Henry A. l'ursoiis, Jr., ' Hd it or. THURSDAY, MAKCIIilD, lSTtl. WASHINGTON. 11 licit iitsut.LKaB AniiFxTru. Washington, t'Vbriniry El. A rcrent rniil of Ituci-mil Here -.lie ol'.irerj in t.ljiln tbropo county, Georgia, rcsultc 1 in I li r seizure ami diHlrtictton if ten illicit di til! eric and l-VHltl frllon of ih)i1i nul 1acr. The prisoner!", Im-liidiiiK it Vnilc.l Slnles Cammisa'ouvr, Iictc lirougilit in, nil charged with violating tlio intri'Diil revenue luirs. THE CHKROKKK FBAt l. The PccreUry of the Interior lin rcplicil to the rc.'olutinn of the House calling for n copy of the chnrft.! against Wtn. P. Koss, principal chief of the Cherokee nntion. From the documents puliniile l it nppenrs that the chatgo wore made by Win. K Chandler, counsel for the government, one of which wag Hint Hosa ami hi family as sociates arranged with Judge Wright the original plan which resulted in defrauding both tiie Indians nnd the United States government, nnd that he was the principal ngent for carrying it out. Moss formally denies the chaige. A copy of the papers was sent by Secretary lelano to the Attorney- Geneml wiih n recoiiitucininiion that some Fuituble person be appointed to In vestigate them,-but there is nothing to chow that any further notion was taken, although the papers d ite baclt three years. NEW SILVER COINAGE, The bill introduced in the Senate by Fatgcnt ninl in the House by Piper, amen datory of the silver coinage laws, provides for the coinnge of new silver doKnrs equal in weight and value td two of the present silver half dollars, nnd proposes to tunko it a legal lender for amounts not exceeding twenty dollars. The bill abolishes the ex isting legal tender provision regarding the trade dollar. It also provides thnt silver half dollars ehall be a legal tender for amounts not excelling ten dollars, and that the government shall replace witlicu. loss to the holder all ahraided silver coins. The new silver Uuliiir is to be coinid on government r.ccotint only. Herr Krupp, the German founder, has finished a great gun for our Ceiitenaial Lx In bit ion . The "Molly Jlnguires" are to puss into light literature. A novelist is writing them up for a New York paper. jsdmtind About, the French author, med itates an early visit to the United States to t -e some friends nt New Url.-ans. M. Theirs having been elected both to the Senate and Assembly prefers to sit in the latter body on the assumption that it is more in ey-npiiihy with him. Garibaldi is hopeless that the Italian government will do anything of importance with his plans of iiuptoving the Tiber, nnd believes ilial the sent of government will be returned to Florence. A rumor lias been carrent ', these few days thnt Mr. Uobert Uonncr was negotiat ing for or had bought the Tribune. .Mr. Homier says he has not and never ban any such intention, nnd might as well be sus pected of buying the City llall. Probably the tallest living specimen of the human race is a young man from Alcaccr, in 5pain who is twenty-fix years of age, and nine feet ten and a half inches n height, lie is named AujiMlia Luenga Capiba, and has lately becu presented to the King of ityain. Colonel Tioss, recently nominated a agent for the five Indian nations, gradua ted at Vrineel.tu College, and is a fine look ing man, about fifty years cf age, who though born from Indian parent, is almost White. He has been Chief of the Cherokee bation for the last fifteen years. A Parliamentary l'lue Bok, just pub li:-lieJ after years of laborious compilation, gives piu-iisulars of the number uud extent of the holdings of land iu England anu Wales. It appears from this modem Doomsday- Look that there are nearly a million land owners in England and Wales. Of those who own luni exceeding one ncre in ail put, the umber 13 over a quarter of a million. Washington, February 26. W. E. Chandler, Secretary of the llepuhlican National Committee, says Hint as yt-t there is no positive movement for a change nt plnce foB holding the Republican Nominat ing Convention, but complaints are made by persons v. ho have sent to Cincinnati to engage rocms ( f exorbitant hotel charges ThU will become a matter of serious con sideration unless m flu ures be puiniej by citizens of Cincinnati to secure accommoda tions to visitors at reasonable prices. Pottsville, Til., February 23. This morning, about tcu o'clock, James liulk-r, of Silver Creek, and a stranger from Trnckviile mid u stranger tin in id .MeDonaii, while on their nay to New Philadelphia had an allercutiou on (he road about' a pis tol belonging to Mcltnnan, wliicli Holler had in his possession. Af'ci quarreling a shot-' time Under drew the weapon and filed, ihu ball entering McDonnu's tdioul der and glancing down his back Th.