The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 02, 1875, Image 3

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fA. o.JL
V , Atl
Kidgway, Pa. 2 2 tf.
Attorney -at-Law
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe Id
9 new Brick Buildin. Claims fot
ttion promptly mended to.
See in New Brick Building, Main 81
kwny, Elk Co., Pa. vliu2tf.
J. 0. It,- BAILEY,
yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
kent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi
Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
reeon Dentist, .having rermanentlv lo-
1 in Rigway, otferg his professional ser-
to the citizeus of Kidzway ana hut-
Ving country.' - All wurk warranted
tin Service & Wheeler's Building, up
, nrst uoor to.tlie leU. 7a-n-8J ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
street, Ridgwny, Pa. Agent tor tb
Sewing Maciiine, and Morton Gnl
Repairing Watches, eto, doc with
line accuracy as heretofore. Satin
guaranteed,, . , , vlnly
ugeistand Pai maceuti: t N". W. cornet
lain uud Mill street, Ridgway, Fa.
assortment ot cnrelully Delected For-
and Domestic Drug, rrescription;
ully dispensed at all hours, day oi
Pbyeiciau ana Surgeon,
re iu m ug Store, corner Jiiond and
tt-T. corner Broad Si.
kite the College. Office hours liam
0 A. ,M. and Horn 7 to 8 1'. M.
7. A'. JiORD WELL, At. D.,
lie riiysicinu and Surgeon, hstremuv-
f othce trow leuire siieet, to .Man si.
may, fa,, in t lie euonu story ot tut
brick building of John 0., oppo-
ly de s store.
ou hours: ! to 1 P -M 7 to 9 P M
RiixiwAY, Elk Co., Pa
W. H. SO 11 tt AM, Proprietor.
laukt'ul for the patronage heietolur
jerally bestowed upon mui, the uev
t-ietor, hopes, ty pnying slricl i-
"lion to the comfort an 1 convenience o:
'guests, to lueru a continuance oi iu
Uct 80 I860.
CknVm kv illic, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collin, Proprietor,
uklul tor the piitrouite litretotoit
rilly hestowed upou lnui, i tie lie
letor, hopes, by paying strict
u to tne cuiiiloi'. am uou . .-ivtict
sts. t nieiil a couiiuuunue ot iln
I'. W. MAYS,
y Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries.
and General Variety,
Eur ley A, a.
Philadelphia & Ere U. U. Division.
land after MONDAY, MAI 24, 1875,
be trains on tne riiiituieipnia a
Railroad will run us follows:
ACCOM leaves nenovo....
' Ui lit wood..
" Emporiuji
' St Marys..,
" " Ridgway..,
" Wiluuz ,
arr at ituue.
4 35 p sa
5 35 p in
ti 55 p in
7 55 p ui
8 5 p ni
'J 05 p iu
SI SO p in
MAIL leaves Philadelphia Jl 55 p ui
' ' lleuovo 11 oo a in
" " Euiporiuui 1 10 p ui
St. Mary's 2 00 p ui
Kidgwuy ii p in
Wiloux .j... 2 oS ii ui
arrive at Erie 7 5d p ui
t.lSIII A all.
jVO leuves liaue
. 8 00 am
. 8 33 a m
. It 25 a m
,.10 01 a iu
.11 05 a ui
Vi 15 p ui
" Wiloux
' Kidgway
" 8. Murys
Drill wood....
I. U........A
mvuuiw .........
1 40 p ui
MAIL leaves Erie....
.ll.liO a ni
xvnuu. ...
St. Mury's
Emporium .....
3 45 p ui
4 08 p a.
4.45 p in
6.10 p m
0.05 p ui
8.25 p ni
I arr. at Phiiadephia... U.50 a tu
r . . . ,
novo Accuio auu Aaue Accom ouuneoi
aud west ui East with Low uiade ill-
ki and 11 N V & P It 11.
Ueu'l Sup't.
eh family Groceries, od Cauued
I gt P&K'f. Thi ahcapest aod
ill MwmU.
J. S. BOHDWELL Is Loeal Aent for all
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
Shrubs. Roses, Flowers ho-, from the best
Nursery Iu the state of New York Boy al
home and save tmmey. T5n47m3
Cur Time at llidgtcaif.
Mail East 4:45P: M.
do Went 2 25 P. M
Renovo Accom East 9:26 A. M
Kane do West 8:20 P. M.
