The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 09, 1876, Image 3

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Ridgway, r.
5 2 if.
ttidgwny, Elk Co , Vh. Office Id
MaTl's new lii'ick Building. Claims for
collection promptly attended to.
Office in New Brick Building, Main St
RidRwny, Elk Co., f-ft. ' ;v8n2tf.
.r. 0. '. "JAILEY,
t1d41. Ridgway, Elk Co'nt'lyl l'a.
Agent for the Traveler's I.ifo ted Aoc)
dent lniiuranoc Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigvray, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Itidgwiiy una sir
rounding country. All work warranted
Office in Service & Wheoler'a Uuildin, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly
Walclinin'n-r, i'ngvnvcr and .lew' lei
Mnin Btrett, Uidgwuy, l''n. Agent lor the
Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Cold
l'en. ftepniitr.g WiUchc., ito, dorr with
he same acem-ncy as heretofore. P'.itis
fictioa guarantied, vlnly
Druggist and I'm-i.iiiccutiiit, N. W. corni'i
of Main and JM'.l sUtcts, Hidgway, l'u.
full aHSortiueiit of cnreiully ijoW-etcd For
eign and Doines-tic U.u's. I'reVoViptiunt
'carefully dispensed nl all hours, day or
liight. ln:!y
Physician una burgeon.
Oflico in It'iug fc', corner lirOirl and
Main Sts. Resilience corner I'vrnul St.
Opposite t!io C'oilogP. Otlica hours liom
8 to 10 A. .M. and from 7 to 8 1. M.
J. S. HON L WELL, M. D.,
JCcleoiic I'hj'sicii'ii and t?'.i-gto?l, him remov
ed his oilioe frStn Celine sli'jit, to .Mail si.
Itidgwuy, l'u,, in the seeenJ Moiy of the
no brick Imildiug of Joliu (i. Hall, (ppo
ill', Hyde's store,
OTi''c Injur: 1 to 2 V M 7 to 0 1 M
Hihuwav, I'lhV'!-.1, 'a
V. II. S'JlIttAM, Proprietor
Thankful for the patron heiPt-ii'ur
so liberally bestowed upon hid, the t'ev
nroprietSr, hopes, by paying strict u.
?eiitioa id the coiiil'oil mid convenience o!
guests, to metU a cir-ni biu'inbe ot tlu
Uct CO 1800.
(' Ki.t Co, Pa.
Sous jdtiisa, Proprietor.
Tliaukful for tho patronage herotolon
fco liber illy be.stbi'.-cd upon hiui, the new
pro priete'r, 1-ppes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort aLd eouvctilehc
bf guests, t 'merit i coiiliuuuuct) of the
r. ): hays,
Goods, Iloticns, Groceries.
and General Variety,
Earlty I. ).
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division
OX and after MONDAY, MAI 21, IS75,
the trains on the Philadelphia Si
.Erie Railroad will run S follows!
KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo
' ' Driftwood..
" ' " Emporium
" " " St Marys...
' ' " Ridgway...
" " Wilcojr
p.rr at Kane..
4 5'j p III
5 55 p in
6 65 p m
7 55 p m
8 25 p m
U 05 p m
9 80 p m
KR1E M VIL learcs 1'hiladelphia 11 io p m
" nenovo tiuoaui
" Kfiiporium. 110pm
" St. Mary's .-. 2 00 p iu
" Ridgway .2 p m
" Wilcox 2 GS p m
" arrive at Erie 7 i0 p ui
BENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m
Wilcox 8 83 a ru
" " Kidgway 9 20 a in
" " 8t Marys 10 01am
" " Emporium 1105 am
' Driftwood 12 15 p in
" " Kenovo 1 40 p m
ERIE MAIL loaves Erie... 11.20 a in
" " Kane 8 45 p m
! " " Wilcox... ....4 08 pm
" " " Ridgway 4.45 pm
" " " fit. Mary's 5.10 p m
" " " Emporium...... 6.05 p m
' Renovo........... 8.25 p iu
" ' arr. at l'hiladephia... ti.50 a m
Renovo Aceom and Katie Accom connect
east and west ut East with L6W Grade Di
vision and B N Y & P R K
tJen'l SXp'L
Ftetil U&'fif (ftiE6nes, aod Canned
ojd at PSi KV. Tfce cfccapcKt and
RppuWiran Slale ('(inTrntion.
huat)ql'utkrs rkpitdlicas )
Htatk C'ommittkk.
