The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 23, 1875, Image 3

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    V-uouiESS CARDS.
id8y, Pa. "
2 2 tf.
Ridgwny, Elk Co., Pa. OfBoe in
new Tit-ink Tt..!,j: m.i
01,011 promutlv ait-nded to.
rffic In New Brick Buildinir. Main St
WRy, Elk Co., Pa. 8n2lf.
Surgeon Dentist liAnInn narminAnlltt 1 n.
In"111 Ri8wy. offers bis professional ser-
ni V' euizens or Hidgway ana sur.
iffi i 8 coun,ry. All work warranted.
,. service & Wheeler's IJuilding, up
first door to the left.
White. Powell & Col
No. 42 South TLird Street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 81sll875.
U. S. 1881. o 23 24
do 6 20, o '02, m ana n iff
do do b4 ao
do do '65 do
do do
do do '67 do
do do '68 do
10-40, do coupon
do Paolfio 6's cy InU off
New G's Keg. 1881
" U. 1B1
Reading ,
Philadelphia & Erie
Lebigh Navigation Dir. off.
do Valley
United RK of N J Ex. Div
....... Hit Z4
181 181
....... 19 194
19 20
'65 J and J- 19
Oil Creek - 11
Northern Central 29
Central Transportation 471
Nesquehoning 64
A & A Mortgage 6's '89 105
130 J
j J5'B street, Hidgway, Pa. Agent lor tb
' iv dewing Machine, and Morton Golrf
liepuiring WatcDes, eto, docewitb
accuracy as heretofore. Satis-
guaranteed. vlnly
gist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet
i and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
ortnient ol carefully selected For
J Domes! io Drugs. Prescriptions
y dispensed tit all hours, duy or
S. HARTLEY. M. D., .
Physician nnu Surucou.
eiubiuir 8l ore. corner broad and
Its. Residence curlier broad tel.
he College. Ollico hours lioui
A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M.
rrite, TictKty-fivt Centt.
Containing a complet list of all the towns
in the United Slates, the Territories and
the Dominion of Canada, having a popula
tion gteater than 6,000 according to the
last census, together with the names of the
newspapers having the largest local circu.
lation in each of the places named. Also,
a catalogue ot newspapers which are re
commended to advertisers as giving great,
est value in proportion to prices charged.
Also, all newspapers in the United States
and Canada printing over 6,000 copies
each issue. Also, all the iteligious, Agri
cultural, Scientifio and Mechanical, Medi
cal, Masjnic; Juvenile, Educational, Com
mercial, Insurunce, Real Estate. Law, I
Sportine. Musical, Fashion, and other
special class journals; very complete lists.
Together with a complete list of over 800
German papers printed in the United
Slates. Also, an essay upon advertising:
many tables of rates, showing the cost of
advertising in various newspapers, ana
everything which a beginner in advertis
ing would like to know.
Address GEO- P. HOWELL & CO.,
41 Park Bow, New Vork.
l ft 1
THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1876.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All are in
vited to attend.
REV. WM. MARTIN, Pastor.
Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning
Service at 11 A M Class Meeting at 12
M Evening 8ervice at 7:80 P II Prayer
Meeting Thursday Evening
Service in Grace Church Sunday next at
the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 6 P. M.
All arecordialy invited to attend. Scats
Fbrr to all.
S. Ji OR DWELL, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon, hasretuov-
tbee from Ccuire street, to Mail st.
y, l'u in I lie second story of the
Vk building of Juliu G. Hull, oppo
lie's store.
hours: b to !) a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7
jan It 73
KiiiowAY, Elk Co., Pa.
IJ. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor.
if'ul for the patronage heretofore
ally bestowed upon nun, the new
or, hopes, ly paying strict ai
lo the cuinfori una oi
merit u Cuuliuuanoe oi ih.
i'UO 18'J.
isuvKTAiL house.
Office in Thayer & Hagerty'a Block,
r 10
I 10
i 1141.
U. E.
Kane, MeKcaii Co., Pu.
LOOkElt, Proprietor.
Iiuukful for tli pttlrouiige hereiofoie so
ally bestowed upon hiui, the new pro
r, hoped, by puyiug strict attention
10 le TWinlui't and couveuieucu of guests.
ierit a CuPtinuauce of the same. The
stables tor horses lu hunt! and well
night or day. Hail uiiaclied to (lit
Ckntukvillk, Elk Co., Pa.
