. 1 6ZD Uenrt A. Parsonb, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1870. NEWS ITEMS. Rii hards will publish "The meri- Cin p ge. Pius IX builds bouses for the Roman poor. Morrison, the chairman, was a Mexi can hero. Motley soon leaves London tor the Hague. Dr. Hfllund thinks the cure for gos sip is culture. Charles O'Codot has again rallied and is better The pope will send works of art lo the centennial. ibree buDdred Uoroanche warriors are preparing for a raid into Texas. The Spanish government has decided to send heavy reinforcements to (Tuba Earthquake shocks were ielt Friday in Nevada and 1 uba counties, Caliior nia. The weather has been oppressively hot in Richmond since the earthquake shock. Henry Clews k Co- have arranged with their creditors and obtained a full discbarge. Australia's centennial exhibits will be sent direct to New York at the end of this month. The murderer Standermann, has been removed to Sing Sing to bo imprisoned tor lite. CiCDor iiiane, the lta'tun minister to Washington, has leen nomiuated cen tennial commissioner. Secretary Bristotv has ordered a new inspection of distilleries throughout the couutry. Hourly mails will be carried between the Philadelphia Post Office and itt branch office on the Cennteunial grounds. The Chicago attack on Bristr.w turr s out to have been a mere flash in the pan, an ill-natured sputtering of Ham fat. The President is represented as de claring that he will veto any bill Con gress may pass looking to a reduction of the army. II J. Hall, a Baltimore dry prod 5 merchant, with 84,800 of stock in his decamped, leaving c. editors to whittle lor about S10.0C0. It is proposed by railroad kings to connect North Adams, Mas , with the Pennsylvania coal fields by a direct road tbiouh the Hoosao Tunnel. The suspension in the Vorring coal region will not continue mote than ten days. Secretary Belknap i a candidate f r the U. S. Senate from Iowa, vice Judc Wright, resigned. Twenty buildings, including the post office and court house, in Piedmont, West Virginia, were burned on Satur day. Later development leal ci'iiens ' St. Albans, Vt., to believe that the boy found there will jet turn out to be Charley Ross. The Hon. A. II. Stephens is suffer ing from a severe cough and expectora tion. The bronchial tubes are affected, and his recovery is doubtful. Numerous bands of Khokand insur gents are preparing to resume hostilities Fresh troops will bo dispatched to the seen of operations this month. Convicts in the Columbus, Ohio, penitentiary have been amusing them selves by tuanutaciuring bugua five cent coins from old harness mountings ot amalgam. Four hundred hostile Indians of the Sioux tribe are encamped at ''Old Ponca" Agency, and the settlers are fly; ingfor safety. An attack on the agency is expected. The Supreme Court will resume it. session to-day, when it is ex pi c ted a ii epinton in the Grant parish case, in vol v tog the constitutionality of the enforce ment act, will be delivered. Hon. John II. Clifford, ex-Govcrnor of Massachusetts,' died at Bedford yes crday of dropsy, aged 06 year. If the present mild weather continue tanother day navigation will again be open on the Hudsou from New York to Albany. The newly-elected State officers of New York were qualified and took for mal possession of their offices in Al bany on Saturday. The citizens of Quebec yesterday celebrated the anniversary ot the re pulse of the American troops before that city December 31, 1875. The Second Comptroller of the Treasury, Deputy Second Comptroller and Third Auditor, have sent their re - signation to the President. The President states that all the dis abled soldiers who have been removed from positions under the Howe o Representaiives have beeu supplied with other places. The report of the reoeiver of the Frte Railway for November shows the re ceipts to have been 82.584,8-25.47; ex penditures, 1 2 066,053,85, leaving a balaoce of 