ITATtnisiiriut, IMirunry 1, 1870. J
In liursunnce ef h 'resolution of the
Rqiulilicnn-Wafc tJonmiittce, adopttnl
nt a moving Jiold irt Harribnrff tliln
ilny.-ft Ktpul)liinri Stnto Ctmvi'iilton,
to lie eou-'iiomrd of delojriitcs from cat'h
Soiiiitorial n'ud HoprcsoutatiVc dintl tct,
to tho'mmihvr to vhidi ftt'tch diHtrk-t
in nititlcd In the liiiyisla'tufe, i
licn-liy called to meet in the city of
llarrishurg, at twelve o'clock, noon,
on Wednesday, March 211, l7rt, for the
lui,liose of noniinatihg an Kleetral
ticket and rtf electing b'enatorlal and
Representtitivo delejrates to represent
the rotate in the Itcpuhlicnn National
('(invention, to he held tit f.'iiuirtnati,
Ohio, on the 14th day of .lun'c, 1870.
liy Order oft he Conlini'tteX',
'HKXllY M. HO VI', Chairman,
A. Wi i.ron JfORBtS'cretary.
Arrival and IVparturo of .Mails.
Eastera Party except Sundays, arrives
at 2::10 in., leaves at 4:45 p in.
Western Daily excepts HunJVys; leaves
at 2:30, arrives at 4:45 p m.
Brookville Daily except Sundays; ar
rives at 12 in., leaves at 2.30 p m,
iSpring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 11 am., leaves Wednesdays
and Fridays at 9 a m.
Lodijc Meeting's.
Elu Lodge, No hi, A. Y. M., meets the
second oni fourth Tuesdays of each month
in the Masonic Hall.
Elk Chapter, No.210 ?. A. M., meets on
the third Tuesday of each month in Masnoio
Orient C'-unCil, Ko 4(5 m'c;t3 the first
Tuc? lay of eaeh month in Masonic Hall
Knapp Coinmiindery, No 40, K T meets
the fourth Thursday of each month iu
Masouic Hull.
Township Oilicers.
Judge of Election II, 8 Thayer. ,
Inspectors A Cummingvl' A Mead.
J Ufi ices of th'o l'eace Charles Mead, J
0 W liailey
School Directors Jerome Towell, OB
Cliaut, 1' W'ter, W II O-terhout, W
Service. 1'ui; J Miller
Snpirvisors W II Os'.erhout, O B
Fit eh
Treiinn-er Vt II Hyde
As'wsMir U A I'iiihocs. Jr.
Auditois CVCillis, JK Whitmore
Clerk W I) Dickinson.
Coi.--t:iliie J W Morgesier
County Ofitccrs.
President Judge Hon T. D Wet more
Associate Judges Hon J V Houk, ('has
Sheriff Daniel Scu'.l
Treasurer Jacoh M'CaiiUy
District Attorney J K V l--ix
County Supciint'iiid'jtit (ieorgS .'
1'rothoiiotiiry, l"re,! Pclm ning
Deputy I'r n lioiiotni-y W ;V llorton
('um;iii.ssioneis M;"ch:iel Weidert, W II
OMerluMt t teorgc Reuscher
Auditors' W II Hyde, 1! I .S'pangler,
( jeorfe Aithrock.
Ci.nniiiiaionuis C.Jrk n ,S llor'on
Josn liiLi.isoa writes that "Phil
osophers mil asrrcc that the milk is put
into the kokcr-iut, and the hole i.i
neally phlKed up; hut who duz it, the
pliiloHojihers tire honest 'i)'oni;h, for a
wonder, to admit they can't tell lis."
A eoi'XTKV new.-puper says that
wiicn you are contracting for vonr
vo:d il'nyn tst;;rtan Mhfch dil'.-r
has th'.' lightest driver, its it makes
quite it iiillcrence wlictlicryou pay $7,
VI per ton for 120 pounds or ttoopoundx
of drix-er.
Ma.shacjii-i-.tts think Jthnt tlic
chief cause of pauperism in in that
State is immigration, and hence she
proposes to pass laws prohihiting the
immigration from other States and
foreign countries, of persons who are
liable to become public dependants
or Inmates of the prison
- .
A ytA'S tho had just been reading
Mark Twain's "Literary Nightmare,"
says the Austin, Nevada Jievcllte,
stepped into a Main street saloon this
forenoon muttering, "Punch, broth
ers! punch with care! punch in
presence of the passcr'jare!" when a
retired prize-tighter who was snooz
ing in a corner got up, and accosting
the nightmare fellow demanded,
"Whose ears are you going to pitch,
you bloody duffer?" The other fellow
tried to explain, but the fighter Insis
ted that he (the other fellow) had
said, "Punch, brothers! punch with
care! punch that big follow square In
the ear!" The appearance of the
police prevented bloodshed.
Dk. Iixdkr.max, the Director of
the Mint, states as his opinion that
the production of gold and silver after
the 1st of March will be $7,000,000 per
month, 6f tthleh half will be in gold,
and that the fact cannot but have an
important bearing On the gold pre
mium. The Controller Of the Cur
rency has prepared a stittemcnt show
ing that the aniount of additional Na
tional Hank currency issued from
January 27, 1876, to February 20; 1S70,
inclusive, is $412,18-3; issued pre
viously, $13,408,575; and total issue
from the date of the approval of the
act to this time is f 13,820,700.
