Ill MmU. THURSDAY, JULY 20. 187G. E?ang3lical Lutheran Chrch REV. I. BKENEMEN Pastor. Iimlay school at 0:43 A. M. All are in- I to attend. U- E. CHURCH. REV. WM. MARTIN, Tostor. unday Soliool at 0:30 A M Morning vice at 11 A M Class Meeting at J 2 Evening Service at 7:ii0 P M Prayer .'ting Thursday Evening G2U5B CH'JIWH. service in Oraco Church Sunday next at k usual hours, 11 A. M. and 61 1'. M. the , r ' All arecordiolv invited to atteuJ. Seats Fbke to all. Car Time t MHtlgtvay. 1 f.nsl. 4:43 P: M. 2 23 P. M !:25 A. M. 4:45 P. M. 6:40 P. M OVO ACCOin do West ,1 Vi West 8;20 A. M Mail and Throueb. Local carrv n-pru. inn innoi Changa ofServi-.e. i-uiug curvitu ju uiuce uuuicu litre1 beginning on Sunday next will be at uiock, msicau oi o o cmcii us uei eiu- All are cordially invited to attend. Our Democratic friends have put forth he name of Jacob MoCauley, Fox town- and James McClellaud, Horton toivn- as candidates for the office of Trcas- AVashington fialbraith of Spring lek and Chas. II . Hoffman of Mill Stone named os candidates for Commissioners. list Sauiid ty, Jul 23, Fianlt Gorton, II about 10 yen.s, son of Dubois Gorton, I his foot crushed by the local freight, adly tliat it was found necessary to In. ate three toes. The local was back- l;ifn Mip &iiiii(T n I. ( i : fi. -i mi ; 'u tinnr.-.,. SvLeu young Gorion thought he would get Inand help Leak the lruiu in, but h'.s foot ypptd uud he was thrown under the 1:is witn me noove result mere is that he will recover, although last It there was some fear of lockjaw. Iiier Wilcox, had his right hand paiu- injuied lait Monday while qtui-riiig with John Cusjcrly. The plug oh Cassci !y was driving wi'.h a sledge limer broke, off and iiie piece Hew out hig Wilooj:, who was standing a "ew feit in him ou the hand. The plug revolved diteriible velocity and but for an iron lr which Wilcox ncll his a.iii would have i-'ii broken. AI. hough the i-iiurv is a iy painful one, it is nevertheless fowu te that it is no woiso forbad his lead jcived the blow wo would have a fatal :ideiU to lo.-ord wiihout djubl. About eleven o'clock Saturday night a 'ight, cir iva' bia.ied in the depot siding ided with hoots, tdioes. tobacco, and oiuries. Tue origin a'' the ti e is not town although it is thouglil to ue causid f' the spontaneous combustion of sonit niches which were iu the en--. On fc'iiu- ly iui,ru'.iig uboul nine o'cloci. the vandals ickel the contents of the car caved f.-oiu fire, and very sown lucre was 'itiie .en lihe partially netted cmdy and sc-i. cliol (cco that had been opened in i'ying to le the goods. The oar was a wreck, liough iho gooJ-i were nearly all saved. MiACi'i.'ii:s KscAl'K. s the first ex- Iss l.-oight, under charge of Conductor ICiiu-ltuul, cut l i'v J Lvcomitig creek llse, on Tuesday ni.'lit last., at 12:o0 au Let, having t;ie appearance of a person, noticed by the en tl.iec.- walking on rack about half way in I lie bridge ciiincer pr.ive tue usual fitiiiiil and re- Id his engine, but the object pain no Itiou ana w.13 s.ruck by Mia enrrae -hook was very slight, as tho engine's m had nearly been fife it. On cxaru- in, the object, turicd out to be a ii, atfected by so.unanibiiiisa;. Tlio Injury she received was few slight about the head. Considering her ins situation, t no incident was excit- Lnd .lier escape from inciant death wo ulous. Hawvo Record. lis Woods Accidenjr. Nelson Joi ns, a Swede, had Irs leg broken lu places, in mo Da. k woojs near nil- last Thursday. lie felled a small I which lodged, and then felled a laije Ivhich struck the small tree, causing both to fall in such a manner that Ioncussion broke the bones in the leg we are told that the flesh was tot led 'Q "ie 'enst, although the bones d "like a ha of bones." the hext day, Fiidiy, anolhev lie, vfhosa name we have unt lea.ned, C,adly injurea in the ni'.ninrth wooils, he day before he had helped to carry laan wounded on Thursday out of tho Is. This accident was caused by a lg limb, which struck the man on the crushing in the skull and dislocating boulder and at the same time throw- Jim to the earth and pinning him there l he was helped up. It was sometime he recovered consciousness. At looounts both men we.e doing as well ,uld be expected. I IE rilKENOLOCICAL JOURNAL, olwaj'S ome to our table, shows no abatement iteresiing fact and thought. The mum I for August is certainly filled wiih good ling, sientifio and Hi era.. We mea- briefly some of the topics which seem deserving of special considera ion, Dr Crosby, of New York, the mei' It Author aad Divine; Lessons iu