The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 18, 1875, Image 4

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Hints, About Meat.
Popper is a vroventiYfl of docay, in a
degree ; it is well, therefore, to pepper
hung joints.
Powdered charcoal in still more re
markable in its effect. It will not only
keep the moat over which it is "prinkled
good, but will remove the taint from
already decayed flesh.
A piece of charcoal boiled in the water
with " high " meat or fowls, will render
it or them quite sweet. A piece of char
coal, or powdered charcoal, nhould be
kept in every larder. Hum, after being
smoked, may be kept for any length of
time packed in powdered charcoal.
Meat should be wiped with a dry
clean cloth as soon as it comes frcm the
butcher's j fly-blowa, if fonnd in it, cut
out, and in loius the long pipe that runs
by the bono should bo taken out, as it
soon taints ; the kernels, also, should be
removed from beef. Never receive
bruised joints.
Moat will keep good for a long time
in cold weather, nnd, if frozen through,
may be kept for months. Frozen meat
must be thawed before it is cooked by
plunging it into cold water, or placing
it ueloro the tire beforo setting it down
to roast. It will never be dressed,
through if this precaution is not taken
not even when twico cooked.
The leg of mutton is the most profit
able joint, containing more solid meat.
The neck is an extravagant joint, half
the weight consisting of bone and fat,
The shoulder has also much waste iu
bone. The breast, does well for kitchen
d in er, nicely (stuffed : it is much cheap
cr than other joiuts. Sirloins and ribs
of beef are very extravagant joints, from
the weight of bone. The roasting side
of the round part of the buttock, and the
part called the " top-side," are the most
profitable for family eating. The mouse
buttock is used for stewing ; shin is
used for soup or stowing. The usual
quantity of butcher's meat consumed iu
a family is on an average, three-quarters
of a ponud a clay for each person ; but
when the family consists of ladies and
children, half a pound per day is about
tno quantity consumed one with another,
independent of hams, bacon, poultry,
fish and game. Housekeeper.
To Destroy Wild Oats.
A correspondent of the Farmers' Advo
cate (Canada) writes as follows as to the
nest methods of destroying wild oats.
He says : I do not agree with the nlan
of a naked fallow to destroy them, as I
consider, if done merely to destroy the
oats, it iuvolves the loss of a crop with
out any necessity for it, for in my expe
rience they will not grow in a naked
fallow to any extent, only in a very wet
season. A good deal can be done in ike
way of destroying them by putting in
roots, but the plan I most approve of
is this : As soon as the crop is off and
the field clear take a gang-plow or culti
vator and stir the land as lightly as pos
sible, for if buried too deep they will not
grow until again brought to the surface,
even a good heavy sharp pair of harrows
will answer the purpose very well. The
grain in the surface being thus covered,
will commence to grow as soon as the
weather becomes a little damp, so as to
moisten the land. Let it stand as long
as convenient without plowing, in order
that every grain may sprout, then turn
under and let lie until spring ; this is
crop No. 1 gone. Iu tho spring culti
vate and harrow again, as early as possi
ble, iu order to start the seed brought
too near tho surface by the fall plowing,
and which has lain buried from tho pre
vious year. Haviug done this, let tho
oats prrow till tho twentieth or twenty
fourth of May; then plow under
and sow at onco with barley or buck
wheat. This is two crops destroyed,
aud a good chance to catch some more,
should any be loft. By the rapid growth
of the grain sown, if the land is not in
proper order for barley or buckwheat,
peas or corn sown together, and cut
green for feed, are a very good substi
tute. In this way no crop is lost, and if
followed up it cannot fail to be success
ful. Care should be taken with the
manure to turn after, and have it well
heated before taken off the field, other
wise many oats, to say nothing of other
grains and seeds of noxious plants, will
in this way be spread over the land.
Farm Notes and Hints.
Put your money where it will do tho
most good into your best land close at
home in such a way that it will yield an
iucorno. If you invest $50 in a weather
cock on your barn it may gratify your
self and tho passers-by, but will not add
much to your income. A horse that
earns nothing costs 150 a jear at least,
aud this is the interest on Si, 500 capital.
Expensive dwellings and furniture are
not good investments of capital.
An acre of asparagus or strawberries,
established and maintained at an annual
cost, including rent for the land, of S200
an acre and yielding an income of 100,
gives 6,200 per cent, per annum, and
beats out of sight the promises even of
railroads and coal companies; yet if you
are not yourself doing this, some of
your neighbors are, and more too.
If, by spending $1,000 in drainage and
other productive improvements, the
farmer permanently increases the income
of his field only sixty dollars a year, it is
a good investment, and he need not look
anxiously every morning in the daily
paper to ascertain whether it is lost or
not. In annual crops, like market truck,
if the use of $100 worth of extra ma
nure will raise $106 worth of extra pro
duce, it is a fair business transaction; as
good as the savings bank, but a market
gardener expects and often realizes six
times six per cent, on such an investment-
Potash la Wheat.
Why is it, says the Practical Farmer,
when growing wheat or rye is being
struck with rust, that a little plot here and
there where stumps, logs or brush have
bpen burned to ashes, will be bright and
free from the attack of rust ? Because
the growing plants employ potash and
silica not only to give stiffness and
rigidity to the straw, but to form, as it
were, a glassy coat of mail over the sur
face of every leaf, glome and straw, to
fortify the tender and delicate parts
against the attacks of spores that are
floating in the atmosphere. We all
know how readily substances in the
atmosphere are turned away when they
come in contact with a glassy surface.
Potash and sand are the essentia ele
ments of glass. The roots of growing
plants have the power to employ the
sharpest sand and potash to form a thin,
elastic, glossy covering, which is spread
over the surface to exclude moisture
and to repel any attacks of fungus.
Vegetables do not generally form as
large a part of the ordinary subsistence
of an American as they should. Whether
cooked alone, or jointly with the cheaper
pieces of meat in the form of a ragout,
they will always serve aa a substantial
means of nutrition and tend to diminish
the cost of household consumption.
tlow ithe Cincinnati Ilea U Taken In and
Done For-Whnt a Visitor Saw.
By the improved processes of slaugh
tering, within the briof space of two
and a half minutes a hog loses his place
in the world as a portion of the vitalized
creation and becomes so ranch bacon, so
many spare-ribs and suoh a quantity of
lard. As the process involves the per
sonality of the hog to some extent, we
will begin withhim in his living, broath
ing form, lie is contained iu an im
mense pen on tlio grouud floor of the
building, aud there aro a good many of
him, say live or six hundred at a time.
