The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 09, 1875, Image 4

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Domratle Recipe.
IJhef Soup. Take a shank bono, xritli
pnTt of tho log, and put in ft kettle with
soft water to cover it, with n mnall pieoe
of butter to kepp from burning, while
tho juices are BXtraoting. Set on the
back of the range, and cook slowly for
nix hours, then strain, and when cold re
move every particle of fat. Tlaoe in an
other pot live carrots, five onions, one
cup of rice, hulf a bnuch of celery, and a
small bunch of parsley. In this pot
may be placed any bones, or pieces of
cooked meat. , Let them also stew slow
ly for six hours, then strain through a
colnnder, and add to tho soup, with half
a cup of tomato catsup. Let all come
to a boil togother, then servo. If kept
in an earthen recejitnele, this quantity
of soup will Berve for a small family for
a week.
Coiakok Pt'wwxa. Take one-half
pound grated bread crumbs, suet
nil op pod fine, and currants; mix with
lour ounces of Hour and one egg.
Season with nutmeg, and boil threo
hours in a mold. Serve with cold sauce.
Fish Sorr. Take one pound each of
any freBh wntor flnh pike, perch, eels,
eta. ; walk iu salt and water, and
then etew with carrots, leeks, sweet
herbs, and onions, in as much water as
will cover them. Stow until all is re
duced to a pulp, then st rain, and boil an
hour, with a littlo mace, celory, and
mushroom catsup, or any high-seasoned
To Corn Beep is thb Pot. Cover
eight pounds of lean beof with boiling
water, add one teacup of Bait and boil
until teuder. It will be found much
nicer than when corned in brine. If it
is to be eaton oold, when it is cooked
quite teuder, draw out the bones, lay it
in a tin basin the bottom of which is
perforated like a colander, press a plate
firmly down upon it, and put a smooth
ing iron on top of tho plate. Of course j
the plate must fit inside the basin. The i
meat turns out in nhape .and cuts very
solidly. A colander will answer, but j
has the disadvantage of sloping sides, j
and care must be taken to have the plate '
so small as not to rest upon the sides of
the oolander, aud yet large enough to I
cover the meat almobt entirely. j
Report or the Chief of the Bureau of Equip
ment find Recruiting.
The annual report of Commodore
Schufoldt, chief of the bureau of equip
ment and recruiting of the United
States navy department, submitted to
tlie secretary, shows that during the
past year 110 vessels have been either
partially or wholly equipped by the
bureau at the several navy yards at an
expenditure of labor and material
amounting to 850(5,221. P3. There were
89,579 tons tif coal purchased at home
and abroad for tbe use of the navy, cost
ing, including freights and shipments,
$415,815.63. ' The rope walk at the
Charleston navy yard has supplied tho
wants of the service with wire, hemp,
manila and hide rope. The equipment
shops at the Washingten navy yiud have
furnished all the anchor, chains, gal
leys, etc., etc., needed for the service.
lie calls attention to tho frequently over
crowded state of the receiving sliij) at
the Brooklyn navy yard, and says this
overcrowding endangers tho health as
well as the comfort of tho recruits. Ho
recommends that tho hulk Vermont bo
roofed aud fitted up with moss rooms,
dormitories, kitchens, etc., capable of
accommodating fix hundred persons,
and be used as a supplement to the re
ceiving ship when occasion may require.
A building is uow being created by the
bureau of yards aud docks on the Co b
dock, to contain bath, wash and recep
tion rooms for the additional comfort
aud convenience of the recruits. This
arrangement is urgently recommended
as a sanitary measure. During the ex
citement of 1873, resulting from the
threatened disturbance with Spain, the
recruits being crowded upon the re
ceiving ship without sufficient facilities
for their comfort and cleanliness, and al
most without shelter, disease of nearly
every form appeared among them ; sick
and discontented, the men either de
serted or were drafted for service unfit
from these causes to perform the duties
required of them. Ho recommends
that the provisions of tho act of Con
gress of May 15, 1372, allowing interest
at the rate of four per cent, per annum
on the savings of soldiers deposited
with paymasters, be extended to apply
to the amount due enlisted men in the
navy, aud retained until the expiration
of their terms of enlistment. He says
that, owing to tho decrease of commerce
under the Amerieau ting, there has been
a growing deficiency of good seamen for
(travel ns a ftlulch.
In the spring of 1870, says a corres
pondent of the Horticulturist, I had the
superintendence of planting some two
hundred trees of various kinds in and
around our public grounds. The spring j
ami Riicfipniliiiir snmmor was one of un
usual and excessive drought. About 1 the navy.' This fact has induced the de
eighty of thoso trees, white elm, soft j partinent to establish training ships at
maple, American linden, catalpa, etc., i the Brooklyn, Kittery and Mare Island
wero planted on the sidewalks for street : na 7M- for the purpose of training
trees; they were on an average ten and !
fourteen feet high. They were planted j
in a rather poor soil (mixed in planting ;
with a rich, black, sandy loam), aud
within a few inches of the curbstone;
the gutters being shallow and well
bowldered. The walk was covered with
about four inches of gravel. Every one
of these trees grew llnely, many of them
making a growth of branches two or
mora feet in length. Some of these
elms when planted seemed almost dead,
but they started and grew well. None
of them wero watored artificially. Tho
same kind of trees planted within the
iuclosures in much better soil, but with
out the gravel mulch, grew very little,
many of them, probably half, died, not
withstanding constant care in watering,
deep and well drained soil, shortening
in, mulching with grass and litter, etc.
The same fate attended more than half
tho trees planted, by others all over the
oountry. Hence I conclude that gravel
and small stones are unsurpassed as a
mulch. They allow the rains to readily
penetrate the soil, retain moisture, ab
sorb heat aud equalize the temperature. I
The practical utility of gravel as a mulch,
where it can be easily procured, should
bo tested by all tree planters. It will j
not injure heavy cluy soil at least, but j
will be beneficial.
boys for sailors in the navy. This has
been done without additional cost.
There are 2G0 of these lads now under
instruction, aud the reports of their
commanding officers exhibit the most
satisfactory results. Should the system
be extended and made permanent, it is
Intereatlna Item from Home and Abroad.
Rebellious Ktaptckaki reoently enptnred the
town of Naroanghun, Khokand, after General
Kaufman had left. General ScabeletT returned
and defeated the Kiptecbaks.who fled, leaving
3,800 dead on the field Tbe steamer
Amerique, of the General Transatlantic) line,
was disabled at sea by the breaking of her
shaft. Her passengers and mail were taken
off by tbe steamer China The llerze-
govinian insurgent captured an important
fort whi. h commanded Znboi, with all Ita gar
rieou. The iimureiiU aloo occupied eoveral
strong positions In the neighborhood of Tire.
