The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 28, 1875, Image 2

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    bin JUltwrak
UENnr A. Parsons, Jr. Editor
WM. P. FINLEY, Clarion County.
CDAS. MaVEAN, St. Mary's.
W. II. Oi.TERHOUT, Ridgway.
R. W. TETRIKIX, Benesette.
GEO. ROTIIRO "K, Bcnexette.
Vote for W, 11. Osterhout.
Give l:s a call fur good job work.
Vote for that, McVean.
.Ground coffee at P. & K's.
Vote for Wm. P. Finlcy an ablo and
competent n an for State Senator.
A slight flurry of snow here yester
Next week "Bantam" Miller will
rise and toll the audience what 1 P
kuow's about "courtship" and "tho
'unctio is of tie human heart.
If you want a competent and honest
County Commissioner vote for W. H.
he worse feeling man in Elk
County is "Bantam" Miller of the Elk
Democrat, and his article of explanation
is pronounced on all Lauds the thinest
hing of the scaaon,
A paper dollar is now worth about 84
cents. The policy of the Republicans
is to nit ke it worth 100 cents in gold.
The policy of the Democratic party is to
make it worth 50 cents or less. Cm
an; laboring man fail tj see lor whom
he should vote?
"Bantnru" filler advises Brandon's
man Fiiday not to "whine like a
whipped cur if we hit hard in ieturn,'
forgetting it seems that he "whiues" at
a fearful rate in tl u same column.
Ohio looks better and letter. Offi
cials returns from 70 counties and au
thentio returns from the retnaioing 12,
Kive Hayes 9,549. Olebillallan his
gone to the "rag baby V funeral, and
Sam Carey hasn't been heard from
since election. The chaps who bet on
10,000 to 40,000 Democratic majority
for inflation, may safaly pay their bets?
A greater man than "Bantam" has
. . m iu(j gttra UU IC'Ji UUUUC O til O U
don't hurt hlia, Lut these A n little
truths are the things that cut."
Now "Bantam" we don't feel half as
bad aa you do about these little "harm
less pleasantries," you delight in.hut our
advice to you is that "those who live in
glass honses should never throw
stones," and a sure sign of wrath is to
'rise and explain" as you weakly at
tempted to last week.
1. Ralph Johnson. ..Beneette Farmer,
2. Decnn r Hewitt " ....Laborer,
8. D. W DcIIaas
4 John ( eelz Benzinger, Lumberman
fi. Ambrose Kreckel " Laborer
6. John Gahn " '
7. Joseph Young "
8. Jacob Nist 41 ... Farmer,
9. Georpe Connor Fox Miller,
10. Joel b. Taylor -...Farmer,
11. Beef man Meredith... "
12. John W. Mover " ... Laborer,
13. David Meredith ...... ' Farmer
14. Peter Tompson "
Ifi. Tho. Campbell, Sr...Highland "
lfi. F. Raywinkle Ilorton
17. Henry Reedy Laborer.
H. Jacob Hartman " Farmer.
19. JJ. M Brock way " Lumberman,
20. John S. Thomas Jay Farmer.
21. Armel Turley " Hotel Keeper.
22. T. L. M'Kean Jones. ..Carpenter.
zis. meoch re Look. " Cleric,
24. Casper Roper Farmer,
25, Martin Powers " ...Merchant
20. R. I. Ompbell Ridgway ...Grocer.
Tl Horace Liule Kidgway... Agent.
zs. ueo. i-'icK nscn KUgway ..l-aiuie
29. Andrew Li nmiinps..Hidgway.. Grocer.
cV. James liilo. ...Kidgway Hotel Keeper,
81. Louis Bic, del Ridgway Baker.
82. Henry'Lulii St. Marys Clerk.
; 3d. John Heindt-1 lit Marys Saloon Keeper.
84. Michael limn ... Curpenter.
85. Anthony Aui an " ...Stone Mason.
86 Joseph Reitf r... " Carpenter.
87. Join Busch Laborer.
88. J rry aV.frcvm " Hotel Keeper.
89. A'bert Weii ...... ' Merchout,
40. John folic Carpenter.
1 Corneliu' Hsney... Benzinger Laborer.
2 Clias. 1! onenwetter... Lumberman,
8 Johu l.ers ......... Fox Farmer.
4 Matbis Spooler Jr... ...Laborer.
( lien Farmer.
6. John Collins Hotol Keeper.
7. 2, H. Dixon Jay
8. It . Morey Merchant.
9. Gi'O. li Scull Laborer.
10. Edward I'enlcn
11 Josiah W. Mrad... Farmer.
12 John Cramer Jones
13 Daniel Attleberger Laborer.
14, R. M. Painter..Millstone Lumberman.
15 Samuel W. CurtUs Ridgway Clerk.
Hi C. R. Earley M. D.
