The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 25, 1875, Image 3

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    MM! J '1 4
way, Pa. 2 2.
gway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in
w Brick Building. CUiJii foi
promptly attended to.
to New Brick Building, Main St
, t-m to., i'a. TSnztr.
7; 0. IK BAILEY,
Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
or the Traveler' Life and Acoi
ranee Co., of Hartford, Conn.
p Dentist, Laving permanently lo
iigwny, ofler 8 bis iolensionl iter
Ve citizens of llidgway ana sur
rouutry. All work warranted
i vice & Wheeler' Liuildiu, up
I t door to the left. 73-0-82 ly
ehmnker, Engraver and Jeweler,
eel, Ridgwny, Pa. Agent for tb
wing Machine, and Morton GoM
pairing Watches, etc, dot with
accuracy as heretofore, oati
aranteed. vlnly -
st and Pai maceutiil N. W. eornei
ud Milt streets, Kiilgwuy, Pa.
uncut of carefully selected For-
Domestio Drugs. Prescription;
dispensed at ail hours, day 01
.S'. HARTLEY. M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
a brag Hi ore, corner lirond and
Residence coruer Broad St.
lie College. Office hour troni
M. and Iroin J to 8 P. il.
i'. B OR DWELL, M.
hyaician aud Sureeon. has reutev-
l-o a from Centre sneet, U Man si.
r a,, in J lie second stoiy el tlie
; building of J oli a U. Hall, oppo
'a noie.
our: I to 2 P 3d 7 to 9 P II
KinuwAT, lkCo., Pa
II. SCII U AM, Proprietor.
ul for the patronage heretofore
ly bestowed upon uini, the new
, hopes, by piiyiug Blriel a,-
the couilort unJ oouveuieuee 01
b merit a couiiuuauce ei ll
KElt6EY IJO USE,, Elk Co., Pa.
is Collins, Proprietor.
1 tor tlie patronage lieretoloK
ly bestowed upon luui, the new
, hopes, by puyiug atricl ul
tlie uuiulur. ulu couveuieuoc
1 mem at couuuuauce ot the
t. V. JJAYS,
bods, Notions, Grcceriet
d General Variety,
Hat ley
jlphia & Ere 11. R. Division.
lifter MONDAY, MAI '24, 1875,
Iraiue on the Philadelphia &
load will run us follows:
ZOil leaves Kenovo 4 35 p ai
Di ill ood.. 5 65 p m
" Emporiuai ti 55 p m
' Bt Marys... 7 65 p ui
" Ridgway... 8 -ih p ui
Wilooz U U5 p ui
arr at Kur.e.. 30 u ni
IlL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ui
Keuoro II 00 a ui
' Emporium 1 10 p 111
It. Mary's 1 00 p ni
lidgwuy i p ui
,'llooX i 60 p in
(ive al Erie 7 60 p ui
ACCO .1 leaves Kane... 8 00 a m
Wilcox- 8 il.'J a ui
Ridgway.. D 2o a m
8: Marys -10 01 a ui
Emporium 11 05 a ui
Driltwood 12 lo p u
Kenovo 1 40 p tu
IVlL leaves Erie , 11.20 a ni
Kane 3 46 p ui
Wilcox 4 0 p u
Ridgwuy ' 4.45 p iu
St. Mary'a 6.10 p ui
Emporium tj.05 p ui
" Kenovo H.'2i p ni
arr. at Pbiladepbia... 6.60 a m
Accom and Kane Accom connect
west ui East with Low brads Di-
Id U H Y it P K U
Uen'l 8up't.
family Groceries, and Canoed
P & K's. 1 cheapen tod
rnURSDAT, NOVEMBER 25 , 3876.
J. 8. BORDWELL is Local Agent for all
kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
rthrubs. Rosea, Flowers ko; from the best
Nursery In the stats of Mew York. Buy at
home and save money. vBn87m3.
Car Time at Hldgtcay,
Mail East 4:45P:M.
do West 2 25 P. M.
ffenovo Accom East 0:25 A, M
Kane do West 8:20 P. M
Local East 6:40 P. M
oado West 8:20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local enrry
ssengerB, the local does rot.
Give us a call lor job work.
The assetuent will be taken next
Old "probabilities" now ia stationed
at the post-office; and now eacb day all
can tell what the weather s.
Sheriff Scull took the prisoner!., who
were sentenced at last tenu ol Court, to
Allegheny ou Tuesday.
Tiie county officers elect will takp
heir repeciive officea on the Orst Mon
day in January. The officers elected in
his county are Treasurer, Jicob Mo
Pauley; i'rothouatarj; Fred. Schoeninn;
Cotmnissiotiers, Geo. lltusehtr, V. 11
(X-Kihwut, and Michael Weidart; Auiti
tor9, W. II. Hyde, It. "I. Spaug'er, aud
Geo. Itoihrock.
