The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 20, 1876, Image 3

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    G. A. RA TUB UA,
Ridgway, Pa. J 2 tf.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office Id
HaII's new Brick Building. Claim . for
Collection promptly attended to.
Office iu New Brick Building, Main Si
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2lf.
lnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
A gent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi
deni Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers his professions! ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana Bar
rounding country. All work warranted
Oflico in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
Btairs, first door to the left, 73-n-32-ly
Watchmakr-r, Engraver and Jeweler,
Wain Btrcct, KldgWny, I'a. Agent tor tb
llowe Sewing Mucl.iiie, aud Morton Gob'
Pen. llepniriug Watches, etc, doce with
he name accuracy as heretofore. Satin
actio l guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Parinaceutht. N. W. cornet
of Main and Mill street?, Hidgway, Pa.
full as9orluieut of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispeused at all hours, day or
night. vlu3y
Physician aba Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad aud
Main Sts. Residence corner Broad St
opposite the College. Ullice hours lroin
B to 10 A. M. nud trom 7 to o 1 M.
vlu'.'y 1.
J. S. B ORB WELL, M. D.,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed Ins o Hi ce from Leutre sued, to Man st
Itidgnuy, Pa,, iu the second story of the
lie brick building ot Jotm u. Hull, eppo
bite Hyde's store.
t;fid j hours: 1 to 2 P .I 7 to 0 P M
KiDQWAY, Elk Co., Pa
W. II. SC1IKAM. Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon uim, the new
proprietor, hopes, ty pnying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience ot
guests, to inerii a coutiuunuce oi the
Oct 20 1SGJ.
Ckntucvillb, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretotort
so liber illy bestowed upou him, the new
pro prielor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comlon aid convenience
ot guests, t merit a continuance of the
deals, in
Cry Goods, Notions, Groceries
and Genial Variety,
Zarlcy 1. O.
Pbiladelph.a & Erie R. U. Division
ON andaftor MONDAY, MAt 24, 1875,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Ens Ku.lroad will run as follows:
KANE ACCOM leaves Keuovo..... 4 35 p m
' " ' Diit't ood.. 5 55 p ni
' " " Eaiporiuji tj 55 p iu
" " " St Alarys... 7 65 p m
" " " Kiilgway... 8 -!5 p ni
' Wilco t 05 p m
ari' ut Kane.. 9 80 p ni
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p oi
' llenovo 11 06 am
" Emporium 1 10 p ui
St. Mary's 2 00 p in
" KMgwuy 2 25 p ui
" Wilcox 2 58 p ui
" arrive at Erie 7 60 p ui
RENOVO ACCO 1 leaves Kane.,. 8 00 a m
" " Wilcox 8 33 ni
Ridgway 9 25 a in
" 8: Marys 10 01 a ui
" Eo-poriuui 1105 am
' " Driftwood 12 15 p m
" Rcnovo 1 40 p in
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie.. 11.20 a ui
" " " Kane 8 46 p m
t' " ' Wilcox 4 08 p oi
" " Ridgway ..4.45 pm
" " St. Alary's 6.10 p m
41 " Emporium (3.05 p ui
" Keuovo 8.25 p ui
" " arr. at Philadephia... ti.60 a m
. Renovo ooom aud Kane Accom couuect
east and west st East with Low Urado Di
vision and B N Y & P 11 K
Qen'l Sup't.
Fresh family Groceries, and Canoed
goods at P & K's. The ehtanast aad
J. S. BORDWELL is Local Atfcnt for all
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Shrubs, Roses, Flowers fto-, from the best
Nursery In the state of New York. Buy at
home and save money. v5n37m3.
Look out for tramps.
Give us a call for job worlc.
Court commences next Monday,
l'he Township election ocoufs on
February 15th.
Easter Sunday occurs on the 16lh ol
Star spangled stockings for ladies are
the latest.
The Oil Creek It. R. was recently
sold for $100,000.
The P. & li. R. R. Company will
conimenco running a night express
train about the first ot March.
"I wish you a happy Centennial," is
the latest way of expression the con: pit -i
meats of the new year.
Tup. stamp tax on bank checks,
matches etc, will not be repealed.
We have received from E. W. Gray,
the Democrat carrier, a very beat ad
dress, printed in purple and gold.
When you see a married man loafing
around, you can wager your last dollar
that his wife baa to support him,
Judge Whitmore keeps a good sup
ply of wood on hand for the amuseuieut
of tramps.
