The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 13, 1876, Image 3

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Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
Ridgay, klk Co., Pa. Oflioe in
Hall's new Brick Building. Claimi for
collection promptly attended td.
Attorneys- at-Law.
Office in New Brick Building, Main St
Sidway, Elk Co., Pa. v3nl2tf.
J, 0. 11'. BAILEY,
tlnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Lifo and Acci
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to tin left, 73-n-SJ-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Ageut for tb
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton GoU
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, dote with
he same accuracy as heretofore. SatU
act.ioa guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Parniaccutis-t. N. W. cornel
of Main and Mill streets, KidgVay, Pa.
full assortment ol carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drups. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. Vln3y
Physician ana .Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, Broad aud
Main Sts, Residence corner Broad St.
opposite the College. Oiiico hours lrom
B to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 1'. M.
vln'Jy 1.
Eclectic Phyiiciah and PUrgeon, hnsreltiov
fcd his otlice from Ceut.e street, to Mail st.
Kidgway, Pa,, in tho second story of the
no brick building uf John 0. Hall, oppo
e:t3 Hyde's store.
O.Soo hours:! td 2 V M 7 to fl V M
RtnawAY, Ei.k Co., Pa.
W. II. SCI1RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for tho patronage heretofore
so liberally beftowed upon him, the ncv
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the contort aud convenience uf
Kuests, to iurit a continuance oi the
Oct 20 lStid.
Centrevillb, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretolon
eo libenlly bestowed upou him, the new
pro prietor, hopes, by payiug strict at
tention to the coiufuri ar.d convenienoe
bx guests, t) merit a continuance of the
r. 1!'. HAYS,
JDry Coois, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Earley . O.
Philadelph a & Erie R. R. Division
ON and after MONDAY, MAY 21, 1875,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as follows:
KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo 4 85 p m
" ' Driftwood.. 6 65 p in
' " " Emporium 0 55 p m
14 St Marys... 7 55 p in
" ' " Ridgway... 8 25 p ru
' " Wilooz It 05 p in
arr at Katie.. 0 30 p in
ERIE MAIL lcayes Philadelphia 11 55 p m
Renovo 1105 am
' " Emporium 1 10 p m
" St. Mary's 2 00 p m
" Ridgway 2 25 p ui
Wilcox 2 58 pm
" arrive at Erie 7 50 pm
RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a ru
' Wilcox 8 33am
" " Ridgway. 9 25 a m
' " St Mary.; 10 01 a m
" " Emporium.'... ..11 05 a m
' Driftwood..;.-. 12 15 p m
" " Renovo ........ 1 40 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie.. 11.20 a m
" Kane 8 45 p in
i " Wiloox j. 4 08 p m
" " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" St. Mary's 5.10 pm
' ' Emporium 6.05 pm
" Renovo 8.25 p m
" " arr. at Philadephia... C.50 a m
Renovo' Aocom and Kane Accom connect
ast and west at Eust with Low Grade Di
Uia and B N Y & P R K
Oen'l Sup't.
Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
goods at T & K's. The cheapest and
J. S. BORDWELL W Local Agent for all
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Shrubs, Roses, Flowers ko-, from the best
Nursery In the state of New York. Buy at
home and save money. v5ni7m8.
Givcus a call for job work.
Tho beautiful snow fell in considera
ble quantities jesterday.
A large stock of fine furs were de
ceived this week at the New York Store.
Sold at remarkably low prices.
Services next Sunday at tbe Luth
eran church, by Rev. I Breneman,
English morhing and evening.
The Commissioners of Clurion County
have seluctcd Geo. W. Wilson as clerk
at a salary of $450- In Forest county
they give L. F. Roher 8480.
C. S. King, Esq , tho newly
elected sheriff of McKean county, re
ceived bis commission, filed bis bonds
and was sworn into offioe last week. It
will be remembered that it was reported
immcdiatly after tho election that his
election was a nulity on the ground that
there was no vacaucy under the new
constitution, but the Attorney General
decided otherwise, hnd the Governor
forwarded Mr. King his commission.
Gene in last week's issue of the
Democrat makes two or three little er
rors which we will call his attention to
In the first place he says J. 0. W.
Bailey was a candidate for commissioners)
Clerk which is not true. lis also said
Mr. McCauley, Treasurer elect, deman
ded the books of Sir. Windfcldcr; now
had the young man booked up he would
not have mado this misstatement
The fact is Mr. McCauley said nothiug
to Mr. Windfclder about the books.
Ho also had his outsides, printed Jan.
