The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 02, 1875, Image 3

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Ridgway, P.
2 2 tr.
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office in
Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for
collection promptly attended (o.
Attorneys- at-Lw.
Office in New Brick Building, Main St
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2lf.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for tb
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Go)
Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, doce with
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
octioa guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
lull assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domcstio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
uight. vlu3y
Physician aba Surgeon.
Office iu Drug Store, corner ISroad and
Main Ste. Residence corner Broad Si.
opposite the College. Office hours lroiu
to 10 A. M. and lioiu 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. JiORD WELL, M. 1).,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remov
cd.liiii otiice from Ceiilre street, to Muii st.
Itidgway, Pu in the second story of the
new brick building of John G. Hull, oppo
site Hyde's store,
(jflice hours: 8 to U a- iu: 1 to 2 p, ru. 7
jau U 73
Rjdowav, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCIlilAM, Proprietor.
Thaukful for the patronage heretofore
ho liberally bestowed upon Jinn, the new
I'rcprit'tor, hopes, ty pnying strict a.
(cuiiod tu the comfort and convenience ol
jruuM, to merit a continuance oi tin
Oct 30 18CH.
Kane, JicKoan Co., Pu.
It. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thaukful for the patronage heretufoie so
liberally bestowed upon liiui, the new pro
prietor, hoped, by paying strict attention
iu the com fort and convenience of guests,
io merit a contiuuauce of the same. The
only stable tor horses in Kaue mid well
kept night or day. Hall attached to the
Hotel. vlu23yl.
CGKTBKviLLit, Elk Co., Pa.
Joun Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretotort
co liber illy bestowed upon him, the ncn
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, t merit a couliuuunce of th
l If. HAYS,
Goods, Notions, Groceries.
and General Variety,
Ear It y J O-
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division.
ON and after MONDAY, MAY 24, 1875,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as follows t
KANE ACCOM leaves Kenovo-... 4 85 p m
j-tiuoou.. o oo p tn
" Emporium 6 65 p m
" St Marys... 7 55pm
" " Ridgway... 8 25 p m
" ' Wilcox U 05 p m
arr at Kane.. 9 80 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m
" " Kenovo .11 Oo a tn
" " Emporium 110pm
St. Mary's.. 2 00 p m
" Ridgway 2 25 p in
Wilcox 2 58 p m
" arrive at Erie 7 50 p m
RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00am
" . Wilcox 8 33 a in
" Ridgway 9 25 a m
" 8'. Marys -10 01 a m
" Emporium 1105 am
Driftwood 12 15 p m
Renovo ......... 1 40 d m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" " ' Kane - 8 45 p m
.. . .. Wilcox 4 08 p m
" " Ridgway 4,45 pm
. " St. Mary's 6.10 p m
" Emporium. 0.05 p m
" ' Renovo 8.25 p m
" arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m
Renovo Accom and Kane Acoom connect
ast and west at East with Low Grade Di-
sion and B N i & r K K
Geu'l Sup't.
List of Juron.
Below w give the list of jurors drawE
for the September term of court; Including
(heir occupations, aa provided by the new
1. David S. Johnson Beneielte Laborer.
2 Christopher Leltuer, Benzinger, Farmer.
8 Martin Frits,
4 Xavier Habcrbusolt " Milter.
6 John Kreckel ' Farmer
C George Sell
7 James Black " Supt.
8 J are os J. Taylor Fox, Merchant.
0 J. W. Biddle Stone cutter.
10 James English " Laborer.
11 Horace 8pangenherg
12 Joseph Sohreibcr "
13 John Spooler Blacksmith.
14 Chauncey Brockway Horton Lumberra'n
15 Joseph Rolle ' Earner.
10 Herbert Burclifield Laborer
17 Allen Giles " Farmer.
18 Robert Lothrock Jay Laborer.
19 Josinh R. Morey " Farmer.
20 C. J. Dili " Laborer
21 Alfred Evans " '
22 A. J. Avery " Merchant
23 Isaao Keefer, Jones Carpenter.
24 Joseph Pistner " Farmer,
25 Michael Dill " "
26 Jerome Powell Ridgway Merchant.
27 T. W. Jones " Laborer.
28 0. B. Grant " Tanner.
