HU--411 the I 0. A. RATIIDUN, AltoTney-at-l&w,.. Ridgway, Vh. 12 It. RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorncy-at-Law Riclgway, Elk Co., Pa. Ofljoe, Id .lull's new lirick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. 8nlty. II ALL & M'CAULET, Attorney!)-at-Lw. Office in New Brisk Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v3n2lf. J, 0. IF. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT'LAW. VliUdl. v .Ridgway, Elk, County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway. and. sur lounding country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly CHARLES HOLES, Yatchtnnker, Engraver and Jewc'"t Main street, Ridgway, Ta. Agent for (lie Howe Sewing Maohine, and Morton Gold l',en. Repairing Watches, eto, docewith 1 e same accuracy as heretofore, Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly G. G. .MESS Eli GER, Druprgist and Parmriccutist, N. W. cornel of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully eslcctcd For eign and Douiestio Drugs. ...Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all Lours, dny er night. vlnSv T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Thysician ana Surgeon., Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts. Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hours from B lo 10 A. M. and lrom 7 to 8 1. M. vln'Jyl. .. s. n Sr dwell, m. d., Koleclie Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Cemre street, to. Mail st. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the ne brick building of Joliu Q. Hall, eppo eit lyde'u store, 0.1 'sc hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M II IDE HOUSE, KiWwjiT, Elk bo., Pa W- II. SfclltfAtt; Proprietor. Thankful for the patrouagc heretofore so liberally bestowed upon hiiu, tbe new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to Ike comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 80 1809. KERSEY HOUSE, Centbeville, Ei.k Co,'. Pa. John Collins, Proprietor.,. Thankful for the patronage heretotort so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new protrietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort, and convenience of guests. t merit a continuance of the same. I'. IV. HAYS, 1F.ALK IN Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eitrlcy JT. O. vln47tf. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL HO AD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, MAI 24, 1875, the trains on the. Philadelphia & Ens Railroad will run aa follows: WESTWARD. , KANE ACCOM leaves Renovc 4 35 p m " " Driftwood..' 6 65 p m ' " Emporium 6 65 p ni " St Marys... 7 55pm " " " Ridgway... 8 25 p m ' " ' Wilcoz it 05 p m nrr at Kane.. 9 80 p m ERIE M ill leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m ' " Rcnovo 11 05 a m " " Emporium 1 10 p m St. Mary's 2 IX) p m " Ridgway 2 25pm ' Wilcox 2 68 p in " arrive at Erie 7 50 p m EASTWARD. RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane...' 8 00 a m ' " Wilcox 8 33 a in " ' Ridgway- 0 25 a m ' " Si Marys 10 01 a m " " Emporium 1105 am Dritlwood 12 15 p in " " Renovo ......... 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves. Erie 1L20 a m ' " " Kane 3 45 p m i " Wilcox 4 08 p m " " " Ridgway 4.45 pm " " " St. Mary's 6,10 p m " " Emporium 6.05 pm " Kenovo 8.25 p m " " err. at I'hiladephia... G.50 a m . Renovo Accom and Kane Accom connect east and west at East with Low Grade Di vision and B N Y & P R R, WM. A. BAtptflX. . Gen'l Sup't. Fresli family Grooerics, and Canned epodi at I' & K'a. Tbe cheapest and eo. Woods & Cos PARLOR ORGANS p. .: 3 ppggy k it lit- jmmmMmmU 11 i hc rrp-?-V.-' r inst1-imMt":-. t:-- can.iof f Adapted foi Amitcv.r zrA Profc.-' ional, .uiu :m or::.".im;:tt in :.ny parlor. 38 BeautifuJ New Styleii HOW ready. GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Masi- WARIXvCHS: Yns)i:wtcn St.. Br,. I on; ,70 Slfite St.. Chlcaro; 88 Ladftftte Hill, toadoa. rpT-TTJ' JftY TTTITiff ATTA leadine J. 11 J vA AlUiVMilAi r.i"l'.r. My r.i.iii fu-m J-j to 1 1 f vt:. i ! NEW TIVEJRY STABLE IN DAN SCRllMER WISHES TO B form the Cittzeos of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Busies, to let upon the uost reasona blelerws C$4, Ho will also do job teasing. Stable on Eroad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, .