The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 09, 1875, Image 3

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Kidgway, T. 8 2tf.
Ttidgway, Elk Co., Ta. Office In
s new Brick Buildine. Claims for
otion promptly attended to.
ce in New Ilrick Building, Main St
way, Elk Co. Pa. 3n2lf.
yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
lent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi
nsurance Co., of Hartford. Coun.
geoh Dentist, having permnnently lo
in Rigway, offers his professional Her
to the citizens of Ridgway una Bur
.in? country. AH Vtnrk wm-rnnind
Jahi Service & Wheeler's Uuildin, up
Is, Tirst door to the left. "3-n-8;My
pTatchuinker, Engraver and Jeweler,
street, Kidgway, ra. Apent tor ll
Sewing Machine, and Morton Gol
Kepniring Watches, etc, dote with
we accuracy as heretofore. Satis
guaranteed. vlnly
ggist and Parmaceutht N. W. cornet
uTind Mill streets, ttidgway, t'a.
sortnienl of carefully selected For-
mi Douiestio lM-tlgs. Prescriptions
Sly dispensed at All hours, dny 01
Physician ana -Surgeon,
e in 1i ug Store, corner liiotid and
fits. Residence corner Broad St.
. the College. Ortice hour iioiu
A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M.
a Thysician ftnd-Sur&eon, bnsretnav-
lothoe froiu Centre sueet, toMuu mi.
ty. Pa,, in t he second story of the
ick building of John 0. hull, eppo-
ue s store.
hours: 1 to 2 P 11 7 to 9 T M
Riuuwat, n Co., Pa
W. n. SCHllAM, Proprietor.
Iankful for the patronage hembfort
leraily bestowed upon luni, the new
rietor, hopes, by payiug strict Bt-
Iiu to the comfort and convenience oi
d, to merit a continuance oi the
80 1809.
CtMTHtviLLK, Elk Co., Pa.
John CollixS, Proprietor.
Initful tor tlio patronage hitetoton
;rilly bestowed upon mm, Hie new
rietor, hopes, by paying strict al
to tue coiulor. blu couveuieucc
tsts. t 'merit a couuuuuuce ot tht
f. W. HAYS,
Goods( Motions, Groceries
and General Variety,
Eurtcy J. O.
idelphia & Erie R. R. Division
id after MONDAY, MAI 24. 1875,
trains on the Philadelphia &
Lilroad will run us follows:
k.CCOM leases KtnovO 4 85 p n
Ei ill wood.. 5 55 p ni
Lmpoiiuji 0 55 p in
fct Alurys... 7 65 p ni
Ridgway..-: 8 5 p m
TViloox...... ) 05 p ui
arr at Kane;. U BO u ni
I AIL leaves Philadelphia 1165 pm
Uenovo II 05 a ui
" Emporium 1 10 p oi
3t. Mary's i 00 p i,
I Kidgway 2 25 p ui
W'iloox. 2 58 p in
t-ive at Erie 7 60 p ui
EASTWARD. leaves Kune... 8 00 a m
Wiloox.; 8 S3 a ui
Kidgway V 25 a ni
8: Marys 10 01 a in
Emporium n 05 a ui
Drill wood 12 1 6 p ui
Renovo ......... 1 40 it oi
LlL leaves Erie.-,. 11.20 a in
" Kune 8 45 p ui
' Viloox...-. ........ 4 08 p u.
" Ridgway 4.45 p in
" St. Mary's 6.10 p m
" Emporium ..... ti.05 p m
" Renovo 8.25 p m
arr. at Pbiladephia... 6.60 a ni
lAcOom aud Kane Acoom connect
L est at East wiih Low tirade Di
li N Y & P R R
Ceu'l Sup't.
Lmily Groceries, and Canned
I'&K'f. Tb oLcapeat and
(Elfc &votnti
J. 8. BORDWELL is Local Agsnt for All
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Climbs. Roses, Flowers &e-, from the best
Nursery ii. the state of New York. Buy at
home and sure money. v5n47m3
Cur Time At itidrmay.
Mail East 4:45P:M.
do West 2 25 P.M.
ffenovo Accotn East 0:25 A. M
Kane do West 8:20 P. M.
Local East 6:40 P. M
Dado West 8; 20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
ssengers, the local does cot.
Look out for tramps.
Slight fall of snow here last night.
Treary weather the first of the week.
0. T. Wheeler is quite ill at present.
bon't forget to attend Company's H's
dance on Christmas eve.
M'Kkan county has jitH completed a
new jail which cost only $35,000.
The; e arc 401 risoneis in the western
$5.1 543-903 in gold was coined in the
United States during the past year.