Forty students bare been expelled from
Princeton College for Insubordination in be
longing to a prohibited secret society Dy
the destruction by Are of Jones' brewery, la
Mew York, three hundred men were thrown
out of employment and a loss of 1300,000 en
tailed on the owuers Tbe report of tbe
ordnance bureau gives tbe aggregate strength
of the militia of the country 4,724 organized
and 8,701,077 unorganized Cyrille Dion
beat Maurice Daly In New York, In a contest
at billiards for 91,000 and the championship.
Dion made COO points to Daly's 657 A
looom live and five freight oars went through
an open draw near llntberford Park, N. J., on
the Erie road, owing to the signals not being
given. The train hands jumped and avoided
The governor of Massachusetts pardoned
fonr conviots Thanksgiving day, acoording to
the time-honored custom Several fishing
boats were loBt oil the coast of FifoBhiro,
England, and sixteen fishermen are known to
have been drowned. Fourteen more are miss
ing A coal oil lamp exploded in the bed
room of Mrs. Charlotte Chew, at Camdon,
N. J., and set the oarpet on fire. Her daughter
Laura sprang out of bed to give the alarm,
when Iter night dress caught the flames and
the young lady sprang out of a second-story
window, receiving injuries from wlnoh bIio
died in a few minutes. Mrs. Chew also died
from the effects of her burns A lnnatio
named Hi)e, confined in tho hospital at Gettys
burg, r., killed a woman named Beatty, who
entered his room to clean it. Ho choked her
insensible, and then jammed a broomstick
into ber brain The Quebec government
hare decided to send five hundred barrels of
flour to the people of the Magdalen islands,
who are without their winter stock of provis
ions, owing to the wrecking a few days ago of
tbe vessels which were taking tbe same to the
The funeral servioes over tho remains of
Vice-President Wilton were conducted by the
chaplain to the Senate, Itov. Dr. Itankh pro
nouncing an eloquent eulogy. The catkot was
conveyed by rail to Baltimore, where it lay iu
State in the city hall for a short tini.e The
Pm Hfoni.'cur says there is no longer doubt
that England has an eye on Egypt; and the
Paris Temps declares that tho pnrcutee of tbo ,
Suez canal shares gives England the virtual i
suzerainty of that country Ben Edwards ;
soldiers to stop the thieving, they in their
turn will become thieves, and so add to the
number Count von Arniro, of Prussia, Is
to be Indioted for treason The Llberian
troops, In an attack on a native settlement,
were repulsed, with a loss of many men and
three pieces of artillery. The natives at once
began to bombard Latrobe with the latter
Dr. Davis and wife, the abortionists, of Ot
tawa, have bad their death sentences com
muted to Imprisonment for life, on account of
their aid In convicting their Victim's seduocr.
Minister Gushing lias returned an amica
ble note to the Spanish government
Tlnssian papers advocate the occupation hy
Prussia of the balanoe of Khokand The
polios of New York etopjed the lottery of
a church fair, and announced their intention
of preventing any more similar gambling
Tbe National Temperance Society, at a meet
ing, thanked Secretary Brlstow for bis proso-
ontion of the wbieky ring, and demanded that
the Centennial commission rescind their de
cision tobave liquor sold on the grounds of the
national exposition..... Hereafter the govorn
ment clerks In Washington are to work until
fonr o'clock, instead of three o'clock as hereto
fore By the sndden breaking of a chain
attached to the hoisting wagon, which was be
ing lot down in the mines of the Buckvillo
colilery, at Tusoarora, Pa the wagon came
down with great force, instantly killing Hugh
Sharp and Patrick Mclutyre, and wounding
four other minors. . . . A woman in Washington
gave birth to fonr children, and at last ac
counts the quartet aud their mothor were
doing well There is a great improvement
in the Quobeo lumbor markot, the roaeon
assigned being that the Norwegian govern
ment has issued orders to curtail tbe supply in
that cjuutry.
.The Soxes In Germany.
The proportion of males to females in
the population of the German empire
appears to bo steadily declining. In
1855 the excesi of females over males, in
what is now the German empire, was
348,631, which declined in the following
nine years of pence to 813,383 in 1804.
At the end of I860, that is, after the
Schleswig-Holstein and Austrian wars,
the excess was 471,885. In December,
1871. the effects of the war with Franco
were shown in an ascertained surplus
female population of 755,875. Thus in
the Pe-ven vears. from 18(34 to 1871, the
excess of females over mnles in the Ger
man population had increased by no less
than fourteen per cent. Although no
inconsiderable portion of this loss to the
German male population is due to actunl
slnuchter on tho battlefield, it is un
doubtedly caused principally by immi
gration. Even if immigration could
now be checked, it would take more
than one genoi ation to restore the pro
portion between the two sexes in Ger
many to what it was ten years ago.
A Franklin (Pa.) congregation recent
ly announced its intention to add JOO
to the pastor s salary for eacn onnu uum
i i - t a . i :n:Bvafmnll
iu uiB Mirnuy during uis uiu" -
there. The result was twins, and the
society has rescindod ita resolution.
Chapped hands, faoo, ' pimples, ring
worm, saltrhenm, and other cutaneous affec
tions cured, and rough skin made soft and
smooth, by using Juniper Tar Soap. Be care
ful to get only that made by uaswell, H izard
Co., New York, is there are man? imitations
made with common tar, all of which ire worth-
loss. Uom.
M. Quad, tho funny man of the De
troit JhYee Prrss. whose new book,
' Quad's Odds," is being read by every
body, is yet a young man, but he wields
an old man s pen.
Wo trust tho time will come when every
ouo will uso Dobbins' Electrio Soap
(made bv Cragin &Co., Fhila.). Its snle
is daily increasing, as is always the caso
witn articles oi merit, rry it.
hoped that iu a short time the navy will : and Oscar Freeman, both colored murderers,
V.- 1 1 i 11- L 1 1 ' . .
be manned bv intelligent aud native
born seamen, and ninny boys rescued
from idle and vicious lives to enter upon
a useful and honorable career. The
personnel of the navy being limited to
8,500 men, the boys already enlisted
have been token from this allowance.
