BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. RATHBUXl, Attorney-al-law,f Ridgway, T. 2 2 tf. RUFUS LUCORE, Attorney-at-Law Ridewav. F.Ik Cn . P OfTiftA In Jail's Dew Brick Iiuildinir. PUIm. for joolleotion promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL fc M'UAULEY, Attorneys-at-Liw. Ofliea In K. Drink p;i,i;., r.:n o Ridnway, Elk Co., Pa. '. ' v8n2tf. .. J. 0. IK BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT'LAW. vlnioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Aepntforlha Traveler' T.ifn anil Jul o " V V J dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Coun. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo eated in Rigway, offers liiR professional aer ate iq me citizens oi uicigwny ana sur routlclinz COlintrv. All Wnrk nnt-i-nntorl fuce in Service & Wheeler's Uuildinj?, up -airs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker. Eneraver and Jeweler. Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tl lowe eewing Machine, ana Jlorton UoJi' 'en. Repairing Watclics, etc, done witb e same accuracy as heretofore. Sulm cuon guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parm iceuti.-l N. W. cornei lo' Main and Mill street?, Kidgway, Pa. nil assortment ol carefully selected For- ign and Domestic Druga. l'resoriptions areiuliy dispensed at All liours, any or 'gut. vlntfy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Sureeon. Office in Drug Store, corner liroad and lain Wle, Residence corner Broad St. pposite the College. OBico hour lroin lo 10 A. 31. aud tiom 7 lo S P. M. vln2yl. J. S. LORD WELL, M. D., ctectic Physician and Sureeon, hasremov J his office from 1,'eulre street, tu Man si. lug way, Pu in the second story ol the ear trick building ot Johu 11. J.iail, cj'po itt Ity de's store. O.Bi.0 hours:! to 2 P M 7 t 'J P .t HYDE HOUSE, KmuwAY, tlm Co., Pa W. 11. SCIIUAM. Proi.rietor. Thankful for the calrouiL'e heretofore o iiberuily bestowed upon Lnn, the new l our. el jr. bones, bv u.uiuir s:ict a... Lviiiiuii iu wiw couiiorv ana convenience ol uesls, lo merit, a eouuuuunce oi the uie. Oct 18C. A ERSE I' HOUSE, 1' i. vrh kvillk, Elk t.'o., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for' tbe patronage iitieiolort o libenlly benlowed upou Ji i in, ibe now rofrietor, hopes, by paying Hnct at- ui ion to llio coiuloii ui.d convenience guosta. l merit a continuance ot the auie. J'. W. HAYS, I'LALE.. IN pry Goods, Notions, Groceries. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear Icy M. O. vln47tf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. N andafter MONDAY, MAY 24, 1875, the trains on the Philadelphia & rit Railroad will run as lollows s WCSTWAKU. ANE ACCOM leaves Penovo-... 4 35 p ai " " Driftwood.. 6 55 p m ' " " Emporium 6 65 p m fct .Marys... V bo p m " ' " Ridgway... 8 25 p m " " Wilooz U 05 p ni arr at Kane.. 9 80 p m RIB MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " " Renovo 1105 am " Emporium 1 10 p m " St. Mary's 2 00 p in " Kidgway 2 25 p ui " Wilooz 2 68 p ui ' arrive at Erie 7 60 p m EASTWARD. ENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a ro Wiloox 8 83 a la ' ' Kidgway- 9 25 a m " 8; Marys 10 01 a m " " Emporium 1105 am " Driftwood 12 15 pm " Renovo 1 4J p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " " Kan M 8 45 p m t " " Wilcox 4 08 p m " " Ridgway... 4.45 pm " " " 8t. Mary's 6.10 p m " " " Emporium 6.05 pm " " Renovo 8.25 p m " " arr. at Pbiladephia... 6.60 a m Renovo Accoiu and Kane Accom connect east and west at East with Low tirade Di vision and B N Y & P H K WU. A. BALDWIN. Oeu'l 6up't. Fresh family Groceries, and I) goods at P & K'a. The cheapest and best. THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Thayer !i Hagerty'a Block, HI DO WAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS mo DOLL RS A YEAR. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK I CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgway, filk Co., Pa' QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co' Rankers and brokers, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, Oct. 12th 1876. BID. ASBCD U. 8. 1881. e 23 23 do 6 20,062, M and N 18 181 do do '64 do IK J mj do 10r 19 do do '65 do do '65 J and J 18 1 OH 20 1 17 do do '67 do 19 do do '08 do 20 10-40. do coupon 16 do Pacific 6's cy Int. off 23 New 6's Reg. 1H81 16j 23 1 16J " C. 1881 10 17i Oo'd 116 Silver 107 109 Pennsylvania 60 J 60 Reading 05 1 65 Philadelphia & Erie 20 20 i Lehigh Navigation Div. off. 60J 601 do Valley 61 1 62 United R R of N J Ex. Div 131 132 Oil Creek () loj Northern Central 28 J 2HJ ;enirai iransportalion 4U 4u Nesquchoning 541 64 A & A Mortgage 6'g '89 100 105 J ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce the name of MICHAEL WEIDERT, of Jonestown ship, as an independen t candidate for tbe office of County Commissioner. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are uow offered (or sale by the Ridgway Cemetery Association in the Dew Cemetery. The present low price tor lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of V. 8. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-2S)t-f. Notice. To all it may concern. Thoa. A Gross of Fox Township has in his pos session oue bew LUMBER WAGON which are the property of the subscriber. All persons are warned against purchasiug the same, as the taid Gross is not the owner thereof. Sept. 9, 1S75. A E. GOFF. PRIVATE TUITION. Pupils wishing to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or dishing to prepare lor College can havo opportuniiy of doing so by applying to the Hector of Grace Church. He having made the ueees?ary arrange ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young Indies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms 4c apply to, REV. WM. JAS. MILLEK A. M. Ridgway, Pa, Augl9.3m Notice. To trJtom it muy concern: E. F. & R. C. Mo:ey have in their posies sion the following tiropeity which belongs to uie unuersigned, auu all persons are nereoy warned against purchasing the same: One grey horse, one set of double harness; 2 shovels, 1 wa!erpail,2 beds and bedding. 3 cook, and 1 coal sieve and furniture, i pieces ot potatoes, and 1 piece of coru in field, 1 bob sled, 1 grind stone, 2 neck yokes, 1 set .spreaders, 1 set tackle pullies. 1 whif- flctree 1 set dishes, 1 log ruie, 1 lot of vi'gitaoies in garden, a tables, 1 set of chairs 4 wooa chairs, 2 looking glasses, 1 lot of chairs aud coeds 1 basket, crock. Lairs. c. 2 work stands, 1 lot of tinware, 1 Carpenters square, 1 set old harness, 1 pair bobsleds, at St. Mary's. li. F. ELI. n82t3 I'rite, TtcrKty-tive Ccnlt. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING NINE! Y-EIQI1TII EDITION. Containing a complct list of all the towns in the Lulled (Mates, the Territories and the Dominion of'C iuada, having a popula tion gieater than 6,000 according lo the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local circu lation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue o: newspapers which are re commended to advertisers us giving great est value in proportion to prices charged. Also, all newspapers in the United Ktatcs and Canada printing over 5,000 copies eueh issue. Alto, all the Religious, Agri cultural, Scieutilio and Mechanical, Medi cal, Musjnic; Juvenile, Educational, Com mercial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and oilier special class journal; very complete lists. Together witb a complete list of over 300 German papers priutcd in the United Stated. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, showing tbe cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in advertis ing would like to kuow. Address GEO- P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Park Row, New York. A choice lot of Pastry Flour POWELL & KIME'S Try it. at Those Hamilton Corsets at Pi K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. If you want any LTchcd or brown muslins, from to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head quarters, Powell & Kime's and select to your taste. Wedding and Mournine outfits for la. dies at MAY & SILVEKMANN'S, opposite me coun ujuse, n iiuamsport, i'a CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! . Coods marked down to astonish the world. Call and see us. MAY & SILVER. MANN, Williamsport, Pa. Millinery goods, hair switches, iewelrv. fancy -roods, notions, ladies & childrens cloaks, diesses & undergarments. Whole sale & Retail at MAX & SILVERMANN S opposite the court house, Williauisport, Pa, MADAM DEMOREST PATTERNS. We are agents for madam de mores t pat terns, catalouges free, send for one, pat terns sent by muil. MAY & SILVER MiMt b Vt iiuamsport Pa. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never be troubled with the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a rnuile in the morning. Go to Powell cKiuie's model etore witb your cash, g.t more than its value and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and eay it is working charmingly. f.tM ft V CM XV i mi j THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 3875. RIDGHfAV SIIRI in SCHOOLS. IVi n ei pa's report for tba month end ing October 5th, 1875: tmmu e n s V$ "! 