4 BUSINESS CARDS. 0. A. RATUBUX, Altorney-at-lw,f Ridgway, Pa. 2 2 tf. RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorney-at-Law ttidgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offioe Id Hall's new Briok Building. Claims for eollection promptly attended to. tSnlly. HALL & M'CAULEY, Attorneys- at-Lw. Ofliee in New Brick Building, Main St Ridsiway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2lf. J, 0. JK BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vlaiol. Kidgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Arl dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon Dentist, bavins permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur. rounding country. All work wavrnnted Office in Service k WliPeler's Building, up. HtAirB. firRt door la thn 1 m ft . ?t-n-t:j. 1 v CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb Howe Kewing Machine, and Morton GoJ Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with h same accuracy us heretofore. Satis actioi guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Pai niaceutii t N. W. cornet of Main und Mill streets, Ridgw.iy, I'a. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions ware lully dispensed at all hours, any 01 it. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner iiroad and Mam ots, ltcsidence corner Broad tit opposite the College. Otfico hour lrom b 10 10 A. M. aud Horn 7 lu 8 P. M. vln2yl. J.-S. BORDWELL, M. I)., Selaotio Physician and Surgeon, hasremov ed his otiioe troni Centre sneet, to Man. si. Hide war, F,, in the second story of th lie at briok building of John ti. Mull, oppu siti Hyde's store. If .faa hours: I to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HIDE f 10 USE, Kmowr, Ki.kCo., Pa f. II. SCIlltAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heietofore o liberally bestowed upon him, the uuv proprietor, hopes, ty paying slricl iw leunon to the comfort aui convenience oi gaitsts, to merit a continuance oi tht aine. ' KERSEY 1JO USE, Csnts nyQlu, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libarUly bestowed upon him, the nun proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the coiuJor- u conveuieuct of guests, t aieril a continuance ol tht .same. W. JAYS, DEALK.. IN Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. JEarieu M. O vlnlTtf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL IIOAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, MAi 24, 1875, the trains on the Philadelphia & JSris Railroad will run as follows: WKSrWAUU. KANE ACCOM leaves Keaovo...., 4 3o p ni ' ' Driftwood.. 5 05 p ni " " Emporium ti C j p m " ' St Marys... 7 05pm " " " Ridgway... 8 25pm ' Wilcoz y 05 p m arr at Kane.. 9 80 p ni ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m ' Reuovo 11 05 a in " Emporium 1 10 p in 8t. Mary's 2 00 p in Ridgway 2 2i p ni Wilcox 2 68 p oi arrive at Erie..... 7 50 p ni EASTWARD. BENOVO ACCO.il leaves Kune... 8 00 a m Wilcox UoSaia " Ridgway 0 25 a m " ' B; Marys 10 01 a in " Emporium 1105 am " Driftwood 12 15 pm " Renovo , 1 40 p ui ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m ' Kane 3 45 p ui : Wilcox 4 08 p ui " Ridgway 4.45 pm " " St. Mary's 6.10 pm " ' Emporium 6.05 pm ' ' Renovo 8.25 p in ' arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a ni Renovo Accom and Kane Aooom connect ast and west at East with Low tirade Di vision and li N V & P R R WW. A. BALDWIN. Uun'l 8up't. Fresh family Groceries, and Canned good at P & K'i. The cheapest and bL THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office la Thayer & Ilagcrtj'a Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YE All mm GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa' FURS! FURS! FURS! FURS! Erlra inducements o Herd In ladies & childrtns furs, small sets at $100 ladies sets from $2 00 and upwards extra bar gains in Mink sets first quality as, MAY & BILVERMANN'8. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are uow offered (or sale by tho Ridgway Cemetery Association in the new Cemetery. The present low price lor lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. 