frr' 43 Uf.nry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY. JANUARY 20 1876. ON TO CINCINNATI!" THE QUEEN CtTT OF THE WEST CAP TURES THR N'ATtONATi CONVENTION ADDRESS OF THE EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE, Washington, January 13. Tho Re publican national com mitten mot this moroiug at I 0 o'clock at the Arlington Hotel, and was called to order by ex Governor Morgan, of New York. The committee then heard one member from each delegation Irora cities asking, that tho national convention be held at tbo places they narred. Geucral Garfield thought that Cleveland could build a wigwam capable of furnishing all accom modations Ex-Gov. Noyes, of Ohio, remarked that the Exposition building 5n Cincinnati would bold filteeu thous and persons, and that the hotel accomo dations were ample. Mr. Sherwin favored Clevcluod, Mr. Jacket thought no place offered better facilities than Saratoga within five hundred miles ol which; said be, 17,000,000 of our population dwell. Then the battle of Saratoga, too, he thought was the key-note of the Revolution. General Bingham, in behalf of Philadelphia, al luded to its hotel accommodations lor 50,000 persons, and tu the fact that it is tho uuly central city to which tickets will be sold this year by different rail road companies at excursion rates. He also clairced that Philadelphia was tho centre of patriotism, and ho iticideutally alluded to the Centennial celebration He was supported by Mr. Snowden. Judge Cnssy -pointed to the ample ac 0) ntutditiin if OEhingtor, and Mr. Medll to tha arrangements of the Chica goaus with the railroad companies lor tickets at reduced rates, showing eaiy and cheap access to the city, and abo to tho Inter State Exliibitiou building which, he Euid, u iho largest structure in the country, except, perhaps the Centennial Main UuiMing. Ex-Governor Ciflin spoke of the political con siderations that should induce its hold ing iu Fnncuil Hall. Mr. Van Hirn spoke up for St. Louis. Mr Gorham claimed that as the whole railroad sys tem of the United States centred a Omaha, and that the Mechanics' Insti tute building would seat 15,000 specta tors, not to speak of the members of the convention, the latter should by all means be held iu San Francisco. Then, too, San Fraucisco is halt way, between Western Alaska and Eastern Main. Governor Morgan spoke ot Hamulus' Hippodrome and tho Opera House iu New York, and as this was Centeuniai year, and very many persons would come to Philadelphia, New York, should in his opinion have the preference. Au informal vote was takeo viva voce for flxtng tho place of meeting, with the following result. Cincinnati 15; Chicago, 9; Philadelphia, 9; Cleveland, 4; Saratoga Springs, 2: Boston, 1; New York, 1; St. Louis 1; Washington, 1; No selection having been made the committee then voted f'ormtdly, viva voce, with tho following result, Cincin nati 20; Chicago 7; Philadelphia, 10-Twenty-two votes bein; necessary to a choice, there was no selection. The committee teassmbled at 7 o'clock this evening. The ninth ballot was as follows; Whole number of votes cist i'.l; necessary to a choice, 22 Cincinnati received 22; Chicago, 13; Philadelphia, 8. The Chair haviug announced that Cincinnati was chosen as the pluce for the Convention, on motion of Mr Scam mon, cif Chicago, the selection was made unanimous. On motion of Mr. Van Horn of Mis souri, Wednesday, the 11th day of June, was designated as (he time of meeting. It was resolved that when this committee adjourn it adjourn to meet at Cincinnati on Tuesday, the 13th of Juno. Governor Morgan expressed lis gratification that the business of the committee had been harmoniously tran sacted, and, on motion, the committee adjourned. The next t'nion republi can National Convention, lor the nom ination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, will be held in the city of Cincinnati on Wednesday, the 14th day of June. 187G, at twelve o'clock noon, and wifl consist of delegates from each State equal to twice the number ot its Sena tors and Representatives in Congress, and of two delegates from each organi zed Territory and the District of Columbia. Iu calling the convention, lor the election of delegates the com mittee!) of the several St.ites are recoiu mended to invite al! Republican electors auU ail other voters, without regard to past political difficulties or previous party affiliations. 