0 Oft Hknuy A. Parsons, Jr. Editor TIIURIiJ.W. DF.nUfBRR 30 1875. OVll WAMILVGTOX LETTER. Washington, I). C, Dec. 25, '75 MSConi) IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY PUPT n INCH ANI TUB U. B POSTAL RAILWAY MAIL 8KRV 1CK r:L t'P TUB GOVT. rtlt.NTKll 'I CONVICT BIBCOCK Oil LKAVB THE STATE" "TO BU MA t'E SPKCIAL" FRVLDJ T.ENT PSVSfoN CLAIMANTS TO BK LOOKED AFTER, There is a general compluint here among the d'sipp tinted. Rppticants for officii ot (lie Dmnocrutio House, of the injustice done tlio Djtu.icratie party in the New England, .Middle, and a grcitl portion of tho Western States, in the Belection of the oflwers and the forma lion of tho committees of the House. Among the most disappointed members in tho House, is Fernando Wood, the oldest member he having been in Con press twenty five year3 a? . It i thought that Fernando will not have many receptions tho coming session, &o disgusted is ho with condition of thi nsjs. It is understood that Kerr, in the formation ot his committees, hid an eye to beinu the nest Dcnuoewic can didate fur President. It is certain nbw that in order to get the nomination, he will have to reeoncile his disappointed Lreihcrn. General Bibcock lias arrived nud had an interview with the President, and is now mtcndng to his private business. It is thought that ho will ask the President to .'eli-jve him of hi duties until the result of his ttial if known. Mr Hangs, for several years Super intet)dant of the Railway Mail Service, will retire from the Department the Cist ot January to engage in private busiuess. We rccret this vorv munli as w j do all those who ate acquainted with tho very efficient scrviec-s he has ren erel tlii (jnennuMt. Tlio postal car system has been developed by him until it has become the most important jpns in tii 3 laricj in ta;) noil trtnf mis3ion of the mails. More fcceritiy ho devised a plan for the development of this system accompanied by a ireat reduction of expeditures. We refer to the inauguration of the Express Mail between New York aud the West. The plan was originally submitted to the three great railroads, the New York Central, Pennsylvania Central, and the Baltimore a, ou;,.uu ucuii..a u, .i.. Subsequently it was accepted by the New York Ceutral, aud they contracted to carry the entire mail between the East and the West. No sooner was the nrsarigemeut completed than the trial roads fearing that they r.houid suflVi from the prestige thus obtained by the New York Central, demanded thai they be allowed to run an express mail on the same terms, and now "the mad over the Pennsylvania route crosses the bridge at St. Louis, and is followed in five minutes by the express mail over the New York Central This gaiu of five minutes is obtained at a cost oi about 250,000 a year. One express trail a day was all thai Mr. Pangs desi.ed and it could havt been managed so as to perform the same service in the same time in the West that is now jeiTormed by the three express Trails. Yet Mr. Pangs is arrainei iu the Chicago papers lor tin expense of a double service for v.hich he is in no way'responsible. Mr. Banus has recently addressed a letter to the Postmaster General in relation to the receipts and expenditures ot the three classes of mail matter and shows that the carriage of letieis is performed at a net profit of over $1,010,000 a year to the Department of newspapcis at a loss of $7 000,000 express parcels at a loss oi 4,000,000. 1 1 is theory is 'to cheapen postage for the whole peo ple by such au cmendment as shall not so increase the cost of the postal service in the transportation of sr.'ieles iu which comparatively few are interes ted as to nullify the propose lower po tngis." And this he proposes to do by n. ueing the postage on all transient ni wspapers, roagaziues, unsealed circu lars, and pro? peet uses, and ailowiug all other parcels or express matter :o be carried at the present rates. The po tago on third class matter, averas eleven cents per pound, while the cost is over twenty cents. The average revenue from a poui.d of letters is 81.45 and the cost is 31,13. While the num ber of people interested in the letters and ciroulars is more than six times us great as these sending express parcels, it would seem as though bis conclusion would be mote logical if