A New Hampshire member has
called on the Treasury Department
for a statement of what has been ac
complished by raids on. the whisky
ring, and his received the following
figures: Property seized, assessments,
and amount of suffs,- nearly $3,500,000.
Amount actually covered in the treas
ury, January, 1870, abotrt 11,000.000.
This sum is from a small ntiftlber of
suite, the most being still pending, or
receipts from sales not yet returned to
the treasury. Th6re have been 253
indfctnie'nfs; sixry'-'nitVe? have plead
guilty. Of seventeen j ury trials there
have been thirteen' cfmViction, throe
acquittals, and on rffsag rfeemerit.
For 66me' time there have been no dis
cbveries of new fratids by th6 methods'
so thoroughly exposed a year agO'arirJ
the revcnueB from wh'isky have stead
ily Increased
Rev. T. C H. Lampc, from War
ren, has conseTrtcd to hold eolect read
ings for the benefit of tho Lutheran
Church at this place n Monday and
Tuesday evening March 13th hnd 14th
at 7J o'clock at the Court House.
Tickets for one right 2-5 vents; for
both nights 50 cents:
Following is the prorpiite:
1. Hamlet. Act 1, scenes 4 and 5.
2. Hamlet. Act 8, scene 1. Holilo-
3. King Henri VIII. Act 3, Wol-
sey's uddress to Cromwell.
4. Julius Caesar. Act 3, scene 2.
Antony's address.
1. Hetsy and I are out, Carlton.
2 Old Chums, AlicV Cany.
3. The Mariner's Wife Mickle.
4. For a' that and a' that Burns.
5. Kvcntide Henry F. Lytic.
1. Macbeth. Act III.
2. Macbeth. Act 1 1 1, scene 4.
3. How Betsy and I made up..Carl-
1. The New Church Organ..' 'arlton.
2. The Christmas Hairy,... Carlton.
3. Bachelors Soliloquy, Shakespeare.
4 Absolom, Willis.
Itev Lainpe has held several select
readings in Warren and the Warren
papers speak very highly of his ability
as a reader.
Sevks trust a secret with a man
M ho loves his wife, for he will tell his
wife, she will tell her lister, and her
sister will tll cveryboHy- That's
about the way the thing works.
Young gentlemen of family and ex
pectations had better think twice be
fore they make love to pretty millin
ers. Mr. Hibhard, of New York, has
just been compelled th pay $2,000 to
MissCrokcr, all because Mr. Hibbard,
Jr., would send her theater tickets
and oll'crto marry her.
The New York Graphic wants to pro
hibit walking matches on the ground
that they Aiv. very detrimental to
health, inviting paralysis and apo
plexy. The Graphic is somewhat ec
centric, sometimes Ironical? America
can point proudly to the fact that she
has never lost a professional pedes
trian. Seven Chief Justices lin vp occupied
the bench of the United States Su
preme Court: John Jay, six years;
John Iiutlcdge, a part of a year; Oliver
Fllsworth, live years; John Marshall,
thirty-iivv years; KogeV B, 'fancy,
twenty-eight years; Salmon P. Chase,
ten years; and Morrison It. Waite, ap
pointed in 1S74.
''For the lest twenty years," says a
Canastota jiap'cr, in dishing ui for its
readers a bit of local romance, ''there
has lived in this town an eminently
respectable family, the pride of whose
household was a charming daughter
of seventeen." Isn't that chronology
a little steep, even after allowing the
usual discount?
The V'lfhnU)- Tablet, in on Hble arti
cle on drunkenness in the United
States-, alludes to the fact that in St.
Louis and Chicago 7j per cent, of the
salmons arc condueted by Germans, 10
per cent, by Komaii t at holies of for
eign birth, 10 per cent, by Americans,
3 per cent, by woman, Germans and
Irish, and 2 per cent, by negroes.
Easter Sunday. An exchange
says that Easter Sunday will fall this
year on the loth rather than on the
0th of April, becaiO Easter duj is
regulated not by a solar but by a luu
arcycle the cycle that regulates the
golden number. Now, by ti. solar
calculation a day nlwaVfc' begins at
midnight; but by lunar calculation it
begins at noon. If, therefore, the
Paschal moon tails on a Saturday after
12 M. it is counted as fulling on Sun
day, and then Easter is, under the
rule In the prayer book, the Sunday
following: This is 'what happens in
the present year. The Paschal full
moon falls on Saturday, April 8th, at
2:43 Pi M, It is therefore counted as
falling on Sunday, April !)th, and
Easter day is the Sunday following
i. e. April 10th. It may be added
that should the full rriooii fall on
March 21 before 12 M., that full moon
(counted as fallingon March 20) would
not regulate Easter Hay ; but the one
following. This happened in 1819.
