The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 30, 1875, Image 4

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Vnlne of Covered OTnnarr.
At various times wo linvo pointed out
to our renders the profits roHulting from
covering innnure, instend of allowing it
to get sonkod by the rains or dried by
the sun, ns is generally done. We bave
given this advice from wlint we have ac
tually seen. When rough nlieds have
been built to cover the manure heap the
crops fertilized by this pile have in
creased in productiveness sufficient to
pay for the shed covering the first year.
We never have seen any exact figures of
the proportionate value of covered and
uncovered manures, that we remember,
until the following, which we find by
Lord Kineaid, a Scotch landowner and
farmer. They present the best state
ment possible, we think, of the advan
tages of the plan :
Four acres of good soil wero meas
ured, two of them wero manured with
ordinary barnyard manure and two with
an equal quantity of manure from the
covered shed. Tho whole was planted
with potatoes. Tho products of each
acre were ns lollows :
Potatoes treated with barnyard ma
nnre :
One aoro produced two hundred and
seventy-two bushels.
One acre produced two hundred and
ninety -two bushels.
Potatoes manured from covered sheds
One acre producod four hundred and
lorty-two bushels.
One aivo produced four hundred and
seventy one bushels.
The next year th9 land was sown with
wheat, when the crop was as follows :
Wheat on laud treated with barnyard
mnnuro :
One acre liroduced. forty-one bushels.
eighteen pounds (of sixty-one pounds
per unsuel).
One acre produced forty-two bushels.
thirty-eight pounds (of sixty-one pounds
per bushel).
Wheat on manured land from covered
sheds :
One acre liroduced fifty-five bushels.
five pounds (of sixty-one pounds per
One acre producod fifty-three bushels,
forty-seven pounds (of Bixty-one pounds
per ousiiei).
The straw also yielded one-third more
upon tho laud fertilized with the ma
nure from the covered sheds than upon
mat to wiucn tne ordinary manure was
applied. A cw 1 or It Jndcjxnucnt,
Profitable t'roim.
A large number of letters reach us
from farmers who inquire what crops we
would recommond to be raised upon
certain parcels of land, with a view of
getting Irom them the lamest cash re-
turns. These are very difficult questions
to answer ; in fact, any answer must be
to a large extent empirical, and tho
opinion untrustworthy, as there are
conditions to be taken into account, of
which we can have no knowledge. Tho
nature of tho land ' is to be considered.
its fertility, its situation, its nearness to
market, etc. Unless land is rut no m
good tilth, no crop can bo raised with
prout. A hundred times have we said
to farmers, cultivate less land, and put
every rod of that which is cultivated in
to high condition. It is an axiom in
successful farming that one ocre must be
made to give returns equal to four under
tne old system of JSew I'JUBrlaud farmiuar,
Make one acre give you eighty or one
hundred bushels of com, or thirty-five
bushels of wheat, the samo of rye, or
three tons of hay, and then yon are on
the road to successful farming. You
cannot afford to drud.w nwav upon vour
land which gives you but one-third of
these results. We hnve one measured
acre of land which for twelve years we
nave studied caretuily, and kept an ac
count or tuo expenses ana value of crops
and it has afforded us much instruction!
Last year the acre gave us thirty-five
bushels of summer rye and about two
tons of straw. The rye wo sold the
present spring for $1.25 per bushel, and
tne straw nad a cash value of Sa per ton
the cash value of tho crop was therefore
SS'Jd. to, and from tins we deduct tho ex
penses as far os they can be fairly esti
mated, about S28, we have a clear profit
ot more than 55 from tins acre of land
Isow, if a farmer has ten or twenty
acres under cultivation, giving like re
sults, they afford him a fair income, and
with the return from other farm depart
ments, tho bnsiness of farming does not
appear pecuniarily bad. The truth is,
farming must be studied and well
considered ; it must be well conducted
as a merchant conducts his business,
with intelligence, forethought and good
common sense. Farmers must look upon
tueir laud as a merchant does upon his
merchandise, and the question fo be
pondered is : How can I make it pay
motuebest proht f larnting that is,
the right kind of farming is a good
business ; we insist upon it, it is a good
business for a man to follow liomon
Journal of Chemistry.
Wheat Weevil and AlotU.
After wheat is thrashed and put away
in the bins it is not safe from the attacks
of insects. Perhaps the most common
and destructive kind in this country is
the red grain weevil. It is a small beetle
of a pitchy red color, and nttacks wheat
after it is stored, eating out the inside of
the kernel : hence it is not easily de
tected except by handling the grain or
submitting it to a slight pressure, the
shell readily breaking when touched.
This weevil is sometimes exceedingly
numerous about old barns in the Middle
States, and considerable care is necessary
to preserve seed wheat in good condition
for sowing. Infested barns should be
well cleansed every season before new
grain is put in, even to fumigating with
burning sulphur, as well as dusting the
cracks about the bins with the name
Tne Potato Field.
A man in New London, Conn., thinks
he has made an accidental discovery of
preventive for the potato rot. He uad
a field of pofatoes nearly an acre in ex
tent, all apparently decaying, the vines
havinsr wilted and turned black. lie re
solved to pull up the worst of the vines
in part of the rows, leaving the potatoes
m the hills. A month later he dug the
crop and found the product of the rows
which he pulled to be nearly double
that of those lott in their former condi
Still Aching.
Hurrying down Jefferson avenue, De
troit, to the depot, a man struck a heap
of peach skins aud fell on his beam-ends
and rolled over twice before he stopped
A boy, standing in the center of the
street, anxiously inquired ;
'Be you hunting for anything, mis
" Come here, bub," said tho man, as
he sat up, " come and get ten cents, and
some candy, and figs, and plums, and
juba-naste. That's a good uoy, come
and see me. , .,, -,.
"Your intentions , may pa good, re
plied the bov. as he backed off, "but
guess I'll wait until the other other
booting gets over aching before I get
auy nearer."
Description of tho Plneo with 1t Commereo
and, Trade . ,
Indianola. the town in Texas destroy
ed by the cyclone, with a frightful loss
of life, is the county town of Calhoun
county, and is the port of entry of the
district of Sal ruin. It is situated on the
west shore of Matagorda bay, twenty-
five miles from the gulf, and distant
about one hundred and twenty miles
from Galveston. The town contains be
tween two and three thousand inhabi
tants, and is built immediately on the
shore of tho bay, upon a level beach of
white shell sand, behind which a per
fectly level prairie extends for many
miles. It is the terminus of the West
ern Texas and Pacific railwny, which is
to connect it with Austin, the capital of
the State, and with San Antonio. This
road, which is now completed to (Juero,
distance of seventy-live miles, and
which it is thought will soon be linish-
d. has added much to- tho commercial
importance of the place by attracting
the population of tho neighboring towns
of l'ort Jjannea, Old Town, and Powder
Horn, which were built before the loca
tion of the terminus of the road had
been decided upon.