6, 1870, dated Jau 6, 1375. The last
error is excusable as Gene had been off
on a Christmas spree. Wake up old
mutton-head!, and realize that we are
now entering the Centennial Year of
American Independence.
Printers' Legal Cap and Juniata Eroad
Bill Legal Cup Paper, and all kinds
of Fancy Note Paper, incbulimj every
grade of the new ''Centennial Paper,"
received ycnterday at the Alio York,
The message of Gov. Ilartiantft, to
the General Assembly of Pennsylvania,
delivered oa Tuesday last, was un able
one, and deserving of iiiuoli commenda
tion, aside front partbuu feeling. Cur
ing the year cudiug Nov. 30th inst.,
S1,335,407,G5 of tho public debt was
redeemed. The receipts for the year
were ?7,534!f350,C7; disbursed during
durinj; the year 56,541,413,40, leaving
balance in Treasury of 903,207,27.
We find the debt of the State on Decem
ber 1st last to bo 823,233,137 74.
The Gureinor notes an improvement in
Normal school instruction throughout
the ytafe; refers with pride to the Leg
islature for its patriotism in continuing
its support of the schools for soldier's
orphans; considers municipal govermcnt
a problem the solving of which, is an
occasion for muuh serious consideration,
congratulates the State upon the thus
far successful progress of the Centen
nial movement advises iucteascd accom
modations for the insane of tho State;
refers with feeliugs of regret to the ap
parent growing lawlessness of the peo
ple in ce rtain sectious, and advises ac
tion by the Leislature relative thereto;
compliments the National Guard ser
vice for ho improved condition; ap
proves the establishment of the Insur
ance Department of the State, and
quotes its efficiency as already manifes
ted; advises a full representation of our
mineral resources at the Centennial and
makes favorablo mention of the labors
of the Geological Survey department;
regrets the partial failure of tho labors
of the Fish Commissioners, by reason of
inadequate legislation; pays a fitting
compliment to the late Hon. Geo. L
Harrison, President of the lioard ot
Public Charities, and considers the
gentlemen composing the Board are
deserving of the gratitude of our poople;
ad visea the adoption of such legislation
as will tend to check the increasing
vagrancy throughout Iho State; alludes
to the overcrowded condition of the
Eastern penitentiary; announces the
publication of volume 1 and 2 of Col
onial Records; calls attention to the
inefficiency of the law relating to the
salaries of County Officers; suggested
the repeal of all laws imposing taxes on
trades, occupations and professions, that
at present are on the statute; recom
mends the appointment of a commission
to act with a similiar body appointed by
the State of New York to determine and
renew tbe State boundary lines; pays
fitting enlogiuma to the late Ex-Chief
Justice, Geo. W. Woodward, Horaoe,
Binney, Samuel E, Dimmick; gives
words of wisdom touching the present
Legislative session, and hopes that its
counsels may be such as snail tend to
the honor and prosperity of the people
Fi-ankford Gazette.
Pittsburg, January 6. Tho execu
tion of William Murray and Fredrick
Mycn for the murder of Gotthardt
Whal, took place in the jail yard at
noon to-day. The murder was com
mitted on the evening of November 11,
1874, as the farmer Wahl was driving
to Lis home near Porrysvillo. He was
waylaid by these two men, and while
Myers held the horses Murray sprang
into the wsgufl aud demanded Wahl's
money or his life. Whal attempted to
grapple with him wheu lit drew a re
volver, firing three shots, two of which
took effect in Wahl's abdomen. On the
evening of tho following day, Mtirrsy
and Mycn were both arrested at their
boarding house in this eity and shortly
afterward Myers made a full confession.
They wore convicted aud sentenced to
be hung. Murray says he wat born in
New Haven in 1840. Ho is a carpen
ter by trade, and has no fcintives liviug
He has steadily refused to have any
spiritual adviser. He professes to be
lieve there is no hr reafler, and would
have nothing to do with priests or
preachers. It was only yesterday
that he dismissed a priest telling him he
would let him know when ho wanted
him and his friends. He spent last
evening in conversation with bis guards
on various topics, but hot on the subject
of the murder. Myers states that he
was born in Germany, aud is thirty-five
years olJj this, the day of his execution,
being his birthday. He came to this
country, wheu eleven years of ago, and
is a harness maker by trade. Since his
conviction he has devoled mc'stof his
time to religious reading, prayer and
meditation, aud expressed a strong hope
ia his future happiness. During last
night ho employed his time in reading
the Testament aud praying. At eight
o'clock Father Beck, his spiritual ad
viser, visited him and cdniicisteted the
sacrem.iut of the Church, after which
he partook of a hearty breakfast- A
strong effort has been made by his
counsel to have his sentence commuted
to impriconment for lifp. A final hear
ing was Lad before the Board of Par
dons on Tuesday last, when it refused to
commute the teDteiico.
