The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 09, 1875, Image 4

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Household Hints.
To Stiffen Finb Lace. Dinsolve n
lump of whito sugar in a winoglnssful of
coltl wntor.
To Takb Owease phom Wata Papf.h.
Lny several folds of blotting pnpor on
the spot, ami hold n hot iron near it
till tho grease is absorbed.
FiiENcn Polishing, Naphtha, one
quart ; nhollao, six ounces ; sandivrao,
two ouncps. Powder tho gums, and
mix tho sumo as with spirits of wine. To
be used in tho ordinary way, and cleared
off with puro naphtha.
Yeast and Home-made Bread. Boil
ono pound of good flour, a .piartor of a
pound of moist, and half an ounce
of salt, in two gallons of water, for an
hour. When nearly cold, bottlo and
cork it closely. It will be fit for use in
twenty-four hours, and ono pint will
make eighteen pounds of bread.
Stakoh. Take one tablespoonful of
staivh, and put with it a tenspoouful of
clear prepared gum, add a lump of loaf
sugar and a pineh of salt. Mix with
coH water, stir till smooth, add sulllcieiit
boiling water to mnlco it clear, and of
tho proper consistency, and stir a wax
caudlo round it ouco or twice.
TICLES. Cllt up some white soap, put
it into soft water, boil it up and skim ;
when no more scum rises leave it to
cool. Put a very small quantity of spirits
of wine into it, and wash tho things as
quickly as possible ; rinse in lukewarm
clear soft water, into which a small
quantity of spirits of wine has also been
ToAVasji White Striped Stockings.
Make a jelly, the night before it is want
ed, of the best yellow soap ; wash the
stockiugs in warm water with a little
salt in it, using the jelly instead of soap;
rinse in clear water, also with a little salt
in it; wring as dry a possible, and dry
Salad Dressing that will Keeh.
Mix the yelks of two raw eggs in a
basin with one teaspoonful of salt,
whisk them well, then add ono tuaspoon
ful of made mustard, three tablespoon
fnls of vinegar, ono of tarragon and one
of chili vinegar, add a little sugar and
cayenne, and bottlo tight for use.
Easv Mosaio Work An ingenious
method of making inlaid or mosaic work
in wood lias lately been introduced. Two
contrasting kinds of veneer are laid, ono
on the other, and confiued between the
corners of white wood or something
similar. Tho desired design is then cut
through the whole by a fine jig-saw, not
much larger than a horse hair. Th
veneer is then set into the place of the
corresponding part in the black veneer,
and vicr versa, and glued firmly upon
tho article to bo ornamented in the
usual manner of veneering.
Bruises. Tho best application for a
bruise, be it large or small, is moist
warmth ; therefore a warm bread and
water poultice in hot moist flannels
Bhould be put on, as they supple the
skin. If the bruiso be very severe, and
in the neighborhood of a joint, it will
be well to apply ten or a dozen leeches
over tho whole bruised part, and after
ward a poultice. But leeches should not
bo put on young children. If the
bruised part be in the knee or ankle,
walking should not bo attempted till it
can be performed without piiin. Inat
tention to this .point often lays the foun
dation for serious mischief in these
omts, especially in the case of scrofu
lous persons.
Prt-unring Apples for the Table.
In making apple sauce use a little
quantity of water and sweeten sufficient
ly when first put on the stove, and do not
rook longer than just to have them done.
I o make a very nice sauce, pare and
quarter them and lay in sugar for twen
ty four hours, using about a quarter of a
pound of sugar to a pound of fruit.
This will harden them so if cooked slow
ly they will retain their shape perfectly.
Cored apples are excellent boiled.
Put in a stew-pan with sufficient water
to cover and boil slowly with sugar and
cinnamon in the cavities. After the ap
ples are done they can bo skimmed out
and a richer syrup made by adding sugar
and cooking longer.
For puddings, pies and tarts, apples
are better if grated. Use a large grater,
such as is used for grating horseradish.
This grated apple mixed with milk,
cream, or melted butter and eggs, flavor
ed with nutmeg and cinnamon, sweeten
ed and baked with ono crust, makes
a toothsome pie.
An excellent npplo-pudding is made
by putting a half-dozen cored apples in
a pudding dish and pouring over them a
smooth, rich batter made with flour,
eggs and milk ; eat with auy sauce you
Another good pudding is made by
putting alternate layers of sliced apples
and bread crumbs in a pudding dish and
filling up with a mixture of milk, eggs,
sugar aud cinnamon with tho layers and
pour in sufficient milk or water to moist
en tho crumbs. Then serve hot or cold
with cream.
KxliniiHtion of" Manure.
How long manure lasts in the soil, is a
question which it is impossible to an
swer positively, as circumstances of cli
mate aud the methods of cultivation
adopted must ever prevent any fixed
rule to guide us in this direction, but in
England, where a large portion of tho
land is worked by tenant farmers, much
thought has naturally been given to the
subject, and the following conclusions
have been accepted by common consent:
Limo is held to benefit the soil for a pe
riod of teu yeara, but not equally during
tho whole time, as ten times as much is
exhausted the first as ia the last year.
Common stable manure, guano, bones,
and some other substances are exhaust
ed in four or five years, and the more
highly nitrogenous the fertilizer the
sooner it is exhausted. Manure is used
up by the growing crops much faster in
a wet than in a dry season, and also in a
hot, than in a cold one, as decomposi
tion proceeds much more rapidly in
warm than in cold weather. Farmers
who are in tho habit of applying manure
as a top-dressing to grass lauds will have
noticed that in wet weather the manure
acts immediately, while if long con
tinued drought prevails at the time of
applying tho manuro, the next year's
crop will receive more benefit from the
top-dressing than the present one.
The Harlequin Buff.
The handsome variegated bug found
eating cabbages, collards, and similar
plants is the now well-known harlequin
bug, introduced a few years ago from
Texas, or perhaps Mexico, from whence
it has made its war to the northward.
Hand picking is the only method of de
stroying, at least the only one readily
applied without injuring the plants as
food for man or beast.
Sensible. Ex-Senator Matt Carpen
ter, of Wisconsin, says he never contra
dicts the newspapers, and bo tries to live
n peace.
An English Aristocrat Mnr, ies an
American Woman of African Descent.
The information of a most romantio
marriage was brought to an American
paper. The bridegroom is Col. J. O.
ltobb, M. D., of th Cheyenne ixgoncy,
1). T., and the brido has just enough Af
rican blood in her veins to class her
among "Indies of color." Tho brido
groom's father is a half-pay colonel in
the English army, is married to a lady of
title, and ia himself in tho direct suc
cession to a ducal coronet.
