The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 16, 1875, Image 3

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Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
. . Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in
Hall a new Brick Building. Cltiimt foi
Bolleciion promptly attended to.
Office in New Brick Building, Main Si
Ridnwny, Dlk Co., l'a.
J, 0. 11. BAILEY,
vlniayl. Ridgway, Elk Couhty, Pa.
Agent Tor the Traveler's Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers Ms professional ser
vices to t lie citizens of Ridgway ana sur
rouuding country. All work warranted
Office in Service & Wlieeler'a Building, up
stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-SiMy
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, l'a. Agent for tb
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Go)'
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, doce with
lie same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
ttstioa guaranteed. tlnly
Druggist'and Paimaccutitt N. W. cornai
of Maiu and Mill slice!?, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected Tor
eign and Domestic Drugs. Proscriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, dny or
Sight. VluQj
Physiciau ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad end
Main Sip, Keeideuce enrnor Broad St.
opposite the College. Otlice hour lrom
6 ta 10 A. M. and lrom 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. B OR D WELL, M. D.,
Boleotie Physician and Surgeon, hasremsv
d his olbce lrom Centre aired, to .Man si.
Ridgway, Pu,, in the second story of the
ne brick buildiug of Johu 0. flail, oppo
site Hyde's store,
OJidO hours:! to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M
Kiuuwat, lk Co., Pa
W. II. SCII U AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bstowed upou liim, the lie
proprietor, hopes, by puyiog strict at
tention to the comfort and coiiveuieuce ol
guests, to merit a continuance i iht
tfst SO 1869.
Cbktkc VILLI, ELK Co.,
John Collins, Proprietor.
ThauKlul lor tlie putrouugu heretotort
o libsi'tliy beiiiuwed upuli bim, the tie
pro J rielor, liopus, by paying Ntrict at
tenuou to lite coiuiur. am couveuieuct
of gujsts. t 'iiieut a continuance of tut
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries.
and General Variety,
Eurley 1. U.
Philadelphia & Erie R. U. Division
ONvand after MONDAY, MAI 24, 187C.
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Lit Railroad will run as follows :
KANE ACCOM leaves Kenovo..... 4 85 p ai
' " Diiliffood.. 6 66 p ni
' " Luiporiuji ti 65 p ui
' " Kt Marys... 7 65 p m
" " Kiugwuy... 8:6)iu
' " Wiluuz H 05 p Ui
arr at ivaue.. 0 ao n m
IEIS MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p in
iteuufo ll Uo a iu
Lmpuriaui..,.., 1 10 p ni
St. Mary's 2 00 p u
Ridgway 2 25 p ui
Wiloux 2 68 p in
rrive at Erie 7 60 p ui
SNQTO ACCO.d leaves Kaue... 8 00 a id
" Wilcox- 8 83 a in
" Ridgway U 25 a ui
" b: Marys 10 01 a m
" Emporium 11 05 am
" Driftwood.....' i 15 p in
" Renovo 1 40 V ui
RII MAIL leaves trie .....lUUsoi
" " Kaue 8 45 p in
Wilcox 4 08 p u.
" " Ridgwuy 4.45 pm
" " St. Aiuiy'a 6.10 p m
" " Emporium 6.06 p ni
" " Renovo 8.25 p m
" arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 ui
novo Accom and Kane Accom connect
t and west at Eust with Low Grade Di-
oa and I) S V 4 f K li
Oeu'l Bup't.
fresh family Groceries, and Canoed
JiatP&Ki. Tb ebtaDtitand
J. 8. BORDWELL la Local Agent for all
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
.Shrubs, Roses, Flowers te-, from the best
Nursery lb the state of New York. Buy at
inline nun iuti money. VDnH7mi.
Principal's report for month ending
December, Cm, 1875:
I Jr.. i
ps t y
I un l s ii
TEACHERS 8. S 5 3 ff ?1.
? ?. Sc So o-
Miss B Wil.
cox 8 88 88 70 87 20
Miss A P Tay
lor 2 67 66 62 01 85
Mr and Mrs .f
B Johnson 1 71 69 C2 80 27
Summary 21U 213 190 89 88
Ndiue& of thuse ueittior latetiorab-
neat during the month.
ntoir school department
Thoa J. MaloDa, Jos. Jackson.
Henry Paino, Ira C. Sheiman, Oscui
Qarduer, Edwin Puine, Ottis G. Kelts,
tiluier Gardner, Daniel Irwin, Patrick
Llolland, Frank Gorton, Orin Head.
Charles Johnson, Caper Kime, Chas
MeeDan, Addie Hydo, Julia Flvou.
