JL Henry A. Parsons, Jr., . Editor. THURSDAY, FEB 17TII, 1S70. Al'MTOKS' SETTLEMENT. RECE1 PTS AND EX P EN I) IT V R EM OK ELK COUNTY KOU THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1ST, 1870. KECEIPTA January 1, 1870. To tax rt'ct'ivcil from un seated lands 150 21 " " " collector 12,907 4!) "um't ree'd from land sold by county cotnr's 120 65 "uni't ree'd from lands rctu'd to county com' rs 12 72 "amount ree'd for redemp tlon of lands from county 2,390 38 "jury and indictment fees 05 34 common wealth costs col lect ed 84 11 " tines collected 75 Oil " uinount ree'd on note of county vs. Willnm Zelt 110 4-3 " nmount ree'd of II. A. Par sons for rent 80 50 $10,018 85 rXfl'X tit TURKS. .Trtmmrv 1 . 1N7H. By nm't Paid Gen. Ed. Weis for servieesascounty com'r 225 nm't paid Julius Jo'nes for services as county com'r 255 nm't paid Mi'-hacf Wcidert forscrvice-tas countv com'r 2;Jl nm't paid C. II. M'Cauley, co'mrs clork 800 nm't paid Jno. G. Hall i-o'im-s eoiins'l 100 nm't paid Sh 'il'D, C Oyster 1,31 " " Daniel Scull 471 " constables 501 " justices 22 " Dist. Att'r. J. KP Hall 354 " Court Crier M. L. Ross 87 " tipstaves 5(1 " irotlionotary, Ac. IKS " county auditors 200 " shcri li', com'th eosU 15 " constables, 10 " justices, 12" ' 'witnesses, 499 " assess' r for nsscssinu: 2-'!n " rcgistcr'g 102 " prand jurors 591 " traverse jurors 2,073 " prison expenses (j-'il) 1,138 " Dixmont Hospital: Support of Martin Grcgor 110 " Conrad Nist 132 " " A Parson. 121) exchange on payment of above bills 1 nm't pd wesiern penitentiary 124 " for printing & adver tising 732 " election expenses t"d ." road views & damages 110 " stationary and post aire 2'3 " bounties on wolves, &e 77 " fuel and lights 200 " repairs to puli. huild'g 590 " court bouse expenses 171 " miscellaneous 405 " iury eoiiiniis.-ioiiers 81 " inquests 100 f 1-i .3 1 f '- Excess of receipts 10,018 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES ELK COUNTY. AS-KTS. January 1, 1870. To tax due from unseated OF lands subject to com' 10,300 tax clue Irom collectors, sub ject to com' and exonera tion 0,5-52 27 nm't due from Jones Tp. for support of A. Parsons 312 ain't due from Bcii.ingcr Tp for support of Conrad Nist 330 nm't due froniBenzinirer Tp for support of Marv Kricg 301 nm't due from St. Marys boro' for support of Martin Gregor 431 nm't due from Fox Tp for support of Kate Williams 281 nm't due from Lock Haven boro for support of John Condon 428 am't due from Cameron county for expenses in trial of suit of Alderfer & Preston vs Buffalo, New York & Philad'a Railway Company 373 ain't due from Joseph Wind- felder, county treasurer 970 . 20,319: LIABILITIES. January 1, 187(1.' By county orders outstanding 0,113 Vonds 11,144 interest on same to Jan 1, '70 0-S n am't duo Dixmodt Hospital (Mil " Daniel Scull, Sheriff 42 " W. F, Murphy's Sous 14 $1 9,074 10,274 Excess ofassets- f 29,34 e, the undersigned, commission ers of Elk county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing l.s a cor rect statement of the receipts and ex penditures, Sti'., of Elk county for the year 1875, and the assets and liabilities of the same. Witness our hands this 25th day January, a. l). into. MICHAEL WEIDERT ) W. H. O.STERHOUT, Co. Com'rs GEORGE REUSCHER j Attest W. S. Houton', Clerk. AMOUNTS RECEIVED KK(f TIIK KEV KliAL COLLECTORS OF ELK COUNTY DURIXO 1873. County. State. m. . irt.'auiey, col. Fox tp, 1800 Jno Gleixuer, col Bcna- tp '09 D. Attleberger, col. 01 4-5 30 04 373 70 44 2-5 23 43 97 390 03 45 97 149 92 10 32: 2 90 57 08 13 25 140 01 40 53 123 67 20 11 414 01 3 44 201 53 21 31 3S0 73 041 01 40 13 Jones tp, '71 G. A. Hinslo-w