The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 09, 1875, Image 2
a It WW. I I I I I I I iV Henhy A. Parsons, Ja. - Editor-) Tlll'UFDAY, PITT. 0, 1875. Attention Republicans The Republican Prim ar ies will be held Saturday, Sept. IS. The Comity Con vention will be held Tues day, Sept. 21. Remember the day and date. testructive Fire In Reynoldsrli:. TWENTY-ONE B UMNESS8 HOUSES 11UUNED OVER $100,000 WORTH OP PROPERTY DESTROYID AM l.NCKN 1UARY THE CAUSF.. A terribly destructive firo occured at Reynoldsyiile on tho n oroiogof Sunday lust breaking out at ubout three o'clock in one ol the bnck rooms of the Arcade Block, owned by lioilly, and soon the entire building was otic sheet of fl.mies, cotuiiiuukming with other buildings on till Bides, find although the greatest ef forts were made to stay the jrogress ol the devouring clement, with tho means at baud, the destruction progics.-cd un til twenty-one business places, embrac ing many of the finest in the place, were laid low, and presented Dotliing but a black, smoking uia.-s, dismal in the extieme and disheartening especially to those whose entile worldly effects had pone up in smoke and flame. The bnild:ngs wcro all of the most combus tible material, and burned at a fearful rate, making it a difficult task to contest its progress, and it doea seem wonder ful that it ever stopped where it did, the charred buildiugs remaining attest ing tho persistence of those workinsr for the safety of their own and neighbors' property. Below we give a list of iho sufferers and a careful cstiimlo of tho loss of . each, as given in tho Herald of to-day; 10SSE3. T. II- Scott, shoemaker, $100. S. T Reynolds, 5100; insurance, S30. D. O Oyster & Co , bankers, 63.000; insur ance SPfiOO. M. M. Miner, jeweler, SrlOO. l'urgess& Alexander, 4.000; insurance 82,5,')0. lleilly, Arcade Block, 7,500; insurance, 4.500. C II. ISurleiv, 1,000; insurance SG00. Dr. Lauj.-fitr, Sf50; insurance $J2o. Ed jV Brown $1,000; iusuratiee 500. W" II. Hover 200. II. Ilcndrickson, 250. F. M. Cole. 13,000; insurance 7.750. 13. .McKeon, 1,300. P Ilei mer, 500; insurance, o00. A. M. Cotton, y,000; insurance 1,000. C II. Gordon, 3,000; insurance. 1,500. Tompkins & Degnan, 500; insuiance, S-'.UO. J,. 1'. Seley, 10X00: iotur- uncc, 4,000. M. Winslow, 2,000; in surance, 51.100. I'. Gillespie, 150. Brandon & Reynolds, Herald office, 4 OC'0; insurance, 82,500. A Bogucr & Co.. S 11,000 insurance- 5,700. D. Reynolds, 4,000; insurance. 81.000- II. Jl . Iscman & Co., 4,000; insurance A. Jlabson, 800. Thonipsou & Rein olds, 5,000. Mrs. Flynn, 2,000. Robt. Bulttu, 400. G. Roscnkrans. 100. Jno. A Doyle, 3,000; Jinsur auce, 2,000. S. 15. Ake, 0,000; in surance, 2,400 M. 31. Davis, SoC'O; in surance. 200. 1. Taylor, 800; insur ance 300. A. Uogner, 1,000; insur ance, 400. II. F. Burris 10, G. Chat lands, 100. II. S. Miller, 150. Geo. Walters, 500. II. S. Uclnap, 100. J. AV. Foust, 20. Burgess & Langfitt, 250; insurance, 150. II. A. Daily, 200. U. C. Foust 100. V. II. Ilan 800,825. CM. Bishop, 40. J. M. Diltz, 8100. T. C. Reynolds. 825. Mrs Jane Taj lor, 400. Loss estimated at over 100,000. Insurance. 842.000. The cause of the fire is supposed to do me worK ot an incendiary, and lleilly, one ol tho sufferers, was arrested on a charge of being tho guilty party, but no evidence appearing ngaiust him he was discharged. We learn that several other parties are strongly sus picioued, and are being watched. Con siderable stealing was done durinr the fire, and several candidates for our county jail ore already ticketed. From the Herald we learn that many ot titose who were burned out are al ready making preparations for rebuild ing, una that the damage inflicted by Ui,r.,n .3: :n l .uuuj luuiiiiuB uisunier win souu u overcome, ana toe town present its usual prosperous, appearance Brook rllle Republican . The History or a Great Enter- prise. Id eighteen hundred and fifty four the original incorporators of the Wilson Sewing Machine Company em barked in tho manufacture of Sewing Machines, and from that time to the Present, their time, talent, energy and caditul have been employed in making First Vitus Seicing Machines with varied success attending their efforts It being their constant aim to produce a Shuttle or Lock-Stich Machine that should be simple to bundle, durable as steel and iron cuuld make it, with un limited capacity, unexcelled by any other machine, regardless of name or price, and withal to confine the price within tho reach of till clusses of people; and success has crowned their eiiorts m the production of the celebrated AVilson Shuttlo Sewing JIachines, which com bine all the Elegance, Simplicity, Du ralillty and Strength possible lor any tewing machine to uttaio, and they are tho first and (July ftrst-llass uioder- ute-pneed machines put in the market JIachines will ba delivered at auy Rail road Statiou in this county, free of transnoitation charges, if ordered through the Company's Brauch House ut 327 d 829 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. If you want a lag of leed, or a bushel ol potatoes or a barrel or sack ot flour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P Si lv s and esimiue their pnoej aad goous HEW ADVERTISEMENTS, SHERIFF'S SALES. Ej virtue of sundry writs ot fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas. and alias venditioni exponas, levari facias, and alias levari fnoias, and testatum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas oi'EIk county, and to me directed. I. Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of enid county, do hereby give notice Hint 1 will expose to tuililio tale or outcry, at (ho Cjnri House, io Kidgway. at one o'clock I. M., on MONDAY gKl'TUMIiSK ZOrii, 1S7., All the right, title, interest olnim And do nl wlnm.i? er of defendant in, to or out of nil (lint certain pioco or parcel of In ml, eitutte in the township of Uiitffwny, county of Elk and .Stale of 1'tfhnsylvniijn, otunueu nnu described as follow! to,-wit: UrKiniiing nt tlio Boiitliensl corner of land Intiily sold by J 8 llvde to W, 11 Oder Mont, mid on t lie north Bido of the l lnln- dclphin and Erie Knilwny; (hence north i-ighly six nud eight-tenths (Uti 8-10) rods nlong the line of sniil Oslcrhout to a post; thence south forty-five degree! east seventy one and six-tentha (71 0-10 rods to the north-enst corner of lot No, 4 in the village of Dlk; (hence south sixty degrees wept nlong the north lino of lots Nos 4, 8, 2, and I, twelve ntid ten-twciribs (12 10-12i rods to the north wsst coruer of lot No 1 in tho village of Elk; thence south thirty degrees cnsi. six and six ono liundredlhs Id 1-100 reds nlong the west line of lot No 1 to the mm h west corner ofsnidlot: thence south t,ixty-oiie degrees west fifteen nnd six tenths (15 ti. 10) rods; tlunoe south sixty- tive and tiirea-rourtlu degrees west twenty teven (27) rods to the place of beginning, fourteen and ninety-seven one huudrcdihs (11 'J 7-1 OU) acres. Uu which (litre is erected a lrauie house two and one- half sioi ies high, aud 22i'M feet bar-room bnscmvut, and is used as A hotel &o.: wing lG.rlM feet. Seized and (nken in execution ss the property of Bubcrt Warner at the suit of ltcdelhvim and fielder etal., creditors, ALSO- All the right tittle, interest. clnim and demand whatsoever of tho de fendant in nnd to or out of the certain tract piece or parcel of lnnd situate ;ti Dcn- iimgev township, hlk county l'n., tounded aud described as lollows: iieeinnine at a beech in (he northeast corner of wnrrant number forty-eight hundred and eighty- one (4881;) thence south on (he east line of snid warrant two hundred nnd thirty-four (Mi) perencs. more or less, ,tota post; thence west two hundred and eleven (211) perches more or less to a post; thence north two hundred and thirty-four ("341 perches more or less, to the north side of snid warrant; thence east two hundred and eleven (2.U) perches to the place of beginn ing, vuuiuiuiug ui rue minureu sua eleven (UK) acros more or less, being part of war rant number four thousand eight hundred una iigtnj-one (4po1,) and about thirty acres t hoi eof being clea'ed. beized aud taken in execution and to be soi l as the property of Thomas Woods, al the suit of Nimau li win. ALSO. All tne rieht, title interest. claim and demand of defendant in and to oil that certain tract, piece or narcol of land known und desicnaied on the ecneral mnp of Elk county as the western part of will-ran i or iraci numoer 77o, containing four hundred and teventy-ono.ncres more or less situate iu the township of Millstone, in said county of lilk, State of Pennsylva nia, aud being the some land conveyed to 1. al 1... li iii: t ... ucu. x. inusariiger vy u llliaiD 1. Aingman, guardian of Emma L Kingman and Helen l.liieguiau, by deed dated August 8th, 1872. Seized, taken in execution and to be cold as the property of Geo. V. Messenger, at ine sun oi iv. u. Kingman, JU W. Kingman anu cieua .u. iv'iigDian. ALbu. All the right, title, in(erest claim aud demand of Uefcndunt in and to all that certain pieco of bind situate in tho . .r uw6iioj county of JiU and State of Pennsylvania, being part of war rants numuer -isih, 4?tio, 48G7 and 48U8, and bounded as follows, viz: Beeinninir at Dickinson i Co's northwest corner; thence west two hundred and fifty (--30) rods to the centre ot Mill creek, (hemlock trees on west bank for witnesses;) thence south (dOU) rods to an ash corner standing in the north lina of tract deeded to Brvant & Ewer; llienco cast on said liryant Is, Ewer's nortu line two hundred aud fifty (2o0) rods to Dickinson & Co's southwest corner; mcuce uoriu on xucK.usou & Co's west line three hundred (3UO) rods to the place of beginning, containing four huudred and sixty eight aud eight-tenths (408 8-10 acres ol land, with ull and singular the apprur