'ho are opposed to re viving sectionul isssues, and desire to promote friendly feeling and permanent harmony throughout the country by maintaining and en forcing all the Con stitutional rights of every citizen, in eluding the lull and free exercise ol the right of suffrage, without iutimida tionuud without, trdfed; who are iu favor of tho continued prosecution and pun ishment of all official di-honesty, aud of an economical administration of the government by holiest, faithful and capable officers; who are in favor if making such reforms iu government as experience may ire in time to lime sug gest; who are opposed to impairing the credit of tho nation by depreciating any of its obligations, and in favor ol sustain iug in every wuyihe national faith and financial honor; who hold that the com mon school system is the nursery of American liberty, and should be main tained absolutely free from sectarian control; who believe that for the promo tion of these ends the direction ot the government should contiuue to those who vdhere to the principles of 1770 aud support them as incorporated in the Constitution and the laws, and whoaro in favor of recognizing and strengthen ing the fundamental principles of na tional unity in this centennial annirer sary of the birth ot tbo Republic. - 1011 kJ aY k. J ft A., aL JSv i r lf iir itti mWrVrVUrWIy It is reported from Washington that the Southern members of Congress are tivorably disposed toward the appropri ation asked for by the Centennial Com mittee, but that they propose to ak a price for their support of that measure, which is no less than that Northern members shall vote for a general amnesty bil which shall include the ex rebel President, Jeffersou Davis. Thus they propose to quality the chief traitor of them all for a seat in the Senate, and endeavor to do so by coupling it on to the Centennial appropriation bill. Forty Southern members, it is paid, are united in pressing this matter. Tub Oldest Citizen Gone. One of Clarion county's ccntennurians, Mr. Alio, departed this life on Wednesday of last week, at the remarkable age of one hundred, nd three years. He was a resident of Farmington township was of French origin, and came to this country when young in life. His wife, who still survives him, is one hundred and one years old, and bids fair to reach the age of ker departed husband. They had lived together in cojugal hup. piness seventy eight years, and during the past summer, repeatedly walked a distance ot four m.les to attend Catholic services, '.hat being the church of their choice. Had the deceased lived but a lew months longer, Clarion county might have been represented at the Centennial by prehaps the oldest couple in the State. Clarion Jacksonian. Sir John Hawkshaw calculates that railroads eavo to the publio a greater sum than they pay to the stockholders in dividends. This is ascertained by comparing the cost of railway transpor tation with that of wagon transport, and is exclusive of the advnutage in poiut of time. If the saving in time could be valued, he thinks that the saving would be found to amount in Euglaod to ten per cent, yearly on the cost of the roads It is in this way that railroads add to the national wealth. On this basis of calculation the government of Brazil has decided to guarantee seven per cent on roads that earn four per cent. Coi suleriug that in, a generation and a half 160,000 miles of railroad hove been built in the world, and that fhe value may be estimated at 5100,000 a mile, we have a total capital ot 810,000,000, upon which, according to Sir John Hawkshaw's computation, the world realizes ten per cent, yearly as an addi tion to its wealth. THE ALABAMA CLAIMS. CLAIMS AMOUNTING TO NINE MILLION DOLLARS DISl'OSEO CF BY 1'IIE COURT. Washington, January 14. The House judiciary committee, to whom was relerred certain bills relating to the payment of the judgments ol the Court of Commissioners ot Alabama Claims. made a report to day as follows: The aggregate of claims presented to the court is ?12,b J,4ol,44. Of this ag gregate the court had disposed of be fore January 1, 187(5, g'J.704 008 65, leaving unadjudicated, 82,908,842, 1 0. The court has ordered payments amounting cf principal, to 84,303,022,. 