The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 28, 1875, Image 4

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The Monaeholrl.
How to Can Corn. Mrs. Emma
Moody, lndy assistant steward nt Mt.
Vernon (Ind.) Orango, communicates to
the Jloosicr Patron the following plan
for corn :
1. Get the bent sweet corn, Bcald it on
the ear and cut it off while hot, put a
pan over a kettle of boiling water, to
keep it hot until you can get enough to
till a can. Havo some weak brine boil
ing in ft porcelain kettle. Fill your can
within an inch of the top with com ;
cover the bottom with brine, leaving
room for it to swell 5 seal the can while
boiling hot.
2. Dissolve one and one-fourth ounces
of tartaric acid in one-half pint of water ;
cut the corn from the cob ; put it in a
vessel over the fire and bring to a boil
ing point; to each pint of corn allow
one tablespoonful of the solution. Boil
one-halt hour, stirring occanionally, then
put the corn in tin cans and seal tightly.
When wanted for uso, put the corn into
a bowl and stir in two-thirds of a tea
spoonful of soda to each quart of corn.
Let it stand one hour before cooking.
3. Cut the corn off the cob and pack
closely in quart cans; then solder so
that every particle of air is excluded ;
set the cans in a kettle of cold water and
bring to a boil ; let tho corn boil two
and a half hours iu this sized cans
(larger cans will require more time) ;
when done, pour cold water into the
kettle to cool tho cans and enable you to
remove them more carefully.'
Preserving Fruit. For the preserva
tion of all kinds of fruit use glnss bottles
or jars. Select those of even thinness,
for they are often exposed to consider
able heat. To close them air-tight,
corks will not do. We recommend
waxed cloth, tied over the jar, as a
substitute at once cheap and effective.
Prepare iu this manner : Melt together
some resin, beeswax and tallow, in equal
parts ; tear the cloth in strips f onr inches
wide, or at least wide enough con
veniently to tie over tho mouth of the
jar, and draw them through the hot
wax. After the jar is filled with hot
preserves, and while still hot, close the
mouth and bind it with good linen cord.
Trim off as much of the cloth as is de
sirable and dip it in some melted wax,
made with only about half as much tal
low. Sealing-wax may be used instead,
if desired. The jars should be put
where tho wax will cool at once, so that
the exhaustion caused by the cooling of
tho preserves and the condensation of
the steam may not cause the wax to
run through the cloth.
To Make Boiled Custards. Take a
pint and a half of milk, three ounces of
loaf sugar, four eggs, a lemon, twelve
drops of almond flavoring, a bit of stick
cinnamon. Beat up the eggs with their
whites in a half pint of the milk. Rub
two of tho lumps of sugar on the rir.d of
tho lemon till they are quite yellow ;
men put tne wiiole of tne sugar, the
pint of milk, and the cinnamon into
a saucepan. Let the ingredients boil
for five minutes ; then throw' the whole
out to cool for a few minutes ; then beat
all up together with the beaten eggs;
return it to the saucepan for a few
minutes, stirring over a very slow fire
all the time till it thickens ; then strain
it through a fine tin strainer into a ins :
put tho almond flavoring into another
jug, and keep pouring tho custard out
ironi one iur to tho other till it is cold
If it should be inclined to turn to curd.
which it will do if boiled too rapidly or
over too fierce a fire, keep pouring it
iiuuiigu mo Hirumer into me jug ; wuen
com, pour it carefully into the glasses,
Over the tops of the cuBtards may be
grated some very fine nutmeg, or some
blanched almonds cut up in fine shav
ings. Tho above quantities will fill
from twelvo to fourteen custard glasses,
according to the size of the glass.
Savins Seed Corn.
One of tho great difficulties experi
euced in the cultivation of corn is the
failure to get a good stand. In nine
cases out of ton this arises from injury
to tho seed while hardening ; for corn
thoroughly ripe and dry at the time cold
weather sets in will remain intact and
germinate as promptly at planting as
any other ordinary grain. Our plan,
says the Western Farm Journal, has
been, in fields thoroughly ripe, when
husked, to have a man at the wagon
when unloading to throw out such ears
as appear all right; These should be
thrown into narrow cribs, well protected
from the weather, and in an airv situa
tiou, where they may have the full bene
fit of the sun and wind. As soon as
convenient the corn should be sorted,
saving only such as is perfect in every
respect, and put where it will become
thoroughly dry before hard weather
If corn is damp at the cob, freezing
and thawing will surely injure the chit
or germ. In this case we have found it
of great benefit to smoke it lightly, say
for one day, thus assisting in drying.
This has been practiced by the Indians
from time immemorial, and when they
do not smoke it they bury it during tho
winter in some dry spot, thus securing
an even temperature and uniform mois
ture. Whatever plan is pursued for
saving seed corn it must not be placed
in compact masses, else injury is liable
to follow. Once dry and kept so it is
secure. Now, if none but the best ears
are saved for. planting, you will havo no
difficulty in its germinating, and, as like
produces like, increased yield must fol
low selection from the best just as surly
as it does in the animal kingdom. It
will pay.
Farmer' Sons.
Farmers, give your sons an interest in
your business, or remunerate them in
some fair way for their work. Educate
them yourself in farm matters and teach
them to use their own judgment in buy
ing and selling farm produce. Don't
tyrannize over them, but rather treat
them as companions and encourage them
to have confidence in you. Make home
pleasant to them by means of books and,
rausio and rational recreation. By doing
all this you will render farm life pleas
ant and attractive for them, and do much
to stop the longing for city life which is
now so commonly found among farmers'
Long: Cloaks.
Of all garments that have grown
longer, says a fashion journal, cloaks
show the most decided increase in
length. The long pelisses and bosquines,
nearly fitted to the figure, we revived for
cloth cloaks, while long French sacks with
loose bocks are used for those of silk
that are lined with fur. Dolmans are
also longer, and have ample sleeves from
the elbow to the wrist. There are other
new wraps that resemble the double
capes of two years ago, but which have
the fronts turned up to form sleeves.
New jackets of figured camel's-hair have
closed sleeves hanging long and square,
and showing a lining of velvet.
It has been determined to discover
Columbus and bury him in Italy. His
remains are outside of the national fold,
and Santa Crooe mourns for him.
Where Do the Clouds Float I
For too long a time the soientiflo
world has believed in the idea of De
Sanssure that the water particles, of
which clouds and fogs consist, are vesi
cles, analogous to soap bubbles, consist
ing of a watery envelope, with a vacuum
inside, so as to. be specifically lighter
than the air. It is strange, says the
Manufacturer and Builder, that the
fact is continually being overlooked that
if particles are only small enough they
may be kept up in a liquid or gas, not
withstanding the material of which they
are parts is considerably heavior than
the medium in which they float. Pow
dews of heavy material may be kept up
in water for days and weeks, as these
who prepare polishing powders know.
