O. A. HATHA Ufi, Attorncy-at-law, Ridgay, Ta. 2 ! tf. RUFUS LUCORE, Attorney-al-Law ttidgway. Elk Co., Ta. OITioo in Hall's new Brick Building. Cliiinis for fcollection promptly at tended to. v3nlly. II ALL & M'CAELEl', Attorney a-at-Liv. Offico iu New I'.i ick Building, Main 8t Ridnwny, Elk Co., Pa. v3nlM. J. 0. IF'. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Vlnz.yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES I). FULL Ell TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigwny, olTcrs his professional ser vices to the citizeus of Ridgway anu sur rounding country. All work warranted Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up etairs, first door to the left, 73-n-yiMy CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Uidway, l'a. Ag.-;nt for ihe Howe Sewing Machine, inul Morton Gold l'eu. Repaiiiug Vatcthes, etc, dote with he same accuracy as heretofore. .Satis i'actioa guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSES GER, Druggist and Pariii.iceutist, N. W. corm-i of Main and Mill street, Bidgway, l'n. full assortment of carefully selected 'For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescription! carefully dispensed r.t all hours, day or Uiiht. vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY. 21. D., Physician arm ''urge-on. Oilice in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sis. Residence corner Broad .St. opposite the College. Otlico hours Iron 8 lo 111 A. M. and from 7 to H P. M. vluiyl. J. S. LOUD WELL, 2,1. J)., Eclectic riiysician and SurtreC'i, ling remov ed his oliice from Centre street, lo V nil st . Bidgway, l'a,, in the rccuiid ttory of the lie,v briolc building of John (ji. bull, oppo eito Hyde's store, . OJiJ3 h jum: 1 to 2 P M 7 lo J P M HYDE HOUSE, BmowAV, ElCo., Pa V II. SCI1 HAM, 1'roprielor. Thankful for the patronage htietut'oif bo liberally bellowed upon into, the uev praprietor, hopes, by paying strict in Uitiou to the comfort uuJ convenience o! guests, to merit u continuance oi the game. Oct CO 'KERSEY HOUSE, C'-JtTur.viL! i:, Ei.k Co., Vk. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for ihe patronage hcretolort so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the cotillon ai.d couvenieucs Of gujsls. t nicril a OHUimuanve of the same. r. W. II AYS, DKALE. IN Dry Goods,' lTotiona, Crrcsrics. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earlctj iJ. O. v1n47tf. HAILR0AJD3. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL KOAL) Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, MA 24, 1S75, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WKSTWABU. KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo 4 35 p m " ' Dtiftirood.. 00 p m " " Euiporium 0 6d p m " " " St Marys... 7 65 p m " " " Ridgway... 8 2o p ni " Wilcor 0j p m arr at Kane.. 9 iiO p m ERIE MAIL leayes Philadelphia 11 55 p ru " " Renovo llojain " ' Emporium 1 10 p ni " St. Mary's 2 00 p m Ridgway 2 j p ui Wilcox 2 68 p m arrive at Erie 7 50 p ui EASTWARD. RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m " Wilcox S3 a in " " Ridgway 'J 25 a m " " St Marys 10 01 a in " " Emporium 11 05 a iu ' Driftwood 12 15 pm ' Eenovo 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11. a m " " " Kane .. 8 45pm ! " Wilcox 4 08pm " " liidgway 4.45 pm " " " St. Mary's 6.10 p in " " " Emporium C.05 p in " " Benovo 8.25 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m Renovo Acoom and Kane Accom conueot east and west at East with Low tirade Di vision and U N Y & P R R WM. A. BALDWIN. Gon'l Sup't. Fresh family Groceries, and Canned goods at P & K'b. The ckenpest and THUBSlYAY, FEB. 24TH, 1870. Republican State Convent Ion. II KAD1 V ARTKHS REPUBMCAM ) Statu Committke. IIakkishuku, Februiiry 1, 1870. J In pursuance of n resolution nf the Itcpublicnn Stnte CominitliH', adopted lit a meeting held In HarriHburir this iln.v. a Kcpublican State Convention, to lie e(.ii.)ood of ilelejmteM from eaeh Senatorial and JU'iresentative district, to the n umber to which nueh dintrict Ih entitled in the liej.inlatnre, In hereby called to meet in the city of H'liiisliurir, at twelve o'clock, noon, on Weiliiestlny, March 2!, 1S7U, fortlie luirpo.