('DOTS SHOES, JIATS AND CAI'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAHE, TOliACUO AND CIGARS. A Lnrg? 8: 03k of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and Bold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY.. Ridgway Cemetery. , Lots are now cfliered for role by tbe Ridgway Ccmetary Association in the new Cemetery f te present low p'rico for lots may soon be advancr.).. Apply at ihs office of W. S. HAMBLEN.' Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 Private Tuition. TupiU wantisg to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College c,n have opportunity of doing so by applying to the Rector of Grace Church. He having made the neecssary arrange' ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. F:. iuforii aiier. as to terms &o apply to REV WM. JAS. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. EDW'D J.EVAJTS CO. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN Y'ork, Tkxn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Seeds, Grans Seeds, Seed Corn, Seed Potatoes, Seed Wheat, Tree and Hedge Seeds, &c. JVl'lhs, or' ail kinds, for Spring and Fall planting. BULBS.' TREES. Standard nnd, Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes . and.. Small Fruits. Evergreens, Ornamental . Trees and Shrubs, Jioses,' Hedge ria'its, &c. En close Stamp for price ljst, ioc for Full Descriptive Catalogue. Execntrlx's Notice.' i ... Notice is herebv civen that letter testamentary on the estate of J. V. Houk late of Ridgway township, deceased, have been emitted . to the underslcrned.' All nerson know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make inimediat" pay ment, and all ;persons having, claims will present them properly authenti cated for settlement. ... JEANNETTE CAROLINE HOUIC Ji51-tit Executrix. Executors' Notice. Notice is herebv criven that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegeler, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, have been" granted to the un dersigned. , All . persons . knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate tmvment and all persons having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. ADOLPH FOCHTMAN ,' " n61-Ct CHASLUHR XOBTTrC .1 X to do all kinds of JOB WORK, Envelopes. Tags. Bill-heads Letter heads neatly and cheaply executed. Offiee in Thayer & llagerty's new building;, Maia street Ridgway, . "7 r rr. irM etfects and eff Jiinjjcal journal of selected mtuic end valuabti reading r l"i'it-$i ncr venr, or ten ceVtsa number. Each number ulO. VPODS & CO., Publishers, Cimbrldgeport, Miss, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. INSTATE of Thos. .Campbell! 6r.j 2i Highland township. Elk couni late of ashin. Klk countv de ceased. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to roakg immediate pay ment, and those having legal claims against the same will present .them without delay in proper order, for settlement, to ROI1T. I. CAMPBELL, 1 Administrator, ffidgwny, Ta., March 15. 1S70 nt 6t NOTICE. IT. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL TAXES, May 1, 187G, to April 30, 1877. THE EETISED STATUTES OP THE United State, Sections 8232, 3237, 8238 and S2?9, require every person engaged in any, business, avocation, or employment, which renders, him liable to a !3 PEC J Ah TAX, TO PROCURE AND TLACE CON SPICUOUSLY IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OK PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP de noting the payment of said. SPECIAL TAX, for the Special Tax Year beginning May 1, 1870, before commencing or continuing business after April 80. 1H76. . The Taxes embraced within thi provis ions, of the law above quoted are the fol lowing, vie: Reo,iticrs .'.'...'..'.......'....