-re are no hopes uf his recovery. Uut'eres oaped. St. Charles, Mo., February 28- A ter tible wind storm prevailed yestenliy sweeping every thing in its path. A woolen factory, saw-mills, warehouse, two flour ing nulls, the (ioi-rr.au .tUthoiiist. cl.urch. Court House, County Clerk's office, hotel, Xritunt office, Harris' stables. Concert Hall, fcl. Charles Pavings bank, Park House, Odd Fellows' hall. ft. Charles JW mv) office. J) )iiwrrt oftlco St. Louis. Kansas (,'ity irid Nori hern Kail way depo', tin 1 many other buildings- were more or less damaged; The gas works are a total wreck, James Janey and son were killed, and several were injured. Many residen ces, farm houses, feuees, fie., were swept away. Tin icss exceeds juO.OiJ!!. Mnui-h Chunk, February 22 There w the usual large crowd at I lie opening of ccurt yesterday when it a-a understood by the public that the argument on the motion for a new trial in the case of Doyle was to be heard. The authorities aro tak ing precautions against a lescoe or a sur prise of any kind since the coufession of Kerrigan. The carriage in which tho pris oners go to and f.oiu the jail is well guarded, ai.d the arrangements are such that a number of policemen are always near by. At night the prison is strongly guarded by men woo would not give up witnout a eeveie struggle. A patrol is ou the streets at all hours alter bed-time. The court, alter hearing the evidence and considering it. refused to giant a new trial. ud to-day the District Attorney moved for'setiiece. -Doyle replied to the question of the court as to whether lie had anything to say by remaiking, "I don't care what you say; you will do wiial you like (.By way." The Judte ihen Bad be would make no protraced remarks, and prot eded to seuteuce the prisoner to be hung by the neck until he was dead. Doyle stood still ind exhibted no sign of emotion. After the sentence was pronounced his aged moher kissed hitrr passionately, and stroked his hair in is lender, mot'ierly way. The poor old woman- almost fainted after the resumed her seat , Doyle win removed to prisou, where be wi I remaiu until the jentente is executed. He is the first man ver convicted of a capital offense in Car- News Iff ins. About one knlf the rases In the court of quarter session at West Chester last week were fjr chicken Healing. Fauncctnwa Is a plnce In Crawford county where Hie young people dnuce at prayer meetings and fight at dances. A Pittsburg newspsper iayi that a man In that city has . sued a uVutUt. for $2,01)0 lor pulling on I the wrong innth. Il costs twrnly-one nnd seven-eighths cinls per dlom In maintain each inmate of l lie I'hilAilelphU homo ol curreollon. A woman at Holl'il Me. , hits' just ob liilnr.l a dlvorco from her huhniul, aged Si, whom she tunrrird less than a year ago. Phtldrl'lii is trying fo get rid of tele grnph poles which at present obstruct its public si reels. A mnn has offered $50,000 for the privi ledge of sweeping out every morniug the fifty acres of ground covered by the Cen tennial buildings. The action of the Pemocratio Committee iu appointing St. Louis for the Demncratio Convention, is regarded as favorable to Hendricks, M. Thorab De Gnmond. the French engi neer who first put forward the scheine-for a suhmirlno tunnel between England and France, ditd at Paris recently, Edinboro, Erie county, lins a joint stock company with a capital of $8 000, organ! zed for prosecuting violations of the liquor law. During the past tw cnty years there have been 10,032 fires in Phildelphia, the total loss caused thereby having been $23 4-U4.-63!),8S, nnd the insurance $41.:03,7U7,14- The London Times Bays there are now in the English nuny two general",, one colonel, three lieutenant-solonels in coin mnnd, and many other field officers who have risen from the ranks. The daughters of Sir Edward Thornton, the English Minister at Washington, wear ihick-soled shoes, plain unpinned-hack dresses nnd heavy old fashioned cloaks. And they are pictures of health. Josh Billings remarks: "The only way lo git thrue this world nnd escape censure nnd abuse is to take some back road. You knnt travel the main turnpike nnd do it." This is the plain, r.nvarnished and unadul terated truih. Tliomns Skelly McDowell, the first while (liild horn in Franklin, Vcnnngo county, ditd on the Sth inst. in his seventy. third year. He had aluys lived in that plnce. nnd within one hundred feet of the cpot w here he was born. Quite a number of experienced miners from Utah nnd Idaho nre going to the lilack Hills by way of Cheyenne. They report that, there will be a grand rush for (he new Eldorado from the westein states nnd territories very soon. Poltsville. February 23. A falnl explo sion of sulphur occurred in King & Co's colliery, nt Llewellyn, thismorning, which killed Adam Sherman and f.nally injured John Harns.