?. ! V Henry A. Parsons, Jr. . Editor THURSDAY, SUVEMBER II,; 1875. From Wi I'hia H. R. GuuU. Silver bt Small Change. The act of Congress of January 14 1875, to provide for the resumption of specie payment authorizes and requires the Secretary of the Treasury of the United Slates, as rapidly a is practice lie to causo to be coined at the Mints of tle United States silver coins ol the denominations of ten, twenty five and City cents, aud to issue them in rcdemp tion of an equal number and amount of fractional currency of similar denomin.i tions. Dr. Liodermai, director of the Mint Bureau, is engaged in pcrlcotiog measures for the coinage of pieces to en able the Secretary to carry out the law Tho total amount of fractional currency shown by the books of the Treasury Do pattmcntat Washington to be now in circulation, is $40,773,575, and it is cs limutcd that of (his amount 12,000,000 fn ten cent notes, $1,500,000 in fifteen cent notes 82,000,000 ia five ccuts notes, $10,000,000 in twentv five cent notes and $15,000,000 in fifty cent notes. Ilinco it will require 120,000,' 000 dimes to retire the fractional cur rcacy notes of that denomination, and with the p.nseDt operations of the Mints two years will be required to coiu them alone unless the oVinae of all other pieces be suspended and the whole force be assigned to worlc upon them Forty millions of quarters will be re q'lirtd to replace twenty-five cent notes and 30.000.000 of half dollars to re place the fifty cent notes. It is be lieved however that at least 55,000,000 of the fractional currcucy has loug sioce been worn out while in circulation aud will never be presented for redemption At the Philanclphia Mint the priucipal work is on small silver coins; but at the San Francisco and Carsou City Miuts gold coinage is forwarded as rapidly as possible on account of the great demand lor coin ou the Pacific coast. GENERAL. NOTES. The Lai. caster authorities will not al low the dancing of the "Cancan." The rural parts of Maine, decreasing in population, harbor au increased umu ber ot bears. The present population of Washing ton Territory is 30.000, an it.crease of nearly 5,000 during the last two ears The operatives of the Harmony Milh at Canoes, N. Y., numbering 5,000, have accepted the 12 per cent, reduc tion. J he mountains in the northern tiait of Pike couuty, this State, arc covered with snow. Light fulls arc reported I ruin Udtiaiia. Nino miliiou salmon crrzs we hatched duriug the season just closed on the St. Cloud river. California, lor introduction into haatern waters. Uurton Brothers, coal operators nt Mount Carniet .Northumberland county, have suspended paymout. It is rnpor ted that tliir liabilities are about JJoO, 000. The number of deaths fiom diphth. eria daily increases throughout Long I.s land City, but more especially iu As toria, where tho deaths average three a day. The Conowaga Paper Mills, six miles north or uetiysburg, were burned on Saturday night last. Luss, 825 000 Insured for $10,500. An ioccudiary't work. Baltimore proposes to cut a lunrel six miles long, at an estimated cost ol twenty millions of dollars, for the pur pose ot introducing water loto the city Irom (junpowuer Creek. The castor-beau is cultivated in Kan 33, and a castor oil laotory has been erected at fort Scott Even the West is not without this pleasant and exhilar ating beverage. A large shipment of raw tobacco from JSew 1 oik, consigned to W. C. Mc Donald, of Montreal, was seized by the customs officers of the latter city on the ground that it is u manufactured article Lusted cutlet; a genuine article, at P & K's. If you want a bug of teed, or a usfihel of potatoes or a barrel or sack ol bour or even a su.ali sack of Graham flour, it will pay jou to step iuto P & Iv s lor it TOBTT7 0BK We are now prepared fj TV to Hoalt kiudsof JOB HOitK. Luvelepes. Tags Hill-Lends, Letter beads, neatly aud cheaply executed. Otiiee iu Thayer & llageiiy'a Lew building, Main street luugwsy, I'd. ELK LODGE, A. V. M. The slated meetings of Elk Loige, No. 879, ar held at their hall, eoruer of Main and Depot streets, on the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each munth- W. C, TIEALY, Sec'y. A general stock ot winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K's. Ground coffee at P. & K's. Alpacis cheaper than, ever before Inowo at P. & K's. Hats aud Caps a complete assortment at P. & K's. Car Time at Hitlguay. Mail East do West ffenovo Acoom East Kane do West Local East 4:45r: M. 2 25 P. M. 6: J5 A. M 8:20 P. M. 5:40 P. M do West 8; 20 A. M Tha Mail and Throueh Local carrv passengers, the local does cot. 1 1 Eugene Lents, D i in co R. W. Ktrikin, It. ft s. o 3 a W.H.Hyde, D Geo. T. Rolkroek: R CSI M . o to o d fl o P t nd r-H O & Pi O H -J o o r I 0. t a to ci tt ' m e m ce i- "i-i i -r rf Claries H. Hoffman D... c - - o o Geo. Reui-cher. D '"'SS o -cc ci g, 'S l . o:iecs isoo n B Michael Weidert T e - o o - g I . . W W. II. Ostcrhout. R t'0 cn H z p 0 o H o H H O 5 eooece c" soi- e t Fred. Schoeuing, U. ... 