The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 25, 1875, Image 4
FAJOl, CUllDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Ilns Cholera. Hog cholera is nlno known ns " blue disenso," red soldier," " distemper in pigs," etc. This is undoubtedly ft blood disease, nnd belongs to tho anthrax typo of fevers. Symptoms : Tho disease sets iu and usually secures a firm hold upon tho nuitnal before its presence is suspected. Tho ono affected will isolate himself from tho rest aud burrow in the littor, oiton remaining thus till death, though sometimes they will run as if wild, grunting and sci earning as if in great paiu. Dullness, drooping head aud oars, and l)ss of appetite, are the symptoms observed, if at all, in the first place. In what may bo called tho second fitiiQO tho abdominal pains are indicated Ijy lying ou tho belly with foro feet out stretched, and, when caused to move, uttcriug sbrieks. Tho skin takes on a purplo color, particularly upon tho back nnd ears, along the abdomen, and insido tho thighs. The pulse is rapid, but feeble. Diarrhea sets in, and bocoinos profuse in the third stage. Tho dejec tions are black and offensive. The pnlso weakens, and finally becomes imper ceptible. Breathing is difficult and spasmodiOj owing to congestion of the lungs, and an irritating cough comes on. General weakness is now apparent ; the animal can scarcely stand j his legs get entauged liko a tipsy man's, and com plete paralysis soon results. Eruptions on tho skiu may have followed tho first discoloration, which now are succeeded by sloughing and ulceration. Insensi bility precedes death from three to six hours. The malady sometimes appears in less fatal forms, accompanied by colored skin and loss of appetite for a few days, when recovery follows ; but this is uncommon. On post mortem ex amination, tho appearance of rapid de composition is manifest, aud all the tissues seem transfused with blood. Treatment: After diarrhea sets in, death it almost certain. Before that event, administer quickly (by moans of a drenching horn or long-necked bottle, and, if the pig is large, tying him to a post with a rope around his upper jaw) : Ejjsom salts, two to four ounces ; sul phur, two to six drachms ; gentian aud ginger, powdered, one to two drachms ; molasses, two to three tablespoonfuls ; gin, half pint. Cold water sponge baths and friction with a coarse cloth are useful if they can bo borne, and this treatment must bo gentle. Clean bedding and comfortable pens, and with diet of vegeteble food, are required. A free run in a bare pas ture or lane is a groat help. Iu this as iu all sicknesses, when pos sible, prevention is the best treatment, and simply consists in careful feeding, plenty of vegetable food, cleanliness and exercise. Scientific American. niedtcnl Notes. Ono ounce alcohol; two drachms cay enne pepper; one ounce kerosene oil; let it staud twenty-four hours after mix ing. It cures the worst toothache ever known. Depression of Spirits. Sal volatile, combined with camphor, is more effica cious than most remedies in auording re lief in depression of spirits, heartburn, spasms, palpitations, etc. a -simple remedy lor neuralgia is horseradish. Grate and mix it in vino gar, tho same as for table purposes, and apply to the temple when the face or head is affected, or tho wrist when tho pain is in the arm or shoulder. A French physician expresses Lis preference for lemon juice as a local ap plication in diphtheria to chlorate of potash, nitrate of silver, perchloride of lime water, lie uses it bv dipping little plug of cottonwood, twisted around a wire, in the juice, and pressing it against the diseased surface four or five times daily. Curability op Pulmonary Disease. The incurable character commonly at tributed to pulmonary disease is seri ously questioned by M. Pietra Santa, the malady being, in liis opinion, essen tially general and constitutional an al teration of the function of nutrition, and a disease of tho blood and that, while thero is no panacea for the affection, he thinks that many cases may be greatly uuevr.auu, una, luueeu, entirely ciuea by following a rational treatment. Thus, m all periods of the disease, the assist ance is to bo invoked of suitable hygi enic and moral treatment, a pure atmos phere, a tonio diet, moderate exercise, and tlie use of milk for food; the admin istration of certain mineral waters; a salutary change of place and of migra tion, always into southern temperate regions during winter, and to mountain oua countries in the summer; the use of hyposulphites and the alkaline sulphites for the treatment of the tuberculous matter developed in the lungs; and call ing into play tho various agencies of therapeutics . when they can be made available in tho different periods of the aisoaso. Epizootic in Horses. This disease, that swept over the en tiro country and was so serious in the lau ot im'l, lias appeared again this fall though probably in not bo bad a form, Nearly all the horses in the cities are affected with it already, and it is certain to spread to the country very soon Horses that are in good condition will suffer the least from its attack. Its first symptom is a slight cough, which gradu ally becomes more frequent and severe, accompanied with running at the nose aud swelling of the throat between the jaw bones. Horses that are in good heart and are properly taken care of will probably be only slightly affected Wo advise the simplest treatment possi ble. Keep the horses in a warm, com fortable, clean, and well-ventilated stable, blanketed in wet, cold weather feed well with oats and sweet hay (corn is too heating), with a good bran mash once a day; the only medicine needed is to thoroughly nib tho throat with some good liniment, if it should become much swollen, and be very careful not to let them take cold. A little exercise every day at light work, or careful driving, we deem benencmi, out any violent exer cise, or anything approaching over exer tion, will be almost certain to produce serious results. The aim should be to keep the horse in as strong heart as pos Bible, and nature will soon work out the disease. Its usual term is from twelve to twenty days. THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Extracts from the Annual Report of the Pay master Heneral. Gen. Alvord, paymaster general of the United States army, says in his annual report for the last fiscal year ending June 80, 1875, the number of de sertions during that time was 2,521; re enlistments of privates, 1,980, and of sergeants, 347. The number of deser tions are decreased nearly one-half, while the number of re-enlistments have increased nearly three times during the last fiscal year, ai contrasted with tho former year. This betokens superior contentment, and is due, doubtlces, not alone to the pay being now graduated by lengtli of service and to tne enoct oi the deposit system, but is undoubtedly also duo to an improvement in the whole A 1 I'.