17. Phineas Erahout Tanner.
18. J. F. Dill iilacksiuilh.
19. James Colter St. Marys, ..Laborer.
20. Matbias Wellcndorf Hotel Keeper.
61. John Frank Laborer.
22- Chris. Freindel
23. Henry Fochtman Blacksmith.
24. Thomas Irwin Spring C'k Lumberman
Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's
Ladies iitu goods nswest styles at
P. K's.
Elk County lUpubllean Committa
Chairman Jag, II. llagerty, Aldgway.
Beneiette T. D' Wiaslow, C. II. Wins
Bentlngrr Jacob Hants, John Frrr.
Fo U. W. Rogers J. J. Taylor.
Jay Oliver Dodge, J. M. Brookins.
Jones Jos. Tannine, J. O. Malone.
-Millstone Myran R aught John Moore.
Ridgway H. M. Powers, J. O. W.
Spring Creek Taos. Irwin, Airman
"King Bee" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all the popular brands at P. St, K's.
Coodfisb boneless and skinless. Also
some of the old fashioned in full dress,
at P. k K's.
A full stock of freah Family groceries,
such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice,
Syrups, Spices, R. B Powder, Baking,
and Sweet Chocolate, and 7ery thing
else in that line, at P, & K's.
In pursuance of an Aet of Aseembly
passed the 13 day of March A. D. 1315 en
titled "An act to amend an aet directing
the node of selling Unseated Lands for
taxes and for other purposes," and the sev
eral supplements thereto, the County Com
missioners of the County of Elk, will ex
pose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at
the Court House in Ridgway, Pa., on
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 A. 11.1875,
At 3 oclock P. M. the following tracts of
land situated and described as follows:
Warrant acres YVarratee or owners
020 63 John Johnson et al.
SRnaiaata towkship.
60 John Hen fling
4883, 12, Ym. Bell,
60, Geo. Ed. Weit,
Town lots on Aidgway street.
Kos. 107, 72, 68, 74, 82, 73. 106, 71, 80
81, 74,16, 25, 19, 22. 37. 35, 87, 99, 93.
105,95, 10, 70, P9, 101. W8, 103, 94, 110,
83, "6, 77, 64. 66, 67, 66.
Town lots on Talbot Street Nos. tl, 33.
Butler Street No. 3.
Bishop Street Nos. 117, 118, 109, 110,
119, 120, 115, 116, 123, 113, 112, 111,
125, 120, 124.
Railroad Street Nos. 53, 58, 46, 47, 48,
44, 45, 49, 54,. 65, 69. 62, 50, 61, 40, 41,
42, 43, 20, 21.
4272 49. Owner Unknown.
4184 330, Wm. Parker.
4889, 60, Owner Unknown
4890, 887. "
4271, 3t(0, " "
4079, 60, Joseph Koch
4184, 100 Moses Hyneman
8702 1000, John Smith
4370 25 i Sub. Div: 15
4371 4 of 107 J. S. Hyda
43 D. Kingsbury
4371 62 Sub. Div. No. 23
4S93 93, John Pachin
60 D. Hutchiuson
125 J. 1. Brown.
8247 841 McKsan & Elk Land & lap).
145 Vm, B. Kenneday
4568 101.
27f9 347.
4551 100 Clias Porterfield
60 A.I. Wed Jock Estate
4044 242 Corbettfc Newcomb
200 Seth. Clover
2592 200 Thomas Struthers
4551 76 Fnor & Reed
165J W. C.Edwards
43G9 25 Seth. Clover
Town Lots
Erin 5t. No. 40
Shamrock St. No. 40
Vi alburger St. Nos. 7, 67
Benedict St. Nos. 10, 13, IS, Al.
John St No. 68$.
Maurice St. Nos 1, 3- 7, 8, 188 of 44
Rupert St Nos. 49, 58, 87, 107,
Patrick St. No. 03
Louis St. Nos 6, 12, 14, 15,
1 Lot assessed to James Oass.
GEO. ED WE18 1
C. It. M'CAULEY, Clerk.
Commissioners Office.
Bidgway Pa.
October 1, 1875,
WaisiAS, in and by the 13th section of
the Act of General Assembly of Pennsyl
vania, passed July 2nd 1869 entitled, "An
act relating to the Elections of the Com
monwealth." It is injoined on the Sheriff
of very county to give notice of such elect
ions to bo held, anJ to enumerate in such
notice what officers are to be elected in pur
suance, thereof, I, DANIEL SCULL high
SheriJ of the County of Elk, do therefore
ruake knows and rive this publio notice to
the electors of slid county of Elk, that a
general election will be held in said county,
TCXSSA7 Novriim a, 1375.
Cit being the first Tuesday of the month.)
for the purpose of electing the folloving of
ficers to wit:
One person for Governor.
One person for State Treasurer.
One person for State Senator to reprei
eut the Counties of Cameron, Clarion, Elk
and Forest.
One person for Treasurer of Elk County.