A suggestive account has just been
published by a German woman in
this country of the work done by cer
tain women in Berlin in reducing
the price of living in that city. Iu
I860 Mrs. Lena Merjj'enstern, with
two or three other ladies of wealth
and influence, finding that the cost
of provisions was enormous, estab
lished several Volk's Kuechcn, or peo
ple's kitchens restaurants where
meals could be had at the retail cost
of the materials alone. In 1873 these
woniari determined to brhig their
charity into their own homes by form
ing a Housekeepers' Association,
whose object should be the reduction
ofthecostof living, the promotion of
plain and ecnomical habits, and the
Improvement of the condition of ser
vants. In 1874 there were 250 mem
bers. Co-operative laundries, ba
keries, intelligence offices and stores
for groceries, meats and provisions
were opened, all under the supervis
ion of women. At the present time
the membership embraces BjOOC fam
ilies, and issues a weekly paper 6f a
high order, containing its price lists,
4c; The central bureau import its
supples direct from China, France,
Java, the United States, 4c, and is
thus enabled to supply the co-opera-tive'Hrade.
throughout Europe. Coal
fss Also purchased wholesale by the as
s6cfution, and is sold in accurately
measured cars. The whole of this
vast business enterprise Is managed by
Horace Greeley's advice to "Oo
West" was 'a glaring swindle. The
facts that 'the Indians have born liv
ing Wctft all their lives arid are still
poor, with scarcely enough clothes to
hid their nudity proves this.
Three tracts of government land
was mM in Forest county lately the
first tract bringing $2,00.i, the second
$4,300 and the third $4,000. c. E.
'fait, of Franklin, bought tlte first two
and John Carney, of Lueita, the thlrU.
. "Tie-backs" would 'pcenv, after 'all,
to be no new fashion, but pimply an
old fashion TeVlved. Heslod, who
wrote ",2,700 years ago, s"ays: "Let no
fair woman tempt thy sliding mind
with garments gathered In a knot be
hind." He entered a ear door. When the
brakeman came inside and took a key
out of his pocket, unlocked the stove,
put in some wood, and locked the door
again, he asked him what he locked
the stove door for. The brakemnn
shut his left eye, and said he locked
the door so the fire couldn't go but.
After the 0th of April, members of
the Legislature gets $10 per day in ad.
ditiou to their salary of $1,000, and
that is the reason why the Democratic
House refuses to fix a day of adjourn
ment; and yet, they went in to power
as "reformers!" The people have got
about enough of that kind Kf reform.
Bradford Importer.
A French doctor, many years ago,
advertised a cosmetic thV "halm of
oAic thousand flowers." It finally got
him into court, charged with swind
ling the purchaser.bccause It would be
impossible to colhA't and combine the
oder of "one thousand flowers." But
the witty Frenchman, with ready
smile, put them down yith the reply.
"Honey" which was one of the in
gredients in the "balm."
So great is the excitement Over the
recent discoveries at Pike's Peak, and
so rich all the country thereabouts,
that a citizen of Colorado Springs, as a
a joke, reduced a stone jug in a mortar,
carried the powder to an assayer, and
was' much surprised to find the jug
yielded at the rate of $17 82 to the ton.
The assayer is evidently determined
not to let the new district sutler for
want of favorable reports.
i 1 '
A Benton county man hid 5'VH) in
the spare room stove. The next day
his wife's mother catuo down during
his absence for a three weeks' visit,
and that spare room was warmed up
for the first time in three hundred
years. And they say you can pick up
shreds of that man's, li'iir and cloth s
where he clubbed h-n's"lf nrouiidjlhe
country when lie heard of it, any
where within ten miles of the house.
HurlihyUm Hawkryr.
Tilton-'s Promissory So4
Til ton's idea of a promissory note, as
given in his lecture on the "Problem
of Life" at Oleau last Thursday eve
ning was a peculiar one. He said that
the business of this country was based
on fnud. ') ba', ninety-seven mer
chants out of every hundred failed.
That business with buying at six
months and selling at six months, was
being done at arms length and finger
tips. Did a promissory note certify
that the maker has one hundred
thousand dollars in the bank and that
at the end of three montas he will
take therefioitt ten thousand and pay
the obHgatiotl: No. A promissory
note eertifles that the maker has some
goods iii lils store, which within three
tri'mths time ho expects soine cus
tomer from somewhere to come and
look at, be pleased with, purchase and
pay for, and if that customer does
come, and atlbes look, and is'"pleased
with, and purchases and pays, the
obligation wll be paid. Is not that a
good photograph of a promissory
note? McKcan Miner.
31R LIS1S,
Following is the list of jurors drawn
of May term, commencing! Monday
May 22d, 1870.
