THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. In his mfMfMT to Clnnnrpiflu, PrMnt Grant tuyti Our HbPTtiM remain nnlmpnlred. The bofidrtmpn have bean fred from slaTnry. w have become pihbosp(I of the respect If not the friendship of All civilized nations. Our pnwrosi hu been frnat In All the Art, In science, Affrlrulture, commerre, natiscatinn, mining, mechanics, medicine, etc., and in irineru edncntlon. We number forty million of people, and thirty-eight fltntea and eteht TprHtnrimi. The education of the manned la, the President say, ft moat important matter to be considered. Our liberties Are wortd prrvln And they can nut b preserved with out education. rUBLIO SCHOOLS. I ftiipRest for your earnest consideration, And moat ment besnbmitted to theV'jrHlatnresof the several Mates for ratification, making It the duty of each of the several Htatos to establish and forever maintain free public nhnnla rlojuintn tj tlio n t inn nf atl the children In the rudiment ary branches, within their respective limits, irresppctlve nf nei, color, birthplace or n-linton, forbid ding the teaching In said schools of rellgt- us, atheistic, or papan tenets, and prohibiting tfw granting of any anhnfil funds or school taxes or anv rmrt thereof, either by loffislntlvo, municipal or other authority, for the benefit nr in sH.iiirni'tlv nr Indlrnrtlv. nf ftnv r1iffi(iu BPt't OT denomination, or In aid, or for the benefit uf any other object 01 any tittmre or kina wniuever. THE CHCBCR TAX. In connection with this Impottnut question, 1 would your atteuti -n tithe impmliinro nt conetlng an evil that if permitted to C' will probably lead to (Treat tr ubltin cur Und btfoietbe rl. wnttba nite toenth ce ittirr. tt Is the acc.mulntion of a n?t. sinnnt of un'nxed church property. In ih'ti I beliovo t-e church property of the I'nlttid Ststesh1f;h paid no tax, nvmluli-al or IS 1 3 to, ntn il ited to about eighty-three imllina dollars. In lV the nra-junt hud uonble'l, and In lh6 it 1 about one billion. tiv iww, with nit check, It H safe to say tbls property will reach a rum eioni'dhig three btihun do) ars. ro vast a sum, receiving a!) the protection and benefits of government, without benrinR its proportion cf the bur ctens arid expenses of tne muip, will not be looked npon acqul soen fjr by thost urn imva to pny tnxes. I would UKest the taxation of a 1 property, wneiher church or corporatiou, exempting only thy cemctuiies, e c. ora roRRiGK relations. Our n-'ntlons with mot of the fore'trn rwnrs continue on a satisfactory and frlewlly fuming, Hpln has piild over to the United Hiatus tho sum of eljrity thousnr.d dollars In coluforthn n.yofte.Af, tiurAHuf of .tJw..tij. eengarsof the Yirumum, will h aon will be distributed to the pnrtb's Interfered. Tiliiing ditticultis with Chili and OoHmbia have been tatisfuctorily settled. A recip rocity treaty with the king ot me Hawaiian islands was p"iaea some mouth ur:. PortJi jgul has abolished, is very. THE CHBAH IlKllFM.IOM. The oast year Ins furnished no evidence of An Ap proaching termination of the ruinous cnntlict which has been ranln for seven years in the nef Inland of Cuba. Ti.e same disregard of the laws of ctvlllred war fare and of the jut dnm ind or" humanity which have heretofore called forth i-rrraesious 0f condemnation from the nations of Christen b m have continued to blacken the s-id scene. Desulntlon. ruin and pillage are pervading the rich fields f one of the most fertile and productive regions of thee.irtu, nzn the Inc.-mliurU V torch tiring piAntations aid valnablc facnrles and buildingB is tho arent markfng the alternate advance or retreat of (Otending parties The protracted coutinn anceof th s strife serl mMy nfTttcts the interesta of all commercinl nations, but those of the United States more than others, by reason uf thecloie proximity, ite larger trade and intercour.'o with Cuba, and the fre quent and intimate, personal and social relations which have grown up between its citizens and those of the btlaml. Moreover, the property of our cltlrcns In Cuba is large, and is rendered insecure and depreciated In valne And in capacity of production by the continuance o' the strife and tut unnatural mods of its conduct. The same Is true, differing only in degree, with respect to the Interests and people of other nat ions, and t he ab sence of any reasonab e assurance of a near termination Of ihe C ntl Cf milst nf nucnile ann. ,U m.t thus suffering to consider what the interests of thelt own people, and their duty toward t Denis e Iras, may de 1 h ive hoped that Rpain wonld be enabled to establish peace in her colony, to afford enouritr to the property and the interests of our citizens, and allow legitimate scope to trade and commerce, and the natural produc tions of tbelsiarid. Becauseof this hope, and from an extreme reluctance to luterfore in tae most remote man ner la the at! ah 8 of another Rtida frlendlv nation, nxnn. ctaiiy of one whoso sympathy asid friendship in the t "i L ' ' ,,r w 11 wnfionre must ever ne re membered with gratitude, I have nntientlv and anxlnua. ly waited the progress of events. Our om civil conflict it too recent tor us not to nnclder the difficulties whch surround a government distracted by a dynastic rebel lion at home, at the flame time tht it has to cope with a separate insurrection in a distant colony. But whatever causes may have produced the situation which so griev ously attects our interests, it exists with all its atteudant evils operating directly upon this country and its people Thus fur all the efforts ot Spain have proved abortive, and time has marked no improvement in the situation. I he armed bauds of either wide now occupy nearly the Mine around as in the past, with the ditterenco from time to time of more lives acririced, more property de stroyed and wider extentsof fertile and produrtivotields, ana more and morn of valuable property constantly wan tonly sacrihed t tho Incendiary's torch. In contests of this nature, where a considerable bod v of peoplo who have attempted to free themsehes of the control of the superior government have reached such a point in occu- puuun oi lernniry. in power and in tumoral organ iration as to constitute in fact lllfint In nliHtmiio uu i 'stance as well as in name, possetmed of . ...,.,.,.. . n..m o in n cunt-. irjnsHnueu oi tne elements of Htitbilttv ml a.,.,i,,A i.i for the administration of internal policy and the execd tton of its laws, pre.jartd and able to administer justice at home as well as in its dealings w ith other lowers, it is within the province of thofe oilier powers to recognize its existence as a new and Independent nation. In such cases other nations s uiply deal with an actually ezfstlug condition of things, and recognize as one of the pmverb or the earth that Iwdy politic which, posheteing the necessary elements, has in fuct become a new power in a word, the creation of a new state Is a fact. To establish the condition ot things wisential to the recognition of thh tact there must be a peoplo occupying a known territory united under some known and denned form of govern ment at knowledged by those subject thereto, in which the functions ot government aie administered by usual methods competent to in eta out justice to citizens and strangers, to afford remedies fur public and for private wrongs, and able to assume the correlative iutornutlonal obligHtions and capable of performing the correspond ing international duties resulting from its acquisition of tho righ s of sovereignty. A power should exist complete In its organization, ready to Uko and able to mtlutain its place, among the nations of the earth. While con scious that the insurrection in Cuba has shown a strength and endurance which make it at least doubtful whether it be In the power of h pain to subdue it, it seems unques tionable that no such civil organization exist which may be recognized as an independent govrmuent.oapahle of performing its international obligations and entitled to be treated as one of the powers of the earth. A recog nition under such circumstances would be inconsistent with the facts and would compel the power granting it soon to support by force the government to which it had really given its only