29 Martin Huber fet. Marys Barber.
80 Louis Giesse " Laborer.
81 Jacob Kraus " 8a'n Keeper.
32 J. E. Weidenbosrner ' Merchant.
88 Fred. Stuerenberg " Laborer.
34 Henry Steurenberg ' Grocer.
35 Peter Wilbelm " Tailor
30 Wm- Hackenberg ' Clerk.
37 Philip Meyer ' Shoemaker.
38 Alex., May hood Spring Ck. Lumberman
39 D. D. Davidson Jobber.
40 George Nicholas " Laborer.
1 George Winslow Benezette Farmer.
2 C. Wainwright " Lumberman.
3 John D Gietner Benzinger Farmer.
4 Frank Facy " Laborer.
5 Anton Bauer Farmer,
b Charles fitter
7 Anthony Bille "
8 Daniel Corbe Fox Carpenter.
9 Henry S Gross " Laborer.
10 John Moore ' "
11 J. A. Miller " Farmer.
12 John Kuntzleman " Carpenter.
13 Patrick Jordan ' Laborer,
14 Jeremiah O'llern " '
15 Jno. C. M'Aliistcr Horton Farmer.
16 J. II. Meffcrt Jones "
17 C. A. Paine " Laboree
18 Anthony Coyle Carpenter.
19 Jas. S. Champion Millstone Farmer.
20 George Crispin " Laborer.
21 D. D. Cook Ridgway, Lumberm'n.
22 W. Galbraith Sp'g Cr'k, Laborer.
23 Jackson Waite " Lumberm'n.
24 William Gies St. Marys. Laborer.
Price, Twenty-Jive Cenlt.
Containing a complet list of all the towns
in the United Slates, the Territories and
the Dominion of Canada, having a popula
tion greater than 5,000 according to the
last census, together with the names of the
newspapers having the largest local circu
lation in each of the places named. Also,
a catalogue of newspapers which are re
commended to advertisers as giving great
est value in proportion to prices charged.
Also, all newspapers in the United States
and Canada printing over 6,0(0 copies
each issue. Also, nil the Religious, Agri
cultural, Scientific and Mechanical, Medi
cal, Masjnic; Juvenile, Educational, Com
mercial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law,
Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and otlu-r
special class journals; very complete lists.
Together with a complete list of over 300
German papeis printed in the United
Stales. Also, an essay upon advertising;
many tables of rates, showing the cost of
advertising in various newspapers, and
everything which a beginner in advertis
ing would like lo know.
Address GKO-P. ROWELL & CO.,
41 Park Row, Now York.
A prominent New York physician lately
complained to DUNDAS DlCtl & CO.,
about their Sandalwood Oil Capsules,
stating that sometimes they cured miracu
lously, but that a patient of his had taken
llioni without effect. On being informed
that several imitations were sold,, he in
quired and found his patient had not beeu
taking DUNDAS DICK & CO'S.
What happened to this physician may
have happened to others, and DUNDAS
DICK & CO.. take this method of protect
ing phyeiciant drnyytttt and t hansel vet, and
preventing Oil of Sandalwood from com
ing into disrepute.
PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the
Cnspusles will continue to do so, for they
contain the pure Oil in the best and cheap
est form
DUNDAS DICK & CO., use more Oil or
SAndallwood than all the Wholesale and
Retail Druggists aud Perfumers in the
United States combined, and this is the
sole reason why the pure Oil is sold
cheaper in their Capsules than in any
other form-
OIL OF SANDALWOOD is fast supered
ing eveiy other remedy, sixty Capsules
only being required to insure a safe and
certain cure in six or eight days. From do
other medicine can this result be had.