He urges the passage of a law authoris
ing the enlistment of 500 bovs in addi
tion, and the furnishing by the govern
ment of an outfit of clothing not to ex
ceed 850 for each boy. He also says
tho time has come when something be
sides coercion must be used to improve
were banged at Sirdis, Miss., in tho presence
of about four thousand people, three-fourths
of whom were colored Three ema-l boys
: were buried in a sand pit in Brooklyn, X. Y.,
. aud when they were excavated life vua ex-
I tinct A. Harrimau, of Aubjirn, Me., won
j the fifty-mile walk again it h. F. Avery, of
! B.iugor, who gave out on the thirty-eighth
j mile. Harriman's time was ten hours ai d
' twenty-six minutes New York city milk
i dealers have raised the price to twelve centB
j per quart . The schooner Sunshine was
overturned off the Columbia river, California,
tho morale of the navy. Rducate the i and forty people lost A colored man aud
man for the service, and give him in- j woman wore hanged at Monrce, La., in the
ducement to remain in it by consulting presence of five thousand people, for tho
his wants, both mental and physical. I murder of the woman's husband Chiof-
The records of this bureau prove that j Jastioe Waite declines to allow his name to be
Balkv Horses.
Says a correspondent : I once heard
of au unfortuuate gentleman who had
become insane, but was restored to
sound health simply by causing the
miud to make a sudden revulsion ; which
was done by skillfully causing him to be
come jealous of hiswife, who was a most
excellent lady, and aware of the process.
On this hint we might learn to manage
a balky horse. He is insane on the sub
ject of going, that is self-evident. If
wo can manage to make him think on
some other subject he will naturally for
got about going, and go before he knows
it. The following devices have been
successfully tried to accomplish the de
sired end :
First Tying a string around the
horse's ear close to the head.
Second Hitohiug the horse to the
swingle-tree by means of a cord instead
of tho tugs ; the cord fastened to .the
horse's tail.
Third Filling the mouth full of some
disagreeable substance.
Fourth Tying a stout twine around j and
the leg just below the knee, and then re-1 that
moving it when he has traveled some
Never whip a balky horse, for the
more he is whi- pod the. crazier he will
become. Let everything be done gently,
for boisterous words only confuse him
and mako him worse. Treat him in the
mild manner you would a crazy man, and
you will succeed.
C lover-blck Soil.
In treating of "clover-siok soil," Mr.
Bruce, an Aberdeenshire farmer, states
that in some districts of Scotland the
olover plant dies out after taking root.
Having noticed in several fields where
this ocourred that there was a good
growth of plants near the gate, and head
and end ridges, which was much trod
den upon, Mr. Bruce procured a heavy
roller, and rolled the field twice before
putting in the gross seeds. The experi
ment was perfectly successful, a full
plant of clover being the result, al
though the field had for years before
showed signs of sickness. Again, on
one of the largest farms in Aberdeen- ,
shire there were several nelds wnicn re
fused to grow clover. The farmer got a
roller which weighed fifteen cwt., and
rolled his fields, leaving in one field a
ridgo which was not rolled, in order to
prove the efficacy of the operation. The
result was that while there is abundance
of clover where the soil was rolled, on
the ridge that was left unrolled soaroely
a plant is to be seen.
the fear of punishment does not deter
men from deserting ; take uway the
provocation for desertion, and this de
moralizing crime will diminish. If it
then ensues, punish it with the rigor of
military law. One or two laws of a
negative character the abolition of
flogging and the banishment of the grog
tub are about the total of enactments
looking to the improvement of the rank
and file.
used in connection with the Presidency, be
lieving it inconsistent with his office to be
concerned In politics.
Wealth of the Astors.
Chavez, lieutenant of tbe late bandit Vas
quez, was shot and instantly killed near
Arizona, while attempting to escape arrest.
Secretary Chandler has offered E. S.
Toby, of Boston, the office of ccmmisioner of
Indian affairs Ex-fiov. James E. English,
of New Haven, Conn., has been appointed to
fi'l the unexpired term of the late United
States Senator Ferry The Ontario (Can,)
A Female Burglar.
One Sunday night a farmer uainod
James Stcen, living in Jackson town
ship, Monroe county. Pa., was awakened
by a noiso in his bcilroom. Ho sprang
from bed, when he heard somo one run
ning out of tho room. He followed and
captured tho intruder, who was about
escaping from a window, where entrance
had been effocted. Mr. Steen grappled
tho burglar, and found that it was a
woman, or a man in woman's clothing.
A short struggle ensued in the dark be
tween tho two, during which the intruder
fired a pistol, the chargj fortunately
missing its mark . The farmer soon over
powered and secured tho desperate
thief. Procurinor a light he discovered
I that tho burglar was a woman, not over
tweuty-live yenrs of ago. fthe was dress
ed iu a close-litliug black drefcs and wore
a man's felt hnt, with a brown wing in
tho bnnd. She was recognized as a
woman who Lad been peddling notions
ubout the neighborhood for a day or so,
aud was evidently a l''rench woniau. Mr.
Steen kept watch over hi coptive until
morning. She would not talk, merely
saying that her namo was Frances Sta
rard. Sho had gathered up the farmer's
putaloons aud coat in the bedroom aud
had them iu her possession when caught.
On Monday Mr. Steen preferred a
charge against his prisoner, and she wns
reminded to the county jail to await
trial. She was taken to Stroudsburg on
Monday afternoon, and, owing to the
fact that the jail was in tho course of
reconstruction, she was confined in tho
grand jury room in the court houso for
the time being. The day after she was
locked up sho declared that she would
never be tried, if she had to burn tho
building down and perish with it. Sub
sequently, however, she seemed to ac
cept tho situation aud l.eoame very trac
table. Ihe sequel shows, however, that
sho was only acting a part, to throw the
authorities off their guard.
Early on the following Monday Mrs.
Tuthill, who has charge of tho court
house, was awakened by a strong smell
of smoke in the building. Instituting
an investigation, she discovered flumes
issuing from the grand jury room, and
the corridors were filled with smoke.
She at once gave the alarm, and by great
efforts the fire was extinguished. It was
at once believed that the prisoner had
attempted to carry her threats into exe
cution, and a search was made to see if
she had perished iu the flames or had
been suffocated. It was soon discovered
that she had fallen a victim to neither,
Common Sense vs. Prejudice,
By B. V. Ploroe, M. D., of the World's Dispen
sary, Buffalo. N. Y author of "The People s
Common Sense Medical Adviser, etc., eto.
