The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 26, 1875, Image 4

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Mnllral Notm.
Ivy TotftoNTNa. Sve(t oil rubbed on
llio ekiu in Raid to bo a sure antidoto for
ivy puiHuuing.
(Uitor.E Fon Relaxed Sonn TnnoAT.
C.iyeiino lwpiicr garglo, five onuces ; in
fusion of runes, ouo ouueo. Mix.
Ini-usion op Hops. Hops, two
ounces; boiling water, quiii tor pint ; Rouk
for four hours. Dofmi, half a wino glnsa
ful. Liko Ituss or East India, nlo this
is a gK)d tonic.
Wiioofio Couon, Tnko powdered
ciiuthiiridos, powdered camphor, of ench
0110 scruple; struct of bnrk, throo
iliiicliinn. Hub these well together, and
divido into powderi of eight grnius eneh.
Doso ouo every three or four hours.
To bo used only iu advanced stages of
tho disease.
The I5est Food. It may bo interest
ing to know, says Dr. O. Moore in a
reeont work, that tho best animal food is
the llesh of tho Bheep, and tho best of
vegetables that of wheat. We Lave rea
son to believo thnt under divine instruc
tion these wero both cultivated by tho
iirst human family, and wo cannot doubt
that their cultivation is Btill essential to
civilization. The variety and proportion
of tho ingredients iu a pound of wheateu
Hour will give us a clear idea of the
value of wheat as food : Water, 2 ounces,
10G grains ; gluten, 2 ounces, 21 grains ;
albumen, 120 grains; starch, S) ounces.
212 grains; sugar, 3N5 grains; gum, 11!)
grains; fat, 84 grains; liber, 119 groins;
ashes (salts), 112 grains. These are ex
actly suited to furnish what is wanted to
sustain tho human body in health and
How lo light the Army Worm.
Tho worms may bo prevented, as a
general thing, from passing from one
Held to another, by judicious ditching.
It is important, however, that the ditch
should bo made so that tho field of grain
to bo protected should be dug under.
About every three or four rods a deep
hole, iu tho ditch should bo made, so
that they can be killed by covering them
with earth and pressing it. All along
the ditch, on tho side of tho field to be
protected, a space from three to five
feet should be thoroughly dusted (when
tho dew is on) with a mixture of paris
green and plaster of paris or flour, so
that every worm which succeeds in
crossing the ditch will bo killed by feed
ing upon plants so treated. This mix
ture should bo iu tho proportion of one
part of pure paris green to twenty-five
or thirty parts of tho other materials
named. If used in a liquid form, ono
tablespoonful of paris green to a bucket
of water, kept well stirred, will answer
the same purpose. Logs or fences over
running streams should bo removed,
otherwise -worms will cross on them.
Ki-rping Poultry In Ori'linrilx.
Home farmers make it a practice to
keep their poultry in their orchards
from early spring until cold weather sets
in ; and they find thot it pays for doing
so. A picket feneo should bo built
around the orchard, high enough to
prevent their Hying over, with suitable
buildings placed in one corner of the
yard to shelter them at night. Thus
situated, tho poultry will thrive and
prosper, keeping them in good condi
tion, and tho increase of eggs will be
greatly augmented and their usefulness
cnliuiiced to their owners at least, on ac
count of tho myriads of insects and
worms they destroy, and which will more
than repay tho cost and labor of building
tho fence. By keeping them inclosed
in this manner, a largo number of fowls
jnay be retained iu tho orchard, aud tho
continual scratching which is dono by
fhem will prove advantageous both to
the soil and frees themselves. Colonial
'(' .
Win-sit Wi-cvlU nml .Moth.
After wheat is thrashed aud put away
in t he bins it is not sale from the attacks
of insects. Perhaps tho most common
and destructive kind in this country is
the red grain weevil. It is a small beetlo
of a pib'liy red color, and attacks wheat
after it is stored, eating out tho iusido
of the kernel ; heneo it is not easily de
tected except by handling tho grain or
submitting it to a slight pressure, tho
shell readily breaking when touched.
This weevil is sometimes exceedingly
numerous about old barns in tho Middle
States, and considerable care is neces
sary to preserve seed wheat iu good con
dition for sowing. Infested barns
should bo well cleansed every season bo
foro now grain is put in, even to fumi
gating with burning sulphur, as well as
dusting tho cracks about the bins with
tho samo substance.
How lo Mintage Old Potatoes.
At this season of the year somo farmers
are at a loss to know how to dispose of
their surplus potatoes, and for this rea
son many are allowed to remain iu tho
cellars unt il spoiled and are then brought
out and thrown away. I will inform
them of a method long practiced by
some of tho best farmers in tho country.
Iu Juuo tho potatoes are taken out of
tho cellar and carried into a shed cliam
ber and spread on tho dry floor, and al
lowed to remain through the hot weath
er. They shrivel, but do not rot nor
sprout. Iu tho hot part of the summer,
when tho food becomes short, theso
shriveled potatoes are fed out to the
cows; they increase the flow of milk
very much aud are preferred by the cows
to new potatoes.
Tlilnit. Worth Knowliift.
Keep tea in a close chest or canister.
Keep coffee by itself, as it's odor affects
other articles.
Keep bread and cake iu a tin box or
stone jar.
Cranberries will keep all winter in a
firkin of water in a cellar.
September and October butter is tho
best for winter use.
Oraugesand lemons keep best wrapped
in. soft paper and if possible laid in a
Tho United States standard gallon
measures 231 cubio inches.
A barrel contains forty gallons or
9,120 cubic inches.
t'oru ttlnlkn a manure.
My experience is that corn stalks are
worth ouo dollar per acre to the land.
Flow under for three years in succession
one part of a field of clay ground, and
burn the stalks on the other ; the third
year yon can see the difference almost in
tho row.
A Difference.
" If you daro to play marbles for
keeps again," said Mr. Hurtlescamp to
his eldest boy, " I'll whip you within an
inch of your life." And then Mr.
Iliu tlescauip went on 'change, and lifted
up his voice at tho call board, and raised
his hand and shook it iu tho air, and got
red iu tho face as ho cried: " Sixty
neveu f sixty-seven 1 for fifty thousand
cash or July 1 Put up or shut up !
Sixty -seven cents a bushel, cash !"
When u man teJJs tho naked truth, ho
must givo tho bare facts,
Nhe Tells the Story of Her Trln to tho Conn.
try-,lonu All Nllit.
Mrs. A., who resides in ono of tho fine
mansions of Bostou, liked the reading of
one of thoso advertisements that appear
daily in the papers, which told of a love
ly spot which was " just tho place to
spend a few weeks in summer," no she
corresponded at onco with tho parties,
and made arrangements to go up and
board with them, but forgot to add when
she would be there. One morning phe
left Boston on tho first train, after re
ceiving a promises from her husband
that ho would soon join her. About
two in tho afternoon she reached, as she
thought, her placo of destination, but
upon inquiry found that there were five
hours rido by stage in store for her.
