I BUSINESS CARDS. ?. A. RATHBUN, Attorney at-law, Ridgway, Pa. Jjtf. RUFVS LUCORE, AUorney-at-La Ridgway, Elk Co , Fa. Office Id ell's new Brick Building Cl!m for Collection promptly attended to. vnlly. II ALL A ATVAULET, Attorneye-at-Ijtw. Offiea in New Brick Building, Main 81 Kidgwsy, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2lf. J. 0. fr. BAILEY, ATTORNKY-ATLAW. vlei.l. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for tha Traveler's Life and Acei dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers bit prof'eaeional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ano sur rounding country. All work warranted Office in Service 4 Wheeler's Uuildiog, up. tairs, Irst deer lo tha left. 7J n-21y cnARLta holes, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, I'a. Agent for th Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton GoM Pen. Repoiring Watches, eto, dot with be same accuracy as heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. J ESSEX GER, Druggist and Parmnceulitt N. W. cornet t Mam aud Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carelully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions citrefully dispeuaed at all hours, day ui Bight. ,ln3v T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physioian ana Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Eroad and Main 8ts, Resilience corner liroad St. apposite the College. Office hours troni to 10 A. M. and Horn 7 to 8 P. M. vluliyl. J. S. li OR DWELL, M. D., Eeleetio Physician and Surgeon, hts remov ed his otiice trom Ceutre street, to Man st. Ridgway, I'a,, iu the second story of the new brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, 0 J4 hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9PM I1YDE HOUSE, RiuawAY, Elk Co., Pa W. H, SCI111AM, Proprietor. Thankful for tha patronage heretofori so liberally bestowed upon bim, the nea proprietor, hopes, by payiug strict a leution to the comfort anJ eonveuienee o. guests, te merit a eeutiouaBca ei thi same. ct,0 1809. KERSEY HOUSE, CiitTaaviLLi, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins. Proprietor. Thankful for the patrouuge here to tori se libenlly bestowed upon bim, the now proprietor, hopes, by paying striot at tentiou to the coiulor. aid coaveuienof f gujsts. t ! merit a continuance of thi same. F. W. HAYS, DIALS, IN Err Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eartey 1. O. vla47tf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD Pkiladelpl a & Eris R. R. Division WINTER. TIME TABLE. ""VN and after MONDAY, MAI 24, 1875, trains on me f hiladeiphia & Kite Railroad will run as follows: WXSTWAHO. KANE ACCOM leaves Kenovo..... 4 85 p at " " Diiltirood 5 6j p ni ' " " Emporium tj 65 p m " " " St Marys... 7 55 p in " " " Riigway... 8 25 pin Wilooz W 05 p ui arr at Kane- ) at) p m IftIB MAID leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " " Kenovo U 05 a in " " " Emporium I 10 p m " Bt- Mary's .... 2 00 p m " Ridgway 2 2 5 p m " Wilcox 2 68 p m arrive at trie 7 60 p m EASTvYAuO. MNOVO ACCO 4 leaves Kane... 8 00 a m " " Wilcox- 8 B8 a iu " Ritlgwa,- 9 26aiu " " 8: Mary 10 01 a m " " Emporium 1105aui " " Driftwood lilopui . J'.. . . ,w V fcen ......... 1 40 p m XIII MAIL leaves Eris .11.20 a u Kane...... m 8 45 p m i' " Wilcox 4 08 p u. Ridgway ........ 4.45 p u " " " St. Mary's 6.lo p m " " ' Emporium 6.05 p iu Kenovo 8.25 p ni " " rr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a at Benavo Acoom and Kane Accom connect ast and west at East with Low brads Di- vuiea and B N Y P K U WU. A. BALDWIN. Osn'l 8upt. Ireah fa mil t Groceries, and Ctonad jajdi .1 PAK l. Tha e.iapestaaa mi IH0REDAT JANCART 6. 1876. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, J. 8. BORDWELL la Local Agent for all kinds of Fruit and OrnaaienMl Trees Shrubs. Roses, Flower Ac-, from tha bent Nursery lk the state of New York. Buy a home and save money. v6a8-7ai8 Hnow stortn to-day Mud adorns our afreets. This is the Centennial Year. Township election will soon be here. It is said that during the reeeot warm weather the trees have budded. The Auditors are now settling with Treasurer Windfelder This is oot much of a year lor sleigh riding. Fquire Bailey looks down his nose now because marriages are so scarce, Coal dealers are out of humor with this weather. jack irost Has made bis appearance again in this region. "Old Probabilities" has knocked the calculation out of our weather prophets Company II paraded the streets on New Year's Day. Qo to the Advocate office for Coe job work. The Auditors Settlement will be published during the month of Febru Try Hie Advocati this year. A few dollars spent for a county paper is a profitable investment. There will be a Triennial Assessor and two assistants elected at the Spring election. The boys now have to wait until the girls able tbetu. Its leap year you know. Jacob McCautey, the new County Treasurer will have his office iu the Court House in 'he room once occupied by the Advocate office. Special Ncticb Inasmuch as this is me centennial i ear, and moreover .1. 1 a ye quill driver of ye aiicient newspaper, yclept Advocate, is sadly in need of funds to purchase some of the necessar ies of life, and withal to pay for some that he has already, and as has also other expenses and little moncv. we would suggest to the said editor's nutn erous patrons to think if they have not a stray dollar or two belonging, not to themselves which they might send to the rightful owner the said patient editor. In other words Day ud that we may pay our debti, The present vol nme will end on March 1st and we hope all delinquents will square their accounts by that time lft li ii Recorded -The Brat of January came this year pleasant and delightful. At miduiuht the roaring ol the gudgeon and ringing of bells made night hideous. We awoke and ituse- ined it to be the fourth of July. No snow was on the ground and mud reigned supreme in our streets. While we are basking in warm sunshine and auninie. weather we are told that in more southern latitudes snow and ice abound where the like has never been known before. Is it possible that our Centennial year will witness a complete turn about in the climates of the uni verse. At prestnt writing we have had four beautiful summer days in the month of January. P. S. We may change our miud about this weather business in our next issue. Commissioners' Clerk Oo Mon day and on Tuesday the new Board dl County Commissioners were puzzled -is to who should be their clerk lor the en suing year. The (ollowing names were proposed, Gio. Kd. Weis, James Rogan, and L. II Garner, of St. Marys; C. S. Luther, of Fox; J D Fullerton, W. S. Horton. M. S. Kline, J K Whitmore, and Henry A Parsons J r of Ridgway. Geo Ed Weia of St Marys seemed at first to be the successful applicant, until the question of salary was raised when be declined, (or his friends lor him.) to take less than 8550. The Commission ers had already decided not to give more thao 8500 to any man. A com promise was finally affected by tba Com tuissioners agreeing to give tho office to a Democrat the first year, a Republican the second and a Democrat the third With this understanding W. S. Hor ton was choaen as the Democrat candi date lor the first year at a salary ol 8400. Mr. Horton is at nre:-aui Deputy Prothonotary, and is tvery way qualified to perform the important duties of Commissioners' Clerk. We wish him success. Iletetofore the salary of Commission- res' Clerk his been 8800 a year, and we think the new board of Commission ers are to be congratulated on laving the county S400 a year. We believe that retrenchment will now be tbe or der of the day, as it should be, and we may hope, ere the three years for which thi Commissioners are elected are up, to see Elk County orders at par, a con- snmatioD most devoutly to be wished. rii m i Mm Our old Itiend Levi Elcthrope was in town the other day and we are to try to learn is suffering from a painful swelling on his neck. Company II, will hold a Social Hop at Magionis' flail on Friday evening. A geoeral invitation is exte nded to all Tickets one dollar, A San Franeieeo Grand Jury has re fused to indict girl for shooting the mao who disgraced her. Tbey have arrested a man In Nevada for leasing his wife by tha month to the highest bidder A Norristown girl declares that it juM doubles the value of a kiss to have to borrow it from under a moustache. A Large Number of to.t tmd vahtm able books next