Mr. J. H. Gwinu, the Treasurer
elect of Clarion county, filed his bond
aud took charge of his office or! Mon
day last, January iJd 187G. The
amount is f 00 ,000, The following are
he boiid.-mun: li. M. Means, W C
H, R Framptun, Win. Ii vin, Jas. Slater
C A Ranking, Jus. B Patrick. Mr
Cwion has appointed J J5 Patrick, of
Claiiou, bis clerk, which is a judicious
selection. Clarion Republicaii.
"Gv.llivcr's Travels" Mark Ticains
"Sketches Xtw aud Old," Dr. Hayes'
'Open Pular Sea," I'rrscoil's "Con
quest of Mi j icu," and li ving's "Life
of Columbus," all beautifully illus
trated fur idle at the New York Store.
Pottsville city fathers have resolved
tc put out the gas after midnight. They
want their misdeeds shielded by the
Andrew Slmf!L'r. of Juekson town
ship, Perry county, was kicked to death
by a horse which he w is saddling,
on Monday
The Bo'.lefoute Watchman thought
tho Democratic legislators would not
make such 'Tools of themselves" as to
begin all legislation anew.
On Thursday Jacob Saltsman, oi
Decatur township, Miffliu county,
chocked to death on a piece of meat,
whilo intoxicated. Ilia wife died the
week before.
The fchipiueut of coal from tho Cluar
fiaid ccal fields over the Tyrone Divioiou,
P. R. R. for the year just past amounted
to 628,297 tons, an inoreaso of 271,
338 tons of 1874.
On Wednesday night Ella, a little
daughter of M. V. Oruer, living about a
mile cast of Altoona; died from the ef
fects ot bums by firo which communi
cated to her clothes while playing
.around a stove on Tuesday.
Gov. Curtin, D. C. Bush, E3q,, and
other prominent uica havo about com
pleted arrangements for the transfer of
a knitiiug machine company from
Philadelphia to BellcfoDte Centre
connty. The work will give steady em
ployment to about three hundred men.
The Opera House, Altoona, has been
engaged for twenty-ono consecutive
nights for tbe purpose of holding re
vival services therein. Rev. E. 11am
mond, who has acquired a State reputa
tion as a stirrer up of sinners, aud an
athlete in wrestling with the evil one,will
conduct the revival
Foreign insurance companies doing
buoiue-ii in the State paid taxes last year
on premiums amounting to 8150,406,23
There are 170 of such companies, end
tho largest sum was paid by the Mutual
Benefit Lite Company ol Newark, N.
J. the amount reaching 817,350,36.
The iEtna paid the highest tax on fire
insurance, 810,879,06.
The over-supply of coal in the
Schuykill region, that caused suspension
of mining, still continues, and pretty
much all business connected with the
trade continues now as a week ago.
Prices have not been a'dvanced in con
sequence of suspension, nor is it pobable
that they will be during the present
winter. There is some little mining of
coal in the Lehigh coal region, and any
prospect of a material reduction of tbe
present output will stimulate production.
But at present the. coal trade is very
URER. Washington, January 8 The Treas
ury now holds 8303,002,962 in bonis
to ECoure tho national bank circulation,
and $18,020,500 to 'sccuro publio do
posits. United States bonds deposited
for circulation for tho week eliding to
day, 8184,000; United States bonds
held for eiiculaiion Withdrawn for the
week endiug to-day, 5732,700; national
bauk circulation now outstanding 8343,
893,094, of which amount 52,100,300
aro gold notes. The internal revcuuo
receipts to-day were $470,724,94; for
the mouth to date 82,939,342,93. Cus
toms receipts to-day 8581,077,93; for
the month to date, 83,231,221,70; for
tho fiscal year to date, 879,251,099,25.
The balances in the Uuited States
Treasury to-day, at the hour of closing,
wero as follows: Special deposit of le
gal tenders for the redemption of certi
ficates or deposit, 830,755,000; coiu (in
cluding coin certificates to the amount
of C-3 1,2 11,800,) 871,740,145; out
standing legal tenders, .8471,827,220;
currency, 83,303,190.
Washington, January 9. There is to
be a pretty general chango mado in the
personnel of tho office of Second Comp
troller uhd Third Auditor of the Treas
ury. Several removals therelrom were
made yesterday, aud more are to follow.