This announcement quite nettled hor, as
in giving directions this fact had not
been mentioned, but she engaged pas
sage on tho stage, which proved to be a
two-seated wagon, on which she started
oft' alone, with ono of those good-natured
though rough stage drivers often found
in the country, who know everybody's
business, talk with their passengers as
though they wero old acquaintances, and
persist iu asking questions until they
have learned their names, where they are
from, where they are going, and how
long they intend to stay. He at once
entered into conversation with Mrs. A.,
in the usual style, and when ho learned
where she was going and for what pur
pose, he gave a low whistle aud said :
" Wol, I guess I can reckon on you for a
passenger back to morrow." When she
questioned her informaut as to what he
knew of the placo and people, ho said :
" Oh, they are good enough, I sposo,
but it is ttm louesomest place you ever
saw." She was feeling very homesick
when they drovo up to a large farm
house, a desolate looking placo, with no
paint on tho bnildiugs, not a blind on
tho house, half of the windows were
without curtains, and thero was not a
treo or shrub or flower to be seen in the
little field that inclosed thisdreary habi
tation. It was hard work to keep back
the tears, while she begged the driver not
to leave her there, but he said : " Why,
dear woman, to stop here is tho only
thing you can do, for there is not a hotel
within ten miles ;" so with a heavy heart
she alighted, tired and hungry, and the
driver rapped away on tho front door
with his whip, but received no response,
so they went around to the back door,
aud thero encountered a man with a pail
full of milk in each hand. Upon being
informed who the new comer was, the
farmer said : " Wal, now, that's tu bad?
Wo didn't think you'd come so soon,
and my old woman lias gone oway ; but
never mind, she'll li3 hero in tho morn
ing." Before the driver left the lady
spoke low, and charged him not to for
get her on the morrow, for she would
return with him. When left alone with
tho farmer, he invited her into tho house
and showed her supperless to her room;
but what a room it was no carpet on
the floor, no paper on tho walls, not a
lock on ono of tho doors. As soon as
she was left olono she threw herself on
tho bed ami cried herself to sleep. When
she rose the next morning, sho saw a
female gliding about the house, and
upon inquiry learned to her horror
that sho had been left alone iu that great
house all night, while the host drove
twenty miles away after his "old
womau." Soon after the stage came
rattling along, and despite tho urgent
entreaties of the homespun couple, Mrs.
A. jumped aboard, and sho now de
clares that it was tho happiest moment
of her life when sho was once more seat
ed behind tho good natured stage driver.
A Dein'iy Fond.
A deadly personal feud in Texas has
just been abated by tho death of one of
the parties. Theso were two doctors,
Ma'lette and Manning, practicing in the
neighborhood of Serbin. There were
professional jealousies between them,
and they hated each other as only pro
fessional rivals can. Somo months ago
they met, ami, agreeing to have it out,
went to a shop, selected each a knife aud
seeking nn open place, began a deadly
duel. They wero separated before either
was mortally wounded, each vowing fu
ture vengeance. They recovered slowly
from their wounds. Manning's head had
been almost severed from his body, anil
during his recovery he became fearfully
deformed, his head being drawn, by the
cutting of the muscles, out of its natural
position. Ho retired to Bell county
while convalescing, still nursing his
wrath against Mallette, who, upon his
part, was no more forgiving. No sooner
was Manning domiciled in his old homo
than his enemy sought him with a gun.
Manning, however, was ready for him,
and shot him dead as soon as he made
his appearance. No Corsican vendettas
wero ever more implacable than some of
these quarrels in the Southwest.
Results of the Failure,
Not a half hour passes, says a London
correspondent of tho Trintne, that I do
not hear of cases of distress arising from
the failure of Duucan, Shomiauv- Co.
Many of tho holders of the paper are
wealthy and will sutler only a temporary
inconvenience. The telegraph will aid
them to open new credits, and iu a day
or two they will have money again. But
probably tho majority of the losers are
persons to whom the event will bo a real
hardship, as they have no reservo fund
upon which to rely. I have heard of a
lady who came to Europe a few months
ago intending to reside here and educate
her children, as sho could do so much
more cheaply than iu New York. She
deposited all her money what her hus
band had left her at his death with
Duncan, Sherman & Co., and took their
letters of credit. She went! to make a
draft, and you well know what news she
received. Sho has not 10 in her pos
session, and there aro rent and school
bills duo. Sho has no wealthy friends
hero or iu America, and what will she
do? Is it strange that her excitement
aud alarm are so great that some of her
friends apprehend insanity ?
Russia nml the United States.
Tho Courtier kx Etals I'nig throws
some light upon tho apparent coolness
of Kussia toward our Centennial exposi
tion. Says the Courricr: Mr. Jewell,
postmaster general, was United States
Minister at St. Petersburg when the
invitation was presented to the govern
ment of the emperor to take purt in the
exposition, and he gives two explanations
of the refusal with which it was met.
First, said he, tho czar does not wish to
accept the invitation of a private corpora
tion, even when it is trausuiittod by a
sovereign government. Then, he thinks
that one exposition in ten years is
enough for the industrial strength of
Itussiu. That of Vienna, which took
place only three years ago, showed that
Kussia was by no means a productive
country to tho samo extent as several
other States, and ho deems it uuwiso to
engagu at much expense in a new enter
prise of tho same kind, from which no
moral or material advantage for his
Stales could result.
Import nml Kxpnrln of n YenrA Tnblo
Thnt I IntereHilna, nnd Worth Preserv
ing The imports nnd exports of tho United
States for the fiscal year ending June 30,
1875, are thus reported by tho United
States bureau of statistics :
The following tablo will show tho
values of the leading articles imported
the last fiscal year, compared with tho
corresponding year 1871 :
1H74. "
1, (11 4,lll'.l
'21, II '2,2:14
2, '274,7III)
Sill, 111(1
IH, 414,7'.i:l
:i, 7iii, mi
H, ll:lii.4ll!l
I, 755,5:l'.
II. 2.5,11(15
Gold roll (19,
silver com iy
Hold bullion...
Silver bullion
t' mil drug
Coffee ,
Ten ,
,t am. i : I
llidin ami aaina, not runt.. IK,
r ur akins. miflrpaacd
Pnppr inalprlals
lliittnna, nil kinds
Kaucy good
Frniia, itu'lmlilig nuta
lvrfmiipry and cosmetic . .
lrpeioiiB atones
Jewelry of Rold anil ailwr..
Itiilia ruldter, crude
India rubber, maiiilfa. of..
Brum, niatiilfiirturoa of . . . .
.fill 2, 107
Copper, nmnufActurcK of
t'ottpn, uianul'fu'ttiri'H of.
i 27,
Flax, inanuliictiiri-N of 17,
Hemp, manufacture of. . .. :i,
Iron and atcel, nuimirp. of. 1H,
.lute, iiinnutai-turca of il,
Lead, manufiictttrea of 1,
Leather, manufactures of,
including kid gloves It),
Silk, raw 4,
51 14, III IIS
Kll.1.11 5
Silk, manufactures of
Tin. lnanufacturen of
Tobacco, manufactures of..