Local East 6:40 P. M
Dado West 8; 20 A. M
The Mail and Through Loeal earry
ssengers, the local does rot.
Give us a call lor job work.
Christmas will soon be here.
Mrs Jans Babbitt has moved Into her
new house.
Thr saw Episcopal church bell has a
beautiful tone.
Riuowat now has five bells on public
It cost Clearfield Just $162 to hold Its
last election.
Edward Drrbt has built an extension to
his side walk, making it wider.
We would suggest, that all the church
bel s be rung at the same time on Sunday
TliR Brojkville Htpubliean, published five
and a half columns of Sheriff's sales last
Powdered alum and commen salt, pow.
dered placed in a hollow too'h will stop
loothnch e.
Hunters cannot be too careful in hand
ling fireurms. Exchanges almost diily
contain accounts of fatal gunning accidcnls
Somebody iiiys that a teaspoonful of
alum shavings mixed with the sane quantity
of sugar, will fix croup quicker atbau the
chuke of a mutton's narrative.
Si'Pebvisob Fitch has bad stone and
hemlock boughs dumped on the bauks of
1 lk creek, for the protection of Maiu street
from the encroachment of th floods.
The well is down nearly 2,000 feet and
shows good signs of oil, but bow much it
is iniposs ble to tell at present- Warrtn
Hunters should remember that the game
law prohibits kill'.ug d-ier after November.
The law says deer can be killed from Sept..
1st to Itec. list. Dogs found chasing deer
can be shot by any person.
One of the prisoners Sheriff Scull took to
Allegheny !at week said, ne was going
home, tie had been there so many timts
that the ptui emiary seemed more like
home than any other place.
The Philadelphia & Erie railroad com
pany, reports the business of its road for
the mouth of October. 1875, as follows:
Gross earnings, S3C8 034 07, expenms,
$215,709 10. Net prcceeds, $120,264 HI.
The extensive dry ghods store W. T,
Mar:y, at 270 and 272 Main street. Buffalo.
closed it i doors Novemher 27ih. The lia
bilities are a'lout $150,000. The as: etsjie
supposed to be about $100,000. The credi
tors are mostly ea-Uern firms.
There are nine base-ball c'nbs among
the Vussar College girls with the sugges
tivehames of 'lieliow Gurters," ' Strip jd
Stockings," "Pin Backs," "Short Skirts,"
"fawns." "Tiger LiHies," "Catamounts,"
"Plying Squirrels," and "Nine Pius."
Company II will hold a grand ball on
Christmas eve. The hall wil be decorated
in fine style, good music will attend, and it
is intended to make it the pany of the
season. Wccxpect to be able to g'vs ful,
parr culm uext week.
Mr Wilson it the fourth Vice President
who has died in office These were George
Clinton. April 20 IS! 2; Elbridge Gerry
Nouetn'oer 23. 1814; William Rutus King,
April 17, 18"3; anu now Henry ' Wilson
November 22, 1875. All died at Washing
Ion except Mr. King who was returning
from Cuba and died in Alabama,
Tie M'intour American lays "give us
John F. Hurt ra.. ft for our Candida's for
President uext year and we will send you
such a return fioin Montour county as
will make your heads swim." And we are
prepared to believe it. Thcie is not a
county in the state where the Republicans
did better than in Montour, aud they
(tight not to be forgotten .
Dklinqi'knt CBscitiBEtts This is the
way a contemporary putt it. Because we
happen to lake our Eliot gun and start out
on an afternoon's gunning, it is no reason
why person's should inquire if we are on a
lour for collecting subscription money.
The times are hard, ammunition costs too
much money to be wasted on delinquent
gubscribtrs just now.
The Williamsport G 4 B says: Nearly
every exchange that comes to this office
has an item stating that 18,000,000 feet of
lumber has been rafted out of thr William
sport boom this season. The item is all
right as far as it goes, but it is only 167,
709,110 feet short of the truth. The exact
amount of lumber rafted nut of the boom
this sensou was 185,768.919 feet, an in
c ease of 5,034,537 over tbe operations of
Oil Wkli Fibb. Wt learn that on Wed
nesday, the 23th, the gas took fire
at Mr. Hagne's njw weil east of Shelield.
on the P. & E. Railroad, seriously burning
the drillier and MoNrir, of Sheffield. It
appears tbey had just struct new vein of
gas and some oil. People were consider,
bly excited in anticipation of a big well.