he bud pro posed an advance iu the rates of third class matter sufficient to make its ex penses, with a reduction on letter pos tage, by this change the greater num ber would be benefitted. We have do doubt that the same success will attend Mr. Pangs in the new business iu which he is about to engage. Mr. A. M. Clapp, Superintendent of the Government Priming Offioe, seems much alarmed as to tbe permanency o' lis present position. The employing printers of Washington, vrho are pay ing ten cents less per thousand ems fur composition than the Government Print ing office, will doubtless make r on Lim this year, showing that the govern ment work is costing very much more than tbe same ork would cost in pri vate printing offices here, and it is due tv them tbat they shall hare tbe priv- htfimrfts .IH.aTOajftl.IH,. .IIW.. ,!..., JMUBIUII ilojte of competing for all work tint strictly Government. The prioes paid for work at the Government Priming Oiliee ranges form L'O to 100 per eem. more, with one or two exceptions, than are paid in any other place in the whole country. To illustrate; in Boston 40 cents per thousand ems are beintt paid for compodtioii; in l'urkerbnrg 30; in Philadelphia. 43, and in Washington 50 At the Government Printing Of fice 60 cents are being paid. The cost ot living is very nearly as cheap in Washington ns in any of these cities named, and the question naturally arises why the Union should insist on receiv ing so much mote for their work here. More than a year Bgo the Postmaster General assured by letter Mr. Hinckley, President of the Philadelphia, Wjlmiug ton & Baltimore Railroad that there would be less than fifty special agents ol his Department appointed. It ap pears now that there are one-third more agents on the roll thati he proposed. To keep on good terms w.th the Railroad President, he has checked off, from the list of 'special agents sent to Mr. ilinek ley. several 'peeial agents on the Pacific slope, some Western Stares and the Territories, to bring the number within fifty. So, therefore, it appears that al though the traveling pass of those specials commands all railroads, steam boats and stages that carry U. S. mail, to carry them free, by direction of the P M. General, tbey will be subjected by this Railroad, at least, to the mortifica tion of being refused. It has been said that Mr. Dyer, Dis trict Attorney against the whii-lcy rin: frauds iu St. Louis, has said that he would convict Getioial Babcock or leave ihe State. It is strange that any public officer should attempt to so predjudict a ca.se as to anticipate publicly the eonvie lion ol a man. It has all along been under.-toood that there is a disposition 'in the part ot St Louis people to con vict, if posib!e, any person charged with complicity with the whisky ring, and to that end the country may not be surprised to learn of foul means being used in the prcsecuiion of these cases If this declaration ol Mr. Dyer is a sam ple of the feelings ol the court and the people of St. Louis, against those indic ted, it u questionable whether in the iuterestsot justice, tho State would not bo benefitted by Mr. Dyer leaving it. LI1 E. The pusi master-general has author ized a dead letter oiliee auction sale in Washington, commencing ou the 17th of January next. Oenrpo Ellis, alias Georgo Stone, a masked burglar, has been sentenced in I'tiea, New York, to eighteen years in ihe peuitentiary. The United States survey of Lower California reports that nineral wealth is ft uly wonderful, aud embraces rich de posits of tfold, silver, iron, copper, anti mony, alabaster, etc. Dispatches report the sinking of the steamer Mary Miller, above Yicksdurg. She left Now Orleans for the Ohio a week since with four hundred tons of ti:ar and molasses. She has since been ruiknrl i.rirl o-i , q.i mill V.o partially saved. Buffalo, New Yoi k &, PuiiuUeiphia K'y On nnd nfier November 28th. 1873, and n it i I fir, her notice, trains will leave llutfalo from the Unffaln, New York & l'lulaile!iliia Railroad Depot, corner Ezchnnge and Louisiana streets. ( lUiflalc time) as follows: 7:30 A. M., 'MAIL, (daily except Sun days) sloping at Ebenezer 7:0o Spring (nook 8:05 Klmit t:ll JnuiUnu'R H: 1 7 Aurora Wales 8:34. Holland S:-14 I'm. teetion 8:54 Arcade !i;03 Yorkshire '.hi 2 Nlachiiis i):19 Frnnkiinville 0:37 lsehoa 0:f.