8518.171,62. C. C. Carpenter, of Iowa, whose term as Governor expires next week, has been appointed Second Comptroller of the Treasury, to succeed Broadhead who has resigned. Sir Edward Thornton, the umpire ol the United States and Mexican Com mission, has awarded 8683.000 in Mexi can gold to the Abra Silver Mining Company of New York, to te paid by Mexico. The protest of Amenoan citizens in Berlin against the strictures of the Gor man press in associating "American Civilisation" with the Bremerhaven dynamite horrorhai thoroughly attained its object. James Purcell, aged tt, was fatally, njured by Edward Qaonon during an altercation in New York. Amos B Koabb, ot Lock Haven, in company with two friends, shot twenty five deer this season. Hon. Delos Rockwell, of Bradford, will occupy rooms at the Kirk wood Uouse, litmsburg this wioter. The Cei.Dtcn'al midt.iuht jubi'ee was participated in by many oitieaand towns throughout the couotry The Yale university boat elub has voted lo withdraw from the rowing as sociation of American colleges. The Chicago whit? rinjr is greatly agitated, aud there are indications ot ao early and general collapse. In consequence ot heavy forgeries on the state, Samuel Toppio. treasurer of Kansas, baa been compelled to resign The creditors of Ferdinand Gold owski, the Boston baukrupr, have accep ted a proposition to pay 35 cents ou the dollar. Miss Kellogg is reported as engaged to be married to .Mr. Bradish Johoson Nmth, a wealthy New lorker ol Knickerbocker antecedents. Colonel Yillette, the aid-de-carop of Marshal Buzaine, has served out his term of imprisonment. He aided th marshal to make his escape. The Virginia senate has rejected the bill appropriating 810,000 towards trans porting the articles ot Virginia exhibi tors to and from the centenoial. About two thousand tons of mown prairie grass and u large area of swamp grass were destroyed by fire sixteen miles northwest ot Chicago, The Mexican government has been officially informed that the citizens ot Texas must and shall be protected I rom continued outrages by border banditti Niue hundred soldir-rs will embark from Spain for Cuba on the 30th iust The Castilian is preparing to bold the island against the insurgents and any who may back tbeui. The Uoited States grand jury, in In diacapolis. Friday iudicted Harvev Holloway superintendent ot the post othce, charged with using his office to ''grind axes" to the luue ot 82,000 The house of representatives has re- ceived a communication looking tor legislation with reference to frame stamp duty upon manufactures of gold aud silver in this couotry. Nearly every inan'ot the 2,000 sent by the khedive ot huypt to subjugate Abyssinia, was slaughtered in the lute ambuscade. An army ot 12,000 meu will shortly set out I rom Cario to avenge the massacre. A horrible massacre is reported near Axokis, Indiau Nation The bodies ot lour persons were found burned on the prairie, two of which were teuiales, an were r-urued beyond lecoiroition: ihe others were whites The coniiui'sioner of the general land office has ordered a patent to be issued for the town site of Central City, Col orado, with the proviso that no tide shall Le thetebv acquired to my valid mining claim held uuiier existing laws. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y On and after November 28ib. 1875. and until further notice, trains will leave Hufliilu from tl-e Uuffulo, New York & Philadelphia Kailroad Depot, corner Exchange aud Louisiana streets. (HuS'iilc time) as follows: 7:30 A. .M., -mail, (daily except Sun days) sloping at Ebenezer i:55 Spring brook 8:llo Lima oil I Jamison s 8:1 Aurora 8 23 Wales 8:34. Holland 8:41 I'm lection 8:54 Arcade 9:05 Yorkshire 9:12 Maeiiias '.1:19 Kraukiinville 9:37 Ischua 9:65 Hinsdale 10:10 Erie Railway 10:24 Ulenn 10;35 Weston's 10:43 I'ortviile 10:50 State Line 10:'8 Eldred 11:11 Larabee'O 11:20 Sartwcll 11:25 Turile tViint 11:30 I ort Al iegeny 11:42 Liberty 12:02 P. M. Keating 