If you want to keep your boots from Tun
ing over goto A- F. Eoy's and get a pair
of inetalio utiffeners warranted not to run
Scarlet Fiver is eaging so extensively
in some parts of Venango county among the
uhih ru, that it h-is been necessary to
cloje the schools
A lady put her watch under her pillow
the other night, but couldn't keep it there
because it disturbed her sleep. And tltere.
all the tinie was licr bed t'.cking right un
darueath her. ajd she never thought ot
that at all.
Milan. Tonn boisls of a Negro who is
one hundred nd twenty-3iz years old
His name is Fortune Snow. He was born
in Georgetown and ns wai -five years
old at the commencement of the Revolu
tionary war.
Miller of the Dcmocra; Irok a fcftth in
Diciiinton's race the other evening while
skating, and had it not been for the assis
tance of Geo. Rhincs Jr. tho Democrat would
have appeared this week in mourning. We
hope the tee water had the effect of wash
ing some of tbe slime from Gene's editorial
"Sweepings of butcher's stalls" and
something that looks like old feather beds,
bui 'aint, now decorate the grounds of P-
Malone, Esq. Patrick you are doing very
wrong to thus expose yourself and neighbors
to contagion ana unless yeu abate the
nusiince at once, Supervisors Fitch and
Osterhout m.iy happen around aud get
Go to A F. Eby's if rru want a good
winter bnot, as he has proved himsjlt' to be
the best mechanic in his line of business in
the county.
The Republic Maii'iie for December
'jas been received. It contains an analysis
of the Oiiio election, a review of the cam
pa'pn of 1875, nn nb'e article on Labor
in Europe and America, and other articles
of equal interest td t'losc who are interes
ted in Governmental affiirs, Tnis sterling
monthly is a power in the luntt, and should
lie in the hands of every intelligent citizen
Subscription ou'y $2 per year. Send ad
dress t'a IUpuMto Puhlithing Company,
Washington, P. C.
The Best Family N wstapes. This is
the claim wuich the Njw York, Observer
make in behalfof I heir paper. It is a bold
claim to make iu our dty, when therj are
so ninny pupers: bi.t m undeviaJng course
in sending out for fit'iy-ihree yens, i large
full, fresh, readable;, and put-i newspaper,
which is unsiuonssed justifies them iu t lib
claim. We ctt:i recommend ihe OOterver,
Ii has no hobbies: it is sound in doctrine,
impartial and unbiased reliable in its iiewn
inlcrestiiis and instructive in in various
departments, And offers no clip-trap pre
miunis or pictuies. For specimens copies
oddressS. I PRIME & Co., Nsw York.
The Reynoldsville Herald, in its last
issue, tells of a burning coal mountain two
miles east of that place. There are about
three thousand acre)- of coal in tho mountain
and the bed is twelvV feet il.ick. Near
the burning mine, about two hund red feet
distant, is tho opening of George Sprogue
and if the coal is permitted lo burn through
to it, huruaa efforts will avail nothing in
extinguishing the fire, and indeed it will
require thousauds of dollars to attain that
end eviu no It bail been burning al
moit three months, and whs ignited by a
land clearing. The coal which is exposed
to this fire belongs to the Tilum Reynolds
heirs, Messrs. Seley, Fuller, Sprague,
Broadhead,' Clayton aud others.
Smallpox ii Ckntrs Couitt. A
private letter from Milesburg, received
lastSatuiday, by S. L. Comer, proprietor
ot tbe Exchange Hotel this plaoe. reports
18 cases of small-pox at that village, 3 at
Bellefonte, 8 at Howard and 1 at Jurtin's
station. Four cases il Milesburg have
pioved fatal. As the epidamio it liable to
spread throughout Centre's neighboring
cou..iies, we think it is the duly of all who
have not lately been vaccinated, to have
the sume done without delay. ' At ounce
wf preventive is woth a pound of cure.
Renovo liecord.
Tuere is d boy up in Michigan who is
puzzling the doctors with a singular case
of sort eyes. He went to bed one night in
perfeot health, but in the morning matter
.. i : u.K
was uiscoveieu runuiug nuui ui
since which tiree he has been In perfect
n go try with the worst case of sore eyes the
doctors ever bad in that city, matter run
ning constantly from them, and it was
feared at one lime that his eyes would run
out of his bead. The doctors have ex.
amined into Ihe case' and come to tht' con
clusion that the boy who wag playing
around a horse effected with the epixootio
the dar before be was so suddenly taeen
with or eyes, and stood before the borse
when ha sneeted. must have got some of the
matter in bis eyes- it will be well for
persons around horses tick with tbe epi
sootie to be cautious.
Ci.Ii.'S AND SOMAiiiCg.