Four tramps took up lodgings in the
P. & E. water tauk for a few days
Gov. Joiix F. IIaRtranft wil! ac
cept our thanks fur a copy of his mes
sage, A large stock of fine furs were de
ceived fast week at the Aew 1'ork Store
Sold at remarkably low prievt.
In Brad Ibid county, the other day a
father ag?d ninety years boxed his son's
ears severe for ubusing his wile. The
boy is about sixty years old.
Mr. Jacob McCauley has .had the old
Abvocute office in the Court (Iuuc,
neatly papered and painted, making a
very neat and attractive office.
1 1 is stated that oter 13,000 tracts of
land embracing 2,500,000 acres, reaiaiu
unpatented in Pennsylvania, upon
which there is due the commonwealth
threc-Quarters of a millioo dollars.
The grass grew, wild pigeons flew and
balmy zephers blow, while the centen
nial year was uew. Just keep these
wondrous fads in view, as the like may
ne'er again be seen by you. Clearfield
"Gulliver's Travel," Mark Twain's
' Sketches Xew and Old," Dr. Hayes.
''Open Polar Sea," Prcscolt's "Con
quest of Mexico," and Irving's "Life
of Columbus; all beautifully illus
trated, for sah at the Xew York Store
Assistant Assessors, Next year
being the time for making; the triennial
assessment it should be borne in mind
that two Assistant Assessors should be
elected in every borough and township
at the approachiug February election,
on the third TuesJay of the month
The Leap Year Party ni Compiuy
IPs armory last Friday evening was a
decided success. Thu ladies connected
with the party have the thanks ol
Company II. for the handsome amount
turned over to thu Treasurer, for the
purchase of a flag.
Oil Creek and Ridqway. 'This
road, which has, until lately, been
known as the Cranberry, is seven miles
lung from Oil City southward to Cran
berry coal mines. The uarrow gague of
the road has been changed to the stan.
duid 4 leet 8 inches. It is iutended
lo extend the road eastward through the
oil region aud to Ridgway. Railway
A man tied up his boat with a rope
made of hay. A cow got into the boat.
ate the rope in two, and the bout floated
off with the cow. Now the legal mind
iuquircs whether the owucr of the boat
sh ill sue the owner of the cow for the
loss of his boat or the owner of the cow
sue the owner of the boat lor the loss of
bis cow. Which?
E. W. Sheets, a Lawrenoe county
youth, was the successful competitor of
his Sabbath cchool class committing the
greatest number of yerses in the New
Testament, in three months. lis re
peated, so a looal paper says, 2,700, and
was presented with a copy of a book en
titled "Cast Adrift." A eooiety for the
prevention of cruelty to children, is sadly
wanted in that county.
Recently at Petroleum Center, a fifty-
five hundred barrel tank, in which five
thousand two hundred barrels of oil
were placed five years ago was emptied
of its contents, after a restsinoa 1S70.
Thirty-seven hundred barrels of mer
chantable crude was obtained, showing
that fifteen hundred barrels had been
'lost by evapotation, sediment, water
and d. a., a decline of nearly twenty-nine
TORS. State Superintendent Wicker
sham, in his report submitted to the
Legislature at its present session, says
that seotion 6, of the act, of April 20,
1874, applies to school directors, and it
is their duty to comply with its provis
ions. We quote from this section as
"The corporate authorities of everv
such municipality or district shall an
nually, in the month of January, pre
pare and publish, in at least two news
papers of said municipality or of the
oounty in which tho same is situate, if so
many be printed therein, a statement
showing in detail the actual indebted
ness, the amount of the funded debt, the
amount of the floating debt thereof,
the valuation of taxable property
therein, the assets of the coporation,
with the character and 'nature thereof,
and a Deglect or failure so to do shall
be a misdemeanor, punishable by fine
not exceediog one thousand dollars.
Printers' Legal tap and Juniata Broad
hill Legal Cap Paper, und all kinds
of Fancy Note Paper, including every
grade of the new " Centennial Paper,"
received last week at the New York
A Dastardly Act Ths Urookville
Republican" of tjje 5th inst., gives the
following, which exceeds any act of pure
unadulterated deviltry, of which we
havo&ny Knowledge.
"On Sunday night the 20th ult.,
some villian, a candidate for the gallows
went iuto the stable of Mr. Oran Rut
terfield, in Rarnetc township, aud cut
the throat of one of his horses, so that
bled to death.
