The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 07, 1875, Image 4

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Household Helps,
To Prevent Rt'ST. If runty iron be
rubbed with boiled oil in which some
red load has been mixed, on a warm
day, tho mating process will thus be
To Clean MAuniiE. Take two parts
of common coda, one part of pumice stone
mul ono part of finely-powdered chalk;
sift it through a line sieve, nnd mix it
with water ; then rub it well all over the
marble, and the stains will bo removed ;
then wash the marblo over with sonp and
water, and it will bo as clean as it was
at first.
To Masii TcRNirs. After having
been boilod very tender, and the water
pressed thoroughly from them, put them
into a saucepan and stir them constant
ly for some minutes over a gentle fire ;
add a little cream, salt, fresh butter and
popper ; continuo to simmer and to stir
them for five minutes longer, and then
serve them.
Ginger Cakes. Rub a quarter of a
pound of butter into half a pound of
flour, mix one egg, three ounces of pow
dered loaf sugar, and half an ounce of
ground ginger, with tho butter and flour,
and make them altogether into a paste ;
roll it out a quarter of an iueh thick
nnd cut into round cakes, about two or
three inches noross; bake them in a
warm oven on iron plates.
The 1'olnlo Hue.
Taris green and other chemicals have
been recommended for the destruction
of these pests, but from the corrermon
denco of the Country Gentleman we find
mat simpler and safer remedies can be
used. How these creatures find the wav
noout ana spread is a mystery to ns, as
they do not appear to fly about, but to
crawl from pluee to place. We have
seen them on thesidnwalksof thestreets.
on Fifth avenue, and iu tho lower part
of New York city, and tho potatoes on
TilaekweU's island, which is surrounded
by salt water, were infosted with t.hnm
Mr. Robt. J. Swan, of Geneva, writes
tnus to the Country Gentleman : I must
tell yon of the good success I have hm
witn the Colorado beetle. On a patch
01 iHiiasoFs wnere uie liens Had acces:
watcned them going up and down the
rows, ana louud they killtd the bugs.
Lant year I had great numbers of them
ju iuu sumo piece 01 innd, but now
owing to the poultry have had only one
beetle to kill. And I find several of my
TlpifrlllliiVO lintra 1..1 . f
And another correspondent at Svra-
cuse says : Much has been written about
the best methods of destroying this new
lesi. mougu some are very tedions. If
our way is simple, it is nevertheless pf.
fectual. Expecting much trouble this
year, from the little experience of last
year, we JooKeU lor the enemy early.
destroying thein as fast as they appeared
and before they laid their eggs. This
was our method. Made a bag of stout
LL 1 .11. y u
--uuuu eioin, as largo as a water pail,
sewed a wire hoop in at the top, and for
a handle had a broomstick tied across
the middle of the bag. This was light
nud could be managed easily, with one
hand holding tho bag nuder the stalks,
knocking them gently with the other
nu m uuuo oi sumgie, ana the bugs
either largo or small would drop in until
the end of tho row was reached, when
we emptied them into a pail partly filled
mi utiles nnu water, uur Heldl seven
acres we have been over once a week,
and only a few can be found up to this
date. This is as quick as poisoning and
oijuuiiy a enectivo, ana no danger re
suiting therefrom. Do bugs discrimi
nato varieties ? Early Rose and Extra
Early Vermont nro much more affected
tuau the 1'eerless with us.
Kami an Mradom,
If you have time and a suitable place
y u experiment oi putting a top dress
incr of sand on some of vnnr mpn.lnn
It is very inexpensive, if you have plenty
ff it- a! i
in iui mo caning, ana on many
umuuvin il win prove valuable. A man
who works for me, who has been a farm
owner, and is a also a practical chemist
has been recounting to me the result of
an experiment of this kind which he
tried a few years nco. and nnnn mMm
high and dry laud, too. Near by was a
ucu vi ury sauu, so dry as to blow for
some distance with every wind. He no
ticed that the grass upon which this sand
new seemed the best of any in the field.
He therefore tried the carting on and
sijreauing oi this sand upon other parts
of the field, spreadincr it nenrlv ns thin
as ho would have spread well composted
manure for a top dressing. In his words,
iuu ruauiii was simpiy astonishing,
iiie grass began to turn all sorts of
colors yellow, brown nnd red until
luuugub in was mi Koine to die. l saw
thero was a powerful chemical action
going on, but I was not satisfied as to
what the result would be until I saw it
nnaiiy change to a very dark green.
men 1 felt that I had done the rirrl.fc
thing; nnd I had, for I more than doubled
my crop of grass that year upon that
land, and the effects of it lasted for more
than one year, but I could not tell how
long, for I sold tho farm. " If phosphate
at $50 per ton had done as well, the
manufacturer would have published his
mica iu. jf onion journal.
Where la Put Farm Building.
The Germantown Telegraph, in ar
ticlo on this subject, says : In view of
tho advancement that has been made in
tho social condition of farmers, there
is no reason why in locating buildings
the spot chosen might not be especially
iu view io us contiguity to a neighbor
hood as not. A dozen farms of a hun
dred acres or more each could be so
arranged that the dwellings might all
be within gunshot of one another. Even
though there were some disadvantncea
from the labor point of view, the near
ness to society would generally compen-
Buie. x armers, as weu as other classes,
have learned that there are many wavs
in which they can co-operate to mutual
advantage, and this may just as well be
borne in mind when arranging the farm
buildings as not.
If you haven't anything on your mind,
and your ears are open to catch sounds
of morning life, you will see his wife
follow him down to the gate and hear
her call after him :
"Don't forget to bring up half a bush
el of peaches ! And can't you get the
plump, too? And there's the sugar
get ten pounds. Oh, yes I I want a
gallon of vinegar, and some brandy.
You may bring up two melons, and the
cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Hold
on, Henry 1 Don't forget the half-bushel
of pears. I must have 'em to-day.
And, while you are at the market, why
not bring up the Siberian crab-apples ?"
He gets naif a block away, and she
raises her voice and calls:
" Oh, Henry ! don't forget to bring
up three dozen quart cans as you
Money is one of those peculiar thines
that, the closer it gets the harder it is to I
reach it, . J
Item af Interest from Home nnd Abroad.
Mayor Cobb, of Boston, authorized the
mayor of Galveston to draw on him for 0C0
in aid of the anfferora by the cyclone. New
Orleans aeut 3,000 worth of clothing and pro
visions The Spanish envoy to the Vatican
waa Instructed that the Madrid government
will be firm bnt moderate. It will respect re
ligion, but at the same time protect the rights
of the Btate. It is believed here that the Vati
can will finally abate its pretensions The
emperor of AtiBtria, in his speech to the par
liamentary delegations, spoke bopefu ly of the
peace of Europe The Odd Fellows' Orand
Lodge held a session at Indianapolis, Ind. A
prooossion in their honor contained ten thou
sand Odd Fellows in regalia Sharkey, the
murderer who escapod from the New York
tombs a roar ago in woman's attiro, and who
was ordered to leave Cuba, attempted to escape
from the Kingston steamer an she touched
at ports on the north eoastof Cuba, and was
brought back to Havana The emperor of
Brazil has askod ttie Chamber of Deputies for
thoir sanction to bis visiting Europe and the
United States, to be absent a period of eighteen
months Henry Wilson writos a letter to
inform his friends that ho will not be a candi
date for govomor of Massachusetts The
town of Velasco, Texas, was also swept away
during the cyclone, but no lives were lot.