LFS solve the problem, long considered by
eminent physicians, so how to avoid the
nausea and disgust experienced in swal
lowing, wuicn ao woii knnwa to detract
from, if not destroy, the good effects of
many valuable remedies.
Soft Capsules are put up lntin-foil and
neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only
Capsules perscribed by physicians.
and many other nauseous medicines can be
taken easily and safely in DUNDAS DICK
6end for Circular to 85 Wooster street,
N. Y.
Valuable and Eesirable Property for Sale,
1MIE subscriber offers for sale the
property now occupied by him as a
residence in the village of Ridgway, Elk
count. Pa. The lot is pleasantly situated
upon Depot street and ooutains 16,000 feet.
Upon it is ereoted a first class TWO-AND-A-HALF
24x32 feet, with addition 16x24 feet; a
Coal House, Ice House, Chicken House
and Barn, There is upon the premises a
Commodious Garden, whicn is well stocked
with Fruit Trees in, bearing condition,
and contains Raspberry, Blackberry, Cur
rant and Asparagus Beds. For terms, &c,.
address. .
jelO-lf Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Grass Scythes, Soylbe Snaths, Hay
Rakes, Hay Forks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades
Picks, Mattocks and all other articles
adapted lo (be season at POWELL &
Office in Thayer &, Hagerty's Block,
Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta-
ml Jyltwrak
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Sunday school at 0:45 A. M. AH are In
vited to attend. '
Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning
Service at 11 A M Class Meeting at 12
M Evening Servloe at 7:30 P M Prayer
Meeting Thursday Evening
Service in Grace Church Sunday next at
the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 6 P. M.
All are cordialy invited to attend. Skats
Frbi to all.
Car Time at Ridgway.
Mail East
do West
ftenovo Accom East
Kane do West
Local East
4:45 P: M.
2 25 P. M.
U:25 A. M
4:45 P. M.
5:40 P. M
do West
8; 20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
passengers, the local does cot.
Lots of chestnuts.
Potato-digging is now next.
The weather is extrencly warm.
The blackberry crop is light this year.
Cheese! Choioa Faatory, at P & K's
Betsie of the Democrat has had another
W. C. Healy has returned from the
Miller soon commences work on his Elk
creek canal.
Remember that the Republioan prima
ries are held on the 18th of September,
W. H. Osterhout harvested, from 23
acres of land, four hundred and two bushels
ef rye, an average of nearly seventeen
and one-half bushels to the acie. Conoid,
ering that several acres of the land is a
steep side kill we call this a very fair av
erage. HORSE RAKES 'Upon a thorough in
vestigation it has been demonstrated that a
good horse rake will save more labor to a
farmer than any other invention of its cost
Anions all the machines of the kind, the
Albion devolving Horse Rako stands
supreme, of which POWELL & KIME are
the Bole agents for this section. Every
person should have one. They are selling
very rapidly
Tho Shootino Affray in Bknzinqer
Townsbip. Joseph Eiegruver, an old man
of seventy-five was arrested on Thursday
morning last by constable Weis on a war
rant from Esq. Brandon, charged with
felonious assault with intent to kill. Upon
the hearing the evidence was deemed suf
ficient to hold the prisoner in $1,000 bail
tor his appearauce at court. Mr. and
Mrs. Whitman, (he parties shot at are not
in any danger of death from the effects of
the wounds received, but they are Buffer
ing from the effects of about twenty shot
in each of their legs. The cause of the
shooting is traced to a quarrel between
Eisgruver and Whitman during the day on
Wednesday. Gazette.
Ct:r.ocral:c County Convention.
Last Tuesday, August Slst 1875 the
"unterrified" met in the Court house ut
eleven o'clock, us ordered by their rules.
Dr. Straissley of Fox was chosen chairman
and John Krug, of St.. Mary's and H. I.
Spangler of Jay secretaries.
The roll of delegates was called, each
district in the coutity being represented
On motion Hon. Jno. G. Hull was de
clared the candidate of the convention for
state Senator with power to appoint hit
own conferees.