The porcine grunters having had their
doom duly sealed, spoken their " hist
words," and tearfully handed around
among their ailing and spared compan
ions a few locks of bristles and memen
toes, are driven up a gangway to tho
slaughter pen, where an able-bodied
colored gentleman claps a chain around
their hind legR, one at a time, and the
pres xire of a f team lever jerks the strug
gling aud loudly squealing pig int j the
air. He is now Biinpended on a hori
zontal bar about thirty feet long. The
chain by which ho is suspended slides
along the bar, and beforo ho fairly com
prehends the situation another man,
gory to his very armpits, plunges a
knife into his throat, and taps the life
current. He squeals and kicks about
half a second, and before the "vital
spark has fled " has beside him a former
comrade of the pen, who has met with
the same misfortune, and, with him, is
on the way to meet his Gadarene ances
tors. There is a constant line of stuck
hogs passing down this elevated bar, and
when they get to the end of it they are
dead, aud are plumped into an enormous
tank of boiling water. The great per
sonal pride of a pig-sticker is to have
very little if any squealing on the part
of a hog after he introduces his knife
into'his jugular.
The hogs take their post morten warm
bath, into which they are plunged from
the iron rod, eight and ten at a time,
aud, by means of a revolving iron skid
operated by steam at one end of the
tank, are thrown out singly upon a large
wooden table, on which they are scraped
by twclvo or fifteen men. They start in
rough, dingy and dirty at one end of the
table, and reach the other end aa clean
and white as may be. At the far end of
the table one cuts off the head, another
flops the bloodless trunk over to the
gai!g below, who "gut" him, hang
him up and cool him off with a stream
of water. The beheading process is new
here, I believe, and comes from acepha
lous Chicago. It is claimed that by cut
ting off the head the hog is more speed
ily cooled, aud that the tonguo and head
pieces aro got at a day in advance of the
old method. The hams are also "faced"
and the iuside fat taken out while the
hog is still -warm, instead of waiting foi
it to cool as formerly, aud the iunova
tion is said to be very advantageous.
When the heads have been cut off, the
entrails and fatty substance taken out
and the hams dressed, tho cleaned hogs
are hung on runways between the joist
of tho drying-room and run iuto that de
partment to cool. Nearly all the houses
on tho avenue will "hang " about 3,500
hogs on the floor. In this room, when
tho hogs are sufficiently cool, they are
cut up into all tho various forms of pork
hams, shoulders, middles, etc.. and
the men who do the cutting use their
knives nnd saws with the skill and pre
cision of anatomists, cleaning a bone
when it is to be thrown away so perfect
ly that a hungry dog would pass it by
in disgust.
Since the adoption of the new method
of takiug off the heads and " facing "
tho hams in the killing-room, the cutters
worn very fast and to much better
advantage. To cut up a thousand
hogs is now considered only a fair day's
work for one man, and in tho busy sea
son even more than that amount of work
is exacted, au oi tne nouses are sup
plied witn nugo iron vats extending from
tho killing-room to the floor below, in
which the fatty portions of the hog are
oouea or steameu into lard. An im
provement known as " Caldwell's man-
bead," has recently been made to these
vats. It is a manhead iu the center of
the bottom of the tank instead of at the
side as in the old tanks, and its utility is
mat wuen me cooaing process is com
plete it is opened and tho "chowder'
or " slush," as the refuse of the lard is
called, drops out at once. The old tanks
had to cool so as to allow a man to go
iuto them and shovel out the " chow-
dor, and that generally required two or
three hours. When the lard is " done "
it is pumped into an elevated galvanized
receiver called a " zigzag," some thirty
by twelve feet square, and traversed by
gutters aggregating in length nearly
four hundred feet. The lard having
passed through these gutters passes
through a long pipe to another receiver,
from which it is drawn into the tierces
in wnichit finds its way to market. The
bristles go to tho brush factory or mattress-maker
; tho brains becomo " head
cheese," the feet are sold at the restaur
ant as " Irish quail," and tho blood
flows into a big wooden vessel directly
under the killer, is warmed by steam
pipes until it congeals into a sort of jelly,
and is then readily sold as a fertilizer.
A Sudden Death.
The Baltimore San says that the body
of Israel P. Cross was found iu a stand
ing position iu an alley at the rear of his
house in that city. The discovery was
made at 7:30 a. m. by a boy, who com
municated the fact to his lauiily. Mrs.
Crosj was shocked upon opening the
gate leading from the yard to the alley to
find the dead body of her husband rest
ing on it. The head and arms were sup
ported by tho top rail of the gate, aud
tho trunk of the body was partly leaning
against an opposite fence, the a'ley be
ing only two feet wide. The logs were
firm and chiefly supported the weight of
the body. The burial certificate gives
intemperance and heart disease as the
causes of death. Mrs. Cross states
that her husband had been addicted to
immoderate drinking. She states that
he was intoxicated the afternoon before,
and being unable to sleep, sent for an
ounce of laudanum, which he drank en
tirely. This did not bring on the de
sired repose, and he went out and was
not seen by hia family until found dead.
He was seen on tho street about nine
o'clock, and was uuable to walk. The
alley was the only means of ingress to
his residence at a late hour, and it is
supposed he camo home late, and that
death resulted while endeavoring to
enter the premises. An ounce vial, two
thirds full of laudanum, was found in
hia pooket, and, as it was carefully
wrapped in white paper,, it is supposed
that none of the contents had been used.
He leaves a wife and two young children.
The coinage of the new United States
trade dollar in silver from July, 1873, to
June, 1875, amounted to $9,280,400,
while the entire coinage of thg old silver
dollar, from the organizatio9of the mint
in 1793 until the appearance of ita suc
cessor, was only $8,045,838.
Item ef Interest Irons Home Bad Abrwsxli
The London Pall Ms.ll Gazette, In a leading
article, says " The English aoonpation of
Egypt la only a question of time, aa that stop
la neoeneary for the preservation of onr
Indian empire." A severe shook of earth
quake is reported at Fort Yuma, on lbs Colo
rado river, California A party of bandita
assembled In Ban Juan del Norte, Nicaragua,
and after firing on and wounding the governor
demanded bis resignation, which was given
and the government placed in the bands of
the English viee-conmil. Tiro Amcrii-Hii and
one English war vessels are iu the barber to
protoct citizens of thoae oonntrioa The
town of Iquique, I'oru, was almoet entirely de
stroyed by fire October 7th. The town waa
built entirely of wood, even the sidewalk", and
the flames lapped np everything with the ut
most rapidity. All tho finest buildings were
destroyed. The loss is put at 5,000,000, on
which there is no insurance. Many familios
are bousoless aud destitute. Aid waa sent
from Lima and other towns The First
National bank of Fittston, Funn., was robbed
of f 40,000 iu bonds and currenoy. The rob
bers out a bole In the roof and lot thomsolvce,
by ropes. Into the vault, where they blow open
two spherical safes.
Vim. McKee, of the Ht. Louis Globe-lemo-crat,
and ex-Collector Mngtiire, of '8t. Lonin,
have had true bills of indictment fonnd against
them for complicity in the whisky frauds.