As a port of entry it is next m im
portance to Galveston, all the trade with
San Antonio and tho surrounding coun
try, ns well as that with New -Mexico,
via ban Antonio, passing through it.
Tho buildings are oil of wood, the ma
jority of them being built upon piles, on
account of the dampness of the sand,
which is saturated with the salt water of
the bay. The inhabitants are princi
pally commission and forwarding mer
chants, small shopkeepers and traders
and their employees. The houses being
nearly all white, the town presents a neat
and pretty appearance from the bay and
surrounding country. I ho facilities for
shipping and receiving goods are ample,
as several long wharves have been built,
which extend far into the bay? alongside
which all vessels whoso draft of water
permits them to cross the bar, at the en
trance to the harbor, can come. Besides
tho receipt and shipment of goods to In
dianola, thero is a large business done in
packing and preserving beef, and in
slaughtering cattle for their hides and
In the last-named business the animals
are killed, their hides, horns, and hoofs
removed, tho carcasses placed m large
drums, the tallow separated, and the
flesh and bones converted into manure
by the admission of superheated steam.
Steamers of tho Morgan line run to
New Orleans four times a week, touchiug
r.t Galveston on their way. The com
merce is important, ns besides the regu
lar business done by the steamers thero
is a large trade carried on with the prin
cipal commercial ports of the country
by means of coasting vessels. The ex
ports are cattle, hides, tallow, wool.
cotton, preserved beef, and the manure
spoken of above. The imports embrace
all kinds of manufactured goods and a
largo amount of lumber. At Pass Ca
vallo, theentranco from the gulf to Ma
tagorda bay, there is a largo lighthouse,
and at different points between the pass
and the town there are three more.
About Postal Cards.
The Post-oflice department at Wash
ington received a letter from a firm in
Chicago complaiuing that six cents addi
tional postage was charged them on a
postal card sent to their address, on tho
face of which, in the lower left hand
corner, were written the words, "Sept.
1.1, 187u. As inauy complaints of this
character are received at tho depart
ment, the following reply to the above
h-ttor is furnished for the information of
the public :
CteNtlemen: In answer to your letter
I have to state that by a ruling of this
department anything whatever, except
an address written or printed upon the
side of a postal card intended for the
address, renders such card unmailable,
aud the same cannot be legally forward
ed unless prepaid at the letter rate
three cents. I!ut if by inadvertance it
reaches its destination without such
prepayment, it is chargeable wich double
the letter rates under tho provisions of
section lo'Jl, postal laws edition of 18(3.
In accordance with the said ruliusr tho
card submitted was rendered subject to
letter postage hy the writing ot the
date on tho side designed for tho od
dr.w, and having been forwarded with
out the prepayment of such postage, it
became liable to double the h-tter rates
six cents. Iu collecting the abovo,
however, tho postmaster at Chicago
should have deducted the one cent
originally paid for the card.
The Jlaoris, or 'ew Zealaiulers.
From au article entitled " New Zea
land," in Appletons' American Cyclo
ptedia," revised edition we quote as
follows : The Maoris, tho primitive in
habitants of New Zealand, are a tribe of
the Polynesian branch of tho Mahiyo
Polyr.esiau family. The average height
of the men is five feet six and a quarter
inches ; average weight, one hundred
and forty pounds. Their bodies aud
arms are longer, and their legs shorter,
than thoso of Englishmen of the same
stature. The New Zealander's hair is
generally coarse aud black, though
sometimes rusty red. He has good
teeth, a broad nose, dark-brown eyes,
large mouth, and an olive-brown skin,
which in some is so fair that blushes can
be seen, while in a" few the skin is dark
almost to blackness. Tho women are
not handsome, though when young they
are graceful and pleasing, wim mild
eyes, patnetic voices, ami great ease ot
manner. In tattooing, the New Zea
landers have . outstripped every people.
Tattooing on the face they term moko,
and on the body whakairo, the term tut
too, though of Polynesian origiu, being
unknown in their dialect. The male
New Zealanders tattoo their faces, hips,
and thighs ; the women their upper lips.
The figures are alike among persons of
the same tribe. The pigment used is
charcoal made from kauri-gum and other
vegetable substances.' Under the skin
the charcoal looks bluo, and grows dark
in the course of years. Since the intro
duction of Christianity tattooing is go
ing out of fashion.
Ladies' Cloth Suits.
Ladies' cloth is again imported in
ready-made suits in stylish shades of
slate, blue, gray, green, and plum blue.
Flounces are not put on Bkirts of this
heavy material ; instead, they are
trimmed with rows of braid,, some of
which are wide and others narrow. The
overskirt is very narrow, and is attached
to the lower skirt by buttons down one
side. ' The jacket is loose, long, aud
pointed in front, with a short broad
English back, Byron collar, and square
pockets. A cuirass basque is to be worn
beneath this jacket.' ( " J '
' The Pittsburgh! Commercial ' perpe
trates the ( ollowiug : ' It is said to be a
fact that the death of aa author always
increases the sale of his books. Hero is
hint for Eli Perkins.
Item of Interest front Home and Abroad.
A revolutionary movement took place re
cently at Le Vega, Ban to Domingo, headed by
Gen. Joan Gomez. Owing to the energetic
measures taken by the government the rinsing
was qneiler), and Gen. Gomel took refnge in
the woods...... Theodore Tilton commenced
bis leoture season In Port Jervis, N. T. His
subject was "The Problem of Life."
There la every probability that the Heme
govintan Insurrection will soon be pnt down.
The fast mail servioe between Now York
and the largo Vt'uotern cities baa been in
augurated. The time from Now York to
Chicago is twenty-six hours The Direct
Cable Company bas its wires in working order
now, and the first day sent over two hnndred
mespagee to England at the low rate of twenty
five cents per word There were over thirty
oarea of yellow fever at Milton, Fla , and
seventy cases and fifteen deaths at West Pas-
cagoula President Grant and Generals
Sherman and Hooker attended the meeting of
the Army of the Cumberland at Utioa
Extensive whisky frauds bave been discovered
in San Francisco, and revenue oflicors are im
plicated. The investigation is to be actively
pursued. The Episcopal couucil for the
diocese of Fond du Lao, Wis., mat at Green
Bay. On the third formal ballot, the Eev.
John Henry Hobart Brown, of Coboef , N. Y.,
was elected bishop The safe of Francis
Sargent & Ca, of Boston, was robbed during
the day of $17,235 in bills, chocks and notes
by a burglar, while a confederate occupied the
attention of the bookkeeper, who was alone.
