FlIW, ASD 1I0CSEH0J4V The Army Worm, My senior partner, Bays Ogden Fnrm pnpors, oiiginatxxt tvn xprcsfion, during our rnrlior days, when bo many of our operations rniit awry, the force of which iraniiy boginnera will renlizo : There in nothing sure in fanning but disnp pointraent." Although we have learned much pntience during our eight years of experiment and frequent failure, and we have survived thomnny difficulties which beset us at the outset, we are constantly achieving some new surprise, and realiz ing that the fund of experimental know lege thnt a fnrm supplies is not easily ex hausted. Just as we had flattered our selves that we had gone through the wholo list of agricultural calamities, and had nothing more to loam, we were visited one fine day by a cloud of nrmy worms. Judging from the vigor and tho methodical induntry with which they have begun their operations, we shall probably havo occasion to remember them as long as wo live. Almost before we knew of their coming, 'rive acres of oats which were in about a week to have been tnrued into hay (as soon as the kernel should develop its milk), was al most black with them, anil before we cold get the mowing machino through the field, and tho crop spread out to dry, nearly every leaf had been eaten, and only the heads and fitalks left. The next morning another tribe were found at work at the edge of a patch of corn fod der, which was to have made us butter iu August and September, and was to havo given us a good row of stacks for forngo next winter. Oddly enough (though perhaps this is the way with the beast), they had confined their opera tions to the first row of corn, which was rather well grown, but they had reduced it to bare poles, ragged with tho strings of the leaves, which had been too tough for their use. Six hours lattr the next row had followed, and by the next morn- iug tho third was being assailed. We then adopted tho tactics of our neigh bors, learned during tho previous in roads of this pest, before I came here to live, and cut a trench a little way in from the edge of the sound corn, a good spado deep, and' with steep sides. This checked their advance. Our neighbors f-ny that this ditch, If watched, and kept frteep in the sides, will be effectual ; that tho worms, in attempting to get out of it, divide their energies between puliing themselves up and pulling their neigh bors down, and so keep themselves at tho bottom. Potato Bum and Grasshopper.. Mr. F. D. Curtis, of Saratoga county, New York, in a report to the American farmers' club, said that the potato bug had ceasod to trouble the Western fanners. Tho insect had started in the Rocky mountains and traveled eastward. They were now very plentiful in New J ersey, but ho had encountered none of them iu his travels through Ohio, Illi nois, aud tho couutry beyond. In their migrations in the eastern direction they had reached the Atlantic ocean, and ho thought that there was reason to believe that Eastern farmers would be soon rid of them. Speaking of grasshoppers, he said that thry were bred in the North west and along the Itocky mountains. That country was well suited to their production, being dry. They could not live in a wet climate. In his visit to the West he first met grasshoppers in vast quantities in Iowa. In the region of Omaha ho found that they had been there in the spring. A great portion of tho corn crop had been eaten there in the spring by grasshoppers hatched from the eggs deposited iu a previous season. This crop of corn had been destroyed so early iu the season, how ever, that tho farmers were enabled to raise another. In Nebraska one-fifth of the crop had been destroyed, but tho crops would be large there this veur on account of tho increase of acreage under cultivation. In Colorado and New Mexico ho found that the grasshoppers had destroyed the greater part of thn vegetables, and fifty miles south of Cheyenno and north of Greeley they wero very plentiful. They visited the latter place this spring. The course traveled by the grasshoppers was north easterly. There was something to bo thankful for iu the fact that there were two parasites (worms) which preyed upon tho grasshoppers and might eventu ally exterminate them. One of the par asites grew under the insect's wings, aud reniiereii it tmally so weak and inert that it dropped to tho ground. The other Xarasite grew in the grasshopper's body, auii iu ume destroyed it. Medical Uinta. Popular Eemedt for Spitting or Blood. Infusion of red roses, five ounces aud a half ; syrup of poppies, half nu ounce; diluted sulphurio acid, twenty drops. Mix. One or two tea epooufuls four times a day. Sunburn and Freckles. To remove these use the following lotion: Mix two ounces of rectified spirits of wino, add two teaspoonf als of muriatio acid, with one pound aud a half of distilled water. To Strengthen the Hair. Sweet olive oil, three ounces; oil of lavender, one jraehm. Apply morning and even ing io 'aose parts where the hair is thin, in coiisequeuoe of a deficiency of mois ture ia the skin. Gout Cordial. Ehubarb, senna and coriander seed, sweet fennel seed and cochineal, of each, two ounces; liquorice root and saffron, of each, one ounce; raisins, two pounds and a half ; rectified spirits of wine, two gallons; digest for fourteen days. A dose is one table spoonful to half au ounce. ' A Stimulating Wash for Sluggish Sores. In half a pint of lime water put one drachm of calomel ; and be very particular in shaking the mixture up well before using, as the calomel drops to the bottom. A teaspoonful of lauda num added to the above quantity is an improvement. Dip a pieoe of lint in this mixture, which put on the sore, and confine with a roller. Scratches. Trifling as scratches often seem, they ought never to be neglected, but should be covered and protected, and kept clean and dry until they have completely healed. If there be the least appearance of inflammation, no time should bo lost in applying a large bread and water poultice, or hot flannels re peatedly applied, or even leeches in good numbers may be put on at some distance from each other. Window Shades. The proper way of fastening window bhades to rollers bo they will roll up evenly without any hitch or help is as follows : Nail to