FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Wlntei jg Htock. Overfeeding is, perhnps, the tnoRt se rious error of wintering stock under the old or common fly stem, Bays L. W. Mil ler, of Stockton, N. Y. It ban been sup posed that (in nuimal would eat only what nnture requires ; consequently the general rulo has been, iu feeding rumi nants, to give them all thoy would eat, without regard to its fitness or quality. In feeding late-cut and very ripe hay, the food constituents of which have in great part been changed into almost indigesti ble cellulose, it might require nil, and even more than an animal could be in duced to eat, to keep it in condition. It is no uncommon occurrence, in the expe rience of stock keepers, that strong, healthy animals lose flonh when fed upon poor hay alone iu unstinted quantity. Animals thus treated acquire the habit of stuffing themselves very full ; in fact, they are obliged to do so in order to ob tain sufficient nutriment. Bat change from poor hay to that cut in the first blossom (the very best time, in point of economy, for catting grass), one pound of which in worth for feeding nt least two pounds of that which is over-ripe ; the animal relishing it much better will eat even more, if possible, than of the poor hay j consequently she may have more than twico the nutriment she had formerly. If her digestive capacity was unlimited, so that the added nutriment would add so much to growth or the ac cumulation of flesh or fat, the error would not be so serious; but here comes in the important fact upon which my system of wintering stock is founded au absolute limit to the digestive capacity of the animal. If t hut is exceeded, there is not only waste in proportion to the excess, but the system becomes clogged and, iu the very nature of things, seri ously deranged. But suppose that in the place of the early cut hay, wo feed rovren or aftermath, which, pound for pound, has twice the value in food ele ments of the former (if cut when not over six or eight inches high), aud what utter folly to allow the animal all it will cousume of this rich food ! Some new milch cows, whose lacteal glands are very active and well developed, might possi bly consume it without much waste; but it is safe to say tuat not one cow in one hundred could do it. Yet many dairy men nve in the habit of feeding their cows all they will cat the year round, re gardless of the fact that as the flow of milk naturally decreases the capacity of the lacteal glands to convert the consti tuents of food into milk, milk is dimin ished in proportion, and even when the cow is dried off, they go on feeding at the same rate, not considering that half her digestive powers are dormant. Tho question for every man who keeps a cow to study, is not how much hay or graiu, as the case may be, she will eat ; that is easily determined by placing the food before her, but how much can she assimilate without waste ? If she has recently dropped her calf nnd is giving, we will say forty pounds of milk daily, she will require more than twice the buc culcnt food that would serve her if dry ; If she has been iu milk, say six mouths, and her flow of milk is reduced one-half, ubout oue-third less will supply her wants ; if she is dry and is treated ac cording to the rnles laid down in my pamphlet on meal-feeding, tho amount of nutriment required to keep her in con dition is surprisingly small. I use the word nutriment, not hay not woody fiber, so much bulk, or so many pounds, but actual nutriment, susceptible of ready assimilation. This is just what the whole animal kingdom, man includ ed, waut, aud must have in order to live and thrive. Nature gives a capacity to assimilate in proportion to tnoso wants, but not in' excess of them. In feeding meal under my system this digestive ca pacity is easily ascertained and no loss occurs. The Household. Yellow stains, commonly called iron mow, are removed from linen by hydro chloric acid or hot solution of oxalic acid. Wash well in warm water afterward. A small piece of paper or linen, moist ened with spirits of turpentine and put into a bureau or wardrobe lor a single day, two or three times, is said to be a BUflioient preservation against moths, The best way to admit pure air in the night (where windows are the only mode 01 ventilation) is to open the sleepiuer- room into a hall where there is an open window in order to avoid the draught. A window with a small opening at top and bottom ventilates more than one with one opening only. Never use anything but light blankets as a covering for the sick. The heavy impervious cotton counterpane is bad, for the reason that it keeps in the exhala tions from the pores of the sbk person, while the blanket allows them to pass through. Weak persons are invariably distressed by a great weight of bed clothes, which often prevents their get ting any sound sleep whatever. A child's bed should slope a little from the head to the foot so that the head may be a little higher thau the feet ; but never bend the neck to get the head on tho pillow. This makes the child round-shouldered, cramps the veins and arteries and interferes with the free circu lation of the blood. Even when a child is several years old the pillow should be thin and made of hair, not feathers. A Whistling Horse. A correspondent of the New York Tribune inquires what can be done for a horse that whistles when over-driven, or put to any severe exertion. The con dition is almost invariably due to wast ing and fatty degeneration of the mus cles of the larynx, and is incurable. The disagreeable sound can be obviated to a considerable extent and the breath ing relieved by wearing semi-ovoid pads on the flaps of the nostrils, so as to limit the amount of air drawn in in a deep, quick inspiration. In the earliest stages, before fatty degeneration has far advanced, much benefit may be obtained from active blisters, or even the applica tion of the hot iron to the throat, but in advanced cases these are useless. When it becomes so bad as to render the ani- mal useless, relief is still obtainable by a surgical operation for the removal of the cartilage, which is drawn over the opening of larynx and causes the whist ling, itenei couia aiso ue ooiameu uy opening the windpipe in the middle of the