Nomination of can didates being next in
order Jacob McCauley of Fox and James
McClelland of Hoi ton were placed in
nomination for Treasurer; the result of the
ballot was, McCauley 17 and McClelland 6,
which gave McCauley the nomination and
it was so declared.
For Commissioner Geo. Reisher, of Ben
unger Chas. H. Hoffman, of Millstone,
Washington Gilbraith of Spring Creek,
Michael Weidert of Jones, John C. Mc
Callister, of Hoiton, were placed in nom
ination. One ballot was taken whioh re
sulted in no choice when the convention
adjourned until alter dinner.
At half-past one the convention re-assembled
The name of W. II. Hyde was added to
the list o f nominees for Commissioners.
The second ballot resulted In the nom
ination of Geo. Reisher, of Benzinger.
On the third ballot Chas. II. Hoffman
was declared nominated.
Fred Schoening was nominated Pro
thonotary etc, by acclamation.
Eugene Lents of .St. Marys, was nomin
ated County Surveyor by acclamation.
R. I. Spangler of Jay aud W H Hydo of
Ridgway were nominated for County Audi
tors. O. B. Grant was unanimously chosen
chairman of the County Committee for the
inBuing year.
The Convention then adjourned sine die.
Last Sunday night Reynoldsville, Jeffer
son sounty, was almost destroyed by fire.
The loss is estimated at $100,000. The
fire is supposed to be the work of an in
cendiary We will give full particulars in
our next issue.
Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Liueo, Alapaca aud sum
mer Cashhier at P & K's
la Townsend township, Iluroo
county, N. Y., leside Mrs. Elizabeth
Trimmer, who was born oo the very dav
tho eigoiog of the Declaration of In
dependence. She was one of a family
of eleven and ia the sole survivor. Her
grandmother attaiued the age of 110
and her mother that of 100. Mrs. Trim
mer stills retains all bar faculties and
hopes that next year she will be alive
and well enough to be present at the
Centennial exposition.
J1 ruin (he BruitJurU L j j.aui juru.
Railway Project.
a bio combination new coal route
opened to buffalo what it
A late number of tho Elk County
(Pa.) Democrat states that a consolida
tion has been effected between Buffalo,
Brad 'O d and "Pittsburgh ltailway Com
pany (formerly the Elk & McKean
Company,) the Daguscahonda Improve
ment Company, the Brandy Camp llail
road Company, the Northwestern Min
ing & Exchange Company, and the in
terests known as the Shawmut property.
By this consolidation it is proposed to
open up a road from Wilcox to Buffalo
and Rochester, and thus furnish an out
let for the mineral wealth of that part
of Pennsylvania to the west via Buffalo,
and to the east via Rochester. The
consolidated company comes at once
into tho possession ol the 2Gb miles of
the finished road of the Buffalo, Brad
ford & Pitsburgh, five miles of Dagus
cahonda road, and the sixteen miles of
the Shawmut road, together with a
large number of engines, cars, and
many thousand acres of coal and timber
What this means.
' It apPears that the Erie Railroad
Company owns 1,200 acres of coal lands
in Elk county, Pa., known as the Shaw
mut lands, which it bought four years
ago for 61,000 000. These lands are
situated sume fitly or sixty miles west
of Emporium and are at preseut accessi
ble to Buffalo only by the B., N. Y. &
P. and Philadelphia & Etie roade by a
long circuitous route. The new route
which it is proposed by the consolida
tion to open, would be much shorter.
It would include the Buffalo & James
town Railroad from Buffalo to Dayton,
thence cast on the Erie road to Carrol
ton, and thence south on the Buffalo,
Bradford & Pittsburgh roud to Giles
villa. All this road is now built and iu
operation. There would remain to bo
built the link between Gilesville and
Wilcox, which in a direct lino is about
28 miles. With this constructed a
much shorter route from tho Shawmut
coal lands to Buffalo would be opened
than at present exists.