-' It.. Wl. lone ana conumon ui i-uu m uiy. a no total amount deposited by soldiers dur ing the year was $325,250. Doubtless tho effect of tho system has been, as heretofore, to diminish desertions. There remained, on the 30th of June hist, $527,000 in the hands of the gov ernment, received from deposits, and not yet repaid, mnoo the passage of tho act of May 15, 1872. The paymaster general calls atteution to the scheme favorably alluded to by the secretary of war in his last au'iual eport lor the enactment of a system ot annuities for the families of deceased tlicers bv voluntary deductions from the monthly pay of officers. It is pro posed that it shall be done without eventual expense to the government. The money to be deducted is worth to the government a certain per centum of interest. This interest and the ex- ectancy of life (arrived at by careful statistics) are the elements from which annuity tables would be prt pared by the most careful anil critical calculations. The science of probabilities has reached great precision in its computations, but after certain tables have been used twenty years, more or less, then if found ofective corrections could be made, hich would more perfectly accomplish the object sought. Some officers have expressed a preference for a voluntary established assessment (made upon the death of tho oflicer) upon each member of the association, a scheme so entirely different from the annuity plan that it probably would not conflict with it. There is one precaution that the pay master general would emphasize that neither himself nor any other officer be made (as in the case of the late Jfc reed mau's bureau) the custodian of any fund, but that it be deposited in the treasnry, to bo withdrawn according to law. The paymaster general says tho allowauce and payment of mileage to officers of the army is so hedged about that there can bo and were no abuses of it which are not inseparable from any allowance based upon orders issued at the discre tion' of men. Therefore ho earnestly recommends a return to the system of mileage, as better fitted to do justice to the oflicer and to the government. A Liberal Aim. The father and son went a hunting tho father taking successive draughts from a whisky bottle. At last they spied a squirrel and the young man fixed and missed. Now the old man blazed away with an unsteady aim, and down came the came. " 1 tola you L was the bes1 shot," said he, as he chuckled in a maud lin selfgratulatiou. " Well, no wonder. you held your gun all over the tree, replied the son. There is a dilatory couple iu Tonnes- see that have been engaged ior twer ty-flve years. The Poor r a City. In an article on tho poor and unfor tunate of New York city, the Times relates the following incident : A poor man's wife died of disease accelerated by want, and left him to care alono for an infant son who, too, was near death. The father, unable to get woru, stole a box of cigars, valued at 0, cold it, and bought food and medicine for his child. He was arrested, and, although he hiui hitherto borne a good character, aud the facts were made known at the tria', ho was sent to the penitentiary. At that moment, "politicians were robbing the city of millions ayear with impunity. Commenting on this sad story the same paper adds : It is idlo to think that tho poor man does not realize tha force of such contrasts. xhey are burned into his heart, callous to ordinary suffering, and his intense consciousness of them makes more difficult tho task of those who try to help him. Another thing the poor man knows which the rich man does not. He knows that death from starvation is so common a thing iu New York city as to be unworthy a three-lino paragraph in the newspapers. This may seem startling, but it is true. The re cords of the hospitals of the city show an averago number of deaths not' far from one a day during the winter months from "general debility." The physicians say this means starvation. (Question these physicians lurther, and they will tell of cases of once stalwart men who are brought in on stretchers m weak that they must be bathed in spirits to give them strength enough to eat. SUMMARY OF NEWS. Items ef Interest from Home and Abroad. A revenue cutter picked up one of the orew of the loot steamer P&ciflo, who states that tho steamer was run down by a vessel under full sail. A steamer reports having eeen a sailing Bhip with her flag flying upside down, and her bow stove in, which was probably the vessel reforrod to. The steamer recovered three dead bodios about the same time A tele gram from Washington, to tho effect that VicPresident Wilson had been stricken with apoploxy, occaxioncd general norrow through out tho country, whloh was relieved the next morning when it was ascertained that he was HiifTering from severe lndigestiou A tele gram from Penang to the London Timet, said (lint the rajah of Lilla had ordered the districts of Larut, Salangore and Porak under arms, aud that a religious war was expected Hut-si a has issued an order to her troops in Kliokand to the effect that the territory on the right bank ot the Syr-Darin, from the Russian frontier to the River Nareeu, hitherto belong ing to Khokand, is annexed to Russia The revenue of France is (22,000,000 more than the estimates, so far this year A question having been rained in Bait Lake City as to tho competency of a Mormon to servo on a Jury in a oueo between a Gentile and Mor mon, Judge ltorcman decided that there was no evidence to show that a juryman had ever been controlled by the Mormon Church, and consequently the Mormon was eligible. . . .The Kansas and Missouri bridge, which spans the MicBonri rivor at Leavenworth, has been placed in the hands of a receiver The wife, daughter and son of ChRrles Massey, Sr., of Fordsville, Ky., died from the effects of poison put iu their well by some scoundrel. Tho report of the commissioner of internal revenue shows that during the pist year the government has lost on fraudulent spirits the sum of tl, 050,000, and that twenty-four