8MJ!"swSBcl ' & T. V. D. Thomas, D. W. P. Finley, R. Jacob McCanley D. Charles M'Vean, R Victor E. Piolet D fa O Henry Rawle, R CO , s t- eo t-"i N M i-"o i c o Cyrus L. Pershing. P.. eSfl g c 1 n John F. Ilartranlt, K. ni- - eicifi o C OS H OT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PETITION. ""OTICE is hereby given that a petition will he presented at tha next session of I lie Legislature for the passage of a law re instating the Commissioners of the Rig Level Suite Rond lung tuough to collect present taxe?, pay up iudebedness, aud settle up accounts. For the Commissioners, t4n38 W. S. OVIATT. A GOOD WORK. A Startlinj Cauie of Debility aal Sia't ness fully explained in a large ocmvo Tre.i' tie by Dr. 0. PilELPS BliOWS, 21 Grand Street. Jersey City, N. J UVEltY MAtf AND WO.ilAN wlio is ailing in any way should send and gel a copy At once, & it n se.it free, prepaid bj ui.iil. Allio-o the author, as above. v6n3Sy 1 Teachers Institute. The nimh'annuul session of the F.Ik Co., Te tellers' Institute will be held at Wilcox, Pa. , commencing Monday, Deo. Gib. at 3 I' M. ad closing Friday Deo. lUih, 1875. HENRY l.OCUK. A. M. Ilarrisburg. Pa. Prof. W. W. .WOODRUFF Newtown Pa. and Rev. WM. HOFFMAN, Wilcox Pa.,nd others are engiged s th j etiiet lecturers and iiislructoi s. Excellent Hut el aucom. mudaiions at tUe Wiljjx Hjusuo.u djll.ir per day. Oidars for excursiou tickets mar be had by applying to tha ualei 9igaed n:J7if GEO. R. DIXON, Co. Supt. BOOX AGENTS AMD GOOD SALESMEN Are "COINING .MOt,Y" wnu rue famous BIDA DESIGNS, Tho Fiencli Edition of which sellpfor $ 105. and tlie London Edition for J:WO. Oar I'ouphir Eiilinn ('i.ol), ) con'iimny over One Handled fii'l-puyr quarto jilites, is 1 lie CI1K M'KST AMI MOSll I.LHHST II U IU.IC A TION in Amekicv nnd the Bi8T 10 SfcLL. t'riiics vie with each other in praising it, and the masses buy it From toe il nient in Southport, Conn.: In our village of eighty homes I have taken sixty five orders: have canvassed in u 1 abont twelve days (in villige aud covin- iry.) and have takeu otders for one hundred and six copies." FUliL PAIlTfCCLRS FREE. Address. J. B. F O R D & CO., Publishers, 4tn:!8 27 Park Place, New Y ork. Trial List. List of Causes set down for trial at November term, '1875: 1. The Clariou liiver Navigation Co. vs. Hiram Curmau. No CD, Au gust Term, 1873. 2. Miles L)oat vs. Charles St. Johu atid Jlob't Kotbrock. No. 4, January IVrtn, 1874. 3. David M'Donald vs- L F. & II. M. Powers. No. 12 April Term, 1874 4. William II. Evuds vs. A. J. A-ery. No. 19. April Term, 1874. 5. Patrick Welsh vs. Joseph Koch. No. 74, Auaust Term, 1874 G. Lazarus Mover vs. Patrick Lamb No 84, August term, 1874. 7. Thomas Holland vs. J. V. Ilouk & Co. No. 107, -unust 'lerm, 1874. 8. Caleb Shortwell vs. George Scull et al. No. 13, September Term, 1874. V C. A. Kellogg vs. C. YVuinwiight. No 23. September Term, 1874. 10 U W. Moorhead et al., Adra'rs of N. W. M'Clure, deceased vs. Hiram Carman, No 23 September Term, 1874 1 Inskeep, Poor & M'Gaffick vs. J. H. Whitman No 49, September Jcriu, 1&4 12 JohD Farrer vs. C It Larlcy No 4, November Term 1874 13 William Johnson vs Edward Waiters No 15. November Term 1874 14 It C M'Giil vs. The Pennsylva nia It. It. Co. No 9, January Term, 1875 15 Gibbs, Hurke & Co. vs Gifford, Hall k Co. No 24, January Term, 1875 16 John Bauer vsJohn Deht No 2G, January Term 1875 17 Miles Dent vs M. C. Wyckuff and William Wyckoff. No 5 May Term, 1875 18 William It Young et al. v. The A V It It Co, No 35, May Term, 1875 19 John J KiGjiway vs. Isaao Mep- lienson et al. No 175 May Term, 1875 '20 John J Kidi-way vs- parah S. Burns et al. No 176, May Term 1875 21 H C Moore et al. vs. 1 lie Town ship of Millstone. No 79 September Term 1875 Over Coats? iroA $5 to (25 a large and splendid atock. Step ia and get cdb at P. Si K'a. Iluutiou ltubbers! with acd without heels.a large lot at P. & K'a. AU otler kind's of rubber boot tod eb tea. nerZ' "lSMy S.S J I - ; i. E u e 2 " 3 u H s as J S S S " J I e t C w 2 is 3 5? 