The other parties in this consolida
tion, such as the Brandy Cump Rail
way Company and the Daguscahonda
Improvement Company, are works of no
great importance within tba Shawmut
coal land region.
Whether or not this consolidation has
been or will be formed may be a ques
tion through the Elk county papers speak
of it as an accomplished fact. We may
add, however, that another project has
been formed for reaching the same
lands. It is simply the extension of the
McKean branch of the Buffalo, New
York & -Philadelphia road from Bishop
Summit, which is at the Buffilo Coal
Couipauy'y lands, to Johusonburg, a
distance of thirty-two miles. This
would open a route from the Shawmut
lands to Buffalo as direct as the first one
mentioned, and its friends claim the
new roud would bo necessary to build
would be much less difficult rade.
At any rate the completion of coal
routes is pretty sure to bring soft coal
to Buffalo at the bottom rates. BuJJalo
Buffalo will yet discover there is
coal in McKean county. She has an
inkling of it but it look a loug time to
find out what little is known-
Eiijhteen years ago the Buffalo,
Bradford & Pittsburgh Railroad was
talked of and some money furnished to
explore Lie land lor coal. Car load af
ter cur load was shipped to Buffalo, but
it was opculy declared that the coal was
not tukco from Mclieau county,
J. ne editor ol this paper was associa
ted with Dr David Jfaio Owen m niak
ing a geological survey and report, and
every statetrent coutained therein has
been proved by actual exploration and
mining, finally a road 'was built
tLrougti Cattaraugus county, N. Y., aud
Potter and Cameron counties, Pa., to
open up the McKean county coal.
Of course it was a failure so far as
McKean county coal was concerned,
and this blunder was remedied by add
ing a branch running within six miles
of the B., B. & P. Railroad, and now
known as the Buffalo & McKean Rail
The Buffalo. New York & Philadel
phia R. R. and its extension the Buffalo
Si McKean, are paying institutions, and
tho men who built them did much for
The Buffalo & Jamestown is also a
profitable feeder to Buffalo, and its pro
jeeiors deserve great credit, but it is
well understood that the old B. B. &
P. R. R. would have answered nearly
tb purpose ol both, and made Buffalo a
great manufacturing city more than a
dozen years ago.
Our flowing oil wells are within
seventy miles of Buffalo via Erie and
UuffaloiX Jamestown roads.
Will Buffalo becotue the seat of oil
refineries, or shall Jamestown, N. Y.,
- a. i ,
vuuuuue iu iuuu in iuis mailer.
Olean is already agitating the er
ection of a pipe line to bring our oil
within i each of oompeting railroad lines
and canal.
Buffalo mnst wake up and see that a
dozed years hence she shant regret her
unbelief in McKean conety oil, as she
does her want of faith in McKean
county coul. .
If you pay for goods when you buy
them, you will never be troubled with
the nigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be
sweet your dreams pleasant, and your
wife and children will greet you with a
tmile in the morning. Go to Powell
& Kimo's model store with your cash,
get more than its value and go borne
satisfied. They have adopted the cash
system, and tay it is working charm
If you want a bag of feed, or a
bushel ol potatoes or a barrel or sack of
flour or even a small sack ot uranam
flour, it will tav vou to steD into P &
I W m
K's and examine their price and goods
An editor of great experience and
close observation says that a pngo of
solid, torse trade advertisements is gen
erally a map of a hundred men's capa
bilities in life. When we contemplate
doing business in a distant towu we
take up the paper of that town and from
its local advertising columns we get a
true picture of the mon we have to deal
with, a complete record of tho town, its
commerce its home trade, the facilities
of its store-keepers, its banks, and in al
most every case we can estimate the
character and feelings of the men wh0
are soliciting publio trade. The adver
tising page is a map of the town, record
of its municipal character, a business
coDftssioo of the citizens, and instead of
being the opinionated production of one
man it is freighted with the life
thoughts of a huudred.