A Chicago justice wouldn't believe a
woman who ascribed hc-r staggering to
the effect ol a very tight pull-back tkii t
A bill has been introduced into the
Legislature of Mississippi to make edu
cation compulsory throughout the State.
It is estimated that about 812.00U
worth of dried fish are monthly sent
from San Francisco to China by the
A private meeting of Western iron
dealeis was held lately at t' Louis fur
the consideration of certaiu matters re
lative to the present depression iu trade
A nice young man, in New Orleans,
stabbed his mother, the other day, aud
then excused himself by saying tint she
A-asatbief and wouldu't allow him to
live honestly and dtcently.
Clinton county, Iowa, stood in the
way of a thoroughbred hurricane last
Saturday, that cut accross the country
without auy respect tor line teuees, and
unrooted tuoie barns and demolished
more sunll buildings and little shops
than cau be repaired iu a week.
Up to December 1st, 1875, the Cen
tennial Board of Finance have received
the sum of 5,187,750, of which sum
Pennsylvania alone contributed $4,609,
700, leaving the balince ot receipts
from all the rest ol the States and Ter
ritories in the Union, at $488,050.
The discrepancy in these figures will
strike every one with peculiar force aud
hence comment is not called for.
The Louisville Courier Journal re
ports a very sad case from Sandusky,
Ohio. A man huug himself there the
other day because his wife wouldu't
lend him thirty cents. Now. if his
wife was a personal friend of his, or it
his collaterals were worth anything at
all, it really does seem that he ought to
have gotten that amount. However
money is very tight, aud uo doubt he
was, too.
New Orleans, January 14. After a
lengthy del ate to-day in the Senate, a
resolution was passed providing that
the Governor shall send the militia to
the parish ot East Feliciana, West Feli
ciana and Fast Bu'ou Houge, to assist
thu courts in executing the laws against
the socalled regulators. If the militia
is insufficient the Oovernor is requested
to report so by special message to the
Legislature, the latte; to call, under the
Constitution, upon the President of the
United States to restore a Republican
form tif government iu the said parishes
In the House a committee was ap
pointed to call upon Governor Kellogg,
and uotify bitu of the election of Sena
tor James B. EustisQo the United States
Senate, and request him to issue to
Eustis the necessary ctedentials. The
committee waited upon Governor Kel
logg, who answered that, having already
issued credentials to Senator Pinch
back he could not issue them to an
other geutleman forjihe surue positiou.
lie declared himself, however willing to
certify to the proceedings of the House
relative to Eustis' election. The com
mittee reported ibis to the IIoue.
Cincinnati, January 14. The will of
Timothy Kirby, who died recently, leav
ing an estate valued at over a luilliou
dollars, was taken to the Probate Court
yesterday, but owing to the strange be
quest made by the deceased steps were
immediately taken to prevent the pro
bate of the will by General Manuingaud
Don Piatt. It appears that Mary Fran
cis, a notorious character of Cummins
ville, a suburb of this city, where Kirby
resided, claims to have been the wife of
the deceased and is left by the will
50,000. Five illegitimate children,
whom the deceased mentions as his
adopted children, are placed on an equal
footing with the legitimate children.
The latter are made the trustees fot the
period of fifteen yean of the former.
Mrs. Fox, another woman, was made a
handsome bequest. It teems the eutire
estate has been frittered away iu this
manner. Dr. Thomas Wood, who had
known the deceased a number of years,
testified iu court this morning that th
deceased was a tnonomanic; that he was
infatuated with the woman Francis, and
submitted to intolerable abuse from her.
Other witnesses will, it is said, (ive aim.
ilar testimony.
A Paper for the People
The Leading Journal of Western Penn
sylvania, and Oue of the Largest,
Liveliest, Cheapest aod Best
Newspapers in the
United States.
Every One Should Subscribe For It.
Those of our readers who desire a good
city Daily should, by all means, subscribe
for the i'ititburgK IMipalch, a Large, Live
Independent Paper, always foremost in ob
taining and furnishing the Latest News,
and, beyond question one of the most
readable reliabla and interlacing Daily
journals published in the United Statci.