Washington, January 8. Mrs.
Gaines has arrived in thi3 city, after au
absence of two jears to attend to a
suit pending in the Supremo Court af
fecting the probate of a will in New
Orleans. She says she has been en
gaged in litigation eoncotniun her in
terest for forty-four yours, aud has spent
tnree fortunes.
Charles Morgan and Charles Lewis,
al.'as Stand felt, wa arrested on a charge
ol circulating counterfeit money The
parties are said to be distributing agents
for a fiiiii'4 of countci leitera of which
Hen Boyd is the chief, and the officors
have been after them for yc.irs The
cvi lencc against Morgan is not strong,
but the officer.", claim a sure thing ou
WaMiiriKtoii, January 8. It is ad
mitted at the Navy Department that the
arrest of Paymaster Spauldiug at Suu
Francisco is a result of tho official in
quiry into'the Pinney frauds. The do
tuiU of thi.; investigation will not he
givcu by the department, as the Secre
tary does not consider that the proceed
ings ot the Court of Inquiry in this i!ae
should be made public. A court mar.
tisl v,i!l soon be ordered for Paymaster
Wa.hington, January 5 At an in
formal nicotine held at the Arlington
ilok'l tr-nijrht. coturosed of prominent
citizen? of the District, the preliminary
steps were taken to induce tho Demo
cratic and Republican national commit
tees to select Washington 1 8 the place
in which to hold their respective tia
tioual conventions. The argument was
advanced that die public cserully
would reioicis hi nu opportunity to visit
the capital diir'un; tho Centennial year.
Another meeting will bo held on
Friday niirht.
Cleveland, 0.,7Jnuary 8. A meet,
ir.g will ho held here on the loth inst.
lor liic purpose ot considering what
mess'ires are uceessary t. secure the
repeal tf the net of the last Congress
known as the Resumption net. A mem
orial to CoiigreM has been extensively
circulated in this ci'.y, and received the
signatures of a very laro uumber of
prominent business mtu, petitioning for
a repeal of so much of ihe act as pro
vides for the payment of United States
legal-tender notes in cuiu upon tho first
day of January, 1879, and authorizes
the Secretary of the Treasury to sell
and disposu of bonds ol the Uuited
States for the purpose of enabling him
to redeem such legal-tender noJes; also,
representing, in the judgmjat of
tho petiiiouers, tho enforcement cf the
resumption clause of said act would be
exceedingly disastrous to the business of
the country
The following is tho list of license
petitions filed in tho Court of Quarter
Sessions for January Sessions 1S7G.
And will bo presented to tho said
court on Wednesday, tho 20th day of
January 1S7G at 2 o'clock P. JI,
1 Henry Blush
Ee nr. inner
2 F X Sorg.
3 John Collins
4 Luther Ltienre
5 William II Schram
(J l.iley Bros.
St. Mary's Bord.
7 Arton Foohtmao
8 Lorer.z Vogcl
9 Joseph F. Wiudfeider
10 Joseph Wind'elder
11 William
12 James Rogan
13 John Wachtlc & Son
14 John Daley
15 James Magi'iu-a
St Marys Euro.
1G William. Geis
17 Authooy Schauors
28 Jacob Kraus
10 1) II Hainu
Jon1. '
20 A I Wilcox ct al.
21 O. G. Messenger
St. Marys Boro.
22 Joseph Wilhelm,'
Cincinnati, January 8 Robert O
Strong, City Solicitor and a prominent
lawyer aud politician, died last night.
Charles Suthers.'thc great cotton spin
ner of Oldham, Lancasnire, Eti;lund,
has failed. Liabilities, 81,000,000.
Eidgway Cemetery.
Lots are now ofiiered for ta'e by the
Ridgway Ccmotary Association in tho new
Cemetery Tbe prcscnl low prico for lots
may soon be advanoed.
Apply at the olGoe of
W. S. HAMBLBS, Secretary
Ki'jgway Sept; 7, 185. n-i'M :f
Jury Lict.
Following is the list of jurors 'lrwn for
tho January term of court.
grand junoas.
Ccnczotte .Tamoi 1). Winslow, laborer;
Reuben Winslow, laborer; II. it. Wilson,
lieminger Philip Young, farmer,
George Frit, laborer.