They wore put under $5,000 aud $10,000 bonds
respectively David ltobiuson, residing
near Kokomo, Iud., shot at bis wife and oldest
boy, unsuccessfully, then cut the throat of bis
daughter as ebe lay iu bed, took the life of
a young son in the same manner, aud mount
ing a horse fled. Ilia dead body waa subse
quently found a mile off, and it is supposed be
committed suicide Tho Louisiana State
funding board has adopted the following rule :
" That when bonds are presented for funding,
with caupon detached, new bonds will be
issued with the corresponding coupons de
tached aud canceled, as in the case of pay
ment." The London Pall Mall Gazelle is
authorized to state that the admiralty's fugitive
slave circular wiU be withdrawn and new in
structions be issued .... Frussia has asked Aue
tiia to prevout Bishop Fooister, while residing
iu the Anstriau portion of hia diocese, from
exercising any episcopal function touching the
Prussian portion The direct cable has
been successfully recovered, the break re
paired, and cable rates will be reduoed by the
old company The Gorman arsenal at
Hendsburg, Holstein, was destroyed by. an ox
plosion. Lors, 5,000,000 marks.
The counsel in the $ 17,000 treasury burglary
having questioned the legality of tho grand
jury, the question was brought up on a tost
case, and tho legality of the jury assured
The Vatican has i-ont a note to iladiid which
expresses approval of Cardinal Pimooui's con
duct regarding the circular. The note insists
upon tho execution of the concordat; rofuses
to rr cognize the royal placet ; attributes the
civil war to religious tolerances, and demands
that the bishop of Urgcl be tried by ecclesias
tical judges and not by an ordinary tribunal.
The inhabitants of Kaka, on tho White
Nde, have revolted aud defeated the Egyptian
troops, killing one hundred of them. The
government has dispatched re-enforcements
thither Tho eastern division of the St.
Joseph and Denver railroad was sold by the
Mastor in Chancery, of Kansas, to the bond
holders' committee for $100,000 United
States troops caught a baud of cut-throats aud
horse thieves on the Swoet Water river, Indian
Territory. The band had fifty (stolen niulos.
A fast train from Now York to Wasti-
Ingtou ia being arranged The Atlanta
Constitution's exploring party have left Ilomer
villo, Ga., for Okefenokee swamp. The party
numbers twenty-two. aud aro fully equipped.
Prof. Little, the State geologist, accompanies
the expedition Charles O'Conor is ex
pected to conduct the proseoutions o gainst tho
Brooklyn. (N. Y.) ring President Grant
has pardoned Mautou Hoard and Robert A.
Fierson, formerly toller and cashier of the
Rhode Island national bank of Providence,
who were sentenced three years ago to nine
years' imprisonment for embezzling ?220,000.
The amounts involved iu accounts audited
and accounts Bottled by the second auditor of
the treasury ia the last year waa $27,5C3,257.
As a freight traiu of forty cars on the
Rensselaer aud Saratoga raihoad was ascend
ing a heavy grade noer Whitehall, N. Y., a
portion of the train broke looeo, aud shortly
after collided with the balance, throwing six
teen cars down an ombankmout, and complete
ly wrecking them, together with their con
tents. No one seriously injured On and
after the first of January, France will levy
"sea postage'' on all letters from this country,
which will make the cost of sending a letter
fourteen cents, while to other parts of Europe
the cost will remain at five cents .... The discov
ery of a quautity of . arsenic in a wolltt Leeds,
Me., created considerable excitement, and re
sulted in the arrest of a neighbor who had
bought some of tho poison a few days previ
ous. Fortunately tho arsenio was discovered
before any of the water had been used
Henry A. Mann, treasurer of Saratoga county,
N. Y., is a defaulter of over $ 140,000, extend
ing over a period of fifteen years Several
cadets have been dismissed from the naval
academy for hazing Bomo vandals en
tered. Oak Hill cemetery, Woodsccket, R. I.,
and throw down and broke about eighty marble
monuments, headstones, etc No motive is
assigned for the outrage Tho Princo of
Wales has arrived at Bombay, India, iu the
irou-clad Serapis An earthquake shock is
reported from San Bcniro county, California.
The aggros-ale amount of business trans
acted at the Boeton sub-treasury during the
pait fiscal year, figures up 4'J7,9G5,28l, of
which tl5,7(39,3fS wero from custom. The
New York sub-trouaury transacted 4703,000,000,
of which tho receipts from customs amount to
111,000,000 The central government for
Alsace-Lorraine will bo established at Berlin.
Probably a special ministry will be created for
these provinces Intelligence from Peuaog,
Malaya, announces that the Malayans are be
seiging the British residency at Ferak. The
Sultau Ismail is collecting a oousiderable force
for the purpoBO of attempting to expel the
British from the country The Khedive of
Egypt hat) applied ofHcialloto England for two
financiers to undertake Egyptian finances,
promising the fullest information to the great
powers A $5 counterfeit national bank
note, purporting to be issued by tho First Na
tional bank of Galena, 111., has been discov
ered. There is no suoh bauk in existence. . . .
The commissioner of internal revenue says that
if cigars are packed in boxes made wholly of
tin, and have the manufacturer's name and
number of cigars, the district and State
stamped iuto the tin with a die, in suoh a man
ner that they -will remain permanently and
legally impressed thereon, the cigars should
not be seized Andrew O'Connell, a young
man who bad been suffering from delirium
tremens, threw himself in front of a railway
train at Caibondale, Pa., and waa instantly
crushed to death...... The complete vote of
Massachusetts, at the late election, was as fol
low : Gaston, 78,216 i Rioe, 83,523 ; Baker,
8,965 ; Adams, 1,771 ; Phiilips, 301. The total
vote was 172,809, and doe's plurality over
Gaston was 5,277 The total vote of Iowa,
in the late election, was 919,821 the largest
ever polled in the State The steamship
Paelfle sailed from Victoria for Ban Francisco
with over one hundred souls on board, and
was lost with all on board with the exception
of one man, who was picked up after having
floated about on the pilot-house for two days
and nights. He waa too much exhausted to
give any account of the disaster... .The losses
by the Whitehall (N. Y.) fire were 50,000.
Miss Isabella P. Keene, aged twenty-four
years, accidentally shot bersolf at her father's
residence, in Buffalo. It is supposed she waa
shooting rata and a ball robonnded from a
brick wall, entering bor head, aud killing her
Instantly Later aminnts from the Pacific
disaster place tho number of lives lost at two
bundrod. The impression it general among
sailing men that the steamer struck a rock.