Thin gentleman who allied himself in
matrimony with a woman of color was
educated in London, aud after finishing
his course there was sent to Oxford,
whero ho subsequently graduated with
honors. His parents then determined
that ho should follow the medical pro
fession, and entered him in tho Middle
sex hospital, and after " wulking " that
institution for tho prescribed time, ho
passed tho necessary examination, nud
was subsequently given tho degree of F.
It. C. S. ; but becoming tired of tho
medical profession, ho desired to join
the British army, and, owing to the in
fluence of his mother probably more
than his father, he obtained a commis
sion in the First Lifo Guards.
In this regiment ho served through tho
Crimean war with credit, and subse
quently took part in tho warfor the over
turning of the Sepoy rebellion hi India
under Uaveloek. Hero ho eouiuiitted
an offense against tho rules of the British
service, aud after beiug condemned to
death was sentenced to fifteen years'
banishment from the British empiro or
its provinces. Under this senteuco ho
camo to this country aud shortly after
entered tho Union service, conducting
himself with much prowess and attain
ing tho rank of colonel. Since the close
of the war ho has at different times fol
lowed tho profession of civil engineer
and nt others the practice of medicine,
but for several months past ho has been
at tho Chevenne agency, where, we arc
informed, lie has a largo interest in tho
post trader's store.
Some idea of tho rank of his father
may be found in the fact that when the
Princess Louise was married to the
Marquis of Lonio the newly married
couple spent their bridal night at ono
of his parents' country seats. The family
of which the bridegroom of the dusky
niaideu belongs is iu full succession
from tho Plantagencts. Some fow years
ago, when the dissipation of the Prince
of Wales made him unpopular through
out Great Britain, a movement was set
on foot to establish the Plnutagenet
family on the throne, aud had this move
ment succeeded the colonel-doctor would
havo been in the regular succession.
His marriage to this colored lady will
cause moro surprise among the nobility
of England than even in this section of
the country whero ho is so widely
The Sea Serpent.
Capt. Joseph Garton, of Bridgeton,
N. J., tells the Daily of that city : That
on the evening of July 17, of the present
year, when off Plymouth, about fifty
miles from Boston, his attention was at
tracted to a strange looking object in the
sea, about one-half mile distant, where
upon ho procured a spy-glass, and sight
ing through it, saw what appeared to be
a huge snuke swimming rapidly toward
the vessel. At the same tinio ho called
the attention of four other gentlemen,
who gazed at tho monster, which at this
time was apparently aoout two hundred
yards from tho vessel, swimming with
considerable pace, on a straight course,
aud apparently pursuing some large fish,
probably a sword fish, which was ob
served a short distance from the serpent,
and evidently in a hurry. The head of
the monster was raised at least ten feet
above the ocean, but remained stationary
only for a moment, as it was almost con
stantly in motion, now diving for a mo
ment aud as suddenly reappearing to
the same height. The captain calculated
that it plunged down onee every one
half minute, aud ho saw it do this over a
dozen times, as did also tho other spec
tators. The submarine leviathau wa3 striped
black and white, the stripes running
lengthways, from the head to the tail.
Tho belly was alniOBt whit?, and round
ing, and tho head resembled that of a
lizard, or a bullfrog. The throat was
puro white, and tho head, which was
extremely large, was fud black, from
which, just above a lizard shaped
mouth, protruded, an inch or more, a
pair of deep black eyes, as largo as
ordinary saucers. Tho body was round,
and as large as a fish barrel. The cap
tain says that the serpent was over one
hundred feet long. The motion of the
fish was like that of a caterpillar, with
this exception, that the head of the
suako plunged under the water, whereas
the head of the worm merely crooks to
the grouud. During its passage toward
tho vessel, aud as long as the monster
was iu view, the water in its wuke and
around it as violently agitated, aud
every time it made a pluugo tho water,
or spray, was thrown up quite high,
probably six or eight feet. The serpent
passed on and was lost in the " sun
A Tragical End.
A tragical conclusion is given to the
great financial failure in San Francisco
by the suicide of Mr. Ralston, late
president of tho Bauk of California.
Mr. Ralston was a man of highly ner
vous temperament, quick impulses, and
extreme sensitiveness. For a long time,
after a career of wonderful success, he
had stood at the head of the financial
interests of the Pacific States. Ho was
yet young, ardent, and i mbitious. His
downfall was sudden and apparently
complete. In a day, as it were, his enor
mous power had vanished. . Tho sud
den collapse of the institution of which
be was the head and soul was too se
vere a blow for him to survive. In a
moment of frenzy and mortified pride
he has ended a life which presented for
him no longer any hope nor enjoyment.
It is the sad finale of a career crowded
with adventure, brightenened by what
seemed lasting success, and which was
only thrust down from the highest alti
tude of commercial ambition by a lack
of prudence and foresight.
The Business Outlook.
As to the immediate business of the
autumn, says the New York Herald, the
prospect is fair, but not exhilarating.
Agriculture, the greatest of our interests
and the chief pillar of the national
wealth, is not suffering like manufac
tures and mining. As much labor has
been employed in agriculture as in any
preceding year, and the crops are gen
erally good, especially products which
we raise for exportation. The foreign
demand is sufficient to insure reasonable
prices, and as soon as the crops of the
country begin to move toward their mar
kets there will be a revival of activity
which will make quite a contrast to the
recent torpor and stagnation.
Sweet are the uses of diversity. They
keep a fiddler from constantly playing
on one string.
Ken sf Interest from Ham unit Abroad.
Capt. Wobb Btiocecdod In swimming across
the English channel from Dover to Calais,
without any mooh&nioal aid or apparatus. Ha
km twenty-one hours and forty minutes In the
water Three man-of-war, witli a f oroo of
troops and murines aboard, have bocn dis
patched hastily from Aloiandria, F.gpyt, to
tli at portion of the Egyptian coast bordering
on Abyssinia to punish a body Of blacks Invad
ing Egyptian territory. Four thousand infan
try are held in readiness for emergency at
81101s. The Khedive Is determined to exact Inl
satisfaction of the Infringements upon bis soil.
Since the assassination of IVosidont
Moreno, of Ecuador, great alarm has soizoil
on all foreigners, and strong masons exist for
behoving tliero will be a masnacro of the
foroign priests. The ropnblio has bocn de
clared in a stato of siege Qov. TiMen
directed tho attorney -poiiernl to act In regard
to tho nuiiey fraudulently obtained by Canal
Contractor Johnson Courtney won tho
President's oup, at singlo sculls, at (Saratoga, in
thirteen minutes and fifty-nino seconds ; El
dro'l and Hiulth, of tlio Argorautn, won the
pnir-oar raoo ... . At a mooting held in Loudon
to dismiss; tho high prioo of moats, a resolution
was adopted pretexting against restrictions on
the iniKrtation of foreign cattle. An associa
tion was formed to soenro a supply of live
cattlo from tho United Ktatos to meet tho
wants of tho English market.