col, Benezette tp, '73 F. X Sorg, col Fox tp, 1873 C'Stubbs, col Highland tp, '73 J Winklebleck colllor ton tp, '73 W G Thomas, col Jay tp, 1873 II. Warner, col. Jones tp, 1873 J. Gardner col. Ridg way tp, '73 II. R. Moore, col. Sp. Creek tp, '73 E. -Morey, col. Bene zette tp, '74 G. Reuseher, col. Ben zinger tp 1874 Jacob Moycr. col. Fox tl 1874, T. Campbell, col. High land tp, 1874 Geo. Faust, col Hortou 583 81 40 20 22 15 township, 1874 624 30 22 07 A J. Avery, col. Jay township 1874 492 08 6 II M. Weidert, col. Joues township 1874 173 82 6 41 A. Zimmerman," col, Millstone towuship'74 111 44 1 74 W. C. Healy col Rldg- way township '74 T. Irwin col. Spring Creek township '74 Weidcnhocrner, col. St. Marys borough 1874 C II Winslow. col. Benezette tp, 1875 N. Dewalt, col. Ben zinger tp, 1875 Jno. Koch, col, Fox township 1875 L. Elithorpe, col Highland tp, 1873 N. Hippie, col Hor ton township 1875, M Miller, col. Jav tp, 1.S75 T. Cook, col, Jones tp, 1875 Jas Champion, col. Millstone tp, 1875 -J W Morgester, col. Ridgway, tp, '75 12. Moody, col. Spring Creek township '75 B. Weidendocrner, col St. Marys boro. 1875 030 90 52 23 201 11 ' 1,295 G5 18 02 100 34 35 00 500 00 548 47 62 20 37 18 231 20 30 610 00 23 07 723 02 133 17 11 20 1,305 45 80 29 179 23 6 81 C01 45 $12,073 13590 41 AMOUNTS DUE HY TIIK SEVK LECTORS OK EL1C COUNTY 1870 J. V. Honk, col. Ridg way tp, 1805 II. F. Overholtzer, col. Ridgway tp, 1808 Levi ElithoriK, col. It A I. CO I. JAN. 1, 37 05 510 87 5 31 408 33 11 38 434 43 63 64 Highland tp, 1871 .T R Morey, col. Jay tp'71 wan l AttieDcrger, col. Join's tp, 1871 H. H. YVetisel, col. Ridg way township 1872 Win.' Clyde, col. Millstone township, iSi3 Jas. Gardener, col. Ridg way tp, 1873 E. Morey, col Benezette township 1874 Jacob Moyer, col. Fox tp, 1874 Thos. Campbell, col. Highland tp, 1874 Geo. Faust, col. Hortou township 1874 A. J Avery, col. Jay tp '74 W. C. 1 Icaly, col. Ridgway township 1874 Thos. Irwin, col. Spring Creek tp, 1874 C H Winslow, col. Bene zette tp, 1875 N Dewalt, col. Belizingcr township 1875, John Koch, col. Fox tp '75 L Elithrope, col. Highland township 1875 N Hippie, col. Horton township 1873 M Miller, col Jay to, '75 Theodore Cook, col Jones township 1875 J. S Champion, col. Mill stone towship 1875 J W Morgester, col, Ridg way township 1S75 E Moody, col. Spring Cr'k towiwlihi 1S7.3 ill oo 70 93 221 29 SI 00 175 70 341 05 102 44 140 Id 431 42 441 07 709 79 40 0: 510 43 203 43 184 50 13 50 311 12 103 Tl Wi'iih'iitioeriior. col. St. Marys borough, 1875 CGI 21 $0,419 77 BOUNTY TAX. "Benezet Dill, col. Ridg- ' way township 1805 102 50 S3 $102 Those marked with a have paid since settlement Joxrph Windfclder, Esq., Treasurer Msiit county, in account with saia count) for the year ending, January 25 l, lSiO. To am't tax received from collectors 12,907 4 re cd from unseated lands loO 1 from lands sold by co. com'rs 120 05 50 " " returned to for redemption of hinds from county ree'd on note of Co. vs. W Zelt from H. A. Parsons, for rent 12 85 2,390 110 10 30 85 $15,794 70 By bal. due Treas at for- nior scttlcmet am't paid onrefunding or ders co. com'rs rec'pt for co. orders redeem'd am't exoneration orders (county) (military) Treas. commission on amount ree'd disb'd 4,390 91 24 50 8,012 01 893 4 204 315 284 58 50 14,817 Balance due fund 070 30 85 $15,794 STATU TAX ACCOUNT. To am't of tax ree'd from collectors 50 54 00 590 $590 60 60 30 03 By bal. due Treas. ut for mer settlement exoneration orders 90 107 429 Balance due fund f 590 ROAD FUNDS, BKNEZETT ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at former of settlement. 