The Dupatch will enter upon Us Thirty
First year on the 8ih of Febiu ry, when it
will appear in new type now beiug cast for
it, and otherwise improved in all its de
partments. It is the labors r fapsr in the
Slate, publishing from thirty-six to forty
columns of matter daily, as the exigencies
of the occusioa requires, and giving the
latest news by mail nud telegraph from all
quarters of the globe, including the fullest
and most reliable Commercial und Finan
cial ttepoils, home aud foreign; full aud
reliable Cattle Market and Uil Reports;
daily report of current events iu the city,
including Court News, Police Reports, and
General City intelligence; I'ertonal Politi
cal rnd Society Ntws, with carefully diges
ted tdiioiiui Comments upon all t lie more
important topics of the day Special Corres.
pobdeice from various points of interest,
Urigiual Poetry, Kic , Etc. Whether for
the Merchant, the Manufacturer, Ihe Pro. man, the Parmer or the Family,
ttie Dixpatch will be n most valuable and
reliable journal, and as such we can cheer
lolly commend it to the reading publio.
ihe best evidence of the popularity of the
Jiitputrh is the tact it is read by all classes,
legiirdies of Country, Creed or Politics,
nud enjoys a circulation more ihau double
thai of utiy paper iu the State outside ot
'lERMS-lty mail to single subscribers,
pesiage prepaid, $8,00, per annum iu clubs
of It) $'i,0'). Served by agents or carriers
to single suliscribers ai lo cents per week.
Postmasters are aut'ioi-ized to rvceivs s n
gle subacribers at So UU each. Send for a
gpeciiuau copy.
One ol the Choicest, Cheapest aud
Bebt Fuiuiiv Newnpapcrs
Every Oue Should Subscribe for it.
The Pittaburgh Wtckly Dispatch, like the
Daily, is pf inieJ front deaf ne type, and
ia one of the choicest, as well as oue of ihe
Cheapest Family (luperB published. It is a
large folio sheet, eoutaiuing thirty-six col
umns of mailer, embracing all ihe more im
portuul uews of the week, carefully collatod
aud condensed and uuiitiiu nothing esseu
tial to a general luowleUge oi everything
of interest trauspiiiug turoughout gthe
country Indeed, as a newspaper, it is not
Surpassed by any eiuiiliar publication id
.America; while the care with which its
select ions arc made and tLcir great variety
render it a niosi desirable journal for the
family a journal replete with interesting
reudiug, and one tuul cannot fail to please.
The Cuuiuieioiul, J:uaucial ai d Uil Keporis
of lue Weekly Viaputch are made up with, aud uiv always full and reliable,
while to us Calile .Murket reports equal at
tention is given. The Weekly Dupitch is
furnisned to Single subscribers at $1 60 a
year, or iu clubs of ten at $1 CO, with a
paper grulis lo the party geuiug' up the
club. It is the cheapest paper in America)
us size and the amount of reading mailer
it gives considered, and every family
should have it.
Address, O'NEILL k BOOK.
Publishers Daily aud Weekly Dispatch,
Filth uveuuu. Pittsburgh, Pa.
The ln'lowiug is the list of license
petitions filed in the Court of Quarter
Sessions for January Sessions 1876
And will bo presented to the said
court on Wednesday, the 2Gth day of
January 1870 at 2 o'clock P. M,
1 Henry Blush
2 F N Sorg.
3 John Collins
4 Luther Lucuru
5 William If Schraui
0 Riley Bros.
St. Mary's Bora.
7 Artun Foohtilian
8 LorenS Vopel
9 Joseph F. WindfelJef
10 Joseph Wind'clder
11 William
12 James lloan
13 Jobu Wachtle Si Son
EATING 110181
14 John Daley
15 James Maginms
St Marys Boro.
16 William Oeis
17 Anthony Schauers
28 Jacob Kraus
10 D II Ilaints
20 A I Wilcox et al.
21 O. Q. Messenger
St- Marys Boro,
22 Joseph Wilhelto,
Cincinnati, January 8 Robert O
Strong, City Solicitor and a prominent
lawyer and politician, died last night.
Charles Sufhers.'the great ootton spin
ner of Oldham. Lancashire, Knirluod,
has failed. Liabilities, ei.000,000.
Ridgway Cemetery.
Lots are now ofTiered for sals by the
Ridgway Cemetary Association in the new
Cemetery The presont low price for lots
may soon be advanced.
Apply at the office of
W.S. HAMBLIN, Secretary
Ridgway Sept, 7, 1875. n-20l:f
Jtu? List.
following Is the list of jurors drawn for
the January terra of eoart.
Benezotle James D. Winslow, laborer;
Keubcn Winslow, laborer; II. R. Wilson,
lumberman. '
Benzinger Philip Toung, farmer,
George Fritz, laborer.