Joiin Collins, Proprietor,
anklul for the patronage heretofore
aoierilly bestowed upon him, the new
prrietor, hopes, by paying strict at
ie)u to the cuiutoi" aud convenience
otlusts, t merit a continuance of the
i. IV. HAYS,
Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Eariey J. O.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division.
-yN anuaiier uv.iuiii, M il n, loto,
I I the trains on the Philadelphia &
ILrTe Railroad will run as follows:
KKStS ACCOM leaves Kenovo... 4 35 p ai
LT1IIAOOU.. o uo p m
" Emporium t 55 p m
' St Marys... 7 65 p ni
" Hidgway... 8 25 p m
. Wilimj- U 11.1 n m
arr at Kace- 9 30 p m
I'AXlB MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p ni
, Renovo 1105 a m
St. Mary's 2 00 p m
Ridgwuy 2 115 p m
Wiloox 2 58 p m
orriva at Erie 7 60 p m
UEXOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m
, " niiuox o oo a m
, Ridgway- 9 23 a m
, S; Marys 10 01 a in
" Emporium 1105 am
i - Driftwood Vi 15 p m
i fienovo 1 40 p m
ViJ MAlLi leaves x.ria n.zu a w
Kuno . 8 45 pm
ytr Wilcox 4 08pm
f, " Ridgway 4.45 pm
t . . . .4 fit lUrv'l A 111 n ni
' Emporium 0.05 pm
,, Keaovo- U.25 p m
. ' arr. at 1'hiladephia... 6.50 a m
Renovo Aocom and Kane Accom connect
t and west at J.t with Low Grade Di
viion and 11 N Y & P K K
Ueu'l Sup'l.
A prominent New Vork physician lately
complaintd to DUXDAS VlCVi & CO.,
abiut llitir Sakualwood Oil Capsulks,
stating that sometimes they cured miracu
louslv, but that a patient of li i f bad taken
them without effect. On being informed
that several imitations were sold, he in.
quired and found his patient had not bet u
takwy UUISDAS DICK & CO'i.
Wliut happened to this physician may
have happened to others, and DUNDAS
DICK & CO.. take this method of protect
ing phtfsicutnt ihuffffisti aud thtmtelvtt, and
prevent mg uil of bAKDALWoon irom com.
i ii ir into Uisretitiie.
PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the
CaspUMles will con: n ie to do so, for I hey
contain the pure Oil in the best and cheap
est. form
DL'NDAS DICK & CO., use more On or
SAnimllwood than all the Wholesale and
Detail Druftgists and Perfumers in the
United tftsies combined, and '.his is the
sole reason why the pure Oil is sold
cheaper in their Capsules than in any
other lorm
01LOF SANDALWOOD is faBt supcred-
ing eve'y other remedy, sixty Capsules
only being required to insure a safe and
certain cure in six or eiirlit duvs. From no
other medicine can this result be had.
LKS soke the problem, long considered by
eminent p'nj sicinns, so how to avoid the
nausea and dirgusl experienced in swal
lowing, which are well known to detract
from, if not destroy, the good effects of
many valuable remedies.
Soft Capsules are put up inl in-foil and
neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only
Capsules perscr.bed by physicians.
and many other nauseous medicines can be
taken easily and safely in DUN DAS DICK
Send for Circular to 85 Wooster street,
N. Y.
Every year increases the popularity
of this valuable Hair Preparation;
which is due to merit alone. v e caa
assure our old patrons that it is kept
fullv uo to its hieh standard ; and it
is the only reliable and perfected prep
aration for restoring Gray ob Fated
Haib to its youthful color, making it
soft, lustrous, and eilken. The scalp,
by its use, becomes white and clean.
It removes all eruptions and dandruff
and, by its tonio properties, prevents
ha Vinir frnm fallinfif nnt. as it BtimU-
lates and nourishes the hair-glands. NOTE IIEAS,
By its use, the hair grows thicker ana
stronger. In baldness, it restores the
capillary glands to their normal vigor,
and will create a new Growth, except
in extreme old age. It is the most
economical Haib Dressing ever used,
as it requires fewer applications, and
gives the hair a splendid, glossy ap
pearance. A. A. 11 ayes, shjj Dtaie
Assaver of Massachusetts, says, "The
constituents are pure, and carefully
selected for excellent quality; and!
consider it the Best Pbep abatios
for its intended purposes."