The finest emery is only obtained from
water from which the coarse particles
have been deposited iu different periods
of time, according to their fineness,
when at last, after collecting the de
posits of many hours, and even days,
the very nnest parts do not settle until
after many weeks' rest.
it is tne same in tho air ; if we collect
the dust deposited in a room which has
been closed for some weeks, and examine
it, we will nnd it all to consist of parti
cles of very heavy materials, and if ma
chine shops are in the neighborhood,
even metallic dust will be recoguized.
Wow when heavy metallic dust can be
carried in tho air, why not water dust,
which is much lighter I In viewing the
graud falls of .Niagara, we have noticed
that, when the atmosphere was not too
dry, so as to cause the spray to disap
pear, while the sky was covered with
loose floating clouds, the spray in as
cending formed a cloud identical to the
others, with which it floated away.
The height at which the clouds will
float depends chiefly on the size of the
watery particles the larger they are the
lower the clouds will float. This was re
cently verified by Mr. Angus Smith in
Iceland, where he observed a cloud or
fog rolling down the streets like dust.
It came from the sea, and the particles
were larger than any he had ever seen
before, being about one four-hundredth
of an inch in diameter. He did not find
the particles hollow, but concrete
throughout, and iu bis account refers
also to the absurdity of the theory that
the cloud particles should consist of hol
low spheres or vesicles.
The power which holds small and
heavy particles up in a liquid or gas is
simply the adhesion, which increases
with the surface. The finer the dust is
the larger is the surface as compared
with tho volume, and when the adhesive
action of tho liquid or gas on this large
surface is great enough it may overcome
gravitation and the particles cannot fall,
but will be kept floating.
That there is a strong adhesion be
tween air nud water is proved by the
effect of wind on the surface of water,
especially when compared with the effect
of the wind on a watery surface lubri
cated with a film of oil ; then the air
glides over it without causing even a rip
ple On this depends the quieting effect
of oil when poured on turbulent waves
when they are caused by wind. Oil
poured on tho waves of the rapids of
the St. Lawrence river would by no
means have that same quieting effect.
The American Crocodile.
William T. Hornday makes a repul
sive subject interesting in treating of
the Florida crocodile. His notes are
tho result of personal observation dur
ing a sojourn on the southeast coast of
Florida, where he was collecting zoologi
cal specimens. He describes the croco
dile as pugnacious, and very tenacious
of life, often living to a green old ago.
after passing through all kinds of des
perate struggles. It is not an uncom
mon thing to find a specimen which has
lost a part of its tail or one of its legs ;
and an alligator a cousin-german to
tho crocodile was killed.last winter,
whose upper jaw had been broken off
squarely half-way up to his eyes by
somo casualty probably occurring years
Mr. Hornday procured a very fine
male crocodile for his collection by ly
ing iu wait for him with a rifle near a
mudhole in which he was wont to wal
low. The old fellow made a sturdy re
sistance to the advance of the destroyer,
and gave up only after receiving six
bullets in his neck, directed towards the
brain. He measured fourteen feet in
length, and five feet two inches in cir
cumference at a poiut midway between
his fore and hind legs. He had evi
dently braved death before in one shape
or another ; three of his teeth were found
to bo shattered ; the tibia and fibula of
his right hind leg had been broken iu
two and joined again, as had also one of
tho metatarsal bones of the same limb :
J about five inches had been bitten or torn
1 - JV i . i 1 l 11 I
uu ma mil, uuu tueru wna a sign oi an
old wound in the awkward angle at
which two of the vertebra) near the mid
dle of the tail had grown together.
The next day this crocodile's mate was
shot in the same neighborhood. She
measured ten feet eight inches in length,
and presented many points in contrast
with the other. Her teeth were regular
and white and sharp. The mottled
black and yellow of her back and sides
was distributed evenly, the yellow rather
predominating than otherwise ; while in
the case of tho male no part was yellow
except the belly the sides shading off
into the lusterless black which covered
almost all of the back and tail. The
ovary of the female contained four hun
dred and twenty eggs, varying in size
from No. 8 shot to a hen's egg, and all
perfectly spherical. It may be added,
in passing, that the female crocodile
lays twenty or thirty eggs at a time,
which she puts in layers in a hole in the
mud or sand on the shore, covering each
layer with a coat of earth and reeds and
grass. She then leaves the process of
hatching to the fermentation of this
mass, which reaches the right degree in
about a month's time.
Remedy Against Cholera.
Dr. Woodworth, the officer appointed
by the United States authorities to
investigate the subject, says ' the true
remedy against cholera is preventive
medicine," and he might add, preventive
measures. The latter are of the ordi
nary hygienic character, which, though
well understood, are too little attended
to by the bulk of the people. It was
shown at the time of the Ashantee war
that water may be effectually purified of
orgamo matter with a mixture of clay.
permanganate of lime, aud sulphate of
alumina in due proportions. Experi
ments in Europe in 1872, with a number
of ordinary agents, showed conclusively
that while some are comparatively power
less to produce any effect in destroying
tne aie oi tne bacteria which exist in
some oi tne nuuis ot the system in
cholera, these bodies are effectively de
stroyed by sulphate of iron, and
especially by sulphuric and nitrio acids.
Dr. Woodworth joins with those who
for more than half a century have been
regarding these as the best preventives,
and he says emphatically that we do
" possess in the mineral acids a certain
prophylaxis against cholera."
Item f Interest from Heme and Abroad.