The aspets of the Bank of California
will probably exceed its indebtedness by one
million dollars.
The cattle disease is increasing in England,
but there has been only a small proportion of
deaths A Papal nuncio has been issued to
the Spanish bishops, which claims the fulfill
ment of the concordat, which forbids the ex
ercise of any non-Catholio creed ; claims the
transfer of tho superintendence over education
to the clergy, and the co-operation of the
secular power in suppressing hertical teaching
aud liteiature ; and says one of the causes of
oivil war is the way in which religious unity
has been misunderstood by previous govern
ments. The Madrid papers sharply criticise
the nuncio The amount of taxes paid on
real and personal estate at the office of the tax
receiver in New York city during two days was
$1,500,000 Lee fc Hhepard's liabilities
amount to $587,206, and their assets figure up
$199,433, exclusive of stereotype plates which
cost $250,000 The thieves who robbed
the safe of Sargent A Co., of Boston, of $17,
000 worth of notes and other valuables, re
turned through the mail the next day all the
property but $73 in cash . . A fire in Tader
born, PrusBia, destroyed, one luindred build
ings, whereby three hundred families wero
rendered homeless.... The Brazilian govern
ment has determined upon a conciliatory
policy in relation to religion.
The convention of New York Democrat?,
held at Syracnse, nominated John Bigolow for
Socretary of State, Lucius Robinson for Con
troller, Charles S. Fairchild for ' Attorney
General, Charles N. Ross for Treasurer, John
D. Van Buren for Engineer and Surveyor,
C. L. Walrath for Canal Commissioner, Rod
ney It. Crowley for Prison Inspector. The
platform contained extracts from the na
tional Democratic platform of 1872 and the
State Democratic platform of last year, and
declared unqualifiedly for hard money, an
early return to specie payments, mid tho main
tenance of the public credit. It ulso declared
for administrative economy and reform, and
against a third Presidential term and sump
tuary legislation.
Owing to a violent gale ou the Gulf coast,
tho water has been forced upon Galveston,
and the principal streets are inundated to
a depth of several feet, aud much property
has been destroyed. Thirty workmen on the
breastwork in course of construction by the
government, have been cat off, and are proba
bly lost. The Santa Fo railroad bridge across
tho bay has been swept away, and the Hous
ton railroad bridge is under water The
Pope held a consistory recently and conferred
upon Cardinal McCloskey the ring, aud gave
him titular charge of the Church of Santa
Maria Sopra-Minerva. - The Pope, after deliv
ering an allocution in tho consistory, an
' nounced the creation of six new cardinals aud
f several archbishops and bishops The
Greek government has determined to encour
age the citizens to participate in the Centen
nial exposition at Philadelphia Superin
tendent Chapman, of tho Insurance depart
ment of New York, has canceled the certificate
of authority of the City Insurance Company
of Providence, R. I., to transact bugiuoss
in bis State The eighty-oue-ton gun re
cently completed at Woolwich, England, for
tho iron-clad Inflexible was tostod with
charge of 250 pounds of powder aud a 1,300
pound shot. The result was not quite satis
factory The Nebraska Stato Democratic
convention adopted a resolution in favor of
a sound currency, coin or its equivalent; of
steps toward specie payments, and no stop
backward The two hundredth anniversary
of the Indian massacre at Deeifkld, Mass.,
was celebrated by appropriate exercises
A dispatch from Commodore Cooper, of the
Pensacola navy yard, states that the yellow
fever is epidemic at Howell' tuition on Pen
sacola bay, twenty-five miles above the navy
yard. Tho people have neither food, medicine
or attendance. They are crying for relief
The secretary of the treasury has called in
$5,000,000 of the coupon bonds of June 30,
1861, as follows: Fifty dollars, No. 2,501 to
No. 3,300, both inolusive ; $100, No. 1,001 to
No. 10,500, both inclusive ; $500, No. 10,101 to
No. 15,300, both inclusive ; $1,000, No. 33,801
to No. 69,700, both inclusive,
Four boys out sailing on a Sunday afternoon
recently were drowned by tbe upsetting of
their boat near tbe number, a few miles west
ot Toronto . . . .The storm at Galveston, Texas,
swept away about one hundrej houses and
other buildings, aud destroyed much property
otherwise. The water vt ttvcral feet in
depth iu some of the a i-in. The railroad
tracks were greatly damage Twenty persona
are known to have perished. Numerous ves
eels were wrecked. The storm extended along
the .entire coast, and many marine disasters
are being reported. Accounts from New Mexi
co state that much damage has already been
done to the wheat crop by the wet weather,
and the town of Los Cruce was nearly de
stroyed by the bursting of a waterspout
During tho receut storm twelve inches of enow
fell in Quebec, and much damage was done to
iruit and ornamental trees Wm. Btoue,
aged nineteen years, while disputiug with his
father in a machine shop at Newark, N. J., de
liberately drew a pistol and shot bis father
n the face, inflicting a serious wound....!.
A locomotive of a coal train on tbe Lehigh
Yalicy railroad exploded at Btouey Creek, Fa.
John Kershuer, engineer, John Dopier, fire
man, and Benjamin Hoffman and II. W. Kolp
hrakemen, all of Fun-view, wore instantly
killed. George Oweus, a brakeman, was in,
jured. . . .'. .The Anthony House aud an utire
block of buiklinga In Little Book, Ark.j were
dostroyed by fire, with a heavy loss , , The
teamer Emery Gity wu bunieil to the water's
near' Kiugtoui'j.pnu. ilia ua was
saved auil tier panicngei uuiu jnred. " Tho
freight and boat are a total lua. The eabiu
oaught fire from a stove in the engine room.
A snowstorm prevailed on Mouut Wash
ington, N. H., Bept. 17th, continuing all the
next day No trains or stages went up or
down The United States cotton crop this
yew is 3,827,843 bales.... .The Insurrection
in the Turkish colonies still Continues, and
much fighting with the loss of many lives
mUBt result before affairs are settled.
The gale at Galveston drove the waters of
the Gulf over tho entire Islat.d, inundating
the highest points to a depth of two feet, and
raining gardens and foundations. Many build
ings were moved bodily into the thorough
fares. The gale extended along tho entire
coast, and created great bavoo with the ship
ping of all classes The Servian news
papers sy that the government his received a
note from the Bublime Porte asking if Turkey
may rely on the maintenance of Servian neu
trality Jocjb Benjamin, a well-known
pawnbroker of Bait more, died from erysipelas,
which was produced by the use ot hair dye. . . .