Bold by all DruggUtt, and Dealer t in UtdlcUu.
Prise One Dollar.
Buckingham's Dye
As our Renewer in many cases re
nuires too Ion? a tune, and too much
care, to restore gray or faded Whisk
ers, we have prepared this dye, in one
preparation', which will quickly and
f-ffcetnallv ftceomtlish this result. It
is easily applied, and produces a color
which will neither rub nor wash of
Sold by all Druggists. Fnce Uty
Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO
Car Time at Hidgway.
Mail East 4:45P:M.
do West 2 25 P. M.
Renovo Acoom East 0:25 A. M
Kane do West 8:20 P. M.
Local East 6:40 P. M
do West 8;20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
passengers, the local does tot.
Summer Clothing, for tiiote Boys
and children, Linen, Alnpaca and sum
Venison iB now in season.
Heavy frosts here last week.
C. V. Gill is is painting his fence.
Potatoes will be plenty this fall.
The coal trade is now very brisk.
The season of mud will soon be on us.
Butternuts will be plenty this year.
Very slim attendance at court Ibis week.
Miller has concluded not to dig bis Elk
Creek Canal this year.
Remember that October 1st is the last
day for thje payment of taxes.
See proceedings of Republican County
Convention in another column.
P. T. Brook's cow came to an untimely
end on the railroad track last week.
The heavy rains the forepart of the week
did not make a flood.
The "probabilities" are that we will have
winter before long.
AV. J. Colegrove. of Colegrnve, M'Kean
county, called on us this week.
Putting up stoves is now one of the or
ders of the day.
Services in the Lutheran Church nezt
Sunday, morning and evening in English,
by Rev. I Brenneman
Plcaso remember to return nezt Sabbath
the envelopes given out, last Sabba'h, in
the M. E. Church; for "Benevolent Contributions."
Fae.kwf.ll Seemoii Rev. Wm. Martin
will deiiver his farewell serin jn, before
going to conference, next Sunday , at 7:30
1. M.
Powell & Kimc are having a uew floor
rut into the Grand Central Store. The
great rmh of customers for sever il iimiu
past has worn the old floor threadbare.
Mr. Luck was pronounce! the best and
most expeditious cook at the late Cincin
nati Fair. The facts upon which the award
was made were as follows: In thirty minu
tes Miss Lack cooked, and cooked well, pota
toes, chicken, porter-house steak, tomatoes
and corn, and made coffee, tea, pie and
biscuit, and set the table in the neatest
s yle.
The Olean Times has been investigating
he subject, and has unoarthed the follow
ing: '-Twenty-five years ago this month it
rained eighteen days in succession without
skip. Hay blackened aud moulded in
the swarth, wheat grew in the shock, and
even in the uncut wheat the kernels
sprouted in the heads. It was truly a wet
In many counties of the State the town
ship Auditors are being prosecuted and
fined for not publishing the annual state
ments, as required by law. This is proper,
for the people have n right to know how
their taxes are expended and a refusal or
neglect to publish, as required by law,
raises a just suspicion that some of the
funds have been misappropriated. All
laws ought to be complied with, and when
office-holders refuse to comply with them
it is always a sign of corruption and the
penalty for refusal ought to be enforced.
What is a Cab Loab. Nominally
"car load" is 20.000 pounds. It is also
TO barrels of salt, 70 of lime 00 of flour, 60
of whisky, 200 sacks of flour, 6 cords of
soft wood. 17 to 20 bead of cattle, 50 to 60
head of hogs, 80 lo 100 head of sheep,
9,000 feet of solid boards, 17,000 feet of
siding. 13,000 feet of flooring, 40,000
shingles, one half less of hrrd lumber, one
tenth joists, scantling, and all other large
timber, 840 bushels of wheat, 300 of com,
6 40 of oats, 400 of barley. 860 of flaxseed,
8'iO of apples; 430 of Irish potatoes, 360 of
sweet potatoes, 1.000 bushels of bran.
The compulsory education law of New
Jersey is now in successful operation, and
will beyond a doubt result in good being
accomplished so.far as the educational in
terests of her ohildren are concerned. The
law requites parents and guardians who
have children under eighteen and over firs
years of age under their supervision, to
send said ohildreu to school at least twelve
weeks in each school year, Those who do
not comply with these requirements will be
compelled to pay a fine of for each of
fence. That is; they may be fined, if any
one desires to cake complaint of them for
the neglect tocoiuply with the law.
