The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 30, 1876, Image 2
53 i0 5 J47 534 i 5370 5380 53S! 5-1S1 5!S7 5340 6341 6479 6025 6478 6011 6477 54K1 5482 llenry A. Parson i, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH 81TII, 1370. JURY I.I SIS. following 1 the list of jurors drawn of May teriii, commencing Monday May 2d, 187J. uhasd j r nous. 4100 4103 Benezette. S. P. Rooming, laborer 4101 j t ; i j 1 1 .Kiiuison, jr. inrnier. liciizinger. L'iinrlc Schneider. farmer; 15. Wocnllzt-r, lirewor; George Docker, larmer; Joseph Werner; hir m or. Fox S. 8. Parker, farmer; Lewis lttuingn. tanner. Horton James MeClcllnn, lum berman. Jay. David Kiuk'9, laliorer; Joseph Dill, lumbcrmnu. Jones 1'iuilus Schneider, farmer: 4882 4860 40UO 40,33 41158 40(il 4001 4103 4104 4l Michael Dill Sr., fanner; Isaac Keel'er laborer. Ridgway. G. T. Wheeler, lumber man; huylor Jiu-ksoii, Carpenter; , F. Mercer, Duteher; H. A. Parsons printer. St. Marys' M. Stibieh, laborer. I., "Wittinun, merchant; Henry Frcder man, farmer; J. M. Mcciuii, hotel; keeper; Henry Clansman, carpenter; 410; 4 108 4115 4102 4110 4 104 4103 Anion Hainan, lutiorcr. thavkhse .iritons Uenozette -T.oiov Winslow, farmer; Eil' Fietelier, merchant; Dennis Tin W, laborer; Henry Jikvsh, hotel ki'i-pcr; George Wliislow, farmer John llarr, fanner. ISen.iiiger. Lorenzo Gahr, farmer; (. lemeiiz llalherberger, tanner; Stev 4070 hen Henry, tanner; t'l'anlv els, ear in liter; Geo. Nissell, farmer; Jacob ivreekle, fanner. Fox Charles Mohan, lahori 4001 2357 Frank Armstrong, laborer; William Gibson, carpenter; David Meredith, farmer. Jlorton. Freil. llay winkle, farmer; Ji. A. Rogers, laborer; Hczikiah Hor ton, farmer. Jay. Uw. IV. Hill, laborer: L. S. Dodd, fanner. Jimi'S. John Allen, Mechanic. Millstone. H. .1. Oyde, laborer. Ridgway. .1. W, Taylor, laborer; Hugh Mc('eehin, Merchant; James Riley, hotel keeper; Kd;on T. Grant, farmer; Harry Wilson, Carpenter; J. 1073 4H05 4877 4S00 4101 4407 4107 rowoii, iiarnei-s maker; A. H Head laborer; K. Grcsh, mer- chant Sprint laborer. Crcck, Reuben Mohney, St. Marys. Anthony Foehtman, hotel keeper; John Ahlis, millwright; John Knimett, Mono mason; Anthony Auman, stone mason; Henry Fey, carpenter; William lirnnitt", carpi'iiler; George Iiuboll' taylor; Frank Keller, butcher. 4881 E. K. GRKSK, Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen nnd extent ion tables, wood mid marble top Mauds, wood and marble top bureaus, what nots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Lat'ertv's metal lined wood nimms , .. ---- - .... , , . , . .. H J.HI1 III 1,1111 lll'l'lVir.'l t I'll ll'rwlil urntu V.m.l L.AH.inn ivc. i.aiie seats reptaecil with jiiachine reduced from 03 to 4-3, the best machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a large ns.ort d stock of ready made collins constantly on hand nnd trim med at shortest notice. All the above poods arc Kld at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic building, Ridgwav, I'll. v3n4'Jtpdair7'77. TREASURER'S SALE OF OSEATEI) LANDS. "VTOTrCH is hereby ivcn that, agreeably to an Act of Assembly pursed tiie J.Uh day of Mareli, A. J). 1S13, entitled An act to ameml an act directing the. mode of selling un seated lands for taxes ami for other purposes," and tile, several sunpie ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Klfc county, Peiina. will be exposed to sale by pub-H-? vendue or outcry, at the 'Court House, in lii.lgway, in said county, on the sec-owl 3Ioii'tay of June nft, being the 12TH DAY OF JIXL'. A. D. 17C, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1S74-75, unless baid taxes are paid prior to said ilali : i'j:xi:;i:ttk to"w;siiip. War Acns War'ts or Owners. Taxes 5:;tJ J)i-i Juiac. -Stokes iflU 22 oo'J.J lUi7 James Stokes l!U 20 5:r;3 lot; James Stokes ltiO 20 S.i jS H)ij7 James Stokes ' 201 34 4105 ) 4100 41 05 1 4100 j J 105 4103 4110 41U4 4104 48S8 48f7 1H5 4110 4105 4977 4093 '4993 4992 4960 4404 4404 4400 44(10 4407 4408 i41 KiiiT James Stokes 20134 3343 1007 J .imes Stokes ofil 53 James Stokes K'.'l 53 Juine.s Stokey 301 53 Jiiinci Stokes- MA 53 James Stokes 225 no James Stokes 537 80 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 471 0'J James Stokes 470 70 1007 lUi7 1007 130 1100 1100 1000 ll'IO 531') 10113 5M2 110) 51 m coo 5333 145 5334 1100 5337 1100 5350 llo.S 5351 1100 5352 3iHJ 00UO 1100 