neck and inserting a tube to breathe through. SUMMARY OF KEYFS. What Did It. " What keeps Mr. N. from kirk, James ?" said a worthy ministei. " I hope it 'a not Methodism. " "No," i& eponded the verger ; " it's something worse than Methodism. " What then I Is it Calvinism f" "Worse, your rev erence, worse I" " Surely, James, it ia not Dei3mf" "Much worse, an' it dense your reverence, than even that, " Good heavens 1" said the astounded pastor, " can it be Atheism which de prives us of the best churchwarden that ever ahook a box I" " Truly," respond ed pious James, " 'tis a much more seri ous matter ; it is rheumatism I" lien ef Interest Irons Heme end Abrend. Recent rains hftve swollen the rivers and streams in Devonshire, England, censing inun dations. The lose is considerable. Torquay, Teigumontb, and Dawlish were flooded, aud much damage was done to property. The Congress of Costa Rica, Central America, has passed a law declaring the Tort Limon, on the Caribbean sea, a free port, and offering induce ments to immigrants to that section by per mitting publio lands to be acquired at a nomi nal rate and allowing manufactories of rum and tobacco to be eatablished in that part of the State for domestic use or export without payment of duties Tho Warren avenue Baptist Church, of Buston, has stricken out that portion of the declaration of faith which makes immersion a prerequisite to com munion. The ohnroh is one hundred aud twenty-five years old The trunk lines running out of Chicago have advanced passen ger fares about $2 A verdict for $0,000 damagos aud five per cent, for counsel foe was rendered iu a Brooklyn (N. Y ) court against a liquor dealer who bit off a piece of the nose and thumb of Walter Westlake Governor Tildeu's commission made thoir soventh re port, showing au abrolute waste of half a mil lion of money on the Buffalo canal " improve ments," and inculpating Appraiser Davis and Commissioner Fay iu corrupt and unlawful practices Two hundred dwellings, a syna gogue, and five schools in the town of Widi-y, Russian Polaud, have been bmued. Some persons perished and three thousand are homeless.... A terrible fire took place at Iquiqne, Peru. Three-quarters of the town are said to have been destroyed A white murderer named Dngan was taken from a sheriff in Arkansas, by a crowd of marked men, who shot bim. Dugan was under sen tence of death for killing his son-in-law under slight provocation. The sinking of a shaft one hundred meters doep will be begun near Calais, France, as the preliminary operations in the construction of a tuuuel under the English channel China has proposed to send a mission to England bearing an apology for the Yunnan outrage Mr. Frederick Hudson, formerly mana ging editor of the New York Ilerald, and well kuown as a journalist and author, was killed by a train of cars at Concord, Mass The damage by the floods hi England was heavier than at first reported. Sheffield was heavily damaged. The valley of the River Don formed a lake half a mile wide and fifteen miles long, flooding mauy colleries and iron-mills, ar.d throwing hundreds of employees out of work. At Rotherham two thousand people were thrown out of employment by the floods Eight of the indicted St. Louis dUtillurs have pleaded guilty, and havo withdrawn their claims to the property seized by the govern ment, valued at over J5CO,0JO A Dr. Bal lard was waylaid aud shot dead by a mu named Andrews, near Marion, Ark. It was the conclusion of a former quarrel A policamau of Denver, Col., entered a small teuement, recently vacated by some Italian, to discover the cause of a sickening smell, when he discovered in the cellar the bodies of a man and threo boys, all having their throats cut The county of New Yolk has issued judgment for 018,491.57 against the estate of he Into James Wateou, county auditor, under the Tweed ring A young man named Riser, who had become insane ovor religious subjects, threw himself from tho tower of the water works in Chicago, aud falling a distance of one hundred and seventy feet, was dashed to pieces. Proposals for the new Canadian loan fcr two and one-half millions sterling havo just been issued in Loudon. Throe-fifths of this sum are guaranteed by the Imperial govern ment, aud the other two-fifths are issued on the credit of Canada alone. The rate of in teret of both is four per cent. . .. A telegram from Berlin says that the estimates for tho German empire for 1876 Bhow a deficiency of 3,750,000 A firm in Manchester, England, has begun the importation of American cali coes During the recent storms in Great Britain a number of vessels were lost and many lives sacrificed. . . . Ben Boyd, the most notorious and successful counterfeiter in tl e country, was captured by secret service detec tives in Illinois. They also seized a number of plates and much material for making couu torfoits The commissioner of internal revenue has decided that woiss bier is a similar liquor to alo, porter and lager bier, aud subject to a tax of one dollar per barrel of thirty-one gallons Mre. Walton, the divorced wife of Hiram Walton, of Mercer, Me., who has btcu living with Greenleaf Tracy, was shot aud killed by Tracy in a fit of jealousy. lie then fled to the woods and shot himself. Botl were dead when found. Henry Brown, tho negro who killed Phillip Pfarr, a German, liv iug a few miles from St. Loui", and then ravished and robbed his wife, was hanged in the yard of the jail. Iu a brief speech made on the scaffold, he admitted having struck Parr the blow which caused his death, but denied outraging Mrs. Pfarr. Tho census of Massachusetts for 1875 shows a population of 1,051.(152 The initial ro vival by Moody and Saukey was held iu Brook lyn, N. Y., at the early hour of eight o'clock of a Sunday morning, and was attended by about five thousand persons, nearly ten thonsand being turned away. The service at four o'clock was equally crowded, aud it was found neces sary to open two neighboring churches Attorney-General Pierrepout has given an elaborate opinion confirming the opinion that the United States is pledged for the payment of the principal aud interest of the 3. 