-ie of noininatinff an Klectoral ticKet and of electing Senatorial and lii'jireseiitative delegate to represent the State in the HejmlrHcan Kntional Convention, to lie held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 14th day 'of Juno, 1871). JJv ()r!er of Ihe Committee, II KMiY M. IIOVT, Chairman, A. AVn.soN Noruim, Secretary. Arrival and Departure of Mails. Ensteri Daily cxnept Sumiays, arrives at 2:80 pm., loaves at 4:15 p m. Western Daily excepts Sundays; leaves at U:;iO, arrives at 4:4") p in. Uroouvillc Daily except Stiuihiys; ar rives at 12 in., leaves at 2.30 p ni. Spring Creeli Arrives Tuid.'.ya and Thursdaye at 11 a ni., leaves Wednesdais and Fridays at 'J a m Lod&e Jleelings. Elu I.od-e, No r.T'.l. A. Y. M., meets the second ai:J fouith Tees lays of c ich month in the "laEonio Ball. V..i Chapter, No.lO A. M., iupcIs on t! e third TuHi-J.iy oteach month in .Niasuoic tu;l. Orient Council, Ko 40 meets the first Tuesday of eaeh umtiih in Ma.'-ouic I nil is.ua J p t'oininaii'lery. No 1 K K T meets the fo.irih Thursday of each month, in Masonic ll.nl. To'.iii..liit 0!lirM. Judge of Klcction li. S Thn.ycr. Iiupectors A ''uniiaiiies, 1 A Mfad. Justices of tlie l'tacc t-'hii.-'os Mead, J 0 W la i ley School Uirtelors JnoniR Powell, C) B Ci i n ill. j r Vieeler, H ' Nterl'out, 7 8 Pwt'.cc. K' g J Mill r Huperviscrs' W H Osreihout, 0 B Fit on Treasurer W II Hyde . Assessor l A P.nsous. Jr. Auditois C V (.iillis, J IC Whitaiore Ciei k W I t Dickinson. CoLsiiihle J V Morgestcr C;!!iiy Oiiieers. Prnsi'leiii Juiijro Ibm I) Wctmore Associate Judges Hon J V Houk, C'has Lu! r Sheriff Daniel Pcr.'.l Trivisurer Jacob I! ' -".iiiloy Divliict Atloni.y J K. V Kail County r.ptiiiitcii'ieui (ittrgs A' Tr ... j you J'ruthonotiiry, Ac J-'i-t-d Schipninj; D"puty I'rothoiiiptnvy VI ,S l.'oiio'n Com ii. i-ners M:chael V tide it, W Ii O'teriu'iit tJi-oitrc 11 ustinr Auditor. Vi "il li.ii'.e, li I V angler, lii'orgi? 'o'l.rr.c'. .V'.'.iiiii'iaiia:- ("erlt W .VHov'on A O'UEAT XATKN.lli WOSIi. Thr ('( ,if Htuul 1iyfor.v of f tie I'nh'ccl Mud x, '.ii, ii (in-i!i,:'-orrr.'j oj (tie A mrri-i-iiii Coittiiu :n( lo (: f .'v.' of ihe i"iiat Crii'iir'l of Anl:i'i"iiii Jutirj:cuttnvc. ItiJ Jui.ira !. McCalc AuUior of "A Miiiiiui! of Ci'i ii. '(.7 J t:.--t(,fi," ''Tic Omit J'-i)itbi:;'y Etc., Etc- tliero i lea;.j been a reat and ui.iv1 ': ti".,v-'e'i want of a History of the L niu'i! :-'tak . .ui(:ible for jfeni-ral v, C. This want is now beiui; tsupii'.ietl by 'ihe Xiitional l'n f ii-Iii i tj Co., of Pliihidelphhi, who have issued a liand fonie veJu.iie, .-tylcd "The ('(.iteunial l'i.tory of thj United States," by James D M' Cui', vre'l-known liis toi ieal vi iter. Thiii work vil!, un douiitediy, t'iko lr.iik as the t-tanile.rd History of the United Stales It is no dry mats of dotal !.! no honilia .tie efibrt to inllame the national jirule, but is a clear, vivid and brilliant mirn'tive of the events of our history, lVoi.i the discov ly of the American Continent down to the juvsent time It traces the evidences of! hat- mysteri ous race, the first occupants of our county, i nd hj'vcs a most intere. thtf account of the Indiana of North America, from the lime of "lie eomin; of the white men. The voyages of Cohmibii.-., lite i xplorations of the dif ferent nations ol'Kuripe and the final occupation end conquest of the land by Kiif'h'.nt!, me to!d with graphic power livery Kpof our colonial hi-'iory i.- traced wil l pitiieiit fidelity, and tiie sources of thnne noble, ami e trust, enduring in-titulions which have luai'ie oir country free and great, are hown with remarkable clearness The cuu-esof our ;reat struggle for In dependence are told vi itli a logical force and ability unsurpassed in uiy work of the day. Then follows n clear and fcuccinet account of t-he formation of the Federal Constitution; the establish ment of the Union; the course of ufliiirs until the breaking out of the Second War with England; and a full and comprehensive account of that War Hiid'Hs results. The eveiu-Tof our career from the elo.se of that contest to the commencement of the Civil War, follow in their order. The history of the Civil War is related with imer.se vigor, and wiih a strict fidelity to truth. '1 he author pleads the cause of no party or .