8. HAMBLEN, Seoretary Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29tf. PRIVATE TUITION. Pupils wishing to recoive instruct ioA in Greek or Latin, or disiring to prepare for College can have opportunity of doing so by applying to the Rector of Orace Church. He having mad th neeesrary arrange ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. 'or information as to terms Ao apply to REV. WM. JAS. MILLER A. M. Ridgway, Pa, Augl9.3m Hair switches 75 cents $1 00 2 00 8 00 & 4 60 worth double the money and Ruches for 25 cents hats from 25 cents upwards Tiimed hats from $1 00 upwards, great re duction in all kinds of goods at MAY & SlLVERMANN'c), WilliumBport, Pa. Notice. To whom it may concern: ' E. F. & R. C. Morcy have in their posses- sion the following property which belongs to the undersigned, and all persons are hereby warned against purchasing the same: One grey horse, one set of double harness; 2 shovels, 1 water pail, 2 beds and bedding, 3 cook, And 1 coal stove and furniture, 8 pieces of potatoes, and 1 piece of corn in field, 1 boo sled, 1 grind stone, 2 neck yokes, 1 set spreaders, 1 set tackle pullies, 1 wuit- fletree 1 set dishes, 1 log rule, 1 lot of vegetables in garden, 3 tables, 1 set of chairs 4 wood chairs, 2 looking glasses', I lot of chairs and goods 1 basket, crock, bags, to. 2 work stands, 1 lot of tinware, 1 carpenters square, 1 set old harness, 1 pan bobsleds. at St. Mary's. li. F. EL). a oztj Prut, TwrKty-fiet Ctnti. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING MNETY-EIGHTH EDITION. Containing a com pie t liBt of all the towns in the United States, the Territories aud the Dominion of Caunda, having a popula tion gteater than 6,000 according to the last census, together with the names of the uewspapers haviua the largest local ctrcu latiou in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue o.' newspapers which are re commended to advertisers as giving great est value in proportion to prices cuargeu. Also, all neunpupers in the United States and Canada prtuting over 6,X'0 copies each issue. Also, an the Jteligioun, Agri cultural, fcieutilic and Mcclmnical, Meili cal, Masjnic; Juvemie, Eiiuctilioiuil, Coin mercial, Insurance, ileal Estate. Law, Sporting, Musical, 1'ctliion, and otht-r special class journal,' very complete lists. logether nitli a complete list ol over JiOU German papers printed in the Uniied Males. Also, an essay upon advertising: many tables, of iate, showi'ig the cost of advtrtising in various newspapers, und everything which a. beginner in advertis. ing would like to kn:w. Address OKU P. ROWEI,l. & CO. 41 Park Row, Mew York Those Hamilton Corsets at J' & K's are the mcst durable, and the 'cheapest iu market. It you waut any bl'ched or brown muelios, Irotn J to 10-4 wide any quality, s:o to head quarters, Powell A Kimc's und select to your taste. Wedding and Mouruinc outfits for la dies at MV & SI LVEKMnNN'S, opposite tbe court b.use, vt llliainsport, I'a ciieap: cheap: cheap: Goods marked down to astonish the world Call and see us. MAi & SILVElt. MANN, Williainsport, Pa. Millinery euods. hair switches, jewelry, fancy -roods, notion, ladies & chiidreus cloaks, ui esses & unilerirarincnts. Whole sale & Kelail at MAV & PILVEKMANN'S opposite the court house, Williamsport, Ps. MADAM DEMOKEST PATTERNS. We are agents for madam demorest pat terns, catalouges free, send for one, pat trns sent by mail. MAV & SILVER MANN'S Williamsport Pa. Ayers Cathartic Pills, For the relief anfl cure ol all derange- ments m me mow ach, liver, and bow- els. They are a mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. lieiiiK purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much seriouB sickness and stiuerinir is prevent. ed bv their timely use ; and every ramily should have them on hand lur uieir protection nam renei, wucii n-unm-n. Loni exuerienee has uroved them to be the saf est, surest, and bet of all the fill with which the market abounds. Uy their occasional use, the blood is unruled, the corruiitioiiH of the svs- teui expelled, obstructions removed, nud tho whole machinery of Ufa restored to Its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayrr't l'iltn, und stimulated into action. Thus incipient disease la enanged into health, tne value oi wnicn cnange, when reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, aud perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and opernto without tlisturuancc to lue constitution, or uiet, or beuiiation. Full directions are givjn on the wrapper to mil for the following complaints, which these inch hnx. hou-tn use t ium ns a ramiiv nivsic. fill rapidly enre: For ljiiepli or Iuliirtloii, I.Ul-iw Laniuor and L.m at .ii,-lile,llicy Uiould He taken moderately 10 stimulate me stoiu kh, anil restore its healthy tone and action. For .lvvr C oinpltiu( and its various symv toins, lliliou Ilfadaclii", Mick lleual. uku. Juunillr r Urrru Nickliriw. I3i I- iniiM fttlir. anil ISIIioua v'r, tliev sliouln Oe judiciously tiiken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For lyntrr or lHnn hopu, but ono ii!d dose is ireuurallv reuuireil. For KkeumutUm. Ciout, firvvrl. Ial pltatloa at Heart, 1'uiu in ttifl Mlilx, Hack and a.oiii, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to cnange tho diseased action of the system. With such change thooo complaints disappear. For IPiopsy and DrMlcal S filing, they should be taken in large and Irequeut doses to produce tlie effect of a drastic purge. For Mupr-alon, a large doe should be laaen, as it produces me ut-sireu eucci uy syne Dathv. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two 1'llU to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorate the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derantrement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these I'UU makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansu g and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. rHEPARED BT Dr. jr. C. A TER CO., Practical ChemM$, IOWELL, MASS., V. B. A. rOV SALE BY ALL DBUOOIST9 ETRT WHttt. Trial List. List of Causes set down for trial at November terra, 1875; 1. The Clarion River Navigation Co. vs. Hiram Carman. No C9, Au gust Term, 1873. 2. Miles Duut vs. Charles St. John and Rob't Rothrock. No. 4, January Term. 1874. 3. David M'Donald vs- L. F. & 11.4 M. Powers. No. 12 April Term, 1874 4. William II. Evans vs. A. J. Avery. No. 19, April Term, 1874. 6. latrick Welsh vs. Jose nil Koch. No. 74,' August Term, 1874 6. Lazarus Mover vs. I'atrick Lamb No. 84, August term, 1874. 7. Thomas ilollund vs. J. V. Ilouk & Co. No. 107, August Term, 1874. 8. Caleb Shortwell vs. George Scull et al. No. 13, September Term, 1874. 3 U. A. Jvelloea vs. U. wamwrigni. No 23, September Term, 1874. 10 R. W. Moorhead et al., Adra'rs of N. W. M'Clure, deceased, vs. Hiram Carman, No 23 September Term, 1874 11 Inskeeo. Poor & M'Gaflick vs. J. B. Whitman No 49, September Term, 1874 12 John Farrer vs. C lv Parley JNo 4, November Term 1874 13 William Johnsou vs Hidwnrd Walters No 15, November Term 1874 14 R C M'G'nl vs. The Pennsylva nia K. lv. vjo, rtou, January leriu, 1875 15 Gibbs, Burke k Co. vs Gifford, Hall & Co. No 24, January Term, 1875 . . 16 John Bauer vs John Deht No 26, January Term 1875 17 Miles Dent vs M. C. Wyck.iff und William Wyckoff. No 5 May I erm, Ihi o 18 William R Youn et al. vs. The A. V R R Co, No 35, May Term, 1875 19 John J Ridgway vs. Isaac Mep henson et al. No 175 May Term, 1875 20 John J. Ridway vs- iSarah S. Burns et al. No 176, May Term 1875 21 II C Moore et ol. vs. The Town ship of Millstone. No 79 September Term 1875 Over Coats? from $5 to $25 a large and splendid stock. Step in and get one at P. & K's. Hunting Rubbers! with and without heela, a large lot at P. & K't. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Vll t: At EXT AMJ ELSTlg PETERSOFSMAGAZINE FOSTASS P EE-PAID ON ALL STTBSCHIP. TIONS. 0?" Every suhscribtr fur 1S76 willbe urtttntcd with n suiier(, lurua-sizid slct l e.iiijritciug of Trumbull's celebrate pic ture of "Ac bifnmg of Ike Declara tion of Independence." 