A bold attempt to bum the (Jounty
Court House in Stroudsburg by a prisoner
was discovered early last Friday morning
in time to prevent a great lost of property
and probably of life The prisoner was a
woman, named Frances Staiiard, who Was
placed in the Grand Jury room on Monday
last to await trial on a charge of larceny,
the jail being in course of reaonstruotion.
bhehid several times made threats that
she would burn the building down if the
was not released, About 3 o'olock on
Friday morning the janitor's wifv was
awakencu by smoke in Ihe building, and
upon investigating the same, discovered
flames bursting out of the door of the
prisoner's room. She at once gave the
alarm, and by great 'effort the fire was ex
tinguished. Nearly all the floor was
burned away and several of the beams. It
was at first supposed the woman had per
ished in ihe fltmes, but latter it was
learned that she had escaped bf a window
n tho room. It wis also discovered that
she had removed the door from a Urge
base-burning stove in the room, and up
setting it on the floor, had piled the bediug
aud furniture upon it- No trace of ihe
escapeJ incendiary his as yet been discov
ered, the is a stranger in the vicinity.
She appeared in Jackson township Monroe
county, about two weeks ago and professed
to be a peddler of notions, visiting the
houses in that section to dispose of her
wates. About 1 o'o'ock on Monday morn
ing last a farmer named James ekien, liv
ing in the above township, was awakened
by the pretence of rome one in his room
He juuiped from his bed nnd captured, the
intruder who was about escaping from a
window, and who fired a pistol shot at the
farmer, It pi ovid td be this woman. He had
made u purchase of her the day before mid
she had ho doudt noticed 'hat he had a large
amount of money in his pocket-book. She
nad secured the fanner's ptntaloons con
taining money, and had them in her posses
ion when ciptured Monday he brought
bsptisoner to that place, where she was
confined and escaped as Stated. She was
evidently a French woman, about twen-y-
five years of age and quiK attractive l.n ap
pearance. 31'iuch Chunk Coal Catette.
Toys, Games, and Juvenile1
Looks at the N. Y. Store,
And More Coming.
' Pictebpon" fob January. We though
the December number of "Peterson's Maga
zine" could not be beaten, yet t-ere is the
January number, even more beautiful still.
There nre two steel engravings, a mamoth
colored fashion-plate and a splendid Ber
lin pattern in twelve colors; besides innum
erable wood engravings of fasti itfu, patterns
eio- The priuciptl steel-piute, "A Little
To t of 1776," is alter a cslei braieJ picture
by ISir Joshua Reynolds; and she is about
the most charming cunning Utile lady we
have ever seen. A very powerful novelet,
called 'Tne Uays of Seventy-six" is be
gun hy Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. All the
stories are good, however, even better thin
u-iintl. There is also ail illustrated article
on old Independence Hail, iu Philadelphia,
and the Peclar.t'.on of Independence.
whhh was signed there. It is the best
number "Peterson" has ever issued and
that is saying a very great deal It seems
to us that everybody will take "Peterson"
iu 187G, it is so cue-p and yet so good. As
a guid- for the fashions, it has no rival.
"You do not know how to dress says a con
temporary," till you have beeu -Peter
sons." The price is only two dollars a
year, With gre.V deductions tocluos, aud
valuable premiums to person! gelling up
clubs, ripeuimeus are seut gratis, lo those
wishing to gel up clubs.
Address CH ARLES J. PETEASO, 806
i.hestuut Street, Philadelphia.
A. F Eby's is tbe ouly bout and shoe
snop that keeps the patent shoe buttons
Warranted not to come off.
Senator Ferry, the president of the
Senate, und who standi L-ext to the
t'restdeut since the death of Mr. Wil
son, Las been inieiviewed on the sub
ject ol the currency. It has been said
that be was an extreme inflationist, sua
the position he occupies makes it oi
borne cotiberjuencj to know the trnth
MK Ferry tuoiply points to the record
he has ruude with his votes and speeches
in either house ot congress. He was
oppose 1 to the fixing oi a time for re
fcutuption; thinks customs duties should
be receiveablo in greenbacks', and de
sired to fix the limit ot paper cirCuia-
luii at eight huuuted tnillious. A very
simple explanation ut a very sensible
Mixd Vova P's. An exchange gives
this valuable bit of advice to the public;
"Persons who patronize papers should par
promptly, for the pecuuiury prospects ul
tne press have a peculiar power in push
iutr lot-ward puul.o prosperity. If the
printer is piid promptly aud bis pocket
book kept p.eihorio by prompt piryiug pat
rons, be puis bis pen lo bis paper in peace
n.s paragraphs are more pointed, paints
nis pictures of passing eveuts in more
pleasing colors, and tbe perusal of bis pa
per is a pleasure to the people. Paste this
piece or proverbial philosopby in some
place where all persons cau perceive it."