Capt. Edward Binipeon, commanding tho
United Statos steamer Omaha, tologrnphed tho
nary department from l'anaraa, Aug. 2(1, an
nouncing that tho Htato of Tauania has do
elm od war against tho government of Colom
bia rrivate toiograms from Montevideo
stato at tho dissatisfaction with tlio t'reii -dont
and his niiuia'.ry is such that no doubt is
entertained that another revolution is immi
nent In Uruguay Great oxcitcmont was
occasioned in Pan Francisco by tho failure of
tho bank of California. Tho ollicors claim
lliRt tho assots will cover all liabilities. Tho
bank will not rcsumo Sterling, Akrons
Co., of Baltimore, Sid., one of tho largest
ettgar houses in tire United States, lias sus
pended with liabilities amounting to $2,500,-
l'i'0 Tho first shipment of peaches ever
limits to Europe was forwarded from l'hila-
delphia a few days ago Tlio Atalanta
crew of Now York, consisting of ex-members
of colloge crows, won tho four-oared race
at Saratoga iu eightcon minutes and thirty-two
and one-half seconds. Courtney mid Ilobiiison
won the doublo scull race in twetvo minutes
and forty-two aud one-half seconds A
special from Macon, Miss., reports a riot at
New Hope Church, in which eight negroes
were killed aud several wounded. The riot
was cansod by a quarrel botwoeu a white man
and a negro about dram beating Coun
terfeit $10 notes of the First National bank of
l'hiladelphia are iu circulation.
The towboat Smoky City, with a tow of
twelve barges aud six boats of coal, struck the
bar of Island No. 10 in the Mississippi, while
under full headway, sinking the whole tow
with tho exception of ono boat. . . .Tho steam
ship Persian from Chicago to Buffalo, with
fifty thousand bushels of corn aud fifteeu
thousand bushels of wheat, was burned on
Lake Erie George D. Lord, ex-member
of tho Nov York Assembly, was arrested on a
charge of accepting a bribe to vote for " an
act for tho relief of John Hand." The
trouble in Tripoli has been arranged, and the
authorities have apologized for the insult to
the American consul In consequence
of the run on the San Francisco banks induced
by the failure of the Bank of California, the
National Gold Bank and Trust Company and
tho Merchants' xchango bank were obliged
to suspend temporarily on account of the scar
city of specie. They are both solvent and
will reopen in a few days. Win. C. lialston,
president of the defunct Bank of California,
committed suicide by drowning the day after
the suspension Cornelius Williams, a
negro, was hanged at Jackson, N. C, for the
murder of an old man named William Prossou,
a bridge-keeper at Weldon, some months
since. Ho mado a full confession, implicating
three other negroes Ten lives were lost
by the sinking of the propeller Comet on Lake
Superior, the having collided with the steamer
Manitoba A detective appointed to inves-
gate the alleged shooting of ex-Ganger Miller,
the revenue witness at Chicago, has furnished
evidence that Miller shot himself.
Another revolution has beguu in Santo
Domingo. Ex-President Baez has been pro
claimed President by the revolutionists. Tho
cities of S&nto Domingo and Puerto Plata re
main loyal to President fiouzales Advices
from Herzegovina confirm tho roport that the
insurgents have rejected the advice of the
European powers to suspeud hostilities, and
also that they demand tho iudoponduuee of
Bosnia The Scotch express on tho Mid
laud railroad, England, como into collision
with an excursion train from Morecanibe to
Bradford, uoar Kildwiok. Five persons were
killed and forty injured, several probably
fatally Tho foot and mouth din ease is
spreading among the cattle iu Cumberland and
Aberdeenshire, England. . . .Fourteen Montreal
(Cauada) dry goods firms wore compelled to
make arrangements with their creditors during
one woek Josophus Booy, Jr., treasurer
of Now Jorscy, has embezzled from the State
about $ GO, 000, which has been spout iu dissipa
tion. Uo was arrested in Philadelphia
Thomas Callaghan, who occupied a room in
a New York tenement with his mother and
sister, drove his sister into the street at mid
night aud then killed his mothor by beating
her about the head. He was arrested...,
Three young men aud threo young women
were rowing on the river at New York on a
Sunday, wheu they fastened a lino from their
boat to a tugboat iu order to get a tow ; but
the budden starting of the tug tamed their
boat over, and a girl of nineteen was drowning
when one of the young men swam to her and
they both sank out of sight Col. Edward
W. Longstrcet, of Syracuse, N. Y., committed
suicide ou account of financial difliculties. ..
Lewis J. Bennett, the canal contractor, has
paid back to the State of New York, $12,000 of
money fradalently obtained. Canal Appraiser
Daiva has been arrested for complicity in the
Haud contract fraud Secretary Bristow
has ordered the sale of $1,000,000 of gold din
ing September..... ..The business portion of
Beynoldsville, Pa., was destroyed by fire.
A duel was fought iu the dark at Waco, Tex,,
between Charles Carrick and J. M. Turner,
over some trivial matter. The distance was
four feet, and the weapons used were six-
shooters. Three shots were fired. Turner
was killed One day's heavy rdn n Wash
ington, D. 0 caused some of the sewers to
burst, aud thus overflowed a large portion
of the city, doing much damage. Eleventh
and Twelfth streets were flooded sufficiently to
float an ordinary boat. Near Fiber creek
thirty houses were flooded to a depth of uiuj
feet Foot thousand Serbians hare en
tered Turkish territory, and are endeavoring to
inoite the Bulgarians to rise against the Porte.
Bosuia is reported ia full rebellion against the
Porte, aud Montenegro and Serbia are actively
preparing for war. In Herzegovina the in
surgents have formed a national government
under Lyubobratich The English polar
expedition has been heard from at West
Greenland, being all well and on their way to
Uperuavik, wlieuce they will visit Capt Hall's
grave. .A boy named Morrlo Hyan, residing
at Hopkinton, Mass., started from hit house to
kill a oat, when he was stopped by his two sis
ters, who tried to persuade him to delist
A rtrnggle ensued, during which the gun in
Ryan's hands went off and killed the two girls.
... .The publishing house of Lee K Rlmpard,
of Boston, and Lob, Shepard A Dillingham,
of Now York city, have suspended
Two new cases of yellow fover are reportod
from Fort rickens, Barrancas Barracks, Fla.