'This trill be liUersons Centennial Uijt.jr7ft "IVtersoo's Mmjazine'' contains, every year, 1000 pages, i4 sleel plates, colored iici'iiu paltei'tis, 1 maui- moiii colored laihion piutes, 2-1 pages ot uiusie, aud 000 wood cuts. Great improvements will be made in 187 ti. Amon'' them will be a scries ol illustrated articles ott the Great ffxliibi tioD ut riiiiudclphia, which will aloue be worth t he ubici iitiou price. I hey will apurotirtntcly called. w THE CENIEinilAL IN PEN AND PENCIL! The inimeuse ci'cuiatiuu ut "Peter son enatiles its proprietor to f peud more cuoney on establishments, stortep. etc., ic, tliau any other. It gives more fur the. money than any in the w-jrld. Its. TlllULLIXd TALKS AN'D NOVEL KITES Are the best published auj where. All the n-.oM 2'opxdar writers ore itnployed. to write originally fur " i eterson." . In 1 870, in addition to the usual quantity ol slmrt Ktoiies, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYUGllT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stepheus, Frank Lee Benedict, Mis. F. 11. Uurnett, nud others Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead ot all others. These dales ate engiaved od steel, twice thk usual size, and are untqiniled for beauty. They will bo superbly colored. Also, Household aud other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. X. B. As the publishers now pre pays the. postage to all mail subscribers, tetcrson is CHEAPER than ever; in act IS TUE CHEAPEST IN TUt WORLD. TERMS f Always in AdVanca;$2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies for$3,60 3 Copias 4,80 With a uopy ot the premium mezzotint (21x2G) 'Christmas Mornino," o five dollar engraving, to the person get tin;; up the tlub. 4 Coplos for $6,80 7 Copias for 11, UU. vitb an extra copy ot the Maga siue for 187(3, as a premium, to the person getting up the (Hub 5 Copies for $8,60 8 Copias for 12.B0 12 Capias for 18.0U. With both an extra copy of the Magazine for loio, and tbe premium mezzotint, a five dollar tnyravmg, to the person get'.ing up tne UlUD- Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, ' 308 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa AfetiTISpeciniens eeut gratis it written tor. Hosted coffee a genuine article, at P. If you waut a bag ol leed, or usflhel oi potatoes or a barrel or sack oi bour or even a email sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P & lv s lor it T0BTT70K I IV to doall kinds of JOll WORK bnvelepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly and cheaply executed. Oth te in Thayer & Hagetty's iibw building, Mais street Kidgway, r. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meeticus of Elk Lolee, No, 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the seooud aud fourth Tuesday of each month W. C. HEALY, Eeo'y, A general stock of winter clothing at t ery low prioot at P. & K'a V1- ; i rHURSDAT, NOVEMBER 4. 1875. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. J. S. B0RDWELL Is Ucal Aent for all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees tihrubs. Roses, Flowers Ho-, from the best Nursery in the state of Jcw lork. liny al home and ave money. vS'tiSTuifl. Subscribe for the Advocate. Green Rio coffee a P. & K's Oh! those beautiful prints at P. & K's. Chestnuts are reported as selling for (5,50 a bushel. We are prepnrpd to do joo work in good style, and cheep. Orders by mail promptly attended to. We understand that Company II, will have a grand danco on Christmas Eve. Rev. Wm. Martin will occupy the Methodist pulpit, at this place, for another year. W. C. Ilcaly, and family aod S. A. Uote started on Wednesday last lor Jacksonville, Florida, via New York, by water. We wish them a pleasant voy nn A full stock oi fresh Family groceries, such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice, Syrups, Spices, R. !? Powder, Baking. aod Sweet Chocolate, and every thing else in that Hue, at P, & K's. BARGAINS! BARGAINSl BARGAINS! Ladies and childrens coats all styles and qualities, $2 f0 3 00 8 75 4 60 5 00 ti 25 7 00 8 75 10,00 and upwards also shawls and dresses at MAY At SIVEKMANN'S opno. sito the court hon:'o, Williamsport, I'a. New goods, every day iu the year except Sundays aud legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Ceutral Store of P. & K's. No braggiug around. 0 all for whalyoujwant. We give the official vot3 of Eik county in another column. Tbe Tem perance candidates for Governor an J State Treasutcr, Brown and Petiuy packcr, recived six votes in Benezeite, and two in Fox, a total of eight votes in the county. The Republic for November. Thi Monthly is devoted largely to political science und the elucidation of the prin ciples ot Jiepiitjliean ( ruvei titnent. Jl treats upon all current political ksues and questions, on which evcry citizen should bo veil itifoiinid. No Mates- man can fail to receive valuable infor mation from its pages, and M the politi cal student it is an iuvahiable aid. Tho November number contains over a dozen good papers The price is ,uly S2 a year. The sixth volume commen ces with the ticw vear. Address; Hk- P;jHM0 PUISLIMIINU COMPANY, W;isli- iugton, D, (!. TO TLIE PUBLIC! 