I am aware that there is a popular, and not
altoeethor niifonncled. nrefndice aeainst "pa
tent medicines," owing to the small amount of
merit which many of them possess. Tbe ap
pellation " patent medicine, dix-s not apply to
my remedies, as no patent has ever been
axked for or obtained upon them, nor havo
they been urged upon the public as "enre
alls." They are simply some favorite prescrip
tions, which, in a very extensive practice, have
proved their snperio'r remedial virtues in tho
cure of the diseases for which they are recom
mended. Every practicing physician has his
favorite remedies, wmon ne ortenest recom
mends or uses, because he baa the greater
coi fidouoe in their virtues. The patent doc:
not know their composition. Even prescrip
tions are nsnallv written in a language unin
tclllcible to anv but tho druggist. As much
seorecy is employed as in the preparation of
proprietary medicines. Does the fact that an
article is prepared by a process known only to
tne manufacturer rentier tnat article less valu
able? How maiiv phvsioians know the ele
mentary composition of the remedies which
they employ, some of which have never been
anaivztd ? ' Few practitioners know how mor
phine, quinine, podopliylliu, leptandrin, pep
sin or chloroform are made, or bow nauseous
drugs are trail-formed into palatable elixirs
vet tliev do not hesitate to employ tbem. I
it not inconsistent to use a prescription, the
composition of which is unknown to us, and
discard another preparation simply because it
is accompanied by a printed statement of its
properties witn directions tor its uer
borne persons, while admitting tnat my meai
cines are good pharmaceutical compounds, ob
ject to thcta on Ihe ground that they are too
often Ui-ed with insufficient judgment. I
propose to obviiite this difficulty by enlighten
ing the people as to the structure and funo
tions of their bodies, the causes, character
and symptoms of disease, and by indicating
the proper and judicious employment of my
medicines, together with suoli auxiliary treat
ment as may be necessary. Such is ouo of
the designs of the People's Medical Adviser,
forty thonsand copies of whieli have already
been published, and are sold at. tlie i xceed
ingl low price of tl.60, and 8ent,poot-paid, to
any' addross within the United Stales and
If you would patronize medicines, scientifi
cally prepared, use my family medioines.
Goiileu Medical Disoovery is tonic, alterative
or blood clausing, and an nneqnaled cough
remedv; Pleasant Purgaiive Pelletss scarcely
larger than mustard seed, Constitute an agree
able aud reliable pnyeio; favorite rrescr p
tion. a remedv for debilitated females: my
Compound Extract of Smart-Weed, a u. agios I
remedy for pain, Dowel complaints, ann an
uuequal liniment for both human and hortsi -flesh
; while Dr. Bage's Catarrh Bemedy i.
known the world over as the greatest specific
tor catarrh and "cold in the head," ever give:
to the public.
These standard remedies have been before
tbe publio for many years a period Ion;:
enough to fully test their merits, aud the beet
argument that can bo advanced iu their favoi
is the fact that their sale was never so grea
as during the past six months. C'ont.
3T O
x ova
84 Qanrto Pn'i
Is now "eady, with PRICE-LIST ; and
very full' information, presenting Accurate
drawings of these celebrated instruments,
with detailed descriptions; including many
new style-, with valuable iP"
ments ; new stops, and elegaut cases.
It is not questioned ny nimnii-remfii j -"51-thntthfseareTHE
Viuter Is now fairly upon us, and the
teams are hastening to the lumber woods in
various parts of the oountry. Our advioe to
every man who goes to the woods, be be cap
tain, 000k, teamster or any otner man, la to
taxe along a good ntooK 01 jonnton 1 Jinoayne 1 " " " - j j j ,1 n,4iollir nrt.
Liniment anf Parsons' Purgative Pitt.. Many equaled, and, if judged critically, un-
- i.u. si- ik. 1,. i,niiiiVaJ kv others. 1 heir tiinie is
saved by this precaution. Com. world-wide. They have AL Al S obtained
highest awards in American imiiimrim re
positions, and received FOUR FIRST
TIONS in PARIS, 1807; VIENNA, 1873;
and LlNZ (Austria), 1875, being the only
American organs which ever receive!
any premium in competition with the
best products of European makers.
The best musicians in Europe and America
pronounce them unequaled.
Trices as low as consistent with best
workmanship and mnterial, and lower than
those commonly demanded for very inferior
instruments. Organs sold for cash or time
payments, or rented until rent pays for them.
Every one thinking of buying an organ ihoulcf
at least ice this new catalogue. It will be sent
free and post-paid. Address the MASON
A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Tremont
St., HOSTON; 25 Union Square, NEW
YORK ; or 80 and 82 Adams Street,
Db.Wihtar'b Balsam of Wild Chsrry
may be well railed a "wonder or mecuoai
science." It cures coughs and colds inttanterl
It soothes the Irritated parts ; it heals tbe in
flammation i and even consumption itself
yields to its magio influenoe. Fifty cents and
one dollar a bo-tie, large bottles muoh the
cheaper. Com.
Promatnro loss of the hair, which is so
eomm-m nowadays, may be entirely prevented
by tho nsn of Burnett s Oocoaine. It has been
used in thousands of oases where the hair was
nombiK ont in handsfnl, and has never failed
to arrost its dooay. and to promote a healthy
and viRoro s growth. It Is at tbe same time
nnrivaled as a dressing for tbe hair. A single
application will render it soft and glossy for
several davs. Com.
Bad enough to look and feel bad your
self; hut no excuse for having your horse
look and fel badly, whon for a small sum you
can buy S'verirlan'ii Cavalry Condition Pmn-ih-rn.
wiiioh given in grain two or three times
a week, will make him look and feel well.
A psnny sawd hsr anil ther
enunt up at the end ot tbe year.
Buy only
Mri.vER tippeh
Rhnnt and you will la re dollars In-
A lno try Wire Qnllted SolM
l'At!l,K srilKW AVIRF
Hof.tufurl Sh'w!s nve no nafl or
Ii-p dtickinjr throiiKh hf bottom
o nrii-k the feut or wear tbe
A Ibo try Wlra Quilted RnW
Have vou ever seen
Th Illu8trnt4 eatnlfiRUft nff Th ErrtMor PnrtahU
Printing Vsnwir WI Frew now rendy. rv nan
hi mrn printer. A few doll n r buyi a press and type for
pp.nttnir cards, tuo'il. envelopes, etc., at quarter prln
tern' prloea. Snv money ana infringe ftuWneM by It'rr
a'ff-((tt7. Rend t'vn stamps for catalogue, to the
MTrn, W. KFXSKY dfc CO., Merlden. Conn.