2 o o a -O CD ii IS i-i t? O CI rl ii3 O f N si -i to to y. o ci Or-i 05 Jl ri CI S 5s , c c? i i: o "2 I o S o sr. '- c 05 ,0 f-J r-C.fli J ' T 5-1 o C4 ri O !fl ! O f I ffl M M 1-t CI - 4 CQ I -3 a ! W . as 3 i I e-H, 5 1 Mb i-a o , S - - 7 W B -J e t&CUKAlJST A AD HESF.s PETERSOFSMAGAZINE POSTAGE pee-pajh cn all suescrip- TIONS. Every tuhscribir fur 187G will he qresented with u superb, largt-sizcd steel emjravi'Kj of Trumbull rs celebrated pic lure of "The Stiuing of the Declarer lion of Independence." This will be ' Peterson's" Centennial Gift "Peterson's Magazine" contains, every year, 1000 pafjes, i4 steel plates, 12 colored Uerliu ptfttcruB, 12 mam moth colored luihioii plates, 24 pages ol music, ami 900 wood cuts. Great iwrovementt will be made in 1870. Among thum will be a series ol illustrated articles on tho Great Kxhibi tion at Philadelphia, which will hloue be worth the subscription price. '1 hey will appronriately called. THS CEITTSNI'IAL IN PEN AND PENSILI 'I ho iiumeusu circulation ot Feti r son" enables its proprietor to spcud more money ou establishments, storicr.. if f., &o , than any other. It gives more Jor the money than any in the world. Its. THRILLING TALKS AND NOVEL ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are imployed to write originally fur "J eterson " In 1870, iu addition to the u.-ual quantity ol short stories, FIVE OKlUINAL COPVi.IUliT NOV EL KTT J5S will bo iveu, by Mrs. Aun S. Stephens, i'lank Lee l'ouedict, Mrs. F. II. Uurnctt, and others Kaaimoth Co'ored FasHoa Plates AhcaU ul all others. Tliee plates ati (i)gtaved on steel, twice THE Usual size, and ire unequalcd lor beauty 1 hey will be superbly colored. Aio, llous-cliold and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. A'. JJ. As the publishers now pre pm,s th postage to all mail subscribers ' J eterson" is chkaI'kr than kvkk; in Jactis TUE CHEAPEST IN THi WORLD. TERMS ( Always in AdVanceiS2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copias for$3,6Q 3 Copies 4,80 With a copy ol the premium uhzzoihu (21x20) Chkistmas Mornino," a Jive dollar engraving, to the person gct liiii! up the Club. 4 Copies for $6,80 7 Copies for 11,00. illi au eiim cupy ut t ne Maga nut lor 1876, as a premiuui, to the j.eisun getiiim up the (Mub 5 Copies for $8,50 8 Copies for 12.50 12 Copies for 18.UO. Wnh hoth an exu ei.iy of tlie iMugnzine lor 1870, and the premium uietzotiut. a five dollar eniravum, to the person Ket'.ine uu the Club- Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 'eulUlt'lld sent rail 8 it ruteu lor. Price, Twen.ty-Hvt Cents. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING NINETY-EIGHTH EDITION. Containing a complet list of all the towns iu the tinted flutes, the Territuries ani the Dominion oi'C-umda, hariug a popula tion gieater tliuu 6,000 according to the last ceusoa, together with the uames of the uewKpapera having the largcit luual circu Ut;ou iu each of tlie places named. Also, a catalogue o.' newepitpere which are e couniienued to advrititerg as giving great. ktl value in proportion to prices charged. Aiso, h!1 newspupers in the Coiled States aud Canada priming over 5,0t'U copies euch issue. AlfO, all I he Iteligioua, Agri cultural, t'oientifio nnd Mcuhauiuat. Medi cal, Masjuic; Juvenile, EducntiooRl, Com BLeicial, luaurauce, llenl Estate. Lair, Spoiling, AJuaioal, Fittbion, aud other special class jourtiati-; very complete lists. Together with a complett list of over 300 German papeis piiuted in the Cuiied Males. Also, an essay upjn idrertibing; many tsbles of rates, vbowiig the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in advertis ing would like to know. Address Gliu P. ROWELL & C ., 41 l'ark How, fvew York. New poods, every day in the jear except Suodaya and l?'al holidays at the great ruammoth Grand Central Store of P. & K'a. No bragging around. Call for whalyou want. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE SHERIFF'S SALES. MM BY VIRTUE or sundry writs ol fieri facias, alias fieri facias, - vendi tioni exponas, and alias venditioni ex ponas, levari facias, and alias levari facias, and testatum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of Klk county, and to tne directed, I. DANIKL SCULL, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to publio salo or ouiery, at the Court House, iu Kidpway, Monday novemoea is 1875 at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described real estate to wit: AH the right title interes claim and de mand whatsoever of defendants iu to or out of all the following tract piece