I'"1 mmu iwwww.niiniinil.il Henry A. Parsa:), Jr., . Editor. THURSDAY, MAUCH 9TII, Ihtii". Ciovernnr Ilartriiii'l TIMK UKAt.S tiENTLY WITH HIM A MKAVE AKO. DISCREET EXKCUTIVK' Ilanisburj; Corrcpo1tdunco Y. Tnnol. Time lias dealt kindly with Gov ernor llaitrault, as it lias with Gov ernor Hayes. Always a iimn ul' impos ing appearance, lie is now even mure to thau when he was first prominently befora the public us n ctuxiid jto for Governor iu 1872 His fiauie has Leon rounded by nu increase of flesh emi the cares and responsibilities of office have ctveu uo expression of diinnty una men till vigor to his lace which were wanting before. 11 is hair of glossy black is still the same in hue as in former years, but his tnou.itacliO is now thickly streaked with gray. Ilartrao't is known mere by what ho does than by what he says. Since ho became Governor of Pennsylvania he has had to deal with some of the most complex and delicate questions with Tthich a State Executive was ever con fronted. A vast number of peop'e, even outside of Pennsylvania, remember the Erie Railroad riot at Susquehanna, aud also remember the bravery, wisdom and promptitude with which Governor llartrauft asserted the supremacy ol the law and put an end to the troubles In managing the mining troubles in the anthracite regions he was equally brave and decreet. When it is known that the men with whom he had to deal on these occasions represent a very lar number of voters, who have always car ricd their reseutuieuts to the polls, ao havo invariably deemed any iuteference with their riht to make a row a personal affront, it can be seen that Governor llartrauft in these cases cared more for the publte good than for his personal infeiest. Should it chance that he be comes President of the United States he will be even more than Grant a silent President, and he will be safe, bravo, honest, discreet, respectable. The Black Hills. GENERAL SHERIDAN TILLS HOW TO SETTLE TUB INDIANS. Chicago, March 1. Twentytwo min ers left Council Bluffs, Iowa, for the Black Hills yesterday. General P. II. Sheridan, commanding the Military Division of the Missouri, has wiitten a letter concerning the Black Hill country. The following embraces the substance of what he says: The ne cessity lor two military poats on tie Yellowstone having been apparent to luo for two years past, I havo recom mended their establishment. I have, without expense to the government, made an examination of tho river and selected the sites. The Indian ques tion in the Black Hills must be settled by the establishment of the Indians on the Missouri river, aid for the accom plishment of this, one military post must bo located near the mouth of the Big Horn river and the other nsar that of the Ton p;uo river. They cao be sup plied by steamboat up the Yellowstoue, and constructed of material found in the vicinity. I itink I can have them built ior 8200.0CO instead of the $300, 000 mentioned in the bill (Mr. Magin nis'.) I believe that the htagest de posits of gold in the Black II ilia region arc further west than where the miners aro now working. The headquarters of the Wind river are goldbparing; so are the Otvl Creek mountains, the Big Horu1 valley. Powder river and Clark's fork of tho Yellowstone. The Black Hills have abundance of good timber for tho tree less country south of them and west of the Missouri river. The success of theso interests depends upoa the estab lishment of the two posts ninied. Mill tary operations have begun against hos tile Sioux, and I deem it necessary to request immediate action upon this ap propriation. Some ot the advanced female sufFra giiita protest againt the generally re ceived notion that God is masculine. They insist that the practice of refer ring to the Supremo Being; iu the mas culine gender is-one ''from which the tyranny over women has arisen," aud they are firmly ot the opinion that the Deity is a female. Some ot the more prominent of the sisterhood avoid a dis cussion oa this newly mooted point by doiDg.avay with a God altogether. Chicago, Feb. 22. Shortly after 12 o'clock this morning two men, named Georpo Cameron nod Fred Schneider, entered a saloon on State