Fox Win. Wood, laborer: rtobt. Wilbur,
civil engineer: Thos. Qross, farmer; Con
tod Moyer, farmer; James Mohan, lumber
man; Itrues Herrington, laborer
Jonis A. A. Clay, farmer; J. C. Maloue
Ridgway Horace Warner, gunsmith;
Oeo. F. Dickinson, lumberman; C. . Holi
day, clerk, M. K. Lesser, blacksmith.
ft. Marys borough Frank Sosenheimer,
tinsmith; Gerhard Fochtman, laborer; An
ton Bonniuger, laborer; Casper Wegcmer,
plasterer; Anthony Oerg, blacksmith,
Matthew Maloue Miller.
Spring Creek Jesse Claypool, laborer.
Benezette D. B. Winslow, farmer; H.
D. Derr. blacksmith; Petrikeu Wiuslovv,
laborer; William Winslow, laborer; James
Overturf, farmer.
lieniinger Antony Munich, laborer;
Michael Schubert, laborer; August Pleder
man. fanner; Joe. Blessel. Jr., farmer
Adam Jesberger, farmer.
Fox John Koch merchant; Wm. E.
Hewitt, farmer; Patrick Brown, farmer;
Jacob Dollinger, laborer; James O'llara,
laborer; Geo. B. Taylor, farmer; George
W. Taylor laborer: Andrew llowe, faruior;
Talbot Thompson, laborer.
IJorloQ Nathan Hippie, farmer; Then
dore Fox, farmer) Harvey Parsons, laborer.
Jay Leander Gardner, farmer; Wm.
Webb, carpenter.
Jones--Valentine Miller, farmer.
Millstone U. C. T. Hotf, laborer.
Ridgway James Gardner, lumberman,
O. B Fitch, farmer; Wm. It Hyde, mer-
cliant; ulias. Holes, jeweler; Johu Casserly,
mason; 8. A. Olmstcad, millwright; George
Cooley, clerk.
St. Marys Borough Michael Brunncr,
merchant: Edward Babel, wagon-maker;
John Meisel, baker. B. F. Lawrence;
laborer; John Lieluer, painter: Bernhard
Severiug. laborer;
Spring Creek Emerson Crabtree, saw
Casper Koper, 1 In the Court of Common
vs. V I'leas of Elk County.
Mary Iloper. J No. , Sept. Term, 1873.
To the Defendant above namea:
Subpoena and alias subpoena having
issued in the above entitled case and re
turned "not found in the county," you are
hereby notified to appear before said court
c the fourth Monday of January, A. D.
1870, lo answer to the said complaint.
Bht' ill's Office, Ridgway, Pa. 1
Dpo. 21st, 1875. n45t4. j
List of Caus.
Set down for trial January Urul, com
mencing January 21th, 187'i.
1 Lewis S. Dodd vs. John Mann, No. 44,
Nov. TM-ni, 187.).
2 William H. Evans vs. A. J. Avery, No.
19. April Term, 1874.
3 J. B. Whitman vs. John M Gafllck, No
33, August Term, 1874.
4 Lazarus Moyer vs. Pa'rick Lamb, No.
84, August Term, 1874.
5 11. W. Moorhead et al. Adm'rs of N.
W. M'Clure, deceased vs. Hiram Carmau.
No. 28 September Term. 1874.
t John Andrews vs. G. T. Wheeler & Co
No. 53, September Term, 1874.
7 U(J McGill Vs. The Peun'a R. R. Co..
No. 9, January Term, 1873.
8 Frank X. Sore vs. D C, Oyster, No. 5.
January Term, 1875.
9 Miles Dent vs. M O Wyckoffand Wm
WyckolT, No 6, May Term, 1875.
10 Sarah V. Wilcox, widow, Ac, vs
Jesse and John Flatt, No 21, May Term,
11 Wm. R Young et al ts The A V R R
Co. No 28, May Term. 1875.