distil lers, tliirty-soven rectifiers and fifty officials have been been implicated Dopnty Attor ney-General Fairchild, of JHew York, having given a legal opinion that savings banks oonld not, under the law, invest In District of Co lumbia bonds, the attorney-General of the United States and Charles O'Conor gave an opinion precisely opposite, and now Attorney General Pratt has prepared a written opinion, soltiug aside the opinion of his deputy An unconscious colored man was picked up in a boat at sea, who af torward stated that he was sole survivor of the bark Toronto, reportol lost some daya since. Ho stated thnfrtho crow of fourteen left tho (inking vohhoI in ono boat but seven of them were shortly afterward wanhod overboard by the sea. The others floated about day after day without water or food, until one after another became delirious and jumped ovorboard, or died of exhaustion and wore thrown over the colored man only surviving. . . .Edward Murphy aud his motlier, of Middleboro, Mass , both under tho iuilu ence of liquor, attempted to cross tho Taunton railroad iu a wagon. The horso balked, and tho young man was instantly killed by au approaching train. The mother escaped. Iho Torto has oidored tho districts of Tro biguo, Eilotz aud Piva to bo detached fioni Herzegovina and organized as a sepaiaie de partment, wincu will bo placed under an Armenian Greek governor Sir Edward Thornton, umpii-a of tho United States and Mexican claims commission, has given jud meut for jl, 000,000 in the case of the Catholic Church against Mexico During tho elec tion for president of Tern, rioting ocourrod in tho street-! of Lima, betwoeu the adherents o Gou. Piado aud Admiral Jloutoio. Fourteen were killed aud many wounded. porty prevails on the border. The Jury have found eighty indiotments, and urge decisive aotion on the part of the State and general government to punish the criminals and pro toot the Inhabitants against Mexican banditti. ..Quarantine restrictions have been re- moved from the Pensaeola navy yard Advices from the Magdalen islands, near New foundland, report the fishing soason just ended as the most productive one for many years JoBoph A. Sadler, of London, lias just won a rowing match, and thus retains the championship of England.... The Treasury npartmont recommends a tax on savings bank dopohltd of ovor tS'.'O The omuuAtcrl damage done in London an I by tho high tides will reach (5,000,000 Tho Pii'Misti ship Arlntida. which sailed from Loudon for the United States, lias been I .ut near lioulogno. who .or tne orew wi ro drowned The secretary of the treaHiny has ixsued a call for the redemption of $12. 785,000 of five-twenty coupon and registered bonds of the issuo of June 30, 1801. Orrin Marshall, who murdered his wife in Stonghtou, MasB., and then esoaped, has boon found dead in Boston, having Bhot himself through the brain A fight recently oc curred between some revolutionists and gov ernment troops at Souora, Mexico, six of the former boiug killed Tho body of Guibold was interred at Montreal iu a grave of cement. largo body of police and military was present and no riotous demonstrations oc curred The new constitution of Alabama was ratified by a largo popular majority A fire in tho town of Irwins, Pa., dostroyed fourteen buildings, ton of which woreoocupicd as storos. Loss, (50,000; covered by insur ance.. . .The bark Maria Martin, from Chioago for Buffalo, lost three sailors by having them swept off the jibboom and drowned A man named Dowling having rofusod to pay his fare on a horse car in New Orleans, was ejected by the driver, John McNnruara, when he drew a pistol and shot tho drivor dead Spurious (5 bills on tho First National bank of Peru, 111., are atloat Eighteen Mormons, living at Franklin, Idaho, have been indicted for polygamy. A Wrecked Life. A Countryman at the Assay Office. A New York farmer iu digging a ditch came upon some yellow particles. Ho had read iu his weekly agricultural paper about the seam of gold that is supposed by scientilio men to extend diagonally across tho country from Maine to Texuf, and the idea struck him that his farm was. located right over that identical vein." "Now, John," said he, "don't ye tell any one, and we'll have our fortiu here in no time. But just you go and blat it out and' some one will come aud squat on the land, as they do out in (Jaliforny, and we 11 lose the hull ot it. In the course of a few days they had gathered quite a pile of the supposed gold, and the next week the old mau went to Now York with a specimen. Not knowing the best way to dispose of his gold, he first called on a prominent jow eler, who referred him to the United States assay office, and thither he went. The gentlemen to whom he made known his errand asked to see some of the metal, and at the first glance pronounced it to be "iron pyrites. "irirates! exclaimed the old man in astonishment. " I thought they always buried their money in dollars and sich." Tho assay ist finally mado him understand that iron pyrites were quite common iu some localities, and comparatively worthless. Sorrowfully the gentleman wended his way back to the farm, aud the next day the ditch was progra? sing again as a drain and not as a gold mine, the old man exclaiming every few min utes: " There's some moro of them blasted pirates!" Working Roads. Very little work should ever bo done on roads in the fall. Bridges and cul verts can be repaired, drains opened or constructed, chuck holes filled up all suoh work as will not disturb materially the hard-beaten track that has been made by the summer's travol. This should never be disturbed unless neces sary repairs cannot be secured other wise. It is the worst possible economy to scrape a black muck into the road ut any time of the year, and especially in the fall. Such soil never makes a good road. Sometimes we have frequently known it to be the case there is a clay subsoil a few inches beneath the surface, which will make a good roa l-bed if the muck is scraped olf, and this should al ways be done when the nature of the grouud will admit of the ditches being lowered accordingly. Tho fire-damp explosion iu the Bol.uiau coal uiiuo proves to havo boen quito disastrous forty-two bodies having already been tako out At St. Mary, Mo, a yonug colored girl, whilo being married a man named Brooks, was shot through the head aud killed by a discarded lover, who escaped Tho number of hogs packed iu St. Louis from March 1 to Oct. 31 was 102,424, avoregiug 220 pounds