Every man is to a certain extent a
mercantile establishment, and so lar as
tho business of soiling labor in returu
for money is concerned, it should be
conducted on the same basis. A family
is a social business firm of itself, aod
the head of the family requires all the
commercial sagacity displayed by a
New York merchant, only as lar as the
circumstances alter the case. A wise
man goes to the best market. Speak
ing ot these things ws must trace the
true cause of individual and genera
prosperity to tho advertising columns of
the inevitable county newspaper.
It you want any bl'ched or brown
muslins, from to 10-4 wide any
juality, go to head-quarters, Powell &
Ki rue's and select to your taste.
The-Modern Wonder. Expei
enced people are fouud wondering how
so perfect a sewing machine as the Wil
son Shuttle can bo made so perfect iu
every part, so thoroughly adapted to
the requirements of family sewing, and
yet be sold lor twenty dollars less than
any other first-class machine. The rea
son is easy and plain; with a fair profit,
because the most perfect machinery is
used iu its construction. The splendid
establishment, of the Company, and its
tu men so busiucss, is the best evidence
that this policy has beeu a success. Ma
chines will bo delivered at any railroad
station iu the couuty, freo of transporta
tion charges, if ordered through the
Company's Branch II o line at 1127 & 329
Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
They seud an elcgaut catalogue and
chromo circular tree on application.
This Company wunt a few more
good agents. A. Cuiutuings, Ridgway,
Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the com
pany at this place to whom all orders
should be addressed.
Our Tj.mmkr Intmiests. Read
what the Clearfield Rijtullicun think
about it: The recent rise iu our
streams has inured to the substantial
benefit of our coutity after all, nothwith-
standing the low pricts received for
square tiuibir. About threu hundred
rails were sint to market, averaging
5,000 feet, making in ull l,5U0,OUO feet
atau average often cents per tout, mak
ing a return ol not less than $150,000.
We also sent about 100,000,000 Icet ol
logs to market, which will yield a re
turn of $300,000 to tho owners. At
least one-third of the logs ncre owned
by out owu citizens, and the balance by
Lcck Haven aud W illiumsport parties.
Now, bad these sales been made 'or
cash, the trumaction would be visibly
felt although much of the lumber, was
sold below cost, but the greater pottiou
having been sold on three, ai'd tix
months time, the commercial i
stiil low and deptessed. A large num
ber of raits wcie sold for less than it
cost to manufacture them and run them
to market. This is a little rough when
we take ioto consideration the fact, that
stumpage has heretofore been worth
from six to ten oonts, within reasonable
distance irotu the river and Clearfield
creek. The owners ot timber had bet
ter let it remain ou the stump, than
give it away aud only be rewarded for
their labor. They had better put in
their time at somethiug elsa and not
waste so much valuable raw material.
Go tu work, and raise wheat, corn, oats,
potutots, etc., and a panic, if it does
come, will not make them led half as
We notice ou Powell & Kimo's plat
form an assortment of those celebiated
Gowauda Plows, Cultivators &e.
Sheriff Rotheruiel, says the Sunbury
Gazette, accompanied by Peter W.
Gray, Thomas Gauuon, John Weaver
and William Faust, last Saturday morn
ing, proceeded to Philadelphia with
nine prisoners for the penitentiary, con
victed and sentenced last week. The
sheriff reports the penitentiary as more
than lull, there being something over
five hundred cells in it, aud more thau
five hundred prisote s now incarcerated
within its walls. The authorities at
that institution informed the sheriff
that no more prisoners could be taken,
and that tho judges of the different dis
tricts would be io formed to that effect.
Under such - circumstances what a de
lightful time the sheriff of this county
will have in accommodating and retain
ing the rapidly accumulating prisoners
in our old hulk of a jail. And yet the
grand jury think there is no urgent
necessity for a new jail.
liamson and Jackson counties, Illinois,
over the doings of a band of despera
does who infest that region, who go
about disguisod as ku-klux, whipping
peaaeable people aod compelling them tu
obey their dioiates. On Monday night
a party of fourteen of (he outlaws paid a
visit to the house of J. B Maddox one
f the commissioners of Jackson county,
with the intention of chastising him fcr
disobedience of orders, but were met by
the sheriff of the county, with a posse of
thirty men, when a fight ensued, iu
which one of tho outlaws was mortally
wounded and five others injured, tho
former beiug captured. He is said to
have given information which will lead
to the capture of the criminals. The
citizens of both counties are arming aui
as the band is said to number soma
four hundred men, some bloody work
is anticipated.