Prac- l l'hreuoloj'y, No. 2; Rev. Hcury M. laer, the Colored 1'i eaeher of the South; lor Hugo Every Man His Own Actu. Viviscetion in the sillily of Psycho . or the Nature und Propagation of Nervous lutluunse; Epericno wuh ioco IIow I Learned to Love It, and I Quit its Use; Write Good Stories for children, etc The Agricultural Bints Advice iu the Deportment of Answers orrespondents, are alone worth tho cription charged for the whole. Price e numbor, 80s cent. Yearly subscrip- I, $3.00. Postage, 15 cents added. A Book premium is offered to each sub- ler, at $3.00. Address S. R. WELLS i . , VI I 737 lil'Oajway, iew ioik, The pot.ito crop promises well Broad street has beea grded. Potato bugs are becoming discouraged. Checsel Choice Factory, at P & K's Politioal aspirants are beooming numer ous. The dnys are growing shorter and the nights consequently longer. A new sidewalk has been laid on Mill Btreet to tho race. Frank Dill is giving our iron bridgos a coat of paint. Neit week Millc of the Democrat will commence digging his Elk Creek canal. Send us fifty cents and we will send you the A DvocATM FOUR MONTHS. Give this office a call if you want job woik cheap. I'ane McKcan county, is to have a now brick depot. The punkics and Editor Miller were at churh last Sunday night. We have received a communication from "Sue" which we decline to publish be. cause the writer does not sign its name. Latter is selling here at 25 cents a pound; egg? at 2-3 cents a dozen; new pota toes 9i 40 cents a peck. The Reynoldsville Herald man takes ,:whiskey straight" at lea it he has au article with this caption in his last issue. If tho buckwheat crop turns oat well' buckwheat cakes will be plenty this win er. Tho court yard is still ornamented with the Fourth of July "pavillion," which is not much of an ornament after all. Nebraska is ioauui atiog a uow thing in poliiics. l's la;e Gonstituiional Cen VeiUion agreed ;o su'iinit the following as a sejiaiato pu; ositiou lo tiie people of the Stale: The Democratic County Committee met in this place list weak fixed upon Saturday, August 28, 1875, as the time for holding tHo primary mjaiingiand Tuosdvy, August 81, 1875, as the time fjr holding the county convention. A dv.ico, under tin aup'.cej of Company II, and tho Centennial llvse Bill Club will beheld on Fridiy August Oth, 1875, on tho platform in the cou t sipiare. No special invitations will bo issued A gen eral invitation is cxtonlod to all. This is the last dance on the platform. llORSE RAKES! Upon a thorough In vesication it has been demonstrated that a good horse rake w ill savo more labor to a fanner than any other invention of its cost Ainoin; all the machines of the kind, the Albion evolving Horse Rake stands supreme, of which POWELL & KIME are the sole ugents for this section. Every person should have one. They are selling very rapidly Undo." date t:f inst., Sccic tary lJri.sto'iV bus called iu for payment 810,000,000 Five-twenty Houds, under the provision of the act of Coiigrsss authorizing tho ruluuding of the Na tioual debt. The bonds, priucipal and aeeured interest, to bu paid at the Treasury Lcpai tment, Wrsbiuglon, ou and ai'ter August 14ili, 1875. IK'i'e is a new President! ii ticket Tt is picscnled by the Wilnii.igioi Com mon!, U of Delaware: ''We heir a new lioke', rle'sined lor 1 S7f. talked of in IVniyivania. It is: For l'.esi'cut ijetijimin II. ll.istow of Kentucky for Vice PiesiJeut, John F. Ilariranft of Perjisj Ivania. 'J'bere would bo life spirit qui? J'outi,; I bod iu that ticket beyond a doubt, and if tho Con veuiiou .should nominate it, the people w ould f.ive it their lat'Ccatiou." The complete census of Rhode Island shows a population of 258.1i32, a gaiu in five ve rs of 40,7 70. Provideuce has 100,013; Newport, U,02'0 aud Paw tucket 1 e.-iii-i. Mrs. William A Alleu, a yount; mar ried woman, living near Port Jervts, iN 1'., while deeeuding tho stairs with a lighted lamp had au epileptic fit. The lump exploded, aud she was fa. ally injured. Iowa City, la.. July 23. Last night one of ihe coiking tanks in Close & Sou's paper mill exploded, causing the explosion of four others, and uitcily destroying the stock in the stock rooms, the engines and more than half of tho mill. Of tho men in Ihe null five were killed, Ohiha, Ihe fireman Oilman, tho torenian; Smaller and Tie.ney laborers, and Herman Bechtel, a workman iu a 11 our mill near by, wlio bad stepped into Ihe paper mill about a moment before the explosion. Iho bodies of China. Bechtel and Gillman were blown five huni'red feel across the