The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 23, 1875, Image 3

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"s. . r n u i v
Atlnrne.l.l. .
gway, Pa. 2 2tf.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe in
Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for
tollcotion promptly attended to.
Office iii New Brick Building, Main 8t
kidgway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n!itt.
vln4l. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of llarlfnrd, Conn.
james Fuller ton,
Surgeon bentist, having pertniiherilly lo
cated in Kigway, offers bis professional ser
vices to the citizeus of ttidgwny and sur
rounding country. All Work warranted
Office in Service & Wheeler'a Building, up-
stairs, nrst door to the left, 73-n-S;My
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Alain street, Uidgway, l'a. Agent lor tb
Mow Sewing Machine, and Morton GoM
Pea. Repairing Watches, eto, doce With
ha same accuracy as heretofore. Satin
aetioa guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Parmiceuti. t N. W. cornet
f Muiu und Mill streets) Kidgway, Pa.
full assortment of ciirelUlly selected For
eign (i 11 J 1'omeMio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dippensed at all hours, day ci
night. trlniiv
T. S. 11 ART LEY. Al. D.,
Physician ana Surgeon.
Office in i) ug (store, corner lirond and
Main tits, Residence corner lirnad 61.
spposit the C'oll-.'ge. Office hour lroiu
8 to 10 A. M. and troin 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. B OR DWELL, Al. D.,
Eeleetio Physician and Surgeon, hn render
ed his othce Irom Centre stieet, to Man si.
1 Ridgway, i'a,, iu the second story of the
Iter brick building of Joan G. hall, oppu
' ait Hyde's store.
Ul hours:! to Z r M 7 to Y M
Hiduwat, Elk Co., Pa
W. H. 3CI1RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
Is liberally bestowed upon turn, tbe new
proprietor, topes, ty paying striet at
tention to the comfort and couveuience oi
guests, to merit a eouiiuuanee oi tht
Oct 80 1869.
Johh Collins, Proprietor.
tor ilia patrouage nereioion
bestowed uuou lnui, the new
" l.n....u l.u .iuiir uti-Utt At
LWr, ivvo. ,J j t"j ... - -. - -
ICULlOn 10 IUB VV1UIU1. vu...vm.
of guiists. t . merit a continuance of tbt
t. HAYS,
Goods, Uotions, GrccerieE.
and General Variety,
Barley 1. O.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Pivision
OH andafter MONDAY, MAI 24, 1875,
the traius on the Philadelphia 6.
lkii Railroad will run as follows;
KANE ACCOM leaves Kenovo.... 4 85 p aa
Dt il't wood.. 5 55 p ni
luiporiu-u 6 65 p m
St Marys... 7 55 p iu
Uidgwuy ... 8 U5 p in
AYilcux...... U 05 p ui
rr at Kane.. 9 UO p at
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p iu
iteuovo ll Uo t in
' Emporium..... 1 10 p ui
St. Mary's 2 00 p w
Kidgwuy 2 25 p ui
Wilcux 2 58 p ui
arrive at Erie 7 5o p m
ENOVO ACCO d leaves K.ine
8 00 a m
8 33 a iu
8: Marys..
Drill wood,
, 'J 25 in
10 01 a ni
11 05 a m
12 15 p ui
RIE MAIL leaves Ens
.11.20 a ui
8 45 p in
4 08 p iu
4.45 p in
6.10 p iu
b.Oo p ui
8.25 p at
6.60 m
6t. Mao's.,
arr. at Pbiladepbiu
efloro Aceom and Kane Aoooin connect
and west at East with Low brads ui-
an and B N V S P B K
Uen'l r-up't.
rash fatniir Groceries, aod Canned
ill II 1' 1" API
. f
DECEMBER 23. J876.
J. S. BORT)WELL Is Local Agent for all
kinds of Fruit and OrUamental Trees
Shrubs. Rdne, Flowers ko , from the best
Nursery ii the state of New York. Buy at
home and sate money. 6nH7m8
Go to Company H's dnoe. - '
Last Tuesday was the shortest day of
the year.
"A Merry Christmas" and a "Ilsppy
Eggs are selling hero now at forty eents
a dosen.
We ha Vg corrected our "Pleas," and
now Miller uses the "F" to spell Kby with.
''Old probabilities" put up a nice job of
weather en us yesterday. A spring day in
the middle of Winter, and snow suddenly
turned to mud.
QtOal preparations are being made for
the Christmas decorations inOrace Church,
t'uder the deft fingers of the ladies tbe
p anmre well carried out. Tbe trimmings
will be very elaborate and boiutiful.