It is expected that Russia will recognize Ehan
Bade as the succcf sor of his deposed father in
the Kbanate, of Ehokaud, Asia, but whether
recognition will be accompanied by the armed
occupation of Ehokand is uncertain. At last
advices all was quiet Westervtlt, fno of
the alleged abductors of Charley Ross, bas
been oonvictcd in Philadelphia of conspiracy
to kidnap, conspiring to extort money, and con
spiring to defraud the child of his liberty. He
was acquitted of the counts of kidnapping aud
concealing the ohild. He took an appeal.
James Garland, professor of mueio at New
Brunswick, N. J., had so ill treated bis wi'fe
that she determined to leave h'm, and was
makiug her preparations to do so, when be
shot her three times with a revolver, inflicting
serious wounds in her neck and head. Garland
then went to his room and fired three shots in
to his own head and cut his throat and arm
with a penknife, breaking two blades. Not
oontent yet, he caught up a hammei and
struck himself on the head, crushing in the
skull, and died In a few minutes The
supreme court at San Francisco confirmed the
decision of a lower court sentencing ex-IJaibor
Commissioner John Marks to seven years' im-
pr.soument for embezzling $06,000.
Tho New York State Homeopathio Society
celebrated the semi-annual centennial of the
introduction of homeopathy into this country,
by appropriate exercises As Hie telegraph
wires about ttulveston have been repaired
intelligence comes that the town of Indianola,
on Matagorda bay, Texas, a village of twelve
thousand inhabitants, was completely inun
dated and mostly destroyed by the recent
storm. Very few houses are laft standing
entire, and the loss of life counts up to about
one hundred and fifty, the roeoding waves dis
tributing tbe bodies over a space of twenty
miles. Parties of the saved were hunting np
the bodies of their relatives, aud as there
is little food to be had, their couJition is very
pitiable. Tho people of Galveston sent relief.
Information has also been received that the
own of Matagorda has been swept away, with
the exception of two houses. At East Bay
only five porsons out of twenty-eight are
known to have been saved. The town of
Saluria is also reported to be washed away. . . .
Charles G. Fisher, assistant diBtriot-attoruey
at V asliingtou, bas beon arrested for abstract
ing orimiual records, aud committed to jail
ihe records were recovered A disease
like the epizootic appeared at Pougbkeepsie
ana elsewhere in tho State of New York.
'T't . r l . . , . . .
j. no iuecuanicB naiiK or jnoiitrtal has sus
pended, owing to a heavy defalcation The
cattle disease has broken out iu Wilbraham,
Mass The Russian General Kauffnmn
occupied Khokand without resistance. Th
greater portion of tho Russian troops remained
in the fortified camp outside. All the Russian
prisoners have been delivered over to General
Kanffman, mid the Khan has accopted all the
conditions of peace Au editor of th
Otrmania, on Ultramontane newspaper, has
been sentenced to five mouths' imprisonment
by the municipal court of Berlin for publishing
an offensive article.
i How a Trade was Spoiled.
The Boston Commercial Bulletin tells
a btory of a retired dry goods merchant
of tliuc city, distinguished for his "do
portment, who is said by the boys t
navo ueeu enuauv distiumusliea whe
in "tho trado " for selliug apparently
nnsaianio goods, upon whicn tho sales
men of the hume had exhausted their
ellbrta. It is related that at one time
large lot of alpacas hung Are badly, an.
could not be placed bv Anybody. At last
the old man took them in hand, and,
waiting tho arrival of a buyer of a large
retail house in one of tho Xew England
cities, blandly, proposed to sell Mr.
J.rade well himself. Tradewell was com
plimented hy this mark of distinction,
and started off briskly on his bill of
goods. PreseuUy the head of the house
laid his hand carelessly on a piece of al
paca, aud said :
" Jklr. Tradewell, we bave got three
or four cases of these tine alpacas, a
small lot, Boston trade have not taken
them yet ; rather too fine perhaps for
your city, but if you would like to mo
nopolize the line of goods I think wo
might place tho entire three to yon at
forty-two cents. There are three cases
of these goods, Edward, are there not ii"
(to au attendant youth.)
Now, the boy had witnessed tho old
man's salesmanship with open-mouthed
admiration, and when it came to placing
the hard old alpacas at forty- two cents
which had failed to And a customer at
thirty-five cents, he eagerly responded
to the inquiry :
" Ye3, sir, there's three cases here'n
ten more np stairs."
Tradewell "tumbled" to tho boy at
once, and grinned quietly while the old
man, settling his stock, and swallowing
an imaginary mouthful, said, blandly :
" Very well, Edward, very well ; but
another time you need not tell mo things
that I do not wish to know. Mr. Terms,
will you take Mr. Tradewell now 1"
How to Stop a Taper.
The Jointers' Circular says: Do
not take your paper to the postmaster
and tell Lim to send it back ; in nine
cases out of ten you will fail to etop it
in this way. Do not attempt to return
it yourself, and write on the wrapper to
discontinue ; this is against the law, and
lays yon open to a flue. ' Before your
subscription expires, send to the editor
a postal card, Faying your subscription
expires on Mich a date ; please discon
tinue at that time. Sign your name,
alao the town and State where your
paper is sent, in full. If the paper bas
been Bent two weeks or more over the
time for which it was paid, don't send a
po tal card ; it will do no good ; rather
write a letter and inclose what is due for
arrearages, always allowing that ono
number will be sent before the. letter
reaches the publisher and his list is cor
rected. By observing these Bimple rules,
your requests will always be promptly
attended to. '
Buying. Au exchange tells a Btory
about a shopkeeper who advised a lady
ta. Im-T two mnliiiii- switches instead' of
one, as the article--was becoming scarce, .
Ho Baid that tho man ho had hired to
hunt inoe.H had only caught two within a
A Novel jThlngy, '. ; .-
A novel methoA for" propelling or tow-1
ing ci.nn.lbon.ts has recently been intro-
duoed m Jielgium, wnicn is aescriuea
in the ticicniyio American as follows !
The tow-path is laid with A single rail,
weighing some sixteen pounds to the
yard, and fixed on traverses a little more
than threo feet apart. The locomotive
has four wheels, two of which are placed
directly along the axis of the vehicle,
one in advance of the other, and the
others one at either side. The first pair
are directing and the second driving
wheels. The directing wheels are
grqoved and tit the rail ; the others have
rubber tires, which give purchase on
the macadamized road, and which press
thereon to the extent of 0.07 pounds to
the square inch. By means of a simple
mechanism, the weight of the machine
may be thrown upon either the driving
or directing wheels at will. In the form
er case the maximum, and in the latter
the minimum, of adherence is obtained,
to suit the conditions of a loaded or an
empty boat. There is but a single road,
with rotary engines provided at suitable
distances. ji,acn locomotive tows one
boat ; and when a meeting takes place of
two traveling in opposite directions,
the engines change boats and retrace
their paths. The locomotives weigh
four tons, aud travel about three miles
an hour, with full boats, carrying a
cargo of one hundred and fifty tons each.
