The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 11, 1875, Image 3

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Ridgway, p. 2 2 tf.
Attorney -at-Law
Ridgway, Elk Co., fa. Office Id
Hall's new brick Building. Claims for
Collection promptly attended to.
Attorneys- at-Ltw,
Office in New lirick Building, Mnin St
Rldway, Elk Co., Ta. v3n2tf.
vlnzuyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, baving permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser
vices to (lie citizeui of Kidgway ana ear.
.rnuudinir country. All work warranted
Office in Service At Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, 6 rat door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgwny, Pa. Agent for tb
lowe eewing Machine, and Morton GoM
.en. Repairing Hatches, etc, doc with
le same accuracy as heretofore. Salt
ketioa ' guaranteed. vldlj
Druggist and Paimaceutiit N. W. cornet
pf Mam and Mill street?, Kiugway, Pa.
lull KSoortiiient of cmetuUy relucted For-
ign ana Dometto Drugs. Prescriptions
lrelully uispauaed at all LourB, day or
tghi. vln3y
T. S. EMIT LEY. M. D.,
I'hysioian ana Surgeon.
Office in l'l uk iStnre, corner broad and
a'ni Bt, Ke.-nlnice corner Broad tit.
pome I he College. Office hours Ironi
l o 10 A. il. aud Horn 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. EGA' DWELL, M. D.,
'e:tiu I bysicinu aud Surgeon, hasremov-
his otiice trout Centre uueei, to Man st.
Ijgwuy, Pa,, iu ilie second moiy of the
w brick uuildiug ot Julrn u. it all, bppo-
i Uy ae's biore.
hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P 'A
KiiiuwAY, t'.LX Co., Pa
W. II. SCURAM, Proprietor.
tl'ii ah ki'ul for the patronage heretofore
liibeiully lieatowed upou iiini, the new
burietor, hopes, by puyiug s;ncl a,-
iiuu to the cuuiiort and convenience oi
Luis, to merit a coutinuance ol tht
lei eo isuo.
Ct.NTmviLLK, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
liauKtul for tue patronage heretotort
Iberiily bestowed upou him, the new
rietor, iiopes, by puyiug strict at-
iiu to tlie coiuluri ai.d couvcuiencs
i4gls. I merit a counuuuuce of the
1 Y. HAYS,
Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Ear ley i. O.
lladelphia & Erie II. R. Division.
and after MONDAY, MA) 24, 1875,
e trams on the Philadelphia 6i
ailroud will ryn as follows:
ACCOM leaves Kenovo..... 4 25 p m
Duftwood.. 5 io p ni
' " Emporium ti 63 p iu
St Marys... 7 6 3 p m
" Ridgway... 8 i!o p u
Wilcox a Oo p m
arr at Kane- tf 30 p m
MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p ni
i Heuuvo 11 06 a m
' " Emporium 1 10 p ni
fit. Mary's 2 00 p m
Ridgway 2 25 p m
Wilcux 2 66 p m
Urrive at Erie 7 60 p m
TO ACCO.vl leaves Kane... 8 00am
W ilcox- 8 3d a m
" liidgway.. tf 25 a m
" Si Marys 10 01 a m
" Eniporium 1105 am
Drittwood..... 12 15 pm
" benovo 1 40 p iu
MAIL leaves trie 11.20 a m
Kane - 3 45 p m
Wilcox.... 4 03 p m
" Ridgway 4.45 pm
" St. Mary s 6.10 p m
" Emporium 6.05 p iu
" Kenovo 8.25 p m
arr. at Philadephia... 6 60 a m
tvo Aocom aud Kaue Acoom oounect
d west at East with Low tirade Di
aid B X V & f R K
Gen'l Sup't.
ih family Groceries, and Canned
itftKY cheapest and
Office in Thayer & Ilsgerty's Block,
Ridgvaj, Elk Co IV
White. Powell &
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9th 1875.