James Stokes 360 02 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 1H1 17 Myron Merrill 53 33 Myron Merrill 2: 4o Myron Merrill 101 05 Myron Merrill 300 02 Myron Merrill 47 7H Myron Merrill 120 pi Jones, Hammond" & Co. 330 50 Amos B. Merrill 202 30 Amos R. Merrill 34 05 Amo.1 15. Merrill 43 70 Amos U. Merrill t5 10 Jonathan lirowa 130 20 Xathan W. Ellis 83 18 Addison, Swart wood & Co. 140 67 Cornelius Walnwrlght 8.3 35 5330 1100 5l'S7 275 52s.s 52-S0 223 5330 1100 400-1 345 4003 45 4091 4092 4093 4005 4244 1245 4097 5341 000 5012 190 5470 500 5470 100 4000 403 5181 430 0000 000 4007 481 50S1 550 5479 200 Miles Dent 44 1 4176 4178 4098 4001 4077 Miles Dent 02 5o Miles Dent 10 30 John Brooks 151 OS John Brooks 83 35 John Brooks 182 17 A. (-'. Spaulding' 118 SO A. C. Spaulding 101 65 Robert lowing 87 60 4078 4081 4-83 4097 4098 4374 4087 4901 1 41-00 5023 2S8 John Johnson 88 84 5383 1100 Hezekiah Mix 403 00 5023 50 Andrew Dent 10 15 5470 283 Hamilton Dawn 53 10 4004 150 William Shannon 2-3 43 52S0 200 George O. Bristow 37 00 5022 110 David S. Johnson 2-418 6340 550 Henry Blush 68 lo 5001 000 Finney & Burrows 182 17 4000 105 Finney & liarrow 30 68 5002 Reading.Fisher & Co 523 73 5013 1)00 Readiug,Fisheri: Co 242 50 5014 800 licading.Fisher A Co 2W 16 5000 600 Reading.Fisber k Co 423 73 6010 WO Trulliiiger.Crofid: Co 302 05 5024 134 John &, D. S. Johnson 2-3 1 6023 302 John S; D S.Johnson 111 54 502J 110 E. Johnson and Ar Apker 27 84 5481 273 Martin F.nZ" C4 55 5024 28 Martin Enz 7 81 5003 000 Shaefl'er & J ohnson" 244 51 HSi 505 Julius Jones 12122 23 Julius Jones 7 81 630 Pmith. M'Cormic & 4098 Mnnn 202 30 4091 4087 4087 1100 I'ook A Pardee 403 HO 60 James Rollley . 7 10 003 Ralph Johnson 112 JW 4087 1100 St. John fe Rothmck 70 40 into 8t John & Hot brock 0164 1100 St John & Rothrock 101 6.3 3(H) II. Merriman 11080 344 Harbison fe Reed 65 04 40' 40' 4374 4170 4178 4184 4098 2i0 Finlev, Young & Co 40 80 200 R. Wlnslow Estate 40 14 11 K X Z I X UK R TO WS II I P. 23 John Carroll 73 23 Peter (iarity 0 73 23 George "Weis 8 17 ! 75 Hector Jackot 22 07 It 17 24 51 20 01 22 07 147 12 230 80 285 04 28 HO 4087 41IO 7o 147 14lJ 4107 1 -4115 ' 4SS3 611 John Milne Nelson J Wimmcr Kelson J. Wiinmer 400(1 4184 Cezar A. Jackot Lawrence & Cassct 8J3 000 200 80 220 300 600 00 000 857 23 02 04 03 80 1)5 Lnniont Gas Conl Co 4244 4087 144 20 258 S3 Rldgway Coal Co. Farm & 108 05 11 2.3 J 210 2(1 282 78 ICS'S 4IO8 1142 270 42 101 6!) 808 000 703 tiOO 1040 1-10 5'I0 080 101 24 140 70 101 an .10 110 10 281 4110 lil73 2 mi 33 4111 1025 50 200 imi 7S 15 33 68 30 68 30 200 30 20 100 000 13 4 (i 7:; F. L Lowtoii 2.S 05 West Creek Man. & 3000 3781 Min. (.'0. 284 64 284 04 4878 000 4870 1483 40-14 000 4U45 000 480 1488 2374 052 378 23 24 04 284 04 378 32 182 03 Charles Heebncr George Dickinson Bona Cartuvvals M'Kean & Elk Band 30G4 3003 500 000 144 & Iinp't Co t. 11 William C. Black 284 04 284 04 000 142 18 107 an 126 50 41 05 0 15 SI 60 8 45 84 04 2) 10 8 17 141 25 817 Wilcox Tanning Co Ruper Waeker 25 W. A. Mitchell 600 Sidmiia Von Eresel 23 James Cox " lot Xo 55 on Cross st. 50 John Krichner Lot K03. Kiicrwar Street. 1 27 15 33 1 13 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 19 1 Hi 1 10 1 11) 1 11) 1 10 1 19 1 10 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 01 Rev. .Terniiah O'Hara Rev Jeremiah O'Hara James Doyle William Kennedy William Kennedy William Keunedv Thomas M'Cornilek 02 70 88 80 00 58 60 85 8il 102 17 18 30 38 30 John O'Connor 11 11 David Spfllane Ta'bot Street Thomas Collins 11 11 William Shine Thomas Collins Railroad Street Sarah Haley John O'Connor 67 01 02 03 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 James Covle 10 lots bet. Kersey & Talbot sts 2 81 AcriS 340 Rev Louis Cartuvval 13J 10 (Roselav, Thresia it Jolm sts 4115 60 Edward Dclehunt (Vine street, Xos. 11 ik 12) Vine street. 4107 25 William Shanahan 25 M. shanahan 4953 loo George Wcis 15 23 8 77 817 20 r,5 23 02 17 45 100 80 50 E. ( Williams beuzinger it Co. 200 rainier & Co 68 30 8 17 8 17 12 4.i 0 60 10 60 22 05 5 William Corkcy 25 Patrick Dwyer 40 William J. Rowan 31 Wm. J.Fiint fi2J Ja aes Hall 72 Jo in Ford 887 Beiizincrer & Eseh- bach 2C8 40 1000 60 25 2 7 60 15 33 8 17 7 5 02 5 9 03 0 03 6 30 142 82 284 4 James Donnelly Dau'l Eraser, 'No Cherrv road Dau'l Eraser, "3 Maple road David C. Gcizer John Klcixner Thomas Tozier Johnson & Shaffer 60 60 15 495 090 090 990 " 284 64 X. & C. Kronenwet ter 2S4 fit Phila. & Erie R R Co 7 30 22 275 110 25 Augustus Wolle 30 79 82 52 John Goetz George Weis 7 70 6 22 Sheldon, Htebigh Bates 622 " ' 622 62" 420 " " 000 " " & 149 98 149 98 149 98 140 98 121 03 172 90 294 07 14 68 7 79 4070 1023 4105 60 4105 25 Mary Heenan Marv M'Oahnn FOX TOWNSHIP. 