street and over the houses, aid were recovered. The bodies of Tierncy and Smaller were either buried in the ruins or blown into ihe river. Ihe mill was worth 250,000. Washington, July 23 The rclurns to the Department ot Agriculture up to July 1 show Iho condition of suring and winter wheat together at about 82 per cent, of au average. Winter wheat, including (Jalilor nil, average 74, and enriiw wheat 00 The spring wheat States in the Norhcast and Ncrtwest tire generally iu high condi tion. Ot the winter wheat area the South Atlantio aud Uulf States-ai e generally aoove average, but in ihe Middle States thecondiiiou is very low New York rung ing down to 45- West of the Allegheuies the prospect is better, the State averages being between 71 in Ohio ana Do in Iowa, California reports winter wheat at 70 aod spring wheat at bo. Lancaster Ta., July 26. The city is alive with the members of the great Siungerfsst which opened to-day, and will continue lour days. At an early hour com niittees formed at the various depots to receive the large delegations lroin I hila dclphia, Baltimore, llarrisourg anil IteaU ing. The otlicial reception took place at Micnnerehor Hall nt 2 I'. M. A rt-hersal was had at the Fulton Opera House at 4 I' M. prior to the grand conceit now iu progress there. The building was literally jammed. To-moriow the various sociotie will participate in a giaud picnic; on Wed nesday they will join an excursion; on Thursday visit our public buildings and places of interest. Many of our publio nags buildings are tastefully decorated with and evergreens, ana Deautitui anu appro priate mottoes are displayed in the streets Judging from the jolly humor evcrywere visible the guests are highly pleased with their reception. A Iterohlng Lunatic. Probably one of the most remarkablo feats of pedestrianisra ever attempted in tho West is that now being assayed in this city by a colored man who calls him self Boh Blackhawk. This individual arrived in this city a few days ago, and while along tho docks claimed that he was able to accomplish the seemingly incredible feat of standing upon the head of an ordinary barrel and con stantly turning around for twenty-lour hours without drink, iood or sleep. Ho asserted that he bad performed the feat in L:stcin ci. 108, and talked so confi dently that at lust ho succeeded in ex citing the interest ol a few speculative parties who determined to test his pow ers or cndurnn?o. jjlacknawK was paiticularly anxious lo make tho trial, just to satisfy tho incredulous that he could do Wiiat he claimed, and accord ingly it was decided to gratify him. A common liquor barrel was procured and placed in a small room in the third story of tho llawlcy block, next to the Central Police fetation on Woodbimge street east, aud precisely at 0 o c'ock last evening Blackhawk mounted tho barrel and commenced his task. Two tiustworthy men were detailed to re main with him in the room, whion was kept secuiely locked io avoid interrup tion to seo that he faithfully curried out his attempt. They are to relieve each other fir needed repose. Shortly before I o'clock this morning a repor'er of the l'uxt "fined admission to tho room where tho private exhibition was given, and found Bob resolutely shuffl ing around on the barrel bead appar ently as fresh us a daisy. At that time he had been at it nearly seven hours; claimed to be entirely free from latiuuc, and was confident that be would fill out the whole time unless some uulorseen accident occured. Detroit I'ost. Boson, July -'. Uu;j;h Donohue, pedestrian, completed at bs iu I'-i.1 'at ui-i'it ihe wonderiul ftat ol VT'.lkiog 1. 100 milts iu 1,100 consecu tive liouis one mile each hour, lie wee iu unod condition at the close. It is believed the operatives of Fall lliver, Mass, realizing the general de pression in the cotton goods market, w i J i riuietly Mibmit to the propohed gen eral reduction of all wages, to take effect ou the first Mundny iu August, aud not undertake a strike. Fredrick Floyd, chiel clerk of the Liquor License Commission, Boston, ha.