O. A. RATHBUN, Atttrnsy-at-lew,, Hdgwey, Pa. 2Jtf. RUFUS LVCORE, Attorney-et-Lw Ridt-way. Elk Co.. Pa. Offiee in all'a naw Itriek nuililinv. Clalma for tolleotioa promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL fc JfVAULEY, Atlorneys-al-Law. Office in New Brick Building, Main St fcidny, Elk Co., fa. v3n2tf. Ji O. V. BULET, ATTORNSV-AtLAW. vlai.l. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Treveler'e Life and Aeei dtnl Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surreon Dentiat, having permanently lo- eatad in Rlgway, offers hii professional ear- omm in BiLizena ui uiurnsT nuu Bur . ... a itiftA in Hffpv iftt a vv nftAicr uuuainr. ud- w - : .... ire, first door to tha left. iS-uSi-iy CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, EngrnTer and .Tewelor Main street, Bidgwny, Pa. Agent forth How Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Wntcliei, etc, docewith it itmi accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Dpuwiit and ParmaceutUt. N. W. cornel f f Main and Mill street, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment or eareiuny scieciea ror- iign ana Domestic Drugs, l'resoriptions :arefully dispensed at all hours, day or jrut. vmay T. S. HARTLEY. Jf. D., Physician aha Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, eoruer ISrond and Main Bis. Residence corner Uroad St. opposite the College. Office hour fren f to 10 A. M. and Horn 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. J. S. J) OR I) WELL, M. D., Eelcetie Physiciau and Surgeon, hasremsv ed his oflice from Centre etreet, toMair st. Ridgway, I'm, in the second story ef the seer bri-lt building ef John 0. Hall, oppo- vmjo uours; i 10 r n i iv v i . . HYDE HOUSE, Ridowhy, Elk Co., Ta W. II. SCHUAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore eo liberally bostowed upon him, the nev tention to the comfort and convenience ot guests, to merit a continuance oi tkr aaie. Oil 80 16r,y. KERSEY HOUSE, CiRTBiTtLin, Elk Co., Pa. Jons Collins, Ptoprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore eo liber illy bestowed upon him, the net proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at nation 10 t0 comfort and convenience ef gueet. t merit a continuance of the aiue. r P. IF. HAYS, DSALIi. IS Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, pry FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley J. . Vla47tf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. the trains on the Philadelphia k Erie Railroad will run aa follows t WSSTWABD. KA3E AJUUUM leavee Kenovo.... 4 BO p a Driftwood., 6 65 p m " Emporium 6 66pm St Marys... 7 66pm Ridgway... 8 25pm Wilcox 9 05pm arr at Kane.. 9 80 p m ER1I II AIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " Renovo... 1106 am " Emporium 1 10 p m Et. Mary's 2 00 p m Ridgway 2 25 p m Wilcox........ m 2 68 p tn " arrive at Erie 7 60 p m EASTWARD. BENOYO ACCOM leares Kane.;. 8 00 a m Wilcox- 8 83 a m " Ridgway. 9 26 m 8t Marys -10 01 a m " " Bmporium 11 05 urn - Driftwood..... 12 16 p m " Renoro ......... 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leave Erie .....1 1.20 a m " KsD.H.m...... 8 45 p m i " Wiloox 4 08pm ' " Ridgway ........ 4.45 p m - " 8t. Mary 'a 6.10 p m ' " Emporium 6.06 p m " Renoro- 8.26 p m arr. at Philadepbla... 6.60 m RenoTo Accom and Kane Aocom conueot aat and west at East with Low Grade Di tales and II M Y 4 P R R WM. A. BALDWIN. Oen'l Sup't. 1 raah family Oroerita, and Canned fttefitPAKY The ekeapetM4 ei 1876. CENTENNIAL YEAH. THE PITTSBURQ DAILY DISPATCH. A Paper for the People The Leading Journal of Western Penn sylvania, and One of the Largest, Liveliest, Cheapest tod Uctt Newspaper in the United State. FURNISHED IN CLUBS OP TEN AT SIX DOLLARS A YEAR AND POSTAGE PREPAID- Every One Should Subscribe For It. Ttt.k nfjaiaa MadlM hlt rl Sfai b aVrtllll city Uftiljr ihould, by U memni, lubicribe for ihe l'ittbvr$h ipatch Large. Lire taining find furniebing the Latest News, atvt, beyond queation one of the moil Um Hlinltla attfl fflt W I h Itl tlflil journaU published ia the United State.. The Dtyalcn will enter upon us imrij r: ....a nn iltA