11; of interest, 2,051,070,72; aggrr. gate of judgments aud interest, fc(5, 444 502 83. Assuming that the claims upon which the judgments are yet to be rendered will be reduced in the ratio ol less than one half of the claims already passed upon, the whole amount tnclud lag interest to be paid aud allowing 81,- 300,000 for claims not proved (should Congress allow any further prool;) will not exceed 81C,000,000. The present value ol the Alabama fund, id currency is about 820,000.000. The meanest man in the world re sides at present iu northern Ohio. He went to Cincinnati to attend his brother's funeral, and then coolly sent iu a bill to the executors for $47,50, itemized as traveling expenses, hotel bills and 82.50 per day for "time con turned in attendance. San Fraucisco owns 005 vesels with a touuage of 172.203 tons, of which number 804, of 86,713 tons, were built on the Pacific coast. Those Hamilton Corsets at P Si K's are the most durable, and the cheapest iu market. Over Coats? from S5 to 825 a large aud splendid stock. Step in and get one at P. & K's. Hosted coffee a genuine article, at P & K's. Summer Clothing, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mcr Cashnier at P & K's liive i lie Adnocatk cilice a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping togs and if you are going to get married leave us an order for your cards New goods, every day in the year except Suoduys and legal holiday s at the great mummoth Grand Central Store of P. & K's. No bragging around. Call for whatyou waut. BARGAINS! BAHGAlNSt BAKGAIN8! Ladies and childreus coats all styles and qualities, $2 60 3 OO 3 75 4 505 00 ti 25 7 00 b 7a 10,00 ana upward also gliawig ana dresses at MAY H DlVEKMA.iM o oppo site the court bouse, WiUiamsport, Pa. A complete stock of ladies misses and childrens shces, light, medium and heavy at P, & K'a. New is the time to buy. Ground coffee at P. & K'a. . Alpsois ebeaper that ever befor known at P. & K'a Vur Time at Jtldguay. Mail East 4:45 ft M. do West 2 25 P. M. fenoTO Aceom Est f:'25 A. M Kane do Welt 8:"20 r. M. Local EuPt 6:40 H. M tmtlo West 8;20 A. M Tbe Mull and Through Local carry fse ngors, the local does tot. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co BANKERS AND BIVOKEKS, No. 42 Fouth Third Street Philadelphia, Jan. 18th, 1870. BID. A SKitn S. 1881. do 6 20, o do do do do do do do do do do e 1215 02, M and N lHJ '04 do 114J 05 do 1C 05 J and J 118$ 07 do Viol 08 do ..121 1 121 H7 118i 120J 121 119 1231 11C 117 13 109 65 63 20 61 02 137 15 381 451 55$ lOti 10-40, do coupon 118 do Pacific 6's cy Int. off V2A New 6's Reft. 1881 110 C. 18UI II Gold 12 Silver luy Pennsylvania 54 J Rending 5-5 l'hilndelphiK & Erie 20 Lehigh Inavigation ollf do Valley C.'t UoiiedRRof NJ 134 Oil Creek 141 Northern Central 88 Ceulral Transportation 45 J Xesquchoning - 65 C & A Mortgage 0's '89 104 Vick's Flower & Vegetable seeds. are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America, and the result is, beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage a I cent stamp. Vick's Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds, of fine illustrations, and four Chromo J'lalet of blowers, beauluully u:awn and celored from nature- Pi-ice 3) cent in paper covers; 05 cents bound in elegm cloth. Vick's Floral Guide This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored i rontispiece with the nrst number. Price only 25 cents, fur the yeai. The first number for 1867 just issued. Address JAMES VICK, Kocbester, N. X. A GOOD WOflK. A Startling Cause of Debility aid Siek neps fully cxplnintd in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. O. I'llELPd MUtWN. 