One person for Protbonotary, &e.t of Elk
One person fof surveyor or f Elk County.
Three persons for Commissioners of Elk
County, each elector t e vote for but two.
Ihree persons for Auditors of Elk
County, each elector to vote for but two.
And the qualified electors of the county
of Elk will hold their elections in the sev
eral districts, as follows.
Beneiette township, at the hfl use of I liio.
beth Wit; alow.
Benzinger township, at the school house
on Michael St., near Elk creek bridge.
tilt township at the Centrevtile school
Highland township, at the bouse of Levi
Horton township, at the sebool souse
near D. C. Oyster's Hotel.
Jay township, at the house or A'irea
Jones township, at the Wilcox Tanning
and Lumber Co's office in Wilcox.
Millstone township, at the house of
Henry Herr, at Harr's Dam-
Kidgway township, at the Court Honse.
St. jlary's Borough, at the Town Hall.
Spring Creea township, at the house of
Stockdale. Downer & Co.
I also make known the following aet en
titled "An aet regulating the mode of vot
tng atau elections mite several ooustita ai
the Commonwealth," approved March 30,
Hcnnon 1. He it enacted la the Senate
and the Hout of Kepretentativei, That
the qualified voters of the several counties
of this Commonwealth, at all general town,
ehip borough and special elections are
hereby nereatier auinorued and rtquireu to
vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly
written and partly printed, severally classi
fied as follows: One ticket shall embrace
the names of all the Judges of the Courts
to be voted for and to be labelled on the
outside, Judiciary," one ticket shall em
brace the names of all State oHicers to be
voted for and labelled "State," one ticket
shall embrace Hie names of all county olh
eers to be voted for, including the ollice of
Senator, member or members of Assembly,
if voteJ for, members of Congress, if voted
for and labelled "County;" oue ticket elm II
embrace the names of all the township offi
cers voted for and be labelled "Borough,"
or "Township;" and each shall be deposited
in separate ballot boxes.
I also make known auj five notice, as in
and by the 15th section of aforesaid act, 1
am directed that every person except
Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any
office appointment of trust or profit, under
the Qjvernment of the United Stales, or
this State, or any city or inoorported dis
trict whether a commissioned otfioer or
otherwise a subordinate officer or agent
who is or shall be employed under the leg
islative or judiciary or executive depart
ment of this State or of t he United Stales,
of any city or incoipornttd district and
also every member of Congress and State
Legislature, and the select and common
council of any city, Commissioner of incor
porated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same tune the
office or appointment of Judgo, Inspector
orCUrk, of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no Inspector or Judge
shall be eligible to any ofiice then to be
voted for.
Also in the 4th section of the Act of As
rembly, entitled ' An aot relating to elect
ions and for other purposes," approved
April 16th I860, li is enacted that the 14th
section shall be so constructed as to pre.
vent any militia or borough officer from
serving as Judge. Inspector, or Clerk, al
any general or special election in this Com
monwealth. I also make known the following:
Whiriab. The Filteenth Amendrcent
of the Conslitutisu of the United Stales iB
as follows:
Skctiom 1. The right of citixens of the
United Slates to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United Stales or by any
Slate on account of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.
Suction 2. That Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appro
priate legislation,
And whereat, The Congress of the
United States, on the thitty-first day ot
March 1870, passed an act entitled, "An
net to enforce the right of citizeus of the
United States to vote in the several
of the Union, ind for other purposes," the
first and second sections of which are as
lie if enacted, &c, That all citizens of
the United States who are or shall be
otherwise qualified to vote at any electiou
by the people of any State, Territory, dis
trict, city county, parish, township, school
district, municipality, or other territorial
subdivision shall be entitled and allowed to
vote at all such electious, without distinct
ion of coloi race, or previous condition of
servitude; any constitution, law, custom,
usage, or regulation of any Stale or Terri
tory, or by or under its authority, to tho
Contrary, notwithstanding.
Section 2. And be it further tructed.
That if by or under the authority ef the
constitution or laws of anv State or the laws
any Territory, any act is or shull here
quired to be done as a prerequisite or quali
fication for voting, and by such constitu
tion or laws persons or officers are or shall
beo barged with Ihe performance of duties
in furnishig to citizens an opportunity to
preform such prerequisites, or to become
qualified to vote u shull be the duty of every
mi .;h npvwn ami ntiifpi-u logivn ail citizens
portunity to perform gucu prerequisite and
to oecome quatiued to vote without distinct
ion of race, color or previous condition of
servitude; aud if any sunn persons or offi
cers shall refuse or knowiugly omit to Ivo
tun eltect to this section, be shall tor ev"v
such offence, forfeit and pay the sum uf five
hundred dollars; to the person aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an action ou
the case, with full costs and such allow
ance for council fees as the court shall
deem'just, and shall also for every such
onence be ueemea'auilty ot a misdemeanor
and shall ou coLviction thereof be fined
not less than five hundred dolhrs or to be
imprisoned not less than oue mouth and
not more than one year, or both, at the
discretioj of the court.