It la announced in London that Mr. Glad
stone has assured his family that he will never
resume the Liberal leadership The steam
tug Miller exploded her boiler aud sunk In
Thunder bay, near Detroit. Capt. Miller and
hie clerk were killed, and the fireman was seri
ously Injured The sum of 135,000 was
found with Nichols, the absconding bank mana
ger, and his son, from Montreal, who were
caught at St. Augustine, Fla. The detective
hopes to be able to recover most of the stolon
property.... New York merchants are petition
ing the roct-ofUce department for a direct
mail to Brazil, monthly, there being none at
prepent A report upon the new Boston
post-office shows unmistakably that there bas
been fraud, aud Booretary Drintow has taken
the matter iu hand The Chicago Times
having charged editorially that Secretary Bris
tow's family bad eighteen trunks passed by
the revenue officers on their arrival from
Europe recently, Attorney-General Tierrepont
has issued a card oontradioting the Htatcmont,
and saying that his family accompanied the
secretary's from Europo, and that he is cogni
zant ot the fact that the trunks were opened
and examined same as those of the other pas
sengers The London papers sharply criti
cise the admiralty minute exonerating the
admiral in command of the squadron at the
time of tho collision of the two iron-clads
Judge Boreman delivered a strong charge to
the grand jury at Salt Lake City, against
At the county fair grounds, near Greenfield,
Ohio, the seats around the race track fell, pre
cipitating fully one thousand people to the
ground, eeverely injuring a large number of
men, women and children Kev. Dr. Henry
Forster, archbishop of ISreslau, who has long
been in trouble with the Prussian government,
growing out of his publication of the Pope's
encyclical declaring the Falck laws to be null
aud void, bas severed his connection with the
Prussian portion of his diocese Under
the pressure of the great powers Turkey is
diminishing her concentration of troops on the
Servian frontier, and Sorvia is demobilizing
her forces Lulu trotted three heats
against time in Rochester, N. Y., in 2.16,
2 14, and 2.16, which are claimed as the fastest
three heats on record A dispatch from
Vienna says Bussia is preparing an expedition
againBt Bokhara out of revenge for the assist
ance rendered by the latter to the Ehokand in
surgents Dr. J. W. Sanders was poisoned
by a negress named Matthews, at Clinton, La.
at the instigation of a negro named Gair. A
deputy sheriff, while conveying Gair to jail,
was overpowered by a masked mob, who shot
Gair and then took the woman from her custo
dians and hung ber The negro who killed
Samuel Garner, in Murray county, Ga., a few
days ago, was taken from the guard at Spring
Place, by a party of disguised men, and hanged.
China has granted the British demands.
The cotton crop of the entire South is
largo, according to the report of the Now Or
leans committee appointod to investigate; but
the picking is going on slowly, on account
of sickness and political troubles Senator
Edmunds, of Vermont, has declined the United
States oircuit judgeship, which was tondered
by the government Charles Courtney
m.ide the best time on record at tho boat race
on Cayuga lake, N. Y. Ue rowed a two-mile
turning race in thirteen minutes aud fourteen
second b.
A giraffe belonging to Forepaugh'a circus
died at Syracuse from exposure. It was valued
at 47,000. While the rhinoceros, belonging to
the same establishment, was being carried
from Philadelphia, the wagou broko through a
bridge aud the animal was fatally injured. It
was valued at $20,000 The percentages of
the condition of the cotton crop, Oct. 1, were
as follows : North Carolina, eighty-five : South
Carolina, seventy-seven; Florida, eoveuty
Georgia, seventy -one ; Alabama, ninety-four ;
Mississippi, ninety-six ; Louisiana, ninety
Texas, eighty-eight; Arkansas, one hundred
and three; Tennessee, ninety. . . .Two negroes,
named Jackson and Thompson, were murdered
bv ruffians in Brooklyn, N. Y. There had been
some trouble on account of the white men in'
terfering with the dancing at a nogro picnio
and on the negroes starting for home thoy
were attacked and killed with paving stones.
John McGuire, Matthew Dowdeu, and James
Thornton wore held for the crime There
have bocn'heavy gales around the coasts of
Great Britain, aud tho telegraph announces
the wreck of several coasters aud the loss ot a
number of lives Information has beou
received at the State department that Russia
has decided to be represented at the Centen
nial exhibition The Spanish ministry wes
unyielding to the claims of tho Vatican
Postmaster Dunham, of Bridgeport, Conn.,
was dismissed for selling appointments
The Times of India says twenty thousand
people have been rendered homeless by the
Hoods in the neighborhood of Ahmedabad, in
the province of Guzerat Minnie Germans,
a little girl, nine years of age, was outraged in
Buighamton, N. Y., by a young man named
Lovert. Tho latter was captured and locked
up. Minnie will probably dje.
It is said that Itussia has oomman led the
Polish proprietors in the provinces of Wilna,
Grodna, Eoona, Minsk and Vitepsk to sell
their farms to Russian tenants, the govern
ment fixing the price The eteamor Pan
dora, fitted out by Lady Jane Franklin, has re
turned from an Arctic voyage, iu fear of being
frozen in the ice. Xhe graves of throe of Sir
John's men were discovered on Boachey island.
Ilev. Joshua Day, of Newark, N. J., was
stricken with apoplexy while preaching to his
congregation At the regatta of the Yale
College navy, held near New Haven, the law
school crew won a three-mile shell race with a
crew of class '77, in nineteen minntes and
twenty-seven seconds. A barge race of two
miles between the freshmen crews of the
academic- and scientific departments, was won
by the academics in thirteen minutes and
thirty-three aud one quarter seconds. A two
mile race between crews of the law department
and the claia of '77 aud '78, resulted in a vic
tory for '77 in thirteen minutes and eighteen
and three-quarter seconds. . . .The revenue au
thorities of St Louis have instituted suits
against five parties for nearly one million dol
lars,, on account of their removing spirits on
which the tax had not been paid Don
Carlos has dismissed from bis service Gens.
Gorregaray, Mendici, Velasco and Mogrovejo.
A five-mile tingle-scull race for $1,000
and the championship of America, between
Evan Morris and Henry Coulter, was rowed
over the Hutton course, Pittsburgh, Pa. The
race was won by Morris by one length, in
thirty-five minutes and twenty seconds, which
is claimed to be the best time on reoord
At the Bale of short horns at Yinewood, Ky.,
forty-four native cows and heifers brought
158,210, and twenty imported ones $51,225,
a total- for eows of $109,425. Four native
bulls sold for $1,715, and five imported ones
for $12,300, a total for bulls of $10,015. Tho
total for seventy-three animals was $123,150.
The Emperor William, aooompauied by Von
Moltke and Von Balow, reached Milan, aud
was received by Victor Emmanuel. There was
great enthusiasm among the people The
Peking (China) Gazette has pubUched an edict
in regard to the death of M. Margary which is
considered satisfactory, and apprehensions of
war between England auU China are dissipated
for the present Ex-President Thiers made
a speech at a banquet tendered him, In which
he said the republic must be maintained, and
denied that that form of government would
isolate France from Europe The commis
sioner of revenue has instructed his officers not
to seize cigars packed in paper or tin boxes un
less certain they have not had duty paid on
them. He will recommend to Congress to
modify the law so that such boxes can be need.
Clark Edmondson, a negro charged with
outraging a white woman, was lynched at
Atlanta, Ga., op a Sunday morning. . . . Bishop
Bourget has had a letter read in all the Cana
dian Catholio churches warning his people not
to interfere with the burial of Guibord, aud
Btating that the ground will be cursed as soon
as the body is deposited there The draft
of cavalry horses in Cuba for the use of the
army has been abolished, and a tax of $10 for
every horse that would have been dratted bas
been instituted in its stead.
