t BtfSXMESS CARDS. G. A. It A TUB VA, Attorney-at-Uw,; Ridgway, 2 2 tf. RUFUS LVCORE, Attorney-at-Law Biilirwntr. TMi Cn . Vm Hffina In Hall'l new Hi-ink Hnililin rl.imi for Collection promptly attended to. vanity. 11 ALL d- M' VAC LEY, Attorneys- at-Liw. Office in New Uriels Building, Main St Rideway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. 0. IK 13AILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 0 vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Aeent for the Traveler's Life and Aeni dent In sum nee Co., of Hertford, Conn. JAMES I). FULLER TON, Burpeon Dentist, bavins permanently lo cated in Kigway, offers his professional ser vices to t ue oitueus of Kidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted Office in Servira & Wheeler's l!uildinr, up stairs, first door to th left. 73-a-:My CHARLES HOLES, Watohninker, Engraver and Jeweler. Main Btreet, Hidgwny, Pa. Agent tor tl towe rewiojr Machine, and Morton Uo)' en. Kepsiring Watches, etc, dore wnb o same accuracy as heretofore. Satin clioi guaranteed. vlnly v. a. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmaeeuti: t N. W. eorni f Jiiu u uud Mill streets, Hutgwnv, Pa. Oil assortment of cuielully selected For ign and l'oiiu'iitio iMngs. Prescriptions U'etuUy dujieuted at m hours, day or igiit. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. to. D., Physician nua Surgeon. Ollice in In ng Store, corner lii-oad and uiu Sis, Iti-sidenue corner Iiroad St. iposiio the College. tJtiice Lour Ironi to 1U A. M. and from 7 to S P. M. T 1 II J' I. J. S. 1! OR DWELL, to. 1)., lectic I'bysioiun and Surgeon, hasremov- t iiis oBice troui C'eutre street, to Mail. t. igwny, l'n,. in the second story of the Is brick I . u 1 1 I in i.; of JiiJmi ti. llnl, eppu- t" lly ie b store. OJi nour: I to 'i V M 7 to U P M HYDE no I si:, ItmowjY, EucCo., Pa W. !J. SCI1 HAM, Proprietor. Tbcukful foi the pun-ounce heretofore o liberally t.evtowed upon Uiui, the new i-cprieiur, hopes, by paying strict at om uiu i o the oumtort and convenience ol ui-ai'j, to u erit a continuance oi the HUlli. ft I SO lr.-J'.'. KERSEY HOUSE, tSTRKVlLLU, El.lt Co. Pa. Jo u.n Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the nali'uUHL' e lieretolnrt d iiberilly bestowed upon hiui, the now roprietor, hopes, hy paying strict ni dation to the comfort acd convenience guedts. l merit a continuance of th tiiue. P. W. 11 A YS, ii:lc. in ry Goods, Notions, erccones- and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Enrlcy I. O. wln47tf. RAILROADS. Pennsylvania hail hoad Philadelphia &. Erie R. H. Division. WINTER TIME T AISLE. )X and after MONDAY, MAY 24, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia & ii tiauroau win run as iouows: WESIWAKL). AN'E ACCOM leuves Keuovo 4 35 p m ' Drift wood.. 5 65 p m " ". Emporium 0 65 p m " " St Marys..'. 7 65 p in ' Kidgway... 8 25 p ni " YVilooa: 9 05 p m arr at Kane.. 9 u(J p in IS MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ni " Keuovo 1105a m " Emporium 1 10 p u rit. Mary's 2 00 p in Kidgway 2 25 p in Wilcox 2 68 p in " arrive at Erie 7 60 p m EAST rt'AKD. ENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00-a ro YVilcox 8 a a in " Kidgway 9 25 am " 8; Marys 10 01 a m " Emporium 1105 am Driftwood 12 15 pm " Keuovo 1 -10 p m CUE MAIL leaves Erie , 11.20 a m " " Kane 8 45 p m " Wilcox i 08 p m " " Kidgway 4.45 pm " " St. Mary's 6.10 pm " " Emporium. 6.05 p ui " " Keuovo 8.25 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 6.50 a m Benovo Actum nnd Kane Acoom connect ast and west at East with Low (ivude Di- ision and IlNV&l'RK WM. A. BALDWIN. Uen'l Sup't. Fresh family Grooeries, and Canned i;ood at P & K's. Tha cheapest and Li CSt. TUB ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office io Thajer & Hagerty'a Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, ' Ridgwa, Elk Co., Pr QUOTATIONS or White, Powell & Co' ISANKEKS AND UKOKEKd, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Oct. 12th 1876. BID. AtKID V. 8. 