Wines, spirits and cordials.
Malt li.piora
tllass and glassware .,
Opimu and extract of
Molitascs anil tucliido
Stone and chinaware
Wood and manufactures of
Wool, mid manufactures of 55.
Straw and palm leaf, and
manufactures of
Human hair, aud manufac
tures of
Coal, bituminous 1,
Spices, all kinds g,
The annexed tablo will show tho value
of the principal articles of American
growth and manufacture exported for
the year ended Juno 30, 1875, compared
with the year ended Juno 30, 1871 :
Onmmnditle. 1H75. 1H74. implements. ., j)ii2.i,:)72 $:i,(Wi,7.i:i
Animals, living 2,6ns,'.ni :i,:iiu,:ws
llreadstlllTs 11 1,455,11115 lfll,J!M,Hli4
Cotton, mw l!Ni.i;;iN,Hii 221,22M,.isii
Cotton, mniiiiliictiiris of . .. 4,IIJ1,7MB II, O'.i.i.hiii
Coal, bituminous l,7sii,12il aj:ilios4
IiniRs, clicmic.ils, etc 2,4ii:i,i):J5 a' j'M 5.1:1
Fruits, fc-recu ond dried. . .. 1,ll:w,5'iil 'll'.ljllcj
Furs anil fur skins 4,wn,44 a :rit :ir..i
Hides and skins, not fur. . . 4,7211,725 2aqi':in-
Manurea (Ui!,:i7 "um.mti!
3l,Wii,7!:i 4:i,12l,('.'i7
'l cake .l,i:iN,:inn 4.ii'.i,.,:i'.0
Provisions 7!,:l42,:i2i 7h,2'J'.i,o(
Iti sill and turpeutiue 2.774,4'H 3 010,4:11
S'eds 1.227.SS7 (m.",:i.17
Sewing machines I,71i7,c?!l 1 5'.t 2"0
,,'l0,',;f I,222,:il4 l!lHl7ii7
1'iKiilled spirits :i4;i,!iis l.iiu.i'.io
Spirits turpeutiue 1,H2I,.H4 2,75H,'.:i
sugar 2,iil(),i75 o.j7:i:i
J"lsses 1,1H.-.,!IH2 Sil'.'.'.iT'i
""P" l,2Stl,4!7 27,'.l'l
lanow 5,Ot)2,2n;l 8,1:15,1120
llmsH, und iiiHiiiifactiiri's of 1,ikki,('i2!i 5n:i .1:11
Heinp.iind nmuiilnctuics of Wl'.i.mi l,14:)!i.v.i
lrou, aud manufactures of l(i.'i:i,nr,i D.57M,'.i4
Steel, unit niauiifactlii-esof. 0,.T.i2,H5O a.ilill.'.liiil
Leather, aud manufs. of. .. 7,1124,11:1 4,7ii,51S
Viood.and mauufacillres of n,0.M'.l,2!l4 21 121,721
Wool, aud maiiulacliires of 215,208 'liiiVJOS
Tobacco, leaf 25,211,5411 So.axi'lMl
Tobacco, manufactures of.. 2,710,217 2 7:17 7:1"
(JuickMlvcr l.o-.V.n; 'bhi,221
UoMcuiu 5i,3'l!l,770 2i,"0l,!'4 I
Silver coin 5,115,071) 4,55.1,418
Hold bullion 2,2:13,775 3.818,543
Silver bullion 17,lll7,lti4 22,41)8,782
Tho following will show the value of
breudstulls exported in detail :
Darley $0I,:W5
lireud and biscuit 010,0112
Indian corn 24,450,11:17
Indian com meal 1,2:hi,5:i:i
oil , 2110,6:17
I'.vc 1(14, 5:0
Hvo llour 5l,!i';4
Wheat r!i,0u7jxi;;t
Wheat Holir 2:1,710,074
Oilier Mu:i!l grain and pulse 804,214
.M..iz:Ua, farina, etc..,,.,, . 304,153
2'.', 25m,
Ilacon and liani
lie. t
('hep.-'u ,. .
Condensed luilk
i n, all kinds
.. 2V!:l,'.W() 33.383,11118
.. 4,IU7,10 2,050,070
.. 1,500,704 l,ml2,:iM
.. 13,0511,501 ll,8i8,lill,1
... 12.1,505 70,018
8,713 K .j;i3
. 2.1I1I4.1II3 2.023.8 1
i ..ii u . .
. 22,ll,4Hli 111,3118,011)
M'a(H, preserved 735.1 1'i
84 8,2411
Oysters 1711.250
l'leklea and sauces 18,800
Pork 6,071,40.1
Oiiiolisw 51.2511
Potatoes 522,144
Oilier vegetables 137,300
, vKeiaoies, prepared or
32,033 411,390
The value given for domestic exports,
except coin and bullion, is currency.
The value given for imports is gold.
Tho value of foreign commodities ex
ported from tho United States during
the year was 22,374,710, against $23,
780,338 tho previous year. The value of
foreign merchandise remaining in tho
warehouses of the United States on Juno
30, 1875, was $50,70G,221, against $59,
GUD,0(i3 in 1871.
Post-oince Boxes.
Is thero a postal law or regulation
limitiug the uso of post-office boxes to
tho firm or parties who rent them, and
to their clerks and immediate family ?
Iu other words, are persons, friends of
tho owner of a box, allowed to have their
mail matter put in that box if they have
the owner's permission ? If there is
such a law prohibiting this, pray what is
the penalty incurred for breakiugsit ?
lieply. Tho United States postal
regulations, page 185, sec. l'J8, limit tho
uso of a box or drawer to one family,
firm or company. Sec. 201 provides that
ho may have letters addressed to a friend
staying lawfully with him placed iu tho
box if directed to his care or to tho num
ber of the box, but letters addressed to
other persons residing in tho samo place
and living and doing business separate
and apart from tho box-holder aro not
entitled to its use. Thero is no penalty
attached to tho receiver, this being a
regulation or simple instructions issued
to the postmaster. If ho doos not obey,
tho penalty may bo his dismissal from
otlieo. If ho chooses to allow tho privi
lege in tho face of his orders, tho re
ceiver may avail himself of it without
All Uoue.
MeParis had prepared himself for a
home dinner to his liking. He sat down
in his dining room at peace with all the
world, and said : " Now, Hannah, bring
the cold mutton. No hot meat for me
this weather." Hannah hesitated for a
minute, and said : " Hut I done give it
away, sir." " Give it away I Give my
dinner away ?" " Yes, sir. You suid it'
any tramps called I was to give them
the cold shoulder." MeParis took some
of his wife's chops instead, but he be
lieves Providence has a mysterious way
of curing for the poor.
A party of bathers at Hingham were
surprised, the other day, by a largo siz
ed Beul which suddenly lifted its solemn
face above tho water in tho midst of tho
group. Never having seen such an ani
mal before, they made for shore in hot
haste, ouo of them partly fuiigiug from
fright, aud having to be towed ashore
by his companions.