-eetion. He stales facts, tiointrf out the lessons which they teach, and appealing to neither passion nor political feeling, trusts to ihe good sense of his countrymen to sustain his views. The book contains an Appen dix, giving an account of the p proacidug Centennial Exhibition. It Is comprised in one large, hand some octavo volume of 9:25 pages, and contains 4 12 tine engravings on steel and wood of historical personages and scenes. The price is so low that all can a fiord to purchase a copy, and each btibserber is presented with a superb lithographic engraving of the Centennnial Exhibition Buildings and Grounds. It is sold by subscription only, and the publishers want agents in i' very county lOWNSHIP KLECTIONS. Held Feb. 15 1876. Following will be found a list of the Township Officers elected at the recent Spring election in Elk County: Itenezotte. JUSTICE OF THE. PEACE O. D. Hnturlee. ASSESSOR II. Ii.yWilHon. ASSISTANT ASSESSOKS llobt. Smith, Henry IJlush. BUPEK VI SORS Dennis Taylor, Abner Ober. AUDITOR Ralph Johnson. CONSTADLE-D. E.JIewilt. CLE UK Deroy Winslot. TREASURER Wm. Murray. JUDGE OF ELECTION Robt. Jbhnson. INSPECTORS OF ELECTION W- H- Johnson, Julius Jouesi SCHOOL DIRECTORS - Ren). Booth, 102 votes, Henry Rlusli, 3 votes !( imager. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Thfis. Gariily. ASSESSOR Joseph Kerner. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS-Nicho-las Dewald, Joseph Yoifng. SUPERVISORS F. II. Schlutten' holler, John Glelxner. AUDITOR Phillip Kreige. CONSTABLE Michael Glatt. CLERK John Nissel. THE AS UUF1? George Nissel. JUDGE OF ELECTION Jacob J Vollmer. INSPECTORS Jacob Hanes, Paul Sn eider. SCTIOO L DIRECTORS Edward Ruble, l!il votes; Michael Slioble, 200 votes; John Wiltman 12 votes. Fox. JCSTICE OF TIIK 1KACE-P. . Hayes. . ASSESSOR John Hershey. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS James A. Mohan, U. W. Rogers. KUl'ERVISORS Peter Ponder, Den nis Toomey. AUDITOR P. A. Joidan. CONSTABLE -Patrick MeCready. CLERK J. J. Taylor. T V, E AS URE R John Taylor JCDCiE OF ELECT I0 Hugh Me Cready 112 votes; John Kyler, 112 votes. INSPECTORS Patrick Callahan, John Myers. SCHOOL DIRECTORS J. J. Taylor, 120 votes; Hayes Kyler 115 votes; Michael tiilien lo'J votes; JohnMosier l:i2votes. Riglilaud. JCdTICE OF THE PEACE E Hoven etimp. Am E3SOR Henry Ellethrope. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS-D W James, E Hovencaiiij). SUPERVISORS Henry O. Elle ttirope, Ezra Sjiicer. AUDITOR W S Cole. CONSTABLE H J Iloif', 12 votes; G. E Cooley, 12 votes. CiiUl'.K K Hovencump. THKAst'i!!.l!-V,'m. Jaine JUDGE OF ELECTION Levi Elle threpe INST-KCTOr.S-Wiu Julius, Thos Campbell. SCHOOL DI RECTORS G W N"wton 23 votes; E I'ovencanip, 11 votes; Thomas Campbell, 24 votes. Korton. ASSESSOR Geo W Clinton. ASSISTANT A.SESSORS Fred Ray winkle, John C MeCallister tUPERVlSORS Nathan Hippie, James l'halen. . AUDITOR J S Hyde. CONST ABLE Daniel f'halen CI.LRK-A K Alueil TREASURER Ii Ilorlon. J UDGE OF ELECTION E D Alden. INSPECTORS-T J Taylor, Chauneey Brock way. SCHOOL DIRECtORS-J S Hyde, Fred Ray vinkie. Jay. ASSESSOR Justus Weed. ASSISTANT ASSKSS0R?-..Jas Brook ins, W P Luce. SUPERVISORS W P Luce, Henry Get ridge. AUDITOR Geo T Thurston CONSTABLE Sam Shotwell. CLERK A. W. Gray TREASURER Wm M. Webb. JUDGE OF ELECTION-J. W. Mead. INSPECTORS W. M. Webb, J. A. Spanglcr. SCHOOL DIRECTORS S. R. Gardner 71 votes; Justus Weed 70 votes; Oli.van Dodge 7o votej. Jones. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE J. L Brown. ASSESSOR M. Miller. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS J. L. Brown, A. T. Aldrieh. AUDITOR John Weidert CONSTABLE R. A. Manett. CLERK J. II. Wells. TREASURSR R. A. ffeseott. JUDGE OF ELECTION Truman Garlick. INSPECTORS Joseph Houghtailing, John Weidert. SCHOOL DIRECTORS J. L. Murphy 13S)votes;A. T. Aldrieh 142 votes; J. L. Brown 2 votes. COLLECTOR Theo. Cook. 3Iilltoue. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Campbell Blair. ASSESSOR Jacob Shafer. ASSISTANT ASbESSORS II. J. Clyde, Eli Ishnian. SUPERV1SOAS Harrison Cate, Wm. Dunn. AUDITORS J. K. Moore, 2 years, 22 votes; G. C T Ilotr. 