The board of charities of Utioa, N. Y., is
attempting the solution of t'e tramp question
by requiring all ablo-bodied stragglers apply
ing for relief to break stones upon the public
streets. There is a perceptible diminution of
the number of applicants already.... . .The
New York Produce Exchange bas fixed five
grades for oats, viz.: White, high mixed, No.
2, No. 3, no grade. White oats shall be bright,
sound, olean, free from other grain, and shall
weigh not less than thirty-two pounds to the
measured bushel. High mixed oats shall be
two-thirds white, and equal to No. 3 in all
other respects. No. 2 oats shall be sound,
reasonably clean, and reasonably free from
other grain. No. 8 oats shall be fit for ware
housing, otherwise unequal to No. 2. No
grade shall include ail oats damp, unsound,
dirty, or from any other oause unfit for No. 3.
. . Ex-Seuator Chandler, of Michigan, has
taken the oath of office as secretary of the
interior Prof. Watson, of Ann Harbor,
Mich., announces the discovery of a now
planet in right ascension one hour no miuutes
north, declination six degrees fifty-four min
utes. It is of the tenth magnitude. Its daily
motion is south five degress Charles
Revere, a well-known sporting man of New
York, owner of the trotting horse Butler, com
mitted suicide by shooting himself through
the bead, on account of trouble with a woman.
. . .It is stated in Gormau naval circles that
Priuce Frederick ("Fritz") intends to visit
the Centennial exhibition at Philadelphia, and
that a German squadron will escort him
thither A Bavarian decree gives effect to
the imperial laws introducing compulsory civil
marriages Two more steamers have ar
rived at Havana from Spain with re-onforce-meuts
for the army Several hundred
Btudouts ot Yale College amused themsolves
by hooting and throwing missiles at a proces
sion of Odd Fellows, until the latter turned
and charged the crowd with their swords.
Several students were Blightly injured.
The Composition of Milk.
Tho dairyman's raw material is milk,
and milk is a fluid of animal origin,
varying, within certain limits, in the
relative amounts of its component carts.
It will be sufficiently accurate for our
present purpose to say that one hundred
parts of milk are composed of eighty
seven and one-half parts of water, three
and one-half parts of butter, three and
one-eighth parts of sugar, and loss than
one part of mineral matter. In new
milk the composing parts are in a state
of solution, and all except the butter can
be drawn from existing association only
by agencies which change their form or
composition. The butter is only held
mechanically in the milk ; it exists as an
emulsion of oil and a heavier fluid.
which is chiefly water and curd-formintr
mateiial. When milk is examined with
a microscope the globules of oil are
plainly seen floating in the liquor. It is
the art of the buttermaker to collect
these globules into a solid mass.
Cabinet or Parlor Organs.
These have become the most popular
of large musical instruments. There
are now about two hundred and fifty
makers of them in tho United States,
who produce more than forty thousand
organs per annum. Most of these are
very poor instruments. This is naturally
so, bojause there are few articles in the
manufacture of which so much saving
can bo made by the use of inferior, in
properly prepared material, and inferior
workmanship, and yet which, when fin
ished, show so littlo difference to the
average purchaser. The important parts
oi an organ, mado as well as they can
bo, cost two or three times as much as
if made as low as possible, let, when
tho organ is done, it is not easy from
casual hearings to tell tho dilierence be
tween the best aud a very poor one. Es
pecially when shown by ono who knows
how to cover np defect?, to ono who has
not special Bkill in such matters, it is not
difficult to make a poor organ appear
a good one.
The temptation to makers, then, to
produce, at a fraction of the cost, an or
gan which will sell almost as well as a
good one is almost irresistible. Hence
the fact that so few good organs are made
and so many poor ones, and that the
country is flooded with peddlers and
dealers selling these poor organs, which
pay such large profits. The buyer of tho
poor organ does not fail to find out his
mistake after a while. Ihe thin reedy
tone of his cheap organ soon becomes
ollensive, it works noisily and roughly.
is constantly out of order, and becomes
useless by the time a really good in
strument would have been getting into
its prime. A good organ ought to last
generation, at least ; a poor one may
last nve years, with considerable tinker
mg, or may break down much sooner,
There is one safe way. Get a genuine
production of one of the very best makers
and you cannot go astray. Among these
undoubtedly stands pre-eminent the
Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., whose
organs are so well known that other
makers are generally content to claim
that they can make as good an organ as
the Mason & Hamlin. They invented
and introduced the Cabinet or Parlor
Organ in its improved form, started with
and have always closoly adhered to the
policy of making only the best work,
have shown such skill as has given their
organs the highest reputation, not only
in this country but also in Europe. At
the Great Exposition at Vienna, in com
petition with eighty of the best makers
in the world, they obtained the highest
medals. To enumerate the competitions
at which they have received similar
honors would be to give a list of tho
lairs at which they have exhibited ; and
to mention the prominent musicians who
recommend their organs as unequaled
would really be to give a very good list
of the most illustrious musical names in
the country, with a good representation
in Europe.
One who obtains a Mason & Hamlin
Cabinet Organ need have no doubt that
he has the best instrument of its class
which can be made. New York Jnde
A lady said to us the other day: "Dob
bins' Electrio Soap (made by Cragin &
Co., Phila., Pa.) has saved my life. It
has so lessened my labors when I have
been worn out." Try it at once. .
All the nioe young women are getting
stock of colored yarn to make worsted
dogs during the long evenings.
Fevers seldom make an attack without
Wanting, and may often be thrown off by soak
ing the feet in warm water, wrapping np warm
tn bed, and taking two or three of 1'arsoni'
urgauve Pills. Com.
A missionary, just returned, says he
regards Johnton'B Anodyne Liniment as be
yond all price and efficacious beyond any
other medicine. It is adapted to a great variety
of special rases, and is the beet pain curer In
tne worm. t orn.
To cure a couch, to relieve all irrita
tions of the throat, to prevent hoarseness, to
restore perfect soundness and health to the
most delicate organization or the unman frame,
the lungs, use Wittar'i Balaam of Wild
Cherru. Fiftv cents and one dollar a bottle.
large bottles much the cheaper. Com.
Important to Travelers.
Persons visiting New York or leaving bv the
cars from Grand Central Depot, will save an
noyanoe and expense of carriage hire and bag-
rage expressage by stopping at urand Union
Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot, Over
350 elegantly furnished rooms and fitted np at
a cost of $9lH),o00. European plan. Guests
oan live more luxuriously for less money at the
urana union mat at auy other nrst-ciass nonee
in New York. Stages and Btreet cars pass the
doors for all parts of theoity. See that the
hotel you euter is the Grand Union Hotel.