-j Hiii-dulo 10:10 trio Railway 10:L'4 Oleun J 0:33 Weston's 10:43 1'uvtviile H:."0 Stale Line 10:.:.8 Kldiod 11:11 Larabet's 11:1!0 Snvtwell ll:-!."i Turtle P .int 11:30 I crt Al lojreny 11:42 Libeity 12:02 1. M. Renting I'J.O'J Shippcn 12:5 Emporium 12:40 P. M Connecting at Olean vnih Erie Ity. for local points west, a 'd lor the Oil Territory, arriv ing at Limestone at 1:03 mid Bradford at :2") 1 M ; at Lumber's with the MeKean v 1 : n 0 i t ' o K. It., and at Emporium with the I', a E. R. It. lor local p unis west to Erie. 8:05 A. M.. ACCOMMODATION, (daily except Sundays', stopping at. Ebenezer hi 8:50, Ppring lirook 1:15. Elma ii:35. Jumi Bon's lt:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi. land 11:10 Protes'ion 1135 Arcade 12:10 1'. M.. Yorkshire 12:30 Vachias 1J:51 I'ranklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:'J5 Hinsdale 8:02 Erie Eailwuy 4:05!eu. 4:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M ., EXHKESS, (dat.y ezcepl Sundays) stopping ut Ebenezer 4:'J.l. Spring Brook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jaudson's 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 Holland 5:10 Protection 5:20 Arcade 5:33 Yorkshire ri;40 Macliias 5:50. Frankliiiville ti:00 scliua li:25 hintdale 11:30 Erie fcailwny tj;55 01ean 7:10, Weston's 7:18, I'oitville 7:25, State line 7:32. Eldred 7:45, Earabee's 7:52 Sartwell 7-57, Turtle Point 8:02, Port Al legany 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:40 (Snippeu 0:00 Einporium 9:15 1'. M. Con necting at Laiabee's with MuKeau Hi Eut lalo h. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;0il A. M , EXPRE.-S, (daily ezcepi Sun lnyaj stopping at jSliippen 4:15. ieul ing 4:34, Liberty 4:42. Port Alleginy 5:01. iurtle Point 5:13 ,S;iriwll 6:18, Larahee's 5:24, Eltlied 5:32, (State Line 5:4 ). Port villo 5:52, Weston's O.oO. tlleati 0:21, Evie Ituihvay tl:23, Hinsdale C:37, Ischua 6:52, Frankliiiville 7.00 Vaeh'as 7:25, Y'orkshiic 7:83, Arcade, 7:40, Protection 7:53. Hol land 8:08, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:28, Jami son's 8:20 Elma 8;84, Spring Brook 8:40, Ebeneaer 8:50, Buffalo 9.15 A. M. Connect ing at Laiabee's with tbe MeKean & Eutlalo R. K, 1:40 P. M., MAIL, (dily exeept un. days) slopping at Sliippen 1:55 Keating 2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:55 Sariwel' 8:00, Laiabee's 3:07 Eldrod U:l.i, Male Line 8:30. Port illo 8:88. Weston's 3;45, Olean 4:03,rie Ruilway 4 05 Hiu-dalo 4 21. Ischua 4 38, Frauklrsville 4 58, MitchiasS 15 Yorkshire 5 25 Arcade 5 33 Protectiou 5 47 Holland 5 68 i-alej (i 08 Aurora (120 Jamison's (i 27 Elma 4i 31 ISpring Breok 6 36 Ebei ezer 6 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Olean will) Erie ba.lway from ftimestoue aud Bradford. 1 RAINS LEAVE OLEAN- 6 40 A. M., ACCOAlMODAilON, stopp. ing ut Erie Railway 6 50 Hinsdale 7 20 ischua 7 60, Frnnkiinville 8 40 Machias U 27 Yorkshire 9 50 Arcade 10 10 Protect. on 10 4'J Holland 11 10 Wales 11 85 Aurora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 35 Spr'.ng Book 12 60 Ebenezer 1 15 Buffalo 2 00 P. M. isUNUAY TRAIN LEATES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at Ebenezer tl 22 Ppiing Brook 9 31 Elma 4) 37 Jamison'a 9 48 Aurora 947 A M, bUKUAV TRAIN LEAVF8 AURORA 5 42P M . stopping at Jamison's 5 48, Elma 5 63 Spring Brook 6 58 Ebenezer 6 06 BuffaliB 30 P. M. . J. 1). YEOM ANS, H. L. LYMAN, Qm'l. Suv't. Gtn'l J iut'r Agt. Ayer'S Cathartic Pills, For the relief and enre or all derange ments in tha stom rh, liver, and bow. els. They aro a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative, ltelnir nurelv vert- talile, they contain no mercury or mine- mifTerinfr ! prevent nl In- their timelT use ; and every lamlly should have them on hsna for Uiclr protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to be the naf est, surest, ami best of all the Villi with which the market abounds. Ily their occasional use, the blood Is jini-illcd, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and tha whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal orgnns which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Auer'i PUI, and stimulated Into action. Thus Incipient (license Is changed Into health, the value of w hich change, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly lie computed. Their sugar coating manes thcra pleasant to take, anil preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they aro mild, and operate without disturbance to Uie constitution, or diet, or torn nation. Full directions are glv:n on the wrapper to tach box, how to uec Uiem is a Family Physic, and for the following complaints, which these fill ranidlv cure: For Dyapeipata or nitlareatlaa. K.ltlaa r, Lnucuor and . of Apitrtite, they ihould be taken moderntely to stimulate the elom ich, and restore its healthv tone and action. For iilver Complaint and its vai ioii" symp toms, Nllion Heuilachs, Stick II r ml- eke, Ja)onile or Jn 'i HicknrM. Utb Ions Colic and Bilious Severn, tlicy should 6e judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Itysrntrr.T nl niMrrbaea, but- one tailrt doe is generally required. For nhvnanatlain. ont, tSrnrel. Bltwtlon of tht Heart, Stn In tho tan, lluck and E,oln, they shouhl be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such change those complaints disa'ppear. For IDroiM.r and Iropslenl Swelling, they should he taken in large and frequent doses to jiroduee the effect of a drastic puie. For tlii,relon, a large dose should be taken, as it produces tho desired effect by sym pathy. As A Dtnnrr Pllt, take one or two Pllf to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dnse stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tclerablv well, often finds that a dose of these -(. makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansu g and renovating effect on tbe digestive apparatus. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. A TEH Jt CO., Practical Chemltti, LOWELL, MASS., C. B. A. FOB BALK BY AiX DBUUUISTS EV'atlT WHXJia. Cur Time tl Kidsway. Mail East 4:45r: M. do West 2 25 P. M. ffenovo Accom East 9:25 A. M Kane do West 8:20 P. M Local East 5:40 P. M pado West 8:20 A. M The Mail and Through Local aarry ssengers, the local does cot. QUOTA! IONS White, Powell & Co" BANKERS AU UllOKERd, No. 42 Sleuth Third Street. Philadelphia, Pec. 23th. 1875. Pll). ASKBD U. S. 1SS1. c 128J 124J do 5 20, o '62, M and N 118J- do do '04 do 118i do do '65 do 11''4 lloj do do '65 J aud .1 lli'S 2o do do '67 do V-2i 122j; do do '68 do 122J 122J 10-40, do coupon 117j 117j do Pacific 0"s cy Int. off 122, 122j New 5's Keg. 1881 1 16.1 1 Hi- " ' 0. 1881 lltj 117 Gold 12j 18 Silver 107 109 remu-ynuui- ,VH f,J Reading '. 55 6jg Philadelphia. & Erie 20 2( jj Lehigh Navigation 4!' do Valley 61 -J 62 United R 11 oi' N J 184J 185 Oil Creek 11 lij Murtlierii Central 8-1 J 34 Central Iraai-porlaiion 46 Met,quehoniiig 05 55 C A .Mortgage 6's '8'J 104J 105j AUVEIITISI1TG Kl.XETV-ElGHTH EDITION. Containing a eomplet list of all the towns in the United sSiaies, ihe Territories and the Lioiuuiion ol'C inada. having a popula tion greater than 6,000 according to the last census, together with the names of Ihe newspapers having the largest local circu lation in each of ihe places named. Aisu, a catalogue o. newspapers which are re couimeuded to advertisers as giving great est value in proportion to prices charged. Alco, all newspapers iu the United elates and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each issue. Also, all the lieligious, Agri cultural. 8cieiitilic and Mechanical. .Medi cal, Masjnic; Juvenile. Euucaiional, Com ii erciul, ln-urance, Rctl Esiale. Law, Sporting, Aiusical, Fathion, aud other special class journals; very complete lists. Together with a compleit list, of over 800 tjeiiuan papeis printed in the United oiates. Also, an essay upon advertising: many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in advertis ing would like to lui. w. Address GEO P. ROWELL It CO.. 41 Park Row, New York. A GOOD WORK. A Startling Cause of liebility nad Sick ness folly explained in a large octavo Trea tise by Hr. O. PHELPd BhOWN, 21 Grand Street, Jersey Ciiy. ft. J EV'EltV Al AiS AMI WO.dAN who is ailing iu any way !bould mid and get a oopy at unoe as it is tet free, prepaid by mail. Address the author, as above. vouShy 1 FOR THE ADVOCATE JOBTT7'ORK Wears now arepared tV to doall kinds of JOB WORK, huvelepes. Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads neatly aud cheaply executed. Offiee iu Thayer & Hagerty'a new building, Ui treet Ridgway, P. THE WEEKLY SUIT. 1776. NEW YORK. 1876. Eighteen hundred and seventy-sir Is the Centennial year. It is also the year in whioh an Opposition House of Representa tives, the hist since the war, will be in powet at Washington; and the year of the twenty-third election of a President of the United States. All of these events are sure to be of great interest and importance especially the two latter, and all of them and everything connected with them wilt be fully and freely reported and expounded in THE SUN. The Opposition House of Representatives taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by THE SUN will aternly and dilli gently investigate the corruptions and mis deeds of Grant's administration, and will il is to be hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in our national his tory Of all this THE SUN will contain complete and accurate accounts furnishing its readers with early and trustworthy in. formation upon these absorbing tonics Tho tweuty-lhird presidential election, with the preparations for it, will be mem orable as deciding upon Ohant's aspira, lions for a third terra of power and plun der, aud still n.ore as deciding who thi.ll be the candidate of the party of Reform, and as elected tbat candidate Concerning all these subjects, those who read THESTN will have the constant means of being thoroughly well informed. Tbe W kkklt. Sun, which has attained a cir. culatiuu of over eighty thousand copies al read has its readers in every Stale and Ter ritory, and we trust that the year 1876 will Ue.ee their numbers doubled. It will con tinue io be a thorough newspaper. All the ge leral news of the day will be found in it, vondcused when unimportant al lull leiigib when of moment, aud always, wa rust treated iu a clear interesting and in structive manner It is our aim to make the Wilekly Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall coulinne to give iu ns Col umns a large amount of miscel.aueous read lug Mich as stories tales, puems, rcienlifi intelligence and agricultural information for which we are not able to make room iu our daily columns. The agricultural de purlmetii especially is one of Ihe proiui ucnt features The fashions are also regu larly reported in its columns; and so are die markets of every kind. The IVma ol-.n, eight pge- with fifty six broad colum.is is only $1,20 a year.pos tage prepaid. As the price barely repays the enst of l he paper, no discount can be mode from this rale to cubs, agculs, Post masters, or anyone. The Daily Sun, a large four page news paper of twenty-eight columns gives all tbe news for two cents a copy. Subscription, postage prepaid 55c a month or $6,50 a car. Sunoay edition eitra $1.00 per year Vi have no travehng agents Address THE SUN, New Vork City IT PAYS! ITPAYS! WHAT PAYS? It pays every Manufacturer, Merchant iechauic, Inventor, Farmer or Protest mual man, to keep iuformed on all the im provements and discoveries of the age. IT PaYS tue head of every family to in troduce into his household a newspaper that ib instructive, one tbat fosters u tasit fur iuvestigatiou, and promotes aud en courages discussion among the members. The Scientific American which lias been published weekly for Ihe lasi ih.rty years; dots this to an extent be yond that ot any other publication, in tact it is the only weekly paper published in ihe United Unites, devoted to Manuiuctures, Mechanics. Inventions and New iiitccver ies in the Arts and Scieuces. Every tumber is pr. f.isely illustrated and its corneals embr ce the latest aud must intereMiug mioimation pertaining to I ho Industrial, Mechanical aud Scieul lie Progress of the World: inscriptions, wnh Beautiful Lug avuigs, of New Inventions, New Implements, New Proctssea and im proved industries of all kiuda; Useful Notes, Recipes Suggestions and advice, by Practical Writers, lor Workmen and Em ployers, iu all the various arts, fosmiug a complete repertory cf New Inventions and Discoveries; containing a weekly record not only of the pngress of the. Industrial Aria in our own country, but also of all New Discoveries and Inventions in every bianch of Engineering Mecuanics, aud Scieucu abroad Til E c-t 1ENT1FIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial publications for the paBt Tiiit ty Years. It