$200 00 Dealers, retail linuor 2o 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor loo 00 healers in malt liquors, wholesale. ..50 00 Dealers in mall liquors, retail 20 00 Dealers in leaf .Jobacco .-,25 00 Retail dealers in leaf, tobacco I 00 00 And on spies of over $1,000, fifty cents for every dollar in excess- of $1,000 Dealers in manufactured tobacco 5 00 Manufacture of stills 50 W. And for each still manufactured 20 'M- And for each worm manufactured. ..20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00; Mnnufacturers of cigars 10 01 l'eddlpvg t f tobneco, first class(more . than two horses or other animals. ..50 00 Teddlcrs of tobacco, second class (two horses or other animals 25 00 Peddlers of tohbacco,.tliird clap- (ono horse or other animul) 15 CO reamer ot tobacco, fourth clas (on foot or public conveyance) 10 00 Brewers of less thnn 500 barrels 50 00 lirewewcrs of f OJ barrels or mor...T00 00 Any person so liable, who Miall fail to comply, with tie foregoiug requirements will be subject to severe penalties. Persons or firms liable to pay any of the Special nained above apply to E. COWAN, Deputy Collector of Internal Hev. enue at V-ARRLN, PA , and pay for and procure the Tax Stamp or Stamps nicy uceu prior to may . J, JS7U, ami VUHoUT FURTHER NOTICE. D. D. PRATT, Loramistoner of Internal ii'evenue. UFriCK OF IXTBnNAt b, ,, 1 Washington, D. C, Teb. 1, 18"'j I 4t-nt EXECXTOirs NOTICE. Estate of Tatrlrk .Smitlt,'dec'd. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the nhove, estate lmve been grunted to the underwigned,. all per K'.m indebted to wiid estate are reques ted to make payment, and those hav ing c laims to present the name with out delay, to. LAWRENCE MOHAN, SR. Exr. or to his Attorneys- HALL& M'Cauiev, ' "2-Ut . Ridgway Pa. A complete stock of ladies miesesand childrens slices, liht, medium., and heavy at P, & K's. 'Now is the time to bu7- . . , , . . , , Alpacis eleapcr than ever lefor knowD at P. & K'a. In trio Court of Comroop Pleas of Elk CouDty. No 153 May Term 1875. 11. I. llobiDson & Co. ") feiioer & Co. J DOMESTIC ATTACHMENT. Noti?e is hereby giyen that the Trus. tees appoiuted in the above, entitled cause have filed teir report, in my office, and unless exceptions are hereto filed, the said Report will be confirmed at tbe next term oi this Court. FRED SCI10ENING;,, . v5-t-i Protlionotary. ELK COUNTV 8S: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania io the Sheriff of said County Oreeting: AVe command you that you attach John A. Anderson late of your County by all singular the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the. Baid , J ohn, A Anderson in whose hands or possession soever the same may be found, so that they, be and appear before our Courts of Common Pleas to be holdgn at .Ridgway in and for said County on the fourth Monday of May next, there to answer Jackson 8. Schultz, Maurice M. Scnultz, Judson. chultz, John Ernhout and J. L. Brown as Tanning and Lumber Company. And Also. .That you summon the person or persons in whose hands or possession the same may he found, so that they be and appear befors our said Court on the fourth Monday of May next, to answer what shall be objected against them and abide the judgement of the Court therein. And have you then and there thiB writ-. 4 Witness tbe Honorable L. D. Wetmore, President Judge of our said Court at Ridg. way, this 27lh day of January A. D.187G. FRED. ECHOKNIKG, Prothonotary. Per W. B. HORTOK, Depty. (Sheriffs Offics, ... Ridgway T. Febry. 18 1870. DANIEL BCCJLL, Sheriff. ?! ONLY REPTjiitrcAtT PAPliri. y. ULk counts: Office in Thayer k Ilagerfy'a Block.' RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, feUBSCRlBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. give us a Call for JOlli ' WORK 2 CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES," LETTER HEADS,' NOTIi IIEA2,' BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, LQ. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Addrasi, THE ADVOCATI, KtfflWJ, i51 Cs Tm- ELK COUNTY AUVOCATE I THURSDAY, MARCH 23D, 1878, Republican Slat Convention. H EA tQU RXF.US 'itKrUBLIC CAH 870. J Sl'ATK COMMITTSK IlAitKiSBURa, February 1, 18 In puraunii'cc of -a, reariluil'on of .the Repuhlienn State Committee, adopted nt a meeting held in llarrisburg this nay, a liepublloan State Convention to be coit'))nRri( nf delegates from each rietintorinl and Iiepresentntive district to the number to wliieh Bueh district Is entitled in the LoKisluture. is hereby ealled. to .meet in the city of narrtsourg, nz tweive-o'eloeK, noon, on Wednesday, March 2!), lrR, for the purimse of nominating an Electoral ticket nnd of electina Senatorial and Representative delegates to represent inefstaiein tne lieputilieun jvat.ional Convention, to bo held nt Cincinnati, unit), on ine i-un any oi June, i70. Uy Order of the Committee, JIENRY M. HOYT, CJiairman, A. AVilson Nobbis, Secretary. Arrival and Departure of Mails. Eastorj Daily except Sundays, arrives at z:ju p m., leaves at. 4:lo p m. Western Paily excepts Sundays; leaves at v., arriTesat. 4-40p m. . UrookvHlo Daily 'except Sundays; ar rives at 12 m.,. loavec at 2.30 n m. Spring Creek ,. Arrives -Tuc'duya and Thursdays at. 11' a m,, leaves WcduesdajB ana rnaaysat'Ja m. Iodpc Meetings. Elk Lodge, No 375, A. Y. M., meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Masonic Halt. Elk Chapter, No.i230 A. M., meets on the third Tuesday of each month in Masnoie Hall. Orient Council, No 40 meets the first Tuesday of eaeh month in Mnsonio Hall Knapp Commnndery, No 40, K T meets the fourth Thursday of each month in Masonic Hall. Township oniceis. Judge of Election H. S. Thayer. Inspectors A Cummings, P A Mead. Justices of the P'jace Charts Mead. J D. Eullerton. School Directors Jerome Powell, O B Grant, O T Wheeler, W II Oslcrhout, W S Service, Eug J Miller 11 hupcrvisors W Jt Oslerliout, O B Fitch. Treasurer W II ITyde Assessor H A Parsons, Jr. Auditors C V (Jillis, J K Whitmore Clerk W D Dickinson. Cbi.stabie J W Morgestcr County fiffleers. President Judge Hon L D Wetmore Associate Judges Hon J V Houk. Chas Lulir Sheriff Daniel Scull Treasurer Jacob M'duley District. Attorney J K P Hall County Superintendent George R Dixon Prothonotary, tc Fred Schoning Jeputy Prathonotary W ,S' Horton Cbnmissioners M'chael Wcidert. W II OsterhoMt Oeorce Reuschcr Auditors W 11 Hyde, B I A'uansler. George i'otliroclj. ' CoJimissioners Clerk W 6'Hor'on Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y On and after November 28th. 1875. nnd until further notice, trains will leave liufl'alo from the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia naiiroau wepot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets, (Buffulo time) as follows: 7:30 A. M., EMAIL, (daily except Sun days) sloping at ilbenezer 7:55 Spring, brook 8:U5 Klma 8i 11 Jamison's 8:17 Aurora 8:21 Wales 8:34, Holland 8:41 Pro. tcction 8:C4 Arcade 9:05 Yorkshire 9:12 MachinsOil') I'ranklinville4):87 lsch.ia9:55 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Uailway 10:21 Olean 10;35 Weston's 10:43 Portville 10:50 State Line 10:59 Eldred 11:11 Larabee's 11:20 Sartwell 1.1:25 Turtle Point '11:30 Port Al iegeny 11:42. Libeity 12:02 P. M. Keating 12.09 Shippen 12:25 Eqiportum 12:40 P.M. Connecting at Clean with Erie By. for local points west, aid for the Oil Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and tlrat'ford at 1:25 P. M.; at Larabee's with the McLean & Buffalo K. K., and at Emporium with the P. E. II. II. for loqal points west to Erie. . 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, (duly except Sundays) stopping at Ebcnezcr at 8:50, Spring UrookJ9:15, Elma 9:35, Jamb Bon's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi. land 11:10 Protestion 11:35 Arcade 12:10 P. !., Yorkshire 12:30 Macbias 12:51 Franklinville J:35 Isohua -2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Railway 4:05Oleau 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M., EXPKESS, (daily except Sundays) stopping at Ebeneier 4:23, Spring Brook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora. 4:48 Wales 6:00, Holland 5: 10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:83 Yorkshire6;40 Machias 5:50, Franklinville 0:00 -lschua 6:25 Hinsdale 0:39 Erie Railway 15:55 Olean 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Portville 7:25, State Line 7:32, Eldred 7:45. Larabee's 7:52 Sartwell 7-57, Turtle Poiut 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 6:40 Shippen 9:00, Emporium 9:15 P. M. Con necting at Larabee's with McKcan & Buf falo K. ft. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;00 A. M., EXPRESS, (daily except Sundays) stopping at Shippen 4:15, Keat ing 4;31, Liberty 4:42, Port AUogiuy 6:01, Turtle Point 6:13Sartwell 6:18, Larabee's 5:24, Eldred 6:3?, State Line 6:45, Port ville 5:52, Weston's- G.00, Clean 0:21, Erie Railway ti:23, Hinsdale 6:37, lschua 6:52, Franklinville 7.09 Machias 7:25, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, 7:40. Protection 7:63. Hob Jand 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami- son'se:9 Elma ;34, tpring ISrook 8:40, Ebeneier 8:00, Buffalo 9,15 A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the McKean & Buffalo ft. ft . 1:40 P..M...MAIL, (daily except bun days) stopping at Shippen 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty . 2:23, Port Allegany - 2:43 Turtle Point 2:65 Sartwe" 8:00, Larabee's 3:07, Eldred 8: lo, State Line 8:30, Port ville 8:38, Weston' 8;45, Olean 4:03, Erie Railway 4 06, Hinsdale 4 21. lschua 4 38, Franklinville 4 68,. Machias 6 15 Yorkshire 6 25 Arcade 6 33.Protectiou 6 47 Holland 5 68 Males 6 08 Aurora 6 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma 6 81 Spring Brook 6 36 Ebenezer 6 45 Buffulo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Oleun with Erie Railway from Limestone aud Bradford. ...... 1RAIN LEAVE OLEAN- - . 6 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, stopp. ing at Erie Railway 6-60 Hinsdale 7 20 lschua 7 60,.. Franklinville 8 40 Machias 9 27 Yorkshire 9 60 Arcade 10 10 Protection 10 49 Holland 11 10 Wales 11. 85 ..Aurora 12 07 P,.M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 86 Spring Book 12 60 Ebeneier 1 15 Buffalo 200P. M. . SUNDAY TRAIN. LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at Ebeuezer 9 22 Spring Brook9 81 Elma 9 87 Jamison's 9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES AURORA 6 42 P M . stopping at Jamison's 6 48, Elm 6 63 Spring lirook 6 68 Ebenezer 6 06 Buffalo 6 30 P. M. J. 1. YEOMANS, II. L. LYMAN.. , . (Jen' l. Suv't. Gen'l J'au'r Agl. I mi BuflriCFiBB fbr the Advocate. BV all'riie'ana letlw bavevrater works "Bantaij.'.', gives Ills readers f2,00 worth of dead head advertising. Our exchanges report heavy snow utorms throughout tlieountry. Garden planting lias been postponed for the present. . ( , The . Republican State Convention will meet on Wednesday of next week Potatoes ore scllinir hero for PO cents a bushel. Eoas are selling for 25 cents dozen. ,JoH?LAfrt, residing near Boot Jack, died yesterday morning, at about four o'clock of hemorrhage of the lungs, aged about forty years. , "Bantam" while acknowledged on nil sides to be a failure as an editor would make a gnodrag-man were not his legs too crooked. Property hoMcrs awake to yourin- terestsnnd befoi'tvit is too late take nc. tion to have your property protected from fire. Miller has gone inter the "rop" business, and as Fam Weller woul.d say. "werry smau Dees lie is. ' "rep ' the question "Bun tarn" and rcc how you make out. .Company H. has received its appro' priation of $400 for the year 1S75. It is expected that the S100 for armory rent will be received this week. Thei ameiints will place the company on a fair financial footing. . ,. Some folks inimagine us to be rich because we occasionally have on a re- spectnbls suit of clothes. But we as sure all so misled that we are not rich and as Frank Dill says we haven'tsecn $2 00 bill sineo DicKinson dug his race. . . , "Bantam" Miller in the last Dish- iratcr D. squeaketh at us and "pops'' his little pop-gun, really "Bantam" you get weaker and weaker with the ssue of each weakly sheet, pretty soon