The coal sohooner Egan was run down and
sunk by the schooner E. It. Williams on Lake
Huron, and two of the orew were drowned ....
A dispatch from Vienna states that Sorvia and
Montenegro have notified the powers of their
determination to remain neutral in the troubles
between Turkey aud the northweetorn provin
ces. The Servian legislature, iu roply to the
speech to the throne, thus rofers to the Hor
zogoviniau troubles : " Perpetual suffering has
compelled our brethren to take up arms. Our
hearts bleed for them." The Honduras
minister at London is charged with conspiracy
in trying to defraud the British public in re
gard to Honduras bonds The baggage
and presents of the Trince of Wales have been
placod on board the ship of war Sorapis, ready
for India, and she will proceed to Brindisi,
Italy, when tho prince will embark A
treaty of poace between the Colombian govern
ment and the rebellious coast statos had been
signed by tho president of Colombia and also
by the presidents of all the states lately iu in
surrection While Lester SykoB wsb work
ing at a new well thirty-seven feet from
the surface, in West Springfield, Mass., quick
sands caused, a caving in. A board curbing
formed an arch over Sykes saving him from
immediate death, aud leaving a slight opening
for ventilation. An alarm was given and fifty
men began the work of rescue. It was neces
sary to dig a pit thirty feet in diauiotcr to
avoid crushing in the bilauce of the earth and
so shutting off all air. Belaya worked steadily
for thirty-bix hours bofore they came to Svkos'
and he was thn dead. His voice was heard
twenty-four hours after his burial.... A young
lady of sixteen, named Langhlin, accompanied
a Mr. Schell and his wife on an excursion to
the woods near Bollefoutaine, Ohio, and after
rambling about Mrs. Schell being fatigued re
mained with the carriage while the other two
strolled off for wild plums. After a time Schell
returned, saying the young lady had strollod
off and left hini. Search was made, resulting
in the finding of the body of Miss Langhlin in
a nearly nude condition, with her throat cut
from ear to ear. The ground gave evidence of
a severe struggle. Scliell was airosted aud
a bloody knife found iu his pocket The
Htatue of Stonewall Jackson, presented to Vir
ginia by two English gentlemen, was received
at Richmond with much public ceremony
Of the throe hundred houots standing in In
diauola, Texas, bofore the inundation, only
five are left. The loss of life at Indianola is
now put at one hundred aud fifty, and one
hundred and fifty more were lost in small set
tlements along the coast, making three hun
dred iu all. Christian's Point was entirely
swept away by the storm . . . . George Engel
hardt easily beat James O'Neil in the siuKle-
scull match between them at Saratoga, rowing
ttie three miles iu 22.22J.
The national agricultural congress, durin
ite session at Cincinnati, adopted a resolution
recommending the completion of the four
great water routes commended by the United
States Senate. . . .The recent rains iu Michigan
have brought the apple crop to a state of ex
cellence far beyond the most sanguine expec
tations. Tho trade is very brisk at i2 per bar
rel, with 52.25 and S2.50 talked of for the
winter varieties, which have not yet appeared
in market The Horndon House, at Mar
shall, Mich., was destroyed by fire. Two of
tha guests and two servant girls were burned
to death. Many persons were injured by inmn-
ing out of the windows Itecent rains have
been very damaging to the English hop crop.
. if teen hundred Ural Cossacks have
been banished to the penal settlement of Tur
kestan, by the Russian government, for having
resisted the new military laws. Many more
are likely to go, as those laws meet with much
opposition in the Ural colonies Messrs.
Moody and Sankcy are expected to do revival
work in Now York this winter, probably at
Gilmore'a Garden A dispatch from Kansas
City reports the arrest of Geu. John D. Crof
tou, late adjutant-general of the State of
Missouri, charged with forgery in connection
with war claims while Ciofton was adjutant- i
Geueral Schell, the man who murdered
Misa Langhlin near Bellefontaino. Ohio, was
taken from Jail by a crowd of Infuriated men
and lynched. Mrs. Schell had been previously
arrested, and confessed that her husband had
told her of his intention to outrage and then
murder the young Jady, and the excursion to
the woods waa planned for the purpose. She
was compelled by her husband to accompany
them aud keep silent under penalty of death.
Ihe merchandise imported into the United
States during the eight months ending August
31st were 435,829,832 less than for the same
period last year.
The Bouapartist conference at Arenenberg.
Switzerland, ooncluded with the following re
sult : The Empress Eugenie will abdicate the
regoucy and the Prince Imperial undertakes
the exolusive direction of the imperialist policy,
nndet the guidance of M. Bouhor A
Catholic procession was attaoked iu Toronto
on acoount of the religious troubles all over
Canada. Bricks and stones were freely fired
and many pistols were used. Forty or fifty
persons were ftore or Joss wounded The
severe storm which extended generally through
out this country aud the West Indies, appears
to have reached Great Britain, from whence
we have reports of vessels driven ashore by
the force of the hurrioane. One vessel lost
her orew of six men The Swedish nteamer
King Oscar II. waa Collided with and sunk off
England, and fourteen lives loet A dummy
car iu Philadelphia was run into and out in two
by a Sunday night excursion train from Now
York, killing two persons, seriously wounding
nix, and slightly injuring ten others The
gale in the West Indies drove many vessels
whore, all of them being British and American.
Secretary of Iuterior Delano's resignation
has been accepted by the President. . . .The In
dian commissioners treating with the assembled
tribes for the Black IlilJs, only escaped assas
sination by the watchfulness of Young-Mau-Afiaid-of-bis-Horses,
who espied a body of
young bucks iu war punt surrounding the
cavalry guard of the commissioners, and drove
them off with his warriors The govern-
ment troops of Bonora, Mexico, defeated a
body of revolutionists, killimg or wounding
fifty. This ends the revolution, and martial
law baa been proclaimed The Rockland
Print Works at Haverstraw, N. Y were de
stroyed by fire and two of the employees killed
by a falling wall.... The rifle match between
the Canadian team and a team from the Now
York Amateur Club, resulted in a victory for
tha Americana by a score of 1,409 against
1.8K4 Seven men from the abandoned
lumber ahip Westorn Empire were drowned
while attempting to effect a landing on St.