This method is doubtless a novel one,
but the question naturalfy arises, in
what deirree is it better than the common
two-track railway, since, though but one
rail is used, there is need of a careful
grading of the whole road-bed I
At Saratoga. Two young ladies
were conversing at Saratoga, tne otiier
day. and one said that her heart was
really broken. Charles Augu tus had
proved fickle.
" Was ne ncn r asKed tne otner.
" No." was tho reply, " but he was so
" Well, my dear, was the sonsolatory
response, "marry old ti., wno is alter
yon, and mend your heart with diamond
Chemical analysis fails to find the least
trace of adulteration in Dobbins' Electric
Sonn (made by Cragin & Co., Phila.,
Pa. ). For sale everywhere. It is for
vour interest to try it.
First Ghani) Exposition of the Tradesmen's
Industrial Institute. Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct.
7. olnses Nov. 6. Address A. J. Nellis, President.
We call attention to tho card of Mess.
Bucknalter & Co., bankers aud brokers, 10
v all street, N. Y., whom we are informed are
a most reliable firm, and that any bnsiness in
trusted to tbem will be promptly executed
Tliev are lame dealers iu railroad stocks.
bonds, gold and stock privileges, and can give
r.h ti.t nr references : ami inev solicit corre
spondence with any who may wish investments
made in Wall street, bona lor their circular.
All who suffer from coughs, colds,
bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, and the
most to be dreaded of all, consumption, can
find sure relief m Dr. tstar s Jialsam of
Wild Cherry, which curcB when other reme-
dios fail. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle,
largo bottles muoh the cheaper. Com.
We would not recommend the frequent
or constant uee of any medicine. It is impor
tant to titko even a Rood article judicioutly.
Pammt' Purgative Pilln aro nafe, prompt aud
reliable as a laxative or cathartic. Com.
Important to Travelers.
I'orsons visiting Now York or leaving by the
eais from Grand Central Depot, will save an
noyance and expense of carriage hire and bag
gage OipionBago by stopping at Grand Union
Hotel, oppointo Grand Central Depot. Over
.150 elegantly f nrnished rooms and littod up at
s. oortt of it'ilnO.nCO. European plan. Guests
can live mure luxuriously for lessmonev at the
Grand Union that at any other first-class house
in Now York. Stages and street cars pats tbe
doors for all parts of thecitv. Bee that the
hotel yon enter is the Grand Union Hotel.
Base ball is undoubtedly good exercise
and capital amnsemout, but it oft-n occasions
bunged eves, broken sums aud blistered uauus
We can tell you that in all such cases, if John
HOn't Anodyne i.inivnnt U rexorted to, it will
reduce the swelling aud stop tho pam. torn.
t ort; n.s anu coi.d.
The great virtue nf thlb medicine la that tt ripens tbe
matter and throw tt out of the system, purities the
blood, aud thus ctf..ctB a cure.
ScuF.svK's Si:a Weed Tonio, for ihk Cera or
The Tonti; produces a healthy action of the stomach.
creating an apnetlte. forming chyle, and earing the
most ohstlnutu cusoe of ludigee tloa.
Liveh Complaint, Kto.
Those Pills are altomtlre, and produce a healthy
action of the liver without tbe least dacger.aa tboy are
free from calomel and yet more efficacious in restoring
a heultlij' action of the liver.
Theip rntnedles am a certain cure for Consumotlon.
As Iua Pulmonlu bvruit ripens the matter and puiliiea
the hliiuil. Tne M.indrulie Pills aut upon the liver,
create a h'altby hile, and remove all diseases of the
liver, often a cause of Cousuinpt Ion. The bea Weed
Tuulc titea tone and strength to tbe atomacb, makes a
Kftod diKtin, und enables tbe organs to form good
blood ; btii thus on ales a healthy circulation of healthy
blood. Tlie combined action of thusu lubdiclues, as
ilius exDl.iintri. nil) cure every cuse of Consumption. If
laan In time, and the uae of the mediclnea persevered
Dr. Rchenck is nrofeeslnaally at his principal office,
corner blxth and Arch Mreets, fbllAdelphla. ovei
Momlay, Vtbere all letters for aflvloe must be addreaaei
buheuck'a medicines for sale by all Druggists.
The Markets.
Beef Oattle-Priuie to Extra Bullocks 12 & 13K
Oommou to Gcod Teiana 07M 09ft
Milch Cows 06 uu uses 00
Hogs Live 08V.4 H
tireeacu muj ii
Cotton MnMiluj. . .. ..
Flour Extra Wtem
..... . . . .
16 (a) 07
lDJilaJ 1ST,
8 60 5 91
State Extra 6 60
Wheat Efd Wefteru 1 30
Ko. tl Spring 1 24
rtye Plate 93
barley Stale 1 25
Barley Mit 1 60
Data Mia A WriCflrli,.,,. 41
Corn- iiixid A ex torn 70
Hay, per owt. ..... B0
Straw, pec cw. (6
Hope i6s, 13i i -oldi 01
Fork Meat SI 26
to no
to 1 10
to I 2
to 1 2S
1 60
to 62
to 12
to I 10
to 90
to 18
21 26
1 Wi
la Mackerel No. 1, Dew
18 00 ut 20 00
No. 2. new
13 60
14 60
to 6 60
Dry Ood, per ewt
Herring, Scaled, per box....
Petroleum Crude teVSoeV
Wool California Fleece
f 26
6 to 0
20 to
20 to
46 to
80 to
28 (a)
2 k
Texa " 20
Australian 11 U
Batter State 80
Western Dairy 28
neatern Yellow 18
Witern Ordinary 11
Penubylvaula Fine.. 26
Cheeae State Factory.... (8
" Skimmed C2
Wfatern ('8
Eig-Slate it
Rye State
Oorn Mixed ....
Barlty Bute....
Quia State. ..
Wheat No. 2 Spring
Torn Mixed.
l a
6 00
1 80
1 16
1 20
to (I
to 19
to in
to 61
e 76
to I 80
to u
to I 15
to 1 21
Usrley ,
Ootlon Low Middlings.
Flonr bxtre. . .. .
Wheat 1M Weatern..