or parcel of land to wit as follows: lieing in the town ship of Bpr.ng Creek couuty of fclk and Ut te of Pennsylvania bounded and de scribed as follows being wart of warrant number 2776 warrnted in the name of Wilhelm Willink and others; Beginning at a saddle hack rock, on the left hand of Spring Creek thence north thirty-one 3i degrees west nineteen 19) rods, thence north five 5 degrees west aeven teen f 17 rods to a hemlock tree on said left bunk of Spring Creek thence north 60 di-grees east forty 40) rods to a pest, thence south thirty (80) degrees east sixty ' seven and fire-tenths 07-d rods tlienoe south nine and one-fourth (J) degiees west five and five tenths (6 5) rods to the place of beginning cmaing fifteen (15) eies more or le-s cu which is erected liie following buildings to wit: One large water eaw mill, one frame school bouse four frame dwelling houses about 10x18 with additions, one log haute about 20x30; also one frame barn about 80x40 feet. The above houses are need as tenant houses in aud about taid mill property. Also au undivided three-fourth interest in to or rut of the lollowitig tiact, piece or parcel of land situate and beiug iu Spring (.'reck township, Elk Couniy and State of l'eesylvauia, bounded nnd described as iel lows to wit: Cn the north and east by lands of Nelson Strong on t he south by war. rant line ot warrant number 2789 on the west by Vill.-;lniie towship l;ne cotitaiug four hu.idred and fifty (454) acres nine or less and being part of warrant number 2775. fceized and taken iuto execution and to be sold as the properly of L F H M Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell et al. AL0-A11 the light, title interest claim and demand whatsoever of the defendants in, to or out of the following mentioned and described real estate, situate in the l'orough of St. Marys Elk County, pa. Homing on North (taint Marys road, bounded as follows: lieginniug at a post on the aforesaid road said post Icing at the distance of thirty-eight and eight-tenths feet north erly by the ccurse of North St. Mnys mad, from John Ahles northeast cor ner of his Ul fronting on said road, ihencu'by aid read noith i-rTeu and one fourth degrees weft, (N 7J A.) forty leet aud two-tenths of u foot (40-2t't.) to a post it the south east come.' of John Hoffman's lot, thnce by line of s.-iid llodmitu lot south eighty-one and three fourth degrees weM (e. 81f W) one hun dred and thirteen feet (118 ft) to a post ou the binds of Michuel Hann, thence along the line of said lands south sixty-two Mid one fourth degrees west S O'JJ" V one hundred sod six feet (lOtift to a post at the north en.it corner ot Siebig's town lot lioiiikg on tt. Michael street thence ilong the I ear lire of siiid toon lot south forty -four degress east (S 44 P. twenty five uud five-ienihs leet ('24 51 1) to a post nt ihe nith weft coiner of Ferdinand Pa'glu's lot, tin l, co nloi p the line of snid lot north seventy. seven and one-f tilth dc-pre-.'S east N 77 E one hundred and ninety -seven and four demos feet (117 4ft) to t.ie place of beginning, containing eight j thousand three hundred anil n.net y-tln ee square feet W-1-' iq. it. be Ihe sume mere or less upon which is erected a fiame hoiite, l?x'!6 feet one siory high. Seized, takeu in execution and to be sold us the property ul Ma'.hias mid Juliana tinbeck lit the cuit of Louis Volluier et ul ALSO All the mineral rights or exclu sive privilege to dig, mine, explore and carry away all the coal, iion limestone pc troleuui aud the cjlliL-r miuc!':tl in ar.p upon all and sundry iho-e certain tmcts of bind in Jones township, Elk County I'eiuii-jlvniiin, known as sections 51-53 54-G5-i'0-tj7-and 08, under the divisiou of lands made by the .V.cICcau aud Klk Laud and Improvement Company in 18o8, in cluding wtirrauls and putt ions of warrants S014; 3111; 3117; 3145; 32J7; 322J 3'237 aud 3212 containing eight thousand in hundred ami nine htiO'.i acres be the same more or less of uich m'ncr.il rights there is now no actual excrcite or enjoy, nietit, and thereforo no rental or iucoine wlnitever thcreTrom; and Ihe said Mc Ken n and Klk Lund and Improvement Coni psny Deleiidanl hns no ottice nor officer in Llk County, and tins no real or personal property iu said county, other than the mineral rights above ineniioiied. Seized taken in execution and to be sol 1 as the property of The McKean aud Klk Luud and Improvement Company at the tuil of Kobert l'atteitcn and William llncker ALSO All defendant's intere.it of, in and to the lollowing real estate