Benezette. S. P. Booming, laborer
ltaipn jonnsou, Jr. larmer.
Benzinger. Charles Schneider,
farmer; B. Wesnitzer, Brewer; George
JJecKcr, tanner; Josepu Werner; lar
mer. Fox. S. S. Parker, farmer; Lewis
Iddiugs, fhrmer.
Horton. James MeClellan, lii'm
berman. Jay. David Kuncs, laborer; Joseph
Dill, lumberman;
Jones. I'aulus Schneider, farmer;
Michael D.l'l Sr., farmer; Isaac Keefer
Bidgway.' G. T. Wheeler, lumber
man; Saylor Jackson, Carpenter; W.
F. Mercer; Butcher; H. A. Parsons,
St. Marys. M. Stibich, laborer. J,
Wittman, merchant; Henry Freder
man, farmer; J. M. Mccum, hotel:
keeper; Henry Gausman, carpenter;
Anion xsasuari, lanorcr.
Befiezettc.-Leroy Wiuslow, farmer;
Edward Fletcher, merchant: Dennis
Taylor, laborer; Henry Blesh, hotel
Keeper; lieorge v msiow, iarmer
John Barr. farmer;
Benzinger. Lorenzo Gahr, farmer;
Clemcnz iiafberberger, farmer; Step
hen" Henry, farmer; Frank Weis, car
penter: Geo. Nissell, fanner; Jacob
ivreCKie, iarmer.
Fox. Charles Mohan, laborer
Frank Armstrong, laborer; William
uibson, carpenter; Duviu Meredith
Horton. Fred. Kavsvinkle, farnier:
B. A. Kogers, laborer; Hczikiah Hor
ton, larmer.
Jay, Geo, B. Dill, laborer; L; S
Dodd, farmer . -,-
Jones. John Allen, Mechanic.
Millstone. II. J. Clyde, laborer."
indirway. J. "W. Taylor, laborer:
Hugh McGeehin, Merchant; James
luley,' Hotel keeper; iuison j.. urant,
farmer; Harry Wilson, Carpenter; J.
K. POwell, harness maker; A. H.
;Head,' laborer; E. K. Gresh, mer
idian t.
Spring tYeck, ReubeA Mohncy,
St. Marys. Anthony Fochtmau,
hotftl keener: John Ahlis. inillwriirht:
John' Enini'elt, stone mason; Anthony
Auman, stone mason; Henry Fey,
carpenter; William Bran iff, carpenter;
George Imhoif taylor; Frank Keller,
On t he Bradford Branch of the Erie '
Hallway them Is a house wherein the i
father sits in Pennsylvania, the
mother in the State of new York, the
son In the ornuty of McKean, the
daughter in Cattaraugus county, the
grandmother in one town and the
grandchild in 'another, and the hired
man in a state of ecstasy of looks out
upon a flowing oil well Mew Era.
The Motloc is the name by which a
large new engine just put upon the
Eastern Division of the P. & E. It. It.
Is known. Its drawing enpacity Is
much greater as well an it;) weight
than any other tungiu'o in the road.
Its weight Is forty-seven tons. It
passed east Monday with eighty
loaded cars, the freight of which
would weigh between nine huAd'red
and a thousand tons, forming a train
about t half mile in length. The
Models lifts four driving wheels on
each side, being one more on each
side than nny'othcr engine on the
road. An ordinary engine weighs
probably not half so much as this one,
the capacity is less than half from
thirty to thirty-four cars being the
usual riumher hauled by ordinary
ci'igines between Renovo and 'Sun
bury. TrE flovcrnor 'rf Michigan cele
brated Washington's birthday by is
suing ftii address to the people of the
State on the right improvement of
the centennial year. After inviting
them to cultivate the proper patriotic
sentiments, and cautioning them ear
nestly against political quacks, he
comes down to business. He wants
American history taught a great deal
more generally and thoroughly in the
public school than it is Mught now;
in Michigan five schools out of six do
not even make a pretense of teaching
it. Unless this neglect is remedied
Gov. Baglcy fears we shall "become a
nation of doubters and croakers."
Secondly, he wants every man who
"owns a piece of God's ground" to
celebrate the centennial by planting a
tree on it. This is a vtiuable recom
mendation, and if it were possible
also to prohibit wr from cutting
down trees unnecessarily, it would be
a great benefit. In Germany no man
is permitted to cut down a tree, even
on his own place, without consent of
the authorities. BfU this is a free
country, and it would be considered a
hard case if we were not at liberty to
destroy our own property. Lastly
the Governor wants every man to do
lis part toward handing down the
legacies of their fathers sininlicit v
and economy of government, the free
school, free church and free press.
News Items.
Wiilianisimrt litis a voter 10! vcars
old. AN by not exhibit him at the
There are 3, So? po.-iollices in Penn
sylvania, the largc.-t number of any
State in the Union.