12 Lorena E Lucore et al vs Hiram Wood
ward. No 118. May Term. 1875
13 J S Bates vs Maritn Ens, No 174,
May Term 1875
14 John J Ridgway vs tsnnc Stephenson,
et al, No 175, May Term, 1875
15 John J Ridgway vs Sarah S Burns et
al, No 170 May Term, 1875
1(1 J K P Hall Vs O Kune and Mary
Kunes, No 19:1 May Term, 1875
17 James Black Vs Orr'm S Sauders, No
19 September Term, 1875
18 A Wolf don vs Martin Em, No 23
Sept- Term, 1S75
19 J W Brown vs D B Polen, No Si Sept.
Term 1875
20 II C At tore et al vs The Township of
Millstone, No 79 Sept. Term, 1875
21 Geo Wels survivor, &e. vs. The fit,
Mary's Coal Co., No ItiO September Term
22 D C Oyster, late Sheriff, tor use vs.
Martin Soi it et al., No 167 Sept Term, 1875
23 A C Allen vs H W May, No 193, Kept
Term, 1875
24 Geo Brown vs. William K Winslow
No 231, Sept Term, 1875
BY VIRTUE ofsundry writs of fieri
lacias, alias fieri facias, venditioni
exponas, levari facias, and alias levari
facias and testatum fieri facias, issued
out ot the Court of Common Fleas of
Elk ceuuty, and to me directed, 1
DANIEL SCULL, Ilih Sheriff ol
said county do hereby give notice that
I will expose to public salo or outcry, at
the Court (louse, in Ridgway, at one
o'clock V. M.
MONDAY JANUARY, 24th, 187(5
By virtue of a certain writ of Levari
Facias &o.
ALL that certain piece of land situate
ia the Village et Ridgway in the County of
Elk and kuown ou tne plot or map of
said Village as lots Nos. thirty-six (36) and
thirty-seven (37) beiug the same lot s on
which George D. Messenger now re
sides, on which there is erected a frame
dwelling house, main part two stories high
and 21x00 feet in sise, with wing 2Gx3U
feel one and half stories high, also a large
frame barn and other outbuildings Eicept
ig 4,000 square feet of land out of lot No
87 above named being forty feet in front on
Main street by one hundred feet in depth
along Mill street, upon which is erected
oue two story Drug t'tore 20 feet front by
60 feet in depth betas: the same land Con
veyed to Grove G Messenger bv the said
George D Messenger and wife by deed
aaica ceoruery 'i 187.
AL40 the east half of a certain other lo
known on said plot or map of Ri Igway as
number thirty-five 35 being the same
property eonveyed by Deed dated the 28th
dBv of March 1807 by Jacob Houck and
wife to said Mosseuger
ALSO, a certain other piece of land in
Ridgway township, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a Post at the 8.
W oorner of the Capiat lot t ience N. 1E
52 roils to oentre of Clarion River thence
up saU Centre of the River by its various
courses and distances to the N. W. corner
of the lol soli Powell ft Kimo by G. D
Messenger a post) nn the South Bank for a
corner thence 8. 1 W. 40 rods to a Post
in the south line of the Cardo', lot. thence
by said south line N. 88" W. 23 2-10 rods
to the place of beginning, oontsining 6 42
100 acres.
ALSO thirty acres from the east side of
ths said Jacob Cardot lot being the same
sold to Powell & Kime by George D Messea
ger by deed dated November 5th 1873, aad
being the remainder of the said Jacob Car
dot lot.
AL90 four thousand square feet of land
out of lot No. 87, being forty feet in front
on Main street by one hundred feet in
depth along Mill street, upon which Is
erected one two xtory Drug Store 20 feel
bv 00 feet in depth being Ihe same land
conveyed to Grove O. Messenger by the
eaid George D. Me4eno;er aud wil'a by
deed dated February 24, 1874.
Seized, taken in esecuuon.aml to be sold
as thepioperty of George D. Messenger,
at the suit of O. E. Elliot.
ALL the right title interest claim and
demand whatsoever of defendant of, in, to
or out of ihe following ical Estate, situate
in the village of Weedvilie, Jay Township
Elk County Pa. bounded as follows:
Beeinnina at a post, on the western side
of Ihejiighway leading from Weedvilte to
St. Marys, seventy-two feet northerly from
the North East corner of lot owned by J.