Bchknck's Pulmonic Syrup, ,
Bchkmck's Ska Weed Tonic,
Schxnck's Mandrake Pills,
Are the only medicine, that will onr. Pulmonary Oom
Frequently medicines that will stop a oonffh will occa
sion tne death of the p.tlnnt ; they lock up the liver,
stop the olronla-lon of the blood, hemorrhage follows.
and, In fact, they olog the aotlon of the very organs that
caused the couch.
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two
thirds of the cases of Consumption. Many persons com
plain of a dull pnln in the side, constipation, ooated
tongue, pain In the shoulder -binds, feelings of drowsl.
ness and restlessness, tne food lying heavily on the
stomaoh, accompanied with aoldlty and beloblng np of
1 bese avmotoms usuallv nrurlnnte from a disordered
condition of the stomach or a torpid liver.
Persons so affected. If thev talc, one or two hnavv
colds, and If the cough In these cses be suddenly
ohecked, will And the stomach snd liver dogged, re
maining torpid and Inactive, and almost before they are
aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, the
result of which is destb.
Hchenck's Pnlmonlo Hvrao Is an axneerorant which
does not con ' sin opium or anything calculated to check
a cough anddenl.
Kchenck's Sea Weed Tonto dissolves the food, mixes
with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids digestion,
sna creates a ravenous appetite.
When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the
symptoms otherwise of a bilious teudency, Sohenok's
Ai.maraKe ruts sre required.
l nese meaicines are preparea only ny
J. II. Hchfnck A Ron,
N. K. oorner With and Arch Streets, PbUa.
And are for sale by all druggists and dealers.
The Markets.
Beef Cattle-Prime to Extra Bullocks WVCI
Common to Oocd Texaus 07k (A OflV
Milch Cows 30 00 Cn HO 00
Hogs Live 08 08
iresseil lux 11
Sheep 04 J, in) 08 V
l.ambS; 0fi?4liil 07K
ottou Middling HtCtt ' 14'.
Flour Extra Western 5 60 ( 6 90
State I'.xtra 6 HO
S 90
( 1 39
(el 1 84
(e 1 13
(tn 1 80
t 40
C 69
1 00
(4 W
( 0
Wheat Hed Western 1 35
No, 1 Spring 1 31
live State 92
llarley Shite 1 CO
Hurley Mult 1 30
Outs Mixed Western 46
Corn Mixed YeHter f,9
Hay, per cwt fiO
Straw, per cwt f,0
Hops 75 s IU WIS olds 04
Pork Mess 21 90
Co 21 30
I.ard 187.n) 14
Fink Mackerel. JJo. 1, new 29 00 n" 29 00
" No. 2, new 17 00 M18 10
Dry Cod, i.-r cwt S 00 6 75
Hernia'. Scaled, lier Itox 35 (m 40
Petroleum tJru.le 06'C.C6 liefiued, 141.
Wool Cnlifoi uiu Fleece 20 (a) 35
Texis ' 10 (if, 34
Australian " 47krs 47WT
Butter State 24 (n 40
Western Dulry 27 tc) Si!
western Yerow ,. 18
Western Ordinary i.H)
Pennsylvania Fine
1 60
Cheese Htato Factory
mute Hkirauied
Western to (s
Eggs State 2i &
ltye State
Corn Mixed
(Si 1 80
(a) 90
4 71
lv 1 10
9 00
(o 1 24
( 0i
(3 40
(A 80
1 10
;a 13?,
(a) 8 75
i, 1 46
M. 81
(A 78
Barley State 1 10
OjlXb State 46
Wheat No. 2 Spring
Corn Mixed
S 60
1 23
1 10
Cotton Low Middlings 135
lour fcxtra 8 75
Wheat lied Western 1 43
Kye 75
Corn Yellow 72
Oats Mixed 4J
(4 44
Petroleum 06 J
Flour Pennsylvania Extra 6 (0 0 7 00
Wheat Hed Western 1 40 c 1 40
Kye 75 (4 .90
Corn Yellow...,. 72 71
Mixed 71 A It
Oats Mixed 43 4$
retrolouru Crude lOVtaiOW Refined. YiH
A protruding toe Is not a sightly
thins-, say nothing about health
and comfort.
Shoes never wear out at ths toe.
Also try Wtrw Qui Hod Soles.
Unrivaled and alone.
nevnr rip, leak, or comn apart.
AbU for them. Un pair will aatisfy
any one thnt they have no equal.
AIbo try Wire Quilted Soles.
Have you ever seen
The lllnstrated oataloirne of ZnMir PorlahU
Printing l'tenet f 3 Press now ready. rry man
A,', oirn printer. A few dollars buj s a press and type for
Bruiting; oards, labels, envelopes, etc, at quarter prin.
're' prioes. .Sar. money and inereaa oueinene by live
a'tirrtitina. Kend two stamps for catalogue, to the
ai 1 rs. KM.M iv l it., Ulerldeii, Conn
CIO a day at home. Aa-enU wanted. Ontfit and terms
''"freo. Address TKUK DO., Augusta. Maine.
OI7ls Addrexs
tt. w. KAHflfct, uetrolt. Mloh
fer Week Mnlnry. Male or Female. Circa,
ar free. Address Urystal Co.,Indlanapolls,Ind.
VOBBY PHOTOS, 5e. Circulars free
LJ rumi,au l-liuru uu., Portland, Me.
.) 1, miles' I'uvnrlle Cards, with Name, 10c.
idt Address J. B. Hcsted, Kasaau, Kensa. Oo.,N. Y.
BKTTFK than all 000k books the Houteketpe
SJI.oO a year. Sample, IO cU. 6'S John St., Nl
Post aff a Klninn..-Send stamp for
, Lowell, Mass.
R tn "f?n .day at home. Samples worth 91 sent
9 J 10 he.. ST1NSON A CO., Portland, Me.
Of FANCY CA RDM, 7 Styles, with Name, 1
tmJ post-paid, by J. B. UUbTKU, Nas,au. N. Y
Books Exchanged. Furnish all new. Want old. Write.
Name this paper. American Boot Kxohange. N, Y,
WANTKO A4.ENTM. Samplet and Outfit free
better that, Sold. A. OOULTKR A CO., Chicago.
bold by AgenU. Address M. W. IXJVBLU Krla.P.
HflstlPwdsy. Bend for CiromoCslA'siCQ.