2 years, 22 votes Godfrey Parrott, 1 year, 28 votes. CONSTABLE--Jas. S. Champion. CLERK Michael Shaefer. TREASURER Wm Kelly. JUDGE OF ELECTION- S. M. Moore. INSPECTORS G. D. Donahey, God frey Parrott. SCHOOL DIRECTORS Adam Zim inermerman, 2 years; G. C, T. Hoff, 2 years; Harrison Cats, 2 years. Ridgway. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Jas. D. II I 11 II! Fullerton. Assessor John n- Kime. ASSISTANT ASSESSORS John Wnlmsley, George Dickinson. SUPERVISORS O. B. Fitch, Jnmes Riley. AUDITOR, M. Powell. CONSTABLE J W Morgestet'. CLERK M S Kline . TREASURER W II Hyde JUDGE OF ELECTION Will Dickinson INSPECTORS P- R. Smith Jas. Pen field SCHOOL DIRECTORS O B Grant 3 years; N T Cumniings, 8 years; Jas. Gardner, 1 year. Spring Creek. ASSESSOR-sW A Irwin. ASSISTANTJ ASSESSORSE M Rogers; M. Shnnley SUPERV1SORB Wnii Henry, O. T. Miner. AUDITOR W. A. Irwin. CONSTABLE R. Mohney. CLERK W. A. Irwin. TREASURER E. M. Rogers. JUDGE OF ELECTION Samuel Beers INSPECTORS Joint Burns; Mm' tin Perrin. SCH()4)L DIRECTORS Hiram Carman, 41 votes; W. A. Irwin 3i votes; S- T. Dougherty 10 votes. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR M Shanlcy; E M Rogers St Marys Iloro. Assessor H Haberbush Assistant Assessors Alois Schauer; Ant. Aunian Auditor Joseph ilanhauser Constable and High Constable Al bert Weis Overseers of the Poor Charles Schis ler; Christ Ditle. Judge of Election Henry Luhr. Inspectors Charles Garner; Charles Kufen School Directors Geo. Hollner, Joseph Kall't, 3 years; II Hoberbush 1 year. Chief Bifgess Charles Weis Town Council John Walker Jr., 137 votes; Charles Luhr, 103 voles In several townships the returns did not state the Vrm for which school Directors were elected. In these eases we have given the vote in full. In Fox township there is a tie on Judge of Election. In Highland town ship a tie vote on Constable. In Mill stone township a tie vote on Auditor for 2 years. The readers of the Times will remember that iu October last, Jii;ie Niles Taylor, a wealthy merchant living at Smethport, Pa., by noma mischance fell from a rear door of his residence, some eighteen feet to the ground breaking his back. It was gener ally expend lie would die in a few days at most, yet trange to s.y; he partially re covered and is still alive, with a fair pros pect of living many yWft' In conversing with his son-in-law, "Clint." Young, of Larabee, we leu "lie J many interesting fea tures concerning Mr. Taylor's condition which may not be uninteresting. His fipinal column wan diRlncated a littta above tho ceuler of its length. Until Dr. Freeman ingeniously replaced it, he suff ered great pain in the broken column. Since then the paiu has ceased, but he has no feeling of any kind below the frac ture. His stomach is curiously affected, porslou of its functions, or rather, its en ergies, being destroyed so that even when acting ou light food its operations are alow, and to a ccrtaiu extent, uucertain. When he partakes of stronger food than prepared lnilkT gruel, as his appetite frcquenty tempts him to do, despite of all, previous experience, he suffers severe pain all around that portion of his body above a line acrosi and intersecting the point of injury. In other words, so far as feeling and other sensation are concerned, he seems to have been literally broken in two parts, and while one-third of his body is as thoroughly aiive as ever, the lower two tbids are as dead rs through burricd in the grave. His mental faculties are as clear as even and he dMy consults with his son and at touey, and gives instructions concerting his extensive business wMh tho same force and shrewdness which' has ever character ized his operations. He is keenly alive to the novelty of his phenomenal existence, an'i notes dud watches every variation in his condition or sensation with interest and forecasts ihe result with astonishing cer tanty. He has considerable interest in the Bradford oil district, being a partnof' with Col. Wilcox iu the .well known Taylor & Wilcox leases and wells; and we venture to say there is no man who has a deeper in. tcrest, or watches the developments, and speculates more closely on the future of the new district, than Niles Taylor. We have heard ofiho operations of men "with one foot in the grave," but here