A KOKUOUEN TRAGEDY. An F.vrnl In die lllmry of HrnlnrUr lnr. lilA Hie Woody llnya. WnrnloriiiR iimniifr, llio graven in tho ccniclory at Frankfort, a uurrpfvpontlnnt of tho Cincinimti Commercial fouiul a dark Rrny mtiiiiiiiu'iit bearing tho nnmo of Hulomoii 1'. Hliarp. Tho inscription ulnti'8 that ho " wart rwsaHMfintpil whilo extending tho hand of hospitality, on tho morning of November 7, 1825, in tho thirty-eighth year of his ago," with tho text added : " What thou knewest not lio.w, thou almlt know hereafter." Col. Sharp was in hia day one of tho foremost men of Kentucky." During tho adminintnition of Jnmos Madison ho had rtervod two terms in Congress, at which timo ho was tho room-mato nnd intimato friend of John C. Calhoun, who is ffaid to havo declared that Sharp was " tho oldest man of his ago that had ever crossed tho mountains." llo had pre viously been several times elected to tho Kentucky Legislature, and under Gov. Adair, was nttomey-generni of tho State. At tho time of his death ho had settled in Frankfort as a very successful lawyer, but had recently been again elected to tho Legislature as tho champion of the "relief party." Tho "relief" and "anti relief" controversy, of which 1 shall not attempt to skotch a history,' had been for some timo agitating tho State, and the fact that Col. Sharp xttvt regarded as a chief expoient.of tho relief movement, and that tho session of tho Legislature was to begin on tho day following his assassination, lout a peculiar emphasis to tho excitement that followed. Tho story of his death, with its cause and consequences, I havo learned from sov- ii'al contemporary personal Bonrces, l!ut ilrst let mo say, fronting tho capitol Houaro m 1' rankfort, on its northern side, and only a few steps eastward from tho Frankfort and Louisville railway, is a largo brick mansion threo stories in height, extending far back, with amplo accommodations for tho slave help of " tho good old times." This house is perhaps nearly sixty years old, nnd was tho house ol (Jul. Solomon 1'. Sharp in A few years previous Sharp mot a young lady named Ann Eliza Cook, nnd lie had seduced her. She was a young lady of good family, of fair cultivation, with some literary talent. IIo met her at a party, 1 believe, and it was under the excitement of tho dancing and tho wine, perhaps, that Miss Cook yielded herself to him. After her disgrace be came known she had secluded herself at home, but it seems that a young lawyer, named Jeroboam O. Beauchamp, also of respectable family, happened to soo her and, falling in lovo with her, succeeded in obtaining hev promise' to become his wife on condition exalted by her that ho should kill Col. Sharp. This promise was made tho marriage took place. Some timo a year or two, perhaps passed, nnd Sharp still lemiuued alive, l'erhaps the trouble would havo passed and been forgotten, had not tho seduc tion been mentioned as against Sharp's character during the warm political cam paign in which ho was elected to tho Legislature. On this charge being brought against him Col. Sharp treated it slightly, and stated in public, it is naid, that a cerlifiuato was iu evideueo that this child born of Miss Cook had a black face. This added insult to the original injury, and the secret writing of Beauehamp's promiso eauio out distinct ly at its breath. Tho Sunday evening before tho general assembly met, Beau champ (who lived in another part of the State) entered Frankfort, and, finding tho hotels full, put up at tho private house of a gentleman named Scott, two or threo squares south of Sharp's resi dence. Late at night ho went around to tho house iu which Sharp resided tho large old brick one which I havo men tioned and, going to a side door (although others say it was to tho front door), ho knocked. Sharp was awaken ed, and asked who was there. Beau champ answered by giving tho nnmo of one familiar to Sharp in another part ot the State, wnere tho latter had form erly lived but changing the second ini tial of this p'Tsou'a name saying : "John A. Covington," and requesting to see him nt once on important busi ness. " I know John AV. Covington," said Sharp, deliberately opening tho door and advancing into tho open air and darkness. Beauchamp at onco lifted a mask which ho wore, saying: " Don't you know me, colonel? "My God! its B ," exclaimed Sharp, but did not succeed in pronounc ing his enemy's nnmo beforo tho latter struck him upon his mouth with his left hand aud stabbed him to tho heart with his right. Col. Sharp was found dead on his doorstep. Beauchamp returned to his lodging aud left town early iu the morn ing, without being suspected, I believo. It is related that on approaching his homo ho conveyed to his wife tho iu telligonco of the deed accomplished by waving his handkerchief aloft in tho dis tance. The death of Col. Sharp produced a profound sensation in Frankfort and throughout the Stato. ' Tho Legislature offered !3,000 for tho detection and ap prehension of the murderer. There wns u disposition to ninko political capital out of tho nll'air, too, I tuu told, aud to niako believo tho assassination to have been in the interests of the anti-relief party. One of the Frankfort editors of the timo was darkly charged with acces sory knowledge and somo were not in disposed, I believe, to have liim arrest ed. It was through this editor, I havo been told aud I think his name was Darby that Beauchamp was tiually pointed out aud arrested, Sharp's fami ly, it is said, showing an indisposition to touch him, aud thus muke hopelessly public tho cause of his act. But Beau champ was finally brought to triid and sentenced to bo hung. During tho in terval between tho sentence nnd its exe cution great efforts were mado in his be half, delegations of ladies dressed in mourning even going to tho governor of Kentucky, and a sou of thy governor, Isaac B. Desha, was imprisoned at the time, convicted of a highway robbery near Maysville. It was presumed young Desha would bo pardoned as ho ufter wards was and it was urged that tho governor might do a gracious thing, lightening his selfish act of clemency, by pardoning Beauchamp aud his son together. But he was