Jlv PSJ.I. H. Bnrroan1. Bass. Boatoo. awm
A ft'P'WTC 20 F.legant Oil Ohromos mounted .lie
A.VTlH AO Hi 1 1 for sjl I Novelties and Ohromos
0 every deerription. National Ghromo Co., Phlla.. Pa.
5iQ C A UrDT X? FREE and big pay to
0 i?YJl L I J 111 moles and females every
where. Address Tui Union Pdb. Co., Newark, N. J.
WAN I AI AGKNT In every county. Picture and
J-VrJ I Frame Business. IOO a Month. Address
1 tD. Gko. K. Pkkimb, OO Keade tit.. New York.
QOA Dally to Agents. 85 new articles and the best
wJJ Family Pap-r in Amerloa, with two Ohm.
, fr.e. AMKK. M'F'O CO., 3QO Broadway, N. Y.
TCfkVO itlak .Money at Home,
1)11 H bciMD Pictures. Toys. eto. Hn
res, Toys, eto. Send 2 stamps
for 60paC Book. J.JAY ti O ULD, Boston ,
ontb Acenta Wanted. 94 hm.
articles in tne world. One sample free.
J. HKOVQ. Detroit, Mich.
THE WH AT IS lT.-Something new. Hells it
sUht. Big Inducements to Agents. Samples, Mo
cento and stamp. Agent Wanted. Send lor Cata
logue. U. S. bPKUIALi'V pq.,7 k Fulton St., Bos too.
CATARRH I FKEE trlii I bottle of Dr. l,Huea
U I .mill I OatarrhCure Given away with teatlmony
CI I Q C n 1 1 wonderful cures perlormed. Send to
UntU I Ren BY KKfcD t Co., 043 B'way, N. Y.
positively cured by ikt, KEOK'a New Method.
Consultation free by mall. Address DR. H. P. S'i'OD
DAMU, Medical Director, No. H W. 4thSt..KewYork.
and Morphine Habit absolutely and
speedily outed. Paiuleaa; no putt'lciLy.
bend stamp for partioulara. Dr. Gaul
TUN, 1 17 WaaulnUn M... fhl;a. III.
' Mai. and Kemala. la ihelrowo Locality.
J) I I and OUTHT FKtU. Addrew
P. O. VIUKERY a OO.. Augusta. Main.
AUONTiiaiidKlLfkMtfc.gtoall. Article J
now, staple a. Hour. Samples free. C. UMJ
A ItinVTII kmnm wanfeftA YTT
whors. RrjHlrjflm honorable an.P'
disss. Parti on Uri tent frw. Adoree
WORTH (JO., Bt. Lools, Mo.
IHCPli The White Chtof, or A White Man twelve
1 year mn ladle, i eot a Kemeave bat Feet raa-
Iter than Fiction. Th moat niacin, tin and bsrt selllnc
boofc sat. Aaente Wanted. O. F. VRNT. Cincinnati, O.
AA Wm lll"1! Can make Mnnyoa Rut
I I LH ll I iirriiiv Kvnlnw Poet.
aaei W W Unr-nt (Jhromo; BMt
Patmr: Hitrarwtt Pay. Rfrd, wk kicrhham Go.. Phlla.
Orel era filled from BoBtoo, BMH., I'lttaborub or Chicago.
j GEO- P. ROWEtt&CO-l
"(QSYcnOMAWCT, or ftoul Charming."
" How rltber -i may Larlnste .nil gain tli. lev. and
.nertlon of any prrann thv rliooae, In.t.ntly. , Thl. rt .11 car
fuBKi'.., frvr, by mall, S" crnta: tnf.thrr with s Lover's Gnlis
Esrptlan Oracle, Hint, to l.1l., ae. l.oeo.Ooe sold. A
qie-crbook. AddrM T. WILLIAMS A CO., Pnb'., f ''Td.lphls.
lO renin font copy of the I.ITK NTOCK
.lOtTUNAI.. nnd Ihe Brent Inducement offer.
ed for gerurlnw uli)crlber. The journni
Is pronounced the IIKNT of It elniie. Ad
dress) I.lve WiocU Journni. Buffalo. N. Y.
$15.00 SHOT GUN.
a i"1s tare e. r IrtslseHel Mtsi warrs re-
r.adWrf-CTlr,ft Hi. Can O. O. prtv.
rowilx SsOH, auMIn, US Mala .. OMmi. O.
1...H mn.t nvn.mental and Oorreot.
Special Agent
rTiLtAloa-ue and
snated tn each town"hlt. Send for frf
DRIIK)MN,6 ParolaySU. N. Y.,or
i erms mi p.. w. v ivi , i
VV 4tb St.. Olnclnnatl. O.
Knre rhnnc.
The moat successful
remedy of the ores
ent day Send for Pa-
ner on tioinm
Ing. Prol. I. .freker, P.O. Hm 47a. Laporie.ine.
Printed Brlsitol Tlal'lna
CnrilMftant noat-nald for 525 cts). Send
stamp for samples of lnefl ('nrdeH
AT la. ,lrl(lc. Snowiiniiee, wrrnn, im
,,,.!. We have over 1 00 Stvle
lc- minfsvf. A. H. KCLLKB A (Jo.. Brockton, Ma
ij r "VT CTT 7 SI Bboapwat. New To
r..i. :i iinn.
nofiMttilrerof SOMP I. OLD
KWKi.KV of evervdesi rlnt Ion. The stock Is Isrco.ver!
workmen nln Kills nnder I . P.O. ord r In advance
Ice, and is ottered at retail at trans prices , j aeep ow
I )v r !at I .J, O.O I), privilege to eiamlneljat. V)gue free.
uinrifl W15 In thnw honrs. Tr
Yon want to nvike
Selling the best
article ever offered tc
Agent, f One Agent
muds 1 A in three honrs. Try It.
Address, HOOD A JOSKPH, Indianapolis, Ind.
il New Buffalo Hill HewolTerMavll V W
v ith lnnfirtHriea Aa m rm.nmaold ; every one warran.
ed .sal Infection guaranteed. Jlftulralril Catoloyus
KSTKXIPI CSIH WORKS, i ntcgo. 111,
69 Dearborn-st. tMcCormlck Block).
lOO pare Book and sample!) cf
materials for new roof. 4XO. a ft.
nuDoer nuviins, mrnvwit
Fire-nroof.durable.cnean. iasuy
applied with positive satlsfcctloa.
write ac once ana savvj moucy.
N. Y. Slate Rootingvo.
7 CKUAB el., N. 1
Jt, mm a 4i mm a. Invested In Wall Btreet,
CC f-S Kn often leads to a Fortune.
Wa LVS 4 w ,-ui particular, sent free.