Vincent'! island, Florida The Inman
steamer City of Berlin made the trip from
Queenstown to New York in seven days and
eighteen hours, being tho fastest trip on re
cord. Mrs. Ebenezer Donsmore, of Weatliorsflold,
Vt., being refused by hor husband the privilege
of attending a cirous, poisoned hersolf aud hor
three children, the youngest of whom has
since died, but the mother and tho other two
expected to recover. Mrs. Densmore is sup
posed to be liiBano ...... The Old CatholirB in
Germany have decidod in favor of abrogating
tbe celibacy of the priesthood Carl Hchnrz
delivered his first speech in the Ohio campaign
In favor of hard mouey The gale at Great
Britain did mure damage than at first reported,
and many fatal casualties woro occasioned by
falliug buildings. The Amorioan ship Ellen
Southard wont ashore near Liverpool, and was
a total loss. Eight of the crew woro drowned
by the overturning of a lifo-boat which wont
to thoir rescue. Five of the lifo-boat crow
wore also drowned Dispatches from the
Swedish arctio expedition report ite arrival at
Hammorfest, Norway. All wore well. Impor
tant niape and scientific collections had boon
made The works of the Star Linseed Oil
Company, at Now Brunswick, N. I., were de
stroyed by fire. Loss, $100,000 ; iusurauco,
68,000 A fire near New Haven, Conn.,
destroyed the Works of the New Haveu Web
Company, the needle worlds of Card A Morao,
and tho shear works of J.-F. Henry, involving
a loss of $100,000 Wm. Russell, a farmer
living noar Rosoville, Pa., left his homo cue
morning for the pospose of being married to a
young woman. Ilia daughter endeavored to
dissuade him, but he persisted. No soontr
had he gone than the daughter left the house
and j lined hor lover, Horton Hurst, as ar
ranged, and tho two were married aud ad
journed to the village hotel to dinner, accom
panied by a fow friends. While thus engaged,
llutsell arrived home with his brido, and learn
ing what had taken place repaired to the hotel,
where he buret into tho room, aud seizing
Hurst by the throat, abused him shamefully,
Hurst endeavored to escape from him, when
ho seized a kuife from the tublo and begnn
stabbing him. Hurst drew a revolver in de
fense aud warned him. Bat Russell a"aiu
attempted to stab him, when Hurst fired, only
to blow out tho braios of lii bride of thrco
hours, as she Bteppod between tho two meu.
Hurst was almost paralyzed by what ho had
done, aud after unsuccessfully bogging his
wife to speak to him, he put his pistol to his
own head and fired, resulting iu instant death.
There is a tightness in the German money
ujnincu, niXKk IUO 1 Ul U UI UlSCOUllt Bt UCnill II aS
been raised to six per cent Rov. Newman
Hall, iu tho presence of a Belect oompany, laid
the crowning-alone of the Lincoln memorial
tower, adjourning the new Surrey chapel in
London, England. The tower is designed as
a memorial for the abolition of slavery, and a
bona or brotherhood between England aud
America Accounts from Scotland and
Ireland are to the effect that tho great autumn
storm cauBed inundations and much damage
to property. The city of Cork was partially
under water Nova Scotia was also vi-itod
by tho galos which occasioned such heavy
losses olsowhere, and numerous vessels went
"boie An old man named Welsh, resid
ing at Kuowltou, Quebec, atiempted to murder
his wife with an ax, when, seeing his bou com
ing in, he turned and shot at him. The son
then, in self-defense, shot his father dead.
ine out man is not expected to live Tne
Lidians want 43,500,000 per year for an indefi
nite period for the BJack Hills. The commis
sioners would not listen to such a proposition,
ana tne council has broken up The New
York State assessors fixed the assessment of
Now York city at $1,205,531,680, and its State
tax, 7,233,S15, tbe rest of the State tax being
to,ij,6JJ ihe Porte his addressed
circular to the foreign powers declaring that
the present state of things renders it neces
sary to keep one hundred thousand meu nuder
arms between Mostar aud Widdiu to watch
trespassers, aud that Tuikey is unable to con
tinue this for an indefinite time Tho
Chicago board of education has discarded tl
Bible from tha publio schools.
A Singular Jlaniu.
It is difficult to account for the pro
cecdings of a "fare-bug" named Al
fred E. Jewell, recently arrested after a
long incendiary career at liuhway, N.
J. This person was a church numiimr
and seemed a good sort of man without
any sort of harm in him. He sang in
the choir, and was liked by all. Mean-
wniie lor a period of years houses and
barns in the vicinity jvere burning down
under circumstances which could not be
tue result oi accident. Insurance com
panies declined to insure structures
menaced witn sucli mysterious peril
xramps ami suspicious persons oi all
sorts were Kept under strict esDionnm.
even sometimes arrested and " held to
answer " this, that or the other AVrnian.
ment, but the source of the fires were
undiscovered. They still occurred with
undiminished frequency. Sometimes
these incendiary attempts foiled, and
6havings saturated with petroleum and
purtially burned were discovered near
buildings the destruction of which had
been attempted. A watch was at length
set, and in the still hours preceding the
dawn a lurking figure was observed to
stealthily approach the building in which
the watchman was concealed. After due
circumspection, and finding the coast
apparently clear, he unfolded his fire
bug wings aud touched off his little pe
troleum torch against the weather
boards of the barn. At the same in
stant the long legs and hob-nailed boots
of the concealed constable descending
from an upper window of the imperil
ed structure came swinging ad rattling
about his ears. They put out his fire,
and put him upon the line of immediate
and terrified flight, which was, however,
quickly intercepted, and the man was
lugged away to jail, and of course to the
speedy and certain chastisement which
infallibly awaits offenders in New Jer
sey. Thus far no sufficient motive for
for these incendiary acts has been shown.
He did notownany of the buildings. nn,i
therefore he could not hope to
obtain from their destruction any part of
the insurance money. Some of them
again were not insured owing to the un
willingness of the companies to incur
such dangerous risks. Nor does he
seem to have had cause of enmity against
those whose property he destroyed.
A facetious party went into a dry
goods store the other day, and was ob
served to be looking about, when the
proprietor remarked to him that they
didn't keep whisky. "It would save
you a good many steps if yon did," was
the quick reply.
Sunday Traveling.