Minnie Service, Eoima Ulmstead, liena
Maggie Flyon, Sarah Gorton, Flora
Irwin, liese Soribner, Nellie Oltudtead
Nellio Jacksoa, Carrie Cummings.
Mollie Cumiiiins Albertioe Liudgrom,
Atnauda Lindgroui, Katie Meenan,
Minnie Miles, Charlej Dill, Gusste
Woodward, Chaunoey VV'lleot, Willie
Solirani, Eira Taylor, Eddie Powell,
Willie Luther, Charle9 Scriboer, Josie
Mesienger, Joseph Weaver, Eddie
Ilurtou, John Whitmore, Daniel Cuo-
George Shack, Edil Frobursj, Frank
Paine, Charlie Lindgrom, VTillie Cuu-
nioyhiim, James Daily, Charlei Slight.
Freddie Iiruner, Clarice Uordwell, Lily
Gardner, Lizzie Flynn, Nora Mohney,
Charlie Lesser, Usunie Little, Jerome
Gorton, Wallace Dill, Thoa Daly.Frauk
Oyster, Charlie Tonquin, May Scull,
Mary Sherman, Annie McGovcrn Daisy
Kime, Grace Scribucr.
Names of thote best in deportment.
Willie Geary, Eddie Warner, Charles
Olmstead, Alton It. Clupin, Thos. W.
Jackson, Willie Meenan, Ira. C. Sher
man Chas Meenan, Rona Powell. Helen
Little, Emma Iloss, Hattie Hinds, Ada
B. Stevens, Julia Flynn.
Liizie Shack, Addie Uordwell, Kittie
Whitmore, Uaisio Scribuer, Albertioe
Lindgrom Amanda Lindgrom. Kutie
Meenan, Ada Malone, Mack Kime,
Harry Gillis, Eddie Powell, Charlie
Gearv, Charlie Scribncr, John Whit
more, Willie Luther, Frank Earley,
Willie Maloney, Holland Cook.
Charlie Williams, Preston Mercer.
Uennie Little, Laura Williams, Daisy
Kime, Lilly Cummings, Mary Shack.
May Scull, Carrie Ely, Johnnie Daly.
Maekie French, Thomas Fanoo, Char
lie Slight, Charlie Lesser, t'Jalvio Sey
mour, Sadie Scull, Annie Schoening.
Grace Scribner, Frank Caton, Fred-
erica Bonsack, Nora Mohney, Johnnie
Bruner, Sarah Layman, Maud Miles,
mi I II . a
ine following are tuo Damss of tliose
who passed the best examination at the
close o! the month.
A Grade. Julia Flynn, Alice Si
monds, Chas. Olmstead, Carrie Luther,
May Little.
B Grade. Helen Littla, Eddie War-
ncr, Thos. Gillouly, Reua Powell.
0 Grade Oacar Gardner, Ida
Olmstead, Thos. J. Malone Ada B
Stevens Hattie Hinds, Thos W, Jack
son, F.innia Olmstead, Clyde Kime.
D. Grade Dauiel Irwin, John
Shack, Emma Iloss'
E Grade Maggie Flynn, Daniel
Cunningham, Harry Gillis, Lizzie
Shuck, llolluod Cook, Eddie Powell,
Kittie Whitmore.
F Grade Willie Schraui, Lizzie
O'Brien, Martha Walker, Micnie Kline
Annie Kline, Willie Luther. Nora
G. Grade Katie Meenan, Albertioe
Lindgrom Amauda Liodgrem, Nellie
Olmstead, Nellie Jackson, Bessie
iicriboer, Chauncey Wilcox, Eddie
Ilortoo, Johu Whitmore Gussie Wood
B Grade Bruce Kime, Barney
Fanoo, Sadie Scull, Clarice Burdwell
Lily Gardner, Luly Cummings, Ida
Pollman, Lizzie Flynn, Wallace Dill,
Frcuk Caton, Frank Paine, Edith Sber-
mao, Mary Sherman, Emma Seymour,
Mary Job upon.
C. Grade GleDuio Johnson, Eddie
Holaday, Dan Maloney, Willie Sheao,
Warreo Irwin, Josephine Tooquio,
Emma Geary, Ella Malone, Carrie Ely
Coryell Boss, Frank Oyster, Jerome
Gorton, Preston Mercer, Freddie
Urumer. Anna MoMaooui, Annie
Walker, Lotie Holes, Grace Soribner
i'liw ueien Luttle is tbe only one
who did not miss any words io spelling
The following named persons visited
the school during the month. Misses
Litiie Luther, Mary Horning, Aggie
Barrett, Mrs. Martha Malone, Messrs
Jerome Powell, O..JJ. Grant, Eug. J
Miller, W S. Service, Wm. Geary, Fre
Wilmarth, D. W. Baldwin, Calvin
Luther aud Geo R Dixon, Co. Sunt.