Sth nf Fabrtttr. wlin it will appear in new typo now being oast for !. ..a1..K.:A tennanaail In (all tin Am. ....Imnnli It fli LiRnKflf PAPIll in th tftrvtc, publishing from thirty-eix to furtj I ... t rl.il. A. Ih. M.i(T.nr.ifU. of the occasion requires, and giving the latest news by mail and telegraph from all quarters of the globe, including the fullest aud most reliable Commercial and Finan cial Reports, home and foreign; full and reliable Caiile Market aud Oil Repcrts; daily report of curreut events in the eity, including Court News, Police Reports, and General l ily intelligence; Personal Politi cal rnd Society Ntws, with carefully diges ted EUitorinl Comments upon all the more important topics or the day Special Corre. pondence from various points of interest, Original Poetry, tic. Etc. Whether for he Merchant, the Manufacturer, lhe Pro. fessionul man, the Farmer or the Family, the Vitpalth will be a most valuable and reliable journal, and as such we can cheer fully commend it to the readiug public. The best evidence of the popularity of the In'r patch is the fact it is read by all classes, regardless of Country, Creed or Politics, and enjoys a circulation more than double that of any paper in the State outside of Philadelphia. TKRMfl Ry mail to single subscribers, pestage prepaid, $8,00, per annum in clubs of 10 $5,00. Served by agents or carrlors to single eubsoribcrs at 15 cents per week. Postmasters are authorized to receive sin gle subscribers at $G 00 each. Send fur a speciman copy. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH One ol the Choioest, Cheapest and Jlen Family Newspapers runiitnl. Kverj One Should Subscribe for it The PiUibwfh Wtthly Ditpatch, like the Daily, la printed from clear new type, and is one of l be olioicest, as well ax one of the cheapest Family papers published. It is a large folio sheet, containing thlrty-sii col umns of matter, embracing all the more im portant news of the week, carefully collated and condensed and omitting nothing essen tial to a general knowledge oi everything of interest transpiring throughout tne country Indeed, as a newspaper, it is not surpassed by any similiar publication in America; while the care With which its selections are made and their great variety render it a most desirable journal for the family ajsurnal replete With interesting reading, aud one that cannot fail to please. The Commercial, Financial and Oil Reports of the Wtfkly Viptitch are made up with great rare, and are always full and reliable, while to its Cattle Market reports equal at tention is given. The Weekly Juptth U furnished to single subscribers at f 1 60 a year, or in clubs of ten at $ 1 CO, with a paper gratis to the party getting up the club. It is the cheapest paper in America, its sise and the amount of reading matter it gives considered, and every family should have it. Address, O'NEILL & ROOK. Publishers Daily aud Wukly Diipalch, Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa. Vick's Flower & Vegetable seeds. are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all wbo enclose ike postage a 2 cent stamp. Vick'ei Flower & Vegetable Garden Is the most beautiful work of the kind ia the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds, of fine illustrations, and four Chromo Flatet of FloKtri, beautifully diawn and celored from nature- Price 35 oent in paper oovers; 65 cent bound in elegan cloth. Vick's Floral Guide This ia a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored Frontlspteoe with the first number, Prioa only 25 eenta for the ysai. The first umber for 1807 jost issued. Address JAMES V1CK, Rechealsr, N. T. Private tuition. Pupils wantisg to receive instruction In Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can have opportunity ef dolag ao by applying to the Rector of Grace Church. He having made- the neeeseary arrange meots will be glad to reoeive limited number of young ladiea end gentlemen for instruction. Ter information aa to terms Ao apply te REV WM. J AS. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. Aug 19,8m A OOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of Debility aad Siok neat fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. O. PdCLPS BROWN, 21 Grand Btreet, Jersey City, IT. J. EVRY MAN AND WOMAN who it tiling in any way ahould mad and get a opy at onee, aa U is eat free, prepaid by avail. AdireeeUe oathoa, at above. tlnSlyl 1876. THURSDAY, FEB. 8D, 1876. Announcement. To tfn Voten of RUgway towmht'p: We tin authorized to announce the name of C. W. BAUHKITasan Intle pendent candidate fur Constable at the Townnhlp Klection to bo held Feb. 15th 1870. Tn the Voter tf Ridgway township: I hereby offer myaelf aa a candidate Ar 41m nffliw nf t Vinutnlila. and. if elected will attend to the dutleaof ald office to the bent of my ability: J. W. MOHlt KHTKIl. To tht Vottr of R!dgoay townthip: I hereby offer myself aa a candidate for the office of Constable, and, if elected, Mill attend to the dutiea of said ofilce to the best of my ability. It. H. COATS. Good Klelghing to-day. Sdbhcribk for the ADVOCATE and we will lie happy. Let every Republican attend the caucus next Tuesday evening. married! FLYNN O'SULLIVAN. On January Oth, 1S7H, at Quincy, Miws., hy llev. Francis l riguleth, Mr. John 1- lynn, of Ridirway. Pa., to Miss Bessie O'tiullivan, of Quincy. Mums. M'GLOIK FARRELL. On Jan. 18th, 1S76, at Emporium, Pa., by Rev. M. Maher, Mr. Francis M'Gloln. of Ridgway, Pa., to Miss May Farrell, of Emporium, Pa. REPUBLICAN TOWNSHIP CAUCUS. The Republicans of Ridgway town ship will meet at the oftiee of J. O. W. Railey, Esq., on TUESDAY, FEB RUARY, 8TH, 1876, between the hours of six and eight o'clock, P. M. for the purpose of nominating a ticket for the coming township election. JglYj'ttee. Notice Is hereby given that the Commis mlssioners of Elk County, will hold a court of appeals ut their Oflice in Ridg way on the 24th and 23th days of February, 1876 for the purpose of hear ing and determining appeals from the assessments, and reviewing the mili tary enrollment of 1878, ut which time and place all persons feeling them selves aggrieved by said assessment may attend if they see proper, fly order of the Board: Attest: W. S. Horton, fommr'i Clerk. Action of the Court in Reference te the Death of Hon. J. V. Houk. On January 29th, Hon. Jno. O. Hall presented the folllowing resolution: Resolved, That the member of this Court aud Bar bear testimony to the purity nnd integrity of the late Jacob V. Houk, ns well as the imnnrtialitv und urnetieal vnori sptiho with wii.f. he discharged his duties as a judge of this Court. And now to wit: January 29th. 187U. the Court concur with the sentiment c.prvid in t i tr t. V' ' hv ltwr-Vaim nH direct the sumo to be recorded and that a copy thereof 1kj delivered to the members of family of deceased as Jalso a eonv each ti the wncklv nowannuora in Elk county, requesting the publica tion luereoi. Attest: FRED. SCHreXING, Proth'y Tobacc oo Cigar, Candy, Cranbcrric, Lr.mom, Orange, Jloncy, and other fancy Groceru. nnd Aftiscellanie. including, Fur, Rooks, and Stationary for tale at the Sew York More. Call thcrr. or tend stamp for a catalogue of Album, Rook, lecture, and Station- try. Narrow Escape. J. X. Brown, painter, resident of this place bnd a very narrow escape from death last Saturday morning Brown was engaged at the foundry of Hyd, Kline A Co. white washing overhead, and near the main shaft, which was running at the rate of 120 revolutions a minute. He says he had only standing room between the shaft and an upright support of the building, knowing this fact he had left his coat down on the floor before commencing his work. He had readied down to replenish his brush when he came in contact with the shaft which at once commenced to draw him in its clutches. At the instant he com menced to feel his clothes tighten he grasped the upright support with one hand aud the rafters overhead with the other. In an Instant all was over, and Brown was in the holiday costume of the South Sea Inlanders, viz: paper collar and boots, every other article of clothing having been torn from him His presence of mind and prompt action saved his life as there was not standing room between the platform where he was working and the raf ters over-bead. Brown was said to be perfectly cool whlle.every one else was in a fever of excitement. PAY AS YOU GO If you pay for goods when jou buy hem, you will never be troubled with the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile ia the morning. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with your cash, get more than its value and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and say it ia working charm ingly. Apr&ETONs American Ctclopkdia that the revised, and elegantly illua trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 ptget onee id two months, ia the best Cycloped 5' America, it eertain. No library ii t pltte without it. It ii ji complete eat id itself. It only costs S3 a month I get it ia leather binding. Tht beat tad cheapest library in the world. AaeWmt V. 'Ms, evrwewte, JI. V Court ProceedJar ctrth mr. Lewi 8 Dodd vt John Munn. feigned Issue. VerdlcQn flavor of plff. win. h. Evans v A. J Avery re plevin and judgment Verdict for pi ff.J j.jb. Whitman vs John McOafflck: assumpsit Deft, confessea Judgment for 1151,84. Lazarus Moyer vs Patrick Lamb; as sumpsit. Verdict for the plff. In the sum of 1084,94. R W Moorhead et al. vs. Hiram Carman; assumpsit. Continued by consent. John Andrews vs. G. T. Wheeler et al. Htricken off by consents. R. C. M'Glll vs. The Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Continued. Frank X. Sorg vs D- C. Oyster; tres pass. Verdict for plaintiff for f 20 00. Miles Dent vs. W. C. Wyckhoffand Win Wyckhoff. Verdict for plaintiff for $358,42. Sarah V. wilcox.'iwidow, etc. vs. Jesse Piatt and John Piatt. Con tinued. Win. It. Young et al vs. The Al legheny Valley R. R, Co. Continued. LoranaE. Lucorevs. Hirman Wood ward. Continued. J. 8. Rates vs. Martin Ens. Deft confessed Judgment in the sum of $140. John J. Ridgway vs .Isaac Stephen son, and Geo. Btephedson, ejectment for 60 acres land In Ridgway township warrants 4855. Verdict for plff. the land described in the writ. John J. Ridgway vs. Sarah 8. Burns and John Walker ejectment for lot Xo. CO in Ridgway. Verdict for the plff. the land described in the writ. J. K. P. Hall vs D. Kunes and Mary Kuncs. Continued by consent at cost of defts James Black vs Orrin 8. Banders, Plea in this case amended so as to plead non assumpsit within one year. A Wolf & Son vs Martin Enx Con tinued. J W Brown vs D B Polen Stricken off. H C Moore et al vs the Township of Millstone Stricken off George Wels, survl vor et al vs the 6t Marys Coal Company Continued A C Allen vs H W May Continued. Geo. Brown vs Wm K Winslow. case upon promises, Judgment for 237,60. CRIMINAL LIST. Com. vs Charles Webb and Zenas Webb. Continued. Com. vs Richard Dallcy Recog nizance forfeited and respited. Com, vs Wm Bennett. Xollo pros entered ujon payment of costs. Com. vs Daniel Kunes; assault and battery Deft, not guilty the costs to be equally divided .between Mary Kunes the pros nnd David Kunea the defendant1 Com. vs Abner Bailey; assault and battery. Not arrested. Com. vs Ellen Homing, assault and battery. Xol pros. Com vs Mrs Lorson; assault and bat tery. Xol pros Com. vs 8ilas W Bevier; assault and bulWry. Deft, not feu IK;.- but i-y the costs of prosecution. Com Yi John Rhlnehuls ct al. Xot arrested. Com. vs John E. Andrews; larceny. Forfeited and respited. Com vs Andrew Distler Continued Com. vs John Scott. Continued Com vs Daniel Meddock, larceny. Continned. Com vs Charles Hayes, larceny. Jury disagree. Com vs Frank Rhines. Continued Com vs Charles H. Hoffman Recog nizance forfeited and respited to next term. Com vs Wm. Gels. Continued: Com vs Albert Teller. Not arrested Com. vs. D. D. Cook; assault and battery. Not a true bill and prosecu tor John Fan non to pay the costs. Com vs E 8 Rice; malicious mis chief. Nol pros upon payment of costs. ' Com vs Samuel Rathbun and James King; larceny. Defts not guilty. Com. vs. Samuel Rathbun. Con tinued Com. vs John Hart man, Continued. Com vs A. A. Bowdish Continued Com vs Daniel D Cook. Deft, pleads guility,'and sentenced to pay a fine of f 200 to the com. and costs. Com. vs John Enimitt. Continued to the next adjourned term. Com. vs