111 health of .Mr, May compells us to retire from the retail business, and lor thjt reason we offer our entire stock of goods ataud below cost Our stock, con sists of ladies trimmed aud untrimmed hats, feathers, flowers, velvets, wooleu goods, Imir switches and braids, trunks nd satchels, ladies and childrens clonks shawls, dresses aud uudeij:aimjnts. hosiery and gloves, rollers and cuffs, furs and a full and complete stock of ladies and children's furnishing goods, People wiil do well to call or send for what they can use, as great bargaiu9 are eiven. Thirty thousand dollars worth of goods to be sold in a short time. Build. ng and fixtures for sale. Be sure and call. May and fchverinatin opposite the Court House Williamsport Pa. An interesting fact regavdins the loss and destructou of fractional cur rencys by which the government is the gainer, is developed iu tbe case of the three aud Sve cent notes. The issue ol those notes by the government ceased in April, 1809, at which time there had been issued $602,000 of tho denomina tion of three cents, and $570,000 of the five ceot series, tod, although over six years have elapsed, there are still outstanding $02,000 in three cent notes, and over 8187,000 of the five cent issue- WMhtogtoD, Oct., 25 Thirty thousand cigars were recently seized in a tobacco store of this city on the al leged ground that tho owuer had failed to comply with the requirements of ex isting revenue laws It appeared that he has bad the larger portion of cigars manufactured (or hiin iu Baltimore Tbe charge against him is that he lailedjto brand the boxes with his name aod the collection district in which he resides. As a matter of fact the boxes were stamped, but not with a "hot branding-iron," as the law requires. Upon presentation of the facta in tbe case by Mr Louuhran, it wasccided by Commissioner Pratt that it tbe person who manufactured the cigars in Balti more can satisfy the department that be has beretoioro complied with the law and meant no intentional violation iu tbe matter of branding us exeouted by him, tbe department will release the stock detained if in addition be will properly stamp tie seized boxes It is probable tbe matter will be eatibfac- torlly settled to-morrow, Ground collee at P. & K's. Alpac.is chenper than ever Iciro known at P. & K's. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at P. & K's. Those new stylo prints, nt P & K's are the geticial talk of tho town. Go and see them. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn down corners also tho good old Byron style at P. k K's. The following good joke is got off on Sam Bowles, who will probably laugh as heartily over it ail anybody; "Tiie other day, Sam Bowles weut to church, in Springfield, Mass., and, feeling the effect of his severe editoiiul labors through the week, fell to napping, By-and-by be was awaken by the preacher, who struck his desk and shouted: ''Who shall be ablo tu stand up in the presence of the Lord on that awful day?" And Sum Bowles, rising in his pew, remarked: "Charles Francis Adams is the only man that can do it; aud I nominate him for the position." In the P.enoldsvillo hunting match of October oih there were forty-eight hunters engaged twenty-four on each side. They killed three hundred and forty-three heads of game as follows: 110 red squirrels, 182 black oud grev squirrels, ill pheasants, 7 pigeons, fi woococks, 1 rabbit, 2 wood chucks, 1 porcupine, 2 largo owls, 1 chicken hawk and 1 taccoon. Leaving out the porcupiuo this, ac cording to our tally lict, will foot up eiiht hundred and lortv-thice points. Game is evident ly more abundant in that section than tbis, as our seventy men only killed seven Luudrcd aud ten points. Raftsman's Journal. NOW FOR BARGAINS. Messrs May and Silveruianti of Wil liamsport had their storj closed last