Address lliNDl,l!TON A If KA II, Hnnnere.
lia Wnll Klrert, .New ork.
A . hnnlr ai iha mnat vMjiI nitMtlon of the daV. Of
the most Intense and deepest Interest. First agent sold
;i:t, second, 17, third. Vf.i, nrstweek. lrtt ageni, j
a nriTP iiuiiTrn (-end for circular and
rtUC.H I O VVMniCU. fleoare the best payln?
ajtency. P. W. KIM. IKH v 1
618 Arch M., FI.Madelphlti. P.
Vtwte Rich Prairies. Near one million acres for sals on
lie Sioux City and St. Paul R, R. and en the MoOregot
jn l Missouri River R. R. Several large tracts for
colonies. Come or send committees tD examine. Every
ioe who sees the land likes It. Apply to
Muley, Osceola Co., lows.
ft Best Paier lor Farmers.
ONE DOLLAR per year tn clubs of thirty or over.
Specimen copies free. For terras and commissions,
Address THK TRIBUNB, New-York.
This new trass u w-m
with narfeot ion for
night ana day. Adapt
iieeu u every motion o
k ie bodr. retalnta Ban
t ire a a tier bo hardest
;erolse or severest strata
autll pvirmikueutly oared
9ia UDoap or
Uitc Truss Co.
No. 083 bradws5i N. V. City
urt sent by mail. Call or send for Circular, and be oaisu
HISTORY ofthe U.S.
The trrftnt fntnrant In the thrllltnir hUtn-v of onr conn.
trr'makea this the fastest sellins IkkiW ever DubllBhed.
i oniains ovr 4tMf nne nistoncaj enftravinira ana
1(111 Diurafl. with a full account of the annroRchinff
urana ueniennmi ceienranon. aeua tor a iuii aeHcrip-
tion and extra tonus to Afctrnts. NAUU.NAL, VVtt
LIS KING JO.t .Philadelphia, Fa.
Wisconsin Central Railroai Lands.
Picellent Farms at low prioes snd on eaa terms,
iure Crops flood Water Hoalt fcy Climate No Orata
ioimrs No severe winds No mi. triors dlMuuie
Wove fro hi ft elsewhere send post card asking for
vampoiei. mans, etc.. to
fill Ik! I (Wil T m,A flnmiHl..Uhd
Wis. (Jen. R. K. Oo., Milwaukee, Wis.
Plenty of Timber on aft then Lands.
Thn Onnlrin I'ominiinltv
II. H, A. iy: " Are much
pieased with your Sea r oum."
i be best out.
A. Mr Furl nnd, Coffee & Spin
Mill. .Spriiirtneiit, M't., lay :
Your Sea Foam is exoellent. Mi
Duotomorn must and will have It.
U&e Sea Foum and your table will
charm and dplhtnt your fruests.
Your ( obliffing, will Ret
It for you. It saves iviilk, Kjrtrs,
etc.. and makes the mnst delicious
bread, Hincuit and l-ake you ever I
saw. ftenu for i ircunir to hbo r.
GaNTZ A Uo., no DuaneSt..N.Y.
Of Parliamentary Practioe.
Rnla. nt .nruusultri nf rfatiatA In deliberative IHRetil-
s.itu a hi. ta i hu MMnriArri nthnritv to all the United
hutttts Mid U an indispensable Hand Book for every
member o." s. deliberative body, as a ready reference upon
the formaliti and legality of any proceeding or debate.
" The must authoritative expounder of American par.
Uamentary law." chab. rukneb.
Frlue, d cenU. Sunt by mall on receipt of prlo.
Address THOMPSON, IS HOW A: I , O.,
HoHton ;Ylaafl.
Vdi.ta's Klei tho Hki.Tsand
J);iiit are itidomed by the
most eminent puysiciaus in
t... wnrlil for the cure of rheu
matism, neuralgia, liver com-
pl.unt, dyspepsia, snuneyais-HJk4f.H.ria.nains.nervcusdis-
oi 'l rs,nts, female complaints
n-TVotis aud general at'iuiuy.
nnd other chronic diseases of
therhest, head, liver, stonmcn :
1. .fti,.vand hhind. Book W ith
full particulars free by Volt
JJELT sO Vincuinau, uuiv.
flMIK CHICAGO I.EIIGKU will b. tent oo
J. irlai, ptiataa. paid, for
The Cheapest at d Best Family ewspaper In the world.
try it. AflQiess ur. jM.r.ix jt.t umcugo, jii.
BriKham Young'i Rebellious Wlfa.
Th. onlr tompl.ts Eimm ot .11 th. SECRET!
UiDCy avr written. "Born
monism, ANN ELIZA now txpoae
LIZA now txpoae to the world,
;d. ouiu in ui
f unfile fTurn
UVavrBlffe and i.BiaJITR at tha hnrnble tvi
1 a.Umv i-mm tit rv hlnnlnf. Narlv 9Ct ttf
IUuBtritUous besulify the work. It is the best selling book
Eubluhtd. lOtOOO aiore acr
sre employTiieiit andmsks from J
LIVE AGENTS rc writing
with tARGE TERM8t Sen
addrctsatonce DU8TIN, CI
I O.OOO tnon Acants, men and women, ca
meiit and maks from $5 to $ O dsily. ALL
lOdsily. AL
titrated Cireul
ig tor Uluttraiea circulars
ent free.
Do not dlay, but
rtflCTIkl. 4f II MAM a r.n.
iiATrowo,Ci', CaiCAUO.lLLor CiuiATi,OHJO.
nuttiti were ordered by t
Sffenu I
lublicatioa oi lb splendid new book '
A bran new book of Trsvel, Adventun, snd Experience, by
Thos.W. KROX, wun sou mapiinceni new r.ngrsTiDira-'ins
finvt ever seen. It actually stlh at siffht to every wide-awake,
protfreuivs person, snd outaells nil other books A to I. ISo
work was ever endorted so hiichly nons sells M 1 sat or pays
so It 1st. -U(A thoutoMd now ut press, une stteni sow i i
4f-U(A thousand now ut press. One sijent sold 1 i
eku snother si H In one tuunihim. Ws went .VHJQ
ve uenumw. OI'TFIT FKKR to mtt. A boun:
in two wen
oore sctive m
pamphlet with bpeciruen rfr sna
A lUuttrstions of this fn-
moui work, full Description and unutunl Term, sent Ires to
ns, Addrs-f , MUsli HIM. 10 10., BsrUofd, QU
T.MP if. nit nuttiti were ordered by old Utnu la advance at
will sjperiH. oi
POND'S IXTRACf-TheKrcat Teetnhle Pnl-
irewroyrr. iibo ueeii in w.c. ......
years, and for cleanliness nnd prompt cura
tive virtues ennnot be excelled.