In closing this roport I desire to call
special attention to the large and regular
attendanee during the past month.
J. B. JOHNSON, Priooipal
Ran and ValuaLU
Many c them
Beautifnltjf llluttrattti,
frocetiingi of tat Elk Co. T tUhtrt' InsUtate
The Teachers' Institute ot Elk Co
convened Dee. ,6ih 1875, at the public
"chool building, Wilcox, Pa. The con
vention was called tu order at 7 P, M
by the County Superintendent. A" meet
ing at 3 P. M. had been advertised but
the decoration of the room io which th
Institute was to assemble not being
completed the meeting was unavoidably
postponed till evening. The assembly
being calleJ to order a "Song of Wei
coeui" was finely rendered by the Wil.
cox school. The County Superinten
dent after makios some preliminary
remarks aoout institute matters re-
i i
fered to the fact that the Hon. Jack
son a. anuitz ot ixcw xort uity was
Komewhere in the audience and called
upon him to preside aud on taking the
chair to make an address. Mt. Shultz
being uuauimously and wtth mttch en
thusiasm elected chairman, came forth
from the audience and at rjncfl began
,. tr v.. .
nis enort. ins principal taenia was
Geography and all he snid was brimful
of practical and Valuable suggestions
culled from a long and active business
life. A thrilling vocal duett was tbo
rendered by Mrs Allie Ernhout and
M. Sowers, alter which Mr. Shultz, in
troaucea tne nev. wm. iionman as
. . t I . r rv r
tbe Lecturer of the evening, who deliv
ered in fine style his excellent lecture
entitled "The Sculptor' and the Sculpt
ured. After being rrgaled by music
by the Wilcox Band, Prof W. W
Woodruff of Newtown, Pa., was intro
duced and he being an excellent deba
tor and taking exceptions' to some
thoughts presented by the other speak
ers at once struck tbe key bote of i
deep interest in all, and sounded' the
tocsin that roused the whole village, for
alter Monday evening tbe rooms were
tilled io oveinowiDg-.
Tuesday Morning institute called to
order at 9 A. M. Music by tbe Wilcox
School, entitled " He Thank Ihee lor
Rett Lords prayer was repeated by
lieV. ni Uoffuian alter which the
following election took place Prof
Johnson was chosen Vice ptesident W.
S. Mct'hetrau Secy Miss Addie P.
Ta lor assistant Secf S. T. Brockbsnk
J B. Johnson Floy Spencer Miss Pal
mer and W. S. McPherran were elected
in serve us a coniuiit'eo nn Permanent
Certificates. A Grunt Childs and lie v.
Wm. Hoffman were then appointed
censors ioj the day to report on the fol
Ijwiog morning, A. Grant Chilis, J C
Wharton aud Miss Flory Sptrticer were
nmo appointed to serve as a comm'ttee
on resolutions The County Superinten
dent having procured lilt copies of the
'Musio page Supplement" now pro
ceeded to distribute them add called
upon all to aing which they did with a
will, beinj led aud instructed by Prot.
Woodruff with Miss Lufa Brown at
the organ. After which Prot Wood
ruff lectured on School Management
every leacher noting down the lecture
as requested by the County Superinten
dent. The roll was called twice each day
and tbe average attendance at the day
sessions was about otle hundred and
twenty-five active members
Musio by the Iustitutc horn the
"Musio page." Review by the County
Supt. ff the foreuooo's Ulk on School
Management io which neatly every
teacher was calhd, upon and suffice it to
say Without mentioning their names
that each answered promptly all the
individual questions asked, showing that
toey had O' Uie for the purpose ot beint:
benefited and had given an attentive
ear. Ao excellent essay was next read
by John I. Painter suhjuct " Teaching."
Vocal Musio "When wilt the birdt
come lavkV sdog by Misses Brown.
Goodwin and Schriuer. Class drill in
"Primary Grammar" by C. S. Luther
alter which Prot. Woodruff resumed
his leoture on School Management, lie
save and fully disoussed the following
1. Have few rules. 2d Learn how to
wait. 3d Behave well yourtet.iih
Expect good behavior bth Show
disappointment 6fA Seem u$ littte a
pouibte to govern 1th Study self con-
trot oth Study the time for giving
advice 9:h Govern at much at pouiblf
with the eye Kith Govern kindly 11A
Uovern with discrimination 1 1th
Govern impart iulL Zth Keep all
bunyHth Anticipate critet.