Monday and were busy marking their goods at aud below cost. This move ment on the part of these gentlemen, we uuderstti'id is for the purpose ol closing out their retail trade which business has increased to such ao ex tent as ut picseut it is thought to be the largest of tiny similar store iu this sec tion of tho state, but on account of the ill h'salth of Mr May, they have de cided to discontinue li e retail business in a short time and hei.eu tbU move i adopted to close i ut lin-ir entire stock as also offering their building aod fix turns for sale, for that purpose great pains has born taken to tnaik all their goods at and below cost to enablo both rich and poor to obtain goods ut very low pi ici-s. Thanksgiving. President Grant 1 as itsued his pro ciainatioii recommending Thursday, 2oth of November, as a day ol National Thanksgiving. The. Governor ol Penn sylvania will doubtless join in the re commendation id' tho Presideut and issue his proclamation naming the same day. I'akun as a whole, fcfio nation hat, much reusou to bo tbat klul lor, as the year has not only been healthful, but bountiful iu its products. If we tire not lost to a scijse ot gratitudo for Divine favors, tbeie ought to be this year a universal aequieseuco iu the propriety oi tho day's fitting observ ance. READ T1II3. MAY & IILYKKMAN Williamsport Pa., are discontinuing the retail trade and are selling goods al and below cost. Call aud tee llit'iu they are great bargains. . "We kuows the public is down on us" remarked the old lniikmau, as he dipped out the desired quart from one of his big cans, "but tho pub.ic is mis taken In the fust place we put iu a leetle water only a bit, to make up for shrinkage It goes to the big-deal ers, and they aiu't a bit kceif'ul when they gits to pnurii'g iu water. They sells it the grocer, aod they put iu chalk with one baud und water with the other, and they are tbiukinjr ol politics aud get in too much Tbe ser' vaut gal gees after milk tor the family drinks a third of it, and she puts in water to make up the measure; and you see, when the family gets it the taste aiu't there, the look ain't there, au they goes for us poor old men who hasn't a dishonest hair in our heads That s the way, mister gee up, there Homer!' Detroit Free Press. Prices lo astonish the world. Every thiliir is hound lo bo sold to quit business; Coiue every Dudy. llui'ding and fiilu'-es for Bale. MAV & HlLVEKtoANN, Wil liamsport opposite the Court liouso. Thk New Postal Cauds Mcst people, we think, must have been d is appointed at the appearance of the new postal cards, after the praise with which they were beheralded It was even ao uounced tbut the "the Postmaster Gen eral was in receipt of a multitude of con srratulaiious" on their eleance; and this may bo true, as some people com pliment on eveiythiog, especially where a dispenser of patronage is concerned Tbe cards caunot be called handsome io aoy respeot, but tbey have the great ad vantage over tbe old style of presenting a belter surface for wrttiug upon; this after all, is the main consideration io the matter, the new cards must be accounted an improvement But thtPway of appearance something much better could be achieved, aod doubtless one day wiil be. GENERAL NOTES. A scientist has ascertained that a nittn Is l,iibo tin es as laige as a house fly, And this knowledge is enough to make a fellow sheer his hat over his ear, aud step high. Detroit J'rce 1'rcss. The Carelton Cotlon and Woolen Millf, in Philadelphia, were burned cn Salu'ibiy. causing a d.image of $110,000. Tiio fine machinery, together with a large stuck of goods, wore entirely doitroyed. A woman was arretted at St. Albans on Saturday by tho customs authorities, on the arrival of the Moutreal train, with four hundred yards of black silk on her person. 