inflexible. Po litical revenge, perhaps, it is said, had to be gratified. The day of execution camo. A short time beforo tho hour designated, roipiest was mado by Moaucbaiup that his wife might bo permitted to remain with hhu alono in his cell (it seems they wore very tenderly attached to each other), for tho purioso of their last leave-taking, aud this privilege was granted. After uwhilo, as the timo fixed for the execution was ut hand, tho ollieers entered the prison cell aud found the wife dying with the wound of a peuknifo iu her breast, and the hus band himself also fatally stabbed. They had determined to elude tho law and die together. But, as the timo for tho exe cution had come, Beauvhamp was taken in his dying condition out upon the scaf fold ami iiung. The bodies of the hus band and wife were removed to their homo and buried togothor. Subse quently, this tragio romance of real lifo was mado the basis of a novel which was largoly bought up, it is said, by Sharp's friends. Later, nbout eighteen years ago, a drama was written by John Savage, tho irisn poet, founded on tho Beauchamp history, and was on tho point of being produced nt Louisville. 1 was at tho Louisvillo theater that night, I remember," u lady in Kentucky tola mo ; "it was m September, 1H5S. Tho theater wns very full. I forgot tho namo of tho play, but it was understood that its incidents were taken from tho Beauchamp tragedy, and Avoiiiit Jones was to havo the principal part. Tho cur tain was about to rise ; everybody wns in expectation, when it was nnnounced thn,t a change of tho programme had been determined upon, nnd The Bride of Lammormoor,' I believo something, at lenst, from one of Walter Scott's novels was played instead. Gov. More head, it was understood, had eomo down on the evening train from Frankfort, just in timo to prevent tho play, offering a largo sum of mouey on behalf of tho Sharp family to havo it withdrawn and not produced in Kentucky. There was great excitement ; many insisted on leav ing the theater aud having their admis sion money refunded, I remember." A Curious Snnkc Story Thomas Judd, of South Htullny, Mass., tells tho following : On my way to tho falls 1 noticed two young men watching something iu the road intently, nnd when I camo up to them they point ed to what seemed to bo a very small snake, about two feet long aud nbout three-eighths of an inch iu diameter. The forward end had two branches some six inches long each, but there was noth ing at tho cud like a respectablo head, tho cuds having the nppearance of hav ing been cut squnro oil' ; tho tail tapered oil' as a tail should. The wholo was iu motion, moving forward very slowly, say a foot in fifteeu minutes. Upon a closer examination I found that his Buakeship was made up of myriads of very small worms, not more than oue- rfuarter ot an inch long, and in diameter about tho sizo of a pin, but all so firmly woven together that tliey might bo mov ed up or moved s ideways without dis turbing tho nppiftirnnco of tho snako or separating it nt nil. Ihe snako was round and maintained its size until it tapered olt for the tail ; iu detaching a worm from tho main body it was so small ns to bo just discernible with tho naked eye. Thinking that should tho little worms grow to any considerable sizo they would make a pretty largo snako, or that, should they eventually separate and spread themselves over tho burners' fields, they would carry destruction be foro them, I advised the young men to get a flat stick, nnd smash the whole con cern, which they did. Can nny of your readers tell mo what species of worm his snakeship was mado up of i Symptoms of Hydrophobia, Bouley, a French veterinary surgeon, of great repute, gives theso precautions Beware of a dog which begins to be sick. All sick dogs, as a principle, must lie suspected. Boware especially of ono which is sad, morose, and seeks to solitude : which does not know where to rest ; which goes aud comes, rambles about, snaps aud barks without reason : whoso looks are dull and gloomy, nnd whoso bright expression is lost. Bowaro of tho dog which looks about and attacks imaginary phantoms. Beware of ono which is suddenly too nllectionnto, asking for your caresses by his pilitul repeated cravings. And thus you will protect yourselves lrom dangers to which you may bo ex posed iu your homea by dog.i kept as family pets. The bark of tho mad dog is thoroughly characteristic ; so much so, indeed, that any ono familiar with it can decide with certainty tho presence of a rabid dog when this barking is heard. It is not necessary either that the ear bo long ex ercised to familiarity with tho sound, to obtain this certainty of diagnosis, Also : instead of the normal and succes sive bark, it is hoarse, lower in tone prolonged, aud not so stroug. After tho first bark mado at full strength, a series of iive, six, seven or eight others immediately succeed, lowered in strengtl: and thrown out lrom the throat. Would Not Pay It. Although Grace Greenwood was in Loudon ou the Fourth of July, sho didiiot attend tho graud American banquet iu honor of tho national auuiversary. In fact, tho uugallant managers did not in vito her. She did, however, have tho privilego of paying a guinea for a ticket only a single guinea with tho under standing that for that modest sum sho might enjoy tho inestimable privilego of seeing "all tho swell Americans in Jjou don ;" and this is tho way sho tells about it: In tho early part of the war when tho contrabands were first coming through tho lines, a squad of them arrived in Philadelphia and wero hos pitably received by tho colored people, who soon auuouuced a meeting at ono of their churches to welcome the fugitives, to hear tho story of their bondage, and rejoieo with them iu their release. Our cook, a member of tho congregation, nn Ethiop of tho darkest dyo, zealous for lroodom, went early, but returned soon with her noso in tho air. I questioned her as to the cause of this speedy return, " Was tho meetiug postponed I" " No, missus, but you seo dey wouldn't let nobody in nt do door without ten cents, Now, I wasn't gwiuo to pay up ten cents to see a lot of niggers ! 