A decision under a Sunday law has
recently been made by the supreme
court of Vermont in the case of Johnson
against town of Warburgh. A statute
of that State provides as follows: " No
person shall travol on tho Sabbath or
tlrst day of the week, exoept from neces
sity or charity." In tho case cited the
oomrt held that " one traveling upon the
Sabbath without excuse cannot maintain
an action against tho town for any dain
ngo he may suffer thiongh defects in its
This judgment is iu harmony with
Maine nud Maasachusetts decisions but
in other States a different rule has pre
vailed. In 'Wisconsiu the plaintiff in
tho case of Sutton against Wauwatosa
drove his cattlo to market on Sunday,
aud they woro injured by tho breaking
of defendants' bridge. It was hold that
damages could bo recovered, the chief
justice of the State saying in his opinion:
"Tho cases may bo ninimftd tip and
tho result stated generally to bo the
auirmance or two very just and plain
prinoiples of law an applicable to civil
actions of this nature, namely: First,
that ono party to tho action, when called
upon to answer for tho consequences of
ins own wrongful act done to the other,
cannot allege or reply tho separato or
distinct wrongful act of tho other dono
not to himself nor to his injury, and not
noeessarny connected with or loading to,
or causing or producing tho wrongful
net complained of ; and secondly, that
tho fault, want of duo caro or negligence
uu um part oi mo piaiutill winch will
preclude a recovery for in jtiry complained
of, as contributing to it, must bo some
act or conduct of the plaintiff having tho
rointion to that injury of a cause to tho
etiect produced ly it. "
In the Vermont case thn
viewed the WiacoiiHiu civwj nnl flllMWnrf 71
in tho negative the following question:
" Wus the toWii under a legal liability to
furnish tho plaintiff a safe highway to
nn.t-i uU ni u iime wueii no was by law
forbidden to travel on it ?"
SAtiAitiES. The largest annual salary
ii uihiil- orguuiHi iu .uw xork city
is $2,r00, and the lurgest paid a Binger
18 $i,ouii; w hile tho total amount tiaid
by churches for their choirs is not less
tuau naif a million-dollars a year.
No one who has ouco tried Dobbins'
JUectric boap (made by Cragm & Co.,
x iiuuueiiuiia, ra,j laus to see its won-
aenni economy. Ask your grocer to
get it, and givo it a trial.
FmsT Grand Exposition of the Tradesmen's
luausmai institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct.
iivniruonur, u. jiuuressA. j. rioius, 1'residont,
Two or three doses of Sheridan's Cav
alry Condition Powih-rs will cure a horse of
any common congh or cold, and the very worst
u cuiej iu a row weens, we know
inis irom experience. torn.
To have good health the liver must
re Ktipt in order, banford s Livor Invigorator
has become a staple familv medirinn.
vegetable cathartic and tonic for all derange
ments of liver, Btomach and bowels. Will clear
the complexion, cure sick headache, etc. Sco
advertisement Com.
I here is no disease flesh is heir to
more troublesome to manage tbau rheuma
tism. It comes when you least expect it, and
geuerallv remains till it cntR rnnriv tr nn unv
The most conspicuous remedy for this com-
piaiui is jvnnson Ancxlyne Uniment. Com.
lhat iron is valuable as a medicine
has long been known, but it is onlv since its
preparation in the particular form of"PeruviBU
Syrup that its full power over disease has been
uiuuKim iu ugiii. its enecr, in cases of dia
popsia aud debility is most salutary. Com.
Important t3 Travelers.
PorsotiB visiting New York or leaving by the
cars from Orand Central Depot, will save au-
uuvuuro nu expense oi carriage lure aud bag
gage expressage by stopping at Orand Union
Hotel, opKsite Grand Central Depot. Over
350 elegantly furnished rooms and fitted up at
ft cost of $900,1,00. Europoan plan. Gueits
can uve mora luxuriouslv for Ibsb monov at Mm
Grand Union that at any other firat-olass houeo
iu New York. Stages aud street cars pass tlie
doors for all parts of the citv. See that tbe
notol you enter is tho Grand Union Hotel.
schekck's pltlmowic 8yrttp,
Scbenck's Sea Weed Tonic,
SrDENCK'a Mandrake Pills,
Are tin only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Com-
FreiMii-nMy medicines that will .top a couch will ncca
slon the dt-itth of the Ditlnnt: thev lock un tli lu-..r
stop Ihe circiila inn of the blood, hf-morrliaKe follows
and, in fact, they clog tbe action of the very organs that
l.iver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two
tmrds of the cases of Consumption. Many persons com
Plain of a dull pain in Ihe side, constipation, couted
toimue, pain in the shonlder-lilade, feellnita of drowsi
ness and restlessness, tne lood Mna- heavily on the
Btomach, accompanied with acidity and belching ns of
These symptoms usually originate from a disordered
condition ol the stomach or a torpid liver.
Persons so affected, If they take one or two heavy
colds, and If the cough in these oases be suddenly
oheckrd, will nnd the stomach and liver clogeed, re.
maiulng torpid and inactive, and almost bofore they are
aware the limits are a nmBS of euros, and ulcerated, the
result of which Is death.
Schenek'B Pulmonio Syrup Is an expeotorant which
does not con'nin opium or anything calculated to check
a cough suddenly.
Sclienck's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food, miles
wi'li the gastric juices of the stomach, aids dlgesttoo,
and creates a ravenous appetite.
When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or she
symptoms otherwise of a bilious tendency, Schenok's
Mandrake Pills are required.
These mcdlciltee are prepared only by
-,t. 11. riCHF.NCK i Ron,
' N. K. corner Sixth aud Arch Streets, PhUa.
And are for sale by all druggists and dealers.
The Markets.
Be-f Cattle-Prime to Extra Bullocks 10 4 13
Oommon to Oocd Texaua In1. 4 09 v
Mich cows 81 uu 'utC8 00
lIo,: Live o-(!. us:
Dressed. 101a 11
"i is;,
8 fO ra) S SJ
Cotton Middling
iriour Kitra Went era
Shito Extra
e 60
1 86
1 an
il) 1 to
1 M
I 6 91)
(4 1
1 -il
(4 SO
(4 1 03
(4 1 M
14 49
Wheat Red W(toru,
No. 3 SnriLB..
Bye Slate
barley state
Darley Malt ,
Oats Mixed Western.
Corn Mixed Western.
nay, uer cvn
6,1 14 1 15
65 (4 115
01 14 C8
Straw, per o-wt
Hope 1's;5 2U ....olds
Pork Mew ,
Fish Mackerel, No. 1. new
91 lfc(4'il 60
iHu 19;,
50 do &n 00
it 60 1415 00
60 4 6 00
, 16 14 40
Peflned, 14
" No. 2, now
Dry Cod, perewt
Herrino Hi.nlA1 l,.t
Petroleum Crude Oi , 07
Wool California Fleece. ,
z'J ui oa
20 4 84
Texan '
Australian "
45 (4
Butter State
Wtwtvrn Dairy
Western Yellow
Wet6ru Ordinary ,
Pennsylvania Flue
Cheese State Factory
mute KKimnied
Eggs State
Rye Slate
1 60
1 23
8 00
1 20
1 18
1 26
8 76
1 0
.08 Si
1 to
(4 90
14 78
4 1 31
(4 60
t 60
1 30
4 'X
14 60
(4 1 13
14 1 31
(4 76
(4 i 40
(4 83
14 ; 78 -.