Mr. McSair, as we bear it, went near tbe
well with a lighted lantern before the dril
!er saw him. Of course the gas took fire in
the shanty and well. The ejplosioa threw
the driller several feet burniug him and
Mr. MoNair badly and shaking up things
in a lively manner in all directions. On
Thursday the gas in tbe well was still burn
ing throwing a flame fifty or sixty feet into
the air. It ws probably some such an ex
plosion a occurred on Oil Creek many
years ago when Mr. Bouse and others lost
lb sir lives.
Kntbrta:nmknt. William H Mo-
Colliu. (Late Graduate and Instructor
in the Peon. Iustitute for the Blind
will give ooe of his 1'aulor Enter
tainments at RIDQWAY, Mondar
Deo. 6th, 1875.
Mr. MoCollio, ii totally blind. He
lost his eyesight instantly whoti abou'
17 years ofaie, from tho accidental dis
charge ot fire arms in the hands ol ao
intimate Irieod. Instead of arttiup
down in gloom and despondency ovet
hie misfortune!, he devoted hitmelf, bv
oarelul study to his profession, as a
Teacher of Music aod as an Elocution
ist, tits entertainments show what
patient labor and study will do for the
blind. The life-like scenes, and his il
lustrations ot on iructer in his Descrip
tive Reading aided by a very powerlui
memory, and not by the process ot
raised letters, which are ottimjs tedious
are dratustic and spirited.
The programme for the evening wil
consist of 1'eadings of. Declamation o'
Prose an! Pjjtry, Iroiu Btatidard
authors, iuterspored w;th Djsorip'ive
Humorous ami Pathe'in liillals, it a.
An AcciDKNr. On Saturday even.
in lust, a lamp exploded at the rem
deuce of Mr. II. 11. Curill. on first es
street. Mrs. Curill lit the lump uuo
set it on a lublj, after which she wem
out tn a neighbor's house on an errand
Mr. Thomas Carroll, beiug at fin
back of the building referred to and
'.melting the smoke went into the room
and discovered the lump had exploded
and set on fire the table cloth ntid mic
coeded in cutiuguishitig the Amies bp.
fore any damage resulted save the
burniug of jhe ublo-oloth, suorchinit
the carpat and suffocating a canary
bird Ciarion Juvktonimi
An importuut decision was tendered
by Jud?,e Gordon, ot the Supreme
Court the other judges concurring a
short time since in regard to interest
paid by debtors of National Banks. The
following are the points ufiirmed.
1. If a National Bank takes more
than legal interest, it forfeits the en
tire interest.
2. Usurious interest taken by a
National Bank may be delaulted against
the amount sued for by the bank.
3. The Pennsylvania act of Assem
bly which limits the time in which
usurious interest may be recovered back
to six months does not apply to trasac
tions with National Banks.
Once in a while ire gel an encourag
ing item ab'JUt business. A Boston
paper says that the head of the largest
dry goods jobbing firm in that city,
who on Tuesday morning received re
turns from five of the lergest western
states, reports that in all these states the
jobbers and retailers are doin? a larger
and better business than during any
previous year since the close of the war
Referring to his own businets, he re
marked that out ot four thousand regu
lar accounts scattered all over the
United States, not one since the first of
luly has failed, suspended or asked for
an extension. There are not hall' the
grounds lor mistrusting the business
future which tin croikers would have
us believe. The crops throughout the
wet have been harvested and housed
are beyond possible Q image, ana are
more than satisfactory both in quantity
and quality, while the larmers aud
plauters are realizing fair prices, in
many instances tn r.- than ordinaraly so.
The law sf tho Bail
Some one, who has taken the trouble
to post himself on the law governing
railroad passenger travel, gays that extra
charges for failures to buy tickets are
universally sustained by the courts, bu
there must be a full oppotunity to buy
afforded by the ticket seller. Passi-n
uers mdst show tickets when asked for
As to stopping off, there is only one de
cisiou, which is that a passenger cannot
stop off, aud resumo his journey, with
out the previous assent ol" (be company.