Give nS a call for fine job Work. We
have just received a large stosk of envel
opes and paper, which we will sell cheap,
with or without being printed If you
want a package of envelopes; give the Ad
voc'iti othes a call. Good envelopes at
S'ght cents for t wen If fire.
The astute Miller of tho Democrat don't
like the President's nustage, says it. is
"awkward and ungrimaiicil," how 84 1
Qjncrnl Grant must have felt when ho got
his copy of that valubl J sheet an 1 foiln d
i he great cenor of fl;k C ulrtty Ji 1 not ap
prove of his "ffirls Whtie'.
Christmis 3)rrl:e In Grass Chur:n.
Paturday being Christmas d ly the?
will be serv:ce and sermon in Grace Church
at.10 o'clock. The subject of the sermon
will be. "The Teaohing of Christmas Dy'
All are ordially invited to attend.
Gtonas Thomas, for maliciously ob
structing the Allnheny Valley railroad
and breaking a switch light at Oil City, on
the night of the 10th of Novomber, has
been sentencod to four years at separate
and solitary confinement in the Western
''The very latest and beat thing out"
is a powder whiiih is sold by traveling
frauds to preveut coal oil lamps from ex
ploding. They will insist in putting it in
the lamp, and then frant twenty five cents
for it, and in many cases sueceed in swind
ling ignorant persons.
Tub Jtftrtoniun furnishes the following
truthful find characteristic remark:
''Brookville has furnished more drummers
for city houses than any town in the Stit'e.
and the calm, unimpassioned coutcmpUv
lion of the check of nny one of them would
cause a lightning rod peddler to go out in
the buh and die with envy and despair."
J. 0 W. Bailey has been appointed, by
Gov. llartranft, Justice of the Peace, to fill
the vacancy caused by the removal of
Andrew Cuinmings. Mr. Bailey's Comoiis
sion explre'3 thirty days after the towdshlp
election in February. We advise all per
sons who contemplate committing matt I
mony to give the new Justice a cull. Office
iu the Court House.
The yat!ng man who wants to know if it
is improper for him to offer a young lady
his arm when walking with her, is in
formed that it is not at all improper. But
it would he the height of impoliteness to
ofler her your foot, or a chew of tobacco,
or a baby's cradle, br another girl's liki
ness. We beg of you not to do any of
these things, as you might seriously offend
her. Clarion litpullican.
It takes a hard face for a rich creditor
to go with the constable to the house of a
poor but. honest debtor, and there direct
the officer to levy upon and take away the
unly parcel of flour iu the house, as well as
I he lump from the table, the dishes from
the cupboard, aud leave the poor family
utterly destitute. Yet this same was doae
in otie of our neighboring towus last week.
Duller Cuunty Citizen.
What is Libsl? In a bu'U of Representa
tive Kasson, Iowa, against the 6late He
giiter. for libel, the court, in instructing the
jury, held that the publication beirij by a
newspaper in a Congressional district con
cerning a candidate, was privileged; that
an elector had a right ta acquaint bis fel
low electors with anyihiug which he knew,
or had reason to believe td be true, con
cerning a candidate unfit for the position
he sought.
The Ritttmani Journal says: Ralph
Parks, J. J. Mloney, J. R. Joyce, Thomas
Uurchinell and Xiugo Parks, the niiners
who were convicted, in our Courts, of riot
ana sentenced to the penitentiary, have
been pardoned by reoommendition from
the Board of Pardons. They will be re
leased from durance on the 21st inst., and
will spend a Merry Christmas with their
friends, from whom they will receive a
heitt-ty welcome.
A party of hunters on the wild hunting
grounds ot Queen Cteek, Forest county,
found the body oj a hunter with a part ot
his face and one shoulder eaten away by
some wild beasts, on Saturday. Along
side the body lay a rifle with both barrel
discharged. It is the opin. on of the hunt
ers that the unfortunate man came to his
death in an encouuler with a panther.
I'he body of the man found proved to be
that of George Albaugh, of Tidioute.
The Emporium Independent says: On
Friday evening last, Micheal Farrall, of
this place, a brukeman on the P. & E. R.
K. by some mishap fell from off a train in
tie vicinity of Keating, the cars passing
over both legs serving them from the body.