U. 8. 1881. e 22 22
do 6 20, c 'C2, M and N 143 14
do do '64 do 14 144
do do '65 do 15 161
do do '05 J and J 18 , 191
do do '67 do 20 20
do do '68 do 20 20
10-40. do coupon Ifil ic
ao racinc o s cy int. on 24
New 5's Keg. 1881 15 15
' C. 1881 15l 16
Gold 14 14,
SiWer 107 10W
Pennsylvania 60 60
Beading 65 65
Philadelphia & Erie 1H8 20
Lehigh Navigation Div. off. 601 61
do Valley 62 62
United R R of N J Ex.Div 1321 132
Oil Creek l(ij lu
Northern Central 81 81
Central Transportation 4(i5 4(i
Nesquehoning 64 X 54
A & A Moricaee 6's '89 lOtii 107
Eztra iuducemeuls offcrd in ladies &
childrens furs, small Bets at $100 ladies
sets from $2 00 and upwards eztra bar
gains in Mink sets first quality as, MAY &
Ridgway Cemetery.
Lots are now offered lor stile by the
Ridgway Cemetery Association in the
new Ceuietery. The present low price
lor lots may souo be advanced.
Apply at the office of
V 8. HAMBLEN, Secretary
itidfwny Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f.
Prices to astnnUh the world. Every
thing is bound to be sold to quit business;
Come every Dody. Building end fixtures
for sale. MAY & SILVEKMANN, Wil
liamsport opposite the Court House.
MAY & SILVERMAN Williamoporl Ta.,
are discontinuing the retail trado aud are
selling gooils at and below cost. Call and
see them they are great bargains.
Pupil wishing to receive instruction in
Greek or Latiu, or disiring to prepare for
College can have opportunity of doing so
by applying to the Rector of Li race Church,
lie having made the necessary arrange
ments will be glad to receive a limited
uuiuber ot young ladies snd gcnilemeu for
iustructiou. For ititoiniation as to terms
&c apply (o
litV. WM. JA3. MILLER A. M.
Ridgway, Pa,
Hair switches 75 cents tl 00 2 OJ 3 00 &
4 60 worth double the money and Uuclies
for 'J5 ceuts hats from 23 conti upwar ds
Turned hats from $1 0) upwards, great re
duction in all kinds of giods al MAY &
SILVEI1M AX.V.S. V !li-nnport Pa.
Those Hamilton Cori-ets at J' & K'b
are the uicst durable, and the cheapest
io maiket.
It you want any bl'ched or brown
nuisltiis, from J to 10-4 wide any
quality, go to head quarters, Powell &
Kime's and bdect to your taste.
Yodding and Moura'ng outfits for In
dies at MaY & SlLYElt.MA.NN'8, opposite
the court h use, Williumsport, Pa
Coods marked dnnn to astonish the
world Call and see us. MAY i SILVER.
MANN, Williaiasport, Pa.
Millinery guods. hair switches, jewelry,
fancy ?ooi1m, notions, ladies & childrens
cloaks, dicsses & undergarments. Whole
sale & ltetail at MAY & SILYERM ANN'S
opposite tiie court hDUe, Williampport, P.
We are agents fir nadam demorest pat
terns, catalorges free, send for one. pat
tins sent by mail. MAY & SILVER
Messrs May and Silvcruiann of Wil
liunisporl I. a J their store closed last
Monday and were busy marking their
goods at and below cost. This move
ment on t lie part of these gentlemen,
we understand is for the purpose ol
closing out their retail trade which
business has increased to such an ex
tent as at prerent it is thought to be the
largest of any similar store in this sec
tion of the state, but on account of the
ill health of Mr. May, they have de
cided to discontinue the retail business
in a short time and hence this move is
adopted to close out ttheir entire (tock
a also offering their building and fu
tures for sale, for that purpose great
pains has been taken to mark all their
goods at and below cost to enable both
rich and poor to obtain goods at very
low prices.
"King Bee" aud many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all the popular brands at "I. & K'g.