Bogardus recently sh' twenty-six
birds at Pittsburg in three nii'nusts
and twelve seconds.
A Berks county man has. eleven
daughters at home. It takes 108 yards
of calico to go round.
Tom Scott the nuii'oad kimc, re
ceives a salary of $40,0:10 a year, not
conn ting stculings.
The Harrisburtc 7V yrtjih, says
Mrs. Siebold, of that city, is ch-'hty-four
years oid,si;eads without glasses,
and "has had -'er back broken three
The Erie Railway Company have
commenced the laying of a t hird rail,
(steel) narrow gauge from Buffalo to
Wednesday forenoon a thief entered
a residence in Titusville, while the
family was absent at church, and
bucked and gagged the servant girl,
but was frighteiiod and lied without
securing any booty.
Yourigstown. Ohio, is an enterpris
ing place, and raises the wind by
charging ten cents admission to the
court room when a murder trial is in
A Peril u correspondent 'ujs: "Do
you Know wnat a reputation we
Americans are getting on the Conti
nent? I heard asprightly Viennese snv
recently that the American husbands
were the best trained in the warld."
The Indians will not stand much
chance of retaining any of their Black
Hills territory if excitement continues
to run as at present. The gold hunt
ing mania seems t have struck every
adventurer in the far west, and he is
going a foot or a mule back, Indians
or not.
General Crooko has taken the Held
against the hostile tribes of Sioux, ami
expects to have a 'usslo with the
flower of that nation's braves. , lie
has 5(10 men only with him, but they
are all old Indian liuhters, and can
shoot around the trunk of trees with
the utmost facility and dexterity.
Frightful collision occurred on the
Pittsburg and Erie Railroad, at Jack
sou station, near Erie, Thursday morn
ing between two freight trains. For
tunately no lives w"re tost, nut a
brakeman named John Branitf had
one leg crushed into a jolly, and sev
eral others were slightly hurt. The
two engines ami many or the cars
were almost totally wrecked.
Weston bat the English champion
fairly. The Englishman was "walked
down' and Weston kept on and made
loo miles iu twenty-four hour "A feat
hitherto tin paralleled in the annah of
pedestriafiism iu this country," said
tne isjHctw .Atannara next day.
Since that event public opinion in re
gard to Weston has changed, and he
is not considered so great a bore as pre
vious to ins victory.
The Governor has signed, and the
death warrants have been issued for
the execution of George W. Fletcher,
convicted of the murder of James Han-
lev, ami of Patrick Ouitrlew convicted
of the murder pf Catharine (Juigley, in
Philadelphia, The dates fixed for the
carrying into effect of the warrants
are Thursday, April !,' anil Friday,
April .respectively.
Joseph Knotwell, a freight conduc
tor on' the Pennsylvania Railroad, fell
from his triin near Columbia on
Saturday, and had both Icks cut oft'
After the accident occured the de
ceased managed in some manner to'
drag himself along and flag the train
which was following, Knotwell, was
a married man and about fortV-flve
years of age. He died a few hours
after the accident.'
New price list of frames a great re-'
ductlon iu price. Call and s'oo cuts of
nkouldlng. , ,
D. W. BALDWIN, Photographer.
'A IL justices of the peace chosen at
the February election are required by
lawtofetlfy theprothonotary in writ
ing of th'eir acceptance of the position
"within thirty days after the elec
tion;" In default of which no commis
sion will be issued to them.
At Hawklnsville, (5a., recently, one
of the two convicts in Hio Pulaski
county jail tore out a part of tiro wall
and escaped, and the other cb'uiplamed ;
bitterly next, day to tho ShorilT that !
unless the walls were mended, so that!
he would be kept warm, he'd go too. j
The German Emigrant Society of
New York In its annual report shows
the receipts for the past year (o be
$29,404 00, and expenditures, $20,731
55. During the year 1,42.5 persons
were pecuniarily relieved, 318 patients
treated, and 140,702 immigrants sent
to different parts of the country.
By the law of Massachusetts there
arc seventeen relatives which man
Is prohibited from marrying in that
State, eight of whom are merely rela
tives, in law, viz: stepmother, grand
father's wife, son's wife, grandson's
wife wife's mother, wife'sgrandmother
wife's daughter and wife's grand
daughter. The Boston GMie thinks
that this Is oircumserihrntr n man's
choice too narrowly.
"Bantam" In hislast issue
don't even squeak at us. What's the
matter "liantam?" don't you like
your own medicine and does it sit hard
on your,ittle stumich and make you all
sickcy, sickey, slckey?or was the
Kedivc oyster too big for you? Per
haps you felt as Thackcry did when
he swallowed his first targe American
oyster, he said he felt as though he had
swollowed a baby. Never mind
"Bantam" wait till warm weather
comes and you shall have on your
circus clown's uniform iind play ball
with the rest of the little boys.