JNext to order after sioeinz by the
whole institute from the "Mnsis page"
came tbe olass drill in Mathematics by
Prof A. Grant Childa. Io the course
ot his effort be elucidated method (
adding or substraoting any two fractions
having the same number lor numerators
Rule. To find the sum of two ire.
tions havioe the same numerators multi
ply the common numerators by the sam
of the two denominators and place the
result obtained over tbt product ot the de
nominators, to tod their difference
multiply the difference ot the denom
inators by the common ameretof and
plaoe the result over the prodttot l the
Exercises opened by musio by Wil
ox Cornet Hand, after which Prof.
Woodruff a veteran in the eatee ot
edueation was introduced bv Hon Jack
son 3 Shultl, and he spoke Snetraet-
iveiy and entertainingly on our ouocess
and failures. The leeture was too long
io insert nere.
Musio by Mrs Allie Ernhotttind Mil
Sowers entitled, '-Beautiful MoonligW,
Pro. Henry Houck Depty State 6apt
then addressed the Institute Ha eM
"Pennsylvania is ahead of all other
states io thematurot Institutes, advised
the teachers to fve their undivided
support to Prof. Dixon In his nobis ef
forts in the cause of educatiou.
Musio, "Jennie xheji'iwrt fit(hre"
oy Mrs Allie trnhout and Miss Sowers,
This was the crowning effort as regards
. . a . a
music ana received tne encooitttns ot
an appreciative audience.
Hon Jackson Shultl addressed the
assembly on "Physical Culture" and
short all hie talks were replete with good
solid common sense
The large concourse of people passed
slowly out while the Wilcok Cvrnet
Baud discoursed sweet strains.
Opening exercises were Conducted by
Prof. Woodruff The Lorde prayer Was
repeated aud several pieces were sung
by the Institute lrom the ''Matio lige"
I he question "Should Whispering be en
tirely prohibited in school" was warmly
discussed by J. L. Brown, Johnson,
Urocltbank, Wharton, butber, and v
short by Dearly all the male teaohers.
Musio by the Institute.
Reviews of lectures by county Sunt.
during which nesrly every teacher male
and female was called Upon to answer,
f rot llouck presented tbe subject of
orthography and introduced it by say lot
tht it is tbe most important ana dieY
cult study taught in the common schools
A person whose chirograph y and erthre-
graphy are good has decided advantages
over all the other competitors spplyicg
lor tne same position, spelling to a great
measure should be mastered prior to
the age ol sixteen. Keep the diction
ary at your elbow especially while writ
iuir JJo not Use one method exclusively
Use dictation exercises. Tbe Tims
spent in spelling Is spent profitably.
'i'L. rn .... i
i ue lonowiog suggestions were nieae.
1 short cessions
2 Call the Class io aa orderly man
3 Secure the attention of the class
4 Thot-oUgh preparation by pupils
5 Pay attention to misspelled Words.
G Spell by syllables
7 Teacher selcot words
8 Pupils select words
0 Be enreful of pronunciation
10 Pupils print the words
11 Prououuce before spelling.
12 One trial
13 Drill. Drill, DRILL DRILL.
14 Practice on goup, need, back-avche
Mri Armstrong Followed the Debut
State Superintendent and gate a elass
drill on Grammar.
The exercise wis well conducted and
proved both interesting and instructive.
a majority of the teachers were assigned
reterrea questions by 1'rot Dixon which
they answered Very Creditably, space
and time will not permit the individual
mention of all the teachers in atten
dance but the Directors over the en
tire county can rest assured tht each
aod every teacher present had work to
perioral anil the County Supt. ssw that
it was performed
JhefolloWibs are sotoe of the hues-
tion referred the answer to which were
presented in writing at tbe opsbina; of
the next session
1 What is discipline, and What dis
cipline is essRiitial to the success of a
school? Why? Answered by Mfa. Ir
2 What do you do it) prevent offences?
Answered by Lawrence Fee
2 Why, how, when, and where, du
you puuibh a pupil? answered by Mr.
4 Give tho artumebts for and
ttgaitxt prises as inbeutivo to atudy?
Miss Add its P Taylor
0 Uive what you call proper triliea
tives to study? Mr John E Hewitt
U How would you win the attention
of a restless class MrsJohuion.
7 What is illustration lb teschin
and to what extent do you teach by it?