1881. d 6 20,o '62, Mand N. 23 28 18 18 do do '64 do 18 do do '65 do do do '65 J and J-.., do do '67 do do do '68 do , 10-40, do eoupoo do Pacific 8 s cy Int. off New 6's Reg. 1881 " C. 1881 Gold... 19 18 19 18 19 911 20 20 16 17 23 23j 16; 16j 16 16 10i Silver. 107 10!t 50 606 55 6r'f 20 201 Pennsylvania. Reading Philadelphia & Eri Lehigh Navigation Div. oil'. do Valley United R K of N J Ex. Div. Oil Creek Northern Central 601 60 61 62 13112 Hi 10 28 i 2S 46 46 Central Transportation Nesquehoning A & A Mortgage 6's '89 64 64 106 105 ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce the name ofMIJIJAEL WE1DEKT, of Jones town ship, as an independent candidate for the office of County Commissioner. FURS! furs: furs: FURS! Extra inducements oflferd in ladies & children s furs, small sets at $100 ladies sets from $2 00 and upwards extra bar gains in Mink sets first quality as, MAY & SlLVERMANN'3. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are uow offered for sale by the Ridgway Cemetery Association in the new Cemetery. The present low price tor lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgwoy Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f. PRIVATE TUITION. Pupils wishing to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or disiring to prepare for College can hnve opportuuiiy of doing so by applying to the Rector of O race Church, lie having made the necessary arrange ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for iufltruction. For in formal ion as to terms 4c apply to KEV. WM. JAS. MILLER A. M. Kidgway, Pa, Augl9.i!m Hair switches 75 cents $1 00 2 00 3 00 & 4 00 worth double the money and Ruches for 25 cents hats from 25 ceati upwar ds Ttimed huts from i?l 00 upwards, great re duciion in all kinds of goods at MAY & SIX. VCR MANN'S, Williiimsport, Pa. Notice. Ta ttham it mat concern: E. F. & R. C. Morey have in their posses sion the following property which belongs to the undersigned, and all persons are hereby warned against purchasing the same: . One grey horse, one set of double harness; 2shovels, 1 water pail, 2 heds nud bedding, 3 cook, and 1 coal stove and furniture, 3 pieces of pjlatoes, and 1 piece of corn in field, 1 bob sled, 1 griud stone, 2 neck yokes, 1 set spreaders, 1 set tackle putlies, 1 whif flvtree 1 h-A dishes, 1 log rule, lot. of vegt tables in g.irden, 3 tables, 1 set of chairs 4 wood ejiairs, 2 looking glasses, 1 lot of chairs at.d goods 1 basket, crock, hags, c. 2 work stands, 1 lol of tinware, 1 earpenters krpiHre, 1 set old harness, 1 pair bobsleds, i St. Mary's. D. F. ELi. n32t3 'ri, TvttKty-fivt Cents. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING MNETV-EIGHTII EDITION. 1 Containing a complet list of all the townB in the United States, the Territories and the Dominion of C uiada, having a popula tion gieater than 5,000 according to t lie last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local circu lation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue o' newspapers which are re commended to advertisers as giving great. st value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in the Uuited Slates and Canada printing over 5,Ut'0 copies each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agri cultural, t'ciiiutilio nnd Mechanical, Modi cal, Masjuic; Juvenile, Educational, Com-n-crcial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other special class journals; very complete lists. Together with a complete list of over S00 German papers printed in the United btates. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, sbowi-tg the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in advertis ing would like to know. Address GEO P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Park Row, New York. A choice lot of Pastry Flour at POWELL & KIME'S Try it. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. II you want any bl'ched or brown muslins, from i to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head quarters, Powell & Kime's and select to your taste. Weddiug aud Mourning outfits for la. dies at MAY & SILVEKMaNN'S, opposite the court hvuse, Wiliiamsport, Pa CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! . Goods marked down to astonish the world. Call and see us. MAY & SILVER. MANN, Williatnsport, Pa. Millinery goods, hair switches, jewelry, fancy -roods, notions, ladies & childreus olouks, dtesses & undergarments. Whole sale & Retail at MAY & SILVERMANN'S opposite the oourt house, Wiliiamsport, P. MADAM DEM0RE3T PATTERNS. We are agents for madam demorest pat terns, catalouges free, send for one, pat tarns sent by mail. MAY & SILVER MANN'S Wiliiamsport Pa. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you bay them, you will Dever be troubled with the nigt-mare oi debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wifa and children will greet you with a smile in the wording. Go to Powell &aKime'8 model store with your cash, get more fban its value and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and say it Is workiDg charmingly. Trial List. List of Causes set down for trial at November terra, 1875. 1. The Clarion Iliver Navigation Co. vs. Hiram Carman. No 09, Au gust Term, 1873. 2. Miles Dent vs. Charles St. John and Rob't Rothrock. No. 4, January Term, 1874. 3. David M'Donald vs- L. F. & II. M. Powers. No. 12 April Term, 1874 4. William II. Evans vs. A. J. A'ery. No. 19, April Term, 1874. 5. Patrick Welsh vs. Joseph Kooh. No. 74, August Term, 1874 G. Lazarus Moycr vs. Patrick Lamb No. 84, August terra, 1874. 7. Thomas Holland vs. J. V. Houk & Co. No. 107, August Term, 1874. 8. Caleb Shortwell vs. George Soull et al. No. 13, September Term, 1874. 9 0. A. Keilogg vs. C. Wninwright. No 23, September Term, 1874. 10 R W. Moorhead ct al., Adm'rs of N. W. M'Clure, deceased, vs. Hiram Carman, 'No 28 September Term, 1874 11 Inskeep, Poor & M'Gaffiek vs. J. B. Whitman No 49, September Term, 1874 12 John Farrer vs. C R. Earley No 4, November Term 1S74 13 William Johnson vs Edward Walters No 15, November Term 1874 14 R C M'Gill vs. The PeooRylva nia R. R. Co, No 9, January Term, 1875 15 Gibbs, Burko & Co. vs Gilford, Hall & Co. No 24 January Term, 1875 16 John Bauer vs John Deht No 26, January Term 1875 17 Miles Dent vs M. C. Wyckoff and William Wyckoff. No 5 May Term, 1875 18 William R Younjr et al. vs. The A V R R Co, No 35, May Term, 1875 19 John J Ridsrway vs. Isaac !Mep henson et al. No 175 May Term, 1875 20 John J. Ridywsy vs" Sarah S. Burns et al. No 17G, May Terra 1875 21 II 0 Moore et al. vs. The Town ship of Millstone. No 79 September Term 1875 Our Coats? irom 85 to $25 a large and splendid stock. Step in and get one at P. & K's Hunting Rubbers' with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. CHEAi'EST A AD HES Z'lj PETERSOFSMAGAZINE POSTAGE fSS-PAID ON ALL STCSCEIP TIONS. 05s Ertry xultcribtr for 1876 icilbe qresenled with a sujirrft, tanje.-sized xtn l ettyravi'tg of Trumbull's a'lvbratvd pic ture of " The Signing of the Declara tion of Independence." This will be "Peterson's" Centennial Gift "Peterson's Mayazine." contains, every year, lllOO pages, i4 steel plates, 12 colored Burltu patterns, 12 mam uioih colored laihion plates, 24 pages ot music, and 900 wood cuts. Great improvements will be made in 1876. Among them will be a series ol illustrated articles on the Great Exbibi. tion at Philadelphia, which will ulotie be worth the mbscriptiuu price. '1 hey will appropriately called. THE CENTENNIAL IN PEN AND PENCIL! 'ihe immense circulation ol 'l'etcr son" enables its proprietor to spend more money on establishments, storier, (e., &e, than any other. It ghes More fur the money than any in the world. Its. THRILLING TALKS AND NOVEL ETTES Are the best published anywhere. All the most -jiopular writers are employed to write originally for "1'itc.rsou." In 1876, in addition to the usual quantity of short stones, 1'IVE ORIGINAL COPYKIG LIT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Aun S. Stephens,'-Frank Leo Benedict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, aod others. Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates Ahead ol all others. These plates at eugiaved on steel, twice tub usual size, and are unequaled for beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also, Household aud other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. iV. IS. 7te publisliers mow pre pays the postage to all mail subscribers. 'letcrsoH is cheaper than ever; in act is THE CHEAPEST IN THE WOULD. TERMS (Always In AdVancoi$2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies for$3,60 3 Copies 4,80 With a copy ot the premium mezzotint (21x26) "CHRISTMA8 MoRNINO," a five dollar engraving, to the parson get ting up the (Jlub. 4 Copies for $6,80 7 Copies for 11,00. With uu extra copy ot ttie Muga liue for 1876, an a premium, to the person getting up the Club 5 Copies for $8,50 8 Copies for 12.50 12 Copies for 18.00. With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 187G, and the premium mezzotint, a five dollar engraving, to the person getting' up ihe Club- Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. fcto'iipeciuieiia sent gratis if written for. Rosted coffee a genuine article, at P. & K's. If you want a bag of feed, or a usflhel of potatoes or a barrel or sack ot bour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to Mep into P & K's for it JOBTTT ORK We are now prepared V lo doall kinds of JOB WORK, buvelepea, Tags. Hill-heads, Letter heads, neatly aud eheuply executed. Offiee in Thayer & Hageity'g new building, Mail street Ridgway, P. ELK LODGE, A. Y.M. The stated meetings of Elk Loige, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Maiu and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month- VY. C. HEALY, See'y. A general stock of wiuter clothing, at very low prioes at P. & K's. (torn potmt. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2875. Oh! those beautiful prints at P. & LJC's. Alpacis cheaper than ever before known at P. & K's. Hats and Caps a completossortment at P. & K's. The bitrgist cabbage in Elk county is on Miller's shoulders, it edits the Elk Democra t. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn down corners also the good old Byron style at P. t K's. A complete stock of ladies mifscs and childrens . shces, light, medium and heavy at P, & K's. Now is the time to buy. Brilliant and first-class conundrum. Why is Miller of the Democrat like flounder? Ans. B:cau-so ho is a great flat. " jenci" is hunting for a boarding place out of town we recommend High land 'ovnship, as being nmantic aud re tired, for a man of studium habits. f Bantam" Miller now objecisj to per sonal articles he says it is not right to hurt one's ieelings by writing on such tender subjects as "unrequited love" New goods, every day in the year except Sundays and Isgal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central Store of P. & K's. No bragging around. Call for whatyou want. ''Bantam" Miller in his last issue 'wants to know" why we connrct him with a poultry show. That's right.Miller, when you are ignorant don't be ashamed to ask for information, and you have just come this time to the right shop for in 'ormation we are chuck full of it on, subjects, aud we hope lo make some thing of you after a . while; as you are now you are nothing but tin abusive scribbltr, and if there is anything wo hate it is to see anybody abused. Well, the reason why we connected you with a poultry show is you are suoh a purty bird aud havp such purty futtthers, why if we hud a good fat chicken just right to ixt, and it wasn't proud of being along side of you, in a poultry show, we would 82nd it to pot in less time than it takes a sheep to flnp its tail in fly tioie Ask us souio more questions, wo are poor but we are not proud. The appearance of a recent horsp malady, the origin of which is not yet determined but in its operation is said to be different from the once lamous cpizoot, and the likelihood of its becom ing epidemic induce an eminent veteri nary surgeon to make public the follow ing remedy for the new disease; Iu the first place' where