As to the obligation of the road to
furnish a seat to a passenger, a decision
say: ''A passenger who exhibits his
ticket need not surrender it uutil he
has been furnished with a scat." A
railroad is not liable lor Ihiuns sto'crt
out of a passenger's scat, (here being no
previous delivery to the company's ser
vaots; for the same reason tlm compauy
is not liable tor baggage iu the paison
ger'a own care. Passeugers who neg
lect to look alter their own baggage on
artival at their destination caouot re
cover it if it is lost without fault of the
carrier. Baggage left in station houses
lor the oass mirer's convenience, after
it bus reached its destination, comes uu
der a new class of rights and duties, the
baggage masters assuming the position ot
a gratuitous bailee, who only becomes li
able in cases of gross negligence. The ob
ligation of tho railroad as carrier ceases
wheu it bas delivered to its owner al
the place of destination, or when bo has
had reasonable opportunity of reoeiving
and removing it. It will interest sports
men to know tbat they recover tor the
value of dogs when they intrust them to
baggage master for hire because ot
their exclusion from the passenger ears
Orryoitig friend Arlner U. uiuls, Has
returned front his trip to the Ealt, and we
are glad to sola, very much improved la
Wa hats some very aice vititng cards
which wa are prepared to print neatly and
Pataa's HevsaneLD Mslouiss, No 12, is
on our tabic and oontains a Christmas, song
with chorus ai lib. by it. Glover Bweet
Mollis. Moore, Song and Chorus by, 3. E.
Stewart. Where Little Baby Aleeps, Song
and Chorus, by S. A. White. Allie bar
ling 8ong and Chorus, by II. P. Dank.
Take Me Haok Home, 8ug and Chorus by
W. S. Hays. When We Were Young, Song
aud Chorus, by II. Leightoa. There la
Nothing Like Our Own Home, Song and
Jhorue by C. A. fuller. This taueio iu
sheet form will eost $2,20 or you can sen I
50 cents to J. L. Peters 811 Broadway
New York, and get No, 12 Triers House
hold Melodies- With No 12 you also gel
a supplement "Arise Shine, for Thy Light
is cone," full Ant hen for Christinas;
whioh is well worth tliJ cents alone, aud
which retails at (SO cents.
OouNir. On the nint of the lOiti ot
November last the wutuhmau iu the em
ploy of tho Allegheny Valley Ui'ftfoadV
ut South Oil City, noticed a man break
ing the switch light on the main track
at that place. He at ouce folio vo 1 the
man. aud a short distance abjve tbe
switch discovered a rail on the track
uiuh was removed but a few moments
tvheu a passeuger traid came tuuuder
ing along.
The watchmvi arrested the man
whom he 'shdoied" at the switch
lamp, aud he was committed to jail in
Vcuavgo county to await trial on a
charge of maliciously obstructing the
railway track and breaking a switch
lamp, lie ave the name of George
Thomas, claimed that he belonged to
His trial has been concluded at
Franklin, Venango county, and we are
informed that he was convicted and sen
tenced to lour years' imprisonment'' at
hard labor in the Western Peuiteu-
"Brtck Pomeroy" has gone into
bankruptcy. Debts $140,000; no as-
ets but wearing apparel valued at 8125
Au arrest tor vnodooism has been
made in Central Point, Tenn. The'
pritouer a negro doctress, is accused ol
performing incantations and thereby
making ber ntighbor sick.
The legislature ot California has en
acted a law which allows every citizen
who will plant trees aud maintain them
or three years a deduction trom nis
taxes of 81 for each tree so plauted.
The first piano ever taken west of the
Alleaheuies was otic owned by Miss
Sarah Sprout, the daughter ot Colonel
Ebcucaer Sprout an officer of the revo
luliou, who emii'rated to the noith west
ern territory iu 1794, aud located at
Marietta. ' ;
The inauration of the Centennial
Governor ol Penusylvauia is to be at'
tended by the moH imposing mi'itary
aud civio display ever witnessed at the
Hon. Henry McPherson, Clerk of tbe
House ol Representatives, Washington
has held the fUiiie twelve continuous
years, and will retire on the election ol
his successor, on Moo day next, , He
bus carued respite from active service.
A boy named Lasette, eiht years
old, while periormitii; al the Theaiei
Comktue, Cleveland. Wednesday nit hi
made a leap from the tranese aud struck
the carpet held by tbe attendants g la
some way the carpet slipped fjooi their
hands, throwjng the- boy on the stage,
oeverely injuring him that be is not
expected to live.