The stoamer City of Waco, anohored
outside of Galveston after a successful trip
from New York, only awaiting daylight to
steam iip to the city. About one o'clock she
was discovered to be on fire, and the passen
gers and crew took to the boats ( but as the
aoa was running high and the wind brisk, they
were unable to land, and were driven down
the ooast. A tugboat was sent after them in
the morning, but had not found any trace of
thorn at the time of this dispatch. Tho Waco,
valued at $150,000, was buruod to the water's
edge, and sunk. Her cargo was worth $100,
000 Tiie brig J. W. Sponoer, of Boston,
aud tho the Toronto, together with the schoon
ers Mosea Fatten, Nettie Chase aud Serene,
are all supposed to bae been lost in the hurri
cane which raged in the Gulf of Mexioo at the
time Galveston was inundated, as they have
not been heard of vince The London
Timet has a special telegram from Penang,
Malaya, which says that all this side of the
Mitlay peninsula is groatly excited. A general
outbreak is feared. Hong Kong has been tele
graphed to for troops. One man-of-war, two
ljuuboats, and about four huudred troops are
now at Ttrak.
He was Angry. "Conductah," sim
pered, a lady on an out-going . train.
" will yeou be so keind as to bwing me
a gieass or watuan r me polite con
ductor thereupon marched to the water
tank, detached tho German-silver mug
from its long, clanking chain, nnd re
turning with it filled to the brim obsequi
ously proffered it to the fair traveler.
She took it with a smile; she bowed
ana stuck it under the nose of a musty
looking poodle-dog on her lap, who
quietly lapped up the liquid refresh
If every one of our readers would try
uouuma .Electric soap (Uragin tr. (Jo.,
Phila'delphia) they would, like us, be
come firm believers in its wonderful
merit. Have your grocer order it.
Burnett's Coeonine is the best
choapest hair dressing in the world.
Poverty is bad, 'but the' worst kind of
poverty is poverty of the blood ; this makes
man " poor indeed," for it takes away his
strength, courage and energy ; but enrich the
Hood with its vital element, iron, by takiug
tho Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron), aud
yu will feel rich and " as good as anybody."
Try it. Com.
A case of chronic rheumatism of un
usual severity, cured by Johnson's Anodyne
j.immeitt, is noticed ty one or our exchanges.
A large buuch came out upon the broast of
the sufferer, and appeared like part of the
breast bono. Used internally and cxtornally.
Important to Travelers.
Persons visiting New York or leaving by the
cars irom urtuia neutral uepoc, win savo an
noyance aud expense of carriage hire and hag
gage oxpressage by stopping at Grand Union
Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Over
350 elegantly furnished rooms and litted up at
a cost of 1900,1.00. European plan. Guests
cau live more luxuriously for less monov at the
Gi-nnd Union that at any ot her first-class house
in New York. Stages and street cars pass tho
doors for all parts of the oitv . Bee that the
hotel you enter is the Grand Uuion Hotel.
The sweetest word in our language is
health. At the first indication of disease, use
well-known aud approved remedies. For dvg-
pepsia or indigestion, use Parsons' Purgalice
Pills. For coughs, colds, tore or lame stom
ach, use Johnsons Anodyne. Liimntnl. Com.
foiling AM) COI.DS.
Ths great Tlrtae of this inedlclne U that it rlpenl the
matter and throws It out of the system, pnrltios the
blood, and thus efTeota l cure.
Scujisca'a Ska Wfed Tonic, fob th Oubk
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Etc.
The Tonlo produces a healthy acUon of the stomach,
creatine an appetite, forming chyle, and carina the
most obstinate oues of indigestion,
ScnENCE's Mandrake Pills, fob the Cure or
Lives Complaint, Etc.
These PUls are alterative, and produce a healthy
action ef tho Uver wlthoat the least danger, as they are
free from calomel and yet more efficacious In rati tor tug
a healthy aotlon of the Uver. .
These remedial are a certain care for Consumption.
..s the Pulmoulo Syrup ripeu the matter and purines
the blood. The Mandrake PUls aot upon the liver,
create a healthy bile, and remove all disease of the
Uver, often a oanse of Consumption. The Sua Weed
Tonic gives tone and strength t4 tho stomach, makes a
good digestion, and enables the organs to form good
blnod ; and thus creates a hoallh circulation of healthy
blood. The comhloed action of these medicines, as
thus explained, will cure every case of Consumption, If
taken lu time, and the use of the medicines perseveted
Dr. Sehenck is professionally at his principal office,
corner of Wiilh nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every
M '.nday, where all letters for advice most he addressed,
tfuheavrk's medlclues tor sale by alt Druggists.
The Market?,
Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bollocka 09X9 II
Oommou to Good Texauc 17 6 lu
Milch Cows... 30 00 175 00
Bugs Live 17 Vc-4 CT
U roc sod U9,a) 10'
Bheop , 04) u) 0ft
Lambs 06 (a) 07V
Cotton MldrtJiUf!.. 131s;a) IS1.
Hour Extra Weateru 6 71 la) fl lu
State Extra 6 65 (4 00
Wheat Red Weateiu I 46 i 1 IS
No. S Spring 1 31 la) 1 BU
Rye state. 9,1 (at 03
llarlcy Mtate 10 0 1 10
llariey Malt 1 45 14 1 44
Oats Mixed Western 47 9 nl
CJorn Mixed Western 74 u 7?
Hay, per ewt (5 4 1 It
Htraw, per owt 6u let OS
Hops VJa 12-8 -olds 'I 18
Perk Mess S3 74 $23 75
Lard Vim U
Fiah Mackerel No. 1, new 98 0U e 00
" No. 1, new II 60 ai8 OiJ
Dry Cod, per cwt 6 10 u 6 76
Herring, Scaled, par box: tl . U
Petrolenm Orudo ...f'X Rnued, le'.'
Wool California fleece 5fl j 81
Texas " 18 4 83
Australian " 48 it 45
Butter State 34 14 1)6
Western Dairy ill (4 84
Western Yellow 8 lA 31
Waetern Ordinary II A 16
Peaney'.vania Fins 80 () 83 V
Cheese fatat 0 F'actory..... 13.6 14
" Skimmed... OS iA 16
Western 08 (A 18
Fggs Steto 80 144 ill
Wheat 1 41 I 60
Rye tit ate , 9) 14 90
Corn Mixed ... 78 76
liar ley 1st ate. ... ......... ...... 8. fe 8.1
Oats State i ii
Floor '. (61 S 00 .
Wheat No. 1 SprLug I 33 ttt I 3i
Corn Mixed fl w H
Gate , all 14 48 ,
Rye 13 4 73
Kariey. 1 14 1 14
Cotton Ixw Middlings 15'g 4 liu
Flour Extra 8 76 is) 8 76
Wheat bed Western I 88 1 40
Rye f j 80
Corn Yellow , . 10 if) U
Oats Mixed '. 41 u) 43
Petroleum ,,..,......... OiUM 06X
rioor Penn.ylvrjis Extra 6 8) 1 00 '
Wheat Western lied It le) 1 a .
Kya...'. ...m. ..........e 76 e) 76
Corn Yellow 76 let 7
Mixed 74 74
Osts Mixed 89 it) 4i
fetreltBU Grade. lJM10 UaJueO, U
French Courtship.