tenances Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of U. T. Wheeler, at the suit of Geo Dickinson nnd L.Clark Wilmarth and L. Clark. Wilmarth and Frederick Wil oiartn, ezecuors of L Wilmarth, earecutore ol I. Wilmarth, deceased ALKO. All tho right, title, interest, claim aud dumand of delcndaut in und to that certain building located on town lot number seven'y-three (73 in the village of Kidgway, in the county of Elk, bounded on the south by Centre street; east by an alley north by an alley, and west by lot number i-. Ine said building is a two-story bal loon li-umo dwelling house thirtyisix f.'itil feet in front, by twenty -four 24J feet iu depth. - beized, taken in execution and to be sold a,the properly of Philip Lesser, at the suit ot J. V. llouk & Co-, now for the use ol J. V llouk. ALoO All the right, title, interest. claim and demand whatsoever of defendant iu aud to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate iu Jay township, Elk county, l'n., described as follows, to wit: Beginn ing at a post on the puolio road known as the U.irduer road, thence nortb ninety four and two-ninths Ul 2-9 parches to a post; thence east ninety peiches to a stone corner; thence south ninety-four and two uiuths perches p4 to a post; thence west ninety perches to tue place ot beginn ing containing fifty-acres, upon which is erected a frame dwelling house, two stories high, sixteen feet by thirty feet, and bank burn, thirty by lorty lcet, reserving how ever, all the coal in and upon the said luud, and the right to dig, mine, take aud carry away the same as fully as the same is reserved in the deed of Joseph Wilhelm and wife to L. N. liriggs, which dee I is dated May 6th, 1870, and recorded in the uecorder s onice ot Elk county, in Deed Eook "N," page 517. &o ALSO. All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of deleuuaut in and to all th&t certain lot of ground situate in the village of Weedville, Jay township, Elk county, Va., described as follows: Deginning at a post on the west ern side of the highway leading from Weed viile to St. Marys, seventy-two ioet north erly from the northeast corner of lot owned by J.J. Chanee; thence south seventy anu three-fourths degrees west eight aud one- fourth rods 8 14 to a post; thenee north ninety and one-fourth degrees west eighty feet oil tt.J to a post; thence north seventy and three lourtli degrees east 70 3-41 eiuht and one-fourth rods to a cost tlhence south nineteen and one-fourth uogrees east eighty feet to the place of beginning, con laming one-fourth of anaore. AlbO AH the right, title, interest. claim and demand of defendant in and to that certain lot of grouud situate in the vil lane of Weedville aforesaid, described as toilows: Beginning at the intersection of the road leading lroin St. Marys and the Creek road; thence along the Cieek road one hundred and twenty leet to a post; thence southerly at ricLt angles one bun dled and sixty feet to a post; thence west erly to a point on the feuneld road ninety five feel; thence 'along said mentioned road one hundred and niue leet to the place oi beginning, containing eleven thousand eight hundred sq inre foot, more or less, upon which is crested a two-story frame hotiso, 18 foot by 28 feet and a store room one story high. 12 fet by 18 foot. Soixed nnd taken In excoution ns the property of L. N. Briggs, nt die siut of Joseph Dill et al. ' ALSO. All the right, title, Interest, elaltn and demand whatsoever of defendant in and to all (hat certain piece or parcel of land In Wenninger township, Elk oounly Pennsylvania, described as follows to-wit-Beginning at a post on Brussels road, thence south one hundred and sixty f 100 1 perches to Esohbach road; thence east fifty 50 perches; thence north one hundred and sixty lt'iO perches (o Brussels rond; thence west following said rosd fifty 00 perches to the place of beginning eontiln- ing fifty OUJ acres, and being numbered fourteen (141 on llrussols rond in the map or plan ot the settlement of St. Marys. ALSO Adjoining above desonbed land, and situate on B. tinsels road, that certain parcol of lnnd begiuning At a post on said Brussels rosd; H ence south one hundred and sixty 100 perohes to (he Esohbach rosd; thenoe east twenly-hve izoj perencs: thence nortli one hundred and sixty 100 J perches U Brussels rosd aforesaid; (hence west along said Brussels road twenty -five (26) perches to the pines of beginning, con- lyiliing iwcniy-nve zjj acres, nu uumg the eastern half of lot numbered twelvo on Brussels road according to the map or plan of the settlement of St, Marys. The two said pareols of hind constitute one larin, upon wincii more is erortea a two.story frame dwelling house, ISx'M feet, a one ami a hall story wing, izim ieei, and a frame barn 40x50 feet, fc'aid land is mostly improved and has a srowing orchard upon it. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nicholas Krouenwctter, At the suit of William Doniihau for use et al. ALSO. All the right, title, interest claim nnd den.nnd whatsoever of defendant in and to nil that certain tract of laud in the (own or settlement of St. Marys, in the county of Elk nnd State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described ns follows to-wit: Situate on Benzingcr road, beginning nt a post on said Uenzn.ger road, thence norm two hundred (200 perches to a post on (he warrant, line; thence east seventy-nve ioj perches to a post; thence scuth two hun dred 200 pcichcs to a post on Benzinger road; theuce west aloLg tho line of said Beuzinger road seventy .five 76) perches to the place of beginning, containing ninety- three and three-fourths (933 1 acres, being the whole of No. 17 aud the west half of No. lit on Benzinger rond, in the map or plan of the town or settlement of St- Marys, upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, 20xi!2 feet and a bam U0x40. Seized nnd taken in execution as the property of Charles Kronenwetter, at the suit of William Donahue for use et al. ALSO. One tract of lnnd situate in Benzinger township, Elk county, Pennsyl vania, being tract number 4092 containing one thousand acres, more or less, upon which there is standing and growing sev eral millions feet of pine, hemlock and oilier timber. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nicholas Kronenwetter and Charles Kronenwetter, at the suit of J. B. Coryell et al ALSO. All the white pine timber now standing in what is known as Porcupine hollow, and on the waters of Anton run nnd Dent's run, upon the estate of Beuben Winslow, deceased, near the village of Benezette, iu Benezette township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, said timber to be that not regularly cut tncougb, and this sale not to extend to lands where the timber has not been regularly cut, with the right of ingress and egress to remove the. same until the 0th day of September, A. D. 1881. ALSO All the right, title, interest. claim nnd demand whatsoever of defendant l . U IU.1 1 ...... L .Id ,ituul in the village of Benezette, Elk county, Pennsylvania, described as follows: Situ ate between the public road running northwesterly of said village and the mill race, commencing on a line with west line on J. Vi. Winslow's lot, being number 13 in the plan of said village; thence south easterly to a point on the line of the south east line of C. 11. Winslow's lot, being lot number 6 on said plan, embracing all the land between the public road on the one side ami the creek road and mill race on the other side, upon which is erected a steam sawmill with the ueoessarv improve ments to run (he same the lease is for eight years from September 9, 1873, at a yearly rental of three hundred dol'ars -S300- with the privilege of renewing the same for eight years longer and removing all buildings upon said land at the erpiration thereof together with all the rights And privileges, and subject to all conditions contnined in the lease for said premises. Said lease is from the widow and heirs of Reuben Winslow, deceased to Nicholas Kronenwetter and Charles Kronenwetter. and duly recorded iu Miscellaneous Book, In the Keoorder's office of Elk county. The title to the mill and the improve ments passes with this sale. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nicholas Kronenwetter and Charles Kronenwetter, at the suit of J. B. Coryell et al. ALSO All the righ.t title and mtesest of defendants iu and to all that certain lot of ground situate in the village of Benezette Elk county Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows to-wit: On the south east by lot of E. Morey: on the northeast by an alley: on the northwest by Loeust street, and ou the southwest by the publie road, said lot being numbered -11- on the plan of said village, upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling, 20x40 feet, and out buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Nicholas and Charles Kronen wetter, at the suit of J. B. Coryell et aL TEEMS OF SALS. The following must b strictly complied with when property is sttuck off; 1. All bids must bo paid in full ezcept where the plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as rll liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly certified list of liens shall be fur nished including mortgage earches on the property sold, together with such lieu creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such poition thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. See 1'urJou's Digest, Dili edition, page 440; Smith form, page 884 2 All sales not settled immedially, will be continued until 6 o'clock, P. M. at which time all property not settled for will again be put up, aud sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off, and who. in case of d ficietcy at such re-sales, shall make good the same, and iu no instance will the deed be presented in court tor connrmation unless the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as aVove stated. DANIEL SCULL, Bidgway, Pa., Aug. 81, 1875. Sheriff. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when, you buy them, you will never be troubled with the Digt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with smile in the morning. Go to Powell & Kime's model store with your cash, get more than its value and go borne satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and esy it is working charm ingly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EiSgway Cemetery. Lots are now offered lor salo by the tidgwsy Cemetery Association , in the new Cemetery. Tho present low prico (or lots may soon bo advanced. Apply at tho ofuooof W. 8. 11 AM HLKN, Secretary Ilidgway Sept. 7, 1875. u-2Ut-f. Notice. To all it may concern, Titos A Gross of Fox Township has io his pos session one new MIMUHlt WAtSON and one KKI) COW with white spot in forehead, which aro the property of the subscriber. All persons nro wnrrnnud ngninst purchasing tho same, as tho taid (J toss is not the owner thereof. A K. QOYV. I13T Vt CAUSES set down for Hcpti ni jbor Term of Court, 1H76: 1. The Spring Ilun Coal Company vs. Thomas Tozier. No. 10, of January Term, lHtllt. 2. Aldeifcr & Preston vs the Buffalo, N- V, & P ll'y Co. No. 43. of August Term, 1874. 5. The Clarion .fiver Navigation Co. vs llirnm Carman. No. 00, of August Term, 1H7S. 4. The Browa & Rtrulliers Iron Works vs L. F. & II. M. Powers. No. 3, of Nov. Term, 187.1. 6. Miles Dent vs Charles St. John a..d Rob't liolhrock. No 4, January Term, 1874. 0. David McDonald vs h F & II M Powers. No. 12, of April Term, 1871. 7. Wm. II Evans vs A J Avcty. No 10, of April Term, 174. 8. J B Whitman vs John McQafTick. No 33, of August. Term, 1874. 0. Patrick Welsh vs Joseph Koch, No. 74, of August Term, 1874. 10. Lazarus Moycr vs Patrick Lamh. No. 84, August Term, 1874. 11. Thomas Holland vs J V llouk & Co. No. 107, of August Term, 1874. 12. Caleb t hot well vs George Scull el al. Vo 13, of September Term, 1874. 13. C A Kellogg vs C Wainwright. No. 23, of Scptembar Term, 1874. 14 It W Moorhead et al., Adm'rs of N W McClure, dee d vs Ilirman Carman. No 28, of September Term, 1874. 15. Inssecp, Poor & McUaflick vs J B Whitman No 40, of September Term, 1871 10. John Andrews vs T Wheeler & Co. No 02, of September Term, 1874. 17. John Fnrrer vs. C R Enrlcy. No 4 of November Term, 1871. 18. William Johnson vs Edward Wal ters. No 15, of Nov. Term, 1874- 19. R C McGill vs Penn'a IV 3 Co. No 9. of January Term; 1875. 20. Wm. H Hyde vs. A Q Cutbbert et al No 11. January Term, 18io. 21. Gibbs, Burke &.Co. vs Gilford, Hall & Cj. No 24, of January lerui. 18tu. 22. John Bauer vs John G. Dccht No 20, of January Term, 1875 23. Miles Deut vs M C Wyckoff & W Wickoff. No 6, of May Tcrtu. 1875. 24. Wm. K l'ouug et al vc AYKX Co, No 35, of May Term, 18u. 25. A Callau vs Moore Bros. Mo G of Sept. Term, 1875. Tl EGISTEK S NOTICE. Notice is I .hereby given, that the following ac counts have been filed in my office, aud will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Elk county for connrmaliou on the tniru Monday of Septcmbei next, being the 25th dav: 1. The final account of Ignatns Garner and Louis Yollmer, executors -of the last will uuil icaiuuieui vf iV llunhaueei. lata of t. Mary s borough. Elk county, dec d. ntr.i. BuiiutiMiNU, itegister. PRIVATE TUITION. Pupils wishing to receive instruction in Grecx. or Latin, or disiring to prepare lor College din have opportuuuy ol doing so by applying to the Lector ol Grace Church. lie having uiado the neees.-ary arrange meiits will be glad to receive a limited number ot young ladies und gentlemen for lustruotion. iur intormaltou as to terms &c apply to 11EV. WM. JAB. MlLLhK A. M. Kidgway, Pa, Augl9.3m JOB"T7"C-KK.. We are now prepared y to doall kinds of JOB WORK, buvclepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly and eheaply executed. Ofiiue in Thayer & Ilageity's new building, Main street Ilidgway, I'. Give the Adnooatb ollico a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for jour cards J, O. K JJAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlozo1. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. 37'J, nre held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second aud fuurth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. 