Boventoou tramps wore arrested In
Railway, N. J., and they tlioreatonid to have
revonge. On tho night after thoir roloaso two
bams and a lumber yard were fired by the
lncondiaiis,...11ie Atlantio mills at Lawrence,
Mass., havo reoommonoed running, and thore
is a prosoot of steady employment for ouo
thousand hands.
Two of the Franklin comity (111.) Ku-Klnx
have boon hold in $1,000 bail to appear for
trial. Six more of tho outlaws have boon ar
rested. Tho testimony shows that thore are
400 of tho organization in Franklin county, and
000 In Williamson.... The total outstanding
enrroncy of the Unitod States Hoptomber 1st
was H15.f)ns,22!1.02 Hon. J. M. Thachor,
commissioner of patents, has resigned, to enter
upon the practice of patent law in Chicago. . . .
Tho Khodivo of Egypt expects to bo called
upon by tho Turkish authorities to aid in put
ting down the I Inizegovininn rebellion, and in
conscipiontly calling in his ofllcoinon furlnngli.
The Jt'i-jnililirnn llanurr and tho f 'non
American, of Nashville, Tonu., the oldest
papers of tho H mthwont, have boon consoli
dated under tho namo of tho American....
Viscount do Moaux, the French minlstor of
agrioulturo, recommends manufacturers to ex
hibit at the Contennial exhibition.... Auditor
Tliayor testified that the canal board lot con
tracts for the Champlain oanal improvement
in direct violation of Ww, and expondod t253,-
000 without any law whatever The paint
faotory of Baxter, Boll A Co., at Brooklyn, N.
Y., was dostroyed by tire, involving a Iosb of
Shedding One's Skin.
No animal is exempt from the opera
tions of tho law of dasquomatiou. Birds
shed their feathers annually, serpents
their skins, quadrupeds their hair, nud
lobsters and crabs their shells.
So it is with humanity. Tho skin, in
stead of being thrown off annually, as
with those referred to, is all tho time
wearing off, aud therefore constantly
being renewed.
Tho scarf-skin is insensible. It is to
tho true skin, or .cutis vera, what the
rough, scaly bark of a tree is to the vi
talized coat immediately under it. In
tho use of our hands, feet and ordinary
exercises of tho body, fragments of skin
are constantly rubbed off, so that it may
bo truly said every living person is al
ways shedding that tissue.
If that process were interrupted; as it
is partially by some who neglect to avail
themselves of the benefits of water, the
pores become clogged, and their utility
in the preservation of health destroyed.
Thus the actual amount of scarf-skin
dropping off, rubbed off, aud washed off
in a year would bo about equal to the
thickness and weight of a thin sheep
skin. Science of Health.
About her Properly.
Grace Greenwood, in a published let
ter, says: Hearing that a paragraph is
going tho rounds of the American press
stating that "Grace Greenwood's place
at Mauiton, Colorado, has been sold for
taxes which she refused to pay, I beg
leave to state iu self-defense that I never
refused to pay said taxes never even
had a chanco to do so. The facts are
that a few weeks before I sailed for Eng
land, and shortly after I bad promptly
paiu a large special scuooi tax, i re
ceived a curt postal card from the coun
ty treasurer to the effect that if I did not
pay my taxes my property would be sold.
Alarmed, I replied at once, begging that
I might be informed of the amount of
my indebtedness, in order that I might
send a check on a Colorado bank. He
not only declined to grant my request,
out aaveruseu tne speouy sale oi my lit
tle place in a local paper, of which he
sent me no copy, and it was sold before
I or my husband at Washington could
know anything of tho matter.
Wejrlniinf.mifY' iinfvpvvrliinrr lmt.irlmn
. . l '"i j - o .
an article has as much merit as Dobbins'
Electric Soap (made by Cragin & Co.,
Phila.1. wo erladlv praise it. asdoesoverv
one who ever tried it. Try it.
Now is Tins Time. It is always the
riiiht tnno to do a sood act. and cverv man
with a family should regard himself siiort of
his duty until his home is oudoned with a
Wilson sunttlo sowing machine. Let it bo un
derstood that this admirable machine cantured
rue prize modal and diploma or Honor at the
Vienna exposition iu 1878, aud has everywhere
demoustrated its superiority over all other ma
chines. Machines will bo doliverod at anv
railroad station iu this county, free of trans
portation charges, if ordered through the
eompauy s uraucu iiouso at mi ana wm liroau
way. Now York. Thoy send an elegant cata
logue and chronio circular free on application.
This company want a few more good agents.
Beat it for Pmokit Davidson &
Calkins, of Sibley, Iowa, land agents for the
Sioux City and St Paul railroad, sold laud in
Lyon county to Jesse Hopkins for six dollars
per aero. Ho, last spriug, besides other eroiws,
sowod six acres of barley, from which ho
thrashed 870 bushels, worth at Sibloy eighty
cents pur buuhoL This gives $300.80 Iroiii
six acres, or ovor 50 por acre for ono crop
from tU land. Who would not be a granger
Important to Travelers.
I'erHouB visiting New York or leaving by the
cars from Grand Central Depot, will save an
noyance aud expense of carriage hire and bag
gage expreBaage by stopping at (hand Union
noiei, opKito Urand Central Depot. Over
350 elegantly fumirjUed rooma aud ntted np at
. coHt of $'J00,o(JU. European plan. GiiestH
ean live more luxuriously for leas money at the
Grand Union that at auy other iiint-claaa uoueo
in New York. Htagea aud atreot cars paaa tho
doors for all parts of the city. Kee that the
hotel you enter ia the Grand Union Hotel.
Edward Buyer, Esq., Ilorton, Kings
county, N. 8 , writes that an astonishing cure
has been effected on his) daughter by the use
of Johiitrm'g Anodyne Liniment. The wholo
s)iue became diseased, she lost the use of her
limbs, and lior back was rounded up like a
bow, in ooneequeuce of taking cold after hav
ing been inuoculated for the kine poek. Bhe ia
now well. Com.
We pledge our repututiou ou the as
sertion that auy educated physician, after a
careful examination of the recipe, will say that
Farion' Purgative Fill posaeaa more merit
than auy other pill now offered for sale.-C'01i,
The blood owes its re,d color to minute
globules which float in that fluid, and ooutaiu,
iu a healthy person, a large amount of iron,
which give vitality to the blood. The Peru
vian Syrup supplies the blood with this vital
element aud gives strength and vigor to the
whole system. Com.