The men on the train not knowing of the
mishap, did uot stop the train and he was
left lying where he fell until the mail going
Ea team along, discovered him picked
hi Oi up and look bim to Kenovo, where he
Was carefully attended to, but bift Injuries
were such that be died on buuday morn-
Much credit is due Superintendent Tyler
for hia kindly servioe in providing
special car Sunday evening ana sensing
hit remain bar
to bit friends for Inter.
Pat's feather beds that bad disappeared
under the "beautiful suow" hat agv.n
com to the surfaoe and glisten in the aun
like immense diamonds. The1 dogs have
stolen most of the feathers. No insur
ance. Frost, sometime sailed Jack, was in town
the other day, making pictures oa the win.
dow panes; he was suddenly called to the
Nonh polej to decorate an icebtirg for the
holidays, proinisiug to return soon, hipe
he will.
"mgwlf Riflss."
Company II, will hold a grand ball at
their new armory in Maginnis' Hall on
"Christmas Eve, Dee. 21, 1875. Excellent
music has been engaged for tho occasion,
and a supper will be given at the Hyde
House which Mri Schrara says shall be
first-olass in every respect. The proceeds
of the danee will go toward paying armory
rent and paying for their uniforms. We
hope the eititens of Ridgway will do all
they cad td make the dance a success as
the Company have done very little begging.
Tickets to dance and supper $3,00. with
out supper a reduction will be made. The
hall will be beautifully decorated, and it is
the intention of the Company to give every
person the worth of their money.
Judging from appearances the celebra
tion of Christmas in our community this
year musi be ge'iiral, this is as it should be
i nd we hope everything will pass off pleas
antly. Tbe Lutherans in their i.ew
church ir ill have a tree on Christmas night,
he Episcopalians one in Magiunis ' Hall
on Chris mas Eve. aery why don't you
have it as they do in other places in youi
c.itnf jr table cliurcli building) The child
ren of this school will have an early supper
at ttli resilience of Geo. Woolwafd Eq.
and tile parents one at a late hour at the
same place. The Methodist will have a
soncert at their church an 1 Ciristraas
'ree. Of our Catholij friends we
hear nothing but persume they will keep
tbe day in their hearts which is a very
good place tO Keep it. To those having
charge of these festivities we wish abund
ant success and trust their efforts' will re
sult in a "Merry Christmas'' and "Happy
New Year" to all, especially (he youngsters-
Uidgway fa., Dec. 21st, 1875
Henry a Parsons Jr: Dear Sir:
Id as much as tile expense of the
county institute are to a certain extent
to be borne by the county I thiok
it highly proper tbut the public should
receive a statemeot of my expenditures
directly connected with aud caused by
the institute. Believing that you coo
cur with a;e io Ibis and knowing that
you are al ways ready to publish nutters
uf geoetdl iotetest I therefore seud you
the enclosed ior publication.
St. Mary's Gazette. Advertising in
stitute. J9,00
Elk Advocate, " " $3,00
Elk Democrat, " " $3.00
Elk Advocate 200 Circulars $1,00
Prof. V. W. Woodruff services and
expenso, 09.00
Prof. Henry Ilouck " S8,10
Expenses on Excursion orders, 1,00
Postage issuio Circulars $2.00
Postage lifcdd in corresponding $3,00
Envelopes, Postial cards,
Statiorary, $3.05
Expressage oa "Music Page" Sup-
Expressage rn skeleton
Paper at institute
Prof. McOollin
lte. Wni Martin
Rev. Win. Ji.ffiusln
Fare to Wilcox after geer'y report
I aiso take this opportunity td return
my sincere thanks to the Editors aod
Publishers of the couoty papefs Itir their
many favorable Dotices of tho couoty in
stitute, for printing the proceedings of
the institute without charge add for
frequent and earnest call to the friends
of education to give the institute, their
hearty support. I feel greatly indebted
indeed to the members of the Press ol
Elk Co. 1 desire also to say to the peo
ple of Wilcox that I am very much re
joiced over the hef ty whole souled sup
part they ALL gave td the convention
They indeed contributed to tte success
of the institute Withoiit reserve and to
the comfort of the guests in every posi
ble way, Each person did all that could
be done aod where ALL did so much
they cannot S9k alt to select any num
ber less than all ior special praise Should
I give one name justice wotlld conpel
rue to give tho-names of all the persons
in the place. The people of Wilcox will
then please accept my hearty thanks. I
desire also to say td the teachers that
they responded nobly to the iustltute
call and that they brought to tliL-m-Helves
great credit aud removed some
what of a curst Irom tho Oodnty by sub
scribing lor the: School Journal no one
doubts. Io closing 1 call jtarticttlar at
tention to the very important fact that
on directors dot the St. Mary'fl and
Benzinger directors were present id a
body and showed a deep interest io the
exercises. Had all other townships
done as well what a gratityiog suosess
our directors, day would have been.