CHILDREN. No fnmily can afford to be without
1'nnd'a Kxtrnrt. Accidents, Brnlse,
Contusions, Cuts, rprnlns, are relieved
almost instantly by external application.
Promptly relieves pains or Hums, Mould,
Kxeorintlons, ( linllnge, Old eiores.
Holts, Felons, Corns, etc. Afreets in
flnmntion, reduces ewcllinrs, stops bleeding,
removes oiro!orsf ions nnd heals rapidly.
FEMALE WEAHHF8SES. If always relieves pa w
in the hack nnd loins.fullness aud pressing pain
in the head, nausea, vertiffo.
Ill LEUCORRHCEA It ? no All kinds of nl.
reraiiiin. to wiiirn mine', nru eunjei;. nr
promptly cnre l. Fuller details 111 booknecom-
jianyinir eacli b.Mtlo.
PILE8 blind or biee'llmr meet prompt relief
ana renoy ftivc, isoeuse, however cnionic or
ohtlnale. c in lonir resist its reirulnrtise.
VARICOSE VEINS. It is tho onlysnrecnre for
this tlistressiim nnd dangerous condition.
KIDNEY DISEASES. It lmsnoequnl for perma
nent cure.
BLEEDING tmm any canse. For this Is a spc
rllle. It his saved hundreds of lives when all
other remeilles faded to arrest bleedintf from
nnse. Mmiinc't. limits, and elsewhere.
r.nrill'lie im: uu lei.evcu, nuu uiivu pec-
manentlv cured.
fSICIARS ot nil schools tvhoarn acquainted
Willi ronn s r,iirni'i ill , urn iinzri reie
ommendltin their practice. Wehnve lettcrsof
commendation from hundreds of Physicians,
many of whom order it lor use in their own
practice. In addition to Ihe foregoing, they
order its use for KweMiiijrs of nil kinds,
finlnsy, More Thront, Inflamed Tonsils,
simple and chronic IHarrhorn, C'ntnrrh,
"or which it is a specific,) Chilhlnins, Frost
ed Feet, Ktin! of Insects, Mosquitoes,
etc., 4 hupped Ilnnds, Face, aud indeed
nil mnnner of skin diseases.
TOILET USE. Removes (soreness, Itonarhness,
ttnn rMnnrunffi nems . nis, r.rup.innsr,
nnd Pim pies. It recfiw. invigoraln, and rr
freshet, while wonderfully improving the)
TO EARMERS. Pond's Extract. No Stock Lrfverysian ran auoru iu ue wiiuou
It. It is used by nil the Lending Livery Stables,
Btreet Railroads nnd first Horsemen in New
York City. It has uo equal for Hprnl lie, liar
nrsi or Saddle ChafiiieTs, Mtillness,
Ncrntelips, HwelllnTs,Ciits, Lacerations,
llleedliiK, Pneumonia, Colic, Dinrrhrea,
Cliills, Colds, etc. Itsrnrnre of action is wide,
and the relief It affords Is so prompt that it is
invaluable in every Farm-yard ns well as in
every Farm -bouse. Let it "be tried once, and
von will never be without lt.
CAllTION. Pond's Extrart has been Imitated.
'! he genuine nrticle line the words Pond's Ex
tract blown in each bottle. It is prepnred by
the only persons llvlnfr who ever knew bow
topreparn it properlv. Kefuse all other pre
parations of Witch llnzel. This Is the only
fli'ticle used by Pliysiclnns, and in the hospW
tnls of this eo'nntrv'and Furone.
in n'imiihlet form, petit free on nmilication ta
run us ttiKACi
COMPANY, 8 Maiden
tnne, isew lork.
K.Y.N.U. No. 43.
Tour Narno Elegantly Print
ed on IU Trakspabeht Vimtiio
Cards, for 25 Cent. Ksch card contains
a acme which is not visible until held towards the light.
Nothlnfcllkethsmevrrbeforsoffercdln America. Big-induce-nsatsto
Afsnts. Paiia Co., Ashland, Alass.
The Phlloanpliy of Ilemtnrhe. The stomach
the bowels and the liver are responsible for every pan
that racks the head. Regulate, tone and harmonize the
action of these allied organs with
Tarrant's Seltzer Aprrienl,
and you cure the complaint at its source.
KA VTIFVL i nvtnrttm for marking CMMng
fy?. etybody u-atU. Type to print any nam.
-M, ng and instructive or the cm tiff. Me. l,t 1
. wish talpkabff type. No. S, i, with !-
pnaons. no. ,!, wum atpnaoms. mo.
f4,wi( IS alp. Cats, ink t pad included,
Delivered by mail free. Agent u anted.
VLDING& CO n atbiugtoB an, uostea
Do Your Own Printine:
jt&gs Outfits from $1 up
Uoltting ct Co., Manuj t, n amtngion isq, notion
i pEARIi Printing Press
aeif-irunnff et aeir-itemvertng. nana, root or
Sttatn Pvtcer. ew improvements. For print
ina cards, billheads. labels, circulars, etc.. V ha
ni ettperior. It is unequalled for ease and ra
pidity of operation, compactness, beauty of t
sign and mechanical construction. Prices, (Hi
to star,. snd 3 cent stamp for Catalnoue.
QOLDINO & CO. 0 " aihiaftoa Bq., Boitoa
Honey of Horeiiound and Tar
fob thk curt. ok
Coughs, Coldh, Iotltjtcnza., Hoaiiir-
alt. Affkctio 8 OFTnrt TaitoAT,.
BRONCnrAL Tcbus, ani Lrsos,
This infallible remeilv is composed of
tho Honey ' the piunt Iforc hound, in
chemical u' unwitUTAa-IiAr.M.cxir icl
cd from ue rLiFR FiaxcfPLB of t!io
forest t a Abies Balsauea. or li .liu
ofGP .d.
T' . Honey of Ilorehound boothes
Ar scatters nil irritations and inflam
mations, and the Tar-Dalm ci-kanses
and heals tho throat and air-passages
leading to the lungs. Frva additional
ingredients keep the organs cool, moist,
aud in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great
medicine of a famous doctor, who has
iaved thousands of lives by it in his
1 tree private practice.
N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad
taste or smelL
rmcBs, 50 cents and $1 per botixb.
Great saving to buy large size.
Bold by all Druggists.,
Pike's Toothache Drops'
cure la 1 minute.
I Vf u would like to see a ropy st
lm Ihe cauutrjr, usi josr
Bnd pont-olflce suldrrM t