For tbe toilet orbatb tt hat
no equal. It (a more plena
ant than any Cologne, Toilet
Water or Hand
kerchief Ee tract
Ita perfnme lr
very lasting. If
always agreeable
to the perwoD
ulnc tt, and tr
those around
them. Itfliittn
room with t
rlnaftant odor
Tt ha no eqnal.
ton. Maa. Tl'e "ecard. TRY
OA MNCY rIMH, THtyle, with Name, mv
J Address J. B. HcstCd, Nassau, Renaa. Co.tN.Y.
m.. nMD.l M.iln In America. ' A PRKMTTTM
rimratn." tm! Monwivo fAtx. will he in to eery
Snlmrrllier, whether mnle or in a cmn woo v-
drTir for and remit direct to this office.
Ad1ren. I.. A. " 1 . r unauviu. n.
UVrRPAHFn Ctasnce for Agent". Men and
'Women, nn "Tbe t'omrlhiitor." 04 fnliimne.
I'ellrioni and Recnlar; S. S. l emon" : reportof Rev. A .
H. Karle. Moody, etc ; Honnekeeper ; Stories; eto. A
mwilncent premium. The merre! of all l the prlce.orlr
H I . I O a year. All elaef,, n!d and yoiinir. are charmed
With If. No work like It for anta ;one nays. " Never paw
anythln take like It;" another, " No tronblo to pell."
For Agent' Term", paper, reports, eto.. address witn
utamp, J. II FAr7,E, g Harrley Street, BoSTQW.
7 he New-York Tribune, -
"lip. hearting Amvrlean Xetrspaper.
On reeelnt of 2 and thJ advertisement, THF'
WKKKLY TRTBtTNR will be pent, pontage paid, to any
uddreae until December HI. J.A"r
rli coplea; for fiVV. eleven : for
A octrees XI ir. "t I m .
THE BK8T THAT l'A.1 lib jijiiis.
laitractlve, Pror.tatlo, usi i'lsciijtitif.
O n For Nothlnir
7MI Addrepp J. KP.NKEDT OO.
Agente Wanted Kverywhere
Kicnroonn. mo.
Bookn Kichanged. Fnmtpb all new. Want old. Write
Name thU paper. American Book F.ichange. N. Y
AOTTTTWA and f'ntnrrh Snre Core. Trial free.
flOilU'lA AddrewW K.Rellip.tndlanapolla.Ind
MO n day at home. Agentp wanted. Ontflt and tern"
tre. Addregp TTUTK & C!Q.. AngnatA, Mater
WAN'TKO Af.'BNTS. Pxmr'" - 0..ill r..
B'ter 'Mn Col . A. rrm,Tr-R A OO . Ohl'Jarr
RamplM worth IBI pen1
KR m ?7n P. day at nome. Mampi
03 10 SU lTfm rtinsov a iS
but Lad escaped from the builJing by a
The venerable Peter Cooper, of New manufacturers havo adopted resolutions call-! vmuow, ftU.r uxag tne room, luis sue
York city, a life-loug friend of the late ! lug for tUo taxation of American farm pre- I uau ao" l)V removing mo iioors irom a
Wm ti Act .a infonria. i,. . ... ! j. m-.i, ..r..,.ji. i : Mg bnsc-iHirmnir stnve m tho room
porter. To the query as to what amount ' on croEsuic to this side : also that the customs i Tl, overturning it on the lloor mn hug
of property Mr. Aetor had become pos
sessed of during his life Mr. Cooper
said it was, of course, simply impossible
to estimate it witn accuracy, neverthe
less he felt sure that it exceeded by far
even the wildest estimate of the public.
Giving to it tho estimate of value which
would have been fair before tho late
great and very general decrease iu
values he was sure that $200,000,000
would be a nearer expression of it than
other which was likely to be made by
others than those in charge of his ac
counts. The reporter expressed surprise
at the magnitude of the sum named.
Mr. Cooper responded, naying
his ownership of real estate was
enormous, and even that was larger than
was generally supposed. Then, in addi
tion to that, his investments in ctouks
were really very great. He held stocks
not so muoh as a basis for speculation as
to draw dividends, hence his transac
tions wero not generally noted. Many
who have tried to estimate Mr. Astor's
wealth, said Mr. Cooper, haveforgetten,
even if they ever knew, the amount his
father left to him. And then, in addi
tion to that, they are very apt to forget
that his uncle, who was a very wealthy
man, left him nearly all that he had ac
quired. With two really vast fortunes
thus left in his careful hands many years
ago, and his own untiring effort to add
to the gross amount, one who would give
the question of his wealth at the time of
his death its due consideration would
soon realize how natural it was that two
vast fortunes carefully handled and add
ed to during so many years should have
grown to an almost incalculable value.
Preparing for a Famine,
A firm in New York city in direct
commnnication with the cities on the
river Plate are informed by their corre
spondents that the Spanish government
has ordered all Spanish vessels at pres
ent in Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, Gu
aleguay, Paysandie, and Gualeguaicha
be chartered to load 12,500,000 pounds
of jerked beef for government account,
with destination to Havana. This is re
garded as a measure intended to fore
stall a famine in the island, in the event
of foreign complications resulting in a
blockade of that port, or an active inter
erenoe of the carrying trade.
Very Mortifying.
Gen. Sheridan in his report says ;
"But when it is considered that these
armed parties, us soon as they are pur
sued, take refuge on the opposito bank
ot the river, and there, in sight of our
troops who dare not cross, graze and
slaughter the stolen cattle with im
punity, the sight is very mortifying to
those engaged in the protection of the
I frontier."
j To which the World adds : Certainly
it must be mortifying for the United
States troops to see the festive and
marauding greaser, after escaping across
the uhallow river, light his camp-fire,
corral his horses and herds, slaughter
a bullock, feast like the heroes of the
Homerio age, and then, wrapping the
drapery of his cloak about him, lie down
to pleasant dreams. Indeed, the thing
is so mortifying that we are inclined to
think that if Sheridan, in the pursuit of
border raiders, had pulled up his cavalry
on the northern bank of the Bio Grande,
it would hardly be prudent for the ad
venturous greaser to stop until he had
got at least twenty miles away.
be more strictly looked after The officers
of tho lost steamer Pacific were blamed by tho
ooroner's Jury for poor discipline Col. Dos
Anges, a New York custom house oflicial, con
cerned in the revenue frauds on emuggled
silks, has beeu sentencod to two years' im
prisonment and pay a fine of 910,000
1a Nurd, tho Russian organ, says that the
purchase by England of the Buez canal stock
will not affect the peace of Europe.... It is
stated that, with a view topieveutiug Austrian
intervention, Montenegro has proposed to
Servia an offensive and defensive alliance in
favor of Herzegovina, and if the offer is ac
cepted both countries will take joint action in
April Tbe roofs of the Channcey aud
Grand Tunnel mines, in the Wyoming valley,
Pa., caved in, entailing a loss of over 100,
000, besides throwing an immense number of
miners out of work at a critical season of the
year. The miners, one hundred and twenty
five in number, escaped only two hours previ
ous to the disaster ; and it was owing to the
watchfulness of one of the proprietors that
they were not all crushed.