is the oldest laigest, cheapest, and the best urekly HI usirated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechanics Oiemistry, New Inventions, Science nud Industrial Progiess, published iu the Vt orld 1 he practical receipts are well worth ten times the biibscrip iou price. And lor the shop aud bouse will save many times the cost of subscription. Mel counts, Earmeis Mechanics. En gineers, inventors, Manufacturers, thttii ibis, Lovers of science, aud People ot all Professions, will find Ihe SuiKMiric Amer ican useful to them. It should have a place in every Family, Library, oiudy, Oiliee H.d Counting Room; in everv Rcadi.g ftooni, College aud school. A new volume coiumences January 1st 1876. A year's number comaius 832 pages and 8i.vt.KAL Hvnuhku Enqbavinus. thous ands ot volumes are preserved for binding and reteience. Terms 93,20 a year by mail, including postage. Discount lo iiubs. Speciul circulars giving Club rates seni tue. bingie copies mailed ou recbipt of 10 cents. May be had of all News Dealers. patents tiou with the . cieutiDo .iuci .c.iu. UACbsis. Munn & Co. are Solicitors of American und Foreign PdleuiH aud have the Ipigesl establishment in the World. More tliuu fifty thousaud application have bteu made for pateuta tnrough their agency. Patents are obtained on the best terms, Models of New Inventions aud Sketches examined aud advice free. A special notice is made iu the Scieulifio American of all Juveut'ous Patented through the Agency wiih the name and residence of the Patentee. Patents are olten sold in part or whole, to persons aitracted to the in vention by such uotice. bend for Pamph let, containing full directions for obtaining Pateuts. A buuud volume cou.Uiuing ti e Patent Laws, Ceusus of the U. 8., aud 142 Engrwiugs of mechanical movements. Price 25 cents. Address lor the Paper, or concerning Patents MUNN 4 CO. 37 i'ark Row, New York. Branch Olhce, Cor- F. Si 7ih Sty., VVauhiugtou, D. C. A dvibtisinu: Cuiap. Good, Ststjima XX. 'no. All persons who contemplate making coutraots with newspapers for the insertion, of advertisements, should send 25 eema t u'ee P. Kewtll Jr i o., 41 Park Row, tew York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) eontaining lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the oust Advertisements taken fur leading papers in many Slates at a termendous rednclios fruaa publishers rates, est f . v as 48 U THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Tlajrar & Ilagertj'i Block, RIDGWAT, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAOS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS. PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Addrtes, THIS ADVOCA.T1, tGrCllb'Al'JSSr AND BESTIR PETERSOFSMAGAZIKE POSTAL PEE-FAHI ON ALL 6UESC&IP TIQN3. (CP" Every iibteribir for 1876 tcill be qretcntcd with a tupcrb, large-tized $teel r.nyraving of Trumbull i celebrated pic ture of " 77te Signing of the Declaro lion of Independence." This will be "Pelerton't" Centennial Gift. "Peterson's Magazine" contains, every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates, 12 colored Borlin patterns, 12 niauj moth colored fashiou plates, 24 pages ol music, aud 000 wood cuts. Great improvement will he made in 1870. Aoionfi them will be a series ol illustrated articles on the Great Exliibi tion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth the subscription price. They will appropriately called. THE CENTENNIAL IN FEN AND PENCIL! The immense circulation ol "Peter son" enables its proprietor to spend more money on establishments, stories, die., &c , than any other. It gives more for the money than any in the wjrtd. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTES Are tbe best published anywhere. All the ' ost popular writers ure employed la write originally for "1 eterson" In 1876, in addition to the usual quantity ot short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYIUGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Fia ik Lee Beuedict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, and others Mimmoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead ot all others. Tiiese plates are engraved od steel, TWICE THE USUAL size, and sre unequaled for beauty. They will be BUperbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. JV. B. As