real cl .im of existence. In my judg mejt the United St it us should odhure io the policy and the principle!! which have heretofore been its sure and eafe guides in like contests between revolted colonies i'nd th'-'ir mother country, and acting only upon the lei rest evidence should avoid any possibility of suspicion r uf Imputation. A recognition of the Independence of Cuba being, in my upiuion, unpracucaoie ana lndefens lble, tne ques tion winch next presents itself is that of the recognition of belligerent rights in the parties to the contest. In a tormer message tu Uouyrees 1 had occasion to consider this queitioa, and reached the conclusion that t .6 conflict in Cuba, dreadful and devastating as were its incidents, did not lise to the fearful dignity of war. Regarding it now aiter this lape of time 1 am un able to sat? that any notable success of any mirkej or reid advance on the part of the insurgents has essen tially changed the character of the contest. It has ac quired greater ags, but n-;t greater or formidable pro portion. It is possible that the acts of foreign powers, and even the acts of Spain herself of this very nature, might ba pointed to In defense of such reuoanlllmi. Hut now, as in lis past historv, the United States Bhoidd carefully avoid the fa Kb lights which might lad It luto the mazs ot doubtful law and of questionable pro Eriety, and adhere rlfcidly and Btoruly to the rule which as baea Its guide, aud doing only tuBt which is lUhl and honest and o( good report. The question of ac cording to or of withholding rights of belligerency must be judged in every case In view ot the particular attending facts. Unless instllied bv necM.ltv it i ,.l. ways and justly regarded as an unfriendly set and a niutuiujuo uouiuuBi.iai.iuu ui muiui support io ine reuei on. It Is necessary and it U reuuired, when tho interests and right of another government or its people are so far affected by u pending civil conflict as to re- ouire aueuouionoi lis reiauons to tne parties thereto. Rut till conflict must be ooe which will be recognized In the sense of International law as war. Belligerence, too. Is a fnct. The mnm ilitrioa nl con ending armed bodies and their occasional oondlcts no not constitute war ia the seust referred to. Apply ing to the existing condition of affairs In Cuba the testa r-juuojuisea or punnc'sis ana witters on International law. and -which hava han obxHrveri h nurinnanf riB. nlty, honesty and power when free from sensitive or euuiBu iuu unwortny motives, i run to nnd In the insur rection the instanteof such a substantial poll ical or V&ntxatlnn mul imlnahln .,nr1 ,,ln.,t . v.- having the formB and capable of the ordinary lunotions of eoviramant toward its owa people and to other fates, wtth nnnrh f tho ,li i,,., nj ;.... . with a local habitation pusj-eslng such orgaoif ation oi force, such material, such occupation of territory aB to take the contest out ot toe category of a mere rebellious msurreotinn or occa linal cklimhhes, and place it on the terrible footing of war, to which a recognition of belligerency would aim to elevate It. The contest, morever, is solely on land. The insun-emlan has not possesspd Itself of a single seaport wnence it may send forth its fl I. Nor ha it any means of communication with foreign powers, exofcpi through the military hues of its adversaries. No apprehension of any of thofce sudden and difficult complications which a war upon the ocean Is apt to precipitate upon the vessels, both ocmmerolal and national, and npon the consular offi cers of otier powers, calls for the definition of i heir re lations to the parties to the contest, considered as a BELLICERZXT RIGHTS. The President sava ho regards tha nnnrriAnr nt hUo, erent rights still to be as unwise and premature aa he regards it to be at present indebnsible ai a measure of rigm. no cues tne result ot recognition, aud that it would result iu countless vexatious uuestlons. and adds : lam satisfied that while the accordance of belligerent me uie w iuo lusui-geuui io -uuua mm at give mem a nopi and inducement to Dtotraut the itnitrale. It would hi but a delusive hope, and would not remove the e?iis which this government and its nennl are axDerlMnnlNir. but would draw the United States Into complications which it baswai'ed long and already sufferet much ta avoid. I do not at this time recommend the adoption of any measure of Intervention. I shall be ready at all times, and as the equal friend of both parties, to respond t3 a suggestion that the good offices ot the United h tates will be acceptable to aid in bringing about a peace hon- orab e to both. X shall feel it my duty, should my hopes of asatlsfaotu: I IT ' au just mem auo oi tne eany restoration of peace and the removal of future causes of oomplalnt be unhappily disappointed, to make a further cummuui ostiO'i to Congress at some period not far remote, and during the present session, reoommending what may then seem to me to be necessary propositions to the favorable consideration of CunTess. THB MEXICAN FBOMTUsV The free zone, so called, several years since establish ed by the Mexicau government tu certain of the states of that republic adjacent to our frontier, remains in full operation. It has always been materially injurious to honest traffic for it operates as an incentive to traders in ftlexioo to supply without custom charges the waute of Inhabitants onwhis side the line, and prevents the same wants from being supplied by merchants of the United States, thereby to a considerable extent defrauding our revenue and checking honest commercial enterprise. lepredations by armed bands from Mexico on the people of Texas near ihe frontier continue. Thoogh the main object of the incursions is robbery, they frequently result in the murder of unarmed and peaceably dit-nosed rersons, and in some instances even the United States post-offices and mail communications have been attack ed. Henewed remonstrances upon this subject have been addressed to the Mexican government, nut without much apparent effect. The military f -roe of this govern ment disposable for service In that quarter Is quite inad equate to effectually guard the line eseu at those points whereft he incursions are usually made. An experiment of an armed vessel on the Kio (irande for that purpose is on trial, and it is hoed tint, if not thwarted by the sua. lownevsof the river and other natural obstacles, it may materially contribute to the protection Qlua herd'uueo oi Texas. m ALABAMA CLAIMS. Thirteen hundred and eighty -two elalms have been presented, of wuich 689 had been dlspo-M-d of at the dtte of the report. I am informed that 170 esses were de cided during the month of November. THB CBMTSMNXAXj EXHIBITION, The powers oi Europe almost without Ueepttea, many of tb Aoutb America tta the more dUUnt eastern powers have manifested tfieir friendly sen imenis lowara unitea imaum ana pc inrii the world In our progress by taking steps to Join wlt.i os In op! hratln ,h r.nntnnlal of the nation, ana X strongly racomnsend the a more national importanee oo given toui's eiDioition ny sncn wxiiwn snch spDroprlatlon as will Insnrelts success. The Pre sident favors further appronrlaUona in aid of ths Rxhl- nition ana aanstnat tue aarantagw to tne ooanirj j a creditable display are in an lntarnatlonal point of iew of the first Importance, while an Indifferent or uu creditable participation by the government w.Mild be nnim listing to the patnoue leaungs ci our swj uivw elves. OvEAH tklkorafht. At some length the President considers the subject nf aahh taluunh THm iwlnnlnal mnlnt. tnntlttoned IS this : No Hoe should be allowed to land on the shores of t.hAlTmtAri Ntatmi unrinr the concession from another power which does not admit the right of any other hoe or lines formed in the United States to land ami freely onntieot wt:h and operst trirougb land lines. He will notoniMvethelanuin of any telegraphic csble which com pi lea with and assents to the points which he enume rates, rBAUOt'LXNT HATCRAUZATIOM. On many occasions It has been brought to the knowl oH,r ,.r ),. ..,VUPnn,A thut enrt itii'Btn nf naturalisa tion nt-tt hlrf mri nniloniinn nr Intnrferenee claimed bf pait ins who admit that not only t hey