the roller a narrow strip of muslin or holland, having it run from end to end in a line which shall be per fectly horizontal when the roller is in place. To this strip tack the shade with Btrong thread. With strips once well nailed on there need never be any trouble with window shales, no matter how often they may be taken off and tacked on again. The apple crop has been bo large in England that cider eeL' for a penny a quart at country inns. . , . SUMMARY OF KEWS. Item f Interest frees II on aad Abroad. The Insurrection in Ehoktnd has been re newed, Mid the new Khun has fled to Khodjend. Emperor William, of Germany, deolares to the Q ermau Parliament that peace Is more assured now than at any time Id the past twenty years The President has appointed Thursday, November 25, for a df.y of thanks giving John Dowdell shot bis son James in the bead With a load of buckshot, Injuring him fatally, in New York. Both bad been on a drunken debauch all the night before The suffering oocaiiouod by ibo Are in Vir ginia City was great, aud as there were many residents afflicted with typhoid fever, a number of deaths have ooenrred from exposnro. J be extortionate demands of drivers of vehicles retarded many in tho removal at sick, and in tone oase resulted in a murder, where a father trended to find be was unable to pa; the price of removal, shot the driver dead. The losses by the fire are now estimated at something over (3,000,000, on which the insurance is $1, 200,000. The direotor of the United States mint has received a dispatch from the mines saying it will be months before any bullion can be supplied, on account of the destruction of the works.... John Dolan was found guilty of murder in the first degree on the charge against Lira for killing Mr. Noe, in his brush shop in New York Venezuela is quiet. Business is improving, and general confidence prevails all ovor the couutry. Tho crops of coffee and cocoa will be abuudaut The oftioial returns of the Ohio election give Ilayee 5,849 majority ... .P. R. Fogg, of St. Louis, shot Pauline Plachman, aged sixteon years, to whom he was engaged to be married, but did not mortally wound hor. Ite then fatally stabbed himself Four men were killed by an explosion of gas in the liuccoon Pit coal mine, Chesterfield county, Va. The October report of the Department of Agriculture shows that the crauborry crop is short, rice is abundant, sugar fully tip to the average, bops quite good, hemp very tine, aud the number of fattening cattle larger than that of any previous year The looses by the Virginia City fire grow day by day, as the full damage ib made known ; it is now set dowu by competent figures at $7,000,000. Food aud clothing for the destitute is pouring in from all parts of the country The Farmer of London says the cases of cattle diaeaao for the quarter end'nig October 16, were as follows : Iu Homersetsnire, H3.UUU ; in Cheshire. 50,10 ; iu Dorsetshire, 48,000 ; iu Gloncostc-rshire, 41,000; iu Oxfordshire, 30,- 000, iu Warwickshire, 33,000 s in Norfolk, 31,000 ; in Cumberland, 23,000. Throughout England and Wales there were for the same tirao over 300,000 cases. The money damage is estimated at a million dollars .... The Nassau club of New York beat tho Auacostans of Washington, in a three-mile straightaway race on tie Potomac, iu twenty miuutes aud fifty seconds The proprietor of t he Cardiff giant has sued the Boston Herald for 550,000 for questioning the genuineness of the petrifi cation A sailor, claiming to be the Bole survivor of the bark Jewess, of Boston, which sn. led a year and a half ago for New South Wales, has just turned up, and tolls a horrible stcry, to the effect that the Jewess, with an unknown English bark, were beealmed off the Auckland islands for several days, and that one night both were boarded by savages, the crew overpowered, the vessels scuttled, aud tho prisoners taken ashore and eaten A fast mail to New Orleans via Charlotto and At lanta, and a B3Coud one from Washington to Chicago, are projected M. Gambotta has issued a manifesto favoring amnesty, depart mental voting, and State control of education. As Brigham Young disregarded tho cotrrt's order that he should pay his divorced wife i 9,500 alimony, bis case was agaiu brought up, and be was sentenced to be imprisoned until he paid the mm with costs of court. As Mr. Young was sick in bed, a marshal was put iu his bouse to watch him There are prospects of a speedy outbreak betweon Japan and Corca It is said in Berlin that the Imperial government is about to formally cashier Count von Arnim from the public ser vice Her Boyal Highness, the Duchess of Edinburgh (daughter of the Czar), has given birth to a daughter Reports are re t Mis - ceived from various portions of Indiana, souri Illinois and other Western States to the vuwi mat, vub ,.Ub- i.aaiuS uu iuuu- sands of swmo, and packers begin to look upon it iu a serious light The attorney-general of New York State has received a certified check for 590,435.94, payable to the State treasurer, being the proceeds of the moneys re ceived from the Watson estate iu the Tweed B'.uta It is reported in Vienna that tho Turks have murdered sixty Christians iu Iii ba?z, a fortified town near the Dalmatian frout'or Extensive preparations are on foot for au unprecedented display of Japanese productions at the American Centennial expo sition to be held in Tbiladelphia There has been fighting between United States troops and a baud of Cheyenne Indians, in which the troops were worsted, with a loss of three men. Gen. Ctirr's commaud left Port Hayes by special train for the seat of war Iu tho absence of a colored man from bis house in Athc us, Ohio, the house teok fire and bis three children w ere burned to death. The secretary of the treasury baa instructed the asfiotau; treasurer at New York to sell $2,000,000 gold during Novembor The irou-clad Magenta, flagship of the vice-admiral commanding the French squadron at Toulon, was destroyed by the explosion of ber maga zine The restoration of peace is confi dently expected in Uruguay The Loudon Times estimates that two hundred mariners and others were drowned in tho North sea dur ing the gales of the paet three weeks The membars of the consular commiesiou for the settlement of