Readers of newspapers often meet
with the term "car-load," but few of
them know just what or how much it
is. The Saint Louis Tiunjt has taken
the trouble to learn, and says, as a
general rule, 20,000 pounds, or 70 bar
rels of salt, 70of lime, 00 of flour, o'( of
whisky, 2(i0 sacks of flour, (j cords of
soft woodl8 to 20 head of cattle, 50 to
00 head of hogs, 80 to 100 head of sheep
0,000 feet of solid boards, 17,000 feet of
siding, 13,000 feet of flooring, 40,000
t-hinglex, one-half less of hard lumber,
one-fourthlless of green lumber, one
tenth of joists, scantling, ahdall other
large Umber, 310 bushels of wheat, 300
of corn, list) of oats, 400 of barley, S00 of
llax seed, i00 of apples, 4:10 of Irish po
tatoes, 300 of sweet potatoes, 1,000
bushels of bran.
WilPesbarre, "Starch ". Ail explo
sion of gas occured at Prospect shaft
last night, by. which Jacob Glatz,
watchman, and Chas. Nolan, boss,
were seriously burned. The mine had
been flooded to put out a lire some
weeks ago, an;l the water was being
pumped out when a spark front the
watchman's lamp fell into the nioutli
of the shaft. The explosion was in
stantaneous and terrific, and blew the
timbers around the top into pieces. As
As fast as the g!ti accumulated and
arose to the hioiith another explosion
wouldfollow, and some of them shook
the earth for some distance like an
earthquake. The shaft is three miles
from Wilkesbarre, but the flash of
each explosion lit up the city and the
country for mile around. The explos
ions were about fifteen minutes apart
and lasted for over three hours. The
fire is out, hut the loss to the works is
not known.
The New York Times calls attention
to the fact that the mere delay, of the
Democratic House of Representatives
in acting on Secrctary-Bristow's re
quest to be authorized to issue four and
a-half per cent, bonds, having thirty
years to run, has already cost tho
country one-fourth of three months
interest on $500,000,000 of six per cent,
bonds; that Isto say, nearly two mil
lion dollars. Meanwhile, the present
splendid opportunity for selling four
and a-half per cent, stock is slowly
but surely slipping ttway, and sooner
or later It will hot be possible to sell it
at par. Itis.khown to those who are
faniiliiVr with financial operations, or
with the laws which govern them,
thiitth'e present high price of all first
class securities is the effect of the hard
times. Had our capitalists the same
confidence in putting out their money
as they commonly have, they never
would accept four nnd a-half per cent,
interest from the government. It Is
absurd, niorover, to suppose that for
eigners will ever consent to hold the
entire funded debt of this nation, and
while our own citizens hold any por
tion of it, the rato of interest paid
must be the rate of the United States
and not that of Europe. To suppose
that a year or two hence we shall be
able to borrow at four per cent. Is to
count on the continuance of the pre:
ent stagnation, and even to suppose it
to Increase. We look for better times
befor6 long and we therefore are not
oer-sanguine in our belief that the
government can borrow at four and a-
half per cent, as long as It chooses to.
In the estimation of Europeans French
credit is as nearly as passible oh a par
with that of the United States. Tho
three per cent, rentes Aill run as long
as any one could wish, yet their price,
accrued interest deducted, is hot high
enough to bring the return to the pifr
chaser so low as four and a-half per
cent.' The French aro ordinarily con
ttnVt'with amuchlower rate of interest
on their investment than our own
countrynlen. These facts lead us to
think that wo shall have to wait
good while before we sell four per cent,
Bonds at par or anywhere near it.
. . , 1KI. , . ,
MURRAY". In Beneze'ttf, F.IMV.
Pa., , on March 1st 1870, Mr. John
Murray a-rod cltrhtv-ono years, ten
months and one dav
Ho leaves six childronand numerous
friends who deeply feeling their los
are comforted with the assurance that
it Is well .with him.
Pitlslnirgli Journalism.
From tho Cincinnati Enquirer.
All the dally papers in Pittsburg,
having recently been sued for libel in
the sum of $10,000 each, and put tin.
'iW heavy bonds for trial, for inadver
tently calling nn man a thief when t
Was proven that he had stolen a large
lot of jewelry, the newspaper mana
gers have resolved that on the 1st day
of April they will discharge all their
editors and reporters and begin the
publication oTtho Bible as a news mat
ter for their readers. Such stories as
that about Mrs. Potiphar, Solomon
and Mrs, Uriah and the like will be
toned down a'::; much as possible, and
the word "alleged" interpolated, so
that no direct charge will be made.