1 can seo enough of dem, and moro'n I care see, any day, for nothing." to Xcwstianrt). Daniel Webster said: Small is tho sum that is required to patronize a uows palter, and well rewarded is its patron. euro not how humble and unpretending tho gazette which ho takes, ft is next to impossible to fill a sheet with printed matter without putting something into it that is worth tho subscription price, Every parent, whoso son is away from homo at school, should supply him with a newspaper. I well remember what marked difference thero was between those of my schoolmates who had and those who had not access to newspapers, Other hings being equal, the first wero always decidedly superior to tho last in debate, composition, and intelligence. Witch Hazel. Largo quantities of witch hazel are being cut iu tho woodi country north of L'ttle Falls, N. Y which is drawn to that villago, whoro it is passed through some process beforo it is shipped to Europe and elsewhere, to be used for medicinal purposes. The hazel is worth SO per ordinary wagon load, nnd those persons who have for years regarded tho tapuugs wortlile-s as it grew upon their premises are now realizing handsome revenue in its sale. Sergennt Bates's Latest Project. The irrepressible Bates, sometimes known as Sergeant Bates, tho flag-carrier, was in town yesterday making arrange ments for a new enterprise in his particu lar line, which ho is soon to inaugurate for i double puriioRO. The crcat central objoct, of course, is to savo tho Union, but asido from thnt it is to raiso funds nough on tho mnrch to provide cnter- taiumont for tho disabled Boldicrs who may desiro to visit Philadelphia during tho Centennial. In this enterprise tho sergoant intends to enlist thirteen other able-bodied ex-soldiers, ono from each of tho thirteen original ritntoM. Uach of tho thirteen is to have some political ireforeiiees, no matter what, and each will provide himself with tho ling of the Stato ho represents and repair to Boston on or about tho fourteenth of next Sep tember. Thero tho procession will form on tho blood-stained sod of Bunker Hill, and the thirteeu, wrapped iu tho banners of their several States and mounted on horseback, following the lend of " his nibs," who will bo bedecked with tho streaked emblem of liberty, will take up their perilous hue of march for Chicago. On. the wny hither they M ill pass through as many cities and largo towns as possi ble, each of which will bo laid under tribute to tho enterprise. Photographs of tho party nnd its individual members will be sold, and speeches will bo made to such as may wish to listen at tho rate of twenty cents, or some such sum, per head. After reaching Chicago tho party will repair to Vicksburg, Miss., whence they will march through tho principal cities aud towns of tho Southern States be tween thnt city nud tho national capital, which they expect to reach in about four months from tho time of starting. Should they reach that placo alive, which it is foared they will, n history of their wandorings will be written and of fered to a long suffering public ns an other means of raising the desired fund. T ho sergoant claims that funds for do- rnymg the necessary expenses of tho ex pedition havo nlrendy been guaranteed by wealthy men iu New York, and that tho wholo thing is being indorsed by somo of the best men in tho country. Ciivaro Jimcx. Railroad Enterprise iu Africa. Whilo tho khodivo is actively pushiug his explorations iuto the interior of tho JNilo basin, the rnilway to tho Soudan is being constructed under tho direction of tho English engineer Fowler, the object of which is to communicate directly with the wholo ot thnt vast country which the rapids iu tho Nilo above the second cata ract had hitherto kept sealed up. Tho length of tho railway will bo threo hun dred miles, and when completed, much of the prodiico iuw coming by way of Zanzibar will bo diverted to Egypt. Iho reports from the American otli- cers, who nro ou a ihllerent line from that taken by Stauley, are very satisfac tory. Uol. 1'urdy, nu American, iu the khedivo's service, of Darfour, now an Egyptian province, reports tho country as healthy as well as fertile, nud tho cli niate dry and cool. Grass and pastur- ago very abundant. IIo also reports that cattlo are very abundant and thrive well. When the khedivo has completed his railway to the upper Nile its prodtu will tell wonderfully ou tho prosperity of Egypt. Colston with I'rout is now at Obeld, tho capital of Kordofuu, and tho routo leading thenco to Debbo has been found easy, with sulliciont water. Prof, Mitchell is still pursuing his investiga tions into tho ancient Egyptian mines back ol Kemmert, and lias lound several with tihafts, nud implements to grind colli out, used by tho old Egyptians the richest ho has found yields XtS to the ton. The rails on the road to Soudan have already been laid twenty-live kilometres iu length, and tho ditlicultics nro less than anticipated. At home tho railway to Itosetta along the coast line, is being rapidly pushed. In fact the khedrve seems to havo taken the American motto of "go ahead " as his own. English Iron flails. Col. Foruey, who lias recently visited Chatham rock yard aud examined somo of the great ironclads there, says: These great docks, so called, and the shops with which they are connected, now en tirely devoted to tho construction of the ironclad navy ol England, aro adnnttei to be tho most extensivo m the world llioso wonderlul docks and shops aro situated urif tho town of Chatham, on the tidal river the Medway, which rises as high ns eighteen feet iu spring tides nnd twelve feet in neap tides. Tliove nro four wet docks, built out -of solid stone, massive and grand indeed, tho tidal basin, tho largest being four hundred by ninety-six feet. The ltupert rani was iu dock as wo passed, a magnificent and colossal mnss ot guns and armor plates, looking a true thunder-bearer. It bo- longs to tho second class; its armor is twelvo inches thick on the breastwork nud twelve to fourteen inches on tho turret: its armament is two eighteen ton guns. Tho ram, its main feature, hns its sharp point eight feet below the water lino nnd twelve feet