(4 it
,4 16.',
Corn Mixed , .........
Barley hute
Oata btate
Wheat No. i Spring
Corn Mixed
Cotton low Middlings...,
Flour Extra . ,
Wheat Red Western
Rye .......
Born Yellow. ,
Oats Mixed..,
Petroleum .,,
Flour Pennsylvania Extra...,,..
Wheat Weatern P-dT
6 61 7 00
1 26 (4 1 88
, 90; 4 , 91
74 14 74
71 (4 71
41 (4 41
Renoed, 31(
Ooru Yellow.
Oata M.xed.
Petroleum (Jrudo,. ,,,,..VH'il0
All freight on steamboats has a mani
fest destiny.
The Atlantic Oabla la a national
benefit, so am
Shoes for ehildrnn. Never wear
through at the toe.
Also try Wire yulltert Rolen.
Millions of dollars wnnld be rl
saved yearly if all would hny
Boots and Hhoes. Tha easiest,
dryesi and most durable Shoe
ever worn.
A Iso try Win Quilted Soles.
Onnfttltntft A pitrfffAt ArtM!, nrnrldlnn In the btwt man
iter for eiBf clan to trmrj Hcbool, Aoademj and Semi
American School Music Readers !
Tn thrm Tlooka, of which Bonk I (35 ontfO la admir
al) It aminitTd fnr Primary School. Brmk II (oO Oftnta)
and Hook HI (T0 ont) fnr (rfemmnr and roanjrr
inirn ncnooi or Aoannmy oianiei. uompiiea bjr l J,
IV TO fill HUN iaa YV, . ULUKN.
Cheerful Voices !
(r0 twits), by L. O. KMKRflrm, Is a eapltal ool lection of
The High School Choir!
(I.OOK by T. O. KMKRfWN and W. fi. Tli.Mtif, la fully
finna. w inmr iar. n.xiK, i np limir M lnjr tip,
which fnr MintH VRfira han hnen the Mndir1 bfx.k. Th
prfannt wmk, llkn thn nth.r. In lor llH.ll SCHOOLS,
A'Airn1.ur,iil ana nrm in a it i v.n.
The National Hymn and Time M !
(40 cant) furnishes tha bitat collection of Sacred
Miialo eitant for opening and closing ncbooU.
Any book annt, post-paid, for retail price.
. 7X1 Hrnndwny, Npw A'ork.
HAIjAlt V nirly. Aent wantnd. Main and
j-VninVfl. AridrwMi (. II. Ciihirtian, Marion. Ohio.
.MIX.:.! CAKIW, 7 Styles, with Name, lOo.'rwBB J. B. HUBTKn, Nitspnu, Hens. Co., N. Y.
$5 to $50
Invested In Wall Street.
often loud to neFortnne.
Foil nnrtliMilnra mnt fiu
Address I'ENIH.KTON dt KDAII, ItunUi iH,
. Wnll Slrei l, New V r k .
DEAN l'OI,l,l:CI-'., IlliiKliniiitnn, N. Y. In
every respect a rirst.cJHgs Ko.-trrifna- School for
ounj Ladles. UUOper U.-ihir ear. Including rood
Hoard. Tuition In Kmrlish, I.ntln. I-ropch. fierman.
Hoard. Tuition In Kniillsh. I.nli
Piano. Orxan. (Initar, Vocal Mutle.
llrHulns-. Pninlinr.
It rt French liurrftiil'unln-
die uoder-ruuttfiM, cork head
ii-por-runnpr, for Knrm or
Jtlorchnnt Work. Kuim
rlor Mill Mono of all
ftlzc. nninr IH1.4-I1 An-lii-r
Hold ii K Cloth, Mill
I"lkM Coin bbellfnt aud
Clffliit'ia. (iearinc. blmflinrj.
Pullips, linnet m, etc.. nil kind
of Mill Jl.iclimery ami Milltra'
en!pli9. Hi-ti'l for Pamjililpt.
iStrniih Mill 4'ominny,
liox 1130,4 iuclniuwi, O.
Speedilv cured bv DK. HKCK'fl onlv known and
sure Kemedy. Si 'H AK.i: lor treatment
until cured. Cnll on or address
Dr. J. C. EC, 112 John St., Cincinnati, 0.
Latest, most Ornamental and Oorrect. Special Ajrt-nt
wanted In each townrhln. Send for frtt Catalogue and
TST"?.'," ?" - Barclay St., N. Y.,or
W.i W. 4th Sf.Uinclunall.O. Itnrc I lllllli-!-.
C A K l)S SO white or tinted Bristol, 20 ts : 5(t
Snowflske, Marble, Hep, or Dam.-isk. 3.5 ets. ; oO
(iliss, 4( cu ; with four name beautifully printed on
them, and (ill sumo'.es of type, agents' prii-e-list, eto ,
sent by retnrn mail on receipt of price. Discount to
Olillis. llest nf work. W. I '. ; ANNON, 4 ft Kneelrind
Street, Boston, liofers to 8. M. PEnF.NUlLL t Co.
Ir. Ilimork & Wl llil-rill. Itiilluln. N
OO AltTll
tvr Aaare.s
K. N.-RAMSl-'.V. Detroit,
With SUlrr Snpporrrr nnd
Nell'.AiljuiiiiK PiuIn.
Tha nnlir Porao, . . J
. , i j-wsoi'v wait. uuiiu upuil
physiological prlnclp'H?, It secures
health and comfort or body, wit h gram
ii i-rauty Ut lurm. i.any aeut
wouir-vi oitJijwuBrn. in pins
tlie, by mall, I ,uO. Addrew
j it r. ir is ic (.,
73 Ilroiulwuy, N.
Iliibii Cnrrrt nt I Initio. Nn nnh.
licHy. Time short. Terrai moderate.
I.OINI tesiimcmiMl Aih nt
nuritllfluH aXtlfWau. r.....i.
Address lr.J'. J. JI AKttll, (Jitlnrv, .lirh.
500,000 ACRES
Michigan Lands
XI a A. Ij u
The I.nmU nf the .li.ckeon, I.nnln and
Kntiiniiw Hnilrnnd Cniniinny nre Now
Thev are sltnsted jtlonv I. r.ll.n.
tract, of i-icelleiittAKMlNGand PINK Lande.
l ue rarmlnu lands Incluile some of the most fertile
and well watered hardwood lands In the State. 'Haey
are timbered mainly with haril maple and beech: soil
black, siindy loam, and abound In springs of purest
water. Michigan Is one of tlie least Indebted and most
prosperous Slates hi tha Union, aud IU farmers have a
greater variety of crops and resources than any Western
State. V. hlle aome of the prairie States may produce
oorn In reat abundance, they have no other resource,
and when Ibis crop fails destitution folloa. as has been
the ca.e the pasi year in Kansas and Nebraska.