we have an instance where both feot and limbs and more than half the body are dead, beyond recovery and would long since have been buried in the grave, were it not for' the enacity of that indomitably spirit which clings to its seat and vitality in the little portion which is left. Mr. Taylor feels confident that in the coming spring a de cided change, either, for better or worse, will occur, and is making every prepara. tion to be ready should it prove adverse. Olcan Times. We would inform Bro Gould of tho Cam eron Co. Press that acting upon the sug gestion in his last issue, we have endeav ored to obtain -nuss" for Miller whilst he is teething but con find no one willing to undertake; the )ob; in ef ly to the other suggestion, B M says be don't want to be kissed by anybody, as be is out of the business, and don't want his spit curls dis turbed. But seriously Bro G it don't look right to eee a grown up Atarlike you abuse a ycuth like "Bantam" Miller, its too bad, as much as we need money, and you know from experience how much a hungry edi tor does need miney, we wouldn't abuse the boy for a bran new fifty cent piece. "Hope on, hope ever" Bantam, thisi 1 cap year, donft get discouraged. The salutation on the street now is, "how are yen Khedive?' Lenten Services. During Lent there will be the Usual services in Grace church. On Wed nesday next, March 1st. there will be services at 10:30 A. M.f and at 7 P. M., sermon in tho morning, lecture in the evening. And during tho season thcre will bo the following services: Sundays morning sovieo, 1) o'clonk; svening service, 7 o'olock. Wednesdays evening prayer and lecture, 7 o'clock Fridays evening prayer, 4:30. Holy Week scrvice3 every day at 4:30. Wednesday and Good Friday inorninjs prayer and sermon, 10:30. All are cordially invited t) attend these ser viefcis. Wm. Jas. MiLt.En, Rector. "Kcr Chunk? Ker Chunk! from under a log, iS'quatiing and leaping, comes Bantam the frog Wide is his mouth and spreading his toe? Very elastic and shiny his clothes Though lofty his( jumpings, and brazen his stare He sees not the danger that flits in the air." (The author of the above dark and mys terojis lines Is not to a certainty known, but is supposed to have been the poet Anonymous. We make this explanation thi nking some of our readers might natur ally suppose they were written by one of our local poets. Eoitob, Ad. We notice by tho Seniitn proceedings thr;t Senator Boyer has read a bill in place, authorizing tire Citizens of every ward, borough, and iownship in, this Common wealth tovole for one person for Assessor and two persons for Assistant Assessors on the third Tuesday of February, A. D. 1877, and tri-ennially thereafter. The Assessor so elected shall serve for three years. Any vacancy occuring iu the meantime bhallbs filled by thoCommfssioners of the proper county. ihich appoiuteo shall servo out the unexpired term of his predecessor. All acts inconsistent herewith aro hereby re pealed. We have not seen a copy of the bill, but give the foregoing as the substance of the one the Senator oll'erod. If this billpasses, one-half of the grievances which the tax payers now suffer and coinph'.irt of, will bo removed, rt'ipe out the present system of electing Assessors annually and, we will have uniformity in values, if nothing, more. Clearfield Republican. "Bantam" says he will take half a dor en of the Khedives' Colonels on the half shell we were in hopes he would go a dozen but B snys lie aint so fond of ihein as he used to be; the order for the half dozen will go out by the next stci.mjr. I'apor collars the nobbiest! with turn duwn corners also the good old Byron style at P. & K's. Xews Items. The steamship Egypt, from New Vork, has arrived at Queenstown. Moody and Bankcy were greeted with ti e largest audence last n'ght since their return to New York. The President Ifi inst- signed the Cen tennial bill with a quill pen made from a wing of an American eagle. Both Houses of tho New York Legisla lature have adopted resolutions protesting against Congress grauliug subsides to raailronds. Machinery for threo complete JiHv mills have been shipped from a munufactury at Erie, Pa., to the Black lliils during the past month. The