the primary symp toms present themselves, apply a strong solution of camphor to the nose of the animal on a sponge, internally adminis tering twenty drips of tha tincture of aconite root in an ou'ice ol water every hour for ciht or ten hours, followed by twenty grains boracio acid in warm water, externally applying mustard and flixseed poultices to the throat every three hours. Where there is much irritation in the throat, with coughing. give ten drops of the tincture of bella d inna every hour alternately with the tinturo ot aconite Sjfc feel and a stable temperature of seventy degrees are indispensable. The disease is essen tially ot cryptogenic origin, and can only be overcome by such agents as act directly and specifically upon the psorio development. Pet.rson'8 Magazine, that Queen of the Lady's Books, is on our table for November. The priuciptl steel engrav ing, "Mamma's Flower Girl," is very beautiful. So, also, is the mammoth colored steel fashion plate. Hut, n i cotemporary says, the stories, the fash ions, the patterns, in short, everything in "Peterson" is the best o its kind. For 1876 great improvements will be made. Among these will be 8 serie? of illustrated articles, describing the Cen tennial Exhibition, which will alone be worth the subscription price. But, io addition to this, every subscriber wid be presented, as a Centennial Gift, with a superb steel engraving (large-sized for framing) of Trumbull's great picture. "The Signing of the Declaration of In dependence." These very extraordin ary inducements will mike this maga zine for 187t5 more desirable than ever Yet the price will remain the sime, viz; Two Dollars a Year, the postage pre paid by thw publisher. The prices to clubs are astonishingly low, (postage also pre-paid,) iz,; three copie! for 81,80, with a superb Mezzotiot (21 inches by 2C) ''Christmas Morni.no," the finest and costliest ever offered, to tho person getting up the club; or five copies for 88,50, (postage pre-paid,) and both an extra copy and the pre mium engraving to the person getting up the club. Fo- large dubs thepriccs are even lower. Specimens of the Magazine are sent, gratis, if written for. Subscribe to notbiug else until you have seen a copy of this popular Maga zine. Address CHARLES J. PE TERSON, 306 Chostuut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. A MAN KILLED WHlLB ATTEMI'INO 10 UOAUD A FtllSIGlIT 1RAIN GOING AT THE RATH 01' FIFiEEN MIL15S AN HOUR. Mondayjcvening last, at about fifteen minutes alter six oclock a man was found at the RiJgway depot in an in sensible condition, with the fingers cut from his left band and his left foot badly mutilated and a terrible fracture in hi skull. No one saw the man at tho time of the accident and he had laid by the side of the track for some time before he was discovered, but the supposition is that in attempting to board the through freight, which passed Kidgway station about six o'clock, he missed his hold and fell backwards oti the track stiiking probubly on the rail causiug tho fracture iu his tku'I, Ihe wounds on his hand aud foot it is supposed weie made by the local, which was standing on the side track t the time, passing over them One supposition is that he attempted to board the engine and another is that he attempted to board the caboose, which theory is right do one will ever be able to d( tcrmine,but that the man missed his hold aud fell while trying to get on the train there is no reason to doubt. Tho injured man was taken to the Hyde House, and under the care of Drs. Hart ley and McKnight, everything was done to relieve the unfortunate man, that skill and judgment suggested, but without avail. No reaction took place but the man was at times delirious, when it required two or three men to hold him, yet at no time was he con scious, save of pain. At twelve o'clock death endued and relieved the sufferer of his suii'eriug. Au iuqucst was held by Esquire Mead and a jury composed ot James Fullcrtoo, E K Gresh, Chas. Holes, II II Wensel. James McGinnis, and Wil