- lean now sleep undisturbed, and I woul'l advise all who are Buffering with' this distressing compTaiht to' procure Swayne's Ointment at once. I hud tried prescriptions almost innumerable, Without hading ana pcrmo neat reliet. v JOSEMI W. CHRIST. (Firm of KoeJel & Chris't.) Boot aud Shoe House 811 North Second Btreet, Philadelphia. SKI IT DISEASES. Swayne's All-healing Ointmeut is also a speciho for letter, itch, bait Kheum, Sjald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, utl Scaly, crusty, cutaueous Er ruptioiiB. Perfectly safe aud harmless even on the most tender infant.1 Price 50 cents. Sent by mail to auy address on re ceipt of price. t , SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the worliA tor us riuia- ble cures ol Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil ilio complaints. Describe symptoms lu' all communications, auurecs letters to uu SWAYNE and SON, Philadelphia.' u7yl Spelling Coniest. Yc are Informed that a "spelling contest" will 'take place on Friday evening of this week ftt the public fehool building. It promises lo be an exciting nnd nn interesting affair. The contestants will be twenty hc lccted "spclHsts" front the Ilidgway school?", Including the teachers, and twenty "spcllists" chosen from other ranks than pupils ami teachers. The former will represent the school and eoittend ngaiiisl the latter who will represent the village, lion. Jno. G. I fall will select tho woWl.) for the occasion and pronounce them, 'ft nil we have every reason to believe that pro per worths will be elected and that they will lie pronounced with the Utmost accuracy and distinct it'. Three judges or rcl'errecs, namely: H. M. Towers, Jerome Powell and E. K. t Gresh will each be ready with Ucb ster's I'nal'rldgt.'d to decide disputed points of pronoiiiicif.tioii atid spelling. The n nines of the contestant would here be given but tlie 1M of those who ureto represent the village Is hot quite complete SuAlce it to say that the pttjiils are very sanguine, and they have shouted defeat already in the startled ears of their foes. The room will be well lighted ami perfect order kept. Further arrangements) for con ducting the exercise will be made on the eveiilng of the contest. The pri mary object ofthis spelling contest is to raise money with which to buy a large", well 'mm' iied, pii'turo vf our school building to be sent to (be cen tennial exhibition. Pennsylvania lias erected a l'uilding, at l'hi'ade'phhi. for the display of our own educational matters and in it is a "jnce . allotted to each eountfj. The Kidgway school board has already contributed live dol lars toward the erection of the build ing, (which example ought to be fol lowed by other school hoards iu the county) hut this will not fill the space set apart for Elk in the display. Elk must not be a blank. Certainly the money will be raised; the picture pur chased and sent with oilier things, and to this end ten cents admission fee will be charged at the spelling contest- AVe hcar that .M'ilcox, Centre villeandSt. Mary's also think of send ing the picture of their school build ing, till of any of Which would make a fine display. Let lis look for Elk at the centennial. FriMXU now approaches. Su-KXi'ss is very common here at present; Hravv thiit'itl'.- in Ibis s'cti"u on Monday moriilng. Ik you want a pack of envelopes, white or colored, give the Advocati-: ollk-e a call, and see how cheaply we can furnish them. Miss Alick SiMoxns, niece of J. 0 W. Railey, of this villagb, missielled ten words but of a list of fifteen hun dred words pronounced to her. John Ptonk, of Manor Station, Craw ford county, committed suicide by shooting himself though the head a few days air' because the girl he was ill loVt with vxais only thirteen years old. and alas too young t' inarry. HofNDlN'ii foies is practiced to ti certain extent here on Sunday. The practice is no credit to those engaged in il, and outside of being a violation of the law is an outrage n common decency. "Baxtih" Miller will pl'--ae lake notice that !ilthoiighwc lost money in tlie butchering bu-diiess v e paiil one hundred and nutforty-thrte cents on a dollar as did the immaculate 'Bantii'." Now please tell us about the billiard club shares. VisiviNii CAi:is. A gooil assort ment ii. th" Aiivoi'atk otlice, and printed in . bl-k. 'a'mlne, purple, gr'.-cii or gold. Our cards are put up lu neat cases, making a very pretty anil convenient card case, containing fifty white or tinted cards. Call and see our new faces of vi.-iting card ty e James Buchanan lived and died a bachelor. He never knew what it was to have a beautiful wife rush into the preseneeof a Congressional invest igat ingComniitteciwiCi her hair ilislu-vled and her pull-back at half-mast, crying bitterly: "Oh, gentlemen, whatever yoil do, don't hurt my Jimmy." TllK Detroit iW (Rep.'j driiws Ibis linique purailt-1: "The people of Un united States are paying interest to day on bonds :toieii by Ruchaiian's Secretary of the Interior, amounting in value to fcr PsoO.OOO. Yet the Dcmocnits fit Congress nnd on the press declare w ith riiticulous s'lleinnity Unit IVeik nap's crime is unprecedented in (hisorany othercountry." J'wioi.i.t xi; Bt'itXKt) The dwelling house of James K. Taylor, in Fox town ship, Was burned about half-past nine o'clocif on the eveiiii'lg of March oOtli HeziUiah .Moyuf ruuf fai'ni'y also lived in tlie