in ndvanco of tho upright portion of the stem. It makes fifteen knots an hour, aud is in tended lor quick work, like the ram which played such havoc with the Union fleet at Hampton Bonds in 1SG2. Tho Temerairo (the Bold), another of these fast rams, was still on tho stocks; horse power, i,0U0; eight guns, four of them twenty-five tons : nine-inch armor a terrible machine. Tho Alexandra, also in tho docks; horse power, 11,000: arma ment like tho Temoraire, recently launched by tho Princess of Wales, after ,l.nm . l.n la ,,,,,,....1 ..4l.., !.:!. epoed vessels were finishing, each with eighteen Mxty-fonr pouuders. Discontent. Somo people aro never contented with their lot, let what will happen. Clouds and darkness are over their head, alike whether it rain or shino. To them every incident is an accid nt, unit every acci dent a calamity. Even when they havo their own way, and, ludocd, consult1 their most voluntary acts as matters of compulsion. A child about tliri o year old was crying becuuso his, mother Lad shut the parlor door. " Poor thing," said a neighbor, com passionately, "you havo shut tho child out. "It's all tho samo to him," said tho mother; " he would cry if I called him in ana then shut tho door, it s a pecu liarity of that boy, that if he's left rather suddenly on either side of a door he considers himself shut out, and rebels accordingly." Thero are older children who tako tho samo view of things. CuoiiEKA Mixtuub. For a safo and Biieody relief for cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, colic, summer complaint, eto. Take equal parts of tincture of rhubarb, spirits of camphor, tincture of cayenne pepper, laudanum aud essence of pep permint, and mix well, .. l)oso, ten to thirty drops every hull hour till relieved, SUMMARY OF NEWS. Item eC Intercut from Home nnd Abronil. '.' TIio Now York Commercial Warohouno Com pwy, with biiftinoHR coiinool ions chiefly with Cuba am) other West India inland", has sus- poiiuoil, witli lialrililioi! at l,50u,00t) Tho publiHhiug lionso of J. B. Ford Co. wkloly known as tho publitiliore of tho worka of tho Doocher family, anil moro OHjiocinlly of tho "Lifo of Christ, " which was often refer rod to in tho Into trial have boon obliged to call a mooting of 11 u crotlitora to got an extension of timo on it liabilities . . . .Hocrotary Ihistow an civ I led iu the laut onlulHiiding bonds of tho issue of 1H(I'2 ... .Tliirly-one mUls have been closed nt Iliindoo, Scotland, throwing twolvo thousand persons out of employment. ollowing cIobo upon the suspension of Dun can, Ulici-niiin & Co., conio the roports of other fuilurot). John Mason it Co., ono of rhilHilulpliia'n oldest firms hi tho West India trade, havo closed their doors ; liabilities on- noun. Tho Tobacco Exchange banking com pany of Louisvillo, Ky., havo also suspended. Cyras D. Fohb, 1). D., of Now Xork, has been oloctod president of Wosloyan College, at Middlotowu, Conn Tho Miunosota Ito- mblicans, in convention, nominated John H. 'illsbnry for guvornor. Tho platform recog nizes tho equal rights and just protection of all mon j favors a return to spocio payment i calls for a tariff strictly for rovoime, favorable o homo industry ; demands that all corpora tions shall bo hold nubjoct to tho law-making power ; approves tho presout national admin istration ; indorsos tho policy of arbitration between this aud foreign countries iustoad of war; that it is tho duty of tho Htato to maintain tho iutogrity of tho common echool system. . . . Further testimony in tho Mountain Meadow massacre corroborates that already given. Implements wero found iu Loo's cell with which he was to attempt an escape from jail. Freakiiess and Springbok came In togothor as winners of tho Haratoga cup, making the two miles and a quarter in 3.5G) The supremo court of Louisiana has decidod that the acts under which tho $-1,000,000 aud "fit, 000,000 lovoo issues wero mado aro consti tutional. Most of tho bonds are hold in nopo. Tho funding board have been tnandii- muKed to fund thoni A riot among twenty- two hundred strikers on the tit. Gothard tunnel was put down by the Kwws troops, who'killod two mon aud wouuded several others. Tho couuhcI of tho Mountain Meadow prisoners, in biu addross to the jury, stated that tho immi grants wero murdered by tho Indians, and tha such whito men as wero present at the time did so under compulsion from savages ; that Leo held no military or church oflico, but was simply farmer for tho Indians Tberrinco uisiiop ol urcplau, iu lus dual capacity as a German and Austrian biidiop, is mediating be tween tho Vatican and Fruksia, through tho Fapnl Nuncio at Vienna.". ... .Ninetoon deaths from yellow fever havo occurred at Barrivncas, Fla Dr. Tcckover, adonth-tof CynlhiauH, Ky., was shot and killed by another dentist nauiod Dunally, aftor somo high words had passed between them. Donally gavo himself up to authorities, and was on his way to jail when l'ockover's brother-in-law, 11. II. Uidgo- loy, rhut at and killed him. Kidgoley is in custody Tho pooplo of Nobraska generally corroborate Prof. Marsh's charges against tho Indian commiesion. . . .Tho Bloiiiuor My Choico ran down a rowboat ou Lako Michigan and four men woro drowned. Henri llcchcfort has challenged Faid Cos eugiiac, tho belligerent Paris editor, to light a duel Thomas Honohuo was drowned in a vault on his promises at St. Louis. Chailos l'runty, James Henry, and Joseph Schliehtig who siiccossivoly descended into tho vault to recover tho body of Donohno, woro overcome by foul uir uud died befoio they could bo res- eut"l Tle telegraph reports a cavo iu at the Euroka consolidated mino at Kuby Hill, Nebraska. Five miners wero killed. Two havo been rooovorixl, ami seai'di is being made for llio others lix-rrcsulunl Juhusou has boon Btiickon Willi imralyiiiii. Hoi'iii aro on-. lui tninod uf liia rocorory In anxwor to tho SHjionnU'iulont ot tho Eank ilopaituijiitof Mow York Ktiito, tlio attofuoy-KCiioral rcmlorotl an opinion uhicli in ndvorfo to tlio liulily of in WHtniuut in tho District of Columbia 3.C5 bomla by tho cavinya banks of tho Htato. . . Smith, a uoKro niiirdorer. wan baiiL-ed nt Charleston, 8. C. Ho