The Brookvillt Republican says: We learn
that a company of farmers of the Beech woods
settlement, of which Mr. W, MoCullough is
the principal, have been, during the pres
ent season, manufacturing cheese under
the most approved York State process, a
large amount having been made and some
sold at remunerative rates. The plan on
which the manufactory is operated Is Co.
operative, each farmer delivering his milk
and receiving credit for it !n pounds, end
after the manu.'actcr is paid a small sum
for bis work, and the salesman and book
keeper remunerated, the balance is disiiibu
led among the patrons, the settlements be
ing made once a month.
The enterprise is progessing to lbs entire
saiisiaouon or an concerned, and we may
expect outers or a like character orgauu
In another column will be found the at.
neuncementof the name of Miohael Weidert
of Jones township, as an independent can
didate for the oflioe of Commissioner. Mr.
Weidert has been CommiBslontrJfor one
year, and has proved himself to be a
prompt and aotlve officer.
Proeedilngi if lie BspuDlban County Con
Last Tuesday Sept. 21st 1876, the Re
publican Convention of Elk County met at
the Elk County Bank.
The meeting was called te order by Jas.
II. Hagerty, Chairman County Committee.
On motion A. T. Aldrlch, of Wiloox. was
elected Chairman, and 3. 0. W, Bailey of
Ridgway Secretary.
The credentials kof the delegates from
each township were presented in the fol
lowing order:
Benetetle R. W. Petnkin R. B. John
Beniinger Jacob Hanes, John Farrer
Fox 8. W. Moyer, TJ. W. Rogers.
Highland W. 8. Cole, Geo. E. Cooley.
Hnrlon Thos. Bufchfield.
Jay L. 8. Dodd, Martin Clover.
Jones A. T, Aldrich, Joseph Tanbine.
Millstone Harrison Cats.
Ridgway Jas. H. Hagerty, J. 0. W.
Spring Creek Thos. Irwin.
St. Marys L. B. Cook, Wm. Hacken-
On motion the nomination for Commis
sioner was made first in order.
On motion agreed to nominate but one
candidate for Commissioner.
The following nominations were then
made: W. II. Osterhout, Ridgway; Ralph
Johnson, of Benezette; and F. E. Hewitt,
of Fox.
A ballot was taken which resulted in
Osterhout, having 16 votes; Ralph Johnson
2 votes; F. E. Hewitt 1 vole.
The nomination of W. K. Osterhout was
then made unanimous.
Chas McVean, of St. Marys was nomin
ated for Treasurer, and there being no
other candidate the nomination was made
On motion it was agreed not to make a
nomination for Prothonotary.
For Auditor, John Farrer, of Benxinger
received six votes, and Oeo. Rothrock, of
Beneictte, received twelve votes. Roth
rock was declared the nomiuee for Auditor.
R. W. Pctrikin of Benexette, was nom.
mated by acclamation for County Surveyor.
Finley, of Clarion County, was endorsed
by the Convention for State Senator.
The following County Committee was I than cheap dresses, they will adopt
5?cck' Philadelphia R. R. Guidi,
Extravagance in Tress,
'The "Inquirer" of this city takes oc
casion to commend the action of the young
ladies of a certain Kentucky town wha
have signed an agreement that they will
not purohasesny article to be used in male
ing up wearing apparel which will cost
more than twenty-five ceLls per yard, and
that they will be economical in other mat
ters so thit the cost of living shall be
great'y reduced to their fathers and hus
bands. The story is one of that sort, which
as the Italians say, '-If not true, is well in
vented." It would be quite Impossible for
any young lady now.a-days who made any
pretension to position or respectability to
dress in a fubrio costing no more than
twenty -five cents a yard tor out-of-doors
display. She might get alont with such
priced material in a wrapper or home drees;
but for the street, the church, the opera,
concert, ball or party, she would declare in
such a dress she would "not be fit to be
seen." Within the last twenty years ez-
ravaganoe fu women's 'dress has been
pushed to the extreme by the efforts of the
fashion makers in Paris and London.