John Werner, and Nicholas Xewbert. Continued Com. vs Martin Herbstrcet and Nicholas Neibert. Nol. pros. entereuV upon payment of costs. Com vs Joseph Brown Not a true bill the e runty to pay the costs. Com. vs Samuel Rathbun; fraud and obtaining money under false pretense. Deft, to enter into his own recogni zance in the sum of $100 with one surety in like sum. Com. Vs Samuel Rathbun and James King; passing counterfeit money. Continued and Deft- Rathbun and King to enter into their own re cognizances in the sum of $500 each and one sufficient surety each in like sum. Com. vs Samuel Framptou and Ful sen Framptom. Continued. Bakers Sweet Chotolatt at POWELL & KIME'S. If you want a bog of feed, or a bushel oi potatoes or a barrel or sack of bour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P & K'slorit SiUi ef AirerUilnf. Oat ethima, tat year , $75 00 attaata taaasaaa tanaaiail 40 00 I H II 25 00 I is no Transient adrartissmeats ear square of eigot naci, oat insarueo 91, two inaer licaa, $1.60, thrtt iaatrtioai, $2. Business cards, tea liaat or late, tar fear Ssj. aaythit artaily. ELK COTOTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office In Thayer k Hsgerty'i Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TUTSis TWOTJULLARB A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK! CARDS, TAGS, XNYEL0PE8, LETTER BEADS, NOTE HE A?, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, 0. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO XUtm, TIB ADTOCATI, C3 Oh 4 Hats and Caps a complete aastrtaatot at P. & Eft. Hunting Rubbers! with and without heels, a large lot at P. k KV All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless and akiolesa. Also some of the old faahioned in lull dreas, at P: k KV Those Hamilton Correts at P k K's re the most durable, and tht cheapest in market. Over Coats? from $5 lo $25 a large and splendid stock. Sup in and get ona at P. k K's. Rosted coffee a genuine article, at P. k K's. Summer Clothing, for those Boyi and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmer at P k K's Olvt the Aohocsti offloe a call for bill heads, lettar-heada, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married laare ua an order for your cards New goods, every day in the year except Sundays and legal holidays at tht great mammoth Grsnd Central Store of P. k K's. No bragging around. Call for whalyou want. A complete stock of ladies misses and ehildrens shces, light, medium and heavy at P, k K's. Now is the time to buy. Alpaeaa cheaper that aver befer katwa aP. 4 K's. "King Bee" and many others kinds ofehewiDg tobacco. Also smoking ef all the popular brands at P. k K's. Those new style prints, at P k K's are the general talk of the town. Go and see tnem. Paper collars tha nobbiest! with turn down corners also the good old Byron style at P. k K's. A full stock oi fresh Family, groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rioe, Syrups, Spices, R. B Powder, Baking, and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing in that line, at P, & K's. A general stock ot winter clothing, at very low price at P. & K's. It ytu want any bl'ched er brewn uslint, from to 10-4 wide any quality, ge to head quarters, Powell & Kime's and select t your teste. Yoang man if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to PU Y ELL & KIM KB O rand Cen tral Store, And get youself a new white hnea bosom shirt, lou can get a good fitting white olean shirt for $1.25 and iron that up. Buffalo, New York k Philadelphia R'y On and after November 118th. 1875, aad until further notioe, traina will leave Buffalo from tl'S Buffalo, New York k 1'biladelpbia Kailroad Depot, corner fcrohaoge and Louisiana streets, (Buffalo time as follows: 7:30 A. M., fMAlL, (daily except Sud- d.;r) Moping at Ebnesr 7l65 Spring brook P:05 Eloia 81II Jamison's 8;17 Aurora 8:23 Wales 8:34, Holland 8:44 Pro. lection 8:54 Arcade ttiOj Yorkshire 9il2 Maehias9:19 Frauklinville 0:87 Isehda9t55 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Railway 10:24 Olean 10;85 Weston's 10:43 Porttille 10:60 State Line 10:58 Eldred 11:11 Larabee's 11:20 Sartwell 11:25 