.miss rnor
8 What are tbe advantages of re
views? Mr. Keely
V hat is the desikb of auestiDhine
in teaching? MisS Terwilliger
1U YY bat are the aheiactetiatice or
a good question? Mr Sawyer
11 Whit Constitutes a srood answer?
12 How do vbu call and dJmiss i
class? Miss Corbet
13 In teaching what branches do
you use the blackboard? Miss llsnn
14 What is the differaoce between
teaching and keeping aebool? Myrdn
15 What is your plan of keeping
pupils at work while at school? Mr.
16 What do you think of teachers'
nstitutes? Mr. Hsyes&o&o too numer
ous too mention
Wednesday afterroom
was devoted to singing answering re
ferred questions by tbe teachers, review
of Prot. Huuck's lecture on Ortho
graphy, Pf on uneiatloh by Pfof. Wood
ruff, sad a very spirited discussion on
Primary Anthmetio" by Mr Sawyer.
and the entire Institute. Ha gave rea
sons forjotertmg the divisor in division
of fractions. Prof J B Johnson, Miss
Brockbabk, Messrs Msy, Kerner, Qross
Rsught, Painter, Rolle, Sawyer, Whar
ton and others, took an aetiVa part io
the exercises of the afternoon. A spell-
contest eondueted by Prof Hoock, was
engaged in by all. '
wxdhesday evening.
Musio, Oome where tbe Violets
Blow" by Mrs Ernhout and Miss M.
Sowera Prof S T Brockbank, lectured
on Phrenology in the Sohoolroom"
Rev William Martin delivered a
humorous, instructive and highly enter
taining leotttre entitled "Savoir Fatre"
Mr. McCollios added largely to the
interest of the Institute by his Vocal
Musio aod Recitations His reputation
is so Well established that comment
would be entirely superfluous
Music, ' Silver Tints The Gold" by
Mrs. Ernbottt and Miss M. Sowois.
While the audience were being assem
bled and dismissed the Wilcox Cornet
Band discoursed sweet strains and in
the language of Shakespeare. The
musio had "charms to soothe many a
savage heart,", fur the lions and the
dears extended the arm of fiiendshin
ad filebtly marched away.
The Lord's Prsyer repeated and
musio by Wilcox Glee Club under the
direction of Miss lura Brown whi
deserves gnat ered It for the effort made
to furnish wood musio during the week
The menioera of The Glee Club were
selected from the pupils of tho Wilcox
Grsded School.
The Censors made their report. Be-
view ot the lecture on Pronunciation by
Prof. Woodruff. Tbe following persous
piontDtly Rave the information asked
tor concerning the subject matter oi tne
leeture. Misses Spencer, Fry, Hall.
Prof Johnson, Messrs field, Jordon,
Keelev. Wharton. Orthonranhv best
reported Object'Lesson on a Pan-cake
Song by Mr McCollios; Prof, Woodruff
on School Apparatus.
was devoted to the Directors of whom a
goodly number were present. They
discufsed taxes, minimum term. Direc
tors remunerated, granting of school
buildings for other purposes, giving
i he teachets their time while in attcn
ce at Institute etc Exortatioo to
take the Pennsylvania School Journal
by Profs. Woodruff sua Schenck
Musio '-The Stream ot Time" by Misses
Sower and Parsons
An Essay "Order and System" bv
Mr Luther, Darkness prevented the
readiogot the entire essay !
Music by Wilcox Cornet Babdt Ptof
Houck spoke eloquently and earnestly
on "Education' music, "Shadows on
the Stream" by Mrs Krohout aod Miss
M Sowers
Mr MeColHn recited with true artis
tic taste "Barbara Frichie."
Music by the Wilcox Cornet Band
Prof Woodruff Was introduced abd
gave an instructive lecture
Musio by Mrs Ernhout and Miss
Sowers Mr McCollios followed by recit
ing a piece from the ' Pickwick Pa
Hob Jackson S Schultz beibg loudly
Called for stepped on the rostrum smid
deslening applause He spoke on
"Elocution" aud closed his remarks by
saying that these meetings had inter
ested him more than any other he bad
everattahded at Wilcox
Chant by Prof Woodruff Censors
report by P. of Johnson and Mr Paiu
fer Ptof Woodruff resumed School
Management Prot Houck continued
tbe same subject Don't threaten Have
only one role; Do tight Mean Yes and
No Never scold Never command un
lets yens that it is enforced Never
have your pupils tattle Instrumental
music by Mr Bef Hoard A talk on
Anatomy & Physiology which Was illus
trated by a Skeleton, kiodbr f u tnished
by Dr Hartley
The Committee on Resolutions repor
ted Two or the Resolutions were ex
puberd Be it said to the honor ot Wil
cox that every one evCn down tb the
smallest pupil did all lb bis poWer to
make the Institute a success ami their
brightest anticipations have been fully
realised Alter the resolutions were
adopted stiribg speeches were triads by
A 15 Prelltott Ksq J (J Malone, J L
Hrowh, E J Miller aud others, after
which the convention adjourned "st'he
Respectifully Submitted
The report of the Committee on resolu
tions which resolutions were adopted bv
tbe Institute.