Fox Win. Wood, laborer: .ffobt. Wilbur,
civil engineer: Tlios. Gross, farmsr; Cou
lod Jli'yer, farmer; James Mohan, lumber
man; f.ruua Uerrington, laborer
Jones A. A. Clay, farmer: J. C. Malono
Kidgway Horace Warner, gunsmith;
Geo. F. Dickinson, lumberman; C. K. Holi
day, clerk, M. K. Lesser, blacksmith.
tt. Marys Borough Frank Sosenlieimcr,
tinsmith; Gerlr.ird fc'oehtman, laborer; An
ton Bonninger, laborer; Cuipcr Wcgein'cr,
plasterer; Anthony tlerg, blacksmith,
i.'.a'thow Malono cadler.
Spring Creek Jesse Claypool, laborer.
Benfolte 1). B. Winslaw, favmcr; II.
D. Derr, blacksmith; I'etriken "inslov,
laborer; William Winslow, laborer; James
Ovcrturf, farmer.
Bunziiifter Antony Munich, laborer;
Michael Schubert, laborer; August Fledcr
uiau, farmer: Joe. Blesael. Jr., farmer
Adanj Jesbcrger, farmer.
Fox John Koch merchant; Wm. E.
Hewitt, firmer; l'atriek Brown, farmer;
Jacob Bollinger, laborer; James O'llaia,
laborer; Geo. B. Taylor, farmer; Goorgo
W. Taylor laborer: Andrew ilowo, firmer;
Talbct Thoinpsou, laborer.
Morton Nathan Ripple, farmer; Thoo
dore Fox, faridor; Hirvcy I'arsoiis, laborer.
Jay Leauder Gardner, farmer; Wm.
Webb, carpenter.
Jones Valentine Miller, farmer.
Millstouo O. C. T. Holf, laborer.
.Kidgway James Gardner, lumberman,
O. li. Fitch, farmer; Wm. H. Hyde, mer
chant; 2hns. Holes, jeweler; John Casserly,
mason; S. A. Oltnatcad, millwright; Gcorgo
Coolcy, clerk.
St. Marys Borough Michael Biunner,
merchant; Kd.vard Babel, wsgon-n'.aker;
Jehu Mei.-el, baker. B. F. Lawrence;
laborer; John Lietuer, painter: Bo' ul'ard
Severing, laborer;
Spring Creek Emerson Crabtrce, saw
yer. H3W A3V23Ti332TT3."
Casper Pojtx, 1 In tho Court cf Common
vi. I'leas of Elk County.
Mary ltoper. J No. , Sept. Term, 1S73.
To th". Defendant above nairua:
Subpoena and alias subpoena having
isrucl in the above entitled case and re-
tui u.'a "not loiind in tho county, von aro
hereby nuiiiied to appear before said court
if. r Ue f'Hii'tli Monday oi January, A. D.
lf!T(i, to to tho said complaint
Chfiffs Office, ltidcrway, IV.
Dec. 21al, 173. u lot i.
Llzi ofCsi'::s.
Set down for trial Jaaua-y term, com
mencing January 24tli. lo7H.
1 Lewis S. Dodd vs: John Mann, No. 41,
Nov. TVrni, 1875.
2 William II. tvaus vs. A. J. Avery, No.
:, April Term, 1874.
3 J. U. Whitman vs, John M'Qiffick, Ko
33, August Term, 1874.
1 Lazarus Moyer vx. Pa'riek Lamb, No.
3-1, August Term, 1874.
R. vi. Moorlieal ct al. Adin rs of N.
W. M'Claro, deceased vs. Hiram Carman.
Ko. 28 September Term. 1874.
0 John Andrews vs. O. T. Wheeler & Co
No. 63, September Term, 1S74.
7 110 McOill vs. The Peun'a R. R. Co..
Ko. 'J, January Term, 1S7-3.
8 rrank X. Sore vs. D. C. Oyster, No. o,
January Term, 1875.
0 Miles Dent. vs. M (' yoko.Tand rV m
Wyckoff, No r. May Term, 1870.
10 Sarah V. uoox, widow, &c, vs
jcsso and John Plait, No SI, May Term,
11 Wm. R Young ct nl vs The A V R R
Co. No 28, May Term. 187-3.