. ... i.ircuiara ana inn Her l!if,ruintl-n, apply to
-a.dreaa. dk 11 n I ..-w w
Ijnd C'ommis. loner, losliig', Micfiigan.
d ew HtirTalo Kill Itevul vrrMasi V W
Will, l(.il'..i.i 'i w w
tj .... . r ""e, t-i-w ; ju.vssiBoia ; every one warran.
;'i,.''In Kuaranteed. lltuuratrd Cataluqut Frrt
WfcaTlilW (il tl)IIK. hir.ifr.. ill.
OU Uearbomt.. (McCormica lilock).
HISTORY ofthe U.S.
The flrreat lotern.t In the thrilll... Ki.nM. -
try makes Ibis Ihefnslest relllua: book ever publlihed.
;J.?ntln ov"r 40 nn historical enxravlniis and
IHNI psKea, with a lull a. count ol the ap 'reaching
yraud celebration, bend for a full desorlp.
i i2ija!?..ex!r terms to Aaent,. NATIONAL PUB
LISHlNCi UlJ Hhlladelphla. Ha.
TIIK HKNT In thn World.
It (lives Universal Sutlsfactlon.
WIIMIKIIKI 1, Ki-onnmy
' -W lbs. more Kread to bhl. Floor.
HAVKN III.K, Ft;;s, ckc.
One year's savlnas will buy a eow.
NO illOKK Mil K KltKAO.
Wbilor.l.lKhter, Sweeber, Kiuher.
KVKKYHUUV I'ruinea It.
Tbe Iiadiea are all In Love with it.
1 9f Send at ono for Circular io
liKII.K. tJANTZ cV t'O.,
Mad from tha Patent KsreUlnr I omnnnltlnn.
will recast, not atfeuted by the weather ; prloe, i&O oeata
pel pound. Is used In print lag this paper.
op Lift' and AdTentitrcs la the Orient, lly
Thws. W. Kdoi. It reveaU the Wonders, Mar
vela, and MyiUrin of the I,and of the Rising
Sun, sad portrays life ss it rvatly is in the old ana
leepv EsU. It telli what the Author saw, heard,
and did, in inch inimitable style, that every one
Uunhi in ntiU of himself at IU ftnuine humor
and yet so " meaty " 'that 4oo College I'rendentt, i rqcejurtj
UQvemnr. etc., pronounce u tr.rrtttiuHe. jone cam reinl
its libit illutt ration i. uiostlr executed in Eurnm at enmt
of lO.iifW. To II r, reader, and every wideawake permm,
it affonlt a splendid chance to earn Hit 1'AV. Only
I hini; JOO pages, X&O tuperb UluslrtUioHS. To Ihe AfTents,
I far the present, the OulDt is Free. Large PsmvUlets,
Specimca FageF. snd to all. Address,
A. JJ. WOHTDLNQTON A CO., UarUord, Conn.
where. Address Tb IJkiom
FUKK and bl pay to
in a it ft avnd fimavl'M sxwmn.
ION hl'B. Co.. Newark, N. J.
To Obtain It!
fST " Keek and job Had."
Circular, containing all
necessary luluruiatlun will
be aeut free. Addreaa,
a. ciioshv & co..
Box K-lttt, 6T. LOUIS, MO.
Mo Agouta wanted.
AAm A I'omplele materials lor a nrw roof 0. a sq ft. ; oan be Isld bj
uny ene, and Is superior to A I.I. other rootinirs for chf.ipne.. fli-r. s
fronf qualities and dlimbllltT. MAiMI'liFH, also I (Ml I'AI.F.
., ,. 1IKIK KKKE. Full particular, how to repair old roots, nve r
hinnlla,, prerent deoar, and
In roofs of all kinds, mailed nny one statin, whera thef saw this notion: write or call nt once. Ollnes' Rnbbet
Him tin, lisln, very elsstlo and requiring NO tar or (ravel. Is slronirlj recommended bv Architects, Uorporatlons,
f nlillc Institutions, Hullders, and leadln, men in all sections, for now sleep or flat roofs ; can also be laid over
old shindies, felt, plastlo and mastic roofs with posl Ive satisfaction; will not draw ana split apart or creek I,
clean to handle; pliable In cold weather; ha, no smell In hot weather; sheds water rendilj; wel-h, but 85
lbs. to the square, and when old, oan easily be repainted or repslred by nnv one at a trifling expense. Corres
pondence Invited. An Aaent wauted In every town. Liberal Inducements offered.
N. Y. SLATE ROOFING CO., 1 Cedar St., New Yorl-.
Now Is tho time to Subscribe!
Seven Pine ;EngraTlngayreented to crcry New Yearly Hnbacrlber.
Tho New York Fireside Companion
Tna Naw Yohk Firksids companiom Is now reoo(rnlivrl as the beat maintained,
most popular, most varied and nnterUiiiliiK weekly published In the United States.
No effort Is spared to obtain whatever w ill add to the lntorest and value of Its eon
tents. The best writers in every department are secured, without regard to expense
It is the aim of the publisher to make this an lnterestln nnd Popnlnr Paper
fnr both young and old ; to combine entertainment and amusement with desirable
-nformatlon on matters relating to tbe borne, cnurtehlp, marriage, society and
dress; to gratify the Innate curiosity and Interest of all In the pure aud natural
romance of life ; to cultivate a taste for reading and Intellectual pleasures : and to
IticuloAte good sentiments and principles In the mind of the young. Nothing of
an Immoral tendoncy Is ever admitted Into Its celuuiua. Jt contains
The most Fascinating Lovp Htorles,
llaHblug Mtorica of Adventure on f.nnd nnd Sen,
Mlrring Indlnn nnd Border Tnles,
Morlcs of Home I. He in t itrnnd Cnutiiry.
Liveliest Short Htorles nnd rrnliiMi'ni il Mietrlica,
Original ITiimor,Joke9,romioSkotclios,F,ti rersoualnaiMl HomiIi h I'uiiiKinplis;
Latest Fashion Gossip for tho Ladles; Answers In :mi i'Siimilolll ; Kllclicu Loio;
Tho best Heading for Little Folks; Iloautlfiil IllusttntlniiH. eto., etc
Xot less than SIX CONTINUED STORIES published con
stantly, and a navy story commenced about every second week ; bo that new readers
will be able to get tho beginning of a story of tho imwsdealers or of us, no matter nt
what time they may subscribe. Back numbers can always be bad coutaiulug the
commencement of every story.
Mr. John B. Williams
Tony 1'nwior
Oliver optic
Prof. Jnmri Pe JVIIIIe
1. Hamilton Myers
l.pslie Thorne
Frank Oorey
.lle Pennn
'etroleutii V Nnsby
Our Fnmily Physlclnn. under HiIh title we shall pulilisli during the coining
vein- a KHi ios of articles by eminent physicians, devoted Ui thn treat incut anil cure
of prevalent diseases, such as Skin Diseases, tjoiisiiiuptioii, Dipthetia, Kheuiiiiiti"in
t'ancer. Hip Disease, Bone Disease, Kye mid Ear Ulsenmis, Throat Diseases,
rhralolovy of Disuasesof Women, Management nf Young t hildroii, Hygiene, elc.