the troubles iu Derzcgovina are unamiuous in tho opinion that the Porte is incapable of pacifying tho country. Foreign intervention in some form is believed to be in dispensable The British expedition to punish the piratical natives on the Congo river, Africa, for murdering English sailors wis entirely successful. Many villages were destroyed and a large number or natives killed. The British lost one man killed and six wouuded The Carleton cotton and wooleu mills, at Philadelphia, were destroyed by fire, throwing 1,500 persons out of emplov ment. Loss nearly $500,( 00 ; insurance, $1C1,- 000 Extensive prairie fires raged in southern Kansas, along the line of the Fort Scott railroad. The fire caught from locomo tives, and swept over miles of country, de stroying bouses, fences aud crops. The National Gold bank of San Fraucitco has gone into volnutary liquidation Eighteen persons, residents of the Me of Or leans, near Qaebec, were returning from mar ket in the steamer Montmorenci, and were being landed from the steamer on a scow, when, by soma unaccountable means, it cap sized, and all on board, with one exception, ware drowned. A heavy snow storm prevailed at the time Gov. Tilden has designated Thursday, November 25th, as a day of tbank. giving for the people of New York A fire at Sherman, Texas, destroyed the larger por tion of the town. The post-office and contents and every printing office in the plaoe were de stroyed. Bixty-flve places of business were burned, and some thirty families left home- less. The loss is estimated at 1340,000, nearly all frame atrnotntee, partially Insured The polios of New York bnrst open the door of a room In a New York tenement from whenoe pistol shots had been heard, and found the dead body of Joseph Goldman, With a bullet hole in the forehead, and the tlnoonooions form of David Jeroslaw, Who subsequently ex pired. Both held revolvers in their hands, and had evidently fought a duel. Tbey were Pol ish Jews, and were formerly partners Cincinnati ministers want to celebrate the Centennial next year by an immense religious meeting in that city, and bavo appointed a committee to work toward that end Oeorgia experienced earthquako shocks. Tho National Thanksgiving Day. Executive Department, Washington, Oct. 27, 1875. J A proclamation by the President of tho United Htntos of America : In accordance with a practice at once wise and beautiful, we have boon accus tomed, as the year is drawing to a close, to devote an occasion to the humble ex pression of our thanks to Almighty God for the ceaseless and distinguished bene fits bestowed upon us as a nation, and for bis mercies aud protection during tho closing year. Amid the rich and free enjoyment of all our advantages we should not forget tho source from whence they arc tie rioved, and the extent of our obligations to tho Father of all mcrcieH. We have full reason to rcnow our thanks to Al mighty God for favors bestowed npot: us during the past year. P.y His continuing mercy civil and religious liberty have been maintained ; peace has reigned withiu onr borders ; labor aud enterprise have produced their J.meiitiHl rewards, and to His watchful providence we are ore indebted for se curity from pestilence and other national calamity. Apart from national blessings, each individual among us has occasion to thoughtfully recall and devoutly recog nize the favors aud protection which ho has enjoyed. Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of tho United States, do recommend than on Thursday, the 25th day of November, the people of the Uuitod States, abstain ing from all secular pursuits and from thoir accustomed avocations, do assemble in their respective places of worship, and iu such form as may seem most ap propri to in their own hearts, offer to Almighty God their acknowledgements and thauks for all His mercies, and their humble prayers for a continuance of His divine favor. Iu witness whereof I have hereunto set my huud and caused tho scid of tho United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, the 27th day of October, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and of tho independence of the United States the ono hundreth. U. S. QUANT. By tho President. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. A HUMEU'S TALE. How a .Mountiilnrrr t'miliired a Wild Pony and Killed n Puma. M. E. Irviug, the mountaineer hunter, says the Iiocky Mountain 2?ew8, recent ly came iuto Colorado Springs from tho mountains, and reported tho discovery of a pony in company with a herd of bison known to range among the hills about the northern base of Pike's Peak. The pony had often been seen by other hunters, leading the bison herd, and had long been known as the property of au old citizen, now absent. Irving, believ ing that he could capture the pony, was appointed by Justice Lyou a deputy constable for that purpose aud ha ac cordingly left Colorado Springs mount ed on a mule, with lariat, rifle, and mountain out tit. About ten days after he returned, brinKina; with him the uoiiv. llis manner of capturing tho animal was nu achievement that stands alone among lariat-throwing exploits. Tho third day out iu tho mouulaius he dis- ' c0vere VOJiy i'1 a small park of some anJ ft , q The pouy( , Bp,)ears was feeJillg a little dlStUllCe Off i , . th i..!rJ Irvine, bv laviuiz close to the back of his mule, aud permitting it to feed slowly along, succeeded iu getting between it and the other animal, M-heu ho rose up iu his saddle and gave au unearthly scream, nt the same time bearing down on tho pony, which, with a suort and a bound, started off in nu opposite direction from tho now fright eued herd. The bison and elk were soon out of sight. The pony took toward tho southern edge of the park, where it disappeared up a deep, narrow, rocky canyon. Irv ing, finding it impossible to urge his mule along tho almost impassable gorge, dismounted, and, leaving the animal se cured to a tree, continued the pursuit on foot. For nearly two miles he followed the devious course of the canyon, which iu places was not more than three feet wide, its walls rising perpendicular to a height of several hundred feet. The canyon unexpectedly opened into a park of some two or three hundred acres, around which