8ho belongs in New York and has telegraphed there for counsel. A severe storm of thunder and wind passed over Memphis on Friday night, prostrating the telegraph wires and doing other damage. At Louisville the storm was accompanied by hail, and houses wcra unroofed, blown dowu, aud many other wise damaged: Extcusivo aud destructive prairie fires are raging in Southern Kansas along the lin- of the Ft. Scott Railroad. Atone place in Cherokee comity the tics on three miles of track were burned. The fire caught from a locomotive, aud at last ac. counts iho fire had swept, over miles of country, destroying housts, fences and crops. James Mai tin was fatally stabbed by his brotuer in law, John Trader, iu Terra Haute, on Saturday. Trader aud his fathir then chased the dying ninu with a gunto his mother's door, where he fill Uead lho uiurdeicis escaped. Mrs. Thadur's father was killed by her fiist husband sev eral years ago, and old lrader lust winter sliot leis same son, John, for which he was in prison some time, A fine lot. Large (loauiiiies of provision are sent from .New l ork to Cuba, and all the steam ers are so full aud so much more room de uiaudtd by the owners of freight now on nand that several more steamers will be seut out w iihiu the next fortnight. It is supposed that when the additional seven thousand troops laud from Spaiu that the export of provisions will double. On Wediiesdpy ono Charles Patterson shot and killed li. W. Potter a herdsman ou the North Platte. Ho was arrested, but a mob took him out of jail ou Eriduy tiijjht. and hanged him to u telegraph pole, i hu theiltl' Willi a posse arrived ami cut hnu Oowu in time to save his life, but the luub were deiermintd, nud at lour o'clock yusicr-lay murniug they took hiin out aain, and finally stopped his murdering proclivities by hanging niui uuul dead. From the statistics now being Elude up to accompany the Postmasters Genem's report, it is ascertained, that the total uu.a her of letters sent lo the dead letter oihea during the last fiscal year was o,0M0,7W. Many of these loiters contained money, checks, jewelry, photographs, and other articles of value: iho total amount of bankable funds enclosed was about threu und a hull' million dollars, of which over three millions wero delivered to the owners. Among the smaller but siguifioaut indications ot the revival of business muy be noted the fact that during tho first two weeks of the present mouth, postage stamps, stamped envelopes aud postal cuius wero sold to the amount of 2,01)5,000, being the largest sale ever made by tho department within tho time mentioned. An obscure Chicago druggist, named Frederick William Cams Vuu Messier, who has been eking out a miserable ex istence by the manufacture ot pills and bait oil, has suddenly come to tho front as ''a sciou of a ducal family" in Ger- mauy, and has fallen heir to STUO.OOO worth of property. Chemicals arc a drug io the matkei with him now. The school laws of this State provido that it bhall not bo lawlul for county su eiinteudeuts, directors, or any others officially connected with tho common school system, to become ageuts for tho sale, or iu any way to promote the sale, ot any school books, maps, charts, school apparatus, or stationery, or to receive' compensation ior sucti sale or promotion ot sale, iu auy manner whatsoever; and any violation of the provisions ol this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and puuiehubie with a fine or imprisou ment The total produdtiuu of iron rails of ill kiuds in the United States iu 1871 was 729,413 net tons, ogaiust 890,077 tous in 1873, 1,000,000 tous iu 1372. and 775,73a tons in 1871. "King Beo" aud many others kinds ofchcwiug tobacco. Also smoking of ail the popular brands at P. & K's. . COATS & FUUS. From two to three hundred ladies cloth coats latest styles alsoa large lot of Fur at prices so low to astouith every bxdy MAi 4t SlLVElt.MANN. onc-osito tho Court House, Williamsport, Pa., Cooufish boneless and bkioless. Also some of the old fashioned in full dress, at P. k K's. Iiaveyou been to William aport Pa., to buy what you want at MAY At SILVER MAN VM, opposite the Court House. Tltiw are giving up retail business k are selling goods very cheep. A complete.stock of ladies misses uud childrens shces, light, medium aud heavy at P, & K's. Now is the tiuia to buy. Summer Clothing, for those Boy and children, Liuen, Alupaou, uud suui mer Cashmcr at P k K's Give the Ann ooTg offioe a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping togs, aud if you are going lo get married leave us au order for j our curds. Knit undershirt) aud drawers, ut P & K'a. Ladies drtsj Ooda newest etyleg P.&Ks.