-! been in rested, charged with procur ing licenses issued by fortcd euduise- men's of npplii iitions and by forging the nu'iie 11. i'j. lleiumeuway. superintend tendent ol intelligent offices and Hocu ses, whose endorsement was necessary. A farmer, whoso cows stepped over the bound ol his brush fence and wan dered nff, sought to keep them home by placing over each of their eyes a hand ful of damp piaster of Paris, which when hardened, rendered them blind Thfy were discovered by some parties flsliuti, and u complaint was entered against their inhuman owner. An elderly lady named Cannon ot Massachusetts, was Handing byau'irou sink during a thunder storm, wheu she was prostrated by li-Jittiii.j;. She was entirely senseless, and was so charged and battered by the current that the gold beads about ber neck were melted; but she lives, und ascribes ber escape :o 'he siiken cap she wore Wheeling, Jt-ly 25. Sweeney. M 3 Cheiey it Co., ot this c''v, lar-'C "lass manufacturers, faiVd yesterday. Their Habililies Hie 815(1.1 00. Their assets are estimated io be 1-12.000. A meet log of the ciei'.ruis will be called lo try and airanc fur au extcnsiuj of ume and ,0 ciititinuo the woiks lunniug They employed upwards of thiee bund red hands. Newark, Ohio, July 23. Yes'eidny, vhi!o Htturatiog a buildm? with on in Can- liable fluid for the purpose of test ing a fire-exiiuuisher, some of the fluid iu i into the siroet aud accidentally i nitod. The flumes spread so rapidlv that the crowd which had gathered lo ste the ex penmen t were overw helmed Lweniy-two porsoLS, or whom sixteen wre boys, were burned, aod twenty seven persons, of whom ei "hteen woie boys, were sli'.'btly burned. Wiilie Frcy, a boy, whose hauds, head aud feet were badly burned, died to-night. New York. July 25 The Tribuno to moi'ow will aunounce that the Post master General has selected the mail rout along the shores of the lakes for a fast mail train to tho West. It is ex expeeled to begm to run on the 1st of October. It will make the diftauce from New York to Cticago in not more than tweniy-six hours, aud they hope to reduce tho time to twenty-Jour a pan ot twelve hours over tho preseut mail and exp'ess triins. The amount of mail niaitcr to bo carried by this train will be cnoimous. There wil1 .bo four large pos'.al cars of improved cous'raction capable of crrrying thiiiy-five tons of matter, aud it is thought by tue depar' mcut the amount to be carried w;U reach for y-five tons belore the exoia iiou of six months. The giCuter put ot the woik of dis'iibutiou will be done on tho cats. Washington, July 22- The July re turns to the Peparuueut of Agiicutture show that the acreage ot tobacco is greater than that of last year, tho in crease being iu tho great tobacco pro ducing btates, Maryland has increased her area 4 per cent ; Virginia 30; North Carolina, i; rlorida2o; Mississippi, 10; Arkansas, 10: Tennessee, 20 J; Ken tueky, 223; Ohio, 25; Iudiana, 49; Ill inois, DO; Missouri, 00; New lork Pennsylvania aud Texas report the same as last year. New Hampshire rcduceu her small acreage 30 per cent,; Massa chusetts, 25; Connecticut, 2; Geoigia 5 Alabama, 10 Louisiana, 7; i iscousin 17; Kansas, 11. Tne condition of thc crop is most satisfactory iu tho larje tobacco States, and is 20 per rent abovo an aveiago ou the whole. Ken tucky, which produces two-fifth& of our whole crop, is dl per cent, above the average. The other large producing btates are either very near a lull aver ago or above. The remarkably' do pressed condition is noted only in the tuialler producing btatea. From Furnry't l'res. A Theory of Honey. The current definition of money de clares is to be an instrument ot ex change. But as this definition needs explanation, an historical sketch of its subjeot will afford us the biiefcst ac count of what money really is. The history cf exchange is in general thi: First, simple bartcij then, barter ffith values computed in terms of cattle; then an extensive use of the valuable metals computed in values of cattle as a means of eff'octiug exchanges. That is quan tities ot iron or gold estimated as worth so many oxen or sheep were used in ex change Pu account of tho uuivcrsal de maud for the metal, and the facility of transferring them. Ccrtniu weights of these metals are next stamped, and thus guaranteed by some authority, and do voted exclusively to the purposes of ex change. Mouey in this form is known os coin. Tho next gieat step begins by employing simple representatives of coin, or promises to pay coin kept on deposit. Hut it was found that more promises to pay than there was coin lo pay with might bo safely emitted by banks so long as the coin on band was sufficient to meet any demand likely to be made for tho redemption of tho promises to pay. This was inflation of the metal currency by credit, and this is the system now in general use throughout the civilized world. The estimation of security, date of payment, and interstate tho elements detctmining the value of piomL-cs lo pay. When the date of payment is al pleasure aud security good a promise to pay is at par witnout interest. When security is good, date distant, aud uo in terest, a meie promise to pay is discoun ted at the ruling rates of money. Ihe value ol a ciedu currency to tho world can on 1 v be conceived when we comprehend the euoimuus extent to which it is emoloycu. It bus innum erable disguises, but the principle upon which all its forms are iouuded is the same. A small union til ot coin ana the securities received for the loan of its ex panded representatives arc made to fur nish a large cridit currency. The pro cess of hypothecation and expansion may go on several times upon the same origi nal values. 