Those articles will contain tho best modes of ti-oatment iif dlseoso adopted by tlie
highest medical authorities oi the day, and will be a valuable nuldo to the l eaders
of our paper.
Correspondents' Column. No effort or pains are spared to tnnko this depart,
ment most attractive and useful to our rcadors. it is edited bva gentleman nf wide
experience and sound Judgment, nud a vast amount f Information I given ; niiBn ei s
toquoslloiis rolatlng to love and etiquetto, legal and medical quest Ions, tuformntiou
for the kitchen and household, in faot, auBWors to nil questions that turn up In life,
can be found In this column.
Heading for I-lttle Folks. This Is, and will continue tn be, one of the promt,
nent features of tho paper. The contributions to this department are by the very
foremost writers lor children lu the country. This aloue makes Til K NRV YOUnI
Flit EM I DE COM I' AN ION invaluable to every household whore there are children.
List of Engravings Presented to New Venrlv Subscribers t
A l.ESHON IN I.OVE, Value, 30 CIS. I THE LITTLE ANOI.KKS, Value, 25 cts.
THE PUT FAWN, . . " 30 " I FA R A WA Y FKOM HOME, ' 25 "
A MODEL YACHT, (colored) Value, 25 cents. i
These boRtitlfnl pictures nre suitable for framing, and afford a valuable addition
to the f urulture of every home.
Largest and Most Popular Weekly Paper for Young Folks.
It in tho only paper which contniim the kind of stories which mothers wnnt to
read aloud to their little one, nud which every father may unheHUutinKly place lit
the hands of his children. It contains a larger amount and variety of good reading
for girls and boys th&u can be hod lu any other weekly or monthly periodical.
BIDE COMPANION: One copy of Mnnro't Oirlg ami iot of A merirn will he ent
for one year to any subscriber Iu the United 6tat s on receipt of $2.50 ; two copies
for $4; nine copies for $16. Tti New York Fireside Companion will be sent for
one year on receipt of $3 : two copies for $0 ; or, nine copies for i?20; Getters up of
Clubs can afterwards add ainple copies at $2.50 each. We will be responsible for
remittances sent la Registered Letters, or by font Office Monev Orders. Koth
papers sent to one address for one year, for $4. 50. Postage, fhek. specimen c..j..-h,
sent free. Specimen copies with any one of the above i'ie tin ea sent to any address
on receipt of Ten Cents.
WAITED to canvass for the above two papers in every
town and village where there are no newsdealers. Good wages can be nut-le !v
successful cauvaasers. Boys and Girls ar invited to become canvassers. Every
boy aud girl can get subsoribora In their own village. Write for particulars.
Address. GEORGE lUCrVRO, Publisher,
1. O. Box 5tt57. 84 Beekman (Street, New York.
Volrnnlo .lledlrines vtlili-h 'nnvulse the
System by their violent Cathartlo aotlon, mast not be
taken for Constipation. The mild, soothing and pain
leas operation of
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient
Is sxaotlr what Is required, and will speedily ears the
most ehronio oaaos.
Wisconsin Central Railroai Lands.
Eioelleat Fm-tob at low prloea and on easy tai-ma.
Sure Crup Good Water Hi ulthy Climate-No Grass
hoppers No severe windn No rafsrtni: diseases
Before going elsewhere eod poata card asking loi
pamphlets, maps, etc., to
UliAS. i. JO..BY,Tjmd Comralfsloner.
Wis. Cen. H. U. Co., MUwaukee, WU.
rimty of Timher on all thete I.nmU.
rpilK WHAT IS IT.-Son.ethlng new.
Bells at
js. eigor. nig laoucftineat 10 Agents.
KavmillasN If."
Obnta and stamp. Agents Wanted. Bend lor Cata
logue. U. 8. 8PKUIALTY CO., I 1 Central St., Boston.
kin KNTM FOR Till-
best-selling Prize Pack
age In the world. It con
Latins I . KhawttJi Panut
I . KaveltUHMi. Golden Pen. Pin Holder. Penoll. Patent
Yard Measure, and a Piece ot .Jewelry. Single Package,
wltb elegant Prize, post-paid, t-s usuta. Circular free.
UKIDK A CO., 7G Broadw.iy, New York.
TANTKI) A4JKNTH. Samvln and Outfit fr
Bitter than ool.l. A. UUUi.l ICK a CO. Chicago.
Sold bi Agents. Address M. N. I.OVKI.L. Krie.Pa
a dny at home. AirenU wanted. Onttlt snd terms
free. Address TKUK A CO., Augusta. Maine.
Yon want to mske'
I, a Ray. pkokii
Sellloa- the bsil
anicle ever offered to
Airenta f One Arent
made isllo In three hours. Trv ll.
Address. IIQ1I A JOSKF1I, Inrtlanspolls. Ind.
Borry I'lnntx by mall, ehesu. Hnnd fnr Price List
P1KKUK, Coopeis Piains.Kteuhen Jo.,N. Y
Male and Female. In heir own locality.
Terms and OUTFIT KHKK. Addre.,
P. O. V1CKKKY A CD., Amusta, Maine.
MrLV.T!"lar3f)VnVMVed Q 1 f tfl
'tt-XPi'izx $1U lu
l ..!! I. Unit ...A Kln.Xa 1
paid aud will imy Kurge
PrcMiB. Hnil.ud iStocks,
Quads and G'dd bongOt on
llarfriiiit. InterfMt hlx
Ir C ent, allowed on dpo
lu aubjeot to sight draft.
miKWAlTHIt V 0., Hnnkm and
Hroltfrr., No. IO Wnll Hirrrt, New or.
tcks Fx changed. Furnlih all new. Want old. Write.
Name this paper. American Buok Kxebange, N. Y.
lfnn "MONTH and KX
vKt v I now, Biaple as Hour.
fP'i JU inCton. nkw
XPKNtiKStoaU. Articled
. Katnplea free. Kl. l.Ln J
YORK or tmiOAGO.
FT TV A STT 7S1 Broadway, New Yo.,
.lellJa-O-lJ-e manufacturer of Soljd tjOLD
.IKWK1.UY ol every description. ThestockisUrKe.vert
oholos.and la offHred at retail at trade prtoeatJ Keep oui
workmen jtolng. bills under 15. P.O. ord r in advance
Over lo, 0.0 1). privilege to examine. Catalogue free.
These Rioh Prairies. Near ene million seres for sale on
the mom Ulty and St. t aul K. K. snd on the MeOregor
and Missouri Klver R. K. Several large tracts lor
Ooloniea. Come or send oomnuueea i o eaamlne. Kvery
one who seea the land Usee it. Apply to
Isililej, Oscrolu t o., Iowa.