White, Powell L
BANKERS AND littOlvfcKd,
No. 42 iouih Third Street.
Philadelphia, Nov. 30ih, 1875.
U. S. 188t. e ,
do 5 20, c '02. M and X
1231 Ui
HCj 11G
l-JOj 120
l'4 123
12-j m
U7t 118
125 126J
no n tii
do do 64 do
do (14 'bo do
do do 'Go J aud J
do do '67 do .
do do 't8 do .
HMO. do toupon
do Pacific (i s cy Int. off
New O S Keg. 1MW1
0. 1881.
H7 ii7i
11511 3d
iv I iw
Philadelphia & trie
Lehigh favigation..
do Valley .......
United K R of N J 1311 135
Oil Creek 10, 10J
Northern Central 32 83
Ceuiral Transportation 40 J 461
Nesquehoniug bi 65
C At A Mortgage ti's 'H'J 103 104
Rusted coffee a genuine article, at P.
Si K'a.
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
aud children, Linen, Alapaca aod sum
mer Cashmer at P & K'a
Give the Adkoostb office a call for bill
beads, letter-heads, cards, shipping lags,
add if you are going to gel married leave
us an order for jour cards.
New goods, every day in the year
except Sundays and legal holidava at
the great mammoth Grand 'Central
Store of P. k K'a. No bragging
around Call for whatyou want.
Ladies aud cbildreus eoats all styles and
qualities, $2 50 8 OU 3 76 4 60 6 00 ti 25 7 00
76 10,00 and upwards alto shawls aod
dresses at WAV eiVEHMANN'd apav.
site the eean aeaae, Williaaisport, Pa.
A oomplete stock of ladiet misses tod
cbildrens ihces, light, medium end
heavy at P, & K'a. Now i thr time to
The Erie D!P"tch has this to say of
"Old Lake Erie."
'Old Lake Erie" is probably the
most civilised and tempestuous fresh
sea in the world. Its waters lave lour
great American States, viz, Pennsylva
nia, New York, Uhio and .Michigan,
three "of which are sequently the most
wealthy and populous.
It Crops further south than aoj lake
of (he St. Lawrence chain, yet ktrange
to say, is five hundred and sixty. five
feet above the sea. It . covers ao area
nearly five times greater than the iStaie
of iJelaware. aud nearly as ereat as
Maryland; it it the shallowest ot the
great lakes having three terraces ol
deprh, reapeetivtly thirty, sixty, aod nne
hundred and tweuty leet ol mean depth,
and be inn shallow, is Jacgeious lot
heavy wiuds.
I he American shore is made ot l'ort
ige shales and erey sandstone. Al
Clevrlaud the shores are one hundred
and tin eo teet hiuh. The lake is gen
erally called, and we believed correctly.
to be two hundred aud lorty miles long
by forty miles wide, and one-third of a
thousand teet above the surlaee of Lake
This lake is of snvape obluseness;
and with the exception ot Eric, Huffaio
iind'Clevelaiid, it has no harbor ol
much cotisequenco. and receives no
considerable rivers; so it is surrounded
by railroads, which do the best busi
ness wheu it is frozen last, trotu Ie-
ccmbet to April.
Hut it is crossed in the rest ol the
year by nearly $400,01)0,000 of property
and product. 1 he Caspian bca slinks
off to bear Erie meuli, ned; the lialtic
Ireezes; tbe Mediterranean finds it con
venient to reler to its autiquity. A cor
respondent ol an eastern paper coui-
platus that this "Pesky Lake Lrte
itands in tho way of direct rail trans
portation, being suspended across two
degrees of latiude.
The TitUfville public schools have
1,200 pupils, besides the Catholic auu
select schools.
The next meeting of tbe Chautauqua
County, Poultry Association is to be
held at Dunkirk, Januaiy, llih to the
A man named Casper Otto Kunkle,
who lormerly worked in Warreu as a
cigar maker, according to the l'rei
was killed by the cars near Liuponum
on the 28 inst.
Poor Hutnpty Durapty has had his
last fall. Fox the priuce of clowns,
whose antics few persons in the Uuited
States have not laughed at, has come to
grief, and is a helpless imbecile.
