r. Hknrt A. Parsons, Jr. - . Editor THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1875. COUNT? TR2ASU2EaSHIP. Jacob McCaulcy, Democratic candidate for County Treasurer defeated Cba. Mc Venn Republican, by 32 majority; this de feat is, however, in a certain sense, a Tie tory inasmuch as the Demoeratio Blate ticket had a majority of 652; and had it not been for the treachery of some of Mr. McVeaa'a Republican friends we would now have a victory to record instead of a defeat. AFXEIt TH3 BATTLE. TLo smoke that obscured thr tattle field of November 2d has pnssud away aud we arc now oblo to see things as they aro without lookinz through the uncertain veil of speculation. Returns irom jcw lork, Maryland, iMa ssa chusctts, and Pennsylvania show that the Republican escutcheon bears on its broad folds the legend "Victory;" all alone the lino the eucuiy have becu routed, and especially in New York, where Tammany has ruled so long a time and so completely, the election ol anti tamuiany candidates is a certainty, Maryland a strong Demoeratio state gives tho Republican candidate lor Governor 15,000 majority "We have met the enemy and they are ours." the abnormal "tidal wave" that swept the country last fall and placed in power a set of men whose ants were so unpopu lar and so like the Democratic ttieks of old, and whose cloven hoof protruded so far that.the people feared to trust them farther with power, notwithstanding their loud protestations ol honesty and reform, have raised a tornado that has unmercifully cleared the Democratic fields, and where but yesterday was waving grain to-day is a barren stubble, Even the "prophet" of the Democrat, who a few weuks ago said "We prodict a Democratic victory in Pennsylvania now mark our prediction" (we will now mark, it his X mark) dow will believe the Itepublicau party is a power in the land and the party the people are not afraid to trust. g, Eugene Lenli, D 2 JJ S3 v e S Tie E!e:tioas. PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburgh, Nov. 2 The election here passed off very quietly, and a large vote was polled. Returns from all districts in the city but seven show an aggregate gain of 3,817. The Republicans are claiming the c ennty for Hartrunft by 8,(1(10 majority and say that Rawle is close behind him. Pittsburgh, Nov. 3-1 A. M. Returns from the western connlies come in slowly. In Allegheny comity the Republicans claim the whole county ticket, mid returns from half the county indicate a Republican majority on the state ticket of about 0,001. The chairman of the Republican state Committee estimates the election of the Republican stale ticket by 20,0aJ to 2o,. 000 majority. NEW YORK. The vote in this state is compared with 1874, when the Democrats had over 50,000 majotity New York Nov. 2. Scattering rcturs from the interior show Republican guins. All Ihe anti-Tammany candidates iu this city are elected by pood majorities. Morrissey. aiiM. Tammany, is elected Etala Senator by 4.000 majority. Buffalo gives 4,000, majority for Seward; a Republican gain of at least 8, COO. Z'oughkeepsie gives Seward 201! majority, a Republican gain of 654 New York Midnight The Republican leaders claim the state by several thousand and a two-thirds majority in both branches of the Legislature, TSE 0210 VOTE m FULL. Full returns have been received offi cially from all but ten counties, and from those the returns havo been re ceived from the local committees of both parties and the vote for Hayes is 207,813; for Alien 292,204; for Odell 2,471. Hayes' mnjority over Allen, 5,549; over all, 3,078. " The Republi can candidate for state treasurer is the lowest on the ticket, and hp is elected by 3,003 majority. The totnl vote polled is 592,513, being over 40,000 more than ever were cast io the state before. General Rutheford li Hayes, elected governor of Ohio was born in Dela ware, Ohio, October 4, 1823. He graduated at Kenyoo College iu 1842 and studided law at Cambridge. He practiced this profession in Cinoiunali until the outbreak of the war, when he entered the service as major ot the 23d Ohio regiment. He served with distinction, and at the close of the war was brigadier general, with the brevet rank of major genral. Jn 1801 he was elected a representative io coDgress from Cincinnati, being re-elected in 1856, but resigned lis seat io'18G7, when be wus elected governor of Ohio He was re-elected governor in 18G9 In 1872 be was a candidate for con cress, but was defeated bv Hon Ilenrv B. Banning, the candidate cf the "Lib eral Republicans." Orders have been issed to reweigh I be mails on roadsthat bad their pay readjusted last spring when large quan titles of free matter was carried. Charles b raucis Adama received 18- 000 votes for Governor in Maasachu ectts. H 0 o w o W H O M o M O la CO c $- o .a n to t o xn CJ P tH tJ & pi o o r I j R. W. Petrikin, It g-g""ot- g B u f.tXtCCItCttt t- o I I t It. I. Spangler, D RS " " w K 4 S o ! g W.H.Hyde, D. "S"0 OMSBCti -c ' . . . L n ii r c. h t oi o b fi i- i r ' Geo. T. Roth rock: R '" w--iet S Cbarles H. Hoffman D. ji 4" to o "" oo t-1- .