were not within the United Mates at time of pretended naturalisation, but that they have never resided In ths United States; In others, the oeitlticate and reoor.t of the court show on their face tht t :e person claiming to he naturalized had nut redded the required tune l i tne unite! riates in nthnn. it. i a.iniit i.t mxio examination t hat the re- iulrt meats of law .iad not beou complied with ; In some casus even auca cwruiiottiw- u uwu mni wi yui- Cliff.'". The President adds: The evil has become so great, and of biich frequent occurrence, that I cannot too esrn ndtlv recommend that some efftctive measures be adoitt ud to provide a pr par remedy and means for the vacat ingot any reeoid tuns fraudulently male, a-dof pun im log thd guilty parties to the Udusactiou. BXPATRIATIoy. Peferring to the Question of natlonslity the President says instances are oomtnon where citizens oi the United f tates, either naturalized nr native born, have formally become citizens or subjects of foreign powers, but who upvemifiess in me aosence oi any proviBiuns i tlon on this quv stlon, when Involvod in dirRculties it when It seems to be their interest to, claim to be citizens of the United hatea. and demand the intervention of a government which they hve lung since abandoned, and to which for years they have rendered no service nor held themselves in any wny ameuable. it is but justice to ull bona tide cit rous that no doubt should exist on Mich questions, and that Congress should determine by enactment o law how exjtatrialhjft niay be accouipliBhed THE WOMAN ytTESTION. I invite yonr attention to the necessity of regulating by law the status of American Human who may marry fortdguers and t1 defining more fully that of child en bom in a foreign country of Americau parouta nUomay reside abroad, and also nf some further provision regu lating or giving legal effect to marriagosof Auier.can citizens contracted tu foreign countries. UNITED BTATtB TBEABURT. The report of the secretary of thetrersury shows the receipts from customs for the fiscal year ending June HO, 1 M74 to have been ifclttf.liXJ.KCl.btf ; and for the hscal year ending June i.lr75,to have been 4 167, 167,722.35 a de crease for the last fiscal year of $64JW,ill.H4. Receipts from intern h I revenue for the year ending ftith of June, 1K74, were lti2.i.,7H4.9tt, and for the year ending 3jth of Juue, l.o, were ?mo,0u;,4ttl.&-increase 7.W7,;u?.tiB. THB DCTY ON TEA AMD COVFKK. One measure for Increasing the revenue, ana the only on I thiak of, is tne reetoratlnn of the duty on tea and coffee, 'i'uew duties would add, probably, eighteen million dollars t- the pie ent amount received from tmpirts, and would in no way Increase the prices paid for those articles by the consumers. These articles are the products of countries collecting revenue from ex ports and as we, the largnt consumers, reduce the duties, they proportionally increase them. Wltn this ad dition to the ievenue many duties now collected and whton give but an Insignificant return for cost of colleo tlon might be remitted and to the direct advantage of onsumers st home. I would mention tnose articles which enter Into manufactures of all sorts. All duty paid upon such articltsg-i dhectly to the cost of the ar ticle when manufactured here and must bn paid for by t!m consumers. These duties not only eims from the consumers at home, but act as a prot ctton to foreign manufacturers of the same completed nicies in our own and distant marktts. STECIE PAYMENTS. I hope Congress may be Induced, at the earliest day pr.ct insure the consummation ot the act of the ast Congress at its Iot session to hrins about suede re sumption on aud after the hist day ot January, loTtf, at furtnest It would be a erect bless ns if th could be consum mated even at an earlier dhy. rothing seems to me more certain than that a ful;, healthy and permanent reaction cannot take place in favor ot tue baa ui tries and tinancial wplfure of tne country until we return to a measure of values recognized throughout the civilized world. While we use a currency not enulvalent to this standard the world's recognized standard specie be comes a commodity like the products of the soil, the surplus seeking a market wherever there Is a demand tor it. u nuer our present system we suouid want none, nor would we have any were it not that customs dues mnst be paid In coin, nnd becauseof the pledge to pay interest of the public dtbt In oin. i he yield of precious metals would flow out fertile purchase of foreign pro ductions rvnd leave the Uu.tcil Mates hetvors of wood and drawers of water, been life of wiser legislation on tlio Buhjoct of finance by the nations with whom we have dealings. I am not prepared to say that I can suggest the bent legislation to tec u re the end most heartily te commsnded. RESCMl'TION OF 8I'K rE PAYMENT. It will be a source of great rrstlflcation to me to bo able to approve any measure uf Congress looking eSec-tivel.- toward secudng resumption. Unlimited inflation would probably bring about specie payments more Bpeedilytban any leKila' Urn looking to the redemption ot lgal tenders in coin. Hut it would be at the expense of honor. The legal tenders would have no v.ilue beyond ttiiQtf present liabilities, or. Droutrlv sneakintr. renu- dlating them. They would buy nothing alter debts wo e all settled. There are a fow measure! which seem to me Important in this conuection, and which I commend to our earnest consineranon. a repeal ot so mucn ot tne egttl Jeb's :al tender net a mates these not-s receivable f contracted altera date to be fixed In the act itself. say not later than the first of January, 1b77. V e should then have quotations at real value, not fictitious ones. Gold would no longer be at a premium, but currency at a discount A healthy reaction wonld set in st once, and with it a desire to make the currency equal to what it purports to bo. ine luerchaLts manufacturers and tradesmen of every calling could do business on a fair luarvln of nrolit. the money to be received uavina an uu varying value. La lorers and all others who work for simulated nav or salary wulu receive mure for their in come, because extra profits would no .nnger be charged Dy tue capitalist to compensate tor tne rt-K oi a quwu. ward fluctuation in the value of the currency. i recommend ui tt ine secretary ot ine treasury De au thorixed to redeem snv not to exceed i2.OoO.utO monthly of legal tender notes by issuing in their stead a long bond hearing interest at tne rate of three and siity-nra hundredth per cent, per annum of denominations rang ing from titty dollars to one thousand dollars each. Tins would in lime reduce the legal tender notes to a volume that could be kept atloat without demanding redemp tion in large sums suddenly. And, that additional power be given to the secretary uf the treasury to accumulate gold tor nnai redemption, either ny increasing revenue, curtailing expenses, or botn. It is preferable to do both, and 1 recomibend that reduction of expenditures i t made wherever it can be dene without imuuirinu irovern ment obligations or crippling the due execution thereof. WAB CLAIMS. Of the claims erowlnsr out of the late war. the Pretl- dent says: Nothing is moro certain than that a very large percentage of the amount i passed and paid are etttier wholly trauduieator arelarln i excess of the real losseB sustained. THB WAB PEPAHTMENT. Galling attention to the recommendation mnd) In tne secretary oi war, ins rrosmcm requests tue auen tion of Congress to them. THB NAVY. The condition of our navy at this time is a subject o satisfaction. It does not is true, any uf the powHrful cruising ironclads which make so much of the mari-fine strength of some other nations, but neither our continental situation nor our foreign policy demand them to meet the possible emergency of two years ago. The estimates for the regular support of this branch of the sei vice for the next year amount to a little lees in the aggregate than those made for the current year, but some additional aunropriatlons are asked for obieeta not inciuuea iu tne oruiaary maintenance oi ine navy, but oeiieveu io De oi urt-Maiug iiiiporiauue ai iuis nine. It would in my opiniou be wise at once to atford sui cieut m.ans for the immediate completion uf the live double turrettt-d monitors now undergoing repairs, which mist otherwbe advance si -wly.aod only as money can be spared frcm curre it expenses. Supplemented by these our navy, armed withth d-strnctivn weaio..a of modern warfare, manned by our seamen, and in charge of instructed othoers, will present a toice powerful fur the home purposes oi a responsible inuugu peaceful nation, WORK OF THE PENBION OFFICE. The number of pensioners still continues to docreasA the highest number having been roauhed during the vear ending June 30. 