street and while they wre standing at the bar Cameron, apparently without any-provocation, drew a revolver holding it to Schneider's head tired. He then shot himself. Both men died almost in stantly. There is suspicion that the two men had prearranged this mode ol dying. A Pennsylvanian baa taught a canary bird to sing "Home, Sweet Home." in this way. lie placed the caoary in a room whets it could not bear the sing ing ot othef bilds, suspended its cage from the ceiling so that it would see its reflection in a mirror, and beneath the glass placed a musical box that was reg ulated to play no other tune but "Home Sweet Home." Hearing bo other sound but this, and believing tb music proceeded from the bird it aw in- the naorror, the young canary soon began to cateh the notes, end finally got so that it sings the song perfectly. Lucius Pond, the Worcester (Maes.) forger, wher he reached the Strte Prison in' Boston, entered the war den's office with very cool and easy bearing, holding a rose in his mouth, and telling the wardas that he ''had come to pay him a visit." Sa compoi edly bad the forger aoted that the hackney coach driver who had brought the sheriff and prisoner from the cars supposed at first that the sherriff was Pond aud that the latter was the sheriff. Alter one day of solitary confinement, Pond whs assigned work jo the ahoe liop of the prison. Gen. Uoynton telegraph from Wash ngton oh Ctncinnati ?. t-ntte: The question of the resumption of silver cur rency and th retirement of tho preioi.t fractional currency, was tho subject 1 1 a long cnnlcreiice this evening ut thr ri'om of the Iloue Committee on At propriutioiis, ut which lr. Lindcrmnn, ho Director ef tho Mint, ami Mr. "cwell, the new uperiotendent ol the Engraving and Printing 1'urcau, were present. The committee hiiVe made a carclul examination of the facts and lind that the treasury has now on m hand twelve millions of pilver coin, and acv eral millions ol' silver bullion. This sil ver has been bought wilh bonds, aid is an increase of debt involving an inter est payment of over 1)00,000 a year. When this is added to the cost of coin- age. it is tou'i'i mat tne replacement oi .... ..... i . -tho fractional currency by silver will not really cause any saving to the govern ment, because the reduction in the ex penses of the Currency Bureau is ahou t made up bythe cost, of coinage and the interrst account. The question, there fore, for the committee to decide is one of policy. The chairman, Mr. Randall, thiuka that it is perfectly safe to begin the issuing of silver now. A story is told cf a venerable negro iu Iowa who was on trial for an offence against the State. When the lasewas announced in court, "Tho State of Iowa versus Sampson Cnar," the r.ged African exclaimed: -'What! de whole State of Iowa agio dis chile! Dm I sur renders." lho Graphic has a funny picture, rciiieseiitiiia n ass wilh tremendous ears, stauding between a pile of green backs on one side aud a pile of coin on the other. Underneath is this liiscrip tion: ''The grand dilemma of the Democratic party Ass. I suppose I could buy somu fodder with one of ihem; bnt which? He-haw! I am too much of an ass to know." Tho Secretary of the Treasury has received a letter from a person in Wil liamsburg, Va., who on seeing the state nicnt that the public debt amounted to 82,244,420 981 25, thought it would bo a good idea to dispose of the whole debt during the glorious centennial year, and to that end enclosed twenty hve ceuts to pay the last two figures. hoping that the Secretary will find five as devoted friends of tho union ready and willingjto tackle the rcmaiuing ten figures. Wail'ly Tliompson is still in custody at Memphis his replevin case having been decided against mm and tiie judge rcfus inj an appeal. In Kichland cout-ty, Wisconsin, tho far mors have built a wooden railway, sixteen miles long, costing only three thousand dollars a mile. The bill to protect the people of tJti state against lucoinpatenl. practitioners medicine, surgery, aud ubstetrics, has p.iBsed the house. jlauflgcn of eastern railroad lines lead ing iulo Chicago have agreed on a reduo tion ot hve cents on east, bound cram au fourth clas freight, and ten cents ou flour. llns reduction gucs nit o etlect March 1 Gen. Criticnden and M. C. Ingle, for Thomas I.