- It. is thought, that sulphur was ignited by the lumps which the min ers were carrying. Boston, February 23. The failure of Elijah Shaw, of Wules, Mass., who owns five mills and employs two hundred and seventy-five bunds is reported- His liabili ties nre $300,000. He owns real estate to the value of 300,000 to 400,000, but for which there is no certain market. Washington, February 23. Treasurer New states that there is OB hand only cur rency enough to meet the demands of tiie next two months. It is evident, therefore, that unless Congress shall provide means whereby work iu the Kngrnving and Print, ing liiirenu can be resumed the govern ment will be seriously crippled. Columbus, Ohio, Februnry 23. The State Prohibition Convention to. day nominated the following ticket; Secretary cf State, E. S. Chapman; Judge of the Su preme Court, D. W, Gage; Member of the Hoard cf Publio Works, Ferdinand Schu mncher; Comptroller of the Treasury, J. C. Murdock, School Commissioner, George K. Jenkins, A petition has been received and prr s. nied lo congress, which is a curiosity in the mntitr of autographs.. It asks the removal of the duty on works printed in the dead languages. Among the signa tures are. I he names of Henty W. Longfel low, llnlph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Wen dell Holmes, James Kusscll Lowell and other famous literatures. Boston, February 23 The Corrolt Pa per Company, of Mill Kiver, New Marl boro, consisting of John Carroll, his son, S. G Carroll, an James Goodwin, of New Vol k. are seriously embarrassed, nnd nre not likely In r;over from the r difficulties. They have been working five or six months without paying their ands a dollar, and on Saturday last I en ot th principal work, men attached all the property fur their wages. Washington. February 22. At the pres ent, time indications favor au early specie isub for two reasons; fM. the present price of silver coin, and second, the slop. i. aire of the printing of currency by the Treasury Department. The Government hasin its possession about $12,000,000 in ouhsidy coin, uf whieh a fraction over $10, 00J is in ten cent pieces. Ihe Secretary of i lie Treasury has. fur sometime past been considering J lie question ef issuing this coin as provided iu the first section of ihe specie resumption act, but has not yet nr livi'.l nt a decision. A strong tiT.n-t is be ing made both tor and against the imrae dinio issuo. A knotty question of law as to the own ership of a ring is to come up in the West Virginia courts. A geuilemau of Washing Ion was engaged lobe married to a Morgau icwn, W, Vii.. belle, and the engagement was suddenly broken off. The yoiug lady put the engagement, ring in a letter and directed it to the Washington gentleman, tln.ri'y after she saw the same ring on the dainty middle finger of a other Morgantuwu bel e. She was not jealous, probably, but thought it a very strange incident. Woman like site made efforts to find out bow thai particular ring git on that particular finger in MorgAnlown. It. was finally brought to light that a post-office clerk had .abstracted Ihe ring from ihe letter and given it lo a friend, who placed it on the finger ot bis 'ady-lovs as a token of affection and promise. That is how the ring came to be doing double duly in Morgautown. Tiie posioffice clerk was- arrested fur the theft of the ring. The question at law will be lo w hom did the ring rightfully belong at the time it was abstracted from the letter The courts will answer. An investigation into the management of the oau rraucisco Lily Hospital is in pro gress. An ahum in J; number cf cases of delirium ticmens 220 per month was re ported, and there are some curious to know the cause. Upon 'examination of the liquor bills, it was ft nnd that in thirty dnys there was enough whisky used in the institution to give every inmate, officeis and al'r a lull bath. The record of the liquor was as follows: "November 