From two to three hundred ladies c'ota
coats latest styles also a large lot of Furs
at prices so low to astouieh every body
MAY & SILVERMAN, opposite the
Court House, Williamsport, Pa
Coodfish boneless and skinless. Also
some of the old fashioned in full dress,
at P. & K'h.
Dave you been to Williamaport Pa., to
buy what you want at MAY & SILVER
MANN'S, opposite the Court House. They
are giving up retail business & are selling
goods very cheep.
A complete stock of ladies misses and
childrens shces, light, medium aud
heavy at P, & K'b. Now is the time to
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Casbmer at P & K'l
Give the Ads octi office a call for bill
beads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,
and if you are going to get married leave
us an order for your cards.
Knit undershirts and drawers, at P &
Ladie dreas goods newest styles at
I 4 K'a.
3. 8. EORDWELL Is Local Agent for all
kinds of Fruit, and Ornamental Trees
Shrubs. Roses, Flowers tie-, from the best
Nursery li. the state of New York. Buy at
home and save money. v5o47inil
Principal's report for month ending
November, 4;h, 1875:
J) A
g f 3 3 g ?
S r2-2 ? 3 5.2 1
TEACHERS S.,'--'-!'!?!-?
2. Se S
T 9 cr .. r -5 ?
Mis 11 E Wil.
cox 8 78 77 66 87 22
Miss A P Tay
lor 2 66 C5 60 94 24
Mr and Mrs J
It Johnson 1 78 70 63 89 19
Summary 210 202 179 90 1 65
Names of those neither late nor ab
sent during the month.
Joseph Jackson, Irs C. Sherman.
Elmer Gardner, Daniel Irwin, Frank
Gorton Ida Oltmtead, Rhoda.Wilcox.
Tillie Cunningham, Ella Vicks Addie
tlyde, Julia Flynn, Minnie Servioe.
Ella Lcar7, Hattie Hinds and Thos. VV
Kate Leary, Kittie Whitrooro Sarah
Gorton, Lizzie Shack, Flora Irwin,
Bessie Scribner Nellie Jackson, Alber
tine Ijindgrom Amanda Lindgrom,
Katie Mceuan, Minnie Miles, Frank
Ear'ey, Marry Gillis, Sus;ie Woodward
Chauncey Wilcox, Willie Luther
Joseph Weaver and Eddio Horton.
Preston Mercer, Geo. Shack, Wallace
Dill, Warren Irwin, Charles Slight,
Mary Shack, James Daly, Glenni John
son, Jeromq Gorton. Martin Cunning
ham, Elansow Lelloy, Saddio Scull,
Mary Sherman, Annie MoGovern,
Mtry Johnson. Maudie Kitnc, Grace
Scribues, Lizzie Fiynn, Ida Pallman.
Lily Gardner, Mjry O. Btien and
Edith Sherman.
Names of those best in PErottTMKNT
Alton It Cii ipi'i, Thos. W. J ickson.
Daniel Irwin, EliLi Warner, Willie
Meeoan, Clias. Muouan. Clias. Olmsted
Hattie Hitids.Helen Little, Ada Stevens,
ICninia Russ, Johu Luby, and Michael
Katie Meen n, Albertine Lindgrim
Aminda LinJgrom, Lizzie Shack, M ick
Kitne, Hairy Gilli-i, Eddie Powell,
Kittie Whitmorc, Neliie Jacksoa.
Daisy Kitne, Annie Schoening and
Mary VanOrsda'l.
The following ure the names of those
having tho best average scholarship in
the various grades of the different de
A Grade Chas. Olmsted, Willie
Leary and A It Chapin
B Grade Helen Little, Eddie War
ner, Michael Mccnnn, Kena Powell,
Addie Hyde, and Jus. Cunninghum.
C Grade Thos. W Jackson. Ada B
Stevens, Hattie Hinds, Ida Olmsted.
Oicar Gardner, Chas Meenan, Thos. J.