- mid K. II. Criitcndeu, cxecuiors of John J. Crittenden, have sued John 0 Fremont for 510.000, iu which sum- it claimed, defendant became indebted to de censed in 8oo for Bervices as attorney. The ameud-d pension h.w for the veto rnus of 1812 still hangs fire in Congress It cives J'8 a oiouih, even to men who served ten days and were honorably dis charged, whoiher officers or men, miliiiii volunteers or drafted, by land or sea; and the fame to the surviving widows of such soldiers ana sailors. The snow averages eight feet deep 13 th neighborhood of Cisco. Nevada, and many places lias drifted to the depth of from tinny to titty leci. .LvcryBoily lias to trarcl on snow shoes, and in man places little can be seen of the homes ex cept the tops of the roofs and the chim neys. Twelve river pirates robbed a kchooner in the Isew iork harbor on Saturday, an shot tlio captain, Mr, Pierre M. Irving, whose death in the aevcntyfouith year of his age is announced. He was the bio grapher and literary executor of his uncle Washington- Irvine. His "Lite and Let ters of Washington Irving" was published in five volumes in loot, aa4 l'rving s Span sh papers-and other miscellanies which th ucphew collected at considerable pains, ap peared in three volumes in lut. Mr. S. C. McCandles statca that h father will undoubtedly avail himself of th benefits of the act n jw bafore conzresa for his retirement, if it shall become' a law The venerable judge will be sixty-siz on the 19!h day of June next, and allhoug hit mental taculties are full and vigorous he has physical infirmities which render the discharge of his duties irksome to him self. He has served faithfully and cred iieblv, and deserves to be retired on full pay, a the salary has scarcely been sutli cient to maintain hist comfortably.. NEWADYEUTIKOIESTS EXECUTOR'S SOTIt'E, Estate of Patrick Smith, dec'tl.- L-ETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the above estate have been granted to tho undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are rcuues ted to make payment, and those linv ing eliims to present the same with out'tleiivy, to LAWliEXGE MOHAN, SR. Exr. or to his Attorneys HALL&M'Cuuley,. n2-Ut- Ridgway Pa.- Choice flower and Garden Seeds. STRAWBERRIES AD PEACHES. NEW 80RT3 BY MAIL. Plants of the newest and finest improved sorts, carefully packed and prepaid by mail.- My collection of Strawberries took the first? premium for the best collection at theereat show of the Mass llorticul lural Society, in Hoston, last season grow nearly 100 varieties, the most oom plete collection in the Country, including all the new, large American and imported kiuda, 1'riced descriptive catalogue, gratis, by mail. Also, liulbs, fruit Trees, Hoies, Evergreens. 25 packets Flower or Garden Seeds, f 1,00 by mail. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C bes sort for Upland, Lowland, or Garden, ty mail, prepaid. $1 per 100, f. per 1,000.. Wholesale Catalogue to the Trada. Agents Wanted. B.M. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, rlvmouth, Mass Established 1812. Over ('oatsT from $5 to $2.) a large and splendid stuck. Slip in and get one at P. k K'tt. Hosted colfeo a genuine nrticln,ut P, & KV. SttuiMior Clothing, lor those Hoys and ciiiMmi, liju'ii. Alapaca and t-um mcr (Vlmicr iitl' & K'e A lull sioek of fresh Family groceries, such lis Teas, Coffees, .viuaVs, 1'iee, fcyrfips Spiers, 11. ) Powder, Hukiug, Mini Sweet Chnoolnto, and every thing in that line, nt J & IvV. V.. K. (.UKSIl, Dealer iu nil kinds of c;i!lmt wntv, wnoilalitl cniii' neat cluii in, kitchen unit cxk'iition tiihlcs, wood imtl liiiuMo top hiiiuuh, wooii turn murine top iuii'cuiik, what liots, looking glasses, wood itml mnrhic top ciiaiiiiu'r suits, mattresses, 'spring hod bottoms, bed sti'tids, criliH, Jjiitcrty'H metal lined wood pumps, &c, i&c. (.'line Hciitrt replaced with pei'i'oratod wood scats, Weed sewing machine reduced from to 41, the liest machine In tne market, imd pic ture lranics made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made