7IEALY, Sec'y. Those new style prints, at P & K's are the general talk of the town. Go and see them. Fresh furuily Groceries, and Canned goods at P & K's. The cheapest and befit. A choice lot of Pastry Fluur PO W ELL & KIM E'S Try it. at Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. If you want any bl'ched or brown djusI'ids, from to 104 wide any quality.Jgo to head-quarters, Powell & Kime's aud select to your taste. We notice on Powell & Kime's plat form an assortment of those celebiated Gowanda Plows, Cultivators &o. HORSE BAKES ! Upon a thorough in vestigation it has been demonstrated that a good horse rake will say e more labor to a farmer than any other invention of its cost Amonij all the machines of the kind, the Albion devolving Horse Rake stands supreme, of which POWELL & KIME are the sole agents for this section. Every person should have one. They are selling very rapidly Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's Summer Clothing, for those Boys and cmldren, Linen, Alapaca and cum mer Cashmcr at P & K's 1'ITTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! A LIVE NEWSPAPER, IN A I. J, I TS I K I' A II TiMKNTS. In enl iriiig (upon the New Year and within a fnw mouths of Ihn second anni versary of the drill appnaruuee nfihc paper Ihn publinhfr ut the PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH renew their ex pression of thanks to an intelligent and appreciative public for its LIBERAL AND EVER INCREASING PATRONAGE during the year juft closed. Coming into cxislntice al a limo when every kind aof ousincss was to a certain extent ucprcescu. aud when retrenchment in every direction was the rule, the TCLKGlt A.l'll has fought its way, and become, not only an estab lished fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY IN ETERY WELL. INFORMED CIRCLE, whether it be of the ' counting-room, the professional office, the woskshop, or the family. Its circulation, equal to tho best from the start, has grown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges but two eauais the Dispatch and Leader so far as Die number issued daily is eon ccrned, and no equal as to the character of itsreaders. Iheso.facts are so well known and appreciated by the business commu nity, or the shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been trell. filled by the favors of THE BEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. nnd wc nre glad to know that their fai'h in the TELEGRAPH ns an nuverlisidg me dium has been firmly established. TIIETITTSBURGU EVENING TELEGRAM lias, we think, during the past year main tained its claim to the good will and sup prot of the people, irrespective of party, inasmuch as us opposition to bad noiiuna tious within the party whose principles i favors was largely instrumental in procur ing their defeat . While it shall be our aim io promule ihe established principles of the Republican party, we shall in the lu ture, as in the past, oppose the election to ottice of men not fully qualified, or who shall by trickery or any untnir means manage to secure a place on tho tickcl. Honesty and capacity only will receive our support. THE TELEGRAPH' will continue to publish ALL THE NEWS OF THE ;DA at the earlieBt moment, and iu such shape as to bs a-jceptabla to the most critical reader. Ihe 1ELEGRAP1I will continue to ro fleet the sentiments of the people on all publio questions touching their welfare. The TELhG KAl u will uphold zealously he hands of all men honest and earnest in reform, and it will, as in the past, give al sideBa hearing on the topics ot the time. ihe ir.Li.UKAl'11 will labor wnli re newed xeal tor the prospenty of the city and Mate and the advancement ot the ma tcrial interests of our citizens. Its LOCAL DEPARTMENT ill continue to be carefully attended to, aud its reports of local events will be always fresh and reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES l'ONDENCE from Ihe Capitals of the Nation and Mate and from nil importaut news centers will continue to be of the most attractive und trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will receive the same carefil attention that has been remarked in the past, aud iu (hi respect the TbLUGKAPil will continue be without a competitor. Its EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will 'contain an honest expression of views on all important, live topics, political an ouier wise, tig NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS which have always enjoyed an exalted rep uiaiion, will continue to .be ot the same unexceptionable character. In fine, the EVENING TELEGRAPH ALLj ITS DEPARTMENTS, IN will be during the 'J cur 1875, superior the past, excellent as it has beeu by gen eral admission. No expense will be spared to keep the paper abresst with the times and its managers will exert every effort that experience may suggest to make it possible more attractive to the general reader. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu any part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, fur Fifteen Cents a week. ADVERTISING application. RATES furnished ou AUDBESH, THE EVENING TELEGRAPH, MPT8BVRGH, PA AGENTS tVANTED TO SELL The Political, Personal, aud Property Rights 7 Citizen, 0 the Vniird Statci How td exrrcue and how to perterve them. By Theophdut I'ar tone, LL. 1), Containing a commentary on the Fed eral and 8late Constitution, giving their istory and origin, and a full explanation of their principles, purposes and provis. tons; the pow.