1873. During tne last year 11,557 nam-s were added to the mils and 12,977 were dropped therefrom, showing a net deoroase of 1 430. B it wullo the number of peutioars has decreased the annual a'oonnt due on the uenslou r lis has Increased $0,733.13. Tnis is caused by the r reatly increased average rate of peuiions, which by the lbral legUlatlot of Con cress has increased frcm $9U.26 in 1T2 to lo3.9l in ltJ75, to each Invalid pen ioner an increase in the average rate of fifteen per con, in the three years. During the year ending June HU, IH75, there was paid on account ot pensions, including expe sea of diabuisement, $'.9,63y.ll6, being less than was pa d the preoedlag year; this reduction In amount of exnenditures was Dt-oduoed br the de cease In the amount of arrearages due on allow-d claims and on pensions, the rate ot which was increased by tne legislation or ine preceding sesi3n or congress At the oiose oi ine last nsoai year mere were on tn pension rolls iH,wi persons, oi wnomyiU33 were ami nenslanera. lua.478 belnir Invalids and lu4 885 widows an dependent relative; 8,420 were navy pensioners, of wtjoin 1 ffitt were Invalids and 1..H4 widows, sua deneO' dent relations; 31 t3H were pensioners nf the war 1H IS IS t75 ot whom were survivors, and b iqs were widows . It Is estimated that $2d,536,0O0 will be required for hi payment of pensions lor the hscal year, an amuunt 965, ooo teas man tne eiiimat lor ine present year. THE INDIAN POLICY. The method for the t rest ment of the Indians adopted at tha bAf inntnir of my hrttt term baa been steaddv uur- sued and with satisfactory and encouraging results. It hu lun nroductive of evident unorovement in the eon. dition of that race, and will be continued with such modticaiona as further experience may Indicate to be nooBBflsry RICO M MEN DATION g. As this will be the last annual mssaffa which I shall have the honor of transmitting to Congress before my successor is chosen, I will repeat or recapitulate the questions which I deem of vital importance, which may iw its oi ii uu wu Bfuit-u mi hub HH&aiuii : First That the btatos shall be rf ouired to afforrt thi opportunity of a good common school education to every Bulla Hi'rua uieir luuiia. Kecond-No aect .rian tenets shall ever be taught In any school bupported in whole or in part by the .Mate, nation, or by tne proceeds of any tax levied upon any community to make education c ompulsory so tar as to deprive all who cannot wri'e from becoming voter after l8i0, disfranchising none, hwever, on gro.mds of illi'er acy whe jnay be voters at the time this ameudmeut tikes effect Third Declare church and State forever separate aud dlstui t, but eachfiee within their proper spheres, and that all church property shall bear its own proportion of taxation. Fourth Drive out licensed immorality, such ss poly, gamy and the importation of women for illegitimate pur poses. To r-our again to the oentenniil year, it would seem as though now as we are about to begiu the tecond century of our nat onal existence would be a mutt fitting time for these reforms. Fifth Knact such laws as will Insure a speedy return to a sound currunoy, such as will command the respect of the world. Believing that these r'ews will commend themselves to the great majority of the right-thinking and patriotic cit irons oi the United blatos, I submit the rest to Con gress. U. 8. GRAM'. Euodtits MaSUOX, Decmber T, l7i. " Mrs. Henry," said John to his wife, the other morning, if you give me a Gbristmaa present this year, please ar range it bo that the bill won't oome in till the next month. It'i just as well to keep up the illusion for a short time." av . . . KBW8 or mts nil. nu Interentina Itftnm from Botnm ana , Abroad, j . ,- , ' Turkey has protested to Montenegro against the aubjooti of that proyinoe taking part in the Herzegoviiiian InBiirreotion, ana ine grea. owerg support the protest The navy yard at Philadelphia was sold at auction to the Pennsylvania railroad company for f l,uou,ouo. . .Bpain, In her hot to the Unitea Btatoa, promlsoa the gradual emancipation of the slaves In Cuba, Increased freedom oi com. merce i and that when foreigners are arrested they shall have immediate hearing, and Uiac leeal redress shall be obtainable lor past in. juries The Russians, under uenerai Bkobeleff. attacked the Kiptschaks at the town of Bly Krsohl, Khokand, and defeated them with heavy loss. .". .. The Egyptian troops have occupied the districts of Juba and Kismayo, disarmed the Zanzibar forces there aud hoisted the Turkish flag,. ..Wm. M. Evarts has been appointed orator, Mr. Longfellow tbe poet, and a grandson of Iticliard Henry, of Virginia, to read the Declaration of Inde. pendenoe, at the opening ceremonies of the Centennial Th BOhoouer J. l. Jenkins was lost In Lake Ontario With nine poreouS. . ; . In obedience to the order of the seoretary of the treasury, the number of employees of the New York, Boston and Philadelphia custom houses has boon reduced The comptroller of the currency's reports Bhowa there are 1,970 national banks, aggregating a capital of $101,296,000. lie thinks the national banks ave unduly taxed, ana reoommcnas uie rupeui i it. ... WM.p uu licuhn The Broadnay Baptist church, of Louisville, Ky., valued at $70,000, was almost totally destroyed by Are. Prince Bismarck threatens to resign if the penal code U not adopted as submitted . . . . . . Ex-Chief Clerk Avery was convicted in 8t. Louis of conspiracy to defraud the govern, ment. This makes the third conviction of members of the whisky ring . A unniuer of the Pennsylvania ooal mines hare been cliwcd on account of the over-dupply, and bout five thousand miners have been thrown out of work. . . . .It is reported that the Penn sylvania railroad will build a grand depot on the old navy yard site. ...... The Malayans are preparing to resist the British In Hut laud, N. Y., Sarah Conklin, aged fourteen, i as murdered in a piece of woods while re turning from school, and evidence points strongly againBt a sixteen-year-old boy named Uuttr, who was arrested. It is believed he attempted to outrage her, and failing in his effort, killed her with a small hammer which was found near by James H. ArniBby, tho eminent surgeon, died .suddenly in Albany, N. Y. He was tho founder of several medical institutions The hotel bill against the city of New York for entertaining King Kala- kana. of tho Sandwich island-!, amounts to G.35S.91. and is still unpaid. By the burning of a hotel at Baok river, few miles from Montreal, a lady and two Catholic priests wero burned to death.. .... A ilispatoh from Campo, Ban Diogo county. Cal., reports an attack by Moxican bandit?. They are supposed to be Chavez's band. L. C.asldll, a merchant, his brother and others were seriously wounded, and several are miss ing. One of the robbers was killed and a num ber wounded. Guskill's eroro was robbed. Tbe governor of California lias asked for the apprehension of the bandits Kaouf Poaha succeeded in tlirowiug freoh provisions into Ciorauhka, for tho Turkish troops held iu state ' of seige there, but the Herzegoviniaus assert that he was subsequently 'defeated near Gal tchko, losing one thousand killed and wound-' ed At a sale of thoTthorua, draft-horses and cotswold sheep at Toronto, Can., tlio total snui realized was $79,000, the three highest prices paid being $4,500 for Seventeenth Duke of Airdrie ; (4,000 for Kirkleighton Dnchecs Eighteenth, and 93,700 for Oneida Rose ? A terrible explosion took place in the Powell Duffrytv pit, near Tredegar, England. Twenty miners were killed, and ten have been taken out severely injured. . . .Gen. Babcook, private