In Franco the parents of the interest
ed ones first consider the matter of their
m arris go. "Look, monsieur," says
mamma, "here is my daughter, and all
her graces and accomplishments, and
her good heart ; and here, also, is the
dower I will give with her." "And
here, raadame, says monsieur, who is
very likely her neighbor or mend,
" here is mv son. and his probable in
heritance ; hiseducationhasbeonwhatyou
know ; his profession nnd talent, what
you know, also ; as to his amiability
you shall judge, for I'll give yon every
opportunity of observing ; and more
over, when he marries, 1 11 give the boy
so ana so." uue youngsters meet
and, unless they are very difficult to
suit, are obliging enough to furthei
their parents' plan. And here, on my
word, I believe them more dutiful in the
old world than in the new.
Kconomy, comfort, looks, at)
oooiblne to make
Shafts tadlHpATitfthte for children.
UnwBT war thrnnirb at the to.
Alto try Wins Qulltftd Holes.
How dnllffhtftil to hint rlr fnnt.
Frmr, meohanlofi, eTnryhodjr.
Roots nd BhoM nerer rip or
Also aw for W-reCjiilltPd Soimi.
Have vou ever seen
The Illustrated eatalovna of Thu KrrtMnr PiyrtabU
Printing frrniirti f s; Press now resdy. Krry eii"
hi own printer. A few dollars buys a press and type for
irlntlng ctrds, labels, envelopes, etc, at quarter pi-leers'
prions. .Sane mnney nnd inereane online by livr
iftrertUimi, Rsnd two stamps for catalngne to tho
i;"'r, V. KKI.HK VA; 0,lf-pldPll,Jnii.
f I'X'Y CAKDN. 7 Styles, with Name. 10c.
ILlhyBilUStKDj "aSjiO. NA.
Books Exchanged. Famish all new. Want old. Write
Name this paper. American Book F.xobsnge. N. Y
IOO FAKM FOR NA1 V, In Del.. Mrt Va , ami
Pa Send for catalogue. J. I'UI.K, Wilmington, Dt'L
tA FANCY I'AltllS 7 Styles, with Name, Urr.
. I ' by J. II. HUSTKO, Nspssu, Kenss. Go:, N. Y.
H For-lcro Stamns. Clrctrlers and Price
Lists. Stab stamp Co., Swanton, Vt.
AQTTTTVTA r"1 Cn'nrrh Sore Onre. Trial free.
"J Address W.K.Bellls.tndlatup IL.Ind
Oi Vnr Wolhlnar. Agents Wanted Kverywhere.
t Addr-ss J. KKNNKDY A CO.. Richmond. Ind.
1 f dny at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and term.
' fc free. Address THUS A OO., Augusta, Mains
I1KTTER than all oook books Ihe Hounelceeper
KoO e year. Sample, I O cts. 62 John St., K. Y
ANTM AGF.MTH. Samplf and OntAI frt,
Better titan Voltt. A. UUULTKK mi UU., UblCago.
ON SALARY only. Agents wanted. Matt an
Female. Address O. B. Chbibtiah, Marlon, Ohio
Address R N. RAMSEY, Detroit, Mion
Cf in S?D a day at home.- Samples worth gl sen:
-" rree. unnaua A uu.,
, Portland. Me
t I A o O l P" a,y. Send for Chromo Cattleoue.
4 VH4 tiJJ. H. BirrroRp's Bom, Boston, Mast.
QOA Dally to Agents. H5 new articles and the host
OavU Famllv Pp.-r in Araertoa, with two St.) Chro
mos. tree. AMKR. M'K'U CO., 3QO Broadway. N. Y.
A ten-dollar bill of 1 770 nt free
for Stump. Addn'RS O. 1IUK?I i
CO.. 7.J Nhsbhu St.. N. Y.
tflOCrt A .Month.
O00J ln articlos
Address .1 .
Agents Wanted. 24 bent sell-
In Ire wor d. tine snmn e ft.
I. HROS(N, Iletrnit. .ilc-h.
thousand, of lives and
property saved by It-fortune'
It-u.irtlctllars free, fl M
llNIxoTONAJlBa.Naw York A Uhloaxo.
'nilK VII T 14 IT.-Somethlng new. Sells at
X sight. Hlg Inducements to Agents. ISample.. 'in
cuits and stump. Aci-nts Wanted. Send lor tJatn
logon. U. S. SPKUIAl.l Y UO.,7 4 O Fulton St.,BosUn.
and iUorplilne Ilnbll absolutely an'
eveedlly oured. Painless: no P'jI'Miitly.
Send starnpfor particulars. Dr. Oar.l .
ton, IS7 Washington StC1nlesgo.lll.'
$77 SE
P. o.
and Female. In their own Innulltv
erms and OUTFIT F'RKK. Addrens .
VIUKKRY A CO., Angnsta, .Maine.
.frenra wjinten ...n.
uw Duiim.w nonoraoie aO'! nrst.
eta. Particulars seat free. Address
WORTH A IIP,. St. Ixmls. Mo. OQr"'
Mlnj' If PntUnsT, l"yrhomancy, Knarlnntlo
nout fjoarmlug. Mesmerism, aoa Jiovere' Guli
Sbowina: how ellher sex ma. fun',,.tji and ..In lh. i.
and arlectlon of any person they choos-i Instantly. 400
pages. By mall 6Qc. Hnnt A Uo.,130 S. 7th St.Ph la.
ATHmt IlHbltJ'nppd nt Home. No pub
II Ul 1 1 HI Holly. Time short. Terms moderate.
Ul 111 111 I'OOO teitlmnnlals. 5tu year of on-
paraueiea success, uesoribe oase.
Addren Or. F. K. IMAltSII, Qnlncy, Jllch.
Evsrv reu.le nt .hi. ... i.
llLr.-r!,'".'01" "j ri"' r ",e i-ivK HTftcH
J Or UN Al., nnd the arrrnt Inducement oller-
ru nir i-i-urinK eiiuerrioers. The JuurnH
I pronounced the I IK ST of It rlna. Ad
dreee Live .stork Journal, Hnllulo, N. Y.
Can make Money on Hat-
uruiiy nveniiijr mm,.
I Jirtrumt. (!hmmn
Paper; HtKn-n Piy. Heed, Wickerbhau A Co., Pblla.
yrnernneq rrom uoatoo, num., fUtanurgQ or Uhicago.
YourNfime Elrcantlr Print
ed OD 19 TniKiPiRtNT Visit i Mn
CARTS. for 23 Lnt. Karh rifrirantiini
a 9ctmc wnicn it nn, tiiidi until held towards lb light
Kothinftlikethcmevprbeforeoflcredin America. Biginriuce-
aucum WAKniH. "uiai.ii IKIflllRU V.U., AWltaDOs mU.