collins constantly on hand and trim med nt shortest notice. All the nhove goods are sold nt panic prices. AVnrc Kooiiik in masonic inn Ming, Kidgw ay, l'u. v.rni4!itpdapr7'77. Ciivo lho Advocate offioe a call for bill etuis, letler-lioAcls, cards, snipping tags, and if you ore going to gel married leave us an order for your cards UuiTalo, New York & Philadelphia ll'y On and after November 281 h. 1873, and mil further notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the Buffalo, New York & l'hilnclelpliia linilrond llcpot, corner harchnnge and Louisiana streets. (Buffalo time) as follows r."iO A. .!., f.MAIl., (daily except Sun- ays) sloping at Lbcnezer 1 :) bpring nook e:Ho hlina e:ll Jamisons M Aurora 8:2:! Wales 8:3-1. Holland 8s44 Pro tection 8:01 Arcade 0:05 Yorkshire 11:12 Mnchins 0:1!) Franklinville 0:H7 Ischiia 11:8 j Hinsdalo 10:10 Krie Uuilwiiy 10:21 Olcan 10:35 Weston's 10:43 Portville 10:00 Slate Line 10:08 Eldred 11:11 Larabee's 11:20 Sartwtll 11:25 Turtle PMnt Us30 Port Al irgeny 11:42 Libcity 12:02 P. M. Keating 12.00 Bhippen VZ:lo Kmportum 1 AW 1. Al Connecting at Olcan with Erie Ry. for local points west, and for the Oil Territory, amv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and Bradford at l:2oP. M.; at Larabee s with the Mckean & Buffalo R. It., and at Kinnorinm with the P. a E. R. R. for local points west to Erie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION', (daily except Sundays) stopping at Ebenozcr at 8:-A, Spring DrooR 'Jilo, J'.lnm Viiio, Jamt son's 0:47, Aurora, 10:0o vales 10i40 Hoi. land 11:10 Proleslion 11;8j Arcade 12:10 P. M., Yorkshire 12:30 Machias 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Isclnta 2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Knilway 4:05 Olcan 4-.15P. M 4:00 P. M., EXfliESS, (daily except Sundays) stopping at Ebmezer . 4:23, Spring Iirook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 Holland 5:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:33 Yorkshire 5:40 Machias 5:50, Franklinville (i:0li Ischua 13:25 Hinsdale 0:30 Erie Railway 0:55Olean 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Portville 7:25, Slate Line 7:32, Eldred 7:43. Larabee's 7:02 Sartwell 7 57, Turtle Point c.t,12, Port Al legany 8-.14, Liberty 8:32. Keating 8:40 Shippen 0:00, Emporium H:lo 1". M. Con neciing at Larabee's with McKcan & Buf falo K. R. TRAIN'S LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;00 A. M , EXPRESS, (daily eicepf Sumloys) stopping at elilppen 4: 10, Kent ing 4:34, Liberty 4:42, Port Alleginy 5:01, Turtle Point 5:13 Suriwell 5:18, Larabee's 5v24, Kldred C32( State Line 5:40, Port ville 5:52, Weston's 0.00, Olean 0:21, Erie Railway 0:23, Hinsdale 0;37, Ischua 0:02, Franklinvillo 7.00 MacMas 725, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, t:40, Prolectioa :o3, II ol food 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami son's 8:20 Elma 8j34, Si ing Brook 8j40, Ebeuezer8:a0, Butlulo v.iy A. M. Uonncct ing at Larabee's with the McKean & Buffalo K. 11. 1:40 P. M., MAIL, (d.ily except isun days) stopping at Shippen Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:V Sartwel' 3:00, Larabee's 3:07, Eldred 3:lo, State Line 3:30, Port villo -8, Weston's 3;45, Olean 4.03,Erie Railway 4 00, Hinsdalo 4 21. Ischua 4 3H, Fraokliaville 4 58, Mashias 5 13 Yorkshire 5 23 Arcade 5 3!? Protectiou h 47 Holland 5 58 Wales U 08 Aurora 6 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma 6 31 Spring Brook 6 38 Ebcnczcr U 4o Jjutlalo 7 10 1'. 01. connecting at Olean with Erie Railway from Limestone aud Bradford. TRAIN LEAVE Lfc"AN- 6 40 A. M., ACCOMAIODAT10N, stopp. ing at Erie Railway 6 50 Hinsdalo 7 20 Ischua 7 50, Franklinville 8 40 Machias 0 27 Yorkshire 0 50 Arcade 10 10 Protection 10 40 Holland 1110 Wales 11 85 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 35 Spring Book 12 50 Ebenezer 1 15 Buffalo 2 00 P. M. SUNDAY- TRACT LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at EbsneZer 9 22 Spring Brook 0 31 Elma 9 37 Jamison's 9 48'Aurora 9 47 A M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES AURORA 542P M.. stopping at Jamison's 5 