The effort to raise money lor a stat
ute to Horace Greeley, in Printiug
huuse square, New York, is a failure,
and the little money given has beeu re
turned. A pity, and a shame hit
A grand scheme is on foot in France
for tbe erection of a mouumeut to lib
erty in tbe harbor of New York. A
very successful fete was given iu Paris a
a lew days since in pursuance ol the ob
ject, and liberal contributions were
Geo. H. Lyon, of North East notic
ing that neither parly had nominated a
candidate lor County Surveyor in Erie
county, got out a lew stickers on the
day ot election, and receiving a fen
votes was elected. His own vote would
have elected him.
Sheriff Reed, of Crawford jounty was
lately arrested aud brought belore
Judge Lowrie chatged with reta;nin; a
'targe number ot writs alter ihvrir return
had been ordered. The matter was set
tled by his turning his over tn
a man who didn't drink too much whis
key to atteud to it.
The inhabitants of Vera Cruz, Mexic
were auuonen a lew nays ao by a
cough, which proved to be contagious;
and eveu extended to animals. Abou'
the aatiie time thousands of dead li -h
were thrown on the beuch by the waves
The two tacts are supposed to have
some connection, as both have ocourred
together on several former occasions.
No serious consequences have resulted.
At a meeting of the Produce Ex
change of New York Tuesday 10 con
sider the propriety of adopting a rule re
quiring payment to be made on rransler
of title in all cases not otherwise stipula
ted for at the time of sale, the following
resolution was adopted; "That the
seller of property has a right to demand
payment for that ptoprrty oo the deliv
ery of the title to the buyer "
The Reading Eagle publishes the
following remarkable statement. A year
ago Annie Merkel, aged fourteen yeajs,
'daughter otJobn Meikel then residing
at Leespoi t, was crocheting and had iu
her mouth shawl pin one ana three;
fourth inches in length with a . large
black head, which waa axeidentsly
drawn into her windpipe and passed
down into ber lungs. A physician
waa immediately sent for, but he
could out recover it. The presence ot
the pin caused ioflamation and a chronic
oough with expectoration of pus aud
DiooU ana it was leareu sr.e Had gone
iuto a decliue with consumption of the
lungs. ' The sough aud pain in tin
iungs were specially severe during tl e
pat month.
Last evening she atteided church
with her parents, and alter returning
home and retiring to bed she was at
lacked with a coughing spell which
nearly caused suffocation, when sud
denly a hard suhstance fl-.w out of hei
mouth aod tell on the floor, It war
heard to fall, and search was made for
it. It proved to bo about one third ol
the shawl pin with the head attached
In about ten minutes another coughing
spall brought up the point of the pin
Both pieces were ahowu to an En'jU
reporter this morning and they show
tbe pin corroded through, end thus
terming two pieo, during the time it
was deposited iu the lung. Mia Mer
kel rested well during the night, aod is
in very good spirits to-day. There la
joy and geuuiue heartfelt thanksgiving
id Nr. ?mkel a family to-day. I hey
moved thU year from Leesport to Read
ing, and ere residing at 1613 Elm
Subscribe for ihe Advocaii.
Green Hio coffee a P. & K'a.
Oh! those beautiful prints at P. k
Knit undershirts and drawers, at P k
Ladies dress goods newest styles
Hats and Caps a complete assortment
at P. k K'a.
Hunting Rubbers! with acd without
heels, a large lot at P. k K'a. All
other kioda of rubber boots and ahoea.
Wedding and Mourning outfits for la
dies at Mr Y & SILVEUMnNN'S, oppos.te
the court In. use. Wil ianisport, Pa
CifcAl'l CHK.M'! clle; API
Coods Biarked down lo astonish the
world Call and see us. MAY & 81LYEK.
MANN, Williamsport, 1'a.
Milliuery goods, hair switches, jewelry,
fancy 'ouils, notions, ladies & cbildrens
uloaks, di esses & undergarments. Wlioie
sit & Itetail at MAY & SILVERM ANN'S
opposfle the ciurt house, Williamsport, P.
We are agents fir -mid mi demurest pat
terns, eatalougos free, send tor one, pat
terns sent by mail MAY ft SILVER
MANN'S Williamsport Pa.
''King lieo" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all tbe popular brands at P. k K'a.
From two to three hundred ladies cloth
ctats laies, styles also a large lot of Kuis
at prices so low to astouish every body
MAY & SILVER.MANN, oppusite the
Court House, Williamsport, Pa.,
Coodfii-h boneless and bkiuless. Also
some of the old fashioned in lull dress,
at k K's.