week at the New York Store. Call there for a Descriptive trice List. A Detroit widow was found weeping by the body of a dead jackasa explained ber agitatiou by the raraark that when she saw the departed animal the memory of her poor dead husband came upon her with irresistible force. At Salt Lake tbe other day a young lady from the interior entered a atore, ana called lor a pair ot stockings. The clerk politely asked her what num ber she wore. "Why, two, ycu darned lool; do you suppose I am anceotipede or e tarantula? How many do vou suo- w S pose a two-legged hair-pin like me would wear?" We have received from the Home Insurance Co, 135 Broadway New York, a Centennial Calendar, handsome ly illustrated, and with descriptions of some of the principle events which oc curred in the years of the struggle for American Independence. It is in fact the handsomest Calendar we have ever seen. II M Powcts is the agent of the "Home" for this place We also notice ther asset's are 85,500,000. New County Officers. Last Mon- dsy Messrs. W. H. Osteihout, Geo. Reuscber, and Michael Weidert quali fied as County Commissioners; W. H Hyde, and R. I. Spangler as County Auditors. Mr. Rothrock, Republican Auditor elect did not put in an appear. ance. 1 he boud of Jacob MoCau ev as Treasurer, in the sum of 840,000 was ipproved. J. S. Hyde, and Meredith Bros, are the bondsmen. Mr. Roth rock made his appearance on Tuesday and was sworn in. Joseph Bark, Citv Treanurer of Buf falo, has decamped, being a defaulter U the amount ot 83:20,000. His bond amount to 8350,000. It baa been agreed that the Plvmouth i, an ret) council demanded by Mrs. Muulloo shall ooovene Tuesday. Janu ary la. Another collision between whites and blacks is reported to have taken place at Clinton, Miss. The military have , - i, Deen cauea out. Negotiations are pending with Aus tria with regard to the construction of a direct railway between Vienna and Con stautioople. The recent "Labor Reform Convan finn" at Tyrone turns out to have been fraud. Unly about twenty-five dele gates were in attendance. Aew York. December 24. Tbe re ports rece.ved here of Tweed's arrival in Cuba are credited bv most of the ponce omciais. it the renort is aon. ... ------ firmed, it is hardly probable that the Sheriff will make any atiemnt to arrest im. as there is no extradition trcatv !.L D uu cipaio. Superintendent Walline thinks the news is likely to be true. The leoort is that he reached Havana in the steamer '1 hyna. He Drobablv sailed about December 4th. The Sheriff still holds to the oninlnn hat his whilom ruisoner has not left the vicinity of New York city LICENSES. The following is tbe list of license petitions filed in tbe Court of Quarter Sessions for January Sessions 1876 And will be presented to tbe said court on Wednesday, the 26th day of January 1876 at 2 o'clock P. M. TAVEKN. Iirnezette 1 Henry Bluxh Beuzinger 2 F X Sorg. Fox 3 John Collins Jay 4 Luther Lucnre Ridgway 5 William H Schrain 6 Riley Bros. St. Mary't Boro. 1 Artnn Ftiwhtmau 8 Lorcoz Vugel 9 Joseph F Windfelder 10 Joseph Wind'elder 11 William Zelt 12 James Rogan 13 John Wachtle A Son EATI.NO UOl'SI Benezette 14 John Daley Ridgway 15 James Msgimis St Mary$ Boro. 16 William Geis 17 Anthony Sobaoeri 28 Jacob Kraus 19 D II Ilamea Jotte.M 20 A I Wilcox et al. TOIE Ridgway 21 G. G. Messenger St. Maryt Boro. 22 Joseph Wilbelm, FRKD.BCIIOENING, Clerk, j i, mi Mary Sohnebly, 103, lives at tiagere- town. Ben Butter eats mine pi in Wish ngton. The gross debt of Boston at tba We of 1875 wss 845,000,000; tha net debt was 8-'?,000,000 Seoator Morton has been counting noses, and is quite confident that finch Dec will be seated at an early day. Jesse L. Williams, of Fort Wavne Indiana, formerly Government Inspee tor of Paeifto Railroad ha Oeta aptxNB- ted Deputy eoond Comptroller, vice Uurtia, U. li. Iriah is to ouoceed Gen eral Rutherford as Third Auditor. Jury List. Following is the list of jurors drawn for the January term of eoart. GBAKD JUBOBS. Beoeiel to James D. Winslow, laborer: Reuben Winslow, laborer; 11. A. Wilson, lumvcrman. Uensiuger Philip Young, farmer, ueorgeirus, isnorer. Fox Win. Wood, laborer: Aobi. Wilbur, eivil eugineer: Thos. Uross, farmer: Con tod Moyer, farmer; James