22, I barrel of whiskv and 1 barrel of port wine, $20ti 63; November 20, 40 doien porler, $00; De cember 7, I cask claret $30; G half barrels ale, $45; icember 13 i barrel whisky and I barrel sherry, $216; December 20, 1 barrel brandy $213; 1 barrel port, 03 87; 40 doxen porter $60: total. $024.' In ad dition to this,' it wus discovered by the commute that every patient- was supplied with s good sized whisky Bask, which was kept coustabtly full. The committee now believe that they have solved the delirium tremens probleiur. That hospital teems to b s bails coductsd icitirttiiov Over Coats? (nun (5 to f 25 targe and splendid Atock. Stop in and gel one at P. k K's. Hosted coffee genuine article, at P. & KV Summer Clothing, for those Boys and onildren, Linen, Atspaca and su tu rner Casvinier at P & K's A full stock of fresh Family groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Suzors, Rice, Svrups, Spices, K.. i- Powder, Baking, and Swt-el Chocolate, and ever; thing in that line, at P, & K's. K. K. ;UL!SH, Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, wootlaiij cane seat clinlrs, kitchen ana oxtt'iition tables, wood and marble top ftunils, wootl and marble top bureauH. what nots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, muttrcsseR, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Lafcrty's metal lined wood pumps, fct, Ac. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats, Weed sewing machine reduced from $0.5 to $4.5, the best machine In the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made Collins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above f oods are sold at panic prices. Ware looms In masonic building, ltidgway, l'u. von4ltpdapr27'77. Give the Advocstc office a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you nre going to gel married leave us an order for your cards Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia H'y On and after November 28th. 1875, and until fur; her notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia ttailroad Depot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets. (I'.utialo time) as tollows: 7:30 A. M., PMA1L, (daily except Sun days) stopiug at Ebenczcr 7:55 Spring- brook 8:05 Elma 8:11 Jamison's 8:17 Aurora 8:23 Wales 8:34, Holland 6:44 Pro Jection 8:54 Arcade 0:0-5 Yorkshire 9:12 "Macliins 9:19 Franklinville 9:37 Ischaa9:55 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Railway 10:24 Ulean 10;35 Weston's 10:43 I'ortville 10:50 Stale Line 10:o8 Eldred 11:11 Lnrabee's 11.-20 Sartwell 11:25 Turtle Point 11:30 Fort Al iegeny 11:42 Libeity 12:02 1'. M. Keating 1-J.OU Mnppen i-.-o Emporium 1&40 1'. M, Connect! ig at Ulean with Erie Ky. for local points west, and for the Oil Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and Bradford . t I:2-F. M.; at Larabee s with the .Mckean & Buffalo R. 11., and at Emporium with the 1. a E. R. It. for local points west to trie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION,-(dailv except Sundays) stopping at. Ebenezer at B:oO, ffipriuir ISrook 9:lo, Elma U:so, Jami son's 0:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi land 11:10 Prote:iion 11:35 Arcade 12:10 1 M., Yorkshire 12:30 .Vnchins 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Knilwny 4:05Oeuu 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M., EXI'KESt?, (daily ercept huiidnys) stopping nt Ebenezer 4:23 spring Erook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 6:00 Holland 5:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:33 Yorkshire o;40 Mnchias 5:50, Franklinville C:0(i Ischua 6:25 Hinsdale 6:30 Erie Bailway 6:55 Olean ( : 10, Weston s , : 1 H, I'ortville :25, state I-ine i:32, Eldred 7:4-5, La-rabee's 7:52 Sartwdl 7-57, Turtle Point 8:02, Port A! legnny 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:40 Shippen 9:00, Emporium V:lo 1. M. Con necting ut Larabce's with McKenn & Buf falo 11. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;00 A. M , EXPRESS, (daily ercept sunilays) efopping at ohippcn 4:lu, Kent ing 4;34, Liberty 4;42, Port Alleginy 5:01, Turtle Point 6:13 Sari well 6-.18, Lnrabee's 5:24, Eldred 6:32, (State Line 6:4-5, Port- ville 6:52, Weston s 6.00, Ulean b:-JI, Erie Railway G:23, Hinsdale 6:37, Ischua C-.52, Franklinville 7.09 Machias 7:25, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, 7:40, Protection 7:53, llol land 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami son s o.