1st. Resolved, test the VfleatldO Of the
successful teacher ilndt surpassed in honor
usefulness Br influence by any oi her pro.
fession or calling: and that as the leacher
is tha school room stands in loco par'tnttt
over the children intrusted to his charge;
tbe pareat and society have a right to dt
naet.0) the highest possible moral and intel
lectual qualification for that office-
2d Resolved, that it is 'he tat!hers
d uty tb aim at the highest standard of ex
eellensa end that as important means to
such ah aluldrtebt, it is the duty of every
teacher td Stteadthl County Institute read
the etfaoaiieiBl. Jearnal acquaint himself
with curreht literature and newl of tha
day, and generally ttf be aliva to all the
latest issprovessents ia mode aad method of
8d Ref otvsd, tnat tkl taaehev'l eonipea-
ation should commensurate with hlsmet-it,
and that equal eicelllence and equal duty,
should command equal pay regardless of
distinction of Sex, that while lbs teacher
should be influenced by higher considera
tion thah that of mere salary we believe
that a Sheep teatiher iild a poor teacher
ari snonjaotie terms.
m Hstoitsd, mat tut niftiest duties or
a sehoul director are not those prescribed
bylaw: that fidelity to his trust dereands
an earnest enihusiasne seal ia the cause ot
Sdileation. Ua should make freemen!
v'siiS 10 tha school room cooperate with and
encourage the teacher and give eareful at
tention to thS comfort, conte'nietiee aud
vsh ornauieht of the school house and
Oth BttolW that u Jnttttute Rat bten
an mintnt tuteei;
ik Resolved that td all who have eoa-
tribattd to this gratifying sueeess our
hearty aad Sincere ibanks are tendered i
Tth Relolvea, that we the teachers o
Elk Ce. Will Unite with the teaohers
throoibdtit the 8tate in a petition to tbe les-
islatots for the enatment of a laW making it
bbllgattfry upon Boards of school dtreeioTS
to allow mm mnd fy tt UHtktrt in their em
ploy while attetdiol llachei'S institutes
and thai the JJsWtmeBt of Publio In
struction) tod ifraf veestty euperintendent
are raaaaetsd tS M tm proourmg tbe pas-
age el sue a taw.
eigne 1 I J. C WHARTON, V Com;
1 rW)T BFSXCliR. )
Subscribe for tbe Advocati.
Oreen Rio eofl'ee a P. A K's.
Obi those besutifui prints at P. i
Knit undershirts snd drswersi at P &
Ladiea dress goods newest styles a
f. X K's.
Hats snd Csps a complete assortment
at P. & K'a.
Hunting Rubbers! with aod without
heels, a large lot at P. k K's. All
other kinds of rubber boots and shoes.
Wedding and Mourning out 6 is for la
dies at JUT a: 61LVHMaNN', apposite
the court house, VYiliianisporl, Pa
CifciAl'l CHbAfl UliAP!
Coods marked down to astonish the
world Call and see us. MAT HiLVEK.
MANN, Williauieport, Pa.
Milhnerjr goods, hair switches, jewelrj.
laiicj iooJs, notions, ladies St children
cloaks, di esses & undergarments. Whole
sale & Retail at MaV 1l MLA'fcKM A N VS
opposite tne ooUrt house, WilliKumport, P.
Vj'eare agents for Tidira demorest pat
terns, aataluuges free, snd lor one, pat
terns sent b,v. mil MAY il,VKK.
ai&ifi o Williauieport Va.
"King Bee" aud inauy others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking ut
all the popular brands at P. & K'a.
From two to three hundred Indies cloth
coats latest stales also a large lot of Puis
ai prices so low to aetouisn eery bed;
MAV & 81LVEKMANN, opposite the
Court House, Williamsport, Pa.,
CoodGsh boneless and skinless, Also
some of the old fashioned in lull dress,
at I'. & K's.
Bate you been to Wlllianiaport Pa., to
bujr what you want at MAY & SILVKR
MANN'S, opposite the Court House. Thr
are giving up retail busiuess & are selling
goods terr cheep.