1 Grand Sircct. Jersey City, S. J liVEUY MAN AND WOMAN who is oiling in uiiy way should send and get a copy nt ouco, as it n scut, free, prepaid bj mail. Address the author, as above. vouoPyl Buffalo, New York k Philadelphia R'y On and after November !28th. 1875, and until further notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the Buffalo, New York & l'hiladelphia Kauroad Depot, corner hzchange and Louisiana etrects. ( liullalo time) as lollows: 7:30 A.M., 'MAIL, (daily except Sun days) stoning at Ebnneter 7:55 Spring" brook 8:05 Elma 8:11 Jamison's 8:17 Aurora 8:23 Wales 8:34. Holland 8:44 Pro tecliou 8:54 Arcade 9:05 Y'orkshire 9:12 Machias9:19 Franklinville 9:37 Ischua9:65 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Railway 10:24 Olean 10;35 Weston's 10:43 l'ortville 10:50 Stale Line 10:.'8 Eldred 11:11 Larabee'a 11:20 Sartwell 11:25 Turtle P.iint 11:30 Port Al iegeny 11:42 Libeity 12:02 P. M. Keating 12.09 Slnppcn 1J:.J fcuipoitum 1:40 V. Al Connecting at Olean with Erie Ky. for local LOiuts west, a id tor the Oil territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and llradtbrd at J:2ol M.; at Larubee s with the McKean & Buffalo R. R., and at Emporium with the P. E. R. B. for local points west to brie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, (daily except Sundays) stopping at. Ebenezer at 8:oO, Spring LSrooK 'J:lo, r.ima "J: .so, jami son's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi. land 11:10 Protection 11:35 Arcade 12:10 P. M., Yorkshire 12:30 Machine 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Railway 4:05Oleau 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M., EXHRESS, (daily eicept Sundays) stopping at Lbeneier 4:23 Spring Brook 4:83 Elma 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 Holland 6:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:33 Yorkshire 5;40 Machias 5:50, Franklinville 0:06 Ischua 0:25 Hinsdale 0:39 Erie Railway 0:55 Olean 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Portville 7:25, State Line 7:32, Eldred 7:45. Larabee's 7:62 Sartwell 7 57, Turtle Point 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:40 Shippen 9:00, Emporium 9:15 P. M. Con necting at Larabee s witu McKean & liul lalo R. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4:00 A. M , EXPRESS, (daily ezcept Sundays) stopping at bluppen 4:lo. heat ins 4,34, Liberty 4:42. Port Allcginy 6:01, itirtle Poiut 6:13 Suriwsll 6:18, Larabee's 6:24, Eldred 6:32, Stats Line 6:45, Port ville 5:52, Weston's 0.00, Olean 6:21. Erie Knilway 0:23, Hinsdale 6:37, Ischua 6:52, Franklinville 7.09 N.uchias 7:25, Y'orkshire 7:33, Arcade, t:40, Protection 7:53. Hoi laud 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami son's 8:29 Elma 8;34, Spring lirook 8:40, Ebenrzer8:5), Buffalo 9.1o A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the McKean & iiuflalo K. K. 1:40 P. M., MAIL. (di1y except Cun dnyfc) slopping nt Shippen 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Poiut 2:55 Sartwel1 3:00, Larabee's 3:07. Eldred 3:15, State Line 3:30, Port ville 3:38, Westou's 8;45, Olean 4.03.rie Railway 4 05 Hin-dale 4 21. Ischua 4 88, Franklinville 4 58, Machias 5 15 Y'orkshire 5 25 Arcade 5 33 Protection 5 47 Holland 5 63 ialei 6 08 Au.ora H 20 Jamison s 0 27 Elma 6 31 Spring Brook 0 30 F.bei exer 0 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean with Erie lia.lwny from Limestone aud Bradrord. 1 RAINS LEAVE OLEAN- 6 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, stor-p Ing at Erie Railway 6 60 Hinsdale 7 20 Ischua 7 bO, rranklinville B 40 Maclnas 9 27 Yorkshire (i 50 Arnade 10 10 Protect. on 1049 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 85 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 85 Spring Book 12 50 Ebeneier 1 15 BuBalo 1 00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., slopping at Ebeueier' 9 22 Spiing Brook 9 81 Elma 9 37 Jamison's V 48 Aurora 9 47 A Al. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES AURORA 542PM. stopping at Jamison's 5 48, Elmv & 03 Spring Brook o 08 Ebeneier 6 00 Buffalo 0 80 P. M. J. D. YEO.MANS, II. L. LYMAN, Gtn'l. Sue't. Gen t J'au'r Jgt. TOBTTTORK We are now prepared J to doall kinds of JOB WORK, Lnvelepes. Tags. BiU-iieaus, Letter heads ...lln .nit ahaanlv TUniil,l Clffi ir Tlisver & Uagerty's new building, Mail .. DM.... p. THE WEEKLY SUN. 1776. NEW YORK. 1876. Eighteen hundred and seventy-siz is tha Centenaial year. It is also the ysur in Which an Opposition House or Representa tives, the first since the war, will be in powct at Washington! mid the year of the twenty-third eleeticn of a President of tb United States. All of these events are sure o be of ereat interest and importance especially the two lnlter, and