Mohan, lumber man; Uruus Herring-ton. laborer Jones A. A. Clay, farmer; J. C. Malone jeweler. Kidgwsy Horace Warner, gunsmith; Oeo. P. Dickinson, lumberman; C. . doli day, oierk, .VI. b. Lesser, blacksmith. bt. Marys Borough Frank tiosenheimer, tinsmith; UerharU t'aohuaao,. laborer; An ton Ifenninger, laborer; Casper ttegeiner, piasterer; Anioeuy uerg, blacksmith, aiatuiew Aiaiuoa sauier. Spring Creek Jesse Claypool, laborer. lRAVsasa Juaoas. Benezette U. li. Winslow. farmer: II 1). Uerr, blacksmith; Petrikea Winslow. laborer; Willum Wmslow, laoorer; Jtmes uverturr, ta.rner. Uenxinger Antony Munich, laborer; .Micnaci Bchubert, laborer; August rltder- umn. farmer; Joe. Blessel, Jr., farmer Adam Jesberger, farmer. Fos. Jonn Koch merchant; Wm. E Hewitt, fanner; Patrick Brown, farmer; Jacob Dollinger, laborer; James O Hara, tauorer; Ueo. U. Taylor, firmer; Gemge iayior iHDorer: Aiimew uowe, laroier: M, ... .... . . ' laiDoi inonipaun, laborer. Horton Jisthuu HiD?le. farmer: Theo dore Fox, tai mer; Harvey Parsobe, laborer. Jay Lcander Gardner, farmer; Wm Webb, carpenter. Jones Valentine Miller, farmer. Millstone 0. C. T. Hoff, laborer. Uiiigway James Gitrduer. lunihertian 0. li Fitch, farmer; Win. H Hide, mer chant; Jhas. Holes, jeweler; John Camterly. innsou; S. A. Olmstead, mitlwriaht: Ueoieo uooiey, cierc et. .Marys Borough Michael -Dninner. miTCIium; toward liabel. waffan-tnaker: J oli n Meisel, baker- B. F. Lawreucr: mooter; John Lietner, painter: Bernhaid severing, laborer; spring wreea r. mer son urabtree, saw yer. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Casper Koper, sr. 1 In 11. . J No. the Court of Common vs, fas of Elk County. Mary Roper o. , fcept. Term, 1875 B1VOKCK. To the Defendant above named: Subpoena and alias subpoena havine isnueu in me above entitled cane and re tutnnl "not found iu the couuty," you Hre hereby notified to appear before said court or. the lourtli Monday of January, A. 1). 187U, lo answer to tho aid complaint. DANIEL ISC I'LL, Sheriff. GlitWiTa Office, Hidgway, Pa. 1 Dec. 21st, 1875. n46i4. l.st of Cauea. Set down for trial January terra, oom- menoing January Z4tn, 1870. 1 Lewis 8. DodJ vs, John Mann, No. 41, Nov. Trm, 1875. 2 William H. Ivans vs. A. J. Avery, No. 19. April Term, 1874. 3 J. B. Whitman vs. John M'Gaffick, No 33, August Term. 1874. 4 Lazarus Moyer v. Pa'rick Lamb, No. 84, August Term, 1874. 6 R. W. Moorhead et al. Adm'rs of N. W. M'Clure, deceased vs. Hiram Carman. No. 28 September Term 1874. 6 John Andrews vs. G. T. Wheeler & Co No. 63, September Trm, 1874. 7 R C MoUill vs. The Penu'a R. R. Co.. No. 9, January Term, 1876. 8 Frank X. Sort; vs. 1 C. Oyster, No. 6, January Term, 1875. 9 .Miles Dent vs. M 0 WvckoffandWm Wyckoir, No 5. May Term, 1875. 10 Sarah V. Wilcox, widow. Ac, vs Jesse and John Piatt, No 21, May Term, 1875. 11 Wm. R Young et al vs The A Y R R Co. No 28, May Term. 1875, 12 Lorena E Lucore et al vs Hiram Wood ward. No 118. May Term. 1875 18 .? 8 Bates vs Martin Ens, No 174, May Term 1876 14 John J Ridgway vs Isaao Stephenson, et a), No 175, May lerm, 1875 16 John J Ridgwav vs Sarah S Burns et al. No 170 May Term. 1875 lo J K P Hall vs i) Kunes and Mary Klines, No 193 May Term. 1875 17 James Black vs Orria S Panders, No 19 September Term, 1876 18 A Wolf J- rtbu vs Martin Ens. No 3 Sept- Term, 1876 19 J W Brown vs D B Polen, No 61 Sent. Term 1875 20 II C Mjore et al vs Tbe Towosbin of Millstone, No 79, Sept. Term, 1875 xl Ueo Weis survivor. e. vs. Tbe 51. Mary's Coal Co., No 160 September Term 1875 22 D C Oyster, late Sheriff, lor use vs. Martiu Sora- et al., No 167 Sept Term, 1875 23 A ' Allen vs H W Ma v. No 193. feeM Term. 1875 24 Oeo Brown vs. William K Winslow No 231, Sept Term, 1875 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY V1K1UE olsuodry writs of fieri tacias, alius fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levari tacias, and alias levari lacian and testatum fieri facias, issued out ot tbe Court of Common 1'leas ot Lilt ceuuty, and to uie directed, 1 DANIEL SCULL, Hin Sberift ot said county do hereby give notice thai I will expiiee t public sale or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock V. M. MONDAY JANUARY. 