there will be nothing left of you but your spit curls aud your majestic mus tache, well, well, whatever remains we will see C.ii'efully irterred. Know lias fell here for two or three days and now we havea genuine win ter; cold enough to 'satisfy most any one and with a good run of sleighing which makes the heart of the lumber man and tanner rejoice. The ice house owners arc also feeling very joyful and all in all the snow storm is a great lenefit to the community. We publish in another column the aet'requiring thepublication of town ship and borough accounts. It may save our local authorities trouble to pay some attention to it. Last year our Au litors'Jndirect coiillietwith the law hud their t statements written Their action at the time was conceded tp be a "penny wiseand pound foolish" aft'iir. Now thatithe law 'hxes the duties of the township and borough authorities" there need be no excuse for not actingjjn accordance there with. ' " " ,. , ''Bantam",""!!! one of liis7'P0Ps,i 'lj the Dishwater Democrat of last week, Hes slightly about, us, but as ho is a Democrat we freely forgivehim; liesaid we were in the rag business, but that is not so, we hod occasion to move some old papcm and that is what he was aiming his pop-gun at, we don't think the occurence of an j importance to the publicbut it wassuftlcent toopenanew field for the gigantic intellect snd ronchant, wit of "Bantam" tp operate on. "Pop" again "lisintamf'. and see if you can't tell the truth by accident. There is some tttlk,we are informed, of having water works erected to. sup ply this place with water and for bet ter protect ion ngainlst, the ravages of the fire fieiid. Insurance is now only effected at 5 and 6 per cent, on the fatal row on the north side of Main street and as there will be several new buildings erected on that side this sum mer the rates of insurance will still further increase. There is au abun. dance of water abovo Rough and Ready, on Gallager's run. with fall suf ficient to throw water through a. hose, attached to a hydrant,' 100 feet: above any building on the street. It is to be hoped that the project will assume deflinite, .shape, ..before the baptism of fire shall have taught us another lesson. The above beautiful steel plate en graving is a correct copy of a photo graph of "Bantam!'. Miller, editor in hief of the Dishwater Democrat; the original belongs to the National Poultry Association of the United States, .from whom we obtained it at a good deal of trouble and expense, and. iu. order, to get back a portion at least of the cost we. have.had struck off a limited number of copies which,, We will furnish at 50cta eaehj 4sfe have sent a complimentary copy to Egypt to Mr Khedive hoping to get an order from him, also oneto Col Bantamseller who lectured here so eloquently on Egypt; we had some difficulty ia getting at the gallant Col's address, but finally found it to be as follows: "Col. D. Beat Baptaniseller, nowhere P. O. Fog Cq-i State of uncer tainty, we trust our letter will reach him. , . Our artist is engaged on another snirited engraving which we hone to present to our readers and th world boon. Maple sugnr bos npp'cT-td. r ll;t market. . . , : . . , , i ( i BantAm Miller should rise nr cl tell his readers what he knows about shares in a billiard club. , H. M. Towers Is going to move Into the house Ifltely .occupied by M. J Earlcy on Centre street. , . ;. C. IP. Barrett was in town Satur day and Sunday. Curt is now working on the Northern Tier Reporter at Tort Allegheny. . ... . . "Bantam" is a great novelty ns a school director; every time he visits the school he gets so mixed up; with the children they can't tell which is which. ... ' The County seat bill has. been re porter favorably in the Senate. The next thing in order will be to have it printed. As soon as possible we will lay the bill before our readers. , . . ,s "Bantam" publishes four columns of reading mutter on his outside in stead of one column ns formerly.. That's right "Bant" give your readers their $2r00 worth if it