mountuins rose with giad ual slopes, covered with a dense growth of the pinion tree. Following tho path of the pony among the pinions, along the base of tho mountain, Irving was startled by a strange noise, tho like of which he had never heard before, and which filled him with a Tameless dread. Ho hastened on, however, and soon came upon tho pony, securely iu the power of a mountain lion, which had fastened its teeth in its Eide, pulling it down to the earth. Irviug's first movement was to secure the pony with his lariat, ono end of which was fastened to his belt. No sooner had he accomplished this than he was discovered by the lion, which, loosen ing its hold on the pony, sank down by its side in a crouching attitude, with its gazo fixed upon the hunter, and ready to spring upon him with the crushing power peculiar to the animal. With the celerity and accuracy of the experienced hunter, Jrnug sent a ban trom ins Win chester through the brain of the lion, which bounded through the air with a roar that might have been heard a mile, and quickly expired. Tho pony, slightly injured, tugged lustily at the lariat iu its eiiorts to re gain its freedom. But Irving savs that after reading the execution to him he seemed to give up, and became quite docile. The hide and head of the lion were secured by the hunter, and were on exhibition at Colorado Springs. The length of the animal from nose to tip of tail is eleven feet four inches. The pony lias been aavertiseu ai constable s sale, and many bidders are awaiting the day of sale. It is a shaggy, vicious, wild looking animal. They killed bo many fatted calves aud beeves at the late funeral of the Khe dive's daughter that the butchers of Alexandria have fsince ruined the price of meat. . . A Fine Old English Gentleman. Here is a "personal" of " a fine old English gentleman, all of the oldon time " tho Duke of Portland, one of , the oldest and wealthiest peers now liv ing. He owns immensely valuable prop erty in London, and his income is at least $5,000 a day. He has a passion for solitude. Though h has two fine houses in Cavendish square, fow Lon doners have ever set eyes upon him. Even at Welbeck abbey, where he passes most of his time, he lives so much alone that ho will not hate any servants to wait upon him at dinner, but has sn apparatus by which the table is lowered through the floor to the kichen when it wants relponishing. Not that it often needs this, for the duke has only two meals a day, at one of which half a a chicken is served, and at the other meal the other half. Occasionally he has visitors at Welbeck, but he never sees them, though they may be in the houso for weeks at a time. Whou he drives out he is conveyed in a vehicle hung round with curtains, so that no body can see in, and it is drawn by six Lilliputian ponies. The approaches to tho abbey are subterranean, aud there are fifteen miles of tunnels On the estate, all well ventilated, and many of them lighted day and night, and adorned with sculptures. There is a splendid stable, where fifty hunters are kept, though tho duke never hunts. He has a gallery of glass and iron a mile long, where they may exercise in all weathers. The duke is now constructing three enormous sub terranean libraries and a subterranean church, and it has taken the workmen three years to excavate the ground. But that upon which the duke most prides himself is his museum. It is construct ed largely of gliws, and lighted by chan deliers, each weighing a ton. It has taken ten years to fix the glass alone, aud now tuo pictures are being hung. They are very choice, as they ought to be, seeing that tho duke some time ago mado a huge bonfire of paintings which he did not think good enough, though they cost many thousand pounds. He has never been married, and it is sup posed has never been iu love, and as he is seventy-five now, he is not likely to bo. Washday is a holiday, thanks to Dob bins' Electric Soap (mado by Cragin & Co., Phila.) which is rapidly coming into general use. It acts like magic, and bleaches clothing without injuring it. Important Impiiovemknt ix Tbeatino Kur tuke. The el&ntio Truss Company have pro duced a groat revolution iu the treatment of hrrui. Their now truss is worn easy night and day ; adapts itnelf to every motion of the body ; never displaced lv hardest exercise : re taining rupture comfortably. Mil soon perma nently cured. Sold at the oflice of tho com pany, iso. (iHj Uroadway, New York city. misses sent by mail. Bond for circular.-Com. All who suffer from coughs, colds, irri tation of the bronchial tubes or toudennv to coiiHiiuintiou. will rind in Dr. W'istar Unlearn of !t M Clwrry a remedy as agreeable to the alale as effectual iu removing uiHeaae. Toe balparu is a pleanant, safe aud powerful remedy; it acts promptly and seldom fails to effect a cure. Dirty cents and one dollar a bottio. large bottles much the cheaper. Com. Lung fever, commou colds, catarrhal fuvor, and nasal discharge of a brownish color iu horses, may be cheeked at once by liberal use of Mieridan's Cavalry Condition ruwdrr$. Com. Important to Travelers, Persons visiiint: Now York or leaving by the cars from Grand Central Depot, will save an noyance and expense of carriage hire and bag gage expresage by Btoppiug at Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Over 350 elegantly furnished rooms and titted up at a oohC of 900,0(10. European plan, 'luejts can live more luxuriously for less money at the Grand Union that at any other first-class houne iu New York. .Stages and street oars phg the doors for all parts of tho city. Bee that the hotol you enter is the Grand Union Hotel. Omn. Tho season for coughs and colds iB rapidly approaching, and every one should lie prepared to check the first pymptoms, as a cough contracted between now and Christmas frequently lasts all winter. There is no better remedy than Johnson't Anodyne Liniment. For all dicaitcs of the throat and lungs it should be used iutornally and externally.