Those monarch of dress have bad no other
design than to render their services indis
pensable to every person of fashion. Their
effort has been, to increase as much
as possible the amount of work which
they had to do, and thereby create pre.
texts for increasing the eize of their own
Twenty years ago a woman's dress was a
moderate affair. It might be rich in
material, but it was plainly and tastefully
ornamented. The simplicity of such styles
has long since been overthrown by mantua-
makers of the old world. Every possible
vatiety of ornamentation and of trimming.
have been added to dress. Fringes, rufhes
flutinis. Tjlaitinirs. puffinir, pipings and
cordings, and laces, bendwork, bugles
gimps, gnloon, embroidery, edgings, and
insertions make up the extraordinary fab
rio of a fahionable dress. From $20, $30,
$40 or 50, the cost of a fhst.cluss silk dress
a quarter of a eentury ago, they have
brought up theaprice of such garments to
$100; and in Borne cases been to $1000, and
much more. All this is profitable lo manu
factures and dealers in silks, laces lingerie
but not so profitable to husbands and
falters who have to pay for such extrava
gances. There can be only one method oi
reform, and the aphcation lies altogether
in the powtr of American women. If they
resolve, as the Kentucky girls are said to
have done, that they will wear no other
An Important Decision,
lo the case of the Philadelphia, Wil
mington and Baltimore Railroad Com
pany against Stinger, appealed from the
Philadelphia County Distriot Cotlr',
which was a case where the dcfendaLt
in error was driving a horse, known o
be afraid of locomotives, aloDg a road
parallel and near to the track, and the
engineman of an approaching train
sounded tho wnistls, causio the horse
to run away and threw the man to the
ground, injuring him, for whioli injury
he brought suit to reoover damages, the
Supremo Court of Pennsylvania held: 1.
That tho question whether the use of
the whistle in that care was negligent
was lor the jury to decide, but not
whether any use of the whistle was neg
ligent. 2, That the use of a horse
known to be afraid of looomotives iu
the vicinity ot a railroad was contribu
tory negligence. The judgment of tho
lower court, giving damages, was rever
sed, and a new trial ordered.
The candidate for Treasurer, Victor
E. Piolette, of Bradlord county, is a
horse ot another color." He is an old
political bummer of over forty years
standing, as arraut as a blatherskite as
ever disgraced a rostrum, .nod of whom
Chief Justice Gibson said that he was
not bribed,. but he made a d d narrow
escape." This was said after an attempt
made to bribe Piolett. when he was a
member of the Legislature in 1846,
from Bradford county. Hi influence
was desired in the passage oi the Lehigh
Bank Charter. The Chief Justice inti
mated that be only escaped being bribed
on account of the smallcess of the sum
offered. $400. Law Examiner.
duration of independence of European in
fluence more important than thai which
was ratified ou the 4th of July, 1776. But
will they do it? Aye, will they?
then appointed.
Chairman Jas. II. Hagerty, lidgway.
Benexette T. B- Winslow, C. H. Wins,
Beniinger Jacob Ilnnes, John Farrer.
Foz U. W. Rogers J J. Taylor.
Jay Oliver Dodge, J. M. Brookins.
Jones Jos. Taubine, J. C. Milone.
Millstone Myran R aught John Moore.
Ridgway H. M. Powers, J. O. W.
Spring Creek Thos. Irwin, Hirmnn
ot iarys-r, j uss, noot. .uorrison. Hogback riding is a healthful exercise,
uo motion me i-ouvenuou an journeu i ouster says so, ami' be kuows lie was
One thing the peopleahave to thank
Gov. Hartranft for the present insur
ance law. When he was Auditor Gen
eral, and since he become Governor he
found a great many bogus companies in
existence, and he pressed the Legisla
ture to organize the Insurance Depart
ment, which was done, and under the
able management of Mr. Fjrster it has
proved a blesaing'to ,the peoplo of the
State. It will be remembered,that this
Department costs the tax payers noth
ing, while the good derived from it is
almost inestimable. A few years airo
men were not sure their losses would be
paid it their property should burn; now
it is impossible for a bogus insurance
company to carry on business in Penn
sylvania. To-day every company is in a
without day
The New York Tribune says: A few
days ago a gentleman of this city re
ceived by mail a check for five hundred
dollar. He deposited it in his bank,
and went down into the street, there to
be met by a rumor that sent him back
n haste. Just twenty-five miuutes had
elapsed. The teller's little door was
shut. The money was gone. Had it
been stolen? Was the banker a swind
The or a crop of this year will be tho
largest ou recoid.
There are 23,500 granges in the United
States, and 1,000,000 members.