48, Elmo 6 53 Spring Brook 5 58 Ebenezer 6 06 Buffalo 6 30 P.' M. J. 1). YEOMANS, II. L. LYMAN, (Jen I. Suu't. Ctn'l J'ati'r Ajt. In the Coort of Common Pleas of Kik County. No 153' May Term 1875. tay ! R. I. Robinson & Co. vs. Tenner & Co. DOMESTIC ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Tfns tecs appointed in the above entitled cause have filed their report is my office, and uoles exeeptiofta afe hereto filed, tbs sail Report will be confirmed at the next term ot this Court. FRED SCI10ifiiMLN5, v5-t4 Frothonotary. ELK COUNTY 8S: The Commonwealth of rcnwylvania to the Sheriff of mid County Greeting: Wecommaud you that you attach John A. Andarjon late of your County by all singular the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said John A Anderson in whose hand? or possession soever the same may be fonud, so that they be and appear before our Courts ef Common Pleas to be holdea at Ridgway in aai for said County on the fourth Monday of May next, there to answer Jackson' 8, Sobultz, Maurice M. Schultz, J ads on SchutU, John Ernhout and J'. L. Brown as Tanning and' Lumber Company. And Also. That you sainuton the person or perseas in whose hands- or possession the same nay be found, so that they be and appear before our (aid Court on the fourth Monday of May next, to answer what shall be objected against them and abide the judgement of the Court therein. And have you then aad there this writ' Witness the Honorable L. D. Wetmore, President Judge of our said Court at Ridg way, this 274h day of January A. I). 1876. FRED. SCHOENINO, PrOthonotary. Per W. 8. HORTON, Depty. Sheriffs Office, Ridgway Pa. Febry. 10 1876. I. AM EL SCULL, Sheriff. Geo. Woods & Co. s PA.RLOE Theie remirlubls lnjtrumenti txnseu capacitiei for Adapted for Amateur and Profeuional, and an ornament If prsljii h 3 Jg - . M w H ill Vfl ill '1 if Him' f gwtF min h- GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, mass. WiBETtOOMSt 609 Washington St., Boston; 170 State St., ( hlcagoi 88 Lndgate Hill, tondon. rrtrf trnV UTTUr AMA A leading Musical Journal of selected music and valuable reaninff lllrj VUA llUMAilA, matter. By mail for $i per year, or ten cents a number. Each number waUins from $a to $3 worth olthe finest selected ouuc, NEW T.IVEltY STAULE DAX SC1U1JXER WISHES TO IN (orm the Cittzcns of Kidgway, and the publio generally, that he bus started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, COOI CARRIAGE? Buggies, to let upon ha most rcasoua ble terms BQa.IIo'wiU also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, nbove Main All orders left at the Post OfTice will rreel prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. ff YOU WANT TO UUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II- I1AG25IITY Main tftfcct, Ridgway, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS' SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKK, TORAL'L'Q AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of ELOUK Constantly on hand, arid sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGfeKTY. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are now oflicrcd for sale by the Ridgway Ccmctary Association in the new Cemetery The present low price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-20 Private Tuition. Pupils wantisg to receive inst 1 action in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can have opportunity of doing so by applying to the Rector of Grace Church. He having made the necessary arrange' meats will be glad to receive a limited number Of young ladies aud genllemeu for instruction. For iuormatioli as to terms &o apply to REV WM. J AS. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. EDVTD J. ft AT is CO. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN Yohk, Penn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Seedu, (ji'UMM Seeds, Seed Corn, Seed Potatoes, Seed Wheat, Tree mid Hedge Seeds, &v. Brum, of ull kimlH, for Spring 11 nd Fall planting. BULBS. TREES. Standard aud Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and Small Fruits. Evergreens, Ornamental' Trees una Shrubs, Roses, Hedge Plants, &e. En close Stump for price list, U5c for Full Descriptive Catalogue. iieeutrix's Notice. Notice Is kereby given that letter testamentary on the estate of J. V. Houk- lato of Ridgway township, deceased , ltave been granted to the undrsignel.