A story comes from Boston of the
orgauization there of a new party. The
reader will probably smile, as he docs
eveiy day when a new party is an
uounced, but this is nut a thing to smile
at. It is altogether too important, and
besides it originates in Boston, and who
shall laugh at anything which starts
(here. This new party is called the
Nationul Union party and its plutform is
thus epitomized; The issues ol the war
are past, aud reconciliation is a fact.
Let the currency alone, and build up
the credit ot the nation until its notes
are worth dollar for dollar. Put honest
men in office, save the millions now be
ing stolen, and pay off the national debt.
This party is to run General Banks for
President and Congressman Lamar for
Mouteral, Canada, August 20 This
morning's Gazette, contains a lengthy arti
cle on the crops in Ontario and Quebec.
The root orops are a success. Barley, wheat
and corn are about the average, in many
localities, and have uot been much damaged
by the late rains and frost,
Cincinnati, August 26 The mother of A
H Snyder, of Springfield, 111a., while carry,
ing an infant down stairs stumbled and
fell fifteen feet crushing the skull of the
child causing instant death and badly in
juring herself. The body of the child was
brought here for burial. Mrs Snyder it is
hoped will recover
San Francisoo, August 26. An olhcia
notioe has beeu issued by the Secretary of
State, communicating that in accordance
with the Stale law the incorporators of the
National Telegraph have deposited with
the State Treasurer the sum of $760,000.
being the first installment of the amount of
cupiul subscribed,
Albany, N Y Aug 20. At a late hour
last evening, the authorities were notified
that the the , deuJ body of a man had been
found at Kenwood Flats, a mile below this
city The body was fastened to a tree by a
rope round the neck The throat was cm
aud three bullot holes were found on the
person As yet no clue hue beeu found to
the perpetrators of the horrible crime.
An Illinois Judgo has lately decided
that teachers and directors cunoot ex
pel a pupil from the public schools ou
account ot absence, ou the grcuud thut
a child docs not become the creature or
slbve of teachers by being enrolled, tho
parents having the right to scud their
children to school only as they can
spare them from borne.
According to cable reports they have
a new epidemic in Naples which seems
to be comuiing this way, aud to be pre
paring to make a tour of the world as
a kind of supplemental scourge to the
cholera. It is a spasmodic, intermittent
lever in the outset, lapsing afterwards
into a continuous fever, uud aguin be
coming intermittent. It is accompanied
with iuflamation of the spleen aud brain.
There is also a comatose stupor, suc
ceeded by what seems to be a recovery
of health, but the next day tho paticut
is attacked again, sinks iuto a coma,
and dies. Sicuce, so far, bus failed to
cure a single case.
On Wednesday ruoioiug, soys tho
Shamokin Herald, Absolotu Hovcrler
was mowing grass with his scythe, ou
bis place nearRingtowu. He bad with
him in the field a bright little sun, aged
about four years. At noon he came to
thu house for dinner, bringing the boy
with him, but while the parents were
eatiug, tho littlo fellow slipped off and
went the little fellow slipped off aud
went back to the field. Shortly after
be was missed, and on his father return
ing to the field in search of him, he
found the boy laying alongside ot the
scythe with Lit throat cut from eat to
car, bleeding to death. The horror
stricken parent picked the child up,
but in a few moments after he was dis
covered he was dead. The grief and
sorrow of the afflicted family can be bet
ter imagined than described It is sup
posed the accident happened through
the boy taking hold ot the scythe to
imitate the work of bis father aud theu
falling on the blade.
White, Powell & Cc.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, August 24th 1870. j
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