Let us hope that at the next institute
each school Hoard may be represented
by its Secrelary at least. To all who in
aDy way aided the institute I am bin
cerly gratified.
Respectfully Submitted,
GEO. R. DIXO.V, Co. Supt
About a year ago, Dr. Stephen Smith,
ol the New York Health Dnpartraent,
published sollio uselul suggestions rela
tive to diphtheria which are Well worth
remembering. Undef the heading of
precautions, in addition to the removing
of sources of sewer gas escape as men
tioned above, he advises the removal of
every kind of filth from around the
house, the cleaning and white washing
of ditiy wall, and the disinfection ol
cellars and veutilation of all apartments,
specially thoso which have boan oc
cupied by people suffisrinir with the
disease. It is Well, in such rooms, not
only to limewash the ceilings .but to
paidt the woodwork, boil ot subject to a
high degree of heat every article that
can be so treated, at.d expose tho room
aod its contents to currents of fresh air
for at least a week before reoccupatlon.
Children that are well should not be
allowed to kiss others a(Tectedwith sore
throat, or sleep in the same room, or
uso toys or other articles previously
handltld by the sick. It is safer to
isolate ill ones from all the family, ex
cept of course the necessary attendants
The air iu the sick room should be
changed at least hourly, and all dis
charges front the muth and hose should
be received into Vessels containing dis
mfectants, such bs solutions of carbolic
acid or sulphate of zinc, oi upon cloths
whioti are to be immediately burnt or
else boiled or soaked in disiufecting
Diptheria, like many other serious
maladies, is not diffiult to check it at
tended to in time; but it frequently
Lii.fTles the highest skill it allowed to run
(ts distinctive feature is the formation
ot a iaUe membrane in the throat,
which shows itself in grayish bruwn
patches. Sometimes the whole mem
brane forms suddenly; but us a rule, tho
patches first accompanied by fever and
prostratiou. The first symptoms ot the
disease, sore throat aud abnormal heat,
are too often considered as premonitory
ol a simple col J; but there is do neccs
ity of suoh error if parents will care
fully examine the throats of their chil
dren as soon as soreness is complained
of. The patches can almost always be
well recogn'zed, nod a competent
phystiiian should be instantly sum
moned. Home-made remedies and
gargles should not be depended upon;
and the only treatment worth practising
liefure the doctor arrives is to adminis
ter pounded ice, .the use of which was
found very effectual during the ravages
of the disease in the Oneida Cotiltiiuiit'y
io this State. The prevailing damp
ness peculiar to the winter months may
lead to increase numbers of cases of the
malady. It if well therefore to keep in
mind that there nre but three Safe
guards; first, cut t'lt the foul air; second,
watch all Sore throats in the lauiily; aod
thirdly summon the doctor immediately.
Scientijii: American.
It is Dot la wl'u 1 to sell advertising sheets
resembling greenbacks. Several partirs
have recently .b een arrested for follow
ing the' business.
The trial of Trimmer, the prothortdlary
of Luzeoe county, who was charged witt
laoiptr'.bg wiih the election returns, re
sulted in a disagreement of the jury. The
jury stodJ ten for conviction to two for ac
quittal, the charge of the judge was very
emphatic agitinst the accused, but it did
not serve to harmonite tbe jury. There
will doubtless be a new tritil, bu1 it cannot
be booglit Utitll January.
A CtiAPreit oi Accidknts Sear
Cameron. On Tuesday last, at Ihr
coal shutes at Camsrdtt, the Cutlplin
ott'ars on the incline plane broke, and
down wefit the cats with a rush across
the truck and struck the weighiou
house, badly though not fatally injur
ing two nieu.
On the situ,) dot a tnnh who Was at
work Co Mr. Lyman's job on UuutV
K'.in. got fatally injured by being run
over by a tree that lie had fallen.
Aud still another somewhat seriou
mishap occurred the satde day. V man
while Crossing the bridge evfcr tin
llril'twood, at Canoe Run, fell through
an opening, striking on hia head aud in
juring him so severely thut his life is
uespaired uf.