Seveial of our subscriber!" hsve, du,-
nd the past week, ptiid up their puL
bcription for the pat year, and oue Mr.
Erasmus Morey ha paid up to March
2d 1S77; we are iu l.oes thtt all ol our
subscriliuu iu .rn urs will muke arrange
uients to puy tl.eir pubscripiiooj to the
end of the present year , as we are very
much in need of the money.
Oue of the oldest and best Lady's
Books is Go ley's. It has always been a
favorite and the coming centennial year
it will be more attractive than ever
TbeNovercber number is a fine one it
self and a promise of much more to come,
Every ?ubscribet gets the worth of his
money and 1 premium besides. IN 0 wis
just the time to begin to you Can get the
Holiday numbers and have a feast of the
good things in More. Address L. A
Godey, Philadelphia.
Subscribe lor the Advucatb.
Green Rio coffee a P. A K's
Oh! those beautiful prints at P. &.
Knit undeikhirtu and drawers, at P &
Ladies drs good aawett ctyfet a
P. k K's.
Hats and Caps a complete assortment
at P. & K's.
Hunting Rubbers! with and without
heels. a large lot at P. & K's. All
other kinds of rubber boots and slices.
Wuodui"; iil Mourning outfit. for In.
dies at MAY !v LVEHMaNN'8.
the court h:use, WilUamsport, Pt
cheap: cuip: cHkap:
Coods uiarked down to a-ociii h the
world Call 1111 i see us. MaV Si S1LYEK.
MANN, Williainspiirt, Pa.
Millinery gouds. hair switches, jewelry,
fancy Toods, untions, ladies & childreus
cloaks, diesses & undergarments. Whole
sale & Uclail at MAY & SILVERM ANN'S
opposite (he a-iurt house, WilliaiuHport, P.
MADAM 1)!-: MO ill ST PArTVRX3.
We are ageu fir -n.di'a ilemorest pat
terns, catalougei free, send for one, pat
trns sent by m.iil MAY SiLVEll
MANN'S'.pori Pa.
''King Bee" aud many others kinds
of chewing tohucco. Also smoking of
all the popular biuuds at P. ii K's.
From two to three hundred ladies cloth
ctutd latesi styles also a large lot of Furs
at prices so low to asiouish every body
MAV & SILVEKMANN, opposite the
Court House, Williamsporl, Pa.,
Cuodfi.-Ji boneless and bkioless. Also
some of the old fashioned ia full drtts,
at P. & K's.
Have you bcrn to Williamaport Pa., to
buy wbut you want at MAY it SILVKK
MsNN'S, opposite the Court House. They
are giving up relail business & are selling
goods very cheep.
A complete stock of ladies misses and
chiidrens slices, light, medium aud
heavy at P, & K's New is the time to
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Liuen, Alupaca aud sum
mer Cathnicr ut P & K'l
dive the Ai.NooiK cilice a call for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags.
and if you are going to gel married leave
us an order for you' cards
A chuice lot of Pastry Flour at
Rosted coffee a genuine article, at P,
& K's.
Ifyou pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigi-mare of debt, your sleep will be
tweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wile and children will greet you with a
smile iu the uioruiug. Uo to fowell
& Kime'i model store with your cash,
get more than its value aud go home
atb-fied. They bave adopted the cash
ystem, and ty U 11 working charmingly.
Institute Matters.
1. Tbe day session will be devoted
to misatllaneous exercises while the
evening sessions will be occupied mainly
as follows.
Monday iveninq.
Rev. Wo, Hoffman A M will lecture
upon ''Sculptoia and the Sculptured"
Prof. W. W. Woodruff A M. will
couduot a "Spelling and a Dcfluing
Bee" on an original plan.
Rev. Wm, Martin will deliver a
a lecture entitled "Savoir faire."
Prof. Henry Houk, will deliver a
popular lecture concerning which
timely information will bcgiven.
2 The school law requires that 1
teachers' institute shall be held in each
county once a year at least.
3 The school law provides that teacher?
who absent themselves without good
reason frnu their county institute may
have their standing iu ''Practice ol
Teaching" lowered.
4 Teachers who absent themselves
from the institute of their oounty with
out sufficient cause certainly show want
of professional spirit, and zeal and indeed
deserve censure a live aud worthy
teacher will attend if possible.
5 Ti-ashtrs institutes it is generally
conccedod are productive of highly
buticficul results and supply a need
which could no other way be met
Who will say that the members of the
irades and of the profession are not
materially benefited by their respec
livo couventions?