2733 J. S. Hyde 1,007 00 207 C. R. Earley, Town send Fall lot 27 94 225 Enoch Ciapp 72 08 90 M. Sheean 18 65 32 John Albert. north half 7 5 495 J. (j. Kidder 05 34 59 05 290 Ridgway Farm & coai co. 240 49 12 12 70 1205 151 SO 86 00 4130 29 05 107 05 19 80 176 50 66 00 77 35 40 75 40 74 (i8 60 27 00 3 05 ' 44 87 10 80 8 77 194 06 10 65 3 42 8 77 64 60 " 67 ' 768 " 430 " 200 ' ' 144 " ' 816 E. II. England 4902 105 " 4177 000 Hannah Barnard 4190 eoo Richard Gurdner 4900 29-j Richard Gardner 4270 690 William Tarns 4273 t'8'J Villiam Tarns 4274 750 H.A.Stephens 474 200 George C. White 4274 40 Robert J.liuhl 4176 225 Thomas Martin.S. E corner 4178 60 William Wensell 4079 25 Malaehia O'Rouke 4189 9so J. C Chapin Estate 408V 45 C. It. Early 4007 22 Franklin Kuhn 4097- 24f Franklin Kuhn 40S7 i7 Eliza M'LoughJio 12 Roao Kelly 64 James Wrinkle 25 John K. Jones 20 Thomas (tllins 60 Felix Gamghuinh 1 02 0 07 8 7T 6 01 0 65 12 60 13 72 71 20 27 03 63 82 7G1 14 00 SO 60 4107 0OO.5 4104 4107 41HT l CO I Jnmns Worton 4107 4107 41 oq 480.3 4809 4807 5010 5010 5000 5 George Wainslcy England & Brown T- II. Wngstafl (fmnt J. Powell) T. H. Wagstnfr(from W. Parker) Henry C. Witt (Cale donia road) Pat M'Crcndy (from seated list) William Apple 640 100 820 61 60 100 05 t0 130 600 5007 5(104 Armcl Turlcy .Tihs Wilhclm (front 18 07 Mat Ilnys) Joseph Wlllielm Joseph Wilhelm Noble Coal & Oil Co, 10 11 7 40 40 00 24 42 81 02 183 00 183 00 6 87 42471 4373 '2 4247 240 4210. 4247 61,0 4215) . 20 liionnru j',uwnrus 14 Uichnrd Edwards from A. Green 3 00 30 T. J. Keller, from M. Kline 7 60 160 Owner Unknown. J. Burt h lot 1210 60 Jacob Hartnian. from Faberly 8 25 171 .1. 1). Wetmaii. M' O none lot 34 33 C. W. Rigbv. 2 lots fr. M. J. Earley 3 00 W. & M. t loak 2 lots from M J. Earley 3 GO II. Lai-iray. 1 lot from M. J. Earlev 2 30 4184 100 (ieorire Weis 20 50 4U82 303 Sheldon. iVtt-blirh Bales from K lliiflbr 71 70 4077 700 Sheldon, Stebinh & Bates from E. Huftor 200 89 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 271 1(100 A. M. Weidler 25 64 Thomas Struthers 137 00 Thomas St rut hers 137 00 Thomas Struthers 160 45 3753 1000 2020 1099 S00'? 831 C. B. Wright & Duhr ing 07 38 07 38 07 38 82 25 138 15 831 831 2010 800 Walter Bryant 1778 1031 Walter Bryant 2025 1O0 A. Wolf 2023 100 J. & M. Mack, N. corner 10 84 E. 14 00 2020 1405 1404 3750 330 070 003 COO F renin n Ellis Foi & Roberts 45 88 01 71 82 02 John N. Lane John N. Lane nnd, f 124 14 00 09 3788 1000 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank l'itts. burgh 02 12 2032 1052 William Robinson 101 7; John F. James 8.8 2 1803 002 3701 1005 Martin Hart 140 04 1783 902 18.38 888 3700 1000 Abner Cassell, from C Corbet t, 88 23 junii i'. jirown 11 ,0 J. 0. Chapin Estate 01 70 2103 2150 315 280 J. C. Chapin Estate J - C. Chapin Estate Wray fe Graham 43 84 40 30 140 03 3054 1020 3057 1001) 2034 54 Owner Unknown Owner Unknown. 13700 5 90 sub. div. 9. 3773 3771 1799 1770 1770 2034 2034 3770 3770 3780 37J-.0 3350 006 81 K) 800 S. Jones & Co. Nathaniel F. Jones Chas. B. Gillis Sub 83 13 05 div. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 109 80 500 (has. B. Gillis Sub div. 13, 14. 15, 10, 17, 100 Jonathan Jones, sub div. 12 118 John Heunkle, sub div. 3 00 E. E. Kennedy sub div. 6. 100 S. P. Johnson, N. E. corner 100 S P. Johnson, S S W corner 210 S. P. Johnson N. &N W. corner 102 S. P. Johnson, N. E. corner 000 Bank of rittsburch 03 00 14 40 10 83 6 04 10 10 18 68 25 48 20 14 32 50 0l'7O 137 57 377S looo Henrv M. Deckel t 3055 101!) Alfred Avery 2038 1043 Jonah Bryan and Others 112 82 3G0O 496 L W ilmarth Est mid die part HORTON TOWNSHIP 4371 53 Joseph S. Hyde 08 43 1103 207 03 4280 1057 J. Sllvdc, Vineyard Run lot W 10- J- Ji- E1,i8 1270 932 J. L. Ellis 100 37 177 12 70 20 4283 1077 4370 50 byde. Bradley 4 Co Wingnrtner & Rubel, sub div. 10 8 50 4370 50 C, and M. Albert, tub div. 20 8 50 4371 4:571 52 100 Jacob DiiUotsub div 23 850 T. Echman, sub div 28 10 00 10 4-5 4370 50 Joseph Ilertzel, Kline, Kline, Canncl