situate at Caledonia in said County of Ek bounded and described as follows, to wit: Uegiu ning at a pobt that stands three hundred ani. sixty -six perches east from the west line of warrant No 6285 aud eleven and 8 10 percues south of the middle division liue of said warrant, Ihe Slid post being N 60 W 1!5 7 10 feet from a Hickory tree that is in the N. K. line of this lot, theuce south fifiy degrees east tlgtee bundled aud twenty-eeven leet to a post thence south forty degiees west one hundred and Bixty . five teet to a post thcuoo north fifty de grees, west three hundred and forty-five leet to a post iu the southern liue of publio highway thence north forty-six and a hall degrees east one hundred aud sixty-six feel to the place of beginning containing two acres more or lees, aud being part ot warrat.t No 5285 excepting ai.d lieserving unto John U Leudiug wile and Chut lea Hurtles aud wile ihe grantors for ibemsel ves or the Dennetts Branch Improvemeus Co- or their successors the right to float limber logs or lumber along Pcnnett i'.rancli i wii bout claim fir daaiajes to t bit. lot JL'pou the above described lot ot land theie is ereeted one frame dwelling bouse l wo and one-half stories high add 20 leet long by 18 feet wide Seized taken in execution and to be sole as the property of James M. liatemaa at the suitot James K. Orr. ALSO All that certain lot or pnroel of ground situate in the village of Kidgway. fc.k couuty Pennsylvania being part of lot numbered thirty-seven (J7) aocordtng to the plan of said village Ihe said par. con taining four thousand (4000) equal e teet being lorly 40 feet in front on Main street by oue buudred 100 feet in depth along M.il street upon which is erected a iwo-story frame drug store, 26 feel trout by bO feet deep. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Q. O. Messenger at the suit or Powell A Kime. ALSO All the right title interest and estate of Geo. 1) Mcsseuger in the above described property al the suit of Powell & Kime. TEBilS OF SALE. Tha following must be strictly compiled with when property is struck off: 1. AU bids must be paid in full except where Ihe plaintiff or other lien creditor become tbi jurcbaser, in which case the cost on the writs must be paid as well as all liens prior to l hat of the purchaser and a duly certified list of liens shall be fur nished including mortgaged searches on the property sold together with surb lien credi tor's rece'pl for tbe amount of the pro ceeds of the rale or such portion thereof as be shall appear to he entitled to. 8ee Purdon's Digest 0th edition page 446; Smith form page 883. 2. All sales not settled immediatly will be continued until 6 o'olock P. M. at which time all property not settled for will again be put up aud sol 1 at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off and who in case of deficiency at euch re sales shall make good the earns and in no insianoe will be deed be presented in court for confirmation unless The bid is actually settled for with tbe Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL, Ridgway Pa. Oct. 27, 1875. Sheriff. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Commissioners sale of un seated LANDS IN ELK COUNTY. In pursuance of an Act of Aseemhly passed the 13 day of March A. D. 1315 en titled "An act to amend an act diiecting the node of selling Unseated Lands for axes and for otber purposes," and the sev eral supplements thereto, the County Com missioners of the County of Elk, will ex pose to sale by publio vendue cr outcry, at ihe Court House In Ridirwav, Pa., on MO.DAV,NOVEMl!Ell 16 A. D.1875, At 8 oclock P. M. the following tracts of land situated and described as follows: IlSNEZKTTa TOWNSHIP. V'arrant acres Warraiee or owners 5020 G3 John Johnson et al. BKNZINOEB TOWNSHIP 50 John Henfling 4883, 612, Km. Bell. 60 Geo. Ed Weis, Town lots on kidgway street. Noe. 107, 72. 08, 75, 82, 73. 10G, 71, 80 81. 71.10, 25. 19, 22 37. 35, 87. 99. 1)3. 105,95. 10, 70, 09, 101, 88, 103, 94, 110, 83. 70, 77, 04. G5, G7, B. Town lots on Talbot Street Nos. 81, 32. Puller Stieet No. 3. Pishop jJireet Nos. 117, 118 109. 110. 119, 120,115, 110, 123, 113, 112,111, 125. 120. 124. Railroad Street Nos. 53. C8. 4C, 47, 48, 44, 45. 49, 54, 65, 69. 62, 50, 61, 40, 41, 42, 43, 20, 21. rox TOWNSHIP. 4272 49. Owner Unknown. 4184' 330, VVm. Parker. 4889, CO. Owner I'nknown 4890, 387. " " 4271, 380, " " 4079, 60, Joseph Koch 4184, 100, Moses llyncman HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 37G2 1000. John Smith HOKTON TOWNSHIP. 