A duel was fought near Baltimore between
B. W. Baylor, of Norfolk, Va., and Col. James
F. Keegan, as the result of a quarrel in Phila
delphia. Baylor received a shot in the left
side The Isthmus canal commissioners,
appointed by the President, have reported In
favor of the Panama and Nicaragua route as
the mosi practicable. The estimated oost it
36,000,000 The United States supreme
court has sustained the position of the Union
Paoifio railroad oompany by affirming tbe de
cision of the court of claims, namly, that the
company has the right to retain one half of
its earnings oa aciouut of transportation for
the government There will be no sales of
treasury gold ordered for the mouth of De
cember, the enrrenoy balance being large i
enough to obviate the need of any such sales, j
After January first the rate of letter
postage to Japan via Ban Frapchoo will be
twelve cents instead of fifteen cents A
stiff gale prevailed la all parts of the oountry
and shipping disasters are reported from all
along the coast as well as from the lakes
Charles Atkinson, a oolored man ot Franklin,
La., outraged a little white girl, but was
caught and lodged in jail. He as subsequent
ly taken from the sheriff by a mob and hanged
to a tree Aocounts from Tiflis represent
the Russian losies in the reoent rising at
Ehokand as being heavy. Part of the garrison
at Ehokand were massaoied The rubber
shoe factory at Maiden, Mass., was entirely
destroyed by fire. Involving a loss of 1600,000,
on whioh there was an insurance of 1158,000.
Over eight hundred operatives were thrown
out of employment.
Cattle stealing on the Bio Grande continue,
it being asserted that tbe thieve have a cod
tract for 18,000 head to fill at Monterey. The
Mexican government claim that if they send
its burning contents thereon. Hho then
piled the bedding and furniture iu the
room upon the stove aud made her es
cape, jumping from tho window to the
ground, some twelve feet. A large space
was burned in the lloor aud several
beams burned in two. In a short time
the flames would have made such pro
gress that it in doubtful if they could
have been controlled, and a disastrous
conflagration would have resulted. No
trace of the woman has yot been found.
C 4 f e C O K rr 57- Sen,J fr Chromo Catiloyis
4I.U-4lJ. II. BffTOBp'BgoMs, Bofton, .Vhm
IfirWTC 2(1 Fleonnt 111! f'liromoe. reonnted.
nuun 1 elsePill, for 14 I. Novelllea ud fbromop
or err; frrn'fo. national t:tirrmo f;-., Full., Pa.
T1VIRI'PS lea-ally obtained for Incompatibility.
mr eic. : reaioence unnecessary : lee alter decree
Addresa P. O. Boi Mm, Chicago, III.
A Hoy Fiend.
Under the heading of a "Pyschologi
cal Riddle," the Neuo l-'reie J'rcssc re
ports a most shocking caso of juvenile
depravity or insanity as having happened
in the district of Dobcrsberg, near the
village of Trighs. A little boy of twelve
years old was playing in a field with two
little girls, when ono of the latter named
Autonin Durueder lay down and went to
sleep. Tho boy, whoso name was Johann
Fraisl, went up to the child and con
templated her for some time. Ho then
carefully collected the best materiol at
hand for a largo bonfire, arranged these
over the body of the sleepfr, and set fire
to tho structure. The flames immedi
ately rose high above the unfortuuate
child, and when tho other little gill saw
the awful sight, sho screamed to the
young murderer to put out the firo
13 ut Johaun took pleasure iu the spec
tacle, and replied : " No ; let Antonia
burn ; she will go to the angels." The
wind soon rcattered the ashes of the
burnt thild, aud her dospairing parents
found nothing romaiuing of her but
some calcined bones. The boy is charged
with the crime beforo the district court
of Dobersberg. ,
Will be found to poaaeaa tbope qualities neoeeaary t
the total eradication of all bUloua attacks, prompt t.
start the aecretloDR of the liver, and give a healthy tont
to the entire ayptem. It Is no ordinary dlaeovery l-.t
medloal aclenoe to have Invented a remedy for tbeer
etubbom oomplaluta, wbloh develop all the reaulta pro
duced by a heretofore free uae of oalomel, a mineral
joatly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged to bf
deetructlve in the extreme to the human eyptem. That
the propertWe of certain vegetablea oomprlpe all the
vlrtnea of oalorael without Ita Injnri-iut tendencies, U
now an admitted faot, rendered Indlapntable by aclen
tlnc researches ; and tboee who nee the Mandrake Pillq
will be fully eatltfied that the beet medicines are thoee
provided by nature In the oommon kerba and rooti ol
tbe Belda.
Tbeie pllla open tbe bowels and correct all bllloui de.
raPR-ementa without aallvaUon or any of the Injurious
effeuU of calunel or other polaona. The peoretlon tf
bUe lp pr-nvted by these pille, aa will be seen by tbe
alUrel octr uf the atoolp, and dieappearing of tbe
eallow complexion and cleansing of the tongue.
Ample dlreeilona for uae accompany each box of plllr.
Prepared only by J. H. BCHKNUK A t-ON. at their
principal office, corner Sixth and Arch Slreete, Phila
delphia, and for pale by aU drukg a'e and dealer.
Price 25 cents per box.
5 Pirrnrp-Vnurown likeness enlarged to SxlO Pent
free with an H page paper, only !2.0 per year. Send
5c. stamp for sample paper to iN'DKX.tambridgehom.Pa.
rKf l.S' KNr'VOI.OPKIMA.NEW.RfJVlFEri Kmnns.
a A lou.i"' Articles, :nwu r.ngravlngp and 18 splendid
maps. Agents Wanted. Baser, Uavis Co., Phila.
fflOtrrt Month. Agents Wanted. 84 best sell.
XOwlJ 'ng nrtlcles In the world. One sanirle Ire.
Aquress J. sini.M, lletrolt. .inch.
5 OA rislly to Agentp. 85 new articles and the heet
JW Famllv Pap.rln America, with two ISA Uhio
mop. tr-e.A.MKR JtlJFO CO., 22 Broadway. N. V.