sub div 8 60 Muthlas sub div 10 10 45 10 61 4371 Mathias sub div. 27 Perm a. Co. 4309 573 Coal 181 04 4344 4453 4342 052 000 300 88 284 00 Shawmut Cannel Coal Co. 182 01 4343 509 " " 180 23 4450 000 " " 284 CO 4281 1000 John G. Hall and J. S Hyde 200 03 4282 1071 John G. nail and J. 8. Hyde - 270 89 Noble Coal & Oil Co 11 33 4248 4249 4370 4340 4241 41 60 25 200 533 10 12 5 90 20 20 Joseph Wilhelm, of No. 15. Short & Wilcox " 08 19 Hyde .j- Brockway 213 62 " (R. Giles lot) 8 87 " (M'Cuirghlot) 12 34 "' " 8 80 " (Falrftiaft lot) 14 48 27 14 4343 1 4342 50 75 250 107 160$ 83 4400 4242 4278 4272 434.1 4242 4200 4182 4200 4188 4183 4181 4188 4188 4271 4370 4400 4370 21 00 375 Short, Wilcox & M' t'lellan 21 James Wilson 83 09 5 58 347 N. B- Lane and Others 44 71 000 Henry Lorain larlislo 42 58 000 " " 63 37 350 James M'Clellan, W 42 54 14') " part 18 64 250 !' N. k 32 40 245 " West " 10 43 200 Nathan Bailey, E half 20 20 850 John Hulme, middle 34 07 610 John t'.French W part 39 33 2-5 J t Law. of No 10 5 72 200 William Mack 88 80 60 George Heis.sub-div. 2u 17 Georgo W'eis.sub div 10 40 10 45 5 72 10 45 4370 60 4370 4370 25 Gtorge Weis, tub div. No. 10. 50 George Weis, sub dir. No. 23 JAY I0WXSHIP. 5283 1100 5288 82-5 4iuos B. Merrill Amos B Merrill 182 50 28 30 223 76 5287 6289 6200 4104 4195 4100 4195 835 Amos B Merrill 546 Amos B. Merrill 177 90 012 112-100 Amos B. Merrill 135 13 400 W iliiani Parker 51 80 576 James Lynde 04 17 089 D. K. Jones 161 21 200 Janie fctokrft- 3J 35 86 74 WW James Stokes 161 88 207 245 100 60 60 R50 134 838 60 900 WW ftHI 212 900 990 BOO (i!M) OIK) )IW 100 400 Sebastian Heln 34 51 Scbnstliftl W els 40 08 Eli Kennedy 8 20 Mrs. Mary M'Carmey 0 10 Charles B. Miller 9 10 James Donnehauef 92 70 Reading, Fisher & Co 87 18 " 74 03 " " 9 10 rhilip M. Price 113 66 Philip M. Price 113 00 Philip M. Priit! 113 60 E B England 03 47 E. B. England 113 80 E B England 113 80 Dubois and LoWe 33 40 John G. Reading 27 82 Riclnird Gardner" 218 30 llcuvkiah llorton 411 (10 lleeklah llorton 22 00 B. A, Weed Estate KW30 Reudiiitf and Bai'tlcn From Robt. Rotbroek 08 73 Reading nod Bailie 01 47 4800 4802- 41 S3 4105 4185 4848 4801 4804 480.1 4284 2-51 419 1IO0 25 60 320 900 WW 04 94 KctKlingMtid Bailies 212 90 4807 602!) 48t):i 4898 5017 5030 4893 4805 4805 David Tyler 0 40 II 80 62 81 428 60 428 00 Finley, Vliillig .J- Co. 1). W. Moore Henry LoihIiii' Henry Loraiuo O. R. Price Tyler A Finney corner 10 21 10 21 to 80 10 so (to 1 1 12 05 N E 08 98 4893 217 Wondwanl Kinney Horace I, it tin 4104 1 4103 5032 75 Hammond, Jones A Co, 17 20 489!) 5030 4900 293 H. Henrv " Co. (i I -jo 207 A. E. Gotl fr. A IVarsiill 12 10 100 a. 1:. (ioiri'roni i.cwIh Sleight 10 81 4H00 loOW.S. Ilaniblcri - N. W. corner P. Slelgbl lot. 1 7 20 5018 990 Finley, Young & Co, S. & V. lot 110 83 4180 000 Perks & Bowman 101 38 5032 100 J. R. Morey, from J. S. Fisher I I 05 5032 180 George O. Brastow 3!) 00 5280 65 George O. Brastow 11177 4843 100 David Carskaddon 22 00 262 Joseph Wilhelm Va cant land from T Tozier 67 50 5028 990 Spring Run Coal Co., from seated 208 30 5031 727 " ' 197 27 4194 loo John F Combs 17 20 4844 195 Joseph Wilhelm 10 27 4892 490 J. E. Putnian & Co,, from J. R. Cox 107 84 4809 350 " C.Brown 77 03 JONES TOWNSHIP 2331 825 Rob'tRalsey, from 11. ionrau 1 1 ii 123 25 21 20 103 00 68 13 95 08 40 70 2504 2731 2073 2673 2073 2592 2025 2505 2010 4846 3443 2310 2319 2323 2320 2329 2332 2333 2301 2303 2377 2425 2487 2480 2527 2551 2554 2504 2587 2501 2503 2398 2699 2004 2008 201 1 2012 2614 2000 2086 2701 3180 2315 3217 3218 3220 8226 3228 3220 3230 3231 3232 3233 3237 324.1 3242 8J61 3262 3253 3290 3295 4903 4904 2564 2504 2527 2553 2554 2504 2010 2791 3214 3221 3222 8224 3290 8294 8293 3295 3296 3290 ' 2010 2588 3293 8296' 25.S8 2610 2588 2010 3291 8293 3296 3296 3143 3224 3227 2223 3229 8237 3242 3044 3111 3140 3143 3214 8225 3255 3250 3257 3258 32.34- 193 990 393 486 200 850 000 900 60 200 101 1(0 900 Charles Heebner John Peott, George Dickinson Owner Unknown, middle part 00 80 Wm. tternwag Estate 141 58 " " 141 58 R. W. Brown Owner Unknown 8 10 50 120 47 81 9 20 M'K'n & Elk Land & Im't Co. 193 00 193 00 103 00 193 06 193 00 193 (0 193 00 193 00 103 06 103 0(1 103 00 103 00 193 00 150 21 103 00 144 50 140 50 193 06 193 06 193 00 103 06 193 00 103 06 303 00 198 00 193 06 193 06 103 U0 10300 64 26 193 06 193 06 193 00 103 06 I93 0(j 159 8 .' 