Oil Saturday (18th) Erastds Uerticl
driving team for the Udssel Hrothers
on their lumber j ib uenf Cameron
while drawing a heavy stick of crooked
limber, his sleds Capsized catching one
of his feet and badly crushing it. lie
wis brought to his home on the Por
tage, tbe same evening and Dr. Bryan
culled in to dress the mangled loot aod
is is now doing as well as can possibly
be expeCed r.nipunum Independent,
The Warren .Mail says: Th ; burglars
have been at work at Corry. Oa the nig it
of tbt 10th. tbe resideuce of A. F. Kent
was entered and a gold watch and $100
were stolen.
The same night tht residence of J. D.
Bently was entered. Tbe scamps took his
store and safe keya with which they en
lered to his-store. They opened the safe
taking two hundred dollars in money and a
considerable amount lu checks and drafts.
They left the keys in the store. Several
arrests have Been made but there is no clue
as yet to the' burglars.
Tat Mail says; The force of workmen
on ihe Hospital for tht Insane at North
Warren baa been reduced to forty men.
Tbe laundry building is about tealy for
tht roof and tbe iron rafters art bsiug put
on. Work will b't eoLtiuued as long as the
weather will permit.
William Keyooids, while tutixicated,
laid down 00 the traok ot the Penusyl.
vania Railroad, near Lancaster, Satur
day night, and was struck by train
and probably fatally injured.
Four murders in Sohulkill conuty in
four days.
Iter. M. IlUrlbert has commenced
the evangelisation ol Franklin.
Through a shaft near Wilkesbarre,
on Thursday, Uco. Davis fell a distance
of 600 feet and was instantly killed.
A Clarion county boy elbped a few
days since with a cooeio, a kill thirteen
years old.
A pcnllemon of Harris-burg has in
vested in one flundicd tons of coal to be
distributed gratuitously among the poor.
Abraham Blyer, aged thirty year
slipped and fell on the ice on the pave
ment at llarrlhbutg, and fractured bis
skull, dying soon attct.
ColodCl 3. U. Dick of Mcadville, has
been appointed Junior Orand Warden
of the Urund Lodge A. Y. M of the
State of Pennsylvania!
A partial account of the late Edgar
HuidekiMiper, of Mctldvllle, just filed in
the office of the Register, foots up
nearly a million dollars.
John Leonard, ot Pottsvillc, has a
coal mine in his cellar. Al! he has to
do is to take a pick and dig it out. The
supply will last a life time
For tho murder of Frank Doud, in
Scranton, a short :imo since, Walter
Whittaker has been seutenced to an
imprison men t of eleven years and tern
Eii Labdis, of LauCoMer, fell Irom a
load of hay, on Saturday, and wa
crushed to death under the wheels ot
the wagon. He leaves a wile tttid
It is doubtiul if Representative Raw
lins of Blair county, will be able to take
his seal in the Legislatures this winter
because ol illness. Mr. llawliot was io
bad health last session.
The report that Gordon, the West-raii-clau't
county thiet was arrested at
Brookvill, is iucurrect. A trtrtip gave
hinisell up in the above Darned village
Mating thut his nuule was Gordon, but
it turned out that he was tin impostor
From Deo. 18th to January 17th, a
total suspension of the collieries along
the Reading Railroad will take place,
and it Is tho' opinion Ol leading opera
tors that if any collieries start up then
it will ociy be no general resumption
before navigation opens.
A suit is on trial in the Common
Pleas of Dadphiu county to recover
about filly acres of land, on which i
erected nearly the entire town of Wil
liumsport. The plaintiff is John Upde
grove, Sr., aod the defendants uuuir-er
between eighty and ninety.
West Chesier has a dog and rooster
that, have kcunelled together for a year
or more and seemed to be on the most
friendly terms. A dcy or to ngo they
lellout sua had their first fight, and
the rooster, though he fought gamely,
came out t-econd best, having his head
nearly '-chewed off" by the mustift.
John Fcency and Frank Shteck,
while walking on the traSk near tbe de
pot at M'Sjow, J,urerne County, were
run over by a train. Feedey lost both
legs and only survived his injuries but a
lew minute... atid Shrcck's skull was
Iracturtd while he putiered internal iu
j ti lies which terminated in hit death-
Henry Ktshef, aged ninety -six years,
died in Liucaster lust ween. Deceased
was pte3.od iutd service with hs teams
as a teamster iu the wat of 1812, and
drove from Philadelphia to Vittsburgn,
before railroads were io existcuce. ilk
enjoyed good health up td within a
week ot his death, when lie took to his
bed, aod eapired from old lite.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad contemplate reducing
the gauge from 6 feet to 4 lett 8 in
ches. 'J' ho road is lour hundred miles
in length. Such a change would tieees
sitate some very imp. m taut alterations in
all the rdliiug stuck make ma'.teis
tiusy all along the Hue, and Cause au in
creased activity at the compuuy's car
xhops iq (Scranton. A saving ot 80
per cent. Cau be effected by the Change
The Ilarrisburg latriot Says of the
llatntivolio revival iu Han itbuig, Ihal
-the tide ot Iceliug is rising hither anu
higher every night, and the current
deeper and Wider. The room in the
stage is Capable of holding 400 or OUU
iier-ious, aud was set spare tor the
youcg meu's inquiry meeting, a?d dur
ing the two h itrs the uieettn lasted
the room was filled again and again
men Guoiirg aud finding peace aud then
uuiug to gut their Ineuds.