We want an Agent In every Orange in the land. Big invesimew. n ff IB Anaresp tor par-
s a Ul S copy of " Orange
I'rlrr. from 5.0O I" 150.00. S. nd . P '"T
maiogue 10 HVN4. . vicious L cel. i-?rr
a, ." VftOah-ratmall lln.l "M'Kl vnau uiuww
ioVMgB I" Ira'Cal SCrvC, lluatnu,
Come on, Book Agents!
ti;w Is tbe time to Make Mol e).
li on th traeV and i hnurt1 to win. It will I nd
,on know H. Hoo't wait u. eipftln.eot on ottav-r hot fci
nd losetbii. ;t .our in for terrlt-ry nd clt
:al nat ouca. UnriTH HiF.E. Addru-n
A MKKIOAN I'UBLIhHIIW P., Uaitforrt. Conn.
Centennial .Gaines
old and younR. nsw
It inr-n 01 lt rrd. Frtca,
15 C-Ilt. " Tftf ar.iltri.l.
O'-i a ti a! in thr horn rirttS
Philip Phillip. !vn er.
A l-o ihiiini-kf Hib -hi1
U.r pn-Tintw: TIJ K TKN"
PLAOl.'fcS ...F F'.YPT. 4
n irtmei on -0 ill ' t
ed card, 0 crU. A-l
Vr.-t, E k. WlEAi'.
j,t. H f,f1--,0-, Y.
w'.'."! pjrrv' cons for
n :tt 6.a (Sat. Adaptl
lr-i.' io er7 motion Ol
k t- nutulr Ktt
'ur.- r.;.tivr u.o nti8
-rtl rnn-uisnOf onrtd
':blt:0 T'.VS Co.
ad pent by mH. Dili ..r en: foi'lv
tlrulars and
In :-eston.
M. KENNEDY. 7ii., tlHm,.
1 V.l.l.nm.nU. PhmMu V..l T7 dl.i.
I graphs. Koran-bonk Pictures. Mottoe. eto. klecent
snmpiesann catalogue sent post-paid for lllcta. Agent,
Wanted. J. U Patten A William St., New York.
PI.IIV III N'T ran be secured by one lady In
The Markets.
Beef Cattle-Prime to Extra Bullocks
Common to Good Texaaa....
Milch Cowe.
Huge Live
lire ef d
8 loep
Cottou Middling
riour Kxtra .Vnateru...
htate Extra
Wheat lied Wepteru.,..
Mo. 1 Spring....
By State
Barley Hlate
Barley Malt
Oata M i xed Wen! csru . . . ,
Corn Mixed Western...
Hay, per cwt
Straw, per cwt
Hops....76'p 13 1
07 1
. .GUIs
Pork Me-a 2J SO
.40 UO (08S no
. 07kra 07
. 09 (4 093,'
. 04 (4 06V
.. 0tJ li OVA
o eo (s o tiu
f 91
1 a
(4 1 H
C4 V5
C4 1 40
(A 76
t 1 05
t I 08
5 eo
1 21
1 18
1 40
Iufurmed Ills Friend.
A Radnorshire (Eng.) lady rooently
pnid a visit to her father at Yorkshire,
who, before she was married, had kept
two or three nhoep dogs, of which ehe
was very fond. Since then he has re
tired from business and disposed of all
but one dog. This one met the lady
with demonstrations of great delight
upon her arrival at her futher's house,
and that night the dog went a distance
of seven miles to a farmhouse where one
of the other dogs had been sent (the lat
ter was blind, being kept as an old
favorite). In the morning, when the
lady went to the door, she saw not only
the dog which had given her such a glad
reception the day previous, but also the
the old blind oue, which had evidently
been brought by the other dog to wel
come her. When the second night
came, the old blind one was taken back
to its home by the same dog, which
afterwards returned, havirg traveled a
distance of twenty-eight miles to give
pleasure to the old blind one.
.08 00
.17 00
. e no
. 26 (4
. !l C4
. 474
34 C4
,. 1
.. 80
. 07
to 22 60
t 1.4
(SSI 00
SI8 00
5 7.1
14 40
every town in the United StRtes. Addresa J. HKNH1
1 ,,pl c-tevoiisnire iMreet, lioston, aiass.
It thousands of lives and
property paved by It-fortune--li
oartleularp free. O. M
ININOTON 4 Brio., New York Chicago.
ana Morphine 11 unit absolutely ant
ly cured, rainless; no pnp'lettj
lamp for pnrtioularp. Dr. Oahi
I S 7 Washington St. , Chicago, III
Tb grehv ..Itereet in the thrilling history ot our coun
try m.skes this the fat'!r.t selling book e er published.
t contains 4 43 line engravings ami
di.- pages, with a full account of tne approaching
grand t.entennisl exhibition, bend for a toll """lr
tion and ema terms to Agents. a.1 liJAAi. rijE
MSHl.NIi CO.. t hilndelphia. Pa.
IV. li'tnli'-tU by .Mi'i I. OMUp-h ami
8nd Btmn for pni-tioulfir,
lluudmlardinKi. YOU '"'1l!1tJX u.'1'?
every day
A MONTH Arnnt wanted Mrr
trhnra. RnsnmM honoraltln and llrsi
clif. Parilcnliirs tvnt ftt?. Addrm
WORTH no.. St. lr.nlB. Mo.
book of ll,. J..-r. 200 I ULUSTRATION8. Writ.M
llluitrstnl .-it.nlsrt lo i..hii llltVs. !l..-il.N, till.MAN
CO., ILUTftiHU, low., t HICA'in,!..,
V. ,i- It Iff T C.rnttrt
Male and Female, In their own localit
Terms and OUT KIT KRK.K. Address
P. O. V1UKK.RY t OO.. Augusta, Maine
WAivrr.if. aoha in in an parts or tne country,
to canvsa for our new bo- .k, " TAs IT.Hneii of th.
Century," by Phebe A. Hansford. One volume, hand
somely illustrated. The grandest Centennial book In tbe
market. ri. kumm'.I.Ij. Publisher. HOSTQW, MasB.
V gives perfect patlsfuotlou."
Sucopnfully Trateri witbon
nn of Knife or Oanitlos. DR. A. II
BKOWN. New Haven. Conn. Rnd
two kiuuiufe. -ritiBpoDdf nc from pb8iolmnstolio!ted
Kvrry ft-Mlr of ll.U pnprr Hho it Id urni
fO rci iN lor n ropy of ihe I.IVK KTOCK
JOriEAI.nnd I lie nrrnl Indurement alitor.
d for Hf-rnrhiff .ubncriherti. TIip Journn'
m .rnnouiir-d I hi KKT of Urn rlnn. Ad
ilrt-n-i Live NiorU Journal, Huflitlot N. V.