-H t ' o Qeo Beusoaer. D I cc c t c. c tc -r o co a 9. -3 Si Michael W'eldcrt ' . W. II. Osterhout, B... l x 81 S- i s t o as ii ( rr i i h i r i- r- 5 t" - u; . oo C-. tc i- cs a (- ieo ,f2 o i-fw5ei t-tN-rM Se-ss1 i u a Jo - Fred. Pclioening, 1). c c o c: o o !C i- O X. I- 1 -KtlJ o P. D. Thomas, D.. O i.T 1 W C ic ? I W. P. Finley, U. C W t" fj 1. 0 O (D (O f I- C3 I- u-J l ?l " r-i CO g Jacob McOautcy D .gg- cqjqcco la - H -r r j c. x o c. -r o x -m x- i- 6 Charles M'Vean, H ct-s jei o . S Viotor E. PiolctD I ScS-ialfl53 , H oo oooii"t'o ri"?-. "" j nenry Rawle, R nn-n o 00 I I Cyrus L. Tershing, P.. S U M " M S M 11 , fc r- -jmx'c cVcToo-i cc John F. Hamantt, K . m t- s ei - n g , c ..- ... 1 ' ! j 5 . 2 5 5 " O . 13 . . 2 -o .Wit. H U s H h g o a 5 to oof af c h tj e j o s NEWS ITEMS. Jacobs, the farmer of Hornnr, Illinois, who has been on trial for wife murder last spring, was found guilty by the jury last Monday. The penalty is death by hatiirinr. The evidence was only cir cumstantial but very strong. Treasurer New has received 810 from Philadelphia as a contribution to the conscience-fund. N. AVigsiin & Co., of Ellsworth, Me., lumbermen and traders, are reported as failed with heavy liabilities. Their failure throws 400 men out of employ ment. The Chicago Insurance Agency As sociation, which has formerly done an extensive business in the Northwest. has failed, and its effects will be dis posed ot at sheriff's sale. The Conowafia Paper Mills, six miles north of Gettysburg, this State, were burned on the 23d inst. Los 835,000 Insurance, 10,500. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Chief Detective Washburn, ot the Treasury, has seized $150,000 iu counterfeit money which belonged to Nelson Drig-;, one ot the gang ar rested at Ccutraiia, Illinois on the 22d inst. The Mosaic Iron Works, of Montreal, suspended on the 20th. The liabilities are large. The Morris Run Coal Com pany, of Penulyvania, have filed a claim against the company for over 8350.000. A boiler in the paper-mills of Morri son, Hate & Co, at Roaring Spring, lila'r county, l a., exploded last Moo- lay morning completely destroying the entire mill and seriously injuring ten men. Loss 820,000. The court at Mauch Chunk, last week, sustained the motion of Reilly and Bartholomew, counsel 'or Doyle and other, charged with the murder of John P. Jones, at Lanslord, Carbon county, aad quashed the array of jurrora. The Northwestern gas and Water- pipe Company at Hay City, Michigan has failed, the liabilities are 813.000. The assets arc not stated. Railev & Orton, hardware merchants of the same place, have also clrsid their doors. The 82,000 recently reported missing from the Treasury Department has not yet been recovered, and there is now no doubt that it was abstracted from one of the desks in the redemption division. There have been no arrests, Sherburn Morrey, formerly janitor in the customhouse at Gloucester, Massa chusetts, attempted last Sunday night to shoot F. T. Rabson, collector of the port firing one shot without effect. He was arrested aud to-day put under 83,000 bonds. The latest official news io connection with the Guibord matter is that be is to be buired on the 18th of November text Having died on that day sis years ago, the members of the Institute Canadian have chosen the anniversary of bis death for the day of burial. On the 25th inst. the extensive roll ing mill and pipe mill of Messrs, Scy fert, McMtnus & Co., of Reading, cea.;cd operations, and the employes were thrown out of work for a tew weeks. In the two establishments about 500 men were employed The Scott Works are still in operation. There was another immeuse gather, ing at the great revival meeting at Brooklyn Tabernacle on the 26th, A. M. The building was full in every part and much fervor was manifested in the proceedings. The unanimous sup port which the clergymen are giving to the meetings is a gteat aid to the Evangelists. The report of ex-Judge Spencer, re feree in the Erie