Have you been to Willismaport Pa., to
huy what you want at MAY At SILVKR
"M ANN'S, opposite the Court. House. They
are giving up retail business & are selling
goods very cheep.
Those new style prints, at P k K's
are the general talk of the town. Go
aud see them.
Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn
down corners also the good old Byron
style at P. & K'a.
A full stock ot fresh Family groceries,
such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice,
Sirups, Spices, li. li- Powder, Baking,
and Sweet Chocolate, aud every thing
in tbat line, al P, & K'a.
A general stuck ot winter clothing,
at very low prices at P. & K's.
If you want a bug of leed, or a
u.-fl'iel ol potatoes or a barrel or sack ot
hour or eveu a small sack of Graham
tlmr, it will pay you to step iuto P &
K's lor it
Ifyou pay for goods when you buv
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare ol debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and el.ililrcu will greet you with a
rinile in the moruiug. Go to Powell
& Kiuie's model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go home
i-uti.-fied. They have adopted the cash
system, aud say it is working charm-
Hxir switches 75 cutis $1 00 2 00 3 00 A
4 50 wunh duubie the money aud Kuches
or -5 cents ftats I'ruui 2") cent! upwards
Tinned Imis In in $1 UU upwards, great re
ductiuu in all k:uds of goods at MAl ft
SILVfcKMANN C, Williamsport, Pa.
Prices lo asioiii.-h the world. Every
ihing is huui.d to be sold to quit business;
uome every Iluiiding nud nitu,,es
lor sale. MAY ft 8M.VEKM.iNN, Wil
liamsport opposite the Court House.
MAY ft fclLVMtMAN Williamsport Pa.,
are discontinuing the retail trade and are
selling goods al and below cost. Call and
see them they are great bargains.
II jou waot any bl'chcd or brown
muslins, trom to 10-4 wide any
quality, go (o head quarters, Powell k
lime's and select to your taste.
rUltS! HHS! FUKS! FUlis!
Extra ivducrmeuls offerd in ladies &
childreus furs, small sets at SI 00 ladies
sets 1 1 oin $2 00 aud upwards extra bar-
guns in Mink sets first quality as, MAY &
Those Ilamilt n Corsets at P k K'a
are ihe most durable, and the cheajest
in market.
Over Coats? from $5 to $25 a large
and splendid atock. Step 10 aud get
one at P. k K'a
ay maiu ae cents
ELK. LObGE, A. Y. M.
The stated tnceticas of Elk Loire, No.
879, are held at their ball, earner of Mais
and Depot streets, on the sceoad and fourth
Tuesdays of each month'
Ground coffee at P. Ai K'a.
Alpecat eheaper than ever befo't
known st P. k K'a.
By order of tbe Court of Common Pleas
of Elk o.unty, 1 will expose to publio sale
CEMUKll, A. U. 1875, at 2 o'clock P. M.,
upon tbe premises, in the village of Bene,
teito, said cuuniy, the following desoribett
real estate to-witi Lot No. one I on the
corner of Main and waier streeis, according
to tbe plan of (aid village, being 60xt 6t
feet, upon which la erected a two-story ,
frame notel 24x50 feet, with a wing aw'
taohed X4i40 test, and a bar room in lb
basement. Also a frame barn, ereote'd
for hotel purposes, 8Ua50 feet. This prof
eny has all the appurtenances Of a Afti
clts country hotel, has a license lo sell
liquors, and ia ihc only hotel iu the village
. Lso Lot No 2 on Waller street, 00140
feet, upoL whioh it ereced a frame build
ing uue story and a half high, 2 H38 feet
with a wing 18x13 feet, used as a atore and
dwelling There is a good well of water
upon this lot.
Also Lola Nos. 1 and 8 on Main and
Stoond stieets, each 60x150 feet, upon
which is erected a two-story dwelling house
18x24 feet and a suiailbirn. Lota im
proved and enclosed by a good fence.
One. third upon confirmation and the re
maluder n two equal annual installments
from that date, with legal interest, payable
anuually, upon the whole sum, to be se
cured by judgment bond and mortgage.
Ihe above premises to be sold as tne
property ot the heirs of Eben and Elisabeth
IVinslow, laic of Elk county, deceased, un
der an order of court, iu partition.