140 $140 98 2 1 102 38 By road or. redeemed Treas. com. on am't ree'd disbursed Balance due fund $140 UENZINGER ROAD FUND, To bal due fund at former settlement 34-3 tax ree'd from unseated land 23 308 33 S404 2-54 10 50 Balance duo treasurer By road orders redeemed ' refunding orders re deemed township treas. receipts amount transferred to Jones tp, road fund, as per notice of co. coin's Jan 29, 1875 Treas. coin. rn am't ree'd disbursed CO 20 7 37 7 78 404 35 BENZIXGBE ADD fTlOHAt ROAD FTND To balance due treasurer 335 31 836 31 294 14 By Iml clue Treas at fornieF " settlement am't transferred to Jones tp, rond fund; as per no tiee of co. commissioners January. 29. 1875 84 60 6 67 383 81 Treas. com. on am't disb'd FOX HO AD FUKD To bal duo fund at former settlement 202 44 13 25 215 60 07 00 4 31 1 84 72 05 143 04 215 6!) tax received from unseated lands By road orders redeemed Treas. com. on am't ree'd disbursed Balance due fuud rOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND To balance duo at former settlement 1,122 08 1,122 08 000 00 22 45 18 00 By township treasurer's receipts Treas. com. on ain't ree'd disbursed 040 5 182 63 Balance due fund 1,122 08 HIOIII.ASD ROAD FUMD. To 1ml, due fund at former settlement tax ree'd from unseated lands By refunding orders re deemed road orders redeemed tp. treasurer's receipts Treas. com. on am t rec u disbursed 89 80 131 49 Balance due fund 221 85 iiohtos on rusn. To balance due at former settlement 121 23 121 23 By road orders redm'd Treas. com. on am't ree'd disbursed 25 00 2 42 60 27 92 03 31 121 23 Balance due fund HOUTON ADDITIONAL ROAD TVSD To bid due fund at former settlement 2 97 2 97 By Treas com. on am't received Balance due fund 2 92 2 474 3 JAY ROAD ri'ND To bal due fund at former settlement am't ree'd from unseated lauds 478 87 Balance due Treas. By road orders redm'd refunding orders redm'd tp. treas. receipts Treas. com on am't ree'd disbursed 50 500 0" JONES ROAD FUND To bal due fund at former settlement am't transferred from Ben zinger tp as per notice of tiie co. commission ers, January 29th, '75 of 477 103 580 31 824 11 7 By road orders redeemed township treasurer's receipts Treasurer's com. on am't re ceived " " disbursed 3S 45 50 873 207 40 Balance due fund $580 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 331 tax ree'd from unseated lands 6 74 $338 lly roail orders redeemed 15 township treasurer's receipts 310 Treas. com. on amount ree'd 6 ' " " disbursed 6 50 68 35 81 838 59 By balance due fund 49 $338 RIDOWAY ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 273 44 44 89 30 $273 By road orders redeemed b township treasurer's receipts 130 Treas. commission on ami' received b " disdursed 2 19 25 $143 44 Balance due fund 130 $273 RIDOWAY ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND To bal. due treasurer 128 89 $128 89 00 81 90 77 12 By bal. due Treas. at former settlement 128 $128 BPKINO CREEK ROAD FUND. To bal. due. fund at former settlement 8-5 89 64 14 85 13 1 By road orders redeemed Treas. commission an am't received " ' disbursed 17 08 Balance due fund 08 67 35 8(v 00 00 580 57 7 5 00 25 05 44-3 43 9 57 10 02 $85 91 6T. MARYS ROAD ANT CORPORATION FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 130 03 tax ree'd from unst'd lands road 24 ' forp, 12 1131 2 Balance due treasurer $134 27 By refunding orders re deemed 75 town treasurer's receipts 128 82 Treas. commission on am't received 2 62 " disbursed 2 58 $134 SCHOOL FUNDS., BENEZETTE SCHOOL FUND. To bftlance due treasurer ' 269 By bal. due Treas. at former settlement i 209 24 $200 24 BKNKI Mnrn omtnnT. mvn. To bnl. due fund at former settlement 2,172 GO tax ree'd from