Those new style prints, at P k K's
are the general talk of tho town. Go
and see tbem.
Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn
down owners also the good old Byron
style at P. k K'a.
A full slock ot fresh Family groceries,
such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice,
Syrups, Spices, R. B- Powder, Bkiog,
and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
in that line, at P, k K's.
A general stock of winter clothing,
at Very low pribbs at P. k K's.
If you want a bag of feed, Or a
utiflhel ol potatoes or a barrel or sack ol
bour or even a small sack of Graham
flour, it will pay you to step into P d.
K's lor it
If you pay for goods when you buv
them, you will never bo troubled with
the uigt-ttJafe ol debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, aod your
wife aod children will greet you With a
smile in tbe morning. Go to Powell
& Kime's model store with your cash,
get more than its value aud go home
satisfied. 1 hey have adopted the cash
eysteui, and say
it is working charm-
Hair switches 75 cents 00 2 00 3 66 &
4 60 Worth double lbs boucy and Hucbes
:or 25 cents hats from 23 ceuti upwards
Tiinicd bats from $1 00 upwards, great re
duction in all k.uJs of goods at MAI k
SILVlKMANN'o, VYilliamspori, Pa.
Prices io astonish tLe world. Ever;
thing is bound io be sold to quit business;
Come etery Dody. Building and fiuu'te
tor sale. MAV ft BiLVKUM.tRN, Wil
liamspurt opposite the Court HoUse.
RfeAl) TlltS.
MAT ft 8IUMIMAN Williamsport Pa.,
are discontinuing the reiail trade abd are
selling goods ai aud below boat. Call aud
see them the; are great bargains:
If you want any bl'ched or blown
muslins, from to 10-4 wide any
quality, gB to head quarters, Powell k
iv line's and select to your taste.
FURS! FliKS! illKS! FUK8!
Extra inducements offer d iu ladies ft
childrens furs, small sets at $100 ladies
eels lrom $2 00 and upwards extra bar
gains in Miuk sets first qiUliiT at, MAT ft
Those Hamilton Corsets at P k K'a
are tbe most durable, aod the cheapest
ia market.
Over Coats? from 5 to 125 a large
and splendid stock. Step in abd get
oca hi P. k K's.
Rosted coffee a genuine article, at P
k K's.
utuniBf Clothibg, for these Coy
and children, Linen, Alapaea and sum
mer Cashnier at I' k K's
Ulve the Adsooots office a ball for bill
beads, letter-heads, cards, shipping lags,
and if you arc going to get married leave
us an order for mu cards.
NeW goods, every day in the year
except Sundays and lsgel holidays at
the great mammoth Grabd Central
Store of P. k K's. No brsggiog
around. Call for whalyou want.
Ladies and ebildrcus coats all styles and
qualities, $2 60 8 00 8 75 4 60 6 00 IS 25 7 00
8 76 10,00 aud upwards also shawls and
dresses at MAT bl VEKMANN'tt oppo
site the court heue, Williamsport, Pa.
A complete stock of ladies muses Cod
childrens shces, light, medium and
heavy at P, k K'a. Now is tbe time to
Ground coffee at P. k K's.
Alpacas ehesper than over before
known at P. k K'a.
Trustees Said.
THE tnidersigned. Trustees appointed1
by the Court of Common Pleas of Elk
county in a oertain Writ of Dotfiestio At'
taiShment, No. 153, May Term, 1875. atth
suitor R. I. Robinson ft Cd tl. Fenner ft
Co., hereby give notioe that they will sell
at publio sale or outcry, on tlie' premises
lutcly obcubied by said Fencer ft Co., ou
Cemre street, in the villnge of Ridgwttr, on
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 d P, A. D. 1875,
an 10 o'clock A. M., al the defendant's
right title, iuttfreal and Claim of, in nnd to
the following two town lots: Nos 61 and
64 in the tillage of Ridgwsy, county of Ulk
and State of Pennsylvania, onwhich there
is. erected a frame planing raili 40x90 leet
td tthiuh is attached eugiue, butler and
otticY machinery.
D' C. UY.STER, 1
G. O. MESSENGER, V Trustee.
Ridgway, Pa., Deo; T. 1876. dec8-8l.