secretary of President Grant, has been in dicted by the BU Louis grand jury for com plicity in tbe whisky frauds The President has appointed Gens. Sheridan, Hancock and Terry a a commission to investigate the charges against Geu. Babcock to see if he should be courtmartialed, in addition to the civic trial Wm. M. (Boat)) Tweed, who was in confinement at Ludlow street jail, New York, on a suit brought by the city for the re covery of $0,000,000, escaped from Warden Dunham and a deputy-sheriff and no trace of him has been found. The story told by the olliuers is to the effect that Tweed frequently went riding about the city, under charge of the wardens, and this Saturday afternoon they stopped at .Young Tweed's house in Madison avenue, and all entered. While there, Tweed asked and received permission to "slip np stairs " to see his wife ; but shortly after War den Dunham sent young Tweed to inform bis father that it was time for thorn to return to jail. Young Tweed went up stairs aud immediately returned with the Information that his father was not there, and had es caped. The officers immediately searched the bouse, and not finding any trace of him hurried to a police station and sent alarms all over the country. The story of the officers is dis credited, and it is supposed that they willfully allowed him to esoape, acd that he embarked ou a sailing vessel for a foreign port, as his large form was too well known to permit his traveling on land Foreigners are Mill molested in China War between Japan and Corea is deemed averted. The European grain market is stiff, but prices will not advance before spring, owing to the large stock on hand The estimates for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1870, amount to $310,030,769.89, and the appropria tionsforthe tame period are $293, IOC, 177. 57 thowiug a " shortage of 1G, 804,092. 32. The failure is auuounced of William Bpotten & Co., linen manufacturers acd bleachers, of Bel&st, Ireland. Their liabilities are esti mated at $1,600,000 The steamer C. H Durfee, when twelve miles up the Bed river, burst her steam pipe and kil ed one man and scalded three. Three others jumped over board aud were drowced By an explosion iu the Swaithe oolliery, lu the southern part of Yorkshire, England, one hundred and fifty lives were lose and as many more persons injured. The explosion was tbe result of care less blasting. A similar disaster is reported in regard to s ooal mine near Pcntyreii, Wales, by whioh twelve were killed and ten wounded. t gypt denies that she wanted to annex Abyssinia At s meeting of the trustees of the bridge between New York and Brooklyn. now in eourse of construction, it was shown that the receipts have amounted to 95,896, 109.15 and the expenditures $5,888,113.61. Samuel Hibberd, of Delaware county, Pa with his hired man, named Sheridan, ordered some gunners from bis premises, and on their declining to go and indulging in insulting lan guage, he shot one of their dogs, when (he Kunuera auuoatu mm aown anasnocoueridao, killing him instantly. The Dartv then ran off. when Hibberd fired at them and wounded one oitnem. - .....--. . a s : c. w Pimples on' the faoe. rotierh ' akin obapped hands, aaltrhanm im all entaneous affections cured, the-akin-. sneda -aoftr end smooth, by the use of Junipeb Tab 8aa Ibas made by Caswell, Hazatd A Co., New York, is the only kind that can be relied on, 'as there are many imitations, made from oanmoa tar, woion ere wwuuas. wm, - PaalT.1iiw' (a k holidftV. thfUlkS to Dob- bW Eloctrie Sonp (made by Cragin A O0.,'Philf.) whicn is rapiaiy coming in to general nun.'" It acts like mngio, and bleaches clothing without injuring, t , it J i- - A. Famous Medical Institution. Tha nam of Dr. B. V. Pierce, ot Buffalo, TJ. T h koinma as familiar to the people all over the eonntrv as 'household words.' His wonderful remedies, nis pampmets ana dooks, and his large medical experienoe,have brought rum into prominence anu piven nuu bumu reputation.: The Times, in the present issue, presents a -whole-page communication from lit. rierce, ann otir reaaers may gam imra n some idea of tbe vast proportions of his busi ness and the merits of his medioines. He has at Buffalo a mammoth establishment, appro priately named 'The World's Dispensary,' where patients are treated and the remedies compounded. Here nearly a hundred persons are emploved in tbe several departments, and a corps or aoie ana bkuiiui jutsiuibub ready to alleviate the sufferings of humanity by the most approved methods. These physi cians are in constant consultation with Dr. Pleroe,- and their - oombined experience is brought to bear on the suooassful treatment of obstinate cases. The doctor is a mau of large mediosl experience, and his extensive knowledge of materia mtdita ha been ac knowledged by presentations of degrees from two or tne nrsc mvuic&i uuuegu iu inuu. Chicago Timet. . If you would patronize medicines, scientifi cally prepared by a skilled physician aud chem ist, nse Dr. Pierce's family medicines. Gold en ''Medical Disoovery is nutritions, tonic, alterative and blood-cleansing, aud au nn phiklImI nniiirh remedy : Pleasant Purgative Pellets, scarcely t nrger than mnstard seeds, constitute au agreeable and reliable physio ; Favorite l'resnription, aremedy for debilitate! females t Extract of Smart-Weed, a magioal remedy for pain, bowel complaints, and au uu qualed liniment for both human and horse flesh ; while his Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is known the world over as the greatest specific for oa(arrh and " oold in the h ad " ever given to tbe public. Tbey are sold by druggists. Bubkett's Ooooawb. See AdvtHitemtnt. - The proprietors of Johnson's Anodyne uu.ntiu, lJurm ruryauoe vu, anaanm lian't Canalrv Conditii n Fowdert. have cub- Imbed a readable and inetrnntive pamphlet, which may be had free by mail. com. Rufus Chnpuian, of Liberty, Maine, had a Still leer, bent at the knee, limbered and Btrengthuned by tho uee of- Johnton't Anodyne x.mimen. vom. We all consider iron the embodiment of strength and power, but how few are aware that it is this same element in the system that gives us strength and vigor, and that an in- fufliciencv of it causes weakness and debilitv. Tho Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of iron, if prepared expresuly to supply this vitalising element. Com. Bubxett's Cocoainb. See Advertisement. M riEM R'S MANDRAKE PIM,H TlU be found to poseu those qualities neoeaaary to tbe total eradication of all blllom attacka, prompt to tart the secretions of the Hrer, and five a healthy tone to the entire system. It la no ordinary discovery in medical science to hare Invented a remedy for these stubborn complaints, which develop all tbe result pro duced by a heretofore free use of calomel, a mineral jiihtly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged to be dei tractive In tbe extreme to tbe on man system. That the properties of certain vegetables comprise all the virtues of calomel without Its injarl -ns tendencies. Is now ao admitted fact, rendered indisputable bysolen. tlfio researches; and those who use tbe Mandrake Pills will he fully satisfied that the best medlcluea are those provided by nature in the commou herbs aud roots of the fields. These pills open tbe bowels and correct all bilious de raofrmueuts witbont salivation or any of tbe injurious effects' of calomel or other poisons. Tbe secretion of bile Is promoted by theie pills, as will be seen by tbe altered color of the stools, and disappearing of the sallow complexion and cleansing of the tongue. Atnpledlreatlons for use accompany each box of plllp. Prepared only by J. U. 80HICNOK A HON. at thir rloeipal office, oorner Sixth and Arch .Streets, Phila delphia, and for sale by ail druggists and dealers. Price 125 cents per box. The Markets. KXW IOBK, Ilwf rsttlr-Vrlmeto Extra Bullock 03VC4 13i rnHimon to Good Texan.. Milrh Cowh Bogs Live . 07X 09X .40 (10 S8D 00 . 07 07,H . OU (4 . 04V(4 07 ,. 06)t 07X . 13;, 1 uremia Fhooii Lamb. Cottou Middlings , l-'lour Extra Wwitern..,, o 60 (4 6 00 Htate Extra 5 ) 1 13 (a) II 0 (3 1 13 win 95 (4 1 00 1 85 Wheat Bed Western Mo. 3 Spring 1 !i7 Rye- State kS Barley State 90 Barley M.'