When the Bible is exhausted they
will publish tho Koran and the Book
of Mormon, and, finally, fall back on
the works of Confucius and the
Chinese Encyclopedia. Hereafter, no
positive opinions or personal reference
ess than 3,000 years old Is to appear
in a Pittsburgh newspaper. Life in
surance agents will be able to do a
land-ollicc business among their sub
seribe. Washington, March 7. Senator
Morrill, of Maine, declined the vcr
portfolio offered him, and the Presi
dent has nominated Judge Alfono
Taf't, of Ohio, to carry. The Sen
ate has referred the nomination to tho
committee on military affairs.
Cincinnati, March 7- Judge Tuft
telegraphed. to.Prcsident Grant th's
evening accepting the appointment as
Secretary of War.
A serious flood prevails in the vicin
ity of La Crost-c, Michigan.
In tlic Senate, the bill to appoint a
commission for the inv'"i Iteration of in
sect ravages was passed. The Pinch
back question was discussed, without
The bil's making appropiiations for
an educational display, transporting
mi'itia to the Exhibition, etc., have
finally passed the lower House of the
John Larkins.late Treasurer of Mid
land county, Michigan, lias defaulted
for -2,000 and is under arrest.
A bill has been introduced in tho
New Jersey House for a
Constitutional Convention to be held
this summer.
1 1 is estimated that not over 150,000,
000 feet of lumber have been cut in
tho up river district this winter.
Wi!lkuniort Gazelle.
The old paper mill building in Erie
is being fitted up into a chemical
works, for the manufacture of acids,
salts and essential oils oi ail Kinds.
"A tramp was recently sentenced to
two years iu the house of correction for
refusing to saw wood at the North
Andover, Mass., alms house, in pay
ment for lodging and breakfast."
Why don't some of our Pennsylvania
people-get the '"bulge" on tramps in
this way. ,
i'icvun persons were killeu by an acoi
Juut on lliu lliiliiinore uni Ohio iUuli-oad.
Twenty persons were burne J jto Jcalh by
a tire uiu tlianty Home in Ncr t crk.
The Inspectors of the Eastern Peniten
tiary luive presented tbeir annual report to
the Legislature.
Kit Ca'-son'B boJv. according to L. A.
Allen, of Kansas City, does not lie in a ne
glected grate in C-u-alhern Kansas. Mr.
Allen claims to nave been piescut wlieu
Carson was bi.rlcl .villi Masonie honors al
Taos N. M.
The Sheriif of flrcok'yi Bays frequent
attempts liAve been niudo ol laic by friends
of the murderer llubene'.ein to convey
poison to hi in, by means of preseuis and
letters; but they are uuiformiy destroyed
oy me jauor.
The model for the bust of Mr. Greeley
ordered by the Greeley Memorial Com
mittee is completed, and the work will
soon be in the founder's bauds. The bust
will probably be unveiled iu tho latter part,
of the coming summer-
Iowa isfolloivibe Wisconeiu in repealing
the unwise railroad laws passed during tho
"eraugir excitement. A bill has passed
its second reading iu the Senate repealing
almost all of the old railroad law and
amending in important particulars the pari
which remains.
The New York 2'ribuno publishes a
table showing the stock indebtedness of thu
gas companies of that city, as well as the
dividends declared for the year 1875. The
capital represented . by the arious com
panies . is 19,700.000 Last year the
lowest dividend paid was o per cent.
Boston, March 3. la Charlestown to
day, Spencer Decker, twelve years old, was
uelu iu 9,000 bouds, charged with caus
ing the deutn of Charles II. i'ressy. a play
mate, nine years old.
Rutlahd, Vt., March 3. Mrs. flumb.'
who ha9 been working in tho hotel at
Bridgeport, gave her lit tie seven-year-old
son a Ujse of corrosive sublimate early
Wednesday morning, from the effects of
which ho died.' She then attempted sui
cide by taking u dose of the same poison.
dui me, eiorts ot pnyucaus will probably
save her life. Desertion by her husband
was the cause.
White, Powell L
No. 42 South Tbird Street.
Philadelphia, March 7th, 1S70.'
V. S. 1881. o 123' 123
do 5 20, o '02. M and K Called
do do 'C4 dj
do do '15 do 118 118
do do 'iii J and J 1 lo 1 101
do do 'U7 do 1L1 1211
do do '08 do 123- 123r
10-40, Jo coupon H8J Ha
do l'aeitio (i's cy Int. off 120i 127 .
New o'slleg. 181 H8f J181
" " C. 1881 ....Il'sl
Gold ' 114 114i
21 i
1'hiladelphia & trio
Letngu "Navigation.,
do Valley
United R It of N J H;i 14:!"-
Oil Creek 141 n!
;, Northern Central 8'Ji' 40i
Central Truaspurtatioa 4&- 48i-'
Kesqiiehoiiing M.J.. Gaf 64
C & A Mollgage U's 'SO 100f Wt