Western Union Telegraph Company follow ing tho lead of the Atlantic aud Pa cific Company has reduced its rates froai twenty to thirty per cent, Ben Boyd, the Chicago counterfeiter, moved for a new trial Wednesday morning. The motion was overruled aui Bcyd wag sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. An eccentris couple at Kew England Vil lage, who disagreo as to bed clothes, the man insiting on woolen sheets while the woman will have nothing but spotless linen, have compromised their difficulties by sewing a linen half to a woolen, and new sleep as snug as a bug in a rug. Colonel C. E. Blunt, Engineer in charge of the Lake Erie harbors, has recommended aa appropriation of $50,000 for Erie har bor and there is little doubt that this amount will be authorized. Colonel Blunt says that if any of the estimates are re duced it will not be the important harbors like Erie that will suffer. Another mail robbery has come to light at Lewistown Mifflin county. Tho detec tives were on the track of the fobber or robbers for somo time, but no traces could be found until Saturday, when a man by the name of Galbraith, who for twenty years carried the nuil at Lewistown from the depot to the postouice, was arrested as the guilty one, and the evidence is said to be very strong against him. He was put undor $ 1.000 bail and awaits a further An employee of the State fish hatching establishment at Donegal, Lancaster county passed mrougn Heading lor fcaston last Monday, with 25,000 young California Salmon for the Delaware river, again on Thursday, having in charge six immense cans of cylindrical shape containing 30,000 young California Salmon averaging 1 3-3 incnes in lengtn, wuicn were also depos ited in the Delaware at Easton the same day. The gentleman stated that of the 25.000 salmon taken to Easton on Monday only eight were found to have died en route from Donegal to the Delaware. Political conventions are announced for the following dates: On February 22, Connecticut Greenback Convention, New Haven; Indiana KepuKican Convention, Indianapolis! Wisconsin llepublican Con vention, Madison, aud on the same day the Democratio National commit leo meets in Washington. On February 23, Con necticut Democratio Cenveution, New Haven, and Ohio Temperance Convention, Columbus. On February 29, Connecticut Republican Convention, Hartford. On March 22, Pennsylvania Dem ocatic Con, vention, Lancaster. On March 29, Penn sylvania Republican Convention, Harris, burg; Vermont Republican Convention, Burlington; Ohio Republican Convention, Columbus. On April 6, National Con veniion of Colored Men, Nashville. On Tuesday, Arpil 11, Soutb Carolina Repub lican Convention, Columbia. On April 12, Virginia Republican Convention, Lynch burg. On April 26, Georgia Democratio Convention. May 10, Michigan Republi can Convention, Grand Kapids. May 16, Alabama Republican Convention, Mont gomery. Muy 17, National Greeback Convention, Indianapolis; National Pro hibition Convention, Cleveland, and Ten nessee Republican Convention, Knoxville. May 18, Kentucky Republican Convention, Louisville, May 24, Kansas Democratio Convention, Topeka, and Alabama Repub lican Convention (minority call,) Mont gomery. June 14, Republican National Convention, Cincinnati. June 21, Florida Democratio convention, yuincy. King; whohns been confined In the county JhII, at this place, for some time on the chnrfro of forgery't ""s brought before Hon. Clinrles Luhr, Associate ludge, hwt Fridny on a writ of Habeas Corpm. After n hearing Judge Luhr ordered thnt King be turned over to United S'tates Ileputy Marshal Perklngs, who conveyed liim to Pittsburgh lust Saturday morning where he will be tried In the United A'tntes Court In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County. No 153 May Term 1875. II. !. llebinson & Co. ") vs. Fennor & Co. ) DOMESTIC ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given that the Trus tecs appointed in the above entitled oiuse have filed their report in my office, and unless exceptions are hereto filed, the said Report will be confirmed at the next term ot this Court. Fit ED SCI10ENIN3, v5-t4 Prothonotarv. ELK COUNTY 8S: I'ic Commonwealth of fennxytrrinia (o (he Sheriff of