05 District bonds A carriage containing five persons was overthrown into the Schuylkill river op posite Mauayuuk, Pa. Henry Getler, of Phila delphia, his mothor aud child were drowned. Dr. Liuderman, the director of the mint, is hopeful of the future production of gold and silver. From his late personal obser vations he thinks the sum total next year will be (100,000,000, of which amount the Corn stock lode will furnish one-half Peter Murray and his bride were burned to death at Cheshire, Conn., by their house catching Are. The commissioner of pensions, in his annual report, places the number of pensioners at 231,821, a decrease of 1,420 since tho previous year. The total amount expended amounted to 129,683,116.03 United States Treasurer New recommends that the redem tion bureau be made a separate office under the secretary of the treasury. Baltimore dedicated its city ball with appro priate exercises aud a procession oouuiuing ten thonsand men. The building cost over $2,000,000 The Richmond Enquirer hag been sold to parties from the New York Tri bune aud Boston Pott, who will publish it as a conservative Demccratio sheet The annual report of the free delivery division of the Post- office department shows that there are now employed by that bureau of the service 2.195 carriers, and that thoy delivered during the fiscal year nearly 228,000,000 letters, 68,000,000 newspapers, and some 81,000,000 postal cards, besides collecting about 213,000,000 piece of various kinds. The total cost of the service wan 1,880,012, aud the receipts from postage on local matter 91,917,659 .' The survivors of the Balaklava charge, soldiers of the Light Brigade, the "six hundred" who "rode into the valley of death," celebrated the twenty- first anniversary with a publio dinner in Lou don A disease, similar to the epizootic, is killing off the cattle in several oounties border ing on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware river Ilnssia has decided to exhibit only horpeculirr prodnots at the Centennial exhibi tion A skiff, heavily loaded with colored people, was crosslug the river at St. Louis and prang a leak. One of the occupants be came excited and capsized the boat, and all were drowned except two A boiler in the paper mill of Morrison, JlarreACo., at Roaring Springs, Pa., exploded, destroying the mill and injuring ton mon. Lobs, $20,000.... The treasurer of Santo Domingo announces that the republio is bankrupt. UNITED STATES TIlEASUHRB'g HEFOItT. The annual report of Treasurer New con tains tho following statement of receipts and expenditures by warrants for the fiscal year, 1875: " " Herelpu. Customs 157,167,722 85 Internal revenue 110,007,493.68 Lands 1,418,640.17 Miscellaneous Bources . Total revenues Publio debt funded, 1881 United States notes Fractional onrrency. Hold 19,411,195.00 .$268,000,051.10 . 96. 505, 700 00 . 103,9(17,950.00 . 80.612.800.00 .. 70.250.100 00 Certificates deposit, U. S. notes 80,695,000.00 Total receipts $675,971,607.10 Expenditure., . ' Customs '. $10,713,707.80 Internal revenue 5,188 1)13.31 Interior civil 4,957,635.50 Treasury proper 38,643.262.42 Diplomatic 3.199,220.84 Quarterly salaries 664,517.65 Judiciary 3,809,945.90 Total civil and miscellaneous. $71,070,702.98 War department $41,120 645.98 Navy department 21.497,62(1 ii7 Iuterior department 87,810.873.04 Public debt interest 103,093,644.57 A Strang Ballroom. A Colorado paper , tells , us, of a, ball whioh took place in a silver raine eight hundred feet under ground. It says: The visitors, over one thousand in num ber, were whirled through the tunnel to the chamber, on a platform car, drawn by six men. The tunnel and chamber were brilliantly illuminated. The walls of bhe chamber were decorated with flags and banners. The spectacle look ing out of the tunnel from a point oppo site the chamber was impressive and. picturesque. The waving light of hun dreds of candles placed on either side of the floor of the tunnel) with' the &lare of sunshine (ft its month, was ' soene worthy the pencil of 'the .artist.., And then thq mnsie was heard for the first time deep down in the mine. Gordon's string band struck up some lively airs that had a magical effect on every one present. Away went stately dames' and virgins fair with their lords of'-oreation into the merry dance, and .thus the fes tivities commemorative of a great event in mining affairs were fully inaugurated An ample 'lunch, with hot coffee and lemouade, was prepared by some one, ol whish every one partook. , JTo whisky, wine or beer was used on the occasion. Water, bright water, as pure as angels' thoughts, that rushed down Silverdale on its way to the 'grtxit oeeaVwas the favorite drink on this festive occasion,, T. tal expenditure $274 623,392.34 Publio debt-redemption bonds. $104,550,920.00 Redemption of U. 8. notes.... 410.143.001.00 ltcdcmptiou of national currency 40.8C4.O7.1.48 lleotmption or coin rertiflcates. n.ii7n,ni.Mn Itedouiption deposit, U. 8. notes. 81,040,000.00 Total, including items on ac count of pnhhedebb $682,000,835.32 Balance of covered mouey, June 3d, isio 1M,YUZ,1U.1 Virginia City, Nev., has been nearly de stroyed by a conflagration, which consumed all the business portion of the town and all the Lett portion of the residences, rendering ton thousand people houseless aud destitute. It was necessary to blow up buildings to stbrJ the flames, as there was no water for the engines.' The hoisting apparatus and mills of tho wealthy miues kuown as Consolidated Virginia and Ophir, on tho Comstock lodo, were totally destroyed, but the flames were prevented from extending into the mines by bnlkhoads. The losses cau only be estimated by millions By tho burning of a house iu Green Bank, J., a boy named Edwin Cramer was burned to doath. His aunt, Mies Cramer, attempted to OBcape from u npper window, when the sash foil and caught her by the body, leaving- her head hanging down. She succeeded in raising tho sash, when she fell to the ground, and received ui juries from which bhe will die. ...Lee & Walker, the music publishers of Philadelphia, have failed, .with liabilities amounting to $175,030. The atsets will cover all indebtedness if time is allowed on which to realize. Alas ! the Poor Indian. GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION ! , For Sabbath Sctaeels. THE SHINING RIVER! For Illrfh nnd Ornmrtlnr School. The High School Choir! The former it n H. S. and