Malone and Emma Olmsted
D Grade Daniel Irwin, John Shuck
and Emma Ross
E Grade Maggie Flynn and Harry
F Grade Lizzie O'Brien
G Grade Kattie Meenan, Mollie
Cuoiuiios Amanda Lindgrom Alber
tine Lindgrotu Chuuney Wilcox and
John Wbitmore
B Grade Sadie Saull, Edith Sher
man, Clarice Bordwell, Emma Seymour
Lily Gardner, Mary Shernwa Bruce
Kitne, Wallace Dill
C Grade Glenni Johnson, Coryell
Ross, Preston Mercer, Warner Irwin,
Frank Oyjter, Jerome Gorton, George
Shack, Eddie Holaday Emma Geary
and Graae Scribner
Miss Jennie Gresh, Katio Gresh and
Ida Luther did not miss auy words iu
spelling during the month and Miss
May Little was perfect in this branch at
tho examination
The following named persons visited
tho schools during the month, Geo H
Dixon, Co. Supt., E. Vinton Ross, Page
Prindle E K Gresh Miss Aps'e Barrett
Miss Net'.io Burt let t MUs Nellie
Schratn and Mr A G Guilds.
The next mjuthly examination will
be held on the 3d of December.
I cannot close this report without
thanking the assistant teachers for
their hearty co-operation in all measures
calculated to promote the best interests
of tho school. Miss Wilcox and Miss
Talor deserve great credit for the abilty
and tack which they display iu manag
iog their departments so successfully
J. B. JOHNSON, Principal.
Thosu oevr style prints, at P & K'l
are the general talk of the town. Go
and see them.
Paper collars the nobbiest! with tarn
down oornen also the good old Byron
stvle at P. & K'a.
Court nex: week. .
Subscribe for the Advocate.
Green Rio coffee a P. & K's
Oh! those beautiful prints at P. &
There is a tie vote in MoKeao county
for Prothonotary.
Clearfiold county, which is strongly
Democratic elected a Republican Pro
We publish the official vote of Elk
county again this week on account of
ao error or so. We give it cow cor
The Republicans of Clarion County
eleoted Arnold rsular ltepublioti, over
Barr, Democrat, by a mijority of 442.
The Democratic stato ticket io the
same county had 1055 majority.
In another column will be found an
advertisement headed "Teachers' loiti
tute," it will bs njticil tlut the Inti
tule i3 to be held at Wilox this year,
having never bean held there before,
and having been held at Ridgway, and
St. Mary's it is now no' more than fair
that it should bo held at Wilcox.
The return judges ef this sentorial dis
trict met at this plase last Tuesday, in per
suanceof the new law. S. J. Schouten
represented Cameron, II. S. Thayer, Elk;
A. H. Alexander, Clarion; S. T. Dale,
Forest. The vote by counties we give be
low. 1. D. Thomas. Wm P. Finley.
Cameron 439 555
Elk 1028 689
Clarion 3013 2ooj
Forest 385 313
Total 49)5 3UJ7
Rev Wm. Martin will deliver a S. S. ad
dress next Sabbath morning, Subject, Ships
and Children. Subject for the Evening;
UiLderaaces to Religion.
A Preachers' tinner
I have a fancy Mr. Editor that
many of your readers would not bo dis
pleased, if they have set betore them
from time to time some of the things
that are said aud dime, from mouth to
month: at a dinner we have iu a pleas
ant little out of thn way place called
iloly-outu Valley. Perhaps too, they
would like to know who aud what we
ate. Weil we are really a set of very
j'lod leliows. Each one is far enough
removed from the other to be saved
trotn any feeling of jealousy Ao as
for the hideous torm of Prosclytus it
never lor a momeut ventured anions us.
Wo meet, in tho vestry of Good Bro.