each, against 159,902, averaging 209 pounds, last year. The product of these hogs, together with 43,000 head slaughtered by butchers, was 10,490,750 pounds of cut meats aud 3,019,802 pounds of lard Tennessee haj experienced a slight shock of earthquake. The cotton mills of Robertson & Co, and Young & Co., at Glasgow, Scotland, were damaged by fire, at a loan of $1,500,000. Twelve hundred bands were thrown out of omploymout Tho crew of the ship Orpheus have beon pickod up from an inland, and state that tho steamer Pacific ran into their vessel during the nighttime, from the effects of which she sunk The strike of the coal miners of the Hocking valley, Ohio, iH over, the minors securing their ownterms Servia has withdrawn her troop from the frontier and countermanded the orJor to the militia to proceed thither, on account of tho withdrawal of the Turkish troops. Forney's Washington Sunday Chronicle has come out plainly for a third term for Grant. Disastrous floods are reported lu Eng land and Ireland The ship Calcutta, from Quobeo for Liverpool, deal laden, was wrecked on Grossa Isle, and twenty-two men, of tho orew, and a lady passenger wore drowned. The captain, three men and a boy wore saved. The remains of the pilot of the steamer Waco, destroyed by fire off Galveston, havo been found near the scene of the disaster. The probabilities aro that all on board perished. A gang of ruffians stoned tho tavern of John Sargeaut, in the lower part of Phila delphia, and after binding the proprietor, threw the furnituro out of tho window. Thirteen of them then outraged Mrs. Sar geant, inflicting serious iujuria-t. Tho poUce arrested three of them, and are after the others. Over three cartloads of bricks aud stones were taken from tho house, which had been thrown in by the scoundrels Iu the Ku Klux trials Lu Kentucky, one of the pris oners was sentenced for five years and another for three years. . . Slight earthquake shocks were felt in Illinois .A storekeeper lu Hah nay, N. 5., cut a new cheese, and eold most of it to different patrons, aud the next day sixteen families in the town showod symp toms of poisoning, and It was traced 'back to the cheese, which ia supposed to have been affected by the use of a copper press. Node of Ibe cases proved fatal Kansas has a population of 533,273 John W. and Hal loway Walters quarreled in regard to some property beloPfcing to them and their sisters in Springtown, N. J., and Joha struck his brother on the head with a stone, from the effects of which he died next day. Justice Carpenter committed John to Belvidere jail. The State ofHjers of South Carolina author lie the contradiction of the rumor that the State intended to repudiate her new bonds. The Federal grand jury, at Brownsville, Tex., report that from Brownsville to Pecas river, a diataLOj of tlx hundred miles in length, and one hundred in width to the Nueces river, all American rancheroa have beon ordered to leave their homes by Mexican raiders on pain of death, and that 100,000 head of stolen cattle are driven to Mexioo annually by Mexloan marauders. Numbers of Federal officials have been assassinated, post office burned, houses robbed, and mail car riers and inspectors of customs killed while in the discharge of their duties, and the per petrators of these crimes have gone unpun ished, and general insecurity of life and pro "Married, married, married, do you say?" and with a wild light of insanity creeping into tho haggard eyes, and voice pitched paiufully high, she re peated: " Married, married ? No; do I look liko a happy married woman f Oh, my Uod, why don t he come I See, we are all waiting for nim. There are the guests, there is father aud mother by tho nreplace, talking with our clergyman. and now tho girls are placing the wreath of flowers upon my head. But they're suaiies, tney re snakes; they aro crawl ing into my bosom 1 O, take them away 1 take them away 1 they are twin ing around my neck 1 they choke O O," and frothing at the mouth, her features fearfully distorted, poor Mar garet Townsend sank down upon the station floor, and shrieking with the most agonizing terror at the most horn ble hlmpcs her excited imagination con jured, she was borne to a cell aud the doctor summoned. 'It's tho tremens," ho said, "the worst form of delirium tremens." This was all, and yet teu years ago this outcast was a loved daughter of a well-to-do physician in the central part of Now York State. She had a lover, tho engagement iug wus placed upon her finger, and surrounded by happy relatives aud 'frimids she awaited the coming of the bridegroom on her bridal night. lie never came, and a few weeks afterwards the girl stole away from her homo nnd cast her lot among strangers. Since then the road has been fearfully steep. SCIIKNCK'N PULMONIC HYRTJP, FOR T1IK t'lIHR OK OONSIIIMPTION, . COtlUIlS AND COI.DS. Ths araat rlrtns of tbii msdlolns Is thatltrtpwu ths matter and throws tt out of ths tritrai, pnrlflet ths blood, and thai effeots a onrs. ScHitKra's Ska Wr.ltn Tome, fob tr Ocni or Dtspkpsia, ImmiTioi, Bto. Ths Tonio prodnoM a hsalthr aotion of ths stomach, sraatlnir an appotlta, formlnn ehrls, and enrlng the most obitlnat oasol of Indlft-fllMon, ScHKifoa's Mandrakx Pim.b, roa thi Corn or Lrvaa oomplaut. Era Thins Pills are altaratlre, and prodnos a tae.tthj action ml tbs llnr wltbont ths lout dinner, as thnf ars free from oalnmol Ann ynt moro effiosolons tn rmtorlnc A hnnlt hf aotion of t ho llror. Tlinn rf-niMllHH aro a oortrtln onro for OonsnmoMon, w Filltnonlo ryrun n:inn 1110 maiTor tnn tho blood Tim Mnndrnko Plllfl sot nuon tb rrnnto h hoaltby bllo, and rnmnvo All dtflonna llvitr. nftjtn it AtuM or (Innnnmntlon. The Has Tnttlc a:'!! tone And Htrenffth to tho stnmAoh, mnkoA s rrof,l dlir'tfttlnn, and nall rne organs to form cooq lnml ; nnd tbus orftntes A health olrculAilnn of health? bliK'd. The cnmhlnnri Aottnn of these merilolna, as thnn elplalned, will onre ererj oase of Consumption, 11 taken In time, And the use of the medicines peraererod In Or. Rchenck ts professionally At his principal office, t-orner of rtlith and Arch Htrpwte, Philadelphia, ernnf M' i'dnv, where all letters for advfes must be Addtessed. Pi.litn- k's medicines tor sale bv All DrUKKlste. 'he Markets. SIV TOIIA. tn. Mile priiutito Extra Bullooki (9 1?j mi, i, on to Good Texans I'HV f 1'IHl i,.