103 Raea gtiaat, Philadelphia, Pa. I
6 Plus Mad ma three bottle Caunabit Indira,
box of Plus, aad pot of Ointment. Mot bar has been
suffering villi Bronchitis tot twenty-yean, and tried
moat all kinds of medioine, and eaya the Canmabi
Aidfm Is the enljr ttiln- that (ire ber relief.
BeepectfuUy, yours, . '
I.OVELA, XVH.LK, Uallard Uo., Ky.
A tsonsoiontious farmer in Lowiston,
Me. wlppd tho mud from his cart
wheels before permitting his load of hay
to go on to tho scales to bo weighed.
cormiM ami i,i)M. - -
ThanmiitvlrtilKnf Mini ifioSfrles H that It rlrwrrt h
mattnr and thrown It out of tho jUmt, purltlM ths
blrmd, and thn efTnoU a ours.
Si'HUNca's SrA Wrrn Town, wit Tim Onns or
Drm-H'iiiA, lMiinf btion. Km.
Ths Tnnla m1tia,ii a hrallhr aollon of tha Rloinach,
ornalltiR an appntltn, forming chflo, aod onrlna1 tho
mnflt obntloal ewww of Indlirmllnn.
RciiKifca's Masiuiakr I'ri.i.n, rim inn Urn or
l.ivr.n Oompi.aint, Ktc.
Thorn PHI am altafaUvo, and produoo a hoalthy
aotlon of fhn llvor without tho Inftftt dfinftor,a Umj aro
fro from oalomol and fnt more oftloaoloiia to restoring
a hftalt hr acitlnn of the llvor.
TIiam, remodlnfl are a onrlaln nurn for flonfliitnptlon,
tin t tin I'nlmnnlo Svmp rllmn. tho matter and pnrllina
tho blood. Tho Mnnrtrako 1'llln ant npnn tho,
cmnb, a h.althr htls, and remnvo all ni.o.Ml of tho
llvor. oflon a nano of Oon.untntlon. Tho Hoa Wood
Tonle elvfNi tnno aod fttrnnglh to tho ntnmach, makoa a
f'nm dlifHtlnn, and onalil'-n tho organ), to form good
tlnod : and thtiA oroalcn a hnrtlthv olrcolallon of hnalthy
llond. TOO nomhlnrd action of thnn mdllna, as
thiifi pi pl.lnod, will enro evory dim of (Jonsumptlnn, If
takoa Id time, and tho use ut the modlulnea persevered
Ilr. Rrhenrk la nrnfoMlnnnllr at hi. principal office,
corner Sixth and Arch Strt, I'hllndHlphla, ovorr
Mnndny. whom .11 lollorn for advice mtiflt. ho addreMed.
Svluinuk'a mmllclnnH for ftale liy all lrugfflKta.
The Markets,
saw touk.
Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bollooka .' S w ,1
Common to Oood Texana 07)fO V.H
Mlloh Oowa 4A.00 (
Hogs IJve .WX ,tKi
Dressed lM(a) ,10V
Sheep 04M MM
lambs OnVi( .OiJi
Oot.ton XMdltiiR HV4 .11!
Ji'iour Extra Wnntorn A.7A (a) A.1A
Statn Extra A.7A ( 8.10
Wheat Red Western l.f-0 ( l.AI
No. 3 Spring I.SS u 1.S8
Rye Stato 1 on (4 1.08
Barley State l.lff 1.16
Barley Malt l.f.1X'4 l.PA
Oate Mixed Weetern 60 14 .(10
Corn Mixed Woetern 71 H .81
llay, per cwt 0.1 ( 1.0S
Straw, por rwt K0 (4 .85
Hope "75s. 15,450 olda .04 (4 .08
Pork Mess ... 21 SO (430 90
Lard 1 (4 .13
Flati Mackerel No. 1, new 18.00 (410.00
" No. a, new (4i.t.oo
: Dry Cod, per cwt 6.00 (4 8.B0
Herring, Scaled, per box 85 (4 .8
Petroleum Crude OS.VaVS's' Kenned, llif
Wool Oallfornla Fleece on a .8A
Texas " 30 (A .83
Australian " 47 (4 ,M
Butter Slate S3 (4 ,tA
Weet.-m DMry 'A (4 .in
Weiitenc i'oll'jw .17 (4 .21
Wupipru Ordinary. 14 (4 ,15
Pi'imRylvania Fine.......... .70 (4 .'8
Oheeie State Fu tory ni (4 ,11
" Shimmed 02 36 .Ol'
Weetern 04 (4 .08
EgifB Bfciti- 22 (4 .22
amah a
Wheat l.ito (4 1.60
Rye SUte !'l ut .01
Corn Mixed 81 (4 8J
Barley State..... 1.1A (4 1.20
Oata State It (4 .61
Flour 6.2A A 7.75
Wheat No. 2 Spring 1.55 (4 1.25
Corn Mixed COiftA .71)
Oats 4A (4 .45
Rye 1.20 (4 1.20
Barley 1.40 1.40
Cotton Low Middlinge .14T.V4 .n;j
Flour Extra 9.00 (4 .)
Wheat Red Weatem 1.43 (4 1.44
Rye oj (4 .M
Corn Yellow 81 t4 .81
Oa'a Mixed 42 (4 .44
Petroleum... .05kuJ .06,'.
Flonr Pennsylvania Extra B.00 0 A. 75
Wheat Weetern Red 1.85 (4 1.48
Rye 95 (4 .03
Corn Yellow 83 (4 ,C8
Mixed Bl i mm
Oats Mixed f)6 4 .07
Petroleum Crude 0HV.03.V Refined, .11
A penny saved here and the e
counts up at the end of the year.
Buy onlv
Shoe4 aud you will save dollars In
AIo try Wire Quilted Soles.
(Alll.i; SCRKW WIltE
Boota and Shor. have no noils oi
pegs sticking through the bottom
to prick the ftut or wear the
Also try Wlro tJ'lUted SolesJ
Jnii. Hnll UooA Timber ! fwomlAIr! (.nod
Wiilfr ! uoit Title ! Ileal. Ii C'limnte !
TIip entire I iunl (jrnnt of the Flint tV I'ere
31 a ri net to I. ail way 'utitanv Uft."fOOO
A('ltt-S. U offMrt'd for enle for purp". of nctual
Set I foment tn parcel as defllreil. M 0,MH MM twt
of Pine, luc&ted convenient to the line of the railroad.
Farming Lands, a gc-od ns any in tin world, lie along
tuu line, nnd will '-e mid on most divoraMo terms ti ao
tal settler. Timuf.h Oak, Koch. Mn,le, K'ck Kim.