the publishers now pre pnifS thi postage to all mail subscribers "7 eterson" is cheaper than ever; in net is THE CUIAPE8T IN TH6 WOULO. TERMS 'Always Id Advance, $2.00 a Ttsn. S Copies for$3,60 3 Coplas 4,00 Willi a copy oi the premium uezz ttiut (21x26) "CHRI8TMA8 MoKNINO," a five dollar engraving, to the person get ting up the t'lub. 4 Capias far $3,80 7 Copies for 11,00. Wttli an extra copy of itie Maga tiue for 1ST6. as a premium, to the person get I in p up the CIIlo ' BCopiosfor $8, SO O Copies for 12.50 12 Copies for 18.00. Wuh both an extra copy of the Magrzine for 187C, and the premium mezzotint, a five drllar engraving, to the person getting uji the Club Address, post-pnid. CHARLES J. PETERSON, 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. jajr8peciniene sent gratiB it written tor. af Aj w adVcnutar bu not mdt tuM tdTtrttset mi mlwJkmr dlMuot, w will lntrprt and Ubo km it hd ivlii : SC. 1). FOOTK, ivr.xo ivdur o Main Soma Talk, lletlical Common Senae, haimtm at Storr, ate.. 190 LexiRKton Avanue (cor. K SVk SuraVt), w Y'H-k, an Ixur.piHtiENt PiTaimie. traUa all fur ma ot Linitring or Chronta Dn 'ma, and rooeivM lattara trom all part of tbe OiTiuaaiD Wotto. My hu artfmal wV of oonducttna; MtSlcal Prm Mo. h la auooav-fnlly treatintf nnmeroni twtienta in KanM, tlx weal ludiea, uominion ! Oamavaia, awl in aicrr port of tho Caittd buitca. NO MKIiCXTXlIAti Or datoorlwu drag' uud. Ha hn. during the pail lwaa thra jraara. IraaVMl nuoeiiaiifiiUy nearly or quit 49.0l aaasa. AS fi't oonui atfd with each ca-c ra aarafolljr neardfd. whether the; be coromunioated bf latter at ta arinn, or ulerrid by the Doctor or hie aaMulaM pkakaUaa. Tho laUer are all aclentlO EOT I1VALIDS AT A BISTAKC1 ire tMawd. All InYalida at a dlatanoe are required a aJirer a Uat uf plain queettnna, which elicit every yatpuiia nader which the inTalld taffeta. All com- aMMiv4ieiM traticed mnatw cornaeiuiui. a oompiete eyetena of refit, berime t ve nta miitkea or oonf uaion. Liat of aiieatMna eont free, un apntloHtion, to any pari ml the world. Smy-pace pamphlet of Bvidbxcu or vinaua, aleo eeat Tree. AU uteae teatlfnunlala ate fx una tkee who have bora treetml by mail and ezpreea. AoTia i orrioa, oa at kzz raaa or causa. OtU as er addreas e DR. E. B FOOTS, Wa. ltO texington Are,, W. T. Jlbntcd te sell D'Fbtiu Tlain JfomeTaUe end McdiecU Common. SnmAlso J)rJbofes Science- in Story, forhjvtkulars address , MurraylCl.MiJhinSCMnp.Lrry K9Eistt8tt5t. KEW YORKe Dr. Berger's Tonio Bowel and file Pills. Th.ee ptll. afw aa Infallible remedy for ecnatipatlon end illes oauee-t by wwkneae or aupprewiin of the pertetilUo notion of the bowela. They very aently (iloroa.ee the aoxirity of the totretlnal canal, produce aoft euola and relievo piloa at one. Thouaendi hare been eared by tneua- rriae ou oenta, aent by miv4 on renalt of prioa. Prepared only by P. ALFRED asiuHtaiii', raauaAOisT, un roeaia avmbb, aw lOBK UITT. Dr. Bergar's Compound Fluid Extract ot Bhnbarb and Dandelion. The heat oombtnattoa of pnrely yeffetmhle nedtotnea ta entirely replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It atimulatee the tivdr. inore ,aae the flow of bile, and thua removee al oaue torpidity of the Hear, btliim.neaa and liabitnat oo it -ci nation, anl the dieeaaee arialnf from auoh aa drpepata, aiok head tcho, flatnle noa, eto. The effoo breaeaa of thia Estraoi will be proved, visibly, at once to the patient, aa one or two bottle are sufficient to 1 Jar the coraplaxton benutif ully, and remove pimpled and stains otased by liver trouble. Price SI oer bottle. I bottles, $5 ; will be eent on receipt of the prioa so anv anareaa. rroe or onarge. i-repared only by F. ALPRBD RatCHARUT, PaaaUiCUI, itafOVll aveuica mmw iuh wii. . Bakers Sweet CboooUt POWELL & KIME'S. st Young man if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Grand Cen tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom skirt. You can get a good fitting white olean abirt for $1.25 and trom that up. Satei of Advertising. One column, one year $76 00 1 " " " 40 00 I " 25 00 I . " 16 OU Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion f 1, two inser tions, XI. OU, three insertions Business cards, ten lines or less, per year t0. Advertisements payable quarterly. a NJENV LIVJSltY STABLE IN