MceKei's at Holy-cum Valley because it
is ub.iut equal distance from all the
brethern, aud although of course none
of your good readers ever heard of the
place, as it lies far removed from the
busy rush and din of worldly life, yet it
is convenient for us, and we look lor
ward from mouth, to month, to our
mooting, with no little pleasure. I d i
not know that we ever say any great
things, or bright thinrs. But we do
read tome aud wheu we meet if noth
ing else comes up to ocsupy our attea
tiod, we discuss the books we have
read. As I said before we regard our
selves as good average people' Kind
aud friendly one toward another. Al
though there is not two of one denom
ination represented among us yet we
often exchange pulpits and delight to
do oue another a kind act. In the
summer time we exchange our place ol
uieetiug and have our essays and dis
cussions io a kind of Arcadian style
Its pleasant I tell you for most of us we
have become so well acquaiuted with
one anotbers character and habits that
we enjoy the association. We lorm a
pleasant, comfortable cluster, of preach-
r I v .11 .a.
log folk, ana 1 ao not Dtneve mat
anyone of our numbjr, ever had reason
to suspect the others, of doing anything
that is Dot right, and true, aud mauly.
We are all different in temperameut
and ways. One is of a liberal turn of
mind, another a thorough orthodox,
trained in the most rigid style. Well
there; I am giving a full discriptiou of
the various members ot our dinner
party without knowing whether you Mr
Editor or the readers of your paper,
would wish to have me do so Porhaps
I had better stop now, until I bear from
you and if acceptable next week I will
give you a description of the vestry in
which wo met, the persons that meet
there, with their names aod ideas con
cerning miller and things.
SCRIBE of Holy-oum-valley.
Ill health of Mr, May compells us to
retire from the retail business, and for
tht reason we offer our entire stock of
goods at'and below cost Our stock, con
sists of ladies trimmed aod untrimmcd
bats, feathers, flowers, velvets, woolen
goods, hair switches aod braids, trunks
and satchels, ladies and childrens cloaks
shawls, dresses and undergarments,
hosiery and, gloves, collars and cu8s,
furs and a full and complete stock ot
ladies aod children's furnishing goods,
People will do well to call or send ior
wbat they can use, as great bargains are
given. Thirty thousand dollars worth
of goods to be sold io a short time
Build.og and fixtures for sale. Be
sure and call. May aod Silvcrmann
opposite the Court House Williamsport
A Latter Fnm Justice.
Pidgwny Nov. 5, 1875
Mr. Editor The readers of the
Democrat have been highly entertained
during the last few weeks by a number
of letters that have appeared from time
to time over the signatures ofSeNiX,
Reader, Constant Reader and
Puella. It would not be possible to
suppose that they were all from the
hand they are so different in tone.
Reader, Constant Reader, and
eke Puella, are evidently by old fogies
and not at all up with the progressivj
spirit of the age. Wha were Chrysos
tom, Augustin or Lactaotius, fathers ol
the Church, compired with "Soott and
Henry" or 'Deiitzsch" (?) referred to
by Senex, or what authority had the
councils of Constantinople, Ephesus,
Chalcedcin and Nice, when compared
with that of the ''Evaugelical Alliance
in New York?"