$10? $500 5
Invested In Wall Street
en leads to fortune. A
i DAifa book exolaininir
everything and giving price of stocks
. -.- d Brokers, 7 a Broadway, New York,
Agent WntllPd ! Medals and Diplomas Awarded
for imioiAVM Pictorial BIBLES.
1300 ItlutfrnllnnN. Addresa for new circnlaia,
'AllJi'l1 A WW ARUU Street, Pbtla.
Finely 1'rlntrd KrUlnl TlHlilna
i'lirild unt post-paid for cltt, tSeoa
kta.up for BHinplea of 4nm Cnrdfit
ifSitroir phium iiitui'M ci'iiii int.
.11:111. Kin. We have over Khljtvlet
fy-t-T ,tnlea- A ci.lfr uo., brock ton, Mar
b I rVJ A W 11 151 imuAiiwAi, now 1 via,
trf iVkjXla manufacturer of Solid Gold
JEWKLKY of uvery deacrlptioo. Tbeatoukl6larKA,verr
ohuloa.and iDotfrbd at retail at trade price tj Keep our
work 111 enoi ng. Bills under Ij lit. P.O. ordt-r In advance
Over 1 o O.O D. privilege to examine. (Jatc'.Rue free.
Marie from thePateut Kxrt-.Mior ('oinnonltinn,
will recast, net affected by the weather; price, 3(1 cenu
per pound, is uneo in pnuung mis paper.
J. R. i UI.K. Ami,, .HJ Ann St., N. V
I I t M r Vnu tu liarn I K.I K.
GRAI'HY. iOd siiuatlnrs auarsaU-td.
Adilre.s, vllb stamp. KUI'ltKlH 11 .
C1.4KIIS.-50 white or t:nted Krlstol, tfO eta.; 60
bnowtlake. Marble. Kep, or Damaas.Ua cU. ; 50
Olaas, 40 eta. ; with your name beutliully printed aa
them, aud Oft samples of typ, aKeta'price-llst, etc..
sent by return mail ou receipt of price. Diftonuut to
Uluba. Rest of work. W. O. OANNON, 4H koeeland
Street, B'-Hlou. Refers to 8. H. PKITKKiui.l A Co.
$15.00 SHOT GUN.
1 snnblo tiarrfll f. Mr or frootvcd tmt; varrmtad io sl
ain ia ttt tttrrHf. racd a iUru-r, oa mi ts: mlit Piui,
FfsMikfUul W4douUVr( for f IS. Cmti bfttwit O. O. D. wit prir
tltsr to eifu;to bsItrr.srlDs' bill. Po4 Btanp fcrtritr to f,
ruWIU. A Qua UfuTrs, IU staia ftk, CUwtaa.a. O.
id New Huffmlo UiU licTolvcrlpf sal I W W
ilh lOOUartridaas. axu) :ta.10sold : everyone warran
ted ; satisfaction iruar.Dted. lltuetratett Catalogue Fret.
WEaTEUUI iiVM UOUKS, ( hlraKn, III.,
6U Oeaxbomt.. (McCormick Block).
lHlly Wifnetia fordOoenU from
now to Int January on trial. Mer
chants cannot afford to be without
Dally Market Reporta of Produce,
Cattle, Stocks, etc. Everybody
wanta to bear of Moody and Sankey'a
work. Subscribe at onoa. Ottioe, 2
Suruoe St., New York.
These Rich Pralrtos. Near one million Soros for sals on
tbe hloui City and St Paul K. K. and eo ths MoUrecor
soil Missouri KlTer R. R. Sovoral larxs tracts for
Lost n lea. Oorut. or send oomrultteee to examine. Kfery
oum wuo ses th laud likes It. Apply to
tollilfiy. (reoln o., Iowa.
An4 their Work on both Side of th -Sea.
By an eminent chkauo mviNK.a FIUHuoH of Ma.
ilooijy for years, aad au EYB-wiTNEea of and PaIti'I
1an r in hia great revival meetings in Fnolasd. In
ioraed aud approved by emiur-nt (Christians. Rays
r'HKBT. tow Lt a. of tbe N'tBiu Western Univerbity :
' Muy Gmi irtmt thin b-n k a million reader and timny
conv.rt tn ?hrit.u Send for circulars to
AMERICAN l'UHLlNHINU UO., Hartford, Conn.
I'ota now troaa tawoia
with perfect aomfor
night aad day. AdapU
Itsself to eveiy motion of
the body. retAliiiiu Uupl
ture uuaer the E&rdusl
zeroiae or aeverest strain
until permanenUy oared
Sold aheap by Ue
Elastic Truss Co.
. ft. 683 brtaawty, N, Y, City,
and sent by mall all nt sand fot Olroaiar.and be nnd
Wisconsin Central Railroai Lanls.
Bioellent Karma a low prises ana an saay Unas.
Sure Crops iood Water Health Olunata No Ur Ma
hoppers No severe winds No aasruu diseases
Befora gohig slsowhsrs sand posts sard asking to,
pamphlets, maps, sui., to
OliAb. L. UOLHY.Laud Oommlaslonsr.
Wis. Usn. R. K. Oo., MUwsnhes, Wis.
rUHtt af nsOsr sa ail Isms Lottie.
r-or tbe fcillet or bath It has no
equal. It Is snore pleasant than
any Cologne, Toilet Water or
Handkerchief Extract. Its, per.
fume Is very lasting. Is always
agreesble to tbe person using It,
snd to those around them. It nils
tbe room with a pleasant odor. It
UKO. T. BAKNF.Y tfc CO.,
Ilnalnn. ,11 ass.
l ine
fon want to
Bemnft the bf si
article ever offered to
AtrAntasf On Affiant
made -M5 In throe hour. Try Lu
Adrtwa. H'HJP ft JQ8KPH. Indlanapolli. Ind.
Tho Best Paper lor Fraers.
ONR DOLIaAR per year In olubi of thirty or over.
Specimen ooplea free. For terms and commissions,
Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York.
HISTORY of the U.S.
The arrant tntarMf In tha thHlllntr hlfttoi-T of onr Conn-
try makes tnis rtin tatuent semnir door ever panmuea.
It nanialns 4 42 tine historical enarravlnirs and
U2i pnnus, with a full aooonnt of the approachtn
grand (Jenemial exhibition. Hend fr r ft full descrip
tion and exfrii tormn to A(rent. iNATiU'aA.ij run
L1SHINU CO., Philadelphia, Pa. '
CI. V Herd, rwr. iVr
jsa Mince, f?t, uriv : " Yonr Sea Foam
Vnannnf hia oi.iaIIaiI tv-rlll of 1.14-
ennntor: fr.rti od Brwd a"d tine
Biscuit it Ik ft Woodertul 1 re peti
tion " iv eav sil.
PilPlirr. I'linfnrr tV Co..
ir.'rttVjtitto Jealr, Bo-ton, n xy .
" We tf-ke oleasure In recommend
In yonr rea Foam as The Bst
Kak ni Powder we haveevnrsnld
Parties once unlnjr it will have no
other, it sums lire immense.