12 Lorcna E Lucore ct al vs Hiram Wood
ward, No l!b. May Term. 1S75
13 J S Dales vs MartSa En No 171,
May Term 1875
11 Jotin J Ridgway vs Isaac Stephenson,
ct al, No 17,'), May Term, 1875
15 John J Ride-way vs 8arah S Burns et
al. No 170 May Term, 1?75
lo J k P Hall vs D Kunes and Mary
Klines, No 193 May Term, 1875
17 James Black vs Orrin S Sanders, No
10 September Terra, 1875
18 A Wolf J- Son vs Martin Euz, No 23
Sept' Term, 1875
19 J W Brown vsDD Poleu, No 51 Sept.
Term 1875
20 II C Mooro et al vs The Township of
.Millstone, .o Kept, term, lo,o
21 Geo Wcis survivor, &c. vs. The St,
Mary a Coal Co., No 100 September Term
22 D C Oyster, late Sheriff, for uso vs.
Martin Surg ct al., No 107 Sept Term, 1875
23 A C Allen vs H W May, No 193, Sept
Term, 1875
24 Geo Brown vs. William K Wins'.ew
No 231, Sept Term, 1873
BY VIRTUE ofsundry writs of fieri
facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni
exponas, levari facias, and alias levari
facias and testatum fieri iaoius, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Elk ceifuty, and to mo directed, I
DANIEL SCULL, Ili-h Sheriff ol
said county do hereby give notice that
I will exposo to publio sale or outcry, at
the Court House, in Kidgway, at one
o'clock P. M.
MONDAY JANUARY, 21th, 1870
By virtuo of a craiu writ of Levari
Facias &.O. "
ALL that certain piece of land situate
in tho Village cf Ridgway in the County ot
Llk and kuowo ou tlie plot or map ot
t aid Village as lots Nob. thirty-six (3b' ) and
thirty-scvea (37) being the same lot s on
which Georgo D. Messenger now re
sides, on which there is erected a frame
dwelling house, main part two stories high
and 21x00 feet in size, with wing 20x30
feet ouu and half stories high, also a large
frame barn and other outbuildings Except'
ir.g 4,000 square feet of land out of lot No
87 above named being forty feet in front on
Main street by one hundred feet iu depth
along Mill street, upon which is erected
one two ktory Drug Store 23 feet front by
00 feet in depth being the same laud con
veyed lo Grove U Messenger by the said
Tieorge ) Messenger and wife by deed
dated tcbiuary 21 1871.
ALbO the east half of a certain other lo
known on said plot or map of Bllgwny as
number thirty-five 35 being the same
property conveyed by Boed dated the 28th
dny of March 1867 by Jacob llouck and
wife to Said Messenger.
ALSO, a certain other p'ece of land in
Ridgway township, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a I'ost at the S.
W corner of the Cardot lot thence N. 112
52 rods to ocntro of Clarioi River thence
up said Centre of the River by its various
courses and distances to the N. W. comer
of the lol soli Towell & Kime by O. D
Messenger a post on tho South Bank for a
corner theace 8. 1 W. 40 rods to a Pt i.
in the south lino of the Cardot lot, thence
by said south line N. 88J W. 23 2-10 rods
to tho plaoe of begiuniug, containing 6 42
100 nure.
AtS) thirty acres from the east side df
thn said Jacob Cardot lot being the same
soid to I'oweU & Kime by George D Messen-
f;er by dee I dalol November oth 1S73, aa.t
Joint; the remainder of the said Jacob Car
dot lot.
ALSO four thousand square feet of land
out of lot No. 37, being forty feet in front
on Main street by ono hundred foot in
depth along Mill slreei, upon whioh is
erected one two story Druj Storo 25 feet
by 00 feet in depth bin; the samn land
conveyed to Orove O. Metsunger by the
said Oeorfr") L. Mes-eu-r aud wife-by
deed d ito l February 21, lS7t.
deir.ed, taken in exeout 1 It bo sold
as the pioporty of tio rgo v. .Mcrjsugor.
at the suit of O. E. Elliot.
ALL tho right titl-j interest cUini and
lemind whatsoever of dsfend.uit of, ia, to
. iV 11 ! JJ....1 P.lila, a
or out oi ma luuuwiiiB ""!
in Hie village of Wce.tvillo, Jay iownsinp
Elk CoUuty Pa, bounded as follows:
DcRinuing at a post, on tho western side
of the highway loiding from Weedville to
St. Marys, seventy. two feat northerly from
the North ICast corner of lot owned by J.