-rs and duties of I'ublio OIH- cers; the rights of the pccple, nnd the obligations incurred in every relation of life; nlBO, parliamentary rules tfor deliber live bodies; and full directions, and legal forms for all business trnsactions, as mak- ng Wills, Deeds, Mortgages Lenses, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, etc A law Library in a single volume. It meets the ants of all classes nnd sells to everybody. JONES BROTHERS & Co., Thila. Pa. PAST H NOW HEADY. milE SPLENDID ILLUSTRATED WORK -I... A CENTURY AFTER; OR PICTURESQUE GLIMPSES OF PHILADELPHIA AND PENNSYL VANIA." Including Fairmount Park, tho Wissa ickon, and the prominent romnntio locali. ics and landscapes of Pennsylvania; pre senting in a series of superb engravings. he scenery, lite, manners, character, aud arch i I ec lure of the cities of the Stnte. The most faultless pictoral work yet of fered to the American public Each part will contain a number of en gravingn, produced under Iho supervisions t J. W. Laudeibach; alter designs by Dralcy, Thomas, Moran, Woodward, Bou- ell, ami other prominent Amcricin artists Edited by Edward Strahan. To be published in Imftkkn Skmi Monthly Parts nt. Fiftv Cents each, prin ed on superior toned paper. Size 10x12 inches. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Parties residing iu localities where npcuts have not been appointed can obtain the work by addressing ALLEN. LANE SCOTT, & J. W. LAV DERUAC 11, Publishers, 33 South Filth Street Philadelphia. msm -fit' V tr- Ab our adverser has not n.ado his advertise. mont ultuihnr distinct, we will Interpret ana eiauc rate it as follows : K. J. FOOTE, Itr.T., Anthor of Main Homo Talk, MmHchI Common Bonso, tunce in Htory. ere, la) r.!xiwtin Annuo (-or. Eat 3sih Sire, tl. New York, an imdkpehueht PHYtfiriAH. treats all forms ol l.:ntjeniiu or uoroiiro DixvniKM. ami rtxi-ivc letters from all paria of tha CiviLiznn Wont.D. Dv liir(rliiH tpav ot conillicino: a meuicni nio- Hi-o. ho Is Mieci's-fully trcntinit numermw lwtients in Kliropo, tile Vt CKI HUIVB. usmiuimi a Cuuaua, anil in every part uf tho United Stales. K MKltCTJIilAIj Or deleterionj drug naerl. Ho has, dunna the pant twenty three yean, treated sm-rcssiiiuy nearly or juu 40,UII eae. All facts connected witli each case are carefully rworded. whether they be uomnitiiilraterVb letter or in person, or observed by the lloclor or hi assoeiato physician. The latter are all scieutifi medical men. HOY INVALIDS AT A BISTAHCE In rontort. All invalids at a distanco nro required to answer a list of plain ipiesUons, whieh elicits every symptom under which tne invalid sulTcra. 11 coni- tnuUlctumilA lieiliea ricnjy cw-i'ie..,.,.. a wimi system of reuisterina prevents mistakes or confusion. List of questions sent f rije, on application, to any part of tho world. Sixty paso pamphlet of KvniF.KrFj o, also sent free. All these testimonials are trom those who have boen treaUnl by n.ail aud expresi. Advicr in orncE, on 11 fall, fble or cuamui.. Cull ou or address DR. E. B FOOTE, Ho. 120 Lexington Ave., K.Y. VTined to sell VJZotct J!ctm 7bmtTaVc and AfalietU Commcn. Sense: Also J)r Fades Science in Story. ItrJiatfculars address TXmafl GUMisbing Company IWBsHSfc Sr. Berger'i Tonic Bowel and Pile Pills. Theso pills aro an infallible remedy for constipation and piles, caused by weakness or suppression of tho iwristaltio motion of the bowels. Thcyivery gently lnereasa the activity of the intestinal canal, produce soft stools and relieve piles at one. Thousands havo been cured bv them. Prioo 50 cents, sent by mall nn receipt of pi-i'ie. Prepared only by P. ALFUED HBICHAUDT, 1'UAnMACliiX, 4M Fouaiu AYttSUE, Nkw Yoiik City. Sr. Eergar's Compound fluid Extract of Rhubarb and Sandelion. Tho best combination of purely vegetable medldnea to entirely replace Calomel or Blue 1'ill. It stimulates the liver, inoreasoa the flow of bilo. and thni removes at onoe toroiditv of the liver, biliousness and habitual constipation, and tho diseases arising from auch aa dyspspsia, sick headache, flatulence, etc. Thecffeo tivcnndS ot this Extract will be proved, visibly, at once to the patient, as one or two bottles are sufficient to clear the complexion beautifully, and remove pimplei and malm oansod by liver troubles, rnce t i per ixitiie. ft bottles, 85 ; will be sent on receipt of tho price to any address, free of charire. Prepared only by F. ALFRED RBICHAROT, PlUBM&CUX, 4J2 1'OUB IU aVvaacs, MW loan uix. Bakers Sweet Chocolate I'OW ELL & KIME'S. ut Young tnau if you want to add creatly to vour appc iranco go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Graud Cen tral Store, aud get you.self a new white linen bosom shirt. You can rct a good fitting white clean shirt for $1.25 und Jroui that up. Beyer's Poultry Powdor.' uncu 111 iiuic, to cure chicken cholera and Japes. Wllliabupplyofthla 