Raliway matter ap proving Receiver Jewett's report, was submitted to Judge Lawrence, in the Supreme Court in Chambers, New York, yesterday The court refused to confirm it, auchsent it back to the re feree, 'x have one or two matters ia it argued before tbe referee. Uoston, October sl, A severe easterly ruin storm visited this city, con tinuing nearly all night, with a high wind after midnight. The sea was very high in (he harbor, interfering with the ferryboats, most of which entirely bus pended their trips. No damage to ves sets in the harbor is reported The gale was severely felt all along the coast to llecltlaud At Portland tbe storm is re ported to have been tbe most fearfu one experienced fur years. Centennial Hovements. Form Steck's Pliila. R. R. Cut 7c. The announcement is made that on Wednesday, October 27th, the last column was raised iu the main Exhibi tion building, and that thuin a work ing period of about five months the principal portion of this immense structure have been completed. The rapidity with which tho leading Ex position buildings have been ercotcd has contributed greatly to tho creation of the favorable sentiment now existing in this and other counties. It affords the best possible proof that Philadel phia and Pennsylvania mean business, and that in conueciion with this enter prise they have no such word as fail iu their vocabulary. We are also glad to notice numetous evidences that the interest of -various departments of the Natioual Govern ment iu the Centennial is increasing. The latest signs are the oider fjr the removal of the mouster gun lying at Fortress Monroe to the Exposition grounds; and the visit to this city of ono of the examiners of the patent office for the purpose of making arrange, ments for an exhibition 'of the practical workings ol that important institution, which is to be illustrated by about 5,000 representative models and other interesting objects. To many pcrsoi.s the proposed contributions from the various departments at Washingtou wiil iorm one of the most attraclive features of the Exposition, and furnish, perhaps, for the first time in their lives a compre hensive idea of the variety and vastness of the functions performed by the Gen eral Government. There would be special propriety in such a demonstra tion, and it should be made ,'as complete as possible, because while the people ot this orauyoihcr countries are submitting tho proofs of their progress, the nation at largo should also make a full displ iy of its tokens of advancement and itt modernized nr thods of performing physical tasks. Two subjects are constantly receiviug attention. One relates to the iuruish- ing of accomodations for the numerous visitors expected in 187G. and the other to measures for obtaining the financial aid necessary to secure the completion and decoration of tho Centennial grounds and the buildings in appropri ate styfe. The vigor with which plans are devised and labors performed iu both the directions indicated, justifies the belief that both objects will be ac complished; but meanwhile it is to be hoped that some of the exertions will be realize before there is a certainty that the accommodations and the money have been setured. Cxir Time at Mlldgicay. Mail East 4:4r)P: M. do Went 2 25 P. M. ftenovo Accotn East U:25 A. M Kane do West 8:2( P. M. Local East 6:40 P. M do Went 8;20 A. M The Mail and Through Local carry passengers, the local does cot. APVEgTISE BY MAIL 28 CENTS "1 i. PARK ROW I WEWYORX . SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of fi'!ri facias, alias fieri faoias, vendi tioni exponas, and alias venditioni ex ponas, levari faoias, and alias levari faoias, and testatum fieri facias, issued out of tbe C6urt of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I, DANIEL 8CULL, High Sheriff of Mid county, do hereby give notion tbat I will expose to publio salo or outery, at tho Court House, in Ridgway, MONDAY NOVEMBER 15 1875 at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described real esiate to wit: All the right title intcres claim and de mand whatsoever of defendants iu to or out of alt the following tract piece or parcel of land to wit as follows: Being in the town ship of Ppnng Creek county of tlk and fc't U of Peiinxylvania bounded and de scribed as follows being wart of warrant number 2776 warrnted in the name cf Wilhelm Willink and others; beginning at a eadille back rock, on the left hand of Spring Creek thence north thirly-one 81 degrees west nineteen 19) rods, thence north fire 5 degrees west