W. O. Tenxrw; and sells for 35 cents per oopy In Boards, and pr hundred. Issaelf ohl? a lew weeks. since, bat tho publishers ere showered With eomtnendatnry letters, atidlt praises are sonnded everywhere. It lll prove a Khlnln Hirer ol hasnty and melody la hundred! ol homes and Sab-bath-schools. The letter 1 lost ont, and In a book which no Tesohar csn fell to admire and Introduce. It will be a decided element In the mnslcal advance of the time. Belle tor V 1 , or 9 per dotes. SOIVItBAtfTt A new collection of moi.t benntlfnl Hymns and TnnM for Ifitlff, Mmltvg. layer Mating, Camp Mettnge,et9.t Unentitled 1.1T1M1 WATER. i For Praise Meetings. LIVING WATERS For Prater TrTe'rtlrtirfi. O I for rrwyrr inp runan. a W 11 r" Now aire new ljfe to the ftlne-ln In roar oonrreiratlon by Introducing a lew hundred eoplee of this delightful work. Rpeclmen eopfea of tirtnji Vsrr,,7(eleff ntver or High School, tent, poet-peld, for RetaU Prloe. OLIVER DITSON oV CO (HAS Boston. II. IHTWON CO., 711 llrondway.Nf w York. A citizen of Los AtiRoks, California, tells the followiiic storv of vcrouirs to tho Indians. He writes to the United States Indian commissioner: I am astonished and disgusted at tho course of the government toward the Temeuula Indians. That poor people onco owned this entire country, and havo been driven back, back, back, until they liually settled in a cone of the San Bernardino mountains, Yv-hem they and everybody thought they were out of the wav of civilization. Jiut one Irencliiniur and two Scotchmen camo to America and bought sheep, and iu searching for a pasture for their herds they discovered that tue land occupied by these poor lu dians would make good grazing ground for tueni. J.ney have secured from the government of America a titlo to laud occupied by these poor, helpless crea tures, and have secured tho officers of the government as aids to drive two thousand poor women and children out of their little cabins aud away from their little crops and -orchards, where they have lived for thirty or forty years, Now, at tho beginning of winter, they ore forced to leave everything and go out mto tue winter storms without shelter aud without f od. The agent is exceedingly anxious to do something' for the Indians, but the ne cessary instructions of the department, for want of authority of Congress, are such that ho is helpless. If this land really does belong to tho Frenchman and Scotchmen, which is doubted by some, a few thousand dollars, if it could have been secured of Congress accord ing to the recommendations of the. com-. missioner of Indian allairs, would have purchased it, and these Indians wbuld have supported themselves comfortably ou it, aud never have been a charge to the government. They are not savages, but civilized, kind and' friendly. But they are driven away lor the bonelit ot a few sheep. I Bhall not bo surprised if they become very" 'savage aud do much hnrm and cost the government a hun dredfold more than the sheep and laud will ever bring. 1 write as an impartial man, have no particular love for tho Indians, having fought them for twenty years in Texas, but I know whereof I speak. These poor Indians have been shamefully treat ed by the government and some of the citizens. Can you not go to the. department and, get some aid for them ? The cheapest thing that can be done is to buy land and give it to them; " A half township would accommodate them all. Mary had. little lamb, its fleece was white as snow, she washed it oft with Dobbins' Soap, fjnd that's what mndo it so. (Made byCragln & Co., Philadel phia, Ta.) oncv. , .. .. .- t, Few people unacquainted with physi ological chemistry are aware of the quantity of iron in the blood, bnt-all Should know the im portance of keetiine no the supply, for debility. dieease aud death are nil to to follow when the quantity hecomcp too rrrncn reduced. Hie 1'eni vian flytup (a protoxide of ire n) supplies this vital element, and has cured many clironio diseases. Com. IIave you inflammatory 8ore throati stiff joints, or lameness from any Cause what ever if Have you rbeumatio or other pains in any part of the body? It so, use Johnnon'i Anodyne Liniment, internally ana externally. Com. Important to Travelers.' Persons visiting New York or leaviuR by tlie cars from Grand Central Depot, will save-annoyance and expense of carriage hire and bag gage expressage by stopping atrOrshd Union ttoiei, opposite (J rand uenirai ucpot. uver 350 elegantly furnished rooms and fitted up at a cost of $9O0,oC0. European plan. Onnsts can live moro lnxnrionsly for loes money at the li and Union that at any otuer nrst-claHH no'ive in New York. Htaeos and street car pass the doors for all parts of the city. Bee that the hotel you enter is the Urand Union Iiotol. (AWIi 1500 per ceut. profit was realized upon "put" on 500 thares Mo. Pacific 1L It. stx'k during the iir-t wet k iu October ; then why go to the silver mines of Colorado or the Koidmuum of California; when you have a mine of green- uariis at Home, explanatory circular, " now it done," sent free bv IJuckwalter A Co., bankers aud brokers, 10 Wall 8t. N.-Y. Com. Many persons suffer with sick head ache and nervous headache, mmally induced by cofrtiveness, indiuestion, etc. ouch persons will fiud relief if not cure, by keeping the bowels open with small doses or J'anont Purgative Pills. Com CONSUMPTION CAN BE Cl'UED. Schenck's Pulmonic Srncr, Scbenck's Sea Weed Tosio, Schekck's Mandrake Pills, Are the only medicine that will cure Pulmonary Obm- sumption. . 