said County Greet irir: ne command you mat you attach John A. Andiraon late of your County by all singular the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said John A Anderson in whose hands or possession soever the same may bo tound, so that they be and appear before our Courts of Common Plena lo be holden at. Ridgway in and for sa.d County ou the tourth Monday ol May next, there to answer Jackson S. Schultz. Maurice M. Scbultz, Judson Achultz, John Ernhout and J. L. Brown as Tanning and Lumber Company. And Also. That, you summon the person or persons In whose hands or possession the same may be found, so that they be and appear before our said Court on tho fourth Monday of May next, to answer what shall be objected against them aud abido the judgement of the Court therein. And havo you then and there this writ Witness the Honorablo L. D. Wetmoro, President Judge of our said Court at Kids- way, this 27th day of January A. D. 1870. FRED. KCliOKNINU, Pruthonolary. Per W. S. HORTON, Dcpty. Sheriffs Office, Ridgway Pa. Fcbry. 1G 1876. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Executrix's Notice. Notice is herelv given that lette'n testamentary on the estate of J. V- litiuii Jate ol Juuirwiiy township. deceased, have been granted t tlie uiHtersigned. All person know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all Jpel'sons having claims will present tliem properly authenti cated for settlement. JKAXNKTTK CAROLINE 1IOUK, nOl-tit Lxecutrix. Executor.-,' Xotice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the "estate of Francis I'egeler, late of St Mary's borouirh. deceased, have hewn grunted to the un dersigned. All persons hnowing themselves Indebted to said estate are retitii'sled to make immediate payment ami all persons liaviiigelaiins will j ire sent them properly auUientii.'uted for settlement. ADOLPII FOCHTMAN 1, ,.. 1-fit C'HAS LUHii j n( Notice Is hereby given that the Conimis- niissioners of Klk County, will hold a court of appeals at their Oftlce in Kidg- way on the 12-1 th and 'Silh days of February, S7t for the purpose of lietir- ing and determining appeuls from the assessments, and reviewing the mili tary enrollment of !S7(f, at which time and place all persons feeling them selves aggrieved by said assessment may attend if they see prop"i By order of tlie Board Attest: W. S. Ilorton, Commr'a Clerk. NEW J.IVmtY STABLE mmwrn. DAN SClllBNEii WISHES TO I.N (orm tho Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public gcLerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAilP.IAGES lbijjies, to let -jpoa the most reaaona blc tcrraa BSa-He will also do job tc'ancinj. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will rceel prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. 1 YOU WANT TO 15 UY GOODS CHEAP VO TO JAMES II- IIAGEUTY Main Street, Bidgway, Pa. DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTi- SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW.WAKE, TODACCO AND CNJAKS. A Large Etock tf Groceries and Provisions, The BEST BRANDS of FLOUlt Constantly on hand, und sold as cheap 03 the UUKAI'KST. JAMES W. IIAGERTY. Eidgvay Cemetery. Lots are now offiered for ale by the Ridgway Cemetary Astooiation iu Ihe new Cemetery Tlie present low price for lota may soon be advanced. Apply at tlie cflioe of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Pddjwoy, Sept. 7 1873. u-2'J KEW ADVKUTML5IEST' Notice All persons are hereby cautioned hgalnSt buying removing or in any way meddling with a lot. of household goods in the pos. seaion of O. McCainey, of Spring Creek, as I have purchased the above named property at Sheriff 's Salo. MLAS MOHNEY. Spring Creek, Jan. V!U, 1876. nlotil. SDtf'D J- EVAK5 & CO. XUliSEKYM EN AN 1) SliEDSM EN Yomk, Tknn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Seedf, (truss Seeds, Seed Corn, Seed 1'otatocs, Seed Wheat, Tree and Hedge Seedn, Sie. lU'LHS, of all kinds, for Sluing and Ftil! planting. ftULUS. TREES. Standard nnd Dwarf Fruit Trees, drapes and Small Fruits. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Koses, Hedge I'laits, &e. Kn close Stamp for price list, U5c for Full Descriptive Catalogue. 