L I I 1 V" . C YT " . -
Alio jxrwy uuu :ivy ui 1110 umiru 1 , . , , ,
States, in time of peace; cost $70,000,000 sound condition and ready to pay losses,
annually. aD( 80 thorough is this Iuw in us re-
Ibe Uovernment receives an average in- ,,;POm(ln,0 ,w m- v, V,1 tn.
cninft fif S4IHIII lrmn thu aula nf wahLa miner I '
I j. i . . v . cr
from the dead letter office. discover aimobt as soon us ino onicers
themselves when a company becomes
shaky. Coal Cazette.
chased eleven miles by tho Indians one day
Venice, the beautiful Venice, is not only
romantic, but hue visitors say that the city
smells worse than the Chic.igo river in its
best dnys,
Euougli and some to spare. Kentucky
boasts of raising coru euuugti lli'u year to
make all lud whisky she wants, besides
some to waie in making bread.
Twenty three sets of twins have been
born wituiu the limits of one township in
Cambria county, in the last few years 1' To
nne are tnu rustic inauleus who dwell
among the "frotly sous oUUuuder." l'hila.
aund't y tribune,
The reuuion of the 83. 11 lib, and 113th,
regiuieuls at Carry last Tuesday was well
attended. The usual routiue of speeches
The attempt to run Judge Pershing
in as a reformer bcctiuso two or three
county officers wcra convioted in his
court the other day of stealing, is a little
bit preposterous. The offenders were
prosecuted by the District Attorney ol
tho county and they were convicted by
the jury. Judge Pershing simply im
posed upon them the sentence provided
by the luw. If be had been one ot the
most corrupt men on earth, ho could
hardly have done less. Each one of
wiudiug up the jurymen has a better right to he re
garded as a reformer than the Judge
rr ISo, he bad tailed. About the
onmA limn n morHnnnt r0Ofit.'nt n ltiriro
, til 1 oanqueting looit place,
iiuiiuuiy ui guuua one uay ueur mo tiusc i wun a hup in the eveniug.
nt htiainaea hmii-H tin mnrln ann.p I fl.ii:Ar r-... r...n.
I . . , . o,,Iik.o,1 In imnr-Uniimaiil t..r n,,o in "48, it tDlS 81Dgl0 traOSaCUOn IS tllO tC8t, excuse for not making semeuceu to imprisonment tor one year in ' e i
r the penitentiary, to pay u flue of 100 and for they convicted th man and tho
imuieuiuie payment, aou promiseu to ine cosis oi me proaecuiion, auu to gtanu i , ... ,
send a check the next morning. Tha Cunmit cd ,iU ,,,e 8ame be PaiJ- S .
first announcement of the mornintr was I A, T' .Mr"" 'JT.srei!.uI The shoemakers oft'ochituato and
Ih.l bo f.iUrl 1I l.orl tha cnnrla Ri.niii,, Tlprm in X. Vnrk nl 111 Natick, MaSS. , who haVC been Oil t
.,, .1,- ,i M, . ;,hni o'clock in the moin ni, eoi.taiuing a cable strike lor the past week, have resumed
v . I dispatch giving a full amount ot the Lm- I work at the old prices.
uCt. i.j uiu.wu-u. -me; uuUmuu o cue o. i. same ujy. A lew evening since William S.
Uughtlie to Have gone tojailf ot r-aues Je ty system, tor the I ISluklutoo. a prominent woolen manufac
at all. He had merely suspended. He Z "Vk.r ' turer at iNonh Adams. Maseeh use lis.
was unable to meet his obligations, lit ie now u sauguiuo expectation that the attended a banquet given to a notable
T.n ..n mon' wPr ronpmlu hrmmhi "irSe8t Bl"P8 "g the A.uenc in waters visitor, at the house ot a relative. I he
'7 l- l w . a 0 10 e"tcr "lB M'"''"1. witl- weather was hot. Pickled oysters with
...iu oueoi euuria ou n cuarge out riss. or ueiay, oetore mo year is out. giiced lemons Were served, and after-
ot stealing shoes from a 'luird avenue iney are excueu m ueriin over a mm- warfg .custards. Several of the guests
rrL j . I tary case. Ihe soldier said he was very I . , . , .
store. They were decent in appear- , v, ,,. i. i .1. ' were soon taken ao violently ill that
ance. and it was believed bv some that un'on lo have an eaev lime iu the hosoital: their lives were tor a time despaired of.