12.09 Shippen 12:1:5 Emporium 12:40 1. M Connecting at Olean Willi Erie Ky for local points west, a id for the Oil Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and Bradford at 1:25 P. M ; at Larabeo'e with the McKean & Buffalo R. 11., and al Emporium with the P. a E. E. K. for local points west to Erie. 8:05 A. M.. ACCOMMODATION, (daily except Sundays', stopping al Ebrnezer al 8:50. hpring Brook 9:15. Elma 9:35. Jami son's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi. land 11:10 Protes'ion 1135 Arcade 12:10 P. M., Yorkshire 12:30 Vachias 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:25 Hinsdale 3:02 Erie Hailway 4:05Oeu 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M., EXPKESS, (daily except Sundays) stopping at Ehenrier 4:23. Spring Brook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jamison's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wale 6:00 Holland 6:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 6:83 Yorkshire 5;40 Mnchias 15:50, Franklinville 6:06 Ischua 6:25 Hinsdale 6:39 Erie Railway 6:55 Oleao 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Ponville 7:25, 8iie Line 7:32. Eldred 7:45. Larabee's 7:62 Sari well 7-57, Turtle Point 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14. Liberty 8:82. Keating 8:40 Shippen 9:00. Emporium 9:15 P. M. Con necting al Larabee'a with McKean & Buf falo k. K. TRAIN'S LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;00 A. M , EXPRESS, (daily except Sundaya) stopping al Shippen 4:15, bent ing 4:34, Liberty 4:42. Port Alleguiy 6:01. Turtle Poini 6:13 San well 5:18, Larabee'a 6:24, Eldred 6:32, Stale Line 6:45, Port ville 5:62. Weslon'a 6.U0. Oleaa 6:21. Erie Railway 6:23, Hinsdale 6:37, Ischua 6:52. Franklinville 7-09 Macb'as 7:25, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, 7:40, Protection 7:53. Hol land 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami son's 8:29 Elma 8;34. Spring Brook 8:40. Ebenezer 8:50, Buffalo 9.15 A. M. Connect ing at Larabee'a with the McKean & Buffalo K. B. 1:40 P. M., MAIL. (.Uily except bun days) "stopping at. Shippeu 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:65 fan well 3:00. Larabee'a 8:07. Eldred 8:1a, Mate Line 8.30. Purl villa 3:88. Weston's 8:45, Olean 4.03.rie Railway 4 05 Din-dale 4 21. Ischua 4 38, Frauklinville 4 68, Mucluas 6 15 Yorkshire 6 25 Arcade 5 38 Protect iou 6 47 Holland 6 68 i.alea 6 08 Aurora 6 20 Jamison's 6 27 Elma 6 81 Spring Brook 6 80 Ebei.eier 6 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean with Erie Hallway from Limestone aud Bradford. 1 RAIN'S LEAVE OLEAN- 6 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, atopp ing at tfrie Railway 6 60 Hinsdale 7 20 Ischua 7 50, Franklinville 8 40 Mavhias 927 Yorkshire 9 60 Arnade 10 10 Proteot.on 1049 Holland 11 10 Walea 11 86 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 86 Spring Book 12 60 Ebenezer 1 15 Buffalo 2 00 P. M. fcUNDAV TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at Ebenezer 9 22 Spring Brook 9 81 Lima 9 87 Jamison's 9 48 Aurora 9 47 AM. tUNDAY TRAIN LEAVFS AURORA 642PM. stopping at Jamison's 6 48, tltna 6 63 Spring Brook 6 68 Ebenezer 6 06 Buffalo 6 80 P. M. J. D. YEOMAN 3, II. L. LYMAN, Om'l. Suu't. Om't P'r Aji. Cur Time at illslgway. Mail East 4:45 Pi M. do West 2 25 P. M. ftenovo Accom East 9:26 A. M Kane do West 8:20 P. M. Local Fast 6:40 P. M pado Weft 8;20 A. M The Mail and Through Local carry saengers, Ihe local does f ot. QUOTATIONS or White, Powell I Co BANKERS AND BROKEKo, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Dee. 28th. 1875. ID. ASSBD U. S. 1881. e 123 113, lis, 115 124 J ............ do 6 20, e '02, M and N do do '64 do do do '65 do . do do '65 J and J do do '67 do . do do '68 do . 10-40. do coupon 116 20 122 122 117g 122 1164 117 13 a .eeee 119 V-2J 122 1171 do Pacific 6's cy Int. off 122 i mi New G's Reg. 1881... ' 0. 1881 Gold Silver Pennsylvania Reading.. Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation do Valley.... ... 116 12, 107 62 109 62f 60 6 20 2(1 49 49 61 62 136 United RK of N J 134V Oil Creek Hi Northern Central 84 Central Transportation 5J N'esqueboning 65 0 & A Mortgage 6'a '89 104J HI 84 46 65 105 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING NINETY-EIGHTH EDITION. Containing a com pie t list afail the tawna in the Urnied States, the Territories and (he Dominion of Canada, having a popula lion gteater than 6,000 according to the last census, together with the names of the newopnpers haviua the largest local cirou lui ion in each of the places named. Also. a catalogue o: newtpapers which are re. commended to advertisers as giving great, est value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in Ihe United Elates and Canada priuting over b,wv copies each lstue. Also, all the Religious, Agri eultural, Scieutifio and Mechanical, Medi cal. Masjnic: Juvenile. Educational, Com aercial, Insurance. Real Estai. Law, Snorting, Musical, Fashion, and othrr special class journals; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over 800 German papers printed in the United Mates. Also, an eBsay upon advertising: many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in adverlis inc would like to kusw Address GKO- P. ROWELL k CO., 41 Park Row, New York Vick's Flower & Vegetable seeds. are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America. and the resu't is. beautiful Flowers and splendid Vegetables. A Priced Catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postagu 2 cent stamp. Vtk's Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 160 pazes, hundreds, of tine illustrations, aud four Chromo J'latet of t'lotrert, beautifully d: awu and celored trotn nature- Price 3 J cent m paper covrs; 65 cents bound in elegaa cloth. Vick's Floral Guide This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant coiored Frontispiece with Ihe first number t'tice only 25 cent fur the yeai. Tba first number for 1867 just issued. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause ot Debility and Sick ness fully explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Dr. O. PHELP3 BhOAN. 21 Grand Street. Jersey CHjr, W. J bvisai AND WOMAN who is ailing lu auy way should send aud get a oopy at ouoe, as it i se-t free, prepaid bv mail. Address the author, as above. v5nS8yl SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE XOBTTTORK We are now prepared I tV lodoall kinds of JOU W ORK buvelepes. Tags Bill-deads. Letter heads neatly and cheaply executed. Uthee Thayer & Hagerty's new building, Mais aireet Ridgway, Pa. ADVERTISE t Jt ' JS THE i ay mail an csntSi 4GEO.RROV7ELfeftftO ' l)4AAK WOW I WEWYORK THE WEEKLY SUN. 177S. NEW YORK. 187B. Eighteen hundred and seventy-six Is the Centennial year. It is also Ibe year in whioh an Opposition House of Representa tives, the first since the war, will be in powei at W ashington; and the year of the wenty-third election of a l'resldeat f th United Slates. All of these e vims are anre to be of areat interest and importance especially the two latter, and all of them and everything connected with them will be fully and freel reported? and expounded in THE SUN. 1 The Opposition House of Representatives taking up ihe line of inquiry opened years ago by THE SUN vill sternly and dilll- gently investigate tbe corruptions and mis deeds of Gator's administration, and will it is lobe hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national his tory Of all this THE SUN will eontain complete and accurate accounts furnishing ita readers with early and trustworthy in. formation upon these absorbing topics The tweuty-lhird Freeidenual election, with the preparations for it. wilt be mem orable as deoiding upon Qbamt's aspira lions for a third term of power and plun der, and still n.ore as deciding who shall be the candidate of thV party of Reform, and as elected that candidate Concerning