Seven teen 17 rods to a hemlock tree on said left, bank of Spring Creek thence north CO degrees cunt forty 40) rods to a pent, thence Bouih thirty (HO) degrees eaatsixty aeven and five-tenths 07-5 rods thence south nine and one-fourth () degrees west fire and five tenths (5 5) rods to the place of beginning contning fifteen (lo) acres more or lets on which is erected the following buildings to wit: One large water raw mill, one frame school home four frame dwelling houses about 10x18 with additions, one log house about 2Ux3t); also one frame barn about 80x40 feet. The above houses are used as tenant houses in ud about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth interest in to or out ol the following tiucl, piece or parcel of land eimate and being in Spring Creek township, Elk Couuiy and Stato of l'ecpylvania, bounded and described na I'd lows to wit: On the north and tnet by lands of Nelson Strong on I he south by war rant line of wanant number 278!) on the west by Villxtone towship line containg four hundred nnd fifty (454) acres mote or less and being part of warrant number 277C. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold as I lie property of L F a II M Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell et al. AL80-A1I the light, tillo intereft claim and demand whatsoever of the defendants in, to or out of the following mentioned and described real estate, situate in Ihe i'oroiigh of St. Marys Elk County, pa, tronting on North Saint Marys road, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post on the aforesaid road said post teing at the distance of Ihirly-eight aud eighl-lcnihs feet north erly by the ccurse of. North St. Mrrys roml, froci John Allies norlheast cor ner of his lit froDiing on saia road, thence' by aid'road tiorlh evon and one fourth degrees wei-t,(N 7 .) forty (eel and two-tenths of u foot (40-Uft.) to a post at tbe south east come.' of John Hoffman's lot, llirnce by line of snid HoSmtin lot south eighty-one nud threc fourlh degreen west (in. 81 J Vf) one hun dred aud ill in ecu feet (US ft) to a post on the lands of Michael lUinz, thence along t lie line of said lands south sixty-two pud one fourth degrees west S blip5 W oue hundred and six feet (10(111 to a posi at the north east corner ot Siebig's town lot fronting on St. Michael street thence along tlie tear line of said town lot souili forty .four degrees east (8 44 E twenty five and five-tenths feet (24 5ft) to a post at the ncrth west corner of Ferdinand Fa'gla's lot, thci.co alorg the line of said lot north seventy. ffven mid onc-f urthde prees east N 77 E one hundred and ninety-seven and lour-teuihs feet ;1'J7 4fl) Io the place of beginning, containing eight ihcutand three bundled nud uineiy -tluee sijuaie feet KISS K. ft. be the.saine mere or less upon which Is erected a fmmu house, lhxkG feet f.i.e Hory high. cuad, lakeu in execuliuu uud lo be sold as ihe property of Mu! bias snd Juliaiiii tiubeck M the suit of Louis ulln.ei- et al ALSO All the mineral rights or exclu sive privilege to dig, mine, explore and carry away all the coal, iron limesiouc petroleum and the oilier minerals iu ai;p upou all and sundry those cort-iiu tracts of land in Jones township, Elk County Pennsylvania, known as sections ul-0! 54-00-06-07-and 08, under the division of lands made by ihe N.cKe.in and lilir. Land aud Improvement Company in 1808, in cluding warrants and portions of warrants :!044; 3111: 3117; 143;:J7; lil'JO 3L'j'.i "i'Si7 and -1212 ccnliiining eight thousand six hundred and uine bnllt'J acres be the same more or less of which ui'.neral rights there is now no actual exercise or enjoy, incut, and therefore no rental or income whatever therefrom; and the said McKeiin acd Elk Land nnd Improvement Com pany Defendant has no office nor officer in Llk County, and ha no real or personal property in said county, other than the mineral rights above mentioned. Seised taken iu execution and lo be sold a the property of The McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Company at the i-utt of ltobert Patterson aud William Hacker ALSO All defendant's interest of, in and to the following real estate situate at Caledouia in said County of lk bounded aud described us follows, to wit: Degiu uing at a post that stands three hundred am. sixty-six perches east from the west line of wan u at No 528- and eleven and 8 10 percnes suth of the diddle division line of said warrant, the said post being N 60 W 25 7-10 feet from a Hickory tree lhatisin the N. K. line of this lot, tiieuce