Johu iUorrusey, the leader of tbe
Democracy, lain Washington.
Emigration retaros at Liverpool show
a decrease this year tho tar ut 60,6 el
Last year's stamp duty on patents lor
inventions granted in Great Uruaio
amounted to uVer 770,720.
Philadelphia, Deoomber 2. Tbe
Philadelphia navy yard was purchased
by Mr. John (.-. Bullock, atttorney, ior
one million dollars, cash in thirty
Arkansas boasts hamlet called To-
Missouri has 108,000 SundiT-school
We elftbrt yearly between 500,000
nd 600,100 stand taf arms.
The names of eiehlv-six towns in
Pennsylvania end vith burg."
Potatoes are only eiehteen cents ner
bushel at Girard, EHo county.
An unusually large emiijration to
California is prognosticated this year.
There are now about 270 inmates at
the niontgomcry-couDty Almshouse.
Tho Tribune ?stimates that 100,000
persons attended tbe Brooklyn revival.
Adnata bolt of lightning in Dakota
lately killed fourteen horses aud five
Banana culture is Increasing at the
South, particulate til the old cotton
fields ut the (Jul! .States.
fhe sUuar crop of Louisiana promises
his year to reach thts enormous figure
of 190,000 hogsheads.
One of the Cincinnati brcweriei has
received an order fur 10.000 batrels ol
lajjfir beer, to b Used at the Centennial'
Oolobcl D. G. Bush, ol Bellefonte,
has sold n house for 62,000, to be paid
on U. S Grunt's thiid inauguration.
Representative Bdtllir, of Cumber
land cuiititv! has iu preparation a bill
or tho breaking Up bi the tramp
Diphtheria is raring to an alarming
extent in pUrtlohs ot Uraneo Add Sulli
van counties iNew lurk, aud in rue
county iu.
It it proposed to remove all tile tele
rnph poles in Chicaud, subterranean
eables being laid lei convey the wires.
John Ppaucaxe, nf Kllwnod, Schuy-
kill county nhot and cap'ttrcd bald
eagle which measured 0 leel 8 inchuc
actios the wing's.
Three gold pieces, the highest in
value a hall-eatrle, will be given to die
lireo best spellers at the Cambria-
county ieacliers Institute.
Hy a recent discovety til a broeess ot
'eocking" Ohio coal mabulicMirers
here can place iron in the Cincinnati
market lor 817,50 per ton.
A prisoner at Indianapolis laughed
heartily at the trei i lalion of a tellow
convict, aud so had a year added tt) his
term ot imprisonment.
Blue Eurth county, Mind., paid last
year as bounty on grasshoppers 831,-
r-.r. .k J. : i. l.
mv.uu. tut? uuiuuuv ue6iiuyui ueiuu
15,70G bushels and 18 quarts.
A school tescher in Leandro. Cal.,
compelled a boy to walk up a flight of
20 steps 100 times for the offense of
looking over his shoulder.
They have just beun to haul the
piles lor the loundation of the Chlbigo
Court house, but a steal ot 812,000 has
been Unearthed in the contract.
There seems to be but little abate
ment of. diutlierta among children in
Jersey city. During the pat three
days three families lost two children
The Vaillt in the Oath olio cemetery
of St, Denis, Montreal, was broken ibttt
by body-snatchers, and several corpses
carried away the other night.
Common field hands in Mississippi are
now esrning lrom $1,50 to S3 a day
picking cotton, steamboat lahortrsSGO
per month and skilled artisans propoi
tion-itcly higher prices.
When a Chinese bank is!! till the
ifficers have thoir heads cut off and
flung into a corner with the assets, and
it has been 500 years since there was a
bank lailu.e in thai country. hrtt
Uy the sinking of the Englisn
steamer Charles Dickens acrot-s th
mouth ol the harbor of Uoulogu, the
n.ilierti)en of that place are ! an
average ot 1,500 pounds sterling daily.
Iwomen claim to be posttnsster at
Iidioute, and they are at present . en
gaged in advancing their claims with all
possible urdur. hmt onq will et in and
then the other. Meantime the inhabi
tants sit patiently upon the fence await
iog the close ol the combat that they
umy get their mail
What makes me love my delicate lit
tle bldu eyed boy, said the loud lather
as he and (he pastor entered the library
is that sometimes the tear run down
ihs wrinkleU iu my checks as 1 leel his
tine po'uts touch in me to the core aud
wonder it God will let him stay with me
very, very here the tond lather sai
down on a p n and said, Mariar, will
you torce me to go a restaoraut to get
my dinner
The preat vintage in France this year
has set the arithmetic man by the ear.