19 S 2 2 o n g t r t a i t do" 87 6" 47 3 14 64 85 10 TEACHERS. ST 5?i Miss B. E. Wilcox Miss A. P. Taylor Mr.andMrs. J. 13 Johnson. 202 157 88 80 Names of those neither late nor absent during the month. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Glenni JohnBon, Frank Paine, Coryell Rosb, Jerome Gorton, Daisy Kime, and Annie McGovern. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Amanda Lindgrom, Albertine Liod grotu Minnie Kline, Annie Kline, Kate Leary, Maggie Flynn, Lizzio O'Brien, Sarah Gorton, Sussie Woodward, John .Leary, Mollie Cummings, Joseph Weaver and Eddie II or ton. BIO II SCHOOL DEPT. Henry l'aiue, Ira Sherman, Oscar Gardner, Edwin Paine, E mcr Garduor, Alfred Sherman, Hattie Hinds, Carrie Luther, Helen Little and Ida Olmsted. Names of those bestn deportment. 1NTEMEDIATE DEPT. Eddie Powell, Amanda Lindgrom, Albertine Lindgrom, Lizzie Shack, Willie Luther, Charlie Geary and John Whitmore. niQH SCHOOL DEPT. Alton Cbapin, Thus. Jackson, John Shack, Daniel Irwin, Hattio Hinds Helen Little, Rena Powell, Julia Flyun, Addie Hyde, Wui. Messenger, Otis Kelts, Tillie Cunningham, John Luby, and Ada Stevens. The ful'owing are the u a tries of those having the best average scholarship in the different departments. PRIMARY. Sadid Scull aud Coryell Ross. INTERMEDIAL. E. Grade Maogie Flynn. F. Grade Martha Walker and Ella Kiiue G. Grade Chiuncy Wileoz and Al bertiuo Lindgrom. HIGH SCHOOL. A Grade Harry A. Hall and Willie Geary. B Grade Chas. L. Wiltnarth. May Little, Carrie Luther, Julia Flynn and Helen Little. C. tirade. Thos. Jackson, Ida Olm sted, Ada Stevens and Hattie Hinds. D Grade Emma Ross, Daniel Irwiu, and John Shack. Chas. L. Wilmarth, May Little, Caario Luther and Julia Flynn, were promoted from the B to the A Grade. Katie Gresh,Ida Luther, Alice Sim onds and Jennie Gresh did not miss any words in sprlliugduviug the month, and Katie Gresh, Alice Simonds, Harry A. Hall and Julia Flynn were perfect in this branch at the examination. Tbe following named persons visited the school during the month; Geo. R. Dixon, Co. Supt. School Directors Messrs Miller, Grant, Service and Wheeler also Calvin Luther and George Reynolds Jr. The next monthly examination will be held on the 3d and 4th. of Nov. All those who are -interested, in the cause of education are earnestly invited to visit the school. J.B. JOHNSON, Principal. 'Heat the fife and blow the drumnf Hail the conquering "Bantam" comet." with bis base ball club slung over his shoulder, blood in bis eye, and the very tips of his lovely moustache, the ladies so much doat on, bristling with wrath. Take care Messrs. Gould and Brandon for a cLul of thunder hangs over your heads PURS! FURS! FURS! FURS! Extra inducements offerd in ladies & childrens furs, small sets at $ I 00 ladies sets from $2 00 and upwards eitra bar gins in Mink sets first quality as, MAY & SlLVERM ANN'S. If you want a bag of feed, or a Ubflhel of potatoes or a barrel or sack of bour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step iuto P & K's for it "Buntam" Miller baa paid au "offi cial visit" to the "high school. He was surprised that the female portion of tbe class "know so little about tbe human heart and its functions," he has had much experience in affairs of the heart and should have instructed tbe young ladies what tbe human heart was made for. No wonder, however, they couldn't recite, being in the presence of such a giant in intellect a "Bantam," it would even have frightened a county Superin tendent. Our Coats' from $5 to 25 a large and splendid mock. Step in and get one at P. & K'a. Hunting Rubbers! with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K'a. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Rosted coffee genuine article, at P Si K's. 1 he leaves are falling. Ground coffee at P. & K's. Vote early in the morning. Politics in Elk county are very quiet. Oh! those beautiful prints at P. & K's. Yesterday morning ice was found on water pails. Give us a call for job work of every description. Alpacas cheaper than ever before known at P. & K's. Tbe first snow of the season fell here on Tuesday morning last. The reduction of the publio debt for September is $3,342,562. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at P. & K's. These frosty mornings will invigorate the candidates; and open the chestnut burs. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turo down corners also the good old Byron style at P. & K'a. A complete stock of ladies misses and ohildrens shoes, light, medium and heavy at P. & K'a. Now is the time to buy. Vote for good men at tbe election to be held on November 2d, tor instance Hartranft, Rawle, MeVean and Oeter hout. Now our Democratic friend II. S. Tbayer feels well as the frosty mornings make the unfortunates think of order ing a load of coal. There was found this week on the Dickinson farm a bill of Early Rose potatoes which yielded one hundred aod fitty-fivc potatoes. It is reported "Bantam" Miller of the Democrat aod Base Ball Gazette, wears corsets, how is it "Bantam?" true or not true? Our young friend Vinton Ross is now with G. G. Messenger, learning the drug business. We wish bim success in his new occupation.. There is a good demand for boats by our lately sanguine Democratic friends, since tbey heard from Ohio, to make a voyage up the historic stream to tbe saline marshes. Frank Powell, a brother of Jerome Powell of this place, living at W.hite Plains New York, died very suddenly Tuesday morning. He was to have been married ou the day of his death. M. N. Powell, of Smethport, sheriff of McKean county, father of Jerome S. aud brother of Jerome Powell, Esq. of this place, died very suddenly this morning. Miller worries hit dear soul a great deal for (ear Parsons will overfeed his chickens. And from the continued braying one would bo led to believe the JacKass of the Democrat was about half starved. Hnir switches 75 cents $1 00 2 00 3 00 & 4 50 worth double the money and Ruches for 25 cents bats from 25 centi upwards Ttiuied hats from $1 00 upwards, great re ductiou in all kinds of goods at MAY & SILVERMANN'tJ, WillianiBport, Pa. Don't be discouraged "Bantam" "sweet are the uses of adversity" better luck next time, "there are just as good fish in the sea as have ever been caught" so fish away "Bantam" and hope tor the beet," Setuh" "Smoce." The poet Dixon referred to in our last issue is not our worthy County Superin tendent; the ono mentioned lived some where in between the fifteenth and six tec oth centuries and was a son of old Mrs. Dixon. Recently M. J. Resencrans, one of the proprietors of a billiard hall in Brookville, was arrested on a charge of offering to cell and pass counterfeit money, and after a hearing before U. S. Commissioner, W. F. Stewart, Esq., was bound over to answer tbe charge before the U. S. district court. Miller 'u not pleased with our article on the Republican candidates. We would suggest to the meddling youth tbe propriety of sticking to his tusk ofruo ning the Democracy of Elk county and writing base bull articles, at the same time we will remind him that tho Re publicans are competent to take care of themselves without the interference of such a hair-brained popinjay. Washington, October 7. In order to render more sccurt, the funds in the United States Treasury, Treasurer New to-day had chronometer locks affixed to all tbe safes in his office, which shall be locked at the close of business each af ternoon, and cannot be unlocked again until 9 o'clock the succeeding day, "Bantam" Miller of the Democrat says we keep chickens, well, we do, so do many others of the ppople of Ridg way; why don't be pitch iuto them as well as us? We plead guilty to tbe charge, but we never yet have been obliged to pay fourteen cents on the dollar for what we eat, drink, smoke, play billiards and wear. Dry up "Ban tam" you are only making a fool oi yourself, stick to your base ball club, your dainty stockings, and your lovely cap, but don't be insulting to your su periors. Our hair may not be brushed according to your standard, but we do not owe the barber fourteen cents on the dollar ior taking care of it, and we don't mean to; we prefer to pay at we go. Green Kio cuttee a P. oi ft. s. Knit undershirts and drawers, at P & K'a. Subscriptions are being raised to place bell in Grace Church at this place. Last Saturday morning a freight train and pusher eolliedcd near Shaw, mut junction. Tho engines were badly damaged but no person hurt. New goods, every day in the year execpt Suodays and legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central Store of P. & K'a. No bragging around. Call for wbatyou want. The Clearfield trial has ended in the acquittal of Biney aod the conviction of Parks. The