all these suhjects, those who read THE STN will ba? the constant means of beiug thoroughly well informed. J he Wsxclt Sim, whioh has attained a cir. culatiou of over eighty thousand copies al read has its readers in every State and Ter ritory, and we trust 1 hat the year 1876 will aee i heir numbers doubled. It will con tinue to be a thorough newspaper. All tbe ge teral news of ihe day will be found in ii. condensed when unimportant at full length when of moment, aud always, we 'rust treated in a clear interesting aud in structive manner It is our aim to make the Wekklt Sum the best lamily newspaper in the world, and we shall conliuue lo give in ns Ci.1 urn ns a large amount of miscellaneous read lug aiicb s. stories tales, puems. srientifi intelligence and agricultural information for which we are not able to make room in oar daily columns. The agricultural de paritiient especially is one of the promi nent features The I ash ions are also regu larly reported in its columns; and so are ihe markets of every. kind. The Wkkkli Sua, eight page-, with fifty siz broad columns is only $1.20 a year.pos tuge prepaid. As Ihe price barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be niodu from this rate to e.ubs, ageuts, Poet musters, or anyone 'Ihe Daily bes, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight commas gieall la uewa for two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepid--&M a mouth or $6,60 a ear. Sunday .edition - extra ).uu per year W e have no traveling agenia Address 1 UK sua, iNw lork City IT PAYSI ITPAYS tWHATPAYS? Tt pays every Manufacturer, Merehaat Mechanic, l&veutor, Farmer or I'roless uuul man, to keep iut'oruied ou all the im provemeuts aud discoveries of the age. It PAYS tue head of every fhinily to in .rouuee into his household a newspaper thai is instructive, one lhat fosters a lasts tur investigation, and promotes and en courages discussion among the members. The Scientific m American which has been "published weekly for the iusi th.rty years; does this to an extent be yonu that ol auy other publication, in Uct tl is the only weekly paper published in the Lulled &iates, devoted lo Muutaclu;es Mechauics Inventions and New Discover ies in tbe Arts and Sciences. tveiy number is profusely illustrated and its contents eiobr ce ihe laiesi and most iulerealing information pertaining to me industrial. Mechanical and bcieui no Progress of the World: Descriptions, with beautiful Eug avings, of New Inventions, IScw Implements, .New Processes and im proved industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Recipes Suggestions aud advice, by Waotical Winers, tur Workmen and hui ployers, in all the various arts, futmiug a complete repertory cf New Inventions aud Discoveries; containing a weekly record not ouly of ibe prigress of the Industrial Arts in our owu country, bu. also of all Now Disc veries and Inventions in every branch of Engineering Meouauics, aud Science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been Ihe foreuoai of alt industrial publications for ihe past Thirty Years. It is Ihe oldest laigest cheapest, aud the beat weekly Ill ustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics chemistry. New Inventions, Science and Industrial Progiess, published in Ihe World The practical receipts are well worth ten times the tubscrip.ion price. And lor the shop aud house will save many limes the cost of subtenptien. Merchauta, Farmets. Mechanics. En gineers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chem ists, Lovers of Scienoe, aud People ol all Professions, will fiud the SciaMTiriu Ansa lo an useful lo them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, Study, Othce and Counting Room; in every lieadi.g Room, College aud school. A new volume couimeucea Jsuuary lat 1876. A year's number uomaius 832 pages and SkvaaaL HuauhSD Esobaviags. thous ands of volumes are preserved for bindiug and retereuce. Terms $4,20 a