DAN SCUlBNKll WISHES TO IK lorm the Citteens of Ridgway, and th public generally, that he Las started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES Bugles, to let upon the most reaiea ble terms. i,He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Mala AU orders left at lbs Post Offioe will meet prompt attention Aog 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A large eight page independent, honest and tearless newspaper of 56 broad columns, especially designed for the farmer, the me, chttnic, the merchant and the Professional nmn, and their wives and children. W aim to make the iVeeklt Sun the best fiiutity newspaper in the world. It in full of entertaining and instructive rending of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the n.osl scrupulous and delicate Itfste. Prioe $1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The" cheapest paper published. Try if Address Tns Bits, New York City. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jn- P Viuceni. Associate Judges Chai. Luhr, J V Honk. District Attorney--J. K. P, Hall. Sheiiir D. oull. Prothnnotury iJ-c.,-Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. County Superintendent Gen. R. Dixon. Commissioners Miohael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. Kd. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin If. O. Bundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mers. Phillip tireighlt Rauaom T. Kyler. FOR SALK BY E.K. GRESH, Masonic Hull Building, Ridgway, Pa. VAN VLECK'S CJ5LKBKATED I'AIKM' SPRINS Mil) BEST tempered steel spring wire, these springs can be laid on the slats of any common bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES 1 Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BL'dT M AtJlllMi in the market. Call aui exa.nine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nl(it0, 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- IIAQSRTY Wtia Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WAKE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WAHE, TOBACCO AND C1GARI. A Large Btect ef Grooeries and Provision!. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly tin bund, und suld as ebep as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTI. SEEliS .l.VB i'LJJlTS. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C. best sort tor Uplaud, Lowland, or Garden, by mail prepaid, $1 per 100, $b per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries and Peaches. A priced Cata logue ot these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Uoses, PLiuia, &c, aud FRESH FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection in the country, with ail novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb i-eeds, lor 81,00, bent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE OAT A. LOGUETO'lllE TilADE. Agenta Hunted. B. M WATSON, Old Colony Nur series aud Seed Warehouse, Plymouth; Muss. Established 1842. 'I'O THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL J YAK I A. Your attention is specially invited to the fact lb it the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Steele of the t'eutennial board ot finance. The fumisrealiied front this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings lor tho Internationa titnbiuon, and tlio expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone tjmie will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri. otio commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares slock are offered for $10 each, aud auk soribers will receive a buudsouie engraved Certificate of Mock, suitable for framing aud preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid ouall payments of Cen tenuial Stock from dale of payment te January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or post otiioe order 10 the underst gued, t'liED'K F HALEY, Treasurer, 00 Walnut tit., Philadelphia . Apflktons Ajuuican Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illui trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume oi 800 pages onet in two months, is the best Cyeloped America, is certain. No library is eom plete without it. It is a complete out initseli. It ouly costs 83 a mouth t get it in leather biodmg. The best and cheapest library in the world. AtUraet, C. K- J udson, Fredooia, V. J.