takes you all summer. J. D. Fullerton has received his commission as Justice of the Peace, and is now ready to attend to all business in his line .night or day Parties married at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms, All workwarunted to last a life time if not sooner dis solved. Bantam" should commit to memory the Httie piece auoui " mow Spriggen's daughter another fellow's got her." It would be more honor to him than writing articles about the ragged editor of the Advocate. , Cart Fred Sc iioemno, now holds seven commissions under uov. uar- tranft, viz: Prothonotary; Register of Wills; Recorder; Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions; Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer; Clerk of the Or phans Court; and .Capt. of Company II, 17thRegt. N. G. P. The Captain has nearly as many titles as the Emperor of China. Lampe's Heading. ... On Monday, aud Tuesday evenings, the 18th and 14th inst. the people of Ridgway received a literary treat in the shape of select readings by Rev. F. C. II. Lampc, of .Warren PtJ., who appeared here for the first time to give a benefit to the Lutheran Ciiurch of this place. Monday evening the Court House was well filled by an apre ciative audience which was well enter- ained by selections from Shakospcare, Burns, Carlton, Mickle, and other au thors. AH of the selections from Ham let to "Betsie and I are Out" were well rendered. Tuesday evening the Court House Was even more crowded than on the preceding evening. We hope to see the. reader witli us again in a inure propitious season. The Lutheran Church Choir furnished music for the occasion. The receipts, amounted to about forty-seven dollars. "Bantam M. of the Dishwater D. after the fire the other night, picked up in the old red house several loot- steps that were heard there (awtul mystery) he has them carefully bot tled up and will be pleased to show them to anyone thut will call at his office where lie manufactures his thun der bolts. Township and Borough Accounts. The Legislature last winter amen ded the act relative to publishing the township, borough and school district accounts so as to fix definitely the time of the publication of these ac counts. The borough, township and oad statements are to be published in April, "the end of tbe fiscal year," and the school accounts in June which loses the fiscal year for school . pur poses, ,. The tun section oi tu act reads as follows: Section 6. The corporate authorit ies of every such municipality or dis trict shall at the end of their fiscal year, prepare and publish in at least two newspapers of said municipality or of the county in which the same is situated, if so many be printed therein, .a statement showing in de tail, the actual indebtedness, tho amount of lloating debt thereof, the aluution of taxable property therein, the assets of the corporation, with the character, and value thereof, and the date of maturity of the respective forms of funded debt thereof, and a neglect or failure so. to do shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars. Ap proved the 12th day of April 1875. "Kiug Bee" aud maDy others, kinds of chewing tobacco. .. Also suiokiog of all the popular brands at t & K's. Those new style prints, at P .& K's. are the general talk of the town. Go and see tbein. - QUOTATIONS White, ... Powell' L Co4' BANKERS AND RR0KKRS, No. Ai South Third Street. Philadelphia, March 21st. 1870. , BID. ABKID V. 8. 1881. o .il22J isti do 5 20, o '02, M aud N lt'alleu do do '04 do . f do do '05 do H8J 118 do do 'OoJandJ lly lib, do do '07 do 1214 lig do do '08,' .do l3t 123. 10-40. do-eoupon.. .Hf lly do Paeitio ti's cy Int. off liiOj I27 New5'sKeg. I88l..............,.lltt nyi . 0. 1881 He, Gold.. 114 lnt Silver Pennsylvania... 60 661 Beading 60 61 . Philadelphia. & L'ri 2i 2H Lehigh Navigation- bi)i 60 do Valley eBl 63 United K K of N J. ........ ex. div..l37 las Creek U "4, Northern Central...j.....x. div 87 as Central Transportation 4fc 4.J Jfesquchoniug, (il bii C 4t A iVIonguge ti's '8U 0a loc.