Hlitck Cherry. Hasswood, Pine, Hemlock, etc., etc ,
Kvery variety of timber, null nnd surface can be found.
UheMn Land end Knlltoad facilities are seldom offered
together, and those who Wa to secure home wil do
well to apply early aud tnke choice selections Tf.hMS
f)nvfourtn in cash and halnncu with anumil interest at
7 per cent., as may be agreed. Information by mail
promptly furnished. Apply, in person or by mull, to
WM. L. WKHHKK. Lend Commissioner.
Address at Kast Saginaw, Mich.
ADDREea von pntCC-UST,
A k a A PI T. M . TT.
bat two T
bales either nay or vKS;
cotton without tramp-1
ine or nioppine.
Thirty bales of hay
per honr. Twenty
Daies or cotton
per boar.
Th.'ai (tich Pralrtrt. Noar one million acrs for sale on
(ho Stnni Oity anl M. Paul K. U. and on the McUtHRor
ar.i! Mit.-ouri Kivt r K. It. Km-onil lartfe tract tor
Coh.nk'H. t'oum r f-t'nd commit tw t d examine. Kvery
ouo wuum-s Hj limrl likes it. Apply to
IMVilNi A- C'AlsKlNS,
Sibley Onc'ccila t o., Iown.
, i'f irs:.
A New Sabbath School Song Book.
By 11 S. and W. u. Perkink.
Prloe 33 (Jeata. 8) .er Hundred.
Rst In Thr-n," "What J.-sna mT Nay," " Winder
lliK Child," " Wh;it an- Tln-s" ' Watchman Awakn!'
arn sHi:tmfms of Hit- titles ui the heauliinl new tijinus,
losvrtH-tntiw iuuIoiIIhs.
The High SchooYchoir !
By L. O. Emehbon and W. S. Tu.PEN.
Prica Sl.OO. $f.00 per dozen.
The HIGU SCHOOL CHOIR is similar In itenernl
deixn to th ry popular ' Horn or Mnoinu," which
has almust bu universally used la IHku ScIumiIs, The
present work Is in no way tuforiur to Us predecessor, aud
is entirety iresu una nw.
Price ? 3 Gents. 7.50 per Dozen.
By H. R. Palmkh, assisted by L. O. Kmerbon.
Io not think of teaohlnar a Sintrine; School witbont
nsing tbla attractive, popular aud usaful book.
Specimen ooplos sent, post-paid, for retail prloe.
OMVKIt IMTSON & C O., llnaton.
t'HAS. II. IlTON iV CO.,
711 HrortdwMyy fiew York.
K. P. Rlre tV 'o.. Grarert
m R'ufon, nay: "Your Sea Foam
V sflvAB narfunf UfHf Inn " It. !
Cornell & III ii m ford, Vo
er. I'toriiUnce, li. 1., ay ; Your
8ea Foam 1 wonderful. Our sain
are immense. K very body praltwa
it." " It makes Broad Richer.
Lighter, Wnitfr, Purer, Sweeter,
and More Wholesome than any
other way."
Tue gte-'itest thing to sell you
' a oigi rna . i-iouu m tui viiiumi
m to ti Kt. F. OANTZ A CO., I7G
uuane Direct, auw xura.
Geo. P. Rowell & Co. 1
Made from the Patent Exct'Uior'1 CoiriliOMltion.
will rvcaat, out alfeotod by tue wnaiher ;, UO centi
IMsr nuuiiu. ia nu in prut-iug mia tB,Mr.
J. U roLK. Am., OU Aim St., N. Y,
af Ot Ibe Prrlllrat t'arda youavarsaw
aT" va ilh our name handnouiely nrluted on
OI I them, tent, puttipaid, upon receipt uf 2il
cents. Vuur friend mil all waut thuu
when they t ours. Add re,
W. O, CANNON. 44i Kuaelaud btreet, liuatoo, Maaa.
KV I 1
(Mild la caus Uj UrmtijUt. .ttu ad uywyOa.
or Mfr w AarenttirM ta Oie Orient. By
I bo. W. Knox. Jtrerealiths Wonders. Msr
r1a, and My tenet of ths I -and of the Hi'inf
Aun.tbd portrayi life at It really t'n the old and
irepy f t
and 1H, I
l:..t. It trlln wh.t ths Anthnr saw, hrsrd,
.nrt A4, In Mich Inlmlt.ble styl., that frcry ons
laiirh la trite of himself st Ut p-nninc hnmof
aaaJ laUlaT
Jt is Lira, hjwt. nptrjr, immltui or pion wins,
" ms.ty ' Ih.t 4o ( VWi rrtrtttfnm, Vrofrmtrt,
sna ;n so mtsty mat n i wwpr i-rtnarnta, rrowwrw.
flovrmnr. Hr., pronounce It " irrrtittflfo.'' Piom CiK reiUt
lla ttftO HliiitratUms, mmtly wrruted In limine at a cot
of fHi.iviO. To VOIf, vernier, and every wlde-awakt person.
It afTofla ft M'lendld chnno to earn IIIO PAY. "'V
think, UNI pavri, Bf.O tijrb iUmhntirm: To Nre Apetita,
thr fAe prrm-nt,) ths Outfit I" Kn-e. Lara Pamphlets,
Specimen Page", and TTm, frre to all. Adilresa,
A. IJ. WOHTHtNUTON CO., llartlurd, Conn.
A MONTH Annul wanbxt rj
whara. Roslnaaa Donnrahla and first
class. Particular, sint frff. Address
WORTH A ().. HI, lonla, Mo.
RpeedMr cured by mt HKCK'fl only known and
aire Kemoily. NO CII.4KUK lor tri-atmcut
until cured. Call on or address
DrJ. C. BECZ, 112 Join St., Cincinnati, 0.
jtlllltwrT ArsdpmT, Chralrr. Pi. Opees Sept.
Nth. (JItII KnarinnerlnR. the Clesslos, KiiKlixh aod
Military Art thoroughly tanabt. For olroulara applf
to Col. T1IKO. HYATT, President.
Itcsit French Rurratiifspln
die un'lei-runnum, rorlt had
Mpp?r-runnrs, Top farm or
mrchnn4 Work, ftupf
rlor Mill Ktnnrt of nil
lcm. 4irnalnr Dutch An
hrr Rollins; Cloth. 91111
I'lciua coi n rtneiiers ami
;! anrn, earing, , t haft ine,
Pullies. llaneera. etc.. all kinls
of Mill Wachimr- and Millpr,'
aupplfps. (Send for Pamphlot.
fttraint 91 111 4'Ani,nn,T,
It ox 14304 Inrlnnatl. O.