-Com. HCHEMK'M PrUldXIC HVIH'P, FOU TIIK t'FKE OK CIINSIMIPTION, i'oi;iih am (fii.nt. The great virtna of this medicine Is that It ripens the matter and throws It out of the system, purines the blood, ao i thus effects a cure. ScBEHCK'a Bea Wled Tosic, yob ths Crn or Dyspf.pbia, Indioestiok, K.2C. The Tonlo produces a henlthy aotlon of the stomach, creatiug aa appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate oases of Indigestion, HciiENCK'a Mandbakc Pills, fob tuk t.'fr.i or Lived Comtlaint, Ktc. Thess Pills are altei-atlve, aud prodttoe a henlthy aotlon ef the liver without the least danger, as tncj are free from calomel and yet tuJre etlicaclous lu restoring a healthy aotlon of the liver. These remudiofl are a oertain cure for Consumption, the hlood. The Mandnike Pills act upon the liver. in. f mm,,!, ,i Mrnn mum-., in. muliHr anil i,i,r,ii. create a healthy title, and remove all diseases of the liver, otten a cause or uonsumptton. lue n.a v,eea Tonic gives tone aud BlrenKth to the stomach, makes a vood dtcstifio. and .-nultlHn tile onralis to lonn ifnoii hlood ; and thus creates a health. circulation of hetilltty iiioi n. i no conitMueii action oi tuese muoicuieH, at thus exnlfllneil. will cure every case of ('oubUUitillon.lt tskeu In Ume, aud the use of the medicines persdvered in. Dr. Hchenek Is profosslonally at his principal ofnoa, eoruer ot Sixth and Arch Streets. fntlKdelohlil. Monday, where all letters for advice must be aduroanei ever d. nunencK's meaicliies tor sale oy all uruggisia, The Markels. NEW YORK. Hoef Cattle-Prime to KitrallullocliH (wyoi; Common to Uood Texatia ir, '. in Milch Cowa iO 00 (o 70 00 lloga Live 07 V 07' Drrsaed UU'iO 10 V Kheep lU(o) OfiVl JjimbH 00 to) 07 C'ottou MidiUitiK 14' Flour Kxtra Aeatvru o V. iii, e 30 (i 6 30 (4 1 46 (A 1 St rt to) (A to State Kxtra ft 0 Wheat Hod Western. 1 44 1 -H No. 3 Hpriug Pye State Barley Mate Barley Malt OatH Mixed Western Corn Mixed WcBteru Hay. per cwt Straw, per cwt Hops 75' VI l15 Pork Me a '. I-ard Pish Mackell-1, No. 1, new. No. '2, new. (5 B 1 ai 4 ... . 7J to 60 .(.Ids 04 Si 76 c4 m S 4! W 7 MlM (4 90 (rf 06 (21 00 13'4(. 13W ..i W li'JS 00 ..17 00 (n,18 00 . . ft 00 (dj ft 75 US in 40 nry cod, per cwt Hi rrinsr, Sealed, per box Pet ro'eutn Crude 06 (a OCX Wool California Fleece Texas " Australian Butter State Western Dairy Western Yellow Western Ordinary Pennsylvania line Cheese State Factory K'ate Skiinuied Western Eggs State Keaued, l;t.: 'in (, 35 20 () 34 47V4 47i 24 (ft, S5 20 (' as 16 e 23 H 14 (, 17 30 ( S3 08 (4 It 03 (4 06 M C4 13 28 (a) 28 ALBAk'T. Wheat 1 50 Bye State 90 Corn Mixed 70 Barley State 80 Oate State 45 1 ISO ( M 12 (( I 21 (3 45 9 SO , 1 23 BurrALO. Flour 6 00 1 21 61 40 80 I 14 Wheat No. 1 Spring Corn Mixed Oata Rye BaKey BALTIMOBK. Cotton Low Middlings Flou!" fcxlra Wheat Bed WeoUrn , Rye Com Yellow Oat Mixed Petroleum PHILADELPHIA. Flour Pennsylvania i.xtra.. Wheat Bed Western Kye Coru Yellow . Mixed i Oata Mixed Petroleum Crude, 10Jkjll.'A (4 eix (4 40 80 I 14 13H 13 8 7ft (4 8 75 ) 43 (4 1 41 75 80 75 (4 75 89 (4 41 06 6 80 1 -7 75 7'J 7i 61 ( I 40 (3 8 7i 74 ' 4'1 14 14 Purporting a Family. The house is on First street, South Boston. The husband is an English man, ah invalid, large and burly, and walks with crutches. The wife is over forty, with huir very white and a pleas ant face. TLe house is furnished meagerly but neatly. A stove and a few chairs comprise the furniture. The fol lowing conversation ensues : ' Good afternoon." "Please tako a chair." "We had heavy rain this morning." " Yes, the earth was parched." "You need a fire on such a damp day." I'm thankful to get enough to do my little cooking with." "How do you supply thatt" "I pick bits of coal from the ashes, and have done so for two years. We lived Comfortably until my hus and's health failed. Now I make mo lasses candy, and it is a profitablo day when I bring in twenty-five cents. Sometimes four or five little urchins come to trade with pennies. Once a fortnight I do a little washing, but the mistress is for cutting down my pay. One good lady sends my husband a diu ner now and then. So I'm like a baby sucking its thumb; it's all band to mouth with me." "Yon bear up cheerfully." "Fretting would spoil my good looks." Friendship was offered and accepted with a fervent " Qod bless you," and the visitor departed. It was Voltaire who said: "It is more easy to writo about money than to have it; and those who have it laugh at those who can only write about it." The nam, of vlciorlra may bo erwpn iroro our DAtne Tiaita ; out SlLVfcR TIPPED Starve will rjMver becom oboolete. Tti7 Bin m tmtlnntil inflHtutloo. AUotry Wnt Qullier! Holes. For ooMtlng, kating and all ki nit hoi on i i( u ramu'eitiehif . p.irtMiU snnuhl prmirl their chil dren with Boots marie with thn CABLE SCKEW WiRE. Alao trr Wlro Uulltod Holea. luurunu rriuuug; OJ O rml for nHi, 1.fc.H, nn., .u. PO Lryer ilr . fur Ur.ir work. DiiiI.... Van An hA ft,., n. .nil Mdv.rM.- vtlsVa tBV ln"Iiav 4 rti.nO I h m K4 luc. .T, mon.v ad tni-m... triul. 1'lefcturi ud if ... .... . . . ti.in,iHA I k. ilt.l. m Tt-41LLU5 nprintitiff. &d ln !m 1 fiitl catft Hfc.. loKut rrprenM,trrt.tr.,to tti iUnufarturtri, CSSCi hllJE V A CO.. Aler.du, a CT in. tun iufc.t wn,, m i " . t.'n Wntklnv. Agent. Wa-jfrMl KTrywhrp. tjl) Addr-M J. KKNNKDV A CO., Richmond, 1 a. 1 0 R day at home. A mint, wantod. Ontflt and tnnm 1 L tree. AddroM TKUK 0O Ainrn.U, MalPK Cj'Jll P Wrrk Hnlnry. Mai or Famalo. Olron jflQtF Ur Irwo. Adrirnw Urytl ijo..lodlnnoll..lna OA Arnnntntnnp 'nrrl, NewSt'lei, for 10 ot. lt Adurdftt J. B. HUSTBD.NMiw.RiinM Oo.,N.Y. TJKTTKIl than all cook boolu 1 Hnunktrprr 13 ! .AO jor.sraple, 1 1 ou. o Jonn rt., n. &4 f sdll'1"'"' ,c,t 'or Cbt.niot : J) IU 1-tDZu.l H. ftitmiiri'i 8"H. llAtnr. 1 - P In t'Jfl a day at horn. S.molo. worth $1 ism iJ 10 tll (res. STINSON A (JO.. Portland, Me. OA FAN!V CARDS. 7 Strips with Name. 10l' imf pot-pild, by J. 11. UUSTKD. Km an. N. Y. Book. Kxchatiffed. Ftirolfth alt now. Want old. Wi t Nnmo this papftr. American H"ok Kxehuntro, w ANTKI) AfJKNTW. Si-.i an iwll r. UHItrU.au tint,!. A. (WUI.TKH tMJ., lilllo TJ1VKKY FAMILY WANT IT. Mono. In h I'J Sold bj Anh. A.drtr. M. N. 1.WVKI.1.. F-i. A CURiCSITY. A ti-n dnllarhlll of 1770 .'tit fr. for Stamp. Add. U Ill'ltil t CO., 7. Smwu St.. rt. V. F4 1 " f 1 w IfutrrliiN to edom home. A'in iiWft I jEi H'un'.d. !) pir Vk. pat Book St Dmwna, (I rt.. .1. J AY OOUL.O. H'iston, Mow UOA r.nlv r-i Ag-mi. 85 now artlclM ard th r'ttinilj I'rtn r In America, with t.'o t'hro mo, five. A.MKR MTIUiMIMI BroadwiiyNY (hOCA MomM A ei-nts Wanted. 