Items r Interest from Home nnd Abroml.
The Euglwli Morcautile Bliipping bill drawn
nply Sir Cliatlcs Aildcrley after Mr. rilnisoll'e
demonstration, and jiaeocd by tlio House of
Commons, has Anally panned the nonue of
Iord Iiitclligenoe from Boulh America
is to the effoct that tho State of Colombia was
on the brink of a revolution The fnnoral
of Haim ChriHtinn Amlornen, at Copenhagen,
Denmark, was nttomlod by the king and royal
family, oflioctH of tho government, rnproHOUta
tivns from all parts of the country aad mem
bers of all Kind of societies, forming an Im
mense crowd. All bnsinosa in the town was
BtiHpoudud Tho army worm appeared In
immoiiso lmmbors at StiHHjpx, Now llrunewick,
on the govornmont railroad lino cast of St,
John, and their ravagos have created wide
spread alarm. Fields of grain were attacked
and destroyed iu a hort time. Horse rollers,
rim over the road whore they crossed, did not
liercoptibly losseti their numbors. A telegram
from St. Andrew's says army worms invadod
that town a fow days sinco, covering the
strcots, Holds and lanes in every direction,
and dovoming tho grans and grain. In spite
of every opposition thoy are still advancing.
Win. Hobkirk, a bankor of Wattpun,
Wis., has disappeared, having 931,600 on his
poison at tho timo ho was last soon. His
rolativos think that ho has boon mnrdorod,
but others do not hesitate to SHy he has de-
campod Tho Ohio crops havo not suffered
as lunch ns tho Iirst accounts l';d us to believe.
As a froight train whs passing through
liig Bund tunnel, on the Cliosnpeako and Ohio
railroad, Virginia, thirty feet of tho roof foil
in, crashing tho engino, killing the fireman
instantly and fatally wounding tho engineer.
. . . .Tho rovenuo authorities aro determined
to make passongois arriving from foreign
conntrios pay tho duty on their goods, 1 1 1
effectually put a stop to fashionable smug-
Iu accordance with tho notico given tho
Spanish government has ordcrod a levy of
100,000 men. Tho minister of financo is
to issue consolidated interior scrip for 4,'iiO,-
000,000 Tho Ilcrzogoviniiui rebellion iB
assuming forinidublo proportions. Tho Dal
matians und Montenegrins are aiding tho in
surgents with money and provisions. After a
stubborn fight near Uilletthio, tho Turkish
troops were routed A passenger, said to
bo a Spanish colonel, was taken from tho
Ih-itish mail steamer Eidor, at Porto liioo, by
the Spanish authorities and soon aftorward
shot. Ail tho foreign consuls protested
A sailor recently arrived at Halifax, N. H., has
reported a toniblo criino which was consum
mated two years ago. The schooner Mary E.
Jones sailed from C'lydo river for Boston, hav
ing two sisters ou board as passengers. Soon
aft or sailing tho captain and crow, with the
exception of the informer, outraged tho
women. They wero then killed aud their
bodies thrown overboard. Tho crew subse
quently reported that tho vessel was caught ill
a galo and thrown on her beam ends, the two
women being drowned in tho cabin Thero
are thirty-six oases of yellow fever in tho toWu
of Puscagonla, Miss., tho disenso having been
brought from Havana Duncan, Sherman
& Co.'s statement shows f t,S72,ll2S C.r liabili
ties and 2, 112,710.01 assets Tho Soars-
viile (Mass.) reservoir dam was swept away by
the heavy rains and did much damage iu the
low lauds, creating intense excitement among
tho inhabitants, as tho Hood followed the
track of tho destructive delugo a few years
ago. The streets of Williamsburg village were
badly washed, and one abutment of a new iron
bridge was washed away The rains of the
past few weeks raised the Delaware river so
that tho lumbermen wero able to get their
rafts down to tidewater being tho tirst time
this yoar.
The British l'arliument has been proroged
till tho 2'Jth of October. The Queen's speech
coiigrutulated the country on the prospect of
tho maiiitenaiice of Kuroptau peace, and the
more complete suppression of tho east African'
slave trado. The passage of tlio Provisional
Shipping bill and the arrangement for tho re
duction of the national dobt aro referred to in
terms of approval A call for 10,000,000
worth of bonds has been issuod by tho Treas
ury departineut, tho syndicate having made
another subscription fur that sum. This
leaves but iDS,5;J7,5r0 of tho now iivo percent,
bonds iu tho hands of tho secretary, aud the
syudiciito has until November 15 to tako this
amount There wore throo executions ou
Friday, August 13th. Thomas Withers, a
ucgro, was hanged at Lynchburg, Ya., for
tlio murdor of a young girl. Wright W.
Wheatlcy, ouo of the murderers of Franco
Warl, was hanged at Helena, Montana. John
Webb was banged at Kuoxville, Tonn., in tho
preaeuco of fifteen thousand peoplo The
alleged murderer of Mrs. Jarratt was taken
from jail at Murfrecoboro', Tenn., and lynched.
Bishop Onoscn, in Germany, who has
boon acting for Archbishop Lcdochowski. has
been expelled from the province comprising
his diocese The grange purchasing agents
will hold a convention at Louisville, Ivy., on
Octobcrjst Geo. A. llico aud Loughlin &
lhce, havo been declared defaulting bidders
for thirty pont-oflico routos iu tho State of
Texas, aud tlio postmaster-goueralwill offer the
routes to other bidders aud will prosecuto tho
defaulters The Albany (N. Y.) Journal
published a full ollicial statement of the debt
of that State, showing that tho balance of
debt unprovided for on Jan. 1, 1H72, was $20,
200,755.91 ; tlat the balauco now unprovided
for is only $C05,S87.10, and that a tax of a
quarter of a mill for tho next year will wipe
out tho entire indebtedness. Ic says the wholo
State tax next yoar need not excoed three
or three and a half mills Superintendent
Chapman, of tho Insurance department, has
canceled the certificate of authority of the
Teutonic life insurance company of Chicago,
to do business iu the State of New York
K. S. JalTray A Co., tho well-kuowu importing
dry goods honso iu Now York, havo boon swin
dled out of 10,000 by a man named Church,
who was tit the head of tho ribbon department.
At ltochostor, N. Y., Goldsmith Maid won
tho first heat in 2. l.V j. Lulu won three straight
heats in 2.1G,1;, 2.15.'a' and 2.17, tho fastest
timo on rocord Tho crew of tho brig
Harry, charged with mutiny, aftor a hearing
before United States Commissioner ltogers at
Baltimore, wero committed to prison to await
the action of the grand jury, which meets iu
September Three boys wero drowned at
Buffalo, N. Y., ono named Joseph Lynch, aged
seven years ; another, named Otto Baer, aged
lifteeu, aud another, aged about teu years,
named Oliver Wheelwright. . . .Jacob Haecher
committed suicide ou the Ohio bridge, at
Louisville, Ky. He paid tho toll on the Louis
ville side, remarked that he did not intend re
turning, aud when about half way across the
bridge he leaped over the railing into the river
below, and placing a pistul tu his mouth, tired
as ho fell Two Philadelphia physicians
examined Henry T. Helmbold, the Buohu mau,
and pronounced him insane. They then ruade
affidavit reciting the result of the examination,
and Mr. Helmbold was removed to Dr. Kirk-
bridgo's asylum The London papers give
a favorable account of tho breadstuff s market,
aud think a further rise is certain Two
men were killed and a third badly hurt by a
runaway car at the slops of the Mount l'leas
ant mine iu Scrautoii, Pa.