-b 1)01 80 0(1 (a) 6 CO Hoks Lire..... I'7a) 07 'i Dressed IB (a) in Slietp VX4 W,4 LAmhs on 4 0 '4 Ootton Middling l" IS ' Floor Eitra Western B 75 ( 8 1 0 State Extra 8 71 ia) 6 on Wheat Hod Western 1 40 (a) 1 411 No. 3 Spring 1 to m 1 8(1 Hye State (HI i 9.1 uaney mate.... 9.1 us 1 in Usrloy Malt 1 10 10 Oats Mixed Western 41 m 4H Corn Mixed Western '5X14 H!i nny, tu-r cwt no as 1 ur HtrAW, per owt (5 1 00 Hops 76 18 Sll old! 06 17 Fork Mckh 3 4n 1412 Ml Uti Wit l''J Fish Mick'wl, No. 1, new,. ...... ,2Q (s) QlQ 00 " No. 3, now 7 '0 ( 00 l-ry Ood. per owt...' (79 (a) 8 10 nri-rll'.i!-. Sealed, per box. . -tn us 41 Petroleum Crude OOX1 Refined, !'.'! nooi i.miioruia jfieoce. . vn (a) 0:1 Texas " 17 u :0 Annrallan " 41 11 it Bntvor rttate J4 as Western Patry i u f i Western Yellow 18 Vi Western Ordinary 14 S IB Pennsylvania Fine SO ut an 0h.a8.o-State lootory (7V lt.'tf ntaie Mtiuiruou 03 ( Co WeRtern OftMtt 1 :: EKics-Bthtc jo a 80 ALEAKI. Wtat 1 40 Alls Ujc Statu VI 01 W (lorn Mixd 79 4 71 Barley State 90 wa 1 I 6 Oats State 48 0 4H BUfVALO. Floor 1 Tt m 9 tt W hint No. 1 Spring , 1 its 1 Mixed 6. (.s Ols 40 ia 40 Hyc Kt Kt Uarlty Hi IS 68 BALTIKOnS, Cotton Low Middlings 10 V nour txirn a 70 ut 8 7ti Wheat I'.ed Western 1 41 ut 1 43 Hye 73 ia) to Omn Yellow Osl lit ',3 Oats Mixed 41V4 4 Fetrolenm 06X4 Cfi.'i PHILADELPHIA. Flonr Pennsvlvauia Extra. ........ 7 60 A 8 76 Wheat Western Bed 1 40 14 1 41 Rye 76 ut 7ii Com Yellow 76 IS in Mixed 73 IS 7n Otts .'d.xed 80 31 V ilroieTiiu fipnds 10 li)Ji' Beflned, IS BARNEY'S ORANGE FLOWER WATER. rilllK WHAT IM IT.-SomMhtn arm. Bolls at K RlKht. Bl In (Itmn mailt to A went. Hamp.M,U6 enntfl nnd stamp. AffRntJi W.ntirt. 8nnd for Oats. I01"'-.11.-!?: J1 A UVVOO.A AO Fulton tRorton. QiA rnrdu, a dlfm", 1 0ctet; HQ MixHti ( lardn, with namn, I Oct.; &() Acquaint ance Cnrdft, I O ctn. .pont-pald. A RontA wanted everywhere. ror Agents I'utut umiu thrtV-cnnt utamp. Address L. JOINKS A CO., Naiman, Hennnelaer Oo., N. Y. I For the toilet or bath It bas do equal. It Is ore pleasnt than any imgnfi, rnnet. witer or Handknrohlef Fi tract, itm per fnme la very lasting, Is always sgrnfable to thft pertwm using (t, nd to those around them. It fills the mom with a pleasant odor. It rian no equal. UKO. Ts IIATINFY fc CO.. . 1, v. innri4lu as im .an nnnanlri . AwannAw.M. ted isatlifactlnn guaranteed. Illutlrattk Catalngu Frm nAiai Ainn uun wunivs, t nirsto, in,, DV uearoom'Si., imcuormica isiockj. lOO pore Book and sample- c: Rubber KooOng. Complete materials for new roof, 4)fo. " l-Klre-proof.durable, cheap. Ea'Ily applied with positive satlalbctton. Write at on re and save money. N. Y. Slate Roofing 2r. 7 CKDAK iff., K. T. m y fci" i TLLnsTnATun Homf Maoazinh. "The Honsehold imnrlrt " Two Herial rVtnrla in IH741. " 'KA4.I.KSUX1 VVV.n by Mrs. JullA O. R. Dorr; and " llltlA l," by T. 8. Arthnr. BUTTEK ll'K'M Newest Patterns In every number. TKRMB pa.ftO D'-r year; 3 copies for SH.SO. Splendid Boos offer "d Premium., ftp'rimf number Hlrf. t, n iHTIII H v f"n, 1'imnn'n. i'n 15 SHOT GUN atofilwttt bturan. ud a nod ihooUr, om mo uui with Fit, Fonofe anil TM-4fnltv, for f Otvn O. O. . wttfc prlT. t)u to eiMBlnobforp''lnf Hwnl BUmy to P, roWlt.L a HOH, Qua Item, SS8 Mud Bk. flssytipaMt, O. COME AND SEE 1'hese Uloh Prairies. Near one million sores for sale on Ibe Sioji Oily and St. Panl R. H. aud en the MoOremr an-l Mlf.nnnrl Uiver R. K. Heveral law tracts fot UolonlHU. 1 )om or send oommlttees to examine. Kvery one wuo sees the Uii Hires It. Apply to IIAIIllMII V l Al.hl."! . Wililev. Onerola Vo., Invrn Hxplnniitory Clrrnlnr how SKI lo " Invested in Ntorli Privileges, has paid and will pay l.arare Profile. Railroad Stocks, Hoods and Gold bounht on X'iririn. Inlerext Mix Per 4'etlt. allowed on depo sits snbjsct to sight drafts. BtK'KWAIiTKR '.. Hnnkers nm- llrrtkers. io. nr v nil irret, piew prs $10 to $500. This new trnsa la wor with Derfeot em for QlKUt and dar. Adant Itewtf to Tbrr motion oi the body, retaining Bap ins naraee tare under xerolae or severest stral natli permanently ourad 901a oneap dj tas iiastitr Trus Co no. (J83 Kreuf'waT. 1M. V. City, and srnt n mill. OaM or iwd foMlleo!ar,and be enrrv A pair of shoes will cost you out j uv cenu run re wnn a on than without, and it wit) ndd twice the coat ofthuhhoe to thf ir wearing vsmu. Also try Wire Quilted "olee. TWO MONTHS FREE! The New-York Tribune, Tlte Leartitiff American Xeiespaper, On reccint nf H'2 and this advertisement. THK WKKKLY TRIHUNK will be Bnt, postage paid, to any aaarens uinu uecHmner iniiijur mr i uui six omen; for 22. eleven : ffr JI-tO. thirty-one. Addreus THK TIC I Hi;n K iPW-lorK. ilFDinSE RF.3DER9 tmEflSl Volt a Ulectbo Kelts and andi are indorsed by the most eminent physicians la the world for the cure of rheu matism, neuralgia. livercom plaiut, dyspepsia, kidney dis ease, arhfs, rains, nervous dis orders, fits, female complaints nerTons and general debility, and other chronic diseases of the cheBt, bead, liver, stomach kidneys and blood. Book with full particular-! free bv Volta UriT '" . iiifiintKtt. Obi" 15 LIFE. For service and comfort wear I Cable Screw Wire Hoot ft and Khoea, the best and I Alfo try Wire Quilted Poles. Ill TO n-Aiius Do Your Own Printing! E mm it tarai, iimii, D-ieps, tie H O Larcar itr tt larcar work. Baalaeas Mia iaA ariatitf aS advert!. trufllti AniiMir Frlnttac. Tb tilrli m ,C VI AVC I1 ' w nuiu aiwy &t C7 "pnii urn. mb a iwt itaian itr fill catsv lofva of prMMt. mw,tte.,U ths MuaiHtuin, 3 Stick to It. Learn a trade, or get iuto busuieBP, aud go nt it with a detorminatiou that defies failure, and you will succeed. Don't leave it because hard blows are to be struck, or disagreeable work to be performed. Those who have worked their way up to wealth and usefulness do not belong to tho shiftless and unsta ble class; and if you do not work while a young man, as an old man you will be nothing. Work with a will, aud con quer your prejudices against labor, and manfully bear tho heat and burden of the day. It may be hard tho first week; but after that, I assuire you, it will become a pleasure, and you will feel enough better t-atisfied with yourself to pay for all the trial of a beginning. Jiet perseverance and ministry be .your motto; and with a steady application to business, you need have no fear for the future. JJou t bo ashamed oi your plain clothes, provided you havo earned them. They are far mora beautiful in tho estimation of all honest men aud women than tho costly gewgaws sportod by Boino people at tho expense of the confiding tailor. Tuo people who re spect you only when well clad, will bo the hrst to ruu from you in the hour of adversity. His