Turtle Point 11:30 Port Al iegeny 11:42 Liberty 12:02 P. M. Keating iz.tw einppen iz:zo emporium 1Z:4U r. 11 Connrctina at Olean with Erie Ky. for local points west, and for tha Oil Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 aud Bradford at 1:25 P. M.) at Larabee'a with the McKran A Buffalo B. It., and at Emporium with the P. E. R. R. for local points west to Erie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, (daily except Sundays) alopning at Ebensier at SiW, spring vrook W:t5, fclma 8180, Jami son's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Vales 10:40 Hoi. land 11:10 Protection 11:35 Arcade 12:10 P. M., Yorkshire 12:80 Machiaa 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:25 Hinsdale 8:02 Erie Railway 4:05O1cau 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M, EXPRESS, (daily ercept Sundays) stopping at Ebeneier. 4:23. Spring Brook 4:83 Eltna 4:38 Jamison'a 4:43 Aurora 4:4o Wales 6:00 Holland 6:10 Protection 6:20 Arcade 6:83 Yorkshire 5; 40 Machiaa 5:60, Franklinville 6:06 Isohua 6:25 Hinsdale 6:89 Erie Railway 6:66 Olean 7:iu, vteeton's v:io, rortvuie 7:26, State Line 7:82, Eldred 7:46, Larabee's 7:52 Sartwell 7-67, Turtle Point 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14, Liberty 8;82, Keating 8:40 Suippea 9:00, Emporium 9:15 P. M. Con necting at Larabee's with MoKean & Buf falo 11. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;00 A. M., EXPRESS, fdaily accept Sunday) stopping at Bbippeo 4:15, Keat ing 4;34, Liberty 4:42, Port Allegmy 6:01, Turtle Point 6:13 Sariwall 6:18, Larabee'a 6:24, Eldrtd 6:82, State Line 6:46, Port ville 6:62. Westoa'a 6.00, Oleaa 6:21, Erie Railway G:Z, Hinsdale 6:87. Isohua 6:62. Franklinville 7.09 Matties 7:26, Yorkshire 7:38, Arcade, 7i4u, rroteotioa 7:63, Hol land 8:03, Wales 8.11. Aurora 8i23. Jami son'a 8:29 Elma 8;34, Spring Brook 8:40, Ebeneier e:ou, gunaio v.io A. M. Connect ing at Larabet't with the MoKeea k Buffalo R. R. 1:40 P. M., MAIL, fdaily except tiun- days) stopping at Shippaa I166 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:28, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:55, Sartwell 8:00, Larabee'a 3:07, EUred 8:15, Plata Line 8:80, Pert ville 8188, Westoa'a 8;45, Olean 4;08,Erit Railway 4 05, Hinsdale 4 21, Ischua 4 88. Franklinvillt 4 68, Machiaa 6 16 Yorkshire 6 25 Arcade 5 38 Protectiou 6 47 Holland 6 68 ales 6 08 Aurora 6 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma 6 81 Spring Brook 6 86 Ebeneier 8 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean with Erie Railway from Limestone and Uraurora. TRAINS LEAVE OLEAN 6 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, ttopn log at Erie Railway ft 60 Hinsdale 7 20 Ischua 7 60, Franklinvillt 8 40 Machiaa 9 27 Yorkshire S 60 Arcade 10 10 ProUotioa 10 49 Holland 11 10 Watea 11 86 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison'a 12 24 Elma 12 86 Spring Book 12 60 Ebeneier 1 16 Buffalo 2UUf. M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., atopplng at Ebeneter 9 22 Spring Brook 9 81 Elma 9 87 Jamiaoa't V 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. SUNDAY TRAIS LEAVES AURORA 642? M.. atopping at Jamison'a 6 48, Elms 6 63 Spring Brook 6 68 Ebtoeatr 6 06 Buffalo 6 m r. M. J. D. YEOMANS, H. L. LYMAN. tVat'i. Jet's. Gea'J J ft. TOBTTfORK. We art new prepared Y todoaUkinisof JOBWORK. tnvalepss, Taga. Bill-heads. Latter haadt tally and thtaply executed. Offitt ia Thayer c uagerty BY MJCisg, Maia SEW ADYEBTLSLME5TS. Notice. All persona art hereby cautioned against baying removing or In any way meddling with a lot of household goods ia tht pos. aesioa tf O. MoCamey, of Spring Creek, aa I have purchased tht above named property at Sheriff's Sale. blLAS M0HNET. Spring Creek, Jan. 26, 1876. n49tt. XDW'B.J.EYAM am. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN Yobk, Pekn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Seeds, Grass Heeds, Seed Corn, Seed Potatoes, Seed AY heat, Tree and Hedge Seeds, &c. Bulbs, of all kinds, for Spring and Fall planting. BULBS. TREES. Standard and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and Small Fruit. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Roses, Hedge Plants, Ac. En close Stamp for price list, 25c for Full Descriptive Catalogue. E. K. GRESll, Dealer in oil kinds of cabinet ware, woodnnd cane seat choirs, kitchen and extcntion tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, what Dots, looking glasses, wood ana marble top chamber suite, mattresses, Rpring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, Ac, Ac. Cane seat replaced with perforated wood seats, weed sewing machine reduced from to to $4-5, the best machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made colli ns constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the alove goods are sold at panic prices. W are Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway, I'a. V5n49tpdapr27'77. Financial Statement of Millstone Town' ship for the year ending January, 3d 1870. VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY Unseated Lands f 66,027 00 Seated and Personal 10,546 00 Total Mills Levied for Road 10 85,573 00 Additional cash for " 10 Mills Levied for Poor 3 Additional for Poor 7 ROAD TAX Elk county Dr. to Township for unseated Tax Returned for 1874 A 75, $1,980 81 Supervisors, Br. to Township to Seated Tax for 1675 391 71 Total 2,372 52 Cr By unseated Road orders to Township Treasurer 625 00 To Balance due Township from Elk County and Su pervisors, 1,847 62 2,872 52 Dr. to judgment against Township by Harrison Cata Interest and cost, 1,475 00 POOR TAX. Elk County Dr. to unseated Tax returned for the year 1874 A 75 S64 40 Overseers, Dr. to Seated Poor Tax for 1876 193 43 $1,057 42 Cr. by ordersssued Dy overseers of Poor 231 42 To balance Due Township from Elk county and over seers 82,6 50 1,057 82 We, the undersigned! nuditors of Millstone Township, Elk county, met ncording to law and certify that we have carefully examined the above ac counts and find them correct to the . best of our knowledge and belief. Jan. 8th 1870. CAMPBELL BLAIR, AnMtMm G. C. T. HUFF. Auditors. Attest, C. H. Hoffman, Clerk, n 40-43 CHEAPEST AND BESF.jgl PETERSON'S MAGAZINE rcsTA.8i m-riB on ail stoscsif 1'IQNS. qretented with a superb, large-sized steel ....-. f 7. l...jn . ,. 1 .11 u.iny iy iiwuui ccKuruceu pic ture of The Signing of the Declare h'in a J ft flit f I , . l eierson a ventennial uil.g "Peterson's Mnantinr" nnntiim every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates, n. cuiorea xertin pattern a, IZ mam. moth colored fashion plates, 24 pages of mu&ic, and 900 wood cuts. Great improvements will bs made tn 1876. Among them will be a aeries of illustrated artlcleaon the Great Kxl.ihi tion at Philadelphia, which will alona be worth the aubserintinn will appropriately called. tsx oxmtmxAX. is ns pzkcili The immense circulation of Ptr. on" enables its proprietor to spend more tnouey on establishments, stories, dVo.. ko.. than anv other. Jt mVa for the money than any in the tcorld, IIS. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL. ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular Writers are tmnlrmA to write originally for "Peterson." In loiu, in addition to the usual quantity of short stories. FIVR nBTiiivn. COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will bo given, oy Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict. Mrs. F. II. RnrnAtt. n4 others. Ahead ot all others. Thur r.Ui. ... eogtaved on steel, twice the tjbcal biE, ana are unequalcd for beauty. They will be superbly colored. Alao, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. N. B.At the tuhi;k pays thepostoge to all mail subscribers, teierton W CHEAPER THAN EVER; tn Jact it THE CHEAPEST IN TBI WORLD. S Cealas farBa.ftn m mm. With a copy of the premium meziotint (21x261 "Christmas Mnoviv-r, fiv dollar engraving, to the person get- uug up mo VIUU. 4 Coniaa fat Kft.ftA r--i ,00. With an tztra copy of tha Ma. lint for 1876, aa a premium, tt tht person getting up the Club .0 It Ctplae. lev 1B.OO. With ?2 'B eop3r of tb Mgnt for 1876, and tht premium mesxotint, M tht wfir9' " l'"0a 1 itiB Addrasa, post-paid, SOB CbMtnut ft, rtaUaMlia)hi, itSrPptetaitoi mt gratis if wnttar