24th, 1876 By virtue of a certain aril of I.nar, Faciat te. ALL thateenain niece of land aitnai ia tha Village et Ridgway in tha County nf Elk and known ou tba plot or map ol said Village aa lota Nvs. thirty aix (86) and thirty-seven (37) beiug tbe same lot a ou which George D. Messeacar bow ra sides, on chich there ia ereoted a frame dwelling house, main part two stories high and 21x60 feat in siaa, with wing 2exad feet one and balf stories high, also a large frame bara and otbar outbuildings Except iS 4.000 square feet of land out of lot No 87 above named being forty feet in front en Main street by one hundred feet in depth along Mill street, upon which is eraotad one two story Drug Store 26 feel front bv fill .fa m I tM A . . L- ., , .... ca using ine same tana con veyed to Grove Q Messenger by the said George P Measenrer and vifa bv dated ir ebiuary 24 1874. ALdO the ast half of a certain other lot known ea said plot tr map of Ridgway aa number thirty-five ' being tbe same property conveyed r.y vt dated the 88ia ayd of March 1867 by J mod Honk aad wife te said MeastngT. ALfcO, a certain ether piece af lead la Ridgway township, bonaded aad described as follows: Beginning at a Post at tbe W eoraer of the Cardot lot thenoe N. I'M 62 rods te eealre of Clarion Kiver llieoce up said Centre of the River by its various eoursas aad distaooes to the S. W. corner of the lot soid Powell & Kims by O. D Messenger a post1 nn the South Bank for a eorner tbanee 8. 1' W. 40 rod la a Post in the south line ef the Cardot lot tbsnoa by said south line N. S W. 23 2-10 rods to the place or beginning, containing 6 42 100 acres. AL80 thirty acres from the east side t Ins said Jaeob Cardot Ijt being the same sold to Powa'.l A Klmeby Georit U Mas lon ger by deed dated November 6th 1373, ail being the remainder of tba said Jcob Cr dot lot. AL30 four thousand square feet ot land out of lot No. 87, being forty feet in front on Main street by one hundred feet in depth along Mill street, upon which is erected one two story Drug Store 20 f eet by 60 feet in depth being the same land conveyed to Grove (1. Messenger by the said George D. Messeni(er and Jif by deed dated February 21, 1874. deised, taken in execution, and to be sold as thepioperty of George D. Messenger at the suit of 0. E. Elliot. ALL the right title Interest claim and demand whatsoever of defendant of, in, to or out of the following teal Estate, situate in the village of Weedvilie, Jay Township Elk County ra. bounded as follows: Beginning at a post on the wesiern side of the highway leading from Weedvilie to St. Marys, seventy. two feal northerly from the North East corner of tot owned by J. J. Shaffer: thence south seventy and three fourths degrees West eight and one fourth 8J rods to a post: thence North ni ety anu one fourth degrees West eighty 80 feet to a post; theuce North seventy and three fourths degree East r701El'i(rht and one fourth 8' rods to a post; thence Mouth nineteen and one fourth degrees East eighty feet to the place of beginnitig containing one fourth af an acre ALSO all of deleadants interest whatso. ever in another lot of land situate iu the village of Weedvilie aforesaid described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of i he rnad leading from ht. Marys Iloa t: thence along the Creek Aoad one hundred and t wenty feet to a post, thence southerly at right angles one hundred and sixty feet to a post; thence Westerly to)a point on the 1'enfieid Koad ninety five feet; thence along said mentioned road one liut.dred atid nine feet to the place of beginning. Containing eleven thousand eight hundred square feel more or less upon which is erected a two story frame house 18 feet by 28 feet and a s'oro room one story high, 12 feet by 18 feet. Seised, taken into execution and to be sold as tbe property of L. N. Uriggs at tbe suit of A J Avery ALSO all the ng'it title Interest, claim snd drtnni'd whatsoever of defendants of in to or out of all the following tract pieca or p ireel of land to wit: Deing in the Town. in p of eprmg l reek County of Llk and Mate of Ptmipylv inia bounded and de' crihed as follows: being "part of warrant J775 warranted in the uame of Willi elm Willink una others Beginning at Saddle Pack Bock on the left bank cf Spring