1 his it must bo understood, is inflation by credit aud is the accepted system of modern busiLCss. I he dau- ers to which it exposes tho busiuess world are very great, because the secur ities which form the greater part of the basis ar not always sound, and the pio portion of standard values or ot coin L not always sulhcictH to meet the current demands for payment. An altogether new stage in the developmcni ol money seems to be portended by certain cir cumstances of modern busiuess. A promise to pay gold, bearing no iutciest and having uo date, aequiiesa value far above that nt which it would be dis counted by being made a legal lender for certain debts, mid leceived by the State in lieu of gold. It. is plain that iis use here as money lends it at least part of tho value which it possesses. Ihe question now is. Uau a t-unency derive it value l'rum Us use alnuu? A money which is not a promise to pay, but a receipt for any indebtedness, will be dependent hr its vulue unon tho ex tent o! the credit w hich it is competent to liquidate. If the Govern men t accepM it for all dues it will have a certain value. II it is made legal tender lor private debis its value will bo increased, because its uses will be increased. The greater the use to which it is put the higher its value as compare! with that f the old standard which it supplants. If tho Government which receives it ex tends its control of the business of the county, lor instance, so as to monopolize transportation, or the manufacture and retail ol liquors or cigars, tho uotes which it wuuld receive for these ser vices or commodities would acquire ad ditional value by reason of their ad ditional use. Thus we cau conceive ol a meney based wholy upou its use as money, being in the uature ut a receipt rather than a promise. Ihe picsent greenback is not such a currency, al though deriving great part of its value Ironi its character as legal tender aud uovernment note, it is ulso a promise to pay a dollar in gold anil must be re deemed, but in that it shows its tran sitional character. Tho ifsuo between an iuflated credit currency, represented as hard money, and a pure aud simple legal-tender currency cannot be ionght out over the greenback, for it is a by i . i , ... Dria, sirea, nowever, Dy Hard money, and therefore titularly a hard-money note. It is a promise to. pay gold, true, at what some would have the Greek Kalauds, but what is to be done at all must be done at some time, and it will be to the interest of currency refornieis to get rid of the green-back by redeem ing it; then they can bring on their thoroughbred hgal teuder. The Philadelphia Lciljtr says: It has been said, with some truth, that no one can foim a just conception of tho mag nitude of tho preparations for the Ccn tcnuial Exhibition without a personal examination of the buildings. But it is equally rue that even this examina tion will givo but an inadequate idea of the space coveied by the five principal buildings. Men experienced in estimat ing dimensions frequently mtide ridicu lous "guessess" as to the sizo of parts o the buildings now under roof. The five chief buildings cover 1,973,110 square feet of ground. If all the churches, chapels, meeting bouses and halls used for religious purposes in Philadelphia would average each 40 by 00 iect, every oueoftheni could be stowed away in the Ceutenuiul Buildings, and 500 out of the 528 could bo put int the three larger building tho Maiu Building, Machinery Hall and Agricultural Hall. It is quite possible that all the churches in Philadelphia aud New York could be put into the buildings, for the di mensions assumed are reached by very tew of then', the greater number being chapels and small churches. II ei roan Black, wholesalo butebcr, Brooklyn, bas failed. Liabilities, G0, 000. Seven hundred and sixty Mormons left Omaha ior Salt Lake City Monday evening. Two bales of new cotton were