.). Shatter; thence south seventy an 1 three
fourths degrees West eight and oae fourth
8T rods to a post: tnenee North ninety
iauoiie fourth degrees West eighty l
feet to ft post; thetiee North seventy and
three fourths deg-'es East tT0E eight
and ono fourth rods to a post; thenca
3outh nineteen aud ono fourth degrees
Ea-Jt eighty feet to the place of beginning
containing one fourth ef an acre
ALSO ad of det'cnlants interast what9o.
r i annthor lot of laud situate in the
villago of Weedville aforesaid described as
follows: Beginning at the intersection of
Iho roa lleadinr fr)ni St. M iry- RaJ;
thence along tbe Crck rtoad oao hundred
aud twenty feet t i a post, thence southerly
a', right angles ous hundred aa l sixty feel
to a post; thenco Westerly to'a p.dnton the
Pcnfietd Road ninetyMive feet: thence along
siid mentioned road ono hundred and nine
feet to the place of beginning- Combining
eleven thousand eight hundred square feet
more or less upou which is erected a two
story frame houso 18 feet by 2'i feet and a
store room one story 12 feet by 18
fe a'-ized, taken Into execution and tc be
sold as the prjperty of L. N. Briggs at the
suit of A J Avery ...
ALSO all the rigt title interest, claim
and demand whatsoever of defendants of iu
to or out of all the following tract piccj or
parcel of bin 1 to wit: Being iu the Town.
..hi-) of Spring Creek Couuty of Elk and
State 01 I'eunsyiv'.n.a ujum.u
orihed as follows: being part of w 'i nt
2775 warranted in tho uaoie of mlhelm
Willink and others ,
B-gintiing at Saddle Pack Rocn on the
left bank of Spring Creek; thence Nerth
thirty-one (31 decrees West nineteen
191 rod:,; thence North (5degrees West
seventeen fl7rod3 10 a hemlock tree on
said left bank of Spring Creek; thence
North ei:ty J00 degrees East forty 40
rods to a post; thence South thirty (30
degress Ea3t sixty seven and firo tenths
rt)7 51 rods; thenco South niuj and one
fourth 91 1 uegrees ' "
tenths 5 ft J rods to tin placo ot DOginnmg
containing fifteen 15 acres more or
less on which are eroded the following
buildin-s to wit: On.- lar-e wat saw
mill ceo frame sd,j.d house, four frame
dwelling houses about IbalS icet with
additions, cue lo'bouso about M-iJ
feet, aL'O one frame barn about JUs-iJ
leet. The above houses are used as
tenant houses in aud about and mill
ALSO an undivided throe fourth R
iuterest iu, to, or, out cf the following
tract piece or parcel of hind faituit3 aud
bein in Sprim: Creek township Elk
County and Stnto cl Pennsylvania
hounded and described as follows to wit:
fin iVn North and East bv lands of
Nelson Strong; 'on the South by war
rant lino of warrant No' 27S9: ou tho
West bv Millstone Township line con
taiuitiE 'Ji acres more or less bcinp
part of warrant No. '2771'
Seized "taken into execution and to
be sold as tho property cf L F & II M
Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell
et al.
ALSO ail tho riht tillo interest
claim and demend whatsoever of
defendant, of in and to the following
described Heal Estate consistinti of one
town lot being 50 feet trout by 150 leet
deep situate ou the East Bide of St.
Michael Street in the Uorough of St.
Marys Elk County Pennsylvania being
lol No. 2 on said Street aooording to the
plan of Martin Sorg Esq. Douudcd on
the North by the. hind of John Heindlo
on tho East by land of Phillip Meyer on
the Sou'h by land of Martin Sorg and
on tho West by St. Michael Street con
taining 7500 square feet of ground; on
which there is erected a two story
frame dwelling house 20 by 31 feet and
a frame barn 1G by 20 feot; thero is
also a good well ol water on the premi
ses. Seized tak m ioto execution and to bo
sold as tho property ot J. W. Fox. at
tho suit of F. X. Sorg.
Tho following must bo Dtrictly com
plied with when properly is struck off.
1 All bids must, bo paid in full ex
cept where the p'aiutiff or other lien
creditor becomes too purcnaser, in
which case tho cost on tho writs must
bo paid as well as all liens prior to that
ot tho purchaser and a duly certified
list ot ltcus, shall bo tarnished includ
ing mortgaged searches on the property
sold together with such lien creditor's
receipt for the amount of the proceeds
ol the sale, or Hucli portion thereof as
bo shall appear to be entitled to
Seo Purdon's Digest Orh 'edition
pagedlS; Smith form pago 384.
2 All sales not settled immcdiatly
will bo (Oitinued. until 6 o'clock I'M
at which time a 1 property not settled
for will again be put up nnd sold at the
expense and li.-k of the person to whom
it was fir tt struck off aud viho iu case
of deficiency at such resales shall make
good tbe same aud in no iustanco will
the deed be presented in court for con
firmation unless the bid is actually
settled for with tbe Sheriff as above
Shffs. office Deo. 291875,
Hats and Caps a fcorr aafMii'.ttli
at P. & K's.