year by mail, including postage. Discuuul to Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rates sen i tiee. Single copies mailed on rechipi ol 10 cents. May be had of all News Dealers. patents zjzz . v.euuuo ..uivi.cau. u.useis. Muun & lo. are Solicitors of Amenoan aud Foreign Patterns and have ibe Ipigest eslablivliiueui m the World. More lliau fitly thousaud application have bteu made for patents loiough their ageney. Paienta are obtained on Ihe best terms, Modeis of New Inventions and skeluue examined aud advice free. A special notice is made iu ihe Scientific American of all loveul'ous Patented tbrou.b lh Agency wuh tbe name aud residence of ihe Patentee. Patents are oiteu sola in pari er whole, to persons a tiucleu to the in vvutiou by such nonce. Send lor Pamph let, coulaiumg full directions for obtaining Pateots. A bound volume con.aiuing u Patent Laws, Ceuaus of ine U. 8., aud 14-i ngrviugs of mechanical movements Price 26 cents. Address tur the Paper, or concerning Paieute MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row, New 1 oi k. brauch Othee, Cor F. 7ih SU Wasbiugiou, D. C. -.- A Dviatisitioi Cuaar. Good, Ststsma Xxtic All persoua who eontemplate tuakiug eoutracta with newspapers lor the tuaertiuu ot advertitemenia, should send 25 cents lo vJeo k". howtll j- i o., 41 Park Kow, hw York, for their PAMPHLtT bUOK nineiy-seveutb edition.) containing lisiaof over iM newspapers and estima tes, showing - the cost Adverliseuienls taken for leading papers in saaajr biataa at a tsmeadeua reduetioa fress publishers wi rm sees. v a 4 i ItlK ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Offioe io Tbaver & Hsgertj'a Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVI US A CALL TOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAOS, INVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE UEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, AC. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO A.irau, THK ADYOCATX. liirwj, Uk 0, U' cut A IE tit AMJ Jit: PETERSON'S MAGAZIlfS P03TAOE PEE-PAIB OK ALU 8T7ESCSIP- TIONS. stCnwor istg 7i qrtttnttd with a superb, large-sizea s'7 enyroviig of Trumbull t celebrated pic- ture of " he Saining of Ihe Declara tion of Independence " This will be letersons Centennial OiY.M "Peterson's Magaxine" contains, every year, 1UUI' pses, steel piatcs, 12 colored lierlin patterns, IZ mam moth colored laihion plates, 24 pages ol niusie, and 000 wood cuts. Great improvements tcill be made in 1876. Aiuodk them will be a series nl illustrated articles on the Great Exhibi lion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth the subscription price. Ihey will appropriately called. TEE CENTENNIAL IN PEN AND PENCILI The imniHuse oircultimi ol "Peter son enaoies its pmpneior io epenu more niouey on establishments, stories. ttn., &e , thao aoy other. It gives more Jor fi money than any n the wmd. It. Til RILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTES Are the lest published anywhere. All Ihe ost popular writers are employed U ante originally or " eterxon in 18i6,in addition to the usual quantity ot short ' stories. FIVE ORIGINAL COPYhlGUT NOVELhTTKS will be n'tven. by Mrs. Ann S. Stephe.ua, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. b. 11. Huroett, aud others Mammotli Colored Fashion Plates Ahead ot all others. These plates aie engtaved ou steel, twice the usual 81ZK, and are uueriualcd tor beauty They will be superbly colored. Also. Household aud other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. A. JS As the publishers now pre pnt,s th : postage to all mail subscribers I eterson is cueapcr than ever; m nwtis rut ciiKAPKttr in tuc wckld TERMS 'Always Irs Advance S2.00 A tKn. Z Capias ferf 3,60 3 Copies 4,80 YY Hli a copy ut the iiteiuiutu inczi tiut (21i2o) Lhhutmas Morning, five dollar engraving, to the person get tinur up the i 'lub. 4 Capias far $3, SO 7 Capias far 11, OU. nilli an eaira copy ol