-J Elma t;i, ffring liroos p:-iu, i.beuezer 8;;0, Buffalo U.l- A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the MoKean & Buffalo It. K. 1:40 P. M., MAIL, (dVily except isrm days) stopping at Shippen 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:55 SartweU 3:00, Larabee's 3:07, Eldred 3:15, State Line 8:30. Port villo 4:38, Wes ton's 3;45, Olean 4:03,rie Railway 4 0-5, Hindule 4 21, Ischua 4 Frnnklinville 4 58, Machias 5 15 Yorkshire 5 2-5 Arcade 5 33 Protectiou 5 47 Holland 5 58 oales 6 08 Aurora 6 20 Jamison's ti 27 Elma 0 31 Spring Brook 0 30 Ebeuezer 0 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean with Erie Railway from Limestone aud Bradford. TRAIN LEAVEOLAN 8 49 A. M-, ACCOMMODATION, stopp ing at Erie Railway 0 50 Hinsdale 7 20 Ischua 7 60, Franklinville 8 40 Machias 9 27 orkshire9 50 Amide 10 10 Protest.on 10 40 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 35 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 35 Spring Book 12 50 Ebenezer 1 15 Burlalo 2 00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 OO'A. M.. stopping at Ebcnexer 9 22 Spiing Brook 9 31 Elma 9 87 Jamison's 9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. fcUNDAT TRAIN LEAVFS AURORA 5 42 P M , sMj-ping at Jamison's 5 48, i linn 5 63 Spring Brook 5 68 Ebenezer 6 06 BulTaloO 30 P. M. J. D. YEOMAN 3, II. L. LTMA3, Oen'l. Sa't. Grn'l I'att'r Agt. Iu the Court ut Cuiuiuuu Pleas ot lMk Couoty. No 153 May Term 1875. 11. I. ItcbiusoD & Cn. vs. Fenoer & Co. J IjOMKSTIC ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Trus tees appointed in the ubove entitled cause Lave filed their report in my i. Bice, aud uuless exceptions are hereto filed, the. said Report will be confirmed al the nest terra- ot this Court. FUED SC110EN1N3, v5-tl Prothonotary. ELK COUNIY S.: 2'he Commonwealth rf I'trrntoltcmia to the Sheriff of mid Cwtnty Greeting: We coiutuauil youtbat you attach. John A. Andjrion late of your County by all singular the goods and chattels, laadu and tenements of the said J ubn A Anderson- iu whose hands or possession soever the same may be found, so that they be and appear befuis our Courts of Common Pleasto be holden at llidgway in and for said County on the fourtb' Monday of May next, there to answer Jackson S. Scbulti, Maurice M. Schults, Judsotv tfohulw, John Ernbout nnd J. L. Brown as Tanning and Lumber Company. And Algo-. That you summon the person or persons in whose bands or possession the same may be found, so that tbey be and appear before our said Court on the fourth Monday of May next, to answer what shall be objected against Ibem and abide the judgement of the Court therein. And nave you then and there this writ Witness the Honorable L. D. Wetmore, President Judgof our said Court at Ridg way, Ibis 27th day of January A. I). 1H76. FUEL). 8CHOKNING, Proitionotary. PerVf. 8. HOKTOiJ, Depty. Sheriffs Otlice, . IUdgwa? P. Pebry; J6 1876. ' ' " PAMEL 6CULL, JfbMff.. Geo. Woods & Co.'S PARLOR These remArVaiiU intrumentl oossesft canacitiea for Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an ornament S ., q '--r-,, 1 t & -h o " fj1!4 -f---fiiift..M,Tiil.l i. Itlij. at e H5 V 3i 1 '-I - "I. n "m i-;;ii- fl ; '11'. V V J O Jt mm mmimM Mm n ? IIkSI t fed i GEO. WOODS & CO., Cambridgeport, Mass. WAREROOXSi (08 Washington St., Boston! 170 State St., Chicago; 88 Lodgste mil, Londoa. rTltTTjl TTAY TTTT'ljr ATJ A leading Musical Journal of (elected music and valuable reading X 11 lU f Vi. Jl U iliiLlV Ji, matter. By mail for (i per vear, or ten cents a number. Each number Contains from $a to $3 worth of the finest selected music. GEO. WOODS & CO., Publishers, Cambridgeport, Mast. NEW LIVEIIY STABLE IN if r ti it DAN 8C1UBNI11 WISHES TO IN for at the Cittzeog of llidgway, BDd the publio generally, tliit be has. started a Liv ery Stable and will teep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let 'ipon the most reasons ble terms (i.He will also eo job leaning. Stable on Broad street, abeve Main All orders left al the Post Office will nee I prompt attention' ''' Aug 20 1870. tf. n F YOC WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 10 JAMES H- HAGERTY Main Street, RiJgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, J500TS SHOES, DATS AND GAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBAC'JO AND (J1GARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on band, aud field as cheap os the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. Eidgway Cemetery, Lots are bow officred for rale by the Ridgway Cemetary Ascoeiation in the new Cemetery Tbe present low price for lots may soon b advanced. Apply at the otlice cf W. 8. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 Private Tuition. Pupils wantisg to reouive insuuelion in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can have opportunity of doicg so by app ying tcllie Uectsr of Grace Cliurcli. tie havin-g rauJa the necessary arrange ments will be glad- lo receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to teras &o apply lo itEV WM. JAS. MILLER, A. M. ltidgway. Pa. fiOT'D J.E7AUS iCO NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN York, Pexn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Heeds, Urusss Seeds, Seed Corn, St-ed Potatoes, Seed Wheat, Tree uiul Hedge Heeds, &e. liuirUB, of all kinds, for Spring and Fall planting. BULBS. TREES. Standard atnl Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and Small Fruits. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, iioses, Hedge Plants, &c. En-i-lot-e Stump for priee lit, 25c for Full Descriptive Catalogue. Executrix's Xotlce Notioe is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of J. V. llouk late of Ridgway township, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all , persons having claims will present them properly authenti cated fbf settlement JEANNETTE CAROLINE IIOUK, Exeeutri s. Executors' Xot lee. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary ou the estate of Francis I'egeler, late of St. Mary's borough, deceased, have been granted to theotu dersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said et-tute are requested to make immediate payment and all persons having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. ADOLPH FOCHTHANlp,, n6l-6 CHASLUHR Xls JOBXTTOflK We are now prepared V to do all kinds of JOB WORK, Envelepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads neatly and cheaply executed. Offiee in Thayer & Hagerty't.new kafilding, Mail street Ridgway, Pa, ORGANS musical enectn and exoression never before attained. in any parlor. t& Beautiful New Styles, SOW ready. Hates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 " " " 40 00 I" ; 25 00 16 00 Transient advertisements per square ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, SI. 50, three insertions $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payablo quarterly. IrV Am oar ftdveriuer It aot BtAdM his KW.rtfw nient ultoiirthcr diatinet, w will Interpret and alabo. rt it m follows : K. li. POOTE, M.T., Author of Plain Home Tulk, Mertlcol Common Senn, Scieno. tn Btorr, te.. 120 Lcxinirtan Amue (cor. Bot l-th SUMt), New York, Inokfiikdmt Pnmmiir. tn.u all form, of Lingtring or chronic DIwmh, 1 rcciTot bittern from all parts ot tho CivtumD Wojimx Bjr Km original ttrfp of eonduetlnir a Medical Prao Uoc. ho it uccvxfiillr Urcatinu nnmeron. intientt In Kurono, tho XVtmt ladles, Uomlnloii of Canada, and in OTtrj part of tho Hailed Statta. NO MKRCTJRIATj Or daletorioai drug. nrd. Ho tiM, durimr the part Iw.nty threo jram, trsawd aucieaifuUy nearly or quit 4(l,0UO cam. All farta oonnectrd with oach eaMar arefullj racordrd. whether the J bo communicated by letter or tn perron, or obwrred by tho Doctor or hi eiecta phyuoun. The totur aro all oclestUkt uedioal men. EOT INVALIDS AT A DlilANCS Are treated. All inralida at a distance are requires to an.wer a llt of plain queetione. whieh elicit, everf ay mp torn under which the inrftlid affen. All com. muHieailoM inn led tricilpam.tlden$ial. A eomplet ...tern of rri.terina- rreTeuta imitAkeB or oonfiulon. Lt of quctioni aent free, on applicntion, to any pa or the world, oixiy-paire pampn vi btihih vi w Buogus, alio aeut free. All then tettimoniala are from thoM who hare been treated by mail and ezpreaa, AOTic orricc, ob bz aa nuts or cbabos. Oall on or eddraei DR. E. B FOOTS. ' jf. 190 Lexington Ave., K. T. JKinled to Stll ZrjZuii Plain Komt TiiUi and Jlledieai Common. Sense. 'Alio J)rTortes Science in Story. JerJifrtfcuiars address MrMw irurjrillMVishinCompa VSTjsitf&tt. JiBW YORK Sr. Borjsr's Tonls Sswsl and file Fills, Thaae Dili, aro an Infallible remedy for conatipatlon and pile, cauaal by we.kkneu or auppreaslon of th aeriattltlo motion of the bowels. They eery (ently IncreaM the activity of th inteaUnal oanal, pruduc oft atooln and reliev pilea at one. Thoueandt hare been cured by thetn. Price 50 centa, aent by mnil on reneint of prioe. Prepared only by F. ALFUKD RB1CHARDT. l'UARMACUlT, 4UJ FOUBTQ AVVNUB, Kuw mm uiti. Sr. BtrgDr'i Coapoaad fluid xtract cf Kaubar aad Dandelion. The beat combination of purely reretahl medicines to entirely replace Calomel or Blue Fill. It attfnulatee tho lira, inoreaeea the flow of bit, and thus remoTea at onoe torpidity of the llrar, biliou.neai and habitual ountipatfoa. and th dieeaaee arlaing from aueh aa dyapeoaia, aica headache, Batultnoa, eta xaeeneo tireneai of thia Ixtraot will be proved, visibly, at one to the patient, a one r two uottlee are euiTlcient to clHartheeomnlezion bouutifully. and remove pimplee- and ataina oauard by liver troubiaa. eric II per Dottl. 