Hunting Rubbers! with and witbolil
heels, a lare lot at P. & K's. Alt
othor kinds of rubber boots and shoes.
Wedding and Mourning outfits for In
dies at MAY & SILVEKMANN'S, oppiWo
the Court huuee, Williamsport, Pa.
Coods marked down to astonish tho
world Call arid see us. MAY it SILVER.
MANN, Williamsport, Pa.
Millinery goods, hair switches, jewelry,
funny "roods, notions, ladies & ehildreng
tlnaks, drcasos & undergarments. Whole
sale & Retail at MAY SILVERMAN V3
opposite tiic court house, Williamsport, Pa
We are agents for madam demorest pat
terns, calalouges free, send for one, pat
terns sent by raail. MAY & SILVEll
MANN'S Williamsport Pa.
''King Beo" aud many others kind
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking f
all tho popular brands at P. & K's.
From two to threo hundrod ladies cloth
co its latesi styles also a large lot of Fins
a. prices so low to astonish every body
MAY" & SI LVE11MANN, opposite the
Court House, Williamsport, Va
CoodlLh boneless and hkitikss. Also
some of llit old fashioned in lull dress;
at J'. & KM.
Have you been to Williarrinport Ta.. to
buy vhni you want at MAY'S SILVEK
MANN'S, opposite the Court House. They
are givi.ig Up retail business i are selling
go ids very cheep
Thoso new style prints, at P & K's
arc the general talk of the town. Go
and see tliotn.
Paper collars' the nobbiest! '.vith turn
d iwn corners also the good old l5yron
style at P. fi K's.
A full slock of fresh Family groceries,
such ss Teea, Coffees, Stiiuis, llice,
Syrups, Spices', li. 13- Powder, Ilaking,
ttjd Sweat Chocolate, and every thing
in that line, at P, & K's.
A general stock of winter clothing,
at very low prices at P. & K's.
If you want a bag of feed, or a
bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack of
b:mr or even a small sack of Graham
flour, it will pay you to step into P &
K's for it
If you pay for goods when you biiy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will bo
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and ehildreu will greet you with a
smile in thi morning. Go to Powell
& Kimc's model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go homo
satisfied. They have adopted tho cash
system, aud say it is working charm
ingly. Hair switches 75 cents $1 00 2 00 3 00 &
1 50 worth doublo the money and Ruches
tor 25 conts hats from 25 ccntj upwards
Tiiuied hats from $1 00 upwards, great re
duction in all kinds of goods at MAT &
SILVKRM ANN'S, Williamsport, Pa.
Prices to nstonith the world. Every
thing is bound to bo sold to quit business;
Come every body. Building and fixture
for sale. MAY" SILVERMANN, Wil
liamsport opposite Iho Court House.
MAY & SILVERMAN Williamsport Ta.,
aro discontinuing the retail trade and aro
soiling goods at and below cost. Call and
see them they are great bargains.
If you want any bl'ched or brown
inudius, from J lo 10-4 wide any
quality, go to head quarters, Powell &
Kimc's aud select to vour taste.
Extra inducements offerd in ladies St
childrens furs, small sets at $1 00 ladies
sets from $2 00 and 'upwards eztra bar
gains in Mink sets lirst quality as, MAY &
Evangelical.Non-Seetarian ludtpandeu
The Christian at .tWork.-
T. Do Witt Tallage Editor.
Best Religious Paper published
Talmage's Sermon fach week.'
lleports of Mr. Moody's Work
13? Kev. W. M. BAKE II.
Oue of the most popular of Amencau stor
After JOSEPH JOHN, executed in twenty
uiuo printings and heretofore sold for $15' '
also au
Painted expressly for this paper by Kills;
WlilTNEi', and chromocd by L. 1'ilANU
CO. Boston.
JCJl'uese are genuine art works, ami
tho best and inost expcusivo pietire pre
uiimuuis ever ollered.
Most Libtrul Terms to Agents,
Without premium postage prepaid ... $3,00
With either premium unmounted, postage
With cither premiuu, mounted by .....4,00'
at subscribers expense
C2fFor full particulars as to commis
si jus ana canvass address.
a. P.. CORWIN, Publisher,
Private Tuition.
Fupils wantisg to reoaive instruction in
Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for
College can have opportunity of doing' so'
by applying te the Iteotor of .Grace Church,
IIo having made the neeessary arrange
ments will be glad to receive a limited
number of young ladies aud gentlemen for
iastruction. For information as to terms
&o apply to
, Kidgway, Par
Aug 19,801