8 76 to 16
1 40 to H)
li to 80
ii to ii
41 l1 46
Aye... , ,
Oorn Yellow
Oata Mixed
Flour FeiumylTOBla xtro
Wheat Weatern Bed...
y. ,
to T OO
to 1.40
to .14
to 18
to .40
uoru 1 1' now
Oat -Mixed
I rolroleum Crude,.,,.,
VHtoWX Beflnl, .11
Smith's "Initant Drei Elevator."
of all. It i one of th...e styles Hint Is snre to
n cose, eppecinlly as it is rpprnpHate nr ii j
material, L, requires C Roods to mnk .11 n
?ny other , nit of nllK-a,. y. It h ;
Thim;uT flown mo
Upper Part of th
nulla (wrong- fiuo
Vfttor dim in. von
run rain your Hirt
i w title thMb fnurt-
imrirorcs nir nun rat .. 'fusi
form may f eel llicy were never so u.h J '"SJ 1' 'V
attired. 'The wafrt Is t'ne reaiilnr U.bllc "hapo s
it yon ran Repp
Wirt trum the Filth.
It IjOOTidtlipuklrt In
tlmoremk rt 1
a Tasteful nnil Fa-
Me of tlin sash,
snino, or Hibbon.
thiOTiftble Wanner. H drwt m
Vie fullness to tar, mufcln the
"atralffbt front." I Bavea more
lha Ten Times Its Cost. It run bo
Inch enodx for
?IT; pilUCril, Willi
chRnffrrj from One Dreee ( another.
rVlce, 40 rnti fitch. Mailed.
eloth model, ttcts.
STSTi: pattern, wiincintii niouei,uutm.
Manea on luceipioi pne--,
nn PntiKiTii nnl Cloth Mod Mi of
sut'i-ii -in I... v L- V i'UFU nm lltK;LI IT M
who nnl $1. Ill to um b one year i subscription
i'A X i'lilt N 11 AAA A It."
ii TTT ii n
inn ni
FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature.
Single Copies 25 Cents.
,uMrrlptlon Price. S a year, post-pal, Im iunr
premium of Twe Hollars' worth of patterns free to
TVe semi our CERTIFICATES f this stnmmt
tw-lrt of nilncrli,! (T WO 'f i,fc.!J!
IvI.FVATORH will be elvon IN VljACb or "
l'uiwr'a wurtb of Patterns, If UeslreilJ.
OP FAHItlOlNV'theTcryflnc")
moat beautiful, attractive magazine
in tin round In this country, and
t very person who begins with tak
ing It, will NKVEII discontinue It
ivlillc It Is published.
$4,500.00 in Gold
le. ill .ivn OOO.OOIn GOLD
COIN to OS persons who sent! lis the largest
milliner of subscribers to our " World or
1 aslilon,"at $3 earh, before March 6, 18J0.
As follows t To the Cicttor-np of" flie
Lantest Club JIIIMMtO In Hold Coin.
ii l.arirest Club ... tfoo.00 In Hold Coin,
l.anrest Club.... 1 .10.00 In Hold Coin.
4ili Lamest Club.... MO. 00 Iu Hold Coin.
Mh l anrest Club ... 120.00 In Hold Com.
mil Lanrest Club. .. 110.00 in Hold Coin.
th l.anrest Club.... 100.00 In Hold Coin.
Hill l.nrui'St (lull ... JS.OO In Hold Coin,
lllh l.aruest Club.... tio.00 In Hold Coin.
I'llli l.arircst Club ... S.1.00 In Hold Coin,
lllh l.urai'Bt ( lull ... 8.1. 00 In Hold Colu.
n : .1 i on to the U0 til Larger L'luo.
u n
H una
OV tTt. a premium for everv subscriber yon sans. n iery . w. r. . e
till I HI nf these fiol.l Coin I'rcseilts offers will be found at full lei Bh In h -cpt em
ber . iinib-r, besides the names ihhI 1'.
Irer iuimr, iiesioes ine mimes mm i-. """ ";;:
list iiuicl l:i,l 33.00 in Gold, nccordlnir to our previous oilers. c
,.lt t n,..v ni i. .11 von that we do exactly OS we promise
mTln n)-nsnwn is tosend your own subscription fo e.ther of onr Magazines,
ill I tl RF ST when yon will get theflrst number am yonrl ertiflcutesof Premiums.
AU U 1 1 D JU J 1 wilid, yon ran show, and at once oet'iu getting bubsenbers, or send
!ii ceuts for on.' copy. Send Stamp tor Fashion Cata.onue.
P. O. Box 5055.
What ite Wanted to Do. Henry
Cloy, in 1835, was iuvitud to deliver nu
address at a Tennessee county fair. He
declined, but yrote as follows: If yon
will let me come over among you amili
at my ease, like any other farmer, I
think it possible I will conio. But if I
am to be exhibited, scrutinized and
commented upon, like the other beasts
of the show, I protest solemnly I will
not budge a foot, but remain quietly at
Kmmmmmmmmmu Not nvi-ry one can he President
eW4 Vma9 39 14 but all .'an buy
r W j'l IXH.Vr. ti TIPPKO
nlPlasleaf'll h" for their chllureu, and
B&AhaViByBefl rhorehy lessen their shoe bills
Bfcfl K I 39ri tvro-thlrds.
asAajsSaiefcsMasBasl Also try Wire Quilled Sole...
As tbe several coatings to th. PSraVaVHBVVil
AtHntiu (Jab)-, to are a l-alr nf WCffifi A n Jm
CAHI.K l-rid.W Willi IJj.t Iflll
UootenrShsestothefeet. A suii- jyOyC .) 3fi 1 r
prnteot Ion from all the element ?epiTMiy,,rtrj
Also try Wire Quilted KoleiMJWBaHI
Dcrrv Plnnle by innll, chesu. Send for Price I
JJ 1)11. B. PIKKOK. O.Kip
j.Ktpers Plnins.Steuben Oo-.N
M.ile and l''oninle, l-i their own locality.
Terms nl O'l'I KIT l'lllCK. Addre-s
P. Q, VH.'KKKY 4 COAusinta, Maine.
X INnrierniAL iRTi rerK. rittBnnrn. rn. opens wot..
7, oloses hot, II. A dq rets A .1. ne-. i . i.
OlHVfip howlTt'lo5(HyinpMiJ (Pi fj tfj
UJjll 1 p"ld a"d'wt!l' puy'lmrsf M 1 U IU
I'rnfilx. llnilioud Stocks,
lionds and 1. l.t hnuL'bt on
tluririliM. IntcreM vlv
Per ('em. 0'lo.vfd on dupo
sits subject to fchht dratts.
BI'I'KWAl.TKK 'V .. Itnnliera nml
Hi ker-t as. Id Wnll Wireel. ew nrn
rruiK w
X sight.
WIIATlf IT. Smoothing new. Sells at
it. Big lndunfmont to Agents. Samples. U.i
cents and stump. Agents Wanted. Send tor Cata
logue. II. 8. BPKIIIAI. I V l.'U , 1 I Central St.. Boston.