And whereat. It is declared by the
second section of the VI article cf the Con
stitution and of the U.S. that "This Consti
tution of the Uni'ed Slates which shall be
made in pursuance thereof shall be ihe
supieme laws of the land anything in
the Conttitution or lawt of any Stale, to the
contrary notvjithttanding.
And whereat, The Legislature of this
Commonwealth, on the 6ih of April 1S70,
passed an aot entitled "A further supple
ment to the act relating to elections in this
Commonwealth," the tenth section provides
as follows
Skctiox 10. That so much of every act
of Assembly that provides that only white
freemen shall be entitled to vote, or to be
registered as voters, or as claiming to vote
at any general er special election of this
Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and that hereafter a'l freemen
without distinction of color, shall be en
rolled and registered according to the pro
visions of Ibe first section of the act ap
proved the 17 of April 1869, entitled "An
act further supplemental to an act relating
to tne elections of this Commonwealth."
and shall when otherwise qualified under
existing irws, ne entitled to vote at all geu
eral and special elections in this Common,
I also make known the following:
Wuihbas, By Ihe act of the Congress of
ne tunned Mates entitled "An Act to
amend, the several acts heretofore passed,
to provide for the enrolling aud call nj out
the national forces, and for other our-
poses." and approved March third one
thousand eiglil hundred and siutv-five all
persons who have deserted the military or
uuvai aervice or me united state-, and who
have not been discharged, or re leved from
the penally, or disability therein provided
are deemed and taken lo have vo.untarilv
relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of
uitiAviiDiup, uu tueir riguts to neco.ue citt
sens, and are deprived of exercising any
rights of oitiieus thereof:
And whereat. Persons, not oititens of iho
United ,8iates, are not under the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania, quu.itied
electors of this commonwealth:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and Joute of Kcprctentativet of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General Attembty
met, and tt it hereby enacte l hy ihe authority
oi the tame. ' That in all -.ecticns hereafier
lo be held In this comm uwealth. ii. shall
be unlawful for ihejud a or iu.-peotoi of
any such elections lo re ;jjvo any ballot, or
ballots, from any perso i, or persons, em
braced in the provision . aud subject to the
disability imposed by -iid act of Congress,
approved March third oue thousand eight
hundred and sixly-five, and it shall be uu.
lawful for any such per on to offer to vole
any ballot, or ballots.
Baorio 2. That if any uch judge and
inspector of eleetion, or any one of them
shall receive or eoasent to re eive, any tiucb
unlawful ballot, or ballots, iront any such
iaqnalifltd paraon, he r the so offwid.
ing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof, m any oourt ot
quarter sessions of this commonwealth, he
shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay
a fine of not less than one hundred dollars,
an 1 lo underio an Imprisonment, in the
jail of the proper county, for not less than
D1 1 uaB.
Skctiom 8. That. If any person deprived
of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid,
shall at any election hereafter to be held In
this commonwealth, vole or tender tn the
officer there, and offer lo vote, a billot or
ballots, any person so offending, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, in any coUrt of quarter
sessions of this commonwealth, shall, for
each offence, be punished in a like manner
as is provided in the preoceding section of
this net, in the case of officers ot elcotiou
receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
Sectiob 4. That if any pet son shall
hereafter persuade, or advise, any person
or persons deprived of citizenship, ami dis
qualified as aforesaid, lo otter any ballot,
or ballots, to the officers of any election
hereafter to be held in this commonwealth,
or shall persuade, or advise, any such offi
cer lo receive any ballot, or ballols, from
any person deprived of citizenship, aud dis
qualified as aforesaid, such person, so of
fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and npon eonviction thereof, in any court
of quarter sossions of this commonwealth
shall be punished in a like manner as is
provided In the second section of this acl,
in Ibe case of officers of such e'.eclion re
ceiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
I also make known the following sections
of an aot approved the iiOlh day of .Ian
uary, A. D. 1874, entitled "A further sup
plement to the act regulating elections in
this Commonwealth:"
Skctiom C. At all elections hereafter
held tinder the laws of this commonwealth,
the polls shull be opened at seven o'clock
A. M. and closed nt seven o'oluck P. M.
Ssction- b. In all election districts
where a vacancy exists by reason of tho
disqualification of the officer or otherwise
in an election board heretofore appointed,
or where any new district shall be formed,
the judge or judges bf the court of common
pirns of the proper county shall, ten dtiys
before any general or special election, ap
point competent persons to fill said vacan
cies and to conduct the election in said new
districts; and iu the appointment of in,
speolors in uny election dis rict both shall
not be of the same political party, and the
judge of elections shall, in all cases, he of
he political party having the majority of
votes in said district, as nearly as the said
judge or judges can accrt:iiu the fact; and
iu case of the disagreement of the judges
as lo the selection of inspectors, tho politi
cal majority of the judges shall select one
of such inspectors, and the majority judge
or judges shall select the other.