900 900 990 900 990 900 990 900 990 990 990 WW 802 090 740 757 0l)O 090 9S0 990 990 990 990 990 900 990 900 990 326 900 090 090 WO 990 818 890 490 000 990 990 990 495 090 495 990 990 990 ICO 70 990 990 i 1 It 1 " 103 06 ' 96 06 " " 193 07 " " 103 00 " 103 06 ' " 103 06 " 168 81 " 193 06 " 168 81 " ' 1S3 06 " " 193 06 " 193 06 " 20 40 14 58 " 193 00 ' " 193 06 Gen Thomas L Kane 5 55 23 232" Gen. Thomas L Kane 40 00 1013 Gen. Thomas L Kane 32 21 869 Gen. Thomas L Kane 107 84 ii'.' I . iti '1 ' hniiHlU I . It it ti n 1 7 B 490 181 397 Gen Thomas L Kane 96 U0 Gen. ThomaO L Kane 36 10 Gen. Thomas L Kane 78 11 Gen. Thomas L Kane 155 68 797 794-7-10 Gen. Thos. L Kuno 155 23 1053 Gen. Thomas L Kane 204 70 453 Gen. Thomas L Kane 88 30 534 266 183 292 Gen. Thomas L Kane 104 68 Gen. Thomas L Kane 42 89 Gen. Thomas L Kane 30 61 Gen. Thomas L Kane 67 64 129 Gen. Thomas L Kane 20 22 200 Gen. Thomas L Kane 39 80 90 Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 43 95 Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 43 93 Gen. Thomas L Kane 18 94 837 Gen Thomas L Kane 173 07 205 Gen. Thomas L Kune 5241 947 Gen. Thomas L Kane 184 71 G21 Gen. Thomas L Kane 121 47 303 Gen. Thomas L Kane 5'J 79 88 121 80 323 497 627 450 450 445 913 865 118 289 230 WW 1108 99 811 483 12122 Gen. Thomas L Kane 179 01 Gen. Thomas L Kane 36 20 Gen. Thomas L Kuno Wilcox Tanuing Co. 16 52 45 05 71 67 82 88 69 30 64 30 64 19 13136 121 08 13 8'J 42 01 33 66 128 60 158 53 128 43 108 14 69 57 174 62 4840 141 21 01 MILLSTONE TOWNSUIP, 2-.13-2548 2542 2600 2518 2618 2545 254ft- 900 900 900 076 850- Ucrrah & Moore i i 221 50 221 60 111 25 100 30 William Dilworth - Ruin bach So 30 87 75 875 William- Armstrong Estate 900 James A'llara 900 Jauies A'Uara 181 90 181 SO 220 James Stokes 2517 900 James A' Kara lHl 90 2521 900 James A'llara 18100 2790 WW James A'llara 18190 2007 075 Owner Unknown 164 35 2503 900 Owner Unknowil 181 90 2780 693 Hnrlnff, Creek & Clar ion River Oil t.,.nr ta of 1873 87 24 093 050 900 900 900 192 0 900 KW 25 100 KW 50 Owner Unknown 14110 Owner Unknown 133 00 Owner Unknown '151 75 Owner Unknown 151 73 Owner Unknown 151 75 Henry Ranght Estate 20 71 Geo. A Jessie Mays 9 04 4134 4135 41 29 2518 2524 57(K) 2518 2518 J J' . VIlKOOl) & 'JO 181 l'l Owner unknown I. (', Wynkoop William Crispin 21 10 0 01 14 40 14 40 7 70 181 90 181 90 I8i no 51 25 181 05 Dnniel II. Tabor. S W corner township 900 C. II, Wright & Duhr Ing 900 " " 900 " " 260 " " (150 " 2532 2302 2030 2792 2581 RIDGWAY TOWNSHIP 4303 171 Constant Van Doste Ilcrsbi.ll' 62" 03 400 29 417 24 211 78 101 29 171 r.t H78 73 3660 1112 J. S- Schultrtl 3201 1112 J. S. Schillt I 3L'8l 004 J. ,V 8ohu;tr. 3285 437 J. H. hehulK ) Fronl 48111 407 J. 8. ."chilli, I J J 1850 702 J. 8. (-chilli Rldg- 4H53 879 .1. 8 .Soliullz way 4854 735 .1. H hcbullz K'Xi .1. M. hVhull. From '.I. Wilcox ot,i-M ',21 I!7 V08 91 ta 00 'i :,h M K) I 0 ; 354 " 371 t'l im 70 511 ;o 0.2 71 0.7 10 517 75 057 70 l 352 1 1 372 70 245 83 372 79 43 05 13 15 010 40 011 00 007 00 628 30 352 05 149 18 230 28 305 50 65 08 7317 3283 32611 l!20l ll .278 32H3 42011 4207 4268 1209 1284 4375 40 .1. H N boll Frun C. V. '.lib V.Vi loin 1018 KW. 5-0 700 894 900 901) 1081 973 .1 (S I'chnll. ! loin ) lei Ir.ijt. J. H. CHiiill. J. .. HH.iilU J. H. I'i biill. J. H. I cbiill Hyde, I'.radley k ( ,. do lo do do lo Ridgway Coal t o do do do lo lo lo Farm do do lo 4370 1020 43,80 075 4377 4390 1020 117 do do 33 1-2 Melvin Gardner 1809 4870 910 910 Bryant & Euwer do do do do do do do do Edward Ilufler A. Ilexhauscr H. M. Rolfe II. M. Rolfo H. M. bolfo 4270 1000 4285 948 528 4395 4395 400 029 KM 10 150 198 4392 6800 4 BOO 4573 4280 348 George Dickinson -For tax '71 East W ilmarth 51 94 120 1). U. Tucker 30 08 100 Andrew M'Kibbon 87 45 45 Asa Cuinniings 17 16 49 W. C. Healy, from C. Dill Estate 14 06 73 .us. Riley, fr W T Hobdell 20 04 29 James Riley fr. Jacob Waters tax for 1875 4 51 81 Dr. J. S. 8cott 30 54 60 T. B Cobb, Sam. Lewis lot 10 23 100 J. Powell lot 37 45 116 C. Mead lot 43 26 01 Ely lot 23 13 18 Th'averlot ' 47 06 40 Dickinson lot 15 58 20 Dickinson lot 10 70 5 0 T Miller, from C M'Nulty, 40 50 4S48) 400 W ilcox Tanning Co 32s3 j From J Powell for tax '75 72 40 4848 I 200 Wilcox Tanning Co 3283 From T Jackson-for tux '75 30 70 4390 40 George Walmsley 15 58 1 Churlun M'Xuity 13 15 4809 83 0. W, Khincs, from J C Chapin 42 76 60 George W Rhines From II Warner tax '74 13 10 49 B A Hill, from C Dill Estate 18 II 400 B F Ely, from Souther & Willfs 134 20 176 B F Ely, from J V Houk 59 53 60 J A May, F. Butter worth lot 13 32 60 Geo. Stephen; 0:1, from I Stcp.ienson 19 Ii 4843 03 C V Gillis, from J. V. Ilouk 20 75 71 Cusper Bregger From Grant llorton 10 59 4S2 1055 B F Ely, from J. J. 4863 f Ridgway 352 30 4(-08 80 B. F Ely, from J J Ridgway . 