6 Wilcox is for very many rcasoni"
the proper place at which to hold the
'ustitute this year. It contains every
nece.isary convenience for a conventi.)ii
of teachers I. arse School House
Large Hotel at which members of the
institute will be kept for $1,00 per day
Lurgo hearted people who will ore for
teacheri fne of charira. The iustitutc
has been convened repeatedly at Cen
treville, St. Marjs and Ridgway but it
never lias been held at Wilcox and
Wilcox has always contributed largely
towards the success of institutes. Wil
cox too is couvenieotlv situated ss it is
only fourteen miles fimu Ridgway and
the fare by eccunioa ticket will be
only two cents isr euile.
7 We are informed that all teaobers
who attend tbe iaetitute ftithlully will
be paid as if they mera teaching whioh
will amount to about eevou hundred
dollars on ihe agurcg.itc.
8 Teachers who are not yet licensed
will please piesent themselves for ex
animation at the lUAtitute. ibere are
teachers iu this eounly who posse's very
'Hale stock in trade" and if they are
not faithful to these great meaas of iiu-
rrovement their risht to a teachers eer-
tiGcute will bs rigidly questioned.
9 Teachers, it. is yuur institute and
will you not support your otcn interest!
You are paid on an average about tro
dollais per week each and where tin
district presents each of you with ten
(hA'ars and your time, aud where raii
roads carry you at cheap rates and
hotels keep ym at bait prioe, and tin
very best lecturers are provided and
every nerve strains i to make it cheap
profitable aud pleasant fop you all why
will you not attend? Iu consideration
of the facts that we must bave an in
stitute, that our teachers need the in
struction to be receivcJ at an institute,
that the cost which is heavy couieo
from the tax payers, we claim thai
teachers are uol professionally faithful
or true to the best interests of all con
cerned wheu they do not carefully aud
gratelully appropriate their iustitutts
(gifts) to their use.
fc'l'UKlUUS 1' IVK JjOLi AH UlLLS.
The agents ot the government are di
rected by circular form tbe Treasury
Department, to refuse all bills, of the
denomination of five dollars, ou tbe fol
lowing named bunks;
First National Rank of Chicago;
Traders' National Rank of Chicago;
First National Rank of Paxton, 111;
First National Rank of Aurora, 111;
First National Rank of Canton, III.
Spurious fives have been discovered
on all of the above named banks, and
the publio should receive them with
About Cooking turkeys. -If tbe
weather be verynold, a turkey will
hang fur a week aud prove tu be all the
etter, however young it may be. Rut
take great care uut to let it be the lust
thing dune. Pluck, draw aud sini;e
with care; wash and wipe the outside
well, and pour water through tbe in
side Fill the breast wiib sausage
meat, seasoned with minced herbs
mace aud tayenue. Tru.-a the bird
roast it at a clear fire, baste constantly
with butter, and serve it when done
with brown giavey aud bread sauce. A
cliuin ut fried sausages is often placed
arouud a turkey.
Tboke Hamilton Coreet at P k K's
are the most durable, aud tbe cheapest
is market.
Over Coats? from $5 to 125 a large
and splendid atock. Step ia and gtt
od at P. & K'l.
Court Proceedings'.
The Clarion River Navigation Co. vs
Hiram Carman. Verdiot lor the Plaintiff !
the sum of $41 6,10. This case is eonnid
ered a tell case, and is to be carried to
the Supreme Court, to deoide whether
Tbe Clarion River Navigation Co. have
th legal right to enforce the collection of
tolls on lumber.
Miles Dent vs Charles St John and Robi
Ro hrock. Continued by concent.
David McDonald vr h. t. and 11. M.
rowers. . I'laini iff lakes non suit.
vim. H. Evans vi A. J. Avery. Continued.
Fatriok Welsh vs Joseph Koch Verdict
for plaintiff in thsium of $00.43.
Laxaros ;Moyes vr ralrick t-amD con
tinued at cost of plaihtilT.
Thomas Hallanitvs d.V. 8 Co. fasseu.
Caleb iliorlwell vs. George Mcull &
Zenaa Webb Verdict for PUiutiff in the
uin of $1)48.83.' " . . ,
C. A KelloEft-vs C. Wamwright
for the plitintitf in the sum of f 1413.77.
II. W. Moorhead and W. 11. Suiiin, Ad
ministrators of the estate ol N. W. Mo
ttuie, deceased va llirinan Carman. J
unueu oy consent.
inskeep, 1'oor a-Meuamck vs J. u.
Whitman. Judgement entered ogaiusl
defendant for want of an appearance, eic.
John Farrar vs, l:. 11. kar,ey ppeii
from J. 1'. l'lniutiff lakes nou toil.
rtilliain Johnson vs Kdwitrd Walters
I'jcot nietit for three acres land in Dene
.cue township, lilk county. Conditional
verdict lor plaintiff.