Section 7 Whenever there shall be a
vacancy iu an election board on the morn
ing of an election, said vacancy shall be
fiUed in conformity wilh existing laws.
Skctio?: 8 At the opening of ihe polls at
all elections it shall be the duty of the
judges ot election for their respective dis
tricts to designate one of Ihe inspectors,
whose duly it shall be to have in custody
the registry of voters, and lo make tho en
tries therein required by law; and It shall
be the duty of the other of said inspectors
to receive and number the ballots presented
at said election.
Suction 9 All elections by the citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall
1 e numbered in the order in which it shall
be received, and the nuinbtr recorded by
ihe clerks ou the list of voters opposite the
name ot i lie elector from whom received.
And any voter voting two or more tickets,
he several tickets so voted shall each be
numbei od with the number corresponding
with the number to the name ot the voter.
Any elector may write his name upon his
'icket, or cau?e the same to be written
thereon, and attested by a citizen of the
Section It) On thejoi; election any
person whose name shf appear on the
registry of voters, atid4 cluuus the right
to voir at Hitid qleoiioi. Miall produna ut
east one quaiilicd voter If the district as a
witness to the residence of the claimant in
the district in which he claims to lie a voter.
for the period of at least two months im
mediately pi ece?ding said election, whic'i
witness Nbnll be sworn or affirmed and suh
scribe a written or partly written and partly
printed affidavit to the facts statud by him.
which affidavit shull define clearly where
me residence is of the person so claim
ing to be a voter; and the person so claim
ing the right to vote shall also take and
subscribe a written or partly written and
partly printed iifTnlavit, stating to the
best ol his knowledge and belief, wlicu
dtid where l:o was born; that lie has
been a citizen of'the United States tor
oue month, aud ot the commooweakh ot
I'euusvlvaDia; that he has resided in the
commouneulth one jear, or, il formerly
a qualified elector or a native born cm
zeu thereof, and has removed therefrom
and returned, that he has resided therein
six months next tirececdiu; said elec
tion; that he has resided in the district
in which he claims to bo a voter for the
period of at least two months immedi
ately preceding said election; thut he
has not moved it. to the district (or the
purpose of voting therein; thut he has,
ii twenty-two years of age or upwaids;
paid a t-tato or county lux within two
years, which was assessed at least two
months and paid at least oue mouth be
fore the election. Tha said affidavit
hhail also state when aud where the
tax claimed to be paid by the affiant
was assessed, and when and where end
to whom piid; and tho tax receipt
therefor shall be produced for examina
tion, unless the -iffiuut shall state in his
affidavit that it lias beeu lust or de
stroyed, or that he never received any;
and if a naturalized citizen, shall also
stato when, where aud by what court he
was naturalized, and shall also produce
his certificate of naturalization for ex
amination. 13 ut if the person so claim
ing the right to vote shall take aud
subscribe an affidavit that he is a na
tive born citizen of the United States,
it born ehewLero, shall state the fact in
his affidavit, and shall produce evidence
that )e has been naturalized or that lie
is entitled to citizenship by reasou ol
his father's naturalization, aud shall
further state iu his affidavit, that he is,
at the time of making the affidavit of
the age of twenty-one and uuder twenty,
two years; that ho has been a citizen ot
the Uuited States one month, and has
resided in the state one year; or; if a
native born citizen of the state aud re
moved thertfroiu and returned, that he
has resided therein six mouths next
prceeding said election and iu the elec
tion distiict iwuiediuce'y two months
preceeding such eleotion. he shall be en
titled to vote, although he shall not
have paid taxes. The said affidavits of
all persons making such o'aiais, and the
affidavits of the witnesses to their resi
dence shall be preserved by the eleotion
board, and at the close of the election
they ab&ll be enclosed with the list of
Voters, tally list and other papers re-
qu ired by law to be bled by toe re
turn Judge with tho prothooiary, and
shall remain on file therewith io the
prothotmtiiry's office, subject to examina
tion ns other election papers are. II the
election effioers shall find that the ap-
plicant possesses all the legal qualifica
tions ol a voter he shall be permitted to
vote, and his name shall be added to
tho list of taxablcs by the election offi
cers, the word "tax," being added
whero the claimant claims to vote on
tax, and the word "age,", whore he
claims to vote on age; tha same words
being added by tho clerks iu each case,
respectively, on tho lists of person) vut
ing at such election.