all of them and everything connected with them will be tuny and freely reported and expounded in Tilt; kum. The Opposition House of Representatives inking tip the line of inquiry opened years ngo by THE SON will sternly and dilli- cenlly investigate the corruptions and mis deeds of GiitNr'i administration, and will it is la be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period In our national his tory Of all this THE SUN will contain complete and accurate accounts furnishing its readers with early and trustworthy in. formation upon these absorbing tonics Ihe tweniy-tbird Presidential election, with tbe preparations for it, wilt be mem orable as deoiding upon Gbaht's aspiru. lions for a third term of power and plun der, and still n.ore as deciding who sbr.ll be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as elected that candidate Concerning all these subjects, those who read THE STN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. J he n ekklt 8i'M.which has nttained a cir. culalion of over eighty thousand copies al read has its readers in every State and Ter ritory, and we trust that the year 1870 will see their numbers doubled. It will con tinue to be a thorough newspaper. All the gaieral news of the day will bu fonrrd in ii, condensed when f nimporlRnt at full lengih when of moment, and alwnys, we rust treated in a clear interesting and in structive manner It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world. and we shall continue to give in its col umns a large amount of miscellaneous rend ing each as stories tales, poems, scientifi- intelligence and agricultural information for which we are not able to make room iu our daily columns. Tbe agricultural de puriment especially is one of the promi nent features The fashions are also regu larly reported in its coluuius; and so are the markets of every kind. The Weekly Sum, eight page with fifty- star broad columns is ouly $1,20 a year.pos tnge prepaid. As the price barely repays thecustofthe paper, no discount can be mode from this rate to cubs, Hgetits, J'ost mnsiers, or nnyouo. J he Dailt feuN, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight columns gives all the i,esforlwo cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid 65c a month or $0,50 a j ear. Sunday edition extra $1.00 per year We have no traveling agents Address J lib BUS, AtW 101k Lily IT PAYS! ITPAYS! WHAT PAYS? Tl pays every Manufacturer, Merchant Mechanic, inventor, farmer or ProlesB luuul man, lo keep iitloriued on all the im provements and discoveries of the age. 11 PAIS the head of every li.uiily to in- troduce into his household a newspaper that is instructive, one that fosters a taste fur investigation, aud promotes and eu courages discussion among the members. The , Scientific American which lina been published weekly for the lust thirty yearn; does this to an extent be yond that ot any other publication, in tact it is the ouly weekly paper published in the United States, devoted to Aluuutaclures, Mechanics. Inventions and rew Discover ies iu the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents embr ce the latest and most interesting information pertaining to ibe industrial, Mechanical aud Soieui.hc Progress of the World: Descriptions, Willi Beautiful Eng. avings, of New inventions, Implements, iew Processes and im proved ludusiries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Recipes Suggestions und advice, by Practical Writers, lor Workmen and em ployers, iu all Ihe various arts, forming a complete repertory of New Inventions and Discoveries; containing a weekly record not only of the progress of the lndugtrinl Arts in our own country, but also of all New Discoveries and inventions in everv branch of Engineering Mecnanics, aud science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost, of all industrial publications for the past Tuirty l cars, it is the oldest largest, cheapest, and the best vetkty Ill ustrated puper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics Chemistry, New Inventions, Science and Industrial Progress, published in the World. The practical receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price. And tor the shop und bouse vrul save many times the cost ot subscription. Merchants, Farmers