7 50 4337 C33 oo-liji) Gen Selh Glover 240 20 120 Decker nnd sharp From W II Osterhout 44 74 2 J V Ilouk From Dickinson est of Ridirwav 3 09 4840 4389 613 Owner Unknown 219 90 163 Sheldon, Strebigh Bates51 67 4390 4394 4304 4302 4391 601 do do 182 61 4W 420 620 966 20 do do do do do 140 80 156 07 226 99 852 00 do do do 0. T. A heeler froniG, W. Bbines 6 95 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 5795 1147 Hyde, Bradley and Co 299 68 08112 5793 5799 5794 037J do do do 13 t 28 100 199 1073 1-2 637 433 1-2 do do do do do 27 00 42 39 500 00 21-0 2 V 124 16 do lo d' do 5800 5801 6797 1500 5798 543i Neil Rogers and BlaUel 70 63 504 do do 4V2 14 532 do do 111 7i ,r)7flti 1035 do lo 3"J:i il2 S7f0 Slti do v est j.tirt 5'J 4041 844 do cast part VM 'i i 2- l) do 64 04 1507 .r'02 Win Kinghuni Etate 15" U3 15.r.8 Mil Win ISiiiglmm Mstate hii'j- 155!) 61'J M ia Hingluiiu Estate 102 92 loij:i 601 Wm liugliuiu Kstate lo" 31 15151 fclil V ni lSingliain Kstate 157 31 15G7 500 Wm IJingliam Kstate 157 00 1570 51'J Wm liingbiini Instate 102 160!) 510 Wm llingluim Estate P2fJ2 1672 500 Win Uingliain Estate 157 00 1573 000 Win Hiiigliam Estate 157 00 1571 500 Win Hiiigliam Estate 157 00 1574 500 Wm Uiiighan Estate 157 00 1575 500 Win lliiigliani Estate 157 00 1605 601 Win Bingham Estate 150 28 24J10 1358 Uryant und Euwer 455 0?) 1502 601 do do 174 68 2748 664 Henry R Mooro 110 21 2042 C50 Henry Itaught 122 30 2U71 900 Merchants' Manufac- turfcra' Hank of nttalmrg 403 00 29S6 900 Merchants' Manufac turers' Hank of Pittsburgh 46 900 2915 too 1) Currier and Others 5t52 GO 2948 t)00 (i liluke and Others From J S liydo 937 00 775 113J O Blake und Others 80 C4 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh- 220 44 4558 182 George U Messenger 32 20 4552 300 Samuel Crawford 21 80 45G9 150 Dehaven & Proelua J52 20 2775 3291, L F Powers From J B ilyde 85 24 2792 200 C B Wright & Duhf- ing 42 60 1561 485 Kiehard Buurer A Jik 0 Hall 84 20 BT. MARYS BOROUGH, Iiot Nos. Ill Geo. F. Sehatfer, Amandaa? street 1 28 43 44 45 3 62 Ridgway Farm a Coal Co Center etrfct 6 69 9 31 32 83 34 35 30 37 88 39 40 41 and 1-2 of 30 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co , Mourlce street . . H 12 il 83 85 37 30 41 44 45 47 48 40 67 63 64 and 65, Ridgway Farm & Coal Co John street J3 80 3) 64 03 64 07 Ridgway Farm Coal Co Michael street 6 60 1-3 acre Ridgway Farm Coal Co Mill street rear Of Geo. Ed. Weis i 31 65 Owner Unknown, Rupert St. 1 41, 88 and 8 Owner Unknown Ru pert sf rct't 1 83 9 James Boyle, 1'atrlck street 1 28 102 and 103 John Sheridan Pat rick street 1 55 82, 83, 84 91 92 95 100 and 101 Owner Unknown Patrick St. 8 20 89, 90 A. M. Deinmltt PatricK street 1 30 68 Pat Flaherty Walburgcr St. 1 28 00 Owner Unknown do 127 6 Chas. Ovcrholtzer do 1 28 60 John Corncsky John street 1 28 59 61 02 63 61 66 (ind 66 Owner Un known John streets 2 "3 68 John Million, Ux of 1875 Jno St 1 15 9 and 10 Mary Wrinkle, Louis St. 180 1 2 3 II 15 and 17 Owner Unknown Louis street 2 03 85 30 und 41 .lames Boyle Erin St. 1 82 50 Owners Unknown Erin street 1 27 2') Owner Unknown Shamrock .St 1 28 21 und 20 Owner Unknown Sham rock ft 1 55 HllOeO. Ivl Weis. St Patrick el. 1 28 41 Put I.uwh-r .VI' Iniel hi. tax of '7 41 50 120'-ii Ivl. M'llni'li A .o from ; Lobr 13 :) I 2 3 4 U 0 0 nnd II George Wi is MihmI'-i. y teel. 3 70iu"l7l i'n-itv". W'i Is W'nlburj1-r .,Hl. ' 3 George W J, Klin '')" ( 1 I', l.ll'l I V (ie,ge (W-in I.oilil Hi feet. ! M 'lU 7 78 52 M 51 nnd 50 George Weis Itui.cii. nl reel. 48 20 !') I 10 Gen. ll'l i-AlllMlldil' et. 153 9 1111 2() 19 i. mid 25 George ll'eis l', ll'liet. hi reel ' 2 92 20 23 28 42 mid 45 George HVis Shamrock Miect 2 M 3 acres, Oeone 'ireuory, from Rev Louis (,'artovvuls 5 13 8 Nicholas lleulliiig, Hall.orgerst2lo lot, Hcorgo Krellner Centre st 6 60 m:a'ii:h la.mis vet ufiind by collectors upon which suf ficient personal property could not be found to pay the several t.ixes assessed thereon: I5ENZINGER TO ll'NSIIIP, U'ar Acres Owners. Year Tax 20 Mathias Koch 1803-0 4 40 25 Michael Feldham 1805-0 4 11 110 WD Luckenbach 1!:69 1 01 4958 500 Martin Keinmerer I860 5 12 6 Martin Nathan 1859 1 11 28 Charles Hunt 1805 3 00 800 Kcnimerer & Knurr 1805 19 75 60 Sebastian Eiscnhauer 1872 037 50 kichacl Hennery 1872 6 18 25 Thcresia Rotlienholcr 1872 6 18 FOX TO UNSHIP. 