Creek; thence Nerth fhirty-one (al "1 degrees west nineteen f 191 rods; thence North (6legrees West seventeen fl7rods lo a hemlock tree on aid left bank or spring t:reK; thence North sixty 60 decrees Eait forty 401 rods to a posl; thence South thirty (301 degress East sixty seven and five teuths I bi 61 rmts; thence South nine and one fourth p) degrees West five and five tenths 5 6J rods to tbe place of beginning containing nlteett llo acres more or less on which are ereoieJ the following buildines to wit: One large water saw mill one frame school hou?e. lour frame dwelling; houses about 10x18 lest with auditions, one lo; house about 20x30 feet, also ono frame barn about 30x40 leet. The above houses arc used as tenant houses in and about said tuill property. ALfcU an undivided three fourth JJ interest in, to, or, out of the following tract piece or parcel of land iitut2 and beini in Spriug Creek towoship E'k County and State ot Pennsylvania bounded and described a follows to wit: On tbe North and East by lands of Nelson Strong; on the South by war rant line of warrant No 2789; ou the West by Millstone Township line con taining 454 acres more or less being part of warrant No. 2775" he' red taken into execution and to be sold as the property of L F & 11 M Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell et al. ALSO all the right title Interest claim and dctoend whatsoever ol defendant, of in and to the following described Real Estate consistine of one town lot being 50 feet Iront by 150 feet deeo situate on the East side of bt. Michael Street in the Borough of St. Marys Elk County Pennsylvania being. Inl No. 2 on said Street according to the plan of Martin Sorg Eq Hounded ou he North by tht land ot John Ueindle in the East by land of Phillip Meyer on the South by land of Martin Sorg and n tho West by St. Michael Street con taining 7500 square feet of ground; on Inch there is erected a two etor. (rune dwelling house 20 by 34 feet and a Irauie baru 16 by 20 feet; there is also a good well of water oo the premi ses. Seized taken into exeoution and to be sold as the property of J Y. Fox at tbo suit ol I A isotg. TEEMS CFSAL3. The following mutt be strictly com plied with when property is struck iff. 1 All bids must be paid in full ex- cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser. ii which case the cost on the writs mu.-t be paid as well as all liens prior to tha' of tbe purchaser and a duly CT'ififii list of hens, shall be furnished induci ng mortgaged searches on the property old together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as be shall appear to be entitled to See Purdon'i Digest 0ih edition page 446; Smith form page 384. I All sales not settled immediatlv will be continued until 6 o'clock P M at which time all property not settled for will again ba put up and sold at the expense aud risk of the person to whom it waa first struck off and who iu cage of deficiency at auch resales shall make good tha same and in no instance will tha deed be presented in court for con firmation unless the bid ia actually aettled for with tha bherff as above stated DANIEL SCULL. Sheriff. Etffg. offiea Deo. 20,1875, BUSINESS LOCALS. Subscribe for tba Advocati. Green Rio coffee a P. A K'l. Oh! those beautiful printa at P. A Ki. KnitmndersbirU and drawers, al P A K's. Ladies drras goods newest styles a P. A K's. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at P. A K's. Iluuting Rubheral with and without heels, a large ht at P. A K's. All other kinds of rubber boots aud shoes. Wedding and Mourning outfits for la dies at UV BILVEKMnNN'S, opposite the court bouse, Wiliiamsporl, Pa CtifcAPl Ult; A Pi cilelAl'I Coods marked down lo astonish tha world Call and see us. M.iV t biLVfilt. MANN, Wiliiamsporl, Pa. Millinery goods, hair switches, jawelry. fauoy -ouUs, notions, ladies A ehildrens cloaks, dtesses & undergarments. Whole sale & Kvtail at MAV A MILVtUM ANN'S opposite the eourl bouse, Wiliiamsporl, Ps. MADAM DKMOUESl' PATTERNS. Wears ageais for -nudum demoresl pat terns, catalouges free, send lor one, pat terns sent by mail. MAY ft SlLV'fch MANN'S Wiliiamsporl Pa. "King Ike" and many otbera kinds of chewing tobacco. Also smoking yf all the popular brands at P. A K's. COATS A FURS. From two to three hundred ladies elotb ccji laies- styles also a large lot of Puis al prices so low to aatouish every bvdy MAV & SILVEKM ANN, oppoaite lbs Court House, Williamaport, Pa., Coodfish boneless and hkiuless. Also some of the old fashioned iu full dress, at P A K's. Have you been to Williamaport Pa., to buy what you want at MAY& 61LVKH M ANN'S, opposite the Court House. The are giving up retail business A at e selling goods very cheep. Those new style priuts, at P A K's are the general talk of tha town. Go and see tueui. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn down corners also tbe good old by ton style at P. A K's. A lull stock ol fresh Family groceries, such ss Teas, ColToes, Suart, Rice, djrups, Spioes, R. li- Powder, baking, aud Sweet Chocolate, and every thiug in that liuu, at 1, A K's. A general stock ot winter clothing, at very low prices at P. A K's. If you want a bag of feed, or a usfitiel of potatoes or a batrel or suck ul hour or eveu a email sack of Uiaiiaui tluur, it will puy you to step iuto P in IV. s tor it PAY AS YOU GO. Jfyou pay fur gouds when you buy them, yuu will never be troubled with the uigl-uiare ot debt, your sleep will be aweetyour dreams pleasant, aud your wife and children will greet you with a i-uiilu in the uioruiug. Go to Powell & Kime's uiodel store with your cash, get mure tbuu its value and go home satisfied. 'J hey have adopted the cash system, aud tuy it is working cbattu- ingly. Hair switches "5 cunio : 00 2 00 8 00 A 4 60 Wurth Uoubie the money aud Uuciies :or 25 cents hais froui 23 ceun upwards filmed huts fivm $1 00 uuwards. ureal re duction in all kinds of goods at iuAj A eii.y fcll.UAN.Vo, ivilliutusport, I'a. Prioes to astonish the world. Every iluiig is bound lo be sold to quil business; ouie every Doily. Building and tixtu'- for sale. MAY A SlLVKllAiaNN, Wil iiamsporl opposite the Cuart House. KEADTHI3. MAY A SlLVt-KMAN Wiliiamsporl Pa.. are discontinuing tho retail trade and are selling goods at and below cosl. Call aud tee lueui they are great bargains. If you waut any bl'ched or brown uiusliua, from i to 10-4 wide anv ' ef quality, go to head quarters, Powell A tvime a aud select to your tasta. rUUS! r liKS: run! FUKSI Extra iuduoeuiems offeid in ladies A ehildrens furs, suiall sets at $1 00 ladies sets from $2 00 auu upwatds extra bar gains iu Miuk sets first uuality as, MAY A iLVEllMANN'o. Those Hamilton Corsets at P A K's are the most durable, and the cheapest iu market. Over Coats? from 85 to $25 a large aud splendid Block, blep in and get i-ua at P. & K's. Rusted cuBtfe a genuine article, at P, A K's. Summer Clothing, for tbosa Boys add cuiidreu, Liueu, Aiapaca aud auui uicr Caabuier at P A K'l Oivs the AisuuK othoe a call for bill ueuUa, letier-lieads, cards, shipping lags, aud if yuu are going lo gel learned leave us au order lor juu' cards. New goods, eveiy day in tbe year except Suudaya aud bgal hoidaa at the great mammoth Grand Ceutral atuie of P. A K's. No bmggiog arouud. Call tor whatyou want. BAKtiAlNbl UAUGdtNS. UAIiUAlNb! Ladies aud cnilUreus uoais all siyies aud qualities, 2 60 3 00 75 4 DO 6 00 0 25 7 00 0 70 10,00 aud bpaaius aito kliaai aud druses at AiAY a. stVeUtMAtuVti vppu its lha eouu liuu, w iliiauisport, Pa. A ouuiplete stock ot ladies mUaea and ohildreus abcea, light, medium and heavy at P, A K's Now is tha lima to buy. Ground coffee at P. A K'a. Alpaoas ebeaner thaa. aver before keown at P. A K'a. EST RAY. Came to the premises of the suboribsr on tne 15th of November, 1875, one (heap Tbe owner will please oome forward, pay charges, and prove property, or it will he disposed of according to law, KD. I. A IK, Highland, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been ptrmaoentry ouredof thai dread disease, Coasuroptioa, by a aimpla remedy, is anxious to make known te bis fellow sufferers the Means of cure. To all who desire, it, he will send a copy of tha percriptioo used, (free) of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a com luaa for Consumption, Asthma, liaoNOHlTIS, &D. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Uev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn. St., Williamsburgh, New York. voo44yl. ERRORs OF YOUTH. A G'ENTLUMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature Decay and all elfects of youthful indiscretion will, fur the sske ef suffering humanity, send to all who need .t; the receipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he ..ftilr.ft KiltFrn. .hi.hinif l.i nrnlt, ha. .. .. -B u me advertiser s etperienca can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN It. UQDEN; 42 Cedar St., New York. v5n44yl. Trustees' Sale. THE undersigned. Trustees appointed by the Court if Common Pleas of Elk county in a certain writ of Domestio Alt lactiinent. No. lo3, May Term, 1875, at tha suit of K. I. Hobiuson A Co vs. Fenner A Co., hereby give notice that they will sell at public sule or outory, on the premisas l-.iely occupied by said Fenner A Co., ou Centre street, in the village of Itidgway, on Fit I DAY, DhCE.MUER 8i8f, A. D. 1876, an 10 u'ciock A. M., al' the defenJant's right title, interest and claim of, lr. and to i be following two town lots: Nos 63 and U4 in the vilUge of Hidgway, county of Elk aud Mate of Pennsylvania, onwhich there is ereoied a frame plauing mill oOi'JO leel to which is attached engine, boiler and other macninery. TKK.MS OF SALE CASH D' C. OYSTER, ) 0. 0. MESSENGER, I Trustses. W. H. HIDE, j Ridgway, Pa., Deo- 7. 1876. dec8-8t. lvaogelieal,Non-Sectarian, Iudtpendent The Christian at Work. T. Do Win laimugo Kditor. Tbe Rest Religious Paper published. Mr. Talmage's Sermon each week. Full Reports of Mr. Moody's Work A NEW SERIAL STORY. By Rev. W. M. BAKER. One of the most popular of American star waiters TWO NEW PREMIUMS! "AN AMERICAN FARMYARD," After JOSEPH JOHN, executed in twenty, nine iiriultngs aud heretofore sold for $16 also mi EXQUISITE FLORAL GROUP. IVinied expressly lor this paper by MU3. W MINE i , aud chrumod by L. PHANU a CO. liosun. pllhese are genuine art works, aud tne best und must expensive picture pre miiuuuis ever uttered. Mutt Liitral Terms to Agents, asp ixcLtisiv Tsuirorr. TERMS TO frl'ilSCRIBERS. Wilhout premium postage prepaid ... $3,00 With either premium uuuiuuuted, postage prepaid $3,25 With either premiuu, mounted by exprass at subscribers expeuse 4,00 gTFur lull particulars as lo commis sion, and canvass uddress. 11. f . COKW1N. Publisher, UOX 6105, NEW YORK. PETITION. Vf"OTlCE is hereby given lhat a pelitioa will be presented ai ihe uexi session of mo uegilu,uri lor the passage of a law ie instating the Commissioners of ihs Big Lsvel Stats Koad long tuough to collaci present taxes, pay up ludeusdness, aul ueitle up account.. For the Commissioners, t4n88 W. S. OVIATT. ' Ridgway Cemetery. Lois are now offered ior sale by tha Ridgway Cemetery Association iu tba uew Cemetery, ihe present luw price lor lots may soon be advauoed. Apply at the office of VV. . HAMBLEN, Secretary itidgway Sept. 7, 1875. D-2i-f. PBlVATS TUITION, Pupil wuUiiig io recif liutruclion ia UruaaC HP I. lain, ni I a.smn a. .......... - - Coliek cu iiv uptoriuuii ul Umug to bV auUlVlllaP Ln thai lsi..t ..f iar,. i'..,...L. ilea li mV i li tr iiiaila f i.sa .... iliHUlaa Will hsA svla4 t.a i-aiaiiiu . 1 .J 'ts w avats s iuitstiu uumber oi young tadies aud geutiemsu tor ..iHv,ivut eve luiuimaiiou as 10 isrias do apply to itlbV. WM. JA9. MILLER, A. M. Augl9.8 BOOK AGENTS , . . Al 0000 SALESMEN Are "COINING .uu;t,'- wuu tu Uuious BID A DESIGNS, lha Fieucu iidiLiou ul whinh .yiu i.. aud the Luuduu Ediliou fur $200. Our joupiar za.iwH fo.OO.) toni.,mmj our One Itundrtit lUtt-uuijt ouarto vL.u,. ml.. uuaai-iisr aau Mo.o ataoaar mublicatios iu rtciu auu tne 04.61' 10 bELL. critios via wuu anon niiiui, in ,.ui... asd the masses buy U From local agent in Souibport, Conn. In our villuga of aighty houses 1 bate lakeu aixi v-tivo oidui. I.. ..m,.UmUu.i .. a.l auoul iweiva duv. im .uuu m,..i .... - - . uuuu- uy,; bd have lakeu u.ders tor utu Aundrtd U L I'AftTlCULAaa FREE. Addrus 4. B. FORDA CO.. i uhii.L.r. 4iui9 2t sara tuu. Aaw Vura UIIOLUTION NOTICE. KOTiCE Is hsrsoy gnan that the Ce uariuershtu haraiuluia ki.. uutters.guad as butchers al ttiugway, was " im uay vi vuiwOer last, the busltiaaa will ba Mer who will reoaipi tvt all aocouais ... uiui ui uv at saucer aad o . ii usbis owed by tue tjrm. iWay Jv Arv, J7 A. S. OOFf. W. I. kKAOAA,