He says it amounts to 2,00,000,00u
lialluus, and asserts that it teoiild fill a
eutia'l three and a hdlf tce't deep and
three und a hall feet wide 4.00C miles
long, lie calculated iarther that, to
draw tweuty-hve callous a minute
would take 13d years aud 10 days to
uraw on tne wnoio quantity.
Syracuse, December 1 A fife broke
out here about 3 o'clock yesterday
morning iu a block owned by he wis
Tabor, the lower and part ot tbe tipper
floors being occpied by Itobt. Withers
as s dwelling. The block and adjoin
ing residence of Ut. Tabor ere entirely
destroyed. A man uttmed Frank Smith
was suffocated and his body nearly con
KUtned. He was tfeen to come dowu
stairs', but was unable to reach the door
and no uss:stahce could bo rendered
Jura. Loss seven thousand dollars; in
sured lot about eve thousand dollars,
Divets youo-Mtefs iu Knoxville.Tehn
orguDired court, appoiuted a sheriff, a
criminal, a clergyman, aud a lot ot
mourners and reporters. Then they
proceeded to 'piay hanging' This
harmless amusement came Dear to
tragery. Tbe crimidanls upon being
turned oil was to "holler when he had
enough ol it. His ability to "hollow
beiug seriously interfered with by tb
ropo in another moment he would hare
been an angel. Help, however, came
in tne shape ot a man, and be was res
sued. He will not play banging any
t3 SoiufsrviLLB 2ah bizzzM.
The TitusvilllS Courier of Wednesday
contains the following;
Our reader! will rbrhember the ap
plication for the pardon 61 D. D. WiU
liams was made some tinie ago, but not
withstanding there was ad evident dis-
position to trrarJI the rcqutSt it was very I
tardy. Not long since, the writer was I
in company With a gentleman Who re-
sation naturally turned M that subject
nd nrnMnw-t n WllluMYa nnrdoh. ).ir
r. . w. . . r - w .
friend related to incideht which show
how so mo tllen may be mistaken, aud
how Such mistake may lead to the pun
ishment oi Ihnodeut persons. On the
trial of Williams dtie witness teMifled
that about otte o'clock ot) the night ol
the robbery as he was returning !rom a
call oil a ienlale friend he observed
thrQ beraohs standing oh i corner
about three blocks iron! tho bank, one
of whon was dressed in an overcoat
which auswered the exact description ot
the one usually worn by Williaui; and
that alter he passtjd the boriipany parted,
two going in the direction ot the hank
and the other in an opposite direction
This testimony wa3 tlevcr eipluitittl on
the trial, and Was said to be the cause
ot the delay in the gUnting ol the par
don. Our inlut-inam, who 3 one ol
ihe trio, stilted that on tho evening in
question he Was Called to Cohoeautville
tosetilesome business inatters growing
out of losseS through the fire which
ad 4 short time beldre Visited the (Own
nd that they hud beetl In consultation
t the Coleman House Up till about one
'clock when tlley adjourued. As une
t, ths party nt that timehved Up towo,
hey Walked ddt of the hotel ahd a
juare ot two in the direction of his
lotlife. As they were about to part
hey observed a person pass on the op-
(site side ot the street. Ihey IHeti
eparated, the one to his res-i-
enco and the others to their lodgings
the hotel. I be persons who com
posed tbe party soon left the towo, and
only one, our iulormaht, eviry took any
mtercst iu tub testimony Which resulted
n the Conviction ol Mr. Williams. On
is return his attention Was naturally
attracted to I his feature df the evidence,
ud he made known td Williams' Irieuds
he coloring his presoode in Coot,eaut-
vine mat evening gave ot tueguin oi
he accused. Ihe result was that the
ffld-vit. nt t . thr nrnona wr
taken settiug forth thecB facts, and the
matter which was not explained in tbe
trial, and which Could not be tnowu
ufti hv tfiiin orhn hurl ths- ttnwor ni 1
DarUoniuir the convicted man. was thus
Great complaint is made of huodrecs
ot trap nets nightly set for tVn bn the
hores of Oneida s Lake, threatening to 1
render fruitless the attempt to stock it.
Atnhisnnt thh rihrrinant. who rpnentlv I
fell ttom a bursting balloon at an atti
tude of nearly one thousand ieet, writes
t'a t he is getting along quite well.
An unusually Idrge crop ot murder-
Ata n r. . i . av. milii.n ,tt ah
next month. This would seem to iu-
dicaie a sad prevalence ot crime in aud
around New York
Within six months, along the line of
the Pacific Ilailroad, hot le than three
thousand elk have been slaughtered tor
he hides alone, tbe flesh being thrown
The' Brooklyn savings hanks are to
reduce their rate ot luteiest to depost-
tors to nVe per Cent, oo aud alter the
first of Jauuary, which is as much as
their earnings just. ty.