cunfoeni;il liia crimo. K-.'lirlnfromoightty of Ihoninoly-two uuunticH of luil inn a i-lioy thai tho crnim aro heavily damugod by tho lalo rainx, and will not yield fifty per cont. Tlio wheat ban muontod in tho HtockH. Tho accouutu from Illiiioin and Ohio aro about tho game. Heavy rainx altio prevail iu MiHHouri, ArkaimaH, Nebraska and Ken lucky and much anxiety in felt for tho crops. A tornado passod through llarvcyciburg, link, tearing houneis to pieces aud entitling deulruetiou. Fivo womcu wero killed Inquiry having boeu mado at tho PoHt-ollico dopnrtmont whether nowipapoi-s printed in one placo and itmund or published from another placo can bo uent from tho printing olhce at tho rats of two cent per pound, tho some as from publication ollicoa, the department de cidos that tho ollico of iHuo in tho cllico of publication, and not whoro tho paper may bo printed ; and that all Hiich publication!) niunt lit-nt bo Hent to the place of ii-iuio beforo they can pHts through the mailb at publishing rates. The Democratic convention iu Oregon nominated Lafayette I.ano for governor. Tho platform cslls for tho payment of tho public dobt, resumption of ispccio paymcuts, legis lative control of railroad farea and froighta, aud domanda reform in all departmoutu ; oik posoa tho protective tariff, papee currency, national banka, Chincao immigration, fraud and corruption iu ollico. A battlo has takou place in Montana terri tory totwoen the Crow and Bioux IudiauB, in which tho former woro worsted Tho raco botwoeu Qen. Cutlor'a yacht America aud liufua Hatch's yacht Resolute, over a course of thirty-nine mUca, was won by the America by 2m 18a William aud Aun Jones were found lying Uolplously drunk, with their infant child lying beneath thorn on tho floor, iu New York. The father aud mother wero arrested. and tho body of tho child waa given in chargo of a coroner. . . . A meeting attended by 100,000 poisons waa hold in Hyde Tark, London, at whidt resolutions wore paaaod domanding tho roleaso of the Fenian prisoners The secre tary of the treasury has ordered the aalo ot $5,000,000 of gold during tho current mouth. Ollieers of tho secret ecrvioe arrested throe counterfeiters iu Bt. Taul, Minn., and sectuod billa representing $10,000 Ex- rrosidont Andrew Johnson diod of paralyeis at tho residence of his daughter iu Carter county, Toun., at tho ago of Ii7. rroaideut Grant issued a uotico announcing the death, and ordoiiiig that tho llaga of the executive mansion and publio buildings be draped, at half mast, and that the army aud navy depart- menu pay proper tributes to his memory. . .... Prince Milan, of Herzegovina has gone to Vienna to ooufor the Austrian foreign ollico iu hopes ut obtaining aid iu somo form from tho cnipiro, aud tho Vicuna I'nssc hints that tho claims of neutrality may not bo strictly ob served by Austria. Col. Cakor, of the EnjlieU army, has been found guilty of indecent assault upon a young lady hi a railway carriago iu England, and sentenced to twelve jnouths' imprisonment and to pay a line of $2,500 The board of u.. quiry whiih has been iuvestigatiug the charges against Episcopal Bishop Whittlng- bam, of Maryland, have dismissed them Oov. Tildon has given instructions to the attornoy-gonoral of Now York to commence suits against Donison, Boldon and others on- gagod iu canal frauds Mr. Morris, of Tiltou'i counsel, has sortod papors upon Mr. Boochor's counsel, iu connection with the rotrial of tho caso Tho oloctiou in Ken tucky roBiiltod hi a Democratic victory..., Tho public dobt statomont for July shows a roduo tiou of 1,294,0H7. The debt is now (2,127,- 250,000. Tho treasury balance 1b i6137,5'2,07O, of which tlii, 012,700 is coin. .... .Considerable exoitement has been eroatcd in Toronto by tho Uncling of a body of a young woman iu a wooden box just outside of the city. A coroner's Jury rotumeda verdict of " foul play in procuring an abortion.".,... The returns fur July to tho Now Orloans exchange In dicate the cotton trop as exceeding that of last year. ... .Ordors from the Army and Navy departments woro to the effect that appropriate, exorcises ho held by the garrisons aud crows on tho day of ox-rrocidont JolniBon's funeral; that guns be fired oveiy half hour dining (he day, and titat the ellieers wear mourning for thirty days...... IIuu. L. f I. Dossaulos, joint clerk ot tho crown, at Montreal, has absconded, leaving unprotected papor to tho amount of $1,000,000, of which 75,000 is forged 11c-. ports from Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana stato that the ho.ivy rains have caused the rivers to overflow their banks and Wash away crops, bridges and railroad embankments, Tho crops of England will harvest bettor than expected, having been saved by tho re cent fino weather. Tiio crops of Austria and Hungary show a likelihood of doficioncy.. ., TUo gold yield of Austria is unusually small this year, although tho averago earnings of tho mines havo been very good General Crook has ordered tho miners out of tho Black Ilills, aud given them fiftoen days iu which to depart. Oold continues to be found in paying quantities Ex-President Andrew Johnson, wrapped in an Amorican flag, was buried at Oreeuvillo, Touu., with Maaonio honors. Tho town was fillod with mourners from all parts of the State. Many of tho federal oOlccs through out tho country closed out of respect to his memory Tho pooplo of Texas votod to Call a constitutional convention.... Tho Indian chief Boavcrito contradicts the stories told by concerning the 0tah massacro. Ho says that the story about tho immigrants poisoning an ox or spring is f also.. ..Tho centoiuual com mission will not accept applications for spneo in the exhibition from citizen of nations whoso government havo not appointed a com mission Govornmont oilicials captured throo counterfeiters of fivo-coiit nickclH in Brooklyn, N. Y., togothor with 10,000 worth of presses, dies, eto Iu the claims c-f Americans against tbo Mexican government, Sir Edward Thornton, tho roforoo, has awarded Mrs. Harry L. Evans 20,000 gold as indem nity for the execution of her husband by the Mexican government; Joseph W. Halo was awarded 20,000 gold with six per