S03IETHING t)VA,'U oX'mo'n.,
We have work and money for all, men or women, boys ut
irlrls, wbole or spare time. Send stamp for Catalogue.
Address FRANK OLUOK. New Bedford, Maaa.
) A large, independent, honest and fcarleesy v
vnewflpaper, wun rename innnei reports
ranu a vaiuaoie atrncuiturai aepan-
Jinent. w earn, w maKHtnev
Cthe best, family news-
psportn tho worla
cony tol
Tryltl C3
the Bi tfe--
upof aclttbofC
live. roraf
club of ten.
free Copt. (20
conta additional 1
cry copy, for
Donacp.i The uaii.yi
C'hroniclk flM.7oayear, postpaid
CHlS. d TOD NO A CO. San Francisco.
Syteimm Copiet ttnt FRKK. Send for on
500,000 ACRES
f o m. J5i
ii s n
The Land a of the Jnrknon I, an ulna- nnd
HncluRW Knllrond I'ompnny nre Now
They ara slto td along It railroad and contain large
tract of exoellMit FA KM 1 NO and PINK Lands.
Tba farming lands Include soma of tha most fertile
and well-watered hardwood lands In the State. The;
arn timbered mainly with hard-maple and bench; soil
black, sandy loam, and abounds Id spring of purest
water. Michigan is one of the least indebted ana most
piMsperous States In the Union, and its farmers have a
greater variety of crops and rpsourcea than any Western
State. While some of tba prairie States may prod net?
corn In great abundance, they have uo other resource,
and wben this crop fails destitution follows, as haa been
the case the past year In Kansas and Nebraska.
Price from 8l250 t 3.?.OG per acre. Send for
Illustrate! Pamphlet. Address, O. il. BAUNEM.
i'ouiHilMMfoner, l.nrm.iiK, i1ltrhinn.
N SALARY only. Arenta wanted. Male and
Ftmnie. AUclreis O. d. UnniHTlAN, .Mart on, unto.
unu 1
anaaio. fori (
postage. .. yl eu ?
Now is the time to Subscribe!
rieven Fine .Engraving a presented to every New Yearly Subscriber
The New York Fireside Companion
Thb Nfw York Fireside Companion ia now recopntred a the best mnlntniiifd,
mom popular, moat varied and entertaining weekly published In the Unite 1 Mates.
No effort ia spared to obtain whatever will add to tne iutereat and value of It con
tents. The best writers in every department are secured, without regard to expense.
It is the aim of the publisher to make this an Interesting and Popular Paper
forboth young aud old; to combine entertainment and auiuseinent with desirable
.n. formation on matters relating to the home, courtship, marriage, society, and
dress, to gratify the. lunate' cm ionltv aud Interest of all iu the pure and natun.l
romance 61 Ufa ; to cultivate a ttiAte for reading and intellectual pleasures ; and tn
inculcate good senliineuta and principles iu the mind of the young. .Nothing of
an immoral tendency is ever admitted into Its column a. It contains
The moHt Fascinating Love Stories
Dashing stories of Adventure on r.nntt and tSen(
8lirriug Indian and Border Tales
Stories of Home Life hi City nnd C'omtlrv.
liveliest Short Stories nnd Sentimental Sketches
Original Humor, Jokes, Comic Sketches, Poetry. lViHenalsand Floaiinn PaiagiaidiH;
Latest Fashion Uoaslp fr the Ladles; Answera Ut 'oriebpondeuts ; Kitchen Lore;
The best Heading for Little Folk ; Beautiful Illustrations, etc., etc.
"Sot less than SIX CONTINUED STORIES ymwunci ,-
Blantly, and a KKW alory cnmruenceil about every second week; ao tliatnew renilera
will bo able to get tho beginning of a story of the newsdealers or ol us, no matter at
what time they may subscribe, iiack numbers can always be had couluiuLuu; tha
commencement ol every story.
Dr. John II. Williams
Tony PnMtor
imver trpiic
Prof. Jhiim h Jic Illllo
P. Hamilton ilyer
LpMhe Thorn
Frnnk Corey
Affile Prone
Petroleum V Nan by
Our Family Physician. Under this title we shall pulilisli (liulnntlie rnmini;
year a seilua of Articles by erolnent phyaiciaita. devottMl to Ilio treatment and ruio
of prevalent diseases, alien aa Skin Dladasea. (Jonsuinptinn, Uiptheria.
Cancer, Hip liiaeaao, Bone Dlaeaae. Kye and Kar DisoaaiM, Tliront DiHeaaet.,
l'hyaloloiry of Diaeasesof Women, ManaKeineiitof Young rhildreu, llypiene, eic.
These articles will contain the beat modes of treatment of disease adopted by-tlio
highest modiual authorities oi tlio day, aud will be a valuable fjuide to tho readers
of our paper.
Correspondents' Column. No effort or pains are spared to make this depart
ment most attractive and useful lo our readers. It la edited by a gentleman of wide
experience and aound Judgment, and a vast amount of information is given ; nuawei a
toquestiona relatliif? to love and etiquette, legalaud medical questions, iufoiumiiou
for the kitchen and household, iu fact, answers to all questions that turn up in lite,
cao be found in this column.
Kendinai for Little Folk. This la, and will continue tn be. one of tho prom I
nent features of the paper. The contributions to this department are by the very
foremost writers lor children iu the country. This alouo makes Til K NKW YOUK
FIKESIDE C'Oll PANION invaluable to every household where there are children.
List of Entrravliiars Presented to New Yearly Hubsrrilierst
A LESSON IN LOVE. Value, 30 Cts. I THE I.ITTi.K ANOI.KKS, Vuluo, 25 els.
THE PET FAWN, . " 30 " FA It A VA Y FROM MOilE, " 25 "
A MODEL YACHT, (colored) Value. 25 cents.
These beautiful pictures are suitable fur fraiulug, and afford a valuable addition
to the f uruiture of every home.
Largest and Most Popular Weekly Paper for Young Folks.
It is the only paper which contalna the kind of stories which mothers want to
read aloud to their little ones, and which every father may unhesitatingly place iu
the bauds of his children. It contains a larger amount and variety of good reading
for girls aud boys than can be had iu any other weekly or monthly periodical.
BIDE COMPANION! One copy of Munro'i Uirlt and Bow of A mertea will be sent
for one year to any subscriber in the United Slates on receipt of ; two copies
for ti nine copies for $16. 3n New York Fireside Companion will be sent for
one year on receipt of $3 : two copies for $5 ; or. nine copies for 20; Genera upof
Clubs can afterwards add single ooplaa at 2 50 each, we will be responsible for
rerutttaucas sent iu Registered Letters, or hr foat Office Money Orders. Roth
papors seut to one address for one year, for $4 50. Itage, fkek. Specimen coptea,
sent free. Specimen copies with any one of the above Pictures seut to any address
on receipt of Ten Cents.