A snnlleman having been so fortunute as to cure his
son of Consumption In Its worst stages, after being
given up to die by tbe m st celebrated physicians, de.
sires to make known the .Mire (which proves successtul
In every case) to those auiicttl wltn Aionma, Kronen!,
tls, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and all alfections of
the Throat and l.ungs, and will emid the Recipe, free ot
oharge, to all who doMrH it. If thoy will forward their
address to DANIKL AUKtt, M Liberty St ,Kew Vork
Jnst ready -for CsnTasers. Now then Is the time to p
Territory. Don't st p V Hiierlraer.t on cttivr book.
Take one yo know wilt nil. rr nipt action will le
you choice of lield. anJ (.old a Returns. (Jet on tlw
ooarse at once and you wl l win. itu'Jit cou nnthiwt,
tKtmihing j'umi-h'd. Kmd lu your names, and tow us
you want, or for clronlms ar once. Address
pjjilll w) A.lveritMintt Hand Hook,
tne mobt practical treatlM on ttdverilina:, aud cuntalu
lng the hfst lists of papers evr publiBhed. AddretM
T. C. KVAN.S, AdvorilaiiiK A.ent, J-ii Wafahiutfton
Street, Uuamu. ' 'i'herti's n.lllious lu it."
Bijoks Kxchaffed. F iniiih all new Want old. Write
Name thin paper. Atuerlca-i Bx k Kichanga, N. Y.
Yon want to mnVu
Sfliti.g the b v tt i
hnli.le ever offered to
AiffjUtfc (JUd AsHtit
mud to In three honrs. Trv ti.
Address. HOUl) A JORKPH, liidlannpolifl, Ind.
A new book on th most vital question of the day. Of
the must Intense and dnt-p-st in to mi t. Flrot agent noli
3.J. stioond, 17. tblr), to, lirst week, lirat figdnt, 31
second week. Kverybody bujs It.
aienoy. I. W. Z I EH I. Hit .V- VU.,
SIS An-li I'liil.iili lniilii, Fa.
To Obtain It!
tW "Seek anU you And."
Circulars contiilnlns all
oecesiiury inXuruiutiou will
f UD Be
be Bent Irco. Address,
8-li'J, ST. LOUIS, MO.
Mo Ageuu wanted.
TIIK KKhT In the World.
It l iUes Universal Satlstnctlon.
WIIMIKKFI I, Ki'oiiumy.
40 lbs. mora rtread to inn. riuur.
CAVEM .1111. K, KIHiM,Ae.
One tmt'i savlDKS will hay a oow.
Wliltr, l.lKbter. Sneeter. Hlcher.
The IdlHa are all In fove with It.
M- I.I.M Like HOT l AKKN.
t W bend at once fur Circular to
(JKO.F. liAN'TZ cV '.,
I7U Dunne Kt.. New Vork.
01Un17TWfl iwnrtered eaonomlcal and heall hy. by
DiU.UXa.ll. SJ usI'ialbeCommoo Seure Seffar Hui.
de Ten Holder, ffi.r 2or, I'J uialL Aleent wantfcd
J. M I1AKUNKR CO.. F. O. Box ft.MH. Nw York.
op Mfe and Adventures In the OHei.. By
I'hue. . Knox. Itrevesuuie w onutrs. mar
V4?U, and Mytttriet of the Land of the Hieing
Sun, sad portniys life ss Itraslly tln the old sua
Hltpy xet It tellt what the Author saw, beard,
and did, in such Inimitable it vie, that every one
laugh in )ite of binuvlf at it- genuine humor
and iuu. It i Live, Racy, Spicy, bnmfull of giod tiling,
nd yet so ' meaty " that ttOO College Prendmti, i roreteorg.
Governor, fir., 'pronounce U " irrtnttilAe." Sunt CAM retist
iU -0 Illustration a, mostly extuted in Europe at s coat
of $'0.(iio. To VOl. n-ader, and every wide-awake pernon,
It affords a splendid rhance to earn It lti FAY. On It
thud; 70U pnrn, HM $u, erb MumI rations. To lire Apfiit,
for rAe prrKtit, the (tutBt i I -. Larpe Pamphhts.
&peein.n Page and Tcrmi. free to all. Addreta,
selling book ster published, bend fur olroulaia and our
extra terms to Ag-enta. ..... n
NATIONAL PUBUHHINO lf..Phllrlelplila Pa.
DEAN OIII.I.KIiK. HIiidbHitiloii. N. V. In
erery respeot a nrat-cUs. Boarding noboiil for
Tounr Ladlea. 3IKI P' I loll, g- Year, inoludiug good
POarO. I UlHOll IU r.'IBll.u. . iwuuu,
lano, Organ, Ouitar, VuoalMjuJloI)rawlug ajnjlng.
waif mkU. TUH U'lrwT. Iha heat tttrawbeny.
I Mllllona of trea and flanla Pomnea Mui.rr,
md for Clroalai. WM.fAKUII.iaiinaniiuaun.CT,
&Ol per Week Molitry
M ala or Female. Olrou.
tPfJV la
at Ires. A4ilr.M Crystal t)o.,ludlaaauolls,lud
3" -v . J
draped loiorinu vi.iy .-
which may be or ino
Requires ll yards of .7-
entire sun. ro. n .,
emm muM.-i, ivib, a -.. J
o. of underskirt, JSSTf-'fi
In fin
Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar
Sample Copy. S3 Cents.
Subscription Pilee, fl.10 a year, post-paid. .
One Dollar's worth of Patterns given to each sub
scriber l i ce as premium.
Coin to Give Away!
We will erlve W3.BOO.OO In COLD
COIN to 133 pcrsonswho senrt nsthe larceet
nnmlicr of subscribers to our " Baiaar," at
$1.10 each, before .March 1, 1S70.
As follows i To the Ciettrr-up of the
Larirest Club JKOO.OO In Hold Coin.
2d Largest Club.... 00.00 In Hold Coin.
ild l.arirest Club.... 100.00 In Hold Cnln
4th l,sr!t, Club
bill l.arpi't Club ...
01 h Lamest Clnh...
7th Lamest Club..'.
Hlh Lamest Club...
0th Lamest Club,..
lOlh Lamest Club...
1JS.00 lu inM Coin.
100.00 I u Hold Coin.
7.1.00 In Hold Coin.
AO.OO In Hold Coin.
"5.00 In Hold Coin.
5.1.00 In Hold Coin.
21.00 In Hold Coin.
11th Lamest Club...