100 Christ Penninger 1S64 5 04 04 A. S. bliss 1804 2 04 32 Jerome Farario 1804 191 60 Patrick M' ('ready 1804 3 27 50 Henrv Reed v 1804 2 63 06 J.F.Robertson 1864 193 50 H'illiam Sherwin, Jr. 1864 2 30 2.3 iniliamShcrwin, 8r. 1804 1 05 12 1-2 C. A. Wilcox 1864 1 65 80 Jno. Amer, fr. E Hays'72 1 ,-1-2 do s- mill, '72 f " 171 Jnme D. Wetham 1872-3 0 37 . 00 John Faberly 1873 2 50 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 150 Samuel Ellitborpe I860 2 28 37SO 102 1-2 John F. Nicholson 1872-3 05 0 3776 100 Deckwith A Bannister do 3 60 HORTON TOWNdllfP. 64 Patrick A alch 1873-4-5 12 57 C R. Earley 1873-4 10 20 125 Isaac llorton do 23 52 1 AY TOWS SHIP. 100 John Fisher 15C4 3 00 900 1 Earley & St. John 727 j 18(10-7 92 80 3 8amuel Pell Estate 1S75 1 24 JO.NE3 l O VM-hlP. 94 Mary K. Hurlinuanre 1800 4 09 13G 100 or 94 87 60 John Dawson Henry Luce Anthony Milder W . M. liandale t John lieecher John 8pringstead 180:2 2 59 181.2-8 3 62 1803 2 25 1871 3 00 do 1 92 do S 82 80 Kecfer lot, 1 lien. T I. Kane 31 Stolze lot, ) '74.5 3 50 40 Keel'er lot .do 1875 2 41 Lot No, 180, Ulcox, Wm Col lins '7tf-5 1 50 do 197 do Hull Lowe 1874 1 1(1 do 204 do Mrs. Finney do 1 32 MILLSTONE TuWNjjillP. 2 P. Orifiln 1871 I 0") 2518 100 William Crispin 1872 4 00 4042 G'M5 htuil&v.o. 1874 11 17 584 milium J. Dilworth '75 01 89 20 George Craft 1875 5 45 RIDG ll'AY TOWNSHIP. 400 0 V. ( Mont, ftirmf 1874 45 80 5 3-4 .Mbcrt Willis Estate 1874 1 80 SPUING CHEEK TOWNSUIl' 0'-J J;M G Blake Others 1802-5 S 10 00 CrowWensel 1805 2 20 2902 1000 Hownian Eros 1873'4-5 loooo 40 Thomas Mvhor 1874-5 2 44 ST. MAKYa tOAOUGH Lot No 74 tt Marys st 18C9 1 32 20 ac's, llenzinger A tschbaeh, Mill bt 18Uj 22 do do do 7 40 1 76 1 40 1-2 of lot 1 No 20 J do Centre st do 1-2 of lot 1 No 20 & lots Nos. f do Cross st d6' 11 43 47 I and 40. J Lot No. 40 Casper Eelka, Center st. Lot No. 49, Cusper Belka Centre 1C4 1 40 street 180-j 1 40 2 lots on Michael st., Alloys Bleof- gen 1803 1 93 Lot No 00 do Anton Jesberger do 1 4 do 85 do F X Miller do 0 10 do 41 St Marys st. PM'Philor ncy do 1 00 2 lots on Theresia st. W Gurbauer 1859 1 14 2 lots on Centre fit., JoUnUelHiiig " 1 11 Lot No 33 John Kuthi.iau uo 1 09 2 lots Vllchael Lawler do 122 Lots Nos 19 20 24 "1 25 and 20, Cross stj Anton Maierdo 155 1-2 of lot No 12 Centre st M Treshdo 138 1 lot on John st Michael Zimmett do 1 04 Lots Nos 12 14 VNJ Bradford & 10 St Marys st J 1873-4 4 30 Lots No 25 Maurice") and 33 & 40 Khain- Joseph Chcatle roek street J 1873-4 3 01 Lots 3 und 4 John Geitner 1873 1 00 Lot No 5 ft'alburger st. C Over- holtzer 1873 1 10 21ots do do J Herhotzer '74 2 25 LoU Nos 13 4 15 ten-1 tre btrei-t und 12 & 14 1 M Hcnncs- Mauriee street J eey 1873 8 GO Hot Francis Kronemvetter 187 3 2 95 1-2 lot aud house I uroneler a Iglo Centre streer J 183 252 lot No 4 Halburgeret S. Liseiv hauer ,1874160 Andrew Rogan 1 lot from Jim fclica 1S74 17 25 John M'Cill lot cu Mill st frt- L'uhr 1874 4 75 JACOB M'CAULEY, Treasurer. Treasurer's Ofllco 1 Ridgway, Pa., March 14 '78 terVllEAPEfiT AND BESTIR PETEHS01?MA&A2I1TE POSTAGE rHE-PATD ON ALL SUESOSIP: TICKS. J"Evrry i( jsilV&rr for 187G icillU rcecnlcd with a tnperb, large-fixed ttccl cnyraving nf Trnmlitdl'i celebrated pie lure Of "The S'fniitff of the Declura lion of Judip'iidence." This will hi "l'etcron's" Laitunnial G"y".t "Peterson's Magazine" contaioa, every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plutes, 12 colored Berlin patterns, 12 niauj moth colored fnshidrj plates, 24 pages of' music, and 000 wood cuts. Great improvement will be made iii 187'j. Among them will be a series of illustrated articles no tliO Great Exbibi. tiun at Pliiliidelplnn, which will nlcmo bo worth the 6'jt).-criptioii price. '1 bey will appropriately called, 722 cr.?::n;iAL r.i rru actpsuoilI The iiumciise circulation ol "Peter son" enables its proprietor to spend moie money on er?tablisLments, stories, ilc, Ac, tlmri any other. Jt givei mort J'ir the Hionrg than any in the w-jrld. its. TIIRJLLINO" TALKS AND NOVEL JITL.S An; t!.f: L:.