1' requemij raeaicuiee innt win eiop onana win occe elon trie death of the patient ; they lock up the liver. and, In fact, they clog the action of the vary urgane that Liver Complaint and DyepepBla are the can?es of two thlnls of the cevMi of UonRumDtlon. Many persona com plain of a dull pain in the side, oo-istlpatlon, ooated tougue, pcln lu ,?ae shoulder-blade, feelings' of drowsi ness and restlessness, tne food lying heavily on the stomach, acoomuanled with acidity and belching up of wind. , These symptoms usually originate from a disordered oomlltion of the stomach or a torpid Uver. Paimii. ui affected. If thev take one or two heavy colds, and if the cough In these cssea be enddenly checked, will find the skmacb and liver clogged, re maining torpid and inactive, and almost before they are aware the lungs -fe-cnaas of sores, and ulcerated, the result of which is death. ' . Si-.henRk's Piilmonlo Svrun Is an exDeotorant which doee uot oon'aln opium or anything calculated to cheok' a cougb suddenly, . - ; ' Schenck's Sea WeedTonlo dissolves the food, mliea with the gastrie juices of the stomaco, aids digestion, nH nnutp. & riLvennus Alinetite. When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the symptoms otherwise of a bilious tendency, tichenck's Miindraaef tils are required. These medicines are prepared only by J. 11. bcHKNCK 4 Son, N. V.. corner.Sllth and Aroh StreetsnPhlta.' And are for sale by all druggists and dealers. I a Of! a day at home. Samples worth 91 sent 3 10 9U free. 8TINSON OO., Portland, Ma OA FAM'Y t'AfS', 1 Stvtne, wttBWame: IOc. L ) B. HUSTrirt, Naa en, w. V. . Books Rxohanged. Furnish all new.- Wans old Write. Name this pappr. American Book Ksobangei N. Y. Bit TUT EH bTJ Sold bv Agents. WANTEI AHENTH, V V ifstrer (Viae volil. Aiein'st and OutAt frm. A. UOli Ul K.K a oo., urilotTO IYERY FA.Tlll.V WANTS IT. Money In II Address M. N. LOVKl.U A fllTnjrnQ ) Klegant OU OhmmoMnOnnted size IXKt EilX J. O f), fr Bf . Novelties and Ithromos r gurry rterijmnn. OOSniNGSLIAHDAL Of Parliamentary Practice. Rait of jmrfMlnt nd dhat In d 1 .brt M y v m- flHf. Ttali In the siindnrt. anthoritT to all th Unit Btti anj is (in .ndlpnMiMp Hand Book ffT J"tr mwmbrYr rTTil7lenhinTve hotly, a g rvwU refrnt'"Toin tI)o formalityaid tafcfclity of tnyroofrfialnff or dnbttft. - " Th moni authorltfltivf" nxpnnnder of Amerlon par Urirefttitatr law." OHab. Sum n KB. Frlc, (11 cnntn. Runt by mall on rtxwlpt of pHoa. AddreM THOMPSON, BUOWN V tO., II out on Jrlna DOWT wi.H. S1 1 A In three hmiH Trw It. Address, HOOD A JOSKPH, Indianapolis, tnd. ron want to make A RUE PROFIT Belling the brsl artlole ever offered to Agents? On Agent ITbTabiToii l bl ttmm Iroaa w wort with perfect on for otfrbt and day. Adapt! ItMlf to Tfiry motion of tbft bodf . MrtalnlLur Ran! tnro nndor tho oardmt MoralM or Mfemt itralD until permanently miod Sold obeap by tho Elastic Trust Co W.I. IN. 683 Broawy, n. v viiy, and-oontby waU. 011 or tmd foj;01ronlar. and bo on rot ( 'rpuryj itf) hd mo qvi)J, Jo tot miv fwwo rjood pnoo oionTo VotoS ojojon nun oN-oiTtunO XqiionM PfH"0 8 Yttuoi lm no pn oid mo- , Wuii inou"a spi pjpg pn3D poasjl S3 SAMPLE wham. AddrnM To it Union Ptjb. N tit tonal Chroma Oo., Phi la., Pa. B knd ,lbl(t pay to and females over?- INewark, N. CiOA Hally to Atrflnta. ftA new artlcloa and tho brut 'WaW fanillr Fap r in America, with two utir $350 'V; AGENTS Pai.. I AMKii. M'F'O UO.,siUBroa4way,N. V. onlh.Affent "Wanted. 24 bent anil- iff articles in tlifi world. One anmuie inw. AddrvM J. BKONfON, Dotrolt, Mich. All Want ft tbon'wndsof Uvea and mtlHoDR of property navod by it- fortnrei nitrie with It - paLUonlurn free. O. M. LiNlNn-roN ft lUtd. .New York A Chicago. IK WHAT IH IT.-Somnthlnf new. Bella at flight. Btc ImliicemKrit to AirnntA. Sample. t'i otnto and turnup. AifAnta Wanted. Send tor Data- tonne. U. n. iSPtAJIAli Y (JU.,7 A f Fulton Ht., Boston. f ATARRM I in lit': trlnl bottleof r. ..nne "H 1 MHiin I utarrtiCort(jlrn away with tenttmndj Up en i I in wooaenni care punm-mr:, aewi mi H C. U i I Hknut RRt-n A U0..04.S li'way.NJT. OPIUM $77 Tlife -Markets. new Tonr, BesrCattlr I'rtme to Extra DullonliS 0V(a 12V Common to (.0011 Trunin x, Mili-h (.ow w m wo on Hogs Live 08'(4 Dmwed HI ' 1 Sheen Otit 01 Lainiis ti-'X'K uiv t'ottou MiftdliURS Hour xtra western.. State Kxtra Wheat - Western . . . No. 24Hring;..., Rye State barley State llarlcy Me't Oats MI'.ed Western . Com Mixed Western.. Hay, per cwt Straw, per cwt JtopR 76' 10 (a) 15 for .neea , Ijird l'"isli Muikerul, No. 1, new no, 2, new, 14', (it life Bid id. S Ho 5 Ft (. 5 W 141 (ro 1 10 r.'.T.'t.yirl-Sn'im 1 tH'Jtf ea oa vv 1 10 OH 1 IS 1 W 4 1 S I " 7J ( 1i BU (ra 1 00 '. 63 (.4 CO . , Ol .01 11 ' 09 21 Rll M22 10 l.TVt V OU. (aXLOO n oo cia i o ' Dry Cod, per rt.KW...a. Herring, Si'alcd, pur box...... Petroleum - Crude i.05(S06' Wool Culiforuu Fleece.,... Texas ' Aiiftiallan " T." Butter Stale . Wi'Htrru Dairy ' Western Yellow. Western Ordinary.'...'. Feuuslvauia tine 3d Cheese State Factory. Htnte Rkiiumed. WeBtcru Eggs State ALE Wheat Rye State Corn Mixed. barley State Oata State....'. 6 0'J 0 5 IU liilln.d 13 21 C4 8 1 20 (ri s;l (4 54 t' 'I JO j.4 i i " i. (4 1H (I.I ca '2r and Morphine llnhlt absolntelr an1 speedily ouied. Painless; nopuliclij Send stamp for particulars. Dr. ttA' t TON. I Hi Washington SU. Chicago, 111 PRRWKF.K GU ARANTKFD to Agents. Mdle aud Female. In their own locslitv. J '! . -,. 1 1 , "I' L I'!1 VUltV . All-. H. O. VICKKRY OO., AnimsU, Maine. ft Best Paner lor Farmers. NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ONR POM.AR per year In clubs of thirty or over. Rpeclmen copies free. For terms and commissions, Address THK TRIBUWB, Haw-York. rilllK I'HK'AI-O I.KUUEK will ba sent on ML trial, postage pt.ld, for THREE MONTHS roa TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. The Chespest sod Best Fsmlly Newspaper In the world. Try It. And i riiJK V. I.I-1 HiF. R Qi i OhloKgo, 1 .h WIFE MO. 19 BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Brlaham Youna's Rebellious Wife. he only romplete Enn of sll the SECRETS " rJRICH AM' SJH A R E M ever written, ffomj Bo r- Polyramv, from the very beginning V,r'' W rZZ JLp.m1 kn...HfV th wnrk. It i tfi neat KlIiDC book V ATA It KM. DKAFNEHK. I'llNMITM PTIIIX. nosltlvelr cored br Dn. KROK'H New Method. lonsnltatlon free bv m.ill Address ItR. H. P. Kl't)l- UAJtll, MOdlcal Du-ecyorfflOfHMi. 14th Bt-.NewVork. n n T U "f tbr rA qt cstinx. tmij r"t is w C ! C C IOT"'in. Of'. CtmPWll . Hrr'.M Pvrtvtt. Sm J,b. SJ SaW'" f'. t0. tionrfti. . t. , i..-, i,'. idcidq.ii, y. 1S. BU have eitiploymei I 0.000 more Aeentt, men od women, can ni nnu ; ith Carce BUbillhfed. UIVE AC.ENT otidreie at once 1UBTPOBD, I make from to I O daily. are wnttne tor inutj AV-I- trated firculiri RM8. Bentfreo, Do not delay, but TIN, ii.mvi oi v.- Mi nit t(pnfltnir IVyrliomiiiiry. FiiMrfnmlon Snul Chmirt.Mir. Hlne.inHi Ihiii. fltnl I.virB .i.tdf. novM"(E now eunHrafZ myarc4vT im w mi iha iovo ,nd atTf otion nf unv Drrson V n chinfa Inrt ntl. XiHt prtXe- B mail .Oi-. Hunt A Co., 1 Hi K 7 Mi st .Ifjul Hn lilt f'nrrd nt Ilonn. Nu pub licity. ltmi"thoru lflrmi modprrt'e I ,OlM) tapr(thoni:ila. oth jar of un- -r-K?