Why must Reader and Constant
Reader go back Irom 1200 to 1600
years for authority when they can find
ample declarations of fuith not more
than two years old? This of itself
shows that they are behind the age, and
the whole spirit of their letters, so slangy
aud ungentleuianly, shows that they are
eminently unSt to enter into a public
discussion with a yenlltman of the
breeding, learning and literary ability of
And Puella, though she miy be a
lady, is certainly not a gentlewoman of
the present day, or she would not have
gone back two centuries to quote a
poem, which, though it may be classic,
and knowu to every lover of English
poetry, is still so old as to be musty
with the lapse of years. It is true that
there is not in the English, or any
other language known turn?, a poem or
other literary work that to laitlil'ully de
scribes an addle-headed, boasting aud
puny pretender to all knowledge, secular
and religious, as that from which
I'll eli, A has to liburaily quoted; but
Senex is not such a person, since hit
command of tho most expressive words
and the grau lul manuer in which he
clothes thoughts that burn, are evi
deuces that he has received a very lib
eral education. Commencing with the
first "Thoughts as They Occur," we fiud
the sann ea-ry way of complimenting
t lie geutlcmau of whim he was then
writing, that we fiiid in the last three
column letter as applied to Reader,
Constant Reader and Puella. No
one could doubt that these letters were
by the same hao 1. Eery writer puts
an "ear-mark" upon his productions
that at once betrays his breeding and
education und from these "Thoughts
as They Occur" it is easily to be seen
that i'enex is a itntn'inan, without fear
aud without reproach, before whom the
reputation of a Bayard lades away,
faint utid iudisiiuct, like the ink upon
those luu.sty piroliiueuts from which
Reader und Constant Reader da
rive their ideas of Religion and the
No, Mr. Editor, when a gentleman,
having the learning and ability, so evi
dently belonging to Senex and who
above all has do'ie no vroK. is attacked
iu such a dastardly and cuwardly man
uer sa marks the anonymous attacks of
Reader, Constant Reader and
Puella, I for one shall be always
ready to siand up for hiiu and maintaiu
before all the world that be is gentle
man, poet and scholar.
He would not. lor tlie world father
an untruth, much less tell a lie, and
though appearances are much against
him as regards the truth, and all the
witnesses condemn him, I hold him a
second Washington.
The Eiflo.
Mr. Warner, of Ridgway, and Mr. Fow
ler, one of the crack shots of New York
filate had a match at Jamestown a few
days ago. Mr. Warner reoruited a com
pany of sharp shooters in this section iu
1801 for Berdan's regiment. Hut for one
unlucky Bhot, he would moat likely have
beaten Fowler. The distance was 40 rods
The D mocrat says:
The wind was unfavorable for the most
accurate Buooting, but the "stringi'' were
remarkable short oues uuder the circum.
stances. The men were quite evenly
maicn.a auu ine contest over (lie "aggre
gate" would have beou much closer hud it
not been fur an unfortunate shot of War
uer's from some unknown cause, which
lengthened bis fourth "string.' As the
maioti lesulted each won two "strings "
while the aggregate of Fowler's suing
was 7 inches iliurter than Warner's. Ac
ourdiug to the conditions of the match 'he
purse was divided iuio five parts; oue hun
dred dollars a i le was placed on eauh of
thestrings, and ouehaudred dollars a side
upon the "aggregate." So Fowler came
out just $100 uhe id in the end.
Ihe system of scoring is explained as
follows: Ihe distance of each hot fruai
the center is measured, and the agb'sate
uiBiaucB oi teu suois irom ilie center con
stitutes the measurement for oue string.
The following are the soores. given iu in
ches aud sixteenths of inches ihe shortest
strings of couise showing the best niark
niansiiip: 1st string Warner 11 11-16 incnes'
Fowler 12 6 16 inches.
2d string Warner 11 10-16 inches, Fow
ler 12 10-16 inobes.
8d string Fowler 9 6 16 inches. War.
ner 11 inches.
4th siring Fowler 11 8-J6 iuches. War.
ner 18 8-16 inches.
Aggregate of four airings Fowler 45
13-10. Warner 62 13-16. Wurr Mail.
A full stock of f'resb Family groceries,
such sa Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rioe,
Syrups, Spioes, R. B- Powder, Bakiog,
and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
else m that line, at P, & K b.
Dsiti of Wm. Crawforl
The following; obituary notice on the
death of Wm. Crawford, son-in-law id
Mr. Charles Mead, ot this place, has
been handed us (or publication Al
though the death ocourred on Aug. ID,
it was not known here until last week.
Spring Valley, Iowa, Aug. 24th, 1875.
Editor Press; It is with feelings
of the most profound regret that we are
called upon to mourn the loss of an es
teemed lrieod and neighbor, although
living in an adjoining county. Mr.