24 1-twt .-ll ihijjll Ine nrtlcl. In th. world. Ono .ample free. Addrvn J. mtON.HON, Di'tr.Ht. 'li-h. J AM JAN Ali?NT In ov.tv Ftctiirw n:ii' JL ,J I Fnme llu-lnov. S I a M-nth. I CL. I I'fkine, Pub., j(i K?ad ' St., Xvf York UOI.OfKKS bill HKHUITI.Y WOPMrKII or n I N.I I' K Kl ca i obtut'i Penfl'r? l upp'tin I 'in u lltU aSt . F KM. I TKKi ClKlm Oftice, M S. ill Phila. CticuUrs fi by mall. AGENTS; I Wnttt If thousands of lives and millions of property saved by IMortnoe jnade with li paittculara free. O M Lininotom A Bbo. .New York & Chlcaao rniiK wh at i IT Homethlnv now. Sells a Jl Htllt. Bis InduoemenLs la Airenta. H&mniea. 12., cent and etamp. Airenta Wanted. Rend tor Oat. a.w. jj. . brKUlALl Y IJOii tnl ton L, Boston RATARRM I Fit EE trial bottle of Dr. I.nnes' nn l nilllll (jatarrhCureOlven away with testimony CI I R P n 1 1 r wonderful cores performed. Send t, V n C U ! iKxBy Keed t 00 ,043 B'waj.N. Y OPIUM and Morphine Ilnblt absolatelr nr speedily ourttil. PalalBn; nopah'iolty Send etflmp for partloulan. Dr. Oapi ton, I St Wwhinittoa St., Chicago, 111 $771 PFR WKKK OUARANTEKD to Agent Male and Female, la their own locnlits. Tmmi and OUT1 IT FRKK. Addrwt O. VICKKRY a CO., AaKOtta, Utne BO T UafU CATHOLIC QCMSTloy.tHllj promt la Mr mm C I n CC""' 'T'. hP'-". AreMukop Pwrotvii, tt4. 1 $250 A MONTH A (rent wanted erery where, BuMtnnss honorable and first elm Particular sent fre. Addreai WORTH A (JO., St. Loula, Mo. Jft 4 I HPt Cau make Monpy od HnU MLitlU I S lrlliv Uvrnlnju l'nai. s Ijirc-Ht Chrnmo; Hs1 PiiiH-r: tC''( -t P;ty. Kfeo. Wickkksham A Ua. Phils. Ort'.t-rs lille l frum Hubttiu, BaltL, PltUburKb or ULicotfo. $IO$500g Tfitfd In Wall Street Yten leads to fortune. A r2 due buok ejinlttliiluK eryihiiiK kmu i:imtr price nf stock a iT CDU P JHK lllt'Kl.INO A CO., Banker ss-.ia .--. a Iirt)ktMt. 7 HntutlwiiV. Iw York Tour Name KlepantW Print. d am IS Trinipaiiit ViaiTina CAKnt. for Si C'ciiU. Hmk rJ eDUia vhkh li ant vitibl until hld towardj tht littnl. )5o.kinrlikthtmrvrbfoiYofrcradi Amric. Big inriuce mBt to AfttDU. NoTBLir l'KiMTtNtt Co., Aahlaud. AlaM "psVt IIOMA( V, or Soul ( harming." i lixw nl-ar ! locjr iiriutt . I cm-.i I mill ft ii. oi Kit) p, r. n Wry ('.-. tnlnt1 .. 'J'litu m nl i ti 4imi, f:. Ly a-;l. t rut,; ttjvih'-r wiilt a I.avcr's tili.a. K.-Ti.tim Orn- '. Pi raxii. NinfsM ''. 1 Cfl l I. A )nacr Un.k. A't4i-4W 1. WILLI Alls A CO., Tub't, riillMl Lis. AtcrntH Wanted ! Meduls and lttln..n Awarde V I-' A IV IV yj X A.14.& JaV i uuw i I3(K) 1 lti"trnt Ion. Addre-s for new ci-culars. A.J. lOI..l tV CO. M'Mf A KUH Street. Puiia. KvfrT rradrr of tlilt nnprr lionltl iid IO rnt lorn r.y l (tio IIVH fTMK .MirK.NAIs.nnd the Ki.'iit hidu I'liif nl olli r- e4 tnr Nri'itrinic Mibici ibtH- Tti Journnl U pronouiirrd ilie HI ST f ft rln-s. Ad ilrenM IJve Sinrk Journnl llull.tlu N. 815.00" SlfOT GUN. A ioabls taml ts. earer fmatartUa torts; wamatrd is tIWM hftrtall, aU4 fOntl 6bi'MT, OS tiLa : with PstUk, rvaaSauii W.v..ni.ur. ha IU Cu Mm.I O. i). P. wilfe pri". tWa U usiaiu kefor.iwvliig till. ilMmp lortrrviiu to f, roK5lX 4 AON, bu liai.ra, W Mala bk. CimmfclL O. DOWT You waut to mikt t r 4 . 1 : Choi n Hbllii'x Uie brm a 1 tick ever oflei-ed to Attentat One Auant me si I in three honrs. Trv It . Addrena. UoOlA JOSkHl, indhnapolts, Ind. mH si l in AddreH. 50 A ')n t Wiintnt Hit ely Frlittfd ISrUtol VUlilnr Ciirda sent post-paid for rte. brnd stamp for samples of 4'urdaw ill urble. SnotvilnliCH. Scroll, Hut iiiiimIi. I-.IP- We have over ItMtatvles AttntaWttntfd. A. WL Kulleu 4 (Jo.. Brockton. Ma F.J.NASH nianufactu J if.WKl.KV of every deeiriptlon. Th TtSl BnoADWAT, New Yo.,, :ureroi bOLn) IjOLE .1 tfWKLUY of uvhi-v deeiriotion. Tbestookls lartre.veri eboloe.and Is offHred at t-eta.ll at trade prices t.i Keep oat choice, and Is onred at etaii at tran voriiiiin Rolnc Hill under S !' P-( ( lvir St I CO D. privilege to exam! OPIUMCUREi vor Allien Rome l.llis nnner let. r.c. ora -r inaavaao tiver v !, CO D. privilege to examlaat .'at 'iftue frea. The most sacceasfn remedy of the pre ent day . Itend for Pa ner on Got urn Kat IOO para Book and aataplsa o! Rubber Hooflnc. tompcta matariaia for new rOOT. 4m0. a It, Klre-nroof.dnrab I. cheap. jLaftlly appiieu wicd poai satifiacuuu. Write at once ana aae moue, . N Y, Slate Roofing Co M&?.w.v&iEz&i to into Bonds and (iold bopftht oa lUnmiuN, intereat Six Per ent. showed cn depo sit subject to sight draft. IH'CKWAl.TEIl V CO., Ilnnkera nnc4 HroUer-. No. IO A hII street. ew .oru COME AND SEE Thata Rich PralrlM. Near on. million aoiea for sale oa I tha hiuux Cits sua ot. raul K. K. ami i,n lb. alcliruiror .ol ailasoltrl rlisor n. l. oevarai larffa sracia ior Ookiolvs. Come or send committees 1 9 examine. Evert oae bo sena thrt land likes it. Aunlyto U.VVtUNilN He rAl.KIXS, ssililfiy. (tacrulu t:u. Iowa TTTTP TjnnTT fR LIT? A4JKXTR A UX a UUWU This city published Ibo new revised, the UKNTENN1AL KUlilUW ol tlui Imuteaaa. ly nuuular work. WELLS' Every Man His Own Lawyer And Kl'SlNES.H FOH.1I HOOK. A com plate gulda ia all matters of law i-d btulneai s. na.sinf i. wB bur 4v.rv KLaLe In the Union. Price. Cahl-et Library M.lfa. sent post-paid. Baud for de- eciiptlve circulars. AddrHss, KuliK.Ki MA COY, Pubaaher. Q2Q Broadway, N. Y. invim wiNTtrn t mf tiAboo on MOODY and SANKEY i(pf Ihrlr rt on bnih M of Iht lw. t n r.MttittNt cmrsoo nmuM wftiihpcih of . OODT fur VMM. unit an vvr WITHFRS of and PAHTICI. PANT in lit. (trout rerlvsl mn.-tt'iSn to KnoI.AKD. In. rfnr.fr! .nrl anjirnvpd bv einln'nt Christian, ray. PBFRT. FoWLKIi lif the NOB.TH WraTERK UMVimslTY I " Mny ffiW mnnt thin b "k a mitli'tn render, and tnang eonnrt tn chri't." Ninrl for otrculars to . A.MFJHlOAN PUnl.lSlllNU OO , Hartford, Wnn. yvrt.rrTTTJU.'iBi JLt rsTKATkU Home Mil Mnavirlne of Amrtra." 1 KA;i,iiwi i,iri-K, i AOAMNE. "Th. Hotl.Mlnlfl Two Nsrisl Slortoi In 1 HI . b Mr.. Julia CI. R. f"t and " .! I It I A .!, Iij T. B. Arthur. nllTTKH. I'K'S wpst 1'Attfrn. In vprv nnmb.r. Tr.RMH- 2.lO )iT?.-r: 3 co!mi for ptl.