-M-K.s i".,,!!jA,L.r'' f?r"2 rn rrnttU Prf OTfiiTfl iiT old affpnti In atllfltirt'Ol ntw-K. n Tlcftl-; toTT vt llwpftnk of excellent tlilnfw.' POND'S iXtflACT The "'cnt VfBPtnblc PnlB FU le"trsVy "r. Haa been In nee over thirty rnrs, and for clinllncs and prompt enra five vtrtnea cannot be excelled.' nUHDREN No fnmlly can afford to be without . b l"oii" Exlrnct. Acclilrntp., BrnlKfaj t'ontiialniiK. I'nw, Kprnlna, are rellcvei nlmost Inslnntlv bjr cxtt-mal application. I'mmptlr relieve"; pain" or Burns), m-Rldv Ecorlalone, ( bnllnge, Old Korea, Iloile, Felona, .C'orna, etev Arresta In namatlon, redacea r-welllntrj, etopa bleecliiig,. removeB dlcoloTtloii and benla rajrldiy. FEMALi WEAKNESSES. It always relleyeapn n ft2thebaVkaiidlh.8,ftillneHsa In the head, naneea, vertigo. II LIUC0RRHSA it has no equal. All kinds, otni "StlSE. to which Jadlea are aubject are promntlycnretl. Fuller dcUils in bookaccom Panyinu each boWlc. ; i ' - HIES blind or blecdlnn meet prompt relict and ready core. No case, however chionic or obstinate, can long roiiet lUTejrnlariiBe. VARICOSE VEINS.-" If the only sure cure f.;r: this dr'trcsslne and onnqcrotiB condition. KIDNEY DISEASES.-" has no equal forpcrma--pent cure. LEEDIrlO from ahy canse. Fortlila s a npr. elite. It ban saved hundred of lives when nil other remedies failed r arreft bleeding from nrrse. Ktmnncli. Iiinira. aud clsevtherc. UHtOWATiSWI, NEURALGIA, ToothR.fciv ...1 lioreli arc all alike relieved, and oftsn per manenliv cured. t fl'CIANS l all schools who am acqnarntcif with l"oitd'ExirRCt of Witch lln.el rcc ommnfitiltln their practice. Wcliave lettcraot. commi'ntlat Ion from hundreds of Physicians,, many of whom order it lor us-c in their ovu practiee. Id addition to the foregoing, they ntrlr., its ii -fl for Swclliiins of all kinds.. Uuinay, Sore ThroHt, In tin in id Toimilsv imple and chronic liinrrhn-a, f nlnrrh, "for ffWch itisapcc!nc,)t'bilbln'n Frost ed Vert, Ktinifs of Iiisrcts, Jlosfliiltoes, etc., t'hnpped lltinds, Face, and- Indeed, nil manner of skm diseases, i TOILET U8E. Rempves Korenes,.KonRrinns, aud s.Hiurtin'Kt beals t'uts, Kruptionsv nnd Piiiulc- It rrrtnr, inviuuraie. and ro frether, while wonderfully improvin.' thes ('ninplrxlon. TO FARMERS. Pond's Extract. No Btoclr Bree(iur,no LIvervMancan afford to be without. It. It la need by all the Leading Livery Stables, Street Hailroads and first Horsemen in New York Cit. It has no equal for S limine. Har ness) or Hndclle. (.iinfltlsts, SliHncss, Hrratcliew, 8w cillnirs.t'iitB, Lnccrn irons, nienllnsT, Pneumonia, Colic, llinrrliira, (hills, (.'olds, etc. Its range of action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that it 1 ' o invaluable in every Farm-yaid ns well as in' every Farm -house. Let it be tried once, and! vo'i 'will never be without H. CAUTION. Pond's Extrnct has been Imitated. Tu.'L"'nuine article has the w ords Pond's Ex tract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons llviiift who ever knew how to prcpir.' it propcrlv. IJefuse !1 other pre parations of Witch Hazel. This Is the only articl-. u-m d by-Physicians, and in the boapv-tsl- of ttt'- ''ountrv'and Knrnpo. illSTORY AND USES OF POND'S EXTRACT,. inpimptitet form, pent free on application to POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY, Maiden Lane, New York. -malicstirmof the splcnilid ne LIFE.4DVEMTDRES; Adrirtif.ii AGENTS Can maku Monfyon ?nt- nniHy f.Tcninic I'nwi. I jirirt-t Ctammn : liftt Pamr: 1-ilpeff.t Pht. Rrr.f. WJCKFIlUnAM A Co.. Philn, uraortv tinea injfu ponton, -aiu.. rnifeDarKaornicHftq. fB the m. . v w Trawl. ArlvstnttiMt and F-Tnerience. br Tnoa W Kwox.with f) mannirlcent n-tr EnKravinps- the finest ever cn. It actually f w W ".'..i.,- n.Mnti mnA m other Mokft 9 tot. tso work wu rvvr endorel -n hKrhly-none bpIIh ho 't or nav- 111 nvltOfA thminnivl hot m tt?- Oue ncent olti .ii ;:?. 7l. annther 4 1 in onf fo.n.A,;r. V Wnl Un m.nh. fi.ll Wrintion nd iinu'inl Ternii, ent frro tc any on: Aiu ii ..OIUMIM.IO.N (0. llartlord. tt. Kvprv rpnilnr nf thin miner hdW?H wpiid irn ropv oi the inc. n riii n. oimI the Krrnt itidiircnient oflr- O ornt lor n copy if tne (M.ilMI . uimI Ihf irrent lit el Nii'i. rinir nubrrthfr- Tli -Journn in oDitutift'tl th ItKS r or itn rltiHM. Atl tlrvu l.ltt S.mU .lournnlt linllhlo, N. V. S SMITH ORGAN CO. II. ee Stat.uttrft Instrument AGENTS WANTED 't f,'usic 'r A?ents Wanted in Every Towr. $250 A .TIONTII Asrent wanted e?ory wl)rfl. iiufltnaa honorable and first- cla. Particulars sent re. AddreM WORTH A CO., St. 1;.. Mo. N.Y.N.U. So. 44. TonrNamo Kleijnntly Print ed OH 12 TllANSrAHBST VTIS 1'iaiit fnr9.UVnli. Kf h Card COU tAIIl a, terne whicn u noi viiinte uniu neiu inwarua m nni, KothlffllkthemTerbeforolTer?dIn America. Rljt Induce BMBta to Areata. Noteltt Pbimtlxu Co.Athland. Alaaa, PORTABLEGRrNDING HILLS. II est Freiirli uiirrMtitfiipin die uu.ltr-ruiuii'iH, c.nk beat! tipppr-mnners. for Farm i Plercliaiit Vurk. riiM rlor Mill lSt4iiH or nlL kIxca. oiinliik iMitch An ker 1 to I til i if C'i4tlh, Mill "If hH 11 riwiiHra ana, (.U-nneis, Clearing. hhafttBC Pulltes. Hun etc., all kintl of Mill Machinery Rd Millers", mippliea. fit ii'l ftT J I'Mt-t,-S t r nu b 1M I H '-.Vian, llox 1I30, inrlF ' . O. mm wUlnjt Book ever published, bend for olrouUtd nud our NATIONAL PUBLISHING OQ.t Phtlaqelpiim. P. AvnntN WnntPfl ! Aledals &ud Diolnma Awardnd -"i'i. Pictorial isldLXjo. 1300 Uliintrntions. Addrwa for new circnU a, A. J. IIOK.M N V CO.. 03U ARUH Street. Phila. 15.00 SHOT GUX. A flntron Ntra pu, ear or rfooiaraoa nn, iuinwi itv vluMwIirt btuTli, tvfid a good afaooter, oi no Ufa! with riuk, PvuBRtid Wul-cstur, for fli. Cut bcaenl 0. O. D. vita BrW tittt le txmrjilQbcfirpftr1riitbni. fWid Biup for lrQL p. roftSLL SOS, Oaa IHtvli, W Ul 8L, CiaciaaaU. O. 50 Fine It Printed HrUtol Vllllnii Cnrcta Bent post-paid for iS. ctir. bood stamp for aaittplpa of (Iiinh Cnrdii iinruir wnownnKeii, errniif iu iiiimU. Fie. We have over HKIatvler ArjtntM Wanted. A, 1L Kui.LEB tt (Jo' n t HvT 4 iTTT T41 Broadwat. New Yo. . I . 11 A n.U a manufaoturer of Solid tu.p JKWKLHY of eve-ry daa. nptloa. 