latter has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment and a fine of $1,500. Tho Republicans of Erie count held their Convention last week and nomina ted the following ticket: Senate, Henry Bulterfield; Prothonotary, G. D. Price; Dis. Atty , A. B. Force; County Com missioners, A. B. Gunnison, D. W. Titus; Register and Resordcr, Daniel Long; Poor Director, J. G. Kincaide; Coroner, J. E. Stillman; Auditors, E K. Range, Wm. E. Hayes. Every since the Democracy en dorsed Greeley tbey have been good at taking "pikry" whenever directed, but this ''Lincoln rag money" which they used to swear at, goes a little like eating crow with the old stagers. Their only hope is that the inflation dodge will win. It will make the "poor man's dollar" less and lesa valuable, to be sure, but what earn tbe leaders so long as they can thereby hang to the tail board ot the baggage wagon. They will sacrifice all their wive's relations for that. Warren JUail, David Talum, Cleveland, Ohio, Minister in the orthodox society of frienJs, will de liver a thrilling and interesting locture on intemperance, rich in a variety of fact and matters of interest gathered in this Country and Europe, in Ridgway on Thurs day, Oct. the 21st. at 7 o'clock P. M. In the Court House. And will exhibitor. Sewcll's Celebrated Drawings of the Human Stomach, showing '.he different stages of disease brought on by the use of intoxicating 'Drink unto death by Deliriun Tremens; which Kill be of great mterett. David Talum and Wife, Laving labored many years for the good of suffering humanity, without compensation will be uudar the necessity of taking up a collec tion at the close of the meeting to aid them in their work of benevolence. We aro'iniormcd that it bus been de cided to .put the Smethport oil well down another 200 feet, making 2000 feet in all. This determination was not arrived at witb any strong expectations ot finding oil, but with the moro particu lar object oi securing a larger flow of gas. li a sufficient quantity of gas is lound to warrant the laying of pipes and conducting it to the borough ior heat ing and lighting purposes, tbe sinking of the well will not have been in vain as a matter both of publio good and pe cuniary advantage to tbe stockholders. It will probably be a couple ot weeks be fore drilling can be re suuied, as a new 2000 foot cable U necessary, which being an unusual length will have to be made to order. We are told that this cable will cost over $300 and will weigh fully a too. McKean Miner. Notwithstanding the- hard times Ridgway bas no cause to compluin of tbe number ot new building) built dur ing the summer, and now in course of erection. Doctor Eurley hai built a barn; Mrs. Barrett a bouse ou South street 22x32; B. F. Ely a house at Elk creek mill, 32x32, intended tor a board ing house; Messrs. Hyde aod Kline their new foundry; Ed. Payne a new barn; W. C. Geary, a new barn; O, E. Grant, one ot the finest houses in tbe county; Robt Campbell a storo building on Main street 24x40, now inclosed; James McGionis will soou have a store building erected 21x70. Besides these now buildiug several additions and im provements have been made, bouses and fences have been repainted, and a gen erel tone of healthy thrift seems to pre vail. Next summer we expect there will be several fine buildings put up. The Warren Mail says. This sea son has about closed in the cheesa manufactories. We have not heard how many pounds have been made in Warren County, but Crawford County shows 6,310,000 pounds from 63 fac tories; Erie County, 22 factories, 5,610, 000 pounds; Mercer and Venango, 11 factories, 647,700 pounds. Total in four counties, 101 factories, producing 12,567,700 pounds. MARRIED. JOHNSON COLESON. On tbe evening oi October 7th, 1875, by Rev. I. Breneman, at tbe residence of W. S. Service, Mr. Wm. Johnson, to Miss. Anne Coleson, both of Ridgway. ' DIED. HAYS, At the residence oi Mr. E Morey, Fox township, Elk Couuty, Pa., on Oetober 5th, 1875, Mrs. Catherine 12. Hays. Mrs. Hays was one of tbe oldest set tlers oi County, an exemplary chiis tiao devoted mother, and died respected by all. Clearfield papers please copy. About Bbeei Hut. Few persona doubtless are aware of the (act '.hat the original inventor oi Steel Pens is still living. Sir Josiah Mason,' now the great pen manufac turer of Birmingham, England, enjoys that distinction. He is Dow very old, being above eighty. It is in bis gi eat factory that several of the most popular