Suction 1 1. It shall m lawiul lor
any qualified citizen of the district not
withstanding the nhinn ol tho proposed
voter is contained on the list ol resident
tuxiihlus, to challenge the vote of such
pi rnon, whereupon the sumo prool of the
right of suffrage ns is now required by
law shall ho publicly iinitlu and acted on
by the elcclinu board, ami the vote ad
mitted or rcjectod, according to tho evi
dence Kvery person cliiitninir to bo a
iinliiralized citizen shall be required to
tirodtico his naturalization certificate at
tho election before voting, except where
he kas been for five years oonsccutivcly
a voter iu tho district in which he o Hers
.his vote; and on the vote of such person
being received, it shall be tho duty of
tho election officers lo write or stamp
on such certificate tho word "voted,"
wilh the day. month and year; and if
any election officer or officers shall ro
ceive a second vote on the same day, by
virtttrc of the same certificate, excepting
where sons arc entitled to vote, because
nf tho naturalization of their fathers,
they and the person who shall offer
such second vote, shall be guilty ol a
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
shall bo fined or itnpriboned, or both, at
the discretion of tho court: but the fine
shall not exceed five hundred dollars in
each case, nor the imprisonment one
year. Tho like punishment shull be
inflicted, on conviction on the officers of
election who shull neuloct or reluse to
make, or cause to be made the endorse
ment required as aforesaid on said
naturalization certificate.
Section 17. Tho respective asses
sors, inspecters and judges of election
shall each have tho power to administer
oaths to any person claiming the right to
be assessed, or the right ot suffrage, rr
in regard to any.other matter or thing
required to bo done or inquired into by
any of said officers under this oc'; and
wilful false swearing by any Tersou in
relation to any matter or thinir, concern
ing which they shall be lawfully inter
rogated by aoy of said officer or over
seers, shull be perjury.
Part of Sfction 10. Any person
who shall, on the day ut' any election,
visit a polling phi. e in any electiou dis
trict ut wbicli hois not rtiiitk-oi to vote,
aud! u.-o uny intimidation or viol
ence lor the purpos j of preventing any
officer of election from performing the
duties required of him by law, or for
the purpose of preventing any qualified
voter of 8U3h district from exercising his
right to vote, or frum exercising his
right to challenge any person offering
to vote, such pel sou shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon cou
victiun thereof shall ba punished by -a
fine not exceeding one thousand dollars,
or by imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both, at the discretion ot the
Section -l Any person who, on
oath or ufiirmaiiou, in or before any
court in this state, or officer authorized
to administer oaths, shall, to procure a
ceitilicato of naturalization ft. r hiuisell
or uny other person wilfully ui-posc, de
clare or iiffiiiu any matter to be fact,
knowing the same to be lale, or shall
in like manner deny any matter to be
tact, knowing the s:tine to be true, shall
be deemed guilty ot perjury; and any
certificate of nuturalizaiiuti issued in
pursuauce of any such deposition, do
clurutiou or affirmation, shull be null
and void, and it shall be the duty of the
court issuing tho same, upon proof be
ing made before it that it was fraud u
lently obtained, to take immediate meas
ures for recalling the same lor canclla
tion; and uny person who shall vote or
attempt to vote on any paper so obtuiued.
or who shall in any way aid iu, connive
at, or have any uguncy whatever in the
issue, circulation or use of any fraudu
lent naturalization certificate, shall be
deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, aud
upon couviction thereof shall undergo
an imprisonment iu the peuitentiary lor
not more than two years and pay u fiue
of not more than one thousand dollars, for
every 6uih offense, or either or both, at
the discretion of the court.
1'urstiaut to the provisions contaiucd
in 'he thirteeth section of tho act last
aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid
disticts living within twelve miles of
tho prothouotary's office, or withiu
twenty-four mileo, if their residence be
in a town, village or city upon the line
of a railrosd leading to the county seat
shall, before two o'clock past meridian
of the day alter the electiou, and all
other judges shall, before twelve o'clock
meridian of the second day after elec
tion, deliver said return, together with
return sheet, to the prothonotary of the
court of common pleas of Elk county at
Given under my hand at Ridgway.
the 4th day of October, in the year of
our Loid one thousand eight hundred
uud seventy-five, and of the indepen
dence of tho Uuited States tii j ninety
ciuth. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff.
SlifclllFV's Ufficr, 1
Ridgway, Pa. Oct., 7, 1874. 32l4-
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Cashmer at P & K's
Give the Aunootb office a cull for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,
and if you are going to get married leave
us an order for your cards.
Those new style prints, at P & K's
are the general talk, of the town. Go
and see tbem.
Ladies and childrena ooat all aivl An anil
qualities, $2 60 8 00 8 73 4 60 6 00 6 25 7 00
o io iu,uu aua upwards also shawls and
dresses at MAY it SIVERMANN'8 oppo
site Iht oourt bouse, Williamsport, pa.
The Political, Personal, and Property
Rights0; Citizen,
Of the United Statet How to exercite and
how to pettcrve them, Uy Thcophilut rar
torn, I, . D,
Containing a commentary on the Fed
eral aud State Constitution, giving their
history and origin, and a full explanation
of their principles, purposes and provis
ions; the pow -rs and duties of Publio ttlli
eerv, the rights of the pccple, and the
obligation incurred In every relation of
life; alHO, parliamentary rules for deliher
live bodies; and full directions, and legal
forms for all business trnsaclions, as mak
ing Willx, Deeds, Mortgages Leases,
Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc A law
Library In a single volume. It meets the
wants of all clanxesnnd sells to everybody.