Yon r Nam Elegantly Print.
d on 18 Tranipakkmt vibitiho
Cards, for 2.1 CenU. Each card eonUine
a urtne which It not viaible until held tnwatdi tht liht I
NothinlikethemfverbeftireofTt red In America. Bif induce- i
A-nt Wtmf id .Medals and Diplomaa Awnrde '
f.r .m.avs Pictorial BIBLES.
1300 I liuttrntlonat. Aridrep for new circulara.
11" ?':-1 J1 I'Dyiil"''"1;
al llriuiinittnl f'nrilM, 5 designs, 1 0 etc. ; J
if Mixed t'aids.with name. lOcts.; 20 Acquaint
ance ('ards. I O cte.. post-paid. Agenta wanted everywhere,
hor Agent's tiutiit send three-cent stamp. Address
L. JO.NKS A CO., Nassau, Rensselaer Co., . Y.
Y our Sea Foam
11 la
eteellent. .
oi iii-IIh V Slmnforil, fre-
er.,, tt. Vour
Kea Foam is wonderful. Our sales
are Immense. Kvi rybody jprstsew
l, " " It. niskea tiread. llicher.
.Ighter, V nicer, rurer nweuier.
nd More Wholuaome than any
other wav.
Tlie greatest thing to sell yon
ever saw. bend at once for Circular
nil ,?uti Ki...r isrk.
47 V
risli Mat ki-rei, So. 1, new
No. 5, new
lry I'od, per cwt
Iliirlbff, Ki-lblcd, per boi...
Petro'etmi (Irude 0 7s3!07
Wool Vilifuruin. Fleece
Texua "
Australian "
Butter state
,tern Hairy
Western Yellow
V eeteru Ordinary
Penupylvaiiia 1'ine
Cbeeae Ptate Factory
H:ate hkimuicd
E;gs-State t0
Hye S'.ate
Corn Mixed
Barley State
Oats Stale
Floor 00
Wheat No. I Spring 1 4X
Com Mixed 64
Oata 40
Itye , i
Barley 1 -0
Cotton Low Middliugt 10 V l
Flour Extra S 75 (S) g 75
WUeat Hod Western IS' (4 1 31
Ity 78 ft 63
Corn Yellow 70 t) 70
Oata Mixed 4i (4 43
Petroleum 0 JJlS 06M
Flour Pemavlvania Extra I STJtftf 6 T5
Wheat Bed Webtern 1 07 a) 30
Bye r5 (4 88
Cora Yellow H 1 11
Mixed..,.- 65 Q 68
OeU-Mixed 8M9 40
P. teolenm Orude W4iV)H Refilled, 13),'
1 SO
a i bo
a 1 0)
1 81
(4 4
& I 11
The moat anooetst t
remedy of the pra
ant dny.fiend for Pt
Dsr oa Otiiaak Kat-
Prof. U. jHocker, P. O. Bo 475, Laporta.lod
i- i 1 4
lnvtted ti Wall Htraet i
often lead" to fortune. A 1
i page I ook explalnlos
DTCITO!lf AWCT, or Hcul Charmlnff.''
lluw ciiuer mty fMt'luttte gt ti love and
(Teettou ol anv iiertiii they ebHee, Iniuuity. Tata art aU cn
ihmwUi free, l.y bII. eenti; torether wttk a lvtr ttultio,
RarrtUn Orotic. Irftnn. Hlntito lAdUi, A. aolit. A
(IH,rtok, AddrtM T. WILLIAMS k CO., Pnb'. PhlU,il-h
Do Your Own Printing
jblSS Outfits from SI up
Uc tding St Co., ifanuft, WathingUm Sq,Botion
eer-4l,ln ann s-lvlnr nrlee or fttorfca
u"l mLC, tBrokerp,72 Broadway, New York.
Is" T AT A 1T TBI Bboadwat, Hew Yo..,
rll a 11 iTlXla manufaoturerof BOUD l.ou
J K W hLli Y cf every deslriptlun. The stock la large, very
obolc, and la offered at retail at trade prices ta keep oat
workmen ffulnf . bills nnder si I P.O. OrdVr Inadvanoe
O.-ei r I Q.O.O. privilege to examine. Oat'niTae free.
New Buffalo IS 111 Revolver BV W
Sent with 100 Cartridgee for $8. Fuix NlcxTJ Puts.
Sslisfaction guaranteed. Illustrated Catalouu fREE.
WKSTKHSI WOK Ii8, Chicago, 111.,
00 Dearbonrnt, fMef!ormlck BlocU). P. O. Box IVifl.
uHu. ttrrat ijiiB. Mr or It-oat acUae iMkti trairaanl
tof iiM harrrU, atid ft gon& ttax-ur, oa no liur wltk fttak.
1 aotk svuJ Wd-4utWf, for (1L rn teunt O. O. D. vita wiv
!) to fciatujbtirtipf(t hill. rWiid iiapfer4tlw it f
Finely Printed Bristol Vtaltin
( arda aent poat-paid for ltd rta. bead
laiuu for eamplee of lln Dard.
Alarblei Huovvflakee, Hrrall, Im
ntLitk. Elc. We bafe over lOilattliia.
AqiuU Wam'vi. A. LL b ULLXa A Oo., lirookboa.
Honey ofHorehound andTar
fob ie! cure of
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoause-'
KK88, Difficult Breathing, and
axIi Affections of thb .Thkoat,
Bbonchial Tubks, and Lcnos,
LKADiKO to Consumption.
This infallible remedy is composed of
tho Hohkt r the plant Ilorc hound, in
chemicalu' on witlTA-BAi.M,extract-ed
from ne Lifb Pkinciplk of the
forest f a Abies Baxbauea. or B ilia
of Gil A.
T t Honey of Horehound boothes
Ay scatters all irritations and inflarn- .
mations,and the Tar-Balm cleanses
and heals the throat anil air-ravages
leading to the lungs. Frvn additional
ingredients keep the organs cool, moist,
aid in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great
medicine of a famous doctor, who has
saved thousands of lives by it in hit
larjse private practice. .
N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad
tabtb or smell,
Great uvlrrg to buy lvg lix. "
Bold by all Druggists
v "Pike's Toothache Drops'
tiore in 1 minute.
N. Y. N. U.
No. 49.
lit la pcaper.
1 pleaee thx cmiw late csdverllao.