K. C. M Uill vs The Tenna. R. R. Co.-,
trespass ou the case damages $2;000. Cob
Samuel B. Oibbs et. al., trading as Oibbi,
Uurge & Co., vs. L. W. Oifford and r'. M.
Cole, who survived II. l. Hall & Co. ap-
tieailroniJ. I'. Verdict for defeudnnt.
John Uiiucr vs. John Didit appetl from
J. V. Verdiol tor plui.itiu tor i2V.
Mites lint vs M. C. & William Wye
Ktff; nei-piiSB cutting timber cotiirary to
net of Aiaruh 1VJ4 daiiiuget $ii.olKJ. Con
li lieu ou application ul Uvlciidunis aud ai
their cost.
William R. Young et. al. vs. Tlio All
irbeuv Vallev K. K. Co. appeil from
award of viewers. Continued oi applied
tioa of delendant aud nt his cost.
John J AiJgway vs lsauo Stephenson
and (Jao. Sicpensou, ejeclmeiit for 00 acres
laud in Riilirwav township wariant iNo
4bo-j etiecino performance of coutrucl.
John J. Ridgwny vs. Surah S. Burns aud
ueuigfl Walker: (jjciiucnt lor lot IN j. '.iu iu
Uidgway village, tAl county Louuuueu.
11. C. Moore et ai vs. The Township ul
Millstone appeal by plaiiitilts as eupiir
visora from towusUip auditors report.
Commonwealth vs. Charles Webb and
Z e 11 us Webb; lurfoited and respited.
comnion wealth vs Richard Llailey; for
feiled aud respited
C'uuimouwealih vs. Wm. Bennett, mis
deraeiinur. Lie ft. enters inio Ins own re
cogunance in the suai $400 for liis up-
pearuuoe at uext term.
Cooimouwealth vs. Eelos Butler; com
tr ittcd to couuty jail lor larceny. Escaped.
Commonwealth vs- Timothy fux: ucl'011
daot committe-t to county jail by Justice
Weis for Aesau't and liai'ei v to ki.l. iNov.
lti the drand Jury file indicMueut for
elony and Attempt lo Murler, a true bill.
TI10 following jury was sworn Oeo- Cotioer
Michael Hauvr, lhonins Campbell, John.
JUover. Jacob liarman, I.hIi.u J11I111..011
.leriy Ucceum, Joel Taylor, lieu, llickiu
noc, N. M. tlrookway, I'cter Thompson.
and Ambroee Krechel. who lonnd the de
tendmnt guilty in manner and form as he
S'.ands iuJ.eieJ Nov. 19. dei'cndaiit en
teitccd to pay a fine of j 10 to the Cuiuuiou.
wealth and undergo impri-soiiiiicut by
solitary ootifienieut l labor iu II, Mestcrn
Fenileutikiy (or tbe period ot four years
and aic calrnder mouth-. I'u aiteinpti U
to kill liolert Liugiiuu, ni.ei luti-mleiu o
the Keystone coal mines al bt Mai bs. lam
spring Fox h id been working iu ihe mince
last spring and hud beau dKclmiged, to
gether with nearly all the uumarrieJ men;
ale laid hie discharge tj Laughliu, who was
not respnnBihle for bis d tcimrge, ami oiny
aoied uuders from tho.-e higher iu authority
Uefore this time Fox had been iu the
habit of going to Laugnlius house fro
qucully and whs always ut-rd iu the be.-t
po.'S.ble t'o o.aiu evidciine
which was used ignm-t ihe prisoner nus 11
letter which h wrote his brother and
which was intercepie-l by SheriH' iScuil. In
the letter he staled he had attempted to
kill iwo men at OxceoU. .foiue lime be
fore and that he uned ihe same cutridg
this lnue tjat he iiilen lcl to kiil tue oiiici
two mer. with. He also slated iu ihe letter,
that he had wailed aruuud the tu of lliu
iiuues ail d ty waitii.g to get a shot. The
evidence of Laughliu was that Fox was be
hind a slump and that liiree shots were
fired the lirs 1 al forty eight lev I the seLoud
shut at torly-five but, Luugoliu hud suo
ceeded in getting behind a car, and ilif.
third shot he had succeeded in gelling be
youd range. The weauou U4cd wa. u
iargj seveu shouier, navy revolver, and
tn.s together with ihe fact that Fox was a
g otl ui.msiuan makes it aiiuosi a miruie
mat Laughliu escape! Ins lite.
Lour year aud six mouths in solitary
coiifiiiuuieul is a hard sentence but wheu we
rtco leci mat Fox is ouly a young man,
tweuiy-lhiee years of age, anu ihai iu his
letter he tbreateued to kill Laughliu shoul-i
he ever gel out of prison, it is 110 longer
than he ueserved and not loug enuugh lor
ihe pruiecit'on ol the Cuniniujuy.