4370 25 i Sub. Div: 15 4371 of 107 J. S. Hyde 43 D. Kingsbury 4371 62 Sub. Div. No. 23 JAT TOWNSHIP. 4893 93, John Pachln 00 V. Hutchinson JONES TOWNSHIP. 125 J L. Drown. 2247 S41 McKean & Elk Land & Icpt. Co. P1DOWAT TOWNSHIP. 145 H m. B. Eenneday 4808 101. EPntNO CBKEK TOWNSHIP. 27S0 347. 4551 100 Chas Portcrfield 48 N. E. Cor. Nel-on Strong Wt. 00 Crow it ens-ill 60 A. I. Weddock Estate 4044 242 Corbett & Newcomb 200 Seth. Clover 2592 00 Thcnias Slruthers 4651 7d 1 oor & Reed 105 W. C. lMwsrds 43119 9S eth. Clover ST. HARTS BOKO. Town Lots Erin St. No. 40 Miamrock St. No. 40 Walburgcr St. Nos. 7, 67 Benedict St. Nos. 10, 13, 13. 51. John St No. 58. Maurice St. Nos 1. 3- 7, 8. 188 of 44 Hupert St Nos. 49, 58, 97, 107, Patrick St No 03 Louis St. Nos 8. 12. 14, 15, 1 Lot assessed to Jamo (lass. TERMS CASH. GDI. ED E1S JULIUS JONES Commr's. MICHAEL WEIDERT. J Attest. C. II. M'CAULEV, Clerk. Commissioners Office. liidgway Pa. October 1, 1875. LIST OP JURORS. TRAVERS JURORS. 1- Ralph Jobsson...Penezettc Farmer. 2. Decatur Hewitt " ....Laborer. 3. D. W. DoIIiias .. " 4 John Goelz l'enzinger, Lumberman. 5. Ambrose hreckel " Lab orer. 6. John Calm "... 7. Joseph Young. " 8. Jacob Nist " Fartce. 9. George Connor Fox Miller. 10. Joel n, Taylor ' Fanner. 11. Ucestnan Meredith... " ' 12. John V. Mover " ... Laborer 13. David Meredith ...A " Farmer. 14. Peter Tompson ' 15. Tbos. Cambell, Sr... Highland ' 16. F. ltaywink e Hoi ton.. " 17. Houry lleedy " -...Laborer. 18. Jacob Ilartuian " Farmer. 19. N. M- Brock way..... " Lumberman. 20. Jobn S. Thomas Jay Farmer. 21. Armel Turley " Hotel Keeper. 22. T. L. M'Kenn Jones. ..Carpenter. 23. Iheodore Cook; Clerk. 24. Casper Roper ' Farmer. 25. Martin Sowers " ...Merchant. 20. It. I. Campbell Ridgway ...Grocer. 27 Horace Little Ridgway... Agen 28. Geo. 1 ickinson Kidgway Farme 29. Andiew Cummings..Ridgway.. Grocer. 30. James Riley... Ridgway hotel Keeper. 81. Louis 13rei'dil... Ridgway Raker. 82. lle,nry Luhr St. Marys Clerk. 83. John lieitidel St Mary s Saloon Keeper. 84. Michael Bauer... " Carpeuter 35. Anthony Auman " ...Stone Mason. 80 Joseph Rettger... Carpenter. 37. Jobn Uutoh Laborer. S8. J ;rry Meecum... ' Hotel keeper. 89. Albert Weis Merchant 40. John ("otter Carpenter. GRAND JURORS. 1 Cornelius IIaney...Benzluger Laborer. 2 Chas. L'ronenwetter... Lumberman. 8 John Myers Fox Farmer 4 Mathias Spooler Jr... ...Laborer. 6 Oscar Allen Farmer- 6. Jol n Collins Hotel Keeper. 7. B. H. Dixon Jay 8. R. . Morey Merchant. 9. Geo. II. Scull Laborer. 10. Edward Feuton 11 Josiah YY. Mead... Farmer. 12 John Cramer Jones 13 Daniel Attleberger Laborer. 14, It. M. Painter..Millstone Lumberman. 15 Samuel W. Curlics Ridgway Cleru. 16 C. R. Earley M. D. 17. Pbineas Erohout... Tanuer. 18 J. F. Dill Dlacksmith. 19, James Colter... -St. Marys, ..Laborer. 20. Matbias Wellendorf Hotel Keeper. 61. John Frank Laborer, 22- Chi is. Freindel 23. Henry Focbtman blacksmith. 24. Thomas Irwin Spring C'k Lumberman A choice lot of Pastry Flour at POWELL, & KIM K'S Try it. AUENTS iVANTdl) TO BULL The Political, Personal, and Property Eights a Citizen, Of Ihe United States How to txereist and how to pei serve them. By Theophilu Par sons, LL. D, Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and State Constitution, giving their history and origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis ions; Ihe pow rs and duties of Publio Offi cers; Ihe rights of the pccple, nnd the obligations incurred in every relation of life; also, parliamentary rules tor deliber tive bodies; and full directions, and legal forms for all business trnsactions, as mak ing Wills. Deeds, Mortgages Leases. Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc A law Library In a single voluins. It meets tbe wants of all classes and sells to everybody. JONES' BROTHERS & Co., Phila. Pa. FAUX II K0V7 EEAL7. rpiIE SPLENDID ILI.C3TRATED WORK "A CENTURY AFTER; OR PICTURE QUE GLIMPSES OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYL VANIA." Including Fairmount Park, the Wissa hickun. nnd the pr. minent romanlio locali. ties nnd landscapes of Pennsylvania: pre-t-enting in a scries of superh engravings, the sceuery, life, manners, cluirnctcr. and architecture nf the cities of the State. The most faultless pictornl work yet of fered to the American public. Each part will contain a number of en graving, produced under the supervisions of J. IV. Laudei buch; after designs by Draley, Thomas. Moran, Wnouwurd, Ben sell, mid other prominent Americvn artists. Edited by Edward Strahan. To be puMishod in Kiftrkw Semi monthly pAPTsat Fifty Cents each, prin ted on superior toned paper, kite 10x12 inches, A OK NTS WANTED EVERTWHEiE. Parlies residing in localities where ngents have not been appointed can obtain Ihe worlc by addressing ALLEN. LANK & SCOTT, & J. W. LAU DER BACH. Publishers, 233 South Fifth Street Philadelphia. ' " 1 - ' "J . Sr. e.,:JZ f Am oar advtsrucor tiu in a n.ada hii adverttdsH meat nn.