A large number of United Status postmas
ters have been dismissed by the postmaslor
general for Improper deposition of postage
stamps and unjustly increasing their salary
thereby Two tramps called at the Man ton
House, in Johnston, R. I., and aftor being fed
demanded liquor. This being refused, ono of
them drew a revolver and shot J. E. riilllips,
the proprietor, through the hand. The trnie
escaped, though pursued to the Connecticut
line Thirty-one head of cattle lately died
of hydrophobia on a single Texan farm A
good doal of oxcitciuoiit was occasioned at the
St. Louis county insane asylum over the death
of a number of the inmates from tho adminis
tration of a sedative mixture to mako them
sleep The Black Hills miners are all
loaving under protest, but at the request of
the government. Thoy declare that the sec
lion is one of the richest mining districts in
the United States.
The Carlist forces Bent to relieve Seo de
Urgol were attacked by the AlfonsiBts and re
treated to the mountains The Sioux and
Utah Indians aro on tho warpath and seriously
threatening tho Bottlers. .7. Tho harvesting
of the crop in Europe has been delayed by un
settled weather Tho stcamor Hugh Mar
tin burst hor boiler on the Tennossoo river
and five poosons wore killod Army worms
are doing much diuuago in New Brunswick
Ovor forty thousand porsons wore present
at the inauguration of tho statuo of Hermann
at Dotmold, Germany Charles G. Finney,
for many yoara president of tho Obcrlin (Ohio)
Collogo, diod gnddonly of heart disease at his
rosidouco in Oborlin. He was in the enjoy
ment of his usual health up to the time of his
death Vigilance committees are forming
in southern Illinois to look aftor thieves
August this year is remarkable for the rainfall
in various parts of tho country, which oxceod
by far tho usual average for tho whole month.
Serious damage has boon dono by the floois.
The inhabitants of tho Bosnian provinces
have risen in insurrection along tho whole
length of tho Itivor Savo. Telegraph wiros
havo been cut, thirty Turks massacred and all
ollicial buildings burned A coniidoneo
man who had been playing some tricks iu
Kuoxvillo was tarred aud feathered by a mob.
Iteturi s from 102 towns of tho amounts ro
coived under the now license law in Massachu
setts show tho total to bo $1C3,45G.32. Tlio
amount received from Boston is i 52,C1,J.75. . . .
Mrs. James Clark committed suicido at Frances
town, N. H., nearly severing her head from
tho body... The Democrats of the Fourth
Congressional district of Maiuo nominated tho
Hon. J. C. Madigan, of Houltou, to fill tho un
expired term of Horsey, deceased The
Jlinrin officially denies tho rumor that Cap-tain-Goncral
Valmaseda intends to leavo the
idlaud. Ho will await tho promised reinforce
ments of 10,000 men and prosecute an active
wiutor campaign A wealthy man iu Phila
delphia named Kates is under arrest charged
with tlio horrible crime of pouring kerosene
over tho person of his wife, intending to burn
hor to death. Neighbors interfered before ho
could accomplish tho work Tho wifo of
Cnpt. Phillip Bcssinger, accompanied by her
three children, two girls and a boy, aged
respectively, nine, six aud three years, left
her home iu Beading Pa., aud walked up tho
towpath of tho Uniou canal, and when near
Citing's mill, deliberately walked into tho canal
and di owned herself and children. The budics
wero recovered The body of N. S. Grim
wood, who asconded with Donaldson iu his
ill-fated balloon at Chicago, was found on iho
beach of Lake Michigan, near Stonv creek, by
Mr. A. Bcckwith. The. body was fully di essed,
with the exception of boots or shoes. Letters
belonging to Mr. Grimwood, and notes of his
balloon trip, wore found on the body, fully es
tablishing its identity.
Population of New York.
The census enumerators aro busv
counting the inhabitants of the State of
-New lork. Ihus far. savs the ll ruld.
we have returns from two-thirds of the
counties. These returns embrace forty
counties aud seventeen cities. They
show, thus far, a population of a,'2!).",7'j'8
nn increase upon tho census of 1870 of
203,201. It is thought that the increase
iu population, all told, will advance tho
unit ot legislative representation in tho
Assembly to thirty-iivo thousand, and iu
the Senate to ono hundred and thirty
eight thousand, giving New York seven
Senators aud twenty-nine Assemblymen.
In a fow counties like Chenaiigo.'Dela
ware, Livingston and St. Lawrence.
thero is a decreaso of population, but
generally the population has largely in
creased, esjiecially in Albany, Hutlalo
and Now York. In tho interior towns
the advance is only moderate, lloches
ter and Syracuso show a larsn increase,
Tho gain is mainly nominal in Roches
ter, arising from tho territories ndded to
the city by annexation. New York
gains partly in this way on accjunt of
the annexation to the city proper of the
lower iiisrricts oi W estchester couuty.
So far as that city is concerned, enough
is known to show that it has a nonula-
tion of at least cloven hundred thousand
souls, aud most likely twelve hundred
thousand. In Brooklyn tho return is
auout nvo liuuilreit thousand.
. Painful A miction.
A New Hampsbiro paper has this ac
count of terrible suil'erincr : Five years
ago last winter George Maleham, a lad
of a dozen years, living in tho north part
of Wolfboro, went to Water village ono
evening tefskato with somo boys of that
village. . lie got into tho water and then
walked home a distance of nearly two
miles his clothes freezing on him. His
folks were abed on his arrival home, and
ho slipped off his wet clothes, and in
this wet and chilled condition went to
bed. At iirst ho did not feel tho effects
of it, but after a short timo ho expert
enced a slight lameness, aud after a while
his joints began to dislocate, and con
tinued until nearly every joint in his
body was dislocated his shoulder joints,
elbows, wrist, and linger joints, while
tho lower joints wero all nnjoiiited, oven
to his too joints. Wo saw him a year
ngo ; then we could clasp our hand
around his leg above the knee, while the
knee lomts were enormous in size. To
add to his other sufferings, several largo
sores broke out upon his body a short
time before his death. He was confined
to his bed for nearly three years previous
to death, which occurred July 25. As
his parents wero very poor, tho lad would
have suffered for the necessities of life
but for the kindness of neighbors aud
In a Newspapek Office. Enter un
profitable customer : "I say, do you
ever give away papers hero to induce
people lo read them ?" Publisher :
" not any, my friend. Do you go to
tho baker und ask lain to give you a loaf
oi lireau to induce you to cut t ex
eunt astonished biped, searching for a
bee in ins ear. Home sentinel.