&O. Hplnutld book offer. HUfl fri'tnl'im.. Sttrrimrn ttmfr I O 1". T. S. AltTlltll dt H(, rhllndn, Fn. Morp!; j Hal AND Intemperdiice Ppeollly cured bv DK. HKt'K'9 only known an 1 ttrs Kenie'iy. m.iiAnur. tor ireairaeui until cured. Call on or address Cr. J. C, EECK, 112 Join St., Cincinnati, 0. I'hia new tnufl la wort with pftrteot oom f or alffht and dy. Adapt ltelf to nTfjry motion of lb body. retAlnlnff Hap tar under the hardMt inrotM or lOTarmt tralr outli permanently on red 9old obeap by the Eiastic Trust Co. No. flS3 Hiemdway, PI. V City ad Mut by ciell Oall or tend for drcolar, and be oared tpfiD7 myj ij9 uo jeqiau Jo A jujf IM ,MtiMHiv Of "H 'H oeo ta. oi & 'dBin 'ngradnretf rabbit pjo iod pae ejeqMtnqe ffatoM eaojfl '-tvv-,p la'nJi'iui ofi ipnM jeA ofj Juuuq mitt Auve ao pas Mopd mo Mau aoueoig spiPI pips praj piA EPDIfllH RHDFRE0 TOUT! VOI.TA I Ll.KCTMO HKI.T8ftll, -...I - ... inA..wmmA l.w tl.I f r, A most eminent phyniciH.iii ia JN j, t h world for the c tin of riieii f jr0 tiiatism, nurtilffia,livercuin V1 - plaint, ilyipppsla, kidney dis v ae,at:hM. pat nu, nervoui ais ot flfrn.titfi, female com plainti nrvmift and Kenerul debility, atnl other chronic diteaies of the cheit, heed, liver, utomarb ki'lneyeanrl blood- Book with full particular free hv Volt Hut 'o., nm it.re.ti, htu- F.. W. Fierce X- C'o. Prort-d-nrf It. I.,ny: "We have a Bed the S'a Foam a lonjr while and ron'irier It the best Baking Pow der in ne." Dptiinnrt, Utile & Nlrker- poll, frrnfrm, linnton. Ma., nay : " Whernver we have Bold your Sea Fnuiii it tin Rivn fYv)letit bM fact l'n, and it ie proonnnced supe rior to Htiy known Raktns Pow der." Try It. " Its eonniy ! wonderful : it brvms Milk, Hiefp), etc. and eel lik U-1 (JakB " Snnd for ciri-ulnr to tiF.o. F. O.vntz 4 Co.. I Hi Duane Ht ,N.Y. rililK ISMNO I.KIM.KK will be teut on I trial, postage paid, ior THREE MONTHS TOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. fne Cheapet and Bet Family Newspaper in the world. Fry It. Add rose TH K jr uxtr.n, jy.t wmuiwj", in. CUSHIM'S MANUAL Of Parliamentary Practice. nl.. ... .H....Mn. riah.rn In rlnllhm-.ttTe ftWWm. fhl. la lhu .tjtnrinrd KiithnrttT In ftil the United tj'U). and 1. nn lndtRmn.able Hand Book for every nembor of a deliberative body, a. a ready reference npon rhe formality and leuillty ol any proceeoind or aenaw,. "The mrttautnoritatlre expounder of American par. tlamentary law. t "tAB. MJMNF.K. Hro.o. Ii,j ce.it.. Sent bv mall on receipt of prloe. Addro. 1 IIOIFSO, UHOWK fc .. HiiMton.' i.aNM. Tie Best hw lor Farmers. NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ONK DOLLAR per year In clut.s of thlrtx' or over. Iieciraen copies free. For terms and commissions, Adlress TH R TBU.NINerYort sHKNTx wanted lor ti-IJUNI .NKW HOOK. PRESENT CONFLICT of SI tth UI.I.H.nN( or Modern SCEPTICISM Met on ita Own GROUND. Che prandeft 1hme and most vital qioat'oti of the day. 9y tneaui hnrrf "m i, m k and the HniLE." ilvmy m..n, mian tnd ciil.i w-t'its to re art it. It ifis tbe ' briatlun rea-"n f -ye bis Fnittt. pr. the wonderful iIIn fiirritn of olHn'eiIl barm-my with nd'n Word 1ipni" th Tvniliili u-.--rdoim, atid destroya tbe l)ii.mln TI1r .1v. It bells lefnd all expectation, b'-rst Kttoiit fc.dd li t. fee .nd 17, ttilrd Jf5, tint week. Kirnt n4t!it 11 1 md w-ei Kverbody buja It. Avoid the ii'tt'i"M-il tr-t-h advertised by otaer pubilabera, and fe-oure territ iry f-.r tins b -li, that Brlii because the eon e need and wnt it. Send for clrcuhir and terms to iKente. . W. IK(il-KK :0., 5tS rcli Sir'ri IMnlnilrlpliliu Pn. iB2KB22, " Every far. abould air hi aon two or thra Itmund, well prepared, with tbe avail of vhifh tho mir hnv it. Kvnrv mechanic abotlld Out a r oelving; box in aome consplcuon plaue in tba tiouaa, to catch tbe stray pennies tor the like purpose. " It it a great labor-s.iver it baa saved us time enonsh In one year's uie to pay for itself ; and that must be deemed good pmperty which will clear tUelt onoa a ar .. Hnnt w ifcecenuy sutieu, mui hcb ui COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS. eneraved expressly for the work at large expense. PuljUiheab) (i.t'.MKKltlA.n.SiJnuiield.Ma GIVEN AWAY ! I'd evury reader of The Fniully Journal i nrwTrwwTAT a Mr d mi IJijllilJlU.lrtU A1UUU1UA, A 10 T.iiWmI lliiariivii v 2$x2$ Our Lei-od 'VnuMfulThib'd l''3;ravlngcontulnlna ovei V-IKI I'U i.iicJtl Vinusurd r.--i1raita t all lewllnit t-Vfiiiv . u pt-iso-ijits imni ine lann-Dtt ui I'uiuuioua mj the r re -ent ui e. m;Ui inje a, ira .uiiioeut aud perleot view of tb ('ent.fr.ui J H ,ii Mhk ia F drmuunt Park at Pbitadehibla. will be fflvmi, 1 lxirr H tr wraor U.rriinj tuul ho, rv- , th H'wAi Family Jour nil, V'ontuitiih' Thrte Sj Ufld tUmtinwl Stttrita, together with GQort tkvtche. aud a U-ire umuunt ol miscellane ous 'eMilr.g. bent four tiiomntn ir'ai, inciuun k xur Knaravlr.K. pos.-pai l, fir VI-OO. Any AVif Jiealet t-HI uivf u 'H a cu, f'r-.e. jr udi! te Th fumilu Journal VZ tiruadwa, N. Y. Agents Wanted Everywhere. WIFE NO. 19 BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Brigham Young's Rebeliioua Wife. Tks only coinnlsts Exixs of sll ths SEC RET ft RSrMoV Z ESfifi Jg orPolyismv. from th r.ty b.gmniiir. f ssrly 200 Nw IlluitrsUoBS brsutily the work. It is the bel sellii. book publulisd. I 0,000 mim Agents, men and women, can Cava smploTmnIl nn J make from $ S to S I O "ily. A L L LIVE AGENTS are wnting Sir Illu.trstd Circulars vi'fCARCE TERMS. Scntfrte. t0 not d.lay, but Sdr.h ones SOSTIN. OILMAN A CO., aUtoao,CtCHii;iJo,li.u,orCiciiXi,OiuO. -a were ordered or old aspnta in nrfitnnc Ax. uhlicalionoi theplfrtdid n-wbook "IIAtK" HK-H'' oi UFEAllYK8TDRESiOBIEM A bran nw book of Trayel, Adventure, and Eiperif nt-e, by 'i aus-W. Km ox, with 150 mu iflce.it w Engraitit- the (i n..t uan It aj'tnalltt mviU nt iht tii vtrv idsawakr. -ueresblva Drson. and outsells all other books A to 1. No omi was ever endorsed so hiithly none sells so fM or nay; uu atLsseKi.ah fAnumssj amo ir-u One aeent sold in twotrttki. snother HI in nme to nhip. Wa wsnt JMUX ijwrwactiTcaitcntsnmr.orTFIT KKKR fo all. Aboun. nmnklbt with Knnrimn I'turra anrl lllultratlODS Of thiS lH- L. '. k ..U fwnPir.t.n i.wl ..nn.ii.l Termi. unt free tf. anvona. Addrs" WOlii ill.biU.S 4 tO.i UaxUo4, CU Wben tbe niood ltuiliee with rocket-like lenc. to the ho.1. eaasina' hot Hushes, v rllgo .od alMlTM fa El A ST I CM IS LIFE. aeet of sight. It la . ciertaLu ilga thai a tulld, aIubrlona. ooollng and equalising laxatifa la required, a.d Turrant's 1'ffeiveswnt St'llzer Aperlen' should be at onou resorted t x. BOLD. BY ALL PUUUClUm Sill llear, lot I wsl spi-uk "I wrelluiii tjiinfr." POND'S tlTRACT l-116 f r"' Venctnlilr Pnl PD lclrVyer. .la been In ue over thlrt? Tonre,nd forclennlinem nnd prompt cam five virtues cannot be excelled. CHi'LBREH.