Wni. Ctawford, bora io the state of
New York, March 4th, 1825, departed
this life on Thursday, Aug. 19th, at 3
o'clock P. M. with hemorrhage of the
Oo Sunday Aug. 15th, he was in
usual health and intending to go to
Dunlap the Monday following. I saw
him io the evening and we made ar
rangements to go together. I went home
but had not been there long, before the
community was shocked by the iotelli
gence that Mr. Crawford was bleeding
proluseiy, and it was leared he would
not long survive Myself and wife were
requested to come downjas soon as possi
ble. Co arriving there we found him
easy as far as bodily pain was conoerned,
out feeling a little weak from loss of
blood. A messeoger had been dis
patched to Little Sioux for medical aid,
pnd Drj. Wallace and Kerns sooo ar
rived. They found there had been a
rupture of the muoous membrane of the
stomach, and stated that the chances
were against him. On Monday it was
thought best to have counsel, so Dr.
llice, of Magnolia, was sent for, aod,
arriving about 2 o'clock, the patient
was examined; after which a consulta
tion was held and hopes weje enter
tained that Mr Crawford might recover
if the rupture could be healed. Drs.
VVallaoe aod Kerns went home io the
evening, leaving Dr. Rice to retntio
with the patient till next day, when
they wtre to return. Dr. Rice left
Tuesday noon, and Dr. Kerns returned
in the evening, finding Mr. Crawford
very comfortable. The Dr remained
until Wednesday and went borne io the
morning leaving the patient improving.
Friends called in during the day aod
all felt that he would be around soon.
He was feeliug in good spirits aod very
hopeful until evening, when vomtio
recommenced, accompanied by purging.
The physicians were again summoned,
and arrived about 10 o'clock aud stated
there was little hope, aod at daylight
Thursday all hope was gone. Blecdiug
at intervals continued until he expired
us above stated. Everything that medi
cal aid could do was done, but all to do
vail. Mr Crawford was conscious of
approaching dissolution, and after giv
ing directions for the settlement of his
estate, resigned himself into the hands
of "Him who doeth all things well." A
respectable concourse of neighbors and
friends acoompaiiied the remains to
Magnolia where funeral services were.
held in the Methodist Chapel tho Rev
Mr Newell officiating after whiah all
hade a final adieu to him whose cheer
ful presence but a few days before shed
genial light and warmth over his own
and our home circle, and the last sad
rites were completed at the cemetery.
Mr Crawfurd had made ah of ar
dent friends in the ihort space oi fifteen
months that he Lad been with us.
Courteous, frank, and a gentleman of no
ordinary ability, all feel deeply the loss
of a valued citizen and a good man. He
was one of the pioneers of the great en
terprise which connects the Atlantic
and Pacifio states, and while in the em
ploy ol the Union Pacifio Rail Road,
exposed to the fury of mountain dorms,
doubtless sowed the seeds of the disease
which has terminated so fatally. Hi',
wife a most estimable lady, is left to
mourn the loss of a sincere friend, wise
counselor, amiable compauioo and de
voted husband; aod in this her hour of
trial her neighbors and friends extend
their heartlelt sympathy for her;,be
reavement. It is sad to reflect that one
iu the full vigor of manhood should be
thus cut down, but we must remember
that this is the common lot of all, aod
that he has only by a few short yeara
preceded us in his passage acoross the
dark river to ths bliss! ul shore beyond;
aud if he could he would say to us as he
did to his companion just before his
depirture; "Dont mourn for me for we
shall only ba separated for a short time."
"The living are the only dead,
Th dead live never more to die;
And often when we think them fled
They never were so cigh."
Truly Yours, GEO. M.SCOTT.
If you pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife aod children will greet you with a
smile in the morning. Go to Powell
& Kime's model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go home '
satisfied. They have adopted the cash
system, aud cay it is working ebara-
"g'y- ;
Ladies and childrens eoats all style aool
qualities, $2 60 3 00 8 75 4 600 DO U T 00
e 76 10,00 and upwards also ehawla end
dreaaes at MAT i SlVERMANtf'8 pmo.
site the eourt boat, Waiiamspyt, Pa. -