of the widely famed Spencorian Double Elastio Steel Pens are made, the models being supplied by tbe proprie tors oi the pens, Messrs, Ivison, Blake man. Taylor & Co., the Educational Publisher of Vew York. The Spen cerian Pens have attained their great popularity from a variety of reasons, all oi which will be apparent to any one who may try them. Oi oue number alone more than six millions were sold last year. We uso them in out office, and are so woll pleased with thnm that we have no hesitation in saying that they are, in our opinion, superior to any other article of the kind with which we are acquainted. Their chief characteristics seem to be flexibility, elasticity, durability and evenness oi point, and a nearer approximation to the real quill action than has been here tofore attained in a steel pen. The Spencerian are comprised in fifteen numoers, all differing in flexibility and fineness ot point, and for the convenience of those who wish to try them Messrs Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., 133 and 140 Grand Steet, New York, will send by miil a sample card, securely enclosed, containing one each of the different numbers, on receipt oi Twenty, five cents. We are sorry we can't dress as well as "Bantam" Miller does, for we know it would make a great difference in our general appearance; but we cannot do it, we have a family to support, having been more successful in love than "Ban tam,'' and we pay in full. If our iriends will deduct eihlj-six per cent, from our bills we will start a moustache and make a greater spread generally. Mr. James Caird, who in Euglaud, is accepted as the most reliable authority ou agricultural questions, has just pub lished some interesting calculations us to tbe wheat ciop of 1875. He shows that the tall iu the price of wheat last year was followed by a reduction of 330,000 acres iu tho breadth ot wheat, or nearly oue-teuth of the total wheat crop in the United Kingdom, and that there bas generally in other countries been a diminished urea of wheat. This year the harvest in this country has been three weeks .later than lasttycur, and its introduction to the market a whole month later; and Mr. Caird calcu lates that, allowing for tbe surplus from last year, little more than eleven months' consumption will now have to bo provider! for until the next harvest comes round. This is 22,000,000 quarters altogether, half of which will be got at home, and the rest must be got from abroad' Fro in ( Russia aod Germany a liberal supply may be ex pected. There is also a good stock to b3 drawn upon in France, and the far mers are holdiug back for higher prices' ''Bantam" waxes iurious iu every issue. We are glad of it for it shows the boy's iroliuksome disposition He says we Bhoot ruts; the only thiug in the shooting line we,ahave ever knowu him to do, was a lew oi cupid's darts, and he didn't make good shots either. He further says wc sit on arbitrations, all right wo do. "Bantam," however, always sits ou his brains. Two young men in Benzinger town ship, named Geo. Sykes and William Russell met a horrible death from tbe effects of taking an over dose of phos phorous. It seems that these young men had received a book irom some misserable quack, recommending phos phorus pills as a remedy fjr weak nerves They purohused a half ounce oi crude phosphorus, and each of them swallowed ten or twelve grains oi the fatal drug. Tbey took tho dose on Sunday about 9 A. M., and did not feel any bad effects until four o'clock P. M , when they were taken with retchings iu the stomach. Their iriends did not feel alarmed, and gave them someome remedies .for cramps in the stomach. But on Monday moruing the suflercrs coulessed that tbey had taken phos phorus, when medionl aidwas sum moned (Drs. Reynolds aod Sterley,) who did all they could to alleviate tue sufferings of their patients, but without avail, Geo. Sykes expired ou Mouday night and William Russell lingered uu til Tuesday night iu great agony, whuu he expired. These are sad cases. Young Sykes was rather a prfpossessiog boy, aotivo intelligent and industrious. His family consisting of Tather, mothgr brother and sisters are well nigh dis tracted at this lell misfortune which bas oveatakeu him. YouiiS Russell we did not know. We understand be was the brother-in-law ot Mr. Baker, gun smith iu this place. St. Marja Ga. zette. A general stock ot winter clothing, at very low prices at P. & K'. Ladie. drtsi goods mwl ttyle at P. & K's.