-N f"lly to bj wltlionl fc Tift Extrnrt. Ar-Ilcalt BrnlMW, Conf aalnnii, at, rprATn., an relieved almost intttnnlly by external application. Promptly relieves palnnor llurnc, pcnld, I'xcorlatlone, I lindnn-f Old Koren, llolK Frloiw, t'ornn, etc Arrest In fl.imntion, redttcea awellinir", etopa hloeUiiig, remove. dlrolortloni(iii(l heals rnjrirtly. tIMAIF WEAKNESSES. It alwayii rellereapnltr flSiffo"ck"n.llT In the henrl.nonsoa, vertigo. Ill UUGORRHSA Uhasnocqintl. All KlmN of nl. " "ctlSrJ.to whleh lnrlle rn wibjoct nro promptly enrrrt. Fuller details in bookuccoin lanyln ench bottle. ,, , Pll!8-l"lor lilci-illn meet prompt re,.. f aud readyenre. Nochco, however cIiioiiic or o'l.tipHte, cm lonil renietlts regiil.irupe. VAniCOSS VEme.-ItiJ the onlytra - cure for t'tifl di.tn'Reini; ana annKertnta condition. klDKEY DI8EASE8. It ban no equnl forpcrma ncntcure. 1 CUE0IKB f'wn any came. Forth! It a eitlc. It hit iaved hundretlsof live when at. H'lorremedie failedto arrest bleeilitiij from tittle, fttmnorlt, Iuiik. and elsewhere. RHEUWATISM, KEURAISIA, Toothnrho nn.l '.iiriirliH i. re hU ulik rel.eveil, aud olten per ninitently cured. P f8il)IAN8 ot allaehoota who nro firnnnintert with I'lind'a Extract of Witch Ilu wl rei -omiucuditln their practice. Vchavl"' tercit commendation from liendredflof l'hy ''Ciatie, many of whom ni der Itlnr u.oln their , own pin' lice. In addition to the fon'i-nitiB, tlitTf order Its ne for rvrrllinB of till kind, tinln.Y, riore Thront, lullnnieil Tihi.IIh, iitiile and chronic ilifirrlMrn. r'attirrli, tor which It taa apeelfle.) (iiillilniiin. l 'rol rd Fret, Htlng of lni et, .1lmiitiue. ete,( C'hnpped Ilnml, Face anU indeed all nnnnerof akin dieae. i T0I1.ET U8E. I'emovcK Snrcne, llonnhne and SinnrtlnKi heals Cut, Kritptimiv aud Pimple. It reii'ee. t'iwioorii', and ro J i aha, whilo wonderfully improving the: 'f 'nnmlexlnn. TO FASfrURS. Pond' Extract. No Slofh 111 eeder.uo Livery Man can afford to be without H. It la lined byallthi Leading Livery Stable, Htreet Kailroad and first Horsemen in New York City. It ha uo equal for 8prain, liar lien or Nndille. C'hnflnffM, (Stitlnra, Hcrntrhea, HivelllnfrBfCut I,ncrrntion niredln, Pnrnnionia, C olic, lllnrrha'a, C liill, I'nlila, etc. It ningeof action is wide, and the relief it afTords is so prompt that it la Invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as In every Farm -house. Let It be tried once, and von will never be without it. CAUTtON. Pond'a Extract ha been Imitated. Tue genuine article has the word Pond' Ex tract blown In each bottle. It Is prepared by theonljr pt'ranns living who ever knew how to prepare it properlv. Kefueall olluTpre imrntlons of Witch tlnrel. Thla is the only article used bv Phvsicinns, and In the hospi tals of this ro mtrv and Kurope. '18T0RY AND USE OF POND'S EXTRACT, in inmpitli't Inrin, pent free on application U MUD'S EXTRACT COMPARY, w Maiden J..'ine, New nrk. N.Y.Ni; No.Ji. SEyoLVERSSi32.9 id T Buffalo B'U KeTolvfrMulWW A. (th lru:rtri,ln 3jjo : 30.000 old : every one warran ted . attfctlon Knamnteed. IlluralrdCnl,ilogne Kft, MERIDEN Cutlery Co. MhW allitndnof TnWe Knlres nnd Forks, pa f PA THNT IVOltY," mo. KicltiPfve I r.,(l- Mark" nn til- l.lad- by a.l da r, and hjr MKRIOKN tJH I'l.KkV ( .. 4 ' .iiui'mrs ht . N. Y. HALE'S Honey of I Iorehound a nd Tar FOB TnE CURE OV Conons, Coi.dr, Lst-i.uf.nz a, IIoahse- NK89, DrFFICVI.T UllETIllSO, AND Ai.i. Afff.ctiovs op this TauoAT, JjKoscniAi.Ti.nK, and I.i-nos, LEADISQ TO CONSUMIIMM. This infalliWo remr-'ly is ciiTiipoff!(l of tho Honey the plnnt llor liound, ia chemical u' ;n w i tU T 3-B ai m , ex ' r i C ed from uo Lifb Plini-h-lu of Vw forest r 8 Abies Balsayra. or 15 ilra ofGf .a. T' . Honey of norchound 60otues AT BCATTBRS all irritations and inflam mations, end the Tnr-Bnlm ci.kansks Ad heals tho throat and air-passages leading to tho lungs. Fivis additional Ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you frofn trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, -who has saved thousands of lives by it in his Urge private practice. N. B. The Tar Balm lias no bad taste or smell. PRICKS, 50 CKHTS AND $t PER BOTTLE. Great taring to bay large size. Sold by all Druggists " Pike's Toothache Drops' care In 1 minute. ReadeR IF You would like to ere a ropy u FAMiLY NEWSPAPER r- r-T :,a K.r f ! the country, eend yaur nasne and paet-oBlr" atldree. le THF IsnilFR (ilHIPsVV. I'hloHKQ. Ill NKW and 1IKAI 11111, 1MTKC IKNT. TIIE Piano-Harp CABINET OEGAN. An azqalelte) eomblnattoD, adding to tba oapaoltj of tba organ much of tbac vt the pltuiofort and harp. U Itu a doubltaod organ, coroplt-to and pt.rfci In every rpeol. la oomblnbd a now lnairojuttut, tUtj k I A No H ikk', tba ton Ha of which are produced br sto) tvt: jaruca or Lara, rltildlr set in sUttl plates athxt'd to a somidit.K box, ana airuek br hammitrs, aa lu tu plaoi fire. i ba tones are. of a pun, silvery, bell-like quail y,vr betuulul ine nl blnafoa or altornailon wlin the ora:an tonea. Tn orsaa mar ba oeed alone, and la.'ui eiTr rtsp-ct aa complt-t and perteot au organ as without the HASU-liAKP or may ba uaed wltb tba WANO HAKP: tbe latter may be used aeparatelj or In com loatiou wl b any or all iba stops of tbeo gan.to whlcU It axlda gieatly iu vivacity. Ufa and vartel ; adapting It to a much wider iauM I musio. UpoD Ita Invention and tutrod notion, about a rear sinoa, this nfw Lnsirutnent was room veil wltu o muob favor that tbe demand greatly exceeded tbe innnutaotur era ulmiat a"lUy t supi.lj ; so tbat ihj have dad no eci-ioo to adveitlaa a extensively, liuv ntr now per i acted facilities for a large auuul, tbey oil at It to tbv publio wltb oontidenoe. Ciroulaxa. with Orawlnga and full dascrtrtlooa. free. MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN Oo"l54 TxuSi Htreet. IV'bTON ; So Union txjuxrw, NKW YOHK. ; HO and b4 Adams blreei, CUICdV(.o. t!o - dlaa.