6 bottles, 9; wilt be aent on receipt of th prioe to aav addreea. free of charre. Preiared only bf F. ALFIIKU ItHlUn A R1IT, I'HABJIACUT, tUSt OVaial aVTMOB, ararw iobk uitz. Ayers Cathartic Pills. For the relief and cure of all deTantre- ments in the stom ach, liver, and bow els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain bo mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serious sickness And uflcrina? is prevent- cd Lv their thnelv use; and every tamHy should have them on hand for their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and bet of all the il( with wtrick tbe market abounds. By their occasional trr tne blood is uuruicii, tne corruptions or tne sys tem expelled, obetructions removed, and ilia whole machinery of life restored to its health? activity. Internal organs which become clogged and slurs-iab are cleansed bv Aurr'f Pill, and timulaieit into action. Thus incipient disease la changed into health, the value of which clutnge, when reckoned on the vast multitude who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating snaxes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtue unimpaired for any length of time, so that thev are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to in constitution, or diet, or aecupation. acuuation, full direction are rival on the Wrapper to seen box, now to use tnem as a Family rhysic. n l for the following complaints, which the filli rapidly cure : For ItyesMiSMtsi or Iadlrrattem, X.laIe aa, auaarawr ana jm i ptii, tncy snoiuu ue tax en motierateiy to aumumte tne atom- sen, anu restore 11a neaitny tone ana action. Wat Eilvrr Compliaiat and its various symp toms, aslliOHB) Moaultacb), Stick Hetsut. Beat. Jfaaadlc r j)reB atlckneaa. ISik toa Colic and Biliaa lr,lJiev should e judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased arjion or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dysentery Of Dlarrhtva. but on tnild dose is generellv required. For Maaaanatlam, , 9ravI, kal alfafioa mt tlio llaart, Pala la tha Blat. Muck and Lola, they should be contui uoualy taken, a required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such Chang those complaints disappear. For Drswr and DroMteal trot 1 1 mar. they should be taken in large and frequent dose to produc th effect of a drastic purge, roc uBrao, a large dose should b taken, as il produce th desired nect by sym naihv. A a ZNam nit, tak on or two Till to promote utgesnon ana reuev ine siomacn. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach an bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates th tvtteiu. Hence it i often advantageous wher 00 serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these fill makes him feel decidedly better, from their cJeanali g and ranovaliaf aiToct oa Us digestiv eepaxaiu, raiPAaxD bt Pr. . C. ATBn CO., PrtuHeal CkmUU lOWKLt, MAIM., V. At. A. 0IT&W fM 1111 BT ALL SBOMUTa TsrBVVrajV J 11 ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Tboyer & Hagcrty's Stuck, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSORIBiS, SUBSCRIBE, EUBSCR1BE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAU. GIVE U8 A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARD3, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEASi BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, mOQKAMJIES, POSTERS, kC. ORDERS BT MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADYOCATE, , Ridgway, Klk Co, Pa Par Clie. At EfiV AAD ISUSTlSSI PETERSOirSMAGAZlNE rOSTAwS lEE-FAID OST ALL 6UESCEIP TIONS. . Iff' Every tultcribir for 1870 will I tjrttented with u tvpefb, larye-tited tteel enyruviitj of Trumttui't celebrated pic ture of " The Sifnivy of the Declara tion of Independence." Thit will be -Pcle.ron'" Leutennial Gift "Fetersoo's JJagatine" contains, every year, 1000 pages, a4 steel plates, 12 colored Berlio pattern , 12 mam-' ruoili colored lashion plates, 24 pages of music, and 000 wood cuts. Great improvements will be made in 1876. AtuoDfr tbern will be a series of illustrated articles on tha Great Ezhibi. tion at Philadelphia, which will alond be worth the subscription price Ihejf will appropriately called. THE CENTENNIAL IN F2N A1TD PENCH.I The ittitnutike oirculutiou oi "Peter- son" euubles its pmpfietor to spend more money 00 establishments, Moriert, tfcc, &e , than any other. It yivet more for tiie money than uny in the world, lis. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the i ost jiopuar writer are employed to write oriyinully for "J'cterson." In 187(3, in uduiiiuii to the usual quantity olBlu.it stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYhlGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Aun 8. Stephens, Fran Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, and others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Ahead ol ail 01 litis. 1 liese, plates ate etigtaved on steel, twice the usual size, and are unequaled tor beauty. J hey will bo superbly coloied. Also, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. A'. B.As the publishers now pre pafjS the postage to all mail subscribers, 1 tferson" is CHEATER Til AN EVER; tn ' act is THE CHEAPEST IN TUK WOKLU. TERMS (Always in AdVance;2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies f 01 $3,60 3 Copies 4,80 With a copy ot the pretuiuui tnezzutint (21x26) "Christmas Morning," a five dollar engraving, to the person get ting tip the Club. 4 Copies for $6,80 7 Copies for 11,00. tvitb an extra copy ol (lie Maga zine for 1876, as a premium, to the person getting tip the (Hub 3 Copies for $8,S0 8 Copies for 12.BO 12 Copies fer 18.00. With both an extra copy of the Magexin for 1876, and tbe premium mezzotint, a fivi drllar tngravmg, to the person getting up the Club Address, post-pftic), CHARLES J. PETERSON, 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa a&kytfpeuiuieus teui gratis 11 written lor. T 0 THE CITIZENS OF 1'ENNSVL VAX1A. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National liiinks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital i?tock ot the Centennial Eonrii ef Finance. The funds realized front this source are to tre employed in the ereo tiou of the buildings lor tbe Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the tntme. It is confidently believed thut the Keystone Mints will be represented b) the name of every citizen alive to patri otic oonnnemoratiou of tbe one hundredth bivth-duy of' the nation. The shares o slock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a hundsoore engraved Certificate of 3lock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 187( Subscribers who are not neat a Nations Bank cuu remit a check or post office order to tbe uadersi gned, FHfcD'K ( HALEY, Treasurer, 901 Wa-lnut St., I'hilsdelphia PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay fur goods when you buy hero, you will never be troubled with the nigt-mare of debt, yoar sleep will bo sweet yoar dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile in tbe morning. Go to Powell & Kimc's model store with your cash,- get more than its value and go homo natified. They have adopted tbe cash ystcm, aud eay it is working charm itrgly. . Appllxons American Cyclopedia- that the revised, uud elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume ol 800 pages once in two mouths, rs the best Cyclopedia iu Awfrieu, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete 000 in itself. It only costs $3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. Judeon, Frjdxinia, N. Y. Hats and Cups a complete assortment at P. & K's. Hunting Rubbers? with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. Alt other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. CoqdSsh boneless and- skinless. Also some of tbe old fashioned in fall dress, at P. k K's. Those Hamilton Corsets at P k K's are the Most durable, and the cheapest in market. New goods, every day ia the year except Sundays and1 legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central1 Store of P. & K's. No- bragging around. Call for whaljou want. A complete stock of ladies misses and ehi'.drens ehces, light, medium ant) hearvy at Pr k K's. Now is tha time to buy. Alpacas cheaper than ever befor known at P. k lva. . "King Bee" an! many others kinds ofohewing tobacco. Also smoking uf all the popular brands at P. h K's. Those new style prints, at P k K' are the general talk of the town. Or and see them.