J. Shaffer: thence south seventy ami three
fourths degrees West eight, and one fourth
rRll rods lo a Dost; tticoce North ni .ety
anu one fourtli degrees West eighty 801
feet to a 'postt thence ftoitn seventy ami
three fourths degrees bast LiOJ"Lj eigni
and one fourth BJ rods to a post; thence
South niueteeu and one lourtu uegrees
East eiahty feet to the place of beginning
cou'alnitig one fourtli of an acre
ALSO all of defendants inlersst whatsn
ever in another lot of land situate in the
village of We dville atoresaia rtescr.heu as
f.dlows: Beginning nt t tie intersection of
Ihe rnal leadin from St. Marys Roal;
thence along the Creek fload one hundred
and twenty tect lo a post, ihence southerly
at rig lit angles one nniru-eu mm j
to a post; thence Westerly to'a point on the
Penflcid KoaU ninety live ice'i mcuc iUug
m.niinnod road one hur.dred ai.d uine
f.i m the Dlace of beginning. Containing
eleven tliousaud eight hunlred square ieet
more or less upon which is erected a two
story frame house 18 feet by 28 feet and a
store room One story high, 12 feet by 18
feet. . . ,
Seiied, taken into execution and to be
sold as the property of L. N. Briggs at the
suit of A J Avery . , .
ALSO all the riglt title lnieresi, cimm
and demand whatsoever of iletenu ints ot in
to or out of ail the following tract piecj or
parcel of land to wit: Ueuig in tne lowu.
.Lin nf Rnvinff Creek County of Elk and
State of Pennsylvmia bouu ied and des
cribed ns follows: being Jpart of warrant
2775 warranted in the uame ot niiueim
Willink nnd others
llturtntiliKt at Saddle Back Rock on the
left bank of Spring Creek; thence Nerlh
hirly-one (31 1 decrees ncsi nineteen
rial rails: tlience North (o legrees oesi
seventeen HTlrods o a heuiloflk tree on
said left bank of Spring Creek; Ihence
North sixty (50 degrees Eait forty 40
rods to a post; thence South thirty (30
degress East sixty seven and five teuihs
07 o I roils: tneuce oomu umc
fourth f9J) degrees West five and five
tenths 5 5 rods to tho place of beginning
contaiuinx fifteen 15 acres more or
less on which are erected the following
buildinsjs to wit: On larjie water saw-
tui I one Iramo scnool nouse. tour irauie
dwelling houses about 10x18 feat with
additions, obe log house about 20x30
feet, also one frame barn about 30x40
leet. The above houses are used as
tenaut houses in and about said mill
ALSO an undivided three fourth J
interest iu, to, or, out of the following
tract piece or parcel of land situate and
being in Spring Creek township Elk
County and Statu of Pennsylvania
bounded and described as lolloWs to wit:
On tho North and East by lands of
Nelson Strom;; "on the South by war
rant line of warrant No- 2789; on the
West bv Millstone Township line con-
taiuiug 454 acres more or less being
part of warrant No. 2775-
Seised taken into execution ana to
be sold as the property of Lt F & II M
Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell
et al.
ALSO all the right title interest
claim and demend whatsoever of
defendant, ot in and to the following
described Real Estate consisting of one
town lot being 50 feet Iront by 150 feet
deeD situate on the East side of St.
Michael Street in the Borough of St.
Marys Elk County Pennsylvania being
lol No. 2 ou said Street according to the
plan of Martin Sorg Esq. Rounded on
the North bv th land ot John Heindlo
on tho East by land of Phillip Meyer on
the South by land of Martin iorg and
on tho West by St. Michael Street con
taining T&'.'O square tcet ot ground; on
which there is erected a two story
frame dwelling house 20 by 34 feet and
a frame barn 10 by 20 feet; there is
also a good well ol water on the premi
ses. '
Seized takn into execution and to be
sold as the property ot J. W. Fox at
tho suit ol b X. sorg.
The following must be strictly com
plied with wheu property is struck off.
1 All bids must be paid in full ex
cept wbere the plaintiff or other lieu
creditor becomes the purchaser, in
which case the cost on the writs must
be paids well as all luns prior to that
ol the purchaser ana a duly certified
list of lictis, shall be furnished includ
ing mortgaged searches on the property
sold together with such lien creditor's
receipt lor the amount ot the proceeds
ol the Bale, or such portion tuereol as
be shall appear to be entitled to
See Purdoo's Digest 9th edition
page 446; Smith form page 384.
2 All sales not settled immediately
will be contiuued until 6 o clock P M
at which time all property not settled
tor will again be put up ind sold at the
expense and risk of the person to whom
it was tiret struck off and who iu case
of deficiency at such resales shall make
good the same aod in no Instance will
the deed be presented to eourt lor cou
Urination unless the bid is actually
settled for with the fchexiff as above
Bhffi. office Deo. 29 1875,
llats and Caps a complete aisorluifat
at P. & K's.