Mechanics. En giueers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Che in lsis, Lovers of Science, aud People of all Professions, will find the Scientific Amer ican useful to them. It should have a place in every Family, Library. Study, othae and Counting Room; in everv Reading Room, College aud rcbool. A new volume commeuceo Jauuary 1st 1870. A year's uumber conlaius 832 pages and Skvksal litNUttan Lngbavinuh. ihous ands of volumes are preserved for binding and retereuce. Terms fed,-0 u year by mail, including postage. Miscount lo Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on recbipt of 10 ceuts. May be had of ull News Dealers. II. rl'TT' IV ' PC? m coneo X J-i. 1 FjIA tiouwi.htb fcieniitiu .iiuvi.uau. luvgsin. Muun & Co. are Solicitors ot American and Foreign Patents aud have the Iprgest establishmeu in ihe World. More thuu fifty thousand application have bteu made tor pateuts through their ageuey. PuicUs are obtained on the best terms, Mode's of New inventions aud Sketcne examined aud advice free. A spcciul notice is made iu the Suieutifio American of ull lovent'Ous Pateuled through 111 Agency the name aud resideuce of th Patentee, l'alenls arc oueu sold in purl or whole, to persous attiucteu to the in veuiion by such notice, tend for Pamph let, cuutaiuiug full directions for obtaining i uientH. A bound volume comuiuing tl. Paieut Laws, Census of the U. S., aud 14 Engravings of mechanical movements Price 25 cents. Address tor tbe Paper, or eoucernin Patents MUNN & CO. 87 Park Row, New York. Brunch Othoe, Cor- i. a 7iu bis nashiugtou, D. C. ,4 dvebt:sino: Cheap. Good, Systema XX'Xic. All persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should seud 25 centg to Ueo P. Rowell t Co., 41 Par Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists or over 2UU0 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papera in many Slates at a termendous reduction I rem publisher aVt TU BeOS' VMM Tiiia ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPIZH IN ELK COUNTY. Thayer & Hsgerfs Block, R1DGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE I1EAS, BILL HEADS, M OST 11 LY STAT E MEN TS PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, iC. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, TBE ADYOCATE, Wvn Lb i BtFL'llLAl EXT A AD liVST. PETEESOFSMAGAZINE rOSTAGE FES-PAID OH ALL SV2SSKI7' . TIOKS. (LT' Event tubxeribfr fur 187G will he qnscntcd with i tvprrb, titrge-tieed tleel eniraviuff of TrumltuU't celebrated pic ture of " The &irnitig of the Declara tion of Jiiaepemlenee Ihit trill be ' Peterson' '$" Centennial Gift "Pelersoo's AJayttzine" contains, every year, 1000 pages, i4 steel plates, IZ colored JJerlin patterns, 12 mam moth colored fashion plates, 24 pages ol music, and 00U wood eats. Great improvement will he made in 1870. Amonr them will be a series ol illustrated articles on the Great Eihibt lion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth Ihe subscription priee. Ihey will appropriately called. THE CENTENNIAL IN PEtf AND PENCIL! The imtiieuse circulation ol "Peter son" enables its proprietor to Fpend more money on establishments, stories. cC-c, &o , than anv other. It gives more for the money than any in the wjrld. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the ost popular writers are employed I to write ortijinaliy Jor " eterson In 18(0, in audition to the unuul quantity ol short stories, FIVK ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Fran!; Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. II. Burnett, and others llammoth Colored Fashion Plate? Aheud ot all others. These plutcs ar enpinved on steel, twice THE tiBUAL SIZK, und are uncqualed for beauty They will be superbly colored Also, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. Ar. B As the pubtishrrs ' now pre pai,s th postage to all mail subscribers J eterson" is CHEAPKR Til AN Ever; tn 'let is THE CHKAPfcST IN TUK WOULD TERMS 'Alrtays In AdVanco;$2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies for$3r60 3 Copies 4,00 ttli a copy t Hie ineuiiuiu uiezz ititn 1-1x26) "Chiitstmas Mornino," a Jtve.ilollar engraving, to the person get titiir tin the t'lnb. 4 Copies for $6,80 7 Copies for 11, GU. Nun hii extra copy ot i lie Alnga