Cuuimouweallh vs. Ueurge Funk: selling
liquor without license, l eft-uUaul plea 0
guilty ana se. leuced iu puy a fine ot oUlo
ihe Couniiouweulih tor ihe use of lloi ton
township, aud costs of prosecuiioii, eic.
Couimouweult vs Joiiu Rhiuehals, el al.
C'omiuouwealth vs Delos liuiler, con
liuued. Commonwealth vs John Puis, charged
wiih threats lo kill. Bill iguored and
piosecutor to pay costs.
Couimonwealm vs- John E. Andrews;
larceuy, sureties called aud forfdited.
liiuiniuuwealtu vj. Audrew liislier; as.
ull aud batiery. Respited to next term.
Cooiuiouwealili vs. Joseph tisgrauer.
Com. vs Labeen Walker and John Moyer
assault aud battery, liill iguored aud
prosecutor to pay ousts
Coax. vs. jauies ocolt larceny. Not
Coin. vs. Duniel Meddock larceny.
Hecoguiiuuce of deleuuuul and sureties
. Com. vs Lorento Hate larceny. Guiliy
and beuteuced to restoie ihe properly
stolen, pay a hue ul $6 aud undergo au iiu
prisouiueui tu the wesieru peuiieunvry for
two year and m luouths.
Com. vs Frauk iii.ler embetzleuient.
coin, vs E II. Dixon assault and bat
tery. None plus upon payuieutkuf costs
Cum. vs. Ld. Uhiuuuls, Fruuk hyau uud
Johu Clark laroeny. Clara tried, con
vicied aud sentenced to puy a tine of $6
aud undergo an unpi 1sonmo.1t in Ue west
tern peuueuiiary tor two years aud six
Com. vs. Ed. Rhiuhuls cutting and re
moving umber trees. Bill ignored
Com. v Wesley Yale larceuy. Not ar
reeled. Com. vs. William Steel assault and bat
tery lo kill. Not guilty, aud pluiulff lo
pay two Unrds of the coal aud the defendant
Com. vs. Luther Lucore assault and
batiery. Nolle pros.upou faymeul of cuds
Cjui. vs Luther Lucoie telliug bquur
on Sunday. Nolle pros, up ju paymeui ot
AW. Gray vs. Miles Peitet'at. par.
tit. on rule to show cause why an attach
ment should not issue Pent
to compel the payment of bis share of costs.
R. B. Curtice vs. O. Q. Messengor stay
of fi. fa. Continued
Uea. N. 1'ane vs. V. S.lTyler; assumpsit,
rule to show cause why rem u of summons
Should nol be set aside. Rule discharged.
The Columbia IneuianceCo. vs. Jaojb
Kraus; assumpsit motion for judgment
for want of sutllcicnl athdavit of deleuce
and rule to s'aow causo granted. Rule
Ihe Columbia Insurance Co. vs. ueo.
Sch'iul; assuinpsil uionon for judgment
for want of sullioieut ntlidavit of defence
and rule to show cause grunied. Rule
The Columbia Insurance Co. vs. An
thony t-cliaoer: assumpsi' motion for
judgement for want of a sullinieiit atlidavii
ot defence und rule lo show case grauted.
Rule dischrrged.
Chas. v.ook vs. L. B. Cook rule to show
cause why writ of fi. fa should not be set
ide I'assed
IV ' - (J i ' ' KOAO VIEWS.
The report of Ihe viewers appointed to
view a road In Jay township, to lead from
a point on the road leading up Bennett's
Branch below the village of Caledonia, to
the station of tlie Allegheny Valley ruil
roadoompmy; uear OaljJonia, wluoli was
at the September term confirmed nisi, and
ordered to b; opened fifty leet wide, was
confirmed absolute.
The report of the viewers appo'.nled to
vacate and supply a road to lead from
point near Audrew Howe's barn, in the
publio road landing from Cenireville lost
Marys, tu a poiut in the northeast corner
ot Joseph Brelnu's orchard, in Fox (own
ship, was at the t'cpieuiner term
nisi und ordered to be opened fifty feel
wide was confirmed absolute.
The report of the viewers appointed lo
view, a read lo lead I'rum tola Nos. 42 aud
44 on lines slrect in Beuzmger itwuship,
to intersect with the roal leading from
'The Priest's Mill" to J-iseph' laud
iu said township, wh'ich whs at the Sep
lembcr term cunlirmed nisi and ordered 'o
he opened tifty feet wide, was confirmed
nisi and. entered to be opeued fifty feet
wide, was confirmed absolute.