v. Au old Califoruian re plied, when a Jife insurance company was first introduced into Sun Francisco and ho was asked to support it: " Well, I'vo no opinion of a spekelation whar a man has got to Uio to realize. tJVf post-paid. J. U. Husteo, Nassau, Benss.Co.N.Y. "looks FxchanKed. Furnish All now. Want old. Vr! J Name this paper. American Book Kiobangs. N. V JQTTIW4 And t'nlnrrh Sure Our. Trial fir;.. AO 1 ilillii. Address W.K.BelHs.InrtlAnApolls.lml L? Knr Nnllitliff. AeAnts Wanted Fwrswhpr OO Address J. KHNWKUY A CO., Richmond, Inrt. ay at heme. Afrrnta wanted. Outfit and form- KphIita Holm tV rn.i f;r.nM'rn, N'irwnlk. I t., say: "Wi . Y h:ivo tho amttirance of our custom- rs tli.'Lt (i toani Is the hest liaK- itiR Fowder. tiur sales of it In crease contlnu'tlly. I.'cci. I,. lullill cV t o. Prtiiriristi, Pnividnnco, K. I.,say Your hh rtmm is steadily uain. lnt; in lavur. All speak well of it ,' It 1. the Lest, l-'jiriners' wlvef can ezt-el .Viw York llntrd Oiioks liv usltiff tiea l oam. 1 ry it and be Imppy. ftena tor circular to ;ki. v. (j amz .& t'(.. i 7l linnii ri.. r w wir CRAND CHANCE FOR ACENT8, witk WrifeJYoA9. AM ELIZA YOUNG S NEW BOOK. NO'S . J?EBELLipU8 rcreu or MUKMUN )m iictlon by Julin li. Gough tji M ! t. Th bit aclliDr . 2Qf ILLUSTRATIONS. Wrlufgr ular 1 . i..-.i.v.l t '.lnf. ULVi'l.N, OILMAN , SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR READERS! WPErlAI. CAM.! AGENTS WANTED To s11 thu New mtnt Imnrnvod KYK VVV. GMarantttH to bs 1h tpat,t- q kn4nr oflrrrf f t A iHttl btf mntf ttOHHf, An WV n pf nnnr run ih'n'"!, 1'hM vnhiA nf the rplplrntd HPW '-ttrnt Impmned Fv rn tnr thn rentorfttion nf s.nht hrpnki nnt nnd hlnrts In th (svldpncM of ovor ft, (MM) Rnuinn InMfmnniiiU of cum, nnd rpcnnirtinrtf(i by mart than one thousand of onr bwt physioisns In thrtr practlcp. illsoovery, and aiAl.r,t R. Wyeth, M. D., and Wm, M. D., write, they are certalnHthe greatest Irtvpntlon of ths aire. Keacl the Toiiowinr ceninoates : FanousoM Station. Loan Co.. Ky.. Jane 6th, 1872; Vn. J. Ball Co., OcnliBte: Gnt1rmrn Your fti'mt Ev 'P In nrf mnff ment.the most splendid triumph which optica. c1nrf? hns vor achi?ived, but, like all swat nnd Importfiiif. truths, In this or in any othpr brunch of Pdnce and pn- lonnpny, nave mncn n conmnn wim irm mw ipmnnn c and ptpjndicn of a too skeptical pnblla: but truth in mlRhtj, and will prevail, and it Is only a queri-lon of tiive m rennrdt thflr (rnnernl seceptann and indorupment 1 y au. i havp in my hands cem ..rates oi porsond wuiyiiw In tinpnnfTocnl terms to their merit. The nvnt premt- neni physicians of my jonnty reoommenn your r -v ' '7,ir l am, respectfully. n. Jj. nuinn, Wtlltam Bkati.ft, M. IT, Bnlvlwa, Ky.. wrifi: Tlmnk tn vnn for h nrmntitf nf nil infrntfrn'. Mv sisrht is fully rWtnred hy the nse nf'ynur Patent F.'if Cvpt after hcliiff almnst entirely blind for twenty-Mi yo'irs.'' aittc. li. wyeth, M. D AtchtFnii, lJa.,-wrltri; , 'Af'nr totftl blindness of myiefteyn for four years, by inrmyfiiB io ine opiin nerve, to mv uttr a'fonWmfn' your 'Vtfrnf F.'i ''"P" restored my eyoalRht permanently ia three minuses." UKV. 8. H. r AI-KIKSPTTBrt. Minister nf M. H!. rhiin h. writes: Your Vi'-n' F.u Cp hnre retored mv siffbt. 'r which T am most thankful to the Father of Mercies. Hv rtmr Mdvertlsement I saw At a Rlance that ynur in vnln; He Ft 'upn performed their work pe-,iectiy in sccot dance with phyninloirlrnl Inw; thnt they literally fd fie erea that were starving for nutrition. Mny t;od ieatlv bless you, and may your name be enshrined In th sffertlnnste memories of multiplied thousands as one of the benefactors of your kind.11 Hohatk B. PimAVT, M. P.,snys: "I sold, and ef fected future sales liberally, The Patent Fte "), they will make money, and make tt fist, too; no small catch pe'iny affair, but a superb, number one, tip-top business, promises, as far as I can see, to be life-Ion." Mayor F. C. Fllts wrote us, November 16th, lfW: " I have tested the VitVnf frort F,u P'irt and T nm satisfied they are (rood. Iam pleased with them. They art ctr-l-itn'v th qrratrnt invention nf the nqe. Hon. Horape GnEELEY, late editor of the New York Vt 'htitie, wrote: " Dr. J. Ball, of our city, is a consci ntlousand responsible man, who Is Incapable oi Inten tional deception or Imposition.1' Prof. W. MEnmr,K writes : "Truly, I am frrateful to your noble invention. My sirht Is restored by your Patent F.ut i'vp. May Heaven bless and preserve you. 1 have been using spectnelea twenty years. I am seventy-one years old. I do all my writing without glasses, and I blMs the inventor of the Patent ye Cup$ every time I lAke u my old steel pen." Anoi.i'H Biornbehck M. !., physician to Fmperor Napoloon, wrote, after having his sight restored hy our Patent F. vt rtipn : "With gratitude to God, and thank fulness to the inventors. Dr. J. Ball A (In., I hereby recommend the trial of the Eye. Cup (in full faith) to all and everv one that has any impaired eyesight, believing, as I do, that since the experiment with this wonderful discovery has proved successful on me, at my advanced peri d of life ninety years of age I believe they will re stoie the vision to any Individual if they are properly applied. ADOLPH BIORNBKKG. M. 1." Coiiuntmirealth nf Maahuette, E'fex, SS. June 6th, 173, personally appeared Adolh Biornberg, . made oath to the following certificate, and by him sub scribed and sworn before me. WM. STKVFNS. J. 1. Lawrence City, Mass., June itfh, 1873. We, the nndersigned, having personally known Dr. Adolph Biornberg for years, believe him to be an honest, mornl man. trustworthy, and In truth and veracity un knotted. His character Is without reproach. M. BONN FY. Kit-Mayor, S. B. W. DAVIS. Kx-Mayor, GKOFGR S. MI-'RTUIX. P. M., HOBERT H. TEWKSBURY.CHy Treas. Reader, these area few certificates out of thousands) we receive, and to the aged we will guarantee your old and diseased eyes can be made new; your impaired sieht, dimness of vision, and overworked eyes can be rentored ; weak, watery and sore eyes cured; the blind may see: spectacles be discarded; sight restored and vision preserved. Spectacles and surgical operations useless. Please send your address to ns, and we will send yon our book. A GKM WORTH READING ! A DIAMOND WORTH NEEI1NG! SacB your yc and restore ynur siqht ! Throw array ynur rp rtaelet f By reading our Illustrated PhiJnqy ami Anatomy of the Kyeeioht,nI UK1 pages, tells how to restore impaired vision ana overworKPO eyes; now to cure hbhii.hiiioij. Inflamed and near-sighted eyes, and nil other diseases of the eyes. Waste no more money by adjusting huge glasses on your nose and disfiguring your face. Book mailed free to any person. Kend on your address. AGENTS WANTED To sell the Pntent Eye Cup tn the hundreds of people witu diseased eyes and Impaired wight in your county. Any person can act as our Agent To gentlemen or ladies, $. to a dnv guaranteed. Full particulars sent free. Write immediately to DR.J.BALL&C0.,91 Liberty St., NEW YOHK MTV, P. O. Post .'7. Do not miss the opportunity of being flrt in tho field. Do not delay. Write by first mail. Gre:.t inducements and large profits offered to farmers during the winter months, and to any person who wants a tirst-cliiss paying business. , liv" The largest commission allowed to Agents BY ANY Ho IT BE IN THK I'MTF.P STATES. N.Y.N.U.