south fifty degrees east three bundled aud twenty-teven leet to a post ll.euce gouih forty degrees west one hundred and sixty, five leet to a post llienco north fifty de grees, west three hundred aud forty-five leet to a post in the-southcrn line of public highway ihence north forly-su and a half degrees east oue huudred aud sizty-siz feel to the place of beginning cuutainiug two acres more or less, and being part of warrant No 6285 excepting and lteserviug unto John (J Keadiug & wile aud Charles Lartles and wife the grantors for ihenisel ves or ihe Heuneits lirancti Improvemeus t o- or their successors the right to float limber logs or lumber along Hennett ftranch without claim for damages lo this lot I'pou the above described lot of bind llieie is erected oue frame dwelling house two aud one-half stories high aud 20 leet long by 18 leet wide Peired taken in execution and to be sole as ihe property of James M. Datcuian at the suit of James K. Orr. ALSO All that certain lot or parcel of ground situate in the village or Kidgway. !k county Pennsylvania being part ol lot numbered thirty-seven (S7) according to lue plan of said village tbe said part eon litining four thousand (4000) square feet being forty 401 feet in front on Main street by n hundred 1001 feet in depth along Mill aireet upon which ia erected a two-story frame drug store, 20 feet trout oy ou leet deep. Seized lakeu in execution and to be sold as the properly of O. O. Messenger at the suit or row ell & Kime. ALSO All the right title interest and estate of Oeo. D Messenger in the above aescribod property at the suit or rowell & Aiiue. TEBUS OF SALE. The following must be striotly compiled with. when property is struck off; 1. All hida miiat tiA miid in fnll Axppnt where the plaintiff or other lien creditor ucoume lot purcaaser, in wuicu case me cost on the writs hiiki be puid as well as all liens prior lo Ihat of the purchaser and a duly certified list, of liens shall be fur nished Including mortgaged searches on the property sold together with such lien credi tor's tecc'pt for Ihe amount of the pro ceedi of ihe tale or such portion thereof as he shall appear to bo entitled lo. Sec Purdon's Digest 0th edition page 440; Smith form page 88.1. 2. All sales not settled immrdiatly will be continued until 6 o'clock P. M. at which lime all property Dot settled for will again be put up aud soli at the eapenso and risk of the person to whom It was first struck off aad who iu case of dc5oicncy at such re sales ehall niake good the same and in nn instance will 'he deed be presented in court for confirmation utiles the bid is nctually settled for with the Sheriff as above slated. DANIEL SCULL, Ridgway Pa. Oct. 27, 1875. Sheriff. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C0MMISSI02TEB3 SALE OP UN SEATED LANDS IN ELK COUNTY. In pursuance of an Act of Aseembly passed the 1.3 day of March A. D. 1015 en titled "An act to amend nn act directing the mode of selling Unseated Lands for axes and for other purposes," aad the sev eral supplements thereto, the f!ounty (!nm misionera of the County of Elk, will ex pose to sale by publio venduu or outcry, at the Court House in Ridwny. Pa., on MOISDAV, NOVEMliKll 16 A. D.1H75, At 8 oclock P. M. the following tracts of land situated nud described as follows: DINIIITTI TOWNSHIP. Warrant acre Warratee or owners CO-0 0u John Johnson et al. BFNZINUKR TOWNSHIP bO John lleiidir.g , 4S83, 61 2,. Win. Hell, CO, Geo. Ud. Wcis, Town lots on ridgway street. Nos. 107, 72, 08, 75, 82, 7-1. 100, 71, PCI 81, 7. 10, 25. l'.t, 22 ;;7. rt-5, 87. ;.'!!. H:i. 105. 15, 10, 70, ll!l, 101. m, loa, fi4, 110. 81. 70. 77, 01 05, 07, 00. Town lots on Talbot Street Nos. SI, 32. Hutler Sti cot No. 3. Bishop Street Nos. 117, 11 100, 110. 11!, 120,115, 110, 123, 113, 112,111, 125, 120, 124. Kailroad Street Nos. M. 58. 45 47, 48, 44,45,40,54, 65, 50. 62, 50, 61,40,41, 42, 43. 20, 21. FOX TOWNSHIP. 4272 40. uwner Unknown. 4184,' 3;;o, Win. Pnrker. 488H, OO. Owner Unknown 4 8'. 10, 387. 4271, !;ho, 4070, 60, Joseph Koch 4184, lOO. .Moses lljneinon IllllllLANIl TOWKMHP. 8702 K.'OO. John Smiih IIOKTOK TOWSlltP. 4370 25 J Sub. Div: 15 4371 of 107 J. S. Hyde 43 D. Kingibury 4371 62 Sub. Div. Nn. 23 JAV TOWNSHIP. 4893 V'3, John Psohin 00 D. llutchinsun JnStS TOWNSHIP. 125 J L. flrown. 8217 til McKean & Elk Laud & lupt. Co. Sl 0(1 WAT TOWNSHIP. 145 Wm. i. Kennedav 4868 lol. (I-BIKO CBKIK TOWNSHIP. 2780 3-17. 