26.00 lu Hold coin.
and so on to the 133d largest Club.
o. aaaross ei i ii j P"r"" ,"", ;
0 1 4 Broadway, New-York City.
j This new truss Is worn
with perfcot comfort
night and day. A flap-e
Itself to every motion tt
the body, retaining Bm I
tore under the harder t
lnrolse or severest strain
netll permanently ooied.
Sold cheap by tbe
Elastic Truss Co.
Ms. 083 llrondway, ft. Y. City,
and sent by mall. Call or send for Circular, and be oored
N. V. N. TJ.-No. 89
ti C?f adayathrme. Samples worth J1 sens
90 10 free NT IN SON 4 CO.. Pfirtl-d, Me.
The Leading American Newspaper.
Daily, $10 a year. Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, $2
Pnntarit Frrt to th Buhnrrtbtr, Specimen Copies and
Advertising Rates Kree. Weekly, lu clnbsof ROnrmore,
only SJ. postage paid. Address THE TmprNF. N. Y.
U Sold bv Ageuta. Address M. N. I.OVKI.U Krlo.Pa
.lllllnr Arnrlcniv, t heater, Pn. Opens Kept.
Slh. Civil Engineering, Ihe Classics, Knallsh end
Military Art thoroughly tnnght. l-'or circulars apply
to COL. T H KO 1 1 YATT. President.
FT T A CTT TNI HiioaiiwaT, Now Yo:k,
. . 11 Hi 1 e msnufaeturer of Roi.m (IciLD
JRWKI.KYof every dos. rlpllon Thstoi.klsli.n.e.verjp
choice, and IsonVrrd at etall it trude prices r aeop our
workmen going. Hills tinder Ii 1 .1. P.O. ord r in advttnoe
Over S lo. CO D. privilege to examine. Catalogue free.
djt C "rTJT T? KIH K and big pay to
CPO niai'l I JJIJ males and fcnial.s every
where. Address THE Union l'rp. ('o., Newjirk, N. .1.
Thfi Rich Pralrtiir.. Nvar one million ncrn for salt on
the Slnnx City nrt St. Paul R. R. end on the MoUiegor
and Missouri Kiver R. H. Kevenil lfirce tracts tor
Colonies. Coma or send onniTuit'tM) to examine. Kveiy
one who Bes the land likes It. A nnly to
$250 tr;
A :IO'TM AifHnts wnid fVFry
iere. liusinVMi honnraMit ana nrw
akh. l'art1Miiar Pnt tr. aaareea
KTH I JO., ht. lionl. wn.
and .Morphine llnltll absolutely and
Send stunm for purttcnlars. lr. UAHI
ton, I S7 Washinjettm iSt.,ChtenKo, 111.
Bend for 0nrnmoOiilat73C
;i!rriiu!i'n S'Kh. .(jflto. .if
friNTM roil TIIK
'i-Dlllna I'ttie I'uclc
fi In th world. II coil
lalns l.i hhneta raDer
H KnTelotma. floideD feu. Pnn liohlur. Pencil, l'atplit
Yard Measuiv.and a Piece of Jewelry, rlinale I'ackaae,
with elnaol Prlr.e, post-imld, if. cenla. IMrcular free.
BlilDK i (JO., 7 Broadway, Ns York.
VTANTKI AfJF.NTM. Samn' and ,ifiif fr.t
T JUtttr than Qal.l. A. OdIJI.I'Kil Jr gQ .OUlui.go.
CIO n day at home. Aa-ente wanted. Outfit aud tm-
"free. Address THUK UU., Aiiusla, MkIo.
Tbe raoet eucueoitrn
remedy A tlie pr-
ent day.Kend for P
Derna Ottlum Kiit
Isi M 04 USA 1
Drrwin W.. "... : O-' -'!
to me
... Mm
fKIA 8 T I 0 J
Toleunln IIedlrfu wlilrh t!oiivtilne tb
System by tbelr violent Cathrtlo sotion, mast not be
taken for Cons tl put Ion. The mild, soothing aud pain
lest operation of
Tarrau'H S,ltzor Apprlent
Is exactly wbat Is required, and will speedily cure tb
moat ohronlo oa-vs.
Drmrfclsta. Grocers K.nd Dealers mv (hina and Japan
Hits, in sealed p&ckaMes, tcrtir-top rum, boxes, or ball
Cbf-ats Grntrtrr prirtn. K lid for iiUtsullir. TUE M'EI.LI
Tea Company. HO I Vnl p St.,N.Y.t P.O. Boi 4. '?,(.
Wisconsin Central Mroai Lanls.
FxeMllent Firm! at low nrlflea and nn .... Inmii.
Snre Crops Good Water Uealt!i Climate No Graaa
hoppers No severe wind. No rat.aridt. dlaeaaea
neiore irolDa; elsewhere send post card aaklng lor
pamphleta. niapa, eic, to
(JUAH. 1.. COI.BY, Land (Jommtesloner,
vi u. Lu. k. tt. t;o.. aiuwauaee, wia.
Plenty e Timber on alt th"t Lattdt.
A MUN'l'li aud KXPhNNKH to all. ArtlcleiJ
new. staple aa Hour. Kamploa free. C. lNJ
INtiTON, NK.W YIIHK or tlltrOAOO. i
Finely 1'rliitrd Hrlntot VUlllnv
('HrUaaani p-st-paid fur cim. bend
tamp for euuulfH of (laea I'arda,
iflttrble. pMutA linkf htoII, llu.
in a k MAC e n ivr uvtir lOU styles.
H f-t'It.Flt
t A t'o Hrfkton. Mass.
IVCRV BOOK ACENT 1 the land shcwM as
euo suoa ior circular , ana lass aou of our asw wora
Bv COL. WM.PrftRY FOCQ. with an
faicvuUmif buuk of travel .utililii-il. 'Auknto Wahtid Kvkkt-
tiaaa. jOObeautUul illuau-aiiuiia. Tiun il pajjer. Elegauily
uDd. Price low to tneol ihetimca. IT EXCELB ALL.
UTFIT FRCB hai wMk. Wriia for IiiSV!
timed VAr
rgu trruia. to QtMtreat Otlioa. Dt'STlH,
blLMAN CU., liartjord, Ct.
taicao, or Cineinna,, Q.
ol.Ta'it;LtlTHoBxLTaBd -
Baud, are iudoraed by the
most eminent physician, la
the world for thecureuf rheu
matism, ueuraluia.livercom.
plaint, dysra psla. kidney dla
eaHe,aolfs. pains, uervuusdis
ordora,ftts(ffuiale couiplaiuta .
nurvmi. anil DUn...l ul.ili.u
and other clironie wieeaeea ol J
therhest.heatl.llTer.stoniach kidney. and blood. Uoukwitb
Till particulars free by Volt
liaLT t o., l iuiluuatl, I i' lu.