Send forolrcalar to
am. F. aANTZ & ro..
1 7 liunrn Ml., New York
MY. Introduction by Juhn li. Uough and
Mr. Li mi, rt-. Aifint f
I Q to Oft Try dyi
Hundred arc ilMirifr t. mil
1 VOU run .In It. Tht btit .ell Id
200 ILLUSTRATIONS. ..Writ for
Iliuitrsted rimilnrt t Lruil oilim. DLSliN, GILMAN A
CO., lUniTOUL, lit., IHICAflO, ILL., liNCIMttAll, VHIO,
AliKlSTS wanted for the UK AN I) NEW BOOK.
of KUKM K with UKiatUOIHi or
Modern SCEPTICISM Met on Its Own GROUND.
The nrandeit theme and mmt vital Question of tbe day.
H theamrinrnf "SciFNCE andthf. HIH1-K." Kverv man,
woman :.nd child wants to rend It. It pIvm the hristlan
a rtatnn fur his Pititli. prmves the wonderful flirt
covrrii'K of f-cfeiice it harmony with 4iPn Word
ditturnvns the TyihIiiIi iit1 loiif. and de-troys the
HIT win I llt'r V ll sews neynuu flu exppoiauon.
h'imi. NtTtant axilfi 'A A, fcnnrind If. third '2.. tlrt tteok.
hlint atnt It I second Week Kverv body hms it. Avoid
(tie ft4tijft'innq trash advertised by other publisher, and
secure territory for this bjfitt.ihat e fl ; because tbe
people need aud wunt it. Send foi circular and terms to
agents. i . . . i r.i-iii it :
oln Arm rMreri.. I'Miinitt'iimin.. i-w
Selected French Burr Mill Stones
or all slzi's, and superior
workmanship. Horlnble
Srlmllnir. "ma. upper or
nnd'T inuneirt, f'-r r'artu
or Morrlimil work.
Urnnins Ilntrh An.
krr Itulllnsjl'loth, Mill
Picks. Corn Shelters and
Cleauors, Gearing, fchaftiuK.
rullies, llaneers. etc.; all
kinds of Mill Machinery and
MillerB' supplii-s. Houd for
I'nniplilet. Mranb Mill
I'mniiHti.T. Ilx 14 3U.
I'liii luiiiill. 4lil.
Outfit were ordered t
aublicatioQ of the splendid new book
a tmn tip rwk of Travel. Adventure, and F.xnrienoe. bv
1 Boa.W. Knox, with 350 miurniflcent new T.txtwv infr the
finest ever een. Itactully fit
.rnmaiiva nerton. and on tne
ciuaiiy frit at tigm io every wiue-anaiii.
and outnelli all other Ikx1ib 6 to 1. No
work waa ever endorsed to hiirhly nona sells so fast or pays
n Itlo livaflnrn fAniiK7i m' Ml DrVM. U4? llZPtlt nd 8 I &
in two irerAi, another 'ii in owe tovwhtn. We want .MWO
iimrv active asents noie, OI'TK IT FKKK to all. A bmini
nmnhlil with Specimen Pncen and Illustrations of this ftt-
tr.ous work, full OeBCription Bnflinumial Term. ent free to
anyone. Addre" HUHTiliNUiUN A to., liartford, CU
Boston, 3VXasbb.
Z7ieie tttainlartt Instruments)
Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere.
Agents Wanted in Every Town.
Sold tbroosThont ths United States on ths
I'hat is, on a Brstara of Montblj Pay
pnrotaasor. should ask for the Smith Ahkbicak Oboai
(atalncoHS and fall partlcnlars on apollcallon
ttooct Noll! iood Timber! UooA Air! 3ood
Vv uteri (iojd '1'itlv; Healthy l iiiiiule :
The rnllre Lnnd (Srant ot the Flint & Frre
illurqiieiie Uullway I'outpany, .205,000
Al'UtS, le offertut fur sale fur purp set ot Actual
Kettleinunt in parcela aa desired. 000,000.000 feet
ot t ine, located ounveutentto the Una of the rallrosd.
t'armi'.g Iodw, aa rfootl aa aav ia the world, lie aloiif
tbe line, ai.d wlil lift m-ld ou m-mt iHVuiuble tormx to a
tuU sctiKM-s. 'I IMIiK)t-iak, UoeoU. Mjtple, Roca Kim,
lUack Csi-.trry, ri.jjroad. Pine, tluiuloclt, etc., etc
lineal) Iand and iwitiroad Faciltll: are aeldoiP offered
totcetuur, aud tuofte who wish to bcura homec will do
well (o apply eaily ami take oboiue selection. 1 Bhms
One-tourtli in oah and balance with annual l3t treat at
1 oer cuui.. aa may be tm atiA. lnloruatloa by mall
promptly furutiOieti. Apply, lu person or br tr.ti, to
w m. i v ii.ii t t. tv. ijuia i'iuuiiHiunor.
Addreat at Fast Sayinaw, Micti.
When I ho lllooil ltu-,ln- witn rocket-llke ?lo
lenoe to tbe head, oausln hot tluabps, vertigo and dim
ness of sight. It Is a oeratn slg-a that a mild, salubrious.
cooling and equa'dztag laxative Is required, a .d
Tarrant's EflVrvesviitSi.l;zor Aiu'rlont
should bs at onoa roited to.
Each a True Gem ami I'ndciiliibly Popular.
Among ths attractive titles are:
BY TIIE 11 1. I K REA.
The Gems of Ennllah fong la a book ol 93H
pages, su ol lull aiitel musio sim.
Among ths Authors are:
Last 8oott, Oampima, LtxusaT, OotmoD, Einoi,
Uows, icrua"'. BAHtiM, ULaJuiiax, Ant.
The Gems of English Hong will bs sent,
paid, to aoy alaress, tur t'-s Hetall Prion, which
Hoards, i.LO, la Oloth, HI3.00, OUt. 84.UO.
U, In
Do Not Forget Our Other Recent Books,
Montr Monarch. 75 cents, for Blnglng'Bohools.
HUluIng silver, 35 cents, tar Sabbath Schools.
High slchool Choir, 81.0O, lor High Sohools, eta.
Living U nters, 30 cents, for Pralss MeaUngs.
t!UA8. H. B1THON dt lip.,
til llroao war. New Verk,
Honey or Horehoundakd Tar
ron 'the ccnR' of '
Coughs. Coi.ds, a, IIoarsr
kebs, Difficult )iietiiivo, and
Thin Infulliblo remedy is composed of
the Honey r the pl;mt Itorrhound, irn
chemical ur unwitUTA5-lHt.M,cxtract-cd
from ie Lifb of tho
forest t e Abies Balsamka. or Bilm
of Gil A.