When the farmer's wife has large
washing to do, she cau savo half her time
aud labor by using Dobbins' Electric
Soap (made by (Jragui & uo., l'hiia,
One pouud of it in etpial to three of any
oincr. iry it.
Important to Travelers.
Persons viBitinir Now York or leaving by the
cars from Grand Central Depot, will eavo ai-
noyanco anu expense or carriage lin o ana nag-
trage exprossngo by stopping at Grand union
Hotel, oimosito Grand Central Denot. Over
350 elegantly furnished rooms and lifted up at
. cost or is".ioo,(i00. I.nropoan plan. Guei-ts
an live more luxuriously for less monev at the
Grand Union that at any other first-claxs house
in lew rors. Wages and street cars pass the
doors for all parts of the city. Soe that the
hotol yon enter iB tho Grand Uniou Hotel.
Great hnrm and discomfort is caused
by the uso of purgatives which cripe aud rack
tho system. 'Arsons' 1'urgnlioe 1'ilh are free
irom an impure matter, aud are mud aud
health-giving in their operation. Corn.
Thousands of promising Youths, of
both sexes, go down to untimely graves, from
general debility and weakness, who be
iaved uy rortiiying ineir fystems witu iron.
The Peruvian Svrnp in an iron tonic prepared
expressly to supply this vitalizing clement, and
is the only preparation of iron that will assimi
late at once with the blood. Coin.
At this season of the year crnmps and
aius in tho stomach and bowels, dysentery.
liarrhea. etc., aro quite common, and should
be checked at onco. Johnton's Anodyne Lini
ment is the best article that can be used in all
sunli cases, and should bo kept in every family.
hourly expected from ('nnniimiMlnn, all remedies
havlna failed, accident led to a dlaoovenr whereby Dr.
H. Jamfh cured hla only child wllh A preparation of
fitTiHtiH Imttra. lie now Riven recipe free on receipt of
two etalnli. to oav exoiMifie. There la nut a ainirle
nvmplom of Onniumptlon thnt 1( duel nnt riltnlpiito
niKUl swenia, irritation ot ine lerrea, linncnlt r.xpHC.
(, Sh.-irp Palnn In tlio I.iiuk", Nauaea at the
Stomach, Initiation of (he llowela.atio Wmtlne of the
Muiclt'K. AiMnm CRADIMIUK t OO., lOllj Ruce
Street, I'hllHdelphla. I'a., slvlntr name of Lhla paper.
Tho Markets.
wf.w yon.
Ileef Oattle-Prlme to Kxlra nnliocke ID 1JX
omnion to Good Xexaua U7:,i (tX
Milch Cows 45 hfl id SO 00
Hour Uvv (IS i,( OT,'
lirosned 1(IH, 10
Sheep IS OfiV)
.aTiiia (;'. ,4 (H'(
otton Middling 14 V.4 14i
llour Kxtra Western S 1(1 m A 8')
State Extra 6 II) (A 6 80
tVlicat Krd Western 1 68 i 1 64
No. 2 SpnuR 14) tit 1 tl
'.ye State 1 117 i 1 (H
liarlr.y State 1 25 i 1 25
t.niey Mi't 1 85 M 1 75
lata M i Ted Western 71V 71V
Jorn ItTiTtd Wostern 71) 1 84
Ilv.y, ir cwt 60 (a) 1 10
Straw, per cwt 65 ( 91)
Hopa '74a,2.,'i2.') olils ('5 10
Pork Mots .....21 61) 21 (W l:l; l:),'
I'iab. Mackerpl No. 1, now 17 no (18 00
Ho. II, WW 13 110 AH(,)
TJfyOod, per cwt 6( 0 6 60
Ucrri.-iu, Sailed, ps r box 85 ( 85
I'vtrolonni Crude (5VH'6.'a Hi-niieil,
Wool California FU'twe 2S (A 86
Texua " 24 i 84
Australian " 47 14 6(1
natter state aj is 85
Western Hairy 24 4 211
Western Yellow 21 ( 25
WcMtern Ortli'iiry 10 (4 14
pennaylvniiiti Fine 2 ( 2H
OhMim State Factory ... t o. 12
' Slummed 02 ( t6
Western...... 08 14 11
FlfjM-Stuto 23 ( 24
Wheat 1 40 III 1 41)
Wye State 1 16 M 1 05
Corn Miji-it tot i 87
Hurley 4tt..- 1 20 i 1 20
OUt- Hl'.le 05 73
I'lmn II 55 i H !(l V V'.rili;.. I Mf, a .
Corn --Vivil 15 !. 75
Oatf ' f"W
Itjv I I', itf 1 It!
ui'liy 1 "f ,c i 40
ilm.'j iMuli;:.
)ltou--l.nw Mltlitlini'B l'V4 !l
Flonr--K.jt.-n H 7A r 75
Wheal- l.'id Western 1 IX . 1 f,K
He HI ! '.Ml
C irn - Vell.iw Ml i H i
Oith-.Mire.t a 4 f.'
t'"troli"m I'DV4 03 'a
Flour Feniiiiylvania Estra 6 60 (4 7 60
Wlleat WeMturil ltld 1 US (4 I 62
Rye 1 oi) (4 1 00
Corn Yellow Hti 80
Mixed H-i (4 811
Oata Mixed (15 4 (18
1'e.troienni Crude Il)4n8tf liel)no4, 11
A pjiir of kIhm- will cost you
on'y livt cent hhm-u with n TIP
on than with nit, ami it will ;iM
iivttif ttiu cm-,1 "f t!iu .shut? tu llii-ir
wnariiiK !'M.
I Also try Wir IJilMtn SoIph.
Kur unrYlc' and comfort uenr
Cable Screw Wire
HtN nnd tShooa. (ho bebt nml
AJho try Wlr ijulltpcl K1.s.
IMruMtiir iin.l rmftiitltlt' i:iiitoviiMMtr.
Baiuilnl !" ' I Minnnltiir V " C)!i. how IdvhIv "What.
nro tltny worth ?" du. Such iir Hxcliinmtions by tliono
wiio enH tht' larnd tltnint Now Ohr-ninoa prndueeil hy
tli Kiiropfiin nnd Aitiricmt tJhr.nno i'uhllshlriK Uo.
Tlicy aro all pm-incf wmn of art. Nn one can resist th
tcuiptaltoii to liny whun bhhIoh Hih (Jhnmius. II require
no tulkiuif U nidi tlm picu.if, tti.-y spnak tor them
halve, r.itiviiwrs. A tient h and Indian and ntltiuen
out of fnipl-.yniHrit, wilt find thin the Ih-M opt ntn ev-r
ntternd to innkn money. -'or full particulars. fHiid stamp
for coniidMiiiial circular. Addles I-'. (iLKA.ON i
CO., "2iH WiMliinKtoii St., Itoston, MuhB.
WORK tlartt PAYS !