George Phillips, aged tweuty two
living near Wu) nttburg, tracked a rub
bit to a stone quarry on Sunday murtiiug
aud crawled uuder a pile ol stones to gei
the rubbif, vrhca the pile gave way aud
imprisoued In m. He Was not discov
ered until Monday morolug at ten
o'clock. His feet were frozen, one arm
was paralyzed and useless, his eves
awolleu shut, aod his body more or h
bruised. His couditton is regarded as
A few days tlgo Mrg. Thomas li.
Evans, ot Liouv.lle, Chester county, ex
perltluced the must excruculing pains
in one ot ber thumbs. As uoilnuj.
eould be seen, a lye poultice was ap
plied for a day or (wo, wlieu the point
ut some slurp instrument, wax found to
be protruding from the flesh. A pai
ul tweezers were brought iuto requisi
tion, aud a good-sizea needle wat
brought forth. Mrs. Evans then, re
uietnbefed having run the needle in her
thumb iu May, but thought it only
a spliutcr, uud alter a time thougut
Lathing moro about it.
A Berks county jury has given Al
tert Cuduw $4,750 damages lor injuries
rustaiujd by au accident to a passenger
train on the Philadelphia and Readiug
Railroad in 1SG4. The lather ot the
yodtfg man signed a release to the com
pany for $000, and $300 tor tiedicai
expenses, but Judge Henderson charged
the jury that the release Signed by tho
lather did not prevent the son Irom re
covering, and the latter was entitled to
damages, il tbe jury through tbe rail
road company responsible ior the acci
dent, tor the injuiies which he had sus
tained. The jury returned a verdict in
favor of tbe plaintiff tor 4,7 &0, 1 10,.
250 leea tbio tbe claim.
Subscribe for the Advocate.'
Green Rio coffee a P. & K's.
Oh! those beautiful prints at P. &
Knit undershirts and drawers, al P &
Ladies itttn goods newest styles a
P. & K .
Hats abd Caps a complete otiortmeut
at P. A K's.
Hunting Rubbers! with and wilhout
heelsa large lot at P. & K's. All
other kinds of rubber boots aud shoes.
Wedding and Muuruing outfits for la
dies at MaY & blLVKKMnNN'tt, oppos.te
ihe court house, Vi'illlktusport, l'n
UHfcAl'I'l UleiAf!
Goods marked down to astonish the
world Call and See us. MaY & BlLVER.
.MANN', Williauisport, I'd.
Millniei v auods. hair switches, .iewelrv.
fancy -ouus. uulions, ladies & ehildreus
cloaks, diejsee Jit undergarments. Whole
sale & hutail at MAI 4 olI.VtRMAN.N 8
pposite the emi t home, Williamport, l's.
We are Hgens f r undim demurest, rat-
terns, catHluuge.t free, send lor one, put
trns sent by mail MAY & SiLVtK-
MAfS a Williauisport I'a.
"King Bee" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all the po ular biauds at P. & K's.
From two to three hundred ladies oloth
oi at 4 luies? styles also a large lot of Furs
hi prices so low to astouh every bidy
MaY At SILYERM ANN, oppusue the
t'ourt House, Williumsport, Fa
Coodfi.-di boneless and bkiuless. Also
some of the old fashioned iu full dress,
at P. & K's.
Have you been to Willinhisport Pa., to
buy what you want at MAY Ai SILYKK-
MANN a, vpposilc the Court lloue. liicv
are giving up retail busiuess & are selling
goods very cheep.
Those new style prints, ut P & K'
are the gentral talk of the town. Go
uud see tncm.
Paper collars the ndbbiest! with turn
down comers also the good old Byron
stvle at P. & K's.
A lull slock ot fresh Family groceries,
such ea Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice,
ciyrups, Spiots, R. B- Powder, Baking,
uud Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
in that line, at P, iV K's.