In ihe mailer pennon to review, vacate
and supply a certain part of tbe road lead'
iug from Portland null to Blue Hock, Geo
C linton wus appoiuteu surveyor, and John
An lerson aud N. M. Brockway viewers
lu the maiter of the petition of citizens
of Jones luwnship for a public road from
Cook's road to I eter Meyers' farm ou W il
liamsville road. J. L. Brown appointed sur
veyor, and Johu Kleisoth aud John Pistner
A Pittsburg dispatcd 01 Njveuibor
13, says: On the opening of the II. ti.
citcuit court this moruiu, llou Wil
1 'tani Melveiimm, presiding, David Reed,
K-q. made the closing iituui.'rit in be
half nt the government in tlio case ol
.Joseph Lanxbtiry, indicted for the mar.
der of Deputy I'rovost .M .irhnl Uotler.
on Sunday. October JJtli, 18G4, while
the officer was endeavoriu to effect tbe
arrest of L'in.-bury fur being a deserter
Iimiu the United States army.
The cae was then givea to the jury
with tbe rem irk that if they agreed
upon a verdict by four o'clock P. M..
His Honor will convene couit to rtceivi
it. Alter that time the officers would
vV e
be authorized to take a sealed verviei.
The jury retired, but was e'osent oul,
twenty tuiuutes, when they reiurnea
with u verdict ot not guilty, and Joseph
Lausbury was diseliared, aud went
lorth us u free man, receiving the con
giatula'iom ot all Ins friends.
Our Mcblean county Ineuds hnve
just tuuud out that their coutest for
sbiiffiiity at the laie electiou was a
nullity, as there was uo vuetiucy tu Gil
l'he Miner ol last week saji-;
'It is discovered that a man may be
lairly and squarely elected to an olli';e
without contest or rjnostion, and yet
debarred from accepting the office. C
S King, who was duly elected Sheriff
ul AlcKenu county at the last general
electiou cannot take ihe office from the
fact, as has been discovered within the
last few days, that there was no legal
e eo.ijii tor Sheriff, When the office
of Sheriff. bccinie vacant by the death
ot Sheriff Powell, Tlio.i. King was ap
pointed by the Governor, as waj sup
posed, to fill the vacancy until the cud
of Powell's origiuul term (the first ol
uext Jauuary 1870) when the Shcrifi
elected at the late electiou would be
duly qualified. Wheu his commission
arrived it was observed that it redid uu
til the end of the uext Lcgislaiure, bui
it excited no particular retuaik at the
time. A lew days ago the attention ui
lawyer 11. King was called to it and he
took the trouble to look into tbe matter,
lie discovered tbe following paragraph
in the stutement of the potters ol the
Executive, iu the new Coustitutiuo.
Article IV, Section 8, which reads so
plaiu that there seemed uo necessity ol
any further examination The pin
graph reads as loilows.
Hair switches 75 cents $' 00 2 00 8 00 k
4 60 worth double the money and Ruohes
:r 26 cents bats from 25 eeuli upwtrds
Turned huls fr. m $1 00 upwards, great re
duction in all kinds of goods at MA If k
SlLVfcRMANN'd, Williamsport, Pa.
Prices .10 astonish the world. Every
thing is bound 10 be sold to quit busineis;
Cume erjiy Oody. Building and fixtures
for sale. MAV & SILVKKU.iNN, Wil
liamsport opposite the Court House.
MAY & tlLVtKMAN Williaoisport Pa.,
are discoiiiinuin the relail trade and are
selling goi da at and below cost. Call aud
see them ihey are greai bargains.
Ii you waotvaoy bl'cbed or brown
muelioi, irom to 10 i wide any
quality, go to head quarters, Powell k
KimeV and select to your ttste.
Colorado has but ?2,'20l) iu her
Coal is said to bave been found in the
San. Vincente Hills, Cal.
A severe shock of earthquake was felt
at Yuma, Arizona, on the lit.
San Francisco is anticipating an in-'
flux of thieves from the East this winter.
The Palace Match Factory of San
Francisco has beeu seized for selling
unstamped goods.
In Pottsville, Ph., William Price is
being tried lor sitting down on a clnl '
and squeezing the lile out ot it.
Mexican bandits are repotted still
stealing and murdering along the Rio
Giaude, aud the blame is laid on the
The Pennsylvania oil pipe Hues
have made a reduciiou of pipage to
twenty cents per barrel and of storage to
five cents a butrel per iimuth.
The California cotton crop this season
is estimated at 100,01)0 pounds, or 25
per cent, of last sensou s crop. Oue
tetith of it has already beeu received at
fcau r riincisco.
Tim 27th onniversaty of the G un
ponder Plot was cslebratcd in San
Fiaucisco on the 5th iust. Addrcsso
by clergymen and singing by youug
ladies were the principal features.
Chester has an excitement about
business sij:ns. An ordinance di allow
ing their being placed outside a certain
di.stauce over the pavements is abuut
being enfircid. at which some orbe
business men demur.