I -ll pwr Motuli uvulv hy Ajcrus im-IIuiu our ftpitm
did aj-Aortnu'if t kv Vapsnml Pictim-ft. CxtaloKiin
trr.. !.. '. UK 11I Ml AX, . JWrolcy iSt., New York aud
I "J 1 Wifst I tit St., Cincinnati, O.
I.Alt V only. Anfutg wnnted. .'' '
. Addrrsw ;. H. t 'nms riAN, Marlon, Ohio.
ed.ei.e fl 1 1 tor I I t'2il f..r .. 1 . rir-.t. v;.Hti7
in thB world. NATION A i, (Jit IU10 CO., t'hiladolph a.
If At TOK I IX lo M;T nt Iliivrrhtrn w, N. Y
I1 Oil HtHlhOIl IfiVHl- -T-.VO Lirird tii'ii' t t .. r..o......
tlvfly thru., Htortos, IMx.lO, with Htenfilfii, one Btoiy
:)7;t., ami threo htoiins IMKIlSi ubundaut watr
povvnr in oaoh i turliinn nd ovcr-ahot wIhicIp; railroad
nnd frt':inil)ont conuii'iniciiTion with Now York. l'or
pirth.-nmirt iiiiTivm jwm.n rw.K, llavorhtiaw, N. Y,
ill WATCH ? E1I1S
- FOR -
512. 50.
Wb will end oiip of our new styNs Altrurrtlo ild
1 Hiring ii lid I liniiiH to any one tor M I ..i4Miiat
AO t luaclv rt-Ki-nitili-n iiirin 1 ;.!.! thui ...iu ..... -
Jewi'U-r can tWl ih ditUrencs. They letaiu tludr color
nun k 'on iMiie.
oeuu lor i ncui.u d ucuinK tuis f ttnoub WaUU.
Send Money by M:al or Impress to
DUFF 8i CO.,
32 & 34 Vesey St., New York.
nWok gleanings
FOR TJ1E CLltlOl S." for 30 jMn
nil litprmtui-e, art, science, hif-torr, thnilnT, earth
and hvuvrti, havo lcn rkrd ahd rannuckcd ior
t)c rutcnud curioui lluui-'i owml awnviu thihM
inarknhl) book, ll in 7k(v orvj(o tij h
qiiniDt, hroutilul, brilliant thouchts and truth,
t-ntiim-nt, ine-iiimi dfvit'ri. mil th mocl u.i
U rfiilf(ii'Uaud turioiir taucict tvrr kiu.wu. Tlu im oiU -eay
fhrt now nt WArk rcpnit ".Vl," " 70,'- ' HO." ' Qn" orders
Uit-k I It rciillv nut-i ll ( other honki thrt to ohc for
orthi to c it i to but it.' We want 1 O.OOO more trusty
Acftiti now iiifn or woinen and e uill miilinuttit l-V..
to those who will canvni. Lnru pamnidoU wilU lull par-
A. U. w'uKTUINtiTOAS CO-. lirruBD. Ouvw
Ttii new trud I warn
wllh portent ouiufori
ntrht ond da. Adapt
tth!f lo every mot ton ol
llu body, ret.'ibilne Knp:
lufo under the barduat
ttiiclM ur ttevHiHDt ct ruin
an 11 permanently oareJ.
ouiu titieitp hy U
hlastic Truss Co.
Nu. liHU lirn.lwnT, N. V. tity,
and aunt h mall. Call or aand tor Olroalar, and bo onrod
wanted ??ry
J nil '"" I'usinx
anAllll claw. Partiuul
naa unoorablu tiod limt
Urn atut fra. AddrMaa
CO.. ISl. LuuU. Mo.
Prealdtmt of the New Knirland AKrlcultural Houiety, la
wruiUK up ' The Furiu Yurd Club of Jotuuui " lor Tile
It., kloll Wl'rklv (ilubf. It la aurluulture and n
uia nue uonililiied. Uuly dtl ou. for that live family
pa ier lor 3 luoutlia. yocume tree. TkUfi iilAJUlt I'vu.
U u., llualva.
The "Beat All" Safety Lamp.
Patented Sept. 2JMt, I S7 I. Has n unfatv tulm which
prevents explosion, arid Is the uiost practical, usofu),
clnaiinnd Kate hump evor mnd;i. .!' Witi;,. vfr.
wliern. Addr-M K M. JVIM'N, iit"til!e nnd Man
utacturnr, H't New handlers Ktrt-ft. IMVw York.
tuMdiUMiia liji liniuui. 4lauulaai.u UiWiUa.
Mnntitnclurn nil Mn1 of
Tnlilr 4'iillerv. ('..In-lie
ionium ot the I'ATIINT
OK V 7' orl'ellnl"lil Knife.
flADTTl I HIT Tl mil Dni-ililo nihti:
I : i ul U A NY ii M'i i; kn.wn. DnKitiii
UUillr All 1 ninkeraot the II.AHIl III .
VWA1AA X.i.1 ,.:t HAMO.l:. Alivnvn
wmmamBmmmmmmm call for "Trnrie M.iih" MI.KI
1)1' N CIITI.KKY CO.. on the Blade. Warrnnliil anil
anlrt h all dealera In Cndery and tjr the MKKIDKN
(II'TI.KUY CO., 41) Oliamnera Street, New York.
N.Y.N. U.-No. 84
Wll n I IFF A aplendlrt Nfw lllntrated IWIOK of
VVILU Lirt. theautlior'aown 3() yeiire' lllo and
TN TIIR Oirillinn advenlnrea amonff Indiana,
FAR WFQT n border wars, tinntlng wild anlmala,
rHn VVteOI ete. The bt and otthi no w and com
ptrin book on the wild I'Au Wk&t. that hiniihitift to
nil. A;l-:NTM UNTGD. Wiley, Watf.kmam
Boston, 3VXi.
JHiene Standard JiiHtrtitneutm
SotfJ by Music Dealers Everywhere.
Agents Wanted In Every Town.
Ft V (hronnhont the United Statea on the
Ifa la on Sjratem of Monthly Payment.
I'drchaneraahonld aak for the Rmith AMF.mrANOmtAN
('.ntalouea and till partlcnlnra on apiille.iition.
Mado from the Pntnt ' KxrrNior" CompoMlt ion
will rncaM, not affected by the wtbr; price, JU oeuts
pur pnim:. in ohph in pnui mih ntiper.
.1. K. t OI.K, Am., il .
Ann :
Ml.. N. V.
Geo. p. Rowell & Co.
500,000 ACRES
JET1 O 2"L A Ij H3 ! !
Tim I, and 4 of the JitrltMon, IinnMin nnd
Ptniciimw Knllrnnd l outptinv nro Xw
'I hy nrn 1fnntd ftlnnjr ls rallmfld trd coiitfiln Inrnn
traciwot oxtfllfDt KAKMIM) nnd l'IK l.nntln
Tin fj.nutnK Inndi tttilndM noniH of tlm most ffrtlle
and wcil w.i;rfd hHrdwnod Innd-i in M Stain. Tii.y
are tlinlit red mainly with hard-muplo anit tM.Th ;
b!i:ck, p.unly Inntn, and abr)nnls tn ar""l"K "f purtst
water. Mich lean la ono of the lenid l-df!itri and most
propnrous Sint In th ITnton.nnd Its laminr- hfivH a
trrrntr variety of crops and rMiurfH than uny V,rtrn
St4ite. While soma of the pnilriw States may pmrtiu-a
r m In uro'it abundance, tliey har nn other renoim:,
and when this crop falls dMHtttntkm followa, an hus !;
th caso the pat year In Khtihi and NVbntska.