Tlie Leading .American Newspaper.
Omif , $10 a yaar. Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, $2
Potlaq Fr io t 8ubrr1br. Specimen Ooplea ant!
Advert lalng Rus Kre. Weekly, In clubaof 3Uor more.
na'.y f , posuge paid. Addreaa Tug Tbjbpwk, N. Y.
Geo.; P. Rowell & Co. I
fl 1,1 A (t ,The choloest In the world-Importers
L Ciia tr. prices Lanteat Oomnany In America
itapie article -pleases everyoooy l raae oontuiuaU)
increaalna' AaenU wanted everywhere beet induce
meats don't waste time aend for circular to ROKFRT
W61JA13 V eaey b treat, Hew York. P.O. Bos
ST AH OF THE VYKMT, Ihe beat Htrawberry.
Million, of tres and Plant, a. Pomona Nursery,
Send for Circular. WM. PAKHY, OinnamLuson, N. J.
$30 K
er Wffk HttlHrr Male or Female. Clreo-
Irtva, Addi-eea Uratai .flutUjuupoUa.lad
I. ury Rnndnll Comfort f'lnrn Perry
sirs. rumner tinyiit'U
Shirley Itrnwno
Hnzel Wood
ftlnry J. Wines'
Sninuel W. I'enree
Cieorao 1.. Aiken
Albert W. Aiken
Uve, Fnablnn Editress
Von liovli
John ICidcrkln
Annie II .Jerome
INiiiint'tl s. I.incrsnn
JemiiL V. I'oU'r
Alliin Drtino
lurk Knllin
Addison F Ilrowne
lilts new trues tswo a
vlth oerfeot comfort
light and dty. Adaptt
itfcif to ever; rut tic n of
ie bodj. ret io leg Rnpl
are noder tne rardeei
itsrotw or BMewit at rain
tntU pernianentlr oaied
js:ic Truss i.o.
Ns. 6S3 lirendway, fi. Y. City,
and sent by malt Call or send tor Oh-enlar, and be cored!
H. Y. If. U.-Wo 40
s. uiiipuunucu entirely iriiin t.uiiia.
These (.I Ms re
move all morbid
or bed matter
from the system,
supplying u
I I t rsons using
SVyts 'should n1tittlie
dose to their In
dividual consti
tution, from a
teaspnonlitll ts
a tablespoonfiitl
according tn ef
frct. For all af-
tVfl ! nf
healthy flow of J kwsl
bile lnvlKorat. Dj
Ins; the stomach.' mfn
causlnar food to TbI
dlfrest wellj IT- 1
fs I.I I K, lrrcKu-
lllr Vl.VU TIIK
BLOOD, ffivlmr
tone nd health
s bbbbj larltles ofsitom
se. arli and Kuweli,
diseases depend-
to i nc wuoie raa.'kgl
chlnery, remov- IJ
I nar tne cause of J
the diseases, ef- vS psf
cut on or Co n s -ft
by such derange
ment as Itillona
attacks, C'ostive
ness, t hronic Itl
arrlio?a,I) Srp
sln. Jnuntllrt- and
Female M'rak
ncssra. 1 tnldc
spoonfull tsksn
fectlnv a radlrnl
cure. As a FAItl
ILY ltll'.l)lti.K
Kl, and Is AL-
at commencement nf an attack of SICK
rCAUAC n t cures in la ml nutes. 1 11.
FUL, by 1 bottle. THY IT I For pampltlrt
containing useful Information and all
about the Liver, address IH. NIM'OIID,
Mew York. HOLD HV ALL llllrntilSTH.
; INDI'STRIAL Isstitctk. Pittshorgh. Fs.. opens I let.
7, close. Nov. to. Address A J. NKI.I Is. Pres. T. I. I.
S5 tO S20 ? diJ Jh..T;. Ssmple. worth 81 sent
J tu t-O free. 8T1NQN a i;o.. Porllaud, Me.
''mm Finely I'rlnlrri llrlxtol TIsirlna
-Cam. I arile sent poet-paid for 5i. ct. bend
1 I stamn for samidea nl (;He Cards,
ftmf a itlarblr, Snovs Hiikre, Mi-roll, la
umak, We have over I (HI styles.
AgmU Wanted. A. H. r ULLFa I Co. Brockton, Mass.
IVIRV BOOK AGENT In th. .hocld at
.v. suvuvi, sua las. sola or our n.w work.
Itucfaensr " fsv.l liutill.Sca. luun l inn Kvsav
WHsas, iQObeauUful illu.lrslloQS. TlDltd paper. Elegantly
bousd. Price low to meet the times. IT EXCELS ALL
OUTFIT FREE f all ta.t .ill' iork. wTiw rr mil".
cf,"S.1 '.'!? 'S1 ir; " """' !. DUBTlN,
6 u. at All CO.Joryord. Vt., Cittago, or CVscisaaU, O.
SMOTf TN (i rendered eoonomlcal and healthy. by
? -T ?; W nslns the Common 8enie SeKar Hot
Ten Holders for 2oe. ty maU. Airenta wanted.
J. M GARDNER t CO., P. O. Boi 5..13. New York.
CSopd fsoll! Ceod Timber! Rood Air! Rood
Water! Uood Title ! llrnlihy Cliuiale !
The entire Land lirant of Ihe Flint oV Per
Itlnruuetle liallwity ( ouipitny, U5,(MIO
Al riKst, 1. offered for aale for purposes of Actnal
Settlement In parcels as desired. HH,MK),UOO leet
nf Pine, looated convenient to the line of tbe railroad.
Farmlnn Lands, a. good as any In the world, lie aloes
Ihe Ilea, and will be sold on most favorable tnns to ac
tual Battler.. Timheh Oak, Beech, Maple, Hock Kim,
Hlaok Cherry, b-sawood, Pine, Hemlock, etc, eto.
Kvery variety nf timber, soil aud auriac. oan be found.
Cheap Land and Railroad Facilities are aeldoin offered
tojrether, aud those who wish to secure homes will do
well U apply early aud take choice selections. Tehmb-One-fourth
la oaen snd balance with anuual Internet at
T per cent., as may be agreed. Information by mali
promptly furntthed. Apply, In person or by mall, to
WM. L. WKHMKR.Land Commissioner.
Address at fcaat Saginaw. Mlcb.
SlTH oRGiri;
JBoastOll, XwXCsJeaa.
T7ee htmndard Inatrumettta
rtold by Music Dealers Everywhere.
Atrenti Wanted ia Every Town.
Bold throat hont the United Btate. on tha
lhat la, on a System of Moothlj Paymants.
lrohaers should ask for the BatrrH AatSHltuv Oaaaa
Uataloame snd foil particular, on spplloaUon.
IrVTB 0 8 8