The ladies of the Mdttiit Verb'tin As
sociation of Richmood, will have a grand
Centennial bull on the 22i of Februjry
nl nhinh all id rhfl iiiA4ia nrn tn hp in
the aivln ot one hundred varS
J o
several temaies nave lately ocen ad-
mitted to the loWa bar, and it is re-
marked that ke thfc Common Law.
heir ages dates to a "time whereof the
memory ot rue a runneth not to the cou
Since the 23d of Se'pfetiibef t'ffo
residents ot Cherry Valo, Kansas have
ditappeured mysteriously, and the' body
ol a third: has beetl found in a ba in
ihe fiver, find tbe ioliabtiauts tear that
Old Man Beudet" has resumed busi
iicbs ut the old slaud.
Oo tbo Chicago and Northwestern
Railroad womeu set c7,(JU0 datliajjes
when the CuLducior kitses them, but iu
Louisania tbe Courts apprise the em
brace ot a ViaKemau at that in
the brakcSman'S a mere pastofial kis
which in the cod hc'or ii Sat paioxysm
Detroit Free Irets: "A wife will
hardly ever notice whether her husband
go home with a strange hairpin stick-
nig to his oviircoat and she will see it
before he reaches tbe gate.
Thirty Chinese youths hove arrived
at Francisco on their way to School
iu bpnnehtld.Mass. and Hartford Conn.
ru i,. ... .i :.. :n.. i
nn iiiiii un ni n aaiinaria i is a iaa
osiviuoj uw v uj 'J j uwa iisiiiia Q V '
They are to remain ut school tor filteeu
Prince Edward Island oysters are
sent to .nglaud packet! in oatmeal, and
bv tbe time thev reach LouUOO thev
are plump and wholesome commanding
about aixtv Cftiits a dnen. Afld vet
. . J I I . . I X.- I
cai;u luuiviuinti uaicr laace mo vmujcai
not becaus6 he loves it, but because be
heard it was healthy
Although tho prfnoifili reduction
works in Co'lerado are being operated
witn a umuea supp.y o. on, . ou.i.on
uivuuvi wa Vvvwvww v a awe
. e, m sn . i . ,i . .
too uenver Dcyouu a aotrot, is u
not id tact, at least prospectively,
leadiug bullion ceutre, since the Col
orado mines, lrom various causes; art
i.. .... i-ii-.l..-.Af
Th TTr.i.ih ITfttM flnMni'iil if Tti'iffal,,
baa gone to tbe wall. Though the
stockholders are out some sixty thous-
ands dollars', tbo projected handsome
uuioi uas as yet do existence outside oi
, l H ..flltW..!'. V. 1 . .. .KV I. . If.. I?.-!
bl'o must now h. KnM n im.,.n
Subscribe ior the AdVoCAT.
Oreen Rio coffee P. A K'i.
Oh! those besutifui prints at P. &
Kbit Undershirts and drawers, at P &
Ladies dress goods newest style!! a
p jrj,
Hats ahd Caps a complete assortment
(t P. & K's
Hunting Rubbers! with and without
heels.-i-a ISfsje lot at P. & K'S. All
- v-
other kinds bf rubber boots and shoes
Weddinc and Muutuine outfits for la
dies at M.V & SILTKkMaMN'9, oppos.te
the court bouse, TVil latnfiport, Pa
WlbAl'I UiltiAl't UltiAl'I .
Goods marked down to a'tcnish the
world ChII and Bee us. MAY & SlLvEU.
MANN, Wilhauicport, Pa.
Mtlliuery goods, hair switches, jewelry.
fnncv -oods, notions, ladies & childreus
cloaks, dtesses Jit undergarments. Whole
sale & Hetail at MA Y & rULVL.Il.MAK.VS
opposite the court house, Williamsport, P.
We are agents f ir nail un de murest pat
terns, caialuugea free, send for one, pat
trrts sent by mail MAY & SiLVEU-
MANN'S Williamsport I'a.
'Kiuk Ueo" and many others kinds
. , . . . .
ofChewitii? tobacco. Also soiokina of
all the phpular brands at Pi & K's.
Fro in two to Uiree hundred ladies cloth
ctats lates. styles also n lorge lot of Furs
a i. prices so low to astonish every btdy
MAY & SILVEllMANN, opposite the
Court House, Williamsport Pa.,
CuodDsh boneless and skiuless. Also
some of the old fashioned in lull dress,
ut P. & K's.
Have you bbbh to tVillinmtipdrt Ta., to
buy what yoll want at HA i X 81LVBK
MilNN'S, opposite the Court Htue. They
are eivlnlr tip retail busiuess & areselliuE
goods vert clieep.
itiose new styie prints, at r & n.
are the general talk of tho town, (jo
aud see them.