Trice from 32. 50 to S..(JO por acre. Sfnd for
IIliiAtrnted Pamphlet. Address O. M. HAltMlS,
'tMimiiwwiiiiMT, Lntinhiu, jMirliitfiin.
mm Ol'thp lritthHt CnnN yon nrm-nnw
w"1' 'n"f nuttm biiiidoinuly printed on
" them, Fent, poat-n;iid, upon receipt ot 20
LrJ centB. Your frlenda will nil want Itx-m
when they aee you a. Address
W.J.JAaNNON, Ati KneOand Street, Knatuu, Mjikb.
Tho Leading AnnBican Wcwopapcr.
thk m:.vr Ai)vi:irnsi.ii Mini i
0:i:ljr, $10 a year. Srmi-V ekly, 53. VvVekly. J,?.
tititf Ff't' to thr Snt,-rr;t'r Sor.etmf. (!. . m.ti
AdvertislnR Kta I'ree. Veefciy. In clutctof ,Ut m tm-re,
"'.V J I p;'lK I"tli. A.l.ljf- I HK TlllHUNK, N. V.
1 A Thw chofeent In the world -Import era
Maple art iirle- plefiaea eei jbody -Triufe coiitinuiilly
iisiriji -Aiienia wanted everuhere - ttest itn nc.
iivitit!" - ibrn't wiiMh time send for circihir to HOUI' li r
l .ld.S, :i Vesey Street. New York. Box I 2U
Tl 'It him-:
Water Wheel
Wiim rf'h'i ril. 4 yeHiB ao, and pni
to unrll U the l':ilent Ollire, WhMi.
iiKton, l. ('.. ii rid h;in irvrd to lH
the hi'fl . !) si.os inado. Iriir
owrr th-iu nnv otiii-r fii-Btclaaa
W heel. 1'atll Hilel itt'.n.
N. K. 1. 1 i Ml AM. Ynnit. Va.
Selected French Bnrr Mill Stones
1 nil FieH, und Biipermr
vi.rUiii:i it-hin. li'lalilo
iiMliiitf lilln, upper or
limi t- t unnel h, n Furua
r Hfif 'linul
IiirlSolliitK lolK. Mill
1'il'kM, t'ol'll .lielteiH lllld
( 'leiinei s, tlenriiiu, Shuftintr,
I'nlli.-, Ih.ML-.Ts, etc.; till
KiinK .if M id Miirhiliei-yntnl
3lilleiK' PUppliefl. fii'Uii ftif
rxniphlet. .St in ill Mill
4'oin 111 uy. I to 1 I UO,
lie(t-ellimr lrle l'.uk
ace tn the world It con
l.i Mieots Paper
noloiH'. tioiden tVn. Hen Didder. I'encil. l'litent
i:d Me.iMire, nnd a I'lei-.e of .leweliy. Single I'aiTkiipe,
Hi ele;;iuit lie. i)) 2.1 cent a. Circular trim.
hltlllK A OU , Hill iitadw..v. Ni w Yoik.
Your Nnmo I'Jeuantly Print -
cd on ii Than staukst Vim ri mi
Carh.'-'A LVnU. Kach card contain
ft 5'vne which U tint vimhle until held toward the licht.
Kothinchke them ever iK'ten-oni.Teil in Amenctt. liicirvituT
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To IVnpIr tvlio ltetiMon. Itlabecjuoe
rurnuilN EnVrvoscoiit Sellcr Aj oriciit
reduces the beat of the blood by creating perspiration.
aft well as tbroUKb Its purgative operation, that It pro-
iIuchb such marveloui effect In febrile diseases.
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tor olrmilarB and ourestra termn to AKetita.
Y Jiclt.r th.u, Cui.i A. SOVKIT.U A t'O .l.:'btc?KO.
utwniiiipr, with relialde market n-porta
and a valuablu aui icultural & puit-
uient. We uiint4iiiitketlicxv A
HtLkLY til HON
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(the best fum
(piilHir in the
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the i: Iter-'
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(imd2Uc. for
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rv copy. forS
IKntauL' 1 The IJ.WI.YC
On HON h i. k .tl.TJaycur, pOht paid
CSAS. do TOUM't & CO. San Franci&co. ,
Syretnifii Cnpifit tent FHi'H.
Kir, HnliiifH V (n.,
Ilrurrr, Ammt'k, '., . '
Itave the aK.-urhnee ul our custom
er tluit Seu t-'ofiiii i the bet liak
ln IN.wder. Our tales of it iu
ureaKt. cor. I iuuf lly "
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trti,tyitA, l'r;riih rrt ,(!:
"Your Sea r'niiiii ta ieuildy Kait'
tn in lavor. All wpenk well of h."
It lfcthe beft. I'm vine is wive can
excel New Yoi k II .ld t.'iK.ka by
iiiiir 1-oaiii. Tiy it and m
happy. Send for circular to
ish'it. K. I J A N T . A UK
nit ll.miH' m rv orlt.
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ly TValern evprvwhore. Pr.rN'fllCS' irRTAIXIO
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tf CAUTION.-Vurchauers will please
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rvcry iackai;o. Sond for a 'ir:nlnr.
tit Sold hj AKnnU Aildreaa M.N. I.OVKLL. Krle.fa
Fort Edward Institute, N. Y.
hoarding Seminary for Udie and enilemen. To pr.
pare for Colletce, for Hiutlnes. r f-r Life. Jfjtlt.J lor
5llL'i1H'1i,,Il,,w. jo'sj: k- KINO, Hriucipul.
Cv.KTii.uict! 'IM Kvi,iiiim.r
n llrliiwai'f u, . run. Tin,,,,, under
the cam of rleoda. i. ive h lleiroiu-ti colleKiale duca.
tlon to lo'b eea, w lio hero pit not. the aii.i cour-4w of
Mudy, and the miiih ib(iee. J-or tiatal-itiue
Milurv Ararfrmjr, ( liWfr, J'k. tlpena Kept
SOnITTllVn f'yo HttlUatslpht.
e have work aud mouev for all mttn nr u,-........ u,u. ...
Kirls. whole or auaru tln.u
I. whom nr luuru ( J 1 .
Heud atauip for i!'taiotfU.
k; ,. u.... u
HOW UT1UIUI u, mitBt.
1 n 0 I"'" Band for Op'oiiio l'Ulw uo.
llvu. wa. .tV X1
world o fVV
Zt Vi
VCVV ' X on . v.
S V V s
ye Established 1S5S.
vr& .. '"u Jri'''!Y-JffJ