Hunting Rubbers! with and without
heels, a large lot at P. & K's. All
other kinds of rubber boots aod shoes.
Weddim and Mourning outfits for la
dies at MAY ft SILVERMAN'S, opposite
the court llJlise, Williatnsporl, Pa.
Coods marked dowa to astonish the
world Call and see us. MAY & 81LVEU.
MANN, Willianisport, Pa.
Millinery goods, hair switches, jewelry,
fancy -roods, notions, ladies & children
cloaks, dicsses & undergarments. Whole
sale lUtail at MAY A SILVERMANN'S
opposite the court house, Williamsport, Ps
We are agents for nudim demorest pat
terns, oatalouges free, send for one, pat
terns sent by mail, MAY It SILVER
MANN'S Williamsport Pa.
"King lieo" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all the popular brands at P. (t K's.
From two to three hundred ladies cloth
ccats latest styles also a large lot of Furl
al prices so low to astonish every body
MAY & SILVERMAN'S, opposite the
Court House, Williamsport, Pb
Coodfish boneless and skinless. Also
some of the old fashioned in lull dress,
at .'. & K's.
Have you been to Williamaport. Pa., to
buy what you want at MAYA SILVER
MANN'S, opposite Ihe Court House. They
are giving up retail business A are selling
goods very cheep.
Those new style prints, at P k K's
arc the general talk of the town. Go
and see them.
Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn
down coruers also the good old Byron
style at P. k K't.
A lull stock of fresh Family groceries,
such an Teas, Coffees, Sugars, ltice,
Syrups, Spices, It. li- Powder, Hating,
aud Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
in that line, at P, & K's.
A general stock ot winter clothing,
at very low prices at P. k K's.
If you want a bag of feed, or a
bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack ot
hour or evca small sack of Graham
flour, it will pay you to step into P &
K's lor it
If you pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the uigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and children will greet you with a
shiile in the morning. Go to Powell
k Kime's model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go home
satUfied. They have adopted the cash
system, aud say it is working charm
ingly. Hair switches 75 cents $1 00 2 00 8 00 &
4 60 worlh double the money and Ruohes
Tor 25 cents hats from 25 centi upwards
Tiimed hats from $1 00 upwards, great re-
auctioii in an kinds of goods at MAY C
SILVERMANN'S, Williamsport. Pa.
Prices lo astonish the world. Everv
thing is bound to bo sold to quit business:
Come every body. Building and fixture
for sale. MAY A SILVEUMANN, Wil
liamsport opposite the Court House.
READ Tills.
MAY A SILVERMAN Williamsnnrt Vm.
are discontinuing ihe retail trade and are
selling goods at and below cost. Call and
see them they are great bargains.
It you want any bl'ched or brovfo
muslins, from to 10-4 wide any
quality, go to head quarters," Powell &
Ivime a and select to vour taste.
F.rtra inducements offerd in ladiea A
chi'.drens furs, small sets at $100 ladies
sets from $'2 00 and upwards extra bar.
glins in Mink gets first quality as, MAY A
ciLviia.iunn s.
Evangelical.Non-Sectariau tudtpendeo
The Christian fat Work.
T. Do WittTalmage Editor.
The Best Religious Paper published
Mr. Talmage'a Sermon tach week.
Full lleportsof Mr. Moody's Work
hi Kev. W. M. BAKER.
One of the most popular ol American star
TWO new premiums!
After JOSEPH JOHV i . ...
.-.! vvvuiru IU I Tl U I T
nine printings aad heretofore sold lor $16
also an
Painted expressly for this paper by MRS.
iVlilTNEi, aud chromood by L. PHANU
CO. Bosun.
IT 7ihee are eenuine art worki ni
tue best aud most expensive picture pr-
Most Libtral Terms to Agents,
akp cxcLDsiva Ttuirorr.
Without premium postage prepaid . $8,00
With either premium unmounted, posiags
With either preiniun, mounted by ...4,00
at subscribers expeus
tttjTPor lull particulars as to eommis
sious audcauvass address.
11. K. CORWIN. Publisher,
Private Tuition.
Pupils wauiisg to receive instruction in
Gree or Latin, or desiriog to prepare for
veuege can itava opportunity of doing so
by app yiog tatha Ueotor of Oraoe Church,
He haviug mad the necessary arrange
ments will be glad to receive a limited
number or youug ladies aud gentlemeu for
iustruotion. got information as ta terms
&o apply lo
Aug.lD,S Kidgway.r.