thev had been driven to crime bv want. b. U.e kept him at his d.ny, and the soldier Mr. Blakintoo was among the number
' ' 1 uiea ou me uriu erouuu. inev cinnoi 1 i tha citr nmoHiu iaihi im.
una auyihing on the subject in the military avaiiinff and be died in fortv-eioht hours
thoranltap Tf tana onnn.aiil nt ika
Tte gold weath of California, whioh, at .. ... .... .j u... .1.-
first. was sucnosed to bo incalculable aud """ puo"o, 011. i
inexhaustiD.e. aud whioh first brousthl that physicians quieted all buch notious by
Stuto prominently before l lie world, its deciding that the sickness was owing to
gold product being the most important oou M'the uncongenial mixture of the eata
bles with the hot weather." Sensible
j.... 1
lornias. is azricuilural wealth is immense. I
the value of her wheat yield alone being I It is said by one of the shrewdest ai d
rucu greater tnan mat 01 her goia. I most expel leoced ot newspaper corres-
The New Jersey granger heard a great noudenta that Mr. A. T. Stewart has among his chickens the other even. made more ,hj8 gea80 tlla WB9
irtrr anil 1 It 1 n Ir in v tl.tuvoa ita rlnann 1 lift a I " ....
hi." r.ost he rusuedout with vengeance l ver made bf .oe establishment at au
. ,.;i ...... . r .1.. his tv aud a shot cun in hia hand but dis- American WattetlUg-place. tie Will ex-
uu r " " . .w.... ni. 1.. ui.j cum nrui .i. nrnnA irtoi
his fowls, but lmtea of some being miss- Saratoga, before its reopening next year.
ing, he fouud six more than beiouged to -f he head cook, a giant in size, receives
82,500 for a seaou, or at the rate if
Had they failed, or had they suspen
ded? Or was it because they were un
able to meet their obligations? Not at
all. They were thieves common thieves
very common thieves. They were
sent to the penitent'ary for two montns. uibmion to the world's wealth, is now sur
I passed by Us agricultural wealth. Call-
A queer bird has been shot In Lebanon
county. It resembles a chicken luwk,
with a white head, blue and white spotted
hack. The wings are black outside and
while inside; its tail is shaped like that of a
swallow. It measures two feet from head
A Troy clergyman recently announced
to his congregation after a communion
service, that he had long sought and at
last found a substitute for wiue in the ad
ministration of the sacrement. The new
discovery is grape jelly which, dissolved in
water, he said, would be free from the ob
jections urged against wine. The minis
tcr's proposition to make the substitution
was approven; and committee of three
him. Lis eyesight being a little detective,
I. ..iAn'l .l;nuu.. .1,. .. n.nlr.
that ha had counted vigorous uiosaui- 11,000 a month yet it is not considered
toes of the New Jersey bruud, which had a large salary, tie bas thirty-two cooks
been acciuently fastened in the coop with god assistants under him, aud is respou-
",UU8U lu't wu 8Dla only to the steward, who is auto-
uik iut cmuaeus wubii l counieu eiu ue i . ,. OIO . rn i i
women, a cooks ana assistants, ana a
The story so industriously circulated constabulary of storekeepers, contractors
by the Democratic press, that walnut Ior uPPes ana runners
ladies appointed to make the jelly, of doors h,,Te beeo Put in uV" "rtrinil'i
which a single bowl will suffice for each stable, at a cost ot over one thousand
sacramental occasion. Those fond of the dollars to the State, is getting stale.
rosy," and who keep up a show of relig- Sni doors are of oak aud were there
ious belief, will not attend that church so
promptly on communion day hereafter.
If you want a bag of feed, or a
bushel oi potatoes or a barrel or sack ot
flour or even, a small sack of Graham
flour, it will pay you to step into P &
if. i it
iv I or it
We have received several new subscribers
when Gov. Hartranft entered upon the
duties of his office, aud cost less than
the doors of many a stable in Elk
I county. Get up a new story, Bometh-
ing that will wash.
Cheese! Choice Factory, at P & K'a
If you pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and children will greet you with a
smile iu tits morning. Go to Powell
& Kime'i model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go home
satibfied. They have adopted the cash
The eleotion will be bold on Tuesday, system, nud tay it is working charm
mer CnHbuier ilr sKi
Kidgvay, Elk Co., V
'ing in our county.
this week
November 2d, 1873 tng'y.