house with Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Moycr awoke just iu time to escape from tlie burning biiUdin with her child. A sewing machine und two sacks of Hour was all that was saved. Tlie lire is supposed to have originated in' (hedisplaccmcnt of the stove pipe, caused by the pipe settling, which al lowed the sparks to escape into the room. Loss tiliout tP'oo. :n insur ance. Q1EO. FIiYX"N. In this jilaee on Fndav, March 24th, 1870. .Mrs. Julia Flynii, aged about 00 years. Mrs. Flynu was w:cll known to our citizens, anil respected by all with whom shecame in contact. THOMPSON In Fox township, this county, March 30th', lsVO, of diphtheria, Manfred, youngest son of Peter and Hannah Thompson, ttgeU 0 years, 4 mouths and 1 day. The subject of this Jioticw was an unusually bright and interesting little fellow, and his death is a sad blow to his parents and friends. oCD THURSDAY, APR IL ISM, Arrival n:nl Departure of Walls. Faster.'. Daily exnopt Sundays, ulrives at 2:30 p ni., leaves al -i-.i'i p m. Western Daily excepts Sundays; leaves at 2;:!0, arrives nt 1 : 1 o p in. Brookvillc Daily except Sundays; ar rives nt 12 ni , leave? nl 2.:'-(l p in. Spring Creole Arrive? Tucd..ya and Thursdays nt 11 t nt., lc?.7es Wcdee-sdaj s and Fridays at U o in. Lo.lge rilei'liag-i. EIk Lod-e, Ni 37'.i. A. Y. M , nnels the second an 1 fourih Tu-s l iys of each month in the Masonic Hall. Ou tothe"sp,-ir' Frid ty evenin r. A vi:i;k from Sunday Is Easter. Tirr.snow is fast disappearing. Dft K wit KAT ca'a-s are out of seaoi . Prsii;ss was very brisk in Hidg wuy while thcslclgliing continued. J. H. Haokuty is ullcriiatc de'cga'o to Cincinnati. Tiik obi rt-il liousi- has been torn down. AKl'KK this week we will be able lo givemore reading matter. Coxnki "rii'VT has gone Democratic. The Denioi rits now t-ike nulmces in theirs. Tut: iitteiition of our reader is railed to the adverlischicnt headed life Growth Beauty in another column. Captain A. J. Davis, of Company F (Perry Infantry) has been ijct ted nia- jorof the Seventeenth Regiment' X.G. P. in p'ace of Cliarles D. Sweeney, re signed. Mit. J. Nkwso.n will lavt on April ,'id from the City Hall in Tiliisvilletothe City IbiU l'biladelpbia, a (listnnee of V0 mill s in 2.' days, on a wager of SC' HI. Till-: oil ext-itenient has reached Uidgway. A meeting will be held iu the Court house on Saturday eei ilig! next, f )).' the purpose of oiganizlng a company and raising money to put down a test well. It is expected that the meeting will be largely attended. "Bantam" again tills his little popju.i with dishwater en I points it iu our di.-ee:'on , his water is dirtier tlnui usual this time and we fail to perceive : lie point of much hes"y-s. We can devote but little spr.oe to him th'n week, as we have a sick cliie'ien, one oT i he dunghill breed, that we consider of far m-jro importance than hu is, and it lakes us much ofiiir leisure time to nitend toil. Baulie" piibl sh?s a rctlnciion he caught of himself in a glass, and calls it our picture, ho.vever, as tlie Utile cuss is so generous he can fur nish its with 50'1,( U copies. Tj ! Kih useof Representatives on Fri day passed tho Silver Currency bi'l, which iK t-lare:- that fifty silver dollars, or twenty-live dollars in fractional coin shall be a legal tender for anyone pay ment. I". is believed 'hat the Senate will amend the measure so as to reduce the legal tender 'iinit live or ten dol lars. Tm-: following is the religious calen dar for April; Sunday Sunday before Easter; Friday 11 Good Friday; Sat urday 13, Easter Even; Sunday, Pi, Easter Pay; Sunday 23, lii-.-t Sunday al'terl'astei-; Tuesil-iy, Si. Mark, the Evangelist; Sunday tin, second Sunday after F-'sti-r. An exchange has the following the. t rut h of which is very apparent: This man v ho.'vhcn Pecan get notl-ingbel-terto do, saws a cord of wood and de votes at least a portion of the proceeds toward paying his hornet debts, is worth liio'e to any c(!ii'".u!!.!! v than a rebneiit of loungers ai-eui su'oous moaning about the hard limes. The following belong with the Tr; Su'.e of unseated hunk'. no i no. 7TII, 1372 Rs Win. Mae It 71 7; l:!71 221 do J:,.) 44:1 1 S7 d" :;") o-i 44(i! MiT tin M 2! 4IM 1010 (!,, p.j js 41 '.2 7'V. VI i 1242 h: ;!i;i l-'OX 4173 3 -ill Wui. Mack Pi 12 HES'ZIXnEl? 50 a-ob D. PeU-ker K KK.TK!. 1 lot and house near Railroad it. '74 G 41 Till-: above elegant and lifelike ciigiav.ug is a corn-r-l copy ofa photograph of B.iulam Miller themild and piumy youdi who at tempts to edit the Dishwater Dcnucrat aftoi he had swallowed the Khedive oyster and found it l ollou; he wes wed pleased', iih our former porti-i.it (or the he lies as usual I ...i .. i i : ' uuu no mq.il- 110 vm HBO tills C'lllrt' '' an trill, A frie-id at c-i'ioiv sut'-esis hu t.. i. ...... i . i i . . " "ouu ue nau ju;t come cut ofa base ball match, itiid another friends liiiul.s ho has bc. u j'dtcd. WC dovj'y aske.l ihu latter if ho kuew ui.yth'iiig about iho -1'uue. tioiisof the human heart," and' if he knew I here were some sirlugs lhat shoula not bo vibrated; he replied his parents were poor aud he didu't know u.u'eli ubotit such thiols we pitiiod his ignorance. Bauluui,'. nine pop gim lilkUwitli dishwater,; iu ti9' picture but we can't see it5 because it is out of sight. Owiug lo the grLC tpeuse of procuring iho ubove eugVavai'ir wo ureJ obligid lostll thtm ut l o7f each.' V