JUNGS UROlllCUd A Co., I'hila. Pa,
VANIA." Inoltiding Fairmount Pork, tho Wissa
hickiin, and the prominent romantic looali.
ties and landscapes of Pennsylvania; pre
senting in a series of superb engravings,
the scenery, life, manners, character, and
architecture of the cities of the State.
The most faultless pictoral work yet of
fered to the American publio.
Each part will contain a number of en
gravings, produced under the supervisions
of J. W. Laudeibuch; after designs by
Draley, Thomas, Moron, Woodward, Beu
sell. and oilier prominent Atucric iu artisis.
Edited by Edward Htrahau.
To be published in r I ktkkn Semi-
ted on superior toned paper, fcije 10x12
Parties residintr in localities where
agents have not. been appointed can obtain
the work by a-Mressing
DERHAC'H, Pnblishors,
1!33 South Fifth Street Philadelphia.
W JkM our adveiCuur hu not uia.1t iui adrertlf.
wiw !!, hfr distinct, we till Interpret and olaba
tmv it im follows ;
yc. it. rooTi:, ar.i.,
Anthar at Plain H"ms Talk. Me.lli-al Comm.m S"nto,
Fk.-i.-nm in tr, etc.. liM I-csiniiton A.vrmw (cor.
B.t ith a-.i-Butl, New York, an iNOKranniNT
Fhtuciak, Ufitx all furnin of Llnutring or vhrimU
Uiaoaaaa. am) recelrei WtUnt from all )iarta of tha
GiTTuaao Wo.iLU.
By Si' original map of crmductlnfr a Medical PrRO
Ma, h l tomvs'fuHv trmt'm; nnnieroim vntictils In
Kxrapa, tSe Wefct Indiea, Itomlnloii of
Caua., and in nery pact of the Unileil Stau-a,
Or eMeterlotu drag! and. He has, during the part
Iwvarj thtva years, treated fmcccsf fully nearly or quita
ait.OiiO aa-w. All fact oonnectf d with each case art
earefnlly rcord;d, whethi-r they be communicated by
laccar or in pervm, or observed by the DuiAor or hia
amuiata iihjaiuUua. Tho latter cso all scleutiflo
Uudual mask
At treated. All Invalids at a distance arc required
tn answer a list of ptaia questions, which elicits eveiy
syniitom. aader which the invalid sutlers, -lit com
mtmlerKiO'M WHM elrlctlv confl'WHtal. A com pitta
svHiam of rop vtertna' prevents niistatea or confusion.
f qtienuons sent free, on a;pliontion, to any part
Of the wink-, b. . v iMinDkM n fm
Bt'OCKsa, also sent free. All these testimonials ara
Irura those who have been treated tiy mail and express,
Apviob ih ofricH, oa bx Kail, vbbk or cnauan.
tyoU ou or addrcia
Ho. 120 Lexington Ave., J. T.
Wanted tt Sell DrIbofa Tlafn Jfbmt Talk
and M&iieal Comown. Sense: Also
Jlrlvofes Science-in Story
Sr. Border's Tonic Bowel and file Pills.
These pills are an Infallible remedy for constipation
and piles, caused by weakness or suppression of tha
peristiltio motion ot the bowels. They very gently
Increasn the activity ot the intestinal canal, produce)
soft stools and relieve piles at one. Thousands bavo
been uured by thein. Price 50 cents, sent by mail on
re!i!t of price. Prepared only by P. ALKHKD
RSieilARDT, l'nAtimoiix, 40 Focaxa Avksub,
Kkw Tohb Citt.
Sr. Burger's Compound Fluid Extract of
Ehubarb and Sandelion.
Tha befit combination of purely vegetable medicines
to entirely replaca Calomel or Blue Pill. It stimulates
the livur, increiaos the flow of bile, and thus removes
atonoe torpidity of the liver, biliousness and habitual
ooiitipaUuii. and tha diseases arUing from such M
dyspepsia, siohc headache, flatulence, etc. Thoeffeo.
ttveuese of this Extract will be proved, visibly, at onco
so the patient, as one or two bottles are sufficient to
eloar the complexion bountifully, and remove pimples
and stains caused by liver troubles. Price 81 per bottle,
ft botUea, S5 ; will be sent ou roceipt of the prioa
to anv address, free of cbnrge. Prepared only by
Avbbcb, haw Yoac Citx.
Bakers Sweet Chocolate
Young man if you want to add
greatly to your appearance goat once
to PO.VELL & KIMK'S Grand Cen
tral ?tore, and fet joutclf a new white
liueu bosom shirt.. You con get a good
tatting white clean shirt for 81,25 and
Iroui that up.
tyeyer'f Poultry Powder.'