.t 1 00 OatB Mi'.ed Western 13 (4 Corn Mliert Western 1iiA 75 flay, per cwt 65 vi 1 05 Straw, p"r cwt 60 (4 1 C'3 Mops 70S li ($io oius oi a UT Pork Meas. . .31 23 (23 40 . llt 12 00 (tW 00 .14 00 17I0 . 00 ( 815 . HI ft! Refined 12 X Lard Fisb Mackerel, Ko. 1, new bo. 2, new Dry Cod, per rvrt Ilerriiiff. Siled. per box Petroleum Crude 07 07 Wool Cullforuia Fleece Jl (ia to Texas . " Australian " 33 i;l $6 20 15 It so 85 US 22 16 83 1SX 06 lX 3i (4 3 Batter State Western Pairy..... Western Yellow. Weatcrn Ordinary Pennsylvania. Fine , 3 (4 80 Cheese Htate Factory 07j4-( 03 (4 t6(4 State Skimmed Western Eggs State. ALBJUIt. Wheat 1 85 85 71 18 48 O 1 B5 t4 0J 75 (4 M (4 62 9M0 (4 1 31 ( 64 40 ( M H 1 16 Rye Stute Corn Mixed . Barley State. . OaUs Bute.... BUFFALO. Flour t TO Wheat No. 1 Spring 1 34 Corn Mixed 61 Oats 40 Rye 2 Btrley 8) BAX.TIMORK, Cotton Low Mlddliuga U.. 11 Flour Extra a 75 (4 8 75 WUeaU-Jtted Westeru 1 HI (4 1 i-3 Rye 75 (4 t-0 Corn YeUow 70 (4 70 Oats Mixed 33 (4 40 Petroleum Ub($ oti rniLAPELrBiA. Flour Peuusylvania Lxtta 6 00 a ( 50 Wheat Red Western 1 OJ (4 1 15 Rye 87 (4 HI Corn Yellow 76 4 76 Mixed 75 (4 75 Oats Mixed 4J (4 42 Petroleum Crude 10)4 10' Eeflned 12! Ragired atocklnga and protrud ing toea are not aeea on ie( where SILVER TIPS are worn. Fiienu, rum ember thla. tbey U-t twice a lona;. Alao try Wire Quilted Solea. Something for everybody. Cable Screw Wire Boots and Shoes, elegant, dur able, easy, and keep tbe feet dry. Also try Wire Qit.ted Slea- OA FANCY CAHHS T Stvlea.wlthNama, lOp., id UjoatpaldJ. p. H utTED. NaaMiu, lUnaa 00..N.Y. $290 A MONTH. 1 O O 4KTUXKM! BAMSBY. Detroit. Mlnh Addre.. n. C For Nothliiif. 7M Addrraa J. KE1 arenta Wanted Kvervwbare. NNKDY 4 UO., Richmond, lnd. Booaa Rxobanged. Furnlah all aaw. Want old. Write. Narna tbta paper. Am.rtoan Book F.aobanjca. N. Y. ACTTTTVTS and t'RtBrrh dare Onr. Trial free. Addreaa W K.Bellla.lndlanapoll..lnd 910 a liny at home. Aa-nnta wanted. Ootfit and term, 'free. Addrea. TBUK CO.. Aufu.te, Main.. WANTKO AGKNTH flamvliu and OutAt frt UUUJ.I KK A UU. , untoaeo SR 4a tlft adajrat bone. Sample, worth 9 1 aent 3 10 aU tta BTIN8QW A UO.. Portland, Me. J AatfinCperdaT. Bawl for CkramoGatalofr-ia. 4 1 V 4 A, aV J . M. BDrroaD-a ooaa, ttoetan, Maes. . J- ! AfiFNTS 80 Flait Oil rhromoa, moanted. aire mi, ior 9 1. Noveltiea and Obromoa of rry dearrtpttoti. National Ohromo Co., Phila., Pa. IVnui-liy ltt.llv obtained for Ineomnatlbilttv. J 9 ete. : realdenoe nnneoeaaary ; fa. after decree. Addreaa P. O. Box 11)37. Uuloago, 111. rKt r.K' B-NnVfilJlPHDIA.Nxw.Kxviar.D Editiom. ii 16U.IXK ArUolea, WHO KugTartng. and 18 .plendld mapa. jinu Wautod. Baxb, Path k Uo., Phtla. (tinr-n I in..ik A .ante Wanted. 84 beat aell. kblJtjU iDf articles In tiie world. One eararle free. - - Addreaa JT putf.iau.i Detroit, Mien. 1 Dall. tn Acante. 8 3 aew article, and tne beat OeiU family Pap In America, with twe Ohro- .a3ee. iree. AM UU. On r yj w., ... oroeqway. n. J. Mind Ueadlna, PaTchaaianny.Faaclna.ilon. Soul Obanuiuar, Meamerlara. ana IjOvera1 Guide, ahowlnc how either aex may faaolnate and gain the lore and attention of any peraon they ohooe Instantly. 40O paaea. nau auv. jaujj. a w.i.v a. 1 ia. atroua. mm BARNEY'S ORANGE FLOWER WATER. Tat ths H1t ot kth H tins no rn1. It l wn nlKMMit thunan? Golngon, Toilet WaViTOt, Hnn -W.r. .m.i H.TtM.t. Tf fMu-fiimn Is vnrv iMtlnff. la mlwnT. in th Mm,, n.lnv It. And to t.liofift Mmnnn thftm. It fill. U)i room with n pUaft.nt odor. Ithuno miial. C.RO. T. BARNF.Y A CO., Bonton, Mn. IHtls ssonrsa tr TRY IT I TRY IT I TftYlTI IOO FAllIMS FOIt MAM! In Dsl.. Mil., V., nl P 8"ii lor ottJilonun. j, rui.n., wnminipon, umi. iZiktf' PER W EK to M.ln nnd Femalo AssnU AddreM WB1QHT LACKY. 705 Broadwur. W. T. ecn.lrnmntll, rlhroino, RUml FnnrmTlnn. FBoto. W sraphl. HoTup-book Flctarwi, MottooHjflto. me? enmplBt and ontnlniru Sfnt po.t-niilr1 for IO ets. A in Wanted. J. U Pattoo A OO..KI2 WllUaro Bt,WwY( w sraphl. KOTup-Doot flctarwi, moTxoenf.T. rwprmn TEn.MAFT ANI- PROFITABLE FM I Pl.dVItlKNT nan ha aBCiirod hv ons Indy l evory town In the United Htatos. AddreM BYMONDS, 8 DeTonahlre Wtreet, Bn.ton , Ma... AGENTS g All Want It-thoadAodnof Htm anf lnioDB of projwrtysAviwi d iv-iohudb' isiiiA with If nrf liMilBrti frM. O. M. iminqtoh A BBO.JiawYork A Ohlogo OPIUM and niornhlnp fin hit aaboolllttnlv AD' BDdtl oartw). PfttnlMs; nopahMoU, Bnd Btftmp for pftrtlonlfiT. iT, uart ton, 18? WMhlnirtoti St., VVAWTFn. AGENTS in all part of th country M tncnnvnii for onr nswbo"k, " Th Wrmmoftht CtnUtry" by Phobe A. HKnfifnrd. Orn Toliinm, hand Bomly fllnitrRt'd. Tlio nrnndft Ontnnlal book in th markPt. B. H. KUHKLL. abllwher. Bobtoh, 11 a $250 A MONTII Aitnnti wanted erort vrhare. BaalnnBB honorable and nnu clw. Particnlara ient fr. Addrw WORTH A VO.t St. Lonls, Mo. $77 PKRWF.PR fllTARANTFRD to Avent Male and Female. In their own looallly. Term, and OUTFIT KRKR. Addreea P. O. VIOKF.BY i CO., AnitnHa. Maine OPIUM 1 1 nil! t 'itrert nt Home. Nnpnb liolty. Time ahort. Terms moderate. I.IHNI te.t1mnnlala. otn year of on i n.ralleleri micnnM. Ileeorlha eaae. Addreaa Or. F. K. iUAKMH, Qnlncy, Mlrh GANGER MiicceMfullr Trented. wltboo ti of Knlfo or Oaatlott. DR. A. H RROWN.NAwHaTH.Oono. Bear Correspondence from phyaictanasoHcltd 50 icinpl Ptlttrri ftrlstrnl Tlnltlna i'nrfls aont pout-paid for 21 ct. Henr atmp for aampiea or i-inn arnn. liiiiHk, Etc, We hareow HMtatflen A. H. bDlXCB A Uo., B ookton. 1H.M, AqtmtM Wanted. IO renin for n ropy nf th 1.IVK STOCK JOI KKAlia nort Itir rrnf initurenienr onr nil f'nr Nfpiirtnv HiiltMrrlhfrs. Tlir Jt: In ironoi)iM Fd Ihr BUST of ll rlan. .1 ilrpw Uvr Siorh JonrimK HiifTnlt N Yonr Nam Elrpnntly Print d on 18 Traksfarkkt visitino r.Afinv for2S Cents. Etch card contain i rn which ii not Tinble until held toward the lift hi Mk(nltw. thmovmr hrorntTpril In AmArict. BlrinducC menu to Acena. Novkltt 1'kiwtino Co.. Ashland. Mm vrtifn Wnnfod ! Medale and Diploma Awade iii.mas.h Pictorial BIBLES 1300 lllutttrntlonN. Addreaa for new circular. A.J. IMU..U N fc rO.. 3U AROH Street, FhlU A Ornnmpntal Card, 5 designs, 1 0cts. ; k?( Zi 9 Mtiri fUrda. with name. IO cts. : 20 Aeanalnt ance Cards, IO ota. .post-paid. Agents wanted evenrwherr Kor Agent's Outfit send three-oent stamp. Addres L. JU.NKS A UU., as8au, Kensseiaer uo., w. x. $10 $500 Invested In Wsll Rtreei nftnn lfad to fortune. A 72 nase look explalnini everything and giving price of stocks VLIU I LULL iJUUll a "-i ""' rntC. 4 Brokrs. 1 2 Broadway. New York W ANTED IMMEDIATELY f OS Worn Tnnnn Mn Io laro TKI.F- jf 1:1 AlrtTB. with stamp. MTPF.KINTKN"- DKNT UNION TKI.EORAl'lI COM PANYj U It K It I. I . inmr f1AKIS.-5() white or tinted Bristol, VSO ou. , fit,' J Unnaltik. Mnrhln ltj.n. TllLmiL.k.HA OtS. ! Mi Ola, 40 ctfl. ; with your name beautifully printed oc them, and OH aarapUia of type, ajreoU'prioe-llBt, etn. aent by return mull on reoelpt of price. Dlsconnt t Oluhs. Be.t of work. W. O. OANNON, 4H Knelnm Street. B"tnn. ltelera to H. M. PtTTSrimlJ. A On. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. The Oldert Mitar.lne In America. " A PnMro Chhomo," Thf lRNINO Call, will be given to ever Suhacrlbnr, whether eliinle or In a chili, who pay. u advance for 1870 and remit, dliect tn fill. otHce. ArttirBM, L. A. (IIH1HY, l-hlladelphla. Pa. REVOLVERS "SS? 3.00 New BnlTalo BUI Revolver WW IWt' Sent with 100 Cartridge, lor $1 Fcll Nicklb Plate. Ratlftfactlnn auaranteed. Iltvttrntfd CatnUiue 7,':.. WESTERN HV WORKS, Chicago, 111.. GO Dearborn-at. (M.-Cormirlc Block). P. O. Box 54Q. $15 SHOT GUK A douhlA bAnl aan. bar or front action lockt: vu ranted frenalne twist barrela, and a kk1 shoir. on V ale ; wita f.a'k, fourn ann waa-ouner, ior 910 Can be Bant U. O. l. with privHeitu to eiAmin bef.-i nayin bill. Hend Stain p for olrculnr to P. HOWEl.L . SON, Gun Dealera. 2.1 H Main St.. Cincinnati, O. UNrRPAWiFn Chunce for AireTit. Men r, Women, on "Tlie i ontribulor." 4 eolomin H elljriouB and Secular ; 8. 8. Lensoua ; report of Kht. A B. Karle, Moody, eto. : HouHekeeper; btorles; etc. i tnafnlticent premium. The marrel of ail la thr price,on) S 1 . 