-t published anywhere. All 'It. " ij.t piijintijr writers vie emjiloyeU t'j Kntt ' 1 inn Hi for " 1 eten'in " la I "70, in ii cl -J 1 1 if j tj to i!,o usual quantity ..f hl.'.it stories, 1IVI-; OKIUIN'AL (JOPi'hIOH'l NOV EI.KTTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. i"Stef.heDs, Frank Lte liciiedict, Mrs. F. II. JJurnett, aud otLeis. Mammoth Cs'.crei Fashion Flatej Ahead ot all others, ilit-se plutes ate engtaved on steel, twice tue usUAI mze, und lire unerpniled for beauty. 'J lipy will be tuperbly colored. Also, Household aDd other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. -Y. Ii. As the publishers now pre pays thi pottvirje to all mail subscribers, "J ettison" is CHEAPEN THAN EVER; in act is THE CHEAPEST l.N THE WOULD. TERMS (Always in AdVancOiS2.CO A YEAR. 2 Copios f oi?3, CO 3 Copies 4,C0 With u ee.y ot ilio picmium mezzntiut (21x'2l3) "ClIIUSTMAS Mounino," a jivf.delar engraving, to the person gel tiug up the Club. 4 Ccpies for $3,E0 7 Copies for 11,00. ivith uu cxi ru copy of tlie .Maga liue lor 1870, ns a preuiiuui, to the jieraou gttinp up tlie Club 5 Copies for $8,50 8 Copies for 12.5U 12 Copies tor 13.0Q. Willi bolli " u cxtru copy of lliu Mugt.iue for IsTO, aud tiie piemium niezzoiini, after dcllar tnirmiiij, la llio persou get'.iug up the Club- Address, post-puid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 206 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. . jtaSrpctiiuiens cut gratis ii written lor. T 0 TIIE CITIZEN'S OF l'ENXSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially iuvitcd lo I lie l'nct that the National ISnnkd are now prepared to rcceivo subscriptiotu to the O.pital lock ot the CeatenniiU tourd of Fiiinnco. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the eree lion of the building for the Inteniatioua Exhibition, and the expenses oonueoteJ with the same. It is conlidenlly believed that the Keystone Smte will be represented b) the iK.uio of every citizen alive to pntri. one cciiuniemorntiou of the one hundredth- biilh-day of the nation. The shares slock are oiVered for $10 each, and sub icriberg will receive a haudjome engraved Ceriilicate of Stock, suitable for framing ami preservation as a national memorial. Interest at tte rare ot six per cent, per nunmu will bo paid on all payments of Ceu- teninnl Mock horn date ot payment le January 1, 187'j. fc-u'iHcnbers wao are not neai a Nation Ennk cnu remit a check or post ofhee crdvr to Ihe undtisi ned. r KEU K r HALEY, Treasurer. 'Jill Wuluul St., PhiladelpbU PAY AS YOU CO. fyou pay for goods wheu you Iut liuiu, you will never be troubled with the nigt-iuare ot debi, your sleep will be tweet your dreutus pleasact, aud your iv 1 1 o and children will greet you with a smile iu the moruiug. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with your cash gut more tlinn its vulue aud go home tutUiiud. I Lcy have adopted the cusli systtni, and say it is working charm ingly. APPLEXONS AMLI'.ICAN Cl'CLOPEDIA that the revised, aud elegantly Hlua tinted edition of this work, now beiog published, a volume of 800 pages once iu two mouths, is the Lest Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It ouly costs 53 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library iu tho world. Addreaf, 0. K. Judson, Fradonia, N. Y. Hats and Ceps a complete assortment at V. & K'e. Iluutiog FiubbersI with acd without lieels,a largo lot at P. & K's. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless nnd bkioless. Also' some of the old fashioned in full dress, &l .l& K's. Over Coats? from S 5 to 825 a large' und splendid stock. Step in aud gt enft at P. & K's. Rested coffee a genuine article, at P & K's. Summer Clothing-, for those I3oyi' and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmer at P Si K'g A full slo:k cf fresh Family groceries,' such as" Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice, Syrups, Spicts, It. B- Powder, Baking, and Sweet Chocolate, add every thing in that Hue, at P. & K's. Ratu of AdVertisiig! " One calumn, cue year.. '.' ....$75 00' 40 00 25 00' ' is no' Transient advertisement nr iMmr. nr eight lines, oue insertion $1, two inac tions, $1.60, three insertions, i. Business cards, ten lines or leei,' -' year $5. ' Advertlsemeata pajabl e,uarteW'