Sheriff's Office,
Ridgway, Pa., Nov. 23, '75-31, f
KvaDgelical.Nou-tiectariau, Iudtpendent
The Christian at Work.
T. Do H ut Tannage Kditor.
The Best Religious Paper published.
Mr. Talmage'a Sermon caoh week.
Full Reports of Mr. Moody's Work
Hi liev. W. M. UAKKU.
One of the mott popular ot American stor J
After JOSEPH JOHN, executed in twenty,
nine iirinuugs and heretofore sold for $15 au
Painted expressly tor this paper by MR3.
VthtTNEk.audchromocd ty L. PKANOa
i0. Bosun.
IJllie.e are genuine art works, aud
tbe best and most expensive piotuie pre
uiimunis ever ottered.
Alost Liberal Termt to Agents,
Without premium postage prepaid ... $3,00
With either premium foimounied, postage
prepaid ...$3,25
Wiih either preiniuu, mounted by exprasa
at subscribers expense. 4,00
y Ktir lull particulars as to eouimia
tious audcauvaas address.
D. COKWIN. Publisher,
BOX 6105, NLA 10KK.
"VT0T1CE it hereby given that a petition
will be presented at the next sessiou of
me i.egislii'uro for ihe passage ot a law re
lustatiug the Commissioners of tbe Big
Level State Road long tuough to collect
piesent taxes, pay up indebeduess, and
beilie up accounts.
For the Commissioners,
A Startling Cauie or ilebi'.ity aid Siok
ness fully explained in a Urge ootavo Trea
use by Dr. O. IMcLPS LUtOiViN, 21 Urand.
Mreei. Jersey City, N. J tVEtlV .lAi.i
AU WlMA.N wno is ailing iu uuy way
should send and gel a copy al once, as it is
t tree, prepaid oi mail. Addreis the
author, as above. vou38yl
Ridgway Cemetery.
Lots are uow offered lor sale by the
Ridgway Cemetery Association in the
uew Cemetery. The present low price
lor lots may soou be advanced.
Apply at the omce ot
VV. a. HAMBLEN. Secretary
Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f.
Pupils wisbine to receive instruction in
Green or Latin, ot disiring to prepare lor
college can nave opportuuuy ot doing so
by applying to the Rector of Grace Church.
lie naviug made tne ueeessary arrange
ment wilt be glad to receive a limned
number ot young ladies aud gentlemen for
msiruction. For information as to terms
&e apply to
Ridgway, Pa.
Are "COINING .U0ML.V" with luo famous
The Fieuch Edition of which sella for $165,
aud the London Edition for $200. Our
fouplar Edition ($0.60,) containing ow
One Hundred full-pugt quarto plate; is Ilia
in AMiaicv and the UaST TO SELL.
Critios vie with eaoh other in praising it,
and the masses buy it
From local agent in Soutbport, Conn.:
'In our village of eighty I have,
taken sixty five orders: have canvassed in
a'l about twelve daya (ia village and onuu-
iry.) and nave taken oidert tor one Hundred
and lit copiet."
tUuli r AHTICULAilS FREE. Addreu.
'!. B. FORDft CO.. Publishers.
4tu38 27 Para Plaoe, New York.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the Co
p.irtnership heretofore existing between the
uudersigned as butchers at Ridgway, was
dissolved on the 7th day of October last.
Ihe business will b continued by VV- F.
Mercer who will receipt for all aoioua's
owed the firm of Golf A Veroer and pay all
debts owed by the firm.
Ridgway 19 Nov, 1875 A E. GOFF.
Teachers afcstitute
The ninth annual sessiou of the Elk Co..
Teachers' Institute will be held at Wiloox,
Pa., eommencing Monday, Deo. 6th. at 8 ?
M. aad olosiug Friday, Deo. 10th, 1875.
HENRY LOUCK. A. M. Harrisburg, ,
Prof. W. VV. WOODRUFF Newtown Pa. '
aud Rev. WM. HOFFMAN, W iloox Fe,tu.i
others are engaged aa the chief lecturer'
and instructors. Excellent Hotel aocotft. -tnodations
at tbe Wiloox, House one oUlhsi;
per day. Orders for exoursioa UgfceAl
Dav be bad by applying to tho uad
i7if CtO R . DIXON'. Co. Su;;t