tne Alaga unt tor 18(0. as a premium, to the person getting up the ; li.h B Capias far 93, do b capias far 1Z.60 12 capias lar ib.ou. vtun bnih au extra cupy of the Muirt'Zine for 18 1 6. and the premium mezzoiiuo. ajiv Jrllur tngravmg, te tbe person get'.ing Uj the Club- Address, post-paid. CHARLES J. PETERSON, 303 Chastnut St., Philadelphia, Pa tai(e)eoiuieua bent gratis it written tor. 35Cv, V TAS?ie gjpr Aa ar aavorvMar hs m fc iumU boa advBrtlafe Ml sltwnaar autlnot, vrt wlU InUrsnt aa4 etab a aa Mvi : K. n. FOOTE, M.l., AubW -lain M.m 1 ullt, Mvltoal Ooonim Brrn, BW-oo a B-.orT. Me.. 1SS Ltatiin '.u (cor. tt llntt), MW York, iKSKFBHt'BB Pvoii. aru ll lonu f Llnwrint or CHronU Dihw hi! reaalvM latum trom all rta ol the Anwu Wsaas. . av ku nrlmmai wry mt eaaaeu( a Meaieu rraa- llw, Im U aunw-rullv tmlni nnmanma latient. in ttufw. tlx WhI Indlep, uowilnlon r QauSn, UMl at Bvarv put U Omud aiatea. NO MEUCTJXIIAL , Ot itHtrrimu 4nai aM. Ha tu. Sarins t pm tvuty tkra jm, inwa u tnUr nwrl or quit n.Ouil . AS Scw aaarawS with mci eM are naTallX rUTSiS. whathcr lkT bo oaiinanlntcil b lMr ae imtm, ot tliful toy the Dor or tilt ?ma laiMr an au khduhv K0T7 X1TTAIISI AT A BISTAHCS Aro trottod. All Inralld, at a SUunoo an rrqalrca it uuiwor llx of bUib anaoiiant. which elicit ovorf armpwia mAm which th IsvalM fwttera. 11 com- HMinttMaM aroaiM aneiv eaujutntuu, m. wnpni wfm or rattiai otlM! ivtnu mla'atoa or ooiifaaioa. Llat el ajiwMitona bmii rroo, on opiiiiaantin. vn but nui tt tha worM. tVitr-Baxo raphjt ot Bvisbkcm o SurOMa, olio arat Urn. All Ihoao tratiicwnUla an Iron ahoao who hava boon tnatod by vull aiiS rxprcta, Aixn-o ib orrvm, oa at a an. rasa or caiaoa. SM Of oddrooa SR. E. B. FOOTS. Ve. HO tealagtea Ave., .T. Hlnte4 to fell JTfbetes fUtin Ham DmUc vtaf MtMicai Comtnen. Sins: Alia J)rfb ees Science in Story. Jer Particulars address Murrayliiialihins&mpany fSFWOfa Or. Bargsr'a Teals lswsl and file fills. Than ptlla an on InloUIMo madv tar oonatliMtloa aaS iUo, oaanl mj wvMtmaoa or nppraaM .n of tho artamUo imxraa ot tho towola. Thrj varv contly laoronM ho aattvity of tho ink aclnal omnal, vrudnoo eoa acoola ond nlioro pUoa ono. Thonaonda hovo pooa oorad br mtm. Prioa SO emta, saot br mail oa fonant or prloo. Prepsnd onlv br F. ALFRCD RBIOHAHDr. rBABiuom. US rotnua Avsa. Maw Toac Ctrr. Dr. Bargir't Csapsaad fluid Eztrast ef Shuhar and Dandslioa. Th lat oomotn ittoa ot sural vnnteblo BoUolno lo ontlnl roploee Calonol or Bm PiiL It vtlmnlataa lha Hw . laontaaa the flow of biio. and thus ntnuvee at aao torpidity of ta llrar, bthouanoM ond nafctrool ao-tulpatloo. al th dioaoao arisiaa fxwm Buh aa Sr iBOimfc aiok haodvcho, Satnlrnoo, a to. Tho afiao anaaaa of a Extnot wiU b ajrovod, Tialbly. at oik w ta puleat, a on or two btHiloaor aufflcirntto etamrtaoo(a,!xion booatifullf. an-t roiov pimploe and ataiu otowd hjr llrar Oubl. Frio (1 prbUl. boul, ts i will a atot oo rocript of tb rrtoa to oav addroa. rrao or chant rreporod oulj by r. ALFRED HSICUARUT, rauanacuT, 83 JTovaza awaoiva. flow lomm vitt. Baiters Sweet Chocolate at POWELL tc KIMK'S. Younjr mao if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once t PO WELL &KIME'S Uraud Cen tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom shirt. You can get a good fitting white clean shirt for $1,25 and i rom that up. Sates of Advertising. One column, one year - $75 00 I 4UU0 1 .i i 26 00 I " " 15 Oo Transient advertlaeuienls per suuare ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions. $J. Business cards, ten lints or less, per tear $5. i . . .. i . , . i Aovertistmsms psyaois quarterly. pig!! MJiiu JLlVKiiY bTAULE IN lorui public gcLerall ery Stable and will kaef GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAR! Buggies, to let 'ipon the aiest reaseaa ble terms (f.He will also do job tsaaiag. Stable on Droad street, above Mala All orders left at the Post Offise will eel prompt attention Aug 20 1870. If. The Weekly