1 0 a year. All classes, old and jrounn. are channe with It ; No work like it for ajrenta ; one says, " Never k anything take like It;" another, " No (rouble to sell.' for Agents j Hrms, paper, rcporre, mj., aaarena wiu tamp. J. H. KARLE, 2t liawley Btreet. Bobton. lnimne urrran! ! 40.MH oftlir nulni alrmdti .old. The thrliline- atory of a noble Ufa in lb-nl'd-land of theile mystery, Ophlra Gold, the Lion Lair, and millions of nuperttttioua helnaa. Graphic d- -acriptlone. ep!eniild lllu.tratiotu. Milliina manl It, W want ajrent. auicklv, protita wo. send for terms. UUHHAKL) liKUS., fun , J Bansom at., V nlla.,1-. r ONE CENT i Pais for a P.i.tal (Jard. and, on receipt of your addres wrtlei thereon, we will send youaaamnle oopy of nn rrent illu.tiiited Ltt-rnry and Family Jonmal. "Tin ( rirki'l ... a I..' llearlli." a tuammoth MI-paK paper (.ize Hirjier't Wakly), containing- splendid con tinned aud sbott atories, sketohe., poem., etc., etc Duly I I a year, aitn elerant premium portfollt ' Oems of Aineiioin Art," executed hv AldineCo., oi 7.1 centa without premium. On truU tbroe moutha fo: on'y I v cents Wrlie at once to F. M. LUl'TON A CO., 37 Park Row, New York Come. on, Book Agents! Now U the time to Mike Money. MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK I.i ou the track and fa bound to win. It trill aell. a,nd yon Known, xjuqi wait w ttiporiuieat on otoer uook ana loae tiua. Iiht- Tour names in for territory and olr ouLth Ht oucp. Outfits V hf.e, Addrea AMKKUlAJI fUHUBHIKO UU., Hartford. Conn. MEHIDBN Cutlery Co. Make all kinds of Table Knives and Fork.. Bxoluslvi maker, of "HATKNT IVORY." mo.t durabl. W11ITK IIAMIl.ri known. Alwaa caU foi Trade Mara" on tne olaae. Ho'a Dy all dealers and b MERIJUEN CUTLERY CO., 40 Chamber. St., N. Y Speedily cured bv DR. HKCK'8 only known and sure Kumedy. n 'HAIl;E lor treatment uuui curea. uau on or uuurt-aa It. J. C. BSCS, 112 John St, Cincinnati, 0. 0 AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENIMIAL ncTuc II v Tha tn tha thrlllln. hl.torv nf nnr innn. try makes this the fastest selling book ever published. It cuuiiuk 4 4 Hue bisLortuai enftraviugs and pAns. with a full account nf the annmaohlng grand Oentennial exhibition. Bend for a full descrip Utn and etr terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUfl Ll.itllNG t)Q., PhlladelptUa. Pa. GRAND CHANCE FOR AGENTS, wilt mfeJYo.19. ANN ELIZA YOUNG'S NEW BOOK. wJ... .nYSS1?.0,:,?., tBW-OTrr! ftlr. Li.crtoui.. Aeou Mtlfrom IO ta 20 v.'y a.y tluaardi ar. d&nf i t. and YOU en dolt. jh. bMlMthog bo.kctih.y..r. 200ILLu5TRA,TQN8. Wrlutol circular, to be.r.U Odlca, Dt SI IN , OILMAN CO., II.HTToap. Coaa., Chicago. 1ll.(Cimcijim.ti, Ohio. iSmlth tV Reynold-, AOrtffc, Ct.t . ' We bs.e sold and nea soar oca roam fur several yrars and nabesitatinffly reeomuiend it pa the be. B.ktng Powder in the toaiati." Kmllh.faniTal A' '.. Qroemrm, Portland, Me., s.ty : We use It in our own fimtlls and ballve It tu bedeoldedlF the bait. Bavkln Por. der." Iu eoonoaiy Is woodertul ; It mnkM 40 lbi. niore bread to a banal of flour. Millions of cans 'A sold and not a'sinale crouUlnt -S Send for eireular to Geo. F. Gantz A CO., 17H Uuaue ou New Ycrli. Selected Frencli Burr Mill Stones Of all slses. aud superior workmanship. Porsuble fjirtudl..feT nilla. uprmr or undi r runners, lor ttu'in or Nerfhaut work, (.fnulne lul4b Aii ker UulliuK lulli. Mill Pieka. Cru bliellera aii'l W'leauere, Gearing, bbufthir Pullies. Mansers, etc.; all kinds nf Mill Mau:biuerv and Millers euppllea. Bend f r Fampblet. Mill Company, lio t4w Ul I U ill Iiitei race jrt or X O V O. A HEW ILLUSTRATED HATALOGDE - - M&SON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, . 2 Onnrio Pnara. r now eady, with PRICE-LIST; and very full information, presenting accurate IrawinRH of these celebrated Instruments, with detailed descriptions; including many new styles, with valuable improve ment; new stops and elegant cases. It is not questioned nr disinterested juntres W these are TWT! H'ERT OV ALL IN STRUMENTS OF THIS CLASS; nn eo.ii8.led. and, if indeed critieally, nn- annroached by others, iheir fame is world-wide. They have ALWAYS obtained highest awards in American industrial re positions, and received JrvJUK ITlrlBl MEDALS and DlKUina ur miaur. st the GREAT WORLD'S EXPOSI TIONS in PARI8, 18A7; VIENNA, 1873; nnd LINZ (Austria), Io, oeing me oniy American organs which ever received my premium in competition with the het products of European makers. Ine Dt'Pt musician 111 J-UI"1 pronounce them unequaled. Prices ss low as consistent with best ornrlrmanariin and mntprinl. and lower than ilinae rommonlv demanded for vcrv inferior instrnments. Oreans sold for cash or time Lpayments, or rented until rent pays for them. r.very one. mimcing oj ymy at leant tie thin nev caiawrpie. 11 win im m-u free and post-naid. Address the MASON & HAMLTN OROAN CO., 154 Tremont St., BOSTON; 25 Union Square, Ktw YOTtK ; or 80 and 82 Adama Btreet, CHICAOO. For the Holidays ! NO GFTS BETTER APPRECIATED! Jiiat Om ! New. Freah niM TTanrtaamp. SUMS OF ENGLISH SOI. A perfa-t eolleoHm of S-inea. with Plan-) A eoomp'nl ment. eompri.ln 75 nf the ohnlce't. Sonra. B.l. Ian.. Dnet and Qnarteta known -. aelpcten with areat rare, and with ".nrcifil re..rd to quality and popnlarltf . 232 page., full muflo alee. Tha !t. r. r.'ll Will aava : " A me.t aitraorillnarT oollec'lon of really fine air... One eortlrt h.rdly '-t.lne . many vrrilabtt gem. oould he contained In a .Ingle volume. Price, 82. AO plain : S3.00in mtulln ; 94. OO foil (lit. Of I ht aame form and price, full mnalc .Ire, are Cems of Strauss. A new edition, oomprl.lnt over IOO beat Strana. Waltzea, eto., eto. Organ at Home. Musical Treasure. Cems of Cerman Song. Pianoforte Cems. Cems of Scottish Sorter. Moore's Irish Melodies. Any of tne above booka sent, poat-pald, for retail price. OI.1VKH IHTSON A- CO., Ronton, t H AS. II. U1TMON '.. M , 711 llreaiiwny. Mew Yorh. TWO MONTHS FREEH The New-York Tribune, 77ie Leading American Xe.tvapuper. j On receipt nf 2 and thf. advertisement. THP WKKKI.Y TRIBUNK will be sent, noatane paid, to an) address nntil December Itl. ISTll. or tcir!l i.50. ail conies ; for it-). eleven -. for :0. thirty-one. Address TII K 'I'Jf I If L ?l K, Weri iL5 & HOLIDAY GIFTS 1 UK llf.M I M AI l.l.l IIP, Tl iirr . lis'.mctive. Prottttlc, i:i Fucitt'.lag. PEINTIWQ PRESS. Vflft-M tram K.OO Io llSA.OO. Krnrt uln nip for rataioue to liK.NJ. O. YHHMIS it ((I. ntannrn npftifr m tu kianiui I'lii.iiinu uiti.Hinai 10 Federal Klrefl, lniua. HAVE YOU A DOLLAR? FOR ONE DOLLAR We will Send, Postage Pai'1, TII33 WEEKLY WORLD One Year. 1. It eont&lua all the npwa of tbe past aeyeo day, col lected by te affHOfH and nnrreapomlenta of the New York Diily World, and tn fullnettf, accuracy . and enter prise in tula respect is uneqauiea. 0 Itm asTlatilriiral dnD&rtmcnt contain a the latest newa of farm fiipurtmtinta ai home and abroad, contri butions ny noma una lorpign wnwri, iuh reporia oi in Farmers' Olub of thn Aroariotn Institute, and Quota tionaof valuable and inte estlna aitiols appeannc In the agricultural weeklies and maguamea. 8. Ita Grange news, to which attention la specially called, U a (Mature which can be found In no other paper. All the resonroee at tn coram ana oi a great oiftmpnllt-fin dally newspaper are employed in Ita col le!t n,anl thn result Is a pase each week where tbe n emlHTa nviy find a ootnplHte record nf the woi k of the Or er In tvery htate In the Union for tbe pant seven daya. In tlon to tois weekly recoid Thn World give tne cream of all ihe local erab.e papers In avery btate. Tbi department U and will oontluue to be under the charge of one of Uie active members of the Order. 4. For the flretlde department. In addition to Ita other attractions, such as poetry, miscellany, humorous er traota, etc., during tbe coming year, there will ba nor lens ttaao one hundred short talea by the beat writers of fiction In Ungland and America. 6. Tbe market report, brought down to the boar of publication, are the best that can be made. Each market Is repuitad by on whose special knowledge and tiainIn.T make Mm the best autboilt j uDon that subiect in tha United State. For accuracy and completeness I the tuarkut reports of Th World are unrivaled. j " Ths World Is not only the bast but the cheapest '. newbpaper ever offered tbe fanner." HKMI.WKKKLY (104 No.), 92 a Year. ' ItAll.Y (313 No).) 