ziue lor 187G. ns a premium, to the person KPtting up I lie nii.h CGopias for 98,50 3 Copias for 12.50 12 Copies for SE.OJ. Unli lioili hii exit i copy of the .Muiri'ziue for 1870. and the prvinium nic7.Zolitii. a .ire dollar tnyravinff, to the person getting uji the t.'lub- Address. posl-pnid. CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. tajei'euimeuj sent gratis it wiiltvu tor. t.f oar Mivcivucr nt,L Uu advtrtlfla. nunt nltugfttior distinct, wt will Interpret nd etabo. nJU it u fallows : K. 11. POOTE, t.T., Antlwr of plain Home 'I nlk, Mwllcal Cumnion Seniw, Solenoe in Storv. etc., ISO Lciiiftoii Aenue (cor. JSth Bu-ir.t), New Y'rrk, aa IsDF.rr.Hijrni furuciiH. tnuu all forma of Ungtiing or Clironla DivrnMi, and rcccivoa lettera from all parts of the ClTIJJttO WOMLO. U ntn ar'fiK'iI any of conducting a Medical Frao. tloe, he la auoowf nlly trantln nnmerotw iiatlentu in liuraM, tha weal inaiei, iroiiiinion i Cauaaa, and In every part of the UnitMl Butca. NO 3MKRCXJKIA.L Or deletorion druga uned. He has. during Ik pas twenty three yearn, treated niceceefnlly nearly or quit atl.OtMl eauea. Alt facta oonnt-cud with each cae are earofolly rroordvd, whether they be communicated hy letter or in prnon, or obervetl by the Dot-tor or hit aeaoolato physicians, Ihe letter are ail adentilW H0T7 INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE . Are kraitud. All invalids at a dlstanoe are requires tn answer a list of plain quoatlon. which elicits every symptom under wiiich the invalid .uffere. AU com. mimiaaHniui trtaltd Urictlu cMttniiul. A eompleU system of refitering prevents mistake or coiiIuhIod. List of questions sent Tree, on apiMioition, to any pnre of the world. Suty pane pamphlet of Bvidkvck ot SunoRss, also sent free. All these testimonials are fx ocn thow who hava been treated by mail and eipresa. Advice is orrioc, ob bi ictn. raxi or cbabss. Call on or address DR. E. B. JOOTE, Ho. 1J0 Lexington Ats., W. T. f&irted to fell JTFooiet flam Horn Talk and 2Aedicat Common. Sns;Alia J)r Yboles Science-in Story. FerPttrtfculars address lIumylfillMishing Company 12SF2Sa3t. Sr. Bsrger's Tonis Bowel and J?il Fills. These Dills are an infallible remedy for coaatlpatloa and olles oauae.1 by weakoeas or suppreasiua of tha ariatiitio motion of the bowels. They very aeutly liiore.i the activity of tho intratlnal canal, produoa soft stools and rotters piles at one. Thousaiidi hava bean eared by theua. Price 60 cents, sent by mail on renmtit of price. Prepared only by P. ALFRK.D RRICKA.RDT. Pbabmaomt, 4U4 Foubib Avvxub, nr.w ton litt. Sr. Bergsr's Compound Fluid ztract of Rbubarb and Dandelion. The beat oomblnation of purely veretabla medicine to entirely repl.toe Calomel or Blue Piil. It stimulates too uvor. tne now ol one, ana tnua removes at onoe torpidity of tha liver, biliousness and habitual eon-ttipation. and the diseases arising from such as dytpetma, atok headiche. flatulence, eto. Thoeffeo tiveueeaof this Extract will be proved, visibly, atoiuo to the patient, ai one or two bottle are sufficient to e1-ar the oomiilexion beautifully, and nmove pimples and stains etitsed by liver troubles. Price B! per bttl. bottles, B; win oe sent on receipt or to prlc to aav adaresa. ires or ennre. I'n-pared only by r. a urn iit iisiuHAitiii'. ruABBAcui, -tusitovaxai .vajtra. aiv itws ux. Rakers Sweet Chocolate POWELL & KIME'S. ut Young man if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Grand Ccn tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom bhiit. You can get a good fitting white clean shirt for $1.25 and lrom that up. Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 40 00 I ' aooo I " " - 15 00 Transient advertisements per square o eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, ?l.oU, tnree insertions. $3. Uusinees cards, ten lines or less, per ytar $5. Advertisements payaMe o,uartsrly. NEW LIVEUY is w w (ri m m DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IK lorm tbe Cittzens of Ilidgway, and tha publio gct-orally, that he Las started a Llf ery Stable aud will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Biti es, to let 'Jpon Ihe most reason ble terms. BgIle will also do Job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Tost Office will atef prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A largo eight-page independent, bontsf and fearless newspupe'r of 68 broad columns, especially designed lor the farmer, thit me, cbanic, the merchant and the Professional man, and their Wives and children. Yft aim to make the ?rbhi.t 8un the best family newspaper irt the world It in full of entertaining and instructive reading of every sort, hut prints nothing to offend the n.ost scrupulous and delicate taste. Price $1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The clieuppsi pnper published. Try it- Address The Si n, bew York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. 