Sun. A large eight-page independent, keaest and tearlecs newspaper of 66 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, thn ni. chanic, ihe merchant and tbe Professional man, and their wives and children. We aim to in ike the .vcsklt San the best family newspaper in the world It Is full of entertaining and instructive reading ef every fort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price $1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The che'iprst paper published. Iry it- Address Ta Sirs, Jew lork City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jae t Vincent . Associate Judges Chas. Lakr, J T (Iouk. District Attorney--J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff I). STcull. i'liitlnnotbry jo., Fred. Schcsniag. '1 reasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Oe. R. Dixea. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. d. Wels. Auditors Thomas Irwin TX. 0. Bandy, Cutiuiy Surveyor Geo Wtlmslsy. Jury Commissi ners. Phillip alreighle lUusom T. Kyler. FOR SALE BT E.K. GRE8H, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, fa. VAN VLECK'S OELKBKATED PATENT SPRIN BED BKST tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid ea the alats or' auy comtnou bed aud are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Kuuning, Most Durable, and BEHT MACHINE iu the market. Call eaa szaoiine before purshasiag elsewhere. v4al0t0$, F YOU WANT TO BUT GOODS CHEAP e Ta JAMES n- IIAGSRTI Main Street, Ridgway, fa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Sleek ef Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, aDd told as cheap aa tbe CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. SEEDS 4m i'JLJliTS. - C. C. 'lle True Cupe Cod Cranberry, C. tji-st sort tur Upland, Lowland, or Uurduu, by niail prepaid, (1 per 100, $5 per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue ot these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, iloes, J'luuts, &o., and FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection in the couotry, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plaiu address. 25 sorts of either S lower, Oarden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb t-eeds, lor SI, 00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. Agents B. Al' WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and eed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1812. 1 O THE CITIZENS OF PENN8TL VAN I A. Your attention ia specially invited to ibe fact th it the National Banks are uow prepared to receive subscriptions to tbe Capital Stock ot the Centennial t oar J of finance. The funds realised froas i bis source are to be employed in the eree uou of the buildings tor the Internationa bxbibilion, and the expenses connect aim the same. It is confidently believed i hut the Keystone State will be represent ii) the name of every ciliien alive to patri ots commemoration of the one hundredth birth day of the nation. The aharta s.ock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engrave ctiutitate of Mock, suitable for framing and prrservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of sis per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Csa teuuial Siock from date ef payment te January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Nationa bank can remit a check or post offioe erdev to tbe undersi gned, i'KED'K r HALEY, Treasurer, 901 Malum St., Philadelphia Apphtons Amabican Ciclcpidia. -that tbe revised, and elegantly illui trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 page one in two months, ia the best Cyeloped America, ia certain. No library is eon plete without it. It it a complete oat in itself.. It only costs $3 a month I get it in leather binding. The beat eat cheapest library ia tbe world. Aidreava, 0. K. Judaea, Fradeaia, X. T. RIDGWAY. IN S01UBNEK WISHES IU i r tCittiens of Ridgway, and th I , ...... .. . . J . T . I ai ii a i aa nn bt a n wr w