910 per Year. Specimen copies sent on application. i Address If THE WORLD," H.( I'nrlt llow, Nrw York. Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine. For promoting tin growth qf, and Btauttfying (As Hair, and rendtring it Dark and Qlouy. The Cocoainx holdi, in a liquid forra, a .large pro aortion of deodorixed COCOA-NUT OIL, prepared expreaalT for this purpose. No other compound poa acues the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. LOSS OF HAIR. Boston. July ia. M !. Jewpii Burnett & Co.: For many months my hair had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing' it entirely. The skis upon my head became gradually more and more ia flamed, so that I could not touch it without pain. By the advice of my physician, to whom you had shown your process of purifying the Oil. I commenced its use the last week in June. The first application allayed the itching and irritation. In three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared, the hair oeased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. Yours, very truly, SUSAN R. EDDY. A REMARKABLE CASE. East Middleboso', Mass., June 9, 1864. Messrs, BuknittA: Co.t When my daughter's hair came off she had been afflicted with neuralgia in her head for three years. She had used, during that time, many powerful ap plication.. These, with the intense heat caused by the pains, burned her hair so badly that in October, 1861, it all came off, and for two years after her head was as smooth as her face. , Through the recommendation of a friend, sh. was induced to try your Cocoaine, and the result was astonishing. She had not used half the contents of a bottle belure her head was covered with a fine younc hair. In four months the hair has grown eeveral inches la length, very thick, soft and fine, and of a darker eol.r thaa formerly. With respect, WM. S. EDDY. JOSEPH BURNETT k CO., Boston, MoHutmturtrt nd rroprUUrt, Mm PRINTERS' ROLLERS Mad from ths Pafnt " KrelaloT' C will reeaat.not attsotad b tha weathar; pi MI pound, la naad In printing thla napar j. R. H,K. Akl. 1H Ann I u.j. fcMM tnm Patent " Fvr.lalnr'l l?AMnnsltlftfl. . 1 1 n wcMiTir vtww. u J www 7i y. y. Centennial Games Of American Hibtoht tor old and ynuns. do nrw anmaa on ltl cardfl. Prlc. 13 oanta. " Th-u .'oM (( out it rtral in tht home rirrl." rniLtP Phillips, Hlna-or. Alao a oharmluK lliblo til. torr paatlma: Till', TKN PLAOUK.8 OF KOYPT. 4 naw iramaa on 40 Uluatrat. rd oarda, 60 oanta. Apmill Wanlod. K. B. TREAT, JlOj Broadway. W. Y.. Thtl naw trnaa la wot with parfeot 0 orn for o'flht and riJ. Adapt lUelf to arary motion 0 tha body, ratalnlnc Bop tnr n rider tbe bardan arotaa or aararaat atralo n -i t II parmanentiy onrad Sold obaap by tha ttastic Trust Co. e. 683 Broadway. Fl. Y. UltTi - an by mall. OaU or land tot Ulronlrr. id lis -nr DOMESTIC .'I SEWING MACHINES. liberal Terms of Ex ehsngefor Second-hand Hacninea of every des cription. "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. i'beBHt Patterna made. 8end5cta. for Catalogue. Address DOMESTIC SE7TIK3 1IACIIINE CO. Aopm vf-AHTiD. -g MEW YORK. A Gem worth Reading! A Diamand wortt S-Iiig ! D-paTnTJ-p -n BTflTTT. tTTrsii. THEOW AffAI IOCS BPECIACLES. By rearllntr onr Illnrn- ANATOMY of the E1K flifiilT. Tpll. hnw to Re Vl.lan bvii cl 7 ir.v.. how to cur. Weak, -Watery, Inflamed, and Near-Sighted Kyea, and all other lleae of the Ey. r'ISrJ! KO MORS UOSKr BT WCSTIQ nuas glasses on rorn xose An uisna. Ifif.VO TOUR FACE. Pamphlet of 100 pc Ualled Free. Send your addreaa to ua also. Agents Wanted (ianUemen or Ladles. $5 to $10 a Wrnd FiiU partlculani sent free. Vi rite Immciliatt-ly, 10 DR. J. BALL & CO., (p.o. bo. an. Mo. 91 Liberty Street, Now lork City, H. x. tit. NAM'IHIIIS LIVER INVIGORATOU. tumpoundeU entirely it-om 4uin Theae liCMS re-: ! i-foita iimIiijz nioTe all morbW I or bnd matter w from the ayatem, npplytngin i-H ahoiililnttHiittlif ilowe Io Ihelr in cllvitlltnl i-onati tut ion. from a teiiapoonfiill to a tu ileoonful I ncvorilltiyr to t-1-f i t. For nil af o healthy flow of M bile liivliorat- Ly . Inirthaatoiiiacli, em fection of thr rlfKCtwellt PlT-ipHw 1.1 H IS, I...JJM WIFYI.Y T1IK . f4 larllf of -Stoin- 1U,VVII, rlvlnt: i( annua unnti., tone anil health the whole iuh .ulnery, remov-" " fjj Ine; the cam. of J . the dtaeaeea, ef-, H (liMenweH flf-it-iiil . rut on or i-u need by Hlii-li Li-ntiit;e-nient ns Rilliiuic nltnt-144. toatlve neaa, 4'hronli- li inrrlinen.lly ap.-p-'hIii. jHiiiiillr'und Female IVl-ik" ineaaea. 1 tnlile fectlns a rmlienl cure. A. a l Afll II.Y MKIIK'IAE CO It Is i.l:(I .H. KI, anil ia jkL.- WAYS MFH. apoonfiill tnlieia nt commence .nent of an HttHCk of SI CSC 15 ml imtcs. II I, MMVor KAJOW 1HiS MA IH1 Ol Tll WM ly 1 bottle. THY 1TI For psmphlit cotitnlnlna useful Informnllon ntirl nil rct the Liver, adrlrese OR. S l'FOlUt tfewYork. WOLD BY ALL PHrGfilST 'A UTtFVL Invtntion for marking Cl4htng and priming Vardi Ac. An article that try bony (tariff, iyp to pira uny niimw, buiiiuf or addrrsi. YeruproiUall'.amm- '0 ingand tnitructirt for thf young. AO.l.f I r wi-h 8 alphahrtt type. n. a, i. u i(h h I- JlJrHvertd bv mail frit. Aaentr wanted. COLD1 N C & CO.Huhluitvl1 bq.IittBtoa Do Your Own Printing Outfits from SI up Golding Jt Co., tlanufs, Washington Sg, Boston gEARL Printing Fross Seir-inxtng s aetr-ttfurnnng. nun, - Steam Power. Aw improvement. ""r prxnl tnacard. eireutari. etc-.v a no tnperior. It it Unequalled fur rate and ra pidily of operation, compactnei; beauty of de tijn and mechanical eonttruction. Prieee, $ 2 rn 14i3. Sen.t A ilnmn rT Cataloaue. COLD I N O & CO. 0 w "ktptoB fag. Hot tea SMITH OMAN CO. Boston, IVX These Standard Instrument Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Agents Wanted in Ev6r7 Town. Bold throughout the United State on tha IN!!lTAl.L,jIENT '1'bat l, on a Byatam of Monthly Pa-mcui. Pnrehaaai.ahonld a-1 tor tn Mi-t n yn..i:H".o Oatalomaanrf f nil partlrnlM. n n-'-.-.i r 500,000 ACRES OK Michigan Lands F O n 13 Ij E ! I Tht ,andn olTi-ir Jarknon l.nntli.ff and ISnftlanw HnUrond t'ompitiiy ur Now OFFKHED FOR PAI.K. They r itatti alonsr It n rail rod d an1 Cfftitiila lAre tracUof eicttileut FARM iAU ami I'INK Laml-. Tha taruiltig lands Include some of lUe niont fcrtlie and weU wattudd tiardwood lands in tbn Mte. Tin e are tlxobrnd mainly with hard-maple and biect ; hi 11 black, landy luam. nnd abounds In sprinK ot purw t water. Michigan Is one of the least Indebted and mont prosprons MtaUta in Ihe Union, and Its armuia have a greater variety of crops and rvaV-urces than any Wnetvin htat. While aorae of the prairie Statwt muy prod t re corn in s:r-at abundance, thy have no otbet nBonrr and wben thl - unp fills destitution lollows. as baa Letn the oaw the pat yar In baneas nud Nebraska. Hrlce irom to ).".H nnr ut re Send for Illostrated I'arupr.le. id iii O. l. ItAKNKS ('ninmUlnoor. I o v. -. ,.. !,,'. mmm 1 V WlVStW 1 '"nryn".. " HALE'S Honey op Horehound and Tar ' tob ins curb of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarse nsss, Difficult Bkkathino, and all Affections of thb Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs, leaoina to c'onbumption. Tbls infallible remedy is composed of tho Hon by the plnnt Horehound, in chemical ur on with Tab-Balm, extract ed from ne Lira Pki.nciplk of the forest t 8 Abies Balsamea, or B.ilia of Gi) A. T1 . Honey of Horehound soothes Ai BCATTBRB all irritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Bahn cleanses aiio Hi alb tbe throat and air-passagei leading to the lungs. Fits additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, aud in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep yoo from trying this great medicine of a ftimous doctor, who has saved thousands of lives by it in his large private practice. N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad tastb or smelL , raiORS, 50 CENTS AMD ft PER BOTTLR." Great savuig to buy large size. ' Bold by all Druggists., Pike's Toothache Drops" , tiure la 1 minute. W. Y. W. U. . SO. f tfl Cf MTtNNIAL W.-l-laY ar ,MLSk, sfef jott tr aj,,4-At,1 ",1; ?ts4i XTUKM WHITINU TO AUVEKTIHKKH 11 Vleaaa aajr that yaa aaw taa aarll scat la ikla vapar. 1 Vi