1). Wetmore. Additional Law Judge lion, imv V Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. Honk. liistrict Altornejr--J. K. P. Hall. Sheriir I), t'cull. 1'rotlnnoti.ry jj-c.-Fred. Schoeniog. Treasurer Joseph Windfeldtr. County Superintendent Gen. R. Diron Commissioiiers Michael Weidert, Julius1 Jones, Ueo. Kd. Weis. Auditors- Thotims lriyin N. O. 15undyf County Surveyor Oco Wilinslcy. Jury Commissi ners. Phillip lireighle lliiiifiom T. ky ler. for sale ii y e.k. gresh, Masnnio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELEBKA1ED PA1KNT SPRINO J5ED REST tempered eteel spring wire, these tprings cud be laid on the slats of an octuniou bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I tho agcut lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Kunning, Most Durable, and llEsT M AClilNK in tho murket. Call anl exuoiino belore purehaaiag elsewhere. v4iilGtt'$, jF YOU WANT TO iJUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II- IIAGSRTT Main Street, Ridgway, Vn. MY GOODS, NOTION'S, ROOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TORACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries Mid Provisions. Tl.e REST URANDS ol FLOUR CttirtuDtly un hund. aud sold us cheap us the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. SEEMS IV VLJtJiTS. C. C. '1 lie True Cape Cod Oraubtsrry, C, best sort lur plaud, Lowland, or Garden, by mail prepaid, 81 per 100, ib per 1.DU0. All the .New, Glioice Straw berries and Pesehcs. A priced Cata logue ot these aud all V ruits, Ornamen tul Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Rulbs, Kosea, riuiits, &c, and IKES 11 FLOWER & GARUEN SEEDS, tho choicest collection in the country, with all novelties, will be sen-t gratis to any pluiu address. 25 sorts of either l lower, Gurdeti; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb fcceds, lor 81,00, bent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO HIE TRADE. Agent tVjntcd. M. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series aud Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Muss. Established 1842. 'pO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSVL X VAN1A. Your attention is specially invited to the fact tbt the National linuka are now prepared to receive subscriptions io I lie Capital Stock ol the Centennial tourd of Finance. The luniia realized from ill in source ure to be employed in the ereo iioii ol ihe building lor tlie Interuaiioua bzhibuion, aud tim expenses eouueoied with Ihe same. Ilia contiiieully believed iliut the Kcybtune State will be repienented b) tlie uuiue of every cilizeu alive lo pati i. olio comiueuiorutiou of the one hundredth biuh-duy of the nation. The aharea sioca are offered lor $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a bandsouie engraved certibeste of Mock, suitable for training and preservation as a national memorial. lmereul at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Ceo leunial Stock from date of payment to Jauuary 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not jieai a Nation bank eau remit a check or post othce erder lo the undersi gutd, niEU'K s HALEY, Treasurer, 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia Applktons American Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegautly illua trated edition of this work, now beiug published, a volume of 800 pages onet in two months, is tbe best Cyeloped 5' America, is certain. No library it com plete without it. It ia a complete one lu itself. It ouly costs (3 a month t get it in leather biuding. The best an4 cheapest library in the world. Addree, C. K. Judscn, Vradocia, M. T.