cent, intorcst from 18(0, for tho destruction of claimant's cedar wood sawmills : Margarot Glenn was awarded 20,000 for tho mnrdor aud robbery of her husband and son by Mexican civil authorities ; Dauiol Green was awarded 10, 000 gold with intorcst from 18G3, for tho de al ruction of his farm and crops by Mexican cavalry. THE LATE AMHtEW JOHNSON. Hkrleli ot Ills Huiiy Lire mill Public t'nroev. Andrew Johnson, seventeenth Presi dent "of the United States, whose death is announced, wns born iu Kaleigh, N. C, December 2'J, 180S. His father, Jacob Johnson, who died iu 1812, was city con stable; sexton, and porter of tho State niuiK. J'.xlremo poverty prevented An- tlr()w from obtaining any schooling, and at tho age of ten he was apprenticed ton tailor named Belbv. A crenlleiimii wns in the lialut ot visiting tho shop and reading 10 mo woiKnien, generally lrom mo "Aiiwiriciiu ppcuiicr, . ana AiMivw liecimio iutoiiHoly intorenlrl, cHpcfiully in tlio cxtruclH from tho i;i touches of l'itt and Fox. llo dotermiuoil to loarn to riiul, nml having uoeompliHiiuil this ho il'wotiul nil his loisuro hours" to tho poriwal of Kitcli bookx hh ho could olitaiu. la tho Mtiiuuiur of 1821. a few months lioforo his nitpreutiucHhip expired, he pot into troul ilo I iy throwing wkmes at an old woman's hoimc, aud ran away to avoid tho consequences, llo wont to Lsuirenu Court llouso, N. C, and ob tained work as a journeyman tailor. In May, 182(5, ho returned to iliileich. Sell iy had moved into tlin country, nud Andrew walked twenty miles to seo him, apologized for his niiademeanor, and promised to pny him for tho unfulfilled portion of bin apprenticeship. Selhy, however, required security, which Andrew could not furnish ; nud in Sep tember ho went to Tennessee, takintr with him his mother, who was dependent on him for support, llo worked for a year in Greenville, during which time ho married, ana, alter a vnin search for a moro desirable homo further West, ho tinaily settled tliero. 'lints far his education had boon lim ited to rciidiug, but now, under his wife's iustritetion.he learned to writo and cipher, llo began to tako an interest in local politics; and m 1828 a working- man u party, to oppose the so-called ai'istocratio element which had alwavs ruled tho town, was formed. Consider able excitement ensued, and Johnson was elected alderman by a largo major ity, jio was ro-ciceteu m each of tho two following years, nnd in 1830 was elected mayor, which ollico he held for three years. A rom this time forth ho was a rising politician, and, as he used to boast, roso by successive steps from the lowest to "the highest ollioes of Stato: his various contests and cam paigns being marked with extraordinary turbulence, obstinacy, and courago on His port, He was elected to Congress in 1813, and becamt) Governor of the Stato of leuuessee in 1K53, and again in 1855, He was elected United States Senator in 1857. Ho was a Democrat, and ou the question of slavery generally wont with his party. Ho accepted slavery as au I existing institution, but believed that it ruust some day come to an end, and held that it must be kept subordinate to the Union at every hazard. He at nrst op posed the compromise measures of 1850, but anally voted for tliem. in the cam paign of 1800 ho supported lircokiuridgo and J-iane. Tho Legislature having voted tho Stato of Tennessee out of tho Union, on March i, 1802, President Lincoln renominated Andrew Johusou to be military governor of Tennessee. Tho Senate confirmed the nomination, and on the 12th of that month he reached Nashville and assum- I ed the duties of the office. His election as Vice-President on tho ticket with Mr. Lincoln, tho melancholy death of tho latter five weeks after his second inauguration, the accession of Mr. Johnson to tho Presidency, and the clulictiltics between , tnmsell and Con gress while hoWing that office, will be well remembered by all who have taken auy interest in the polities of recent years. Filially, articles of impeiwhmint wero prepared against lnni, and his trial begun March 2d, IMitL llouiamin 1', I Butler being leading counsel for the prosecution and William M. Evarts for the defense llo was acquitted, the vote being thirty-fivo for "guilty" and nine teen for ' not guilty" a two-thirds voto being required to convict. On March 4,' lSb'.J, ho was nucocoeed in tho l'rcsideu tial oflico by Ulysacs H. Orant. , i Last yenr ho was elected to tho United States rionnte from Tennessee nnd bold that ofllee at tho time of his death. Distribution ,r Rainfall. Among the very few meteorological stations at which tho rainfall Las been rocordod cither continuously or hourly is to bo noted that of l.erno, in Switzer land, the observations at which placo for the past eight years iinve rocontly been studied by Forstor. . Tho diurnal peri odicity of rainfall both as regards its quantity aud its frequoncy follows at this place a regular law, and, on the averago of tho year, it is shown that the probability of rain increases from one o'clock iu tho morning to a maximum at seven o'clock in tho morning, then sinks to a minimum nt two o'clock in tho after noon, and rises again to a maximum at midnight. Tho diurnal period is thus almost opposite to that which obtains under the tropics, where in tho after noon, at the hour at winch the tempera turo is at its maximum, and nt which the clouds aro, ou the avernge, the highest above tho earth, it rains most frequently. State Elections. Elections occur in twonty States dur ing tho next five months. California, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mas sachusetts, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsyl vania and Wisconsin are to elect Gover nors, minor- State ollieers and Legisla tures; Iowa nnd Kentucky and the incoming Legislatures elect United States Senators ; California and Missis sippi, full Congressional delegations, four members in tho former and six in the latter. Alabama, Kentucky, and North Carolina vote on holding a State constitutional convention, nnd Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, New York, New Jorsoy, and Virginia vote for minor Stato aud local officers, including tho Legislature Thero has never been found a person who tried Dobbius' Electric Soap (made oy urngiu x uo., I'lina.) that ma not say at onco it was tho best soap she ever used. Try it once, you'll always uso it. " Five Minutes fou Refreshments." Everybody who has traveled by railroad has uoaru tne auovo announcement, and ban prob- ..11.. m 1 r . . . ... . 