1 he stock la Inrtre, vert choice, and otT.tred at tetall at trade prlot. nep onr worknion going. i,ms unnor j? io r.u. ora r insaDori OTr H 1 .5. 0.0 D. urWlleire to examine. Uatc'-iirne free. C1A!IIH. 50 white or tinted Bristol, 20 .; 50 ISnowtlake. Matble, Bep. or Daranak, 35 eta. ; fiO (tlaeA, 40 eta. ; with your name beautifully priuted on them, and tt anmnles o type-, arenta' price-Hst, etc man hv i-ftiirn mait on recelitt of Discount t Clubs. Pest of work. W. i. CANNON, 441 LPRINTERS' ROLLERS !..! from the rstent b Kxrelelnr" I'oHIDnltlun. if III ric;iHt, nutstTected by the weather; prloa, 30 cents uel poO'iil. Is uswl In printing this p;iper. v .1. It. t OI.K, Amt.. IH Ann Ht N. V. Sold thronabont the United States on the IMHTAtX.WEKT PLAN That la, on a Rvstem ef Maothlt Tayraenta. Pureharera shontd ask for tho RmitB AMERICA Oaea uataloaues ana iniipsnicuisrs oa sptiimenuu. .M'IC1IKIA.M PIKE AND FARM6. LANDS FOR SALE. (4tnri Noll ! ;onri Timber! Good Air! Good nter : t.oou I Hit : iieainiy viimatv . Tho nil Ire I.nnd -rnnt of tho Flint V Pere lliirniifiiA Ituiltvn I'ntnnnnT. 2ut004' At It !. Is otTered-for wnie. fer ptypaae of AotmaK Settlement In poroela an desired. JMK,(MMI,tMMI te1 if Piue, located oon ven lent to the line oi trie riuiroaa. Kaimlnx LttQ'is, as good aa any tn the world, He alonf the line, and will be sold on most favorable terms to ao tual settlers. Timbek Oak, beech. Maple, Kook Rlra, Klack (Jherry, KaBswood, fine, itemmoi, etc., ei. Kvery Taiietyof timber, soil and anrfaoe oan be foand. Cheap I jmd and Railroad Facilities are seldom ottered together, and those who wtbh to secure home will do well to apply early and tAkecbotce selections. Tirms-Oue-foarth In caTh anobalStibe withlnoual tntirelt K 7 per cent., a may be aareea. , larormauon oj mm. promptly furrjluhed. Apply, WM. L. WKtiBKR, Land Comral Address at hunt Mutinaw. wton. si!! ' In person or by mail, to nusloner. ul Sew IturT.lo llill HerolTerMaallWW Tbeelearant-I ir mouniea.i nlckle-Dlst-l .irh innflsrtrirlvAe. (Kl -Sii.nnOBold : evervone warran. ted ; satisfsction guaranteed. Illuslrattd Catalogue Free. 6 Dearborn-st.. (MeCormlekTllock). .' tt 1 40 90 70 1 0) 46 CO 1 ii : ' 6i 41 8) 1 (0 0 14 (4 CO (3 71 a I Id v i v (A 80 ' ( 1 tl (H (A 4 ( 86 (4 1 00 COME AND SEE Tito. Tllh PmlHM. Nesr one million sores for sale oa His Slout Olty unit St. Paul R. R. aud en the ilodregui sul Missouri Klver R. It. Keveral larae tracts lor Colonies. Uorae or send ootnruittoes to esaioine. Krerj jue who sees the Nnd likes It. Apply to DAVIDSON I'AI.KINN, Hiblcv. Oxcrulil l'Bt1rB, Proflln. It-tlroad KMuki, 1 U'.nd ana lioui uouiir on Hitritlni. liitrrrM MX Per (nt. allowed on d.);w iu subjuut to tUt drafw. Bl'CKH'ALTER tV 4'0.. Hii?iUtr nm Ilrokrrji. No. J O M n 1 ls ir o r I jv r wlo rk . MEEIDEK Cutlery Co. UuVa .11 hinAmnt TxHU K'nlvM il Forka. Kxolaslve of .Tli.M nilllli" mo auiaoie. 500,000 ACRES ur Michigan Lands O XI. & A.. Tj 33 t t The l.nndM ol the JnrltHon I.analns and Havinnw ICnllrond tompuny nre Mow I 01'frEllfc.D FOK HALE. TtiAv are altnated alona Itn railroad and ontaln la rue tracts of excellent FARMING and PINK Lands. The fuTinira; linda lucludn some of the most fertile and well-watered hardw d lands in tbe State They are timbered mainly with bard-maple and beech; soil black, sandv loam, and abound In spring of nareat ratr. Michiiran Is cne ol the lea-t inaeiitea aoa moat piosperonn Ktutea la tbe Union, and Its farmer have a inea'.er variety of crops nnd resource than any Weatern State. While st.m- of tbe prairie State may produce sorn In (ti-eat abundance, tbey have no other reaauroe, and wbed thla crop tails destitution follow, a baa been the care tbe past year In Knn ia Neiirask. Prl.e from J?i.oO to JW.'j.OO per ecru. Send for liiustraioii raaipuieu m qiom ir. ui. ot iv ii.r?a i'UllimltelMH'r I Ulieln Mlrb. 1 bo l .HoMHibr of Ilenilnrlio. The tomaoW the boweh and the Hvnr ure rospnnpiblo every pang that racks the head. Keirulato, tone and hui monlM action of these allied organs with Tarrant's Seizor ArertcnU and you cure tbe complaint at its source. SOLD AM. DHUajlSTP. IR. SA!VKOHl' TJVER INVIGORATOR. I'timptiitniieii entirely irum uuuiii P3 MOW nnd UEAl fll I I INNTKUMKNT. 1 ' - ' lThen Did tho War Beglu I The supreme court of the United States affirmed the decision of the court of appeals of New York in the case of AlcStear vs. AlatUews, Mr. Jiwtiee Strong delivering the opinion. This was an aetiou upon the acceptance of a bill of exchange of the firm of Branden, Chandliss & Co., of New Orleans, it be iug alleged that Mathews, living IA New York, was at the time of the acceptance a member of that firm. The only ques tion was whether the partnership existed at the date of the acceptance, April 23, 1861, the war being then flagrant. The court held that although war existed at the date of the acceptance, still, as it had not been declared or publicly recog-t mztiU by tne President, it did not iiave the effect to work a dissolution of a pai'tnerphip, of which a member or mem bers resided in New York and the others in New Orleans. The proclamation of April 17, 1801, ia not regarded as a dis tinct recognition of an existing state of war, nor yet is that of the 19th of April, which announced the blockade. The a f erence to the people of Louurkfla in these cases is to,' citizens of revolution ary States," and in the judgment of the court the purp se avowed by the Presi dent is inconsistent with their being re garded as enemies. Elour.. Wheat No. V. Spring.. Com Mi xed Oata Rye , Buley BALTIMORE. . Cotton Low Middliuga..' l'XGi la"; Flour Kira.... 8 7S W - Wheat Ktd Weatern ill 14 1 Itye..... 1J 14 SO Corn Yellow ... .71 .. II . Oata Mixed 'J 9 ' Petroleum WS'.vi 06,', ii . PHIXJtriELFBU. Flour Pennsylvania Extra 8 0(1 Wheat Ited Weatern 1 II Rye . 