4551 100 Chas Porteif.eld 48 N. E. Cor. Nel'on Strong Wt. 00 Crow fc V. ens iil 50 A. T. Weddock f'.!aic 4044 242 Corbetl & Newcomb 200 fcfth. Clovvr 2502 200 T hi mas Siruihers 4551 7 'i 1 oor & Keed 1051 W. C. Edwurd 4300 25 feth. Clover sr. MARIS BOUO. Town Lots Krin t. No. 40 .shamrock St. No. 40 Wiilburger St. Nos. 7, 67 Benedict St. Nos. 10, 13. 15. ,4. John Si No. 58$. M i.nicoSl. Nos 1. 3- 7. 8. 188J of 44 Uupert St Nos. 40, 58. 97, lu7, l'airiili St No 03 Lnrs St. Nos 8. 12, 14, 15, 1 Lot assessed lo Jann's (Jiis-i. TLK MS CASH. CTO. El) WKIS Jl'LIL'S JiiNi:.? Commr's. Mlt'HALL WLICERT. J Attest. C. 11. M'flA'JLL V, Clerk. Cocin.iissloiiei'4 Cilice. Kidgway Pa. October 1, 1675. , AUf.NTS 4AtYJ7vb 10SLLL The Political, Personal, ami Property 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27 28. 29. 30. SI. 82 83. 34. 35. 30 37. 88. 3'J. 40. 1 2 3 4 6 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 13 14, 15 18 17. 18 19. 20. 61. 24. Eights a Citizen, LiSI OF.JTECSS. TKAVEKS JLKOItS. Pialph Johnson. ..r.enezeite Farmer. Decatur Hewitt " ....Laborer. D. W. Dcllaas John Goe'x Henzinger, Lumberaiaa. Ambrose Kreckcl... " -...Lub.rer. John Gahn ' " Joseph Ynuiig " Jncoh Kist " Fartr.e'. George Connor Fox Miller. Joel f Taylor ' Farmer. Heesman Meredith... " John W. Moyir " ... Laborer. David Meredilh " Farmer. Peter Tompsn " ' Tims. Campbell, Sr... Highland ' F. Itaywiiik e lloiton- " H.-nry Keedy Laborer. Jacob llai tniiin " Farmer. N. M. Brock way " Lumberman. John S. Thumas Jay Farmer. Armel Turlcy ' Hotel Keeper. T. L. M'Kean Jones... Carpenter. IheodoreCook Clerk. Casper Koper " Farmer. Martin Bowers " ...Merchant. R. I. Campbell Ridgway ...Grocer. Horace Little Uidgway... Agen Geo. Dickinson Kidgway ..Fai ine Andrew Cumuiinps..Kidgway- Grocer James Kilcy ...Uidgwav Hotel Keeper. Louis liendfcl... Kidgway Baker. Henry Luhr Si. Marys Clerk. John Heindel St MarysSaloon Keeper. Michael Buucr... " Carpenter Anthony Aumau " ...Stone Mason. Joteph ilettger... Carpenler. John Busch " Laborer. J rry Jjcecum " Hotel Keeper. Albert Weis " Merchant John ("okter Carpenter. GRAND JUBORS. Cornelius Hancy...Beniinger Laborer. Cbas. L'roneuweiter... Lumberman. John Myers....-.,. Fox Farmer. Math in s Spooler Jr.,. ...Laborer. Oscar A lieu ...... Farmer- Join Collins Hotel Keeper. S. H. Dixon Jay K. . Morey Merchant. Geo. H. Scull Laborer. Edward Fentoo... Josiah W. Mead... Farmer. John Cramer Jones Daniel Attleberger Laborer. K. Al. Painter ..Millstone Lumberman. Samuel W. Curtiss Kidgway Clerk. C. R. Earley M. D. Phineas Eruhout... Tanner J. F. Dill Blacksmith. James Cotter St. Marys,,. .Laborer. Matliias WJlendorf Hotel Keeper, John Frank Lahorer, Chris. Freindel Henry Fochtman... ...Blacksmith, Thomas Irwin Spring C'k Lumberman Of the United Slates How to rzcrme and how to perterve them. By Thtophilun rir tont, l.L. D. Containing a commentary on' the Fed eral and Slate Constitution, giving their history and origin, and a full exuiauaiion of their principles, purposes and prov's. ions;he pow rs and duties of Public Min cers; Ihe righta of the pecple, and the obligations incurred in every retntion of litV; also, parliamentary rule lor delibcr tivo bodies; and fall directions, nnd lejiiil forms for all business trns'ictiens. as mak ing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages Lenses, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc. A law Library in a single voliun?. It meet' the wants of all classes unci sells to everybody. JONES BKOlHEltS it Co., Pliilu. Pa. IN PAP.TH1TW SSADY. rrMIE SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED W'0!tK "A CE1TTURY AFTER; OR PICTUKE QL'E f.'Ll.MPPE.S OF PHILADELPHIA AND l'KJNSYL VANI.V." Including Fairmount Ptrk, tho lVii.a hickon. h'l l the pr mincnl rnnmulio localt, tics nud landscapes of l'eutu-ylvavia: pre senting in a scries of supp'-l, cnrnvin' the scenery, Lf' manners, ch irncl'ir. and arC'ii tent urn ot I ho cities of t liu Slate. The most fauli le.-s jiii.-tor il work yet of fered to the American public. Kacli part will contain a number of en graving, pvidiici'd ittnicr (lie supervision" of J. W. Liiudu, buch; after designs by Draley, Tliom-n. Morun, Wnoilword, llcii scll, nn-1 otln'i-pi- iiniiienl Amcricin artisis. Edited by Edward Stralinn. To tie published in fr I r I E K N St;Mt-M-iNTin.y l'AKTsat Fifty Ck.nts each, prin ted on si'perior toned paper, tize 10x12 inches. AtiENTS WANTED EVERY WHEAT,. Parties residing in localities where agents have n it been iippnintel c:in obtain the wolk by o-lli esii:g ftf.LKN. LAN!' , SCOTT, & J. W. LAU DEI!Il.rn, Publishers, 233 South Fifth Sirtct Philadelphia. P6' H7 Jls onr ndvcrLUur l.oii n .riowlft iu ivertts meit kli.t'-Lh-jr .lUiinct, weUl iuuapi-et And oUbo rnls tt i..I.ur : 1C. 11. FOOTn, ?t.T Anth-w of Hain Homo Tslk. Milil Conimnn R"nK, Sri.ui Id Suirv. ebn.. 1IW I-xiiitnn Avi-iuie (cor. Rv JUh Bitki.), Kew Y-rlt. n.i IsnriTNi-1 nr FnTr-TK. ire-u all lorms of Ujt'jethtft or tln-nnio nt r .iclvM ktir truiu all p..rt of the ClTtJ.IZtO Vo.?J. lv his .V!f '(' xnii of cnr.durtlnK a Mrrticnl Truo-ti-j. ir It Mi.