1 nuijf rmiciuu iron, caung too nastily, tnoreby sowing tho seed of dyspopsia. It is a comfort to know that tho Peruvian Syrup will euro the worst cases of dyspepsia, as thousands have tostilied. Com. A want lias been felt and expressed by physicians for a safo and reliable purgative. Such a want is now supplied in J'arnons Pur ijitliee 1'iU.i. Con. Henry K. I'.ond, of .Tell'erson, Maine, was cured of spitting blood, soreness and weakno-n of tliOBtomanh, by the uso of John tun' AnoriHiit) J.iuhui iU internally. Cow. MEPSllS. CKAUDOUK A CO., IO.I Knee Street, Philadelphia, Pa. : Gnidnnftn Pleaie Bend me twelvo bottles of Cttnmihi Iti'liia, one each of PIUb and Ointment, for a frlond ol mine who Is not expected to live; and asyoiirniedlctuu cured me of 'oiiniiiunii.nl tome throe years ago, 1 want him to try them. 1 Rained fifteen pounds while taking the lint throe bottles, and 1 know It Is just the thing for him. Respectfully, J. V. UUI.b. l.lwllKNCIilicno, Anderson Oo.. Ky., Fob. In. I7:i. Tlio Markets. HEW YORK. liocf O.I llo PrlinofoKxtra Bullocks l(IVi 13 milium to i.lood T'.'xanH .Mlkll J.'nwH Gil IHI (rttIO 00 HI u ll-v, UIVi4 Oil , tlfi.'n Uuku l.ivo Urcwcd Hliooti...... .stuns ttou MhlilliliK 'lour Kxlni WMi-rii; .... A Ik I ....5 ;i!i .... 1 4K .... 1 41 .... 1 I'l 1 'II ..... 1 45 .... 01 .... HI .... fill .... fill ulllK IIS '21 r.') ,....18 mi 1 '2 III) 6 '21 m n :v ( (i IT, ut 1 Ml I 41 (rfl 1 OH in' 1 20 1 51) Mi l 85 1 15 (4 pi V li irf'Jl !0 (' l:l MI9 IK) (l.1 SO t g ru t 4(1 siuio i:sir.t Whal U"d Wi-kIi it No. 2 Sjii iTiu 0 Klato rlry--Ht:ll4',.,,. 1- Uy M ill l.iiB-Mlj.-d Wndi.ri MixpiI Wei'tom l.iy, or i'vt , Klraw, per c.vt Ions 74 k as rf:w jrk MosH,,., ...... ....... .ml ifli MacHTol, No. I, new. No. 'J, new nry i:oii, per cwl llerrinir, Kralril, ikt Ikx. . . 'lrol-uni Criido ii.pi,iriL,' Wool Cnliluriiia l-'li-coo Hellned, in, im ii-j '.11 lit ::i AilHtraliiiu . " liUtUT .Hi.itn 4.1 M Ut 2i 1 211 I!) 112 I'K W id ut lit ut ut ut ut M II.', si; vr. 14 21 li! OS II 21 Wl'Klrni ll:iiry WoHli-rn Yellow MWfrn Oriliimry 1'emtKYlv.iiiia l'ino . . Clio .'so III ulo l-':i.'lorv SkilMlllp,!...... Western KkKK .Stale. AMIANX. Whoiit , Ily SiMo (Ijt-ll Mixed. 44 ll.l as . 20 1 40 Vt 1 (I'l llarlcy State... ut. Ha (it 1 211 0:ita Stale uui-rAi.o. Flour fi 25 1 US 77 01 I l:i 1 40 Win itt No. 2 Hirini; Ooru Mixi'tl 8 00 (it I i'l Ut 78 (4 (il C4 1 12 (3 1 41) Oils liyo I'MriMOUK. OoltOIl I.OW MHlillillEH Uiit 145, "75 (4 8 H l''lom Kjtrn , tVlifat Kol WohUtu Ilyo .'.II ill h7 III B1, ft I r,-i ut 1 on It M V 62 Coru Uow OaU Mixrd , IVlroU'um Flour reimsylvauia Extra ...... Wheat Vostorn lted Bye FHII..W.-.LI'IIIA 25 1 48 1 III fa 81) 75 ( 1 48 ( 1 00 9 87 Corn Yellow... Mixd... Oatn M.xoil VfU olinim Orndo (18 .'cans V (12 Ecflniil, 11 From Maine to California mil Uona of childrnn are woaiina S1 KII.VIS11 TIlM'Klf hboea. Why not t they are the cheapest ami nevor wear turoujtli at the toe. Try them. for Sain hy all Shoe Tinlera. thu rrpui.-itlon ol the I 4'A 14 1. K (4'KliV WIIIkI From the Atlanlln in the PAIti a m Isoola and hhoea li aprendroff. I 1 hey never rip, leak, or f n II to I piecel. 1 .ook out for the Ttttent I tump , all ulhersuro iinitatlous. Fort Edward Institute, N. Y. Boarding Kemtniry for Ii11e and Oentlomoo. To pre- iar tor (Jollfjcu, for Humiiisi.or for Lite. Hil tut nil to.-iu, Se-pttuiher g. JOS. K. KINW. Priticlpal. yWAHTII.MOKB OIXi:;K, Mivartlimorr, n Peluwnro Co. I'fiui. This Institution, under the cam of Kilnuda, gives m tlKtrough 4MiUtttrlstt educa tion to both sexBS, who here pursue tuu m cur of study, and rt-ceiva (tie smut degrees, l'or (JuUil iftue, giving full pttrtluutrs hs tn courts of study, teruts ot.. address K I) VVA H P H. M AO ILL, I'hfsi i ik n t. PORTABLE GRINDING MILLST" Het French HurrHiiitin- tilt UutU'i-ruiiUi'iit, n-clc bfHl uprtfr-runncrH. rr luriu or Mervlinnl Work Suik lior 91111 Klom-ft of all feicHi, 4onuiue ltilrli An ker I toll in tf ilolli, Mill X' irka, c oi a to i.u 1 1 e is una 1'ltHiurn, ifRriuKt tiiaflint;, Pullifs, flanutTs, tic. all kimU of Mill Jlucliuifi y and Milh-iV supplies. Httid for 1'ni.iplilfl Mruut HIUI 4,oiuiHii.r, lioxMSO, Ini'luiiuli. O, PIERCE WELL AUGER t,.rniiaiitr oltun to nuy uiit ilitil Mill ticceMfull' ooui-ie toiw.aud Id taking up a ml imumIiir Ih.wlrl.r and ooe ctnim. ANTEED. B'nl lor C.r.Lou" rrtS. i!r.SUMR CHASED. PIERCE, Peru, UUuoU! K. W. Pierre A- Co., Pr.wi. burr. It. ., .v ; Wa have uaed U)0 Sea Foam a Ions while and consider It thu beat baking i'uw der lu aae.' Ilt'iiioml. IIUU A' Molii r. noil. OriMart, JivMuu, .Wua .uy ; ' Wherever wo have aold your Kea roum It baa alven excellent talia. faoHou. aud It la pronounced supe rior Ut any kuuwu Making-Powder." ry It. M lis eoououiy la wonder ful ; It ftavea Milk. bjt. eto.. aud aelbi like Hot Uakea." Mend fur circular to (,KO. r. 4.ANT. A Cu. 1 7 11 Duana St., New Vork, lVKItV VAAI1I.V WANTN IT. Money In II IU belli bf ioua. Addna it. M. LOVELL, Krk.fa PENNSYLVANIA lUllllnrt ArndrlMT. rlit m-r. I'n. Opens Sept Hill, Civil l-',nrlmrlnKt the (JIiimI,:, I'-.tigliHll Mid Military Art IhnronKhly t.-iiight. 1-or circulars apply to ('nr.. TIll'.O. 11VATT, President. N. Y. N. U.-No. IS $250 ; A -MONTH Afrnitn wnnlrrt v"ir whorn, HufllnoMi tinrmriiM" ami HrH- Furtirulnrw p.