'owder and a bestowal of ordinary attenlloa to cleau llnesa and proper feeding, Willi a needful of Sast.rrit and eggshell-forming material, any one may keep Poultry (even la conSnement) for any length of time, with both profit and pleasure. Package oicts.. five for f 1.00. Ask your dealer. Sent free upoa re ceipt ot price. Addreaa, A. C. METER & CO., DalUmoro Sates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 I 40 00 1" ;5 00 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertions, $2. Uusinees cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. ADVKUTI TIC A kutibinq: Cheap. Uood, Systkma- All persons who contemplate waking contracts with newspapers for the inserliou of advertisements, should send 25 cents to Geo P. Rowell $ Co., 41 Park Row, New York, for their PAMPULliT IiUUK ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at terniendous reduction from publishers rates. Gisi tub book. v no 48 tf 1 NEW T.IVIillY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAK SCR1BNEU WISHES TO IN (orni the Cittzons of Kidgway, and the public gcLerally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES Bujgles, to let upon the most reason ble terms. HQ&,He will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. The Weekly Sun. A large . eight-page independent, honest and fearless CO broad columns, especially designed lor the farmer, thci mo, chnnic, the merchant and the Professional ninn, and their wives and children. We mm to maae tne weekly bus the Dost. family newspaper in the world. It in full of entertaining aud instructive reading of every sort, but prints nothing to offend the most scrupulous aud delicate taste. Price $,'M rcr year, postage prepaid. The cheapest pnper published. Try if Address The ei'ii, Isew lorkCity. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jna- P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V. llouk. District Attorncy--J. K. P, Hall. Sherifl 1). Scull. 1'rotlnnott.ry J o., Fred, Schcening. Treasurer Joseph Windl'elder. County Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, (Jeo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Thomas Irwin N. G. Bundy, County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mors. Phillip riroiglilo Ftiinsom T. Kylor. FOR SALE 15 Y E.K. GRESH, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. ' VA1T VLECK'S CELK 15 RATED l'AXKNT SPKINO KD UKST tempered steel spring v.'iru, these springs can be laid on the slats of a ii j common bed aud are COMl'iXTK IN THEMSELVES t Also ayeut ior Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Running, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE iu tho market. Call ana exiuiine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nl(it'.$, r" YOU WANT TO liUY GOODS CHEAP UO TO JAMES II- II AGEIITY Main Street, Uidgway, Pa. MIY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WABE, TOBACCO AND CIGABR. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Ccii.stuntly ou hand, and sold as cheap us tho CUE A TEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. SEEBS lJt'S i'JKllTS. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cranberry, C, best sort lor Upland, Lowland, or Garden, hy mail prepaid, 81 per 100, $5 pur 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud Peaches. A priced Cata logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Rests, 1'luuts, &c., Dd FRESll FLOWER &. GARDEN SEEDS, tha choicest collection iu the country, with all novelties, will be sent gratis to any plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, ior 81,00, sent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE TRADE Wuoted. Agents B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. Established 184-'. T O THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially iuvited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial L'oard of Finance. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the ereo tion of the buildings for the Internationa Exhibition, and the expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri. olio cornuiemoratiou of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares o stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribors will receive a haudsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing aud preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from dale of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a Nationa, Dank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, FRKU'K FHALEY, Treasurer, UU1 Walnut St., Philadelphia Afi'letons American Cyclopedia that the revised, uud elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages once in two months, is the best Cyoloped ' America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itself. It ouly costs $3 a month t get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest library in the world. Address, 0. K. Judson, Fradonia, N. Y.