By order of the Court of Common Pleas'
of tlkeouniji 1 Will expose to public sa!
on Mu.nUAj, TIJK 2ol'll DAY uF Dfi,
OtlMDERi A. D. 1875, at 2 o'clock P. M.
upon the premises, in the village of Dene
luite. said county the following described
real estate lo-wii: Lot No. one fll on the
corner of Maiu and water streets, according
to the plan of said Village, being 60x160
feet, upon which is erected a two-story
irame liutel 24x50 feel, With a wing at-
utfaeSAHfrLW a-FrHtfurer'eVitf
for hotel purposes, 80x50 feet. This prop
erty has all the appurienanoes Of a first
class Country hotel, has a license to sell
liquors, and is the only hotel in ibe village:
also. Lot No 2 on Walter street, 60x150
feel, upriL which is ereced a frame build-
in K ouo story aod a hall high, 20x38 feet
with a wiug 13x i:J feet, Used as a store aud
dwelling, there is a good well of water
upou this lot.
Also Lots Nos. 1 and 3 On Main and
8teond sueets, each 60x150 feet, upon
which is erected a two-story uwelling house
18x24 feet aud a small birn. Lots im
proved aud enclosed by a good fence.
One. third upou confirmation and tbe re
mainder ,u two equal annual Installments
from that date, with legal interest, payable
aounally, upon tbe wbole sum, to be se
cured by judgment bond abd oicrtgttgo.
liiB aoove premises to be sold aa the
property of the heirs of Ebeu and iUiz tbeih
iViuslow, Idle ot Llk county, dteeased, un
der au order of court, iu partition.
DAMEL SCULL, (Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. 1
Ridgway. Pa., Nov. 23, 75-3t,
EvangelicaljNon-Sectarianj Independent
The Christian at Wfirk.
T. Lo n ut laiuiage Kditor.
Tbe Best Religious Paper published.
Mr. Tairiage's Sermon each week.
Full Keports of Mr. Moody's Work
liy llev. W. M. BAKER.
One of the most popular ot American SWr
TWO NJCW premiums!
After JOSEPH JOIIX, Cxelidted id twenty
nine iirintiiigs aud heretofore sold for $13
aiso an
Paiuted expressly tot-this paper by MRS.
YtblTNbk.andchromocd by L. PRaNU
tO. Bobtjn.
ICjlhfeiie are genuine art works, aud
the best and mdsi expensive picture pre
miniums ever ofiered.
Mott Liberal Terms to Agents,
Without premium po3tago prepaid ..; $3,00
With either premium unmounted, postage
prepaid .....;;..3,25
Willi eiiiier premiuu, mounted by eiprjss
at subtcribers expeuse ; 4,00
JtgTr'or lull particulars as to commis
sious and canvass uddress.
1J. P. COKW1N. Publisher,
TSOTICE is hereby giVen that ipetitioa
will lie presented at the next session of
iuo begislaiure tor the passage of a law re
luoiaiing the Commissioners of the Big
Level biate Road long tuougli to collect
pieseul taxes, pay up indebedbess, and
bcule up accounts.
For the Commissioners,
tn38 W. 8. OVtATT.
Ridgway Cemetery
Lots are now offered (or sale if the
Ridgway Cemetery Association ill the
new Cemetery. The presbot low pried
lor lots niuy Soon be advanced.
Apply at the office of
W. S. UAMRLEN.Secretsry
Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f.
Pupils wishing to receive instruction in
Greek or Latin, oi disiring to prepare for
College can have opportuui'y of doing so
by applying to the Rector of tirace Church.
He liaving made the ueeeseary arrauge
ueutk will be glad to receive a limned
number ol young ladiea and gentlemen for
instruction. For information as to terms
Its apply to
. 10, RidgwefiPa,
Are "COINING JJUbi " with iuo famous
The Fteiicn Edition of which sells for $165,
and the Loudon Edition for $200. Our
t'ouplar Edition ($0.60.) tantainmg cvtr
One llundredjull-pugt quarto plates, is the
iu Amkbic aud Ibe 10 SELL.
Critics vie with each ether ia piatsing it,
and the masses iuy it
From looal agent In Sootbport, Coa'n'.i
"In our village of eighty bouses I have
taken sixty life orders.- have canvassed ia
all about twelve days (iu village and coun
try.) and have taken o.der for on hundred
and tit eopiet."
iiBi FORDIi CO., Publishers,
4toii8 27 Park Plaoe, New York,
NOTICE Ia hereby given that tbe Co
prtBwship heretofore existing betweea the
uadersigned aa butchers at Ridgway, was
dissolved tm the 7th day of October Usu
Taj btslaess will be continued by W- F.
llercer Who will receipt fur all acoouots
owed tha firm of Goff Mercer and pay all
debts owed by the firm.
Ridgway 19 No) 1876 A. E. GOFI