-No. 47. GIVEN AWAY ! Tn erair reAdsr of The Fmnlly Journal i CENTENNIAL AMERICA $12 J1'1" ' fret. WANTKII AfiENTM. . 1 r.tttrr than Goltt. A, BRIGHAM VOUNI WIFE :. "II tin J.'! .t POLYGAMY, Hundr..i.are dulup' t. and YOU bouk ul 111. y l!uitr.til i VII., lUbTFor.p, Covn., I'HK 1 1.., Cincinnati, Ohio. Samvl and OutAI ft'. OOULTKR 4 OO..Ohloi.-. Irt Adayat hfmfl. Samplas worth TV 1 sen v ..w Ir(Jflf KTlNMm ft fortland, E4 f e T O C per day. Send for Cirtmo Cstilsc-ja. fcPiVtj 1J. II. Burrosp's 8om, Boetsn, Mass. ZKI.I.S' KNC;V1I.OPKDIA,NEW,RlvISEn EniTinv. lOll.OnO Arllcles. I00 Knirravlnes and 18 snlpnilld amps. AKents Wantd. 1UAER, i)ATia4Co.,Pliiliu TAT T tl H''Ads.8B. 1 32 Rmbossrd Picture-!, lie. aiM Transfers, 1 6c. (Ul.iiai:o Akuihs Wuntfd. J. Jay (tiHTLD.Hnston.Miias. every oounty. Ftotars and . slllll a Month. tiKn. K. OO Readerst., New York. Hook, lie. WAN TED. &0i Tnlly to Agents. 85 new articles and the best ' I'uiniiy fupi r in America, with !AN AORNrini Frame Hustauss. t EliiNR, Pub., fj Ail-;.TS wanted for Lhe;K.M NKW HOOK. PRESENT CONFLICT of KCIKNCIS w!h KEI.HUON; or Modem SCEPTICISM Met on its Own GROTJNI . , The grandest theme and most vital question of the day. Hy tbeauthorot ispit'nce and the bible. " Rvery man, woman ,'tnd child wnnts to read it. It gives the Christ inn a reason for hi, pr.wes the wonilerl'ul poverien of hcieiu-eiii burro my with fniPa Vonl dinprovei the ui-mi-riloiiM, and destrc rs tne Onrwin Tin -in v It smIU beyond all exneotatlon. Kirdt ngent sold sec-nui 17, ttilrd S., first week. r irei Hent ; I p.eoond wee'i f.var itouy nuys tfc. atom the enatiomtt trah ackerilsed by uther publishers, ancl secure territory for this i)ote, thnt Soil beuause the people neea aua it. riena toi circular ana uirms to agenU. P. W. ZMiliKlt V !0.t IM rt ii Mrt-ci, I'hiiiiiuipiiiii, t-n. moB. free. AMKR. M'if' ll Oi., ;ilt(l riroadwHy. N. v. A CDRIlSITT. $350 A ton-dollar bill of 177 (1 s-ril Tn o lorMAinp. AOaress J. HUKM A UU , 7.) Nassau Mt.. If. Y Wffmied A SIO Tinted FnaravlnK, size 22x28. Our Tjsrre and Keautiful Tinted Kigravingfontalninic .iver 200 Historical Views aud Forfait ot all leading events aid personages Irom the lRi'dmc of Cominbus to the present tin e, inclmlng a reacnihoent and perfect riew of th Centennial Buildings in Kttrmannt Park at 'Diladelpbia, will be given, . V Our tireat SMerary and Fashion cairr,tnm m way Tumny -wt-jioi. ContatPinq Three SplfWliil Continutd Monrs, together ith short sketches and a large uniount of mlscellane- ons rending. Sent four months on trial, including the Kngraving, post-pain, tor s w trill yive you a copy Jree, or tultl'-e The family Journal, 292 Broadway, N. Y. Agents Wanted Everywhere. fllrtiilh. Afrenla Wanted. articles in the world Over K.OOOuttttBwrre ordered by old agents in ailvanre n: 2 4 hest 'fll. One snmolp frep. resa a. n utr ip .i. lieiron. .i icn." I iublicdtidn ol the bplendid newbonk HACKlIIKKsll" m A wash tbfit -woiikl usunlly tako nil day with ordinary Boap, can bo done iu threo hours, with Dobbins' Eluctrio Sonj (niaile by Jrot?iu & Co.. I'inla. ), nud it cannot injure tho fiuost fabric. Try it. All who havo heard of littlo Chnrlio Hobh hIiouUI rosd tlie beautiful now book, .enti tled "Cherry the BinKer," published by Ed ward A. HhuiuoU, 125 Trcmont Bt., Bonton. PosBibly it may lead to tlie recovery of the Btoleu child, an the cliaracter of tho little hero of tho book in partially founded on his own life and abduction. Bent by mail, pontage free, ou receipt of one dollar. Com. Burnott's Cocoaine is the best- and cheapest hair drexHiiiK in the world. It kills dandruff, allays irritation, aud promoted vig orous growth of hair. Com.. As Accidental Cure. When death was hourly expected from consumption, all remedies having failed, and Dr. J. H. Janieti wag experi menting, he accidentally made a preparation of Indian hc-mp, which cured hit) only child, and now (iives this recipe free on receipt of two etampatopay expense. Jleuip also cures nihi sweats, na irea bt the atumauh.nnd will break a fredi cold in il ho'ira. Address CiaddockA Co., 1032 Uaoe B.c, 1'hila., I'a., naming this paper. Com. A Household ItiiMEDY, No family should be without gome eJliiaoiou remedy for the cure of affections so Universally prevalent aa oouglui, colds, tore throat, wuoopmg-eouKb. and croup some remedy, too, which oan lie relied on as safe, sure aud oeitain. Dr. Wi Uir'i BaUam of Wild Cherry combines the lie lidtratum Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles much the cheaper. Com. Have you a severe wrench or sprain t Have vou rheumatism in any form? Have you still neck, or Lunches caused by rheumatio pains I If so Johnson $ Anodyne Liniment is a specino remedy, used internally and exter nally. Com. - We often nee a large stock of cattle which do not reem to thrive, and oume cut " spiiug poor," all for want of something to start them iu the right direction. One dollar's worth of Hheridan t Cavalry Condition J'ow tier; given to such a stock occasionally during the winter, would be worth more tUau au extra half ton of hay. Com, VTAMTIvO. Onrrwipnndftnce with frond parties cap . itltle of Btilii-itinir 1 'miHtirnmHnt. nf .'iiultrv tftto etc., fur a (.'niiiiiiiH.iiin lliiiibu in N. V. AddreHS K. .. Care (iKo. I. litiwKLL A c;o., 4 1 Park How, Wow York. . ihTS WANTED. National Ounylnu House, iV (iond Auontscan make from sjl5 to fei0 perdcy cuiivniu.iifc for ob hend stauip for circular. u. v . UOf HlAtl, Luck Uui lis, Aulmm, N. Y. lusandiof lives and saved 1 ltforlunob Iculurs free. C A'. ,Now York A Chicago. and 11 orplilne llahlt Absolute); ai.d speedllli oared. Painless; no puh'l.jltj, Seud stamp for particulars. T)r. I lain xos, I S7 Washington St., Chicago, ill. tile .ttfi.t Boiling Ko.ik ever pjhlished. Send for circulars and.our eitra tortus to Agents. N ATIOVAI, PCHI.ISHlNfi CO., Phllr.dalphla.Pa. Ant Illy, ine. A MONTH Agents wanted every where. Iluslnesj houorahle and Uret rliis. Particulars sent free. Addresr WIIHTH 4 IIO., St. Louis. Mo. A frlilllT S tlllo"a'''l'! 