-nt frcf. mlriruw f'URTH A l'U nt. l-oulfl, Ma. Tt.lt daw trxmn in worn with pnrfnet oo in fort nlfflit and rtny. Aflnpls Ittwlf to vary motion of Ibfi body. rlflnlti KnpJ turo under ihe bftrlHt exerolM or wivhrnst b train tmtf. pnrniMiftritlr ouredi (Sold ohuap j tha Elastic Truss Co. No. 683 Ilrondwnt, N. Y. Uly, knd sent by mall. Call or send for Circular, and he oiired ONLY 50 CENTS K.ir Tim llo4tin Wreklv -lntn, 3 tnonthn, pont bk f rr. A llv, H pwro pHpwr, frMnit 4 S lon cnlumnn nf fttorlnn nnd iiwb for grown pnople and children. Ad tret Tub OloiiE I' OB. Vo.t WMhiogUm Street, Hi if Ion. YoiirNfimn Elegantly Print ed on 1'J J It A N s PA It K N T finmnn c.nnii CnrQ (Vnii. K.Kch rarti cotitnin-, a fnrne whlth w not vifihlv until held towtnli in ncni. NottiincUkrthfmeTrrtM1osrntTrrrlin America. Hicin-iiirc-mcots to Agenta. Noveltt 1'kintiwo Co., Ashland, OOK AGKVTS WANTED n"&"GLEANINGS FOUTHECl'KIOrS." ForJOynn nil lUerstnw, nrt, BClrnw, hintory, thi-ntopr. earth ind heiivrn. have hrrn rnfceil nnd rtinmirkeil 111" ihe run and enrioux thiDRR ptnwtd nw.vyin thir mnrkahle book. It in tttfmtthf nt-ntum-in tlh rB (pioint, beautiful, brilllnnt thoiiiiht mid truth, f.iii-.no wnhmpnt, Iticeiiiniin vh'rs, una the won d'rf ul ftirln nnd ourifum tanrirs rvrr known. Tlif ,oi'li'nr "H'h ; hn.h'f Airentu cur "if a MO HIT,- awl Pnvr nt worV report tWl." 70.'" HO," "im" order i wet-k I It renllv midi lls W other book thrrr tn vn- for ouh tn trc it i' tn Im it.' Wr want l.om more ttttty A(f ul" now men or women nnd we will mnilOnffl. Krrs to tlmse who will ennvaf. J.nnre pnmpidets with full par trt:ul.iri. t'-rm. etr.. iMit frrv to itL Add re A. D. WOKTIUNGTON CO XJAitTroRD QoVV. !'ftrr1i,ll Summer l"tvtrn nnd nil ilm coot pluini KO'iirntc.l tty mcvulro hx!.( by kenpiim thu blond cool nnd the bowels free with Tarrant's EftVrveHwiit IStltzor Ajmm h-nt, it v toe a most refreshing draught aud (he btt of all regulating medicines. SO!,I) HY MJi DUUtJTSTS. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. The Leading American Newspaper. TUB HKST ADVKItTlslNU 1 HIHl'.tl. Daily, $10 a year. Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, $2. IMrtnq Pre tn the Sitl.rrilrr. SpPcltnHn ('oplns nntl AdrertlMns Kates l'"ir. Weekly, In cluhriof :lOnr morn, only lis J posUgn pnld. Afllr 'I'm: TmtmNF:, N. V. UirTTfFII TATri forynn. Sills nt slebl. p V lilll J I 11 I I I T Our Ak'1-! coin money. Wo unvo work nd raotinv lor fill, mon or vvonipn. boys or frlrln.wbnl or npar M,tio. Sond pl-rnp for ('stitloKUt. Address Fit ANK ULUUK. Ni-.v Uodford, iMuss. Geo. p. n o well a Co. bold lu cut l7 Urub'iJta, cciils ud upward. $IOs$500?f Invetod lu Klref, en ie(ts to l4rlun. A nnttn hook rxulnltiliiu Mirythlnr, nntl copy of the W'ntl Sin-i-l ltavlv D XdVi X XiiJJUt A Unk:m. 1 & Knmilwuy. N. V. WANTKI Ai;i':TS. Sit,-,''' "' Outfit fr..-. IteUtrtUan b'oM. A. UOUl-TKlt A CO., Ui1uhk. N. F. BURN HAM'S TM(II1M: Water Wheel Vim Si'h-rl I'll, 4 jf-irs nun, ami put fit io worn in i mm Mii'iLi. tMtu;i, hhu f9 itiKioit, It. I., iiinl Itat itrnvi'il in Im TI1H Itl'MI. Ill 61.tlB miltlH. I'l'll'I'N lowrr thHii utiy olhur llrHb-ulivtH WUumI. Vain 'Mlft fntH. N. K UKN'liAiM, Yoim. Vn. Of tho l'rt'lliNt CiirdM you vtriiT with ymir iihiuu tuintiBoiaty prlntHil on ttioin, sunt, post-pntft, uimiii rucMtpt of ct)n1. Your hiemls will nil waut tltum wlivn they bhi yonr. Aituivw, W. U. 13ANNON, -Hi lti eiinift Sln-o), lioHioii, Mum. SMITH 0E6AN GO. Boston, jXIttntnsi. Iliihv Ntitnttaril tnrt titmvikt h Sold by Music Dealers tverywliere. Agents Wanted in Every Town. t- e tbroualiont tlin UulUiil Slatim uu Hit INKTAI.I..1IKNT PLAN 1 ha la on a System of Moat Uly Payments. f'droliiuwraKbould auk forthit Smith Am f.iurAN i iikiam li.tAlniriiHa and full iittrlkmlnrii on iiiipliuntlnn. WANTED! a;i:ntm pttit thu lH.ht-l.l.!lillK I'i-i..' I'.it k UKulil tliH wtirlil ll :), taint l.i SliH.tlK I'jiiK-r l.k Knvelioti. lnllci IVu. I'nn lloM.-r. IVm-il. I'.it.-nt Vnrd MaHurt.,nnd a I'ihch of .IcvvHli-y. Shinto l'.n:l. ii:.-, llh Hli.K:tul l'ri. ott-ml!. i-milil. t'licular liuu. IllllDK A CO., 111!) KniiMliviy, N.-v V1.1L. S10?S25Th dav. Hond for Ohmmo Catalopnc. llt'iriiu,V SiM, lliMtoo, u&c. t'AIITI4N-4Tl'l.-Tlit? tii'iiuliio Killliou. LIFE AND LABORS OF L V 1 N (ISTONl'l liiclnrilnxllm" LAST .IOU1INAI.S"), nnfoldi hits UK .nt nai-H nliiinKuutlvHiitur.it, uiHo Ilie ''"-'"Mirf". Wondnrft und Wuallh of that ni inv t.nm uonntry, nnd in abuilutf'ly tliu only iiimv. u'linplet) work. llHiion It SxlU; jut think, I i, ()()() I r.t M-vi-ll w.-..,b. Auh-iH .iut.aji would iikIoioIi voll. imttr tritii'iil. S.MI'l for I'MinR and iMBltivt. im.of of u,-inilnin"!. II I ! lilt HI) IIHc IS., Iul,s SaiiMini S;r.'.il. I'nilndi-liihlii, I'll. TBiSI IUBZ. PATHrnm. e teat Atinl rh.twct ni. i a.n Wcrl.l for Iron, Tin. or Wood. For salrj l.7.'',e', ewrvwhere. PnrNCIKS' irRTAI.Li(J PAINT CO.. fnnnffrorn, 9(1 Cellar St., New York. CfCAUTION.-Purchascra will nlea oo that our name and trade murk are on ,acli aud v,vi j ocuu lur a I'lrt utftri PRINTERS' ROLLERS Made from the Patent " kxri-Uiur" 4'oiiiiiohIiIoii. will recaat, notalfeowd by the weather; price. liOoeuta pel pound. Ia used lu prlolioK tliia p iper. J. It. 4 4II.K. Altt.. IMIIIIlJit.jJVy, 1 A Urge, independent, bouent aud ft-arlesav vuewdpapcr. witli reliable uiarket rcuortj aua a TamaDle ainricuiiural acprv-- ruicut. vt eaiuico uiuaeuicy (the beat family newa- V" naEaLl IHKU.MtLt .V )ycur, in a;L AXXV'Vunof aclubolf' uve. r uii oi valuable ln-l . formation of C 'fSny the PACll'It' Mininu Rtoi-kS x' roporU The Ijaii.v CllKONKLEVi).70ayuar postpaid CHiS. dt TOCHrt h CO. Sn Fraaciica. I Sptdmen t'opiea ml FKHK Send for one.. MEL ASTIctl III B U 8 J . JJ 50 Established 1S5S. TRAS Lhi"C',,0Bt,?,,.h ""'Id-Importer. f- f-i,k , Prtoea lairueat Company In Anierlca---tapl- artlcl-pWea everh.,dy-'f rado con tluTSVl, ucreaaluK-AKenla wanted everywliere-lt ,"m. 500,OOOCRES MICHIGAN LANDS A Ij H i 3B The Land ol the Jnckaon, LnneliiK aud MuKluaw Kitllroad Coiiipnny are how OFr'KUKI) FtU MALE. They are altnated alonit ita rallnia.1 and contain tract, of excellent FAKAIINU aud PINK LaSda 8 The farmlua- landa Include aumo 0 the inoi irtn and well-waured hardw.Hjd landa to the Ktat. ffl are Umbeied mainly with banl-mapl. and bch? 2u5 black, wudy loam, aud abound la .prlu of pnrtat Kate w!?!t.y-.!r'JS? i?a i'" "'o au, WeaterS ' .7 .. " win H. lanuera have a Willie twin lo (reat aliuudance, tliey bave uo other rL,.ir.- and when IbU crop fall, dealltutlun foHow. "iCltbSS the eaae the paat year iu kanaaa aud Nebraaka. lll..".,-.fT7? 'h?tf '-"-JO ll acre. Send fo lllualrated Pamphlet. Addreaa. ft. fl. UAUSHH iiiie auiue oi aue nralila KIm.im .......