V7ol.nnA I f rmA I sa 41
to euro chlrken cholera uud
canes. AViihihunnlvoi thin
1 Powder uod u Utwtowalof
"imiiujy uiicnuun locican
l.iicss proper feeding,
rrlt and oa-Eshell-fnrnilnir material, any our muy
Poultry (even I nconfm.?m.'ni)rnr anyleuclh of
with both profit aid pleasure. Piic-kuge25cU.,
mi a neeurui buppit or
jr Ask vour Uuuler. Beat fre upou ro-
A. C. METER & CO., Bultlmor
Sates of Advertisfaf.
One column, one year M $75 00
i " " 40 00
1" 25 00
15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2.
Husiness cards, ten lines or Icbs, per
year $5.
Advertisements parable quarterly.
Auvidtisino: Cheap, Good, Systema
tic All persons who contemplate
making oontractM with newspapers lor the
insertion of advertisements, should seud
25 cents to Ueo P. Howell J- Co., 41 Park
Row, New York, for their PAMPHLET
BOOK ninety-seventh edition,) containing
lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima
tes, showing the cost Advertisements
taken for leading papers in many States at
a termendoua redaction from publishers
rstts. (1st vbb book. v no 48 tt
wi in
form the Cittzeos of Ridgway, and the
publio generally, that ht has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Busies, to let upon the most reason
ble terms
tt5He will also do job teasing.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left al the Post Office will Beet
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. tf.
The Weekly Sun.
A Urge eight poire imtecendent. hnnant
and fearless newspaper if 50 broad columns,
especially dcsigued for the farmer, Ihe ne,
chanic, the merchant and the Professions
nion, and their wives and children. We
aim to make tho iVkeklt Sun the best
family newspaper in the world. It in full
of entertaining and instructive reading of
every sort, nut prints nothing to oTleiid the
most scrupulous and delicate taste. Price
SI, a) per year, postage Sreuatd. The
cheapest paper published. Iry it- Address
mt em, .lev lorucity.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wet more.
Additional Luvr Judge Hon. Jn- P
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J T.
Distiict Attorney--J. K. P. Hall.
Shei iff l). Scull.
Piotlnnotury j-c, Fred. Schosning.
Treasurer Joseph VYindfelder.
County Superintendent Gen. R. Dixon.
Commissioners Michael Weidcrt, Julius
Jones, Geo. Jid. Yein.
Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Uutidy,
County Surveyor Geo Wslmsley.
Jury Commissi iners. Phillip tireighla
Kausoin T. Kyler.
Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa,
15KI) liKST tempered ettel spring
wire, these ppriugM can be laid on tha
t-iuts o any common bed and ara
Also agent lor
Weed Sewing Machine,
Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST
MACHINE iu the mnvket. Call ani
exu.niiie lirfore purchasing eleehi .
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa.
A Large Stock cf
'Jroceric-3 and Provisions. '
Constantly ou hand, and sold as cbssp
as the CHEAPEST.
seeds .jrw rzmiTs.
0. C. The True Capo Cod Cranberry,
C. best sort lor Upland, Lowland, or
Garden, by mail prepaid, 1 per 100, 85
per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw
berries and Peaches. A priced Cata
logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen
tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs
Roses, Plunts, &c., and FRESH
choicest collection iu the country, with
all novelties, will be tent gratis to any
plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower,
Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or
Herb Seeds, for 81,00, sent by mail,
li. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur
series aud Seed Warehouse, Plymouth,
Mass. Established 1842.
X VAMA. Your attention is specially
invited to the tact that the National Bunks
are now prepared to receive subscriptions
to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial
liourd ot't'iuance. The funds readied from
this source are to be employed in the ereo
liou of the buildings fur the Iuternaiiona
Exhibition, aud tlie expenses couuected
wilh the fame. It is coutideutly believed
that the Keystone State will he represented
bj the nmno of every citizen alive to pulri.
one commemoration of the oue hundredth
birth-day of the natiou. The shares o
slock are oifered for $10 each, and sub
scribers will receive a handsome engraved
Cerliticate of Stock, suitable fur framing
and preservation as a national memoriul.
Interest at the rate of six per cent, per
annum will be p.iid on all payments of Cen
tennial Stock from date of payment to
January 1, 1870.
Subscriber a who are not neat a Nation
Bank can remit a check or post office order
to the undersigned.
FRED'K. ERALEY, Treasurer,
'J04 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Appletoss American Cyclopedia
-that the revised, and elegantly illua
trated edition of this work, dow being
published, a volume of 800 pages oocu
iu two mouths, is the best Cyeloped 5
America, ia certain. No library is com
plete without it. It ia a complete one
in itself. It only cosU$3 a month I
get it in leather binding. The beet and
cheapest library ia the world. Address,
C. K. Judsou, PwdoQia, N. Y,