-fnllv trent nit nii-ncroiM oili.-ii in I'.nrons, it rVat Indl.'i", liiMKlnliia ot C auaua, in eftirj irt of tin- Uinud bu;.-!. KO JNIKRCUiiliVr Ot c!i-Ic'rt.ia ' (tniM u-fl. He hns. .lurin tho p.".l t'eaniy tlin- y-.rs trcntcl micf. -fully no -rly or qr.ita 4J.U'MJ a-. All f:'t conni-ctd with eacn cae sre e.ir.-1'ui.y ivcor.lid, wt.etli.T ihy bo miminicatct l.y tnni- or tn K-r-"-u( or ub-crvcit by tho 11 -or or l,ls Knn.-t.m-- nh.vsiei.iiw. 1'lie latter aro all Bcicntiiie nieUlOMl ineii. E07 INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE kn trotted. All Invalids at a distamv are rcq-ilrrd U ftii-t-ra 11 t of piniii .'iostMn.. whi h elicits every vni.i'ii uii-lr which tne invnitd fti.Tcrs. All com r.iMwiAliViii.t trtild tlrivHy Ciinli'ttuii'il. A eoi.ipti to FVsf-'iii of r t.rivi i-rvve:.:. lois akc or confu-ion. av or q-iotions sent fi-s?. on iw-i:!:eiti,n. to nvx v.t vi lh world. S xty ftft pniniihl.t of Kviuencls 01? io-1 -"-ni li'co- A l the-e t'-tiunmiuls aro jrm th-.-e who hhe b.-n tn-t.'ii hy M.iH .nut cirosj, UV1.'E IS Ol'I'K-K, OB HI XVIm FULIS OK CliAHUK. Ciil ou 01 n iiictts 1311. E. B. FOOTE, ITo. 123 Lexintrton Ave., N.Y. 9i9 tn m c DAX SUlllItNEll WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of Ridgway, tod the public gctcrully, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, UUOD CARRIAGES Busies, to let upon the most reasono hie terms rj,Ile will also do job teaming. Stable on Proad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will treet prompt attention Aug 20 1SV0. tf. The Weekly Sun. A largo eicht page independent, honest and tearless newspaper of 60 broad columns, especially d-sijined for the farmer, thn me, chatiic, ihe merchant and tho Professional man, tied their wives and children. We aim t' mike the iVkkrly Hux the best fiunily newspaper in the world. It in full of out et-t ii in i nnd instructive rending of every sod, bin prints nothing to olTond the ii.osi scrupulous and delicate taste. Price S1.20 per year, postage prepaid. The cht-ip'tt fa o-r published. Try it- Address TiiK St n, New Vurk City. Elk County Directory. PriMidenl Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judjjo Hon. Jaa- P Viiici-iH. Associate Judge3 Chas. Luhr, J V Honk. District Attorney--J. K. P. Hall. Sherilt' D. t'cull. Pr'iilni-utary Jjc, Fred. Fclioening. Trea jtircr Josejih Wind folder. I'outity Superintendent lien. II. Dixon. Cniumissiuiiers Michncl Weidert, Julius Jones, tieo. Ed. Weis. AuditorsThomas Irwin N. 0. Bundy, l.'.'unly Surveyor Ueo H'llmsley. Jury C jiiimi-jsi mers. Phillip Kreighla Itausoni T. Kvler. iau v mm nut n A choice lot . of Pastry Flour at POWELL & KIME S Try it. ra VTmtd to .rt7 JjToiks Plain ifomt Tdlle and Jclicai Coinvwn. 6'wise ;Also Jh- locks Science in Story. Jilt itilt'lfUuiJ NEV YOItlC. Dr. Borjer'a Touio Bowel and Jrile PiDs. Th.iM pil'sare an inf.illi'.le remedy f..r const it ion and ntlt'S caa-s-1 by we.ikncss or iipreH.sii.n cf the (Mristtltiu motion .f the tuu-ela. They very Rcncly liici-ettii thfl acz . '.j ihe IntcstlnLiI cnnil, pr,:diic9 soft sniols nad r.-'t-i.-e piles nt one. Thou..iiids havo been cured by thoin. Prioe 5il ents sent by mnil nn rtHTo ot of prlcw. lrpariJd only hy F. Ir'UHl RRtrjIItllin.'. 1'HAiiMACisr, 4tU Foi-niu Avtsica, Kkw Yhbb City. Dr. iljrgsv's CoaaDuai Fluid Estract ol Bhubarb an. I Dandelion. Tta i hsst eombin itlon of purely v.-ireuthlo medicine to entirely rapt'.'1 Cikiomol or lime Till. It (stimulates thj iivur, incre isjs tiio (low of b.lo. and thua rem-ivea atonoa toriiidity of Ih.i liver, bil-otinesa and l.at.ituiil coastliNitUn. an t tho disease arisiin; from such oa dy49.ia. sick head ushe. tlat.llt nce, eto. Tho effco ti vouels of thi Kmrnct will be proved, visibly, at onco to thi pitient, in oue or two bottles are sufileient ta ol-ar tho ciiini.letioa beautifully, and remove pimpleu and nUius omsed l.y liver troubles. Trice fil rer botlle. 