- All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, und ull ; pel-sons having claims will present them properly authenti cated for settlement. J E ANNETTE CAROLINE HOUK, n51-tit Executrix. Executors' Sot Ice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegcler, lute of St. Mary's borough, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned.- All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested t make immediate payment and all persons having elabns will pre sent them properly autUeutk-ated for settlement. ' . . ADOLPH FOCHTMAN v,i..9 iiGl-6t- CHASI.UHH L19 , . . J . JOBXT7"C-RK-Wea,'e now prepared VY to do all kinds of JOB WORK, Enveleaea, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads neatly and. cheaply executed. Offiee in Thayer ii Ilageity's new building, Maia street 'Ridgway, 1'. ORfMNS 7 musical effects andexpreuion never Deiore aiiainea. in any parlor, Beautiful New StyiJ now reaoy. tatu, wuuua ot l,u. rumiinerstbainuiigepuii, Bates of Advertising Due column, ono year.... A " " .... 1 t i .1 B( ,....f7") 00 -1(1 00 , 25 00 i 15 0!) Transient advertisements per square ol cielit. lines, one iufcrlioh SI, two in?er- lions, Sl.fiO, three insertions $'2. liusini's cards, ten lines or less, per year $9. Advorlisenicnts payable quarterly. ff As our advertiser ba not mode tua advtrttF. ment ltoi;ttior diatinct, we will Interpret mJ elab rnt it as fullows : K. J I. FOOTE, 3t.l, Author of Plain Homo Tulle. SMIral Commhit Sens, tcienoe in Story, etc.. IliO Ixlnston Avenue (oof. iwt asth Stpoet), New York, an lNDEly.!Dl!I PntstciAH, treats all forms of Itngtring or Chronia Diseases. anl receives letters from all parts of tha ClVlLtZKD Woald. By Ids original v-au of OOTclno.!n(f a Mcrtienl Prao iir h U nieeoufnllv treating nnmernus patients In Ktirone, the West liidion, Dominion of Cnuana, nnJ in every part of the United States. NO MERCUEIAIj Or deletnfloiu drags nsed. Ho has, during the rist twenty tlnte yeai-s treated successfully nearly or qnlto 40,1)00 csies. All fiicts connected with each case art carefully recorded, whether they be communicated by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or his associate physicians. Tho latter are all acteutifle medical me A. E0T7 INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Are treited. Ail invalids at a distance aro require tn ansvrer a list of plain questions, which elicits every aymptom unWr wliieli tho invalid saffers. Ail com mutiinitiixui trenua nlricilu :nJl'UnUal. A complew system of registering prevents mistakes or confusion. List of qnostions sent free, on application, to any par of the world. Sixty-paxo pamphlet of Evidences o BuooFsa, also sent free. All these testimonials ara from those who have been treated by mail and express. ADVICU la tKica us v nan or OKinals, Coll on or attdrees DR. E. B. TOOTE, Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., V. UTintfA -in .r?t WPjrfcs VlainiromtTaUi end Medical Conuncn. Sense.-AZsa J)r looks Science in Story. TcrMHeirtcars adcfres3 . luirnyl fillMlisliin Compaq rz9M2S5fc " KVV Tl IW k Dr. Berger'a lonio Bowel and Pile Pilli. Those pills are an inf:illil)lo remedy for court! pa tion ami piles caused by wwtkneaa or suppression of the ATisMlCio motion ot tho bowels. They (Tery gently increase) the activity of the intestinal oonal, produce oft atools and- reiiove pile at one. Thousands have' boen cured by fhtun. lrico 50 centa, sent by mail on" rtvwpt prir. Prepared otily by F. ALFRED KKIGHA.KDT, 1' Q A RM a C imT FoOBTa AvmoH, Krw Yuittt ClTT. Dr. Berger's Compound Fluid Extract of Rhubarb and Dandelion The bwt combination of purely vegetable medlctae to entirely replace Calomol or Blue Till. It stimulate! tne liver, incroHncs the flow of bile, and thus removes at onoe torpidity of tho liver, biliousness and habitual coustipattvii. and the diseases arising from such u dyspepsia, erck hadnche, flatulvnee, etc. Theefleo tirenoss of this B struct will be proved, visibly, at once to the patient, a one or two bottlee are sufQcient to clear the complexion beautifully, and remove pimple and stains caused by liver troubles. Price $1 per bottle, B bottles, $5 ; will bo sent on receipt of the price to any adtlresfl, free of charge. prepared only by F. ALFRBD REICH AHDT, FUAAMACUTOafCVaxV Atjbjiuc Mbv York Civic Ayeifs Cathartic Pillar; For the relief ancf ertre of all derange meats In the etom. ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent rrarirative. licinc purely vece- JJ table, they contain raiwnotever. aiucn erlous sickness and i sufTerinK is prevent- eu dv tneir umeiv use; and every family should have them on nana for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and beet of all the Pill with which the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is puriiled, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and tha whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayer'i fillt, and etimulntiHl into action. Thus incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Thoir sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, aud perfectly reliable. rh searching, thev are mild, ana operate Without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or ecu nation. Full directions are rtv?n on the apper to Physic, ach box. how to use them as a Family and for the following complaints, which these -! rapiuiy cure : w For Itvapt-iiaitt or Fndl-s.!, I,latl4M ns, Lsaiuer and Lom of Appetite, they should be tuken moderately to stimulate the atom cn, and restore its healthy tone and action. For I.tver Complaint and its various symptoms,- Jtillou IlosKlttcbo, Sick Ilrw.l. ache, Juntlro or Urrra Slckneea, Mil lost Colic and lllloa fever, they should oe judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased agjion or remove the obstructions which' cause it. . For rtysentery of Itlarrbaea. but one Slild dose is generally required. For Mheumutlsm. 4aut, O ravel. Pal. Bitatioa of the Heart, Pain tn the Isle, Mack and Lolaa, thev should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. . For Dropsy and Oropalcal welltafra. tney snouiu be taken in large ami rrequem aotes to produce uie effect of a drastic purge. For Sapprrssloa, a large a MapnreiuiloB, a large dose should be laaen, as 11 pruuuv uia uvsirvu cuous vj myiw ike pathy. As a Dinner Pitt, take one or two Pit's to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is ollen advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these 1'ilU makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleanstLg and renovating effect ost the digestive?- apparatus. FKEPAKED bt Dr. J. CATER at CO., Practical ChtmUt$, LOWELL, MASS., V. B. A. TOB SALE BY ALL PBU0UUT9 EVSBTWBUU Tllrf ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE OXLV ltlirUHLtGAN PAMjII IS KLK COLWTV. OfEco ih Thayer & Ilagcrty's Block, KIDGWAY, l'A. SUBSC'ltliJH,- BUliSClttBB, StJUSCiUHIi,- SUliSClllBIi. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEA1,. GIVE US A- CALL FOll JOB: WORK ! CARDS,- AG ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS,. JfOTE HEA Bill headjt,. WONTlILt SilATEMEN'fS1, FOSTERS, &C. 6RDERS fiY MAIL- PROMPTLY Af TENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE Rrdgw7, EJJi Co., P- aarciiEAPEtT and bestusA PETEES0FSMAGAZI1TE POSTAGE TEE-PAID OU ALL BTCSCRIP TIONS. UJ Every Mtb&rihtr fur 1ST0 icill U qrescnted with n tvperb, hrye-tizcil ttcti evymvity of TrumduWn cd'hrntcd pie lure of " i tie b"nin'f of the JJcctiira- lion of Inrirnenifcnev." This trill bfl ' I'etcrMii's" Centennial GVi.vj "Pofcrfoo a Maya-ut bontuius,' every year, 1000 tiacs, 14 Bteel platcsj i colored JJorhii patterns, IS tuuiu moih coltircd lahioti plates, 2-1 pageo of '.nusic, ntid 900 wood cuts. a, Great improvement trill be uidc iti J let'.. Atnon; intui win vo a series oi illustialcd articles on the Great Kxhibi. tion at Philadelphia, which will nlonb bu worth the utibseription price. 