The Baltimore and Ohio. Railway
Company hive decided to reduce the
hours ol labor of their employer with a
proportiutiute reduction ot wages, in
stead of making discliarucs, as is custo
mary with railroads each tall.
Shipping business at Huston is dull,
the wharves bare of vessels, uud the
fleets now bound to the pott the smallest
lor mauy years. The railroads mll
steamers bring nearly all the supplies ol
111 ;ruli in, leaviug but little for
Bailing vessels.
They have an educated coat in New
Orleans which U reported to play the
American game bettor than Minister
Sclieuck liniiM'll. The oat is also
wairauted to tell time by the watch
What uu admirable instructor fur voung
ludian corn in North Germany often
assumes a place among bouseho.d plants.
It is regarded there as tropical. In the
Uuiied States it l)( comes tropical onlj
under the mime ol Bourbon, aud then 11
warms a man up so that ho tcels ns il he
were under tiie tropic ot Caprivoru.
The Stonitigtor. fire companies are
disduuded and tbe department is de
funct. In case ol u fire the residents ol
the place have arranged to wade out
into 1 he Sound, and hope to be able to
ave what wearing oppaiel they happen
to have on. Ao i.-i'cA,. d un., Bulletin
A sailor who had robbed the pascn
gcis aud ciew ot nn English ship re
cently an i ved nt San Francisco has been
s'.'iit back to Eii'riund fur trial, as the
crime was committed beyond the juris
Jietion of the I mte-l Stales, lliecai
iaiu is liable .0 b'. 10 line ii ho reloa.-ts
the culj.iit
The State Aid Society o' Nebraska,
tieiierai Crook chairman, has beeu dis
ulved. Il was oriiuiz'd iu behalf il
he iras.shopper buffcrcrs. and its whole
op- ration uutereu about goUU.OJO. Ihe
claims a.-aiti-t it are reported as less
than &1UU, and it has douatcd $100 to
Virginia City, Nevada.
J he tioucs ot dead i.lunamcn are
shipped hoinoltr iiiternieut. from San
I' raiiciseo as "tiri'served meats At
the rate i,f fi'o Ol iuaiuen to abox, com-
puiim; by the eu-liun-hou.-e vaiualion a
complete otiu tail t-kelelon (not wired
ni' set up) is Worth exactly 91, lu. about
the (quivaletit ul eight boxes good sar
The Supienie Court of California has
recently decided tout certifieaif-s ot
Mock in a corporation, even it purchased
in .'ood lattli, ure worthless uutil trans
lened on the books o! the company
I lie court nonls that tlicy are mere
muniments aud evidences of the hol
der's tit'e to a given iiure in ihe prop
erty and f a of the corporatiou et
which be is a member.
A Philadelphia firm desires to secure
the labor ot 150 or 200 convicts iu the
Ne v Jersey htate Prison in the nianu
utaciure of fine shoes fur ladies. The
prce proposed to be paid is lower than
hat pai l by the former courn.ct irs, and
bouid the agreement be unusuiuated it
will be probably for not mora than a
year, Should the contract be made 11
will go mto effect within a week or ten
Ill health of Mr, X ayj mpells u to
retire from the retail buMiis, and lor
thjt reason we offer our euttre stock 01
fjoods atsaud below cost Our stock, con
sists ot ladies trimmed aud uutiimmcd
ha's, feathers, flowers, velvet, woolen
goods, hair switches and braids, trunks
and sateht Is, ladies aud childreus clunks
shawls, dresses and undergarments
boiety and gloves, collets aud cuds
I urs and a f ull aud complete stock ol
ladies and children's furnishing goods,
People will do well (0 call or fciud tor
wbut they cau use, as great bargains are
given. Thirty thousand dollars worth
of goods lo be sold in a short time
Build. nsr and fixtures for sale. Be
sure and call. Muv and Siivcruiunn
opposite the Court House Williamsporl
Extra iuducemente ufferd in ladies
chiidrens furs, small sets at $1 UO ladies
sets from if 2 OU and upwards enra bar
giins in Miult eels first quality as, MAY k
Ladiea and ehildreu ooats all styles and
qualities, $2 51) 3 00 8 75 4 50 5 00 6 25 7 00
e 7o 1U.UU and upvrarus alto snawis ana
dresses at MAY & PlVEitMANJi B oppo
site the ceurt hi:, wiiiiairspori, fa.
White. Powell &
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, Nov. 23.1 18T6.
Bin. AtKRti
iJ. 8. 1881. e 123 13 J
do 5 2d,o 'G2. M and N 1 Called.
do 'Gl do I 1H(
'!,' do 1H
H5 J aud J 12Jt :
07 do Is2i;
'(3d do 1221
10-40, do coupon 117 It
do 1'uuilio ti's cy Int. off 12) ll'
Sew 6's Keg. lKrj
" C. 1381 117 lfij-
Gold 114) llli
10 .