1'. K. UKKSU, Denier tn nil kinds of cabinet ware, woodand cane scat chairs, kitchen ami cxtctition tables, wood nnd marble top f taiids, wood and marble to) bureaus, what hots, looking glasses, wood ami mai b'e top chamber suits, mattris: es, spring bfi bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Lafeity's metal lined w od pumps, iV-c., &.C Cane Keats replaced with ' perioi'ated wood seats, Weed Keying machine reduced from J'G3 to t l.j, the best machine in the market, and pic ture frames nuvle to order. Aho a larye assorted st.ck of ready made colliiis coiist'int ly on linml and trim med at shortest notii e. All the above goods are sold r.t jai'.ie price!-. Ware Kooiiis in oia.-oiiie building, Ridgway, l'a. v')ii4iilp(laprL'7'77. Eivaneial Sliitenu vtofMHIatwc Ton t-tijifor ymr nttlng January, , l'Viti. VAM'ATION OK TAXAIil.K PIIOl'KVT Unseated L Mi,t'27 l:,."!(( ltd CO Seated and IVruonul T'i'ti.l Mills Levi-d for Ilond 10 bo, 51 A 00 Additional cash for " U ' .Mills Levied for IVor .! Additional for Poor 7 K.1A1) TAX Elk county Dr. to Township for unseated Tax Ki turned for 1-S74 & 7", I,0.'.0 Supervising, lit-, to Township to Heated Tax for 1S75 2S)1 Total 2,372.5:; Cr Dy unseated Koad orders to Township Tnasiiier G2o 00 To Balance tine Township from IC I k County and Su pervisors, " 1,847 f,2 Dr. to judgment against Jowiislup hy 1 lan t.ir' Cuts Interest and cost, 1,47.5 GO VIKiH TAX. Ik County Dr. to inifcated Tax returned for the year ls74 t'c 7-5 K -iiu ') Overseers, Dr. to Seated Door i ax lor lSo lf;3 4.5 ?4.0.-,7 .! Cr. by orders issued by ove rseers 01 i-oor 23142 To balance Due Township Ironi Klk county and ove;- aeers f,o c 50 l,HC7t;2 We. the undersigned iiili?ou i,r Millstone Township, Klk county, met online in iav nnd eeniiy mut we ive carefully examine. I tin. !ilirn- counts and find them correct lo the best of our knowledge and belief. Jan. Mb 1S7(I. CAMPBELL BLAIU. 1 . ... i. C. T. 11L:F'. "Uilito. Attest, C. II. 1Ioi.-j.-max, Clerk, n ifM.'i frzfCUEAl EST AND BEST'.j PETEESOirSlAGAZHTiT, POSTAGE FEE-PAID ON ALL StflSCF.I?- f? Event uilsen'l.i r fur 1R7fi ,r;it I,.- urtKrntfd with 11 ynut-rl, htr.,,.7 .....! JL . , 1.,, ji.-v,vI O.ltt tinijruvintj of Trumbull's celebrated pic- lure oj "j ne O'.'NiH of the Veeut ra tion of ll::liattlr,iice." 'Jh'x trill hn J'etsrson's" Uinlcnninl Gijt.jKi "l'oterson'.-t Miuiiv.ine" eontniiiK. every y..ur, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates, J- coioreu lieriiu patterns, 112 mam moth colored fashion plates, 24 pages ef :iiumo, ana wuu wood cuts. Great improvements v:il h mmlmn 1&70. Amonr them will he a pcrirs r,f illustrated artieloa on the Great Exhibi. tion at rhiladclplnu, which will nlotio be worth the subscription price. They win appropriately calied. TEE CESTTEMSHAl IU PEIT AND PENCIL! Tho immense circulation of "Peter. son" enables its proprietor to f-pcnd more money on establishments, storicp, l-c., &c , thau any other. It aires mm-,- for the money than avy in the icuilil. its. THRILLIXO TALES AUD NOVEL ETTES Arc the best puLlit.hed anywhere. All the a out poimtar u ritcrs are rmuh.nnl to write, originally fur "I'cterson " In Joo, in aU'iiuou to the usual quantity ot short ftorics, FIVE ORIGINAL COI'YUIGHT .NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stcphcus, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. II. Burnett, and ot hers. AilCaU ot ail Others. These rd.-itrx r.t a etigiaved on etccl. twice the lixnAr. SIZK, and pre uncquulcd tor beauty. . ...j ..... v cujjiMuijr vuiuruu. jll.so, Household and other rectints: in hht-.rt everything interesting to ladies. A. Ii. As the iniblish. ro paiys the jwskye lo all mail subscribers, j ttcrton is 1-IIEArER THAN J.VER; Ui act is THE COEAl'EST IN THE WOULD. 3. Conios fst3.nn s r? itli u eoj.y of the premium mezzotint (21x201 "CnciSTMAs Mf,k.,n .. Jiveihllar twjraouuj, to the person" get- tin.. ,ir 1, I 'I. .V t iiue for lbib. a premium; to ihe perfon eettiiicf un tlm r 1 v. v1v.puu 12.6U 12 Copies for IO.OO. With both an extra copy of Ule Mllgl.lIlle flte 1870, and the premium n.eziotint. a five Iho ClJb""a WWy' 10 lh Pe"0n 8tiin8 UP' Address, post-paid, ,nt?ARLES J- PETERSCH, r0v-vChs,nu, , P-"5Jolphta, Pa tiu Bpeciuuns eeut grain ifwmu-ntor