'Jhcy will iipproLriately called, THE C3NIS1THIAL 111 PRW AND FENCILI 'l ho iiiiinciiso circulation ol "I'eter soti" enables in pfoprietor to spend more money on establishments, storiei1, t e., tve, tnitu any oilier, it yins more for the nwwy than any in the world. Its. Til KILLING TALKS AND NOVEL KTTKS Are the best ptillihed anywhere. All the a out jiiipntur writers ore employed to write originally fur " I 'ctlrson." In 1870, in addition to tho ufual quantity ol short Mories, FIVE OltlGINAli COl'yilIGlIT NOVKLUTTES will be "iveti, 1)7 Mrs. Aun S. Stephens, Frank Lee lJeuedict, Mr3. F. II. Uurnctt, and others. JliiirLst-ti Jilsred Fashion Plates Ahead ol all others. These plutes ai? cntaved on steel, twice tue iksual size, ai:d sre utuqualed fir beauty. They tv i 1 1 be Ptipeibly coIoieJ. Al.-o, Iloutehold and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. .A. J. As the jiublixher now pre paifi thipoxtoye to all mu.il tubseribcrs, "J ihrson" is CIlEAPEIt THAN EVER; Hi act is THE CHKAl'K&T IN THE WORLD. TERMS (Always in AdVancOi$2.Ca A YEAR. 2 Ccpias f oi 53,50 3 Copies 4,80 Willi a copy ol the pteuiiuui mezzotint (JlxWj C.'!1H!STMAS MoitNINO," a fired'idur utyrnriny, to the person get ting up the Club. 4 Copies for $5.(20 7 Copies for 11,00. M ill tin cxir.-i c.y of Hie Miiga ziue I oi- 18711, ns a premium, to the person getting up Jli6 Club 5 Copies for $8,50 O Copies for 12.50 12 Copies for 13. CO. Witlr liuili mi extra copy of the Muguzino for 1ST'., and the premium luezzoiiut, a five il-ltur ,"rafihij, lo the person jret'.ing up Hie LlTb- Au'lresa, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pc Specimen. sent gratis if written lor. frfMJ THK til j A V.ANIA. V tITlZENS (JF l'KSNSYL our at'.euiion is specially invitH 10 f'r f".ot that ilie National Banks are now preparj't t? receive subscriptions lo the Capital Stocl? ct the Ceuteuninl Eom-d of Finr.nco. The fuii'is realize'l froui ihis source are to be employed in the ereo lion of the building? tor the Internal ioua Exhibition, mid Hie expenses couuectvd with rlie siinie. It i.4 conlideutly believed ihnt ihs Ksys-tone Slate will be represented bj the mime cf cve?y citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth' birth-diiy of tiie nation. The shares o slock me olV.-icJ for iiO raoh, and sub scribers will receive a h.m'lso'i:e engraved Ccnilicate of Mock, suiiuble fur fiauiiup and preservation ai a nalional memorial. Interest at the rule of six per cent, per annum Trill be pr.id on all payments of Ceu temiin.! fcftcck tVoia date of payment to' Jainmry 1, 1S70. Subseribers who are not neat a Xatiuna; l!ank can remit a check or pot oltice order lo ilie unilursi aned. FltEU'K KitALliV, Treasurer, JK1 Walnut St., I'luludolpliln PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay ior goottrj when you buy" hew, you will never Lo troubled witli the Digt-u!ure of Jebt, your sleep will be sweet year dreams pleasant, and your wifo and children will greet you with a' ftinilo in t!ie morning. Go to Powell & Kitnc's model store wixli your cash, ;et more than its value aud go homo sutitGcd. 'J hey have adopted the cash system, and say it is working cHarru iugly. ArpLEioNn Amkuican Cyclopedia-' that tits revised; and elcgaDtly illua' tiated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages onca iu two tirtintlis, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It only costs $3 a mqnth to' get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library ia tho world. Address, C. K. Judson, Frodonia, N. Y. Hats and' Caps' a- complete assortment at P. & K's. Hunting Rubbers! with and without' heels, a large lot at P. & K's. Alt other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless anif ekinlcss. Also' some of the old fashioned in full dress, at P. & K's. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. New goods, every day in the year' except Sundays and legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central Store of V. & K's. No bragging around. Call for whatyou want. A complete stock of ladies misses and childrens shoes, light, medium and heavy at P, & K's. Now is the time to buy. Alpaeis cheaper than ever befor known at P. & K's. "King Beo" and many others kinds' of chewing tobacco. Also smoking tit all the popular brands at P. & K's. Those new style prints, at P & K's aro the general talk of tho town. Go" and see tnem.