liam Cummiugs, who elicited the follow ing facts; The name of the deceased was John Jierdaoier, aged about thirty five years a resident ot Benovo, a mar ried man having a wife and one child a mou'.dct by trade, who bad been teach ing school at Benovo for some time past, and who had acted in the capacity of brakeiuan on a fteight train. On the diy of the accident he came to llidg way for the purpose of getting employ ment at the new foundry ot Messrs Hyde & Kliue, aud was engaged by Mr. Kline. We Icirn from other sources that the man was well educated aod a sober and industrious man. His wife had been married before and h id lost her first husband and nine children, besides losing a child by her second husband, aud now her second husband is sent to her coffiued and shrouded who but yesterday was in the full enjoyment of life aod physical ac tivity, filling as it were her cup of misery to overflowing. In the dead man's pocket was found a package of candy which ho wase carrying homo to his little child, and who cau surmise what visi ins of home Wed bis mind as hi was about to take the fatal step, which lorever veiled theth'ns of time from his ml: lit The remains weie :;tnt to Benovo on mail Tiiwsday afternoon. "Bantam" Miller again makes an un feeling allusion to our hair and calls us a "fu.zy pated arbitrator;'' in a former issue we triel to explain to hiui why we could not keep our buir as sleek as ho does his, aud wo have this week been to the barber aud offered him ihe job ol taking daily euro of our locks if he would make a ds taction of eighty-six per cent, frutn regular prices, lie didn't appear to be in gnod humor, told us to go somewhere, we didn't exactly catch the word but it sounded like ''Halifax," at any ratojit began with' II aod as we turned to go we heard him mutter somethiu'j; about having enough of that kind of trade or, band now. As wo had no particular business in Halifax or any other place, except our office we siid'y returned there aud penued this eloquent paragraph. The voice ot the gudgeon is no more heard through the laud, it lias again re tired to private life, cause, the results of the late election are not of character to cheer the hearts ot the long-suffering and patiently waiting Djtuooraey. Iu ths m;antitne two kegs of powder are offered for sale low, to any one who will take it out ot the State, and agree uot tome it in celebratiug Republican vic tories. Apply at Messenger's drug ore, where "perscriptions are care fully compounded at all hours of the day and night, small sales and large profits is my motto." "Bantam" says we spend a good deal of time "feeding our chickjus and free' ing them from lice" (beautiful language for a school director.) We are credibly informed that "Buntaru" Is troubled with an uncuutrolable desire to scratoh aud we don't taut him arouud our poultry. BORN. On Sunday. October 10th 1875, to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wilson, a daugh ter. Green Bio coffee a 1. & K's Knit utiders hitts aod drawers, at P & K'a. Oluuuu cuucu ui I'. H K a. Election on Tuesday, November 2d. Billheads are done neatly at this office. Charles MoVeau Was in town yester day. The chestnut burs have bunted, to bus iuflatiou. We are prcpired to do ull kinds of wedding, busiucss, aud visiting cards. Snow storms are uow an every day occurence. Vote for W. II. Osterhout for County Commissioner It is said tho clcstnut crop will be light. Wo arc prepared to do all kiuds of job work promptly neatly uud cheaply. Services at, the Lutheran Church next Sunday by Rev. I. Breneman, English morniug and evening. ' G. C. Biandou was in our sanctum this week. He sports a new suit of clothes. We believe the cold weather has put a stop lo the work uu Miller's Elk creek cauul. Vote for Charles MeVesU for Treis urer, ho has been weighed in th bab ance and bus not been found wanting. G. G. Messenger has just received a new stuck of goods at his drug store. Vinton Boss, the new clerk, has had the store cleaned and made several no ticeble