-ci.t. t ri Latin ot we will lutcrpnt nd elbO rt it a fuliuwt : jK. J. FOOTE, 3r.T., Antb-sr of Ilin Home T Ik, Mwllnal Common 8v-ir.ee, firlfntt-w In ftury. etc.. 1U IexlnKtun Avrnne (cor. Ka- f'Uh Krrtit-t), New York, wa lsDr.VEHur.XT PHTiiMAir, u-wtU all forme of Llntfring or Chronic pttt-vt r1 rueivoe ktUtnt tratn all purtt of tbe Civtx.i.tn Woaio. Bv Utmtriff'tMl rnv of ronfluct!(i' Mediml Preo t-of.' he U mi fully treat. ntf nnnronn pntientx in :uroTc, t;te Wttit in1lo, Koiutiilon ot CaHittlieft, and in rvury part or the United ttuitce. MO MTCIICXTjRIAXj Ot delrterlouw dnie uae-1. Ho has, Unrin- the pant twttntT thrc yafcM, irouu! nucwfully ne.rly or quite eJJ.lHXj ch. All fac-tx otmiH'CWd with each ce,e are e-tr.'fully rcort.eil, whether thoy be aommuiiicated by lottm or in pr-.n, or ob-orvrrt by the Doctor or hie MM-ciatA t hyiuoLuw. The latter are all edeatifia tuediual mea. UO IUVALID3 AT A DISTANCE Are treiivea. All invalid- at a distance are requlret) to aiiHvrer a l!t of plain quo inn, which eltciu every ymptotn unier whicb the Invalid mfTt-ra. AM com itiunicxUioii treated trictty mniittnUal. A complete yiten of registicriniit rvente mimakesor confuflion. Lit of qiieritioim nuitt free, on apiilmition. to any pari of tho world. Sixty-page pamphlet of Etiikncu o 0uroRa, also sent frve. Ail theie trstimuniale are Irom thtne who have bei-n trcatcid by mail and expre, Ad vie ih orrtcc, or bh kou T&n.st or caaaas, CaU uu or address DR. E. Be FpOTE, Ko. 120 texingtoa Ave., g. Y. Jl&nted to sell DTbees Plain Komt TaUe and Mat'ccU Common. Sense: Alia 2rFoo(:s Science' in Story. FcrPtfrtkulars address A. MuirwJGHMish'wS Cuinpany VaZ&T&tf. 3 NEW YOIIK. Sr. Berber's Tonls Bowel and file Fills. These pill, are an lnfttllitite remedy for conRtipntton and tule oautea oj wetKnetn or luppreMion ox tbe Deriatiilio moci-in nf the bowels. TheT very ceutly increaw the activity of the Inu-atlnal canal, produce soft thiol an! reilev. piles at one. 'l tinnwiiai nare been carel by theia. Price 60 cento, lent by mail on rocemt nf price. Prepared only by P. ALFRKO RSlCitARDT. Phabkaoiot, 4U1 Focaia ivmvi, NKw lot UITT. Br. Bargjr's Co-upouad Fluid Extract ol Bhabarb and Dandelion. Th" best oombln itton of purely Teetahie mMIetnea to earirely replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It etimulatee tne liver, inereitoo the How of bile, and thui remnvee at onoe turpiditr of the liver, bilinuRneu and habitUHl oon.tinati'jn. and the dieeaee arlelne; from anoh aa dyjpapeia. tck head tone, flatulrnoe, eta Tho etTeo tivenevi of thia Extract will be proved, visibly, at once) to the p bticnt, a4 one or two bott lM are eufflcient to oiear the oonpiexion beautifully, and remove pimplee and stains e tused ny liver troubles, rnos 81 per botilsi. 8 brttlos, (; will be tent on receipt of the price to onv address, free of chnre. Prepared only by F. ALFRED nBICHARDT, Paujui AClat, 403 F0UK14 iTUH, Siw Yous Cut. Makers weet Chocolate at 1'OW ELL & KIME'S. Younfr tuau if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Oraod Ceo tral Store, and get youself a new white linen bosom shirt. You can get a poo't fitting white cieao shirt for $1.25 and Irom that up. tyeyer's Poultry Powder. warranted, I rosed In time, to cure chicken cholera and Kapes. Withaeupplyofthls Powder and abistowalof ordinary attention to elean tineas and proper feeding-. Willi nA.lfl ln.nl. T.f east, ifrlt nnd efizsbell-formtDg inaierlal.any oucoisy keep Poultry (even IB confln. meat) for any leiieth of time, with both profit and ple teure. Package 25cts., five for 1. 