V e Honey of Horchound soothes
at scatters nil irri tations and inflam
mations, and the Tar-Balm clkanses
and hbalb the throat nnd air-pnsaages
leading to the lungs. Five additional
Ingredients keep the organs cool, moist,
and In healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great
medicine of famous doctor, who has
saved thoubands of lives by it in hia
large private practice.
N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad
taste or smelL
nucEs.50 cents and f 1 per bottia
Great eanng to bay large sizs.
Sold by all Druggists.,
" "Pike's Toothache Drops'
cure in 1 minute.
N.Y.N U.-No. 4.
offi. Mntn
md Ntocts, 1
bow Kill id A.'iOO
in Nlnrtt I'riv
f .lrl and will pn
rnfllN. Kallrniu
Knnds sna iioin nnagaT no
:lnrfrlna. Intprent Hlx
lfr 4'pnt. allowed on depo
sits subject to slKbt druIU.
BCCKWAl.TBK A- I'll., nnnlters and
llrnkrri. No. IP Wnll Mrfri.Nrw lark.
To stsit reader of The Fnmily Journal i
A 910 Timed Enirravlnv, nlze 22x2.
Onr Liirifrfl nnrl RMintlfnlTlnfpi1 FnRravintroontalnln
OTrtr JtKMiliiBtorioal Views and Port rait of all ItmdiuR
evnntti hi 1 pHtconaReB from the UnduiK of Oolumlms to
th prw ent ttii e, lnolu Unit a maRnlticat and psr feet
vl'-w of th Ontonutal BMlrilnir la Fitrraount Park at
Pnllailelpbla, will le p-lven, 7-t Tl K-airaf Onr Grtat
Li'erary ami, ltipr,th H.'' Fnmily Journal,
CintniMnq Thr ,SiVn'f Continual Stori", toii ether
with short fk-tches and a lnr amount ol mlBcellar.iv
oas re idlng. Kflnt fcui moniliin tnil, Including the
Kneravlon, pOBi-pnio, ior .in'. ' 7M ' """"
irt'f ii you a co,v frfti.or uddiw Tht Family Journal,
41)2 Broadway, N. Y.
Agents Wanted Everywhere.
Ao Biqufslte combination, priding to tbe oanaclty of tbr
orftan much of that of tbe plapuforte and harp. With ft
dotiblvreed orxao, compIte and perfect In eTery repectt
in combined a unw insiruoient, the Pi ANO-HARH, the
tones of which are produced by atewl tunruna or bars,
rlfcidly net in ntel platt'8 affiled to a Bounding box, and
truck by hammers, aa tn the plani forte. 'I he tones are
of a pure, silvery, bell-like quality, very beautiful in ojoj-
inHUOn or anemaiion wvn ine orran unns. i orpin
iv be uaed alone, and Is .in every respect as cnmt'ieia
tl oertect an orcan as without the PlANO-HAKP.
or may be used with the PIANO HAKP; the lattvr may
ne ueea separately 01 in com lrihiim i n unysraiiins
stops of tbe 01 Ran, to which It adds Kre itly tu Tivacity,
life and varlei ; adapting it to a mui-b wider iau.e oi
Upon lta Invention ana Intro duction, about a year
sloce, thia new Instrument ivai recnied with o much
favor that the deuiunrt Kruatly t xcttt-dnd the manufactur
ers stitraoat at.bUy to supply ; so tout t h have had no
occasion to advertise It extensively, having no per
ifdctea faculties tor a large anipi, iney onet it 10 uie
public with contidenoe.
uircuiars, witn oraumtrs ana iuii aesonptioDS, ree.
MASON A HAMLIN OHiiAN C.. .4 Tremont
Street, BOSTON ; 2i Union r-qanra, KKW YORK i 80
mad H2 Adams Street. (JIJKJAtiO.
uu. sAAi'oinvjtj " - '
vuitipiiii(ii'i euiirt'iy Hunt
These 41 HS re
move all morbid
. Hlioiitdutluittlke
P WJ tloKC to tin-1 1- !n
JyT cIIvIiIuhI constl
r-H Q till iu lit from a
lnNoiiifull te
LssJ a tllt(i0iifiil
Qj j aecui tllnff to t-f-tVi-l.
For all af
Wl frc-lions of ihf
fV? 1.11 It, iiiffxu.
. f-H Ini lties ol Mom
aril mill Jlifclnv
dlHeaiies lt-teii(l
fJ l rut on or cuutied
by M;licliraiiK
sJ iitent aa Klllona
bl matter
from the system,
supplying in
Ihc-lr place a
henlthy flow of
bile liivlRoral-
Inir the stomacn
causing; food to
diareat well) PI'-
HlI'VIV. -lltli
IU.OOI, Klvintr
tone and health
to ths vrltole ma
chinery, reino v
n sr the cause or
the diseases, ef
fecting; a radical
cure. Asa FAM
ueNs, Chroitlcltl-
arrliora,lly airi-
sla, Juundiceana
Female Veali-
it Is l .MriUl'AI..
Kl, and is AL
IssJ auoonfull takes
nt commencement of au attack of SICK
U EADAC H E cures In 1.1 ml n litre, i i.i.
FI'I. by 1 bottle. TH1 1TI For pain )hlr
coiitalnlnar useful Information ann aii
shunt the tlver, address int. is.a.r "s"i
IVrwYork. OI.I ill ALL nKrm.lT
Burnett's Cocoalne
Prevents the Hair from Falling.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Promotes its Healtlty Growth.
Burnett's Cocoalne
la not Greasy nor Sticky.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Leaves no Disagreeable Odor.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Bubdues Refractory Hair.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Soothes the Irritated Scalp-Skin.'
Burnett's Cocoalne
Affords the Richest Lustra,
Burnett's Cocoalne
Is not an Alcoholio 'Wash.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Kills DandruiT.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Gives New Life to the Hair.
Burnett's Cocoalne
Remains' Longest in Effect.
Prepared only by .
27 Central Street, Boston.
And Sold Everywhere.
500.000 ACRES
Michigan Lands
B O X 3 A Xj S
The Lands al tho Jackson, .anslng and
Haglnaw Kallroau Compunv are Now
They are situated alone Its railroad and contain Urn
tresis of saoaUent FARMING and PINK Lands.
Ths farming lands inulude soma of tus moat l.rtllo
aud well-watered hardwood lands In ths Stat. Tnef
are timbered malnl with haid-maple and beech : soli
black, sandy loam, and sbounds In sprints of purest
water. Michigan la one of tha least Indxmed and must
prosperous b tales In ths Union, aad us farmer, have
greater variety of crops and maourw-s than any We.urn
But. While soma of tha nraliia state, may produce
corn In great abondaaoa. they have no other reeonroe.
and when tola stop fails; destitution follows, as has been
the ease ths past year In Kauaaa and Nebraska.
Piles from tfii.MI to . OO per sure. Hend for
Illustrated Pamphlet. Address O. fll. BAUNb.
CossMilaaluuer, Lansing, lUlch.
. r