60; '
Philadelphia & Erie
Lehigh Navigation.. ,
do Valley
- 61
Uuiied 11 11 of N J 133
Oil Creek 11
Northern Central 32
Central Transportation 40
Kesmiehoniiig 6tl
C & A Mortgage ti's '8'J 103 101
Those new style priuts, at P k K's
are the general taik of tho town. Go
aud ee them.
Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn
lowo corners also the good old Byron
style at P. k K's.
A full stock ot fresh Family groceries,
ucli as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, llice,
njrups, Spices, It. H Powder, Baking,
and Sweet Chocolate, and every tiling
n that liue, at P, k K's.
A genera! stocK ot winter clothing,
ut veiy low prices at P. k K's.
If you waut a bug of feed, or a
u.-fliiel ut potatoes or a barrel or sack ot
hour or eveu a email t-ack of Giahatu
flour, it will puy you to step into P k
lv s tor ir
'UUTTOUK We are now prepared
I V to iloall kiudsot JUb WU.lK,
.uvelepes. Tags liill-heuds, Letter heads
nently aud eiicnply extcuted. (Jliiee in
1 haver & llngeiiy s new building, Muia
slieel Ridgway, l'a.
NOTj.CE Is hereby given lliat the Co-
piiriiierslnp heretot'oie exisiiug belweeu the
uuueisigiied us butchers at llidgway, was
lisso.ved 011 Ihe Mil day ot Uciuber last,
i'lie busiuess wilt be continued ty W F.
Mercer who will receipt for all actouum
owed the firm ofGod g Mercer and pay ail
debts owed by t ue linn.
llidgway I'J iNov, 18(0 A K. UUtl,
""OTICE is hereby given that a petition
( will be presented ut the uext sesnou of
ue uegiaUiuru lor tiie passage ot a law re
instating the Uoiiiiiiisaiouers ot tbe Dig
Level Male Road lung tuough to collect
pieui taxes, pay up ludebeduess, aud
ceule up acuouuis.
tor Ihe comnnssioncrs,
t4u::s W. 8. OVIATT.
A Starlliug Cause ol ivebility a ad Sick
ness lully explained 111 a large octavo Ti-jv
iiiso by Ur. l. t'ilf.L,l'o liiiOiVW, Grind
eireet, Jersey cny, it. J. u 1
AMI Wu.'lA.S who is ailing iu auy way
should tend and get a copy at once, ai 11 1
Oot tree, prepaid 01 mail. Addt-es dm
auinor, as above. v0u3i(v I
Ridgway Cemetery.
Lots are uow olfeied for sale by tbe
llidgway Ctmetery Association iu the
new Cemetery. The present low price
lor lots may soon be advanced.
Apply ut the uuiee of
V. S. UAUBLKN, Secretary
tiidgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-tk-f.
Pupils wishing to receive iusiruction in
Green or Latin, 01 disiriug to prepare for
oiiege can liave opnoiuiiin y ol doimi so
by apply iug to theUcctir of Grace Chu-ch.
tie huviug made the ueeestary arrange-
uients will be clad lo receive a limi:ed
inimber ol younjj ladies and genllemen for
nun ruction, tor lul'ormattou as to term
6l3 apply to
Jtidirwav. Pa.
Are "COININU .lLJt.Y" wnh 1110 fauioui
I he Fieuch Ediiionof which sells for $ltV5.
aud ihe London Kdiliou for $2()d. Our
I'oitplur Edition ($i.50.) coniiimng over
One Hundred Ju I -puijf quarto platei, is tho
in Amkrici aud ihe BiST TO 8KLL.
Critics vie with each other in praising ii,
and the masses buy it
From local agent in Southport, Conn.:
In our village of eighty hou es I linv
taken sixty five orders.- have canvassed lu
a'l about twelve days (in villtge and coun
try,) ana have takeu o.ders tor one hundred
awl tit co'tet."
J. B. FORDa CO., Publishers,
4tno8 27 Park Place. New Vorlt.
Teachers Institute.
Theninib annual session of the F.Ik Co.,
Teachers' Institute will be held at Wilcox,
Pa., commencing Monday, Deo 6th. at 8 P-
M: acd closing triday. Ueo. 10th, 187j.
IIENUV 1.0UCK. A. M. Harrisbarg. P.
Prof. W. W. WOODRUFF Newtown Pa.
aud Rev. WM. 1IOI FMAN, Wiloox Pa..un 1
others are eugiged as the ohief lecture'
and iuslruolors. Exoelleut Hotel aoooui.
niodaiious at the Wiloax House one dillte
per day. Orders for excursion tickets
mav be bud by applyiug to tho undei
signed ub7tf GEO. 11. DIXON, Co. Sunt.