unseated lands 18 62 $2,191 12 By school treasurer's receipts 1,075 m refunding orders redeemed 18 00 am t transferred to Jones township school fund as per not ice (,f com'rs January 29th, 1875 treas com on am't received " i " disbursed 115 32 43 82 24 17 $1,270 07 914 15 Balance due fund $2,191 12 FOX BCIIOOL FUND To bhl. due fund at former settlement tax ree'd from unseated lands 1,725 03 10 47 $1,73-5 50 Jjy school treasurer's receipts 1,503 77 treas. com. on amount reo'U 34 disbursed 30 07 $1,608 65 Balance due fund 100 45 $1,735 60 IIKUII.AND SCHOOL FUND. To tax ree'd from unseated lands 86 11 $85 11 Balance due treasurer 01 4 $140 58 By bid. due Treas. at former settlement refunding orders redeemed Treas. com. on ain't ree'd disbursed 130 73 2 31 1 70 2 84 $140 58 HOIITOX. To 1ml. due nt former set. 00 43 90 43 By balance due fund 00 43 $96 43 t AT. To bnl. due fund at fr. set. 170 7: tax reed, from unseated lands, school tax reed, from unseated lauds, building 1 80 00 173 42 By refunding, orders rc- deemedchool " refunding orders redeem ed, building " school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on am't received " T reasurer's commission on amount disbursed 13 30 13 30 100 00 3 40 2 53 132 59 40 83 97 92 90 82 75 Balance due fund 173 4: JONES. To balance due fund at for mer settlement " am't transf d from Ben zinger tp. as per notice of county com'rs, Jan uary 29th, 1875 29 18 115 3: 144 50 By school, treas. receipts "'Treasurer's commission 1 on nmonint received " Treasurer's commission on amouut disbursed 57 50 18 2 80 1 15 60 61 54 98 00 05 61 10 Balance due fund 82 00 "144 50 MILLST05C. To balance due fundat for mer settlement " tax received from un seated lands, school " tax received from un seated lands, building 471 33 2 00 1 35 70 22 00 05 75 474 5 480 Balance due treasurer 70 00 33 70 50 By school trens. receipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 401 91 944 923 60 10 480 RIDOWAT. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 70 39 289 289 5 Balance due treas. 39 00 205 18 By school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on umount reeeived " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 284 5 5 46 7n 34 05 295 sphiso cut. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 39 1,159 40 1,159 765 23 15 40 By school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 40 40 91 803 355 Balance due fund 01 00 71 30 1,159 , .f. Warts goRoi'ca. To balance due fundat for mer settlement " tax received from un seated laud 85 01 00 85 2 Bal. due treasurer 88 63 84 00 60 15 172 1 70 By school treas. receipt " refunding order redeenv ed, school " refunding order redeem ed, building Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's' commission on amount disbursed 29 08 88 TOOR FUNDS. BENZISGKR. To tax received from un seated lands " amount received from Benzinger twp. treas. 13 408 27 24 422 33 1187 Balance doe treas. 433 By balance due treasurerat 414 02 2 00 844 8 84 lormer seuiemeni. ' refun.llnir order red'm'd " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursea 433 70 107 07 2 64 rox. To balance due fund at for mer settlement tax received from un seated lands 1' 0 01 6 00 By poor orders redeemed " Treasurer's commission on amount received Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 8 40 10 8 50 10211 Balance due fund 170 Gl jonfs. By balance due fund at for mer seuiemeni 287 82 1 287 82 Balance due treasurer 210 31 507 13 By township treasurers re ceipts " Treasurer's commission on amount reeeived " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 491 55 5 75 0 83 507 13 MILLSTONI. To am't tax received from unseated lands 2 03 2 03 By Treasurer's commission on amouut reccivcu 04 04 1 09 Balance due fund 2 03 RPRlVO CRir.K. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 24 89 24 89 24 89 By balance due fund 24 80 st. marts nonocon. To amount received from boro. treas. account of poor fund 200 00 200 00 By Treasurers commission on amount received 400 400 100 00 Balance due fund 200 00 STATE. ROADS. WILCOX AND HAMLIH STATE ROAD, To balance due fund at for mer settlemeut 2 .00 25 00 25 06 By balance due fund 2-5 00 KANE, RIDGWAT AND ST .MARTS STATS ROA. To balancedue fund at for mer settlement 1,499 03 " tax recoivod fioin un seated lands Benzing er township 22 54 " amount transferred to Jones tp. from Ben Kiuger tp. as per notice of county comrs. Jan. 29, 1875. 09 20 1,591 37 1,392 43 800 By treasurer's receipts " refnd'g orders redeemed " am't transf'd to Jones tp. as per notice of Co. eomrs. Jan. 29, 1875. " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission 011 amount disbursed 69 31 29 08 05 03 1,5,10 00 Balance due fund 1,591 m'eean six 4 TORES! STATE ROAD. 03 To balance due fund at for mer settlement fax received from seated lands 1,034 228 1,258 6 25 un- 60 89 67 By refunding order High land township " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amouut disbursed 47 00 79 68 31 1,020 .Balance due fund 47 1,258 22 RIDCfW AT BROOKTILLE IT Alt BOAD. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 394 98 07 07 00 18 30 894 387 7 By treasurer's receipt " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 394 48 59 Balance due fund 394 07 Joseph Windfclder, Esq., Treasurer of Elk county in account with the Com. vtonwcalih of Pennsylvania for the year ending January 1st, 1870 To bal due Com at former settlement 1,305 00 tavern licenses for 1875 605 00 eating house licenses 820 00 circus licenses 60 00 store 100 00 93 10 93 70 retailers licenses for '75, a per nierchantile ap praiser's list billiards licenses for '75 as per mercantile ap praiser's list brewers licenses for '75, aa per mercantile ap praiser's list six copies of pamphlet laws for 1875 737 170 02 60 600 63 8,355 60 41310 95 00 889 60 69 38 95 00 875 00 1,426 08 1,928 52 By State Tfeas rec'pts for tavern licenses liquor licenses eating house licenses brewers licenses billiards licenses reatailers licenses 88 4-3 Bal. due Com'th 70 8,855 'onrph Windelder, J?q., Treasurer of Elk county, in account with the Jledcmption hind of Mid county for the year ending January 1st, 1870. 91 ?S3 Jtf e 8- If 3 5?c - li'3 5 S 5 533 ?1 s B ft 5 s l rr B e 2 - Er.-. -5a.: E3 " 5T 3 stasis s B :,:S3 A 7.3 aB 3 ft-2 '? .1 0 & 1 ? r p titttii ? - s W 3 W I ti 1 -T ! k .i cccsccccss g -r $31 M i : t i "5 lit VS. i 3' 3 3 .O n s "-3 n 9 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elkcountv, having met at the com missioners' ofliee in Bidgway, in said county, on the first Monday of Jan. AD iH70, being the third day of the month, for tlie purpose 01 auditing, settling and adjusting the accounts of the several county ofllces of said county, we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust their acounts, and found them correct, as stated in the annexed report. Joseph Windfclder "Es ., Treasurer of said county, having been duly noti fied, was represented by Jos. F. Wind fclder. After having, carefully examined, adjusted, settled and audited the ac counts of the said Joseph Windfclder. treasurer, we found due by him. the said treasurer, to the several funds, as is fully set forth in the foregoing re port, the sura of six thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty six cents, and due to him from funds set forth in said report, the sum of one thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars and eighty-eight cents, leaving a net balance of five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and seventy cipht cents, and also due to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty-two cents. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24th day of January, A. D. 1870. W. H. HYDK, ) (IT ROTHRCC'K Co. Aud'rs It. I. HPANOLER I Attest M. 8. Kline, Clerk, The Commissioners of Elk county, in account tcith the said county for the year ending January ist, 1870, Ueo Ed. Wcls. 20 82 39 To county orders 225 223 233 225 255 255 235 225 231 $231 231 '-'31 84 53 By seventy-five days ser vices at $3 00 37 Julius 3neg, To county orders 81 41 22 03 10 13 By eighty-five days servi ces at $3 00 Michael Weidert. To oounty orders By seventy-seven days ser vices at $3 W 92 30 Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of Elk count u. in account with said count.11. for the year ending January nt, 1870 To Com costs collected 8411 fine-coin vs Robert Warnet remittance recognizance Com'th vs Charles Service J indict fee Com vs Wm Steel jury fee com vs An'dw Distlef LD Ripple J Van Brabant vs Putsel etal jury fee A Wise vs J A Haak Harman & Coon Vs H W May S A Olmstead vs Horton tp D Scribner vs Ridgway tp Alderfer & Preston vs Buf falo S Y4PKK Co. Jury fee i Opdyke vs F A I.iesch J K Orr vs Hathburt et al M Feiley vs Andrew Kaul Alderfer & Preston vs Butl'alo N Y & P R R Co jury fee P Weleh vs Joseph Koch C Shortwell rs O Scull et al W Johns vs Ed Walters John Bauer vs Jno U Det-ht couuty orders jail expenses " sheriff's lees Com costs 5 J 00 .25 00 1 34 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 400 400 4 00 4 00 4 00 539 50 471 40 15 28 98 09 74 83 15 98 00 00 $1,250 482 Balance due Sheriff 1,733 17 By conveying Mary King to Dixmont 125 00 Kate Williams to Dixmont 125 00 serving Jurors, May term '75 111 00 conveying Charles Meeiian to penitentiary 120 00 serving furors September term 1875 111 00 serving jurors Nov. 1875 111 00 conveying T Fox to W P 1U0 00 L Haight and J Clark to pen'y, one-half of $240 for extra man 120 00 serving Jurors Jan term '76 11100 cost in search for J Johnson 5 On " for Deloss Butler 20 00 drawing four Juries in 1S76 4 00 ft 1 pair shackles taken by D Butler 7 00 three pairs liand-cufTs 13 60 c'g attachni't ag'st A Wild fire 2 20 serving petition of John Kreig to Inquire into the lunacy of Mary King, his wife 2 00 serving decree in the matter of the lunancy of K. Williams 3 00 serving subpopiias In Com. cases on part of Commonwealth 15 29 turnkey fees 22 00 lull expenses, Including board lllg, (SC., W .11111. 1st, irwu unit m.i fees in Commonwealth cases 15 18 $1,733 17 We, the undersigned, Auditors of . Elk county, having met at the com missioners' office, in Bidgway, in said county, on the 1st Monday of Janu ary, A. D. 1870, being the third day of tlie month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and adjusting tlie accounts of tlie several county officers, and at which time "we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust tlie accounts of the several county officers, and found them correct, an set lortn in the foregoing re port. Daniel Hcull, Esfj., High Sheriff of said county M-as present in person. " We found due to him by the said county of Eik tlie sum of four hundred and eighty-two and fifty-four one hundredths dollars, which sum wo hereby certify to be correct, as set forth in tlie foregoing statement. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hand the 24th day of T . Tl ...... . January, a. ij. jo. O. T. RornuocK, I R I. SPANUI,ER, County Aud'rs. Attest m. W Kline, Cleric. J)A KIEL SCCIL, ESQ., High Sher iff f l'tlk county, in acwytnt with the several School Districts. To fine Com vs. George Funk, for use of Horton school district CO 00 (A 50 00 60 00 By balance due Horton school district 60 00 RIDG 11.4 Y t- ST. MARYS STA TE Road in account with the funds of said Road for the year ending Jan' uary 1st, 1870. To bal. in hands of Stat onload treas. at last settlement 1,846 00 " am't ree'd from Co. treas. Benzinger township ' am't ree'd from Co treas. Jones township " am't ree'd from Co. treas. Ridgway township 401 74 407 47 623 22 " proceeds of bonds Sen- 17 and 18 920 00 3,158 82 By am'tp'd J. K. P. Hall bal due him at lastset'm't lor work in Benzinger tp. " am't paid on bond Xo. 15, Benzinger township "nm't paid Wilcox Tanning Co. for work in Jones tp. " amount paid J. L. Brown for services, " am't paid C. II. M'Cauley for services " ain't paid J. K. P. Hall for services Benzinger twp. "amount bond 'o. 6, Ridg way township 838 09 WJX 228 81 1 06 500 26 75 004 67 2,593 32 505 50 3,168 62 Balance clue fund Tht Commidiunei s of the Ridgway and Brookvilia Stale. Road in account with the funds of said Road for the year ending January 1876. To bal. due fund at last set'm't 2,140 10 " unseated land orders ree'd County commissioners 2.175 00 " cash ree'd from Co. treas, 387 09 $1,708 19 489 80 Balnneeclue comm'rs 5,19709 By work done under G. D, Messcntrer 1,424 75 " under II. Carman 2,181 25 00 ' " repairs, tools. Asc 197 69 services of U. D Messenger 440 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 " Hiram Carman 250 95 ord'rsgiv'n us col. for int. on bonds 250 00 II. Carman for team work on r'd 206 25 discount 011 orders negotiated ior money norroweu 1:0 lumber and material fofbridgo over Touy. 188 71 am't paid C. H. M'Cauley for seviees as secretary 20 00 5,197 99 We'the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met in the com missioners' office, in Ridgway. in said couhty.on the first Monday of Jan. AD1K70. being the third day of the month, do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited, adjusted and settled the accounts of the com missioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St Marys State Road and tlie commis sioners of the Ridgway and Brookville State Road, and find them correct, as set forth in the foregoing report. In Witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24 day of Jan. W. II. HYDE. )CK j LER ) G. T. ROT H ROCK V Co. Aud'rs R. I SPANGL Attest M. S. Kline, Clerk. Financial Statement of Millstone School District from June 1875, until Jan. 15, 1870. VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY. Unseated Lands' $00,027 00 19,640 00 Seated and Personal ToUt $85,673 00 Amount of Mills Levied for the year 1875 3 Resources as Per Last Report $3,183 38 lax levied on unseated lauds for the year 1875, Seated Lands and Personal Projierty State appropriation for 1875, Tuition irom adjoining District Interest on judgment against, Wm. Clyde $3,741 94 EXPEDITURES Teachers' Salaries Fuel and Repairs, $874 25 The Board of School Directors of 03 54 lumsioiie ociiooi iisiricx. met anu ex amined the accounts of the Treasurer and find them as ubove set forth this 15, day of January 1876. G. D. DONAHEY, President. Attest. Adam Zimmermnan, Sec'y. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES J. 8. BORDWELL U Local Ageat for all kinds of Fruit and Oraaaieuul Trees Shrubs, Roses, Flowers &o-, from the best Nursery lu the state of New York. Buy at home and save money. i6a8?a8 198 09 90 09 63 94 40 50 109 04 2624