8 bottUs, $5 ; will be sent oa receipt of the price to anv ad.lreM. free of cnaro. l'r. pared only by r. ALFRED IIEII'HAUIIT, fuaCUACIaT, -ItJiOuam IvaMCB, Mew 1'oiui Cuv. linkers tweet Clioculato ul POWKLL & KIMH'S. Youno; man if you want, to a'ld preatly to your appearance go at once to rO'VKLL&KIME'S Grand Cm. tral Store, and get youself'a new vrlutp linen bosom shirt. You can fjef. a pood fittiiif;' whitec'cao shirt for 81. 2o and from that up. leyer'g Poultry Powder. W.,w..,l In Hm'n .tV to euro chicken cholera and gipe.. Vt.lhabupplyoithid ruwder and a bcbtowulox ordinary attention toclouu llnesd and proper t'eedlufr. Will, ft linPilftll BnnnlD t.f s"Bi,Krii.ii'i rKUsiioii-i-.rHuuKiuaie' lal, liny one may seep Poultry (even Id coufln. meni)for any leumh ot tune, with both proflt mill ple .suro. Pai-kaceia cOs., CveforH.00. Akk your dauler. Bent free upon re ceipt of pile. Adcresi, A. C. MEYER & CO., D.lUmoia, Via An 'r--i?af v Full SALE DV E.K. GRESII, Masonic Hall Duihling, T.idgway, Pa. VAN VLECirS CKLKUtiAli.i) l'Aii?;.NT SPRING 15:il) 1-li l' tuiipured sttel spring wilt?, these sj-rii.fjH can bt: laid ou the slut., of iniy cotiiitKiii bed and are CUMPLEIW IN TUMMSEfiVKS ! .Mho t'.;:iT:t lor vVeed Sewing Machine, Easie-t Itiiuiiitig, Most Durable, and BEST .MA'.ni.M; n thu tunrkct. Cull anj exa.mne l ei ol e j.urtnuuing else here. vlnli)H$, YOU Vant to iiuy GOODS CHEAP do TO JAM.r:S If- 1! AGKIITY Main S.icct, 1 idi;y, Tn. !UV GO!)l.S, NOYHJNS, MOOTS MiOi:, U AT AN I; CAP.1, CLASS AN I) tL'KLNS V AUt-:, U'OOD AND WII.LOW.WAliL'. io;vi:eu ..ni t .(. at?. A Large ?tock of Grocsriss ard FrovisAcss. TI.e 5r.ST LltANLS d FLOUR iji.iistiiiit lv i n liiin-l, una sold as cb:aj ns the L'li LA PEST. JAMES II. II AO EKTY. SEKBtS .: S) i'C.SSiTS. C, C. '1 liu Tiue? Cape Cod Ciauberry, (J, urst sort Kir I' pLud, Lowland, or ti.iiikti. by mail t,-rt' uid, 5? 1 per 100, t'fj (cr l.UUU. All tin.- Nov, Choice Straw iiciiles uud I'ojfOcs. A priced Cata logue; ot these and uil Fruits, Oiiiainen ml Trees Kvergrecug, Sliribs, IJulbs, iiusis, I'l.iiit.-., etc., and FUESli FiiUU'EU et CAtli-EN SEEDS, tbe cliui.'tbt eullcc-tioii in the country, with, ail unveil ie., wilt be scut gratis- to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evetgreen, or Herb f-oeds, ior S 1 .00, seut by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOG U E TO :i 11 E TRADE. Ageuia U anted. H. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur seiies and Seed areUouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 1842. 1 Rates ol Advertising. One column, one year........ $75 00 J " " 40 00 1" . 'Jo U0 " ' 15 Ou Transient advertisements per square ot eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions $'2. liutdnetfs cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Advert:sino: Cheap, Goop, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making contractu with newspajers tor the insertion of advertisements, should send 25 cents to Oeo P. Lowell Co., 41 Purk Row, Kew York, for their PAMPHLET BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost JaWertiiieuients taken lor leading papers in mnnv States at j termendous redaction from publishers rate). UlT THE BOOK. y uo 49 tt 0 TIIU UTIZLXS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention ia specially invited to the fact (h it the National 13;iuks are now pri-i-ard to receive subscriptions io Hie Capital Stock ul the Ceuieuuiul L uard ol l- luauL-o. The luii'is lcnlizej from .ma source are to be employed iu the erec tion ol tho huiluiiijis tot- tUd lutoinatioua Lxuibiuuu, uud the expense connected Willi tile siiiiie. lii cuntiiieully believed li. at the Keystone Mute will be lepieseuted o the uunie of every cilueu uliveto patri otic Commemoration ol Ihe one hundredth birth-day of thu iiuiion. The shares o s.ock are offered for J-10 eacli, aud sub sen hers will receive a uuudaowe eugruved oetiitieatu of tock, suitable for training a ml preservation as u uulioual uieiuonul. Interest at the rate, of six per cent, per annum will bo paid ou all payments of Cen tennial Stock from dale of payment to Juuuury 1, lP'ti. fubbcritcii who are not neat a Naiion liank cao remit a check or post oliice order to the uuderei gned, t HLLl'K. t RALLY, Treasurer, Villi VNaluulSl., 1'Uiiadelphla Al'l-LKTONS AMtUlCAN CVCLOPLDIA that the revised, nud elegantly illu. tratsd edition of this v. oik, dow being published, a volume of 800 pages once iu two months, is the best Cyeloped 5" Aiutnica, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete ono in itself. It ouly costs 3 a month t get it iu leather biudiDg. The best tid cheapest library in the world. Address, C. K. Judson, FrjdoDia, N. Y.