00. Ak your dsaler. Bent free upon r eeipt of price. Address, A. C. METER A CO., BalUmor Bates of Advertising. One column, one yjar $75 00 40 00 25 00 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight liues, one insertion $1, two inser tions. $1.50, three insertions Kusines8 cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Advset:sino: Cheap, Good, Ststeha tio. AU persons who contemplate making contracts wiih newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should aeud 25 cents to Geo P. Howell i.o., 41 Park How, Sew York, for their PAMP 11 LET BOOK ninety-seveuth edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at a terruendous reduction from publishers rales. Oat sua toon. v no 48 If -St s is. raa NEW STABL.E IN inn DAX SC1UBNEH WISHES TO IX (orm the Cittceos of Ridgway, and tha publio gcceraUy, thai he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to let upon the most reason ble terms. ft&.He will also do job teasing. Stable on Broad street, above Mala. AU orders left at the Post Office will nee! prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A Urge eight pane independent, honest and fcarlces newapa er of 06 broad columns, epecinlly designed tor the farmer, thn me, chitnic, the merchant and the Professional in ii n, and their wives and children. We aim to make the iVkiklt Sum the best family newspaper in the world. It in full of entertaining and instructive reading of every son, but prints nothing to offend tha n.ost scrupulous and delicate lasle. Price SI, 20 per year, postage prepaid. The chenprst inner published. Iry it- Address lHEMK.xsew lorklity. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wet more. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jna- P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Ilouk. District AUorney--J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff D. SJcutl. 1'rothinoti.ry o., Fred. Scbcening. Treasurer Joseph Windl'elder. County Superintendent 6e. t. Dixon. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Jnliue Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. Q. liundy, County Surveyor Geo WilmBley. Jury Commissi iners. Phillip Kreighle KanBom T. Kyler. ft;R SALE BY U.K. GRESfl, Masonic Hull Building, Rilgway, Fa. VAK VLECK'S CELEBUATEl) PA'l'E.M' SPRING 15 EL) 15 EST tempered steel spring wire, these springs cau be laid on ti: slats of'uny couiiuod bed and are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES I Also agent lor Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Kunuiug, Most Durable, and BEST M AC HI'S K in the mnrket. Call ani exiiJiine before purchaaieg elseA'bere. v4nl0lJ$, F VOII WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP UU TO JAMES fl- HAGSRTV Main Street, P.idgway, Pa. LUIV GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND CUEENS W ARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND C1GAR9. A Lare Slock of Groceries and Provisions. The kest hr avds' nt rr.nrTR I Ccustsutly uu huud, and suld as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. C. C. The T ruu Cape Cud Cranberry, C. best sort lor IJpln'ud, Lowland, or Uurdeu, by mail prepaid, $1 per 100, 5 pur 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue ot these and all Fruits, Ornatneo- al Trees JilvergreeDS, Shrubs, Bulbs iloses, riauts, &c, and FREStt FLOWER & GARDEN SEEDS, the choicest collection Id the country, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. -5 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, lor $1,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE. AgenU Wanted. 1$. M. WATSON, Old CoIodj Nor. series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. I 0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VA.MA. Your attention is specially inviieu io me iaci iu ii tne Aauonai uanaa are now prepared to receive subseriptiuna to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial Loard of t luance. The funds realised from ihis source are to be employed in the ereo uuu of the buildings fur the Internationa Exhibition, and tne expenses oonuected with the same. It ia oouhdeutly believed that the Keystone Stale will be represented U the name of every citizen alive to patrL una commemoration of the one hundredth biub-duy of the nation. The shares e Svock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved certificate of stock, suitable for framing aud preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cunt, per annum will be paid on all pavmems of Ceu teuuial Stock from date of payment te January 1, 170. Subscribers who are not neai a Nationa Bank can remit a check or post othoe order io the uudersi gned. kilED'K r HALEY, Treasurer, 01U Walnut St., Philadelphia AlTLfcTONci AMIKICAN CYCLOPEDIA that the revised, and elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages onct ia two months, is the best Cyeloped 5' America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is complete one in itself. It only coats (3 a month t get it in leather binding. The beat and cheapest library in the world. Addrs 1 C. K. Jndioo, Fedonit, N. Y.