A general stock Ot winter clotbiog,
ut very low prices at P. & K's.
If you want a bug of feed, or a
uflliel ol potatoes or a burrel or suck ol
hour or eveu a small sack ot Gruliaui
U iur, it will pay you to step iuto P &
Is. s lor it
If you pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare ot debt, your sleep Will be
stteet your dreams pleasant, aud your
wile and childreu will greet you with a
smile in the tuuruiug. Go to Poweil
& Kline's mode! store with your cash,
get more than its value aud go home
satihfied. 'J hey have adopted the cash
system, and (ay it is woikiug eharui-
Hair switches 75 c.uU $'. UO 2 UO 3 00 &
4 00 worth Uuubie the uiuuey aud lUicnea
:or 'J5 cenis huts Irom i!i cent I upwards
filmed huts Ir. ui 41 W upwards, great re
duction in all k uds of goods at mai ii
blLViiR.MAiNNV, Williauisport, I'a.
Trices to usiuuUh i he world. Every
thing is houiid to be sold to quo business;
oiins every bud), liui ding und tixtu'-c-lor
sale. & eS'LVbi.M.iNN. Wil-
uamijpol'l oppusitu the Court House.
MAY & 81L-HMrtN Willlamsport Pa.,
are dincuiitiuuing ike retail trade aud aie
selling goods at and below coat, tall aud
see Hi cm ihey are gieal bargains.
II you want anv bl'ched or brown
muslins, from to 10-4 wide any
quality, gd to head quarters. Powell A.
iviuju a aud select lo your tasie.
FUKS! t ins,', i ll Kb! FL'US!
Extra ibduccuieuts ofleid in ladiet &
ehildreus furs, small sets ul $100 Indies
el irom 2 00 aud upwards extra bar
gnus iu .Mink seia first quality us, NAY &
Those llamilUu Corsets at P & K's
are tbe most durable, aud the cheapest
iu market.
Over Coats? from 85 to 82.") a large
uud splcudid stock, fetep in and get
cue, at P. & K's.
Hooted oofiee a genuine article, at P.
& K's.
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and cmldren, Liueu, Alupuca aud auui
uier Casbmcr at P k K's
Mve (he Ad.ocik othce a call for bill
lieaus, letter-heuds, eaids', shipping tags,
uud if you are feoiug to gel iLuiried leave
us an order lor j uu Caids.
New goods, every day iu tbe year
except tiuuduys and hgal holidays at
ihe great mammoth Grand Ceutial
Store of P. & K'a. Mo bragging
urouud. Call tor whaiyuu want.
1JARUA1N&! ilAhUAl.NSi UAlteAlNS!
Ladies aud cuildieus coals all und
qualities, 2 60 a 00 B 70 i bvb Ot) 0 6 7 00
e 76 10,00 aud up aids auo shawis aud
dtecses al AjAV &. 61 V tl. .NiA.Wci oppo
site the court hue, illiaiuspoii, I'a.
A complete slock ol ladies muses and
ehildreus shces, light, Medium and
heavy at V, & K's. Mow is the time to
Ground coffee at P. & K'a.
Alpacas ebeaper than ever before
known at P. & K'a
Cams to the premises of the suboribor en!
die ldih of November, 1875. one theep
The owner Will please Come forward, pay
charges, and prote property, or it will be!
disposed of according Io law.
El). 1.A1K, Highland, I'a
The advertiser, having been peimarentl
cured of that dread disease, Cotibumptiou,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to mako
knowu to his fellow Sufferers the meaus of
cure. To all who desire, it, he will send u
ctfpy of the peraRi-iption used, (tree) of
ciuirge), with the directions for preparing
and using the same, which they will find
chub It hk for CoNWMrriiN, Asthma,
Parties wishing Ihe prescription will
plcate addre.-s,
llev. ti. A. WILSON,
104 Penn. St.( VTillidmsburgll, New York
4 vou4 lyl.
A GUVrLEMiN who suffered for years
from Nervous Debility Premature Lecy
and nil ttl'ects of youthful indiscretion will,
tor the sake of suffering humanity, send to
ail who need .1; t lie reecipe and direction
for making the simple rtfjiedy by whioh he
was cured, bu.terea wliinlnug lo profit, by
inn advertiser's experience can do so by
addressing in perfect coufidence.
JOHN U. OQUEXi il Cedar dt., & e York
Trustees' Sale.