15 Corn Yellow Ti Mixed Oats Mixed , 8 Petroleum Crude . fa T 00 ( X 41 C4 81 4 10 Oi 61 a 49 Bclhied lJ's milkers V IIITK IIANoi.K koown Always call fr' I ! Mark" oo the blade. Sol i by all dealers anii Ii MKR1DKN I1U I LKHV UP.. 4I (Hiainbera St.. , N V.,jio;' L. JIJJ-. I. -.! J 1 Fearful th. amount of money tbro.n anay in not baying shoes protected by Hll.VER TIPS. Psrents, be wise ! Insist that roar snoe dealer houId keep tbem. Also try Wire (jullMd Soles. The Atlantis Cable unites two I worlds, but not so close or sure as I the celebrated V A B 1. E I SCREW WIKK unites ths s1. to tu. upper of ltools and onoes. i uer wuj not np or iwe Also try Win QuUtedSoles. Cii Nt'KOI.I, CiltVHi Five de'lans, without 0 K' lO cUMbV J. B. HUBTK U.Nassau. N. Y. Hand lOots, and nets months the serybest paper for youag folks, nfone (rea. WM. H. SlvtTEB.PIttsburgh.Pa. o N HA LA It Y Female. Addrw U. y 'Agenta'wsnUsd. Mule and CI 9 . duy at horn. Agent, wanted. Outfit and terms tre. AddreM TltUE OU.. Augusta, Maine. iitJU AddrU. K. N. RAMSKY. U.troWr. Mich. 'fw P Week ttalary. ' J T fJJOl I far fnw. AddreM Crystal Oo .lnrtlsnapolls.lnd BETTER than sU eook books-J. Boueekeeper I .qU s yeiuSampl., II) cu. 6U John Bt, M. V. C4nsttOCpda7. BadfbrCkiwmoCUlm 31 U iS L 0 i. H. Bowoao't , aiokUa, JuW THE HEST In the World. it l.lves universal dslisisvlioo. WONDEItFI'l. Eeonomy. so Ihs. more Rread to bhl. r lour. HAVEN :III.K. EliiilScVe. One year's saviofrs will buy scow. NO lUOUE HOI II BUKAI). Whiter, l.lahter. Sweeter, lilcher. KVKKVIIOUV Prnlaea It. The Ladles are all In with It. ulrl I H I.ILs IKIT 1'AKKH. t ar Send atonoe for Clroular to (iKO. V. IJANTZ oV ro.. I7tt Dunne Ht.. New ork. Al. ENTM wanted forth. GK AND NEW BOOK. PRESENT CONFLICT of M'IKNCK with HEI.IUIOXl or - Modern SCEPTICISM Met on it Own GROUND. The grandest theme and most vital qnrstlon of th. day. By tueauihurof "bcilNCE aud ran bible." r-veiy mu, womausnd child wants to read it. ltgivestb.t brlstlau a reton for bis full h, proves th. ttoilll. rful die. rovf rie. of hcieoce la harmony with l.nd. V orU disproves the Tyildall uaarrlloua, and destroys -0.. IIHrwIn 1 lienry. ll seus wiiwu biikoiiu. First sge.t sold 3:1. feoiwd 17, third ii.l, first aeek. First s,e.t 3 I second week F.verbody bun it. Avoll the .cffuri'inuf fraa sdvertlsed by otter publishers, and s-cme territiry fur this bookihat Srll. because the Leople need and Want it. Send for circular and terms to stems. I'. W. Z.IEt.l.KK : .'., ,. ft!8 Arch Hireil. Philiulilpliia. Pa. THE Piano-Harp CABINET ORGAN, si n axqulitit combinntlon, arldlnir to the capacity of tb orgiiD miion (H mm Ol me pmui-mnH n urL. Tiim aoUDl HtHl orKaQ,CuililWlMsinu ptiriwui iii wf 'y nuvuv, U oenbiurd nw iavritaiRut, tUa f lANl-UARff the tom ut whtcb ie prud icd hy ktettl tomcacs or br, rlstUilp set la nt-al plat uttiitd to a tumndiaK boi, and I tsretok by htmnirf . an t.i ta ptmn fnna. J be tone an ; of a pure, ailvei?, bell-like quail' y, ry beautiful Ino iu blnHttou ni aUuroalion wlin th ortan tonat. Ttw-rean rnnf b opd alone, and Win very rasp ct as cmnpletu and paricot an .raD as without the FIANO-HARI or may te unea wnu ma ninu,i iu in r be UJtd leparafely oi la com lnatin wllh auyorall tb top of toeo'Kan.l- which it arid fcreatly In vivacity. Ufa and tario'. ; adaptlus Utui macb wider iaiu o music. Upon tta laTentlnn and in rod action, about a fear iaue.thii new loBtrumerii' wm ieo.vd with to muob favor ,bitvUiaiwuauAj(iHMitlyay:t'dUtbem mufuotur. era' ui in.t al i y 4 .fcup A, t that t bny bava b do .iokuIi.ii ut avdverttae It zienilvaly. Uavtna now oar iecUii faciiiua tor a larya auiipiy, luey onai ra uia publio wttb crnirideno. Circular, wirn nrawlnm and full decnittoni, free. MACON A HAMUN UKUAN GO,1d4 Tramont btrrr B.fcT'-'N ; Uoino hyuare, KEW VOUK.;80 and HiS Adanw amea, mM;u. , , IF1 Persona ualno; ahouldaflaptt.1'0 dose to their In O aiviausi coniti tut Ion, from a a f , ;teaapooniuJl tu t as paa a tablespoonfnll - Ua J accorilliK to cf- . I .fl f..l. t'nr .11 sf. v fertlong of the LIVKIt, lrreKu larlties of Ntont ach and Bowels, diseases depend ent on or caused by mthdrrange. utent aa BiliouH attacks, Coatlve teaSf Chronic 1st- arrliora.isy apep sia. Jaundice and Female Weak- . a . i kai IsDoonfull taken at commencement of an attack of SICK MiEADACH E cure In 1.1 minutes. 1)1. LOVerALLOW SK19IMADK VOU1I HIl, by 1 bottle. TRY IT I For pamphlet containing useful Information and all about the Xlwer, address 1K. NAKFWRI'i New York. BOI.l BY A 1.1. mtCHCilBTti. J g.i re. n.r-. U morbid - r (sj matter A nm the system, inpplying In their place healthy- flow of bile l luviKorat IrtjC.! atomach, caualnic food to di. .at went I't HIFVI.Mi TIIK BLOOII, Klvl tone and hca to the whole ma- kssi .W vHnery, remov-j" " "J Ins; the cause of aj the diseases, ef-l"" fecting a radical cu.e. As a FAlvI iLi: HKI)ltl.E It Is I .VEUI AL. KI, and Is AL- iVAia Dtlli, tu GIVEN AWAY ! To every reader of The Family Joarnal i CENTENNIAL AMERICA A glO Tinted DusravInK, afze 22x2H. Oar Lure and Beautiful Tinted KiaravlnarcontainlDt Jtui HUtiiHtiA. Via icd Portraiui ut all Ifadlntf eveata aud ptiiaoaacea Irom the landing of Co' u tubus to tbe v w-eat lln a. lnclu iln a maKnitiojol aod periapt view of tbt (JtntnDll Build tog Id J?" it r mount Park ut Fbilaitolubta. will te ivan( 4 iM ..ttuiersttr or ureal Li' tr at t and Fa-hiun ii;, 'A H'rekly family Journal. Containing Thr Splwdid Ckmtinumd luri,-tovetbttr lih abort iktcbea aad a Urae amooot of mlscllano. oua ie rtltif. beat foar months nn trial. bteludlg tbe KngratluK. poa -paH, 'ur Istl OO. Any Aeui Uca'vr trill giv you 9 avrlor sWdaM Th family journal i KUi tiruadwar, K. Y. Agents Wanted Everywhere. You would like ta see u ropy el CHBAPiST 11 BEST FAIVI14.Y NEWSPAPER J Jt 4 lu'lbe cvunuy sea4 yaur siaase aad paai-oMlea auldresa la TUB.UtUUKK CO.HPANY, I htcaaa. III HALE'S 'Honey op Horehound and Tar FOB THE CUBE OF COUOHS, COLDB, JyFLUENZA, HOABSE- HKBa, Difficult Bbeathino, and axIj Affections of the Tuboat, Bbonchial Tubes, and Lungs, lAADixa to Consumption. This Infallible remedy Is composed of the Honey r the plant Horehound, In chemical u' on'witaTAB-BAi.M.exlract-ed from ue Lifb Pmncttle' of the forest t e Abies Balbamea. or Balm of Gil A. T' Honey of Horehound soothes 'af scatters alllrritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Buhn cleanses and heals tho throat and air-passages leading to the lungs. Five additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, who has saved thousands of lives by it in his iarge private practice. N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad taste or imelL - . . PRICES, 60 CUNTS AUD $1 FEB BOTTLE. ' ' Great taring to buy large size. ' gold by all Druggists M Pike's Toothache Prop" cure In 1 minute.