te ceived at Galveston on Saturday. The weight of one was 508 pounds, classed middling, and sold ot 15 cents. It was shipped to Sloan & Sons, Philadelphia Tho other was classid middling, weighed 405 pounds, sold nt 15 cents, and was shipped to Georgo II. lloyucs ' Co., Boston. Deputy Marshal Cross arrived at Boavor, Utah, on Saturday evnuing with P Klingcn Smith in charge. Cross has been after him since June 25, and found him in San. Bernardino couniy, California. When found Smith was willing to como and givo all the testi mony in bis possession regarding tho Mountain Meadow affair. Tho bees have becoint very bold in lil Paso, lib, and cluster around the beer-faucets in tho boer shops. A thisly man who was drinking a glass of beer the other day was horrified to feel one of the iusects fly into bis mouth, ap parently intent ou having a sip ot the beverage before it disappeared down his thioat. He has uot been able lo taste onylhiug siuce, and his tmiguo has swollen so as. to bo with difficulty coufiued behind his teeth. A farmer boy in Ohio, recently ob serving a small flock of quails iu his father's cornfield resolved to watch their motions. They pursued a very regular couass in their foraging beg'n uiug on ono side of the field, taking about five rows, and following them uniformly to the opposite end, returuiuu iu the same manner over tho next five rows, They continued in this course until they had explored the greater part of the field. The lad, believing thai they wero pulling up the corn, fired into the flock, kill'tig but ono of them, und examined tho ground. Iu the whole space which they bad traversed he lound but one stalk of corn dis turbed. This was neatly scratched out of the grouud, bui the earth still ad hered to it. Io the crop ot tho quail he found one cut worm, twenty-one stripDed vine bug, and one hundred chinch bugs, but not a single grain ol corn. The People's Friend. It is suscep tible of easy proof that the Sewing Ma chine lias been a gnater blessing to the American people than uny inveution of the present ccutury. Nothing else has doue so much to save the lives and health of the wives und tnotheis, and ibe patient overworked women ol the laud who, as a class, most needed rclb't from the burthens of every day life Every father and husband fails iu bis duty it be neglects to endow his house with such a triumph of science us the Wilsou Shuttle Sewiug Machine. It is tho cheapest aud beat sewing machine ever offered. Machine's will bo eleliv etcd at any laihoad station in the county, free of trunspoit.'uiou charges, if ordered through the Company's Blanch llouss at 327 and 32'J Superior St, Cleveland Ohio. They so'id an elegant catalogue and ehromo circular free on ujiplication. This Company want a few more Lood agents. A. Cummings, Kidgway, Kik Co.. l'u. is tht agent of the Com pany at this place to whom all orders should ho addressed. Givo the Adxooatb oilico a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags, and if you are going to get married leave us an order for you- cards If you want any bl'ched or brown muslins, from : to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head-quarters, l'owell & Kime's and select to your taste. HAYING TOOLS ! Grass Fcythos, Scythe Snaths, Hay Hakes, Hay l'oiks, Hoe3. Shovels, Spades, Picks, Mattocks aud all other articles adapted to tho season at POWELL & KIME'S. Mrs. M. E. Maloue has tho agency for Elk County for the Combination Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt Supporter. Call and seo it. Also lor the lixcelsior Shield or Corset Clasp. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & IUNKEH8 AND BUOKEliS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, July 20th. 1875. Co. HID. ASKKO u. S. 1881. c 21 J 1 do 5-20,0 '02. M and X 10 do do 04 do 17 m 18 do do '03 do do do '05 J and J do do '07 do do do '08 do 10-40, do coupon Uo Pacific O's cy Int. off New 5's lieg. 18M1..... " ' C. 1SBI Gold 191 is, 20 20 17. en 15 1 J m ion Mil 15.1 lu.1 I Silver , Pennsylvania. 1011 Reading Philiiib.-lphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation Div. off do Valley - 55; 21 SUA 651 21S 0 01, 01 J United R H of N J Ex. 1W ,12'J 120 Oil Creek P V Northern Central 2'.' .10 Central Transportation 45j 45 JNcstiuehoning 00 ool A & A Mortgage O's '8'J 104 104J Summer Cloihitig, for those Boys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Uasbuier at 1J o; K b Bargains iu ladies aud childrens hats Bonnets aud Millinery goods at MAI' & SILVERMAN'S YVilliamsport Pa. Hair Switches 81,00 82,00 S3.00 & 84,00 worth double the mouey, Buches 5 cents upwards, Shawls $1,50 upwards Hats from 25 cents upwards, best and cheapest trimed hats in the citv at M A. Y & SILVERMAN'S opposite tho Court House Williamsport l a. JUliT7 01lK eare now prepared V to do all kinds of JOB WORK. Euvelepes, Tags, Bill-heads, Letter heads, neatly aud cheaply executed. Ortiee in Thayer & Hagerty's new building, Main street Kiugway, F. s UBSJK1BE ior the ELK ClAJVlir ADVOCATE. Tub VsAon PbuhI'KCT. The Uarrisburg Patriot in alluding to the prospects of this .... . . m crop says. Xlie peacn growers oi Mary land and Delaware are making unprece dented efforts to scok ft profitable market for their fruit. One of tho most extensive growers has viHiteu our oinie among others, with iho view of ascertaining tho condition of the peach crop in the peach growing sections of these stales, aud tho probablo ohanco of finding a direct market for the peninsula crop, and he gives it n b his opinion, based on personal obsera- tioiis and a perfect knowledge of peach culture, that the crop in nil sections of these stales is nlmost a failure. Governed by this impression ho has cfi'ected arrange ments of the Fruit Growers' association of Delaware nd Maryland to ship peaches, in full car loads to Ihe following places, on ihe Pennsylvania laihoal, at tho afllxed prices per car loxd: Laucaster $7o; Harris' burg $8-3; Mililin. 105; Lewistown, $110; Il-mtiugdon, $120; Tyrone, $120, Altoona, Johnstown, i?110; and Pittsburgh, $1-50 Hsretoforo tho proweis have sold I heir orchards lo a ''Peach ring" .-undo up of dealers in Kew York Philadelphia and Baltimore, who charged just, what they pleased. This season the growers huvo taken tho matter in their own hands. The consumer will therefore learn by the close of the season whicli party has dealt the most fairly. Those of our citizens who wish to securo peaches during the season had better make engagements with ihe agent. 'The Legisla.uro may piovido that at the general electiou immediately preced ing ihe cxpiiatiou ot tho teim of a United States Senator from this State, tue electors may by ballot express their preference for some person ior the office of United States Senator. The votes cast for such caodidates shall be can vassed aud i etui tied in the same man ner as for State officers." It bus been decided to erect a monu ment to tha late Georgo, the tlis titignised oarsman. The number nf deaths in Now York lust week was 800, an increase ot 147 over tho previous week. The Connecticut Legislative Suffrage Committee have reported in favor of al lowing women to vote in Presidential electiou-j. Fresh tatuily Groceries, und Canned 'goods at P& K's. The cheapest aud best. A choico lot of Pastry Flour at POWKLL& KI.MK S I ry it. Valuable and Desirable Property for Sals. fjMlK subscriber otl'crs for sale the I property now occupied by him as a i-csiib-nce iu the village of Alidgway, Elk couniy. Pa. The lot is pleasantly situated upon bepot street and contains lll.OUO feet. Cpon it is erected a first class TWO-AND- A-IIAI.r' SlOtn DHliliU.Nd 11UUSJS, 4.: t'Ct, with aeliltliou 10x24 leet; a ( lloese. Ice House, Chicken House and ll.n ii. 'I'.ieie is upon tho premises a l'ominniiiiu Garden, wliicn is well stocked with F'-uit Trees in, bearing condition, and coit.iius ltaspberry, Blackberry, Cur- runt and Asparagus beds. 1 or icruis, &c,. address. EDWAUD EOUTHER, jel'J-tf Ki-lgw-iy. Elk Co., Pa. Millinery goods, hair iroods, Jewelry, 'jncy goods, notions, Jvjelies aud chil- dieus chiaks, dresses and undergarments, wholesale aud retail at MAY & SIL VERMAN, Williainsport l'a. Icnsze'.to Auditor's Settlement Bene.c-tte, June llih, 1S75 Selileiiiont wiili Treasurer iu;d Dolie-ctor for the year lb75, William H. Jordan as follow: WiLLl.V.M R. JOR'l.VN IV.!. To auioiitil nf duplicate !? 1 1 2 S 82 " " recti Iroiu county treasurer 2000 00 To iiiuuiiul from loimcr tvpiipurcr 0:i OH To tuu't Slate appro. b7 00 :W30 5'J WILLIAM It. .IO'aDON CR. By crilcrs redeemed and -.aucclcd $o20; 28 By extra orders redeemed and cauceled By pei-oentiige on dupli cate collected $00 00 (ir, 7 per cent By jeri-entajso on nin'l from county treasurer 2000 0'ij, 2 per cent. By percentage on ain't from for. treas- 30:i 08 By percentage on State appropriation $'j7 UO CW; 2 percent. Bv percentage on exou ei ai ions 4" CO -111 82 52 00 1 S7 1 1)4 2:; 87 !?:M2'J 78 Balance on duplicate not ci Hooted $15.1 81. We do hereby certify lhal the above settlement is correct beins uMrovcd by tnciiuutiors. C. H. WINSLOW, 1 . ,. JULIUS JONES, All'1'ors' GEORGE