Pupel bollats the do'bbicst! with turn
J()WU comers also the good old liyroti
style at P. & K's.
A ,uli jlook 0, frch Fartlih GroccHes.
. , OJ t-
Buc" " leas donees, cuj;ars, ivice,
ayrups, bpiees, It. JJ- Powder, JJukmg,
aud Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
; ae at pt 4 K'i.
a6""'" """""Bi
at very low prices at P. & K s.
M' aht a bag of feed, or a
usflhel oi potatoes or a barrel or sack ot
bout Of even a tmull sack ot Graham
flour, it will ptty you to step into P &
. B tor it
l7 4t3'ViaTTrW 1
1 uu jyj
Ifybli pay fof gubdii when you buv
them, you will never be troubled with
lh oigt-mare ot debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and children will greet you with a
smile in the morning. Go to Powell
it Kimc's model store with your cash,
get more tbuu its value aud go home
eat'inflcd. 1 hey have adopted the cash
sjsterti, and say it is working charir-
Hair switches 75 cents $'. 00 2 00 3 00 &
4 60 worth double the douey and lluciics
:or 20 .ceiiti lixts lrom 2j centi upwards
1 timed hats lr- m $l UU upwards, great re
duction in all k uds of goods at MA It &
CSILVLKMAN.W, Williamsport, Pa.
. rr,0M. 10 aatonisu tue world, fcvery
I tlulif? is tionnd to bo sold to nun bUMinn.ts:
Lome every oudy. Doiidiug und fmu-tK
M'or sale. MAT 3t SILVtJKM iNN, Wil-
""mePu" oppus' me ouri. nouse.
r:ad Tiiia.
MAY k 8lL.l-.ltM AN W'illintnsport Pa.,
selliug goods at and below cost. Call aud
iHtm re Kiettl oarsuius.
It you want any brclied br brown
muslins, lrom t to 10-4 wide any
quality, so to head-quarters, Powell &
dime's und select 10 vour taste.
r UKb! FLKS! I V Hal EUKS!
Extra inducements offerd in ladies &
childrens furs, small sets at $100 ladies
sets from $2 00 and upwards extra bar
gains in Mink sets first quality as, MAf &
61LY L11.UAMV3.
Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's
,Ue most durable, and the Cheapest
(jver Coats? from $S to $25 a large
splendid stock, blep" ih iud get
oue at P. & K'a.
o.j a i. .--l . r
Hosted coffee a genttine article, at P
& H'i.
i .
Summer Clothinz. for those Dovs
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Uasdmer atf di lie
I Utve tbe Aonocatc oflice a call for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards. shioDinir tars,
and if you are going to get married leave
I ... . r .
I -
us an order foriou cards.
vt j .i
new guou., every, uay iu uio year
. O 1 Lu lUIllrlt
except ououays ana isgai nouaaya
the great mammoth Grand Central
J Store of P. & K'a. No bragging
Qn for wUt u wtt ,
a Ladies and childreus coats all styles and
- 1 qualities, $2 60 3 00 3 75 4 50 6 00 6 20 7 00
1 0,0 aua upras aiso snawis anu
I dresses at MAY SlVEKMANN'S oppo-
I site the court heme, Williamsport, ra.
A complete stoik of ladies misses and
I childrens sfices, light, medium and
heavy at P. & K'a. Now is the time to
t bur.
I -
Alpaois ehtsper than ever before
I known at P. A; K s
Trustee's Sale.
TllE undersigned. Trustees appointed
by the Court of Common Fleas of E(k
county in a certain writ, of Domestie Ai
tachment. No. 153, May Term, 1875, atthn
suit of K. t. Robiuson A V.o vs. Fenner &
Co., hereby give notice that they will sell
at. public sale or outcry, nn the premises
lately occupied hy said Fenner & Co., on
Centre street, in the village of Kidgway, nn
FRIDAY, DliCli.MDElt !2lSt A. l 1875,
an 10 o'clock A. M., all tho defendant's
right title, Interest and claim of, in and tit
the following two (own lots: Nos Oi nnd
U4 in the village of Kidgway, county of iilW
and tftate of Pennsylvania, onwhich there
is erccied a frame planing mill Mz'JO Icet
to which is attached engine, boiler and
oilier uiacninery. , .,-
D- C. OYhTBK, )
O. O. A1KSSENGER, 1 Trustees.
' W. 11. HIDE, J
tlidgwayi Pa., Dec' . 1876. dec8-3t.'
By order of the Court of Common Pleas
of Elk county, 1 will expose to publio sale
on MuNDA I, THE 20'1'H DAY OF DK.