'perty XlUIIll XUuAde with It-paitl '1JNINHTON A llUO.,l OPIUM AGENTS WANTED K tVm PKRWKKK GUARANTK.KDto Agen Sax Alale and J-'emnle. in Ihelr own locall IP I I 'IVnna aud OlI'l'l'IT KHl'K. Addrs s J P. O. VICKKRY A CO., Augusta, Mall $250 Atft'nlN vVtiutfil! MtuJali Dd Diplomas A warde Pictorial BIBLES 13K) liliiMtrnlliins. Address for now oircularn, A.. I. HOLatl N & CO., 030 ARCH Street, PUUa. OPIMCURE; The most aooejal i remedy of tbe pr otdar.Send for I h oer oq AdIddi Eht On a Postal Card Kend your addreaB to Muk. DKMUKKBT. IT Knst 1 4th ntreet, New York, and be informed how to incre&ae your income, rruntabie anu easy employment ior au. LIEEi4DVEHTnRESi'.0RIENl A brail new book of Trard, Adventure, and Experience, by 'i Hut.W. Knox, with 2ft miiffnitirent new Engraving! the flneit ever leen. It actually tells at tight to every wide-awake, .-..'fio-rtx.iiva nrnnD. and ontiells all other books 6 to 1. No work wai ever endorsed o highly none- sells so faot or pays 3 It I if. vSO'A thousand now in pre. Ooe litre ut sold Ml 6 in IWO WTftVl, anuuier i i in ir icnmwiin, -n ui ais-j wore active sgents now, 4UTF1T FKKR to all. A boun pamphlet with Specimen Puges and Illustrations of this fn rr.oua work, full Debcription and unusual Terms, sent free tt. layout. Aiiare" nuuiniAuiun iu,, uuuora. v.. MW and BKAUTIIIJI, INSTUUlIIKNT. T flE Piano-Harp CABINET 0KGAN, An exqu'sltA comhini.tfont adding to the oapaolty of th organ mucb of lh.t of (Le pianoforte and harp. With t double-reed organ, oomplele and perfect in every reepeot, U oorohiued a new instrument, the 1'IANO-HARP, lb toned of whi"b are produced )y ate?! tonsuea or bare, rlglillv Bt iu Ktrel platea affixed to a aonodlng box. and ar ruck by haramei s. us in the plai.oforte. 'J he tones are of a I'Ure, silvery, bell-like nuaUiy.very beautltul in o ni. mnat ou or aiiurQHtion witu trie organ lonea. iiie rgan mitv tm und alone, and ia'in t-vc ry respt ot its oomplBtt and perft ct an orcito as wltbouf the P1ANO-HAKP or may be used with the VIASO-HAKP: this latter mat be u.'i.d bepuratoly or in com iuutlon wi.b anyo rail the stops of the otgan, to whloh it adds greatly tn rivuclty, life it. id varioty ; adautiuK It ti a much wider "uae ot music. Uiii Ita invention ana fntronnctinn, anont a yeai aliico, tbif: nt-w instrutneut wua reuelved with a ni jcn favor tbtt iho demand greatly exceeded the m inufad r era ut most ai i,y t ; ao that the bave hud no ooca'-ton to advertise tr t-xreDlvly. Having now per- tacunit-.a ior a large sui piy, int-y ouei ii to tuc pnhllo with uoutidennt. inrnimrf, wnn -r;iwinnit nu tiki qecrtpunria, rtH. MASON A HAM-.IN OHti AN CO., 154 Trvmont Ktrf-e', H T N : Union Kqnare, NEW VOKK ; SO Aud S-4 Allude Mrt.CHHUI." Every reader of this pnper nhould send lO rt-ms fur a ropy of the I.IV K STO( K J(irit 4 I., nnd the jrrei.L liidureiiient oiler ! fr Heeurinff ubrribra. The Jouinul t prunruiirei the 1IK.ST or li t'luits. AU lre-. Ijive Wioplt JourtmU liuflnlot N. V Your Kama Elegantly Print d OS 11 1' RAH a PA RENT VISITIMO Cards, forU Cents. Each card contains a seen which If not visible until held towards tn light. NmhifiMikst them ever before offered In America. Bir induce mentsto Asenta. Novelxt ruirino Co., Ashland. Mass. $I0S$500S ttvkirvtliinsr ana u ivinir nrice of stocks QPiViT CPPP ji'HN HUIKLING 4 CO., Bankpr vfc.-vi i in..! aBrokaii,ia Broadway, New Voik. vested 13 WaII Street en lead" to fortune. A paus I ook explaining X? T XT A fcJTT 781 Bhoadwat. New V I t J i 1 iVdXAa tnariofacturerof So lid 1.uli jKViiL.KY oi every deaL-nption. TbestooklaliirKe,vur oholoa,and is offered at retail ac trade prices tj neap om workmea going, bills underbid P.O. ordrinadvanoe UvHryiotu.u u. privilege to examlos. tJat 'ogaefree "pMVCHOHAIVCY, or Soul Charming. i linw cutter niay lnwiuttto ami icaiii t it lae r.u-i alTerltdn of any person they cIioom, lustantly. This art all r.n ptisaeaa, free.hy mall, ts ccntsi tegtttier with a Lover's Guide, Kxrptliui Oracle, Hreams, Hints tn liiiei, Ac. 1 ,aos.Mo sold. A uer bonk. Address T- WILLIAMS A CO.. Pab's, riilladelplila. 50 dgmt$ Wanud. A, finely Frlnted Ki-ImoI Vtsltlns Cards sent poet-paid for id et. beua stamp for aamplta of Clus t arda luarDie nuttwaaartt nrruiis ia- HiUBni . v. a iivuuiavTui iii'iirior 11. X vUaEB UO., iJrocRLon. Mar GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. Thn Oldtut MftMzlns in America. A Pkeuittv Chuomo," Th Muk nino Call, will be given to every bubttoriber, whether single or in a club, who pays hi auvance ior ia jo ana raauw aireub wu um uinoe. Addrees, L. A, UODKV, f hiladelphi, Pa. i. I i. B G-ar V hU VI III warn HALE'S Honey of Horehound and Tar 'toi the curb ob1 Coughs, Coi.db, Ixfi.ttenza, IIoarsk NEB8, Difficult 15rethito, and alt. Apfections of tiim TnilOAT, BRoNcniAL Tunics, and Li nos, leading to Consumption. This Infallible remedy is composed of the Honbt f the plint Ilordiouad, in chemical u' on with Taj;-B ai m, extract ed from lie Lifk Piunciplb of tha forest r a Abies Balsauea. or B ilia of Gil A. T' 4 Iloney of Horehound soothes Ay scatters all irritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Balm cleanses and heals the throat an 1 air-imssages ' leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep yoa from trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, who has saved thousands of lives by it in his large private practice. N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad taste or smell. i FBieEs, 50 cents aud f i per bottlbj ' Great saving to buy large size. ' Bold by all Druggists Pike"a Toothache Drops' care in 1 minute. Best in the World. WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. Wo Instructions required to rise It. . Bu!tble for Family use nd Manu thoturlgK. It will sew from Tissue Px to Harness Leather. Machines made especially for ' Braldlutr, RhIIIIuk, Uindlsiar, and a variety of aprciaiUea la Waniifacturing. PRICES MADE TO SUIT THE TIMESi Either for Cash or Installment Payments or Credit. . AGENTS WANTED. Bond for Illustrated catalogue of styles WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO., CHICAGO, ILL,, or CLEVELAt", 0.