AiiiH.VrS WAITED to canvass for the above two papers In every
town and village where thert are no newsdealers. Good wages cau be made by
successful canvassers, boys atid Olrls are Invited to become canvassers. Every
uoy uu tjiii usm sol. auuDuiami. ui uieir own village, w rite lor particulars.
V. O. Box 063r.
TV IT' k C Th. eholoMt In the world Importers'
L i C5. prloe LantMt Oompanr In America
tapis article please. eTerybody Trad, eonlioualljr
inereaaing na wamea everywhere bept Induce.
lneuts don't wast, time wad for olrcular to KOHKHT
W Kl.LB, 4 3 Vemy Btreat. New York. P. O. Bui 187
Theae Standard Instrument a
Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere.
Agenta Wanted in Every Town.
i Bold throochont th. DniUd StatM oa ths
That la, on a system at Monthly Paymenta.
Porchaaer. shoald aak for ths Kutt Aaraaioaii OaaaJt.
OatsiosTU. and full particulars oa application.
Water Wheel
Was selected, 4 tun aa;o, and pat
to work ia ths Patent Utts, Waah.
inston, D. O., and haa provea to bs
ths best. 19 slzss mads. Prices
lower than any other first-class
Wheal. Pamphlet frso.
W. Y. BUhNHAM, Yoaa. Pa.
sd.sU. 01 1 1 for SI I ItO fur 5. Laraaat .arisly
a th aorld. NATIONAL OUHOMO OO.iuladslphia.
Msnnfactnm nil Itlmt of
Tunic Cnllrrr. hxciusire
makers of ilia
1 VOH V " or Ollnlnld Knlfo.
4 h. m..t tlnrahla Will 'I' K
HANOI. li knon. Orlalnsl
makarsofths IIAIM1 HI It-UL-u
liaNlkl.r.. Alwnva
assMwaaaaasaaaaaaaaawai call for " Trade Mark" M KRI
fK.rt CJtJTI.K.UY UOi. on the Blsrle. 1w";,'rtn
s.,ld by all dnlra In Cntlary and by the MK.RIDKN
OU'l'l.KRV tJO., Chambers Ktrent, Now York.
H. T. N. U.-No. VH
Th KlnBof the Hod? I the brain; the stomach
Its mutn support ; the nerrea Its meaaenrera ; the
bowels, the kidneys and the pore Its natejroards. Indt.
itestion create a violent revolt amona; t we attache ot
thi reaal era an, and to brlnathem back to their duty
there I not hind like the regulating, purifying", In rigor
atlng, cooling operation of
Tarrant's Effcrvescont Seltzor Aperient.
It renovate the system and restore to health both tba
body and the mind. Sold by all Druggist.
Fine White Bristol VHIHnr Clsrds, with yonr
I" " Name hpantt'ullv printed n them, rott.psM. for
'J. ot. 20 Kepp or Damask. 2 vtn Klegant t'jrrf
iisp, IO ct. w have over SO dinVrent style of
Cardi, Including ila, Rnowflnk", M.rbl. V ilverslty
Plaid, etc. Send slump for Sample, or IO eta. tor
Agents1 ontflt. Addrena
W.U. B. W A I , O KN, Non ltA dn ms,JH nn
Nnw residing In the Wet or South will find The
Hnnlnn V erklv tlobp the best paper for them tn
t.'tk. as it gives all the New England news and Is also a
live story and general newspaper. Only SO cts. for 3
mouths, postage free. Thb Globe Pud. Co., Boston.
A MONTH and KXPKNSKS to all. Article
new, staple as Hour. fwn. V,
t, Pib.W YitHK or 'HHJAtttJ.
Wisconsin Central Railroal Lanfls.
Fx Dent Farms at low pr'ce snd on easy term.
Rnre Crops Good Water Healthy Climate No tinins
hoppera No severe wind No malarious dfrteHSf
l.efore going elsewhere tend postal card asking for
pamphlet, maps, etc.. to
UHAS. h. COI.BV.tsnd Commissioner,
I Wis. Cen. R, R. Co.. Milwaukee, Wis.
Plmftf of Timhrr on atf Iht Zand.
and Morphine llnhlt absolntely nnd
speedtlv cured. Palnleas: nopnbllclty.
Send stamp for parttcnlara. Dr. CaiiTj
ton, 1 87 Washlngron St. .Chicago, 111.
Ct f s CO Krrdsy. Send for Caromo Csla'ecue.
JlU'-JtJ.I H. Hirrsxian'sHMNB. Koston.
Wll n I IPF splendid New Illustrated BOOK of
, the author's own KOyrnra' life and
IN THE thrilling adventures amona; Indians,
PAR WPT m border wars, bnntlna wild snlmals,
TMII llbOl eto. The be.t .nd only llt,w end rum.
pl'tt book on the wild Fak WEST. nmthint tn
-li. AMKNTM W ATKIi., Wateiimah
A Katoh, Hartford, Ct.
The Leading American Newspaper.
Daily, $10 a year. Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly. $2
Portage Fr to th Subirrihrr. Specimen Copies and
Advertising Rates Free. Weekly, In clubnof HOor mor,
only 19 I postage paid. Add res The Tiithune, N. Y.
bet-eelting Vrizn Pack
age In the world. It con
talnn 1 tm Kheet Paner
1.1 Knvelooea. Oolden Pen. Pen Holder. Pencil. Ptr.t
Vard Measure, and a Piece of Jewelry, binsle Package,
ith elngaat Prize, post-paid, 25 cent. Circular free.
8 RIDK A CO.. K Broadway. NeW York.
WANT EH AGENTS. Snmpl' and Outfit fr
httttr than Gold. A. COULTKK A CO , Chicago.
SU hold by Agent. Address M. N. LOVKLL, Krie.Pa
I.ury Knndnll Comfort Clnrn I'c-rry
nira. humner iiayaeu
Hliirh;y Jlrowne
llnzil Wootl
Aliiry J. Winea
Knmuel V. 1'enrco
(jforare 1.. Allceii
Albert V. AiUen
live, Fashion litlltrcas
Von Itovle
J oh n Eldt't'kin
Annie II. Jerome
lNiimirtle S. l itM rwoii
Jennie V. Foster
Allan Ilenne
Jack Ratlin
AddiMOU 1'. Browne
.84 Beekmna Street, Mew York.
The "Beat All" Safety Lamp.
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