T. KOTllLOCK, Seo'y. nista We notice on Powcli & Kime's plat form an assortment of thoe colebtated (Jiowaiiila Plows, ('ultivators ite. Yfeilding aud ladies at MAY Wiiliamsport Pa. mourning outfits lot & SILVERMAN'S A lii 1 j. e lot of PuruHils, Ladies tics Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves 'flunks and Satchels at M-4Y iD SIL YKRMAN'S Wiliiamsport pu. J, 0. tt, BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insuranoc Co., of Hartford. Conn. elk lodge, a. y. m. The stated meeticws of Elk Lolge, No. 879, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. JIEALY, Bec'y. Those new stylo prints, at P & K's are'the general talk of the town. Go and'see them. Madam Demoresta Patterns We are agents for Madam Deforests Patterns. Catalogues lreo, send f'01 one. Patterns tent by niuil MAY SILVERMAN opposite the Court House Wiliiamsport Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATIUWX Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. '2 - 11VFUS LVVOJit', Attorney-ill- Lam Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Oltico in Kail's new ltriok Building. Clmuis lor collection promptly attended to. Viinlly. HALL A- M'VAUL;y, Altorneys-at-Liw. Oltico in New 111 ick Building, Main tit Kidgway, Elk Co., l'a. v8uUtl. JAMES l. FUm.EltTuN, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Higway, oilers his professional er viccs to the ciuzens of Kidgway anu sur rounding country. All work warranted. Ollice in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door 10 li e lclt, 73-n-iiJ-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Agent lor th Howe Sewing Machine, and Mortou Gob' Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, does with he same accuracy us heretofore. Satin ticlioa guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet of Main und Mill Btreets, Kidgway, Pa. full ossortuieut of carclully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Ollice iu Drug Store, corner Broud and Maiu Sts, Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Othce hours lrom 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vlu2y 1. J. S. LORD W ELL, M. JJ., Ecleclio Physician and Surgeon, hasrciuov cdjiis othce from Centre street, to Mail si. Kidgway, Pa,, in mo second story of the new brick building of Juhu U. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store, (jthco hours: 8 to 0 a-' m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 juu u 73 HYDE HOUSE, Kiduway, Elk Co., Pa. II. SC11RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the uew proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention lo the comfort and convenience ot guests, to merit a contiuuunco 01 the same. Oct 30 180'J. BUCKTA1L JiOLSE, Kank, McKcan Co., Pu. K, E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the pulrouano heretofoie so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comioi-t aud convenience of guests. lo meril a continuance 01 the same. The only stables tor horses in Kuue uud well kept uigul or day. Hall attached 10 the Hotel. vlu2;jyl. KERSEY HOUSE, Cu.NTtt&viLLu, Elk Co. Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herutuluit so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to tho uoiutoi-i and convenience of guests. I 1 merit a continuance ol the bume. 1 W. HAYS, DEALU IN Goods, Notions, - Groceries Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eartey 1, O- vlu47tf. PwAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA BAIL KOA1) Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, MAY 24, 1875, the trains on the Philadeli.hi.i a, Erie Railroad will run as follows: westward. KANE ACCOM leaves Kenovo... 4 35pm " " ' Driftwood.. 5 55 p m " " " Emporium 0 65 u m " " " St Marys... 7 C5 p m " " Ridgway... 8 25 p iu Vilcoz 05 p in arr at Kane.. U ao p in ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m Rcnovo... 11 05 a ui " " " Emporium 1 10 n m St. Mary's 2 00 p m ' Ridgway 2 25 p m " VYiluox 2 58 p m " arrive at Erie 7 60 d m EASTWARD. RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a m " " Wilcox 8 83 a m " " Kidgway 9 25 a iu 8'- Marys lo 01 a m " " Emporium 11 05 a m " " Dnltwood 12 16 p ui "r , Kenovo ......... 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie ......11 20 a m " " " Kan 345 p w !' " " Wilcox 4 08pm " " Ridgway ........ 4.45 pm " St. Mary's 6.10 pm " " Emporium 6.05 p ui " Kenovo 8.25 p m ' " w- at P.hiladephia... 6.60 a m Kenovo Accom and Kane Acoom connect eabt and west ui East with Low Grade Di vision aud 11 N. Y & P H R WM. A. HALDWIN. Uea'j Bup't. k