UEaIUEU, A. D. 1875, at 2 o'clock P. M.,'
upou the prettiis&s, in Ihe village of Uene
ictte, said couniy; the following described
teal estate to-wll! Lot No. one I oit lher
corner of Main arid water streets, according
to the plxn of said village, being bOxloU
feet, upon which is erected a tWo-stoiy
frame Hotel 24x50 feet, with a wing at
melted 24x40 feit, arid a bar room iu the
bajeajont. Also a frame barn, erected
for hotel purposes, 3Ux50 feet. This prop-
bus all the appurtenances of a first
class country hotel, has a license to sell
liquors, tmd is the only hotel in the village:
also. Lot ivo z on naitcrstreei, ooxiou
feel. upnr. which is erected a frame build-
in K oue story rind a half high, 20x38 feet
with a wing ViXU tect, tisetl as a store ana
dweliih'ir There is oi eood well of water
upon this let.
Also Lots JSoo. 1 ana a on iain ana
... J.m ... a
Second streets, each GOxloO feet, upou
which is erected a two-stoiy uwelling house
18x24 fuel and a small barn. Lots im
proved and enclosed by a gooiLfence.
One. third upon confirmation and the re
mainder in two equal annual installments
from thttt mite; wiih legal interest, payable
auuuAilv. uiioii tlie wuole sum, to be se
cured bv judgment boud and mortgage.
The ubove premises to be sola as, tne
property ot tho hens of Eben and Eliz-tbeth
iuslow, Inle ot Elk county, dieeased, un
der au order of court, in partition.
Sheriff's Office 1
Uidgay, Pa., Nov. 23, '75-3t, f
KvaugelicaljXon-Sectariiln, Independent
The Christian at Work.
T. Do VVut 'i'almago Kditor.
The Best Religious Papfcr published.
Mh Talmage'a Sermon each week.
Full Keports of Mr. Moody's Work
Bi ltev. W. M. BAKER.
One of the most popular ot American stor
After JOSEPH JOHN, executed in twonty-
,liue printings and heretofore sold for $15
atso an
Painted expressly tor this paper by MrtS.
lUTNlSi , and ctiromooU by l. m.-irnu m
CO. BosIjii.
i ?lhese are genuine rt worKs, aud
the best und most expensive picture pre
miniums ever offered.
Must Liitfal Terms ti Agents,
Asti ticLts.vK TLuirorT.
Without premium postage prepaid ... $3,00
ith either premium uu-aiounted, postage
pre. -aid $3,25
Willi either preintuii, mounted by express
at subscribers expeuse 4,00
CriyFur lull pai-iicuiurs as lo commis
sions aud cauvass address.
U. ?. CUIt WIN. Publisher,
TOTICE is hereby given that a petition
r will be presented at the next session of
tue uegishi-ure for the passage of a law re
instating the Commissioners ot tue Uig
Level Male Road lbiig tiiough to collect
prebeut taxes: pay up indebedness, and
tetile up accounts.
tor the commissioners, .
Unas w. s. oviatt:
Kidgway Cemetery.
Lots are now offered ior salo by the
Ridgway Cemetery Association in the
uew Cemetery. The present low price
lor lots may soon be advanced.
Apply at the othee of
V. S. Ii AM BLEN, Secretary
Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f.
Pupil wishing to receive instruction in
Greek or Latin, or disiring to prepare' for
college can nave opportunity ot doing so
lid bavins made the neeesrnrv srranira-
,ucuU WJli be g,a(1. 10 receive a limited
,U8lruction. ior information as to terms'
&o PPb' to
Ridewav Pa
I A Bain fAfin aTCIIFII
- Are ,.COixisq muv" wahtLe famous
Tbe FieucU Edition of which sells for $15;
and the London Edition for $200. Cur
K0Up . ,,'?,'! 'i-60') "'"""" over
I "V f-n-1 'f,-
I in Amebic aud tbe Bx.ST TO SELL.
i Crilioa vja with each other in nraisin-it.
.1 ,.,i'r i... '
at anu me masses euy n
Frorit local agent In Southport, Conn.:
"In our village of eighty houses I haver
taken Bixty-fivo orders: have canvassed in
all abontwelve days (in village and Coun-,
try.) and have taken orders for t hundred
and liz eopiet."
J. B. FOROtt CO., Publishers,
4tno8 V!7 Para Place, New York,
O I S O UU T I o n notice;
. NOTICE Is hereby given thai tVe Co
partnership heretofore existing between the
undersigned as butchers at Kidgway was
dissolved on the 7th day of Ootober 'last.
The business will be continued by YV- f.
Mercer who will receipt for all aocounti
owed tbe firm of Golf & Mercer and pay all
debts owed by the lirui.
Uidgway Vi Nov, 1875 A. E. OOf F.