THE undersigned. Trustees appointed
by the Court tf Common Pleas of Elk
cuuuty iu a certain writ of Domestic At.
(iiclinienl, No. 153. May Term, 1873. atthn
suit of K. I. Holiiti90tl at Co vs. Fenner &
Co.. hereby give notice that they will sell
at public sale or ouu-ry, on Ihe premises
lutely occupied by said Fenrer & Co., ou
Centre street, in the village of Itidgway, on
FlUDAV.', DF.CliMUER 3iSr, A. U. 1876,
au 10 o'clock A. M., al' the defendant's
right title, interest end claim of, in and to
I li o fklluwmg two town lots: Nos 61 and
04 iu the village of Itidgway, county of tilt
mid Male of Pennsylvania, onwhich there
is erected a frame pinning mill uUzOO leet
io which is attached engine, boiler aud
otner uiacniuery.
G. G. Al LSbbNGEU, Trustees.
w. ii. ni tin, J
Kidgway, 1'ui, liee- 7. 1876. dec8-!t.
KvaogcliCaNoo-Sectarian, tudependeot
The Christian at Work,
T. L)o lit laiiuago Kdilor.
The Best Religious Paper published.
Mr. Talmage's Sermon each week.
Full Reports of Mr. Moody's Work
By Rev. W. iM. BAKER.
One of the most popular of American stor
After JOSLril JOHN, executed in twenty.
nine printing uud lieieiwfure sold lor $19
also au
Panned exiessiy lor this paper by MitS.
llli.Nti , aud chi-uiuucU by L: 1'llAMi a
LO. BoslJU.
.J these are genuine art works, aud
tuu best and most exieusive picture pre
unuiums ever offered.
Alvit Libtrut Terms tl Ayents,
Without premium postage prepaid ... $3,0d
With either premium unmounted, postage
prtjiuid $3,26
Willi eii her preiiiiuu, mourned by express
ot subtcribers expeuse 4 00
Etfe" Fur tub pui'iicuiitrs as lo commis
sions aud cauvuss address.
1J. f. t.OltU. Publisher,
liOX 6105, IErt YOKK.
""OTICE is hereby given that a petition
will he presehied ut ihe neat sesaiou of
u i.egisla. ure lor the passage ot u law re-iu-iain.g
the Couiiiiibsioners of the liig
Level Male Ltoud long tuuugli to collect
pieoeul luxes, pay up ibdebeduess, aud
wUi up UVUuUUlS.
fur the commissioners,
i4u;;8 W.S. OVIATT.
Kidgway Cemetery.
Lois are now ottered tor sale by the
Ridgway Cemetery Association id the
uew Cemetery. The present low price
ior lots may suoo bo udvauced.
Apply at the othce of
VV. 8. 11 AMI3LEN, Secretary
Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-2lJt-f.
Pupils wishing io receive instruction in
Greea or Lutm, oi d. suing to prepare lor
Culiege cau have op(,oriuuiy ut doing so
by apply iug lo tue hector t Grace Church.
lie uuvmg uiade tlie ueees:ary arruuge
nieiits win be gad to receive a limued
uuuiber oi young ladies and geutleuieu lor
lubuuctiou. For luluruauou as to terms
xc apply to
iii.V. WM. JAS. MILLER A. M.
Kidgway, Pa,
Aie "COINING jiO.v.V" wnu me lauiuus
1 he tieucu r.diiiou ut which sells for $165,
aud the l.oudou Lditiou for &200. Car
touylar EiUion ti.oo,j conuuung over
One 1undudJuU-puie quarto plalet, is the
iu Amebic.i uud the U.bT TO BtLL.
critics vie witu each other iu praising it,
uud the masses buy il
trow local ageut in 8outbport, Conn,
lu our village of oighiy liuu es 1 have
lukeu sixty tivo orders: have canvassed in
ad uuoiii twelve days (iu v.Uage uud couu
iry,) uud liave lakeu o.ders Ior one hundred
und six copies."
i li-L PAlvTlLl'LARS FREE. Address:
J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers,
4iuii 2'i i uik Place, Sow York,
KOTiCli Is hereby git en that the Co
pariuership hereioloie ea.iauug between the
uudeis.giieu as Lnichera ai u.dguy, a
dmaoived oa Ilia 7tU Uay of October lust.
Ihe bub.eess will be commute iy W- '.
Jlerctr uu will receipt lor all aoiouaia
oed tbe firm of Uott a Juercer ud pay all
debts owed by tlie nru.
fcitfgway IK ovl 176 A I. QOfV.