improvements. Win, P. Finlcy, Republican candid ate for State Senator, from this district, was in town yesterday. Last night the Ridgway S. C. Bund gave him a sere nade to which he responded io a few appropriate remarks. Fowler oi Jamestown and Horace Warner, of this place, will contest in a rifle 6hoot tor 5u0 at Jamestown, N. Y.ou the 28th of this mouth. They con tested last year when Fouler was the victor. Tho subject of the evening sermon at Giuce Church, Sunbay next will be "IlioBiblo in our Public Schools. The bourof services is 7 o'cIock, all are cor dially invited. Capt. James Woodward is now eu gaged iu the grocery business in Holes building. He kerpsoD band assortments of every thing in the grocery line, and sells cheep. lie also keeps, good apples, as we have good reason to know Give the Captain a call. Now dear ''Bautatn" please don't say anything nioro about our hair, our bet teihalt attends to that thoroughly, jou are not a married man. nnd are uot likely to be, uud you don't understand many things; stick to the ''human heart and its luuetiofis" (bov are your functions?) but let our hair alone "Smoke'" The Reynoldsvillo Herald comes to us ''like Phenix ri.iug from the fhtues" in a bran new dress nine broad columu3 aud printed on a No. 4 Potter press. The old gingerbread headiug gives place to a neat and plain cipital head which is, a thing of beauty uud a joy forever. The paper has alsu dropped tho "v tile" aod is now known as the Reynolds Herald. G. C. Braudon has sold out his interest to Thos. Reynolds, Sr. aud son. It is proposed to present "Bautatn'' Miller with a bottle of soothiug syrup, purchased by subscription, he is to grumpy of lute his friends are ufru'd he is teething, we have some charity lor him, however, tor ice know that ha knows. "Disappoint meut hath poison aud power To ruill ami sour The most patient of heart," and besides the "functions" of his heart are damaged SHERIFF'S SALES. BY viitueof a writ of venditioni ex ponas, issed out of the (Jourt ofComuiou I'leasofKlk Couniy audio me directed i will expose to publio sale by vendue or outcry at the Court House, Ridgway lJa on MONDAY NOVEMiilii: 10 1875 at 1 o'clock 1'. M. ihe fallowing described real estate to wit: All tho right tillo interes claim and de mand whatsoever of defendants m to or out of all the iollowiun tract piece or parcel of land to wit as follows: ilciug iu lue town ship of Spring Creek couaty of Llk uud itt le of l'euusylvaniu, bounded and de scribed as follows being wail of warrant, number 12775 warrmed in the uuuie of Wilhelm Willink and others; Jlegiuuiiig at a saddle buck rock, ou the left baud of Spring Creek theace north tlni-iy-outi 31 degrees west nineteen rods, lheuce north rive 5 degrees west seven teen 17 rods to a hemlock tree on said left bunk of Spring Creek thence north Cu degrees east foriy 4Ui rods to a pi-si, thence south thirty (oO) degrees east sixty seven and five-tenths 67 -oj rods theuoe south nine and one-t'uU.riu(J) degrees west five and live. tenths (5 rods iu (lie place of begiuuiug coutuing fifteen (15) aoies more or les cu which is erected ihu following buildings, to wit: One largo water saw mill, one frame school house four frame dwelling houses about 10x19 with additions, one log bouse about 20x30; also one frame barn about 30x40 feel. Tim above houses are used as leuaut hojses in aud about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth iuteiest in to or out of the following tiuol, piece or parcel of land situate and being iu spring Creek township, JEtk Couniy aud Slule of Peesylvauia, bounded aud described us fel lows to wit; Ou the north aud east by lauds of Nelson btrang on the south by war rant line ot warrant number 278'J on tht west by Millstone towship hue coutaing four hundred uud fifty' (-154) acres more or less and being paw of warrant number 2775. Seized and taken into execution as the proptny of L. F H M Vowora at the suit of Jerome Powell- et al. and to be sold by 1MMEL SCULL. Bheriff. Sheriff's Office, Kidgway Pa October iist.